#but it’s the 1987 tv adaptation
wormtimenow · 2 months
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Harriet Walter as Harriet Vane my beloved
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meraki-yao · 2 months
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So I found this on Weibo and I couldn't stop laughing. This is incredibly niche but I feel the need to share and explain this to my friends on this side.
So the bottom half is the photos that we initially thought were the royal suitor photos before the movie came out, then realized it was in the texting montage, then confirmed by Matthew that this actually isn't Alex and Henry, it was Taylor and Nick chilling between takes.
NOW, the photo on top is a still from 1987 TV show adaptation of one of the four Chinese Classics: "The Dream of the Red Chamber". That is the main couple reading another classical Chinese novel (yes this is very meta) "Romance of the Western Chamber" together, and I think this book that they're reading is the first romance novel/love story to have the couple be in starkly different social standings yet be together in the end.
This isn't a case of parallel in the same sense as my posts putting firstprince and Rapunzel x Eugene or Simba x Nala or Jack x Rose together and finding similarities. In fact, the couple from Red Chamber is nothing like firstprince or Taylor and Nick, not even remotely close, and their relationship ended in tragedy: spoilers, the girl died of a broken heart and the boy lost the will to live and became a monk.
But the point here is that this pair? This is our culture's Romeo and Juliet, our Pyramus and Thisbe. This scene in particular, this imagery of them reading in the garden together, has the same significance as the balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet. Like, if you ask a Chinese person for an imagery from classical literature that depicts love, this is the image most people will say.
This is the most random connection and it's definitely a stretch but as someone who cried over the ship in the top half at the age of 11 I am so fucking amused by this comparison
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tintinology · 11 months
What is Tintin’s favourite music record?
In Tintin and the Picaros, Tintin tells the Captain to be quiet and insists on playing a record that "he simply adores" to drown out their conversation while he reveals that the villa they’re staying at is bugged:
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What record does he play? In the comic, it’s clearly Bianca Castafiore’s famous Jewel Song:
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But what of the adaptations based on the comics? Tintin and the Picaros only has four adaptations: three radio plays (in German, Danish and Swedish), and the 1991 Nelvana TV show.
The TV show is the most similar to the comics, in that it also uses a record of Bianca Castafiore singing to drown out the sound of their conversation.
The German radio play (1984-1987), has Tintin play a rock song:
In the Swedish one (1970s-1980s), he puts on a mambo record (had to add as video because the audio file didn't work, sorry!):
The Danish one (1972-1983), despite being hard to hear, has him put on Dancing Queen by ABBA:
It’s clear the TV show was concerned with being accurate (and maybe didn’t want to choose a song that would age poorly or that people wouldn’t associate with Tintin), while both the German and Danish radio plays went for something that was popular at the time. The Swedish one is probably the most realistic of them all, because they would probably be more likely to find local music among the records at the villa.
Are any of these actually songs that Tintin likes? One can assume that he’s just putting on whatever is at hand, but it is interesting to see what each adaptation thought would be a likely choice for him to find in the villa he and his friends are prisoners in.
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astrojulia · 1 year
I don't know if you're taking asks rn I saw ur post about the asteroid Fan I was wondering if you could do the same about the asteroid actor (12238) it'd be really cool to know more about this asteroid thank you😊
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Asteroid Actor (12238): Understanding Its Signs and Houses
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₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ About the Asteroid: The Asteroid Actor is more complex than it initially appears. Simply relying on the name and mythology of a celestial body is not sufficient. If that were the case, Uranus would have a completely different meaning. Based on my research, Actor does not represent what you, anon, might expect. The name Actor was not chosen because of a profession. “Asteroid 12238 Actor, a Jupiter Trojan, was discovered on December 17, 1987, by Eric W. Elst and Guido Pizarro at La Silla Observatory near Pedernales, Coquimbo, Chile”. It was named Actor to represent a person called Actor, a common name in ancient Greece. However, Actor is a COMMON NAME , and there are different theories regarding its origin. Some say it was named after the king of Phthia, while others think it was named after the father of Cteatos and Eurytos. Therefore, its meaning is not definitive. Combining the available data and my own observations, I have come to the conclusion that the Asteroid Actor is not solely about performance in TV or theater. In my conclusion it shows ability to adapt, assume different roles, and navigate different situations in life, to see with persona you normally need to be (sign) in an specific place (house), or else.. you break.
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Sources and Inspirations:As I mentioned in "About the Asteroid," I used the post by @a-d-nox and Mark as my sources. These two individuals have different perspectives and employ distinct methods to derive meaning. I believe this is what astrology is all about—diverse viewpoints and interpretations. Remember, the discovery of Ceres predates that of Pluto, and when Pluto was discovered, it required discussion and analysis, until today we don't have so much data about Pluto and even less about Ceres. Similarly, we need to engage in these processes with the asteroids and astrology in general. Even if there are mistakes, it serves as a starting point. Also, the image template in from minikyuns on deviantart.
