#btw yes only one hand is uncovered because i did not want to draw the contract seal. work smarter not harder!!
cangrellesteponme · 11 months
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well that. that sure is a babygirl
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linagram · 9 months
[meet the prisoners! (t2 edition) ] prisoner 006: yoshioka eiko
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wow another prisoner that was so hard to draw it's eiko's turn!! btw i just realized that there's four profiles left soooo yeah i'm excited to start posting their vds after that! :D though i will most likely manage to post only one or two this month. girl help summer is going to end so soon..
General info.
T1 Verdict. Eiko was voted innocent and she found it a bit surprising at first, but accepted it very quickly. Of course, she teased Eiji a lot and said things like "Oh, you did it to make me like you more, didn't you?" and "Hehe, I knew you like me". Thanks to her verdict, she got a new outfit and she also has a different hairstyle now. She isn't as happy about being forgiven as Shun, but she also isn't asking for a guilty verdict, she's just okay with it. She just finds it interesting how she was forgiven, but a 16 year old boy and a girl who was.. uh.. "apparently stalked" weren't. Heh, the guards sure have their favorites. Though to be honest, she kinda had a feeling that she will end up being voted innocent even though her crime sounds so unreasonably cruel. Maybe the guards think there must be more to it?.. Hm, well, if that's the case, she will give them all the truth that they want.
T2 Personality: It's hard to describe Eiko's T2 version, because it's like.. at first it seems like she hasn't really changed, but her personality still feels very different. She's still her usual self, she's still chilling, she doesn't care about what happens to her, but it's like she's more.. curious about this place now? She doesn't ask the guards anything though, simply because she knows they don't have any answers either. They've got way too much power in their hands and don't know what to do with it. She doesn't really try to investigate anything either, she just keeps all of her questions inside her head. Trying to uncover the secrets of this place is Reina's job anyway. But hey, she's grateful to Eiji and Miki for "saving" her! She even came up with a very.. "fun" way to thank Eiji specifically. But more about that in her VD. Interestingly, I can't say that she's more "manipulative" now or anything like that, because Eiko claims that Shun is acting like that not because of her, but only because he's that happy that he was forgiven. When it comes to her relationship with Kei though.. Haha, that's not her becoming more "evil" or anything, that's just her being her.
T2 Relationship dynamics.
No, she doesn't actually care about Shun that much. Even his looks are not helping anymore, which is funny to think about, since she was the one who cut his hair for him. But it's fun to have a tall and surprisingly strong guy follow you around everywhere, being ready to do anything for you while also claiming that he's the more dominant one in this relationship. Eh, she'll just let him dream for now. Also having him around is very useful, since he's basically her bodyguard in a way and even though most prisoners like or at least tolerate Eiko, she still wants to be careful. Yurika's actions in particular worry her a little. What? No, no, it's not like she's afraid of being killed by her, the guards won't let that happen. If Yurika does anything to her hair, nails or clothes though, Eiji will have to try his best to stop Eiko from trying to kill her right there.
Fine, yes, the way she treats Kei is.. not good, so what? Didn't the guards vote him guilty? Doesn't he deserve it? Call her the third guard, she's helping them do their job. It may sound weird or out of character for her, but considering that this is the girl who killed a guy for "lying to her".. Yeah, maybe her morals are stronger than they seem. And again, she doesn't have any serious feelings for him at all, she doesn't love him, but she also doesn't hate him. And Kei knows why she's doing all of this to him and it's not like he tried to say no to her, so.. Yay! She also helps him leave his cell and walk around, so he should be grateful to her, right?
Her relationship with Eiji has changed a little bit, but mostly on her side. If in season 1 she just teased him, complimented him and all of that stuff, now she's actually kind of.. protective over him? It's very subtle, sure, but it's still there. She makes sure he doesn't overwork himself and there even was a time when she asked for a new pillow since hers "wasn't soft enough" and then she gave it to Eiji because "he looked so tired, she thought he's not getting enough sleep". Eiji getting annoyed and tired more easily actually does worry her a little, especially because this guy loves Milgram so much and it's like.. a "safe space" to him, if it's even possible to call it that. If even this prison's biggest fan is not doing good, there's no chance for anyone to find happiness in this place.
Music info.
Milgram cover: Okay, so here's a fun little story: so Eiko was supposed to be voted guilty canonically and I really did think that she will get voted guilty even though I had some ideas for her "Innocent" version and I already had her "Guilty" version profile prepared AND THEN I GOT HIT WITH HER GETTING 81.8% INNOCENT. I'M STILL NOT OVER IT. So. Uh. Y-yeah, I had to go and change some stuff quickly. Anyway, she gets Umbilical as her Innocent cover, because there's.. not really that many songs that fit her Innocent version and yay, if we're counting her T1 cover, she's officially a Yuno kinnie now! (Though they feel very different to me) But seriously, the lyrics actually do fit her (and her relationship with her victim) a lot, especially now that I'm looking at her T2 VD. Ah, and the reason why I've mentioned her Guilty version is because she was supposed to get MeMe in that case. S-so, uh, have fun with that information <;3 We all know who gets MeMe this time though, don't we.
DECO*27 cover: She gets Status Effect: Girlfriend! I think even the title fits her, haha.
Different Vocaloid producer cover: She gets Runway no Fantasista by Tokotoko! I think the vibe is very Eikocore and some lyrics actually hint to what kind of person she was like before meeting her victim ("Of course, love and romance isn't my everything, but getting intoxicated once in a while isn't that bad", "Don't worry about being lonely, the successful ones are always alone")
Her T2 Trailer Voicelines:
"Hiiii~ Oh, I've missed you two so much! Especially you, Eiji-kun~ Yes, yes, I know, it's only been a day, but you two are just so nice to me! So, this is gonna be the second trial, right? I see, I see.. Well, don't push yourself too hard, okay? And just a reminder that I will answer any questions you have- Hm? Eiji-kun, is it just me, or you look like you're about to pass out?"
"Wow, you look better than I expected! Haha, come on, darling, don't be shy~ Hm? What do I mean by that? Oh.. It's just that I had expected to find you in a hospital, covered in bandages and looking like you're going to die at any second."
Her T2 Song Trailer Voiceline:
"I feel like I just knew that you will forgive me."
She wasn't going to change her hairstyle at first, but then she got inspired after giving Shun a haircut, though she didn't want to cut her own hair and changed it only a little bit. She prefers her hair to be long actually.
She also never asked for a new outfit and Miki got it for her because.. uh.. she thought Eiko probably feels too cold in her prison uniform, considering how much skin it's showing. Eiko actually found it cute and thanked her. (Though it didn't help much and her outfit is still pretty revealing.. Eiko is totally okay with that though.)
She's still okay with any decision the guards are going to make, since she still believes she's innocent and they can't do anything to change her opinion, so there's no point in her arguing with them. 
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Hello omg, can I request Sasha with a warrior S/O? Like reader came with Annie, Reiner, and Bertholdt on their mission and during Reiner and Bertholdt’s reveal, she reveals herself too? UAUAUA it can be angst or whatever you prefer 🥺❤️
I gave the reader the Warhammer titan btw cause it’s my favorite akdkakfkd
Also, it’s a little long, but that’s just ‘cause I wrote out the whole warrior reveal in word form, and it’s longer than I remember lol
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With You
(Sasha Braus x Reader)
AU: Canon, slightly divergent
Warnings: Gore/graphic description of injury, season 3 spoilers, slight season 4 spoilers
Genre: Angst
Summary: Following the battle at Utgard castle, Reiner stops to have a chat with Eren, and reveals that he, Bertholdt, and Sasha’s s/o are all titan shifters, right in front of Sasha.
Words: 3.9K
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You had no time to process what had happened. Ymir was a titan, Christa was Historia, and Zeke has finally made his appearance.
You sighed and leaned against the rope tethers of the pulley system, regaining your bearings on the platform as you were pulled up and over the wall. The battle of Utgard castle had been tough—and many secrets were uncovered.
So, Ymir was the titan that ate Marcel all those years ago... You recounted in your head, sighing as you held your face in your palms. And now Zeke is here. We must’ve been too long without any sign of progress. We’re in big trouble. If we get back without Annie and Eren, it’ll be all over for us. Magath is gonna—
“Y/n!” A cheery voice brought you out of your slump, and you looked over your shoulder to see Sasha standing behind you, an arm outstretched as an offering of help.
