#brosuke senpai
howlingday · 5 months
Blake: There's no need to worry. It won't take long for Jaune and I to grow our population.
Blake: Besides, there are more pressing matters like-
Jaune: Wait, what?
Blake: There's still some Grimm, and some White Fang loyalists around.
Jaune: No! I heard what you said, but I can't just disregard what you said before that!
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chiptunepacifist · 18 days
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Getting burnt out on TADC so im returning back to my roots
[Peridot design from Brosuke-Senpai]
[Click for higher quality, Reblogs appreciated]
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afortiicri-aa · 5 years
Minako handed Yosuke a lunch box. "Hanamura-senpai, good luck with your exploration of the TV world with Narukami-senpai," she smiled, "Nii-chan did the veggies! We're practically your biggest fans." -- (( Minako @ Brosuke ))
[ @gameboyheroes ]
Yosuke had just gone up to the Junes food court after agreeing to train with his partner and the others today. He also told his dad he’d be a little late on his shift today and mentioned he would return in about two hours or so.
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Soon, he saw Minako heading his way and smiled at her as a greeting. “Thanks, Minako-san. We’ll be careful, so you don’t have to worry, okay? And thanks for the food! It smells delicious!”
Sitting down on one of the chairs at the familiar HQ, he clapped his hands to pray before eagerly digging in, but slowly to savor it. “This is really good! Unlike some people I know, your cooking is great! Also, I had no idea you two admired me that much.” He laughed and scratched the back of his head, cheeks slightly flushed. “Thank you. If there’s anything you need, don’t hesitate to ask. I gotta be a good senpai, after all!”
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howlingday · 3 months
What are your thoughts on Jaune?
Jaune: I, uh... I guess I should leave the room for this one, huh?
Blake: Jaune is both a good friend and a supportive huntsman. I'm glad I'm able to work with him.
Ruby: What do I think of Jaune? Hah! Where do I even begin?! Well, I guess I'd start at-
Nora: I think Jaune's an awesome team leader! In fact, I was hanging out with him a second ago, but then I wound up in here. H- How do I get out of this box?
Ren: I would do anything to help Jaune. I'll protect him with my life.
Weiss: I don't think any answer I give would be remotely satisfying, so I suppose I'd simply summarize it as... He's good.
Neo: ...
Pyrrha: He's a really talented huntsman, and I'm proud to see how far he's come since his beginnings.
Penny: Jaune Arc has a troubling set of concerning mental health diagnoses, but friend Ruby assures me that this only makes him more impressive.
Yang: Jaune's a pretty bang-up dude! Or shouldI say... a Yang-Up dude~!
Emerald: I don't really know Jaune like that, but I guess he's pretty cool.
Cinder: Jaune Arc... Jaune... Arc... Who is that again?
Oscar: Do... Do I say something now, or... Hello?
Mama Arc: What in the world- How did I get in here? And did you say something about Jaune?! WHERE'S MY BABY?!
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howlingday · 3 months
Jaune: If you could have any superpower, what would you have?
Ruby: Um... Probably flight.
Jaune: Ruby, you can already fly.
Ruby: No, I can't! I just, sort of, ride the wind into the air. That's not flying!
Jaune: Riding the wind, flying, falling with style- It's all the same thing.
Ruby: It is not- Okay, okay, fine. Then, uh, super strength.
Jaune: Ruby, I've seen you pick up a weapon eight times your size!
Ruby: Super speed then!
Jaune: Are you really going to sit there, the literal Flash of our universe, and tell me that you don't already have super speed?
Jaune: ...Well, there you go.
Ruby: Finally... What super powers would you have?
Jaune: All of them~.
Ruby: Really? That is such a cop-out!
Jaune: But it's a super power nonetheless.
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howlingday · 18 days
Jaune: I have no intentions of screaming today. I'm going to be cool, calm, collected, calculated, and, uh... another word beginning with C that's, like... calmness.
Ruby: Famous last words.
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howlingday · 1 month
Jaune: What's wrong, Ruby?
Ruby: I'm so thirsty, I feel like I'm dying!
Jaune: Oh, well, here. Will this help?
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Ruby: ...I DON'T WANT YOUR COCK! (Swipes, Throws) I SAID I'M THIRSTY!
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howlingday · 5 months
Nora: Jaune, it's so coooold!
Jaune: I know! You know what would warm us up?
Nora: A blanket and some hot chocolate?
Jaune: No! A session of Cool Boarders 2!
Nora: ...Okay, I guess it's not a bad transition.
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howlingday · 10 months
Jaune: Hey, guys! I know I haven't posted in a while. Not solo anyways. In fact, my last solo one was... OVER A YEAR AGO?!
Jaune: So that's what I've become, huh? Another prop for the cast of characters. Guess I'm losing my touch...
Jaune: ...No.