Asteroid Actor in Signs
₊˚ପ⊹┊ Aries: individuals possess an innate ability to adapt and assume various roles with confidence and enthusiasm. They excel at portraying bold, assertive,passionate, audacious personas and are natural leaders on the stage of life.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ Taurus: they embody a grounded and practical approach in their persona. They excel at portraying characters with sensuality, determination, and a steadfast commitment to their craft.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ Gemini: they possess versatile and adaptable persona. They excel at portraying multifaceted characters, effortlessly transitioning between different personas and communication styles. They normally will change the way they communicate, their expressions, language.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ Cancer: they bring deep emotional sensitivity and empathy to their persona. They excel at portraying with profound emotional depth and familial connections.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ Leo: individuals shine brightly on the stage of life. They possess a natural flair for the dramatic, commanding attention and portraying a persona with charisma and passion.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ Virgo: they bring meticulous attention to detail and a perfectionistic approach to their persona. They excel at portraying with precision, subtlety, and an analytical mindset.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ Libra: they possess a natural talent for bringing harmony and balance to their persona. They excel at portraying with grace, charm, and a keen understanding of relationships.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ Scorpio: they delve into the depths of human emotions, bringing intensity and passion to their persona. They excel at portraying complex, mysterious and are skilled at expressing the darker aspects of the human psyche.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ Sagittarius: they embrace a spirit of adventure and exploration in their persona. They excel at portraying with a zest for life, wanderlust, and a philosophical perspective.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ Capricorn: they approach their persona with discipline, ambition, and a strong work ethic. They excel at portraying with authority, responsibility, and a drive for success.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ Aquarius: they bring a unique and unconventional approach to their persona. They possess a keen intellect, originality, and a progressive mindset. Their persona are characterized by their ability to portray eccentric and visionary characters.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ Pisces: they possess a deeply empathetic and intuitive approach to their persona. They have a natural ability to tap into the emotional depths and portray them with sensitivity and compassion. Their persona are marked by their dreamy, ethereal quality, and their ability to evoke powerful emotions others.
Asteroid Actor in Houses
₊˚ପ⊹┊ 1st house
Life situations: Personal identity, self-expression, self-discovery, self-confidence, personal appearance, overall well-being.
Physical places: Your own personal space, your immediate environment, places where you showcase your individuality and identity (e.g., your home, your workspace, your favorite hangout spots).
₊˚ପ⊹┊ 2nd house
Life situations: Finances, material possessions, values, self-worth, earning capacity, financial stability.
Physical places: Banks, financial institutions, places where money is exchanged or invested, places where you engage in activities related to your possessions or wealth (e.g., shopping malls, real estate agencies, investment firms).
₊˚ପ⊹┊ 3rd house
Life situations: Communication, learning, siblings, short-distance travel, intellectual pursuits.
Physical places: Schools, libraries, educational institutions, bookstores, places of learning or teaching, places where you engage in conversations or communicate with others (e.g., cafes, community centers, neighborhood gathering spots).
₊˚ପ⊹┊ 4th house
Life situations: Home, family, emotional well-being, ancestral heritage, roots.
Physical places: Your home, places where you feel emotionally connected and secure, places of family gatherings or events, places that hold personal significance (e.g., family homes, ancestral lands, heritage sites).
₊˚ପ⊹┊ 5th house
Life situations: Creativity, self-expression, romance, entertainment, hobbies, children.
Physical places: Art studios, theaters, concert venues, places of artistic expression, places where you engage in recreational activities or hobbies, places associated with romance or dating (e.g., parks, amusement parks, theaters).
₊˚ପ⊹┊ 6th house
Life situations: Work, health, daily routines, service, responsibilities.
Physical places: Workplaces, offices, hospitals, clinics, gyms, places where you engage in daily routines or self-care practices, places where you provide service or engage in service-oriented activities.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ 7th house
Life situations: Relationships, partnerships, marriage, contracts, collaborations.
Physical places: Places where you meet others, social events, cafes, restaurants, courthouses, places of legal matters or contract signing, wedding venues.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ 8th house
Life situations: Transformation, shared resources, intimacy, inheritances, occult studies.
Physical places: Banks, financial institutions, places associated with shared resources or investments, places of research or investigation, places where occult or metaphysical studies take place.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ 9th house
Life situations: Higher education, philosophy, spirituality, long-distance travel, exploration.
Physical places: Universities, places of higher learning, places of worship, sacred sites, places associated with spirituality or philosophical teachings, places of long-distance travel or exploration.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ 10th house
Life situations: Career, public image, authority, achievements, recognition.
Physical places: Offices, workplaces, government buildings, places associated with authority or leadership, places of professional gatherings or events, places of public recognition or achievement.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ 11th house
Life situations: Friendships, social networks, goals, aspirations, community involvement.
Physical places: Community centers, social clubs, networking events, places of group activities or gatherings, places where you engage in social causes or community service.
₊˚ପ⊹┊ 12th house
Life situations: Solitude, spirituality, subconscious, hidden matters, retreat.
Physical places: Retreat centers, monasteries, spiritual sanctuaries, hospitals, prisons, places of seclusion or isolation, places associated with healing or therapy.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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caramelcoffeeaddict · 4 months
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Klaine fanfiction I've written & posted in 2023
Accidental Audition (7,958 words)
Summary: Blaine Anderson applies for a promotion at his office job, but the application gets intercepted by a vindictive coworker that is also vying for the position. The coworker hatches a scheme to humiliate Blaine by hacking the secretary’s email and sending Blaine to an off-site studio for his “interview”, where he meets up-and-coming playwright, Kurt Hummel, while unknowingly auditioning for the movie adaptation of Kurt’s hit Broadway musical.
I'll Cover You (1,315 words)
Summary: Blaine is a theater professor whose class is currently discussing the musical RENT for an assignment - a musical that his husband, Kurt, just so happened to win a Tony Award for. So, Kurt drops by Blaine's class to discuss the production with them.
