#dats how i roll *finger guns*
clairedelune-13 · 3 months
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He’s a monkey in a waistcoat. Furfur was right!
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@a-hazbin-spider >:3c ? (It bruddah)
Niss was there waiting bright and early as he was told to be. Apparently he was supposed to be teaching a new PA today-- supposably it was Angel? Though not his usual brother-- he
wouldn't be caught dead handling the equipment...he'd worry about chipping a nail-- still though he definitely appreciated that it was Angel-- with 12 arms combined they wouldn't even need a sound crew, they could hold all the mics, record and listen too.
First things first though ..he needed to give a tour of the set and a run down of the job since it carried everywhere from set up to helping the talent--
However...being a dad was a full time job in of itself....so apologies Angel that you gotta walk in on him scolding one of his little ones over the phone for breaking a dish.
"I don't CARE-- Rosé? Rosé! DID you break it? Mmhm, okay-- so then why are ya dragging Lavi into ya mess? If ya broke it-- man up and jus' clean it-- oh so now ya sista did it and not you ah? Uh-huh-- uh-huh.
Sai che sento odore di merda al telefono, vero? Viene fornito con la descrizione di papà!"
(You know I can smell bull shit over the phone right? It Comes with the Dad description!)
He rolled his eyes and nodded as he listened to the many excuses that came with having triplets -- who broke what was a very common argument
"Look--im WHOEVER broke it-- Clean it up. Or I'mma beat ALL ya asses! Yeh? Cleaning up is easier? Good I think so too!" He chuckles, " Yeh Love ya too kid, kisses from ya ma an' pa, now clean up your mess. See ya when we're home set the table for dinner awrite? Ciao~"
"aiiiiyaaah~ Bambinos..."
He shook his head with an exasperated breath before turning.
"Sorry 'bout dat fratello, Parentings a full time job" with a tip up of the fedora he still worse despite in far more casual dress he shoots finger guns his way and offers a hand, "How ya feelin'?"
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thelibraryiscool · 2 years
Short Story Project – Week 4
What I read this week – as before, no ratings, but I’ll still say if I recommend (R), strongly recommend (S), or don’t recommend (D) a story:
1. Herman Hesse, “The Poet,” trans. Denver Lindley (R) “And while he compared all these things which he was seeing with his eyes to the mental pictures he had painted of them in his homesickness, it became clear to him that he was after all, destined to be a poet, and he saw that in poets' dreams reside a beauty and enchantment that one seeks in vain in the things of the real world.”
2. Nella Larsen, “Sanctuary” (R) “Ah does mah duty as Ah sees et ‘thout no thanks from you. Ef de Lawd had gib you a white face ‘stead o’ dat dere black one, Ah shuah would turn you out. Now hush yo’ mouf an git yo’se’f in. An’ don’ git movin’ and scrunnchin’ undah dose covahs and git yo’se’f kotched in mah house.”
3.  Guy de Maupassant, “La Maison Tellier” (R) “Rosa, ravie, se leva, et doucement, pour ne réveiller personne, alla chercher l'enfant. Elle l'amena dans son lit bien chaud, la pressa contre sa poitrine en l'embrassant, la dorlota, l'enveloppa de sa tendresse aux manifestations exagérées, puis, calmée elle-même, s'endormit. Et jusqu'au jour la communiante reposa son front sur le sein nu de la prostituée.” [tr. below the cut]
4. Beka Kurkhuli, “The Killer,” trans. Natalia Bukia-Peters & Victoria Field (S) “A bit later, a round of four bullets hit Diasamidze in the right side of his chest. A fourth bullet grazed his shoulder. Gia quickly ran up to him, sat down beside him, and stared bewildered at Shukria’s quivering face and the pink bubbles of blood appearing at his mouth. One bullet had gone through his lung. It was the first time Gia had seen a man killed by gunshot and he couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw how, even though he was already dead, for a few seconds Shukria Diasamidze kept pulling at the belt of his submachine gun and how the fingers of his right hand were convulsing.”
5. Михаил Булгаков, “Москва 20-х годов” [Moscow in the 20s] (R) “— Нет, благодарю вас, чаю не хочется. Сыт, — со вздохом ответил я, чувствуя какое-то странное томление. Обломки кекса плавали внутри меня в чайном море и вызывали чувство тоски.” [tr. below the cut]
6. Prabda Yoon, “Feet First,” trans. Mui Poopopsakul (S) “Roang caught himself swinging his legs at a faster pace than what could be called walking, despite the fact that no part of his brain had signaled his legs to plow through the air so hard. But he was  running — there was no mistaking it because he was looking down, astonished, at his two feet as they took turns flinging rapidly forward on the sand. He had no idea why his feet had started running, he didn’t know what had ordered them to do so, but running he certainly was.”
7. Clara Ng, “Meteors,” trans. Toni Pollard (R) “If Cen hadn’t had any sleep for forty hours she was not to be disturbed. She would close her eyes and you wouldn’t be able to engage her in conversation for hours. This aspect of Cen was very puzzling to Tiansun. He didn’t need to close his eyes because he didn’t have any eyelids. And why couldn’t you get Cen to talk while she was asleep, anyway?”
8. Diana Wynne Jones, “What the Cat Told Me” (S) “I had just reached the stage of washing where you have one foot high in the air. I fell over. It was most annoying. The next minute, I was rolling around in a huge room full of people cooking things. A kitchen, Boy said it was later. It smelled marvelous. I hardly minded at all when Good Thing made me leap up and snatch a roast leg of mutton from the nearest table.“
3. Rosa, thrilled, got up and softly, so as not to way anyone, went to find the child. She took her to her well-warmed bed, pressed her to her chest with kisses, coddled her, wrapped her up in her exaggerated show of tenderness, and then, herself calmed, fell asleep. And until daylight the communicant rested with her brow on the prostitute’s naked breast.
5. ‘No, thank you, I don’t want tea. I’m full,’ I replied with a sigh, feeling a strange discontent. Bits of the cake swam around inside me in a sea of tea and caused a feeling of melancholy.
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sekhisadventures · 1 year
Tirisfal Glades, The Undercity, Nine Months After the Defeat of Zovaal
Mola’raum and his ghoul walked alongside Edwood, Guzzle the fel imp sitting in his usual spot on the warlock’s boney shoulder. Behind them were a half dozen Forsaken with large spray guns, designed to shoot a concoction that would neutralize plague… or at least weaken it from ‘deadly to everything’ to ‘deadly to things not already dead.’ With the Plague Eaters that Marileth had helped enhance clearing out the surface they were able to descend into the Undercity proper now.
The Forsaken had sent several dozen plague eaters into the depths of the city… but none had come back, which wasn’t surprising, but also hadn’t turned into a plague monster like the last one, which was worrying.
That meant they couldn’t, and that meant something had happened to them.
“Remember bruddah ‘n sistahs, we find de plague eaters ‘n we scram wit as many as we can grab, ya?” called the troll over his shoulder, already holding his runespear in his hands.
The Forsaken behind them nodded in understanding as Edwood grinned at the troll. “Thanks fer comin’ out Matey. I’d’ve called th’ others but…” he shrugged.
“Ya mon, I be undead too. De plague ain’t as big a risk fer me as it would be fer da rest o’ Savage United.” replied the troll, then he shrugged, “Eh… mebbe Grimo be okay. I mean, if ya can survive growin’ up in Kezan…”
Edwood chuckled, “Aye aye… Kul’Tirian sailors always gave that island a wide berth, if only to avoid th’ smell.”
Mola’raum snorted, grinning back at him, then he glanced to his side as his ghoul let out a sudden hissing sound before darting forward on all fours. The troll held out his spear to the side. “Hold up everybuddy… me bonehead found somethin’…” he warned, padding forward to find the ghoul chewing on a small bone dripping with slime.
Edwood caught up with him, then crouched down and examined another one. There was a pile nearby. “This was one of th’ plague eaters… I’m sure of it.” he muttered, turning it in his fingers.
“Hmm… someting killed it… but wot?” muttered the troll.
“Search me matey… Grand Apothecary Society used to get up to all sorts o’ mischief…” he muttered.
As he did his imp patted his shoulder, “Captain!” it squeaked, pointing ahead and tossing a fireball out to light up the path.
The two of them looked and saw several piles of bones and slime, the remains of more of the plague eaters.
“Dat… be worryin’… dese tings shoulda been pretty big by de time dey got down here…” warned Mola’raum. He was a member of the House of Plagues after all, he knew how such things worked. “A plagued rat or somethin’ wouldn’ta been enough ta take dem down…”
“Then wh-…” began Edwood, then the two of them suddenly heard screams echoing behind. Immediately both men were on their feet, the runes on Mola’raum’s spear tip glowing as Edwood readied his own weapon. Rather than a wand or stave, it was a gravekeeper's shovel he'd empowered to act as a spell foci (he felt it was fitting.)
An object came flying at them from the gloom of the path behind them, falling to their feet and rolling to a stop.
It was the head of one of the Forsaken who had come with them… most of it.
The warlock and death knight looked at it, then back at each other, then back up the path. “Oh fook…” whispered Mola’raum.
There was a loud stomping sound, a wet slapping kind as if something was wrong with the feet making it, and out of the shadows emerged a massive abomination! The patchwork monster-men were the former guards of the Undercity when Sylvannas still led the Forsaken, but this one was even more repulsive than normal!
The undead monster’s body was covered in weeping sores oozing a violently red pus, it’s eyes sunken in its skull. Its crooked teeth had turned into jagged fang-like protrusions, and it was surrounded by a cloud of miasma. The open guts they could see reeked of rot and disease to the point that the two gagged even being undead. “Son of a… was dat fookin’ thing down here when da city got plagued?!” yelled Mola’raum, readying his weapon.
“It had to be! How the feck is it not all-the-way dead?!” gaped the warlock, channeling the power of destruction into his free hand as his other gripped the shovel's haft tightly.
“Captain! Captain!” squealed the imp in alarm.
“Not now Guzzle! We gotta deal with this!” snapped Edwood.
“Captain! Enemies off the stern!” shouted Guzzle.
Edwood froze, then looked back, and whispered, “… tides below…” There wasn’t just one abomination, three more were lumbering up the path behind them in the same state!
Mola’raum looked between them, then glanced to the side… “We gonna be outnumbered mon! RUN!” he shouted, then snapped his fingers. His ghoul’s eyes flared the same green as his runespear, and then it tackled the head of the abomination ahead of them.
The giant monster roared in fury as Mola’raum and Edwood rushed past it, scrambling back through the Undercity as several loud roars came from behind them.
“FOOOD! FOOOOOOOOOOOOD! GET FOOOOOOOOD!” the creatures screamed.
As they ran more stomps came from ahead of them. Mola’raum stumbled to a halt, then grabbed Edwood by the arm and pulled him down the path through towards the old Undercity bank vaults. “Fookin’ fel mon! Did Sylvy not clear out da damn guards BEFORE she plagued the city?!” he gasped.
Edwood shook his head, “She told us to leave ‘em be, a backup incase th’ Alliance went belowdecks!” he replied, rushing along next to the Death Knight as they drew near the center of the city… then Edwood threw his arm out and looked up, “… oh fel… that’s bad…” he whispered.
There were abominations wandering the upper floor of the city center too… blocking access to the elevators that could take them to the surface.
Mola’raum peered up, then narrowed his eyes. “Yeah, dat be bad… buuuut…” he grinned, reaching into his pouch and taking out a small grey stone with a blue swirl on it, “As long as dey buddies don’t see us, we can get out dis way too.” he smirked.
Edwood grinned, “Our Hearthstones! Good thinkin’ matey!” he nodded, taking out his own. The two focused on their stones, bound to the tavern in Brill while they worked on the city. They shut their eyes and willed the magics in the stones to activate… then Mola’raum opened one eye, a trail of blue mist seeping upwards from it, and looked left and right.
“… uh… oh fook…” he whispered.
They were still in the Undercity!
Edwood looked around, then looked up above them at the ceiling, and cursed. Painted on the ceiling of the area was a red swirl going the opposite direction. “Bugger ‘n keelhaul it all…” he growled, “I forgot about that! Sylvannas had our scribes ward the city so Hearthstones wouldn’t work inside! She wanted to make sure anyone inside couldn’t use them to escape if she had to use the plague!”
Mola’raum whistled low, “Damn… give Sylvy credit… she was a cunnin’ one.” he replied.
Edwood nodded, “Aye matey, we didn’t count on Lady Proudmoore showin’ up… her spells have always been tricky ta plan for. If she hadn’t been there Anduin, Genn, ‘n Alleria would’ve been a pile of bones in ol’ Menethil’s throne room.”
Mola’raum nodded, then reached out his spear and focused the power of domination granted to him as a Death Knight into it, a fraction of what Arthas or Zovaal wielded, but enough to pull off a few tricks. He slashed in a high arc, making an arch shape in the air… then scowled as nothing happened. “Well fook, it be blockin’ mah Death’s Gate too. I can’t go back ta Acherus. Any plans mon? Dis be ya home, ya know where everything be…”
Edwood shook his head, “She had our engineers dynamite the backdoor ‘n that’s th’ only way out besides th’ elevators. She remembered that shite with Putress, wanted to make sure that Anduin didn’t take a page from his poppa ‘n sail in that way.” he replied.
Mola’raum nodded, “Hrm… me ghoul be dead by now… we need ta figure somethin’ out…” he muttered.
Edwood thought, then snapped his bony fingers, “I got an idea. Guzzle can turn invisible. He can get past th’ abominations ‘n get word to th’ Desolate Council… but… they won’t know ‘im from any other imp. I don’t got any parchment on me, or anythin’ to write with…” he muttered, looking back towards the outer ring. “… if we can get to th’ Apothicarium we can find ol’ Margaux’s stall. She supplied our scribes ‘n she was obsessive about protecting her goods. If we’re lucky the parchment is still usable, and the ink might still be sealed…”
Mola’raum nodded… “Ya mon…” he looked around, then focused his energies into his spear. “Okay, I gonna try ta distract ‘em… should be plenty o’ bodies ‘ere at least!” he slammed the spear down into the floor, tip first, between the cobbles. The speartip penetrated, and he poured his power into the ground below and suddenly the ground around them erupted as zombies, skeletons, ghouls, and geists burst free of their graves.
“Go mah bruddahs! Keep dem big fookers busy!” he commanded, and his minions scattered. Moments later roars erupted through the Undercity as he nodded to Edwood.
The two of them rushed off towards the Apothicarium as fast as their undead legs could move, Mola’raum gripping his spear tightly in both hands, ready to use it if need be but so far, their distraction seemed to be working. All around them they heard the cries of the plague-corrupted monsters, but they all seemed to be moving away from their destination.
They finally arrived and Edwood rushed back towards the crates, tearing one open and looking inside. “… a bit damp, but otherwise fine!” he nodded, taking it, then finding a sealed ink bottle and a quill, wiping the top off as best he could, then writing quickly.
To the Desolate Council,
The Undercity is overrun. The Abominations that were down here have been transformed by the plague that was unleashed by our former Queen. They no longer recognize the Forsaken as their masters. All of the cleaners have met true death, only myself and my death knight ally remain.
We are cut off from the elevators. Send aid immediately! We will attempt to barricade ourselves somewhere safe.
Darkcaster Edwood Vargas
The quill scratching ran to a halt as Edwood rolled it shut, then slid a metal band around it and handed it to the imp. “Get topsides fast Guzzle. Find Voss or Calia or Belmont! GO!” he snapped.
The imp took the letter and saluted, “Aye aye Captain!” he grinned, leaping to the floor and shimmering as he turned invisible, then they heard the quick patter of his feet on the floor, growing fainter as he ran towards the elevators.
“Dat little mon better pull dis off, or else Grimo gonna be lookin’ fer two new members…” muttered the troll.
“Guzzle is dependable, but still, here’s hopin’ aye?” replied the warlock.
Suddenly Mola’raum winced, “Shit, dat be me last zombie. Th’ distraction be over mon! We gotta find somewhere to hide, now!” he nodded.
Edwood looked around, “That way!” he pointed, “Sylvannas’ old throne room! It’s the most secure place in the city!”
The two turned towards it, then Mola’raum tensed and grabbed Edwood’s shoulder, “GET DOWN!” he shouted, slamming him into the floor as a rusted meat hook missed their heads by mere inches.
The pair of undead scrambled to their feet and turned. One of the abominations was glaring at them, it’s meat cleaver raised. “F-fuh… fooooooooooooood…” it gasped.
Edwood glared, “Ye want some supper matey? EAT THIS!” snarled the warlock, raising his hands as they burst into flames. He lashed out with a blast of felfire, then thrust out his other hand as he channeled his raw fury and fire outwards, blasting the abomination with it! However, as the sparks cleared, the monster wasn't even singed.
Edwood’s eyes went wide, “T-that… he should’ve gone up like a bleedin’ firework!” he gasped. Immolate was one of the first spells that students of the Destruction School learned as warlocks, and Conflagrate was a staple of their arsenals. The spells combined SHOULD have set the abomination ablaze with unquenchable flames.
Mola’raum noticed the weeping sores on the abomination, and how the ooze from them was coating it’s body, “It be de plague, his body be too full o’ da sickness ta burn…” he whispered, stepping back, “Mon… me powers be disease, but dis be beyond anythin’ I can do! RUN!” he shouted.
The two turned and bolted, the abomination roaring and rushing along on their heels… and as they passed a hallway Edwood spun around, engulfed his hands in fire, and slammed them together hard. “EYES!” he shouted.
The hallway lit up like the noonday sun and the two of them dove back towards the inner ring as the abomination screamed. It had spent three years in the dark depths of the Undercity, its eyes weakened by the time underground. Edwood’s spell was like a flashbang grenade to the monster! It was struck blind!
“EAT YOOOOOOOOOOU!” it roared, slamming it’s hook forward again and missing them, then charging off through the outer ring as it tried to see through the spots infront of its rotten eyes.
Edwood leaned against the wall between the central area of the Undercity and the outer ring. He wasn’t gasping for breath as he didn’t need to breathe but, if he had needed to, his chest would be heaving. His eyes were wide and horrified, and it takes a LOT to horrify a Forsaken.
Mola’raum shook his head, listening to the furious abomination storm off. “Dis be fookin’ bad mon… just wut kinda crap did Sylvannas pour inta dis place?!” he hissed to the undead sorcerer.
“Matey, I didn’t fuckin’ know!” he whispered back, “I mean we saw th’ bleedin’ skeletons she raised… but… those things…”
Mola’raum’s quickly put a finger to his lips, his troll ears able to hear better than Edwood’s human ones.
Something was coming up the path. A wet, slapping sound coming along the tunnels, and a voice…
“Huuungry… huuuuuuuuuuuuuungry… where foooooooood…” it moaned, another abomination was coming.
The two hid in the shadows as it passed by, and both of them, former Scourge and Forsaken, shuddered at the sight. Mola’raum’s memories of Maldraxxus had returned, and even as a former member of the House of Plagues this was a lot.
“Guzzle better be warnin’ de Desolate Council fast mon… before dey decide ta come lookin’ fer de cleaners we was escortin’…” whispered the troll.
“Aye matey… nice ‘n slow…” he whispered, stepping backwards, and then they froze as a stench even more foul than the Undercity’s usual smell of rot and poisons filled their nostrils.
As one they turned, as one they screamed, then they ran!
Soon, the Royal Quarter...
The door to Sylvannas’ throne room burst open as Mola’raum shoulder checked it, the Death Knight charging through and looking around, then spotting a large statue of an elven woman. The former Banshee Queen had many admirers before… well… everything.
Edwood clattered in as Mola’raum shouted, “SHUT THE FOOKIN’ DOOR!”
The warlock slammed it shut and latched it, then the death knight pushed into the statue as hard as he could, straining with every ounce of unholy power he had, and slowly the statue tipped, then rocked, then slammed down infront of the door. He reached out a hand and a burst of shadows in the shape of a ghostly limb grabbed an identical statue on the far side by the head. He pulled hard and it toppled onto the first, blocking the doorway. “Fookin’ fel…” he chuckled, “Well, dat be slowin’ ‘em down, if we be lucky mon…” he sighed.
