#but her flaws are so blown out of proportion in fandom while other characters' flaws aren't treated this way at all
kaltacore · 3 months
i would really like to see people appreciate beau's growth and character arc more without trying to convince newcomers that "she'll get better eventually just you wait" implying she was such an unbearable character you have to make yourself sit through her scenes. i assure you, she wasn't
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piglet26 · 4 months
Rey...A Mary Sue?
When it comes to the Star Wars fanbase.....Disney is the maker of many of their own problems. Disney has blown things out of proportion. They've attacked their own fanbase and then hidden behind that very slander to avoid criticism. They haven't honored the very audience they seek to make a lot of money from, not to mention the franchise. They've bounced around between visions trying to please everyone and then pleased no one.
However, the Star Wars fanbase is also to blame for many of their quarrels, grips and dissatisfactions with the franchise. Oh, you don't like the corporatized Disney sequels? Well I remember you didn't like the prequels which George Lucas actually did them. Disney sequels are too comedic? The movies would've been better if there was less humor? Well the prequels were too whiny, political and serious.
It's not enough that Disney films are more diverse, have a female lead and have more females on the production side..... unless those characters are saying, doing and being portrayed exactly how the fanbase would like.......then Disney is still misogynistic and racist.
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Carrie Fisher, The Princess, faced sexism, ageism and body shaming from both Disney and the Star Wars fandom prior to returning for The Force Awakens. Since he passing obviously many people would like to forget about this or flat out bury it.
Carrie Fisher tells British Good Housekeeping that she was pressured to lose more than 35 pounds to reprise Princess Leia in The Force Awakens: “They don’t want to hire all of me — only about three-quarters! Nothing changes, it’s an appearance-driven thing. I’m in a business where the only thing that matters is weight and appearance."
She first donned that golden slave bikini when she was 27. Thirty years later, Carrie Fisher’s back as Leia in “Star Wars,” but apparently some viewers thought she’d look exactly the same. The 59-year-old actor was the unfortunate recipient of a barrage of hateful tweets from critics who felt the need to tell her she’s aged badly in the past three decades. She Tweeted, "Men don't age better than women, they're just allowed to age." Meanwhile, Harrison Ford looked old and Mark Hamill looked liked a drunk.
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All of this is to say the question of whether or nor Rey is a Mary Sue isn't a simple one. While Disney LucasFilm didn't develop the character as well as they could have.... the audience largely had double standards. Rey, as a woman, had more work to do to win over an audience already suspicious of the feminization of Star Wars.
Let's address the criticism
Why does Rey seem so skilled?
Rey works for Unkar Plott scavenging. It would make sense she understands engineering and mechanics. She has to understand how things work, which parts are valuable and understand that about multiple forms of machinery. How does she fly? Just fly, not even combat fly. If in her introduction she was shown to be flying commercially maybe people would've let it go, I'm not sure. Luke and Anakin by contrast turn out to be expert pilots who fight in combat..... no one questioned a thing and one of them is a child. When she initially flies the Falcon she does an alright job and in the three sequels films we never see her fly in combat. Finn never learned how to fly!!!! He famously needed a pilot, yet, got a crash course in The Last Jedi enough to fly at the end against the First Order. She speaks droid, but all our protagonist in Star Wars do. Someone has to be able to understand them.
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Rey has no flaws and she's so perfect.
No, actually she's not. Rey is extremely vulnerable, lonely and requires validation. She fears she's gonna be an old woman cleaning gear on Jakku, but she doesn't leave. The only character she really relates and connects to.... is the villain. Yes, she's likable and she's suppose to be because she's our protagonist. Who the hell finds fault with either the character or the production team for trying to make their main character likeable?! Other characters are attracted to her. It's important to note that most force users come off as charismatic, magical and attractive.
Does Rey have a personality?
Yes. Many people get held up on the fact that Rey seems to be bubbly and happy despite growing up in isolation in a tough environment. Initially, with Finn, she comes off pretty hostile and untrusting. It was only when she assumed he was resistance (something safe) and he went along with the assumption that she relaxed a bit. She responded with anger at him just grabbing her hand, but when he showed concern for her then she reciprocated. Neither Finn nor Rey have proper social development which explains why they latch onto one another. Not to mention both are outsiders thrown into pivotal roles without much concept on how to deal with those roles.
Rey is also very childlike. It's something Kylo Ren tries to push her out of. She waits around for her family for years. She licks plates and plays with the resistance helmet. She latches onto people. She latches onto Finn once she trust him. She latches onto Han perceiving him as an ideal father figure. When she forms a connection to Kylo Ren she latches onto him. She's loyal to the people and things she cares about. There were things that could have helped Rey become a fuller developed character. Rey can fight but we never learned WHY she learned how to fight. Has she been stolen from a lot? Has she been attacked? Was she trained? Rey was taken at a young age, what schooling did she receive? Did she just learn trade work? In the novels, her character is obviously developed more, but Lord! People really act like any oversight of character development was a feminist statement about perfection. In reality, it was a film trying to balance multiple characters in a 2.5 hour film.
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Rey doesn't have any training and yet is so magical with the Force.
Rey is assisted by The Force. Force users can use the force with very little understanding of it or training. Anakin as a 9 year old is just winging it. So there's that. Now the first time she encounters Kylo Ren, she's terrified and running/shooting for her life. When he force freezes her she's helpless. When he puts her to sleep with the force, she has to be rescued by men.
Now this is the most important. Her bond with Kylo Ren is one of the reasons she's able to access more of and learn about the force. "A Force dyad, also known as a dyad in the Force, was when two Force-sensitive beings had a unique Force-bond—that was unbreakable—that made them one in the Force. The power of a dyad was as strong as life itself, with the individuals forming the dyad sharing a connection that spanned across time and space."
They don't play this up enough in the movies. In the novels it's clear that their minds bridge. She's able to access Kylo's mind from understanding how he accessed her mind. Their bond boost both of their strengths in the force. It's important to note that Rey's abilities actually terrify her.
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Rey knows more about the Falcon than Han Solo.
She explained that Unkar Plott installed a compressor which Rey was aware of and both Han and Rey agreed put stress on the hyperdrive. After her assistance bypassing the compressor Han is firming in control of The Falcon.
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She beat Kylo Ren at the end of the Force Awakens despite never holding a light saber.
