#caitlin fraser
lifeofkaze · 1 year
Where All Stories End
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Warning: mortal injury, major character death
The wind was howling around the ancient walls of Fraser Hall. The storm that had been building over the Scottish Highlands had broken earlier in the evening, the leaden clouds looming so close to the ground that it looked as if the sky were caving in on itself.
The man in the library wasn’t aware of the clattering raindrops against the windows. He was pacing back and forth in front of the fireplace, as he had been for hours - back and forth, back and forth. His gaze was directed inwards, his fingers toying with the chain of the pocket watch adjusted to his waistcoat, quietly mumbling to himself as he went.
Presently, Henry Lovecraft stopped at the heavy oak desk the lady of the house had moved there for his convenience. Picking up the quill and dipping it into his inkwell, he set the feather to the paper. Before the tip could touch it, however, Henry paused. Frozen, he watched as the first jet-black drop formed on the quill’s end, growing bigger, heavier, laden with all the words of all the worlds. Eventually, it fell, landing on the pristine parchment with a quiet thud. It was a soft sound, nothing compared to the beating against the glass outside, but to Henry’s ears, the impact sounded deafening. 
With a sigh heavier than the mountain on his heart, Henry dropped the quill again, turning away from the desk and the empty parchment staring at him. The whispers, which had been quiet for the time he’d stood at the desk, returned, begging him, luring him, asking him to tell their story - no, their story - no, their story.
Henry shut his eyes, too weary to keep the whisperings at bay. He didn’t know what was happening; as long as he could remember, the stories of the past had talked to him. They had always invited him, like friends, lovers, making the past his playground and the present his stage. It was his gift, his singular talent, the one thing that had set him apart from everybody else. Lately, however, his gift had turned into a curse. The stories wouldn’t stop haunting him, calling for him louder than ever before, but every time he tried to put them to paper, they would vanish like the ghosts time had made them. The words slipped through his fingers like fog, only to return and envelope him again as soon as he turned his back. 
Henry let himself sink into the chequered armchair close to the fire, stretching out his long legs with the worn, slightly too big slippers Selene had given him on his feet. He took out his pocket watch and flipped it open, studying the familiar face of the token that had once belonged to his father. It had stopped working earlier in the evening, and Henry fiddled with the button on top, watching the hands of the clock turn at his will. He brought it to his heart, but, of course, there was no sound. The clockwork wasn’t ticking, as if the watch was stuck in an eternal moment in time. 
A smile flickered across Henry’s face. A strangely comforting thought. 
“Uncle Henry?”
The sound of a small voice made Henry break from his musings. Looking up, he saw that a little girl had slipped into the library. She was dressed in a nightgown, her dark hair held in place by a haphazard plait and the bow Henry had brought back from his latest trip to Greece. 
“Caitlin,” Henry smiled. “Why are you up at this hour? It must be close to midnight. It’s far too late to wander, especially in a storm like this.”
“I know,” Caitlin Fraser sniffed and shuffled closer, “but I cannot sleep. The wind is howling so loudly. Will you keep me company?”
Henry hesitated. “I shall if you wish it so. But wouldn’t it be better if you found your mother?”
Caitlin made a dismissive noise that made her sound more grown up than a girl of five. 
“Mother is in one of her moods tonight.” She lowered her voice in a conspiratorial manner. “She locked herself in her study again, and I swear I can hear her pacing. What is the matter with her, Uncle? Why must she always be like this?”
Henry suppressed a sigh. Storms had always made Selene feel restless, trapped inside without a means of escape. And it wasn’t only that; it had been almost six years now since…
“Come here, little Cat,” Henry said, closing his arms around Caitlin, who rested her head against his chest. “Leave your mother be. She has her own ghosts who haunt her.”
“There are no such things as ghosts,” Caitlin wrinkled her nose. “Everyone knows that, Uncle Henry.”
“I think Alan would like to disagree.” 
Caitlin frowned, as if she hadn’t even considered her mother’s undead pet ferret up to this point. 
“That’s different,” she declared eventually. “Alan was always like this.”
“Was he?” Henry had meant it as a joke, but somehow, the thought made him contemplative. “What do you think ghosts are, Caitlin?”
“I don’t know,” Caitlin said, looking at him quizzically. “Do tell, Uncle Henry.”
“Judging by the ghosts I’ve met,” Henry said, ignoring Caitlin’s doubtful look, “ghosts are a little like memories. They linger in our world because something’s keeping them. Something that’s too important for them to let go.”
“Like what?”
“It depends. Some have unfinished business to attend to. Some are too scared to move on. And some… some just don’t want to be forgotten.”
Caitlin hummed thoughtfully. “That sounds dreadfully sad, don’t you think? Why wouldn’t you want to go to Heaven when it’s your time?”