Edwood growled, staring at the ruined statues. They were in the likeness of the Undercity’s former ruler, Sylvannas Windrunner. He looked at her face, her confident dispassionate expression immortalized in stone… then he gestured and snarled.
The stone head suddenly glowed cherry red, then shattered as the stone superheated in an instant!
Mola’raum cursed and stepped back, “Ed mon! C’mon! We gotta try ta stay quiet! If dey hear us…” he warned.
“Sorry sorry, just…” he shook his head, “… we, of all bloody people, shouldn’t have to fear for our safety here…” he growled, “But those monsters out there are all her fault…”
Mola’raum looked at the ruined statues, “Sylvannas… ya, she really wanted Anduin dead eh mon?”
Edwood scowled, “This was our home Mola’raum. Our safe harbor. Our one place, on all of Azeroth, we could be SURE we wouldn’t be treated like mindless flesh-eating monsters!”
Mola’raum raised an eyebrow, “Ya do eat flesh mon. I saw ya gobblin’ up one o’ dose vilefins we took down with Galdia ‘n Sekhi.” he pointed out.
“AND I CHOSE TO DO SO! IF I DEVOUR A CORPSE OF SOME BASTARD WHO TRIES TO KILL ME THEN ITS MY DECISION! NOBODY COMMANDED ME TO DO IT!” he snapped, “I am Forsaken! I was forced into undeath to serve th’ Scourge, I was hunted by th’ Scarlet Crusade, I was rejected by my own kin, and th’ Alliance saw us as nothing but monsters to be killed!” he snarled, then his shoulders sagged as he sighed aloud.
“This was th’ ONE place we did not have to fear that! We were safe here! We were cursed with slowly rotting, unfeeling bodies! We had to constantly fear injury or damage because our bodies CAN’T heal on their own! We all had those occasional flashes of memory of what we were forced to do by the Lich King! BUT HERE, here we could have that one place where we were people again.” he shook his head.
“But now… wrecked with plague, overrun by those things out there…” he growled, “… and for what? Zovaal’s lies about breaking a cycle? Because our Dark Lady would rather have sold out all of creation to that greyskinned bastard than protect her people?” he took a deep slow breath, mostly old habits in his case, but even now it helped him calm down. “… we truly believed in her Mola’raum. She was a ruthless, cunning, terrible queen… but she was OUR queen… and then she stabbed us all in th’ back.”
He glared at the shards of the broken statue, “There are those who say Tyrandae didn’t go far enough with her… and matey… I’m right there with ‘em. Save th’ souls in th’ Maw, fine… but when she does I say lock the bloody door and leave her there. That traitorous bitch sided with the bastard who unleashed the plague of undeath upon Lordaeron, the reason so many of my friends are like this!” he snarled, gesturing to his face. Green rotten flesh, a lower jaw completely devoid of skin or muscle, and glowing fel-infused eyes.
Mola’raum regarded him for a long moment, then sighed, “… Ya mon… Stradma was wrong ta just lock th’ plague away. Shoulda destroyed it…” he muttered.
Edwood looked at him, raising his eyebrow, “I beg yer bloody pardon…”
Mola’raum sighed, squatting down and resting his spear on his knees. “De plague, de one dat Kel’thuzad used ta create th’ Scourge originally… dat was de House of Plagues dat be makin’ it mon. It got stolen from us, prolly Denathrius’ Nathrazeim, and made it ta Kel’thuzad.” he explained, “Dat be how I became a death knight ta begin with. Stradma heard some new souls tellin’ us dat a plague of undeath was on Azeroth ‘n she recognized it as one of our’s, so she sent me ta investigate, but… I got captured by de Scourge.” he frowned. “Arthas was already under Zovaal’s control den. He used his powers ta seal me memories, den dey performed de death ritual on me ‘n turned me inta a death knight.”
Edwood narrowed his eyes, “Th’ House of Plagues… from Maldraxxus? Yer tellin’ me this was their fault?!” he demanded, “They created the plague that turned us into…” he snarled.
“We made it, ya, but de boss lady decided it be a failure! Too fookin' dangerous, too hard ta control what it be creatin'! We sealed it away ‘n never used it!” he replied, “Shoulda just burned th’ samples ‘n notes… but…” he chuckled, “Ol’ Stradma was like somebuddy’s granny mon… never throwin’ anythin’ out incase it be useful.”
The troll shook his head, “Our plagues were meant ta be used ta protect th’ Shadowlands mon… not fer shit like dis…”
Edwood frowned, then sat down on the steps leading up to Sylvannas’ old throne, “That’s one fel of a thing to drop on a man Mola’raum…” he grunted.
“Yah, I know. Sorry, shouldn’ta brought it up.” he muttered, then the two of them leapt to their feet as the door suddenly shook.
“… huuuuuungry…” came a voice from behind it.
“Oh bugger…” whispered Edwood, channeling felfire into his hands as Mola’raum drew his spear.
“Dis may be it mon.” he warned, glaring at the door as it began to buckle, a meat cleaver’s blade smashing through the wood in a shower of splinters.
Edwood focused on the flames he was creating, making a basketball sized blaze of green fire in his hands as Mola’raum stood ready. They would only have a moment to run, but the tunnel was narrow, would they be able to get past it?!
Finally, the door crashed inwards as the ruined statues were kicked out of the way, the warped abomination stumbling in. “HUUUUUUUUUUNGRY!” it roared.
Mola’raum tried to reach out with his power of domination, but the creature’s mind was a mess of instincts and agony! He couldn’t control it!
Edwood threw the blast of dark emerald felfire at the creature’s arms, but while it blew a chunk out of the meat it didn’t even seem to notice. It had been hurting from the plague for so long it didn’t even register anything else!
The abomination raised its cleaver, pausing as if to choose which to swing at, and then… “HUUU-urk… h-huruh?” it gasped, trying to look back, then all the stitches along it’s body erupted with dark purple flames as it collapsed in on itself with a scream.
“About time I found you two.” came the echoing voice of a Forsaken woman as Lillian Voss stepped over the abomination’s corpse. “We’ve cleared a path to the elevators, but we need to go now! Belmont and the Deathguards are holding them back, come on!” she snapped.
The two looked at each other, then grinned, Edwood forgetting all animosity towards the House of Plagues at their rescue as they raced after Voss, the woman sprinting through the Undercity as fast as her bony legs could carry her.
“TEAR THEM LIMB FROM LIMB MEN! FOR THE FORSAKEN!” came the voice of Belmont, Commander of the Deathstalkers as the sounds of fighting echoed through the city as his soldiers echoed the last part in response.
As they got to the city center and ascended the stairs, they saw the other three members of the council holding the path to the elevators, a host of Deathguards standing near them. Calia Menethil was channeling the light into a protective dome, preventing the abominations’ meat hooks from reaching them if any got past Belmont and his men as Velonara stood at the ready nearby, the Dark Ranger eager to punish any of the monsters who attempted to harm them.
On Calia’s other side was Master Apothecary Faranell, the Forsaken alchemist wringing his hands. “Oh dear I hope that there’s something left! These creatures survived marinating in the plague for years! Think of what we could learn from them!" he grinned eagerly, sounding akin to an excited child in a toy store.
Calia’s eyes flicked to them as they drew close, “We were almost ready to send in another team when your imp arrived Edwood. Those Forsaken may well owe you their lives.”
The others paused as Velonara, Faranell, Mola’raum, Edwood, and the Deathguards looked at her.
Calia rolled her eyes, “Oh come now, you know what I mean. It is merely a phrase.”
Faranell coughed, “We prefer ‘kept them from meeting true death,’ Calia.” he suggested.
“I understand Faranell… bear with me please, I’m still learning.” she sighed.
Edwood smirked at Mola’raum as the death knight grinned back, then the two retreated to the elevator. The Desolate Council and their men could handle the rest, they had done their duty today.
Down below Belmont roared as his sword sheared off an abomination’s limb, then slammed it onto it’s back as his men chopped apart the patchwork giant’s head before moving onto the next. Monstrous screams echoed through the halls under the ruined capital of Lordaeron, but that was to be expected. The Forsaken were monsters, but they were their own monsters. The served no Lich King, no Banshee Queen, nobody but themselves. The Forsaken would reclaim their home and find their path in the world once more.
Let the rest of the world see them how they liked, they would continue on in sheer defiance of their disgust and hatred. No matter what others said, they would stand together to the bitter end… for the Forsaken.
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makeupinthedrawer · 3 years
hollywoods favorite it couple
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authors note: inspired by this ask i got that read an imagine where y/n is famous singer just like niall and they are hollywood's "it" couple , and fans go crazy everytime they get new pics of two of them together and i loved the idea so i hope u like it anon! ♡♡♡ also, the bold text = tweets ☺️
word count: 2.5k
my masterlist
upcoming content: fluff, i use the word kisses and smile maybe 8 million times lol, small mentions of anxiety, tiny mentions of alcohol
“what’dya think princess?” niall asked as he spun out of the closet, shooting you his signature finger guns. you looked up from your phone in wonder, a smile spreading across your face when you took in his outfit. niall was practically swallowed by the white hoodie he was wearing, your merchandise he was wearing.
“ni, ‘s‘too big on you!”
“it’s all that was left, figured i’d give you some top notch advertising, yeah?” he laughed and your heart flipped a little at the sound, thinking back to all the niall laughing compilation videos you used to watch on youtube as a teenager and now you could hear it for yourself, whenever you like.
you followed him back into your shared walk in closet, leaning against the wall next to the mirror as he stood in front of it, opening the instagram app, “wow a shoutout from niall the influencer, to what do i owe the pleasure?”
“all you know is totally! totally this, totally that!” you called off screen
“oi! not my fault that’s how you lot talk!”
“oi! not my fault that’s how you lot talk!”
“it isn’t!!” you whined, oblivious to the fact he was still recording.
“it isn’ttttuhhh!” he mocked, immediately bursting into laughter and you rolled your eyes.
“you’re lucky you’re cute, ireland”
“t’ank ya baby” he called back, his voice thousands of times softer than normal, a tone he only spoke to you with.
he is so supportive 🥺🥺 they are such a power couple! king and queen of pop!
now he knows she doesn’t sound like that 😭😭 they’re cute tho or whatever🙄😒 a finger gun video to start her new era off i’m so happy
niall chuckled as he refreshed his twitter page and read what all his and your fans had to say. twitter definitely had its …moments… but today it was connecting his two favorite things, his fans and you.
he glanced at you from over his phone as you say across from him on the couch, mindlessly scrolling through your phone as well, but your forehead was showing prominent stress wrinkles which just wouldn’t do. “baby?” he let out, softly.
“yeah, ni?” you responded, not looking up from your phone.
with a huff he clambered over to you and shoved his face in front of your phone, pressing his forehead to yours, “what’s on yer mind?”
the close proximity between you two caused all your senses to be consumed by niall. and you could never lie to him, you’d never want to anyways. “i’m scared”
his face puckered as he silently encouraged you to go on. “i’m scared people aren’t going to like my song.” you confessed so quietly he almost didn’t hear it, but he did. he always heard what you had to say.
“darling, why would you ever need to worry about dat? you have the voice of an angel.”
“you’re just saying that”
“no ‘m not! i’d tell you if one of yer songs was shite! remember that time in november?”
“great pep talk, ni.” you groaned, moving to get up and go sulk on your own until he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back to him.
“hey, i’m being serious. you’re so incredible and hardworking, and the single is a masterpiece! one of the best songs i’ve ever heard! no one can write or sing like you, you know that?” he spoke so sincerely and his blue eyes filled with truth, but he could still see your hesitancy.
“look, i’d never lie to ya! but look at what all the fans are sayin’”
he flashed the screen to you and you read the excited and happy messages together, liking the really sweet one's and laughing at the dramatic one's
“maybe ya shouldn’t’ve released the song, petal, look! this poor girl’s sayin she fuckin died!”
you giggled and he pressed a kiss to the top of your forehead, “thank you for making me feel better”
“of course, superstar.”
he kissed her nose i repeat… he! kissed! her! nose! AFTER BOOPING IT!!
imagine if they read something and leave little annotations with their thoughts then swap it😭🥺🥺🥺 i could cry
the sun was shining through the large glass window as you ran your fingers over the row of books. the book store was pretty much empty except for you, niall and the employee behind the counter.
the two of you were in new york for work and he insisted on taking you to his favorite book store, a little hole in the wall tucked away in an ivy covered building. you two split up once you entered, having different tastes, but you couldn’t help but stare at him as he picked up a book that looked interesting and read the back cover with a curious and peaceful look on his face.
niall felt your eyes on him as he looked up and sent you a soft smile, “find anything ya like?”
“mm, i sure did” you spoke, eyes never leaving his and you watched the blush rise on his cheeks at your implication.
niall lifted the book in his hand and tapped it against your head and then against your nose, placing a kiss on it right after as it scrunched up. “not what i meant, petal.”
“it’s true though.”
niall wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest as his bicep flexed against your head. “thank’s for coming with me” he muttered against your hair and you just squeezed him back even tighter before he slipped one arm around your waist and went to the check out, both of you oblivious to the camera men capturing the past two minutes from outside.
“it just doesn’t seem like you care but whatever!”
“niall… please spare me the passive aggressiveness okay?”
he let out a dry laugh, “oh so that’s what it is now? just me being passive aggressive? alright.”
your shoulders slumped in defeat as you dropped your heals to the floor, “it’s not about you being passive aggressive okay?” you began as slowly as you could, trying to keep your cool. “i get it, i do, but i HAVE to go and you know it! so whether you’re coming or not, i have to get ready.”
and with that, silence fell over the room except for the zips and shuffling of your clothes and the occasional heavy sigh coming from your stubborn boyfriend. you just couldn’t wrap your head around it, this event had been planned for months, and it was originally you who didn’t want to go but couldn’t help but get excited when tara sent you both pictures of your coordinating outfits: his a nutmeg suit and yours a blush, silk dress. but now he couldn’t even look at his outfit and rolled his eyes whenever you tried to get him up.
you wanted to let it go -let him ride his bad mood out and just make up when you got home- but you were excited. this was your first public event since covid started and you really wanted to go out and spend a good night with the love of your life, but he hadn’t even sent a glance in your direction for the past ten minutes.
“y’leaving now?”
“yeah. i’ll be home around twelve or so.” you replied coldly.
“have fun” he said, sending you a half wave and that made you snap.
“niall i really! i know i said i understood but i really don’t okay?” his head snapped towards yours in surprise at your tone. “we- we planned this for weeks! you texted all your friends that you were gonna be there, i couldn’t get you to shut up about how happy you were to see Tom again, but now you can’t even get your ass up off the couch! what did i do? why don’t you want to go out with me?”
niall felt his resolve melt and his heart crack at your emotional outburst and he bit his lip, weighing his options.
“what do you even plan on doing here all night anyways? just stare at the wall?” you snapped and when he didn’t move a muscle, realization dawned on you.
people couldn’t stop raving about how kind and inviting niall is when they first meet him; all his friends knew he was the best person to go to for a good time, but after a year indoors, going out was daunting for anyone, especially to hundreds of fans, press and industry partners.
“baby… everything’s gonna be okay.” you said, softly making your way to him on the bed, wrapping your arms around his middle, immediately feeling his muscles relax.
“i know, darling. i- i just don’t, i don’t even know how to face that many people at the same time anymore… how to be on all the time. i already feel myself running out of breath.”
your heart stuttered in your chest, guilt creeping up your spine. “that i understand. i feel nervous too, ni. hell, i already want to take this dress off. but i know i can do it because you’re gonna be there with me. just like always, whenever i stumble over my words or don’t know what to say, you swoop in and pick me back up. and i promise you i’ll do the same for you… though i doubt you’ll need me to.”
his large hand enveloped yours as he pressed his lips to your palm. “we can take on the world together, yeah?”
an excited grin painted across your face at the twinkle in his eye and you squeezed his hand three times, “you know it, horan.”
the camera flashes caused your eyes to water a little, feeling more overwhelmed than you thought as directions on how you two should pose and stand were shouted at you.
niall felt you tense as his hand was glued to your back and he looked down at you, “hey.”
“yeah, are you alright?”
“i’m alright, this is a bit boring though, don’t you think?”
“what do you mean?” you asked, catching the twitch of his lips as whatever idea ran through his mind.
“i mean that, we’re already here, obviously the best dressed,” his voice dropped at the last part and your giggle carried into his ears, “we should have some fun.”
“and how do you expect us to do- niall!” you cried as he spun you around, exciting the crowds even more. you both laughed and he angled himself behind you, “finger guns, yeah ready babe? one, two, three!” you both sent finger guns to the camera, open mouth smiles that shone brighter than the flashes.
“niall? hey sorry have you seen niall ho-“ you began, before a loud yihoo cut through the party chatter and you turned on your heel to find niall at the bar, surrounded by his friends.
“there she is!” he drawled as you neared his group, your cheeks heated in embarrassment.
“hey, hate to break the party but we should get home.”
a chorus of protests arose but it was getting late and you knew niall would already be killing himself for this in the morning. “cmon ni, let’s go before i have to carry you out of here.”
“you can do whatever you want to me, girl!” he called out and it took all you had to not hide your face in your hands.
“niall! okay, time to go! bye guys!”
goodbye’s and good lucks followed you as you each leaned on the others side and exited the venue, “we ended up having a good time tonight.”
“sure did, hot stuff!” he called, immediately laughing into your eat afterwards. “thank ya for convincing me to go, angel.” he whispered, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead as you got him in the car.
niall groaned as he woke up, arm sprawled across his forehead as he mentally felt around for a hangover headache but didn’t feel one. “thank god for being irish” he smirked and threw his legs over the bed, looking over his shoulder at you still fast asleep under the covers.
he wandered to the kitchen, not bothering to put on any boxers as he was only going to get some tea, then go back to bed. as he flipped the kettle on, his eyes landed on his suit jacket, -that didn’t make it back to the room- his phone sticking out the pocket.
unlocking it revealed mass amounts of notifications; his messages all a different variation of how nice it was to see him last night, but one in particular caught his eye
tara: congrats on going viral, mate😂😂
his brows furrowed as he opened twitter and was flooded with photos of the two of you from last night, from acting like fools on the red carpet to you both latched around each other; the excitement from the public woke him right up, his heart flipping at the amount of love shown towards you, and he thanked god every night he could be a small part of it.
niall didn’t lie when he said every day was a runway because oh my god he looks amazing
its safe to say hollywoods favorite it couple won the red carpet AGAIN!
you felt niall climb back into bed, he was never as sly as he thought he was. his legs brushed up against yours and he scooted closer to you, and every so often you could hear soft bursts of laughter escape him, but what really woke you up was when his occasional mutters of gibberish. “what… what are you doing?” you grumbled and he looked down at you.
“oh good yer awake, what does this mean?” and next thing you know you were met with a flash of white as his screen shone in your face.
“ugh niall!” you squinted as you read the tweet on his phone, resisting the urge to smack your hand to your head. “it’s a keyboard smash babe, you’re not supposed to read it.”
“why are you up so early anyways?” you muttered as you rested your head on his stomach, his hands immediately running over your hair.
“we made quite the impression last night, princess”
with your eyes still shut, you rose a brow, “seriously? what did we do?”
“be our charming selves, of course” he answered in a phony royal accent and he felt you smile against his stomach.
“lucky us then hmm? need to go out more often.”
“wouldn’t want to be half of hollywoods favorite it couple with anyone else.”
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whatisgoingonpaul · 3 years
So I rewatched with subtitles to see anything I missed and really watched the background it did not disappoint! There’s actually some great moments and lines that got hidden as they aren’t completely audible, I recommend watching with subtitles at least once however it messes up song lyrics mainly during lost in the shadows. “Sail alone though the night.” Took me out. Yes that’s the lyrics xfinity... totally. So here’s the notes or new things or general ramblings.
