#but the Yiga had been preparing this trap for a while
nancyheart11 · 2 months
Dad's in a place >:)
They were following fast on the trail of a group of Yiga, almost where they could touch them Abel was sure. If they could capture just one, then he felt sure they could finally get some straight answers about where to find Abel’s son, along with the others. They moved down on a slope lined with colored rocks and a dip in the middle of the path from the many feet that had trodden it in times past. The Yiga scum slipped in a small opening of great wooden doors that had seen much better days, but peeling paint and chipped carvings aside, the doors were magnificent in scale and in lovingly rendered carvings of something Abel didn’t pay attention to as the Fierce Deity nearly threw the doors off their hinges in his haste to enter the space. They finally cornered the Yiga against a wall only to hear dreaded giggles of the sort that were part of Abel’s nightmares. He could have sworn he saw one of the blasted traitors wink at him through the mask before the air was filled with dark, sickly sweet smoke and mocking laughter. He felt air move on his back and Abel whirled around squinting through the thick smoke and try and get a hit on one of them.
here's another Dad Squad snippet
(guess where they are hehe)
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awkwardspontaneity · 3 years
Battle for the Sky
Link x GN!Sheikah!Reader
Part 4 of Memories of You
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Summary: Link and Y/n are called to Rito Village when a dark beast has taken over Vah Medoh and Y/n’s biggest fear finally comes to light.
AN: I finally finished this part. May have gone a touch overboard with this one it’s like 2500 words. I just had a lot of fun writing the battle and the characters. Its got a lot of fighting and mayybe a teensy bit of angst. I rlly like Revali so I had to feature him. bit of gore so just a warning
regular= present    italic= memory
Link stood atop Revali’s Landing, eyes closed as he enjoyed the cool breeze. There was so much to do before he could save Zelda, but after having to sneak through the Yiga hideout and his fight to free Vah Nabooris he relished this quiet moment. Even if it was only a few minutes under the light of the moon, he would take the time to think.
So many memories were coming back in a jumbled mess. Like pouring the pieces of a puzzle out of the box. But he hadn’t been given the full picture yet. So much of who he was was in those few precious moments he had with his friends, all he wanted was to have that back. At the very least he wished to remember those he had lost 100 years ago when calamity struck.
And yet, a part of him almost didn’t want to remember. The more he recalled his friends, the more he was reminded that because of his failures they had been lost. Trapped within their Divine Beasts with no escape for 100 years. Forced to watch as the very things they were supposed to use for protection wreaked havoc across their beloved homes. Maybe Revali had been right about him not being up to the task.
The last time he had come to the Rito Village had been for a monster attack on Vah Medoh too hadn’t it.
“Impressive, I know.” 
Revali hovered softly before landing on the railing. A smirk stretched across his beak as he looked down at Link. Although this level of bravado was normal for the Rito warrior, Link suspected he was playing up his capabilities in response to their presence.
“Very few can achieve mastery of the sky.” So this was how the trip would be then. “Yet I have made an art of creating an updraft that allows me to soar. It’s considered to be quite the masterpiece of aerial techniques, even among the Rito”
At this point Link was discreetly looking for Y/n. They had said something about asking the village chief for the key to Medoh before running off and leaving him alone. He was sure that they had done this to avoid Revali’s complaints. Still, Link wished they would hurry and save him. Revali responded better when they were present. Or at least, he was more capable of tolerating Link with Y/n around to deflect conflicts.
“Now then,” Revali hopped down from his perch, drawing Link’s attention back to him, “my ability to explore the firmament is certainly of note, but let’s not- pardon me for being so blunt- let’s not forget that I am the most skilled archer of all the Rito. Yet despite these truths, it seems that I have been tapped to merely assist you. All because you happen to have that little darkness- sealing sword on your back.”
Link looked down with a clenched jaw. Hylia he wished Y/n would come save him. 
“There you are!” He felt a breath escape him at Y/n’s call. There was only so much of the Rito warrior’s ego one could put up with. 
Y/n skipped over to stand beside Link and gave the two Champions a grin, “I got Medoh’s key from the chief so if the two of you are ready, we should head up.”
Recali scoffed at the smaller Sheikah, waving his wing in a dismissive manner, “There’s no such need for the two of you to board Medoh. As a matter of fact your presence here is quite redundant, so why don’t you run along back to the princess like the good little hero’s you are.”
Link stepped forward to stop Revali from taking off but was stopped by Y/n placing a hand on his arm. “If you’re flying off to the archery range to get in more practice you can meet us back here. We’re fully prepared to wait until you feel ready.”
“Excuse me?”
“The chief told me you haven’t been able to enter Medoh for nearly a week due to this monster.”
“I assure you I can kill it on my own.”
Y/n sighed, reaching out to carefully lay a hand on Revali’s wing. “We only want to help. There’s no shame in working alongside your comrades. Besides, consider it a favour from us for your future help in defeating Ganon.”
“I suppose, I have no choice.” The Rito warrior hardly looked pleased with them forcing his hand, er, wing. The feathers on his neck were ruffled up as the trio looked tensely at the flying beast above. “I’m sure that even if I were to fly off at this moment, the two of you would still go on up to Vah Medoh and end up getting thrown over the sides.”
Y/n let out a nervous laugh at his snide remark and Link found himself wondering if the tightness in their voice was due to Revali being correct in his assumptions… or maybe something else.
Link and Y/n appeared on top of Vah Medoh in a swirl of blue light. They were swiftly met by Revali pushing them to stay hidden. He was quick to explain the winged beast, how it crawled across Medoh with sprawling legs. Y/n had mused about winged octopi only to be flicked on the head by Revali. 
As the trio emerged from their hiding spot the two Hylians found Revali had not given nearly enough detail on the horrific creature. It was as large as he had described, with muscled legs sprawling across the wings of the Divine Beast. Its body resembled a Lynel, thick arms ending in sharp claws. Possibly the most terrifying thing were the wings sprouting from its back. They were dark and feathered, each one dripping with malice that ran down its body before piling across the ground like muddy footprints. 
Link heard Y/n draw in a sharp breath as they crept along the edge in their approach. He reached out to place a hand between their shoulder blades, a simple motion they had developed in their journeys to signal they were with the other. Whether in physical danger or an uncomfortable situation, they would handle things together. He wasn’t sure how much comfort he could offer at this moment, but he’d make due with the promise to be by their side. Even if he was worried about the feeling of their shallow breaths against his hand.
After carefully making their way to the center terminal of the Divine Beast, Revali gave a quick signal before crouching to take off. As the wind picked up around the Rito, Y/n took in a breath before squeezing Link’s wrist and darting out from their hiding spot. 
Apparently that was extremely offensive to the beast because as soon as it located the small Sheikah it tore off after them. Y/n sprinted away sending a wink as they passed the terminal and Link. Y/n reached the first pillar and slid to a stop behind it right in time to take cover from the bomb arrows exploding against the creature's torso. Mangled wings came up to protect the beast from further blasts giving Link the opportunity to lunge forward and strike down its legs. He managed to slash through two of the muscular appendages before the creature let out a screech and spread its wings, and with them, an attack of razor sharp feathers. 
Y/n had come out from their spot behind the pillar, luckily just in time to slash a feather in half before it could hit Link. The duo exchanged grins before taking off to continue their plan. Y/n would lead the beast away with their faster speeds while Revali would circle above, waiting for the moment when the Sheikah would twist the monster around pillars where he could strike it with a volley of bomb arrows. Then while it wrapped itself in its wings for protection, Link would unleash a flurry rush, slashing away at its legs until they disappeared in a haze of dark smoke.
They pulled off their barrage of attacks until the final leg dissipated giving it one option. 
To fly.
Fortunately, they had planned for this, and Revali struck the creature before it could get far. It crashed to the ground with such a force, it shook the entire Divine Beast in the sky. Y/n let out a scream as they lost their balance, reaching out to grab the pillar they stood beside. He knew he had a goal to complete but, as he slashed away at the fallen creature, all Link could think about was how he wanted to rush to his friend's side. 
The creature seemed to sense Link’s hesitation because it began to spasm, forcing Link to jump back. It seized the moment and took off into the skies screeching as Revali circled too close.
“We must finish this quickly!” Revali dove closer to the two champions, being mindful of the writhing beast in the skies. “That thing is getting desperate, and I only have so many arrows left.”
Link gave him a terse nod as he rushed over to Y/n who was still pressed against the pillar. 
“Y/n.” Only a small hum escaped them, although there was a comfort in the way they leaned into his touch. “Y/n, I don't know what’s going on in your head right now, but we need you. Revali’s almost out of arrows and I don’t think I can take it down alone.”
Their hand curled around his, shaky but tight. “I’m okay.” He was sure neither of them believed the grin that pulled at their lips. “Its wings are the only thing it has left to attack with, right? Keep its attention and I’ll take them out.”
“Are you sure?”
“I have to be.”
He nodded, although his expression betrayed his concern, something Y/n took note of. They smiled softly, albeit weakly, and out their forehead against his. “Relax Hero, we can do this.”
Link sighed softly, pressing his head against theirs with a little more force. They pulled away sharing nervous grins before Link took off. 
Fortunately, the beast had been distracted by launching feathers at Revali, who had been swooping around it with practised expertise. Link gave a shout to signal he was ready for Revali to shoot down the monster and, with an audible scoff, the Rito notched his arrows.
With a thunderous crash the beast landed on Medoh once again and, fighting the urge to look back at Y/n, Link rushed forward with his sword drawn. Link slashed and chopped away at the creature's muscular arms, trying to force it to spread its wings. It took longer than he had hoped for with far too many close calls before wings spread, throwing sludge along with it. If it weren’t for the glint off Y/n’s twin blades, Link almost wouldn’t have seen the young Sheikah sprint past. Before the monster could register their presence, Y/n had hopped from its arm, up to the shoulder, and flipped over to land on its back. 
What came next was a flurry of silver blades and the tearing of malice dripping flesh. The monster attempted to rear back and reach Y/n with its arms but it was stopped by Revali and Link each attacking an arm, preventing it from being able to knock off their partner. 
With a final flourish, Y/n thrust both blades between the beast's wings. A harrowing shriek escaped the beast as it trembled from the blow. The malice surrounding it began to bubble and swell up. With a grunt, Y/n placed a foot against its back and tore their blades free. They looked up at Link with a grin but, just as they opened their mouth to shout, the monster exploded.
The moment Link uncovered his face, he was met with the sight of Y/n sliding off the edge of Vah Medoh. Link took off as fast as he could, watching as they scrambled for a grip along the edges but came up with nothing. Link hit the ground, sliding towards them with an outstretched hand. The two made eye contact and Link’s heart twisted at the terror within their ruby eyes. He felt their fingertips touch before Y/n was gone, their desperate cry as they slid over the edge carrying across the wind.
Link stared at his empty hand. He would have thrown himself over the edge after Y/n had he not seen the flash of blue following Revali as he shot after the Sheikah like an arrow from his bow.
The moments Link lay there waiting for Revali to return were spent forcing himself to breath while his lungs were crushed under the weight of guilt. He could still feel his fingertips brushing against Y/n’s. See the expression of fear that had torn the grin from their face as they cried out.
Wind swirled around Link, forcing him to sit up as Revali soared past him. The Rito landed on Medoh and, in a surprisingly tender moment, laid a wing upon the Sheikah warrior clinging to him like a koala.
Link was quick to approach the two, getting a glimpse of the way Y/n’s brow furrowed as they hid their face in Revali’s feathered chest. Noticing the way Link watched the two, Revali scoffed before grabbing at Y/n’s arms. “You’re not falling anymore, you can stop tugging at my feathers.”
Y/n mumbled an apology as they shakily detached themselves and stepped to the ground. They managed a wobbly grin that was interrupted by Link crashing into them. Y/n let out the faintest sob as they buried themselves deeper into his arms. Link tightened his grip, carefully pressing his nose into their hair. The two heroes held each other tightly, hoping to ground themselves in the other. To remind themselves that they were together still.
“Ahem.” The bubble popped around the two heroes as Revali looked on in barely hidden irritation. He tapped his talons against Medoh, sighing as the two looked at him with wide eyes. “As wonderful as it is that we are all, in fact, alive. I would appreciate it if you could use whatever it is you brought to seal away that creature.”
“Right.” Y/n stepped towards the terminal, Link’s hand still held tightly in their own. They pulled a seal from one of their pouches before mumbling a few phrases. Deep violet tendrils of malice swirled around, collecting in front of Y/n. The seal they held began to glow blue, spreading its own tendrils of light outwards. The lights seemed to dance through the air around them. Gathering together until they spiraled into the paper seal in Y/n’s hands.
“That should be it. Now can we please get off this bird?”
“I couldn’t agree more.”
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headcanonsandhijinx · 3 years
I watched a few clips from ‘Black Widow’ and this au just popped into my head. (Be warned, this whole is incredibly messy and disjointed. I apologise for that. I’m just writing this as it pops into my head in a stream of consciousness because I’m kinda tired rn.)
Black Widow/Winter Soldier Wild AU
Can you imagine if when Wild’s really young and is discovered to be the hero, he’s just ripped away from his family and life to be trained as the hero. Except the training is pretty much just training him to be an obedient assassin who does whatever he is ordered to. He’s essentially got the training of Black Widow and the Winter Soldier and is just used by the royal family for whatever they want him to do basically.
I imagine parts of his training be things like…
1. The obvious weapons training. He’s trained with pretty much any weapon you can find in Hyrule until he’s a master at all of them. Sword, spear, bow and arrow, bommerang, etc.
2. Hand to hand combat as well. Again, he’s pretty much mastered it.
3. Pain resistance. He’s basically trained to ignore pain and they did this by beating him over and over until he learned not to flinch and show a physical reaction.
4. He speaks pretty much every language in Hyrule (Hylian, Goron, Gerudo, Rito, Zora, and Sheikah) fluently.
5. Any other stuff you can think of that he could be trained in basically.
Of course, as the hero he’s still Zelda’s bodyguard, they just never get along like they start to in the game before the Calamity awakens. Mainly because Wild has to follow her father’s every order and, like in canon, she hates that she has to be protected and feels useless because she can’t access her goddess given powers. And because Wild literally doesn’t even have the freedom to even think for himself, there isn’t really anyway for them to bond, so Zelda never ends up becoming nice to him like she is after he rescues her from the Yiga attack in one of the memories. (Yeah, this AU probably isn’t going to be super Zelda friendly, basically for more angst purposes when the LU boys come in).
A way to make the situation worse is by having all the champions, even Revali as much as he teases, be deeply uncomfortable by the way Wild is treated by the royal family. (I kinda imagine Revali still being a prick but he’s a bit nicer to Wild then he is in canon.) When they all first visit Hyrule Castle and see how he basically is treated more like a tool than a person, they are all absolutely furious. They all end up volunteering to train Wild in their various fighting styles as a way to get him away from the castle and his orders for a bit so that they can actually treat him kindly. But they treat him so differently to how he’s treated back in the castle that he’s actually confused by them treating him kindly. They’d all gotten back to their respective quarters that night and shed a few tears, the boy didn’t even know proper kindness.