Well, I agree with this one. Kylo Ren wasn't trying to kill her. He was sparring with him and testing her talents. If he wanted to kill her, there was a convenient cliff he could've pushed her over. He wants to train her and he wants her.
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Daisy Ridley is a talented and charismatic actress.... she just isn't recognized for it. The fandom looks for flaws, weaknesses and reasons to complain. I don't want to take away anything from the males in Star Wars. I want them to be great. Honestly A Song of Fire and Ice is how I'd like to see more men and women written. Some are good, some are bad, some are great, some are horrific and all are flawed.
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daturanerium · 4 years
okay. i’m seeing a lot of misinformation being spread about the whole “veth is homophobic” thing and as someone who’s active on that side of the fandom i’d like to clear up some stuff because this has been blown way out of proportion. 
1. “veth is homophobic” has always been a joke shared among this subsection of fandom. it’s been around for months and has about the same energy as me calling something homophobic when it inconveniences me (ie, no energy; not at all serious). very few, if any of us actually believe veth (or sam) is homophobic. as far as i/we are aware, homophobia doesn’t exist in exandria! we’d like to keep it that way.
2. a lot of us in this little subsection used to be huge nott/veth fans, including me. i was a whole nott stan for like a year and a half! we’re confused, sad, and disappointed with veth’s current characterization. her sudden change in....just about everything feels very uncomfortable and forced to a lot of us. characters are allowed to have flaws, we’re not denying that! it’s just that, to us, a lot of veth’s many flaws don’t make sense or fit with her character and situation. and that makes us sad, because veth was a character we really used to like. 
3. re: veth and beau’s relationship issues. veth has always been a little antagonistic towards beau, unfortunately. it seems like their rift has only grown within the last few episodes. now, again, character relationships shouldn’t be perfect and conflict in games is interesting! i think the main issues lies in not having any known basis; veth’s negative words and actions towards beau seem to be coming from nowhere. it’s disappointing to watch. if veth had a reason to act negatively toward’s beau we would be a lot more content with the situation. but, as things currently stand, we are unaware of any reason why veth is acting this way.
4. re: “shipping discourse”, which is a term that shouldn’t be used for this situation. the problem that a lot of fans are having with veth isn’t about beaujester or beauyasha or beau-whatever. it’s about veth knowing about beau’s crush, saying “i’ll do some work!”, and then actively trying to push fjord and jester into a relationship. whether or not you think jester still has feelings for fjord doesn’t matter; it’s clearly making jester uncomfortable and annoyed, and her “work” has almost seemed to turn into an obsession. veth has done a lot of odd/uncomfortable stuff around relationships and romance (her pushing f/j despite neither fjord nor jester having asked her to, her constantly making sex jokes out of the blue, her writing a letter to astrid without caleb’s permission and later making jokes about him reuniting and having sex with her, etc.). on their own, these instances look pretty harmless. but when you put them together, we start to notice a trend of veth being inconsiderate towards other people’s relationships in favor of herself. now, what i said before still stands: character flaws are important in fleshing out a character and allowing them to grow. the problem is that we really haven’t seen veth grow in this sense at all. she’s been (to a certain degree) inserting herself into relationships for a while now. so, when beau confessed her feelings for jester to veth, we assumed that it would go the same way--veth would see an opportunity to play matchmaker and snatch it up, since this is a trend we’ve been witnessing happen to other potential relationships in the group. but instead, veth essentially forgets about it, instead pushing f/j even more. last episode we even saw her pretend to be the traveler and write suggestive things about fjord in jester’s sketchbook. the question quickly became: what’s different about beau’s crush on jester? why did veth latch onto jester’s crush on fjord and caleb’s past relationship with astrid but completely ignore beau’s crush on jester? i’ve seen a lot of people say “beau didn’t want her to interfere!” and that’s true, but the thing we’re noticing is that someone not wanting veth to interfere hasn’t stopped her before. why is it stopping her now? so, tl;dr: our problem isn’t with “our ship not being canon”. it’s about a lesbian being treated differently than m/f relationships in-game. that’s where the hurt and suspicion comes from--the implications and context make the situation a little more noticeable, and to some upsetting. (it would be nice if sapphics, especially lesbians, could voice our opinions and criticisms without them being reduced to “shipping discourse”. unfortunately, i don’t think that will be stopping anytime soon). 
5) re: “death threats”. i haven’t personally seen any directed at sam but if they’re out there i would like to sincerely apologize for them. we do not stand for anything of the sort. i have also seen some threats directed at my friends who are a part of the side of cr twitter that is currently in focus since the “discourse” has gone mainstream. it’s frightening to see, but thankfully it hasn’t happened a whole lot. some of us have tagged sam in various threads/tweets about our concerns with veth (with varying levels of passion and professionalism). we do not condone death threats in any way shape or form, and anyone who sends death threats does not represent us.
so, tl;dr: current cr discourse actually revolves around veth’s current inconsistencies in her characterizations and actions. this “discourse” has been around for a lot longer than most people realize, and most of it comes from a point of love for veth’s character and potential. and, of course, we don’t condone death threats.
if anyone wants clarification, examples, etc, feel free to reply and/or message me. i wanted to keep this post fairly short but i can go into more detail if you’d like! 
emmy, @acefjords (a former veth/nott stan)
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madhare0512 · 3 years
I got tagged, so here are my
Controversial Opinions:
Spoilers ahead.
1. Hicks is a bit racist.
2. Street is blown a bit out of proportion in the fandom and while he is a favorite of mine and his parents were awful, he's still human and therefore flawed.
3. Molly is in the wrong about Street's mother and should wait for Street to feel comfortable sharing his traumatic past with her instead of threatening to walk out when he's not ready to share.
4. Tan and Rocker need to be more fleshed out and used her.
5. Erica shouldn't have died, her use was as a plot point and nothing else.
6. Deacon should've been promoted above Hondo, as he was next in line.
7. These characters we love are not perfect people, they are allowed to be flawed. Chris is sometimes a bad friend, Tan and Hondo have anger issues, Deacon doesn't always see the big picture, Luca has commitment issues, and Street is reckless to the point of endangering others around him. They're all working on it and are getting better.
8. This show needs more diversity than POCs and one (1) bisexual poly-experimental person.
@himbohondo, tag fulfilled! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, everyone, for reading!