-The boys when flying will have high pitched bat noises or the usual “woo -hoo”
-“any jobs around here” “nothing legal.”
-Micheal tucks his shirts
-Star bringing this small ass child to a concert but laddie also dancing his ass off
-Micheal was almost Moonbeam and I think we shouldn’t keep ignoring this.
- Dwayne saying “we’re going for a ride” to Laddie.
-the Subtitles correcting “say hello to the night” to “sail alone though the night”
-When the boys rush to get Micheal from full on fighting David there is the beautiful jangle of jewelry
- the random surfboards the boys have
-Paul jumping off of the rock with Laddie “get the rock box bud.”
-ive now noticed The pigeon was on Markos arm- he’s tamed a pigeon. I’m.
-the damn male model on Sams closet door?
-Paul and Dwayne eating with their fucking hands and laughing, their eyes roll back with their head. How are they not choking.
-The munsters poster behind star.
“Pretty sad.”
Things the subtitles caught but I didn’t:
- “Nice worms” (maybe Marko?)
- “That’s enough “ (they mimic star”
- “Chill out girl.” (???? One of them.)
- David whispering “get him the wine.”
-David eating noodles and drinking in a attempted suductive manner. Like my
- it still looks like red coolaid.
- Star and laddie back away like Micheal is going to fucking explode or something?? He’s just probably high if anything
-“give me a ride Marko.” (Context: David is in the wheelchair)
-“your one of us bud” - Paul
-“let the good times roll” - Paul or Marko
- Paul whipping his jacket around, markos jacket is also loose... revealing it is not just a crop top but tanked- near sleeveless I’m screaming
- in Micheals hallucination fest it focuses on star and David. This boy has it bad...
- markos little “ye-ahh” on the bridge.
- “Bombs away.” Also Dwaynes fucking finger guns. His little finger guns my soul...
- Marko and Paul messing with each other’s legs constantly, also “yayyyy Micheal.”
- “HOw do you like it ehh?!”
- The train starts coming and Paul immediately starts to bang his head like it’s the best damn music he’s heard in his life
- The entire train scene Micheal is just yelling “JESUS CHRIST!” repeatedly lmao
- “Let GO”
- I mentioned this the last time but the damn stuffed dog
- Micheal going for the milk in the fridge when there’s a full coke on the kitchen table.
- Sam literally saying “he’s flying outside the house” in the phone call
- laddie is 11.... not quite little star.
- There is a baileys bottle with a candle.
- The brothers tucking their napkins into their shirts. Adorable.
- Paul drumming on his leg
- Dwayne gets the bouncies while watching from the tree
- I like how Marko makes it a point to say “hi Micheal.” Like every time he sees him.
- I like how they all decide to pose dramatically infront of Micheal after feeding.
- Edgar changing his band from red to blue for✨ dramatics ✨
- The smell the undead or teenagers?
- As Marko is Writhing on the cavern floor you can just make out Paul’s arms trying to stop him or comfort him or something and I’m not ok -
- I’m also pretty sure is blood is maple syrup.
- “It’s not our fault they pulled a mind scramble on us! They opened their eyes and talked!” Lmao best
- “It was screaming, it was fizzing it was horrible.”
- The dive toy next to the bathtub
- Sure star. It’s you and laddie they want sure.
- Marko’s pigeon is alone.
- Does no one notice the whole thing of flying out of the cave in reverse?
- Does laddie even know what’s going on or he just go off what star tells him
- “You killed Marko!”
- “Yea and your next”
- *push* no your next!
- Paul’s fucking skeleton? Also he’s deadass “if I go out I’m taking your plumbing with me-“
- Even when it’s David alone it still sounds like a swarm of bats instead of one
- Laddie looks like a baby monkey I’m sorry but he does
- David: *Screams*
- Micheal: *voicecracks louder*
- I still can’t tell if they want the bat screeching to be a noise the boys make or apart of background music. As when they go over Maxes place(twice.) it is implied to come from them but when Micheal and David fight it’s in the background unagknowlaged
- David screams help as he is impaled, little does he know the others are already gone...
- Ok so maybe I went a little hard on max, as he does show concern and upset when looking at David, and could likely see the bits of Dwayne on the ground. His voice seams to shake slightly just as he speaks and his eyes are a bit glacey when he takes off his glances. However o do still like it better with the little bit from the script where it’s played up more.
- The scream when max is talking, I think it’s one of the boys OW.
- *twang* I haven’t changed my mind about dat.
- I like that this implies that grandpa put the big stuff up in the yard purely to ram it though inro his house. He wants that ensurance money
Take a jacketless Paul:
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
Protection Chapter 6
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Summary: Mia and August are in the safehouse, but Mia has a plan, since she really doesn’t want to be here. 
August Walker x Mia Makaruku (ofc)
Wordcount: 5.4k
Warnings: Mentions of stabbing and guns.
Masterlist // Protection Masterlist // Previous Chapter
1 hour at the safe house
After the three hour drive, August and I arrive at this safe house. It��s the middle of the night and normally I’m in a deep and nice sleep, spooning Bobo and dreaming about some sort of male celebrity to ease my mind. That is not the case now, despite my brain being dog tired, but it’s also running over time.
The safe house is like every ordinary house, but maybe that is exactly what we need. We need to fit in with the rest of the world, not sticking out like sore thumbs.
Bobo is already acclimated to the place, curling himself up on the sofa, purring loudly as he is about to drift off to sleep.
Me on the other hand, can’t relax for shit. I’m pacing (no, not pacing, limping) through the living room, desperately hoping to remember something. It doesn’t matter what. Maybe something about my family, something that is a dead give away I’m not part of this weird family who had access to the safe. Maybe something about what happened between the crash and me sitting on the curb, holding my arm as I was waiting for help.
Or something that would get me out of this place.
August was my safe haven for the drive here, but I don’t know what to think of him. Do I believe him when he says he’ll protect me? Yes, especially what happened to me on the parking lot.
Do I trust him?
I have no idea…
Is he soft and kind to me?
And is that everything I need for now?
I hate to admit it, but yes…
I let out a deep sigh. While I keep on wishing I need to be with someone who I feel safe with, it’s brutally obvious that… August is the only one who can both protect me and make me feel safe. I think about his strong arms wrapped around my body, my forehead resting against his chest and him allowing me to hold his hand. I know that’s not what he wants, or at least, what he would initiate, but he lets me. He lets me hold him, lean on him and cry on him.
And that sure means something right? He understands and gives in to my needs.
I turn on my foot, but since my brain is nearly frying itself, I forget this one hurts. I wince and sit on the floor, holding my ankle tightly. Tears trickle down my cheeks, without me actually crying.
I just want to go home, to my own psychical therapist who could help me out. I need normalcy back in my life.  
‘What are you doing?’
My head jerks up, to discover August standing near the kitchen, leaning against the wall. The softness I felt during the way here, it disappeared. Maybe because I wasn’t responding well to it, or because I was responding to it a bit too much. I have been a snotty and hopeless mess since early Monday morning, when I found out about the file.
‘I was pacing.’
He walks into the living room and stops in front of me. ‘You need to be careful.’
‘Well spotted. I can see the CIA training taught you well.’
August sighs. ‘I think you need a new gauge on it.’ He holds out his hand and with a groan I take it. He pulls me up, but when I’m standing, his arm glides underneath my knees and back, carrying me to the kitchen. He does it so effortlessly and without a thought. Maybe that softness is still there. Maybe he does care. He places me on the counter and takes off my shoe.
‘That hurts,’ I hisses.
‘I know,’ he says. He opens a few cabinets, but doesn’t see what he was looking for. ‘Wait here.’
He wanders out of the kitchen and comes back with my mug. The one with the flowers. The one I left at his place. He fills it with water and holds it in front of me, together with a strip of painkillers. ‘Did you bring this with you?’ I ask him, as I wrap my fingers around the mug.
He nods.
‘Because it’s home and I figured you could need it.’ He ushers me to take the painkiller and I do what he asks me to do. I lean back, with my head against the cabinet doors. He grabs a dusty barstool and places my foot on his lap.
‘August,’ I whisper.
‘I don’t hate you.’
He looks up. ‘I know.’
‘I’m just scared.’
‘I know that too.’ He takes off my sock and bandage and checks my ankle, that is swelling and turning red. ‘I think I need to provide you with a brace. Or do you have one with you?’
I shake my head. ‘I left it at home, I’m sorry.’
‘Don’t apologize,’ he snaps and I tense up. Just because he isn’t apologizing, he all of the sudden has this personal vendetta against me doing it. ‘I’ll try and arrange something. For now a new bandage will do.’
While he prepares the new bandages, I carefully place my hand on his cheek as I lean forward. He lets it happen and maybe I’m totally hallucinating, but I think he is leaning against my hand. ‘You sure you’ll protect me?’
‘I will,’ he answers in a dead serious tone.
‘Even Bobo?’
August looks up and bites back a smile. ‘Especially Bobo.’
5 hours at the safe house
I’m back at the crime scene, but this time I’m not a young girl anymore. I’m the me of today. I walk around the car wreck, spotting the limb bodies of other me’s family. I notice a young girl sitting on the curb. Me on the curb. Clutching my arm and simply staring at the wreck, as someone without a recognizable face drags away the body of a teenage boy, while another man drags away the body of a man.
They look deceased, but as of right now, they could be unconscious.
A woman, who is just as unidentifiable as the other men, crouches down in front of me. ‘Vanaf nu, is jouw naam Mia,’ she tells me. From now on, your name is Mia.
The young girl—me—shakes her head. ‘Nee, dat ben ik niet.’ No, I’m not.
‘Jawel, luister goed. Als iemand er naar vraag, jij heet Mia. Mia Makaruku. M-A-K-A-R-U-K-U.’ Yes, listen carefully. If someone asks, you’re Mia. Mia Makaruku. M-A-K-A-R-U-K-U.’
With a jolt I’m wide awake. I look around me, expecting to find Bobo for some emotional support, but he is not here. I could use a hug, to be honest and Bobo is the one that I wished was right here to hug me. I slip on some warm socks and get out of my bed. No, the bed in the safe house. It’s not mine. It smells musty. My bed always smells like lavender.
‘Bobo,’ I whisper shout, ‘where are you?’
I see August’s door is opened ajar and I peek inside, only to see Bobo curled up on the windowsill, while August isn’t asleep. He looks up and flicks on his light. ‘What’s wrong?’
I want to make a stupid remark about Bobo sleeping here and how they are becoming close buddies and how it should make me jealous, but it can’t seem to leave my lips. I simply lean against the doorframe and fumble with my shirt.
‘Mia, what’s up?’
‘I had a memory,’ I whisper, but it’s loud enough for him to hear. I close the door and I walk over to his bed. I sit on the edge, staring at Bobo, who is still asleep and doesn’t really care I walked in. Looks like I’m traded in for. Nice to know that my lovely cat will trade me for someone with testosterone. ‘My name is not Mia Makaruku.’ I tell him what the memory is about. I don’t feel tears coming up, but to be fair, I have cried for hours on end.
August sits up straight next to be on the edge. ‘You know what your real name is?’
I shake my head. ‘That was all I wanted to tell you.’ I want to stand up again, but August grabs my wrist and forces me on his bed again. ‘What?’
‘I know it’s hard.’
‘How?’ I ask him. ‘Because this all happened to you when you were younger? Did you have a promising career, that was put on hold because someone swooped into your life and all of the sudden you realize you are not who you think you are?’
He doesn’t say anything, but I simply pull my wrist out of his grasp, grab Bobo and march back into my room.
1 day at the safe house
I came to the conclusion that in no way, I can stay here in this safe house.
August is keeping a close eye on me and I have to tell him what I’m going to do every single time I leave the room. Even when I just need to pee! This whole situation is suffocating me. I wished he would just be a bit more relaxed, less controlling and just back the fuck off.
Ever since I had my first memory, I have been thinking about it, nearly giving myself a painful headache. But I don’t remember anything.
When I was wandering through the house, I confiscated a letter opener, to use it as some sort of weapon. Who knows if I might need it one day. And that one day might come sooner than I think.
I’m sitting in the living room, as the blinds are closed, leaving us with the lights on, in the middle of the day. I can barely sit anymore, so I walk towards a wall and do a handstand against it. I hear some bones in my shoulders crack.
For a top athlete, going from intense training to nothing, it’s unhealthy. I read about those people who get heart attacks after they retire and get a heart attack within the first week of doing nothing, after a very intensive job for forty years.
While I’m not suspecting a heart attack anytime soon and I shouldn’t compare this situation to retirement, I’m keeping it in mind.
Is it your left arm that starts to hurt when you have a nearing heart attack?
‘What are you doing?’
I roll my eyes, but he doesn’t see that. ‘I would swear you’re blind,’ I say, as I get back on my feet. ‘I was bowling, you happy now?’
August doesn’t say anything. He simply walks over to the couch and sits on my spot. Man spreading is tame in comparison with what he is doing. I think it’s a good thing this man wears pants, because I could’ve looked right up his ass and do an internal examination, without trying.
That’s quite the picture, Mia… What are you doing to yourself?
I turn around and let out a gasp when the doorbell rings three times very short. August stands up and ushers me to come over. I don’t understand why, but he looks pissed and I better listen to him. I limp towards him and he pushes me behind him. When he opens the door, he simply takes the package after signing for it and closes the door. ‘What was that about?’
‘Better be safe than sorry.’ He opens the package without using scissors (which is weird, because I would’ve needed a scissor or a knife to open it, but to each their own) and hands me my new ankle brace.
‘Oh,’ I say, when I see he actually arranged a real good one. Maybe he cares in his weird way… ‘Thanks.’
He doesn’t say anything about it. ‘I’ll start lunch.’
3 days at the safe house
It has been two days since I found the letter opener and I don’t think he suspects a thing. The hours pass by without a mishap. I let him check my ankle twice a day, I try to get him to like Bobo (no success so far and that’s all on August) and we watch the stars every night, since that’s the only time he lets me out of the house.
Pretending I made peace with the situation, gave me enough opportunities to plan my escape. Even when he made me a hot water bottle the other night because I was shivering, even when he suggested to cut the onions, so I wouldn’t get teary eyed and that time when he carried me to bed.
Even when he makes me feel like no one else made me before, I cannot stay here. I have read the files, I have seen where he hides our passports, I know where he hides his guns. I can escape.
Especially now, since I don’t want him near me anymore.
The only way I can actually lock him up, is by luring him into the basement and that sounds painfully scary, I admit, but I have to try. I’d rather die trying, than give up and sit here like I’ve given up on life.
I have to leave him.
Everything is all set and done in my bedroom, ready for me to leave. If I can’t hide it in my room (the car keys, the file or the passports and of course his guns) I know exactly where to find it.
I’m standing in some tight black leggings and a cropped sweater in the basement, trying to find something on the top shelve I could desperately need and I can’t reach. Pasta sauce? That seems like something I could use.
I have made some food in these past couple of days and I have yet to make some pasta. It sounds like me to try something new.
Normally I wouldn’t wear something that accentuates my ass this much, but I have to distract him some way, so maybe this’ll do. I don’t know, I have never done this before. Sure, I’ve kissed, but never anything further than that. Being a professional athlete, you barely have time to date.
Or that’s just me, I don’t know. Other girls seemed to find time to date…
My heart is pounding painfully fast in my chest. You can say about August Walker whatever you want, but that man looks terrifyingly experienced. He seems like the type of man who can rip you apart and you’d beg him to do so again.
It’s now or never, Mia.
‘August!’ I yell.
It takes a second before he answers. ‘Yes?’
‘Can you help me out?’
Asking him for something, is the way to his heart.
I hear his descending footsteps and I turn around, to see him approaching me. ‘Can you reach the pasta sauce for me?’ I ask. ‘I wanted to make pasta tonight.’
August simply nods and stretches himself to grab the package from the top shelf. ‘Anything else?’
I bite my lip, before shaking my head.
‘There is something on your mind,’ he says. ‘What is it?’
This man reads me like a book. I hate it. ‘Nothing, it’s silly, really.’ That and I might chicken out right now. Maybe this isn’t such a fantastic well thought out plan, though I thought about it non stop for the past forty eight hours.
But, am I seeing this correctly? Is he smiling? ‘Tell me this then: why are you wearing this?’
Oh shit, he is too good. Fuck, I just blew my cover, simply because it’s too much. ‘What?’
August places his large hand in the dip of my waist, his fingers touching my bare skin. ‘You never wear this.’
I clear my throat. Now is not a good time for that heart attack you were thinking about a two days ago, I tell myself. ‘Oh, I…’
‘Come on,’ he whispers, ‘you can tell me.’
I swallow hard, all of the sudden not so sure about this anymore. I shouldn’t let him intimidate me, but it sure does. It might have to do with this authoritarian lining I hear in his deep voice.
‘Tell me,’ he says, ‘did you plan this?’
I finally find my voice again, yet it’s not a very secure one. ‘Maybe,’ I whisper shakily.
‘It’s you, really,’ I say and that is not a total lie. I mean, I have seen him pretty up close these passed few days. And since I’m a functioning human being with a heart beat and certain—slightly nasty—dreams about him…  It seems reasonable to be planning this, right?
August nods, before lifting me on the empty table I wished in my initial plan he would place me. ‘If I start, Mia, I don’t think I can stop.’
‘I don’t want you to stop,’ I whimper, already completely at his mercy.
I curse myself.
He chuckles and bites his bottom lip, his eyes turning a few shades darker. He takes off his shirt, revealing his strong and broad chest, covered with chest hair that I only saw glimpses of.
Am I sure I can do this? Am I sure I can do what I plan to do?
‘What?’ I ask him.
‘You look like a deer caught in the headlights, Mia.’
‘Oh,’ I gasp, which is a dead giveaway that I am indeed a deer caught in the headlights.
His strong hands force my legs open. ‘It’s a good thing I sometimes find you adorable.’
Now I’m actually offended. ‘Why only sometimes?’
He smiles. ‘Maybe always.’
I shouldn’t do this, I think to myself. I feel sorry for him now, he looks so approachable and finally he shows me who he is deep down. The August Walker that I knew was in there, hidden by the walls he has built. The August Walker I saw glimpses of since the day I met him. Okay, maybe not since the day I met him, but since we went to that basketball game.
I place my hands on his broad chest and let my nails drag over his skin. August bridges the space between us and the second our lips touch and his tongue enters my mouth, I hook my feet together behind his hips.
The way this man kisses… I have never been kissed like this. Never have I ever been so overpowered, so dominated.
I’m getting too sucked into this moment, that for a second I forget my plan. He buries his face in my neck, his tongue running over the delicate skin. I bite my lip to keep my moans in, but somehow one escapes.
‘Such a needy little girl,’ he grunts in my nape, before going out of his way to leave his marks on me.
When he kisses my lips again, he seems distracted enough, I think to myself. My hand goes underneath the edge of the table, where I taped the letter opener…
But I can’t find it.
‘You were looking for this?’ he asks when he pulls back. His fingers twirl the letter opener around.
Oh fuck, I screwed up big time.
‘I admire you thought about this,’ he says, ‘but I’m not a total idiot.’ He lets the sharp tip drag over my cheek, causing me to pull back.
‘You knew?’
‘Of course I knew,’ he chuckles. ‘I’m a CIA agent, I notice everything you do. I’m trained to do such thing.’ He pulls back completely and I let out a groan. While he puts the letter opener in the back pocket of his pants, he grabs his shirt from the floor. ‘Shame, Mia, that I can read you like a book, but yet again… I appreciate the effort.’
He turns around with a cocky grin and I clench my jaw. What an asshole. I look around me and see a block of wood next to the table. I jump off the table, grab the wood and rush towards him. I am not giving up, because if I did so, I wouldn’t have become the soccer player I am today.
I was, I mean, because I’ve come to the realization those soccer playing times might be over.
August must’ve heard me (he is a CIA agent after all), but I’m mid swing already and the edge of the block hits him on his temple. I watch as the enormous man falls like a bag of potatoes and I stare at his limp body on the floor.