The champions just see Wild as a member of their family and, although he doesn’t say it, he becomes fond of them too. He’s like a brother to all of them. They hate having to leave him to go and prepare the Divine Beasts and pray they see him soon.
Calamity Ganon rises.
The champions are killed in their respective Divine Beasts, and the makeshift family they had with Wild is broken apart.
Wild runs across a muddy field in torrential rain with Zelda’s hand in one of his and the Master Sword in his other. He’s running on nothing but orders and adrenaline. He has several cracked ribs, his left arm is broken even as he grips Zelda’s hand, there is blood pouring out of several cuts and gashes across his body, but still he keeps running. He has too, his body will not allow him to stop as he was ordered to run and protect the princess. She is his mission and he cannot fail.
But moments after Zelda finally unlocks her powers as she shields them from a guardian, he fails his mission. He collapses under the weight of his injuries and moments later, he dies in the middle of Hyrule Field. He has failed his mission and Hyrule has fallen. (Sorry, I don’t really know when I slipped into story mode there?)
But Zelda still manages to have him placed him the resurrection shrine as they still need him, and so, 100 years later, Wild wakes up.
The whole thing gets sadder if you imagine Wild’s training being so strong that it sticks after his resurrection. He doesn’t even understand it, he just hears a voice in his head yelling at him to not do this and not do that. (Extra sad thing, the reason he does all the side quests is because Zelda is the highest authority figure in Hyrule, but as she’s trapped in the castle and unable to give him orders, Wild just obeys anyone because he assumes that they’re a higher ranking than him, even though they are just normal people. And most of the time, they aren’t giving him orders they are asking for help, but he just doesn’t know the difference.)
Anyway, Wild completes his mission and defeats Calamity Ganon and everything seems okay. He’s still at Zelda’s side as she’s the current ruler and part of his programming is to obey the current monarch. They still don’t really get along, but Zelda is trying to be kind to him now, but I imagine that it’s just kind of too late for that now.
However, everything changes when the LU gang turn up (finally!) and look for this Hyrule’s hero, they do find him. But they just don’t expect him to be an emotionless 118 year old assassin. They talk with Zelda to discuss their quest and she says that Wild can go with them, blah blah blah. So they take Wild with them on their quest and just get more and more outraged the more they find out about him (oh, also Wild is mute in this and uses sign language.)
Since Time seems to be the leader of the group, Wild starts to treat him like he treats Zelda. Listens to whatever he says as Wild sees it as an order, protects him more during fights, that kinda stuff and it breaks Time’s heart when he figures it out.
Also i imagine that it’s also really strange for Wild to visit the other Hyrules and meet the other Zelda’s who have great relationships with their respective Links, because he doesn’t have that with his Zelda. (Although, I do see Malon immediately taking a liking to him and wanting to hug the poor boy, which would be super emotional for him as he hasn’t been hugged in years and can’t even remember his own mother).
But there are two times that the gang really learn how much his training messed him up and oh boy, are they fucking fuming!
The first time happened when Wild gets stabbed during a fight and doesn’t even flinch. Nobody notices until after the fight when they all sit at the camp fire that night and Wild just starts sewing his wound up as they all watch in horror. Hyrule asks why he never said he was injured and Wild says ‘it wasn’t important.’ And doesn’t understand why they make a fuss and insist he wastes a healing potion on himself (yes, Wild has an absolutely crap self-esteem here and doesn’t actually think he’s worth anything other than what he can do for people.) Hyrule has to be stopped from tackling Wild to check on the wound himself.
The second was when Wild put himself in danger during a fight to protect the others and when the fight was over Time yelled at him. It was out of concern for Wild’s wellbeing and asking why him had put himself in danger, but Wild thought he was in trouble and asked if Time wanted to punish him. Everyone, especially Time, was horrified and confused. Time asked what Wild meant by punishment and then almost wished he’d never asked. Wild just went into explanations of various punishments he’s had. They were all incredibly harsh, including being whipped, having to stand outside holding a sword outstretched in his hands all night while not being allowed to lower his arms, having to fight other full-armoured and equiped soldiers without any armour or weapons himself, etc. Wild is then the subject of a very big cuddle pile.
Basically this AU can be summed up as Black Widow/Winter Soldier Wild gets treated nicely for the first time in years and is very confused/uncomfortable, while the gang all immediately see Wild and are like ‘ahh yes, our amnesiac assassin now’ while they try to convince him that there is more to him than just being a puppet for people. Of course, while the quest with the black blooded monsters takes place as well.
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Urbosa parried another of Sooga’s swords, and attempted to electrocute him once again with the contact. Unfortunately, the most he did was grimace at the force, as it mostly dissipated by the time it came to his rubber grips. He mentally thanked the work of an old lover, somewhere in a castle greenhouse.
Daruk had trapped Kohga in a bear hug, and was attempting to disorient him by rolling around with his protection, the Yiga Master was trying his very best to stab the Goron's impenetrable hide. 
Zelda was holding her bag of Sheikah parts over her head, waiting to inflict blunt force trauma on anyone that came too close. Of course, it wasn’t entirely necessary as Impa’s clones surrounded her every side. Impa herself was dueling it out with Zavis, kodachi on broadsword; gold on dark purple. 
“I bet you were just jealous!” Impa sneered, easily parrying another of Zavis’ attacks. “You think that being a Yiga Clan member is gonna give you all the attention, all the praise. Well I won’t let you get the satisfaction! When I’m done, you’ll be lucky to walk again, much less tarish all our family’s hardwork!” She lunged, aiming for the exposed shoulder, but the boy quickly ducked, and attempted to sweep the legs. She jumped back, and he groaned.
“Of course I was jealous! My mom spent more time training you with all your fancy skills than she ever did making me a meal!” He quickly flung a dagger, aiming to disarm. Impa just barely dodged, feeling only the brush of wind as the dagger flew by her.
In the center room, Link and Mipha were doing their best facing off against Arcadius, as Revali attempted to attack the floating Astor from the ground.
“Why don’t you fly up here, Master Revali? I’m sure that armour has been weighing you down all day…” The prophet chuckled to himself.
Revali only grimaced. He prepared another set of bomb arrows, igniting them with the piece of flint that sat on his bow’s rest, and loosed. 
Astor sighed, waving a hand, as another mass of malice was summoned forth, consuming the arrows and the muffled explosion. 
Mipha just barely caught Arcadius’ sword with her trident, just second before it made contact with Link’s arm.
“Link…” Mipha said, solemnly, but sternly, “We don’t have time. I think...I think we should—”
“NO!” Link yelled, crossing swords with his father again. “We’ll find another way, we have too!”
“I know it’s very difficult to ask...but…” Mipha looked around the room. “If we don’t end the fight before our armour gives out, we’ll all be defeated.”
She flicked her trident, trying to stave into the captain’s defence. “We need to actually—”
“We can’t hurt him, please!”
“Just enough so he can’t fight—”
“He’s not even reacting to pain!”
“I can try to heal him after—”
“But you don’t know that!”
Link shielded another attack and parried, his father’s side was open for the first time the whole battle, but he didn’t take it.
“Link, please!”
The knight shook his head. “I can’t. I-I can’t do it. Everything was for...everything I tried to do was for…” Another hiss through his teeth, as his father swung, cutting the surface of his leg. “Shit...I’m sorry...I don’t think I’m strong enough to do it.”
The Hollow Arcadius flew back as Mipha swept him away, using his momentum to push him towards the opposite wall. There was a crash as he collided with old crates and wooden barrels, but he rose with ease. Walking back towards them. 
Link stood his ground, adjusting his sword grip, but made no further movement. Mipha just looked between him and the Hollow, unsure if she had the will to stab him too fatally in front of Link. 
Arcadius walked, then faster, then faster, until he was fully sprinting back towards them, malice sword in hand. Mipha steeled herself, expression unreadable as she prepared.
Metal on metal. The scrape of swords interlocking. Link blinked just in time to catch a glimpse of Assivus Hartell, sprinting from behind them and catching Arcadius’ sword, mere seconds before colliding on Link’s face.
“Asivus?!” Mipha cried. The man said nothing, as he watched Arcadius slide backwards from the momentum. He looked around, from Mipha, to Link, to Revali.
“Where is Zavis?”
Link just opened and closed his mouth, before shouting, “Look out!” 
Arcadius ran forward, swinging for Assivus’ right side. 
He immediately moved his sword to parry it, and the Hollow captain was sent sliding back again. Still looking at Link, Assivus asked again. “Where?!”
“H-How did you—”
“I don’t need the greatest sword skills in the world if I can see every attack as it comes.” He pointed to his malice-like eyes. “Why do you think I’m using these bad boys?”
“But how did you get—” 
The captain came back again, and Assivus just rolled his eyes. He fully turned to face his brother. “You know Link, I think I lack the same sentiments as you. I’m fully able to make Larc hurt a little.”
“Uncle Siv—!”
The man ran to meet Arcadius’ attack, kicking him in the leg before he had a chance to jab. 
Zavis suddenly craned his neck, catching a glimpse of the fight in the center of the room. 
“Oh no…”
Assivus perked his head up, then turned to lock eyes with Zavis immediately.
“There you are.”
He charged. 
Astor quickly flicked a hand, to which Assivus immediately slid on the floor to dodge the attack, not even bother to look at him.
The prophet suddenly called out. “Zavis. Assivus is coming for you. I recommend you leave quickly, I shall hold him off.”
Zavis could only switch better Astor and the fast approaching Asivus before nodding. Quickly shoving his hands in his pocket, he took out a back of talismans, and teleported into the far hallway. 
Assivus gave chasing, ready to head into the dark hallway, but was blocked by two figures. 
Hollow Arcadius stood in the way, sword at the ready, and expression—non-existent. Sooga stood by the captain’s side, having temporarily slipped out of Urbosa’s stalemate.
“What do you think you’re doing, Hartell.”
“Well what does it look like? I’m here to get revenge.”
Sooga swiped his swords, sending a beam of red energy towards Assivus’ face. This only made him laugh out loud as he easily stepped to the side before the action was even completed. 
“Your son is a real piece of work you know? I had given up so long on caring, on giving a shit. He’s truly something special for bringing it outta me.” Assivus sprinted towards him, to which Arcadius mirrored the action.
As the clatter of swords continued, Sooga shook his head, reading a dagger to throw at his face. “Just who do you think you are, fool?”
Assivus once again easily moved out of the captain’s grasp, even going as far as to cut his shoulder. He looked up at Sooga while rocking on his heels.
“Well haven’t you heard of me before?” 
Assivus raised his arms, playfully, twirling his sword in one hand. As if he had all the time in the world. Which of course, he did.
“I’m the goddamn Assivus Asunder.”
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A Messy Love Through the Ages - A SidLink AOC fic (Chapter One)
Well. Turns out you have to be invited to AO3. So I guess this is going up on Tumblr until I get my invitation. What a way to come out of fanfiction writer retirement. 
Bit of warning; I have yet to play Age of Calamity yet. I traded in two of my unwanted games and had just enough to get a copy of the game, but it sits on my shelf waiting. Calling to me.
However, this RP was done with someone who has played Age of Calamity in all of its entirety; @wilclhero and I have our second RP that I’ve decided to flesh out because there are few AOC SidLink fics out there. So thank you @wilclhero for your permission and so many great ideas when developing this with me. :)
And I also sat through the 2-ish hours of cutscenes strung together on YouTube to make a film. So like…it’s fanfiction. No one is expecting 100% accuracy. And since this game throws out any time things that make sense in regards to the timeline in Breath of the Wild, I can do it too. Because Jeremy Bearimy said I could.
Chapter 1
It had been a long and treacherous battle. Mipha had been holding off Ganon’s Water Blight for as long as she could, but she had exhausted most of her powers. And as the monstrous beast loomed overhead she had thought for a moment this was the end.
But she would live to see another day. For out of nowhere a trident shot catapulted through the air, destroying what she had been expecting as the final blow that would end her life. And as she looked up at the Zora in front of her she gasped. His deep red scales that matched her own, that charisma in his grin, only a twinkle in his youth, fully realized from the shy boy she had known in this timeline. That voice calling out towards the scourge. “I will not let you take her again!”
And just in time too. Joining her side was the courageous hero, Champion Link of the Hylians. And just like that, the tides turned, and Ganon’s Blight was defeated. From the jaws of defeat, they emerged victorious.
But Link’s footsteps were heavy as he, Mipha, and Prince Sidon emerged from Vah Ruta. His mind was still spinning, utterly exhausted from the hours of nonstop battle leading up to this moment. Things had moved so quickly he barely had time to reflect; the Calamity was here, King Rhoam of Hyrule was dead, and he had only barely managed to drag his screaming daughter, Princess Zelda, from Calamity Ganon’s clutches.
It had been King Rhoam’s command. But he didn’t feel any less a coward as he pulled her away to safety instead of aiding him. Sure, he was Zelda’s personal knight, but this was the ruler of his Kingdom. What hero was he to leave the king for dead? And after all of their preparations, things seemed so hopeless. All of the other Champions were still trapped inside their assigned Divine Beasts.
All of their hard work, those sleepless nights, hours training and hardening themselves for battle…all for nothing. In that moment, even the Hero felt doubtful.
Hyrule was going to fall. And it would be all his fault.
His gaze ended up locked on the tall figure in front of him. This wasn’t the little prince he knew. The Sidon he, only knee-high to a grasshopper, was always so shy and so quiet. Where had this prince come from?
And why had he saved them—saved Link? No one had ever saved the Hero before. He was always the one doing the rescuing. He was supposed to risk his life for royalty, not the other way around.
What was this feeling?
As he trailed behind the siblings he slouched. He couldn’t remember a moment in his life he had felt so tired and hopeless. But there was still so much to do. Three more Divine Beasts. The Yiga Clan. Ganon.
“I…I can’t keep going…” he whispered, though apparently loud enough, as the siblings stopped in their tracks to face him. He was going to die, he knew it. He couldn’t protect everyone, and Ganon was going to win because of it.
Mipha approached Link, searching for the calming words that could pull Link from the depths of his hopelessness. Something to give him home. But she was still searching, mind still reeling from the recent events, pulling herself from despair and her resignation that she was going to die.
It was Sidon who spoke first and broke the silence. Sidon approached them both, crouched down to their level—when had the two of them gotten so small? He towered over the two of them. He took Link’s hands in his, a sun-kissed tan swallowed in a sea of red scales. Had things always been this small?
Sidon didn’t know the reason for what he said next. He remembered looking up to Link, literally and figuratively, but it hadn’t ever gone past gazing up to his elders and seeing greatness. And perhaps the tiniest boyhood crush. But he wouldn’t let the other know that. In that moment there was something else…he couldn’t put his fin on it.