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corxunum · 3 years
Get to know the mun! Repost, don’t reblog.   ——— 𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐒.  (PEN)NAME: Evie PRONOUNS: she/her ZODIAC SIGN: Sagittarius TAKEN OR SINGLE: happily married   ——— 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄  𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐒. 1. I finished a half-marathon when I was at my heaviest, and I´m pretty damn proud of that. (I lost a lot of that weight since then, but I wouldn´t be able to run like that again now. Getting old. LOL)
2. Due to a dramatic rift caused by my parents´ divorce, I´ve not had any contact with my mum for over 20 years but we found back together last year. I could not be happier!
3. I´m a nurse at a COVID ward. Not to get political on main but let me tell you, this is neither a joke, blown out of proportion or a ploy by the government. This is fkn serious.   ——— 𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄.  It´s kinda funny how I got into roleplay in the first place. My gateway “drug” to the MCU were Thor and X-Men first class. After watching (and obsessing a little over) those I joined multiple FB fandom groups, and met a lot of like-minded people. Whenever I was googling material though, I somehow always ended up on Tumblr, which eventually led me to making my own first blog, a personal, fandom one. Damn, what a rabbithole! I became pretty active and my blog surprisingly popular, and I started writing my first Marvel fanfics a couple months in. But that proved not to be satisfying enough for me - I wanted to interact with my favourite characters too, and finally found the rp corner of Tumblr. I made my first blog (Nika) for the X-Men universe that I wrote on for several years, while consecutively adding more muses over time. I have partners I have been writing with since then and made so many great memories. Getting into big fandoms on here can be kind of tough, but I learned to take things with a grain of salt sometimes and I´m now happier than I ever could be, thanks to my amazing writing partners. THANK YOU ALL!
  ——— 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄  𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄.  I try making muses that all have deep flaws and struggle with themselves or their life choices/circumstances, while putting on a different facade for their unsuspecting environment. I love the ambiguity and contradictoriness. Those are the most challenging and interesting to write for me.     ——— 𝐅𝐋𝐔𝐅𝐅  /  𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐒𝐓  /  𝐒𝐌𝐔𝐓.    FLUFF: I love fluff! In doses, though. Give me angst to balance it with, and we´re golden. Anybody say hurt/comfort???  ANGST: My favourite! It gets you to the edge of your seat and forces the muses out of their comfort zones. Hereby you all have my explicit permission to hit me with the angst train whenever you wish. SMUT: I was never a fan of porn without plot. If the muses develop to the point of getting it on within a reasonable plot, I´m happy to write it out - if the other mun is comfortable as well. I used to write a lot more back in the days, but most pairings on here are still pretty new and I like taking my time. If we´re cool OOC, we can, if we skip it, it´s fine too. As long as we´re all having fun, I´m in. PLOT/MEMES: I keep saying it, but I prefer having a general direction of where the muses are heading. Not a complete plot start to finish, but a goal to work towards. Memes are fun to throw in between to explore scenarios you might not have had the chance to write (yet) or to take a glimpse into their future, or even past. Memes are so much fun but not the very best to base a whole interaction on. That´s why I´m not too big a fan of open starters either. I like to be more specific, and discuss things a bit beforehand to get a feel for both muse and mun.   tagged by: @wexarethewalkingxdead - thank you :D tagging: @warrioroflondonbelow @ericbrandonrp @we-are-the-league @skyler-bane and anyone who feels like doing this!
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syr-annalightwood · 3 years
So @ti-bae-rius recently shared some of her takes on Anna Lightwood, highlighting her gender and sexuality, which I highly recommend reading! Her post focused more on biases in general and is really great, and I wanted to share some of my thoughts about Anna through a more personal lens as a nonbinary wlw as well.
CW: Non-explicit discussions of sex and sexuality of adults, both Anna’s and my own personal experiences. I won’t be going into any detail about the sex (other than it was had), but if you are uncomfortable reading about adults sex lives please do not read this.
So there is a major trend in the TSC fandom where people seem to feel that the characters they like must be “morally pure” to some extent. Or that characters can be flawed but there is some line in the sand on what is acceptable and what isn’t, especially when it come to queer and nonwhite characters. Obviously there is such a thing as harmful stereotypes, but in my opinion people sometimes take this to an extreme wherein any character that doesn’t abide by their own subjective morals is “bad rep”

When people are trying so hard to prove that their favorite character is at all times morally righteous, or on the other hand, morally wicked, you have to make moral judgements on character actions that inevitably, people have made in real life. When you draw that line in the sand on what isn’t an acceptable flaw, you run the risk of telling real people who relate to these characters that they are unacceptable, their story is undeserving of being told, they are a villain.

So let’s now make this about me, lol. I’m 25 years old and I’ve lost count of the amount of sex partners I’ve had. It is probably somewhere in the mid-forties. I became sexually active at 20 years old, I’ve never been in a serious relationship, and I enjoy having safe sex with different people. No one is going to convince me that it’s morally wrong, and no one is going to convince me to feel ashamed of myself. 

People don’t usually outright say they have a problem with Anna having a lot of casual sex partners. They usually hide this by pretending their issue is about her “little black book” of conquests. Even if having casual sex with multiple partners is okay, she shouldn’t brag about it, or angel forbid be proud of it. They think she shouldn’t keep a diary or record of this “totally fine” behavior. Why not? What’s so wrong with keeping track of the people you’ve slept with?
 How does this harm others or herself?
I never kept a little black book myself, and I’ve actually forgotten many people’s names and faces. I guess I have a record to an extent, as I probably have the majority of people I’ve slept with numbers’ in the contacts on my phone, but without any identifying features - like Anna specified she has in her “memorandum book” I don’t remember who most of who them were.
People will also say their issue is with how Anna treats her “conquests”, that she uses them or misleads them. But if you look at the context we are given, Anna is an unrepentant flirt who makes no effort to hide that she sleeps around, and no promises to the women she sleeps with. She doesn’t even try to hide the fact that she is seducing them. Her crass way of talking about it goes to show even more that she isn’t trying to trick anyone. You may dislike her attitude, but that doesn’t make it harmful or sexist.
It’s said that many of the women fall in love with her regardless, but I don’t see how that is her fault. I am assuming that all these women are adults, who on top of being able to make their own decisions and interpret others intentions, should be able to respect other people’s boundaries. Anna’s boundary is having a serious relationship. Why should she have to feel bad for enforcing that?
And to those who claim she is unkind to them, I would say there is a difference between kindness and niceness. It was more kind of Anna to brutally break up with the woman on her doorstep than to string her along, even if she did it in a not nice way. But she even said she tried being nice about it before and the woman wouldn’t listen, so she had to be cruel to get her point across.