Because some people die before their time, Henry was about to say but held the words back; Caitlin was too young to learn this dire truth. 
“I don’t think it’s sad at all,” he told her instead. “For some, maybe, but there’s something beautiful in getting to pass on your story, don’t you think?”
“But that’s what you are for, Uncle Henry. You and your books. It’s what you do.”
“It’s what I do,” Henry echoed, trying not to think about the empty parchment on his desk, “but a thousand lifetimes wouldn’t be enough to tell all the stories of this world, little Cat.”
Caitlin giggled, sheepishly covering her mouth with her hand. It was one of Henry’s favourite sights; it made the stern little girl look more like the child she actually was. 
“You will need to become a ghost yourself, Uncle Henry. Then you’ll have all the time in the world. Oh, just imagine! The first proper ghost I would know. Apart from Alan, of course.”
Henry laughed quietly. “Of course. I do hope I shall be here for a while longer, though.”
“But one day, maybe.”
“One day, maybe.” 
The two of them sat silently for a while, listening to the fire crackling and the wind beating against the window panes. 
“I asked Mother about Father today,” Caitlin whispered presently. 
Henry exhaled slowly. “What did she say?” 
“Nothing, like always. She forbade me to ask about him again.” She raised her face away from where she had snuggled against Henry’s chest. “Sometimes, I wish you were my father.”
There was a dropping sensation to his stomach as Henry gently adjusted the bow on Caitlin’s hair. “Don’t say that.”
“But why? Why can’t you be?”
“I am your Uncle Henry, am I not?”
“I wish you were it, though,” Caitlin stubbornly insisted, her jaw set in the same way her mother always did. “I don’t even know my real father, and I bet Mother doesn’t know him either, or else she would have told me. How can you not know something like this?” 
Henry shook his head. “The story of your father is not mine to tell.”
“How entirely unfair.”
“It might appear so, but there is nothing I can do about it, I’m afraid.” Taking Caitlin by the shoulders, he lifted her to the ground. “But there are other stories I could tell you. Do you wish for me to read them to you?” 
Caitlin’s face lit up. “Will it be one of a princess in a castle and her handsome prince?”
“If you wish it so.”
“And you will stay to wait out the storm with me?”
“Of course, little princess.”
“Thank you.” Caitlin flung her arms around Henry’s waist. “You and your stories are the best.”
“There’ll always be a story for you with me,” Henry smiled, biting the insides of his cheeks as those big eyes, which reminded him so much of her mother, looked back up at him. “Hurry along now, Your Majesty. I’ll select a book and be right with you.”
Caitlin smiled and flitted away, her light footsteps drowned out by the thunder rolling outside. Henry stared after her for a moment before gathering thoughts and turning toward the bookshelves lining the walls. He knew exactly which book to get for Caitlin; he could already feel it calling to him. Its lure was oddly strong, much stronger than Henry knew it to be. He trusted the feeling to guide him deeper into the darkness of the room, not bothering to take a light. He knew where he was going. 
An almost dreamlike smile on his face, Henry climbed the ladder to reach the top part of the bookcase he had been headed for. He thought of how Caitlin’s face always brightened at the part where the prince would rescue the princess; she would look exactly like her mother then, only that Selene had always preferred the dragon to the knight in shining armour. 
Thinking of the two women he considered family, Henry extended his hand. A shudder ran through him as his fingers brushed the worn edge of the storybook. It felt strange, like a cold whisper breathing down the exposed skin of his neck.
Caught off guard by the sensation, Henry’s foot in the too-big slippers lost hold on the rack of the ladder, and suddenly, there was nothing beneath him but emptiness. Sudden panic struck him, making him cling to the first thing Henry could get hold of - the upper edge of the bookcase. His feet kicking against it, the ladder fell away, and for one horribly long moment, Henry Lovecraft hung there, his fingers slowly slipping off the polished wood. The thought of his father’s watch flashed in his mind, set for one moment in time, forever and all eternity.
Then, the bookcase began to topple, pulled forward by Henry’s weight. He screwed his eyes shut and let go as he rushed towards the ground, spinning around as books and whispering pages rained down around him. As the thunder rolled outside, the bookcase collided with the back of his head with a final-sounding crush. 
Raising his eyes one final time, Henry saw the book he had wanted to bring Caitlin just beyond his fingertips. He reached for it, his vision already fading, fingers just so grazing the old spine. Another shiver.
Then, darkness.