He squeezed Link’s hands ever so slightly, the other looking him straight on before he spoke. “You can do it. I believe in you.”
Mipha nodded in encouragement. “That’s right. You can do it. I know it seems like all hope is lost, but we must believe. We survived this. Who isn’t to say we’ll survive even more?”
Link looked wide-eyed to Sidon and Mipha. He was already so spent; what if the other Champions were already dead? But…but he knew that he had to try. He had people believing in him.
With a nod, they set off. One down. Three more to go.
It was hours before they were able to meet up again. But by the Goddess, that small amount of hope had been enough to get them all through. Everyone had now regrouped, and now with three additional party members from the future by their sides, they were triumphant in each and every battle against Ganon’s Blights.
But their most recent battle against the Thunder Blight had done a number on Link. It had been so fast, and seemed to land several blows on him despite the blond constantly adjusting his strategy to keep up with the blasted thing. And now, run ragged from exerting his energy in multiple battles, he needed Mipha’s help badly to recover.
Even with her healing powers being pushed to the limit that day, the Princess of the Zora still had room for her favourite Hylian. His skin practically sewed itself up again with her help, and he couldn’t help but feel a bit anxious despite Mipha having done this countless times before. He had always hated being the centre of attention, that feeling of constantly being watched.
What didn’t help was that it was the eyes of not one, not two, but three members of royalty keeping a close watch on his healing process. With his role keeping watch over Zelda and Mipha doing the healing, he hadn’t thought that her brother would be getting a front row seat to his broken and bruised body stitching itself back together again. For some reason, his gaze felt the most intimidating.
When their eyes met he looked away. The prince had saved him, and it was impossible to wipe that from his mind. If it hadn’t been for that first battle, for the prince quite literally dropping in from nowhere, and his words of encouragement, he would not have made it through the day.
Link was just a lowly knight. Why did they all care so much? Especially Sidon.
As the last of his wounds were treated he ended up looking over again, their eyes meeting once more. Once again, he quickly looked away, willing away the redness that threatened to spread across his cheeks. Goddess, what was wrong with him?
Sidon couldn’t see it, but he could feel something there as well. He had always been enamoured by the other as a child. He was tall (or at least back then he was), brave and…handsome? Yes, that was it. He couldn’t place that feeling in his youth, and had been unable to pursue any feelings he had as a hatchling. After this was all over perhaps he could--
“There,” Mipha said as she was all finished. Link went to get his tunic, letting it fall back over his torso before going to pick up his sword. Even in the safety of their small, fortified camp, he could never let his guard down.
And it was then it hit Sidon. Yes, of course. Mipha was alive. His sister was alive! Those feelings he had had needed to be pushed aside; she had never been able to pursue her own happy ending in his timeline.  It seemed a shame, but it felt like the right thing to do. He wouldn’t get in the way of his sister’s affections for Link. He would see to it that she had her chance.
“Are you alright? Feeling better?”
Link nodded despite feeling like shit. While fantastic at fixing wounds, her healing powers could do nothing when it came to the exhaustion washing over him like a tidal wave. He tried to hide it, but it was obvious in the way he wobbled. Sidon, not wanting to interrupt but noticing the uneven sway in his step, put his hand to his back to even out his footing.
When Link looked to him in thanks he knew in that moment suppressing any burgeoning feelings was going to be a difficult task indeed. His balance restored, Sidon removed his hand, offering a charismatic smile to those in the tent with him. “You’ve all done well today, I knew we could do it!”
Ah, but it seemed perhaps he was just a bit too energetic for the mood in the room. It was late. Any leftover troops were gathered outside making quick meals to regain their strength. Perhaps it was time to eat and sleep. No doubt it would be a busy day tomorrow.
“It’s imperative we all rest. I’ll take my leave, I hope you all get an opportunity to get a good night’s rest.”
Mipha nodded and stood up. “Yes, I think that’s the best option.” Zelda only nodded in agreement, the weight of the day now resting heavily on her shoulders and rendering her silent.
But Link shook his head in protest. Not so much because he didn’t want to sleep; his body begged him for rest. But he had a job to do. How could he sleep with all that had happened today, with all that could still happen that evening? What happened if he wasn’t there, alert and ready to defend what was left of their small army.
Sidon seemed a bit shocked by Link’s answer, so he shook his head resolutely once again.
“…right…then I wish you all a lovely evening and a safe watch over us all tonight.”
With that, Mipha and Sidon exited the Zelda’s tent, Link following shortly after to keep guard outside. It wasn’t until they walked closer towards their own tents that Sidon really let his opinions be known.
“Does Champion Link really need permission to sleep at a time like this? Dear sister, this is ludicrous! We can’t just let that poor man stay up, it’s clear as day how exhausted he is!”
Mipha let out a small laugh, though it was mainly at her brother’s reaction rather than Link remaining awake. “I’m serious!” he continued. Didn’t you see the way he shook when he stood up and walked? Surely we won’t be able to put a dent in the Calamity if he’s in a similar state!”
She shook her head. “I was laughing at the way you’re so adamantly coming to his defense. It’s good to see that you’re still the hatchling I remember. Always kicking a fuss when he couldn’t get his way.” She meant no offense to her brother, and was quick to put his shock at her words to rest. “But you’ve grown…and it’s nice that your stubbornness for someone else’s sake rather than your own.”
She gave a heavy sigh though as she changed the topic. “I wish it were so easy to tell him to get some rest, believe me, I’ve tried. But it’s complicated. He takes his job as Zelda’s personal knight almost too seriously…”
Sidon huffed in response, crossing his arms, and then quickly uncrossing them as he saw his sister already laughing once more. Though as he passed a small faction of Hylian guards left over from King Rhoam’s army the wheels in his head began to turn. As he turned from his sister she looked on as he approached them, all smiles as he propositioned them for the chance that, as he would phrase it, could make or break their career as a knight and a hero.
“Gentlemen! I hope you are in high spirits after today’s grueling yet victorious fight! Say, are any of you lot on night watch? I was hoping we might have a moment to talk.”
As Link stood outside the tent, soon taking a sitting position as his legs were too tired to continue standing, he was quickly met with a problem. While there was nothing going on around him that put them all in any heightened state of alertness, that meant his mind had nothing to occupy itself. And with nothing to stimulate his mind, he quickly found himself succumbing to sleep.
He tightened his grip on his sword to try and force himself to stay awake, but as he rolled his head to stretch his shoulders he felt his eyes becoming heavy. And then shaking his head awake only worked in the beginning. Frustrated, he finally rested his chin against his chest. Perhaps if he let himself relax, just a small bit, it would be enough to keep him going.
It wasn’t long until he dozed off, lucky that his sword didn’t go clattering onto the ground.
Nearby, Sidon was leading the guard brave enough to volunteer his services towards Princess Zelda’s tent. “I don’t know if this will work, your highness. Master Link is very particular and doesn’t appreciate others meddling in how he keeps watch over the princess.”
Sidon waved that concern away. “Oh no, no, no, don’t think of it as meddling! Think of it as…” he paused for a moment, he needed to really sell this, “training! Yes, her personal knight is the Hero of Hyrule after all, perhaps you could learn some useful tips from him! Consider this akin to an apprenticeship!”
As they got closer he raised his hand to wave to Link, fully committed to convincing the other that he ought to really show this eager guard the ropes of what it took to be a true hero. Though upon closer inspection, and thankfully before his boisterous voice said anything to disturb him, he noticed Link had fallen asleep. Aha. He knew the other had been tired.
“Hmm…” he said, pausing for one moment to think. It occurred to him moments later what he could do. "Wait right here," Sidon said, and quickly retreated to his tent, where he took one of the blankets that had been given to him to use off the mattress. It wasn’t in the best shape and was far too small for himself, but was the perfect size to cover Link’s small frame and provide him some form of warmth while he got some much-needed rest.
He made haste in going back towards Zelda's tent where the Hero sat sleeping and the other guard stood waiting nervously. When he returned he carefully draped it over Link’s body, careful as he got closer so he didn’t wake him.
Much better. He stood up and pat the other guard on the back. “You can put your best foot forward to stay on guard. Wake him in case anything happens, but I have the utmost faith you will rise to the occasion.”
Giving the guard a thumbs up and whispering his thanks, Sidon moved to return to his own tent.
Do I know the order of events in the game? No. Do I care? Maybe a little. But this game doesn’t care about continuity, so why should I?
This is my first time writing fanfiction in…uh…ten years? Okay well not my first time in ten years. My first time in ten years was a few weeks ago for the SidLink gift exchange. That said, it’s my first multi-chapter fic in ten years.
I’ll do my best to keep updates…somewhat regular. If I can crank out 2-3 chapters a month that would be awesome. But I’m busy as hell 80% of the time. And the 15% I’m not busy I tend to spend on a nap. Constitution Day is coming up though so I’ll have some free time at the end of April and beginning of May.
Fingers crossed. I desperately want to get into writing again. That gift exchange fic was a good kick in the pants and I hope it lasts.
Thanks. And see you.
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Ok, so, the Corrupt Hylia au
Okay, so, out of the four art posts I've made, two of them have been tagged with "Corrupt Hylia au." An au I haven't really talked about that much. I should probably fix that. (Definitely. I mean definitely) Prepare for an info-dump
The Corrupt Hylia au was created when I was reading a fanfic at the same time I saw a post about how Hylia's existence made everything black and white. Some details of it were on my mind and I thought, 'hmmm, the story is too black and white,' and thus an au where Hylia is a manipulative b-tch controlling everything for her perfect hero villain story was born. Fabricating a curse, creating villains, capturing a certain someone to be the hero's "test," all with the Sheikah (but not the Yiga. They defected for a reason and Hylia is half of it.) I'll explain the 5,000 yrs ago plot, since I have that figured out but not the actual plot. It’s gonna be long and under the cut for those interested.
During one of the loops, one where she's there physically to make sure everything stays on track, a Shadow escapes and finds the hero. Lies are revealed, and all goes well until a Sheikah goes there "searching" for the hero and they have to interact with Hylia. Anyways, anyone can tell there's something wrong with Hylia, including the princess. The (corrupt) goddess just has that offsetting aura around her. Link meets here and they formulate a plan when they know they aren't being listened to. Anyways, it takes two years but they get a lot of people on their side. (Ganon, Vaati, Ghirahim, the Twili, Rito, Zora, Goron, and Gerudo) Vaati and Zelda (who have become research buddies) devise a spell to remember past lives - and that's how they learned the curse was fake, because Hylia f-cked around with the first hero's memories a lot, and the spell undid it while keeping those fabricated memories. You may have noticed, but things are going too well.
Anyways, at a parade or festival for who knows what (certainly not me) the Sheikah - who were sharing "experimental" (read: tech they've been hogging) so even people who aren't there can watch it happening. This was all part of a plan made by the Sheikah because (somehow) replaced Ghirahim's earing with one that would mind control him. (think what happened to Ingo in OoT manga.) The plan was to control him and make him wreak havoc, make people not trust him, and by extension, Ganon. That doesn't work, because Link (and Shadow) manage to break the jewel. Hylia tries to do some sort of "what an evil barbaric individual" speech, but Link cuts her off and calls her out on her bullsh-t. Not just about the parade, but about everything - the fake curse, messing around with the first hero’s memories, creating villains for the hero and princess to defeat, having the Sheikah do dirty work in the shadows, manipulating a darkling for the sake of “testing” the hero, controlling the king’s free will - EVERYTHING. And remember those speakers and cameras the Sheikah were sharing? They broadcasted all of it to Hyrule. And because Link had always been a good person, helping people out of the kindness of his heart, a lot of people believed he was telling the truth. This is the start of the war.
The ruined parade is the battlefield, they win and push back Hylia this time because she was caught off guard. But now she knows what's happening, and she is p-ssed. After the start of the rebellion, it is the first time she infuses her magic with malice. A few more battles later, a major one at Korok Forest that gets the forest children involved, and the crew makes the decision to split the Triforce into eight pieces. Ganon, Zant, and Ghirahim each have 1/3 power, Zelda, Midna, and Vaati all have 1/3 wisdom, and Link and Shadow each have 1/2 courage. If Hylia wants the entire Triforce,  they're gonna make her chances of getting it as slim as possible.
One year into the war, and the scales haven't really tipped to either side. But Shadow (who was incapacitated and couldn't come out), Ganon, and Link were up against Hylia. Hylia uses an illusion on Link to make herself look like either a Marin or a past Zelda, and it makes Link freeze up and give Hylia a chance to attack and try to kill Link. Except that Ganon took the hit instead. Link snaps out of it, stuns Hylia, and tries retreating with Ganon. He doesn't get to Ghirahim in time, and so by the time Zelda can heal him, it's too late. With the demoralizing death of Ganon, things start to spiral downhill. Over the next three years they lost Vaati, Zant, and almost Midna. The only small victory that happened was Shadow breaking the mirror the Sheikah had forced bonded them to, and would mean that the Sheikah wouldn't be able to just count on Shadow stumbling out of there when he died anymore. (Shadow thought this meant his next death would be his last.)
Four more years after that, there are more fights and they get pushed back more and more. Somehow (haven't figured out how yet) they get in contact with the main three goddesses (Din, Nayru, Farore) and Hyrule will be sealed underground by them, Hylia with it. They know this won't be permanent, and hope it buys them enough time for the next reincarnation cycle to happen. As they leave, they're being followed by Hylia and the Sheikah. Link and Shadow make a decision to stay behind and make sure Hylia stays underground until the sealing. They know they're going to die doing this, but the worse they hurt Hylia, the longer it will take for her to break the seal.
The other leaders try to argue to let somebody else do it (mainly Zelda and Midna), but Link argues back that Hyrule needs their leaders, and Ghirahim made a promise to Ganon, one he can't keep if he's trapped or dead. So Zelda caves and creates a bow of light with enough charge for five arrows. The other leaders (and Ghira) all add some of their own magic to it, and Link and Shadow head off. The next part is going to be ripped directly from my notes because I'm lazy I don't know how else to phrase it.
Once they get to where the Sheikah are, Shadow immediately starts using the shadows to teleport and starts killing large amounts of them. Link kills whoever is foolish enough to attack him head-on swiftly with the Master Sword. They carve a path to Hylia.
The fight with Hylia is long and brutal. It is clear now that Hylia is using malice and is clearly affected by it. Malice-like pink is spreading on her along with one of her eyes becoming a malice eye. And it has not done anything for her sanity.
Hylia sends a lethal blast of light magic into Shadow and Link is covered in Malice injuries
Link gets separated from the Master Sword. Hylia is about to land the finishing blow on him when Shadow - who is currently dying btw - picks up the Master Sword (which is actively burning his hands and speeding up his death) and stabs her from behind. Shadow says something and Link uses the Light Bow. One shot in the head, one shot in the throat, one shot in the heart, one shot in the stomach, and one shot right on the master sword - which causes a beam affect that they learned about in one of the war’s earlier battles. Hylia isn’t dead, but she won’t be recovering for a while.