I wasn���t planning on addressing this, but when I reread Anna’s parts from the book I had more thoughts about it, so… the accusations of racism to me seem to possibly be blown out of proportion to excuse disliking her character. The only evidence I’ve seen of Anna being racist are unconscious micro-aggressions. If that is all it takes for a white person to be an irredeemable racist, then all white people are irredeemable racists. Which if any POC do believe, I do not hold it against you and it is not my place to tell you otherwise. And if I am missing any more overt racism I apologize, and I am open to corrections.
While I would love for Anna to learn more about racism and her own white privilege, I don’t honestly see that as likely to happen. And if any POC see the micro-aggressions as hurtful enough to dislike her character, again its not my place to tell you that you are wrong, nor do I think you are wrong for feeling how you do.
But I do wonder if as I said, the racism aspect hasn’t been exaggerated to excuse disliking her character. Because you can also just dislike for no moral reason, simply because you dislike her. And you can dislike her just because, while also thinking that she’s racist, without that being your justification. I’m really not trying to police how anyone feels, just talk about it.
With all of what I just said, I am also not trying to convince people who dislike Anna to start liking her. I am more asking that you stop declaring her a horrible person because you dislike her and how she behaves, but even with that I don’t have any expectations. People are free to feel how they want about any given character, they are free to determine their own morals, they are free to say whatever they like. But please allow that freedom to people who disagree with you as well.
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nileqt87 · 3 years
Despair For Castiel: A Review
From a series of posts before and after watching:
As far as I'm concerned, I'm now imagining the Empty having to deal with Gabriel and Balthazar redecorating the Empty into the angel/demon afterlife (probably with a lot of wacky alternate realities and bad porno) with all the free will angels and redemptive demons invited, Cas finding Meg and eventually Jack again for his true happy ending that he can have and Crowley probably trying to install himself as king again. Then when Rowena finally exits as Queen of Hell, she'll join and Crowley will annoyed, but Gabriel will be happy to see her again. LOL.
Megstielers also got robbed hard with all that setup of Cas still pining for Meg for YEARS, the Empty using her image (not Dean!) to taunt him (the Empty clearly saw Meg in Cas' head when it could have taken the form of anyone, including Cas like last time) and a whole dropped plot thread that Cas made a deal with Ruby to break a demon out of the Empty, which only makes sense with the one and only demon he'd actually want to let out of the Empty. That's dangling one 'ship a whole bunch of carrots (like every single Clarence reference for a decade) to rip the rug out from under them.
I suppose I should've seen it coming when the previously on segment for 15x13 was a Pizza Man and the Babysitter retrospective that shoved Cas out of the Pizza Man role beside Babysitter Nurse Meg to shove Dean into Megstiel's sexy times meme. I guess it turned Cas into just Dean's Baby in a Trench Coat (which was an insult about being useless to Dean's cause without powers, which suggests Cas has no worth to him otherwise), since he got infantilized with the removal of the Pizza Man originally being him.
I still haven't watched the episode. The Tumblr crap is that off-putting.
What should've been an epic moment in Cas' story is now tainted by his love of humanity, found family and free will (his real love story is with all of humanity and finding belonging, in spite of always being on the outside looking in on a life he can't have because he's not human) being reduced to horny girls who just want fetish smut with Dean and don't give a fig about canon Cas outside of a toxic, abusive crack!ship. It's always so immature and vapid!
It was immediately clear when I joined the fandom that shockingly few gave a crap about any character but Dean, even refusing to see what he's become in later seasons. Also numerous examples where they admit having not seen the show in a decade or only knowing the show via manipulative .gif sets. Cas and Sam (if they remember him at all) are just props or prizes to be won. They ignore context of familial/platonic relationships. Canon love interests aren't good enough because they're not the big prize of being a main. I also note the deluge of Wincest girls who hate Cas for existing (he's in their way) in the anti-Destiel tag.
I can't say the .gifs are making me want to watch, even though the dialog is vague enough to still fit Cas' actual character for the general audience who isn't glued to social media.
As for Dean's non-reaction, I had similar problems with Jensen's constipated acting back in 15x03 when Cas finally walked away while Dean looked like he couldn't care less, which the writers coincidentally praised Jensen for (holy crap that interview was up his backside) and completely ignored Misha actually giving a good performance in a scene that actually meant something long coming for Cas. I certainly can't say the same about the quality of this scene, which just looks forced on both ends.
I hope I like the episode more than the sounds of it, but my hopes aren't high. This is not how I wanted Cas' final moments on the show to be.
Well, I got up the stomach to watch it tonight. Thankfully, in context, it definitely got blown way out of proportion by what the Hellers turned it into (as usual). Yeah, even when watching while unfortunately not blind to the wackadoodle fandom discourse, it played out better on screen than the .gifs. And frankly, a whole lot less like creepy Care Bear stare nightmare fuel than the few choice screenshots kept showing (yikes). I still wish Sam and Jack had been there, because they're just as much part of what connected Cas to feeling like part of a family (even more so in the later years), but it's not the total monstrosity it was turned into online.
Average viewers who just take canon as is without trying to read into it what they want to be there instead, IMO, will safely interpret it platonically (even if coming after a particularly hellish few years in Dean's personality rot where the whole friendship was beginning to be questionable) more often than not because that's what the canon has said for a dozen years. Again, I repeat that Cas already told the Winchesters he loved them when he thought he was dying.
It's a crime to have Cas' perfect philia (brotherly), storge (parental) and agape-style (sacrificial and unconditional) loves being immaturely twisted into eros in a way that degrades the whole meaning of the character's journey. People telling each other they love one another when it's not sexual should never be mocked into being afraid to do so because of this insidious, willful misinterpretation. If only somebody had told Cas they love him instead of him always being the one with his heart on his sleeve!
This character went from being tortured into a robotic, emotionless, ancient, not-remotely-humanoid being who couldn't relate to the simplest of human needs to being someone deeply in love with humanity and wanting to find belonging amongst it despite knowing it would always end with him watching them all grow old and die after having families and such experiences angels are forbidden from having (another reason why Jack was so important to Cas' story).