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sweeetnothingss · 1 year
these dating apps are stupid. where is my academic rival who 3 years later of meeting me, confesses in a love letter, that I'm the fond object of all their desires and the keeper of the key to their heart? where is the lover who builts a fire just to keep me warm? where is the person who secretly reads my favourite books and gets so invested in them just because they observed my bright enthusiasm about them? where is the person who lays in the grass with me to discuss an impromptu script while also talking about our general interests and knows that in the end we're gonna end up with each other? where is the person who gives up the opportunity to have an iPod in exchange of a teapot that contains lil inside jokes we've had going on since years? where is the person who runs to the station just to take me to the place which captures the most enchanting sunrise before i leave the city forever? where is the person who sings their favourite songs with me in a train with a shared earphone? where is the person who saves their dirtiest jokes for me while i save a seat on every table for them? where is the person who after knowing my flaws and fears, says yes to running away with me? where is the person who would come out of Eden to open the door for me if they knew i were there? where is the person who makes me realise that our joy is so bright I cannot see anything beyond it? where's the person who'd choose to hang out with me in every universe? who's going to take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die? where is the bestfriend who looks at me in the eyes and says "this thing we're doing here, me, you- i just want you to know I'm in. I'm all in." and means it!?
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joannanora · 10 months
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meruz · 2 years
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i recently watched We Are Who We Are and got unexpectedly emotional over the kids outfits in the last ep.. they look like cozy teddy bears to me!!!
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theannotatedbook · 2 years
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Just a couple sinners makin' fun of hell
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alltrekvarnews · 1 year
'Outlander' renovada para octava y última temporada, Starz da luz verde oficialmente a la serie de precuelas....
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View On WordPress
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briefcupcakealpaca · 1 year
KickAss 6th-9th July. Salem, Massachussetts.
César Domboy, Caitlin O'Ryan, Tom Brittney, Albie Marber.
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non-fic to-do list
hello, gamers! I'm trying uuuh something similar to my to-read public shaming, but with a slightly nicer name and a tiny bit more incentive than normal.
here's the short version: Judith Butler has a new book out! it's called Who's Afraid of Gender? and I'm very excited to read it! however I also know how Judith Butler writes, and how I digest their work, and I'm definitely going to have an easier time if I have a copy of the book that I can highlight and take notes in.
but first: despite my general objections to acquiring more books than I can read, I have managed to acquire QUITE A FEW nonfiction books that I have not yet managed to read. some I've purchased, some were gifted or loaned to me, one I downloaded for free and printed in its entirety.
and now they all have to go, by which I mean get read, and only once I've read them all am I allowed to buy Butler's new book. if this takes long enough it might even be out in paperback and slightly cheaper, although I'm not holding out too much hope for that.
so, without further ado, here's a reading list that is absolutely all over the place:
From Here to Eternity: Traveling the World to Find the Good Death (Caitlin Doughty)
Prairie Fires: The American Dreams of Laura Ingalls Wilder (Caroline Fraser)
Superfreaks: Kink, Pleasure, and the Pursuit of Happiness (Arielle Greenberg)
Necropolitics (Achille Mbembe)
How to Taste: A Guide to Discovering Flavor and Savoring Life (Mandy Naglich)
Dude, You're a Fag: Masculinity and Sexuality in High School (C.J. Pascoe)
Orientalism (Edward W. Said)
Mummies, Cannibals and Vampires: The History of Corpse Medicine from the Renaissance to the Victorians (Richard Sugg)
The Caped Crusade: Batman and the Rise of Nerd Culture (Glen Weldon)
Orientalism is already in progress, and Doughty and Weldon's books will both be rereads, if that's interesting to anybody. anyone have any suggestions about where to start?
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lifeofkaze · 1 year
Lullaby for a Stormy Night
Happy (non-UK) Mother's Day to all mothers, aspiring mothers, people who lost their mothers (my heart goes out to you), and basically, all of us. We rock 💛
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A/N: Ethel and Florence Hexley (in mention) belong to the best of the best @the-al-chemist
The library of Fraser Hall lay plunged in shadow. A few hours ago, pale sunlight had still touched the oaken shelves, but now, the only sources of light were the lightning bolts splitting the sky in half and the pearlescent glow of the lithe little ghost hovering next to the woman sitting by the window. 
Selene Fraser’s brows were drawn together in a concentrated frown. In her hands, she was holding the tassels of the curtain, strands of its fringe interwoven with her fingers. Her eyes flickered to the letter lying in her lap, and, with a huff, she let the tassels drop again. 
“I must be doing something wrong, Alan,” she muttered to the ghost of her pet ferret. “Mrs Hexley has spelt it all out for me, but I can’t seem to get it right. Why must this be so hard?” 