Swinging On A Star (30,500 words)
Summary: Loosely based on the 1987 TV series Out Of This World. Kurt is a half-alien raised on Earth as a human by his Earthling father, and on his 17th birthday learns the truth about his mother and himself when he is gifted with the power to freeze time. When he meets the new transfer student, Blaine, he struggles to keep his powers - and his feelings - a secret.
**You do not need to be familiar with Out Of This World to understand this story
Seven Minutes To Heaven (7,750 words)
Summary: During a game of Truth or Dare, Kurt and Blaine are dared to play Seven Minutes in Heaven. When their 'seven minutes' are up, Blaine begins to reevaluate his feelings for his best friend.
Avoiding My Secret Admirer (38,580 words)
Summary: High school Music teacher Blaine Anderson and French teacher Kurt Hummel are two oblivious idiots in love. With a little help from his best friend, P.E. teacher Sam Evans, Blaine decides to confess his feelings to Kurt via Secret Admirer letters. Unfortunately, Kurt thinks the letters are from someone else and needs Blaine's help to avoid his unwanted admirer.
The Setlist Dilemma (3,400 words)
Summary: Music teacher, Kurt Hummel, has a problem - his students hate all of his song selections for their upcoming competition. Luckily for him, his boyfriend - famous popstar, Blaine Anderson - is willing to lend him a hand in selecting some new tunes.
Mistaken Delivery (1,810 words)
Summary: Kurt receives his neighbor's Amazon delivery by mistake -- a mistake he doesn't realize until after he opened the box, thinking it was his recent order.
After Work Drinks (2,100 words)
Summary: Blaine and his new coworkers go out for drinks after work. One of his coworkers makes a bet that Blaine can't get the phone number of the good-looking guy sitting alone at the bar not realizing that the guy is Blaine's fiancé, Kurt.
A Season of New Developments (10,618 words)
Summary: Shortly after Kurt moves into a new apartment building and meets his hot new neighbor, Blaine, he hires Blaine to photograph a huge fashion spread that he's organizing for the January issue of Vogue. In the meantime, the two men spend their free time getting to know one another better. 
A Boyfriend for Christmas (9,221 words)
Summary: When Kurt takes his 6-year-old nephew, Caleb, to see Santa, he's mortified when Caleb asks Santa to give his Uncle Kurt a new boyfriend for Christmas; Blaine - who is working as one of Santa's helpers - however, is eager to help Caleb get his Christmas wish.
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tuttocenere · 6 months
if someone who knows literally nothing about opera whatsoever were interested in checking one out..... what would you recommend
Operas are wonderful and I am happy for that someone.
Picking an opera:
I personally think you can't really go wrong with the big Mozart operas (Don Giovanni, Nozze di Figaro, Zauberflöte, Entführung aus dem Serail). But maybe the person loves Russian literature and would prefer to see Pikovaya Dama. Or maybe they're already interested in baroque music and would love an opera by Gluck or Händel. Or maybe they know some famous tunes from Carmen or La Traviata and would like to hear those in context. Or they like a play or novel that happens to have been adapted into an opera.
If they have absolutely no point of reference I'd recommend digging around in operablr a bit and seeing if anything speaks to them, most of the popular operas and eras have their fans here.
Where to see it:
If it's an option, I would recommend going to the nearest opera house and seeing any famous and popular opera they're playing, ideally a few different ones.
If not, there are a lot of recordings online. There's operavision on youtube, medici.tv and other paid subscriptions, some of them offering free trials, and free broadcasts from various opera houses and TV stations. @princesssarisa and/or @leporellian had a good post of online resources some time ago, I can't find it right now.
Or just join tumblr user Antony @malcolm-f-tucker's opera streams every week! They're fun!
How to see it:
When you've picked an opera to see, I recommend reading a plot summary and maybe also some comments on the production in advance. Operas are often staged in a way that assumes you already know what happens, especially the most famous and popular ones. Or just go and let it wash over you, that's what I did as a student and it's why I still have no idea what happens in half the operas I've seen. Very enjoyable in its own way.
No but seriously what to see:
Karajan's Don Giovanni from 1987 (no subtitles)
Or this Don Giovanni from 2017 (French subtitles, this is not the 2017 DG that everyone loves): Part 1, Part 2
Gluck's Orfeo ed Euridice from 2023 (Italian subtitles)
Bizet's Carmen on ARTE (has English subtitles)
Rossini's La Cenerentola (literally cinderella; has English subtitles)
(I tried to represent some diverse eras and styles but it's still me lol)
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moodboardmix · 1 year
Ryuichi Sakamoto (January 17, 1952 - March 28, 2023)
Professor Sakamoto was one of Japan’s most successful musicians, acclaimed for work in Yellow Magic Orchestra as well as solo albums and film scores.
As a member of Yellow Magic Orchestra alongside Haruomi Hosono and Yukihiro Takahashi, Sakamoto created joyous and progressive electronic pop in the late 1970s and early 1980s, alongside solo releases. He acted alongside David Bowie in the 1983 film Merry Christmas, Mr Lawrence and composed its Celebrated theme, the first in a series of film scores including Oscar-winning work in 1987 with David Byrne and Cong Su for Bernardo Bertolucci’s The Last Emperor.