The wording is valid for that philia/agape interpretation, given Cas definitely equated Dean (whom Cas watched sacrificing himself for Sam endlessly, including why he had to be raised from perdition in the first place) with a guide role in his learning to understand humanity and proudly-defiant free will before he could love it. It's valid enough to say that Cas wouldn't have broken his programming permanently without being challenged to question everything he'd ever believed and give up his entire angelic belonging. That much of it did begin with Cas just happening to be the angel who succeeded in the Hell rescue.
Obviously, it's also canon that Cas had a long history of not following orders and getting lobotomized by Naomi, but Cas actually understanding humanity and what free will means did happen only after this particular rebellion. I'm very glad at least that was in the speech, but of course, it's being hopelessly ignored.
I stand by my interpretation that what Cas can't have has always been the tragic version of The Little Mermaid where she turns into sea foam in the end. Cas has always looked in on what everyone else takes for granted from the outsider's perspective. There's a part of him that will always be left out, no matter how well he learns to fit in and how much those around him begin to treat him as a real person. Cas never really got to truly belong with humanity, no matter how much he loves and is loved by it. He's also not getting to stay where he wants to be. There's no Pinocchio ending for Cas that turns him into a real Winchester.
Sadly, Dean's constant othering of him and Jack like they're just more monsters to hunt only alienated them more. Jack was someone Cas could relate to as a supernatural being capable of human emotions, which might also have furthered his draw towards Meg. Sam was also someone Cas could relate to as freaks and abominations amongst their own kinds. Sam always had that same struggle, also with his own family. It goes a long way towards explaining why Sam was always so empathetic to Cas and Jack in a way that Dean couldn't be. All three kept conflicting with that black & white humans = good/other = bad mindset that sometimes creeps in with Dean. When Cas was Dean's "best friend" in the early days, he rationalized it by thinking of Cas as being "like" a human ("You used to be human, or at least like one.").
Yet it still remains true that Cas often found himself looking to Dean to teach him about humanity back when he didn't know enough about it to be inconspicuous amongst them. Dean gave him the crash course in both what humanity is willing to do for each other, but also its flaws and failings at the same time.
Perhaps the saddest scenes in the episode were actually Sam watching everyone poof in front of him. Sam has really been forced to watch a lot of death scenes this season all by himself (as with Rowena), but he looked the most broken by Eileen's. Cas is going to be hard on him, because I genuinely think Sam was far closer to him in the end. Sam was the one who actually was trying to reach out to Cas when Dean repeatedly kept him out of the loop. Sam being left out from the final words with Cas or even hearing first-hand about the deal with the Empty just furthers that tragedy. While Dean has been raging at everything in sight, Sam and Cas have both looked broken, sad and tired all season.
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dramionediscussion · 3 years
About Ron in the Dramione Fandom
*Note: This is LONG and I understand if people don’t want to read all of it. So I wrote the parts that I think are important in bold [though they might not make much sense by themselves lol]. Also these are all just my opinions.*
I have recently been reawakened to the fiery hate that non-shippers and a considerable number of Romione shippers have towards Dramione, Drarry, and other non-canon-ships. While I understand people not liking Dramione due to the characters’ history and finding it difficult to see Draco as anything more than the bully and Death Eater that he was, I think part of it stems from the fact that there are a lot of Dramione shippers who ignore how Dramione is improbable if we were to go from canon material alone. And how a lot tend to blindly hate on Romione and openly ignore how Ron is actually a good character with flaws just like anyone else.
I see why non-Romione shippers don’t buy Romione [not being heavily focused on as a romantic sideplot, Hermione being hurt by Ron various times, etc.], but I‘m surprised how far some people have blown their anti-Ron arguments out of proportion. It’s different with Ron-bashing fics, since it’s more of a plot device than anything, and it isn’t reflective of how every Dramione shipper feels about Ron since I, amongst many, actually like him. Can I please get some opinions about where Ron stands in the DHr fandom?
Also, don’t people realize that if every fanfic adhered to canon or aren’t allowed to stray from it too far, it would narrow down the fics that could be considered ‘valid’? In ‘Dark!Harry or Hermione‘ fics we obviously have Dark!Harry or Hermione, and in ‘Wrong Boy-Who-Lived’ fics, Weasley, Potter, or Dumbledore bashing is a common element, but it doesn’t mean that those OOC portrayals are how its creators and readers see the characters.
That line is just thinner or downright nonexistent when it comes to Ron in some fics — which makes me wonder, as a Dramione lover, just how many Dramione shippers actually believe in or see Ron’s goodness. Not every single writer who’s written Ron-bashing fics hate Ron, and not every person who’s read and enjoyed them think that’s who Ron truly is — it’s just a part of his role in the story after all.
So this got me thinking…
Should more anti-Ron Dramione shippers strive to learn Ron’s character in canon better? They’re not obligated to like him, but at least recognize his positive traits and acknowledge that he isn’t purely his mistakes. I just feel like doing so could quell a fair portion [certainly not all] of the flames between Dramione shippers and non-shippers who are willing to understand. [If you can’t tell, I’m a sucker for the impossible — like peace between different ships in a fandom. I’ve given up on it tbh, but I entertain the thought occasionally.]
Of course, it’s completely impossible for the haters to change their minds about Dramione, but I hope that those who will listen know that not every Dramione fan blindly hates Ron, and that we know where Hermione, Ron, and Draco stand in canon. And hey! Dramione fans [Drarry, Ronsy, Pansmione etc. fans too ofc] simply love to imagine a Post-War world where those raised in extremely bigoted households have mended their beliefs, are trying to make up for their mistakes, and are coexisting happily with people from the Light! I don’t know about them, but to me that sounds like a pretty amazing and wonderful place [that Hermione would like to be a part of, but some aren’t acknowledging that]!
*Lastly: I know this long ramble was Ron-centric, but people do also assume that Hermione is always treated like a prize or Draco’s key to redemption, but that’s a whole other untrue assumption that would require its own essay to debunk. I don’t know if I should or want to write one lol.*
Thank you, Wondering Anon, for submitting the above post.
Lots of things to unpack in this ask! Some readers DO hate on Ron more because of fanon//what they’ve read in fanfiction than what’s in canon, but there are plenty of reasons to dislike Ron based on canon. But here’s the thing: how I feel about Ron has NOTHING to do with how I feel about Draco and vice-versa. I can point out the flaws in both of them and still think that Draco might be better for Hermione. Heck, based on Cursed Child alone, I think Draco would have been better for Hermione. But again, Ron and Draco aren’t connected. I don’t have to point out why Draco is better in order to think Romione was a terrible idea. I can think it was a poor match regardless of with whom I the fanfiction writer want to write her.