You smiled at the sight of your girlfriend, and you slowly rose from your spot on the makeshift elevator, taking her hand and pulling yourself up onto the wall. “Thanks, Sasha.”
As soon as you stood up straight, Sasha lunged at you and wrapped her arms around your shoulders, lifting her feet off of the ground as you leaned all of her body weight onto you.
“I’m so glad you’re okay...! I was so worried!” She buried her face in your neck as she spoke, and you wrapped your arms around her lower back, putting your hands on her butt as support so she could wrap her legs around your waist.
You giggled at her, cuddling closer into her embrace. “I’m alright, I’m okay. There’s no need to worry.”
“I know, but I heard that you and your squad got held up at Utgard castle overnight in the middle of a titan horde, and when we finally got there and saw the tower collapsed, I was so scared! I... I—!” She cried into your neck as you moved a hand to rub small circles on her back.
“I know, I know, but we’re okay now. We had a bit of...” You glanced to the left. Ymir lay unconscious and steaming in the stretcher, a distressed Historia leaning over her and brushing strands of brown locks out of her face. “Unexpected help.”
“Mhm...” She mumbled, leaning into you for support. You stayed like this in silence for a while, enjoying each other’s presence after so long of being separated.
“Hey, lovebirds!” A loud shout caught your attention, and both you and Sasha turned to the source; Connie. “Save that stuff for the dorms! We still have stuff to do!”
“Right...” Sasha muttered, climbing off of you and running towards Connie, helping him haul terrified soldiers over the wall.
You stared in admiration for only a brief moment before your attention turned to your comrades, Reiner and Bertholdt. Reiner’s arm was wrapped up in the torn cloth of Historia’s skirt, and Bertholdt was close by, the two of them standing in a solemn, heavy silence.
You approached them quietly, taking a seat next to Reiner. Neither of you said anything. The sudden appearance of the beast titan, or rather, Zeke, had shaken you all. You had been gone for years, and gave no sign of retrieving the Founding Titan. Not only that, but you had lost Marcel and Annie. No matter what, the situation wasn’t going to end smoothly for you three.
To the right, many of the Scouts had gathered around a blonde Garrison soldier. Hannes—his name popped into your mind, as Eren had mentioned him before, while in the 104th. He seemed to be disclosing something to the others, and they looked on with mixed expressions.
“Do you think this has something to do with Zeke?” You questioned. Reiner kept his face buried in his palm, and Bertholdt turned to you with a sigh.
“Most likely.” The tall man answered. “I mean, we saw him. He’s clearly here. He must be doing something with his spinal fluid. Speeding up the process, perhaps.” He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists in anxiety, eyes wide. “We’re in deep shit.”
You didn’t respond to him verbally, offering only a huff in solemn agreement.
The group of soldiers disbanded, though many branched of into separate conversations of worry, wonder, and resentment. As they walked off, Reiner stood up suddenly, eyes still fixated on the ground.
“Eren.” He called out, drawing the attention of the shorter man. “We should talk. You got a moment?”
“Sure, I guess.” He sighed, walking over. You and Bertholdt shared confused and concerned looks. The two of you had long noticed that Reiner had gone a bit off the deep end since arriving at Paradis, so you were wary of what he might say or do next.
“Five years ago, we compromised Wall Maria and launched an attack on humanity.” He spoke, turning his back to Eren, hanging his head in defeat. You looked at Bertholdt, and he mirrored your emotion. Panic.
“I’m the Armored Titan. He’s the Colossal.” He pointed his thumb in your direction when he spoke. “And she’s the Warhammer.”
“What are you talking about? Why are you telling him?” Bertholdt chocked out quietly.
“Reiner!” You whispered sharply, venom dripping from your tone. The three of you had done such a careful job keeping your identities secret from the others, and Reiner just spilled all of it. There was no going back from this.
“We were on a mission.” He continued.
“Stop!” Bertholdt pleaded, but Reiner didn’t waver.
“Our goal was to ensure mankind’s extinction. But now, there’s no need for that. Eren,” He turned to face the shocked and confused boy to his side. “If you want the walls to remain standing, it’s simple. Just come with Bertholdt, Y/n, and me. Do you understand?”
A good look to your left proved that he did not, in fact, understand.
“Understand? What the hell is there to understand?!” He shouted, drawing the attention of a few soldiers. Mikasa stood protectively a short distance away, and Sasha, with her impeccable hearing, turned to face the scene as well. The two of you made eye contact, and your distress must have been evident even at such a distance, because her eyes widened, and she started to make her way over with concern and confusion.
“Listen to me.” To your and Bertholdt’s horror, Reiner kept speaking. “I need you to do exactly as I say. Look, I know this is sudden, but we have to go.”
“Right now?” He exclaimed. “Where would you take me?”
“I can’t tell you. Not yet.” Internally, you started to collect yourself. This wasn’t ending quietly. Bloodshed was dreadfully immanent. “Just think of it as our hometown.” Your eyes widened. He’s just gonna ask Eren? You thought, astounded. After all this, he really thinks Eren is just gonna follow us? What is he thinking?!
“Okay? So what’s it gonna be? Not a bad deal, right? The chance to avert a major crisis?”
“I’m not so sure...” He muttered. You were surprised he didn’t have a stronger reaction, especially for someone as fiery as him. Perhaps he was still in shock, or denial. Either way, they were teetering on the edge of battle, even if you and Bertholdt were the only ones to sense it.
“You guys!” Armin shouted, waving to capture the attention of you, Bertholdt, Reiner, and Eren. “Get a move on, we’re heading out!” Despite that, Sasha pushed right past him, closing in to the conversation, standing still now that she was in earshot. Mikasa was to her left, watching Eren with a dangerously protection glare.
Eren closed his eyes, taking in a deep sigh. It felt as if, for a moment, the world stood still. Damn it, he thought, I didn’t want to believe it...
A distant memory flashed through his head. When Annie had been found out, they had discussed the possibility of Reiner, Bertholdt, and Y/n also being shifters, but they didn’t have proof. Was it really so simple, though?
He opened his eyes and placed a firm hand on Reiner’s shoulder. “You’re just tired. That’s it, right? Help me out here Bertholdt, Y/n. Your nerves are shot. You don’t know what you’re saying.”
“U-Uh, yeah.” Bertholdt fumbled. “It’s the battle fatigue talking!”
“Yeah!” You reaffirmed, luckily being able to exude more confidence than Bertholdt. “You’re just tired. After everything that just happened, I can’t blame you.” You laughed nervously, praying no one saw through your bluff.
“It’s okay, you’re okay.” Between your bluff, and his shock, Eren took the bait. “If you really were the Armored Titan, what’s the endgame here? We wouldn’t be having this conversation in the first place. What’d you expect me to do? Say yes? Let myself be kidnapped just ‘cause you asked politely?” Somehow, you found yourself agreeing with Eren on that last one.
Despite Eren’s nonchalant response, a dead silence overtook the air, and Sasha found it as her cue to step forward.
“Y/n? What’s going on here?” She placed a hand on your shoulder, but as soon as she did, you looked back. She gasped at the sight. You looked petrified.
“Right. Not thinking straight, am I?” He finally gave up his ploy, wide-eyed and sweating bullets. “Barely know what I’m saying here. Must’ve gone off the deep end.”
Eren turned his back to the three of you. “C’mon, let’s go.”
Deafening silence and still air ensued. You did not move. The clouds cleared, and rays of sun shone down on the stone beneath your feet.
“That’s the problem.” Reiner shook. He chuckled, and shadows covered his face. You’d never seen him like this before.
“I’ve been here too long for my own good. Three years of this madness, surrounded by idiots. We were kids. What’d we know about anything?”
You couldn’t help but agree with Reiner on that one. You didn’t want to become a warrior, none of you did. If you knew the atrocities you had to commit in order to have the essence of a warrior, the idea would’ve never crossed your mind.
“Why did there have to be people like this.” He choked, tears pricking his eyes and mouth spread into a wide, ugly frown. “Why? Why did I let myself devolve into such a half-assed piece of shit?”