Alongside YMO, Sakamoto continued releasing solo albums including 1980’s B-2 Unit, another influence on the robotically funky sound of electro that also foreshadowed other dance music styles. After focusing purely on solo work, he forged further connections in the west, collaborating with musicians including Iggy Pop, Robert Wyatt, Laurie Anderson, David Sylvian and more. Sylvian contributed Forbidden Colours, a vocal version of one of Sakamoto’s most famous works, the theme to second world war drama Merry Christmas, Mr Lawrence. Sakamoto also starred in the film as a prisoner of war camp commander.
Following The last Emperor (in which he also had an acting role), he collaborated with Bernardo Bertolucci again for The Last Buddha, and with Merry Christmas, Mr Lawrence director Nagisa Oshima for Gohatto. He also scored two films by Brian De Palma (Snake Eyes and Femme Fatale), plus Wild Palms for Oliver Stone, High Heels for Pedro Almodóvar, the 1990 film adaptation of The Handmaid’s Tale, and more. His 2015 score for Alejandro González Iñárritu’s film The Revenant was nominated for Golden Globe, Bafta and Grammy awards. In 2019, he composed the music for an episode of dystopian TV drama series Black Mirror. He took no further acting roles, aside from appearing as a film director in Rain, a music video for Madonna.
Mr Sakamoto released a steady schedule of solo releases throughout the 1990s and onwards, and wrote a piece for the opening ceremony of the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona. In 1999 he debuted the multimedia opera project Life, in collaboration with artist Shiro Takatani with contributions from Bertolucci, Pina Bausch and more. He and Takatani extended the concept into installation work from 2007 onwards.
Also in 2007, he began the ambitious Schola project, curating 17 compilations of global music ranging from composers such as Ravel and Beethoven to Japanese pop. It was released via his record label Commons, set up in 2006, which has also released work by artists including Boredoms and OOIOO.
In 2002, he began a fruitful partnership with German musician Carsten Nicolai, who used his Alva Noto alias for four collaborative albums of minimalist electronica.
Mr Sakamoto was also an environmental campaigner, opposing the use of nuclear power, and creating the forestry project More Trees to enable carbon offsetting.
Ryuichi Sakamoto - Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence
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monstersinthecosmos · 18 days
List 7 comfort films and tag 7 people!
is it obnoxious if i put some pictures in the post too? Sorry I get really excited to talk about movies hkjdslgasd please don't feel obligated to put pictures in yours, I'm just being extra.
Terminator 2: Judgment Day [1991]
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LISTEN I CRY EVERY FUCKING TIME it's just the best, ROBOT DADDY??? HOT MOMMY???? The T-1000 is so scary?? ALL THESE RIDICULOUS EPIC FIGHT SCENES AND THE ACTORS ARE JUST NOT EMOTING AT ALL BECAUSE THEY'RE ROBOTS? The director's cut with the extra scene where John is trying to teach the Terminator to smile and you realize when he does his little side smirk it's because he's copying John's smile, bc when he copied randos it didnt fit on his face?!??! Eddie Furlong's voice cracking which feels like such a happy accident because he's a weak little fragile human in contrast to the killing machine?? PLEASE.
Hellraiser [1987]
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Pet Sematary [1989]
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okay this one and the next one and the last one are all GRAINY 80S COZY FEEL, you have to understand that I grew up watching 80s horror from like the age of 5 so that flim look, the grain, the flat lighting, it just !!!!!!! gives me so much cozy fuzzy warmth for childhood and I just adore it. Anyway !!!!!!1 I LOVE THIS MOVIE SO MUCH it's so extremely dark and also extremely absurd, somehow it's so magnetic that you are immediately immersed even though it's got the aesthetic of a bad TV movie, it's just wonderful I adore it. ALSO a rare super faithful Stephen King adaptation!
An American Werewolf in London [1981]
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PRACTICAL EFFECTS MY BELOVED!!!!!!!!11 blah blah cozy 80s, but also! FUNNY! ROMANTIC! TRAGIC! SCARY WHEN IT NEEDS TO BE! I'm so deeply deeply impressed by the practical effects in this film, too! But wow it's so good every time, the hot nurse in this movie is a crazy monsterfucker I adore her, it's a good Armand/Daniel AU, the end is a gut punch every fucking time, it's the best, a naked American man stole my balloons, etc. Absolutely perfect film.
Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain [2001]
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VISUALLY STUNNING FILM ABOUT AN ASEXUAL WOMAN WITH SOCIAL ANXIETY, PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I think this movie like, changed my life maybe? I think I saw it when I was 15 or so and it just had such a huge impact on me. I used to watch it so much I would just turn the subtitles off because I'd get distracted and didnt even need them anymore. It's a movie I used to bring with me when I traveled, like I brought the DVD with me when I studied abroad because I was so scared I'd have anxiety or get homesick, I just always wanted to be able to watch it if I need to. IF I WATCH THIS AT THE WRONG TIME OF THE MONTH I CRY MY EYES OUT which is cathartic in the end, idk if it's comfy or comforting but wow. but wow really amazing film it's so beautiful and had such a huge impact on my worldview and my creativity and the way I write and the way I do photography and just !!! ;.; I'm gonna cry!