Did I just kill him?
Before I jump over him to go up the stairs, I quickly check his pulse in his neck. Okay, there is a heartbeat. I climb up the stairs and lock the door.
It’s game time.
I rush to my room, grab my coat and the carriage for Bobo. I figured I would bring him to a shelter, before I would get on the plane, because I’m not leaving my precious orange cat in a safe house with August Walker.
Within record time I have got my bag ready, the file and I grabbed the fake Indonesian passport I need. ‘Come on, Bobo,’ I try to coax him and the dumb ass actually goes into the cage.
‘Mia, don’t fucking do this,’ I hear August yell, as he is trying to force the door open.
Okay, it’s quite a relief to know he really wasn’t dead.
I grab the car keys and when I walk passed his room, my eyes fall on his weapon holster. The one last thing I need. I grab his gun and though I have zero idea on how to use it, I can just do what they do in movies.
Just pull the trigger, right?
I grab the carriage with Bobo, only to hear August breaking out from the basement. The door collapses in front of me and I see his eyes are dark, but not filled with lust like they were a few moments ago.
Filled with absolute rage.
‘Don’t even fucking think about it,’ he growls.
Before I even think, I grab the gun out of the bag and point it to him. My hands are shaking. ‘Let me go,’ I say.
‘Mia, I can’t let you go.’
‘I don’t want the CIA to help me,’ I tell him, as tears run over my cheeks. Way to make your point, Mia. ‘I just want my normal life back.’
‘You can’t and you know that.’
I do know that. ‘I want to find answers on my own,’ I continue, ‘and on my own, doesn’t involve you. I hate you, August Walker, I fucking hate you.’
I can see it in his eyes, that he tells himself that it’s not true and it’s not true. I don’t hate him, I just need to get out of here. He clenches his jaw. ‘Give me the gun, Mia.’
I shake my head. ‘No. Step aside or I’ll shoot.’
Even I’m not convinced…
August walks up to me and places his hand on the barrel, pulling the gun against his chest. ‘Do it then.’
My finger is on the trigger, but… I’m too weak to shoot him. I hand him the gun, before hiding my face into my hands. I lean with my back against the wall. This is so embarrassing. Why on earth did I think I could escape?
I hear August opening the door of the carriage, followed by the soft steps of Bobo.
‘Talk to me, Mia,’ he says, causing me to look up. When our eyes meet, he isn’t mad. He looks so disappointed. but I’m not sure if he’s disappointed in me or himself for letting this happen.
I take a deep breath. I don’t know what to say about this situation. ‘How is your head?’ I ask him, noticing some blood running over the side of his face.
‘It’s okay.’
I simply take his hand and drag him with me to the kitchen. He sits on a lower stool, so I can actually reach his face, without having to wear pointe shoes. I see a small cut on his temple, the source of the stream of blood and I grab the kit he used on me so many times. ‘I’m sorry,’ I say in a soft tone. ‘I don’t know what I was thinking.’
‘Don’t apologize.’
‘But I have to, August. I hurt you.’ I clean the wound, before grabbing the special bandages to pull wounds like this back together.
He sighs deeply. ‘You did what you thought was best. I can’t argue with that.’ His tone is low, raspy, but also soft.
He doesn’t sound angry at all, while I expect him to be. I mean, I kinda wanted to stab him.
‘It’s just that I… I just want to get out of here.’
August nods. ‘I know that and we will go. Eventually.’ When our eyes meet again, I see the hurt. Fuck, I hurt him so badly. Guilt washes over me and there are a million things I could say to him. But he doesn’t let me. ‘Don’t beat yourself up over this.’
He can indeed read me like a fucking book and I should hate that. But I’m actually quite relieved as of now.
‘I’m not beating myself up.’
‘You are.’
I push back some of his hairs, my fingertips running over his scalp. He melts against the touch and shuts his eyes, letting out a deep sigh.
‘I won’t escape anymore,’ I whisper.
‘I know.’
‘It’s… I don’t know what possessed me. I mean… I hit you in the head quite hard.’
He shakes his head. ‘Don’t you worry about it. Besides, I’m actually pretty relieved. I now know you can defend yourself properly.’
‘Properly?’ I can’t help but chuckle and I see a tiny smile form on his lips. ‘Don’t over exaggerate. August, I just… I feel so useless here. I don’t remember a lot of stuff. I just sit here and wait. I haven’t done that in a long time.’
He nods. ‘You are not useless.’
‘I need to do something with my time. It’s awful sitting here, with you breathing down my neck.’
He smiles. ‘How about I teach you some basic self defense tips?’
‘Please,’ I say. ‘Honestly, you could ask me to do some embroidery and I would take it.’
He places a hand on my back and actually forces me to sit on his thighs. My eyes enlarge, causing him to chuckle. ‘I meant what I said in there,’ he says. ‘Both the deer caught in the headlights part and the needy little girl part.’
Yeah, I just want to disappear and I wished that could be arranged. ‘Could we maybe not mention that. Like, ever again? I’d like to maintain some form of dignity.’
His lips graze over my cheeks. ‘Had I not found the letter opener,’ he whispers, ‘how far would you let me go?’
‘Not far. I was gonna stab you, August,’ I chuckle, but it’s a nervous one, since I can hardly focus as I sit on his thick thighs. ‘Why?’
‘Because something tells me… You’ve never done that before.’
That can’t be good. I feel like my self confidence just disappeared into thin air. ‘Was it that bad?’
‘No, no, no!’ he quickly says. ‘It’s just that your heart rate was out of the roof and… You seemed nervous.’
‘I kinda was. But mostly because I needed to stab you.’
‘I’m not a liar.’
‘You are,’ he says, before placing a kiss on my cheekbone. It’s so soft and tender, almost a full 180 of that kiss he gave me in the basement, a place I will never go back to again, because I’ll probably die of shame. ‘And that’s okay.’
I want to say something, but then I hear a loud meow and August growling. ‘Stupid cat, stop doing that!’
‘The attack thing on your leg?’ I ask him.
‘Yes, what a stupid idiot.’
‘Hey, don’t talk to him like that!’ I look over and see Bobo peeking around the corner of the kitchen island. ‘I can’t believe I genuinely thought I could take Bobo with me on my little adventure.’
August pulls me closer to him. ‘It shows your character, Mia.’
I meet his eyes again. ‘You’re not mad at me anymore?’
‘I haven’t been mad at you. I know you don’t want to stay here and that is a mutual feeling. I just have to know I can guarantee your safety.’
I nod. ‘When do you think we can leave?’
‘Next week somewhere?’
‘Is it allowed for me to get wasted or am I bringing the operation in danger if I do so?’
He smiles. ‘One drink, that’s the best I can do.’
I don’t want to do it, but I press my lips against his. A quick peck, nothing compared to the kiss earlier. But it’s all I can do right now. ‘Can we start now?’
5 days at the safe house
‘What’s that?’ I ask August, when he places a box on the table.
Ever since my little escape debacle (I let August swear never to mention it again and so far he lips were sealed), time doesn’t go by as slowly and August actually trusts me now. I don’t have justify myself for every step I take. He teaches me some self defense, but I’m a very slow learner and he tries to be patient, but really isn’t.
It’s nice being around August, especially when he tries to be nice to Bobo.
He is just a bit uneasy around the cat.
‘It’s for you,’ he says, not making eye contact.
‘It’s not even my birthday,’ I say.
August simply shrugs. ‘I can give you gifts, right?’
‘I mean, if you want, you won’t hear me complaining. I love gifts.’ I grab the box and pull it closer to me. It’s not really tightly closed, so I can easily open it. I peek inside, only to discover a…
A soccer ball?
‘Are you serious?’ I ask him. ‘Why?’
‘Because I know you miss soccer,’ he tells me. ‘I know I can’t bring back full stadiums, screaming fans and a better opponent, but this is the least I can do. Just remember: take good care of your foot.’
‘Of course, of course.’ A smile appears on my face and I take it out of the box, balancing the ball on my hand. Memories flash through my mind. My first soccer ball, the first goal I made in amateur soccer, after that professional soccer.
I walk around the table and I give him a kiss on his cheek. Ever since kissing one another after the basement event, we didn’t do that anymore. But now feels like an appropriate time to do so? Maybe not, but it’s happening now.
I can’t go back now.
‘Since I can’t use my foot, you want to throw it with me?’
‘Of course,’ he says. However, before we can start, I sense he wants to say something to me. I wait, but he shakes it off. ‘Never mind. Let me move the couch, so we have more room.’
10 days at the safe house
I am in a deep sleep, when I hear some rumbling sounds in the background. I open my eyes, but I figure out it’s one of August’s nightly escapades. He does that quite often in the middle of the night. Just wandering around, moving around some things and sometimes I even hear him exercising. I wonder if he ever sleeps.
Not me though, when it’s dark outside, I’m sleeping.
I turn around and try to drift off in a nice sleep again, hoping to go back to that lovely dream again, but then my door opens. I jolt awake, when August enters my room. ‘Easy now,’ August says. ‘You’re coming with me.’
‘What’s happening?’
‘I got your clothes, your stuff, everything. Even your creepy cat worked with me and got in his carriage.’ He hands me a thick sweater and helps me in it. My head is still a bit drowsy and my body barely works. August lifts me up and I place my head against his shoulder.
‘I can walk,’ I mumble.
‘I know, but you’re sleepy,’ he whispers. ‘Besides, I don’t mind.’
That shouldn’t make me smile as much as it does.
He carries me to the car and places me in the passengers seat. He starts the car and with an illegal speed he drives off. I look over my shoulder, to see Bobo in the carriage.
‘What’s happening, August?’ I ask him. ‘Why are we leaving?’
‘We might’ve been found,’ he says, his eyes not leaving the road.
I nod. I grab his hand from the steering wheel and I hold it in both of mine. ‘I trust you,’ I whisper. ‘I really do.’
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sintreaties · 3 years
Hello! My ot3 is Sayaka x midari x yuriko and hmmm a prompt would be “don’t worry, you’re not alone in this”
Oh now, that’s a rare ship I’ve never heard of before! I might or might not have taken some liberties with the prompt, but I hope you’ll like it nonetheless  ✌️
“You seem particularly… troubled today.”
Sayaka didn’t raise her eyes at the other’s voice. While ordering up the tasks in her head, she went through a stack of documents, ready to start boiling the water for the tea as soon as she was done. 
“I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean,” she replied. 
“She means,” interjected Midari,”that you’re kinda looking like shit right now.”
“Not like that,” muttered Yuriko. 
Sayaka didn’t mind either of them. Her fingers and eyes moved fast on the paper. A lock of hair had escaped her ponytail and it kept getting on her face. She refused to take the time to push it back though. 
“What’s all this bustlin’ about, anyways?” said Ikishima. She let herself fall on one of the sofas of the Council’s lounge and put her feet on the table. Yuriko rolled her eyes as she flashed her her underwear, spreading her legs under her skirt
“If I may,” added Yuriko, “there are still quite a few hours until the Debt Collection Meeting. Why don’t you slow down for a moment…?” 
“It won’t be long before the President will be here. I want to do as much as possible until then.”
“For being so smart, that sure sounds like a shit plan.”
“Quiet, Ikishima. And take your feet off the table, this isn’t a dive.”
“Aight, whatever.”
Sayaka went on with her work. It was time to put the stamps on the promotional posters, then a quick call to the rest of the dealers and—
She flinched as a hand came into her field of vision.
“Ikishima, what—”
“Yer hair is all over the place. You’ll go blind like this. Trust me, I know a lot about eyes.”
Talking about eyes, Sayaka rolled her own as she let the other push the loose lock behind her ear. 
“Good girl,” purred Ikishima.
“Please, for the love of God, shut up.”
“I will. But only if you stop for a moment!”
And with that, she started pushing her towards the sofas, without minding her protests. Ikishima’s height gave her enough of an advantage to succeed and soon they were both on the cushions.
“Midari, I’m really busy right now— not you too, Yuriko, please!”
“It will only take a second.”
Yuriko’s hands were gentle as she untied her side ponytail and tied it again in its usual perfection. Sitting on the sofa between her and a grinning Midari, Sayaka seemed to be vibrating with impatience. 
“All done? Good. Now please—”
“Ah no!” shouted Ikishima, “You came all the way here. Come lay down with us.”
“Cuddly dog-pile!”
“Midari, the President will be here in minutes!”
“Fuck her then. She’s working you to the bone. I’ll shoot her if that’s what it takes to let you rest a minute.”
“Although that’s quite extreme,” commented Yuriko, “She’s right. You don’t have to do this alone. Let us take care of you— Hey, excuse you, that’s my bosom, Ikishima.”
“Who dat?”
“She means her chest.”
“Chest, like a tiddy?  Oh, man—”
“Don’t even think about it, you degenerate.”
“Midari, is that your gun in your pocket? What’s this hard thing?”
“No, Sayaka, I’m just happy to see you — Of course it’s my gun!”
“What did we say last time? Oh, for the love of...”
Between elbows that were too bony and long, black hair that smelt of cherry, God only knows how those three managed to wedge themselves on a single sofa. They must have done it well enough though.
Sayaka’s protests died as she rested her face on the nook of Yuriko’s neck and felt Midari’s chest against her back. 
“Only for five minutes,” she muttered.
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merci-bitch · 4 years
I Can Make You Love Me
Riza’s girl part ll 
Riza Stavropol x Fem!Reader
Genre: Drama, small hint of NSFW, angst
Words: 3k
Warning(s): knife mark, small hint of smut, cursing, manipulation, angst
A/N: well, I’m surprised I even finished this. This doesn’t particularly mean I’m back but I’ve been fighting my own stuff but I’m starting to come back at least haha. I haven’t read through it so sorry if there’s any misspelling or stuff. Anyways, enjoy!
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I was soaked in a pool of sweat and the heat blazing down from the sun on us through her widow didn't make the situation any better. I felt like I was in a sauna and I definitely felt tired. I could feel Riza's piercing blue eyes like the clear waters of Greece targeting me. Marking me.
"Well, how was it?" I rolled over on my side to look at her. I had two options, of an answer. One would please her very much and the other one, meh. It would piss her off.
"Terrible." I mussed sarcastically. I watched the cocky smirk on her face fade and I let out a laugh. "You little bitch!" She playfully smacked my ass. "Naughty girl, aren't you?" She bit her bottom lip and watched me carefully.
"When I want to be." I smiled. Riza leant her head down and crashed her own lips onto mine. Her teeth bitting my bottom lip for an entry to my mouth. Hesitantly, I opened my mouth and felt her tongue mix with my own. She was dominating me. When she pulled away we were both panting and she looked satisfied. "I take it back. My good girl." She pulled me close and caressed my face.
I felt content in her arms but I was still on edge. "Darling?" She loosened her grip on me and cubbed my cheek with her hand. "What's wrong?" I looked down before answering. "I-sorry, I'm just...I'm just a little worried about H."
"H?" She looked angry and kinda surprised. "We just had sex and now you're thinking of H?!" She sat up.
"R-Riza, I didn't mean-"
"Oh no, my darling. You did mean it. You most certainly did. I told you he's an asshole, Y/N. I told you he's no good." Her eyes gleamed with malicious intent and I felt scared. Scared she was going to hurt me even worse then she already did.
"You still love him, don't you?" Riza was almost on the border of yelling. "Don't you?!" She got in my face and that's when I pushed her off of me.
"No! But I still care about him and he's trying his best. He's the only person I have left who's like family to me and don't I have the right to feel anyway I want? Or do you own that too." I knew that I was playing with fire but despite the fear I had for Riza, she was so beautiful when she was mad. I couldn't help but love it. How her nose would curl, adorable.
"Yes. You do but not when we're in the middle of something ourselves! For example, finishing sex! You love me, don't you?" She started to sound desperate.
"You want me. The way you've never wanted anyone befo-"
"You know I do but I told you, I believe in chances and right now? You're about to lose yours. As soon as I said those words, Riza's face dropped. A part of me regretted what I had said. She looked hurt. Betrayed. She lied down again and turned her back towards me. "Riza...Riza, I'm sorry."
"I'm not speaking to you." She said after a few minutes. Her tone was cold and it made me feel uncomfortable. "Riza, I didn't mean to hurt you but I'm worried."
"Worried about him? Worried about that fucking traitor? He's a jerk. I told you that." She spun around and looked at me. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you but I care about you, okay? I care about you more then I've cared about anyone in a while and I don't want to lose you. Her eyes turned soft.
"You won't lose me, okay? I care about you too, but I can at least have the right to know that he's alright." Riza let out a sigh. "If I tell you he's alright, will you leave the topic be?" She kissed my nose and help me tight to her. "..Yes." I breathed inwardly.
"Then he's fine. I promise." Despite the anxiety I felt, I trusted her words and slowly began to snuggle into her. "Thank you." She ran her fingers through my hair and gave my forehead a kiss. "Get some rest." I nodded my head and clutched onto her tightly. She was so warm and smelled so sweet despite all the sweat she was caked in. "I love you."
"I love you too, my precious girl."
"You bitch! This is the final straw!"
"We'll see about that."
H looked down at the ground, frowning as he'd seen you coming in and out of consciousness. "You hurt her Riza! Why would you do that? I told you that this is between you and me."
"But it's not though." She kicked the ground, showing off her tone legs through her silk dress. "Haven't you missed me, H?"
"Missed you? The thought of you repulses me. Especially now. You're lucky I haven't killed you after what you did." H said as he slowly started backing down the hallway and Riza chuckled. "Oh pretty boy, you forget that I can read you like the back of my hand." Riza pressed her body close to him and pinned him to the wall.
"Not anymore. I'm a changed person." She held his face in her hands and smiled. "Sure you are." Riza slipped one of her hands underneath his shirt, scratching the bare skin of his chest. His eyes rolled back and Riza couldn't help but smile. "And you say I don't know you."
"Riza-" He meet her eyes almost as if he was in a trace. "H." She mumbled. Their lips nearly grazed each other when H noticed her extra arm moving around him. "What are you-"
The smashed barrel of her gun hit the top of his head. H looked puzzled for a moment and Riza smiled, pushing him away from her. "How did you-" He slurred his words before dropping to the ground.
"Oh come on, H! One more dance, please!" H winced at the high pitched voice of the woman that had her arm wrapped around his waist but tolerated it. He was hammered from all the alcohol he had been drinking but who could blame him?
It was a long dat at the agency and he needed a break from it all. "Amanda, I would say yes but I'm afraid I'm spent for the night an I must get going."
"But H-"
"No Amanda. Now if you'll excuse me-" H turned around and walked straight into the chest of two alien men. "You're the agency scum that got your hands on our girl?"
The question took him off guard. Their girl? "What, I-I! Know? Come on guys that would be ridiculous." He chuckled nervously. "Wouldn't it?"
The two men in front of him didn't seem amused. The one bulkier grabbed him by his throat and pressed him against the wall. "You calling me liar?"
"No! I-I..." H felt the blood circulating through him becoming less and less. "Let him be, Dorian. He's with me. Aren't you, darling?"
H choked on his own breath and looked up at the face of savior. It was a woman, and she was beautiful. "My apologies, Riza." She let out a humming noise and pulled a blaster out of her silk dress. H got a quick glimpse of her sheer underwear and felt himself swell up with lust.
"Sure." Riza shot him and screams of panic were erupted inside the bar. H just sat there on the ground looking at her confusedly until he noticed she had extended her hand out towards him. "Shall we?"
Despite how wrong he knew it was, he took her hand and walked out the bar with her hand in hand. "What's your name handsome?"
"H. Agent H."
"Oh, an agent. Well, I'm Riza. Riza Stavros."
"Riza, it's nice to meet you."
"Likewise." She hummed. They come across a tan, Moroccan style building and Riza smiled. "I would take you back to my place, but sadly. I'm on business."
"Of course." Riza grabbed the keys out of her bra and unlocked the door, kicking off her heels right as she stepped in the door. H was baffled by her. He was sure she had to be one of the most beautiful women he'd ever seen. "Sit, darling." Riza gestured to the couch as she rummaged through one of the cabinets of her hotel room. Pulling out a glass tumbler.
