#but that’s MY experience and obv people have had better experiences in the fandom which is awesome!!
daenerys-targaryen · 9 months
i feel like swifties are dramatic in general but my god fandom twitter is just so messy. i remember i tried to join bc all my friends moved from tumblr to twitter ~2017 and there were just so many ppl trying to start shit w people in other fandoms… like bragging about awards/streams/etc and in the same beat going “oh yeah at least my fave isn't racist” or something like 💀💀💀
Funnily enough these last few months or so I have been more active on Twitter but idk swiftie twitter is just so…. It’s so BIG! And it just feels so.. different than any other fandoms I’ve been in. The best way I can describe it is when I had a swiftie twt, it was hard to build actual friendships and get to know people bec everyone is just trying to one up each other in the fandom and prove that they’re a better fan and like you said one up other fandoms too and I’m just like -.- let me cry about lyrics and be mentally ill about her without this weird competitive behavior in peace please??? so yeah I ofc still follow swifties but have def moved onto yjtwt/ asoiaftwt and with Yellowjackets twitter I’ve actually made friends I can imagine being friends with forever yk? And then with asoiaf twitter… I mean to me that’s one of my home fandoms just like Taylor is and I’ve made so many dany stan friends and I’ve even reconnected with some old friends who I was close with on here while I was active in the fandom more and it’s just 🥺🥰 ofc there are antis we gotta deal with but that’s a given and inescapable when you stan the main character 😌🤪
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inchidentally · 3 months
Why do I feel like Oscar is intentionally keeping Lando at a distance because he assumes it would never work out? And Lando kind of wishes Oscar would show an interest but he isn't so Lando pulls back too? Maybe I'm totally crazy but feels like they're doing a double fake out. If not then why not just be friendly the way they are with other guys?
This is my thought on them too. Anon explained really well. I see the same when I look at them. One of them wanna get more friendly but other's shields up and visa versa :I
(the quote comes from this anon and possibly also this one I'd received before)
I've tried giving this a look at other angles since obv none of us knows - and likely won't ever know - for sure, and I think the one way I can see this being the case is mixed signals? bc I feel like it being deliberate on either of their parts is too far a stretch.
long thing below and usual caveat that no I do not write this stuff thinking I actually know what's going on and it's just for fun and I do not take it seriously !!
like on the one hand, for a while before and even after meeting Oscar, Lando kept having to hear about this "rookie" who'd soon be his teammate and how he'd be the more experienced one etc. jokes about him "looking after" the new kid and how is he settling in blah blah. none of which Lando was remotely enthused about, understandably so. unlike team sports, mentoring isn't really something teammates do for each other in racing since they're each other's greatest measure of competition.
and Lando joined F1 so young (and was in the McLaren development program even younger) that while his talent and personality often deceives a lot of people into thinking he's become established and experienced, Lando himself doesn't rate experience much when it isn't bringing race wins or the WDC any closer. and his personality on camera was largely defined by latching onto Carlos and Daniel. he was a little more vulnerable around Carlos but mostly the dynamic of big brother/baby brother was the same for both those relationships. Lando with Max F and the Quadrant folks is pretty different to who he is with those older guys.
so it's easy to see why he didn't feel at all prepared to play the role that everyone kept assuming for him when Oscar came along. and re this babbling I did I genuinely think the difference between how young and small Oscar still was when they first met in winter of 2022 to the infamous "did you grow, what the fuck" moment was transformational for Lando. you look at his eyes gluing themselves to Oscar when Oscar isn't looking and the cheeky way he keeps getting Oscar's attention - and the way Oscar can't hide his surprise and how pleased he is - and I truly think the dynamic started to shift from a sort of stiff friendliness to Lando being genuinely interested in this guy.
Lando said himself that before the season properly started, he and Oscar had been so busy when they were in the same space that they didn't really talk beyond hello and goodbye. which needn't have been the case. I think a fair part of that was Lando's poor bruised heart at having Carlos leave and then Daniel being bought out, just not ready to deal with what he could fairly assume would be some younger guy jumping in wanting to do the bromance bit and glom onto Lando's popularity - all while probably cynically planning to strategize a way to a better seat or maybe one day take Lando's place at McLaren. his knowledge of Oscar at that point was of what a strong up and coming threat he was and that he had the balls/audacity (depending who you ask) to go up against his development team. and that Oscar had gone F1 fandom viral multiple times and was actually an existing personality to F2 and F3 circles. nothing about Oscar seemed vulnerable or unsure and yet people would not stop asking Lando about him as if he were Lando's responsibility.
and as Oscar said, his low frequency personality can often get mistaken (even by Mahk Wibba!) for not caring or being engaged. and if someone wasn't aware of his social media then I could see them thinking that someone as cool and calm as Oscar was almost aloof or disinterested.
with that limited knowledge, Lando would have been right to be wary. hell, Lando was distinctly cool toward Daniel when Daniel showed up pushing the 'landan' agenda as replacing carlando. we all know they ofc became good friends. but we also know that Lando wasn't remotely going to be guilted by Netflix or the fans into feeling responsible or overly concerned for Daniel's struggles. Lando was still very young and focusing on cementing his place in the sport. Daniel's inner and outer turmoil as a 30-something was for him to deal with.
so knowing what we now do of Oscar, this was not an ideal setup for him to meet the driver and new teammate - The Lando Norris - who he'd been a fan of for almost all of his junior career.
and on Oscar's side, it is extremely safe to say that after the Alpine/DR drama he just wanted to get his head down and prove to McLaren he wouldn't be any trouble and was more than willing to put in overtime at MTC and solo with the engineers (I think he essentially said this in the Laura Winter interview). his time spent in the car would speak for itself. but I feel like it's also fair to assume that Oscar not only being a fan of Lando's already but also knowing that he was following in Daniel's wake, Oscar mostly tried to just… not be a problem for Lando. that he put all the power and control over how their relationship developed outside of the track and meetings fully into Lando's hands - if indeed a relationship would develop (and it doesn't always). Oscar was used to looking after himself and he'd probably preferred to not risk upsetting Lando's routine or worse, pissing him off. I would not be at all surprised if that's what Oscar assumed was the safest, simplest approach.
but !! Oscar not launching into a bromance for the sake of his own image and him not trying to push for a relationship immediately for the sake of cementing the partnership would absolutely have felt weird and alien to Lando. and considering what was popularly said about Oscar following the Alpine stuff, him not pushing himself into Lando's space possibly would've come off as distant or cold and probably a bit calculating/cocky. maybe even a bit as if Oscar was so sure of himself, his youth and so laser focused on his own advancement (and boy did Netflix frame it up that way, dramatic Dutch angle and all) that it seemed as if he didn't see the point or the need in benefiting from an alliance with Lando. again - that's just possible conclusions that someone like Lando who hates having his stability threatened might have felt.
this is an even more HUGE leap but we know that Oscar visibly watched Lando closely since the start of the season and was learning from him and about him. and that Andrea had already instilled his new 'team before driver competition' ethos. and that Lando had seen examples of Oscar showing up for him - as a teammate at least - when their relative 'fortunes' before the updates would regularly see Lando in a better position or a better result. and like, if I were to truly jump to a conclusion here I'd say that Lando's gradual thaw in between Australia and Monaco absolutely delighted Oscar - and that he wouldn't have expected any more from Lando at all. Lando being chummy with him during media and a bit of bonding over the state of the car at the time could easily have felt more than enough for Oscar. (and just to throw in here as well that in those much earlier videos together, there were little flashes of Lando's sarcasm bordering on passive agressive but Oscar just laughing delightedly. like I think he fully either didn't mind or didn't notice that Lando was bleeding a bit of genuine annoyance over the car into their dynamic at times. the British theory test is a very good example of that.) whereas from Lando's perspective, maaaaaybe Oscar being so content with so little effort from him - compared to Carlos and Daniel - could have confirmed his suspicion that Oscar wasn't actually interested in being truly friends or bonding? idk that's me really exploring a big blue vague space asgfjlsagf. even more than I already do lol.
now I'm not saying at ALL that these friendships are remotely phony or PR because they're absolutely close in real life! but there's also no doubt in saying that like a lot of the drivers, Carlos and Daniel show up to a new teammate with the usual bromance shtick in their back pocket. and with how successful carlando and dando have proven to be with fans and sponsors and networks, they play into it with just a touch of cynicism even now. again, not saying that's nefarious at all and Lando's no dummy when it comes to personal brands and "shipping" etc. the boy is a youtuber/streamer lol so he /knows/. but yea, the 'oooh aren't we acting gay!' and overly touchy feely stuff especially is entirely for the fans' benefit. and we eat it up aslgfjsagf.