The Departed [2006]
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I really like it when Leo DiCaprio cries and he's not a super crybaby in his one but he does scream in pain and have the shit beat out of him and has panic attacks and needs anxiety meds! The cast is sick! The music is amazing! It's such cool storytelling!!! It's exciting every time! The ending fucks! GOD. Just wonderful, I love it so much. The Blu-ray starts over every time it ends so every time I watch it I tend to walk away and let it loop all day LOL. It's disgusting how many times I've watched it. ALSO MY BABE VERA FARMIGA WHAT A MILF god i love her.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall [2008]
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this is like such a perfect comedy for my sense of humor, INCLUDING A BONUS DRACULA SUBPLOT CAN YOU BELIEVE IT, but is actually such a clever and lovely story about getting over heartbreak wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this movie so fucking much oh my god. Also ever since I worked on ships I feel like especially potent to it because there's something about the social community within the resort that feels so much like the community of a cruise ship crew!! ;.;
Tagging (but no pressure!): @rugbertgoeshome @hekateinhell @mothmage @apoptoses @cup-of-lixx @somevagrantchild @covenofthearticulate
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thirrith · 5 days
five songs I've been listening to - thanks @sleeplittleearth for the tag!! (i also appreciate any opportunity to subject everyone to my music taste) i fell back down a rather old rabbit hole for me recently so forgive me for listing all of my favourite Dream of the Red Chamber songs here...
actually you know what just check out the album from the 1987 tv adaptation
all of their lyrics come from the poems in the book written by 曹雪芹, of course, and the music was composed by 王立平, performed by 陳力 and 王潔實.
...which doesn't leave any space for all the tibetan gorshey songs that dominate my youtube feed right now because of another rabbit hole i fell down but i'm gonna have to at least mention it alright
no pressure tags @picturemecountingcards @landwriter @chubsthehamster @missingrache @tryan-a-bex
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doraemon-facts · 6 months
It's easy for Doraemon fans to accuse Nobita of being a pervert and a lot of the time, he is. But the truth is that many times he's seen Shizuka in the bath or underneath her skirt were accidents. Not just that but he has resisted his impulses on multiple occasions.
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One time he thought about watching Shizuka change into her swimsuit through the "Substitute TV" (身代わりテレビ), but willed himself not to when Doraemon scolded him.
Source: 身がわりテレビ, 1990 (manga)
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Several times he gave up on chances to see Shizuka nude.
Source: 石ころぼうし, 1973 (manga)
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Source: XYZ線カメラ, 1976 (manga)
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Source: 10分おくれのエスパー, 1982 (manga)
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Source: モーテン星, 1985 (manga)
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Source: かくれん棒, 1987 (manga)
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When Doraemon gives Shizuka a topless swimsuit by mistake, Gian and Suneo are delighted to see this while Nobita is angry. (Though in the anime adaptation, this is different and Nobita also grins at seeing Shizuka topless.)
Source: Nobita’s Dinosaur, 1980 (manga, Doraemon Long Stories)
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Sometimes when he wants to see her for other reasons, Nobita even gets annoyed at Shizuka herself for how much she bathes.
Source: 万能グラス, 1980 (manga)
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Source: アヤカリン, 1980 (manga)
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Source: 雨男はつらいよ, 1984 (manga)
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princesssarisa · 1 month
Do you also know the different names meanings of Beauty and the Beast?
Beauty's names, in versions that don't just call her "Beauty":
Belle (the Jean Cocteau film, the Disney version, and several other adaptations): "Beautiful."
Zémire (the opera Zémire et Azor): "My praise" or "my music."
Nastenka (the 1952 Russian animated film The Scarlet Flower): A nickname for Anastasia, meaning "resurrection."
Althea (the 1962 film): "Healer."
Honour (Robin McKinley's novel Beauty): "Honor," obviously, with British spelling.
Alyona (the 1977 Russian film The Scarlet Flower): A form of Helen, meaning "torch" or "light."
Julie (the 1978 Czech film Panna a Netvor): "Youthful."
Catherine (the 1987 TV series): "Far off" or "pure."
Maria (the anime Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics): "Bitter," "drop of the sea," or "beloved."
Annabelle (Cameron Dokey's novel Belle): "Lovable" or "grace and beauty."
Linda (the 2007 novel and 2011 film Beastly): "Beautiful."
Elsa (the 2012 Märchenperlen adaptation): Derived from Elizabeth, meaning "My God is an oath."
The Beast's names, in versions that reveal it:
Azor (the opera Zémire et Azor): "Helper."
Eduardo (the 1962 film): "Wealthy guard."
Vincent (the 1987 TV series): "Conqueror."
Adam (if we assume this is the Disney Beast's real name): "Man."
Koro (Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child): "Choir."
Gaspard (Cameron Dokey's novel Belle): "Treasurer."
Kyle (Beastly): "Channel" or "strait."
Arbo (the 2012 Märchenperlen adaptation): "Brave army."
Argus (Megan Kearney's webcomic): "Shining."
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animefeminist · 1 year
“If I Was Born As A Girl…”: Transfeminine desire in Stop!! Hibari-Kun
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Content warning: discussion of transphobia
It was 1981. The smash-hit Urusei Yatsuradominated Weekly Shonen Sunday reader polls, while Pierrot’s popular adaptation of the interstellar sex comedy was just starting to take off on Fuji TV. The manga would eventually end in 1987 after thirty-four volumes, while the 195 episode anime would run until 1986. During this time, creator Takahashi Rumiko even found the time to pen another prolific romance manga: Maison Ikkoku.
