#can someone teach me how to do gradient???
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Ayo- more memes??? Yeah! That’s what you get for being so nice and awesome about my last silly little video!!
There will potentially be more, but I will only get back to you about that in 4-5 business days. If you don’t hear from me by then, assume I’m dead or procastinating... or taking a break
Either way! The detective AU and character designs are made by @starlightcloudbaby And apparently I'm a doofus because I mixed up where Eclipse og design came from! So that’s an Oof from my side, sorry about that! I really liked your Eclipse design Starlight and I really liked your fanart of it Sinnabee!  and The Sleuth Jester saga which these doodles are based off of is made by @naffeclipse!
Also small alt. edit bonus because idk if this is funnier or not:
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Y/n: And as my last trick- I will call you a loser!
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diamondwerewolf · 4 months
I used to teach painting parties, which gives a lot of insight into the artistic skill set of the average, non-artistic person. Let me tell you….most adults struggle to remember which colors make other colors.
I’ll ask “okay, which colors make purple?”
And I’ll get a very long audience pause in response, before someone very cautiously answers.
One of the most frustrating things for a party guest was being able to create, not just the color I instructed them to make initially, but having to make the color again. I’ve seen all manner of professionals furrow their brows, wasting entire plates of paint just trying to replicate a color they were using five minutes ago. (And not succeeding, they sheepishly ask for help)
Mixing paint and knowing how to apply it is a skill. I’ve had guests ask me ‘how are you doing that?’ ‘She makes it look so easy’
I went to school! That’s exactly what I tell them. There are entire units and lesson plans in college just dedicated to critical painting fundamentals. We were made to mix paints into wheels and various gradients. I was taught how to manage different kinds of paints for the desired texture or consistency.
“I could make that!”
My dear, I can paint. I have a degree. I am a professional.
I have no fuckinh idea how he made that canvas that blue,
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poltergeist-coffee · 10 months
*points to @unqualified-therapist* you asked so you shall receive i hope u enjoy sdanvajsdn
SO!!! Slime is a human and Mariana is a mermaid. Mariana specifically is inspired by a banana eel because it's yellow kinda like his mc skin's suit. also he's got a red-ish gradient going up his arms + claws because it's my favorite character design thing + matches his mc skin more. Mariana doesn''t have glasses but he does have impaired vision as far as mermaids go.
Mermaids can see super far because the ocean is vast and they need to be able to see if someone is coming to kill them u know? Mariana can still see that far but everything is just blurrier for him especially the more far away it is. his other senses are slightly heightened to make up for it + she probably uses something like echolocation underwater if she really can't see shit. i mentioned mermaids have claws as well and i need you to know that he paints them black. it's important to me (thinks of cc!mariana always having black nail polish).
Mariana has probably found a lot of junk in the ocean including some jewelry that people lose. she wears a few rings she's found as well for fun :)) she thinks they're neat. Mariana loves to people watch. he lives closer to the surface so he's about human sized and understand human speech very well but not how humans work. he never goes close to the beach when there's so many humans around but he likes to watch them and pick up on words they yell and say a lot.
Slime is not just some guy, he's some guy who also has a cousin that he's basically parenting and her name is Juanaflippa (he always takes care of her bc its like rich aunt/uncle who are always on vacation). Early in the mornings Slime usually runs along the beach to exercise and has captured the eye of our local mermaid Mariana.
Mariana’s favorite word to yell is "SHARK" because the humans in the water yell it so much. its funny. i bet one time after slime and marina know each other mariana yells SHARK and then drags slime into the water with her laughing. (her favorite thing to do is drag slime into the water). a different time she's hanging out with juanaflippa and she is teaching her swear words. Slime shows up and mariana yells "FUCK" with the enthusiasm of an 8 year old. he's so fucking happy and has zero clue what he just said. Juanaflippa is delighted. Slime needs a few seconds.
Mariana likes Slime because he usually talks loud and clearly so it’s easy for mariana to understand and he thinks he’s ✨pretty✨ but that comes secondary to messing with him. He'd also consider Juanaflippa to be apart of his "pod" aka family so he's basically like her parent (the other one being slime). Mariana took one look at Juanaflippa and got attached, plus she loves him so ya they get along well :))
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nemir · 11 months
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We love a Welcome Home/Wally AU in this house. I’d like to introduce everyone to Concept Wally! He’s the product of a single brainstorming session by a failing studio, who needed to come up with an idea for a children’s programme. Unfortunately, the studio closed and everything was scrapped. The only thing that remained was a single concept sketch - that would be him, Concept Wally.
I’m just gonna copy/paste my notes from here because I’m lazy BUT please enjoy him and I hope you all love him as much as I do!! ;; He’s just a lil guy who doesn’t want to be forgotten!! Be nice to him.
welcome home in the early 70s; wally was going to be a fresh university graduate who just had a passion and desire to teach kids more than what school ever did, and he was going to do it with song! (specifically rock & roll genre, for a mass audience appeal)
 it never progressed the conception phase. somehow, he gained sentience - perhaps because of the sheer belief in the show his concept artist had
unfortunately, the studio closed only 2 weeks after wally was designed, and so the entire idea was scrapped.
wally was just a picture on paper. he hated that the idea was scrapped, didn't want to "die", so to speak.
somehow found a way to get in people's dreams, to "inspire" them to draw this character they dreamt of. and as they draw him he gains more power until he was able to tear himself from the page.
he's still able to go back into paper, and uses that to travel or get around quickly, and watch people (some 'take on me' music video type shit)
as above and so below: "as above" is being in the outside world, "so below" is being restricted to the paper. in order to stay out of below, he needs people to draw him. if they stop, he'll lose power and lose the ability to tear himself off the page
this mfer absolutely has gradient inky arms because I SAID SO. it is peak character design. (it wasn’t part of his original design, it just happened because of bleeding ink as paper ages, etc)
he cries ink. bleeds it. vomits it. it's his spit. it's literally what he's made of so no surprises there
the original concept was a life-sized puppet, or rather, someone in a thin felt-covered body suit, with a puppet head (think doodlebops but not painted). this wally is about 5'9".
his designed was loosely based on early 70s David Bowie.
the more people draw him in one type of way, that's how he'll appear when he's in the world. so if a bunch of people are drawing him like a lil Muppet man, then lmfao that's how he'll look until people start drawing him differently (which means people would have to be drawing him in a similar way for him to appear that way), otherwise he'll just take his initial concept sketch form on paper.
voice claim; g-man. half life. (he was never given a voice so finds speech odd. his words are stilted, and sound like something trying to mimic human speech. lots of weird emphasis, run on sentences. odd breaths here and there)
his main outfit is just a pair of trousers with a white button up that usually has the sleeves rolled 3/4, and a few buttons undone with a bright orange undershirt and heart patterned suspenders.
when his face goes dark and you can only see his eyes, there's ink dripping from his chin/cheeks (as if the ink is covering his whole face)
personality wise, he's a little odd. doesn't quite know how to "people", since he isn't one; they never got past concept art after all! but he isn't completely devoid of emotion or empathy. he holds strong affinity for the people who draw him (even if all you draw is a little stick figure of him!! he appreciates it so much ... and it still gives him power), calling them friends. he does get a bit jealous when he catches you drawing other things though! otherwise, he's completely harmless and just doesn't want to be forgotten
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daemonicdorset · 3 months
Phenex's answers to @minced-mangoes' character ask!