“As usual, you do not lack in understanding. Only patience,” replied a voice that sounded as if it came from far away. From behind a bookshelf, a second shimmering figure emerged, its feet floating inches above the burgundy carpet. Alan’s ears twitched at the sight of his undead companion, settling contentedly on Henry Lovecraft’s shoulder as he came to a halt next to Selene. He cocked an inquisitive brow at the darkness of the room. “Why haven’t you started a fire?”
Selene startled, as if only now realising how dark it had become. “I must have forgotten. Mrs Hexley sent her response about my plight with Caitlin’s hair. I couldn’t wait to put her suggestions to the test, but they turned out to be a lot more complicated than I thought.” She gave Henry a pleading look. “Can you, perchance, make sense of it?”
Raising the letter in Henry’s direction, it took the flicker of defeat crossing his face for Selene to remember that he wouldn’t be able to take it. With a sting of remorse, she turned the parchment of him to read in the little light he and Alan were exuding. 
“Why must plaiting a little girl’s hair be so impossibly complicated?” she said glumly as Henry’s eyes flew over the lines. “I barely manage to contain it. Why can’t she just keep it down, like me? It’s all I ever wanted when I was her age, but she seems to despise it.” 
Henry paused. The beat it took for him to answer filled the room, the storm howling outside appearing all the louder for his silence.
“Caitlin is not like you, Selly.
But I wish she were.
Guilt rose in Selene’s chest upon thinking it. She knew what it felt like not living up to a mother’s expectations. Caitlin maybe was tenaciously stubborn in her wish to be prim and proper, but how could Selene love her any less for it? She was her daughter, after all.
“When I was her age, I always had to be presentable, no matter the circumstances,” Selene frowned, her eyes resting on the shield with the painted golden stag above the fireplace. She thoughtfully turned the heavy gold ring on her middle finger. “It was stifling, Henry. I hated it. It’s not what I want for Caitlin.”
“You and Caitlin are not the same, and neither are your lives,” Henry repeated softly. “You were a bird afraid of being caged. Caitlin is a bird afraid of finding it has nowhere to land.”
“But she has me. She has all of this,” Selene insisted, indicating the vastness of the estate surrounding them. More quietly, she added. “And she has you.”
“I’m happy to provide her a place of comfort when she needs it.”
“She loves you,” Selene said, looking at the rain pattering against the glass rather than at Henry. “You’re the closest thing to a father she has.” 
Henry’s face was unreadable. “She has questions. If only you -”
“No.” Selene’s voice was sharp. “I won’t have her dreams crushed like this. It would be too cruel.”
“To her or to you?”
Selene’s answer was drowned by the sound of rolling thunder. A blinding white flash cut through the night, a vein of bright light connecting the storm-heavy sky to the surface of the nearby lake. The walls of Fraser Hall seemed to shudder under the impact, and Selene was almost sure she could hear the window panes ringing. She rushed to the window, pressing her fingertips to the cool glass, hoping to see another lightning bolt following the first.
When it did, a sound from within the estate made her freeze. Someone was screaming.
In less than a heartbeat, Selene was out of the library and running down the hallway. She had already taken the first flight of stairs when the next lightning cracked, almost stumbling as she skitted around the corner and burst into her daughter’s room.
Caitlin sat upright in her bed, huddled against the wall and hiding her face between her drawn-up legs. The wind had pushed the tall window right beside her bed ajar. Icy raindrops whipped inside, the curtains billowing like dark, ghostly creatures reaching for the terrified, sobbing child. 
Bracing her shoulder against the window, Selene closed it again, drawing the curtains tight. Lighting the candle on Caitlin’s bedside, she carefully approached her trembling daughter.
“Caitlin?” she asked softly. “What happened?”
Slowly, Caitlin raised her face from between her knees. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, and she was hugging the stuffed cow her godmother had given her tightly to her chest. Alan floated past Selene towards her, but when he touched his cold nose to Caitlin’s cheek, she shivered and moved away.
“Where’s Uncle Henry, Mummy? I need him to come.”
Selene did her best to not let her disappointment show. She looked behind her to signal Henry to take over but found he wasn’t there. She frowned. She could have sworn that he’d been right behind her. In fact, she had passed right through him in her rush to get to Caitlin. Where had he gone?
“I don’t know, sweetheart,” Selene said slowly, turning back to Caitlin. “Maybe he has gone to ask the thunder about new stories. Actually, I bet that’s where he’s gone.” She hesitated. “Will you make do with me until he returns?”
Caitlin said nothing, resting her chin on top of her cow’s head like she had done since she was big enough to hold it. Every moment of her silence made Selene’s heart sink a little further, but when a heavy gust of wind made the shutters outside rattle and Caitlin jumped in terror, she closed her arms around her daughter anyway.
“There’s no shame in being afraid,” she murmured, gently rocking back and forth. “Thunderstorms are scary.” 