At this time, artist Eguchi Hisashi had just wrapped up his bawdy detective comedy Hinomaru Gekijou and was on the hunt for a new concept. Living in this boom period for romantic comedy—which also included juggernauts like The Kabocha Wine and Kimagure Orange Road—Eguchi wanted to make his mark on the burgeoning genre. But the illustrator wasn’t interested in playing things safe or making a guaranteed hit. From the outset, Eguchi wanted to lampoon the genre and twist reader expectations by having the central love interest be “a boy who dressed as a girl.”
“As I was putting all my energy into drawing Hibari-Kun to be as cute as possible,” Eguch saidi to French program Toco Toco in 2017, “the story would become more and more twisted. There weren’t that many manga like this at the time.”
In a cafe, he drafted the first storyboard for what would become Stop!! Hibari-kun—its title a pun on Hisashi Sekiya’s hot-blooded boys’ sports series, Stop! Nii-Chan.
Stop!! Hibari-kun, at first blush, boasts a fairly conventional set-up for a screwball romantic comedy. After the death of his mother, Kosaku is sent to live with Ozora Ibari, a loud-mouthed, sleazy yakuza with four daughters. No sooner does the young man arrive, however, than he falls head over heels for Hibari: the playful and exuberant third daughter of the Ozora family. Hibari, bright blonde and full of tomboy energy, sticks out in comparison to her more reserved sisters. It’s fair to say Eguchi draws Hibari with more attention and care to detail than he does the other female characters, between her ultra-trendy threads and her numerous pin-up splash pages.
Read it at Anime Feminist!
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scotianostra · 3 months
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Happy Birthday Scottish actress Rose Leslie, born on February 9th 1987 in Aberdeen.
Leslie was born Rose Eleanor Arbuthnot-Leslie in Aberdeen, near Lickleyhead Castle, where her family has lived for more than 500 years. Leslie’s father is the Aberdeenshire Chieftain of Clan Leslie. She went to the local primary school in Rayne, before going to Millfield, a co-ed public school in England. It was at Millfield that Rose really cultivated her love for acting, as the school had an excellent drama department.
After five years at Millfield, Rose went on to the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA) to earn a bachelor’s degree with honours in 2008.Rose’s first acting job was in a television documentary series, called Banged Up Abroad in 2007, she then appeared in the BBC film, New Town, in which she received a Scottish BAFTA Award for Best Acting Performance - New Talent Award. In 2010. Downton Abbey fans might remember Rose in the TV Series, as Gwen Dawson, for 7 episodes. Later that year, she appeared in the play, Bedlam, at the Globe Theatre in London. In 2011. She was back in Edinburgh in Edinburgh the same year in the fab BBC series, Case Histories , as Laura Wyre for 2 episodes. In 2012, Rose played Lena Holgate in the episode, Vera: The Ghost Position, in the detective television series, Vera
In 2012 Rose would make her iconic appearance in the 2nd season of the HBO epic fantasy series, Game of Thrones, opposite Kit Harington as the wildling Ygritte in 17 episodes. 2015 saw Rose featured in two episodes of the excellent Luther, with Idris Elba. Miss Leslie also starred in American legal and political drama The Good Fight, which finished it’s run in 2019.
2021 saw Rose in the BBC drama Vigil, she then took the lead role in TV series The Time Travellers Wife , an adaptation of Audrey Niffenegger’s novel,unfortunately it received negative reviews and wasn't renewed for a second series, she also appeared in the latest remake of Death on the Nile. Rose was back on our screens lately in the second helping of the BBC drama Vigil, playing Detective Kirsten Longacr
Rose can trace her heritage back to King Charles II, another notable bloodline takes her back to Frasers of Lovatt.
Rose married her GOT co-star Kit Harington at Kirkton of Rayne church in Aberdeenshire in June 2018, her hubby also has the same royal lineage going back to Charles II, not surprising given the Stuart line’s propensity in spreading their seed!
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trashlama · 1 year
Wazzup dudes! Just your friendly neighborhood heathen back with a little poll of mine.
Out of curiosity what's your guy's favorite televised version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles(TMNT) and why?
Personally even though I love both the 2007 ver due to it being the first one I ever saw. And the 2012 ver because I grew up with the dork squad.
I'd hafta say my favorite would be TMNT(2003). The art, character development, the jokes, the dimensional hopping, all the different villains that barely ever make screen appearances in any other TMNT adaptations. The fucking radical crossover special with the 1987 versions. I love how they even go futuristic for a minute(because for some reason in the 2000s cartoons were really into the ~future~.) Buuuuttt it was great. Literally was my OG thirst. I simped so hard for these boys as a kid.
Yeah I was curious whatcha guys preferred. Mostly I just lurk around the TMNT fandom because I love it all. Though I noticed a lot of people seemed to either like the Bay verse or ROTTMNT. With some love here and there for the 2012 ver.
Depending on this week I might get some more TMNT content out.
Guys I'm having a writers block with the Future!Yan!Raph fic please bare with me. I have it mostly flushed out but, I don't particularly like it. So I might rewrite it. We'll see.
Also because of some outside inspiration I might do either some 2003ver, 2007ver or 2012ver content but, we'll see.
My requests are open! I find that little prompts here and there help me develop my ideas.
If you're curious about what I write/draw please check out →my master list←. It's always up to date with my latest works/ideas.
Thank you for looking! I hope you guys have a good day!
Here's some memes that I don't own that I found on Pinterest and they were just too funny.
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bigforeheadbaddie · 2 months
The Black History of No Doubt 🖤🤍
In 1986, Eric Stefani and John Spence met and bonded over their love of the anti-racist UK ska movement while working at their local Dairy Queen.