Find Sano's answers here and the prompt list here!
[ Readmore for a very long post! ]
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[ General Info ]
04: What kind of magic do they possess? If they can't use any, do they have magic potential slumbering within them?
Phenex has decently strong magic, as one would expect from an adult demon and seasoned academy professor. He specializes in botanical magic!
09: Do they attend RAD? What is their role there? Their best subject/the one they teach? Club activities? If they don't attend RAD, what do they do?
He's the Devildom Biology professor, along with the sponsor of the R.A.D. Gardening/Horticulture club. Occasionally, he will assist in the coordination of the academy newspaper.
10: What was their initial reaction to Diavolo's plans of uniting the three realms? Has their opinion changed?
He was a bit cautious, being a fallen angel himself, but supported the idea under the condition that Diavolo was careful about the execution of his plans.
[ Relationships & Personality ]
05: Do they openly show affection? What is their love language? [platonic or romantic]
While Phenex does what he can to ensure that his students do well in his class, including the occasional tough project or strict manner, his first priority is for his students to thrive. Towards that goal, he's very open about when those in his classes are doing well! He wants to make sure that his students know he's proud of them.
As for his friends, he's about equivalent to Simeon in terms of affection. He's a very warm and welcoming sort of person, but he understands being less comfortable with contact or compliments.
10: Do they wear their emotions on their sleeve, or do they try to hide them from others as best as they can? Do they try to hide them from themself, too?
He can keep a secret, but he's not someone to hide things unless they're of the absolute most importance. If he's feeling a certain way, you can usually tell!
...Usually. That is, if it's something positive. Being a professor means that he doesn't like causing his students to get worried.
16: How do they react when stressed? How does their behaviour differ when in a life or death situation?
In a high-tension scenario, his first thought is probably going to be his students if they're involved. Though he's aware that most of his students are demons/angels and thus capable of defending themselves, he can't help but feel protective over them. If it's just him that's under threat, he's more likely to be more serious because he doesn't have to worry as much about morale.
17: What is a side of themself they don't want others to see? When does that side reveal itself?
^ As I mentioned, Phenex is someone who prefers not to let others think he's distressed. He considers it somewhat of a burden if he's getting someone else's spirits down. While he'd be willing to answer honestly if asked how he's doing, that answer will be vague in order to diffuse any concerns about him and he's unlikely to show the depths of the issue unless he's alone, with his closest friends, or at his worst.
[ Concept & Design ]
02: What inspired you to create them, and what is the first thing you decided about them?
The first thing I decided about Phenex was his class! That was also my inspiration for him. I had an idea while I was thinking about OM's worldbuilding that made me want to make a Devildom Biology professor for the sake of writing interactions with him!
05: Do they have any physical attributes that set them apart from others?
His hair, definitely. I don't think I really have much of a reason for it, I just love gradient hair and thought it would be fun if he had it.
06: What is their clothing style? Do they put a lot of effort into their appearance?
Phenex mostly chooses his outfits for comfort, which by default means that a lot of his clothing is like if Asmo went cottagecore. Lots of soft button-downs, sweaters, overalls. He rolls the sleeves up when he's working in the greenhouse!
08: Anything you heavily associate with them? A color, a word, a picture, or something else?
I don't know about anything specific, but I imagine that he would smell like hibiscus.
[ Demon ]
01: Wings or tail(s) in demon form? What do their horns look like?
Phenex has a pair of bat wings that connect to his lower back.
As for his horns: like this!
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03: Do they have any special abilities? [such as Mephisto's power to essentially forge pacts with demons, Lucifer's power to read and manipulate memories, and so on]
I think that after working with plants for so long, his magic would have adapted to give him a greater connection with them- thus, he has a much easier time in cultivating or crossbreeding plants from any of the three realms.
05: Have they forged any pacts yet? How eager are they to do so, and do they forge them often? If they haven't, why not?
He's had a few in his time as a demon, though not all that many. A pact with Phenex requires a human to have two specific traits: enough curiosity to match his own, and enough decency that he can trust them to be responsible with his fealty. Humans tend to seek out pacts with him out of a hunger for knowledge.
07: How loyal are they to their human master?
Currently, Phenex has no living pact holders, but he's happy to assist in their endeavors when he does. That dark-haired exchange student does happen to catch his interest a bit, though...
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rad-roche · 2 years
today was my birthday!! ( ᐛ )و the ceaseless march of time never stops, but that’s not what i’m here to talk about, i got gifted a copy of realistic paint studio by my family! and i thought i’d share my thoughts here
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all the fun of oil painting without the carcinogenic terrors of cadmium yellow!