Again, Caitlin remained silent. She sat stiffly in her mother’s arms, shrouding herself in a silence Selene didn’t know how to read. When she was almost convinced that Caitlin wouldn’t answer her at all, she quietly said:
“You’re not.”
Selene tilted her head. “I’m not what?”
“Afraid. Of the thunderstorms. How is that?”
Selene had never thought about this. As long as she could remember, storms - especially here, in the Scottish Highlands - had always glued her to her window. There was something fascinating about them, both empowering and humbling. The very air seemed to be alive, thrumming with energy. She had often sat in her bedroom after her parents had gone to sleep, looking at the patterns the lightning would draw on the sky, imagining how the rain would feel on her face and the wind in her hair.
“I think,” she heard herself say,” I like thunderstorms because you can’t confine them. No matter what you do, a thunderstorm will not be tamed.”
“I wish they would. They’re ghastly.”
The little quiver in Caitlin’s voice made Selene’s heart squeeze. Tentatively, she placed her hand on Caitlin’s back. 
“Why didn’t you call for me earlier? This is only an autumn storm. There’s no reason for you to be afraid.”
“Of course you would say so!” Caitlin suddenly lashed out, angrily shaking off her mother’s hand. “You’re not afraid of anything, not ever. You wouldn’t understand!”
Rendered speechless, Selene blinked several times. Caitlin was shaking again, but it wasn’t from fear. When she turned away, Selene recognised the flash in her daughter’s eyes. She saw the anger, but more importantly, something else Selene remembered all too well - helplessness. 
“Do you know what Granda Angus used to say?” she said softly. “He said, when it thunders, the gods of yore beat their drums to dance. Doesn’t that sound merry to you?”
Caitlin didn’t look convinced but tentatively nodded. Encouraged, Selene continued. 
“He never seemed to run out of stories. They were the most fantastic ones, even more fantastic than Uncle Henry’s, but you mustn’t tell him I said that.” 
Caitlin wrinkled her nose, but her chokehold on the stuffed cow had eased. “This can’t be, Mummy. Uncle Henry’s stories are the best.” 
“It’s true, I promise. Granda knew stories about this land, and ghosts, and fairies, and every creature you can possibly imagine. No one knew more about our home than him.” 
Selene smiled sadly at the memory. Angus Fraser, who had been more of a father to her than her actual father, had passed away just short of two years ago. She still missed him terribly. 
“Every night before I went to bed, Granda would tell me one of his stories,” she continued. “He claimed he was Dream Angus, come to bring me all the adventures I could possibly dream of. And after, Grandma would sing to me.” She paused. “Would you like me to sing for you, too?” 
Caitlin considered her offer for a moment. She nodded.
“I think I’d like that.”
“Come here, then.”
Selene held her arms wide and waited for her daughter to nestle against her chest. Softly, she began to sing.
Dreams to sell, fine dreams to sell, Angus is here with dreams to sell. Hush now, wee bairnie, and sleep without fear, For Angus will bring a dream, my dear.
The familiar melody made a smile appear on Selene’s face. Without meaning to, she slipped into the soft accent her grandmother had spoken with, not as hard as her grandfather’s and uncles, but softer, enveloping her like a blanket that felt like home. Dream Angus had been her favourite lullaby growing up, but she hadn’t sung it in a long time; not since Caitlin had decided she was old enough to go to bed alone. 
The sound of her grandmother’s voice singing her to sleep was probably what Selene had missed most every time she had to return home to Edinburgh. Her mother had never sung to her, not that she could remember. Even now, years later, the thought seemed absurd, but it didn’t matter. The time for Selene and her mother had passed.
Despite herself, the thought of Lucretia Fraser lingered, stirring a familiar sadness in Selene’s heart. How often had she hesitated, not daring to ask for what she truly wanted when she bade her mother goodnight? How often had she wished she’d reach out and hold her, stroke her hair and murmur soft words of motherly affection? She had imagined it, so many times, hoped that once - just once - things would be different. That she’d be loved for who she was and not for who she was raised to be. 
Over time, the feeling had changed. The yearning in her heart had been filled by others, but never entirely. Her grandmother, Mrs Hexley - her best friend’s mother - and, of course, Ethel herself; they and so many others had loved Selene for herself, and Selene had loved them back. She’d let them inside her heart, but somehow, they had never quite fit. The hole at its very core had never been completely closed. 
She looked down at Caitlin’s wild curls as she sang, the notes dropping from her lips heavy with the love she felt for this little, stubborn girl, who was so much like her and yet so little. Caitlin had broken her and made her whole again, in ways Selene had never believed possible. Maybe it wasn’t what she’d wanted, but whatever Caitlin had done, the scar on her heart barely hurt anymore. She had healed her, and Selene would do everything in her power to thank her for every hour of every day. 