but Oscar has literally never had a bromance in any of the stages of his career and he doesn't publicize any of his non-racing friendships like the boys from boarding school he's still close to. we know he has probably a higher level of awareness of queer existence/culture than most of these guys and he doesn't hide it. I know the bar is in hell but it's significant enough that Oscar's never once used 'gay' as either an insult or as a hilarious joke - and he's had an active presence on social media since 2019 (his dad managed everything before that). when a Prema challenge was for him to kiss someone in the room and Arthur kept pushing, we know from the thumbnail that Oscar gave him a kiss through the covid plexiglass and then rolled around giggling. but he didn't treat kissing a guy in particular as 'hilarious' and he's never 'played gay' with any other guys. he also doesn't talk about Lily as if she's an accessory or "his". he brings her up in the context of things they did together or things she told him etc. the boy just doesn't know any degree of toxic masculinity apparently!!
where this gets confusing for Lando is that men are always dying to touch or cuddle or fawn over him - whether it's as a cute little brother like Carlos does (sorry fellow carlandos but that's the non-rpf truth) as a stereotypical bromance like Daniel does (and oh how I love that his ass caught feelings when he didn't mean to) or some potent mixture of fondness and attraction, which constitutes basically every other man who's met Lando.
and god knows I've written time and again how poor Lando does not know what to do with Oscar when Oscar looks with such intensity and he says so many things that show Lando respect and care and kindness. but he simply will not touch him ?? and he won't even half-fake half-serious flirt with him !! and he won't even take the bait when a bromance moment is pushed on them ! and when they're pressed close like in Twister, Oscar looks pink and flustered and refuses to put his leg between Lando's even though Daniel and Carlos have practically wrestled Lando with limbs akimbo multiple times. Oscar initiating the side hug at Silverstone was such an event that even Lando looked staggered by it. that's so strange !! Oscar is not remotely homophobic and he's not at all stand-offish physically and he's fine with people touching and hugging him. sure he doesn't do excessive PDA even with Lily but he still does some. he clearly is fond of Lando and doesn't mind when Lando decides to touch him. but we haven't even seen them hug ! and Oscar will give Lando such sincere praise and respect but he won't use hyperbole or make jokes like Carlos saying he was jealous of Lando liking Daniel or Daniel cracking sexual jokes about him and Lando.
and I fully feel like that breaks Lando's brain a little and has to make him falter at times bc everyone touches Lando and crosses easily over into some form of casual intimacy with him. Lando hides absolutely nothing and is extremely easy going. people feel very comfortable engaging with him, knowing that he'll play along so long as they're being kind or friendly.
and I think that's where the decision Lando made to let his brattier moods out around Oscar comes from. it's a very weird sort of compliment to Oscar that Lando isn't worried about pissing him off or being rejected - and I think it came from Lando being a little frustrated with Oscar for not falling in line with how everyone else is with him and not being able to get a secure read on how Oscar feels about him. as well as like I said earlier how Lando would be a little passive aggressive in his humor but Oscar never took offense. so Lando lets all his petulance and impatience come out around Oscar in a way I don't really know that he does much with anyone else? I think there's been a few times he's gotten like that around Max but Max has a good strong hand with him. but even when Lando goes Full Brat like the beloved Tic Tac Toe filming day Oscar is still endlessly charmed by Lando and you can see Lando soften and blush bc he knows he’s really letting it all out and Oscar is still being so good with him. Carlos would’ve picked him up and put him in a bin and Daniel would’ve out bratted him ajsbjsbsjd.
we know that Silverstone was a huge stepping stone for Lando and Oscar's relationship but I wish I could pinpoint before then when it was that Oscar realized just how much he couldn't apply his former racing friendships as a model for interacting with Lando. that Lando is anything but 'typical blokey guy' and even more than that, he isn't remotely typical or like anyone else in any way. definitely it was after Australia and by Austria the shift had already happened and we could see Lando watching Oscar as much as Oscar watched Lando. the trust and beginnings of feeling comfortable had already begun to be earned before Silverstone for sure.
and by the time he did this BTG interview, the genuinely fond way he talked about Oscar and mentioned the ways they're similar is such a major shift from simply saying that Oscar is calm and super quiet and fast as a driver. then we hit Singapore (where Lando sought Oscar out to spray champagne on him) the double podiums and Oscar's extension.
and then the Austin weekend and the filming they did and Lando posting that beautiful photo of Oscar smiling back at him all seems to have brought them to a place where yea, if we're being honest the lingering looks and the sense of sweetness to their shared humor is the dynamic we've had ever since.
and at this point I think what people are mistaking for a fakeout or misunderstanding is just that their lives outside of racing are so vastly different. Lando is in perpetual motion and constantly in demand and if you don't do a common activity with him like golf or padel then good luck catching him. whereas Oscar has been snared by a growth spurt that seems like it's still going on and he's either sleeping, sleeping, sleeping some more, spending time with Lily, sleeping, or spending time with his friends if possible. so there just isn't really an overlap with how their lives are right now.
to go out on another pretty out there limb, the one thing I might say is that Oscar still defaults to letting Lando call the shots about how much he wants to spend time together outside of being teammates. his own life is so uncomplicated that from his perspective it would feel a little daunting to try and insert himself in Lando's ever-changing schedule and multiple friend groups - esp since he already has so much time with Lando anyway due to the racing calendar. we know that it happens at times and that it's never broadcasted, only mentioned after the fact. it tends to be flying together or choosing to have lunch or after race meals together. the one time that rly gets to me is after Vegas when Lando could barely muster the energy to hit the tables with Max, Ria and Aarava. we find out later he spent at least part of that night with Oscar and someone mentioned that Oscar will have wanted to watch the cricket so like? it's kind of touching as well as saying a lot that the best time for their social lives to overlap is when it can be calm and quiet and Lando specifically does not want to be busy or loud. Lando dopey with painkillers and moody about crashing out of the race, possibly holed up in a hotel room with Oscar and the cricket playing on TV just sounds very sweet and likely. but other than those moments, their social lives just don't intersect easily. yet!!
but yea, I think ?? that by now they've kind of reached a comfortable place of knowing - at least for now - what their relationship is. it's why I honestly assumed Lando was finally doing the visit to Daniel's ranch and wouldn't be meeting up with Oscar in Australia. they're simply not to the point of coordinating off season schedules. even less of a surprise since he ended up spending less than 24 hours in Perth before he and Martin moved on!
ofc we as fans cannot get enough content of them together and just want more. but a lot of that is McLaren social media deciding to drop off just as McLaren started climbing up the grid ??? if they can get their shit together for 2024 then we'll see as much Lando and Oscar as we always did Lando with Carlos and Daniel.
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greensaplinggrace · 9 months
darling for the ask game obv let's get the important one out of the way
😭 idk if this was meant to say darkling but I'm doing him anyway
how I feel about this character: I love him. he's an interesting character that usually gets misinterpreted by the majority of fandom. I like that he has so much potential as a concept, but it makes me sad that that potential is rarely actually realized canonically. all in all, he's a character I really relate to for many reasons: his isolation and loneliness, his depersonalization and dehumanization, his high levels of empathy, his relationship with oppression and repression, and his drive to help others at the cost of his future and his sanity. I also really love his complex relationship with rage and apathy at the injustices of the world, which gives fascinating insight into his existence as an immortal and as a naturally idealistic person who lost faith in others
all the people I ship romantically with this character: mostly alina and mal! I also like him and nikolai together sometimes, and I can see the appeal of luda. plus of course any poly combination of any of these.
my non-romantic OTP for this character: aleksander & ivan is a hilarious friendship tbh. also I'm so in love with the ways genya parallels him and is so similar to him that I adore seeing them together on screen or in fics or basically anywhere, even if just for the horribly tragic tension that really brings out the depth of both their characters.
my unpopular opinion about this character: I have a lot lol. he was right about most things, but I don't think alina was wrong to leave him. I think he's a good character in the book, less so in the show, but in both he suffers from such bad writing that he ends up acting ooc half the time anyway. he's clearly empathetic and caring, and he is obviously able to feel love - but this has no bearing on his morality or any justification for his actions whatsoever. tbh I have so many unpopular opinions of him that it doesn't bear repeating them all lol.
one thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: that he died better in the show (and that he was written better overall with actual real depth). that he was never resurrected in the books (or at least that his second ending wasn't what it was)
my OTP: malarklina! 💖💕
my cross over ship: none
a headcanon fact: he's still afraid of the dark to this day. he's always cold and alina's always hot. he's very good with kids. he speaks so softly because his mother is abusive garbage and his experiences with men all suck. he's demisexual and biromantic and agender. he dissociates regularly due to both trauma and regular dehumanization, and this affects the way he views his personhood as well as his gender. he always knows the time of day because he can feel the shadows around him. he operates at some level on inhuman instincts tied to the nature of shadows & light.
give me a character (x)
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ignitesthestxrs · 9 months
I may have missed it but did you watch Shadow and Bone on Netflix? What were your thoughts on it?
i watched the first season! i think i have spoken about it on here before but i didn't tag it because i wasn't very nice, and i didn't want to like, spring that on the greater fandom tag lol
uh overall i think that the show flattened a lot of the things that i enjoyed about the books, and did not improve on anything i disliked from them.
the way the show engaged with race was deeply performative and one dimensional, like, jump-scaring the viewer with ISN'T THIS RACISM SO BAD AND AWFUL in a way that seemed intended to induce the viewer and the show itself to feel good about having noticed that they just got punched in the face.
like right before six of crows came out, i did Representation Math to figure out who was going to die lol and i was Correct and that's the kind of ethos that the show persisted with. coupled with the vibe from the books that has been increasingly sinophobic, i just uuuh Didn't Like It, it left a bad taste.