so i’m coming at this from somebody who
primarily uses, and will continue to use, clip studio paint
has never actually used oil paints in any significant way
absolutely TANKED high school art classes back in the day. i mean bombed. i mean nosedive. sub f tier. my teacher pulled me aside and said i should give up on art school to save the place for ‘somebody who actually has talent, you will never be good’ tier. i kept at it anyway but all that to say that there’s a classical, ‘right’ way to do these sorts of things and i’m actually not sure what that is because i’m self-taught, so if you’re in the same boat this overview might be of use to you
right out the gate this thing costs £30, if you want the ‘vip’ set (which is only £5 more than the ‘base’ set and comes with extra tools so i’d just go for it). upfront i will say, clip studio paint often goes on sale for £25 and has a wealth of tools available to it. if you have a choice, without a doubt, pick up csp. the free asset store alone is unbelievable. this thing is robust but only in certain aspects, think of it more as a very, very advanced toy
realistic paint studio has a fun feature going for it, tutorials! you know those old bob ross paintalongs? almost every tool has a reference picture and a guide that teaches you how to use it, especially for the more difficult ones like watercolours
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a couple i did
the pros:
the engine that handles paint and mixing is unbelievable. it is absolutely incredible. i’ve used a lot of art programs in my time (GIMP, photoshop, krita, csp, and whatever weird little novelties i’ve found floating around like alchemy, etc) and rps feels buttery smooth. unmatched
every brush you can use comes with a demonstration of how you can use it and for what purpose
far closer to traditional mediums as far as colour and general ‘feel’ goes so if you’re looking to make the jump from traditional to drawing tablet this is a great middle ground while you get used to it
supports tilt (but very usable without it, and i’m saying that as someone who doesn’t use a tilt tablet)
buttery smooth. i’m listing it again. i cannot stress this enough
the cons:
if you’re coming to this program from photoshop/csp the QoL features you are used to are gone. the transform tool is manageable but there is no mesh transform or perspective warp. no layer modes. no multiply, no overlay, no dodge, no hue sliders, no cropping, no gradient maps, no liquify. they were not kidding when they said ‘realistic’, if you make a mistake you have to rawdog it and paint over it.
the ui is not a traditional art program ui. you click toolboxes which bring up brushes, and you select from that set, then the box drifts off-screen. you’re either going to love this or hate it. you can assign certain brushes to hotkeys under the favouriting system, but that’s very limited so expect to see that little toolbox a lot
the export feature is clunky. most apps let you export from the file menu but you have to save your work, quit, retreat to the general app management area and export from there. there is a method of exporting in the file itself, but it only lets you set up these little postable scenes. it’s cute, but this isn’t intuitive. also, and this is a real nitpick, a lot of the pre-rendered scenes offered hide the very bottom of the canvas, where your signature traditionally goes
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my general thoughts are that this is a cool, interesting piece of kit! it feels a little too janky to use consistently, especially if you need a quick and easy user experience for commissions or the like, but it’s the best at what it sets out to do. certainly ‘limited’, but i wouldn’t count that as a flaw, it isn’t like you can slap a multiply layer over a real charcoal drawing and call it done. i’d argue that if you want to improve, and you want to improve very quickly at that, you’re going to struggle to find a better digital medium to work in. you won’t be tempted to use shortcuts because they’ve been slapped out of your hands. you can’t liquify tool your way out of this one, me. i’m looking forward to sharing more studies and, when i think i’ve got a half-decent handle on it, lavishly painted sad old men
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lilting-aurora · 1 year
i’m new to tumblr so hii!
i’m into star wars - mostly andor/rebelcaptain content, but i also make art and fanfiction!
can someone pls teach me the tumblr etiquette lmao
like why do everyone’s pfps have solid colour gradient backgrounds
and how do i make friends on here bshjsjsjs
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The more I think about it, given both are young full-fledged vampiric members of the Raith family I do think Thomas and Tania do serve as a foil of sorts to each other.
Thomas is someone who is deliberately trying not to be a monster, to be better. To either do some good, or at least minimise the harm he causes. Something that has greatly estranged himself from the family that he is trying to be different from, shifting along the gradient of black sheep to outright exile depending on the book. Along with most non-vampires still seeing him as much more a monster than he is no matter what. He also survived for a really long time by trying to appear as dumb as rocks. Underestimated not perceived as a threat.  
Tania on the other hand, is genuinely an unrepentant monster who does terrible things as we see Jury Duty. But at the same time throughout there, she is consistently trying to appear worse - more of a bigger, badder monster than what she actually is. Dropping she’s House Raith the first chance she gets, playing herself up as knowing how it’s done in playing the Game/court politics, the savvy one in the room with all the cards and information the wizard doesn’t have. Then of course there is this reprehensively evil threat- 
“I think I’ll keep her for a day or two. Just until the trial is over. That will be best for everyone involved.” | “You’ll give her to me. Now.” | “I think not. I have no desire to harm this child, Dresden. But if you try to take her from me, I will, reluctantly, be forced to kill her.” 
Escalating to her threatening to make her men shoot Dresden, counting down and having them point their guns. But...as soon as violence actually happens? 
“I’d been right about Tania. She was new to this kind of game. She’d been sitting there with a stunned look on her face at the abruptness of the violence.” 
She freezes completely solid like a deer in headlight (and we have seen Thomas react faster to threats than an eye can follow). Completely taken off guard and as it says there, she had not actually expected violence to erupt. Meaning the threat to kill the child if Dresden became violent was only that, a bluff.  Even the intent to release her after a few days betrays her here too. The child is a loose thread who knows identities/secrets - I can guarantee most White Court wouldn’t have abducted and stashed her away somewhere to then let go at a better time.
As a final note with a personal theory - I do think she is a House bastard (specifically unknowingly Madrigal’s) who was discovered and brought into the fold late/some point after her Hunger awoke. Hence why she is overcompensating and trying to prove herself as a proper Raith. This means that there may be more positive associations to the family for her too; going from a mess of feelings and a first feeding/new Hunger she wouldn’t understand to finding out she is not alone, with Lara taking the role of teaching her to be a WCV. Contrast again Thomas who actually grew up with them all and what was felt towards them after his awakening was pain and immense betrayal, even beyond the secrecy kept from him. Also taught to be a WCV, but also isolated even more from them all as time goes on + father attempting to murder him. 
I don’t have a conclusion, but it’s interesting to muse on.  
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jatcv · 9 months
Do you know how to make gradient texts in tumblr(if so, plz teach me)
I’ve been trying to find a way if I can make gradient words…
Sorry, but I tried, I honestly don’t know how! I’m sure someone knows what to do!
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sungbeam · 2 years
Hii so sorry for bothering you but, I love writing I’ve been doing it for a long time. I’d like to post on tumblr but I’m kinda new to it and don’t really know how to use it (gifs, text colors,…) so if it’s okay for you could you maybe teach me how to use it or give me some tips?
HELLO HELLO!!! omg i'm so flattered PLS TT but that's so great to hear that u want to start posting here and join the community!! :D i'll try to make a comprehensive, basic guide, but i'm def not the best with the technical things like color gradients and the like 😅 so if u wanted to explore about that, there r a lot of other blogs here who can show u!
besides that, i'll put below the cut my two cents, and anyone can feel free to add if i forgot anything!:
1. gifs! i'm gonna say right off the bat that i don't use gifs a lot, if not, at all. but there r a lot of gifs on tumblr that u can find and use!! usually if u search up the thing u want a gif of, u could probably find it, but pls remember to credit someone if u use their gif!! and if they ask u to like/rb their post if u save it, then pls respect that as well!!