“It’s too late now.” He lifted his arm out of the cast makeshift cast, and held his arm up, showing the red and bloody bite mark. “Damned if I know what’s right anymore! Who cares? It is what it is. No choice but to face what I’ve done! As a warrior.”
His arm steamed, and shortly after, the skin closed up, blood drying and appearing as if he’d never been injured from the get-go.
“No road left but the one that leads to the end!” He screamed. Eren’s eyes widened as he gasped. He finally understood.
“Reiner! Right now? Here?” Bertholdt yelled back, prepared for anything, despite the beads of sweat that rolled down his face.
“We’re really doing this?!” You echoed, and Sasha looked on with a horrified expression.
“Yes. Right here, right now!” He commanded, marching towards Eren. “We settle this once and for all!”
Mikasa appeared out of nothing in a fraction of second, blades drawn and mind set on murder. She swung her blade at Reiner, who put up his hand defensively as the blade split his hand in half from his fingers all the way to his wrist. She spun around in an instant, and her blade cleanly slashed right across Bertholdt’s neck, who fell to the ground screaming and holding his throat.
He eyes were set on you, and an underhanded swing of her blade slashed a line right across your face. Blood immediately clouded your vision, and you groaned in pain as you were sure you had lost an eye.
She charged at you, determined to finish the job, but her sprint was interrupted by Sasha, who tackled Mikasa at full force, and the sword tumbled out of her grasp as Sasha pinned her down.
“Sasha!” She struggled. “Sasha, move! What are you doing?!” She tried to get up, but Sasha managed to overpower her momentarily, keeping her firmly on the ground.
“MIKASA STOP! PLEASE!” She pleaded at the top of her lungs. Rationally, she knew you were the enemy now, but she’d be damned if she let you die here, after everything the two of you had been through.
“Sasha, you can’t—!”
Mikasa took quick advantage of Sasha’s emotional state and hurled her off, and she tumbled into a heap a few feet away. With little hesitation, Mikasa reequipped her blades.
But it was too late.
“Bertholdt! Y/n!” Reiner barked, lighting already manifesting around him.
The two of you looked at each other with horrified understanding, and prepared your own transformations.
Sparks of electricity surrounded you, and panic filled adrenaline exploded into flesh. Limbs shot out around you, plus the familiar hardened skin of the Armored, the skinless muscle of the Colossal, and the cloudy white body of your own titan.
Seconds passed, albeit one’s that felt like centuries, and you finally opened your eyes. You stood tall on top of the wall; 15 meters high. To your right, Reiner. And behind him was Bertholdt. Only half formed due to the space, and his lower body ceased to exist. Ribs shot out and dug into the stone, and powerful gusts of steam shot off of his body.
The terrified pawns on the wall stared up at you, mouths agape. But the shock didn’t last long.
The hurricane of steam that came off of Bertholdt started to throw things around, and those who didn’t make quick use of their ODM gear were sent flying. One of those figures, Eren, was quickly swept up by Reiner in the chaos.
It was no use, though. That’s why you weren’t surprised in the slightest when he bit his hand and sparks flew, his transformation queued by a guttural scream of rage.
“Damn you... YOU TRAITORS!”
The Attack Titan formed in Reiner’s hand, fist already drawn back and preparing a strike to Reiner.
In a fraction of a second, you formed a large hammer—your namesake weapon—from hardened titan skin, raising it into the air with a passionate battle cry.
The hammer struck Eren in his flank, and he flew abruptly to the left. You shot Reiner a look, and he looked down in understanding, drawing his arms back in preparation for a charge.
Eren had stood up by the time Reiner had started his charge, and immediately braced for impact—he didn’t have the time to move.
Reiner collided with Eren, and knocked him to the ground effortlessly, his greater size and weight being of good use.
The two wrestled on the ground, and you hesitated to intervene. After all, your weapon was powerful, but imprecise. You couldn’t risk accidentally hitting Reiner. Instead, you turned around, assessing the situation on the wall, where Bertholdt had been unceremoniously shackled.
It seemed no one was brave enough—or rather, stupid enough—to approach the colossal in it’s torrid state, and you didn’t know if you should be frustrated or grateful.
But, out of the corner of your eye, a figure swung. Your eyes widened slightly in amusement as ODM gear shot from tree to tree, approaching you at in impressive speed. Hmph. Guess someone is stupid enough after all. You thought.
You were about to swipe them away without a second thought, but you faltered at the sight of auburn brown hair, loosely tied into a familiar ponytail.
You must’ve gotten a little distracted by the sight, because you were suddenly brought back to attention by the figure landing on your shoulder, the hooks of their ODM gear digging into your shoulder, which you assumed were used as leverage mere seconds ago.
You turned your massive head to look at it, and you saw the figure gasp and tremble at the sight. Sometimes, you forgot how terrifying your titan was. But you perked up for a moment, brought out of your violent trance by a familiar face.
“Y/N!” It was Sasha. “Y/n, what is going on here?!”
You opened your mouth to respond, and it came out in a gravely, deep tone because of your titan form. “Sasha...?”
She released the grapples of her ODM to run up and hug your neck—the best she could, that is, with your immense size.
“Y/n! Come on! Why didn’t you tell me! This... this isn’t you... tell me there’s a reason!!!” She screamed.
Turning back to observe Eren and Reiner’s struggle, you sighed internally. It was just like her to get too emotional in a situation like this.
You turned back to Sasha with a sad look in your eyes. Carefully, you brought your hand up to pinch the hood of her Scout jacket, lifting her and placing her back down on top of the wall.
Slowly, you crouched down to her level, meeting her eye to eye despite the pain it caused you to see the heartbroken look in her eyes. Your hand curled around her back to support her, the only kind of pseudo-hug you could give at the moment. Your thumb gently made its way to the top of her head, and you moved it down slowly to caress her head. Tears streamed down her face, the internal conflict being far too much for her to bear.
But a sudden mass to your lower back brought you out of your intimate moment with her. Pain shot up through your body as you felt your back collide with the ground, and your eyes opened in horror. Eren had somehow managed to best Reiner in their scrimmage—and he was after you now.
You started to form the base of your hammer in your hands once again, but a forceful punch to your jaw stopped it’s formation out of the shock and pain.
Another fist made it’s way to your face—and another, and another, and another. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you could hear noises. Roaring, growling, and, the loudest of them all, screaming. Though, in your state, you couldn’t discern if it was even you or not.
Eren delivered his last punch with a frightening roar of passion, and your neck twisted at an unnatural angle as your head snapped off the titan body with a horrid, bone-grinding sound.
Your battered body fell out of the nape of the titan, using what was left of your strength to emerge at the last second. It was all you had in you, though, and the last thing you heard was your own heavy breathing and distant shouting as your vision started to vade.
Eren stood up tall, towering over your unconscious body, raising his fists in the air with a triumphant roar of victory, the cheers of soldiers filling the air.
Filled with adrenaline and ego, he picked up your limp body in his hand, dangling your body over his already opened mouth.
He was going to eat the Warhammer—right here, right now.
That is, until a foreboding cracking noise brought his attention away from you. It took a few seconds for him to locate the source. The Colossal Titan.
It’s bones snapped and ground against one another, it’s massive body slowly shifting like a collapsing skyscraper. It twisted, turned, and groaned until it slowly lost it’s iron grip on the wall—and it was heading straight for Eren.
It’s body collided with Eren, and the force of the impact was comparable to that of an earthquake. Smoke rose from the ground as dirt was upended, trees crackling and snapping as chunks of rock flew up and around from the impact area.
The force of the impact sent you flying through the air. It didn’t take any hesitation, though, for your girlfriend to go flying through the air, catching your bloody body in her arms and wrapping herself around you to keep you safe as she hit the ground and slid against the dirt.
She groaned audibly from the pain, gritting her teeth in a feeble attempt to numb the painful sensations. But, her pain suddenly subsided when she laid eyes on you.
Your lower half had been all but obliterated. Your legs were completely crushed and squeezed out like an old container of toothpaste, and blood gushed from your stomach. She tried in vain to ignore the sight of your snapped bones twisting at odd angles and protruding through your skin.
Panicked, she brought an ear to your chest, desperately searching for that steady rhythm of life beating in your chest.
She had never taken a deeper sigh of relief than she did now, overjoyed at the slow heartbeat you clung onto. It was weak, yes, but you were still here. With her. That’s all that mattered.