"You drink whiskey?" She looked over at H while holding up the bottle. "Yes, thank you." She poured him a glass and poured one for herself and sat down next to him on the couch and handed him his glass. H took a taste, it burned his throat at first but left a smooth aftertaste.
“So what’s an agent like yourself doing here?”
The alcohol burned in his throat but left a sweet aftertaste. He thought carefully before responding. Though he didn’t know what good it would do. It was like Riza was staring into his soul. “Looking for a good time, I suppose.”
“Good time with the wrong woman, my dear.” She caressed his cheek with the back of her thumb and smiled. “You’re such a beautiful man, aren’t you? Pretty boy.” Riza said while crawling onto his lap. H didn’t know what to do or what to say. He was shell shocked and drunk.
Riza peppered kisses on his face and down his throat and H moaned. “Lustful for me already, aren’t you?” H didn’t respond. Part of him wanted to shove the woman on top of him aside but he just, couldn’t. She was just too, goddess like. “Y-Yes.”
H woke up, rubbing the back of his head. Shaking his head. That’s when he realised, he was stuck to a bloody chair. After minutes of fighting with the ties, he got lose and stood up. H’s iconic smile back on his sweet baby face. “Never do know how to tie me up, now do you Riza.”
H slowly walked out the room, moving around slowly. Begging for that big blue teddy monster not to walk around the corner. Coast is clear. H walked down the long hallway and despite the years since he’d been here. He almost no trouble finding his way around. All those drunk nights with Riza. Her hands scratching up his chest, back. Her sweet lips on his-no. Not this time. Get Y/N and get out of here.
H was too deep in thought, missing a step. “Shit!” Covering his mouth quickly. Looking around. Surprise, no one was around. H shakes his head again and continued down the hallway and took a sharp left turn. There was a door, cracked open. Hesitantly H opened it.
“Oh god.” H said as he turned back around. There she was, Y/N. But naked. He’d never seen her naked before. H felt his cheeks grown hot, like some middle  aged school boy. Damn Riza, for getting them into this. H knew that Y/N was going to be embarrassed when she saw him. If, she ever got to see him of course,
H didn’t trust Riza as far as he’d known her. How the hell did he know that she wasn’t fake sleeping?
Hesitantly he walked over to Y/N and shook her, softly. H didn’t wanna wake her almost. So looked so peaceful when she was asleep. Y/N let out a small groan and opened her eyes. “H..? Oh my god! H!” Her arms flew around his neck. H tensed his shoulders. He didn’t know if he should hug her back or not, afraid of upsetting her. “Riza told me you were alright but I thought I’d never see you again!” Ever so carefully, H ran his hand through Y/N’s soft hair. Glancing over at Riza. “Well, she definitely isn’t awake. That’s for sure. Or I’d be dead by now.”
H couldn’t help the thoughts about Y/N. Damn Riza for making him think this way about her! “Look Y/N, we don’t have much time. We need to get out of here. Your clothes?” Y/N pointed to the end of the bed. H tossed Y/N her clothes and let her get changed. H helped Y/N our of the bed, that’s when Riza stirred. Both H and Y/N panicked. The balcony! They both walked out on it and Y/N pushed H to the side.
“Now why on earth would you do that?” Riza’s deep and raspy voice sent shivers down both H and Y/N’s spines. “Do what?” Y/N asked. Riza walked up to Y/N. “This.” She gestured to her clothed body. The moon was shining on her skin, highlighting the most seductive parts.
“It felt weird to run around naked.” Riza ran her hand up Y/N’s sides. Placing one of her hands on her breast. Kneading it softly. Starting to fumble with her jeans. “I can make it more comfortable for you if you like.” Y/N let out a soft moan and leaned her head back against Riza’s collarbones. H wanted to throw up at the sight of it. The smell of sex permeating off of Riza. This scene was getting almost too nostalgic for him. H tried his very best not to let his eyes wander with how Riza’s hand touched Y/N’s body. How her mouth would launch for her throat and leave small marks.
“Why don’t you come back inside, sweetheart. Hm? What do you say.” Riza’s voice was like honey running. “Riza, we just did it. There’s no need to do it again.” H could hear Riza scoff. “You can’t be serious. It’s sex darling. Something you could do a whole day. And I’ve got a very busy day in a few hours. I need something to calm me down.” H felt himself gag. He took a few steps back and accidentally made a plant fall. Riza snapped her head around. “Oh you’re fucking kidding me. LUCA!” Riza tied her rope around herself and grabbed Y/N’s arm and dragged her inside and once again, H found himself fighting with an old friend.
“Am I some sort of joke to you?!” Riza screamed at my face. I shaked my head. Tears burning in the back of my eyes. Riza’s cheeks burning up with anger. Riza took steps back and threw her hands on her sides and scoffed and grabbed the wine bottle on her office table. “R-Riza..?” She threw the cork across the room. “Shut up. Just fucking shut up. You humans, fucking useless.” She scoffed again and started drinking directly from the wine bottle. I sat down, pulling my knees to my chest. This could only go bad.
After 3 wine bottles, she was finally starting to get tipsy. Tipsy Riza was alright, but if it was drunk angry Riza. Run for your fucking life. Where was H when you needed him?!
“Oh drop it, H won’t come this time for you. He’d be dead before he can even spell your fucking name.” Riza held the bottle to her chest and laughed out loud. This wasn’t fun anymore. “Awh, is the little human scared? You want your mommy?” She started taking small steps towards me. Making me back away slowly, towards the stone wall. The floor cold, dirty. Filled with smashed glass. She got down on her knees and crawled towards me. Giving me a good view of her cleavage. My back was against the wall, her nose touching mine. Her eyes dark and cloudy.
“Scared little puppet? Huh? Yeah? Yes!” Her voice, getting higher and higher, and she was getting more insane. “You humans don’t understand anything. Fucking pathetic!” She got even closer. She was a living nightmare. “R-Riza...” With a shaking hand, I reached up and cupped her cheek, only for her to grab my wrist and pull me up and drag me to her desk where she grabbed a knife.
“Riza, no. Let go of it!” She held out my arm and looked at me with blinded eyes and started carving the letter ‘R’ into my skin. Screaming out in pain, pushing her away. Holding my wrist, covering it up in the paper I could find. Riza turned back around and looked at me. Seeing the tears spilling down my cheeks, the blood moving down my arm. She dropped the knife. Her own hands starting to shake. “Y-Y/N, o-oh my god.”
She reached out for me, only for me to move away. Her eyes filling with panic. “I-I don’t know what came over me. Y/N, please let me help.” I shook my head and got up. “No. I’m not letting you help me. I loved you Riza, but this, this is not the Riza I loved.” Her breath shaky. “Wait, no. Please. I can make it up to you. I can love you just as good as he can!” I shook my head. “Riza no. You can see yourself. This is never gonna work.” She shook her head and walked up to me and cubbed my cheeks.
“I can make it work. I can make you love me.”
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mrsunderhill678 · 3 years
Ya girl’s writttttinnnnn’
“My name is written in storm clouds and rainy days, I am the lightning licking the waves and the storm pursuin' the fucking sailor.” - Zafavri Holts
“Look at the truth, how it molds and twists, in this long life I've lived I've learned truth kills the kindest 'a men. You thought lies were damning? Just wait until you see the truth that slinks in the damn shadows.” - Zafavri Holts
“You've heard of Jack the Ripper, Ted Bundy and the Axeman of New Orleans, and you'd think the scariest thing about em would be their killer deeds. But the most horrifyin' thing about the darkest 'a men is, they were once normal, men. They was kids, playin' in the grass, fools runnin' after girls in the fifth grade, dreamin' of sunny days and sunflowers castin' beautiful shade.” - Zafavri Holts
“Your power is in words and hearts, mine is in blood and howls.” - Zafavri Holts
“I was once, just like you, dreamin' of better days, smilin' as my wife walked through the door, tuckin' my kids inta their beds. But the truth took the good man I was in it's stride, and replaced me with a sinister specter 'a all the killers before me. I am Jack the Ripper and Ted Bundy, the Zodiac Killer and the Axeman of New Orleans, but worst of all, I'm Zafavri fucking Holts.” - Zafavri Holts
“My father once said he's one dead dream away from blasphemy, and with a life of screeching dreams and dying nightmares I must confess, I fear I myself am blasphemy.” - Polaris Cougar
“I lost my mind in the confines of my skull.” - Barlo Brick
“I spin this chamber 'gainst my head and wonder why it ain't gone off. Perhaps fate holds her finger against the hammer, daring me to make a move against her.” - Barlo Brick
“I play games with my life, rolling these dice, playing these shitty cards as if they were a good hand. I'm an addict of fate and destiny, playing moves against her so she'll play fatal moves against me. I tease fate with promises of my doom, praying she'll take a lowlife like me.” - Barlo Brick
“I'm a reflection of my father's sins, drowning myself in the lights of the casino.” - Barlo Brick
“I walk, I talk, I breathe like me, but I ain't me.” - Tommy Graves
“Me father once told me, that if ya've got a board full 'a pawns, and the foe's board is full 'a kings, you play a tricky game of Queen's Gambit.” - Tommy Graves
“I'd say I've made friends with my demons, but they've made friends with me shadows, leavin' me an outcast in my own damn mind.” - Tommy Graves
“I'm startin' ta fear that all my thoughts are all my friends, and I'm me only enemy.” - Tommy Graves
“If my mother could see me now, she'd shake 'er damn 'ead. She'd say, "Tommy, with thoughts like these, you'll end up yer last damn name." - Tommy Graves
“Even when you don't seek it, destiny shall arrive all the same.” - Baron Xaverkit
“Karma rewards those who love with destines of joy and valor. Be more than a resistance against the dark, be a war of light and joy, love and heartful karma. Be the blade that spares the king, be the coin that sets the hangman free, and be the man who when stricken by his enemy, offers the other side of his cheek. You shall know no greater joy, other than loving others as life has loved you.” - Baron Xaverkit
“I am a mere flicker of a wolf, an ember of a beast. I am the cold afterglow of the beasts that made me, and thus, I am nuthin' but cinder and the pale spark, strivin' for the darkness 'a the night sky.” - D’Angello Campbell
“Look at these stars gazin' at me, some will for me ta reach em, others gather their rifles and prepare for war.” - D’Angello Campbell
“As I stare my enemies dead in the eye, and watch their smiles flicker like old film, I realize it is a mirror I stand before. Those are my hands grippin' the porcelain sink, and I wonder where the blood drippin' from the faucet came from.” - D’Angello Campbell
“My son has stared me in the eye and declared me the devil, he looks at me with rage in his eyes, the same betrayal the lord must'a felt as the devil swore ta rise above him.” - D’Angello Campbell
“This flicker of a wolf is slowly learnin' how ta fade.” - D’Angello Campbell
“In the hollow cracks of my smile I have found regret so deeply interwoven with my heart that it flows as blood through my veins.” - Bellamy Cooper
“I lie awake in bed, reaching for memories that are not there. Regina, my love, she tasted like home and everything I'd never had... I saw so much when I looked at her... I saw a sheet of twinkling stars, the sun bringing warmth... But most beautifully, I saw that woman dancing under the light of the moon, as if she was drunk off it's pale glow, enjoying the way the world spun. But I don't dance any more, I don't hold her hand in mine, she does not hold my scars. Fate has torn us from each other, and though every night, we star up at the same moon, I have to wonder, do the stars look at the same people?” - Bellamy Cooper
“The stars may gaze upon me and wonder, oh bastard dove in the pale moon glow, who have you become?” - Bellamy Cooper
“I carry this sin on my shoulders as if it was a part of me, as if it was the flecks of white in my hair and the love that once wept in my smile. But these sins were never apart of me, just things I did.” - Bellamy Cooper
“As my love looks to the moon, and knows it is the same moon I gaze upon, I hope she knows, it does not gaze upon the same man.” - Bellamy Cooper
“All my enemies were first my heroes.” - Paviro Le Rouge
“I could murder a drink for all these sins at my back, they've weaved themselves into the fabric of my coat, and though the devil on my shoulder is nothing more than stitches on my jacket, I listen to the whispers of the damned man upon this sinner's coat.” - Paviro Le Rouge
“All the candles have flickered out, the wind ripped the flame from the candle's wick, leaving nothing but the wax to remember the warmth of the flame.” - Paviro Le Rouge
“I once believed my heart held value, but it is my belief that it's only value is the ending of it's beat.” - Paviro Le Rouge
“Do the gods wish to serve me to fate on a silver platter? Am I a toy to destiny? I am a mortal vessel of higher powers, these whispers in my head tell me, "You will defy destiny, she will crawl at your knees and weep," but what of my, destiny? How can I defy destiny yet follow her road?” - Paviro Le Rouge
“To defy destiny is to succumb to eternity.” - Paviro Le Rouge
“A man once asked me, if I ever thought that I'm not myself, that to die would be to finally be me. And I must confess, if the void were to take me now, I'd find peace in that.” - Howdy Woolen
“Everyone thinks they know me better than I do, but if they spent one day in my mind they'd scream, shout and beg that someone would let them out.” - Howdy Woolen
“My demons share my name and my face, but with those crooked smiles, how could they possibly be me?” - Howdy Woolen
“I look to this ash around me, these scorched dreams and ashen nightmares, and I beg my father to forgive me. But how can he forgive me for killing his own son?” - Howdy Woolen
“Chaos is fair in da fact dat it kills all.” - Aggemuth Williamson
“God knelt ta me level and told me dat all men were created equal, in da fact dat all men die.” - Aggemuth Williamson
“Death cares not for who we are, it don't give a bloody fuck whether you're youn' or old, it'll rip through ya and call ye alive.” - Aggemuth Williamson
“I am a wicked wolf who knows chaos is da forest in which I strive. Dese shadows are death, da light flickerin' from da trees is nuffin' but false salvation, for just above da trees lies a wicked beast. Red rain falls from da forest leaves, remindin' us dat in chaos' forest, we are all nuffin' but blood to be spilled and graves ta be fuckin' dug.” - Aggemuth Williamson
“Eden only 'eld me down, da snake in da garden was me, I was da forbidden fruit, I was Eve and Adam. But most wicked 'a all, I am da heavenly father that placed secrets in paradise, and damned innocent men for the fings I did.” - Aggemuth Williamson
“Blood and death for peace will never be true order. We live a lie, believing hate can drive out hate.” - Shaymelina Demablossom
“I am willing to walk a mile in a bad man's boots if it meant I could see the world through his eyes.” - Shaymelina Demablossom
“ We are not creatures of blood and death, we are butterflies soon to soar, cats playing curiously in the field. We are dogs, chasing the cat because we think it wants to play.” - Shaymelina Demablossom
“Evil comes from brokenness, but so does strength, so why choose cruelty?” - Shaymelina Demablossom
“I am a reflection of my enemies, a sinful projection of my fucking vengeance. As I stand before heaven's gates, all that shall be left are three corpses on the floor and two empty fucking six shooters. After all, an empty chamber and blood pooling beneath my feet is the sinful mark of revenge.” - Jake Warden
“This heart beating in my chest is no symbol of love, tear into my ribs and you'll find the pitch black night sky, for the moon crashed hurtling into the Earth, leaving nothing but vengeful stars, mourning for the home they lost.” - Jake Warden
“My sister told me to rebuild my bridges, but how am I to do that when I leave nothing but fire in my wake? I only seek for those behind me to crumble on the ashen bridge. May they follow my footsteps, only to drown in the roaring river below the bridges I fucking burnt.” - Jake Warden
“Oh Roan fucking Scorpio, you are a beast amongst men, a wicked werewolf, but so am I, so am I. My fur has grown more ragged than yours, my coat more blood-stained than yours, yet still I seek this damning vengeance. You are a wolf of family and love, yet I howl of loss. I could drag you through the dark, and still, you'd fight for something less than yourself.” - Jake Warden
“My hands tremble 'pon a dead man's gun, and as I stare down the barrel 'a this rifle, I fear it's me I'm aimin' at. I see them burnin' wings, I recognize them howls as he falls hellbent through the midnight sky, cuz they came from my own fuckin' throat. But all I do is take aim, breathe in, breathe out, and shoot this fallin' angel from the damn sky.” - Roan Scorpio
“My oldest frien' always did say he was Icarus, I wonder if he found solace as he burned? We were both wolves in the field, strappin' wings to our backs, dreamin' 'a sumthin' greater.” - Roan Scorpio
“I'm a child 'a the streets and a warrior 'a the highways, cuz I stalk these forests, boundin' cross the road in hopes the cars will catch me, sendin' me blood-streaked across the damn grass.” - Roan Scorpio
“It's a big world out there, ya got sinners by the dozen and dwindlin' saints, but I spose I'm somewhere between that spectrum.” - Roan Scorpio
“Vengeance kills most men before they evah gain it.” - Roan Scorpio
“I know what it is to be a sheep, there were once pain in my name and tears in my smile, but as I looked through the eyes of me father, and saw his reflection in me own, I learned always was I a wolf, swindled in a sheep's soft fur.” - Bodean Clemegrine
“All who have been within the scope of my rifle have fell in spurts of crimson salvation.” - Bodean Clemegrine
“In death there is mercy, and in mercy there is death.” - Bodean Clemegrine
“If you've known fear, than you've known me, friend. For I carve myself into your darkest memories, and every thought of me shall be followed with shivers up your spine and cracks in your smile.” - Bodean Clemegrine
“I am the wolf in Shepperd's clothing.” - Bodean Clemegrine
“I've learned that monsters don't hide these days, they've too much courage for our own good.” - Terissa Dyste
“My husband wanted me to waste my hate on him, to rot away every moment of my day with crooked thoughts of his haunted bay.” - Terissa Dyste
“I can see regret in my angel's eyes, death flickers in his smile, and blood hides within the cracks of his heart. But I am here to fill them with love.” - Terissa Dyste
“Salvatore is no bloodthirsty beast, he is no wolf, he's the sheep with a heart too large for a single man to handle. He cares so deeply for others, that he would sacrifice himself to rid them of the pain they've been through. He causes his own pain to save others from it. He is no reflection of those he's killed, for they are bad men, and he is the knight in rusted armor, who has had his metal and valor tested again and again.” - Terissa Dyste
“I love him, despite the pieces of himself he calls ugly, I will twirl them between my fingers and call them lovely.” - Terissa Dyste
“I shall not suffer, I shall grow.” - Terissa Dyste
“You know, my brother once told me, in all his grief, that every time he closes his eyes, he can see the flickering of the fire and the sparks of regret, but I told him, that's just his bridges burning.” - Kindle Xaverthin
“We can't dwell on the past, it's where all our pain comes from, but if we push forward into the unknown, we'll find ourselves in bliss, for if we don't finish the race, how do we ever win? It doesn't matter what place we finish at, just that we do.” - Kindle Xaverthin
“I will follow the road less traveled if that's what it takes, but when needed, I will follow the populated road. I will walk in the crowds and find my purpose in the many.” - Kindle Xaverthin
“I refuse to believe that failure exists. Just temporary defeat. So long as we fight, so long as we strive for something greater, we'll survive. I don't care if your goal is to simply breathe another day or to get out of bed in the morning. That in of itself is strength. Set small goals and conquer them, and as time goes on, you'll realize you scaled Everest inch by inch, without breaking a sweat.” - Kindle Xaverthin
“My grief is a hungry wolf, prowling in my mind, dragging the good memories I had through the dark, ensnaring them in his bloodthirsty maw.” - Markain Hallows
“Turn your heart to the trail behind me, and realize they are lost prayers and dying verses. Behind me is a melody of the damned, and ahead of me is the end of it.” - Markain Hallows
“No wolf dragged me off in it's jaw, no beast took me in it's maw, for it was I who looked in the mirror and reaped all he saw.” - Markain Hallows
“I travel through the night sky like a regretful midnight dove, my feather's have been stained the color the of night I prowl.” - Markain Hallows
“You ever flip a coin and watch in horror as it lands on fate?” - Crow Abervith
“Fate has been controlled by the powerful, and though the lord tries to send a message to you and I, those in power turn it into a threat.” - Crow Abervith