2. text colors: ngl, they're really sparse and a little ugly 😅😅 at least the ones tumblr provides, so a lot of people either just stick to the plain text color or they go on desktop and do the fancy custom coloring w hex numbers and things. i really don't know how to do that (?) but again, if u ever want to learn, i can point u to someone who can show u! but at some points, i do like using the text colors one at a time to make things stand out more against the plain text! to use the colors, just select the text accordingly and u can press a color or press it again to undo it
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that's what it looks like on my end! ^
3. text fonts: personally, tumblr's method of doing this is really annoying sjxbksnfh but you can change the font of an entire paragraph without selecting it. the font button is the "Aa" in the left corner above ur keyboard. u essentially have to just click thru until u figure out which one you'd like depending on the aesthetic ur going for! a lot of people ik here just use this regular text in the three different sizes, or they go to like,, copy paste generators online and find a font they like their instead! i do use those frequently, so lmk if you'd like the link to the one i use!
4. tags: one of the most important ways to get ur works out into the world esp when ur just starting off is thru the tags! to tag ur fic, it's the hashtag symbol to the right above ur keyboard. u wanna use tags that pertain to ur fic, so try avoiding tagging ur fic w things its not (like if it's angst, don't put fluff). some common things i tag my fics w are "(group/idol) x reader" "(group/idol) drabbles" "(group/idol) social media au" etc. and usually if it's a pretty known/used tag, it'll appear while ur typing it in as well!
5. navigation menus: writers here usually have a pinned post or a post w a link to a "navigation" post or masterlist! i have my navi pinned, but it essentially is a central place where i link everything that i'd like people to see or things readers/other writers would want to find! things that include: masterlists, about me, faqs, recently posted works, etc!
6. fic formatting: it's unfortunate, but a lot of readers r put off by some types of formatting, which is why a lot of people stick to plain text color and plain text font. usually, u wanna include the title, the idol pairing, word count, genre, and any warnings abt the fic. none of these r required, ofc, but i recommend it! and most people do prefer that if ur fic is over 500 words, that u should out a "keep reading" bar after a paragraph or two! a keep reading bar is like the one i used at the beginning of this post, and u just go to a new line and type ":readmore:" and press enter, and it'll form for u! some people use pictures as a little border as well btwn their intro section and the actual fic.
if u have additional questions, feel free to send in another ask or thru dms and i can walk u thru any of this!
i'm sure i'm missing other important things haha but when in doubt, take inspo from all the other creators around u! pls do remember to reblog people's fics when u read them tho — that's one if the most important things!
(just thought of this and adding, but try to avoid writing directly onto tumblr TT usually i do it on google docs first and copy-paste it onto here to do formatting! tumblr likes to delete things out of pocket sometimes so 💀)
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dk-s · 3 years
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jaeyooniverse · 5 years
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SF9 x “Marine Look” 
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woofchan · 3 years
♡What they teach you in art school - a beginner guide for graphic designers (by a graphic designer)♡
Many people on Tumblr start creating without any art education, and I really admire that! I always tell people that they don’t need an art school to create, especially when it comes to graphic design. However, there are things that art school teaches you to help you get better faster, and so I decided to share some of these ‘secrets’ with you. Of course, take this whole guide lightly, as I’m only putting this together to share my bit of knowledge with those who might be interested.
First of all, my art teachers always told us this: In graphic design, you learn the rules so you can follow them, but also so you can break them efficiently. This means that once you know the rules and why they exist, you will also get a feel for when you can break them and create something amazing. 
Let’s start with the most basic element of any design, the text. I had a typology class for a year and then we continued to study it in design classes. First, the choice of a font is crucial, but given current trends in graphic design, you honestly can make anything work. 
 Types of fonts
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 As you can see in the picture, serif is more fancy, decorative, while sans is plainer. The only reason you, someone who just wants to create, should know the difference is so you don’t mix two fonts of the same type. Instead, if you choose to work with two different fonts in one design, you should combine one serif and one sans. 
On that note, please never use more than two fonts for one design - or, as we on Tumblr say, panel. The max number of fonts professionals go for is three, and even that is hard to pull off, trust me. 
Once you have chosen your font, you will probably wonder how big your text should be. Again, the size of it is up to you, but the general rule is to never use more than three different sizes of text. 
To go a bit deeper into this topic, you want to make sure that your texts of different sizes aren’t too close in the size. Always judge this by the visual, not the number you see when you size the font up or down. After a while of playing around with this, you will get the feel of it. 
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 There are many more rules for text, and I see a lot of people breaking those ineffectively, so here’s a quick list of rules not to break:
don’t add shadow to the text
don’t add a gradient to the text
don’t add an outline to the text
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When we look at the colours, you will notice that the graphic design rules tend to overlap. The only rule today’s graphic designers want you to follow is this: you shouldn’t use more than three colours if you are just starting out. Here I’m talking about the colours you yourself choose to use, not the colours of a photo you might be using – for example the colour of the text, background, graphic elements, etc. I also recommend always having at least one darker colour to make sure you have enough contrast in your work.
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The examples I have here are my own designs. In the first one, you can see I’m using two contrasting colours while the background is “plain” light grey and my text colour is dark grey. Thanks to this, the yellow and blue pop nicely without being too much on the eyes. The second example is using only three main colours as the pop of colour is ensured by the picture elements. Because I am using a plain background, I can afford to go all out with my text colour. If I was to go crazy with my background, then the text would be “plain” (on the black and white scale) instead.
 These days, you can find great sources that will take care of colours for you. It is fun to experiment with them as long as you keep the number of them limited to three.
Some pages I recommend for picking colours are:
 Composition & White space
Now you have an idea of what to do with your text and how to pick your colours. What comes next is the actual composition. The first thing I learned in art school was the rule of the Golden ratio. You can use this as a guide for almost anything and the fun thing is this – you can use it whole or only a part, you can rotate it or reflect it and the composition will always look nice in the end. I really recommend just playing around with it until you get a feel for composition without it.
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 One important rule I see most Tumblr creators not following is the rule of white space. White space is the space in your design that is essentially empty. It is used to both balance the design and to bring attention to the main element of the design. The general advice is to:
leave the most space at the bottom
leave at least a half of the bottom white space at the top
leave the same amount of white space on both sides
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Also note that most professional graphic designers put the heaviest element of the design (aka the most important one) at either top or bottom, but rarely exactly in the middle. I’m not saying that putting your main element in the middle won’t work, but this type of composition is often harder to pull off, and if you don’t know how to do it, it can look kind of cheap. 