(obvs i am White and it is not my job to claim Good or Bad Job overall, or assign myself Progressive Points for having this take, but it is the way it hit me at the time of watching and after discussing with friends who are better positioned than i am to comment)
the casting of nina really bothered me, and bardugo's open support of it, while i get that it was probably a sensible choice for her, REALLY bothered me. like if you're going to create characters based on which Diversity Niche they fill, then it's incumbant on you as a creator to hold firm to that vision and use your power and your voice to push back on attempts to uuuuh hollywoodify fatness. like it was just a fundamental betrayal that...sure, i get, that's hollywood, but also this character was explicitly created as a balm to the hollywoodification of fatness, and the response to her casting was basically 'well so long as she's plus size that's what is important'. idk like this is not the fault of the actress at all, but it is: tiresome. the actress is not Fat.
also her costuming was terrible in a very un-nina way that felt like it was trying to disguise how unfat she really was/frumpify her
but aside from That Stuff, i also think that the show misunderstood the fundamental point of two of the core Alina relationships in a way that was deeply boring and in fact more of a problem in the case of the darkling in particular.
like a thing that the books does really well actually is the arc of mal and alina's relationship? in which they start off with a fundamental misunderstanding of what they mean to each other that results in them growing further apart to the point where they both have to change who they are as people to actually fit together properly again. it's a really good example of like, puppy love not working out because values and life circumstances change, but then character growth enables the characters to come together as new people with a different perspective.
because the show starts mal off in his Clear Devotion phase, it makes a lot of the potential growth in that relationship way less meaningful? lol i know a lot of people don't like book malina and...whatever to that, frankly, but from a Craft Perspective, they gave this man his character from the Third Book without giving him any of the Growth Triggers that got him to that point. i only care about I Am Become A Blade mal because he had to fight to get to that point.
re: the darkling on the show lol the show has this weird ethos that their relationship is somehow more ethical if the darkling is Really No For Real In Love With Her from the beginning, which is just SO off base with what the actual problem is with that relationship. the show tries to girl bossify Alina by have her take the darkling off guard/having him experience Real Emotions For Her without considering the fact that this just means that,,,someone who loves her is using her? that's not better! she doesn't have More Power in this relationship because she's shown to be more proactive in the romance side of their relationship, because he's still using her! she hasn't won something from him by making him experience an emotion or desire, she's just wound herself deeper into his web - but the show presents these moments as though she has gained some kind of control over a situation that she literally cannot have control over.
like the whole point of the relationship in that first book is that alina is being groomed, but instead of showing that, the show said 'oh grooming is bad, alina should have more agency!' and shot a situation where she literally cannot have agency because vital information is being kept from her, as a 'yas queen make him obsessed with you!' kind of situation. he's already obsessed with her! because she's a tool to him! it's not agency to make a man want you when he is already using you for his own purposes, it's being groomed!
i need shows that are engaging in depicting problematic relationships to fucking lean into that rather than wriggle out of it. because when they try to wriggle out of it, they always, always end up depicting something that's still fucked up, only now the narrative doesn't seem to be aware of its fucked upness.
anyway uuuuh those are my main thoughts on show, i did not watch the second season and probably never will lol
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ikemenomegas · 1 year
So its established that the alpha is the one that keeps their silence when things get hard right? but then in the nightmare piece, megumi was the first one to notice that the alpha had a nightmare and wasn't in the right state of mind. And that gave me a thought, megumi noticing that they had a nightmare obv wasn't the first time so i headcanon that when megumi was still a child, whenever the alpha was depressed and needed comfort but shut up abt it to avoid troubling satoru more, megumi was the first to notice and comforted the alpha in his own megumi way like sending one of his divine dogs to play with the alpha
Just to clarify, I don't think the alpha is necessarily unique in the way they deal with difficulties! Most of sorcerer society is like this. Some people are lucky to have someone with whom to share their difficulties, but when they lose that person (like Nanami did), they go silent.
Gojo and Getou were that person for each other, but even then they never got to have that supportive relationships as adults, never learned to seek it out (understandable when you realize they don't consider anyone else their equal), and they seldom seemed to talk about what was bothering them head-on even as students (see the argument Shoko runs away from in the flashback arc). I can only speak to my experiences with the east asian part of my family, but that's pretty typical anyways. It takes trust and you still have to entice your loved ones into telling you what's up to them. It's not uncommon to get just as much information from careful observation as from an actual conversation. (Gojo actually doesn't say much either - he knows there are bad situations you can do nothing about, and in those cases sometimes the most you can do is just be there with someone in the shit)
Also, here's another old jjk fandom joke for you: that these people thought [single] parenthood at about 17-18 would fix them. The odd age gap between Megumi and the adults that inserted themselves into his life is part of what makes that relationship much less straightforward than just parent/child or student/mentor. If you like to read post 1800 British literature, benefactor really suits Gojo's role - he acts like one of those wealthy people in novels, snatching up talent because he knows that it will benefit him later, but also truly caring for his charge's well-being. It's a unique kind of relationship that's seldom recognized or codified in the united states, but it wouldn't be uncommon to cultivate these kinds of relationships for someone raised like modern day royalty the way Gojo was.
Shamans live a hard life. Alpha would definitely have had nightmares about something when Megumi was young, and they probably wouldn't have been very good at hiding it, being young themselves. Plus Megumi was an abandoned kid living in an unstable series of situations. He was probably hyper aware of his surroundings for a good little while until things settled with Gojo taking him in.
That said, this headcanon is adorable. Alpha really did have more room in which to be family to the Fushiguro siblings and that means Megumi in turn has more room to show emotion around them.
(I'm bad at social cues... especially online. I don't know if you wanted to see from my point of view what you're describing, but I blurbed it below <3. Thank you for sharing the headcanon anon!)
Tumblr media
When staring at the dead TV screen had faded away into a restless sleep, you didn't know. At least this was a formless nightmare, which was both better and worse. Dreams in which you could fight, even with the world sticky-slow or slippery as ice woke you up irritated. The dreams which were made more from the hazy memory-stuff of too many battles, too many near misses and if only we'd been here yesterday's, left you with no specific images but hung themselves like weights in your chest upon waking, robbing you of much needed true rest.
At least, you thought, your consciousness bubbling rapidly back to awareness, it would be over soon. That was truly the best that could be said of bad dreams.
You snapped awake when a warm tongue licked your wrist and a low whine sounded by your ear - distinctly canine rather than human.
In the dark, the shape of White Jade dog glowed like the moon.
You sat up, looking around the room, but neither saw nor sensed anyone (or anything) else in it. Still you crept slowly through the little apartment.
Satoru and Shoko were out of town and you'd come here because you couldn't stand another night alone and now you were glad. The neighborhood was safe enough, but even so...
You trailed your fingers along the wall, the white dog padding along behind you and then slipping past into the kids' room ahead of you.
They were both in bed still, but if the shikigami were out, then that meant someone was awake.
You knelt in the space between Megumi and Tsumiki's beds. She was doing a much better job at pretending than her brother, but if he was awake, then so was she. You sighed softly to yourself. They were both so nervous, even though they hid it. And you didn't blame them.
Too tired for words, you chose to wait instead, and eventually, when you were almost drowsing sitting upright, Megumi rolled over and cracked open one eye. White Jade dog wriggled a little but at the slightest movement from Tsumiki, it stilled again.
Eventually, soon really, they would need separate rooms. Tsumiki had insisted on staying here until the school year was over, but as Satoru had described it, the situation was delicate enough without negotiating for a non-sorcerer to be exposed to the world of curses.
You reached over and tucked her duvet higher over her shoulder, grateful to see at least that some tension unwound from her.
When you turned back, Megumi was no longer pretending to be asleep at all, although that glaring stare of his was softened.
"I heard a noise," he said to your silence, whispered but still defensive.
It didn't take a genius to figure out at this point that you were probably the noise. When this used to happen on overnight missions, Suguru used to shake you awake and sometimes curl up behind you. Satoru would grumble his own reply to your murmuring until you woke and throw a spare pillow, still warm from his embrace, at your head. Shoko would have tugged you slowly into her arms and soothed you back to sleep with her precise fingers rubbing into your neck.