Steam slowly rose from your stomach as your body attempted to heal your wounds. Even in a situation like this, your body managed to find the strength to start recovering.
She cradled your body to her chest, sobbing out in both relief and distress as you bled out onto her. Her clothes were already stained red, and her hands were sticky with morbid crimson, but she didn’t care. She held you close, as close as you could possibly be without her physically crushing you, catching her breath and calming herself to the sound of your shallow breaths.
It was a short-lived moment, though, as a dark shadow suddenly covered the ground, and Sasha froze with fear with you in her arms. By the shadow alone, it was impossible to tell if it was Eren or Reiner, and she didn’t want to check. She curled around you, crying quietly in preparation of getting crushed.
But it didn’t happen. A large finger instead placed itself on Sasha’s shoulder, pushing her out of the way to observe your injured state. Her body trembled fearfully as she turned to face it, and was met with the Armored Titan.
She wasn’t sure what to expect next, really. It could’ve crushed her like an ant and ran away with you, or worse, separated her and run off with just you.
She didn’t want to be apart from you. Even if it made her a terrible soldier, even if it made her treasonous, dishonorable, and irredeemable, she would stick with you, no matter whose side you were on. Right or wrong, she was staying with you.
Reiner hesitated for a moment. He couldn’t just bring a Paradis soldier back, it would be a huge problem down the line. But, his eyes glanced to you. He was certain that if he left Sasha there without you, you would never have forgiven him.
So, he cut his losses and gently scooped the two of you up in his hand, holding you and her close to his chest as he started running—god knows where to. She caught a glimpse of a Bertholdt in his other hand, as well as Ymir, still unconscious and strapped to her stretcher.
And Eren. Somehow, Reiner had the severely injured and incapacitated shifter quite literally in the palm of his hand.
Sasha knew that once people slowly started waking up, the fighting would only continue, but she savored this moment. Even if you were bleeding and hurt, your face looked peaceful. As odd as it sounded, she felt content with you in this moment.
As Reiner ran further and further from the wall, Sasha glanced over his shoulder, watching as the faces of her former comrades as they faded into the background.
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I wish somebody cared for me the way Sasha cares about Y/n in this fic lmaooo
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queen0fm0nsterz · 3 years
I was curious, do you have any other headcanons about the previous ladies of the maw? I've read your two posts about them and I really love this theory. How do you think the first lady might have gotten on the maw or became the lady in the first place? I might want to draw fanart based on this
AAAAA!!!! I'm glad that you liked the post about them! I'm really proud of that theory and I have to admit I may have grown a little attached to the girls.
I have another post in the works about their succession order (btw this one is almost done, I promise you it's gonna be worth the wait) and I have to say I have quite a few headcanons. But I'll try answering your question first.
Okay, so. Let's establish the concept that for a Lady to exist, a young girl must be plagued with the Hunger. We know that the reason Six's Hunger was awakened in the first place was because of the Thin Man, so let's put it this way:
A possible Lady of the Maw cannot exist unless a Thin Man releases her Hunger, and a Thin Man cannot exist unless Mono gets betrayed, putting him in the "right" state of mind to become the Thin Man.
If my theory of Mono being the only one stuck in a loop is true, then this his whole situation even more heartbreaking, because each time he grows to become the Thin Man he basically harms an innocent he mistakes for an old friend.
(Before you ask me: yes, the girls all look similar when talking about facial features, but the selling point is the fucking yellow raincoat.)
Which leads me to wonder, what happened the first time? Who betrayed who first? Why? Did two children accidentally awake an eldritch entity that has been laying dormant for thousands of years? Or maybe the creature was already awakened, waiting for the chance of coming to light and choosing two unfortunate children as it's hosts? We may never know.
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• Teapot is, as we established, the adventurer out of the five. When I think of her I imagine a light hearted, easy going child who likes to uncover the secrets of the world around her.
• Since her whole theme was about feeling like a prisoner, I suspect she may have not enjoyed her stay at the Maw at all. The Lady of the Maw can't leave and the place must have become boring quickly for her.
• She likes music and played the piano.
• Another thing we found out that a cracked teapot in dreams symbolizes illness, which leads me to believe that she may have had some sort of terminal illness.
• I think she may have left her successor eat her willingly to finally escape the Maw, since, you know. She was going to die anyway.
• Now Tengu, on the other hand...
• You know those types of people that are costantly angry at the world but really it's just a front they put out because they're extremely emotionally vulnerable? Yeah. That's her.
• She's the most disliked out of the five. The kids that travelled the Maw during her reign absolutely hated her.
• Some of her hobbies include reading and writing. Her library is filled with all sorts of books.
• In spite of her harsh exterior she's actually a pretty nice person when you get to know her. The hard part is getting to know her.
• Unlike the current Lady, Tengu takes part in the lives of everyone on the Maw actively. She could be seen walking around the Guests, chatting with them and making sure everything is of their liking. She was also quite close with her staff.
• The only one who actively tried to reach back to the Thin Man and failed.
• Fox is a fundamentally kind and caring soul. Gifted with wits and quick thinking, she always tries to make the best out of any situation she's thrown in.
• Out of the five she's the one who had a closer relationship with the children. They all adored her and the feeling was mutual.
• The one who was most similar to Six personality wise.
• Welcomed her successor with open arms, even if she knew her own life was at risk.
• Personally I think she tried to change the course of events by trying to befriend the child instead of killing her. I can't imagine Fox laying her hands on a child.
• This plan backfired. She died a horrible death.
• Lastly, Scarecrow. I always thought of her as someone who likes to be by herself. Not necessarely shy, just a loner who enjoys the quiet of her own quarters.
• I can honestly see her leaning towards the arts. Maybe she painted in her free time.
• She almost never leaves her quarters unless she has to greet the Guests.
• Her employees are given many liberties: they can basically do as they please. She never comes out to check on them anyway.
• She may have had a younger sister whom she lost at some point.
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thesurielships · 4 years
feysand + “you promised me a cookie!”
kiss me like your ex is in the room
note: this is super late, I’m sorry. I hope you’re doing well, and I look forward to read your next creations when you feel better. Enjoy :))
note 2: uncle Colm is a character from Derry Girls and his lines are quoted from the show. It's a really good show, BTW.
Word count: 1.6k | Masterlist | ao3
It is a truth universally acknowledged that Rita’s bakery is the best in Velaris. They specialize in finger foods and exquisite little pastries, each more exotic and original than the next; but the town’s favorite – or at least, Feyre’s favorite – will always be their double chocolate chip cookies.
These are no simple cookies. Even though they have been critiqued by many a reputed culinary writer, the secret to the complexity of their taste has yet to be uncovered. With a chewy center and crispy edges, chocolate chips that explode in your mouth and a bittersweet aftertaste that is nothing short of addictive, plus the extreme exclusivity of Rita’s services, they are nothing short of an urban legend. In fact, hiring Rita for an event earns you a spot on the local gossip column for weeks, no questions asked.
Feyre supposes she shouldn’t be surprised that her cunning devil of a sister managed to get them to cater for her wedding. Or that she only made her maid of honor in order to work her to the bone. Nevertheless, as she gazes at Nesta’s dazzling smile and the absolutely enamored look in Cassian’s eyes, Feyre finds she is glad to be here. Even though she didn’t get to the cookies in time.
Her friend Alis catches her eye from a few tables away and as she walks towards her, a familiar voice makes her pause.
“Now, I don't mind a bit of a breeze, if any, I prefer it. But that one was aggressive. So I says to myself. I say 'Colm, this is no day for a do'. ”
The steadiness of his monotone never fails to amaze her.
“When the bride arrives, and I say by this stage, the wind was fierce. I've never heard wind like it -”
Feyre dares a peek at the new victim of her uncle Colm’s boring and endless ramblings, and the sight that greets her almost makes up for the missing cookies. Rhysand - the best man and general pain in her ass ever since she met him a couple of months ago – is the portrait of boredom. He is slouching in his chair, his chin in his hand and his eyelids drooping as he struggles to focus on uncle Colm’s story. It’s the first time she sees him without his usual smirk, and she hates that she misses it.
“Howling like a banshee it was,” her uncle drones on. “So the poor girl –”
Feyre clears her throat and Rhysand starts. She bites back a laugh at the hope that kindles in his face when he sees her.