 That’s all!
This all said, the design is a subjective thing, and as I mentioned in the beginning, knowing these rules will simply help you once you decide to break them. If you have any questions or suggestions for what I should talk about more, don’t hesitate to message me here! I’m always happy to talk about design 
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pricklynoodle · 3 years
real or not real
Itadori Yuji/Fushiguro Megumi pairing | Squid Game AU | Rated T | warning: implied character death | ANGST
( yes, writing instead of doing school lol, squid game ruined me so if you want to read this then be warned of SQUID GAME SPOILERS. There's no graphic death, but its sad as hell either way TT)
“The player who takes all ten marbles from your partner wins.”
Megumi had always kept to himself, never saying anything unless spoken to, never stuck to groups, and never took the choice to attach himself to something. Everything had an expiration date. Unnecessary things like friendships had never appealed to him. He only needed his sister, and it wasn’t like she had the choice to have him as her brother. But the fact that she still stuck around caring for him until she worked herself to a coma.
So honestly, it’s a surprise why he feels his heart drop when the announcement tells him he has to go against … whatever 310 is to him.
He hardly knows 310, and doesn't know anything about his life actually. Other than that he’s crazy strong, has an impressive pain tolerance, but also the loudest kid he’s ever met. He's always around him, sticking to Megumi like a persistent piece of gum stuck to his shoe. But he doesn't dislike him, but he can't say he's thrilled with him either.
But would Megumi kill him?
Stupid, he tells himself.
“Oh, fuck, I honestly didn’t see that coming,” 310 says with a grimace, looking at Megumi guiltily as if he was the cause of Megumi’s inner turmoil. He sits down on one of the stone benches. The whole setup was supposed to mimic a typical neighborhood, something Megumi wasn’t fortunate enough to grow up in. The bastards even made the effort to add in the sounds of cicadas from the fake trees, as if this was a completely normal summer for a couple of teens.
Megumi doesn’t say anything, he feels dizzy. He drops down to the bench, away from 310 as possible.
“I’ve always wanted to say this,” 310 says as he rests his elbows on his knees, looking at Megumi seriously, “This whole thing reminds me of Hunger Games.”
Megumi looks at him with furrowed brows.
“You know, Jennifer Lawrence?” 310 pushes. Megumi says nothing. “...Tall girl, big ass? The one with the arrows?”
“Can you shut the fuck up,” Megumi deadpans, then he shakes his head. He takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. He counts to ten, then glances down at his hand. 10 marbles. “Just tell me how to play this game.”
“I don’t know either,” 310 admits, sounding sheepish. He shrugs carelessly, “This is more of the games my gramps used to play, but he was too busy being sick to teach me though.”
Megumi looks up at 310. He looks tired, but nostalgic. Like he was thinking of a good memory.
310 perks up, grinning at Megumi brightly, “though they said that we can make our own rules. I’ll think of something.”
Megumi nods solemnly. The silence stretches until 310 lets out an ‘aha!’.
“Let’s bet everything and just play one around,” 310 says, even dropping his fist down onto his hand as if it were the best idea ever.
Megumi freezes, staring at 310, was he going to trick him? He doesn’t even know him. They’re not friends. Of course, everything still is a death tournament at the end of the day.
310 seems to pick up Megumi’s reluctance, he jerks his head to the side. He points towards the pair of men competing against each other, looking frantic and panicked.Their faces are sheened with sweat, t-shirts drenched in sweat. It’s… it’s a pathetic sight.
“Fine,” Megumi relents. “What are we playing?”
“Calm down,” 310 chuckles, “are you that excited to kill me?”
Megumi stays quiet.
“We have a lot of time left,” 310 says breezily, pointing towards the timer mounted on the wall. “Let’s do it at the last minute.”
“What do you suggest we do till then?” Megumi asks with a scowl. “Sit nice and pretty, twiddle our thumbs and shove these marbles up our asses?”
“Jesus, man,” 310 laughs, “no just… talk.”
“Talk,” Megumi repeats.
“Talk,” 310 smiles, looking down at his hands. Megumi looks at them too. He remembers the hard calluses on them, when they shook hands. They’re thick and sturdy, and hold a lot of power. He really could have killed Megumi before, just wrap his hands around his neck and it’s all over.
Megumi also shakes away the filthy thoughts of what else those hands could do. Get a grip, Fushiguro.
“Things we couldn’t tell other people,” 310 says, smiling wistfully. “One of us is going to die here anyways.”
Megumi swallows the lump in his throat.
310 smiles wider. He’s always smiling, Megumi notes.
“There’s no reason to feel embarrassed if that’s the case,” 310 tells him, “I promise I won’t laugh when you blush like a tomato.”
“I don’t,” Megumi denies, but he can feel the heat already rising up to his cheeks.
“You do,” 310 says, “but I think it’s cute.”
“So, uh, you have someone back home then?” 310 asks.
“Yeah,” Megumi says.
“...like a girlfriend or something?”
“Sister,” Megumi says quickly, “no...never a girlfriend. Impossible for me.”
“Ah, okay,” 310 says, nodding. “Just your sister?”
“I had a dad, but he … never came back.” Megumi confesses, “he was a shitty dad. He was never really home, but he gave us shelter and food. He had a bad temper, but he never hit us. He never liked to be around me especially. I … used to think he hated me.”
“What changed?” 310 asked.
“I… I became him. I understand why he did what he did,” Megumi says, fiddling with the sleeves of his jacket. “Doing dirty jobs, stealing, never at home. Hiding from danger. Hiding us from danger. Protection.”
310 nodded, he slid closer to Megumi. Thighs brushing. Silence continues.
“He came here,” Megumi says, looking up at the ceiling. It’s painted a pink-orange gradient, like a sunset. “I found half of that business card in one of his jackets. The last two digits were cut off. I dialed every possible number until I got here.”
“For what?” 310 asks.
“Find him,” Megumi says, “punch him. I would have killed him, I think, if I found out that he left us to rot. Then steal all his money to pay for my sister’s medical bills.”
“Oh, she’s sick?”
“Coma,” Megumi clarifies. “Some rich bastard from work hit her on her way home. He got off easy because of money.”
“I see,” 310 says, clenching his fists. “That’s terrible.”
“Yeah,” Megumi says gruffly.
“You’re still getting money though,” 310 says. He doesn’t say but you don’t get your dad back. “What would you do with it?”