Link and Shadow share some final words before dying.
I still need to figure out the actual plot and stuff, but uh, if you read to the end, I hope you enjoyed! ^_^ 
(Ps: if there’s anything triggering or stuff, ask for me to tag and I will)
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loruleanheart · 3 years
Desired Fate, Chapter 15
Read on FF.net
Read on Ao3
King Rhoam had to collect himself, letting out a huff of defeat, grappling with whom he should be most angry. The thought occurred to him that he was partially to blame. What if his stern treatment of Zelda had stunted her ability to unlock her power, or worse... had chased her into the arms of that man? He feared it was true, but he couldn't let it show. This was one of the worst possible outcomes coupled with one he never would have imagined. It was a lot to take in, but he felt - no knew - that as King his immediate concern was the Calamity. Finding a fitting punishment for that man would have to be considered later - if there was a later, which was unlikely without Zelda's fully realized power. But Rhoam knew if he had the chance he would be willing to break her heart one final time if it meant that man was dealt with appropriately. In time, she would move on and she would thank him someday.
Rhoam surveyed the Champion's shaken expressions. The wind silently sent the tall grass rippling, giving an unsettled atmosphere in the wake of what had been witnessed. Rhoam turned his back to them, focusing on the beast that was encircling Hyrule castle. There was a long pause before he spoke. "Champions, it is time to take to your Divine Beasts. Although we may lack the means to seal Ganon away, we must continue to defend Hyrule until the very end."
Impa took in the expressions of the Champions and spoke. "Wait, Your Majesty. If I may… Astor gave a warning regarding the Divine Beasts, and considering that Ganon has already taken control of the Guardians I think we should listen. We must be prepared for anything Ganon may throw at us."
Rhoam turned. "Are you seriously suggesting we listen to the ramblings of that insane man calling himself a prophet?"
"But, Your Majesty… What other choice do we have?"
"Not a chance! I'm not going to hearken to anything that man has to say. By the goddesses, he's going to need someone holier than Hylia when I find him!"
The Sheikah woman shifted uncomfortably but stood her ground. "But, Your Majesty..." This time, Rhoam could detect the tiniest hint of disapproval in her voice, perhaps even veiled disgust, a tone that believed he should be begging Zelda's forgiveness for humiliating her and treating that prophet with such disrespect since it was so painfully obvious Zelda cared about him for some reason Rhoam couldn't comprehend. "What about Princess Zelda? I'm worried for her."
"You think I'm not?" Rhoam said, irritated.
"We can't be so quick to give up on her, nor can we discount the effort she has put in. If we take extra precautions we can still use the Divine Beasts to locate her. I choose to remain optimistic and believe she will access her power very soon."
Rhoam was at a loss. Impa was too much like a friend to Zelda, not the advisor he had appointed her to be. He was baffled at how she did not at all seem angered by Zelda's shameful display and complete abandonment of her duty. Rhoam was about to rebuke the Sheikah woman when the four champions and Link gave a nod of agreement at Impa's words. The King stood silently as the group began to devise a plan to oppose the blights, should they appear.
Zelda opened her eyes and looked around, assessing the place Astor had taken them. It appeared to be an area of the Lost Woods she was unfamiliar with. Yet there was something distinctly different about this place from those dreary woods. There was an abundant amount of Silent Princess flowers everywhere, more than Zelda had ever seen in one place. She knew immediately that there was something otherworldly about this place.
"No one will bother us here," Astor said calmly. Zelda could tell he was growing more accustomed to her touch. He was not as eager to let go of her as he had before. The shoulder of his robe was damp from her tears. The prophet took notice but mercifully said nothing.
"Where are we? It looks a bit like the Lost Woods, but… It's just so beautiful." She looked up, seeing stars dimly giving their light through the canopy of the trees. Was it always night here? A beautiful, illusionary realm where time remained still?
Astor gave Zelda's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "It's a place of respite I think. I found this place after I cut ties with the Yiga Clan. And I think for you, rest is well deserved."
Zelda dropped her gaze. "How can I rest when everyone is facing the Calamity, while I am here in relative comfort and safety? Already, Father has accused me of running from my duty… And he has no reason to think otherwise… At least from his perspective. I..I'm so ashamed. I can only hope that with your words, the Champions will be safe." Zelda said, tensely, still trying to recover.
"He's an ignorant old fool with neither the blood of the goddess or the gift of prophecy. As a prophet of the Calamity, Ganon impressed its fear of your power upon me, sending me visions of things to come, so I know you will awaken to your power soon. That is fate's true course that Ganon seeks to upend. And, I'm not unaware of how hard you've tried. I have watched your pains to unlock your power for some time now." And it was true. All those years he had watched with calm assurance that Calamity Ganon would rise and bring Hyrule to its knees, she trained by praying in freezing cold water until she collapsed and bore the brunt of her failure that only stung more as the years rolled by.
Zelda gave a small nod of acknowldgement, although she was too broken down to take much comfort in his words. She wanted so much to touch his face and tell him how much she loved him, but she held back, not wanting to feel any more vulnerable than she already did. She was afraid she might hurt him on account of the fresh bruise he had received. It was clear that her father had struck him. "I was so afraid of what Father might do to you. I'm so sorry for asking you to accompany me back to the Castle". H-he's a mean old man…" Zelda sniffed, breaking into a relieved but slightly tearful giggle.
Astor smirked slightly, finding Zelda adorable in her moment of catharsis. "You managed to abide that man for seventeen years? I see that you are stronger than I would have thought. And don't be sorry. There's nowhere else I need to be except by your side."
Zelda smiled a bit at his words. It was such a relief to see her smile again.
Astor continued. "I never thought it possible, but you were able to pull me back over the threshold and away from Calamity Ganon. No one has given me the amount of consideration you have."
Zelda's lovely green eyes lit up and Astor knew those dark days serving Calamity Ganon were finally over, and most surprising to him, he hadn't realized how awful those years had been until now. It was disorienting, like waking up from a distended dream. And he couldn't resist her any longer. No one had ever held to him or looked upon him in the way she did. He couldn't be the one to help her unlock her power, he knew that, but he wanted to at least pretend.
"How can I help you unlock your power…?" There was a sensual note in his voice, as he cupped her cheek, still damp with tears. Zelda's breath hitched in anticipation as he dipped his head to meet his lips to hers. She gave a small sigh of happiness, trapping his lips with hers, wishing she could savor the moment for all time. A single tear slid down her cheek, feeling a sense of release, drinking deeply of that kiss. She pulled down the hood of his robe, being careful to avoid the bruises on his hollow cheeks as her fingers grazed his pallid skin.
"Take all that you need from me," He breathed between kisses, taking her in the most intimate embrace before grabbing her under the ass and hoisting her up with some effort. Zelda gave a surprised but pleased sound.
"Exquisite..." Astor complimented, giving it a squeeze.
Zelda giggled and kissed him again, slowly, intensely, though she wobbled a bit, Astor struggling to support her weight. An intoxicating warmth spread throughout her whole being, her body yearning for his undeniably. But a dim feeling of sadness began to creep in as she wondered if they ever truly had a chance to be together that wasn't in secret. Would anyone ever accept them when there were so many reasons they would object? He would likely be put to death, and she'd have no say in the matter. Yet she couldn't stop herself from loving him.
If I can't realize my power, there might not be life after the Calamity, Zelda scolded herself.
Astor gave a pleased laugh. "Alright, Your Highness. You're breaking my arms." He set her down, with an apologetic look.
Zelda uttered an almost involuntary whimper of longing, reaching out for him again, her anxieties starting to overtake her again as doubts plagued her more than ever. "Lay down with me while I fall asleep?"
Astor gave her a stunned, blank expression for a moment.
"Hey, don't make this difficult." Zelda teased, pulling at the strings of his robe.
"Y-yes, Princess" Astor laughed as they kissed, carefully taking off his gold belt, the string of beads around his hips, and collar that hung over his shoulders. He helped her remove his robe, which was held together with hidden clamps. Astor draped the robe over her shoulders, and Zelda wrapped it around herself like a blanket, taking a moment to enjoy its softness and the warmness of it.
Zelda's gaze moved over him, admiring his silhouette. Under the robe, he wore a high-collared crimson shirt and a pair of black riding pants that did not appear ancient and worn like his robe.
They laid down together on the moss-covered ground. Astor slid his hand under the robe which was draped over her, sliding his hand over the curve of her hip where the folds of her pure white dress gathered. His name escaped her, softly. Zelda raised up slightly to lean on his chest and kissed him vehemently. Astor greedily wrapped an arm around her waist, kissing back with savage abandon.
Zelda drew away slowly, pushing his braided lock of hair away from his eye absentmindedly, noticing the fine lines under his eyes he hid under dark makeup. His dark brows tensed as he smiled a bit, giving her an affectionate but pensive gaze
Zelda sensed there was something he was keeping from her. Like there was something haunting him. Was something going to happen to him that he knew about? He was a prophet after all. She couldn't imagine the heavy emotional toll that came with glancing one's own future.
Zelda could barely keep her eyes open. It wasn't long before she fell asleep in his arms.
"Happy Birthday, Princess…" Astor had waited such a long time for this fated day, the day Ganon would rise. Yet, he was not spending it as he would have originally envisioned. He could barely comprehend that he was lying next to the Princess of Hyrule, helping to comfort her on her darkest day. And for the first time in his life, he understood what it was to love and be loved.
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So I Don’t Forget Again: A Breath of The Wild fanfiction
Entry 160: ???
 Below the mountain is this trail. Somewhere along the trail is this place, there a mountain with a statue of a horse on top, and the little area is shaped like a horseshoe. We were riding towards it. Zelda thanked me for the advice I had given about horses, but she never said exactly what. Maybe it was for training or bonding? Maybe she directly said my words? She did say something about soothing your companion so they know how you feel, but she just started so abruptly I don’t think I quite caught it. She wasn’t sure about adorning her horse with all the royal gear, thinking it’d have to earn it, but she decided to be more empathetic and give them the benefit of the doubt, whatever that meant. But she was looking directly at me, not in the way when you talk to someone but like the comment, giving the benefit of the doubt to me? She also seemed different in this memory, more relaxed and open. I guess we had become friends, but I’m not sure. When we arrived at the place we got off our horses.
The sun was setting and she pointed out Mt. Lanayru. It’s named after the goddess of wisdom. The goddess said that no one younger than seventeen can step foot on the mountain because they are not wise. I find that rather odd. I don’t think age dictates how wise someone is. I’m a hundred and something years old, and by far I believe Sidon, Kass, and even the children in Kakariko and back home are wiser than me, but in different ways. The children know how to take responsibility when needed but also how to just let go and have fun when needed, Sidon he just understands everyone so amazingly on an emotional level I often overlook, even when the person I’m trying to understand is myself, and Kass, he knows how to stay true to himself, he follows his heart and is such a comforting presents, maybe that’s something he learned from being a father. I however, I struggle with all those things, but I know how to battle and I know how to keep going even when I can’t take any more! It think everyone is wise, but it different ways, it just depends on their experience, and age just says how long your experience was, but it’s doesn’t… age doesn’t show the quality of your experience. I could be wrong, since I’m not wise in… whatever this is, self-reflection? I don’t think that quite describes this, but if a goddess of wisdom thinks wisdom is dictated by age, I might just laugh at her, she doesn’t seem to know much, but I could just be horribly wrong about that.
The princesses had tirelessly trained at the other springs, the spring of courage and the spring of power but she had yet to unlock her powers and so she was hoping the spring of wisdom would finally do it. There was no evidence the spring of wisdom would be different from the others, but there was always the chance, after all… your life could always change completely in just a single moment. Tomorrow was going to be her seventeenth birthday, and she was going to go there.
It… has been a while since I last found a memory. I checked the slate and indeed this was one of the locations. I wonder… Why do I only remember something at these locations, and why only Zelda, and the champions? Why do I never recall my family, or the time before preparing for the Calamity. Why is it never anything before that?
I recall there being the goddesses, but I never really thought about them, or questioned them… They seem rather cruel. Even if it was to test me, it’s not fair to trap living beings just for me to take their scale and place it in water to unlock a shrine. What else have these gods done? Did they set up all the shrine tests? Did they force the Sheikah members to be sealed away in them, to be forced to live in cages till I arrive and complete the trial and allow them to die? What are these gods like, truly. I’d like to know. It’d be nice to know why they did what they did, and if I’m just misinterpreting their actions.
In the memory, I was also riding a black and white horses, it was mostly black with only a little white, but… maybe if Sidon reincarnates, maybe Friend dose too.
If I ever get the chance to meet her again, I just wish I could say I’m sorry, and promise to try to be a better traveling companion for anyone who travels with me, even if they aren’t her.
The castle is so close by and I can see three long red lines of light pointing to it from the Divine Beasts. It’s so eerie seeing the place, those odd pillars pointing to it and that dark smog that shrouds the place.
There’s a deep chasm that a bridge crosses, when nearing it, I heard Kass! He was surprised to see us; I think we more so startled him since he even lost his footing for a moment and almost fell over. First thing I did was thank him for telling Sidon I needed help, of all people I think Sido really was the only one who could guide me through all that. He told me I was looking much better and admitted that I had him really worried for a time. He knew Sidon and I were close and he couldn’t imagine anyone else who could be of better help to me, and he also knew Sidon would want to know about my less than poor condition. I loved getting to talk with Kass again. I told him about how I have the infection that’s eating me and about my dark thoughts, about being some hero when I don’t feel like one, how all that was just taking such a toll. Kass understood completely how all that could be so strenuous, he told me as much as he loves the isolation of exploration, often when left in your own head for too long you end up hurting yourself, that’s why keeping your connections with others is all the more important. People need other people, it’s as simple as that.
He told me he knew of a song of the area, and asked if I wanted to do some puzzle solving again. “When a single arrow threads two rings, the shrine will rise like birds on wings.” This song is rather self explanatory he admitted but because it had been so long since I last had traveled he thought this simple song would be good to get my footing back. There are many oddly shaped rocks around here, some piled atop one another, some not, but almost all of them have a hole that goes through them, so all I had to do was shoot an arrow through two rocks. We had gone searching for a while, some seemed like they might work, but no matter how I shot the arrow wouldn’t reach. Kass taught me a few things about bows and techniques on how to shoot farther, even with that though it didn’t work. We wondered if there was more to this than meets the eye, but we couldn’t figure out anything else. Eventually we did find the right alignment and rocks and when I shot my arrow through them a shrine unborrowed itself from the ground. It took even longer to collect all my arrows, we really should have collected them right after I shot them, but we were kind of impatient and wanted to solve this. We speculated on how Sheikah technology works again, how any sort of technology could recognize that specifically an arrow was shot through both and not two people each shooting through a different rock with great timing or an arrow was shot and it wasn’t some fast bug that happened to fly though both.