“Feyre dear, I was just telling this handsome young fellow about –”
“The windy wedding story?”
Uncle Colm smiles at her fondly. “You remember?”
She nods solemnly. “It’s a very funny story. You should hear the rest of it, Rhysand,” she adds with a smirk.
Rhysand’s eyes are wide with horror. She can almost hear him shout ‘save me!’
“So the poor girl,” her uncle resumes his retelling, “the bride now this is –”
Feyre raises a brow defiantly. Why should I?
“She arrives and –”
He glances to his side and she follows his gaze. The prick has not one, not two, but three of Rita’s cookies on a plate.
“Isn't she no –”
“Uncle Colm,” she exclaims in a high pitched tone, “I’m sorry to interrupt such a good story, but I actually need Rhysand for a very urgent matter.”
The usually unflappable best man practically jumps out of his seat. “Duty calls, uncle Colm.”
“That’s a shame,” her uncle sighs. “I was so close to the end. Are you sure –”
“Yes,” Rhysand squeaks, and Feyre coughs to hide her laugh. “Maybe next time,” he throws over his shoulder as he drags her away.
No sooner are they out of earshot that she collapses into a fit of giggles. Rhysand frowns and she laughs harder. He tries to keep his face stern but the corners of his lips are twitching. When she finally sobers up, Feyre offers him her hand, palm up.
One groomed eyebrow lifts. “What?”
“What do you mean, what? You promised me a cookie!”
Rhysand slides his hands into his pockets and Feyre’s heart sinks. “I did no such thing.”
“But, but,” she sputters, “I saw you! You looked at those cookies!”
He chuckles, low and soft. “Those cookies aren’t mine, Feyre darling.”
“You tricked me.”
She glares up at him but freezes when her eyes fall on the doors behind him. Tamlin is here. The blood drains from her face. She can feel herself quaking in her heels and she hates how he makes her feel small just by walking in the room.
“What’s wrong?”
She doesn’t answer.
What in the Cauldron is he doing here? Is he here for me?
Her chest is too tight. She can’t breathe.
He’s here for me, he’s here for me, he’s here for-
She startles at Rhysand’s voice. He turns to look behind him and she grabs him by the lapel. “Don’t,” she whispers.
He patiently waits for her to explain.
“Tamlin, my ex –”
Understanding dawns in his eyes. His smile is grim.
Feyre dares another glance over his shoulder. “He’s –” she croaks, swallows, clears her throat, “comin –”
Rhysand’s lips on hers stop her short.
Feyre just stands there, too stunned to react. He draws away slightly. His hands cup her face and his thumbs stroke her cheeks lovingly. His gaze is steady on hers as he waits for her to make the next move.
Her hands are still clutching his lapels so she pulls him close and kisses him.
She means to repel Tamlin, but as soon as their lips meet she forgets everything but the man that has been haunting her dreams for months. The kiss is slow and languorous, and Feyre wonders at the softness of his lips, the gentleness of his caress. Her fingers bury in his hair and his hands trail down to her waist, setting her skin burning on their wake. She moans and he smiles. She bites his lower lip so he allows her entry, and Feyre is so busy committing the taste of him, the feel of him to memory that it takes her a couple of minutes to realize that someone is watching.
A throat clears next to them, and Feyre pulls away. Rhysand’s eyes are a mirror of what she’s feeling: a mixture of surprise, delight and longing. His smile is slow as he reads the naked emotions on her face, his hold tightening around her waist. Her fingers are still caressing the soft hair at the base of his neck.
Tamlin clears his throat once again and Feyre reluctantly untangles herself from Rhysand, though he nestles his hand in the small of her back to keep her close.
“Tamlin,” she begins and is surprised to find her voice strong and her knees steady. She remembers something an old friend of hers told her in the dark days following their break up. ‘Only you can decide what breaks you.’ And here, in Nesta’s wedding and in Rhysand’s arms, Feyre decides she is done being afraid of her controlling asshole of an ex.
She levels a condescending glare at Tamlin and says nothing, but he’s too busy scowling at Rhys to notice. “Who. Are. You?”
Feyre’s nostrils flare. How typical of him to dismiss her, to address any one but her as though what she has to say doesn’t matter.
Rhysand’s only answer is his arrogant smirk, and she kind of wants to laugh.
Now he looks at her, frowning at the smirk dancing on her lips, a mirror of her companion’s.
“This is my boyfriend, Rhys. But you can call him Rhysand.”
Her accomplice’s fingers poke her side in amusement. “And who might you be?” he asks, looking down his nose at the man who has been haunting her nightmares for months.
“I’m Feyre’s fiancé,” Tamlin bites back.
Rhysand’s face is disinterested, almost bored. “Darling, you didn’t tell me you were engaged.”
She shoots him a sheepish smile. “I guess it slipped my mind.” And because she just can’t help herself, she puts a hand back on his muscled chest and says in a sultry voice, “I can’t think of much when you’re around.”
The moment she says it, the truth of it resonates in her heart. She doesn’t know what gives her away, but something sparks in Rhysand’s eyes and he pulls her impossibly closer. “Yeah?”
She bites her lip. “Yeah.”
His smile takes her breath away. She doesn’t bother looking back at Tamlin as she declares, “For the record, asshole, we are not engaged. I refused your proposal three months ago.”
“You were confused. You don’t know what –” Tamlin starts but Rhysand interrupts him, “You heard the lady.”
Rhysand’s gaze doesn’t stray from hers for a second. Feyre is drowning, no, floating in this moment. She feels free, unmoored. She wants to throw her head back and laugh until she cries. She wants to dance until her feet ache. She wants to hold this man and never let go.
“Thank you,” her voice is earnest. “You saved me.”
He leans so close their noses touch. “You know, Tamlin left a few seconds ago.”
Feyre loops her arms around his neck. “Is that so?”
His eyes are brighter than stars. “About those cookies,” he begins, almost hesitantly. “I could bake you some.”
She raises a disbelieving brow.
“I know, I know. I’m no Rita, but I happen to have a mighty good recipe. Except instead of flour, I use oatmeal –”
Feyre grimaces.
“Instead of butter, coconut oil.”
She scrunches her nose in disgust.
“And instead of chocolate –”
“You’re replacing chocolate?”
“It could be a date.”
Feyre’s heart stumbles. She glances left and right then stands on the tips of her toes to whisper conspiratorially in his ear. “I would be burned at the stake if the people around here found out I chose this awful creation instead of a good ol’ Ritacookie –”
Rhysand rolls his eyes.
“But it’s a date.”
Tag list: @joyceortiz13 @bailey-4244 @quakeriders @standbislytherin @mariamuses @ignite14 @1800-fight-me @velarian-trash @rhysands-highlady @queenblueoffire @rowaelinforeverworld @feeoly @buckybvrnes @dayanna-hatter @shadowstar2313 @goldfishh20 @sleeping-and-books @crackedship @your-high-lady @thesirenwashere @whiskeybusiness1776 @amren-courtofdreams @tswaney17 @julemmaes @booksbooksbooksworld @queenofbumblebees @meowsekai @awkward-avocado-s
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super-not-naturall · 7 years
SPN Fanfic
-Y/N tries not to lose herself in her growing feelings for a certain Winchester-
(Eventual) Sam x Reader
1,529 Words
Warnings: Some (brief) insecurity/self-hate, Sammy feels (because that should def be a warning), sexual tension *over dramatically wiggles eyebrows at you*
A/N: This is part 7 to Poisonous Soul aka pretty much the only thing I’ve been writing lately (sorry for those who aren’t interested in it.) This part is kinda of just a short little thing that is gonna lead up to our next part (which is gonna be longer, sorry not sorry) but I just wanted to say thank you again to everyone for their kind words and reactions to my past fics. I feel like no matter what I say, y’all will never understand just how much you mean to me (it’s a lot btw.) Just know that you guys are my family and I love you so much!! As always, feedback is encouraged and appreciated!
*I do not own any supernatural characters and/or gifs that I may use!
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I dream of black eyes and blood soaked cement.
Instead of a stranger, though, the demon has EmmaLee by her hair and is holding a knife to her throat.
“Where are the Winchesters, Y/N?” She asks, pressing the blade into Emmy’s skin, “Better hurry; I’m not very patient.”