“The dogs have been set free from the pound, and though they barked their warnings and bared their teeth, the wolves howled and left their blood to run on the streets.” - Crow Abervith
“The world is fading out, shouting it's final words, and all we can do is picture it's grave.” - Crow Abervith
“What is life but old wallpaper, resold and refurbished, sold as a chipped away dream?” - Shurrick Gray
“I can't stand these roses on the path, cause I'm a pessimist, I can only look at all those damn thorns.” - Shurrick Gray
“Secrets are barrels of guns and chambers, and I suppose the powerful pull the damn trigger.” - Shurrick Gray
“They tell us to think five moves ahead whilst they think ten. They tell us to charge into the smoke, for the battleground is clear, but this smog only ever hid our foes.” - Shurrick Gray
“My mother always told me, "It gets better, son, it gets better," But under these floorboards are where my memories linger, and in these halls are thoughts of home that force tears from my eyes.” - Shurrick Gray
“Look at me, selling my life as a chipped away dream, telling myself it gets better. But it doesn't, because the lights have kicked the stool, and this dream swings from a noose in the spotlight.” - Shurrick Gray
“I’ve spent my life with one foot in the grave. Life is a cruel and relentless teacher, whipping me upon every failure, demanding I give it my all.” - Juno
“My father was, everything to me... Really. He gave me the patience to find myself, he held my hand through the path and when needed... He let go. He's the strongest man I've ever known, he was the pillars to this castle I roam, and without him, I feel as if I am crumbling.” - Juno
“I am the damned savior of the human race, a hero who realized he was a villain all along.” - Cedric Popovici
“I 'ave been exiled from myself, I rattle the bars 'a this cell, shoutin' at the guards to let me the fuck out. But it's me guardin' this cell, I'm my own damn Alcatraz, and as I look at the world through diamond eyes I realize, I ain't the hero, just the terror who called himself such.” - Cedric Popovici
“The way I see it, I shook hands with the devil ta rid the world of a devil, only to realize it's my hand I were shakin.” - Cedric Popovici
“Every night 'a my life I see angels fall from the sky, and as the sun sinks I pray it takes me in her stride.” - Cedric Popovici
“The executioner raises his blade and said, "When I raise this sword, so I wish this poor sinner eternal life." And as my head rolled from my neck, I realized I could blink, I could breathe, I could feel.” - Cedric Popovici
“The remnants 'a my soldier's cape flutters behind me, and it only stays on my shoulders cuz I hold a gun and pull a trigger. I wear this purple heart on my jacket, and I spose the only reason that bastard's purple is cuz'a the bruises I put there. We're all sheep, I's learned, eatin' from the dryer side 'a the pasture.” - Cedric Popovici
“I don't need a million dreams, just this one.” - Maliella Ryder
“Loife 'as beaten me down and shouted ta the 'eavens, "Allelujah! Da bastard's dead!" But as I stand, and raise moi fists, loife sighs, and prepares for anotha round.” - Billy Jenkins
“I dun't look back at failure, mate, I look forward at da success dat will rise from it.” - Billy Jenkins
“I stand by and protect me sister, she's been through a struggle 'a da mind and soul, and I reckon it's da battle fought wifout guns dat 'urt da most. She's strong, fo' bein' 'erself, and I reckon ta be yerself in a world full'a liars is da greatest achievement 'a all.” - Billy Jenkins
“I hold onta my ma's words, cause some days, I see her smoile in mine.” - Billy Jenkins
“Da sun will rise again, wif or wifout me, I cannot tell, but so long as it rises, I bloody smile.” - Billy Jenkins
“I check my vitals and find my heart still beats, and some days... I think that's unfortunate. My secrets will be buried below me, bury me six feet deep, my secrets deeper.” - Laverne Powell
“It's hard to get well when your mind poisons you with thoughts from years ago. Some days I fear my mind is still plagued by those damning thoughts.” - Laverne Powell
“If the past effects the future, then I fear what's to come.” - Laverne Powell
“Either I'm a broken saint, or a very bad man.” - Chad Broker
“I've let go of all I am, wonderin' why, oh why must I be the outcast, the hissin' cat in a room full 'a barkin', hungry dogs?” - Chad Broker
“I'd shatter the mirror with my fist ta kill my damn reflection. Fractures 'a me splittin' my knuckles and breakin' my bones.” - Chad Broker
“I stare at the waves and know they slip away just like me. I stand in this murky sand, watchin as the ripplin' water distorts my vision. Always looks like you're runnin' as ya stand in the ocean, but ya stay stagnant, don't you? I fear I'm damned, runnin' in the ocean, knowin' the hellhounds will catch me cuz I stand still.” - Chad Broker
“Jerome's always said he's my shadow, where once he was my light. He's just a lost boy, and I'm a broken one, and once ya mix the two togethah, ya don't get a man found, ya get broken glass, mixin' itself inta the sand.” - Chad Broker
“The mirror ain't nuthin' but a reflection 'a trouble comin' and my sins in the wind.” - Chad Broker
“I'm a freakshow, who made it ta heaven only ta realize ta higher powers I'm the damn jester.” - Chad Broker
“I live in the trenches, fighting for a better life, but those I love hurtle grenades and flashbangs into this broken soldier's trench, throwing fractured pieces of self hate and tainted love into my chest.” - Saiq A’Badula
“Beauty flees from war, the grass withers, the flowers die, and the birds forget to sing. Instead, the beauty of nature is replaced with our unnatural acts.” - Saiq A’Badula
“They tell me "You're a soldier, boy, weren't you taught how to march on?" All I can do is nod my head, but I was only ever taught to march into the pain, not away from it.” - Saiq A’Badula
“I am a soldier buried alive under the rubble of his soft spoken regrets and wrongly placed anger. Flowers will bloom from this damned soldier's grave, and it leaves me to wonder, is it when I die I'll finally know beauty? Will I find love in the rising of the roses and the daisies? And I wonder, is death a cruel force? Or is she a kind mistress, taking our hand and leading us to peace?” - Saiq A’Badula
“In my presence, the birds forget to sing, the sun forgets to rise. I am the dark that allows the light to exist, I am the shiver up your spine that whispers, "Run, I am the dark." Look at these pitiful gods, thinking they have me enslaved. They bind me but do not control me. I am seen as a children's story, a warning to be good, but as they speak of me I grow stronger, my strength comes from their fear and the shadows that frighten them out of sleep.” - Kragikul
“Long ago, Life told me this world was not meant for the dark, if that was so, then tell me, pitiful goddess, why do the stars shine? Why do you find refuge in the shade when the sun bares down, but fear it at night? Am I the defining factor of your fear?” - Kragikul
“I prowl this shade, I hear every prayer, every thought, I reside in saint's dreams and sinner's nightmares, I am the beast that monster's warn their children of. Have you ever seen the dark flee? As the sun rises it scurries, and if the monsters fear me, does that make me the light?” - Kragikul
“I am the original sin, the gods look upon me in sinking horror as they realize, peace is fading. My chains grow rust, these vines around me slowly wither, and all the dark has begun to flee.” - Kragikul
“You want peace? It cannot exist with violence such as I.” - Kragikul
“Life ain't gonna break me down, I'm a ramblin' man who finds peace in the dusty fields 'a wheat and crop. I live true and loyal like they used ta, the world may'a crashed down 'pon us, and most men may'a turned ta sin, but these morals 'a mine stand strong in the face 'a damnation.” - Timmy Dayfield
“We all one day find ourselves at a crossroads, and the devil tells us ta shake his hand. It's your choice ta stand unshaken or shake the hand 'a the man in the suit and tie. Cause the devil ain't a creature with pointy lil' horns and a pitchfork. He looks like you, frien', he looks like me, and everythin' you ever wanted. But are yer dreams worth the killin' 'a your morals?” - Timmy Dayfield
“I've walked many a mile in these boots 'a mine, and I've walked in the boots 'a others. When ya see the world through another man's eyes, you'll either see that you're right, or you owe the man an apology.” - Timmy Dayfield
“To all the other wayfarin' strangers out there, findin' themselves at the crossroads, I say. May the wind be at your back, may good fortune touch your hand, and may your resolve stay strong in the face of the shake of a hand.” - Timmy Dayfield
“Time isn't my lover, it isn't my friend, it kills me slowly and drags this life of mine through miles of tragedy ending secrets.” - Evangalice Caesar
“I can still see him in my nightmares, he is a conqueror of time and has bent it to his will. It refuses to take him, for he sits upon a throne of humanity's end.” - Evangalice Caesar
“I'm driven by this hate for beasts I cannot possibly kill, I'm mortal, time eats away at me, but it does not eat away at him.” - Evangalice Caesar
“I can hear his laugh by the light of the moon, I can hear is hauntings and warnings in my sleep. My worst fear is not death, it is the sinful beast, dancing in the light of our suffering. He looks at our pain, he looks at these flames ravaging us, and he calls it beautiful.” - Evangalice Caesar
“I will go up in flames and down in history, for my dynasty shall live beyond me.” - Madusius Crudellis
“Tyranny stands strong in the face of revolution.” - Madusius Crudellis
“These men and women killed are a part of my history, in my memory they are immortal, begging for mercy I don't know how to give.” - Madusius Crudellis
“In the thunder I can hear my dynasty, it is it's own entity. It howls and it barks, it rips into all who oppose it. A blood thirsty wolf, my dynasty is.” - Madusius Crudellis
“I, in of myself, am a dynasty, I am of bones-soon-to-be-broken, and flesh-soon-to-be-cut, it is my mortality that shall create my immortality.” - Madusius Crudellis
“I shall go down in history by force.” - Madusius Crudellis
“Darkness was a concept created before God, even he must bow to it.” - Deandra Cross
“My dreams have died to spite me, I am in a cell of nightmares, and the wolf I am stalks the corner. She's such a damned thing, I can see the rage in her eyes and the hurt in her soul, but to survive this world, I must become her. This wolf like mask must become me. I will stitch these threads into my skin until this mask becomes apart of me. I shall forget who I am underneath, for she was not strong enough to survive the world.” - Deandra Colt
“My sister once told me that the weak get by, the broken die off, but the strong survive and bring fear in their stride. And I guess in order ta survive I had ta be the one takin' lives in my stride.” - Hailey Colt
“All the lights that pollute the sky could not bring light ta the dark in my heart.” - Hailey Colt
“Your demons depend on you ta feed dem, so taunt dem and let dem starve on 'ope.” - Celeste Crinklaw
“Me feathers glow with love and rage, regret and joy, I'm a war cry 'a everyfin' I've evah been, and if loife's a war, give me a bloody blade, mate.” - Celeste Crinklaw
“In me dreams I see a pale white 'orse, 'e beckons me ta follow, tells me dat I can be born again, and everytoime I follow 'im, I see a face I've seen before. In dat pale 'orse's eyes I see someone I knew, but I can't place who. 'E beckons me toward da dark, tellin' me dat is where I belong, but I refuse ta rise from the ashes as sumfin' I ain't.” - Celeste Crinklaw
“I look ta dat pale 'orse in da 'orizon, all I ask, is, "Old frien', where's your rider?" A lonely horse, 'e is, da 'orse 'a my dreams, beckonin' me ta nightmares. 'E's lonesome, wearin' the remnants 'a his saddles and the remains 'a his scars on 'is hide. And all I ask, is where 'ave I seen 'im before?” - Celeste Crinklaw
"You cannot come to understand the depths of the world, you believe the shadows to be the darkest thing this world has to offer, but I have seen things darker than the nebula." - The Watcher
"I have seen things no man could ever dream, let along things that he would want to. All my life I have wished to be a hero, but it is gritty work, it drains away at the soul, and I must wonder how much of it I have left these days." - Ickden Harloff
"There are things in this world that we do not understand, sadly, they must be condemned for it is the dark from whence they came." - Ryan Sanzberg
"My vengeance is immortal, but sadly that must mean, as am I." - Warden Wickersford
"My hope left with the beatin' 'a my love's heart." - Travis Vekington
"When ya lose everythin', what're you supposed ta become?" - Travis Vekington
"Went through hell on a Sunday an' cursed the damn pews cause despite it all, they damn me." - King Wardown
"Cowardice kills people, I've learned, but alas, it keeps me alive." - Verez Vagawit
"You can throw me to the wolves, but I imagine I'll be alright. After all, they hunt to live and the blood on their teeth is of survival, not sport." - James Ace
"Most people can't change because they just don't God damn want to. You can't expect life to change if you don't evolve with it." - Darin Zollo
"I am losing myself, I fear. Faith and hope are hard to come by as your heart slowly falters to the shadow and forgets the warmth of light." - Shan'Bellwitz
"I wish to drift away from this place as nothing more than peace and smoke on the wind." - Shan'Bellron
"I was lost out at sea, trying to find me, but all I became was stranded, vying for something better, yet becoming sumthin' worse." - Ben Stilts “Every sinnin’ man fears the devil.” - Ben Stilts
"Scars leave us bettah or worse off. I reckon mine left me wif' glory." - Pugrish the Mountain
"What's belief without sumthin' to worship?" - Shonas Green
"Ya know what they do with broken men, Mortley? They put em all in this box, and they say, "This is all ya are, we ain't confinin' ya, we're just givin' ya a playground ta roam. But as we get older we realize the walls are sky high and they weren't built ta be fuckin' climbed." - Bortley Dekruiful
"It is in pain that we find a new identity, one which lives alongside the tears." - Mortley Dekruiful
"I'm not concerned about my importance to the world, just the fact that I lived in it, and that it was real." - Milton Modayne "My whole life has been screaming in a single pitch tune, yet I sit here and wonder, what point is there to a chorus when there was never a melody? I am plucking broken strings, expecting a soft song, but I suppose it's foolish, expecting music from a hurting soul." - Milton Modayne
"When you're born in the shade you begin to fall into the delusion that the light is something damning." - Natalia Shelvikit
"As humans we have an innate desire to feel something that is not ourselves, to be something other than we were meant to be. We have been trying to defy destiny for so long that we never thought to pick up the quill and write something other than fate within our lives. We seek to conquer destiny, yet it is what lies outside the realm of fate that we fear." - Ramazalo Shelvikit
"He who fights for himself migh' as well lay down his fists and le' the bullets rain down." - Gromkal Batterfist
"It's strange, how we damn those who fight for justice, but never they who we fight against." - Tovil Quinn
"Dreams are only a broken perception of reality, mate... And sometimes, we need ta wake da fuck up." - Jerry Benson
"Ze zing I fear ze most, iz zat death is ze end. And yet I know that it iz." - Thaddaeus Rediger
"Praying is not the solution to all burdens on the soul." - Jonathan Covaks
I's been carryin' a burden for some time now, you know 'ow crosses are heavy on the back, always pushin' ya back inta the graves ya try to dig, always findin' a new way to rip the skeletons from yer closet." - Mike Fausselkoff
"Sins, always catchin' us humans off guard. We tell ourselves we'll never be like Adam, we'll never be like Eve, but then that forbidden fruit comes along and we begin ta wonder. What does it taste like? We wrap ourselves up in all this curiosity, this wonder. We become our own snakes in our own little garden 'a Eden. Well, I spose that fruit came along." - Mike Fausselkoff
"Mr. Stilts, Mr. Skinwalker, karma is at your door." - Cortez Cloves
"A life of killing is better than a life of rotting." - Cortez Cloves
"If I were you, I would not tempt fate so cruelly. Fate is never in the one man's favor, it is always in the favor of the crowd, never he who flips the coin." - Borbasli Orgazi
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machenzie · 3 years
Cherry Blossom Confession
Summary: Blaze confesses to you after school
**Middle school blaze**
Ship: Blaze x reader
Word count: 1096 words
Warnings: None
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You were sitting at lunch, minding your own business, listening in on conversations. The cafeteria is buzzing like usual, people walking to tables, shouting across the room, and making disgusting combinations that you wouldn’t want to try.
Looking over to your right you see the popular squad. More of the cringy teens you’d find nowadays. They were laughing and shouting, the smell of spice and way to much cologne filled the air. You gag a bit at the intense smell.
As you were looking at the table, one of the boys caught on a winked at you, in response, you looked away, disgusted. You continue to eat you’re lunch, talking to your friends.
“Hey, did you do something to the boys over there?” Mackenzie asks, glancing over at the group of boys. You look over and see them all staring at you, with a mischievous look except one.
The boy had black hair, spiked up a bit. He had a nose piercing. He was looking away, with a blush on his face, messing with his food or the necklace he was wearing. His name is as Blaze Bowden.
You turn back to Mackenzie and shrug. “I didn’t do anything, I don’t understand their problem.” She looks back at them, lifting her eyebrow a bit. They all turn away in unison, going back to cracking jokes. Mackenzie rolls her eyes and takes a bite of her brownie, with a minor scowl on her face. You continue to eat your lunch, with the feeling of curiosity itching you.
After finishing your last class of the day, you leave the building exhausted. You yawn a big yawn, and suddenly. Bump. “Are you okay?” You hear someone say. The voice was deep but not too deep, it was calming but energetic at the same time. You couldn’t pinpoint who it was, however. You look up and was met with the same boy from the cafeteria.
He was holding out his hand for you to take. You stand up. “Oh, thank you, Sorry abo it bumping into you,” “Ah, it’s fine, I was acatully looking for you, ironically.” He finger guns and you and plasters a fake smile on his face. “Oh, what do you need,” you giggle looking at him.
Blaze looks to the side, his face slowly turning red. “Well, just follow me.” He takes your hand and leads you to a more private place. “You’re not going to murder me, are you?”
“Why would I do that, I’m to hot to be a murder.” “Most murders tend to be attractive,” “ha ha.”
Blaze leads you to a spot next to one of the biggest trees in the school yard. The school itself is about a mile and a half away. The tree is surrounded by flowers, animals, and a small bench.
“So, what do you need to ask?” You question, as the two of you sit down. Blaze puts his hand behind his neck and glances over to the side. After a minute, he sighs and looks back over at you.
“I have something to tell you,” “That is?” “I like you y/n.” Blaze coves his face with his hand and looks up at the schi, you can see the reflection in his eyes. You can feel yourself heat up, platter listening to his confession. “I don’t know what to say,” you stutter out, unable to comprehend words.
While, you two haven’t spoken much, you have somehow fallen for the loud mouthed boy, but never expected him to like you, he flirted with many people after all. “So, you don’t like me?” He looks down at you, tensed. You can see the hurt in his eyes. The despair. The sadness. The embarrassment. However, that’s not the case
“No, I like you too,” When I tell you, the boy’s eyes lit up. He looked over at you, in surprise. He grabbed your arm and stared into your eyes, smiling ear to ear. “Really? You do?!” He yelled, standing up and spinning in a circle, laughing. “Let’s go, I got a lover!”
You giggle at his exaggerated reaction, and he pulls you up and starts spinning you around, after spinning for a minute, you both get dizzy and stop, laughing at your dumb antics. He looks into your eyes, and you look into his. “Can I kiss you?” You stare at his shell shock for a bit as he looks at you determined. You gave in and nodded and you two kissed.
The kiss was like a firework, even from a simple touch, it felt amazing. He pulled you closer to him and put his arm around your waist, you put your arms on his neck. In that moment, you forgot where you were, how you look, and other people’s opinions. The kiss lasted for only a couple seconds but it felt like years. After it ended, he pulled you into a hug and started spinning around with you.
The two of you spin, laugh and crack jokes until, you both get picked up from school.
The next day of school, Blaze stayed outside waiting for you and the two of you walk inside together. Confident. Happy. You can feel the stared from your peers but for some reason, you feel very confident. The two of you separate and sit down at your usual tables.
“Wow, wtf happened yesterday?” Mackenzie asked, looking between you and Blaze. You laugh. “We just had a conversation is all.” “Conversation, what kind of conversation?” “Oh you know, taking about how we were going to start dat-“ you were cut of by a person yelling, “You’re dating!?!?”