Maybe she wasn’t the mother Caitlin wanted or needed, but in this moment, with the wind raging outside, and the thunder rolling, and the wood of the home Selene had made for them creaking comfortably around them, she felt that maybe - just maybe - she could grow into the mother Caitlin deserved. She would never let her feel as unseen as she had felt growing up. She didn’t know how, but Selene wasn’t scared of rocky roads. She always found her way.
Dreams to sell, fine dreams to sell, Angus is here with dreams to sell. Hush now, wee bairnie, and sleep without fear, For Angus will bring a dream, my dear.
The last of the notes sunk into the peaceful quiet of the room. Selene let it linger, enjoying the wistfulness wrapping around her for a moment longer. 
“It’s not true, you know,” she breathed softly. “I am afraid. More often than you might think.”
Her admission was swallowed by the stillness. Caitlin had gone still in Selene’s arms, her chest rising and falling steadily. Smoothing down her messily plaited hair, Selene lowered her back onto her pillow, covered her and her stuffed cow with the duvet and blew out the candle. 
Rising carefully, Selene stood by the window. The worst of the storm seemed to have passed; the wind had made a gap appear in the heavy blanket of clouds, and through it shone a sliver of the moon. Everything looked different in its silvery light; the old leaves, the dust, the dirt of the past few weeks, all of it had been swept away by the storm. Tomorrow, the sun would rise again in all its glory, and the world would glow fresh, and bright, and beautiful.
That was what she loved about storms, Selene realised. The way they made things new.
Tearing herself away from the view of her beloved valley, she turned to leave. In the doorway, she could see the pearly white silhouette of Henry. She didn’t know how long he’d been there, but he gave her a slight nod, which Selene answered with a grateful smile. She looked back at her now peacefully sleeping daughter. 
The storm outside had passed, she thought to herself. Maybe one day, theirs would, too. 
Tagging: @endlessly-cursed
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brian-in-finance · 1 year
‘Outlander’ Season 7 Gets Split in Half, 8-Episode Part 1 Premieres in June
The second half of the time-traveling drama’s penultimate season will premiere in 2024
“Outlander” Season 7 will resume Claire (Caitríona Balfe) and Jamie’s (Sam Heughan) sprawling and globe-trotting love story in June on Starz, the network announced Thursday while also revealing the first images from the new season.
The penultimate season of the time-traveling drama will debut June 16 with the first eight episodes of its extended 16-episode season, with the second half of the two-part season set to premiere in 2024.
After previously announcing the drama would come to a close after Season 8, Starz has already renewed the series for an eighth and final season. “Outlander” fans are in no danger of letting go of the beloved characters, however, as the network has also greenlit a prequel series, titled “Outlander: Blood of My Blood,” which will follow Jamie Fraser’s parents.
Balfe and Heughan reprise their roles as Claire and Jamie, respectively, as Sophie Skelton returns as Brianna MacKenzie alongside Richard Rankin as Roger MacKenzie, John Bell as Young Ian, David Berry as Lord John Grey, Caitlin O’Ryan as Lizzie Beardsley and Paul Gorman as Josiah and Keziah Beardsley.
Previously announced new ensemble members include Charles Vandervaart as William Ransom, Izzy Meikle-Small as Rachel Hunter and Joey Phillips as Denzell Hunter.
In addition to starring in the historical fiction series, Balfe and Heughan executive produce alongside Matthew B. Roberts, Ronald D. Moore, Maril Davis, Toni Graphia, Luke Schelhaas, Andy Harries, Jim Kohlberg. The series is produced by Tall Ship Productions, Left Bank Pictures and Story Mining & Supply Company, in association with Sony Pictures Television.
“Outlander” Season 7 premieres Friday, June 16 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT on Starz, with the season launching June 16 at 12:00 a.m. ET on the Starz app and all Starz streaming and VOD platforms. New episodes of the series will air weekly on Starz and will be available to stream weekly at midnight on Fridays on the Starz app as well as all Starz streaming and VOD platforms.
Check out the first “Outlander” Season 7 images below.
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The Wrap
Remember… I don't care if Monday's blue, Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too. Thursday, I don't care about you. It's Friday, I'm in love. — The Cure
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legends-of-time · 3 months
The Strength of a High and Noble Hill (Outlander Story) Timeline - 17th and 18th Centuries
Thought I would a timeline here as my timeline is a mix of my own stuff and the show/books. This will be getting updated as I go along. This is also for our own sanity to look back at. Advice is not to read if not up to date with current story as spoilers. Been split into two.