I try to scream, but it’s as if there’s something lodged in my throat and I can’t make a sound.
“You sure you don’t want to give me an answer?” Her lips curl into a smile, as she breaks skin; scarlet liquid drips down Emmy’s throat, leading a trail down her neck to her collar bone.
I fight the chains and try to beg the demon to stop; to take me instead, but I’m too weak and still no sound comes out.
The demon shrugs with a smirk, “Okay, have it your way then.”
With a quick flick of her wrist, the blade slices through EmmaLee’s throat. Blood pours from the wound and onto the concrete floor, her blue eyes staring lifelessly back at me.
I jerk awake, sweat dripping down my back and causing my shirt to stick to me like a second skin.
I instinctively look at the clock beside me to see that it’s around 6:00 in the morning; too early to be awake yet too late to fall back asleep.
I glance over at the cot across the room and find Dean’s tall frame sprawled in a position that does not look comfortable in the slightest.
I debate waking him up and telling him he can take my bed, but decide to just let him sleep. After everything I’ve put the guy and his brother through, he deserves some rest.
I write a quick note telling him I’m in the shower and not to worry if I’m gone when he wakes up.
I let my mind wander as the water runs over my skin; the heat making it turn a shade of pink.
I think of Sam, in his flannels that fit him in all the right places and his kind eyes that seem to see into the deepest parts of my soul. I think of the sadness that crossed his features in the diner when talking about his life growing up, and I wonder why he’s here: why he hasn’t left a life filled with monsters?
For a brief moment, I think that maybe that’s how we’re connected: maybe it’s the sadness that we hide underneath the kindness, or maybe we both feel trapped in the life that we live. I dismiss the thought quickly, though; if that were the case, Sam would be connected to the majority of the human population.
The sound of the bathroom door opening, followed by the sound of flip-flops slapping against the tiled floor, pulls me from my thoughts.
I quickly finish my shower and head back to my room to find Dean missing from his make-shift bed.
I pick up the sticky-note I left for Dean to see that he has left a message of his own underneath mine,
Went to get grub, call if you’re in danger. -D
You’d think for someone so hell-bent on making sure I’m safe, he would have at least waited for me to get back before going and getting food.
Rolling my eyes, I crumple up the note and toss it in the trash.
Now that the mystery of the missing Dean has been solved, I decide to take advantage of my rare alone time by actually getting around in my room instead of in the bathroom, where everything seems to be coated with a layer of moisture.
I don’t quite feel like getting out of my fluffy robe yet, so I work on my hair first; quickly blow drying it and then adding a slight curl to my straight locks to make them wave. I then get started on covering up the large bruise on my forehead with some cover-up; I don’t get rid of the color completely, but am able to tone it down quite a bit. The rest of my makeup is easy; just some eyeliner and mascara with a little blush. Not quite satisfied with my face yet, I add some red lipstick to match the dress I’ll be wearing for the day, and hopefully draw some attention away from my forehead.
I pull on my dress, but before I can zip it up, I catch my reflection in my full-length mirror. I take a step closer and tilt my head, trying to figure out why it still doesn’t look right.
I run my hands down the length of the dress and try to convince myself that I look fine, more than fine, maybe even beautiful. But it doesn’t work.
I still look too curvy, and my skin is too pale, and even though I just did my hair, it still lays a little flat.
Frowning, I reach out and touch the glass, wishing, not for the first time, that I could change the person staring back at me.
The door behind me suddenly opens, making me jump.
I turn around to see Sam rush in and quickly close the door, probably trying to avoid being seen by the RA across the hall.
It takes him a moment to notice that I’m standing there, but when he does, his eyes widen and his mouth opens slightly. His gaze falls to my back which is uncovered from my unzipped dress; his cheeks flush and he turns around stammering out an apology.
“Sorry, I, uh, didn’t know you were, um, getting dressed.” His words run together, making me laugh.
“It’s fine, Sam.” I tell him, “In fact, do you want to help me out?”
He turns back around with raised brows, but he’s still not making eyes contact, “Help you out?”
“Zip me up?” I walk closer to him and turn around, giving him access to the zipper.
“Oh, yeah,” His fingers brush against the skin of my neck as he moves my hair out of the way, leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake.
He raises the zipper slowly with one hand while the other rests on my lower back, keeping the fabric in place. The minute he’s finished, the weight of his hand disappears from my back, leaving it feeling abandoned and cold.
I turn around, not realizing just how close he is, and let out a small gasp.
He’s so tall that I have to tilt my head back to look into his eyes, but he’s made it a bit easier by ducking his head down slightly.
“Thanks.” I breathe out.
I try not to focus how he’s close enough that I can feel the warmth from his skin. I also don’t focus on the green in his irises or the gold surrounding his pupils to make it look as if the sun itself is shining in his eyes. And I definitely don’t focus on the way that we’re sharing the same air and how his hand has made its way back to my hip, and his lips are getting closer to mine.
“Hey, Y/N,” Dean’s voice causes the both of us to jump apart and turn to the door where he is entering with a fast food bag, “I wasn’t sure what you’d like so I-Oh, Sammy, you’re here! I got you one of those egg things you like.”
“An omelet?” Sam asks with a smirk, and just like that the spell is broken.
I walk to my closet and pull out a blazer and heels, trying to distract myself from my feelings for the youngest Winchester.
“Yeah, that thing,” Dean answers with a dismissive wave.
He looks over to where I’m pulling on the heels and lets out a low whistle, “Damn, Y/N, you look like a hot secretary.”
I roll my eyes at him with a small laugh, “Thanks, Dean. Just what every girl wants to hear,” I joke.
“It was a compliment.” He informs me, “Anyway, I got you some hash browns; you can eat them on the way if you promise not to get grease all over baby.”
I stand up and shrug the blazer on, giving Dean an are you serious look, “I’m not a child; I know how to eat without making a mess.”
“Dean’s an adult and he hasn’t learned how to eat without making a mess,” Sam interjects with a teasing grin thrown Dean’s way.
Dean just rolls his eyes and hands Sam the paper bag, “Let’s head out before there’s a lot of foot traffic in the hall.”
“Yes, sir.” I salute him with a smirk.
Dean tries to look annoyed with me, but the corners of his lips lift slightly and betray him.
“Come on, smart ass.” He shakes his head and walks out the door.
I follow him, forcing myself to look down at the phone in my hand and not into the hazel eyes trained on me. If I focus hard enough, I can still feel the weight of Sam’s hand on my waist, and I can almost imagine what could have happened if Dean hadn’t walked in.
-Part 8-
Forever Tags:
@energeticallyem @27bmm @impala-dreamer @lipstickandwhiskey @jotink78@babypieandwhiskey @wheresthekillswitch @notnaturalanahi @mysteriouslyme81 @mrswhozeewhatsis @hannahindie @pinknerdpanda @keepcalmandcarryondean @sammy-moo@my-favorite-fiction67 @trexrambling @a-strange-world @mogaruke @keelzy2@morganwinchester79 @goldenolaf25 @elfinmox @barbedwireandbubblegum @mrsbatesmotel53 @writingthingsisdifficult
Poisonous Soul Tags:
@oneshoeshort @halfwaytoneptune @curlyblondexoxo @deaths-damn-fruit-basket  @messy-buns-and-shotguns @wildfirewinchester @jennandthecats
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mysplaced-pen · 7 years
i don't know if this was asked yet, but if possible, how would the RFA (+ v and saeran if you could) react to an mc who is trans/nb and coming out to them for the first time? it could be a teary come-out, a slip up, or a "oh hey btw im trans lol", whatever you think suits each character. thank you ^^ have a nice day
hey, love💛 I hope you have a nice day/night too ^^ I hope you like this! And I hope I did it justice ^^; 
im cis so i can only hope;;;; plus i’m, uh..feeling..some kinda way today. so i thought i’d start with something cute
mc was not in the mood today
for anything, really. they would much prefer to stay in bed all day
especially because they really did not want to be misgendered today, as they were bound to be 
even by zen, who was as cheerful as everyday, but he didn’t know
maybe they should just tell him 
“hey, babe” zen said, walking back into the bedroom. “I have breakfast ready, would you like some?” 