It was night so Kass, Bossa Nova, and I set up camp. Kass asked if I was sure I didn’t want to sleep in the shrine. I told him I was okay now, I could get some sleep, and protect everyone from the Yiga Clan, and skeletons and other monsters. Kass asked for me to sleep tucked under his wing. His feathers are much softer and warmer than any blankets or clothing.
Kass asked me how Sidon was doing. He hadn’t seen Sidon since telling him about my looking unwell. He then chuckled and told me I must have had a good time with how I was blushing. He wondered aloud about perhaps writing a song about the love between the great adventurer and Prince of the Zora. I just blushed more. He told me it was kind of obvious though when he saw my new armor piece with Sidon’s scale in it. I think Kass took too much joy in flustering me. I asked Kass how his family was doing. He told me they were safe and staying in the village. How he worded it was odd though and I asked about it. It’s been too dangerous to fly as of late, everyone is earthbound unless they want to be lit aflame in the sky. I know Kass has his own things to do but I asked him if he could lead me to his village. For now I’m going to sleep while Kass keeps look out, then the moment the sun rises we’ll set off.
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hylianfury · 5 years
So you've made me very suspicious of the sheikah now and I realized something while playing last night. If the one guard used to be yiga that means he probably has the same abilities they do. He could just be teleporting to robbie and purah to tell them about us or whose to saying he hasn't just disguised himself as one the the random travelers and been keeping an eye on us. These are the things I think about instead of sleeping.
That’s pretty my point, yeah, they’re using stuff they’re not sharing with Link if we considerthat not just ingame flags but actual stuff. Let me throw more water to my mill:
This is the ingame flag to spawn Yiga “travelers”. You can talk with everyone in the village and they won’t appear (impa included), they only ‘happen’ when Link decides “oh yeah, I will risk my life for the cause.” Coincidence? Probably, yes, it’s a difficult scaling but my conspiracy brain wants to say “YES”.
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If they have all that stuff to teleport and such and move around (which we can safely assume they DO since purah canonically has another slate) WHY not sharing ANYTHING with the hero who’s trying to save the day?
Why has Link to prove each time himself to them?
The final boss of the game, the STRONGEST one, is in a DLC and is a Monk. And weak to bananas. Like the Yiga (Kudos to @ibijau who brought that up)
The tapestry is a farce, clearly, because it has CLEARLY Ganondorf and Zelda on it and NO LINK. I assume a LOT of time passed so there could be issues but… you know.
The ‘heirloom’ of Impa’s family. If it’s a trinket for the hero why aren’t you giving it to him but literally kicking Link away from it whenever he gets too close until the thing gets robbed?
We don’t know when kakariko was founded but again: King Rhoam tells you to go there and meet impa after the tutorial and CASUALLY the turorial shrine on how to fight the ‘spider-guardians’ is right there. Did they knew 10k years ago the sheikah village would still?) be there and prepared for that? Because that also raises more flags on them knowing already how things would go down.
I love how gameplay items can be used to turn things around, ohohoh.
And let’s go back to that slate. AND THE KING. Think about King Rhoam? Because I have shit on him too.
He clearly looked down on Zelda’s research in front of her and we know for a FACT she didn’t go far with finding out stuff about the slate itself. Yet he knows ALL about it. he knows about the runes, he knows about the map, he knows about the pins you can put to navigate on it, he knows you can TELEPORT with it… how? Think about it, someone HAD to probably teach him that stuff, either HE is a Sheikah himself, something I wouldn’t completely put aside for a series of reasons, OR someone explained that stuff to him. If the sheikah KNEW about that stuff even back then why not helping Zelda and pretending they were only learning back again what their stuff was like?
Is that linked to his distaste of how Zelda was trying to learn more about technology?
Zelda’s mother was the one with the power of the goddess. we KNOW that because Holy crap the main reason Zelda has no guidance on her powers is because her mom died too soon yet he has the power to pop like a ghost and even take physical form after death… who is that man? Even the champions can’t do that and they’re, like, superpowered people again.
Not only he traps you on the plateau but he also keeps time from flowing until you raise the first tower and talk with him right after. WhO IS hE? It’s literally costantly dawn until he tells you to get the shrines, try it.
Now, I’m no theorist but I LOVE to look at this stuff :P (maybe someone already debunked those but I don’t watch theory vids so…)
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katedoesfics · 4 years
Shadows of the Yiga | Chapter 34
The Shrine of Resurrection slumbered deep within a dense forest, overgrown from hundreds of thousands of years of abandonment. It remained untouched for all those years, completely unnoticed by the growing and changing kingdom that took no notice to the odd shape of mountains that made up the area that was once a plateau. Though significantly smaller in comparison to the other mountain ranges throughout Hyrule, their slightly rounded, barely sloped peaks simply blended in with the rest of the landscape, south of the bustling city the Champions called home. While it would have taken them nearly an entire day to drive to the base of the mountain, Paya agreed to take them herself. They appeared at the edge of the forest, stepping out of the moonlight and into the cover of the trees.
The group of heroes moved through the forest just as Rusl had instructed them to do. Knowing how to get to the shrine, and with the ability to use her own Sheikah powers to provide either an attack or quick defense, Paya took the lead. Behind her, Rusl followed closely. Revali and Urbosa followed next, keeping their attention focused up front, and behind them respectively, with Link and Mipha between them, and Daruk came up behind them, ready to shield them if necessary.
They moved quietly through the forest, watching for any sign of the awaiting Yiga Clan. They were tense and alert, walking for nearly an hour with no sign of any kind of attack.
“I don’t like this,” Revali muttered. He kept an arrow knocked in his bow. “Why aren’t they jumping out of the trees like the ninja-freaks that they are?”
“Stop talking,” Urbosa hissed at him.
Revali rolled his eyes and mocked her silently.
At that moment, Paya stopped, and Rusl held his arm out, stopping the group. They were silent as he looked around them. They were still a ways off from the shrine, but Paya could sense the Yiga were close, keeping a watchful eye out for their arrival.
Rusl gestured to Revali and Urbosa, and they pressed forward to search out any potential hiding Yiga soldiers, leaving the rest of the group behind to wait. Paya positioned herself just ahead of them, ready and waiting for any surprise attack. Rusl and Link both readied their own weapons, and Daruk cracked his knuckles, ready to throw up his shield at a moment’s notice.
They waited in silence, their eyes searching the forest. There was no sign of the Yiga Clan, and no sign of a battle anywhere up ahead. They had no way to know where Urbosa and Revali were, or how much longer until they arrived at the shrine. All they could do was sit and wait as the anxiety stirred in their guts.
Nearly half an hour had passed before Urbosa and Revali returned with uneasy expressions on their faces.
“There’s no one,” Urbosa said. “We searched the entire area.”
“They’re here,” Paya hissed. “I’m sure of it.”
“So, what do we do?” Revali asked.
“They’re probably waiting for us to go in,” Paya said. “They plan to trap us.”
“We can’t play into their plans,” Daruk said.
“Sure we can,” Rusl said. “Make them think they’re plan is working.”
“And then what?” Link hissed. “They corner us and we’re fucked.”
“Hardly,” Rusl said. “Our tactic remains the same. With the utilization of proper roles in the unit, we give ourselves an edge. The only thing that changes is the front line. We cover our front and our back with the best fighters.”
“Tanks and close range fighters,” Daruk said with a grin.
“Sure, nerd.” Rusl grinned. “That means Paya and Urbosa. One up front, one to bring up the rear.”
“What about me?” Revali said with a frown.
“In the middle with us,” Rusl said. “You’re fast. You have range. You can get anywhere you need to get in an instant, wherever you’re needed.” He turned to Daruk. “If you stay centralized, you can provide the best defense for us.”
“But I’m close range,” Daruk said.
“You can cover distance,” Rusl reminded him. “Should they get passed Paya, Urbosa, and Revali, you can send ‘em flying.”
Daruk grinned. “I like this. He’s smart. This was a good idea.”
“Best plan Link ever had,” Revali confirmed.
“You need to get to the deepest point of the shrine,” Rusl reminded them. “If the C4 is going to do its job, you need to implode it from the inside. That being said, it could very well cause a cave in. We need to be far enough away to escape while still being close enough for the detonators.”
“I can get everyone out,” Paya said.
“Unless the Yiga have it warded,” Rusl pointed out. “We need to go in under the assumption that you can’t get us out. If we rely on that, we’re dead men walking.”
“Then let’s get moving,” Link said.
The group pressed onward, moving silently through the forest once more until they reached the entrance to the shrine. Though the overgrowth had certainly covered the shrine completely, it was clear that the shrine had been disturbed, and recently. Brush was cut back and rocks were moved out of the way to reveal the entrance to the shrine. They stood outside of it for a moment, checking their surroundings once more in preparation for a potential attack. When no attack came, they stepped silently into the shrine, immediately greeted by the cool, damp, and musty air.
Link felt uneasy as they wandered the long corridor of the shrine. It was all too simple. He didn’t understand why the Yiga were letting them walk so freely into the shrine. Clearly there had to be a motive; they were walking right into their hands. And even though they expected to do just that, he didn’t feel as prepared for whatever was waiting for them as he hoped.
After walking through the main corridor of the shrine for a few short minutes, their path split, moving further ahead, to their left, and to their right, giving them three options that moved deeper within the shrine. Their gazes moved to Paya, who simply shrugged in response.
“How big is this damn place?” Revali muttered.
“And where do these paths lead?” Urbosa questioned.
“Pick one,” Daruk said. “Process of elimination.”
“Should we split up?” Mipha asked.
Rusl shook his head. “We don’t need to give ourselves any disadvantages by splitting the group. And we don’t have time to be exploring every path. Even if we don’t get to the deepest chamber of the shrine, our best option is to hit the shrine at its weakest points and the places where we will get the best results. By detonating the C4 in the center of the cave, it will weaken the integrity of the entire structure, destroying it completely from all angels, including the two outer paths.”
“Forward it is,” Revali muttered.
They continued on, taking the central path which moved deeper into the shrine. After a few minutes more, their path ended abruptly, dropping down into the darkness. The hole didn’t seem to be too wide, but wide enough that none of them were willing to risk jumping across. A single, narrow plank that seemed to just cover the length of the hole lay on its side against the wall, suggesting that someone had crossed recently. They positioned the plank across the opening, then one by one, they moved slowly across and safely on the other side.
The path then opened slightly, revealing man-made columns along the edges of the wall, suggesting that the walls there were thinner. Link placed the C4 as instructed by his father, and they continued on. Once more, the path opened, revealing a large, central chamber. There was a path to their left, to their right, and then continuing onward on the other side of the room. They placed more C4 around the edges of chamber before moving on, until finally, the path opened up into a final chamber, bringing them to what they assumed was the end of the shrine.
While the other rooms remained empty, this room held the ancient technology of the Sheikah from an age long ago. It was a technology that, even without any source of electricity or energy, seemed to still be alive, despite its dormant state. Cobwebs and dirt covered the various tubes that moved down the walls and over the ceiling, each coming together in the center of the room. Four tubes moved down like columns, marking what appeared to be a dried up pool of sorts. Ancient Sheikah markings were carved into the walls and along the tubes.
While the Champions looked around them in mistified awe, Rusl moved forward to plant the remaining C4 along the walls and in the center of the chamber.
“This place gives me bad vibes,” Revali muttered. “Can we get out of here?”
“I still think this is a waste,” Mipha said.
With the C4 strategically placed throughout the shrine, they were free to make their way back to the exit. They retraced their path exactly, taking the middle passageway straight through. But as soon as they stepped foot inside, they could hear the distinct sound of footsteps on the hard ground, coming from what could have only been the left and right passageways, and moving quickly up behind them.
“Yiga,” Paya hissed, but the Champions didn’t need to be reminded of their presence. They quickly broke into a run, unwilling to confront them in the narrow passageway of the shrine if it could be avoided.
Their pace, however, slowed suddenly as they reached the gap in the shrine. The narrow board that served as their bridge remained their only way across, and it wobbled and cracked under their weight as they tried to move across as quickly as possible. They stumbled as they picked up speed once more.
“Up ahead,” Paya said as they neared the central chamber. “There are more waiting for us.”
Daruk turned to Link. “We’re close enough,” he said. “Detonate the explosives. We’ll be able to get out.”
Link didn’t hesitate. He pulled out the device, but when he pressed the button, nothing happened. He cursed loudly as he slammed his finger into it repeatedly. They were out of range, and the Yiga were closing in on them from all three of the passageways. Including the Yiga that waited for them at the entrance of the shrine, they would be completely surrounded and heavily outnumbered. They didn’t stand a damn chance. Not unless Link could block the three passages behind them by setting off the C4. He needed to get in range.
He turned on his heels suddenly and sprinted down the passage and back towards the gap they had crossed. With a little luck, that would put him close enough to set off the C4. It would likely block his path back to the exit, but he didn’t care; it would give his friends a chance to escape. With them alive, they could still finish the Yiga Clan once and for all. They certainly didn’t need him to do it.
It took the group a moment to realize what Link was doing as he sprinted off into the darkness. They shouted for him, but he ignored them. When he neared the gap, he could see the light of the approaching Yiga foot soldiers getting closer, about to come around the corner. He threw himself off the ledge, landing hard and tumbling across the ground on the other side. When he turned, he met his father’s gaze, who had sprinted after him in an attempt to stop him.
He met his father’s fallen gaze, closed his eyes, then pressed the button, and the C4 ignited.
Rusl shouted to his son, but was pulled backward suddenly, and he and Revali fell to the ground from the force of the explosion. The passageway began to tremble, and the walls and ceiling began to crack and crumble. Rusl shouted again, desperately getting to his feet. He lunged forward as the ceiling above him began to crumble, blocking him from throwing himself across the gap, and soon cutting off his view completely. Revali pulled him backwards, and before he knew it, they were sprinting through the passageway once more and toward the exit.
The crumbling stone followed on their heels as they dashed back through the central chamber. The left and right passages were already blocked, and the ceiling crumbled around them and moved quickly ahead, threatening to crush them under its rubble. Daruk threw his shield around them in a desperate attempt to shield them from the falling debris as they moved out of the central chamber and back down the first passageway.
Just as Paya had said, Yiga foot soldiers were waiting for them. They blocked the entrance, eagerly hoping to prevent the Champions from escaping and letting them get crushed alive by the crumbling shrine. Daruk, Paya, and Urbosa quickly moved to the front of the group as they ran. Paya threw her palm out, sending a sudden forcewave at the Yiga soldiers, but they were prepared for her attack.