(19th and 20th Centuries)
1691 - Brian Fraser is born
1695 - Ellen Catriona Sileas Mackenzie is born
1716 - Brian and Ellen marry and William Simon Murtagh Mackenzie Fraser is born (Brian/Ellen)
1719 - Janet (Jenny) Flora Arabella Fraser is born (Brian/Ellen)
May 1720 - Ian Murray is born
1st May 1721 - James (Jamie) Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser is born (Brian/Ellen)
1726 - Laoghaire MacKenzie is born
1727 - George II becomes King of Great Britain and Ireland and Jamie’s brother William dies of smallpox 
1729 - Lord John Grey is born and Ellen Fraser dies giving birth to Robert Brian Gordon Mackenzie Fraser (Brian/Ellen) who dies as well
May 1st 1733 - Gillian Edgars/Geillis Duncan arrives through the stones from 1968
1735 - Fergus Claudel Fraser is born
1739 - Geneva Dunsany Ransom is born
October 1740 - Jamie is captured by Captain Jack Randall, Brian Fraser dies of a stroke and Jamie flees to France
1740 - Jenny marries Ian Murray
1741 - James (Young Jamie) Alexander Gordon Fraser Murray is born (Jenny/Ian)
2nd May 1743 - Claire arrives through the stones at Craigh na Dun and meets Jamie who's returned to Scotland
June 1743 - Claire and Jamie get married
November 1743 - Margaret (Maggie) Ellen Fraser Murray is born (Jenny/Ian)
January 1744 - William Buccleigh Mackenzie is born (Dougal/Geillis)
February 1744 - Claire and Jamie leave for France
12th May 1744 - Brian Ian Fraser is born in Paris
August 1744 - Jamie returns from the Bastille
September 1744 - Arrive at Lallybroch
February 1745 - Katherine (Kitty) Mary Fraser Murray born (Jenny/Ian)
July 1745 - Battles begin
17th September 1745 - The Jacobites take Edinburgh
September 1745 - Lord John and Brian meet
21st September 1745 - Jacobite victory at Prestonpans
December 1745 - The Jacobites take Derby few hundred miles from London then retreat north
17th January 1746 - Last Jacobite victory at Falkirk
April 16th 1746 - The Culloden near Inverness defeat and Brian almost 2 sent to future through the stones at Craigh na Dun with Claire (2 months pregnant) and appear mid April 1948
1748 - Michael and Janet Fraser Murray born (Jenny/Ian)
December 1749 - Caitlin Fraser Murray born and died (Jenny/Ian)
1751 - Marsali Jane MacKimmie is born (Simon/Loaghaire)
November 15, 1752 - Young Ian James Fitzgibbons Fraser Murray born (Jenny/Ian)
February 1753 - Fergus loses his hand to a British soldier
16th May 1753 - Jamie enters Ardsmuir Prison
1755 - Lizzie Wemyss born (Joseph)
September 1756 - Jamie arrives at Helwater
January 9th 1758 - William (Willie) Clarence Henry George Ransom is born (Geneva/Jamie) and Geneva Dunsany Ransom dies
1760 - Rachel Hunter is born
25th October 1760 - King George II dies and his grandson succeeds him as George III
July 1764 - Jamie leaves Helwater
Early 1765 - Jamie marries Laoghaire but soon moves to Edinburgh
July 10th 1765 - William Tryon becomes governor of North Carolina
1766 - Rollo is born
November 1766 - Claire comes through stones at Craigh na Dun from 1968 leading to Jamie’s annulment to Laoghaire
Spring 1767 - Fergus and Marsali marry
September 1767 - Jamie and Claire settling on newly established Fraser's Ridge
December 1767 - Germain Alexander Claudel Mackenzie Fraser is born (Fergus/Marsali)
May 1769 - Brian and Ellen come through the stones at Craigh na Dun
June 1769 - Meet the Murray's
July 1769 - Brian and Ellen meet Lizzie Wemyss and travel to the US 
September 1769 - Meet with Roger in US, Bonnet’s attack then find Jamie and Claire then meet Young Ian, Fergus and Marsali and later Murtagh
November 1769 - It’s revealed Ellen is pregnant and Roger is sold to the Mohawks
December 1769 - Move to River Run as Claire, Jamie and Ian look for Roger
5th March 1770 - Boston Massacre
March 1770 - Re-meet Lord John
April 1770 - Fergus and Marsali arrive at River Run on their way to Frasers’ Ridge
May 1770 - Claire and Jamie return (Ian has been adopted by Kanyen’kehaka) and Jeremiah (Jem or Jemmy) Alexander Ian Fraser MacKenzie is born (Ellen/Roger)
June 1770 - Roger returns to Fraser’s Ridge
September 1770 - Joan Laoghaire Claire Fraser is born (Fergus/Marsali) and Hillsborough Riot
October 1770 - Ellen and Roger's wedding, the Gathering at Mount Helicon and Lord John comes with news of Bonnet then Fiery Cross
December 1770 - Building a Militia to hunt regulators (Beardsley's and Brownsville) then orders to dismantle
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marcspectrr · 1 year
Also, if you want, reblog and put in the tags one of your favorite kiss scenes. Mines Caitlin and Frasers kiss in ep 8 of We Are Who We Are 🥰
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theannotatedbook · 2 years
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If I keep you here I'd only be doing it for myself
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theinvisiblemuseum · 1 year
regulus and pandora
ur gonna hate me again... yes. HEAR ME OUT !