You asked “ Should more anti-Ron Dramione shippers strive to learn Ron’s character in canon better? They’re not obligated to like him, but at least recognize his positive traits and acknowledge that he isn’t purely his mistakes. “
I think a lot of us DO know who Ron is as a character, and we still don’t think he’s a good fit for Hermione. Anyone who has read the books with a discerning eye can appreciate the nuance and the layers. All of JK Rowling’s characters are grey. As Sirius said, “We’ve all got light and dark in us.” And that’s part of what makes writing them so much fun. BECAUSE the canon characters are so layered and written in so many shades of grey, you as a fanfiction writer can take them in a lot of different directions. I can come up with plausible reasons Draco might go dark and be evil. I can come up with plausible reasons for Hermione to do questionable things. I can come up with reasons why Ron might cheat on Hermione or make her feel bad about her career and her success because of his own insecurities - because the roots of it are there in canon. 
It’s up to the writer to decide which characters they want to use and which canon characteristics they want to play up and expand upon in their story.
As someone else submitted, a Dramione story isn’t about Ron. It’s about Hermione and Draco and often about how they get together and fall in love. For post-war stories where the characters are adults, a writer may or may not want to re-hash everything that happened during the intervening years between the end of the war (when in canon it seemed like Romione would be a thing) and present day (discarding the epilogue), so they may choose to write in a Romione relationship that fell apart for a variety of reasons. They may slot him into the story as the ex who broke her heart because he was there in canon, and it offers readers a bridge from canon to the fanfiction story, but the story ultimately is not about him.
A Dramione story, especially a novel-length one, usually involves a lot of secondary or background characters, and how they are interpreted and used is entirely up to the author, even if it deviates from canon.
As an example: Lucius Malfoy. Now, I happen to like that pompous jerk, as I’m also a Lumione and a Lucissa shipper, but I know a lot of Dramione fans don’t care for him. In fact, the “evil Lucius” secondary character is part of MANY Dramione stories! The thing is, there’s NOTHING in canon to indicate that Lucius was EVER abusive to Draco. Regardless of his failings as a human being, Lucius Malfoy loved his child - even JKR acknowledges that the Malfoy family’s love for each other is their primary redeeming feature. Jason Isaacs himself decided to play up the role as a bully and bully Draco in the films. But he’s also the bad guy in a lot of Dramione stories. He’s written as abusive. I’ve seen him written as literally beating Draco or putting him under an imperius curse. I’ve seen him written as raping Hermione or doing whatever he can to keep Draco and Hermione apart. 
Is that fair to his character? Not really, IMHO. However, I also acknowledge that in most stories, Dramione needs a foil. There needs to be someone trying to keep them apart or cause drama in their relationship.
In a lot of stories, that’s Ron. In some stories, it’s Astoria (as Draco’s canonical wife) or Pansy or Daphne or some other witch Draco’s been seeing. In some stories, it’s his parents or his father specifically who act as the foil. Lucius works because there’s a lot more bad than good shown about him in canon. Astoria works because she’s a total blank slate. Pansy was a ‘mean girl’ in canon, so she’s easy to turn into the antagonist. But again, the story isn’t usually about them - it’s about Dramione. As a writer, I can’t really fault anyone for not wanting to spend a lot of time and space delving deeply into the psyche of the character attempting to ruin my OTP. 
If you as a reader happen to really love Ron but also ship Dramione, great! This fandom is huge, there’s room for everyone, and we are blessed with an abundance of stories. There are plenty of Dramione stories where Ron isn’t a character or where he’s written as more supportive of Draco and Hermione getting together. 
- Elle
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jancys-blue-bayou · 6 years
Nancy could've learned something about Steve too. Instead of just pretending that she still likes him and expect Johnathan to make a move when he clearly got other problems and won't have the guts to actuallydo it. Nancy clearly doesn't want Steve to know anything about her either. She just want a lap dog and Johnathan's perfect for that.
Lmao, alright. Or Nancy wants to be with someone she likes, who she has chemistry with, who she cares about and who she simply wants to be with. But anyway, duh, Nancy isn’t perfect, Stancy was a trainwreck on account of both parts of it, it was doomed. A thing to keep in mind: Feelings are messy. Especially for teens. No one is perfect. Nancy and Jonathan were both into each other after season 1 but didn’t know how to handle those feelings and ultimately did nothing of it then. It’s because of flaws they had that are pointed out in s2 (retreating/trust issues). Then Nancy goes back to Steve, because 1) Feelings are messy 2) She’s reeling from personal trauma and doesn’t want to be alone and in that moment it’s easier to fall back on Steve than take the plunge with Jonathan 3) She (wrongly) blames herself for Barb’s death (and Steve “We killed Barb” as she drunkenly says) so on some level may also have felt that since she dragged Barb to the party to hook up with Steve, if nothing real comes off it would make the whole thing completely useless, Barb died for absolutely no reason.
Again, feelings are messy, Nancy is reeling from personal trauma she at that point hasn’t dealt with at all and she’s 16 year olds. Sometimes 16 year old don’t think clearly, deal with emotions the best way, and screws up. That’s okay. The PROBLEM is that people hold female characters to a much much higher standard than male characters. If a female character is perfect, she’s labeled a Mary Sue and uninteresting, if she is flawed she is torn to pieces because of it and her slight mistakes and transgressions blown out of proportion and she’s vilified. While people have a much higher threshold with male characters, male characters are allowed to have all kinds of flaws and make mistakes and be seen as complex and interesting, not vilified. Which is great, for them. That’s great, characters are complex and things aren’t black and white.  But people need to treat female characters the same way. And they don’t. And how some parts of the fandom treats Nancy Wheeler is prime example of that double standard.
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edwardnashtons · 7 years
So are we all overlooking the whole Ed is manipulating Grundy plot? I loved their scenes to bits myself, but everyone acting like they are now genuine bffs confuses me. Ed is literally using and manipulating someone who has no mental capacity to help himself, and using that friendship to make Grundy fight to make money for his own condition, while not truly giving a shit about him. Why is that okay? I ask you because I agree when you call out other characters flaws, but never see that with Ed.