“…no, i’m okay.” they said from under the blanket. zen pouted, “princess, you know you have to be healthy..”
the nickname made mc cringe - and not in the usual ‘zen’s being cheesy’ way
he felt mc shift under the covers. “are you alright, hun?”
“yeah…” “mc, tell me what’s bothering you.” “zen, I said nothing-” “i can tell when something’s wrong, princess, just tell me”
and tbh, they couldn’t handle it anymore
“that’s what’s wrong!” mc said, uncovering their face from the blanket. 
zen jerked back in surprise, looking at them. mc was tearing up as they spoke again
“I know you mean well, god, I know you’re only trying to be good to me. and you are, you really are, I mean that. but I- oh my god- I can’t handle that nickname.”
“mc…can I ask why?” now mc was crying. 
out with it then, mc. there’s no going back now.
“I-” they sigh, “I’m not a girl, Zen. I’m nonbinary.”
he was honestly confused, he never heard of that before
so the day was spent explaining and being in bed. 
zen listened, wiped their tears, brought in that breakfast for both of them. he asked questions, mc answered them. and he understood, in the end
“well. now I need a new nickname!” “isn’t ‘babe’ enough?” “no! i want to shower you in adorable nicknames for being an adorable person”
it was an accident. 
mc ordered a binder and it came in when yoosung checked the mail
he saw what was on the package and asked mc about it
“hey honey, there was a package for you. something about a binder?”
mc froze. oh no.
it’s ok mc, damage control. just make something up, it’s fine. he doesn’t need to know what it’s really for.
“oh, thanks, honey! I didn’t expect it to come in yet.” “I put it on the bed, okay?” “yeah, of course.”
nice save, mc. 
“why did you need a binder shipped to you, though mc? can’t you just buy one at the store?”
mc laughs, “sure, honey. just buy a binder at the store. I wish I could, so at least I can try it on before buying it. It would help a guy out, you know?”
……….. wA I T
“what?” yoosung asks. mc flushes. “oh, um…”
“not…that kind of binder, than.” mc freezes again and looks at the ground
yoosung stands up and walks over, putting a hand on mc’s cheek 
“honey…it’s alright. you can tell me.” mc looked up at him, seeing a soft, warm smile.
“…I’m trans.” mc says. yoosung smiles wider, but it looks nothing like a teasing smile. “I’m a guy, yoosung.” 
he hugs mc tightly. “you’re the best boy I’ve ever met, honey.”
this was also an accident, but this time, it was on jaehee’s part
she didn’t know how to tell mc, especially since she just figured it out herself too
mc was a normal girl..and jaehee was nonbinary
but she would accept jaehee. of course she would…right?
guess she was about to find out
mc got home that day and jaehee spoke, “I need to tell you something, love. come sit with me?”
mc nodded, taking her hand and following her to the dining table. “I actually need to tell you something too, jaehee”
oh now jaehee was nervous
they sat down next to each other and jaehee took a deep breath
“you go first, hun.” mc said. jaehee nodded.
“mc, i’m…i’m nonbinary” jaehee waited for her reaction
mc kept quiet for a bit, staring at her and blinking
“…love?” “are you serious?”
oh no, there it was. mc was going to break up with her
“um, yes-” “i was just going to tell you that I’m trans!”
“wait- what?” “I’m a transwoman, jaehee…i couldn’t handle hiding it anymore..”
jaehee just pulled mc into a hug. “oh, i love you.” she let out in relief
mc chuckled, “i love you too.”
ok ok ok we can do this, mc
jumin won’t mind, he’s repeatedly told us he loved us for who we are, not for what we look like
….but what if who we are isn’t.. 
oh, just do it….no no no don’t
the door opens and jumin calls out, “mc, I’m home!”
oh no
“hi, love! how was your day?” “busy, as always..but I’m glad to be home.”
mc, don’t wait any longer, do it now!
“um, I need to tell you something, honey bun..” 
jumin looked up at them before going to take his shoes off. “go ahead, my love.”
before mc could speak, though, they started tearing up
they were nervous. too nervous to say anything
jumin looked at them again, stopping what he was doing as soon as he saw mc crying
“my love, what’s wrong? are you hurt? did someone hurt you or-”
“no, no jumin that isn’t it, I’m sorry..” “don’t be sorry, my love. what’s wrong?”
“I just…I don’t know how to tell you.” “You can tell me anything, mc. I love you and I trust you.” he’s getting really worried now
“I’m..I’m trans, jumin. I’m a male.” 
he stops for a second process, but automatically moves to wipe mc’s tears
“oh, my love. you scared me…I thought you were really hurt..” 
“you don’t mind?” “of course I don’t mind. You are who you are, and I love every bit of that.”
707 / luciel / saeyoung
he called mc after he signed them into the rfa
“hello? is this the new cutie in the rfa?” 
“have you really seen pictures of me?” mc says, making him laugh
“straight to the point, then. yeah, I have.” “then you know..”
“you’re cute, and I do mean that.” “…i am?”
“the cutest girl in the rfa! well, there’s only jaehee. but there’s me sometimes too.”
“..what?” “i’m genderfluid. but anymore about me is a secret~” 
“huh, alright. then I guess I can just say it.” “if you want to practice with me, sure.”
mc smiles. 707 catches it on the CCTV. “I’m trans.” 
707 smiles too, though she can’t see, “atta girl.”
the conversation doesn’t stop there, of course
the two of them talk for a while, about how they relate to each other, how the rfa reacted to him coming out 
he assures her that the rfa is very welcoming, but she can take all the time she needs
they confide in each other, which only adds to why they get along so well 
v / jihyun
it was so casual with jihyun, actually
like, mc couldn’t explain why, it just felt so easy to just say it 
the two of them were laying on the couch, legs intertwined while they both read a book
it was quiet and V was focused, but mc kept getting distracted from their book and kept glancing at him
he noticed, but didn’t say anything.
it was actually really hard for him not to smile 
“hey, jihyun?”
“yes angel?” he said, looking up from his book.
“i’m nonbinary.” 
v smiled and sat up, leaning over to kiss mc’s forehead
“alright, my love. i’m glad you decided to tell me, thank you for putting that much trust in me”
mc blushed and sat up to kiss his cheek, “you’re so amazing, V. I don’t understand”
he chuckled and shook his head, leaning back to his original position
“you are mistaken. I’m a simple human. you, however, are an angel”
“jihyunnnnn” mc whines
“what? it’s true! angels are nonbinary too.” “who told you that, jihyun?” 
“every story I’ve heard of them. Plus the person right in front of me right now.”
honestly, saeran just had to be taking questionnaires right now
and mc was too used to making this damn joke
“full name.” saeran says
“don’t you know that?” mc answers
“true, alright. birthday?”
“saerannnn, you know all these things about me. why are you doing these in the first place?”
he fills out mc’s birthday before shrugging. “bored. we’re not sending these out anyways”
“fine. what other questions are there?”
“the usual for now. next is gender”
“alien.” mc says 
saeran looks back at them. “what?”
“i’m an alien, saeran.” “no, mc, like…male and female”
“i have to pick??”
oh wait, mc, saeran doesn’t know- 
“…can you explain?” he asks.
“um…i’m nonbinary?” 
saeran also needs a little explaining. he has more questions than zen, too
but he’s totally understanding
“…they should make an ‘alien’ option.” he says after their talk
“honestly.” mc says
he draws a circle near the ‘male’ and ‘female’ options and marks it as ‘alien’ before filling it in. “there.”
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twdmusicboxmystery · 7 years
Roman Numerals, 8s, 10s, Xs, and Beth’s Return
Good morning and Happy Saturday! So as I’ve been saying the past few weeks, @wdway and I have been doing re-watches and finding some interesting things. A lot of these insights come directly from her research. Thanks so much for all your hard work and eagle eyes, Hon!
The biggest problem I ran into while writing this was what order to present everything in. Some much of it is so intertwined, if I start talking about one, I’ll have to talk about the others. So I’m gonna try really hard to keep from confusing you all.
It was @wdway that first turned me on to look for the X symbol. Once I did, I started seeing them everywhere. Let me start by giving you some examples.
We’ve seen them all the way since S1 in license plates, but I’m not going to talk about license plates today. They’re super important, but they’re getting their own post later.
We’ve also seen them quite frequently on signs, such as railroad crossing signs (RXR) and we all know the train tracks are an important symbol all their own.