You two look over and see a boy yelling at blaze, who is sitting there not paying attention, he looks like he’s in euphoria. The boy yelling at him wasn’t paying attention. His brown hair bounced as he was yelling and his brackets jingled ever so often from his exaggerated hand movements.
“Calm down Jack, why are you so angry.” “I’m not angry, I’m just surprised you got a girlfriend/boyfriend before me!” This made blaze snicker.
You turn back and look at Mackenzie, who is analyzing you. “You seem happier and calmer then normal. Did blaze really impact you that much?” “Yeah, he did. I’m glad he’s my boyfriend.” Mackenzie analyzes you one more time, and gives you a smirk. “Okay have fun with your .....” She pauses turning back to Blaze, “what do I call him?” You think for a moment, and hit the perfect nickname did him, “Yeah, I’ll definitely have fun with my sunshine.”
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justjessame · 4 years
If Only Someone Looked At Me Like They Look At Guns 14
I woke up sandwiched between the two of them. How I prayed I’d be waking up for the rest of our lives. Connor tight against my back, Murphy pressed against my front, wrapped around my enormous bump, and just as I was about to stretch it happened. And it woke both of them up.
Duel kicks to Murphy’s abdomen and Connor’s hand, both pressed against my bump and I looked up to see Murphy’s wide eyes and Connor’s voice broke through.
“Was dat-” His hand was still tight against the lower curve of my bump when they kicked again.
“Our babes,” Murphy breathed, and then I was on my back, while they two of them cooed to our children inside of me.
“Dat’s right wee ones,” Connor’s voice praised as I held back my giggles.
“Das’ here,” and I hoped that the babies understood the plurality of the word from Murphy.
It felt like they were fighting inside me to show just how much they loved their daddies. More kicks and more exclamations.
“Did ya see dat?” Murphy asked, glancing up at me propped up against the pillows.
Connor’s finger was tracing the outline. “It’s a wee foot.”
I smiled down at the two of them, in awe of their children and me. It was broken by a sharp smack to our bedroom door. “Enough o’ dat!” Annabelle demanded, clearly not understanding the source of our noises this morning. “Tis barely dawn.”
Murphy rushed over to the door, giving Connor a chance to cover my nakedness and pull on his boxers. Unlocking and opening it to their mother, she looked shocked when he took her hand and pulled her inside.
“Da babes,” Connor was saying, my huge bump still uncovered for inspection.
“Wha?” Annabelle looked worried and hastened to the bedside. “Is somethin’ wrong?”
“Naw,” Murphy offered, climbing back beside me. “We felt dem.”
“Dat all?” Her tone was going for nonchalant, but her eyes gave her away as they twinkled with her own eagerness.
“Get on the bed, Annabelle,” I rolled my eyes. “Let the twins say hello to their Nanna.”
We took Annabelle to the bus later that day. She insisted, even though we offered to drive her home. She shook her head and told us that she could take care of herself, the bus was fine, and she needed a break from the three of us.
“Five.” I corrected her and she gave me a look. “There are two more,” I pointed to my bump.
A bark of laughter, and I was enveloped in her arms and she was reminding me she was just a call away. “Take care o’ yerself.” she ordered, and I nodded as she reminded her sons to look after me and our sweet babies.
Our first night alone in our new house, and the following few days were spent like any newlyweds would have spent the same time. Locked in a never ending grip of passion, Christening each room with our love and lust. Finally, though, the real world calls. In this case, a visit to my new doctor.
It would be a first visit with the boys, and I was nervous. How normal would going into the obstetrician with TWO fathers be in Ireland of all places? Connor and Murphy tried to settle my fears, saying that one would pretend to be an uncle, or that we could wing it when we got there. Nothing helped. I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that my bump and their presence would scream that I should be wearing a scarlet letter. “W” for whore.
“Hardly, Tess.” Connor soothed, helping me to the car, rubbing calming circles on my aching lower back. “Not de first ter av more than wan da fer yisser babies.”
“At the same time?” I nearly growled, but didn’t, because his heart was in the right place.
“They won't dare insult yer wi' us beside yer.” Murphy promised, and I realized the argument didn’t matter, I had to have a doctor, judgement be damned.
“Everythin' looks gran'. they're active. they're on schedule as far as growth. an' they're movin' steadily into birthin' posishun.” My new doctor was saying with a twinkle in her eye. “Nigh are both av yisser gentlemen gonna be in de delivery room witcha?”
I felt myself go pale. “Both av us,” the MacManus boys answered for me, since I seemed incapable of speech in my shame.
“Gran'. She'll nade de both av yer. tessa, yer 'av two gran' tren 'ere, thar's naw shame in dat. aside from selfishness.” She winked at me and left us so I could redress.
“See, Tessa.” Connor said, helping me to my feet and handing my dress to Murphy. “Naw shame. Naw judgement.” Murphy practically cooed as he tugged my dress over my head and dressed me.
“I see,” I smiled at the two of them, Connor had my purse, Murphy was kneeling to help me with my shoes, and I did see. Where’s the shame in having TWO men who adored me?
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
Dragon’s roar (YGO)
Joey had a sinking feeling in his gut as he was on his way home from work. normally on a Friday night, and a payday at that, he'd of been happy to make his way back to his new home he shared with his loving boyfriend and his semi new little brother, the Kaiba boys, but he'd caught a glimpse of Mokuba and Yugi in a car heading for the turtle game shop. which meant if Mokuba was having a sleepover and it was date night.. "Aw fuck. I'm gonna be in huggies t'night." Joey groaned, getting a look of confusion from a nearby corporate type who was on his cell phone. "Mind yer own business." Joey huffed and sulked. Seto was a loving boyfriend, and spoiled Joey rotten in so many ways. Joey didn't need to walk to and from his security job at a mall, or even needed the job itself truth be told. But Joey liked to be able to be independent which sadly was a concept his loving boyfriend had some problems with. 'Ya would think someone who was taking collage classes and running a billion dollar company would get it.' Joey thought, slowing his walk down now that he knew what was waiting for him. Despite being seen as a cold and distant person by 90 percent of the world, Joey knew that under that layer of ice was..well more ice. but under THAT layer..well OK more ice. But if you dug down deep enough, there was this giant teddy bear that just wanted to hug you and pamper you. literally. and when Seto got in daddy mode, only one thing would get in his way of whining and begging Joey to let him pad him up. Mokuba. There was a reason Joey had been trying to start a Friday night tradition of pizza and movies but apparently Seto had been able to bribe his brother out of the house. 'And now I'm gonna get home and he's gonna have a pack of those freaking pampers out..and how the hell did he manage to get pampers to make diapers in my size anyways?! ...No you know what? I'm putting my foot down this time. I'm gonna go, have a beer, enjoy a few slices and maybe then I'll think about it!' Joey thought to himself, picking up the pace and walking though the front gate of the mansions yard, then slumped again. "...Oh who am i fucking kidding. it's gonna be milk and baby food and crapping myself tonight. He's taking me clubbing tomorrow night now though!" Joey muttered to himself. walking in he didn't even get a chance to call out that he was home before Seto was standing in front of him, holding up one of the thick massive pamper brand diapers. "Pleassssse?" Seto said and gave joey puppy eyes. "..I'm gonna draw up a list of demands and you're gonna cave into everyone of them. but yes. just let me get a shower first." Joey said, wondering again if the sweet and loving and rational boyfriend Seto was 90 percent of the time was worth the other 10 percent. "Deal!" Seto squealed and went to go and finish getting things ready.
Seto hummed and was grinning ear to ear as he laid out the diaper, some boosters, and a cute little outfit for the cutest big baby in the world, thinking about just how easy it had been to get Mokuba out of the house. One little fake rant about how he'd destroy the pharaoh and the like and Mokuba had asked to stay out for the night, tired of the crazy. The servants were given the night off so him and his adorable little big toddler could just cuddle and play and Seto was so lost in his thoughts he missed it as Joey tried to get his attention, till the wet towel hit him in the back of his head. "...really?" "hey, you want a big toddler, better learn ta pay attention." Joey said and shrugged and held up his hands. "...Your lucky your cute you know that?" "excuse me, but out of the two of us here, who's pushing their luck more?" Joey asked and winked, strolling over and then jumping up and turning mid jump to land on his back on the bed. "heh. Ok I'll give you that. Now did you go poo poo or pee pee at daycare today little guy?" Seto asked, getting into character and lightly tickling Joey's tummy. Joey rolled his eyes,he still wasn't on board with referring to his job as daycare, but taking a deep breath he switched on that baby tone that made Seto melt. "I went pee pee in the potty dis many times t'day daddy." He said and held up three fingers as a blush came to his face. "and I went all by myself!" "Oh my! Such a big boy!" Seto praised. "Daddies still gonna diaper you though since you have a stinky present in your tummy tum just waiting to come out." Seto coo'ed and then leaned down and tickled Joeys tummy more. "Who's got a big stinky present in his tummy tum? you do! yes you do!" knowing full well just how ticklish Joey's sides were Seto targeted them next, making the blond 20 year old yelp and burst into a fit of giggles. "ah! No fair! Cheating!" Joey cried out, trying to get free. "Noooo tickles!" "Sorry little guy, But i"m channeling the tickle monster, and you're monster food!" Seto chuckled. "Ahahahaha n-no stop ahahahaha W-wait I'm gonna!" Joey tried to wheeze out a warning between his laughs and Seto realized seconds to late maybe he should of stopped. Of course by then Joey was peeing on the front of his shirt and Seto stopped. "..I uh..had a big gulp on the way home." Joey said sheepishly, poking two fingers together as the flow finally stopped. "...I'm gonna choice to believe that was done to give me the full experience." Seto said and then lifted Joey off the bed, and onto a back up changing mat on the floor.
Joey was mortified as Seto powered him and got him tapped in the bulky white diaper, and found himself sucking on his thumb and blushing while Seto got out a different outfit for him. while his little accident had managed to avoid the diaper, the light blue short-alls and white diaper shirt hadn't of been so lucky.   'Now der's irony fer ya.' Joey thought, slurping away at his thumb. it was a bad habit he was picking up for all the date nights that turned into baby nights and it was starting to spill over to his big boy time. just the other day at work he'd had to claim he'd banged his thumb when busted by a co-worker. it was also a case of irony that even Seto wasn't a fan of the thumb sucking, which was shown as he turned around with a dark purple t-shirt and a pair of dark green shorts and scowled. "What do you think o- Little man! what have I told you about sucking your thumb?" Seto scolded Joey, coming over and setting the clothes down and pulling the thumb out with a pop. "Uhhh dat's good eating?" the diapered 20 year old tried, really feeling like he WAS just a 2 year old. "strike one." Seto said, trying not to smirk, as he reached into the diaper bag. "Thumbs like boyfriends are made for sucking?"  Joey said and gave his best 'I'm so cute you can't be mad' smile. "Maybe tomorrow if your good tonight. Last chance." Seto said and his mouth was twitching badly as he tried to stay stern. "...Little boys thumbs has germs on it and they should be sucking on paci's." Joey huffed and pouted. He just couldn't explain it, but Joey was of the view that hands down, his thumb tasted and felt better in his mouth then any of the many different pacifiers that they had tried. It was a semi holy quest of Seto's to find one that Joey wouldn't have a fuss about. Opening his mouth for the large nipple of the new paci, and noting it was at least black like his red eyes, Joey gave it a few experimental suckles. "well?" Seto asked. 'shit..dis one actually feels pretty good.' Joey thought, though he made a show of it and shrugged but kept nursing as Seto helped him sit up. with the paci in his mouth Joey instinctively became a lot more willing to play along, raising his arms for daddy and letting him tug the shirt on. then letting daddy help him stand and putting his hands on daddies shoulders while he stepped into his shorts, which were then tugged up. Then he sat on a bed of the bed he hadn't of soaked and raised his feet up as Daddy tugged up some white socks with the red eyes black dragon on them and grinned around his paci. "heh, I'm sorry we haven't gotten your red eyes shirt back from the dry cleaners left after last time. I still wanna know how you managed to turn your pasta into a paste and got it all over yourself though." Seto chuckled. Normally a statement like that would of had Joey all blushy, but again, this time.. He just smirked and flexed his arms. "oh i see. and here i am without tickets to the gun show." Seto teased and tapped a finger on Joey nose. Seto held out a hand for Joey to take, since normally Joey insisted on walking (or crawling if Seto triple diapered him) rather then be carried but he just felt all small and little and held out his arms for uppies. "...You..You sure?" Seto asked, grinning ear to ear, and Joey nodded. "...I'm buying the company that made that pacifier." Seto chuckled and lifted joey up and sat him on his hip, a arm under Joeys well padded tush. Joey leaned in and snuggled into daddy as he wrapped his legs around him and gurgled softly behind his paci as daddy carried them downstairs.
Seto couldn't get over the change in behavior from Joey's normal big baby time to this time.  there was no eye rolling, no smart ass remarks.when he'd sat Joey on a blanket on the floor with some toys, he'd gone and grabbed a stuffie of the red eyes and then scooted on his diaper butt, not even crawling, scooted, over to the couch and crawled up and snuggled into him. "you sure you don't wanna play with your toys little guy?" Seto asked. Joey shook his head no and snuggled in more and Seto for a second was worried about melting into good and getting sucked up but the couch's cushions. Seto put on a episode of Lil duelers for Joey and just kept looking at the little guy who was watching the show sure, but also seemed to be getting a little sleepy. about half way though Joey started to squirm a little bit and started to look up at Seto and then at the screen then back up at Seto and whined softly behind his paci. "whats wrong buddy?" Seto asked. if Joey was gonna keep the paci in his mouth this was going to get a little bit vexing to drag out what he wanted all the time, but Seto figured a few minutes of back and forth with the big baby was well worth the price of this cuteness. Joey whined again and then with one hand hugging his stuffie to his chest, he reached up and grabbed left hand and put it on back of his shorts, so his hand was on Joey's butt. "heh, I thought someone hated bum pats?" Seto asked, and Joey whined and gave him a pleading look. "ok ok, patting! don't give me that look again! You made me feel like a monster for not patting right away!" Seto said, half joking. the little guy giggled behind his paci and as Seto started patting and rubbing his butt Joey closed his eyes in bliss and snuggled in as much as he could. "So I guess this means anytime I wanna stop argument with you all i need to do is pop a paci in your mo-" Seto was saying when a muffled fart came out of Joey's behind, and Seto swore he could feel the heat from it. "heh, did you just wanna fart on daddies hand?" Seto asked, and Joey shook his head no, but his eyes were shut tight. it didn't look like his 'I'm so ashamed' face and Seto went to say something else when a second, louder and more forceful fart came out, followed but a rapid fire series of smaller ones. "Ohhh I see. Somebody wants bum pats while he makes daddy a present." Seto chuckled, and Joey nodded. His eyes were still closed but as Seto realized now, it was because he was bearing down and trying to speed up a bowel movement, or in baby term: make daddy a present as soon as possible. More farts now and Seto was thankful for the oder guard in the diapers, though he was still thinking he should of doubled diapered Joey as his hand was getting a little toasty. Joey was staining and pushing, and starting to work up a little bit of a sweat and Seto frowned. "Joey buddy, I know you wanna be a good boy and make me a present, but you can't just force it like this. you're gonna hurt yourself an-" Seto was saying in a gentle voice when with one mighty effort, the back of Joey's diaper started to expand. Normally Joey would of tried to hide, or pouted to use the potty before taking a dump in a diaper, but this time he was being such a good little boy even as the living room filled with the funk of his gift to daddy. The diaper and shorts by extension took on a interesting shape as Joey grunted and pushed. instead of just puffing out like it would normally do, it was making a semi triangle shape as it pushed out, causing the shorts to slide down. '...what the hell did he eat?' Seto thought but kept that to himself even as the smell had him taking shallow breath. 'Ok, no more food court lunches for him. I'm packing his lunch from now on.' As the bowel movement finished up, Seto rubbed Joey's back (he had switched from the boys butt when the lump had started to form and coo'ed softly at him. "All done now champ?" Seto asked. Joey looked more tired then before, his eyelids struggling to open up but he nodded his head. "Ready for a diapie change then?" Seto chuckled, and to his shock, Joey shook his head no. Normally Joey hated staying in a poopie diaper, and it was Seto who had to beg him to sit in it just for a few extra minutes. 'Go figure, the one time he's actually stinking the place up..' Seto thought. "Ok buddy. we'll let you take a little power nap, then change you, ok?" Seto asked. Joey gave a sleepy nod and then shut his eyes, gurgling and coo'ing as he drifted off to dream land. "...Your a toxic little mud butt. but your worth it." Seto said, stroking Joey's hair and smiling till anther loud fart came out into the back of the blond waste filled diaper. "But don't push it." Seto chuckled.
The end
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remywrites5 · 5 years
1. with spideypool or wolfstar, please? ❤️
Hi! I hope you meant number one for the Halloween prompts because that’s what I did. If it wasn’t just let me know and I’ll write you something else! 
           Wade could not believe he hadn’t realized it was Halloween. That’s what he got for being stuck in Monaco on a job for over a month. He’d been to three different stores and all of them only had black licorice and candy corn left. Wade wasn’t about to give those out. He’d get on the bad side of the children and who knew what they’d do then? Children were terrifying.
           Wade went into a Walgreens and prayed for something that wasn’t shit. His prayers were apparently answered because standing by the register was none other than Peter Parker (aka Spider-man, aka Wade’s not so heterosexual man crush, aka dat ass). “Please tell me you have some candy left?” Peter asked, pushing his glasses up his nose. Wade wished he didn’t have such a thing for hot nerds because Peter was currently working it.
           Wade quickly dashed towards the candy aisles and grabbed up the last few bags of stuff that were chocolate and not The Worst TM . He had just finished bundling them into his arms when Peter joined him. “Wade?” Peter called out, crossing his arms over his chest. “Please tell me you didn’t just take the last of the edible candy.”
           “So what if I did?” Wade asked, hoarding it close to him. “Finders keepers, baby boy.”
           Peter sighed. “Okay Wade, what do you want?”
           Wade shifted uncomfortably. “What do you mean?”
           “For the candy,” Peter said, flicking his chin towards the bag in Wade’s arms. “I promised my Aunt I’d get it and I completely forgot. So unless you want my sweet Aunt’s house to get egged, you will at least hand over one of those bags of candy. Just name your price.”
           Wade looked down at the bags and then back up to Peter. “Come over tonight,” he said after weighing his options. Asking for a kiss felt a little to creepy, even for Wade, and he didn’t want to go too small with his request. He’d never have this kind of power over Peter again so he might as well take advantage.
           Peter’s eyes widened behind his glasses. “That’s…not what I was expecting,” he told Wade honestly. He scratched his chin; a little bit of stubble growing there and Wade couldn’t help awing to himself that his baby boy was growing up. “Okay, fine. I promised I’d help my Aunt pass out candy for a while but I could come over around eight?”
           It was Wade’s turn to be surprised. He had never thought in a million years Peter would actually go for it. “Really?”
           “Sure,” Peter said, shrugging his shoulders. “Now hand some of that over, you candy hog, and don’t even think about just giving me the milk duds. I’m watching you.”
           Wade laughed and handed over a bag of Snickers and a bag of Kit Kats. “You know where I live, right baby boy?”
           Peter nodded. “Had to drag your ass there enough times,” he joked with a grin. He turned around and Wade absolutely took the opportunity to stare at Pete’s ass. “See you at eight!”
           Wade was a nervous wreck. It had taken an hour arguing with himself about whether to wear his mask or not. Peter had seen his real face before but that didn’t mean he wanted his hideousness on full display. But Petey had mentioned other times he didn’t mind the face, whether he was just being a sweet kid or not. Finally Wade decided on no mask with the right to change his mind after Peter showed up.