Megumi doesn’t even hesitate, “pay for my sister’s medical bills. Buy a nice house for us to live in. A car, if I can.”
“If you can?” 310 says, “where would you drive your car?”
“school,” Megumi says simply. “I would use my car to drive to school.”
310 blinks. “You know, you can do much more with that 40 billion. You really don’t want anything else? Don’t have a destination?”
“I’d go to Sendai.”
“Wh—Sendai? I’m from Sendai. Are you kidding me? Are you going to drive there with a shiny new Toyota Yaris?”
Megumi blushes furiously, “enough about me, ugh, it’s your turn anyways.”
310 shakes his head, but he’s giggling like a schoolgirl. “You really have to think bigger. Have you ever been to the beach?”
“No,” Megumi says.
“You should, one that’s got nice soft sand and blue water. With palm trees too. And you should get piña coladas.”
“C’mon man, you don’t get to be frugal with 40 billion. I’ll teach you how to splurge once we get out—”
“Right,” 310 breathes out, laughing to himself all silly. “Only one of us leaves.”
Megumi grunts.
“...Ever seen a dead body?” 310 asks.
“...I’ve been answering all these questions. You haven’t answered at all,” Megumi points out, feeling far too exposed for running his mouth.
“Ah you’re right! Uh, I don’t have anyone.”
“But your grandfather—”
“He’s dead. For a while now. My mom and dad. Also dead. My brother is on the run. He’s, uh, killed a lot of people. He got the death penalty, so yeah, haven’t really seen him around.”
Megumi looks at him.
“I don’t think he counts,” 310 says, scratching his face. Megumi realizes the scars on his face aren’t from the previous games. They looked healed, puckered and faded from time.“He looks a lot like me, though. A lot of people can’t tell us apart. He hated that. He’s only a bit taller than me, and he loves to brag about it. He has a huge ego.”
“I see.”
“Yeah,” 310 says, but he doesn’t look awkward about it. Just mildly inconvenienced. “Oh, have we really been talking for that long?”
Megumi looks at the time. They have less than 2 minutes.
310 stands up, swiping the dirt off his pants. He pats around for his marbles. “Okay, so you see that wall over there?”
Megumi nods mutely. It’s quite far, maybe around 2 meters.
“Okay, we throw one marble, and the one closest to the wall wins, okay?”
“Okay.” Megumi nods, easy enough.
“Okay, you go first.”
Megumi scowls.
“added rule, we do it together,” he says, jaw clenched.
“Eh?” 310 looks at him, confused.
“I’ve been doing things first, so it seems rather fair if we do it at the same time, with our best effort, okay? I have the blue marble, you get the red one.”
“... okay.”
“Don’t give me a weak ass toss, alright, that doesn’t count,” Megumi says gruffly, narrowing his eyes at him. “Do your best.”
310 nods, giving him a thumbs up. “Okay!”
“On three,” Megumi says.
“Two,” 310 continues, positioning his arm.
“One,” Megumi does the same.
They both throw their marbles. Megumi’s heart leaps out of its chest as he watches his marble in the air.
Megumi looks down on the marble that lands right next to his shoe.
It’s red.
“Ahh, shoot, I threw it too hard,” 310 says with a pout.
Megumi sees red.
He shoves 310 against the wall. “Are you fucking with me?”
“Whoa! No, you won f-fair and square, man,” 310 stutters. “I did my best shot, like you said!”
“Any idiot would know that shit would bounce right back if you threw it like that!”
310 laughs, “I must be some one of a kind idiot, then.”
Megumi shoves him further into the wall. “I’m gonna fucking kill you.”
“You can’t kill me if I’m gonna be dead anyways.”
“See, that doesn’t really make sense—”
“Shut the fuck up! Why did you do that?!”
310 slumps against the wall, body lax. Not looking at him.
“Answer me!”
“You… you have a lot more to live for than me,” 310 says quietly. He looks up at Megumi, tears in his eyes, “what kind of asshole would I be to deny you for a life?”
“You have a life!” Megumi snaps.
“I don’t, not anymore,” 310 sobs, a wobbly smile on his face. “Before my grandfather died, he told me that I should help others. That when it was my time to go, I would die surrounded by others and not end up like him.
“I should use my strength to help others, that’s what I’ve been doing here. Out there, no one wants me to help them. No one wants the face of a killer to help them. No one wants me to be around them. I can’t go to places, I’ve… I’ve always hated what Sukuna did to me. Made me carry his sins, his crimes. The way people looked at me as if I was him. I can’t move forward, not like you.
“I… I never went to school either, y’know. Or I never graduated. When Sukuna became a wanted man, I became a target. I stayed in my room. The doors were locked. The curtains were always down. It was like this for years. I received no support. The only way I could get by was doing interviews with journalists, feeding the narrative. Making people hate Sukuna more, making them hate me more. That’s no way to live.”
Megumi felt the back of his eyes burn, his teeth aching from being clenched too tight.
“Even if...I had the money. I can’t erase what my brother did. I can’t erase my existence in the world. I would just keep doing the same thing everyday. I don’t… I don’t want a bigger house, not when it’s just me who lives there.”
“You and I are not so different,” he says, looking up at Megumi.. “I think that’s why… I want you to win. You get to experience all these normal things, and feel… happy. You have a chance.”
Megumi wipes his eyes harshly, “Shit.”
“That’s true.”
“... What’s your name?” Megumi asks.
“Itadori Yuji,” 310—no, Yuji says. “My name is Itadori Yuji.”
Megumi takes a shaky breath, he raises his hand for him. “Fushiguro Megumi.”
Yuji grins, he clasps his hand onto Megumi’s. “That means blessing, right?”
“I don’t fucking know.”
“I’m glad then, Megumi. That I’m friends with you even through this hell. That itself is a blessing in a disguise.”
“Shut up,” Megumi punches his shoulder.
A guard suddenly arrives, carrying a gun in his hand. Waiting.
Yuji looks behind Megumi’s head. “Ah, I wish we had more time.”
Megumi bites his lip. “I wish I’d… met you sooner. I don't know anything about you.”
Yuji jaw drops, “Okay, I’ll … summarize this in ten seconds! I’m twenty-years-old, my favorite color is green, my favorite manga is Bleach, my type is tall people with big butts! Uhh, I really like watching action films—”
“Not … whatever, nevermind,” Megumi says softly as he listens to Yuji ramble on about himself.
Yuji pauses from his ramble looking winded, “uhm, Fushiguro, can I hug you?”
Megumi freezes.