"Well thank you for sending White to come get me," you whispered back, shaking away the memories. "We should go back to sleep though."
Megumi frowned at whatever face you were making and looked at where the white dog was sitting, head cocked almost like a real dog, at the foot of his bed.
It was sweet that he'd sent his favorite of the two to wake you. Black Jade dog seemed to scare him sometimes, literally making him jump at his own shadow as it melted from the darkness.
When he said nothing in reply, you tried to unfold yourself from the floor. Megumi latched onto your sleeve. His face was turned away.
You carefully crouched back down. "How about I stay here tonight?"
He nodded after a moment, just once, barely noticeable except a shift against the pillowcase, but this time he let you go.
You smoothed down a blanket to sleep on and one to sleep under and pulled one of the couch cushions under your head in between the two beds in the narrow room.
Both of the children responded to your prompting "goodnight" and shuffled around to curl up again. Tsumiki's breathing evened out quickly, but the White dog's presence meant that Megumi was still awake.
It was curled around it's masters legs, head propped on his hip as it watched over you.
Neither child nor dog made any noise apart from Tsumiki's sleepy snuffles.
"--I'm okay."
A barely perceptible little hmph came from the bed on your left.
You could hear a clock - the only thing that still had working batteries when you and Satoru had first visited the kids - ticking in the other room.
Almost five minutes later to the second, White Jade dog settled its head heavily over Megumi's side and disappeared with a sigh.
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kae-karo · 6 months
fic writer tag game
saw someone on the for you tab do this (x) as a tag game but obvs i do not know them and did not get tagged and thus i thiefed it 😌
How many works do you have on AO3? 258!!!!
What is your AO3 word count? 3,097,981
What fandoms do you write for? currently 99% blue lock, although i have a wip in genshin and one in bnha that i would some day like to finish lmao
What are your top five fics by kudos? in order they are chosen (x), to love (and be loved in return) (x), little bird (x), feet don't touch the ground (x), and cold devotion (x) wow genshin rly repping out here lmaooo
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? yes basically always!!!! i really appreciate that someone took the time to tell me they liked my story and it feels like the least i can do to tell them that!
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? hmm it is rare indeed that i write fics with unhappy endings but i did it twice for bnha so it's probably a tie between freeing icarus (x) and to the stars that burn (x)
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? this is a strange question for me to try to answer just cause like. idk i would say a solid 90% of my fics have overtly happy endings? if we're talking happiest compared to the initial vibe, i would say pink light (x) does a good job of starting off angstier and trending quickly toward a very happy ending, but that's just off the top of my head due to recency lmao
Do you get hate on fics? i have gotten hate on fics lmao i've had a handful of hate comments regarding kaeluc, one about how 'disgusting' a certain t/b dynamic was, one about a character's storyline, a few about my portrayal of a canon dynamic, and one complaining about the ship the fic was about and how it's so lame that anyone's still reading it
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? yes i absolutely do sldkjfkldsf all kinds really? pretty vanilla for the most part although i've dipped my toe into a kink or two here and there
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? nah not really my jam tbh? too much to keep in my head at one time lmaoooo
Have you ever had a fic stolen? not to my knowledge 😬
Have you ever had a fic translated? yes!!!! lots of lovely people have translated my fics
Have you ever cowritten a fic before? one time lmao with my wife back in the day, although we never really 'finished' it (it was sort of a one-shot ongoing thing so each bit was self-contained but we didn't write more than a few of them)
What's your all-time favourite ship? i refuse to pick one skdjflkdsjf not so much in a 'i could never choose!' kind of way but more bc like. my tastes have changed and will continue to change so anything i say is just gonna be my current opinion. which would be ryusae.
What's a WIP you'd like to finish but doubt you ever will? ohhhhh this is a painful question lmaoooo what can i allow myself to let go of. i have a wip that's followed me across fandoms that i think i've accepted i won't ever finish. i am still deeply trying to keep my interest alive in my two other longfic wips to prevent their untimely demises lmao
What are your writing strengths? immersion!!! coincidentally it's also one of my fave compliments, that i was able to make something very immersive/that people couldn't put it down/etc. i think i do a good job of highlighting the pov character's thoughts, feelings, observations, etc in ways that help tie readers to the character and experience what they're experiencing
What are your writing weaknesses? banter/comedy !!!! this is really a comparative one imo cause i know i've done banter and comedy well but i've also seen it done better and i think it's an area i don't particularly excel in apart from once in a blue moon. which is fine by me!
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? i've done it on occasion! i think it can be fun and interesting especially when relevant to the story or for a good bit
First fandom you wrote for? dan and phil
Favourite fic you've ever written? me, staring forlornly at the 258 fics i've written like ummmmmmm. i am supposed to PICK? ldskfjklsdf is it cheating if i pick a fic i haven't published yet? cause i have one i started almost 2mo ago and i've literally reread it probably a solid dozen times minimum since i finished it (it's for an event otherwise i def would've posted it sooner lmao) but honestly i put my heart into so many of my fics in ways that are so meaningful at the time of my writing that it's hard to say that one fic holds the whole thing when they really all hold different pieces
technically this is a tag game so if u see it and wanna do it, please consider this me tagging u (and tag me so i can see ur answers!!!)
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night-rhea · 2 years
I need to vent a bit, i really do. Its about my beloved Simping Server.
U may not want to hear about it, which is i respect. İf thats the case, have a nice day✨
İ love that server. Let me make that clear. I put a lot of affort for it and i had amazing time in there.
As a mod, i apologize if i let you down in some ways. İm trully sorry if i did. İm saying 'if i did' because honestly i have no idea if i did or not. İn my opinion i failed in some ways but no one reached out to me about it, so i cant be sure.
Server is really quiet for a long time. Many friends left.
Firstly i wanna say im glad they did. Because they choose to leave to focus on theirselves. Group chats are often overwhelming, and takes so much time effort etc etc. İm glad they choose to do what was good for them. İ really am. İ still love them and still support them.
İ am also not mad about server being quiet. Personally, the hphm game itself continue to ruin my motivation for creating a concept for my own oc's for it. Sometimes its really overwhelming that i want to leave it all. How can i be mad about people leaving when i myself started to moving on? Obv, i cant.
İts okay, i tell myself, they choose to move on and its okay.
That doesnt erase the good times we had together there, does it?
Ofc, i know only reason people left is not because of hphm itself, but the problems we faced.
İ am not here to bring it up everything again, but i really need to tell how i feel, i need to let it out.
Like all problems, the ones we faced also had many sides. And from bottom of my heart, i am sorry for both sides having to live through that. Misunderstanding, acting before thinking or simply making mistakes. İt was hard for everyone.
Somes decided to stay away from each other. Which is, i dare to say, the bravest choise. İ am proud of people being able to block someone. Now dont think im being dramatic. Fandoms are places to be enjoyed. İf blocking someone makes ur experience here a lot better, do it right away. İ swear im not mad at people who blocked me in past and i wont be mad if somes block me in future.
İ dont hate anyone. İm not angry to anyone. İ accept my mistakes. And i hope the ones that was mad at me can understand me now.
İ know most of us already moved on, so why bring it up again right?
İ have been in fandom for two years now. Not so long, but not so short either. All that time i was proud of myself for being calm and kind to everyone.
Well until today at least. I never know myself talking to someone like that, and that wasnt even so rude or anything!
İ know that person will understand im talking about them, which is good. And please dont make it obv that its you. İts not personaly about you now. İts about me.
Like i said today, i felt really angry. Maybe that person doesnt really understand why.
I was mad because i was failing to protect my friends from some drama again.
İ am not acting like there were no drama in that server. İm not acting like everything was perfect and "my" server was perfect. No it wasnt. İm not perfect, it cant be perfect either.
İ need you guys to at least know that the server stressed me so fucking much. Gave me anxiety attacks, made me leave tumblr for a while.
İm not saying it was your fault. İm saying it to let you know i was effected by it too.
İ came to understanding that i am looking like i didnt care much. That i "choose a side" in problems we had in there. That i am judging people. None of them was the case. None.
İ wish i can explain how guilty i feel about every single bad thing happened here. İt feels like my fault. Because i gathered people here i was the mod here etc etc. Even if i know not everything was my fault, i still feel like it. That has been eating me inside. Thats why i wanted to apologize over and over again.
İm trying to be a nice person, and i guess thats all i can do.
Only thing i feel sad about is how i lost contact with some people who left. But thats on me because im really anxious about dming people. So i cant blame anyone if im the one who doesnt reach out to them and let them know i still appreciate their friendship.
Thank you if you read all of that. İ hope i didnt make you even more uncomfortable, that definitely not what i am trying to do. İ just wanted to let it out, so i can move on.
I hope you guys will have an amazing day/night. And i hope i will see you with my not-vent posts 💜
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a-froger-epic · 2 years
it’s a rant lol my bad. to clarify when I say you it’s referring in general to the group who insist on invalidating Freddie’s sexuality. not any one individual. buuut if you read this and think I’m speaking to you directly, maybe that’s a sign babe. maybe reflect a lil lmfao.