What made you ship it?
of course, a conversation with yaz. i don't even remember how it started, but we crafted a version of regdora that neither of us will probably ever write, but just makes so much sense. for the most part, i ship them in the way i ship jily, which is to say, they probably dated at some point, but now they're besties and exes and everything's better that way, yk?
however. there is two circumstances where i would love them as an "endgame" ship. one i cannot say. second one i will expand upon below.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
they're definitely soulmates on some level, and they sort of give me the vibe of fraser & caitlin/harper in the show we are who we are where they're just like, instantly connected. they've known each other for a week but actually it feels like they've known each other for years. they swear to never ever kiss one another. everyone thinks they're dating but they're adamant they aren't. they're not even sure who they're attracted to in general. they keep looking for love and fulfillment in all the wrong places until EPIPHANY. it's been right in front of them all along, in each other. good god i'm going to write this au at some point, aren't i?
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
that i even enjoy them remotely as a romantic pairing, i know people tend to see them as strictly platonic & i respect that. pandora's probably the only woman i'd ever ship regulus with, and under specific circumstances, as i've said
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ao3feed-byler2 · 10 months
Camp Sunset, Sure to shine all of the time
by valtheemo
Words: 3, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Stranger Things (TV 2016), IT (Movies - Muschietti), IT - Stephen King, I Am Not Okay with This (TV 2020), We Are Who We Are (TV 2020)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Will Byers, Mike Wheeler, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Suzie Bingham, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Jonathan Byers, Argyle (Stranger Things), Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Stanley Uris, Bill Denbrough, Beverly Marsh, Ben Hanscom, Mike Hanlon, Dina (I Am Not Okay with This), Sydney Novak, Stanley Barber, Chrissy Cunningham, Caitlin Poythress, Fraser Wilson (We Are Who We Are), Erica Sinclair
Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley/Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington, Will Byers/Mike Wheeler, Maxine "Max" Mayfield/Lucas Sinclair, Steve Harrington & Dustin Henderson
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Summer Camp, Steve Harrington Is a Mess, Fluff and Humor, Alternate Universe - No Upside Down (Stranger Things), Flirting
from AO3 works tagged 'Will Byers/Mike Wheeler' https://ift.tt/tuUYlvb
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Outlander cast members and series creatives are confirmed to attend the 2023 ATX TV Festival running June 1-4 in Austin, Texas. The festival announced Outlander stars will make the trip to Texas on June 1st – “World Outlander Day” – in support of the upcoming seventh season of the popular romantic time-traveling drama. Starz has set a June 16 launch date for the new season.
The ATX panel will include a first look at season seven.
In other news, Starz has released the titles of the first eight seasons on seven episodes:
Episode 1 – “A Life Well Lost,” which sounds incredibly ominous.
Episode 2 – “The Happiest Place on Earth.” Can we assume they’re not talking about Disneyland?
Episode 3 – “Death Be Not Proud,” which is also the name of an incredibly moving 1949 book by John Gunther.
Episode 4 – “A Most Uncomfortable Woman,” which could be about any female in the Outlander world.
Episode 5 – “Singapore.” Interesting.
Episode 6 – “Where the Waters Meet.”
Episode 7 – “A Practical Guide for Time Travelers,” which sounds like a must-read.
Episode 8 – “Turning Points.”
Caitriona Balfe and Sam Heughan return to lead the cast as Claire and Jamie Fraser. Also returning are Sophie Skelton as Brianna MacKenzie, Richard Rankin as Roger MacKenzie, John Bell as Young Ian, David Berry as Lord John Grey, Caitlin O’Ryan as Lizzie Beardsley, and Paul Gorman as twins Josiah and Keziah Beardsley.
Newcomers to popular drama include William Ransom, Izzy Meikle-Small as Rachel Hunter, and Joey Phillips as Denzell Hunter.
Series stars Balfe and Heughan serve as executive producers along with Matthew B. Roberts, Ronald D. Moore, Maril Davis, Toni Graphia, Luke Schelhaas, Andy Harries, and Jim Kohlberg.
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