“I just haven’t had a hug in a long time—” Yuji trails off before he gets cut off with Fushiguro hugging him desperately, clinging to him.
“Idiot, idiot, idiot!”
“...Hey, Fushiguro Megumi, live a long life, okay?”
Megumi lets go.
He turns around.
Eyes burning as he stares unblinking down the path. Footsteps. Silence. Breathing. He feels something salty on his lips when he licks them. It's not sweat.
He... he got attached. He stares forward, he doesn't regret it. Not at all. He got to know Yuji Itadori, the real him, and the pain in his heart is the best he can give back. A reminder that he was more than what people saw him. Yuji Itadori didn't deserve what the world gave him, they did not deserve his cries. The fact that... no one would shed a tear for him.
Megumi notices the dark wet spots on the dirt.
“Thanks for playing with me.”
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shushiyuii · 3 years
You’re my companion?
Apologises, I may, may not have speed ran this for a certain day. And I may, may not be sleep deprived hence there may be many grammar issues. I just hope its good to read wndjnjadna
Warnings: Soft vore, almost death and mistreatment. (It’s all fluff I promise, I know the warnings look bad-)
Words: 1.9K
Techno who’s lived for centuries, feared by so many as the blood god who’s ruined families, villages and won so many wars, be brothers with someone so contrasting to his personality get along? How did the gods decide this upon him? Perhaps to teach him a lesson about something like compassion or kindness?
In this world, people who are chosen are destined to be paired with what is called a “companion “. Companions are tiny beings of magic, the stronger the bond, the stronger the magic. They seem quite human despite the many defining traits that make them so different, the main trait being the companions’ small size, tiny even. They could be the size of your dog or the size of your hand. Many see companions as family, close friends, guardians even children in some cases, they’re bound to do great things. So how did somebody as horrifying and merciless gain a companion?
His companion was Tommy, a little companion by the size of the half of his hand, which by human standards, be about the size of their hand. Tommy was quite the energetic companion which complimented his magic, his magic being able to transfer his magical energy to his partner, which was Techno in this case. Tommy came in use in situations where Techno’s opponent somehow gained the upper hand, not many knew he had Tommy, so he came into use with those cases, Techno gaining strength and easily overpowering his enemies.
He and Tommy did not get along. When Tommy came to be, he tried befriending Techno so many times, it never worked. They always tried to avoid each other whenever possible, hence why they’re described as brothers by his mentor, Philza and his companion Wilbur. His relationship with Wilbur was so much different to his and Tommy’s, Philza was laid back and Wilbur was sociable so the two get along quite easily, they even get along with Tommy!
He didn’t understand how tough, how did they get along with somebody so irritating? He was so annoying, always yelling, loud, problematic. Overall a nuisance.
From Tommy’s point of view, he always felt mistreated and used by Techno, not in a bad sense but the only times Tommy would be able to act with Techno is in battle when Techno calls it. It’s frustrating, both he and Techno have a sense of adventure so why don’t they get along? It’s just Techno’s so stubborn.
Tommy huffed in frustration as he sat in a pile of flowers, the flowers always brought him comfort, he found it fun to pick off the petals one by one as time passes. It’s really the only thing he can do while away from Technoblade.
“TOMMY!”. Somebody yelled in the distance. He looked back as he had heard Wilbur, approaching in the distance. “There you are you fucking gremlin. Phil is worried about you”. Tommy huffed and smiled, “Why does that old man worry about me?”, “Because we care about you, dweeb”. Wilbur ruffled his hair as Tommy stood up. Wilbur was double the size of Tommy, his transparent skin and blue gradients in his sweater and hair, his eyes with no pupils, a full white. Very different from Tommy’s glowing gold hair, goat-like tail and horns.
They began to walk back to Philza’s cottage. “You worried about Techno again?”.  Tommy groaned, “COURSE I AM MAN! He just- He never lets me get along or help him! It’s annoying, I’m a companion for a reason”. He sighed, “You know that rumour Wilbur if companions don’t get along with their partner, they’ll disappear… I don’t want to disappear!”. Wilbur looked at him worriedly, “Toms, hey-“ Wilbur held his shoulder and looked at him in the eyes with reassurance. “You aren’t going to disappear, not if I have anything to do with it. You and Techno will get along, just give it time”.
They made it back to the cottage and there sat at the table talking was Philza with Techno. They were talking about their latest adventures and battles. “So, you really managed to defeat him so easily? The dream? The legend?”, Tommy and Wilbur made it to the top of the table thanks to Wilbur’s floating abilities. “Heh, yeah and it was pretty easy too.”. Tommy snorted, “It was easy because I gave you my energy, Asshole.”. Techno looked over to see his companion had returned, his red eyes narrowed as he exhaled through his nose, making his annoyance apparent. “Oh! Tommy, Wilbur! I’m glad to see you’re back safely!”. Philza smiled.
As the words came out of Philza’s mouth, Technoblade stood up and made eye contact with Tommy, making it apparent to him that they were leaving and went to grab his bag. “Leaving so soon?”. “Yep, got a couple of things to pick up in town before I leave off to the next adventure”. He laid his bag on the table for Tommy to hop into.
Tommy said his farewells as he hopped into Techno’s bag, the bag he’d probably stay in for the next week. Once he was in, Techno lifted the bag and made his way to the door, before he said goodbye for the final time, Philza cut him off. “Techno, before you go. Please, try to bond with Tommy”. There was a sad tone in his voice, when he looked back both he and his companion had sorrowful faces, something was worrying them. He knew what but he couldn’t even bother, so to put it simply he left through the door.
It had been about a couple of hours since that talk, Tommy had remained completely silent, not saying anything. Usually, he was trying to get Techno’s attention by now, by climbing out of his bag to his shoulder and yelling into his ear. Even more, time went by in the forest and no noise from Tommy, by then it was night. By the time he had decided it was time to settle down for the night, he heard a noise in a nearby bush.
He huffed as he went over to investigate it, as he peered into the bush it was quickly interrupted by something hitting him right in the face, the next thing he knew was that he felt incredibly weak. He was surrounded by glass shards. A weakness potion.
His mind immediately went to Tommy, his eyes rushed over to his bag. Only for a figure to dash over him and make it to his bag before him. The figure picked it up and began to rummage through it, only to feel something quite squishy and soft. He brought out the squishy thing only for it to be Tommy.
But Tommy didn’t look the same as usual, his glow was dim, and he looked to be fading. “Well, well, well. Look what we got here.” He held Tommy as if he were presenting an object to show and tell. “The Blood God has a companion, and it’s fading. Not a surprise”. The cloaked figure brought down his hood to reveal his white, smiley mask.