I will literally never understand people. Never mind all the he said she said bs arguments. Okay sure we weren’t there, we didn’t know him personally we have to take all the stories about him with a grain of salt. Fine. Totally fine. If that’s how people want to view what people who were closest to Freddie say fine whatever ignore everyone who ever actually knew him if you truly don’t see anything wrong with that. But Freddie, FREDDIE HIMSELF, identified as GAY. HE CALLED HIMSELF GAAAAY. That alone should be the end of the fucking discussion right there. Yet for some reason people still insist on erasing all of that, and saying none of it matters because they know better. Yes, bitch. You know a man that you’ve never met better than everyone who actually knew him and better than he knew himself. 🙄🙄 literally fuck outa here.
I’ll admit, as someone who identifies as pan, I was elated when I first got into the fandom at the prospect of him possibly being bi. Of course it’s always nice to find representation, especially in someone who love and admire so much. But as soon as I actually dove into things and became acquainted (not literally obvs) with the queen boys I realized oh Freddie was most definitely gay. He identified as gay, there’s no way around that. I understand the need to push yourself and your own experiences onto someone or some character you admire and identify with, and how good it can feel to see yourself reflected in that person or character, but you are literally erasing his identity, his, story, his sexuality and his struggles for the sake of making yourself feel better and it’s fucking gross babe.
Okay great now that we’ve established that back to drooling over pictures of Freddie in tiny shorts.
Yeah, as a fellow pansexual (hi!) I was also initially excited that Freddie might be bi... until I did even the most surface level research and realised, ahh, nope. Definitely gay. Fair enough.
I am just also puzzled by how people went from "sexuality = sexual behaviour" in the 1950s when Kinsey based people's sexuality on which actual lived experience they had had (closeted men sleeping with women could not count as fully gay, for example, on the Kinsey scale) to realising over decades that sexuality is to be defined by the individual themselves and their own perception of themselves, and not an outside judgement of how they behave... rrrrright back to: "Did you know Freddie had a girlfriend called Mary? SEE. Bi. >:("
Seriously, what the heck.
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jellydishes · 2 years
The DA fandom is just fucking horrific when it comes to female characters. There's so much shit that male characters get a free pass for, and the ladies get dog piled on? The double standards are mind boggling! Wrt Bethany, I don't really like either path for her to be honest and I wish the Mages Collective had been an option as it would have allowed her to come into her own without the trauma of the Circle or the taint associated with being a Warden. What's your preferred path for her?
oh man anon, you've activated my trap card. asking me about lady characters AND bethany hawke? is it my birthday???
anyway this got into a huge tangent so i put it under the cut lol
okay so first off, i completely agree about how the fandom will treat female characters. naturally it's all about curating your own experience and following the people who inspire you and don't give you a migraine with their bad takes etc etc BUT,
take how the fandom treats anora, my personal pick for the throne in origins, as well as isabela, who is the heart of my heart, the star i set my feet to. anora is accused of quote unquote just generally being a bitch, with her worst quality often being cited as... being ambitious? wanting to be queen when the alternative is a completely untested person who doesn't even WANT to be king (and is absolutely set up to be a puppet king who will be manipulated by arl eamon), when she's spent her whole life training for the role? c'mon. C'MON.
and isabela is often and loudly jeered at for being open and unapologetic with her sex life, which is a whole other bucket of worms that makes me regret so very many things but comes back to sex shaming women (and also racism, obvs, that's quite the double whammy, i'm so sorry bela)
and as for bethany hawke? personally, i prefer the grey warden path for her. not because i think the grey wardens are so awesome etc etc, but because:
a) it's a damn sight better than being imprisoned in the circle, where abuse of all kind exists every single day and she was DEFINITELY lying about how good she had it in her letter and later in the game, because bethany as a character has been shown to sacrifice her own happiness for that of her friends and family and lying about the horrors of the circle would be included there
b) as a grey warden she would have the freedom (for the most part) to not be attacked and judged as a mage, and would be able to just BREATHE among the other grey wardens. they already know she's a mage and don't care? there's a group of people much larger than her friend group back in kirkwall who will protect her and help her grow, which brings me to my next part,
c) i LOVE the wardens for her precisely for the reason most everybody else doesn't, which is that she's pissed off and resentful in her letter to hawke. cause like. think about it. up until that point in the game, she's never really expressed being angry or opposed hawke in the slightest. similarly to my point above, she internalizes most of her negative emotions and bottles everything up until it's a five wine, but as a warden, the worst already happened and she's still here and kicking and getting to express herself???? so she decides, y'know? Fuck It. and tells her sibling off, And Good For Her
d) (also in the rp i have going with my partner off and on she Absolutely gets to explore being a baby bi and gets a crush on another lady warden named sehris but that's for another time y/y)
as for the mages collective, that's an option i've seen suggested only recently, but it's certainly an intriguing one! i haven't really even had the opportunity to put much thought into it, it bring that recent of a suggestion, but i am very much down for renegade bethany hawke helping other mages, her being a vocal part of the mage rebellion being another thing i yell about loud and often, but this post is way too long already lollll
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fangedbrbiemoved1 · 1 year
○  name: charli
○  pronouns: She/Her
○  preference of communication: Discord / tumblr IM
○   name of muse(s): caroline forbes and... several over on @78street
○   platforms you’ve used: twitter, discord, wire, skype and tumblr obvs. 
○   best experience: probably with this blog tbh. been in the rpc since 2011 and the fear street rpc is super small. which has me a lot more relaxed compared to past blogs i’ve had and the fandoms i’ve been apart of. 
○    rp pet peeves / dealbreakers: Drama. and not reading rules and about. i can’t tell you enough how many times a week i have to deal with people not reading my rules and caroline’s about. it’s frustrating. especially when it’s on my pinned post that she isn’t tvdu at all. as terrible as it sounds, i end up just dropping convos when someone clearly doesn’t read my rules and care’s about. 
○    fluff, angst, or smut:  all three. though when it comes to smut, i am highly picky about who i write it with and won’t write it with just anyone. i prefer to write it with people i’m comfortable with and who’ve i’ve spoken to ooc. 
○    plots or memes: both! though ya girl can be a dumpster when it comes to plotting at times. 
○    best time to write: anytime i have the motivation lmao. but tbh, the mornings seem to fair well with me lately. or..at least after 10am. 
○    are you like your muse(s): god yes....i use to at one point relate a lot to caroline so i guess? that’s why i feel super comfortable rping her and understand her a lot better than muses i’ve rped in the past as. 
tagged by: several people. 
tagging: everyone who sees the thing. 
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lilsuzn · 3 years
MLQC Victor - NSFW abc headcanons (REMASTERED)
Fandom: Mr. Love: Queen’s Choice
Warnings: Explit sexual content (GN READER)
it's what I posted a while ago, but better - I changed some things, I deleted some thing and wrote new. I think it's much better now
Tumblr media
A = Aftercare (What they are after sex?)
Victor is a man that has his values straight
You are the most important part of his life (even if he sometimes struggles to shop it) and he will do anything for you… and only for you
Other people don’t matter. He only takes what he wants and leaves.
But you - his sweetest, dearest, little love… can ask anything and everything (well, almost - see N).
You crave massages? He will buy the most luxurious oils on the market, might even take a course to perfect his skills to give you more pleasure
Want to take a bath? He will have a bathtub installed if he doesn’t have one already
Pillowtalk, kissing, snuggling, another round? No need to say it twice. He leaves to please you
When it comes to him, he likes to pull you close and tell you all the things he has no courage to say at any other time
Leave no space for misunderstanding in the department of his unconditional, boundless, eternal love and devotion for you
Tell you just how happy he is to have you and how everything is worthless in comparison to you
After he makes sure you’ve been pleasured throughly already, he will want to share a shower
And make no mistake - he will wash you. You can wash him too, if you want, but taking care of that pretty body of yours is his responsibility
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite body part is his waist
It wasn’t easy to get that V shaped body and he is extremely proud of this accomplishment…
Especially when he sees your hungry gaze roaming his torso up and down
And you… He couldn’t possibly choose one part
Beautiful legs, rounded butt, soft abdomen and that gorgeous, gorgeous smile
That would be your thighs when it comes to the sexual aspect
You have such a delicate skin there. So suckable. Kissable. More plush than any pillow could ever be
He feels so secure and at ease when they squeeze around his head as you ride his face.
The sound of his hips slapping against them - heavenly
Not much can make him calmer than your lovely, plump thighs
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)
It should come (hihihi) as no surprise that he loves to spill inside
It’s so intimate… Bonding…
Doesn’t really like to cum onto you for reasons he himself doesn’t really understand
It just feels… somewhat degrading? And he doesn’t like it that way?