Jaune: No! I refuse to be a sidekick! From now I'm on, I'm a solo act!
Jaune: No more Weiss!
Jaune: No more Yang!
Jaune: And no more Blake!
Jaune: Just me, me, me, ME!
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Actually, I think I can collab with Blake again. You know, if she wants to. We can definitely do more Cat and Dork posts.
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howlingday · 1 year
Ruby: Hey, guys! Ruby here, and- Huh?
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What?! Ruby Rose is Evolving?!
Ruby: What does that mean?! When did thi-
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Ruby: Okay! I guess I'm evolving now!
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Jaune: Huh?
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Ruby: WOW~! You evolved, too!
Jaune: What? No, I just changed my style.
Ruby: Oh...
Jaune: Changes don't have to be all dramatic, you know.
Ruby: Yeah... I guess you're right...
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howlingday · 4 months
Nora VS Yang
Yang: Hey, uh... Should we be playing this?
Nora: What do you mean?
Yang: Won't we get banned for playing this? Y'know, because of the dark themes and all that?
Nora: Girl, why are you acting like such a coward right now-?
Yang: Hey, hey! Who the fuck are you calling a coward?
Nora: Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't realize there was a third person in this room!
Yang: Bitch, I will drop your sh-
Yang: ...Oh, shit.
Nora: Excuse our potty mouths. Hi there, everyone! It's Nora and-
Yang: Hey! Last I checked, we did a poll and everyone wanted "Yang and Nora", not "Nora and Yang"! I do the intros here!
Nora: Oh... My bad-
Yang: Yeah. Your bad!
Nora: Oho, you better take that assertive attitude out of your voice because I KNOW you're not talking to me like that!
Yang: You wanna go?!
Nora: Bitch, you ain't said a fucking word! Let's fucking go!
Yang: Aight! Put your fucking paws up, then!
Nora: Yeah, they are up, and I got the oil!
Yang: Alright, fine, then let's... Bitch, what?
Nora: Yeah, the oil. Y'know, 'cause we're gonna wrestle, so we might as well put on a show for the OnlyFans, right?
Yang: What?! No!
Nora: But why though?
Yang: Girl... You're WEIRD. And, I'm sorry, but did you fucking say "OnlyFans"? You've got an OnlyFans?
Nora: Don't you?
Yang: No!
Nora: See? Then that means you're not about your money then!
Yang: Girl, what the fu-
Nora: By the way, I don't really have an OnlyFans. Sorry to all the fans getting their hopes up over it.
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howlingday · 11 months
Ruby: What would you do if someone came up to you at a party and said, "Hey, man~! You wanna do some drugs~?"
Jaune: Well, I'd say, "Dude! Get the fuck away from me! I don't know you!"
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howlingday · 1 year
Jaune: I have to make a comeback! Agh! P-Play My Hero Academia, You Say Run! (MHA: You Say Run plays)
Ruby: No, no! Play, um, Guile's Theme from Street Fighter! (SF: Guile's Theme plays)
Jaune: NO! Uh, Kill La Kill!
JR: DON'T LOSE YOUR WAAAAAAAAAAY~! (Jaune takes his shot, Misses, Music stops)
Jaune: ...
Ruby: ...FU
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howlingday · 10 months
Jaune: (Reading) "What is a daddy chicken called?"
Jaune: Well, uh, whenever I hear the word "Daddy" I think of...
Jaune: (Writes)
Jaune: B-Because he's Ruby and Yang's daddy, not that I'm saying he's my daddy. He's, well, you know, pretty much the only guy I've heard called, "Daddy," you know?
Jaune: ...Why are you looking at me like that?
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howlingday · 11 months
Conflict of Interests
Ruby: Hey, everybody! I'm Ruby, and-
Nora: Hey, hey, hey! Who said you get to do the intro first?!
Yang: I mean, does it matter who goes first?
Nora: Yes, it does matter! And I should be the one to go first, because I'm everyone's favorite!
Ruby/Yang: WHOA!
Nora: What?
Yang: Who do you think you are?
Nora: I'm Nora freakin' Valkyrie! What's good?!
Yang: Well, I think I should go first, because I'm the hottest.
Nora: Oh, you are just full of it, aren't you? "Ooh~! Look at me~! I'm Yang Xiao Long~! I'm so HOT and FAT and the only reason anyone pays any attention to me is because of my big, fat, cow ti-"
Ruby: Hey! Both of you stop! It doesn't matter who introduces the episode!
Yang: ...
Nora: ...
Ruby: ...Because I'm clearly everyone's favorite! So I should be the one to do the intro.
Ruby/Nora/Yang: (Bickering)
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howlingday · 1 year
Goodwitch: That's enough.
Goodwitch: (Glares)
Yang: Yes'm...
Weiss: Hmph! Serves you right!
Goodwitch: I was speaking to both of you.
Weiss: Bitch, I will FOLD you!
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