“Dream”. Technoblade’s voice was low with venom. “Let him go”. A low growl could be heard rumbling from his throat to which Dream laughed. Tommy woke up at the sudden noise, “Techno?” He groaned as he was waking up, not sure of the situation, “What’s going on?”. He wiped at his eyes. To say Tommy felt exhausted was an understatement, he felt so weak. He looked down at his hands to see that they were transparent, and some parts of his hands had disappeared. He screamed at the realization.
A low laugh could be heard from Dream, “that’s right, little one”. Tommy looked up at the hand who held him, he recognised it to be Dream. “TECHNO!”. He yelled in panic. Techno was drawn out of his thoughts and looked to Tommy, his eyes filled with worry. Techno realised something. He was a complete asshole to Tommy, he had a companion for a reason, the gods had given him someone who understood him, someone other than Phil and Wilbur, someone who made him stronger and better, and he’d taken advantage of it. “TOMMY!” He yelled back.
He stood up with whatever his body would allow him to and ran over to dream in a dashing tackle, trying to pin him down. Tommy fell out of his hands onto the dirt floor. Techno knew he couldn’t hold Dream down for long with the effects of this weakness potion. In a daze, he picked up Tommy and ran as far as he could into the forest, “HEY!” could be heard as he ran in the distance.
He ran and ran for what felt like forever and had managed to gain distance from Dream for a moment’s while. He looked down at his hands to see Tommy not looking too good himself, he was still fading. “Toms?...”. He whispered and got groan of pain in response. “Listen, we both know I’m not good with the talking stuff…”. He muttered and shook his head. “Look, I’m sorry, okay? Please, just be, okay?! Please?! I hate seeing you like this!”.
“TECHNOBLADE”. Could be heard in the distance of the forest, it wouldn’t be long before Dream caught up to them, “Tommy please!”. He shook his small body then remembered something.
“Hey Techno!”. It was Tommy trying to gain his attention again, annoying him as he sharpened his weapon. ���What?” he muttered in a low voice. “You know how you’re a piglin right? With that whole- second stomach- storage thing? What if you stored me and I could buff you up? That way you wouldn’t have to worry about me in combat and I’d be completely safe?”.
His memory faded to black as he looked back down at his little companion, Tommy looked so weak, he had to keep him safe. So, he gently lifted Tommy towards his face, and carefully placing him in his mouth. He could feel Tommy’s stiff and tense body, relax at the warmth of his body. He had to keep Tommy safe, the thought of that alone made him swallow him down despite voices screams. He was gentle as he could be as he felt Tommy fall into his storage.
“TECHNO!”. Dream had finally caught up to them, He looked over to him with fury in his eyes. “Listen Dream! Back off!”. He growled as he stood up, a hand laying protectively over his stomach. “Where’d your little companion go, huh?  Finally faded, did he?”. He which made Technoblade snarl.  “You wish, that kid’s got balls. He isn’t going any time soon.” And a small voice confirmed it “You got that right”. It was Tommy’s voice.
The next thing he knew is that he felt the strength of their magic. He smirked and immediately ran at Dream. After a few quick punches and kicks, Dream was running away. And so, Techno made his way back to his camp. “Let’s keep you in there for the night, Alright? I’m sure we’re both exhausted” He mumbled as he laid back against a tree. “Agreed”.
Both fell asleep peacefully that night.
And the next day, when Tommy was back out. He was normal, maybe even better. And from that day onward. He and Tommy were a lot closer.
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scriptlgbt · 3 years
My story has both a trans guy and a cis guy who are bisexual. The trans guy has generally always been into males (even as a little child) and found out he liked girls as well. How possible that the cis guy would be the same? I mean I could buy it if the cis guy had bi or gay parents and were completely open from about sexuality from a young age, but in this case he has two straight parents and they've never mentioned LGBTQ unless it got mentioned by someone else.
First, not everyone is the same and I'm not trying to claim anybody is less valid in what I'm about to say.
It is not uncommon for people to have some level of knowledge/understanding of who they are and how they feel before they can put words to it.
Something I dealt with a lot growing up was schoolyard people throwing around "gay" as an insult or accusing me of being a lesbian, or being intersex. (Only... with a lot more slurs.) I, and probably a lot of other people around my age, learned about queerness by having it be the butt of jokes, by other kids I knew, and sometimes adults.
Very young children also frequently hang out with other kids their age, and sometimes there are older siblings or other neighbourhood kids a bit older who might mention it or say something.
But that's just kind of the labels aspect of it.
I still told a lot of my friends that I loved them, and made little handmade Valentines for classmates as young as age 3 when I first started school. I have distinct memories of making a construction paper heart and not being able to spell this girl-I-liked's name for it. So I asked her to write her name on the Valentine and then give it back. I then finished making it and then gave it to her (I think, anyway - that part is fuzzy).
I don't know if it occurred to me at that age that there was anything weird about it. I was to the impression I was supposed to be a woman one day and marry a man and have children (I literally thought it was a legal obligation and I would go to jail if I didn't, for some reason). But I still made this Valentine, I still expressed kinds of warmth and intimacy that I know words for now. I still always kind of felt these feelings.
I did suppress them somewhere around puberty though, after I tried coming out to my mom the first time at age 12. She tried to convince me I wasn't, thinking this would be reassuring somehow. (Instead, it caused me to never trust her again. We haven't spoken in many years now, but it wasn't anywhere as bad as her reaction to my transness.)
There were some things that kind of made me realize over the years that maybe I shouldn't consider myself straight. I thought a lot about coming out as a lesbian but always rationalized, "but what if I want a boyfriend?" etc. I had a teacher in 7th/8th grade who gave us a basic rundown of the Kinsey Scale during sex ed once. (This wasn't part of the curriculum, she just felt the need to teach it, which was pretty cool for 2007 or so.)
one of the things that really clicked into realization for me was when I was 14 or so and a friend came out to me as bi. My response was something like, "I think we're all at least a little bisexual" but... current me @ past me: no honey, that's just you lol. (Not to dismiss that there's a gradient of sexualities - just that some people, like me, say something like this before really understanding/exploring stuff.)
Anyway, my point is: these feelings still happens before you come out to yourself.
Sometimes also, kids just assume it's completely normal unless they are told otherwise.
I can't emphasize that last point enough. I've heard so many stories over the years of children "marrying" each other at recess and they happen to be the same gender. Sometimes kids do need to be told the possibility is there, but not always.
- mod nat
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