Then again cuming into your mouth is a strong YES. Maybe it’s because of how enthusiastically you take him in
How you collect all the spill from your chin and lick it off your fingers like it was some kind of delicious delicacy
That sight makes him hard all over again…
D = Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory - a dirty secret of theirs)
He has a folder of your photos on his computer
Some of them were taken with consent… Some without you realising…
Because you were in his bed sleeping in your naked glory… And he could only stop himself the first, like 20 (?) times
He sorts them by aesthetic and cuteness/sexiness
Jacks off to them when you’re not around
Most of them are very artistic. He tries his best to make them as good as the ones he was using before you… (see J)
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He slept with a few girls in college, but he saw it only as ‘taking care of his sexual needs’ - no real feelings included
He had one dedicated booty call - a girl who fell in love with him despite him saying that he only only sees her for sex
That period really allowed him to explore his sexuality
So he knows what he likes and what to do, so his partner likes it too
F = Favorite position (This goes without saying)
Everything when he takes you from the back
He’s rather keen on yanking hair, slaping ass…
But when it comes to the person he loves - you, he likes to face each other during sex
He wants to kiss your face, neck and chest. Nuzzle his face into your abdomen while he’s going down from his height
Your legs thrown over his shoulders so he can slap his hips against your soft thighs
Or legs pressed to your sides, hands gripping your thighs
And he can’t even attempt to lie he doesn’t absolutely love when you sit on his lap… or get on top in general
Or when your thighs grip his head when you 69 on the couch while ‘watching’ a movie. Your lips sloppy around him as his tongue pleasures you with most precision and dedication
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
No goofy.
If they start to joke around, they get spanked. HARD.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Victor is a passionate swimmer, so most of his body is hairless
But he doesn’t shave his pubes. Finds it weird to be completely bare down there and the first time he had sex with a completly hairless girl, he was a bit taken aback with her baby like smoothness.
Only trims them with a ‘pubes razor’ which is his old razor that he doesn’t use for face anymore, because he got a better one from his aunt for Christmas
Carpet matches the drapes
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
No goofy.
Only love and eternal devotion.
He will caress and leave kisses all over your body. Keep you close in the warmest and most loving embrace
No dummies or idiots in bed. Only treasures and loves
Almost like he’s trying to make it up to you for his tendency to be so aloof on a daily basis
The sweet talk doesn’t stop there, but I already said everything about it in A
J = Jack off (Masturbation headcanon)
This man didn’t have time to waste on women when he was building his empire, so he naturally spend quite a lot of his life masturbating instead of having sex
He doesn’t really enjoy porn, though. It’s too cartoonish for him. He much prefers to look through lingerie commercials or nude photoshoots - the more artistic the better
After he reunites with you, he starts to feel all that pent up sex tension and starts to jack off almost every day
Thinking about you. Looking at photos of you. Carving you with every small bit of his being
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
First of all - seeing his partner being pleasured. Either by him or by a vibrating toy plugged into them or pressed against their sensitive spots. He doesn’t even pump himself watching. He’s way too consumed with the enticing sights
Double penetration. His huge dick in one whole, dildo in another… Just thinking about it gets him going
He can’t deny himself at least some manhandling (if you consent - obv). Although he doesn’t go full on dom every time (at least with you) he seems to be unable to deny himself some hair pulling and choking... Although he almost does it lovingly? Spanking and whipping will surely also happen from time to time. Can get very rough when jealous
Also a slight daddy kink. When he hears it slip past your lips in the form of a joke - he feels some strange tingling in his groin and it’s not a venereal disease
If you sit on his lap, make a cute, helpless expression and ask daddy to play with you… It just turns him into a primal animal with no self restraint
That he kinda always seems to be
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Where nobody can hear them
Or see them
Anywhere with a stable surface really, but he needs to know you will have full privacy
Would never agree for public sex
All the sweet sounds and expressions he makes you do are his and only his to experience
M = Motivation (What turns them on/gets them going)
Stress, irritation, anger, hurt… Sex is a great way for him to gat this weight of his chest since he doesn’t really like to think those negative feeligs through
Or any feelings, if we’re at it
A nice butt is also a motivation, especially when it’s attached to a fine pair of legs
But both of these factors aren’t a guarantee of a turn on and even if they have that impact on him, he still will most likely not act on it
What he really struggles to control is a real attraction that reaches what’s beyond physical
A beautiful, hardworking and open-minded person is something Victor finds hard to ignore
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do/turn offs)
No sharing
No blood play
No permanent marking
Nothing too forcefull or aggressive
No sex before assigning boundaries and exchanging preferences
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
As I already said In B, Victor is an oral lover
More into giving than receiving, but would never push his lover away
(you can always 69, right?)
The man is humming in pleasure as his tongue slides along your sex
Is more than willing to go for hours if only you let him
The more you moan the more intense his movements become
His main goal is to please
The secondary one is to be the best at yet another thing
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He has two base modes
One: I love you, my sweet creature - all about measured, unhurried but hard thrust. True, pure love-making
Two: Little girls don’t get a say in how daddy fucks them - you’re tearing up, sobbing, drooling and he gets even more turned on by it. Fucks harder and faster then you both believed possible. Years of engaging in sports come to show themselves
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He will participate when the occasion occurs
Might even initiate an occasion
But it’s not really sex for him. It’s a quickie
And when compared to the real love-making with you… it’s just meh
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
When it comes to taking risks, I believe I already made it clear that he isn’t too into that
If someone walked in you, it would be very upsetting for him
If you got accidentally hurt would break his heart
But experiment he would happily
New toys, new positions, new kinks… He will try anything once
Well, almost anything (see N)
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
We all have our better and worst days, and this man has a whole company to run. It’s only natural for him to be tired
So usually he won’t last for more than one round. Maybe 3 on weekends
But will last a while if he sets a slower pace (see P)
On vacations however, after a few days of rest his stamina will increase dramatically
Have you seen this guy’s torso? Exactly
He has some stamina to spare
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Not against, although he prefers to experiment with positions that to experiment with toys
Will probably never propose any, except when he knows his partner is into such things
If you do - Victor will do his research and find something exciting for you to enjoy
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
He really is not patient enough for that
Doesn’t have time for it either
Why would he even want to? They’re unsatisfied = he’s unsatisfied (as I mentioned in K)
He sees no appeal in it. When he wants to fuck, he wants to fuck. No reason to beat around the bush
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Victor can be a bit more talkative than usual during the foreplay
Throughs some praise (a lot of it)
Tell you about his feelings (but not too much at that point)
About things that made him jealous…
A quiet Fuck may leave his lips when he enters you and when he’s about to come
In the middle of those two - he’s rather silent
Not much of a moaner
He grunts and growls a lot though. Can get a little bit loud from time
W = Wild card (A random headcanon for the character)
It was a sunny, autumn day. You were walking down the street. You’re fingers entwined. The sunlight was gracing your beautiful features so gorgeously… and he had already been yearning for so long
When you’ve finally reached the Souvenir’s door, the man is all worked up
Not that you could tell from his steely expression
But you sure got suspicious when he got all touchy feely out of the sudden
Not that you would ever mind - obviously
Feather light kisses on the nape of your neck and shoulders. Fingertips caressed your waist to then slide down to your hips. Then he reached for the hem of your dress…
“I love you…” he whispered in your ear
Goosebumps momentarily appeared on your skin as all the intense feelings he had been making you experience from the very day you saw him for the first time in his office travel down your spine in a form of a intense shiver
You wanted him. So bad. For so long.
And there was no hiding his feelings for you at that moment as you turned your head to face him
Soon after stomach was pressed against the kitchen counter. Your naked butt was all out on display for Victor to squeeze and spank as you squirmed and moaned under his touch
Victor didn’t take any unnecessary time to move his long, broad fingers down, to stroke your sensitive slit
He praised you for being so wet, so flushed, so eager for him
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
“I love you, too” you whispered to his ear as his arms pressed you as close to his body as possible, while you were still going back from your highs
And after that, from his lips slipped the words of the most sincere adoration… and true love
Words you would never expect to leave his beautiful, soft mouth
Matches the rest of the man
Long and thick
No curvature. Perfectly straight
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Rather average
Ha has periods when he doesn’t even think about it
And he has ones when he can’t stop thinking about it
However he doesn’t go too much either way
Z = Zzz… (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Remember what I said in S? Applies here as well
He’s a hardworking man
Simplu needs to work hard to keep his business growing and to keep his lover pleased
Then he just needs to get some rest. Don’t try to change his mind because he will
If he’s well rested however, he won’t let you sleep
Like, not a chance. You need to come at least five times. He doesn’t make the rules, sorry
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ironhoshi · 3 years
Do you have any idea why Kesett isn't already an empire? I get that it's a rarepair kinda and there's no suggestion that they ever meet, but I feel like it sounds almost intuitive? I don't know, I wanted to ask you since you're a pioneer in the ship as far as I know...