They dropped their defenses, and that’s when Urbosa attacked next. Outside, lightning struck the ground violently, sending a few of the soldiers flying through the air. Daruk jumped forward next, slamming his fist into the ground and knocking the rest of them backwards. Another punch with his other fist sent several of them flying further back. Their bodies made contact with various boulders and trees and their bones cracked sickeningly, quickly ending their lives.
They made it out of the shrine at that moment as it continued to cave in, sealing the entrance completely. Paya and Revali worked quickly to take out the rest of the surviving Yiga soldiers, and almost as quickly as it began, the battle ended. The Yiga that waited to ambush them were defeated. The rumbling of the imploding shrine had ceased completely. Birds scattered through the trees, bursting through the thick undergrowth of the trees in fright. The Champions turned their stunned gazes to the destroyed shrine, and the world fell silent.
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sinnamonthebunny · 5 years
A boy and the black wolf
Warning: Has blood, animal death, fowl language, and child abuse!!!! you have been warned! (if you have any advice on writing for me, I will like to hear it.)
The screams of agony echoed through the forest as the hero of Wild struggled to get the yiga members off him.
Wild decided to go get some supplies by himself in the forest, and accidently walked into a trap that 7 yiga members planned.
Wild pushed off the members as hey clawed at him and shot deadly arrows at his still eating heart.
Wild tried to call for the his friends, but Wild must've wandered too far from them.
Wild blocked a blow from a yiga member as another dug their demon carver into his skin.
Blood dripped from Wilds shoulder as he moved away from the one who just attacked him with the demo carver.
Cursing out loud, Wild tried to summon Urbosa’s fury; but nothing happened.
Wild thought for a quick moment and remembered that it needed to recharge.
Panic filled Wild as he struggled against the 7 yiga members.
Wild dodged another blow, and rolled across the ground; blood leaving a trail.
Everything was becoming too much, little black dots filled Wilds vision as he defended himself from different attacks.
The wind around Wild and the yiga members grew thicker, and a black fog was coming in.
Everyone stopped what they were doing, and watched the strange fog slowly came in.
Wild took his chance and tried to run away as the yiga members watched the strange fog
The flowers around the fog wilted and turned a ugly black, and the animals that are nearby ran as fast as they could away from the fog.
But the thing that mostly caught Wilds attention was the glowing red eyes in the middle of the fog. The red eyes ran chills up Wilds spine as he ran.
One of the yiga members noticed that Wild ran and went to call out about the hero’s escape.
But before a word could be said, a black cloud came shooting from the fog and started to suffocate the yiga member.
The yiga member gasped for air, but each breath he took suffocated him more. Blood began to drip out of the yiga’s members mouth as he did a strangled cry for help.
The members that were nearby looked in absolute terror as they watched one of their fellow members slowly die in the deadly cloud.
There was a strange growl coming from the red eyes.
Wild tripped on a giant root as he ran, his legs felt numb. Wild tried to remember where he last saw the group, but Wild wandered too far, and couldn't remember where their exact location was.
Wild dared to look behind him, and all he saw was 7 dead yiga members and a dangerous fog that seemed to start taking a form of some sort of animal.
A skull of a wolf appeared, the fog turned pitch black and surrounded the skull, giving it the form of a giant black wolf. Black smoke floated around the creature as it stared into Wilds terrified eyes.
The red eyes that glowed from the monster of shadows were filled with pain, hate, and grief.
Wild backed away slowly, not wanting to start a fight with the shadow.
Each step was big, but quiet and slow. Wild made sure he didn't step on any sticks or rocks that could trip him as he backed away.
Once the shadow wolf creature looked like it wouldn't be able to catch Wild for a while, Wild turned around and ran.
A loud screeching howl echoed through the forest as Wild ran.
Blood dripped from his shoulder wound as he stumbled through the maze of trees and bushes.
Not noticing the tripwire in front of him, Wild accidently set off another trap that the dead yiga members setted up.
Arrows came flying at Wild.
Grabbing his shield, Wild was able to block most of the arrows, but one was able to get passed and made its home in Wilds thigh.
Wild wanted to scream in agony, but he didn't know if the shadow was following him or not.
Putting his shield back, Wild limped as fast as he could.
Black dots surrounded Wilds vision as the wound in his shoulder bled more, and the arrow in his leg caused more pain and blood lost.
Panting, Wild stumbled over his own feet and hitted the ground with a painful thump.
The black dots in Wilds vision grew, then everything went black. But before Wild lost consciousness, he heard something walking behind him.
He prayed to any goddess out there, that the thing walking behind him was Twilight.
There was laughter, then traumatized screaming. The darkness wasn't that much of a bad thing, but it wasn't good. You are blind in the darkness, but it helps hide you. You never know what hides in the darkness.
Maybe that's why people fear it.
People are afraid of the unknown that lurks in the shadows and what they could do.
Wild was walking through the mountain side as the moon rises in the sky. He had barely any scars, and the his hair was shorter.
It was a couple days before the calamity.
Wild wandered around as his feet bled from walking on them too much without protection.
The wilderness in the world always welcomed Wild with open arms as the birds sang and the deer watch him with curiosity.
Wild sang a song he heard his mother and father sing to him and his sister when he was little.
“Have you ever like nobody was there?”
“Have you ever felt forgotten in the middle of nowhere?”
“Have you ever felt like you could disappear?”
“Like you could fall, and no one would hear?”
Wild went through the trees with a sad smile on his face as the birds sing the same rhythm.
“Well, let the lonely feeling wash away.”
“All we see is light”
“Cause maybe there's a reason to believe you'll be okay.”
Wild stopped at a little clearing where there was a giant blossom tree with a bond right by it.
Fairies flew around, and the blupees were relaxed while sitting and playing with the other blupees or fairies.
“No matter what they tell you.”
“Someone will come running.”
“They'll take you home.”
A dangerous fog was rolling down the mountain and headed toward Wild.
Wild watched as the animals nearby started running away.
Pulling out his sword, Wild prepared for a fight.
Wild stopped singing his song when the fog grew closer, and kept his eyes on the creature.
The fog stopped in front of Wild, slowly taking shape.
A skull of a wolf appeared and the fog surrounding them gave the skull the body of a giant wolf.
Wild watched as the wolf circled him, each step the wolf took was quiet.
Not a sound came from it.
Wild shot up from where he was sleeping, with sweat covering his forehead, Wild gasp for air.
Wild looked around and noticed he was in some sort of den.
There was no light.
Wild scrambled up to see where his location was, but all there was, was darkness. Wild felt himself go cold as he realized that he wasn't alone.
There was something cold going down his neck.
It wasn't air, the thing behind him couldn't breath.
It was the poisonous fog that killed the members of the yiga clan.
Wild turned around quickly, and saw the blood red eyes glowing in the darkness that surrounded the both of them. Wild wanted to run, but his legs wouldn't move an inch.
Wild knew this was the end for him.
The wolf didn't attack Wild, it just bumped its head on Wilds chest.
A small whine came from the shadow, as if asking if Wild was okay.
Wild didn't know what to do, so he just patted the wolf's head with confusion on his face.
The shadow whined again as if crying, then a memory flooded Wilds brain.
There was a beautiful black german shepherd running along with a laughing Wild.
Wild had a stick in his hand as he ran with the dog, swinging the stick, Wild accidently broke one of his fathers pots.
Fear filled Wild as he tried to pick up the pieces and hide them.
But his dad heard the pottery break and ran outside to see what Wild was doing.
Rage filled Wilds father as he grabbed Wild with enough force that could break a normal child's arm.
“You useless piece of shit!”
“That pot costed more than your damn stupid life!’
Wild wanted to fight back, but he knew that if he did, his father would beat him tell he looked like a ugly bokoblin. Tears never threaten to spill from Wilds eye, as for he knew that if he cried, his father would make him sleep outside in the cold with barely an food or water.
Wilds father pushed Wild forward and kicked Wild in the stomach with full force.
Wild heard something snap by his fragile ribs.
Wild cried out in pain as his rib broke from the force his father used when he kicked him.
That cry was all the black german shepherd needed to hear before it locked its jaws on Wilds fathers right arm.
The father screamed at the mutt to let go, but the dog didn't let go, he was determined to protect this child of wilderness with its life.
Biting harder, blood dripped from Wilds fathers arm as he screamed in pain.
Grabbing the knife he always carried with him, Wilds father jammed the knife into the dog's neck. The dog yelped and fell to the ground, blood flowed from its neck wound.
The only thought on the dogs mind was; “Was I able to save the child?”
The german shepherd tried to keep its eyes open, but as he hear the wild child scream for his father to not kill the dog, everything around him slipped into darkness.
Wild grabbed at his father, hitting him with his stick. The father turned around a slapped Wild, then throwing him at a nearby tree.
With anger in his voice, the father screamed at Wild and beated him tell the child was barely breathing.
Wild opened his eyes, and looked into the shadows eyes that were filled with guilt and pain.
Wild felt tears prickle his eyes, and hugged the beast.
This shadow, this creature of darkness, was the dog that tried to save Wild’s life from his own family.
Wild hugged the creature as tear fell from his face, Wild hugged the creature as the new memory was still fresh in his mind, Wild hugged the creature as he thanked it.
Wild got up slowly, and looked around to find the exit to the den he was in.
The shadow got up as well and started to tug at Wilds tunic, Wild looked at the beast and nodded.
The shadow walked and Wild followed it to the exit that was on the other side.
The night blinded Wild for a bit, but his eyes were able to adjust quickly.
The shadow was by Wilds side, and they began their little walk back to the others.
Wild was able to find the others quickly when he had the shadow wolf by his side.
Yelling at the others, Wild trotted towards the others with the shadow wolf following behind him.
Despite having an injury on his shoulder (That luckily stopped bleeding) and an arrow through his thigh, Wild was smiling like an absolute idiot.
Twilight ran up to Wild with worry written all over his face, not paying attention to the new member, Twilight demanded on what happened while he grabbed a healing potion.
No one spoke a thing, then Legend with confusion and terror on his face he yelled at Wild; “What the fuck is that thing?!”
Wild looked at Legend, then he looked at his little shadow buddy, and with a smile, Wild said;
“This is Karma, they are part of my family.”
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botwriter · 6 years
A New Normal, Chapter 5: Trust
FF.net and Ao3  ➜
I’m really sorry about the delay on this chapter. Big thanks to everyone who reads my work and enjoys it. ❤
Link, Day 6
Zelda was clearly tired the next day, still fast asleep by the time breakfast was nearly ready. Link had already been up for a couple hours preparing it, plus some extra food to take on the road. He was still pondering yesterday’s events… anxiously. He was so scared of the same thing happening again, that Zelda might harbor the same resentful feelings towards him as she did a hundred years ago, but… his arguing back, as much as he hadn’t wanted to, seemed to do the trick. Still… she’s bound to have more questions.
When Zelda finally came to, wiping sleep out of her eyes and looking altogether groggy, Link offered her an omelette.
“Thank you,” she said with a smile as she sat next to the embers, eating slowly and clearly still a little distracted. Link left her to her thoughts as he cleaned off his own plate and began re-packing the bags Flint was carrying for them. When Zelda finished her breakfast, they left the horses at the ruins, and got up for the first memory of the day.
“The next memory isn’t pleasant,” Link admitted as they neared the shrine. A breeze picked up from the valley as they approached, tossing his hair as he turned to give Zelda a small smile. “You’ve already apologized to me for it, so don’t feel bad, alright?”
She gave him a curious look then, and all he could do was shrug. His heart was pounding. Something about having her around again gave him butterflies, lit a fire in his stomach that hadn’t been around in… well, years. Not to mention she was two years older - a little slimmer (probably thanks to two years of stasis), and her hair was even longer… if that was even possible. Now and again he expected to see that twenty-year old girl next to him, and was surprised to see… well, something more resembling an adult. He barely even saw himself like a “man,” not yet, even though he fit the bill.
As they approached the shrine, Zelda headed a little ways in front of him and he watched carefully, wondering if she’d ever recall another memory from post-Ganon again. If she became really suspicious of their relationship… or if she recalled a memory that was outright obvious about it… he could be in some trouble. It would be better if she remembered herself, first, but Link had no control over any extra recollections she stumbled upon.
Zelda was still for some time and Link didn’t take his eyes off of the back of her head. It felt weird being back here at the ruins - they hadn’t returned since defeating Ganon. There’d been no need to. He remembered it mostly as a cavern with Skywatchers… and of course, where Zelda had told him not to follow her, a hundred years prior.
She moved suddenly and Link took a quick step forward, but it didn’t seem like she was fainting or faltering like the day prior. Instead she turned to him, looking both embarrassed and upset.
“I feel even worse about what I said yesterday,” she muttered, but Link only smiled.
“I thought I told you not to apologize again,” he said, tilting his head and resting his hands on his hips. “It’s drama from a century ago.”
Zelda was still quiet - surprisingly so - as they left for the desert with the midday sun sitting above them. It was hot and dry, but she refused to stop even for a water break, determined to get the rest of her memories as soon as possible.
“I don’t really blame you, honestly,” he said suddenly as they neared the Gerudo Canyon stable. “Your dad forced this guy to be your knight out of nowhere… wanted you to pray all the time. You were sent on this journey to figure out how to unlock your sealing power, right? And I was watching over you and already had my uh - well - the sword.��
“Speaking of,”  Zelda interjected, “you no longer have it?”
“It’s not needed,” Link replied with a shrug, sliding off of Flint once they reached the stable. He gave the horse a couple reassuring pats while he turned to look back at Zelda. “You and I, we took it back to the Deku Tree. Now that’s someone you should re-meet,” he added, but she immediately frowned.
“I’m tired of re-meeting people! I feel awful to have forgotten them! I just want my memories back, so I can be myself again, like you,” she urged, and the look she gave him nearly made his knees give out. That sad look in her eyes was hard to handle. She was so assured that everything would be fine, but somehow, there was a pull in Link’s gut - would she really remember everything? Would she really come back? The memories they were reliving were mostly thanks to the Sheikah Slate’s photographs, but the extra memories… that was something he’d never experienced.
“Don’t worry,” he said nonetheless, lifting a hand and stopping short of cupping her cheek, instead resting it on her shoulder lightly. “You’ll be you again in no time.”
Zelda didn’t smile, but gave him a look like she was inclined to believe him. As Link looked back at her, he saw the light leave her eyes - all at once, she’d fallen weak.
Zelda, Day 6
 She knew immediately it was a memory like she’d gotten at the lake. This time it was deeper, and daunting. She was trapped, tied down, but in her mind, Hyrule was endless. She could see through the darkness if she tried hard enough. Deep within it was a blinding light, coursing through the land like it was ripping the earth apart, searching for her, fighting for her, dying for her.
It was her voice, but she struggled to comprehend this. It sounded like someone else. Like a Zelda that was… gone. The voice was talking to Link, the light, in a tone that she felt… a stranger to. Like she was listening to a private conversation. In the darkness, he was alone, crouched, sobbing - he loved her. He loved her more than words could say. The feeling of her heart - Zelda’s heart, the stranger’s heart - bursting with bittersweet, woke her.