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We see them as notches in both Beth and Maggie’s belts, Beth’s starting in S3 and Maggie’s starting in S4. (I’m not going to talk about the belts today. They’re important, but again, that’s another post.)
In S5, we saw them on the trees around Morgan. With the circle around them, they also happen to be an electric symbol for lamps (X) and also look like a modified coda. Which is interesting given that we saw them in 5x08.
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Also in S5, we saw them near Sasha in the dry creek bed (near the frogs) in 5x10:
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We also saw them on Crazy Boxcar Dude’s face at Terminus.
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And then here, in FG’s church while Maggie, Sasha and he pray together.
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Interestingly, we actually see them around Grady in a few ways. When Rick discusses the plan with everyone, he draws a floor plan of Grady in the dirt and uses Xs to show where each person will be. So X = a person. 
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Of course we get a sea of Xs in the chain link of this shot:
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(And yes, I know we see a lot of chain link in the show. I don’t think you could point to any random instance of chain link as a symbol. But when there’s a lot of it, when it’s emphasized, etc., it’s probably important. This was a specific decision to show this tragic, iconic shot through chain link rather than put the camera on the other side of it for a clearer view.)
Moving into S6, we saw them around Morgan again on rocks and on the porch of Eastman’s house.
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We saw Sasha emphasize an X in Daryl’s last name when she wrote it on the door.
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In 6x16/7x01 we saw the Saviors mark the Librarian guy they hung with an X. In the S7 premiere, Negan went back to that spot with Rick and Rick actually climbed the corpse to get away from the walker horde. They really emphasized it, in other words.
(Which btw I think may support my theory about the Captain Hanson backstory at Grady pointing toward Beth helping Rick through something.)
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We saw them around Sasha and Rosita in 7b as well.
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(Understand that these are only a few instances. I’m sure they’re all over the place, chilling in the background of scenes and such. But these are ones that stood out to us.)
And of course, as @wdway points out, turning an X results in a cross and vise versa. (A tactic employed in the recent Logan (wolverine) film.)
So, what does this all mean? What do the Xs represent? I bet you can guess what I’m gonna say. Yup, I’ll say it: we think they represent Beth. Or things to do with her. It’s hard to say exactly how this realization formed, other than just seeing Xs all over having to do with her. But I’ll get to some stuff that @wdway has found recently that really confirmed our beliefs.
First, let’s talk about Tara.
Remember in 7x06, when we saw some lines of Roman Numerals on her arm, but we couldn’t see the bottom line? 
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@wdway noticed two more instances when we see this tattoo, though they’re much subtler than this one, and I found yet another. While doing the re-watch, she noticed that in this scene in 4x07, you can see the tattoo. 
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We just didn’t realize it was visible before S7. I also found it here 
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but it’s VERY hard to see. I don’t think from either of these shots in S4, we would have been able to tell what the tattoo said. But still, this was something obviously planned since S4, when Gimple took the reins.
The other instance @wdway noticed was here in 7x10:
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And the interesting thing in this case is that you can see the bottom line that was hidden in 7x06. Can you tell what it is? Yup, that’s right. It’s an 8. So these are the lines we have, all in roman numerals
26: XXVI
13: XIII
22: XXII
9: IX
I don’t know what the top four numbers mean. I’ve played around with them somewhat–counting episodes Tara is in and trying to multiply or divide them in various ways. Nothing ingenious has come to me. They may have to do with Tara’s arc herself (rather than Beth) and they may foreshadow something to come. If that’s the case, we can’t possibly know what it is yet.
The 8 is suspicious, of course, to TD. And it’s made even more so in my opinion because it was hidden in that close up shot. If they really wanted to hide it, they wouldn’t have shown it to us a few episodes later. And remember Glenn’s theme from 5a: “There’s nothing worth finding in this world that isn’t hidden.” I believe he even said that to Tara.
But there’s more. Again, this is an insight from @wdway. The clock in Still, which we first saw at 8 minutes before the hour, and then chimed, showing that 8 minutes had passed before Beth “made it” had roman numerals, rather than numbers. 
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As far as we know, there are only two other clocks with roman numerals on the face rather than numbers or other marks. The first is—once again—at Grady. In 5x07 Crossed, there’s a clock in Edwards’ office with roman numerals. The weird thing about this clock is that it changes mid-scene. This may be hard to see, but in this top picture, the hands point at the 8 and the 4. 
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In otherwords, episode 8x04. Then, 30 seconds later and in the same scene, it changes to the 8 and the 10. 
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Perhaps something this scene foreshadows will be an arc that goes from 8x04-8x10. That actually makes all kinds of sense given the rest of this theory but I’ll come back to it. The final clock is the one Cindy looks at here at Oceanside.
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As you can see, it also reads 8:20, which would point to episode 8x04.
Could it be that Beth will appear in 8x04? Or that she’ll show up at Oceanside in that episode? Perhaps both.
Three clocks = Rule of Threes. All wrapped up in Beth symbolism. First in Still, then at Grady, then at Oceanside.
We’ll have to look for other clocks as we go, but I even checked watches and the ones in WHAWGO to be sure. They either have regular numbers or just lines in place of numbers. In some cases, they’re too blurry to tell for sure. In those cases, we certainly don’t see roman numerals.
So we have Xs that are wrapped up in TD symbolism, with ties to Tara, Oceanside, and Still. It certainly looks like they were trying to tie the clocks in 4x12 and 6x07 together, which is awesome!
A couple more facts about Xs. In roman numerology, the X = 10, right? We do see some 10 stuff around Beth. Not as much as 7 or 8 stuff, but a bit.
Every season, episode 10 is significant in some way to Beth.
(No episode 10 in S1).
S2x10: 18 Miles Out (suicide arc)
S3x10: Home (Talks to Carol about Daryl)
S4x10: Inmates (Dairy voice over and backward story progression.)
S5x10: Them (Music box wakes up.)
S6x10: The Next World (Rickyl/Bethyl parallels, meet JESUS on the road.)
7x10: New Best Friends (Daryl says goodbye to Carol, Carol reads novel with a serious piggyback on the cover.)
Plus, I might add, we’ve seen a lot of 100s, which 10 is an obvious factor of. And episode 100 is 8x01.
So given these 10s, the 8:50 on Edwards’ clock makes sense. I wonder if Beth will show up at Oceanside in 8x04, but we won’t see the entirety of how she escaped until 8x10. If 8x10 mirrors 4x10, Inmates, at all, we might even hear more voice overs or see flashbacks.
I’d also like to point out that right after talking to Edwards, Beth walks into the hallway and we have some definite Dark Tunnel Symbolism there. (X, X, X).
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She’s heading into her dark tunnel as we head into Coda, but there’s a light at the end, showing that she’ll come out the other side eventually.
Buuuutt, there’s one more thing you all ought to be aware of concerning the letter X. @wdway and her ingenious research uncovered something more. Put roman numerology aside for a moment. We’ve seen both that and the Greek alphabet symbols used in the show. She looked up Hebrew. And guess what? The symbol for the number 8 in Hebrew numerology is an X. The word for it is “chet” and it means “New Beginnings.”
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On that subject I’m sure this has probably been said before, but I was thinking about it in more detail yesterday. In Christian symbolism, 8 is the number of baptism. Baptism, by definition, is a spiritual rebirth. So (and this is what I was listening to the other day that made me think about this) the baptismal font, full of water, is a likeness of the grave. One comes up out of it, newly baptized, as though being resurrected and beginning life anew.
(P.S. Doing re-watches, I’ve found a lot more 8s than I would have thought. I’ll do a post showing all of them, but I don’t want to make this theory any longer.)
Given all of this, it just makes all kinds of sense that Beth will come by water (greenroute) in S8.
So…Tara’s roman numerals? Important.
8s? Important.
10s? Important.
Xs? VERY important.
So I’ll let you go back through the list of Xs at the beginning of the theory and figure out how they relate to Beth. Some are obvious. Others aren’t but we still have theories about them (*coughs Dude at Terminus*).
And can I just add that I love that the X, a symbol for 8s and Beth’s return was put BY SASHA in the middle of Daryl’s name. Love that. ;D
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So everyone keep your eyes out for Xs as you re-watch. (Not that we need tons more evidence, but it’s just fun. ;D)
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