With John on lead vocals and Eric on keyboard, they formed Apple Core. Which was later changed to No Doubt after Spence’s frequent use of the term became an inside joke for the group.
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John Spence (Traci Vicars Brown)
This catchphrase also spawned an early track of the same name with Eric’s little sister Gwen Stefani and John Spence on vocals.
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Gwen Stefani and John Spence (Traci Vicars Brown)
Spence was most notably known amongst early No Doubt fans for his infectious energy and on-stage back flips. Wherever Spence went, the rowdy youth of Orange County followed.
In the lead up to one of their biggest shows yet, the members of No Doubt were blindsided at the news of Spence’s untimely death.
On December 21st, 1987, John Spence had passed from a self inflicted gun wound at just 18 years old.
The band was devastated and played their show at the Roxy as a final goodbye, not only to John, but to the band he had co-created.
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Early No Doubt Lineup Featuring John Spence
However, after deep thought and a break from the music, they ultimately decided that in the spirit of John and his love for music, that they’d continue on. Their first song without Spence being a tribute titled “Dear John”
“You're singin' in a band with a mic on in your hand
The way that you would sing really made me feel all grand
You left your friends alone, right upon this earth
I wish you would've seen how much life was worth…”
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John Spence (Eric Keyes)
With Gwen Stefani still too timid to take over full time, trumpet player Alan Meade stepped up to take the space John Spence had once occupied.
Like Spence, Meade became quickly know for his amazing stage presence and spirit. With Meade and time, Gwen Stefani began to break out of her shell.
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Alan Meade and Gwen Stefani
Although often mistaken for Spence in images and videos of live performances, Meade was so much more than simply a “replacement” for Spence.
Much of Gwen’s later vocalizations are adaptions of Meade’s choices in demo tapes of songs such as “Boucing Shoes”, “Get A Life”, and “Doormat” to name a few.
Another black performer that deeply influenced Gwen’s vocal style was ska icon and lead singer of The Selecter, Pauline Black
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Pauline Black of The Selecter
Alan Meade’s time as the lead singer of No Doubt was short lived as the news of his then girlfriend’s teen pregnancy in 1988 led to his departure. He left the group to focus on his family, yet would regularly make surprise appearances at their shows and perform with them for a song or two.
The members of No Doubt and Alan Meade have stayed connected throughout the years and he eventually went on to join members of Save Ferris in the creation of a new ska group known as Starpool.
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Gwen Stefani and Alan Meade during the Tragic Kingdom Era
In the early 90’s, Gabrial McNair and Stephen Bradley would join No Doubt as backing vocals and the “horn section” of the final lineup.
McNair and Bradley, often seen as a team, have maintained their musical relationship with Stefani the longest out of all the other members of No Doubt.
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1998 MTV Music Video Awards
Being a part of her backing artists since the early 90’s with No Doubt and through all of her solo efforts as well.
The pair still performs with her to this day and are often not included in descriptions of No Doubt’s lineup, but all fans know that they are just as vital as the rest of them to the band’s massive success.
Gabrial McNair has also toured with Green Day, co-founded Olso in 2005, composed music for film & TV, and worked with multiple artists in-studio.
Stephen Bradley too has toured with Green Day, Smashing Pumpkins, and Steel Pulse. He has also released solo work and is a talented photographer/videographer as well.
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‘Rock Steady’ Jamaica Recording Sessions Crew
For their fifth album, Rock Steady, the band desired a Jamaican dance hall inspired sound, collaborating with numerous local artists/legends.
Including Bounty Killer, Lady Saw, Sly Dunbar, and Robbie Shakespeare (Sly & Robbie), to name a few.
This also marked the beginning of a lifelong musical partnership and friendship between Pharrell Williams (of The Neptunes at the time) and Gwen Stefani.
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Gwen Stefani & Pharrell Williams for Vibe Magazine 2005 (Albert Watson)
In addition to the impressive list of collaborators on Rock Steady, the band also worked with one of Stefani’s greatest inspirations and favorite artist, Prince.
In the same year, she got to return the favor and provide backing vocals on his 2001 track “So Far, So Pleased”
“He was such a genius that you can’t believe he existed. I was onstage with No Doubt in Minneapolis in the Nineties, and I saw his silhouette in the audience. I was like, ‘How is this happening?’”
Gwen Stefani on Prince, Rolling Stone Magazine 2016
Since the band’s initial breakup, Stefani has collaborated with artists like Eve, Dr. Dre, Saweetie, Fetty Wap, Slim Thug, Andre 3000, Snoop Dogg, Akon, and most recently Shenseea on Sean Paul’s “Light My Fire”
Without the insurmountable talent of all of the artists covered in this post, No Doubt would not be the band it is today. The influence Black musicians have had on members of the band (of all racial backgrounds) is evident in their discography and should be recognized.
I wrote this post in hopes of highlighting the often forgotten side of No Doubt and to celebrate Black History Month, but every month is a good month to recognize Black excellence :) Thanks for reading!
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denimbex1986 · 3 months
'Ever since his breakout role in lockdown TV smash Normal People, Paul Mescal, a Screen Star of Tomorrow in 2020, has proved himself to be an alluring presence, capable of enormous empathy and range, be it on stage or screen.