I've seen a few people say they don't ship it because the two have never met and it doesn't make sense to them. Which is valid for them. I respect that. Shipping habits depend on the person, so I get it. I, personally, can ship rare pairs like whoa...often writing them on accident. The chemistry- it just smacks me in the face like a wronged rich woman who is furious I just bought the last slice of cake. And I do it again, fyi. That cake tastes better when it has a side of resentment... ahem. Sorry. I'm still drinking my coffee. Back to the question!
When I first got into Jangobi or Kenfetti (whatever you want to call it) it wasn't as big as a ship as it is now. Ships grow when more people get into them, creating art or stories to show their appreciation. That in turn pulls other people in, who share those creations and/or create their own. It is an endless cycle and one that will play out across many ships and fandoms. The right piece can snag a person and turn them into a creator, just saying.
Kesett is small, but it has already grown from what it once was. @fettupwithyou is the real pioneer. They came screaming into my messages and planted the idea in my head and I went "...that is what I am writing, isn't it?" Then I turned around and attempted to pull other people in to this ship with me. We've gone from like 3 fics to 23, so cheers to us! (Also, thank you, vod, for corrupting me.)
The thing is I don't think most consumers or makers of creations even think about the pairing? When most people are looking for something to read, at least in my experience, they are looking for what their favorite authors have written or they are searching for a specific character or pairing or tag. Which is totally fine, I do it all the time! Sometimes I just want to read certain things and sometimes I want to randomly click fics until one clicks with my mind. (Heck, I've had people tell me they only cared about certain stories I wrote so they haven't read the others.) The point is not a lot of people are searching for the Kesett of it all. That means those fics are sitting there, not read at the same volume a fic about CodyWan is- and that's just how it goes for rare pairs. You have a niche following and maybe, someday, you might get a bigger one.
Same with art. I will scroll through tumblr search like a spalunker, my pickax in hand, and unearth the fan art of the characters or pairings I want to see. Kesett, obvs, is one I really want to see, but it doesn't have a large foot mark yet. People draw what excites them and if it is some other ship? Cool! I will still probably devour that image and wish I was anywhere near as skilled as those artists. I'd draw so much Kesett you'd all chase me off this site... (also, @jars-artcollection has some slapping art for this ship.)
I think with time, and enough of me bribing people, it will grow slightly bigger, but I don't know if it will ever be the Empire that Jangobi Kenfetti is. The thing is, the more it is out there, the more people will notice.
So if you, personally, want it to careen towards an empire level? I suggest reblogging the heck out of Kesett things you like. Comment on fics, let the author know you loved the pairing and story. I'm not saying you aren't already doing that, fyi. Do this, what you are doing now. Come into my ask box and talk to me about it. I love talking about Kesett, I love trying to get people to see that they are just a couple of neat dumbasses that go well together. The more people talk to me about it, the more likely I am to write more. I am merely a flower of ideas that requires constant attention and sunlight. Shower me with words and I will spew out a story.
An empire takes everyone. The people creating and the people sharing the creations.
Now my coffee is almost gone and I want to just say one more thing:
It doesn't matter the fandom or pairing, let the creator know you liked it! It does amazing things for our ego. Give your favorite creators a random 💜 today. It will brighten their mood.
Love ya, and stay safe.
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anexlarrieblog · 2 years
i'll share my unlarrying story: i got into it when i was read some article about internet conspiracy theories and obvs babygate was included. i was left kinda curious and decided to look up some larry videos, binged the freddieismyqueen channel and became enamored with them. thought they were very cute together, believed they were unambiguously flirtatious with each other and the idea of a secret gay relationship in the biggest boyband in the world seemed very attractive and reaffirming to me +
as a 17 year old queer girl. the "love story" larries made up deeply moved me and made me become even more fascinated with our community's prosperity despite oppressive circumstances. i felt more connected to it, to my queer identity and that made me feel really happy, hopeful, emotionally fulfilled. months later, i lost interest in it and rarely engaged with the tumblr fandom, which was where i got the larry 101 knowledge and the only place i interacted with it besides youtube. + the only times i thought about it was when i saw people discussing harry's "ambiguous" sexuality and speculating about his personal life. i never tried to refute them because i didn't care enough to, but in my head i thought i knew how wrong they were because i happened to know harry was gay and in a long-term relationship with louis. i still retained that fake knowledge and believed i knew The Truth even though i didn't have any emotional attachment to it anymore. + i realized i was wrong when i found the portraitofalarryonfire blog and one of their many posts debunking Larry really caught my attention and had a big emotional impact on me. the points were completely coherent and well argued, so i decided to binge their tag on the subject and ended up opening my eyes completely. that was actually a hard time for me because i spent a few weeks on some sort of "grief": being extremely sad, affected, shattered rly because i had believed in a conspiracy theory + and allowed my queer projections to take over my rationality in such a big way. i was truly shocked at how naive i didn't even know i could be. nowadays, i engage with fandom in a much more mature and level-headed way and i'm very thankful to the debunkers because Larry ended up becoming a gateway to a few other CTs i ended up believing on some level: Kaylor, Gaylor, Benedict Cumberbatch's babygate and "stunt" marriage... i feel so embarrassed to admit this lmao + especially because i was NEVER conspiracy minded before Larry, but it got in my head and rotted my brain for a while. i felt in my skin how harmful and dangerous conspiracy theories are to a person's mind. but thanks to the debunkers, i'm free of all of those delusions, fully aware of how much better living in reality, minding my own business and not getting invested in strangers's personal lives, no matter how much i admire and feel affection for them, is. + i don't follow their careers anymore, but i really hope more of HL's fans that have yet to come to those realizations continue to do so as soon as possible and that all conspiracy informed thought gets eradicated from the world one day.
Thanks anon for sharing your un-larrying story so honestly. Sounds quite painful but I’m so glad you are out the other side and actually in a healthier place and happier mindset 😊 what you have said about your own queer experience and larrying resonated with me. I actually got into Larry around about the same time I was coming to grips with my own sexuality and I don’t think that’s a coincidence. It’s something people often find uncomfortable talking about but I think it’s important to acknowledge. A lot of Larries are/claim to be part of the LGBT+ community and I don’t think that’s a coincidence either. It does make you feel so uncomfortable when you realise that you were using something as a comfort that is actually pretty fucking harmful and just downright untrue. I agree the debunks are very important and I think it’s important that people continue to talk about the harmfulness of Larrie. My hope is that one day Larrie ceases to exist. It’s went further than any CT that I’m aware of and has caused harm to Louis, Harry and their families.
Thanks again for sharing anon, come chat to me anytime 💕
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willowcrowned · 3 years
Fic Writer Interview
I was tagged by @tessiete
Tagging: @mandaloriandy @outpastthemoat @phoenixyfriend
Remember to make a new post!
How many works do you have on AO3?
48, thirteen of which have been made anonymous.
What's your total AO3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
On Ao3? 12, including Star Wars (obvs), FMAB, Twilight, The Silmarillion, LOTR, Much Ado About Nothing, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Narnia, The Arcana, VLD (yes, I know), Buzzfeed Unsolved.
In my drafts folder? WAY more. (one day I'll finish you post-OoT Link character study... one day..)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Paternal Relations, Leap of Faith, (Arguable) Flirting, To Catch a Serial Killer, and Being an Investigation of Sorts into the Supernatural and the Supernaturally Stupid
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do! Not all of them, because that's something I don't have the energy for. (Fic writers who do respond to all comments—I have the greatest admiration for you, and also how the hell do you do it.) I always respond if it's particularly thoughtful or insightful, and I'll usually respond if it's a joke. I don't bother for an emoji or an 'I liked it.'
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Ehm... I don't really do angst. I do have something in my WIP folder that'll end pretty angstily if I ever get around to it. I think my anonymous Narnia or VLD fics? Maybe the anonymous Silmarillion one?
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you've written?
Not as real fic. As not!fics on tumblr? Absolutely. I'm going to go with the fmab/TPM crossover, because that's the silliest one that comes to mind immediately.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I've only ever received "hate" once, and it was the funniest comment I've ever read (not intentionally, unfortunately for them), so I have it screenshotted for when I need a good laugh.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes, primarily pwp. I think that emotionally-driven smut that functions as a device for a character study is some of the best, most compelling smut out there. Unfortunately, my smut writing interests lie in a different direction—a hornier one.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, but now I feel like I should go check.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Smoking_breath did a russian translation of Paternal Relations!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. I'm a bit of a control freak, and very particular about style to boot, so there's really only ben one time I've considered it and it was with someone who I was sharing a braincell with.
What's your all time favorite ship?
Oof. I don't really do OTPs, so I don't have an answer for this.