I’m going to start by saying that Edward tried multiple times to leave and to get Grundy to leave him alone. This wasn’t a plot/scheme/plan to manipulate him from the start. I also think that Edward considers Grundy to actually be his friend, because Grundy fed him and was nice to him and Edward considered that enough of a reason to save him when he could have finally gotten away from him like he’d been trying to.
I think Edward was going to tell the truth, and then in a moment of fear realized that Grundy could easily pulverize him and he’d only just made a friend. Edward’s reasoning probably boils down to it ultimately not being relevant that Grundy remember his past life. They’re both happier together and being friends, aren’t they? Why ruin that with who Grundy used to be? He’s something entirely different now. Entirely different, and entirely more capable of hurting Ed if he finds out who they were to each other, especially when Ed is incapable of defending himself right now. I’m surprised Edward even considered telling the truth. In his shoes I’d be too afraid of Grundy smashing me to pieces to even contemplate it. 
I’m not saying it’s right to lie to him, but as far as Ed knows no one cares about him. The only person who would, Tabitha, is back with the woman who killed him (if Ed even knows about that). Ed clearly cares about him now (could have left him to burn) and there’s no reason to dredge up past animosity when they’re getting along so swimmingly and in a position to help each other.
Also, to be honest, Ed lying about the fact that they were adversaries in the past but still having good intentions towards Grundy moving forwards isn’t the worst thing anyone on this show has ever done. He does ultimately want to get them both off of the street and in a more stable situation. It’s not like Ed is lying to hurt him, and it’s not as if their whole interaction has been a manipulation when Edward never intended to lie from the start and even told him the truth in the beginning. 
Edward is between a rock and a hard place, and he recognizes that he and Grundy can help each other. No one is overlooking the fact that he lied, I’m actually very concerned because I know it’s going to come back to bite Ed, but I don’t really see a need to call out the behavior when I’m not trying to cover up that he’s lying and everyone can see that and knows that it’s wrong? That would be like calling Oswald out for killing Myrtle. I think we all understood that it wasn’t cool and we don’t have to say it. Lying is bad. Murder is bad. We’re all watching a television show about bad people doing bad things. If I called out every bad behavior I’d be here forever. Mostly I prefer to call out the fandom when things are being blown out of proportion or are factually incorrect. Very rarely do I feel the need to comment on a character’s actions of my own volition. When everyone interprets something in a reasonable way, there’s no real need to bring attention to it. Notice I say reasonable, because people’s opinions can be different from mine and still be in the realm of possibility and justifiable. 
In a true case of manipulation, the manipulator deliberately creates an imbalance of power, and exploits the victim to serve his or her agenda. I don’t see that here. I don’t think Ed’s even at a level to be able to do that right now. And this friendship isn’t based entirely on a lie. It’s only due to a technicality, but still. Grundy was so insistent about keeping Edward simply because Edward knew him, before he even knew what their relationship actually was. The only requirements were that he knew Grundy from before and then helped him, and Grundy willingly followed him. At the end of the episode, Edward was finally confronted by him and lied about them being friends, because (in my opinion) he felt as though they were actually friends at that point and didn’t want to lose that. So he lied to make it as though that had always been the truth. Is lying bad? Yes. Is Edward doing it maliciously? No. That’s where the line is for me, personally. But again, you do you. 
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mikata-gahara · 7 years
[REVIEW] Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side: 3rd Story
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Just look at the cute logo–it practically summarizes the whole game.
First thing first, it’s my first time conducting a review so maybe I’ll just skip all the mincing and playing with the words. And secondly, well, I know it’s a pretty old game, but since I just got my hands on it recently then excuse me for treating it as brand new.
Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side: 3rd Story is currently the latest installment of the Tokimeki Memorial series (excluding the ‘Battery Widget’). It’s an otome game; basically a game in which girls are making boys falling for her, for those who don’t know what it means. There are bunch of otome games out there and more often than not I’m disgusted at them (especially when some of them include BDSM, rape, or worse–gang rape). All that aside, that’s why I’m often sticking with school-life otome games, to minimize the chances of any of those horrid scenes popping in my game consoles and to keep my mind and eyes clean from any harmful influences. blah.
Right, time to go back to the right path.
Like I said, I found TMGS3 just recently and seeing that it’s pretty innocent-looking with that cute, pinky font–I tried it on my old PSP. I was pretty surprised to find that it’s so fun. You can go shopping every Sunday with a discount card, the clothes you wear will have to be matching with the season you’re in or else the guys you’re seducing will pretty much scold you for going with unfitting outfits (I’ve tried it, wearing a tank top in winter). You have to raise some stats up to make guys fall for you (but every guy has their own tastes so you can’t always get all of the guys’ confession in one playthrough) just like in real life.
When you want something, you have to really work for it–that’s one point I learn the hard way in my life and I love that this game teaches that.
Now, let us get to the main part of this review.
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To put it simply, the system is as equally cute as it’s fun. It’s easy to navigate too. You can just choose what activity you want to do for the week right here. Choosing certain activities can both increase and decrease some of the stats so it can be tough when you have to maintain some stats which happen to be increased and decreased by activities that you also have to do. In the beginning of the game, you’re inquired to choose a room and depending on which you choose, your beginning stats will vary, though the beginning money will remain the same.
Background Music
One of the plus points for this game is absolutely it’s BGM, without it then maybe the worth of this game will drop about 50%, for me, at least. One most primary factor I think has to be in a game (especially the otome ones) is the BGM. To me, music is partially everything. Without it then the feeling you get won’t come off as great as it will be. Even bad BGMs which grate ears in some action games just make the feeling of smashing the villain even better. In short, I’m so glad that this game executes the choices of music and soundtrack so well. The confession theme music and the ending song, ‘flower or love’, are so great that it made me shed a tear.
Like most games of this kind, the heroine here has no clear personality. The players are the ones who can define her through the choices and actions. While I hoped that the heroine would have more defining personality than the default, innocent and seemingly gullible personality and was let down, fortunately the whole plot of this story is "passable” to make up the fault.
There’s a legend of a church when the heroine was still a child, which is also the vocal point of this game and where the confessions always take place. The heroine also befriends the two poster boys Ruka and Koichi in her childhood, the three of them often played at the grounds of that church. One day, the heroine has to leave the city, leaving both boys and like most stories, she is back about ten years or so later only to meet up with both of her childhood friends.