In Andrew Haigh’s All Of Us Strangers, a haunting adaptation of Taichi Yamada’s 1987 novel Strangers, Mescal vividly portrays Harry, neighbour to Andrew Scott’s Adam. The two men live in the same east London tower block and meet one evening when Harry drunkenly turns up at the door of Adam’s apartment, where he is rebuffed. Eventually, the two men begin a relationship, as Adam, a lonely screenwriter, revisits his suburban childhood home where he somehow meets his mother and father (played by Claire Foy and Jamie Bell), who died in a car crash when he was nearly 12.
All Of Us Strangers — which Searchlight Pictures opened in the US in December and the UK in late January following its premiere at Telluride — was a no-brainer for Mescal, offering him the opportunity to work with Andrews Haigh and Scott — “it would be difficult for a film with those two people at the centre of it to go wrong” — as well as the chance to play someone “a little bit more forward than other characters I’ve played”.
Mescal opted to have Harry, whose family have effectively disowned him for being gay, come from Leeds. “There’s something interesting about him escaping some place like Leeds and coming to London, hoping for a more expansive life, and having a smaller one when he gets there,” explains Mescal. “I can relate to that feeling of leaving a place, hoping for something because it’s been dictated to you that life happens in the big city. But if your family doesn’t accept you, doesn’t give [you love], you’re fucked before you begin. So, I was working back from that. A lot of acting should feel intuitive.”
By the time the film ends, a major revelation — spoiler alert — recalibrates our view of Harry. When Mescal first read the script, he was floored by what is revealed. “Then it made total sense, because it’s not about what’s real, what’s not. It’s about what do we feel?” As such, Mescal plays Harry as a real person rather than, say, a ghost. “Because he’s also unaware of what’s going on. For all intents and purposes, he is as real as Adam is. That would have been one of the only things that would have made me not want to be involved — if there was a prerequisite to do ‘spooky acting’.”
As Adam’s memories and reveries coalesce with his reality, he reconnects with his dead parents, which allows him to open up and find connection and romance with the mysterious Harry. “We knew each other a little bit. Grew to know each other quite well during the filming, and have been getting closer and closer and closer,” says Mescal of Scott. “What he does in this film is an absolute joke in terms of the standard of performance and how lightly he wears it.”
Connective tissue
On screen, the two Ireland-born actors have what critics and casting directors like to call ‘chemistry’, in much the same way Mescal and Edgar-Jones had ‘chemistry’ in Normal People, even if he bristles at the term. “It’s not a word that actors [use],” Mescal insists. “But you must endeavour a little bit to try and fall in love, in whatever that capacity is. And Andrew is a very easy person to fall in love with. He’s kind, generous, talented. We shot the film at the perfect junction in our friendship where there was a lot we didn’t know about each other, but there was mutual admiration and respect. And a similar sense of humour.”
Remarkably, the pair had no rehearsal time together. Did they know instantly that their onscreen relationship was working? “Yeah, it felt fizzy when we were acting,” says Mescal. “Especially with that first scene at the door — it’s so well-written. You feel like you’re dancing through the scene, you can go in loads of different ways, and if I went one way, Andrew would go another. If that’s what chemistry is, I was aware it was happening.”
While All Of Us Strangers was nominated for six Baftas, including outstanding British film and supporting actor and actress for Mescal and Foy, Scott was, surprisingly, overlooked by the leading actor jury. “It’s the stuff of dreams to make a film that is independent, and for an organisation to recognise the film and your performance, Claire’s performance and Andrew Haigh,” begins Mescal, choosing his words carefully. “[But] I’m perplexed and confused. How can an institution recognise all those things and neglect that? It doesn’t make sense.
“This is not a criticism of anybody else’s performance in that category. It’s not even a criticism of Bafta. I think a mistake happened.”
In the aftermath of Normal People, while Edgar-Jones largely pursued opportunities in the US, Mescal stayed mostly in the UK doing smaller films, among them Aftersun (for which he was nominated for best leading actor by both Bafta and Oscar) and theatre (winning an Olivier Award for A Streetcar Named Desire). He says he was offered several big movies but, as both actor and viewer, is drawn to indie films.
One massive movie that did take Mescal’s fancy, however, was Gladiator 2, Ridley Scott’s upcoming sequel to his Oscar-winning epic, which Mescal recently wrapped following a strike-imposed hiatus. “You would struggle to find a single actor on the planet who would say no to Ridley Scott and Gladiator, because Gladiator was an amazing character study.
“I loved every second working with him,” he continues. “I loved having to adjust the way I’ve worked, particularly in the last couple of years, to work with somebody who’s the master of what he does. You don’t have to imagine anything. He gives you scale, he gives you extras, he gives you horses.
“Having said that,” adds Mescal, “I’m looking forward to doing something that will probably be predominantly single camera, a $7m-$8m film in the next couple of weeks.”
That film is Living director Oliver Hermanus’s The History Of Sound with Josh O’Connor, which has been in the works since 2020, and Mescal has already started shooting Richard Linklater’s musical Merrily We Roll Along, which, similar to the director’s Boyhood, is a years-of-filming odyssey. He also has Chloé Zhao’s Hamnet, in which he plays William Shakespeare, booked for later in the year.
While the likes of Hermanus’s film “will always feel like home”, Mescal notes regarding his Scott epic: “I felt an immense relief that the job still felt like the job, doing something like Gladiator, as it did on Aftersun, as it did on All Of Us Strangers. That was the big thing I didn’t know going into it — whether it would still feel the same.” Fortunately for Mescal — and for the breadth of roles the experience potentially opens up — it did.'
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