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I hesitate to say never, because there's always a chance I'll come back to it, but I have a Princess Bride AU in my WIPs folder that's nearly done that I probably won't touch. (It needs major rewrites, but I do like the premise, which is that Buttercup decides to vent all her grief via grabbing a sword and whacking at things, so who knows.)
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and humor! I think I've got a really good hold on how to pace writing so that jokes land really well, and I think I'm also pretty good at figuring out where to put dialogue tags and such so a conversation proceeds with the pauses where I want them.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I really struggle with anything character driven. (For context, the last character-driven thing I tried stopped at 20k, but that 20k took me several hundred hours of writing time.) I don't know why that is, but I do know that writing something character-driven is like wrestling with a sugar-crazed five year old covered in oil, and whatever comes out inevitably needs major rewrites. I get a little better every time I try, though! Maybe in thirty years I'll actually be able to do it without giving myself a headache every time I open the doc.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Unless I know the language, I won't do it, and even then I think it can be really dicey. A lot of the time, a foreign language will take me out of the reading experience—not just because it can be hard to understand, but because the author has no idea how people actually use a second language. A really good example of that (and the one I see the most) is pet names.
Unless it makes sense within the context of the characters (e.x. two characters that share a heritage using a pet name from that heritage's language as a means of connecting to each other), I find pet names really take me out of it. I have never in my life been speaking English with someone and then called them a pet name in Hebrew (which, even though I'm not fluent, is the language that I've been called pet names in by my family and is the language I'd use for a pet name). When someone switches languages mid-sentence just to call someone a pet name in a language they don't know, it can read as a little... odd.
Foreign language use gets even dicier when I do speak the language and I can tell that the author doesn't. I've put down fics because they had no clue what they were doing with the Hebrew or the French. If your character is supposed to be fluent and they're making mistakes with gender, then I'm not going to be able to pay attention to the actual story and will instead be trying to format a comment in my head to tell you in the nicest way possible that your grammar is wrong.
So: I don't use it in my fics. I think it can be used to great effect when done right (see: insight into a character's relationship with their past, heritage, etc. (also for comedy, because there's nothing quite like "can you hand me the—the—fuck. The סוכר?" "the sugar?" "oh my god it's the same fucking word in english.")), but on the whole, I'm iffy about it.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Technically Avalon: Web of Magic, which I did in fourth grade with a friend. We didn't know what fanfiction was though, so I'm not sure if it counts.
What's your favorite fic you've written?
I'm quite fond of Smoke Raised with the Fume of Sighs right now, but more as something I'm enjoying writing than something I'd like reading. It's my first real foray into posting as I go, and it's the first time I've done chapetered fic in a while. It's also great fun, character-wise.
Other than that, I still very much enjoy Paternal Relations. It's got some fun lines.
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sukirichi · 3 years
You probably hear this so often and I don’t wanna be the broken record but you are insanely talented! I can’t emphasize that enough!! Writers like you have inspired me to start my own blog and pick up writing again!! As a writer, I’m curious as to what advice would you give to a starting blog? If you see this, thank you for taking the time to read this message, I hope you have a wonderful day ☺️💕
omg bb thank you so much, you have me so soft rn!!! OMG AAAH YES YOU HAVE YOUR BLOG AND OMG REALLY, I DIDN’T THINK I COULD BE A SOURCE OF INSPIRATION SPSPPSS TYSM OMGGGG! hmm well this would just be my own opinions and experience, it could be different for orthers so it might not apply to others but my advice for starting blogs would be:
be firm in your goals/purpose of starting this blog! so when you start a blog, you obvs have a reason for it. it could be just to try something fun, to pick up on a hobby or to sharpen a skill, or sometimes to just find a place where you could happily share your content to. whatever it may be, it’s very important than you remind yourself of why you started the blog. that way, if you ever feel like not continuing anymore or even experiencing a drawback, you could find your way back if you really want to continue :) plus, being firm in your goals and purpose will always be that extra push for everyone to work harder and keep going forward no matter the circumstance 
be patient! having your blog grow will take some time. patience is a good thing to have and i suggest to not be too held up with the numbers too much even though i know it could be tempting! plus, it might take a while before your content shows up in the tags because tumblr needs time to see if you’re not a bot.
tags, tags, tags! what worked for me (from what i observed in my blog) is that the more variety you have in your tags, the more chances of your content to be exposed and seen by others. i personally like to add extra stuff like gojo satoru fluff or gojo x reader romance even though I don’t think they’re very popular tags. who knows, someone might look for it!
(optional) take requests! now you don’t have to take requests if you don’t want to, of course! but personally, taking requests as a starting blog helped me grow because people want to see their own imaginations come to life, and i had a lot of fun taking requests since it helped me improve and have TONS of practice, as well as experiment with different ideas and concepts. this way, you’ll get a better feel of your ability and which parts you want to improve or focus more on! and a little sweetener: sometimes i just really like writing stuff for people because like...let’s say if i know how to bake and someone asks me to bake something, like they actually want to taste my food, it makes me happy!
be interactive! this doesn’t mean you have to be friends with everyone, because even i am not that much of a social person :// but being interactive means to support others and to be open to others. again, it could just be a me thing, but humans are social creatures by nature and even introverted people like me with really minimal social batteries feel some sort of contentment and belonging when i get to meet new friends. it makes me happier here! 
i think that’s about it? i’m not sure if it helped since it’s all very basic and what worked for me might not work for you but thank you so much for this! i wish you all the best with your blog and the fandom is very glad to have more writers! you have an even greater day bubs!!
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secondhand-trash · 3 years
i just read your characterization analysis response to those anons about atsumu and honestly you’re so perceptive and smart? i think i’m fangirling but asfks you have such a big brain and i think you’re a beautiful soul uwu.
may i ask what you think atsumu’s dating/relationship experience is like for both high school and post time skip, as well as what would his potential partner be like? because i always see the same trending stories making him out to be a guy that has a new pretty thing, model, actress, or celebrity in his bed every day and night in his expensive penthouse, but i feel like there’s so much more to him. (and apparently japanese pro v-league players don’t make THAT much?)
LMAO THAT PART ABOUT V LEAGUE PLAYERS NOT REALLY MAKING THAT MUCH HHHHHHH tbh I think that while obv they are somewhat public figures I just don’t see pro vball players getting the same star treatment as baseball or football players in japan🤔tbh not anywhere ngl from the perspective of a non-sports person, vball definitely feels like a more humble sport JUST IN MY PERCEPTION because you don’t see vball players stepping into entertainment or getting into scandals nearly as much.
As for his experience with relationships🤔obv this is still my own hc but I really can’t see him as someone who plays around too much LMAO I just... I don’t see him as someone who enjoys it. To me he feels like those ppl who maybe had their first relationship in like late middle school and it didn’t work out, mostly because the level of commitment both parties put into the relationship isn’t the same. Then he might have one or two more s/os, but he’ll probably reach a point of realisation that he doesn’t exactly like dating far too much or that it wasn’t something that made his life better. Tbh highschool atsumu felt like someone who is very content with what he had and what his goals are, I can see him either not dating in hs at all or find someone he really vibe with and that’s the one for the rest of his life. He just appears to be more task focused to me, like he’s flamboyant but he also has no mercy to people who distract him from what he is doing (squealing pigs) that I just don’t see getting romantically occupied as his priority. ALSO I think hs atsumu is the type of people who you will only find attractive if you don’t know him LMAO
As for time skip... I can see him being more mature and having casual dates or like several relationships but I do think he’s gonna be serious about stuff like that. Not in the sense that he goes into each encounter thinking he’s going to marry the person, but if it is just casual to him I think he’s gonna make it clear too. I just don’t see him as a heartbreaker, not on purpose at least. I also think he is far too grounded with his family and old friends to be able to pull a 180 and become a ladies man right after he go pro😂😂😂do you think Samu won’t roast his head off if he tries to be a suave play boy picking people up in an expensive car (which if he does have one his poor brother will probably hear him complain about paying back instalments too often)? There’s also the factor that he might want to be a player but couldn’t LOLOL he literally wears a fur suit in a fan meeting and no one laughed I think it takes some chemistry for people to find him attractive and endearing after he starts speaking😌
As for potential partner... idk🤔I think any character can be matched with any person tbh as long as the moment is right. Definitely someone who is willing to talk things out, or else the relationship probably won’t go anywhere. Even if it’s someone that will force him to listen I think it might be people that works well with him. I’m not sure if I’m projecting or whatever but I can see him as someone who likes people who likes him if that makes sense, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a outright declaration of love every day type situation but I think he’ll like the idea of someone that isn’t going anywhere (just something I extend from how he seemed to be the one that is attached to the idea of being a “duo” with his brother).
Obv this is just my thoughts or rather, who I like to see him as. Anyone is welcome to disagree or agree with me that’s what’s so fun about writing and fandoms😌✨ngl I don’t go on the trending page for fics because I’ve realised that I rarely like the most popular fics or that the tropes gets very repetitive after a while hhhhhh
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