It’s an overused plot story (with the previous TMGS games having childhood friends as well) but I think TMGS3 does it well and puts the scenes in a decent order. I won’t say that I particularly fond of this part since I have enough of my fill with cliche and happily-ever-after bunch of unreal tales. Like I said, the plot is passable. It’s neither really good or bad–it’s just enough to make the game look likable. At least there’s no scenes of promising the heroine that the boys will marry her someday or something even more worse than that. I’ll think of this game less than how I think of it now.
I love fairy tales and sweet nothings but sometimes we just have to face the reality and know that there’s a fine line between it and fiction. I mean let’s be real–will you still be that friendly with you childhood friends after you meet them ten years later? Don’t even start. I bet you won’t even remember what you did when you were 7 or 8 years old.
The Guys
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And here we are, at the most vital part of what makes it a worthy game besides the BGM. There are a wide variety of bachelors in this game, like 6 enigmatic boys you can vividly see, 4 secret (in other words, hidden) characters which I deem not that important and a teacher which can only become your love interest when you go through a specific path and have the valid stats. Stats are the oyster in this world and you can only advance with fulfilling a certain amount of them.
The first general 6 boys are alright. I found each of their characteristics amusing especially Shitara Seiji (above), who is basically a rich brat who doesn’t know how to send a text message. There are also events for each of them you can unlock by choosing certain activities too. Some of them are hilarious and pretty interesting, though there are also some which are overly exaggerated and blown out of proportion, like Niina Junpei’s route. The best events trophy shall go to the poster boys Sakurai Ruka and Koichi–funny, interesting and emotional are packed in one boy.
I have to say that the best of this game probably lies within the events and story of the first 6 boys. The next 4 secret characters are written and executed weirdly and pretty half-assed, almost not making sense. Though it’s not really all four of them bad, at least two of them are. Let’s just be real, a chance encounter won’t happen that many times! (except when you’re obsessed with that person and you keep stalking them to make the ‘chance encounter’) But the writer seemed to love it and overused the idea a few times.
Character Graphics
And here’s another deciding factor which defines the main worth of the game itself. And thankfully I don’t think myself and anyone else in the fandom have any complaints about the graphics. The CGs are beautifully drawn and the sprites have no actual problems. I mean look at this:
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The only thing I despise is Konno Tamao’s hair–like, green? It’s not that I’m not fond of the color green but to see it as hair color is just... weird. Yeah, weird. And I’m not really agree with Junpei’s hairstyle either. If only they would make his hair styled above and put aside the makeover, then it’d be perfect.
Mini Games
IT’S HELLA FUN! The pillow-throwing one, I mean. I don’t think the making-valentine-choco counts as a game actually since it’s just about decorating chocolates the way you want them to be. The ball-throwing game in sport festival is pretty fun even when sometimes I’m infuriated when the opposite team hit me with the ball instead. But most of all, the ball-rolling game is really getting on my nerves since I can’t seem to win it. All in all, aside from the making the choco thing, the mini games are pretty worthwhile.
Final Judgement
Personal Rating: 7/10
For an otome game, it’s pretty decent and possibly one of some great ones there. The story and events are well-executed and left quite an impression. Flaws are just inevitable but still tolerable. It’s worth your time and money.
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legon751 · 7 years
This is entirely contrary to my thoughts on the show, but I really hope the Star Vs fandom stays relatively small. Not just for the tight-knit feel (which I absolutely adore), but also because of what happens when fandoms (especially on this hell site) get big. Star Vs is a fun, light hearted show with some great characters, fantastic writing, and the ability to punch you in the gut immediately after a hilarious gag. A lot of these things aren't unique to the show. OtGW, AT, SU, GF, MLP, and AtLA had all or most of these elements. It's part of what made them so good (at least for a while, some got a little stale). But what separates this show from those ones? The size of the fandom. The bigger a fandom gets, the more caustic it starts to become. Infighting, political controversies, art policing, predominant headcanons and ships, these all start to boil over and taint the entire fandom. It can suck the joy out of interacting with fans. You go from worrying your theory was baseless to worrying the thought police are going to flood your inbox with pro-X or anti-Y literature. It really gets bad when those outside the fandom start chiming in without any context and it gets blown out of proportion. What worries me is this is starting to happen with Star Vs. Star is a wonderfully written, beautifully characterized, (and I use this without an ounce of irony) strong female character. She really does embody what I think the term should be used for. She has flaws, they're not just superficial, and she actively works on them in the show. That said, she's not totally useless without Marco. She can hold her own and isn't just a plot device with boobs. She actually feels like the main character. This is rare and it's nice to see it. That said, shows like this tend to attract certain crowds. I'm not saying that's always a bad thing. I understand the desire to praise a show with these strengths. What I'm opposed to, is that it feels like these groups steam roll whatever fandom they latch on to. What I'm getting at is what's already in this and any other fandom isn't going to go away. Since the dawn of the internet, and long before it, people have made fanart and fan theories and fan porn. It's just how humans are. Tearing apart a fandom isn't going to make them go away. Upsetting the creators or dragging them into the arguments isn't going to fix it. The best thing to do is simply ignore it, and let the artists make their art. As long as they're tagging it with the appropriate tags, it's only going to show up if you go looking for it. That said, if it is getting through your censors or leaking into the "safe" tags, don't be an asshole about it. A kind request for better tagging/hiding/etc is going to be seen as far less incendiary than hate mail, doxxing, and controversy. People generally get defensive and contrarian towards outward hostility. If your main concern is how safe a show is for kids, the internet has already failed you. It's not everyone else's job to make sure kids don't access porn/violent content/excessive cursing. If it's in a space designated with active warnings, everything else is on those in charge of the kids. I guarantee most of you reading this looked up content you weren't supposed to as a child. If your main concern is that YOU don't want to see that content, then don't actively seek it out. Apply filters, request tags, avoid tags known to contain that content, but don't harass someone for making something you don't like. It only makes you look like an asshole. I don't want this fandom to grow because I don't want to see it turn into another Steven Universe. Or Undertale. Or MLP. Those fandoms utterly drained my excitement for the content they circled. It's too much work to not piss off someone and end up with a mountain of hate mail. I want to keep loving you guys. The content is so good and the fans are (generally) so respectful of each other. Banter is just playful fun. Theories are entertained without being forced on people. There isn't some omnipresent hivemind dictating the Proper™ way to enjoy things. You guys are great. I adore every one of you. You're active and excited and tolerant of each other. I hope it stays that way. At least as long as the show is running. Let's be the example for every other fandom.
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