She gasped in hot and dry air, feeling dirt below her hands. Link was above her, looking worried and then relieved all at once. He held her close briefly and then pulled back, looking her over.
“Are you okay? You need water. Come on.”
He lifted her and guided the two of them towards the stable. She clutched onto his shirt, deciding it was best to play along with this - he didn’t realise she’d had another memory, and she didn’t want him to. How did she tell him what she just saw? He looked so incredibly vulnerable and sad, and there was no doubt in her mind that he loved her - well, Zelda, not her, but the real her. Hylia, I’m an imposter, aren’t I?
Outside the stable, he handed her a glass of water, clearly still worried, and Zelda accepted it gratefully. She was dehydrated anyways, so it came as a relief, and she drank it probably faster than she should have. Link shook his head at her, but she could see a smile twitch on his lips, and for the first time since waking up, she felt heat tickling her cheeks.
The horses had to be left at the stable, so Zelda followed Link out into the scorching sun of the desert. She found herself sweaty almost immediately, not to mention tired thanks to her feet feeling extra heavy with each step in the sand. Thankfully their destination was not too far away, and as she watched it get closer and closer, she began to smile. A proper oasis.
“It’s beautiful,” she commented cheerfully when they finally arrived in the shade of a few palm trees.
“You always thought so,” Link replied, wiping moisture off his brow with his sleeve. “But the desert is also home to the Yiga Clan. They-”
That one word - yiga - was enough to kick in her memory. It came in a flash, the fear of running from two yiga swordsmen, the blue flash of the master sword and the sound of a sickle spiraling through the air. He had saved her, put his life on the line for her, without a moment’s thought. Not only that, but it worked; one spin of the sword and a tilt of his head told the remaining offender that this was not his battle to win. She could see the look in her eyes - Zelda’s eyes - (was it really her?) after the ordeal. She’d had a revelation that day… about Link. She trusted him. Finally.
“Oh,” Zelda exclaimed as she came to, dizzy but still standing near the bazaar. Link steadied her with one arm, and as she looked back up at him and met his striking blue eyes again, she felt the first flickering of warmth in her chest. Goddesses, he’s making me nervous. She wasn’t sure what changed - was it the memory? The realisation that he’d loved her? Or had that really just been a fever dream? Was it his eyes, or his muscles, or his messy blonde hair, or- no. No, no, no.
“That- the yiga, um-” she failed to find her words, and then just stopped, shutting her eyes. The answers seemed so close, but still unreachable. Link pulled his arm away.
“I’ll fill you in later. It was kind of a tipping point on our journey. We can crash here tonight - dinner’s on me?”
“Not Gerudo town?” she asked, glancing sideways to the walled city just west of them.
“There’s no memories for us there,” Link replied dismissively, “and it’s hard for me to get in, anyways. No men allowed.”
They set up on the far side of the bazaar under a couple trees, and Link made a fire, something that confused Zelda at first until the surprisingly cold desert night began to creep up on them. With a few borrowed blankets from nearby vendors - all of whom seemed to know Link - they had quite a cozy camp. As the sun set, they dug in happily to a pot of stew. She was completely taken aback at how good it was. Link had done some cooking for her already, but nothing quite like this; though maybe she was just hungrier than usual.
“This is delicious,” Zelda said through a mouthful, covering her mouth and laughing a little in embarrassment. “Sorry. It’s so good.”
“Thank you,” Link replied, and Zelda noticed he’d finished off his meal before she was even halfway through hers. “So, still want me to fill you in?”
She nodded enthusiastically, mood greatly improved by a tasty dinner, and listened as he told her about their early relationship.
“Obviously, you didn’t like me at first,” he began, as Zelda lowered her bowl and listened intently. “I had the master sword already. I was a pretty good fighter, almost everyone liked me… you get it. But it wasn’t that simple. I gave up my life when I took on that sword. It wasn’t really a choice, and that’s something that you and I could relate to. You didn’t have a choice, either.”
“I didn’t?” she replied quietly, a little confused - she knew they had dealings with fate, but surely a princess would have some autonomy to do what she pleased.
“No. You and I were Hyrule’s only hope. Well, and the Champions.”
“Mipha… Urbosa…”
“Revali, and Daruk - yeah,” Link added, and she smiled gratefully back at him, taking a moment to enjoy how the firelight flickered on his jawline and set a spark in his eyes.
“You didn’t have your power yet, though. That’s why you and I had to journey to try and unlock it. You had this doubt in yourself… I mean, the whole Princess thing was never really your gig,” Link admitted, giving Zelda a knowing grin. She tilted her head, trying not to let his comment upset her, but he seemed to notice.
“What I mean is - you’re passionate, and kind, and a great leader. But more than anything, you’re a scientist. You liked adventuring and learning, getting your hands dirty.” Link was looking at her evenly now as he spoke, and Zelda began to feel heat creeping up to her cheeks again. “Praying every hour of the day in a pretty white dress wasn’t where you really belonged.”
“The dress was pretty, or I was pretty?” Zelda replied before she could stop herself, smiling a little, but Link didn’t become flustered like she expected him to. Instead, his deep blue eyes stayed on her evenly, and he grinned.
“Mostly you.”
Now it was too late, and she felt her entire face and neck must have been bright red, so she immediately began to gulp down the rest of her stew. A piece of potato nearly fell out of the bowl, and she caught it with her hand, quickly stuffing it into her mouth before Link had seen - no. He saw.
The knight laughed and stood up, stretching his hands above his head and taking her now-empty bowl from her.
“Yeah. You’re still Zelda,” he said decidedly, leaning down to plant a kiss on her forehead before leaving to the Oasis to clean the bowls. She sat alone on her blanket by the fire, chest aflame and mind racing. How could one man make her lose her cool so easily? Why did she suddenly find him so attractive? He was obviously comfortable around her, a reality that made her situation all the more frustrating. The dream she’d had earlier was still bugging her, but she was content to leave it as just a ‘dream’ for now, despite a little voice in the back of her head that knew it was something more.
But what could she do with that information? Surely if they’d actually had any sort of a relationship in the past, he would have told her by now. Someone would have.
When Link got back to the camp and sat down with a sigh, Zelda was lost in thought. A scientist. A researcher, an adventurer. The way Link talked about her was like hearing about a stranger, a long lost friend. What would it take to feel like herself again?
“Anyways, you didn’t trust me really, until that run-in with the Yiga,” Link continued suddenly, jolting Zelda out of her trance. “We got on a lot better after that.”
“Good,” she replied. “How close were we, really?”
She thought about elaborating on that question. Like, why was he there when she woke up? Why was so much of her stuff in the Hateno house? Why was no one else helping her on this journey - just him? Why was he so comfortable around her? Why him?
“We- were close,” Link replied, and though she could tell he was lying about something, she couldn’t tell what, and didn’t want to push it. If they were close and he was lying about that, well… why would someone do that? And if they weren’t close and he was saying they were, that would just be gross, but… she didn’t think that could be the case. Not after everything they’d been through. And from what she could see, he wasn’t that type of guy…
“There’s some - there’s some information that I think is better you learn along the way,” Link finally added, watching her curiously. “I know you want all the answers right now. But it’s easier that way.”
 A convenient but good answer. She didn’t have anything to say back to that, so she sighed and smiled, tucking herself in under the blankets. Sleep came easy that night under the desert stars and next to a flickering fire, which Link kept going for another hour or so before going to bed himself.
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katedoesfics · 5 years
Breath of the Resistance: Chapter 11
Link and Zelda stood on the balcony behind the palace, watching the soldiers interact with the activated Guardians below in the training fields. Link leaned against the rail curiously as the long legs of the machines moved about. The soldiers chatted and laughed as they followed the Guardians around. They climbed on top and inside, inspecting the mechanics, studying and learning how the machines worked in preparation for war. Not only were they intrigued by the machines, they were eager to see them in action.
“You’d think they just got their hands on the coolest toy,” Zelda said with a light laugh.
Zelda, too, was intrigued by the machines. Over the last few days, while they were back in the city, Zelda lost herself in her books, mulling over the ancient Sheikah texts, hoping to learn anything and everything she could about their technologies. Link often found her in the palace library, her nose so deep in a book she hadn’t even heard him come in. And when she did finally notice his arrival, she talked endlessly about something new she had discovered.
It was a side of her Link hadn’t seen much of, but it was a relief to see her so happy after the way things had been going. At home in the city, she was relaxed. She was safe. And for a moment, it was as if they weren’t preparing for an impending war. Zelda and Link could be themselves.
Link watched as she gushed over the Guardians and smiled.
“We’re able to control them now, just like we can control the Divine Beasts.” She turned to Link with excitement in her eyes. “When Ganon does show his face, he’s going to be in for a big surprise.”
But her excitement was cut short by the sound of her father’s voice.
“What are you doing out here, Zelda?” King Rhoam said from behind them.
Zelda turned quickly to see her father approaching them, his stern gaze on her.
“I…” Zelda started, hesitant. She knew her father did not approve of her scholarly studies, as he referred to them. She made a fist at her side and spoke confidently. “I was assessing the results of the experiment with the Guardians. These pieces of ancient technology could be quite useful against the -”
“I know that,” the king interrupted. “They are essential to Hyrule’s future, and our research demands that we keep a close eye on them.” His voice grew stern. “However, as the princess, you currently have a crucial unfulfilled responsibility to your kingdom.”
Zelda looked down, defeated. She knew what he was going to say next.
“Let me ask you once more,” her father continued. “When will you stop treating this as some game?”
“I’m doing everything I can,” Zelda pleaded with him.
“You are here wasting your time. You need to be dedicating every moment you have to your training.” The king’s voice rose. “You must be single-minded in unlocking the power that will seal Ganon away.”
“I already am,” Zelda said. “I want to help in whatever way I can.”
“No more excuses, Zelda!” The king said, shaking his head. “Stop running away from your duty. I forbid you to have anything to do with these machines from this moment on and command you to focus on your training.” He turned away from her and looked down onto his soldiers as they continued to work with the Guardian. His voice lowered. “Do you know how the people speak of you? They say that you are the heir to a throne of nothing. Nothing but failure.”
Zelda lowered her head in shame. Her father never missed a chance to remind her of that - that she was a failure.
“It is woven into your destiny that you prove them wrong,” he continued. He turned to his daughter, his expression softer. “Do you understand?”
Zelda did not meet her father’s gaze. “Yes,” she said softly. “I understand.” She did not look up as the king turned away and left her alone with Link on the walk. She did not move until her father was out of sight. As Link got to his feet, Zelda strode passed him in frustration.
Link trotted to catch up to her, his mind searching for some way to console her, but Zelda stopped suddenly and faced him. The frustration that creased her face was gone. Her expression was stark and cold.
“Tomorrow we will go to the Spring of Power,” she said simply. Without another word, she turned away from him and made her way to the opposite end of the walk, disappearing behind the door as it slammed shut behind her.
It was early the next morning when Link saw Zelda again. After the interaction with her father, she had stormed off and disappeared for the rest of the day. And after having spent so much time with her over the last few days, Link couldn’t help but to feel empty without her. But she wanted her space, clearly, and he wasn’t about to test her and upset her even more.
So he was surprised to see that she was back to her bubbly self when she met him outside of the palace. Link watched her carefully as she slid into the seat beside him. He debated what to say to her, but to his relief, Zelda didn’t waste a moment to open her mouth.
“I was thinking,” she started before she even closed the door, “that maybe the Master Sword has some connection to the ancient Sheikah technology. I thought the slate would be connected to everything, but it doesn’t seem to work on those mysterious shrines around Hyrule. Maybe the Master Sword will have something to do with that.”
Link put the car into drive and navigated them out of the palace gates and through the city. He checked the rearview mirror as the sun glinted off the blade in the back seat. It hadn’t left his sight since he retrieved it.
“Maybe,” Link said, mulling over this information.
“What do you suppose is in those shrines?” Zelda mused. “There’s some ancient Sheikah text written on the shrines. I bet if we could decipher the text, it would give us more clues.”
Her mind raced wild with theories and Link simply could not keep up with her as she rambled on. Though she had some valid points that were worth looking into, he just couldn’t focus on anything but the mysteries behind Dorian, Impa, and even the king. He had to take advantage of their trips to the springs, but he was sure that if Dorian was a traitor, the Yiga would be following them now more than ever. He couldn’t afford to let his guard down, even for a moment.
This next week was going to be a very long week for him.
“What?” He could feel her watching him.
“What are you thinking so hard about?”
His eyes glanced to hers for a moment. “Nothing.”
“You’re thinking about Dorian.”
Link didn’t answer.
“I was thinking,” Zelda started. “Maybe we can trust him.”
“I’ll never trust him,” Link snapped.
“The Yiga Clan murdered his wife,” Zelda reminded him. “They tried to go after his children. His girls, Link. He wouldn’t put them in danger.”
“Makes for the perfect cover up,” Link said. “Makes him look weak and helpless and innocent.”
“How can you be so cynical?”
Link’s brows knit together. “I have no reason to be otherwise.” He met her gaze briefly. “When you’ve been used and betrayed, you learn pretty quickly that everyone has an agenda. I can’t afford to be anything but cynical.” He turned his gaze back to the road. “Dorian was my mentor. I trusted him. My father trusted him. They were best friends.” He hesitated. “Now, all I can think about is who else is involved in this. My father could have been a traitor, too, and I didn’t have a clue.”
“He wasn’t a traitor,” Zelda said softly, her eyes on her feet.
“I’m done with them,” Link said. “Done with the SFU. I only have myself to trust. I’m doing things my way from here on out.”
“You can trust me,” Zelda said.
Link turned back to her for a moment. In all his doubts and confusion, she was the one person he never doubted for a moment. The thought hadn’t even crossed his mind.
“Yeah,” he said, his eyes on the road once more. “I can. I do.”
“Okay,” Zelda said simply. “So, what’s the plan, boss?”
“The plan,” Link started, “is to take out Ganon and the Yiga Clan before they make their attack.”
“Which will be easier said than done.”
“If Dorian is working with the Yiga, then he knows we’re on to him.”
“He said their hideout was somewhere in the desert.”
“Which could be a trap.”
“We don’t have anything else to go by,” Zelda said. “And I don’t think we’ll be able to sneak around Dorian looking for clues. He’ll be on guard now more than ever.” She paused for a moment. “Dorian mentioned the desert because he wanted us to go there. But then, wouldn’t Dorian know that we would be skeptical of him? He’d know we wouldn’t walk right into the desert just because he said that’s where they are. So, that would mean he’s telling the truth, right? Or maybe he’d think that we’d think he’s telling the truth, but he’s not. Reverse psychology?”
Link furrowed his brows as he tried to follow her train of thought. “I think you’re overthinking this.”
“Or, maybe we’re not thinking enough about it.”
Link rolled his eyes. “Let’s head to the Spring of Power first,” he suggested. “The other two will be to the south. Maybe we can hit the desert while we’re there. At the very least, maybe someone in Gerudo Town will have some leads for us. If there’s anything suspicious in the desert, Urbosa would be the first to know about it.”
Zelda nodded. “Good enough for me.”
It was early in the afternoon when Link and Zelda arrived at the Spring of Power. Zelda stood before the goddess statue in silence for a few moments in an attempt to clear her mind and focus on her prayers. She looked up at the goddess statue, her hands clasped together before her, but the longer she stood there, the more helpless she started to feel. She closed her eyes and prayed with every ounce of energy she had, but still the voices remained silent.
She looked upon the goddess statue and let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. She stared at the statue for a moment, her shoulders dropping, and she began to mumble to herself.
“I’ve done everything I’ve been told to do to find this power,” she said to no one in particular. “Prayer is supposed to awaken my power, or so everyone tells me.” She let her hands drop into the water, her eyes cast downward. “Everyone in my family has heard the voices from the spirit realm. This power that has supposedly been passed down through the generations is supposed to develop within me. But I don’t hear… or feel anything!”
She turned her gaze back onto the statue. “Curse you!” She let her fists punch at the water. “I’ve spent every damn day praying, pleading to the ancient gods, but to no avail. She brought her hands up across her chest, gripping at her arms. She closed her eyes in an attempt to hold back her desperate tears. “Please just tell me. What is it? What’s wrong with me?”
Link stood just outside of the spring and, upon hearing her voice, walked in curiously. He watched as she muttered to herself, her desperation growing as she struggled to find her power. He felt helpless, wishing there was something he could do to help her or reassure her, but there was nothing.
Zelda moved across the spring, away from the goddess statue, her head hanging low in defeat. She stood before Link, her tears dripping off her cheeks and onto the ground.
“What if I can’t do it?” she said softly. “How can this world depend on a failure of a princess who can’t even awaken the power needed to seal Ganon away?” She met Link’s gaze. “Is it all just a lie? What… What’s wrong with me?” She let herself fall into him, burying her face into his shoulder as she sobbed.
Link hesitated for a moment, then wrapped his arms around her. He leaned his head against hers and sighed. “Nothing’s wrong with you,” he whispered to her.
“Something must be,” she said. “The war hasn’t even begun and I’m already failing.”
“We’ve only come to the first spring,” he reminded her. “Don’t give up yet.”
Zelda shook her head. “My father has pushed me day after day, ever since I can remember, to find my power. If I haven’t found it by now, no spring is going to help.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Link said.
Zelda pulled herself away and wiped at her eyes. “When did you become such a believer of all this sacred magic?”
Link shrugged. “I’ve seen some weird stuff since we started.”
Zelda chuckled lightly. “The Sheikah have rubbed off on you.”
“They have made some pretty incredible technology, I’ll give them that. Especially considering how little technology there actually was back then.”
“I can’t even imagine what Hyrule was like thousands of years ago.”
“Come on,” Link said. He pulled at her hand, leading her away from the spring and towards the car, but when Zelda’s fingers squeezed his, he pulled away quickly and shoved his hands in the pocket, then proceeded to fumble for his keys. “Where next?” he asked as he opened the car door and slid inside.
“I guess to the Spring of Courage,” Zelda said as she slid in beside him.
Link started the engine. “Faron Woods or bust.”
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katedoesfics · 4 years
Shadows of the Future | Chapter 72
The Shrine of Resurrection slumbered deep within a dense forest, overgrown from hundreds of thousands of years of abandonment. It remained untouched for all those years, completely unnoticed by the growing and changing kingdom that took no notice to the odd shape of mountains that made up the area that was once a plateau. Though significantly smaller in comparison to the other mountain ranges throughout Hyrule, their slightly rounded, barely sloped peaks simply blended in with the rest of the landscape, south of the bustling city the Champions called home. While it would have taken them nearly an entire day to drive to the base of the mountain, Paya agreed to take them herself. They appeared at the edge of the forest, stepping out of the moonlight and into the cover of the trees.
The group of heroes moved through the forest just as Rusl had instructed them to do. Knowing how to get to the shrine, and with the ability to use her own Sheikah powers to provide either an attack or quick defense, Paya took the lead. Behind her, Rusl followed closely. Revali and Urbosa followed next, keeping their attention focused up front, and behind them respectively, with Link and Mipha between them, and Daruk came up behind them, ready to shield them if necessary.
They moved quietly through the forest, watching for any sign of the awaiting Yiga Clan. They were tense and alert, walking for nearly an hour with no sign of any kind of attack.
“I don’t like this,” Revali muttered. He kept an arrow knocked in his bow. “Why aren’t they jumping out of the trees like the ninja-freaks that they are?”
“Stop talking,” Urbosa hissed at him.
Revali rolled his eyes and mocked her silently.
At that moment, Paya stopped, and Rusl held his arm out, stopping the group. They were silent as he looked around them. They were still a ways off from the shrine, but Paya could sense the Yiga were close, keeping a watchful eye out for their arrival.
Rusl gestured to Revali and Urbosa, and they pressed forward to search out any potential hiding Yiga soldiers, leaving the rest of the group behind to wait. Paya positioned herself just ahead of them, ready and waiting for any surprise attack. Rusl and Link both readied their own weapons, and Daruk cracked his knuckles, ready to throw up his shield at a moment’s notice.
They waited in silence, their eyes searching the forest. There was no sign of the Yiga Clan, and no sign of a battle anywhere up ahead. They had no way to know where Urbosa and Revali were, or how much longer until they arrived at the shrine. All they could do was sit and wait as the anxiety stirred in their guts.
Nearly half an hour had passed before Urbosa and Revali returned with uneasy expressions on their faces.
“There’s no one,” Urbosa said. “We searched the entire area.”
“They’re here,” Paya hissed. “I’m sure of it.”
“So, what do we do?” Revali asked.
“They’re probably waiting for us to go in,” Paya said. “They plan to trap us.”
“We can’t play into their plans,” Daruk said.
“Sure we can,” Rusl said. “Make them think they’re plan is working.”
“And then what?” Link hissed. “They corner us and we’re fucked.”
“Hardly,” Rusl said. “Our tactic remains the same. With the utilization of proper roles in the unit, we give ourselves an edge. The only thing that changes is the front line. We cover our front and our back with the best fighters.”
“Tanks and close range fighters,” Daruk said with a grin.
“Sure, nerd.” Rusl grinned. “That means Paya and Urbosa. One up front, one to bring up the rear.”
“What about me?” Revali said with a frown.
“In the middle with us,” Rusl said. “You’re fast. You have range. You can get anywhere you need to get in an instant, wherever you’re needed.” He turned to Daruk. “If you stay centralized, you can provide the best defense for us.”
“But I’m close range,” Daruk said.
“You can cover distance,” Rusl reminded him. “Should they get passed Paya, Urbosa, and Revali, you can send ‘em flying.”
Daruk grinned. “I like this. He’s smart. This was a good idea.”
“Best plan Link ever had,” Revali confirmed.
“You need to get to the deepest point of the shrine,” Rusl reminded them. “If the C4 is going to do its job, you need to implode it from the inside. That being said, it could very well cause a cave in. We need to be far enough away to escape while still being close enough for the detonators.”
“I can get everyone out,” Paya said.
“Unless the Yiga have it warded,” Rusl pointed out. “We need to go in under the assumption that you can’t get us out. If we rely on that, we’re dead men walking.”
“Then let’s get moving,” Link said.
The group pressed onward, moving silently through the forest once more until they reached the entrance to the shrine. Though the overgrowth had certainly covered the shrine completely, it was clear that the shrine had been disturbed, and recently. Brush was cut back and rocks were moved out of the way to reveal the entrance to the shrine. They stood outside of it for a moment, checking their surroundings once more in preparation for a potential attack. When no attack came, they stepped silently into the shrine, immediately greeted by the cool, damp, and musty air.
After walking through the main corridor of the shrine for a few short minutes, their path split, moving further ahead, to their left, and to their right, giving them three options that moved deeper within the shrine. Their gazes moved to Paya, who simply shrugged in response.
“How big is this damn place?” Revali muttered.
“And where do these paths lead?” Urbosa questioned.
“Pick one,” Daruk said. “Process of elimination.”
“Should we split up?” Mipha asked.
Rusl shook his head. “We don’t need to give ourselves any disadvantages by splitting the group. And we don’t have time to be exploring every path. Even if we don’t get to the deepest chamber of the shrine, our best option is to hit the shrine at its weakest points and the places where we will get the best results. By detonating the C4 in the center of the cave, it will weaken the integrity of the entire structure, destroying it completely from all angels, including the two outer paths.”
“Forward it is,” Revali muttered.
They continued on, taking the central path which moved deeper into the shrine. After a few minutes more, their path ended abruptly, dropping down into the darkness. The hole didn’t seem to be too wide, but wide enough that none of them were willing to risk jumping across. A single, narrow plank that seemed to just cover the length of the hole lay on its side against the wall, suggesting that someone had crossed recently. They positioned the plank across the opening, then one by one, they moved slowly across and safely on the other side.
The path then opened slightly, revealing man-made columns along the edges of the wall, suggesting that the walls there were thinner. Link placed the C4 as Rusl instructed, then they continued on. Once more, the path opened, revealing a large, central chamber. There was a path to their left, to their right, and then continuing onward on the other side of the room. They placed more C4 around the edges of chamber before moving on, until finally, the path opened up into a final chamber, bringing them to what they assumed was the end of the shrine.
While the other rooms remained empty, this room held the ancient technology of the Sheikah from an age long ago. It was a technology that, even without any source of electricity or energy, seemed to still be alive, despite its dormant state. Cobwebs and dirt covered the various tubes that moved down the walls and over the ceiling, each coming together in the center of the room. Four tubes moved down like columns, marking what appeared to be a dried up pool of sorts. Ancient Sheikah markings were carved into the walls and along the tubes.
While the Champions looked around them in mystified awe, Rusl moved forward to plant the remaining C4 along the walls and in the center of the chamber.
“This place gives me bad vibes,” Revali muttered. “Can we get out of here?”
“I still think this is a waste,” Mipha said.
With the C4 strategically placed throughout the shrine, they were free to make their way back to the exit. They retraced their path exactly, taking the middle passageway straight through. But as soon as they stepped foot inside, they could hear the distinct sound of footsteps on the hard ground, coming from what could have only been the left and right passageways, and moving quickly up behind them.
“Yiga,” Paya hissed, but the Champions didn’t need to be reminded of their presence. They quickly broke into a run, unwilling to confront them in the narrow passageway of the shrine if it could be avoided.
Their pace, however, slowed suddenly as they reached the gap in the shrine. The narrow board that served as their bridge remained their only way across, and it wobbled and cracked under their weight as they tried to move across as quickly as possible. They stumbled as they picked up speed once more.
“Up ahead,” Paya said as they neared the central chamber. “There are more waiting for us.”
Daruk turned to Link. “We’re close enough,” he said. “Detonate the explosives. We’ll be able to get out.”
Link didn’t hesitate. He pulled out the device, but when he pressed the button, nothing happened. He cursed loudly as he slammed his finger into it repeatedly. They were out of range, and the Yiga were closing in on them from all three of the passageways. Including the Yiga that waited for them at the entrance of the shrine, they would be completely surrounded and heavily outnumbered. They didn’t stand a damn chance. Not unless Link could block the three passages behind them by setting off the C4. He needed to get in range.
He turned on his heels suddenly and sprinted down the passage and back towards the gap they had crossed. With a little luck, that would put him close enough to set off the C4. It would likely block his path back to the exit, but he didn’t care; it would give his friends a chance to escape. With them alive, they could still finish the Yiga Clan once and for all. They certainly didn’t need him to do it.
Rusl slid to a stop as soon as he noticed Link’s quick backtrack. One by one, the others stopped, too as he sprinted off into the darkness. They shouted for him, but he ignored them.
Rusl ran after his son. His heart thudded in his chest, all too certain of what Link was about to do. He neared just as Link threw himself off the ledge, landing hard and tumbling across the ground on the other side. When he turned, he met Rus’s horrified gaze.
Rusl watched in horror as he pressed the trigger, and he stepped forward to throw himself after Link, only to be pulled backward suddenly. He and Revali fell to the ground from the force of the explosion. The passageway began to tremble, and the walls and ceiling began to crack and crumble. Rusl shouted again, desperately getting to his feet. He lunged forward as the ceiling above him began to crumble, blocking him from throwing himself across the gap, and soon cutting off his view completely. His mind grew suddenly empty as he stared at the blockage, oblivious to the rest of the cavern falling apart around him. Revali pulled him backwards, and before he knew it, they were sprinting through the passageway once more and toward the exit.
The crumbling stone followed on their heels as they dashed back through the central chamber. The left and right passages were already blocked, and the ceiling crumbled around them and moved quickly ahead, threatening to crush them under its rubble. Daruk threw his shield around them in a desperate attempt to shield them from the falling debris as they moved out of the central chamber and back down the first passageway.
Just as Paya had said, Yiga foot soldiers were waiting for them. They blocked the entrance, eagerly hoping to prevent the Champions from escaping and letting them get crushed alive by the crumbling shrine. Daruk, Paya, and Urbosa quickly moved to the front of the group as they ran. Paya threw her palm out, sending a sudden force wave at the Yiga soldiers, but they were prepared for her attack.
They dropped their defenses, and that’s when Urbosa attacked next. Outside, lightning struck the ground violently, sending a few of the soldiers flying through the air. Daruk jumped forward next, slamming his fist into the ground and knocking the rest of them backwards. Another punch with his other fist sent several of them flying further back. Their bodies made contact with various boulders and trees and their bones cracked sickeningly, quickly ending their lives.
They made it out of the shrine at that moment as it continued to cave in, sealing the entrance completely. Paya and Revali worked quickly to take out the rest of the surviving Yiga soldiers, and almost as quickly as it began, the battle ended. The Yiga that waited to ambush them were defeated. The rumbling of the imploding shrine had ceased completely. Birds scattered through the trees, bursting through the thick undergrowth of the trees in fright. The Champions turned their stunned gazes to the destroyed shrine, and the world fell silent.
Rusl looked desperately back at the shrine, shouting angrily. “No!” His voice bounced off the trees in the eerily silent forest. He fell silent, his eyes searching for some sign of his son, but there was none.
“Relax,” Revali said. He forced an arrogant grin in an attempt to calm Rusl and the rest of his friends. “He kinda has a knack for somehow escaping inevitable death.”
Rusl sneered at Revali over his shoulder, but said nothing. He felt oddly comforted by Revali’s words. There seemed to be some truth to them, anyway. Still. It didn’t change the fact that, once again, his son threw himself right into the face of certain death. If he found him alive, he would kill him himself.
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