He’d ordered a pizza for them and had eaten most of the candy himself to keep from eating the pizza. He wanted eight o’clock to come sooner but was also absolutely dreading it. It was his one opportunity to be super fucking cool and hang out with Spider-man. It wasn’t as if their studios played well together anyway.
           Eight o’clock rolled around and Peter wasn’t there. Wade felt crushed that he’d gotten his hopes up. Of course Peter wasn’t going to come around to his shitty apartment and hang out with him. He’d just been saying that to get Wade to give up the candy.
           Wade looked around his dingy apartment and thought about killing himself in front of some kids to give them a good Halloween scare. He was just about to go find his gun when there was a knock on the door. Wade grabbed the last few scraps of candy (milk duds of course because eww) ready to throw them at the kids at the door.
           Instead he found Peter standing there looking soft and cute in a t-shirt with a pumpkin face on it. “Trick or treat,” he said with a small smile.
           Wade held out his hand and offered Peter the candy. Peter’s nose wrinkled in distaste and Wade thought it was the cutest fucking thing he’d ever seen. “Sorry baby boy, it’s all that’s left. But I’ve got pizza if you’re interested.”
           Peter slid his way into Wade’s apartment. “That sounds good,” he said, walking over to the kitchen counter and grabbing himself a slice.
           “It would have been warmer if you’d been here on time,” Wade grumbled, shuffling his feet against the carpet.
           “I don’t mind cold pizza,” Peter said around the bite in his mouth. “Besides I get held up with my Aunt. I tried to call you but the number I have is disconnected.”
           “Oh yeah,” Wade said, scratching the back of his head. “I change numbers a lot.”
           Peter hummed thoughtfully and continued to eat his pizza. Wade grabbed a slice and picked at it, having stuffed himself on candy with his nervous eating. He still couldn’t believe Peter Parker was in his apartment, willfully, eating pizza and carrying on a conversation like it was no big deal. “Wanna watch a scary movie or something?” Peter asked, breaking Wade out of the internal argument he had been having.
           “Sure!” Wade said, bounding over to the sofa and sitting down. To his surprise, Peter came over and lay down sideways on the sofa, his feet dangling off the end and his head in Wade’s lap. “P-Petey?”
           “I’m exhausted, Wade,” Peter informed him with a yawn, stretching his long lanky body like a cat. “You don’t mind, do you?”
           “Nope,” Wade said, shaking his head emphatically. “Not a care in the world. Just, you know, don’t think less of me if I get an erection because your face is like right there.”
           Peter laughed. “I won’t hold it against you, Wade. I know you think I’m sexy.”
           Wade sputtered. “You’re not sexy, you’re cute.”
           Peter raised a knowing eyebrow. “Is that why you were staring at my ass today in the store? Because you think I’m cute?”
           “Damn your spidey-sense,” Wade said, curling his hand into a fist and shaking it as if cursing the heavens.
           Peter laughed again and Wade took it as a personal victory. Most other heroes never laughed at his jokes. Most heroes never gave him the time of day. At least Peter was kind enough to tolerate Wade. “Comes in handy,” Peter murmured, sliding his hand up and cupping the back of Wade’s head. Before he knew what was happening, Wade was bending over, being led by Peter and their lips were touching and oh.
           Wade broke the kiss and stared down at Peter incredulously. “What’d you do that for, Petey?”
           Peter shrugged. “Been thinking about it since the store this morning,” he murmured softly. “Thought maybe you would ask me for a kiss in exchange for the candy.”
           “Blackmailing heroes into sexual favors isn’t really my thing,” Wade said, shifting on the sofa because hello Mr. Erection nice of you to join us. “Or at least I would never do that to you. Wolverine, maybe.”
           Peter grinned. “Does it count as blackmail if I really wanted to kiss you?”
           “Had an inkling to make out with the outside of a cantaloupe, did you spidey?” Wade quipped, confused by what was going on. He hadn’t hit his head at some point had he? Maybe he really had killed himself and this was just a wonderful dream as his body mended itself.
           Peter sighed and let his thumb graze over Wade’s cheek. “Maybe I like you more than I let on,” he said quietly, staring up at Wade. “Maybe over the past month I’ve missed the way you’re always interrupting my missions just to flirt with me.”
           Wade tentatively reached out and brushed his hand over Peter’s stomach, feeling the muscles underneath his t-shirt. It sure felt real enough. Wade slipped his hand under Peter’s shirt and felt the warmth of his skin. Peter was biting his bottom lip and his cheeks had gone pink.
           “I am aces at flirting,” Wade managed to joke, playing with the bit of hair on Peter’s stomach leading downwards into the danger zone.
           Peter smiled. “Most of the time I’m glad I’m wearing a mask because you make me blush like crazy.”
           “I like it when you blush,” Wade told him, cupping Peter’s cheek with his free hand. “It’s cute as fuck.” Peter pulled Wade down into another kiss and if this was just his mind playing tricks on him he would happily never take another treat in his life. “Please be real.”
           Peter smiled against Wade’s lips. “I’m real,” he whispered softly.
           “Yeah, well, this isn’t the first time I’ve hallucinated making out with you, Spidey.”
           “And how long do those hallucinations usually last?”
           “An hour, maybe two.”
           “We spend that whole time just kissing?” Peter asked, looking skeptical.
           Wade shook his head. “The you in my mind is filthy.”
           Peter laughed. “You said an hour or two, right? Well put on a movie and when it’s done in an hour or two and I’m still here, you’ll know I’m not a hallucination.”
           Wade beamed at him. “You’re so smart, Petey.” Wade flipped through Netflix and put on Scream. Wade continued to let his fingers dance over Peter’s skin, memorizing each scar that he could see.
           “Wade,” Peter whined, wiggling when Wade accidentally touched a ticklish spot. “You’re not watching the movie.”
           “I’d rather watch you, baby boy.”
           Peter chuckled. “You can watch me later,” he said, lacing his fingers through Wade’s so they were holding hands.
           “Promise, Petey?”
           Peter nodded. “I promise. Now shh, this is the good part.”
           Wade turned his attention to the screen for a moment before being distracted by Peter again. As the credits rolled, Peter was still there, on his sofa, real and soft and warm. Wade hadn’t woken up from some kind of dream. Peter was still holding his hand.
           “Told you I was real,” Peter teased, giving Wade’s hand a squeeze.
           “It’s a Halloween miracle!”
           Peter laughed. “I don’t think that’s a thing.”
           “Sure it is, baby boy,” Wade said, wiggling his eyebrows. “Now, trick of treat?”
           “Treat,” Peter said, already meeting Wade halfway for another kiss.
           If that wasn’t a fucking Halloween miracle, Wade didn’t know what was.
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dailydianakko · 4 years
Undying Au- God doesnt exist
I think I will cause problems on purpose. Anyway enjoy more of my little fic :3
NO!” I screamed. I was horrorfied! Lotte Go’thic 666 Nightfall tried to comfort me but I told her fuck off and I ran to my room crying myself. Holbrock chased after me shouting but she had to stop when I went into my room cause she would look like a perv that way. Anyway, I started crying tears of blood and then I slit both of my wrists. They got all over my clothes so I took them off and jumped into the bath angrily while I put on a Linkin Park song at full volume. I grabbed a steak and almost stuck it into my heart to commit suicide. I was so fucking depressed! I got out of the bathtub and put on a black low-cut dress with lace all over it sandly. I put on black high heels with pink metal stuff on the ends and six pairs of skull earrings. I couldn’t fucking believe it. Then I looked out the window and screamed… Lunkic was spying on me and she was taking a video tape of me! And Pices was masticating to it! They were sitting on their broomsticks. “EW, YOU FUCKING PERVS, STOP LOOKING AT ME NAKED! ARE YOU PEDOS OR WHAT!” I screamed putting on a black towel with a picture of Marilyn Mason on it. Suddenly Vampire ran in. “Abra Kedavra!” she yelled at Lunkic and Piceese pointing her womb. I took my gun and shot Loonkic and Peeses a gazillion times and they both started screaming and the camera broke. Suddenly Hoobrock ran in. “Akko, it has been revealed that someone has - NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” she shouted looking at Lunick and pieces and then she waved her wand and suddenly… Nelson ran outside on her broom and said everyone we need to talk. “What do you know, Nelson? You’re just a little Hogwarts student!” “I MAY BE A HOGWARTS STUDENT….” Nelson paused angrily. “BUT I AM ALSO A SATANIST!” “This cannot be.” LAnick said in a crisp voice as blood dripped from her hand where Holbrooke’s wand had shot her. “There must be other factors.” “YOU DON’T HAVE ANY!” I yelled in madly. Piceses held up the camera triumelephantly. “The lens may be ruined but the tape is still there!” I felt faint, more than I normally do like how it feels when you do not drink enough blood. “Why are you doing this?” Peices said angrily while she rubbed her dirty fin on her hat. And then I heard the words that I had heard before but not from her. I did not know whether to feel shocked and happy or to bite her and drink her blood because I felt faint. “BECAUSE…BECAUSE….” Nelson said and she paused in the air dramitaclly, waving her wand in the air. Then swooped she in singing to the tune of a gothic version of a song by 50 Cent. “Because you’re goffic?” Lunkic asked in a little afraid voice cause she was afraind it meant she was connected with Satan. “Because I LOVE HER!” Chapter 12. AN: stop f,aing ok hargrid is a pedo 2 a lot of ppl in amerikan skoolz r lik dat I wunted 2 adres da ishu! how du u no snap iant kristian plus hargrid isn’t really in luv wif ebony dat was sedric ok! XXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I was about to slit my wrists again with the silver knife that Duana had given me in case anything happened to her. She had told me to use it valiantly against an enemy but I knew that we must both go together. “NO!” I THOUGHT IT WAS NELsOOM but it was Vampire. She started to scream. “OMFG! NOOOOO! MY HEMMROID HURTS!” and then….. her eyes rolled up! You could only see her red whites. I stopped. “How did u know?” “I saw it! And my vein turned back into the hemmerpiod!” “NO!” I ran up closer. “I thought you didn’t have a hemorrhoid anymore!” I shouted. “I do but Diabolo changed it into a pentagram for me and I always cover it up with foundation.” she said back. “Anyway my vein hurt and it turned back into the hemmeroid! Save me! then I had a vision of what was happening to Duana…………….Paul has her in bondage!” Anyway I was in the school nurse’s office now recovering from my slit wrists. Lunkick and Peeses and NELSOM were there too. They were going to St. Mango’s after they recovered cause they were pedofiles and you can’t have those fucking pervs teaching in a school with lots of hot gurlz. Chariot had constipated the cideo camera they took of me naked. I put up my middle finger at them. Anyway Nelson came into my hospital bed holding a bouquet of pink roses. “AKjew I need to tell u somethnig.” she said in a v. serious voice, giving me the roses. “Fuck off.” I told her. “You know I fucking hate the color pink anyway, and I don’t like fucked up preps like you.” I snapped. Nelsom had been mean to me before for being gottik. “No Akkeo.” Neelson says. “Those are not roses.” “What, are they goffs too you poser prep?” I asked cause I was angry that she had brought me pink roses. “I saved your life!” She yelled angrily. “No you didn’t I replied.” “You saved me from getting a Paris Hilton p- video made from your shower scene and being vued by Lunnick and Peeses.” Who MASTABATED (c is dat speld rong) to it he added silently. “Whatever!” I yelled angirly. She pointed her wand at the pink roses. “These aren’t roses.” She suddenly looked at them with an evil look in her eye and muttered Well If you wanted Honesty that’s all you haD TO SAY! . “That’s not a spell that’s an MCR song.” I corrected her wisely. “I know, I was just warming up my vocal cordes.” Then she screamed. “Petulus merengo mi kremicli romacio(4 all u cool goffic mcr fans out, there, that is a tribute! specially for Valkyrie I love you girl!)imo noto okayo!” And then the roses turned into a huge black flame floating in the middle of the air. And it was black. Now I knew she wasn’t a prep. “OK I believe you now wtf is Duana?” Nelson rolled her eyes. I looked into the balls of flame but I could c nothing. “U c, Akkeo,” Howdybrooke said, watching the two of us watching the flame. “2 c wht iz n da flmes(HAHA U REVIEWRS FLAMES GEDDIT) u mst find urslf 1st, k?” “I HAVE FOUND MYSELF OK YOU MEAN OLD WOOMAN!” NalsOM yelled. HOWDYbrookes lookd shockd. I guess she didn’t have a headache or else she would have said something back. Neleleson stormed off back into her bed. “U r a liar, proof Hobrookee!” Anyway when I got better I went upstairs and put on a black leather minidress that was all ripped on the ends with lace on it. There was some corset stuff on the front. Then I put on black fishnets and black high-heeled boots with pictures of Billie Joe Armstrong on them. I put my hair all out around me so I looked like Samara from the Ring (if u don’t know who she iz ur a prep so fuk off!) and I put on blood-red lipstick, black eyeliner and black lip gloss. “You look kawai, girl.” Sucy P’oison said sadly. “Fangs (geddit) you do too.” I said sadly too, but I was still upset. I slit both of my wrists feeling totally depressed and I sucked all the blood. I cried again in my bathroom and put the shades on so Lunnkick and ppeses couldn’t spy on me this time. I went to some classes. Vampire was in the Flying Class. She looked all depressed because Duana had disappeared and she had used to be in love with Duana. She was sucking some blood from Chole. “Hi.” she said in a depressed way. “Hi back.” I said in an wqually said way. We both looked at each other for some time. Amanda had beautiful red gothic eyes so much like Duanas. Then……… we jumped on each other and started screwing each other. “STOP IT NOW YOU HORNY SIMPLETONS!” shouted Professor Croiz who was watching us and so was everyone else. “Vampire you fucker!” I said slapping her. “Stop trying to screw me. You know I loved Duana!” I shouted and then I ran away angrily. Just then she started to scream. “OMFG! NOOOOO! MY HEMMEROID HURTS!” and then….. her eyes rolled up! You could only see her red whites. “NO!” I ran up closer. “I thought you didn’t have a hermmeroid anymore!” I shouted. “I do but Diabolo changed it into a pentagram for me and I always cover it up with foundation.” she said back. “Anyway my hemmeroid hurt and then I had a vision of what was happening to Duana…………….POOL has her bondage!” XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Vampire and I ran up the stairs looking for HobRoock. We were so scared. "HOBroock HoldbROOKE!” we both yelled. HOlbrooke came there. “What is it that you want now you despicable snobs?” she asked angrily. “PAUL has Diana!” we shouted at the same time. She laughed in an evil voice. “No! Don’t! We need to save Duana!” we begged. “No.” she said meanly. “I don’t give a darn what Paul does to Diana. Not after how much she misbehaved in school especially with YOU Akko.” she said while she frowned looking at me. “Besides I never liked her that much anyway.” then she walked away. Vampire started crying. “My Diana!” she moaned. (AN: don’t u fik gay guyz r lik so hot!) “Its okay!” I tried to tell her but that didn’t stop her. She started to cry tears of blood. Then she had a brainstorm. “I had an idea!” she exclaimed. “What?” I asked her. “You’ll see.” she said. She took out her wand and did a spell. Then…… suddenly we were in Pauls MAnsion! We ran in with our wands out just as we heard a croon voice say. “I kast GUN!” It was……………………………….. PAUL! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXX WARNING: SUM OF DIS CHAPTA IS XTREMLY SCRAY. VIOWER EXCRETION ADVISD. We ran to where PAul was. It turned out that Paul wasn’t there. Instead Duanas Cousin MErril was. Diana was there crying tears of blood. Meryll was torturing her. Vampire and I ran in front of Merill. “Rid my sight you despicable preps!” she shouted as we started shooting her with the gun she Then suddenly she looked at me and she fell down with a lovey-dovey look in her eyes. “AkkoyIloveyouwiluhavesexwithme.” she said. (in dis she is sixteen yrs old so shes not a pedofile ok) “Huh?” I asked. ”Akko I love you will you have sex with me?” asked merrioll. I started laughing crudely. “What the fuck? You torture my gf and then you expect me to fuck you? God, you are so fucked up you fucking bastard.” I said angrily. Then I stabbed her in the heart. Blood pored out of it like a fountain. “Nooooooooooooo!” she screamed. She started screaming and running around. Then she fell down and died. I brust into tears sadly. “Morril what art thou doing?” called Pauul. Then…… she started coming! We could hear her high heels clacking to us. So we got on our broomsticks and we flew to Loona Noova. We went to my room. Vampire went away. There I started crying. “What’s wrong honey?” asked Diana taking off her clothes so we could screw. She had a sex-pack (geddit cuz shes so sexah) and a really huge you-know-what and everything. “Its so unfair!” I yielded. “Why can’t I just be ugly or plain like all da other girls and preps here except for Sucy P'oison, because she’s not ugly or anything.” “Why would you wanna be ugly? I don’t like the preps anyway. They are such fucking sluts.” answered Diana. “Yeah but everyone is in love with me! Like Liunkink and Peices took a video of me naked. Nelsom says she’s in love with me. Vampire likes me and now even Meriol is in love with me! I just wanna be with you ok Diana! Why couldn’t Satan have made me less beautiful?” I shouted angrily. (an” don’t wory Akkow isn’t a snob or anyfing but a lot of ppl hav told her shes pretty) “Im good at too many things! WHY CAN’T I JUST BE NORMAL? IT’S A FUCKING CURSE!” I shouted and then I ran away.
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xenosgirlvents · 4 years
“Fantum maskz! Git ya’ Fantum maskz! Fer da low, low price a’ all da teef in ya gob, you’ze can look jus’ like Warboss Fantum! Jus’ way, way runtier,” a greenskin merchant bellowed, his calls largely drowned out by the countless other merchants jostling to sell their own wares. The Buhzarr, as the Operorks referred to their main marketplace, was extremely busy today, as well it should have been. The Fantum, warboss of the Operork clan and leader of the growing WAAAAGH! Bignoyz, had finally announced that the WAAAAGH! was ready to take off in search of a “Roight gud foight” and new war stories to sing about. As such, the merchants of the highly organized – by Ork standards, at least – primary warclan were capitalizing on the excitement. Lots of excitement meant lots of loose teef, and lots of loose teef meant lots of greenskins looking to spend said teef.
One greenskin in particular watched the clamoring mob with a smile of amusement from on top of a flimsy “apartment” complex, chewing on some dried meat held in her one good hand. La’al had spent an entire year trapped on this planet, and she had adapted fairly well once things had… well, things involving Orks never really calmed down, but they mellowed slightly. Having painted her limbs and skin green, even with her “roight Orky” helmet she still shouldn’t have passed well as a greenskin. She was much shorter and more slender than proper Orks, while also being much taller and well-built than the gretchin populace of The Stayj – the name the greenskins had given to the planet during their stay. But apparently being able to best most Orks who gave her trouble through hand-to-hand combat was all the bhe’ghaal needed to accept “Lildeff” as one of their own.
It had not been a particularly easy year of her life, as the number of new scars crisscrossing her biological components could clearly show, but she was doing much better than she had ever expected she could. Finishing off her meal, she clamped the jaws/visor of her helmet shut again and dropped down a few stories, walking along atop the various merchant awnings a few yards above the densely packed streets of the Buhzarr. Whenever one of the Orks below noticed Lildeff’s unique silhouette and made a gesture or call up to her, she would respond in kind, either waving the new, much more well-made blade she had recently welded to her left arm or replying in Ork tongues, either true Orkish or their human dialect. If she had been Por’faan the bhe’ghaal’s relative camaraderie would likely have made her entire life worthwhile. She had somehow managed to live alongside the antithesis of the Tau’va. And all it had really taken was some strategic displays of force, and occasionally proving that said displays were more than luck.
After a few hours of relatively aimless wandering, occasionally knocking the teef out of a particularly rowdy greenskin to trade for her regular supplies, the prices of which had been dramatically marked up with how many teef were flowing lately, she found herself at the edge of town opposite where she had made her “home,” more a very heavily booby-trapped cave just beyond the outskirts of the shanty-city, and looked upon the fleet, an odd sense of awe in her at the sight. There were more than fifty Mega-Gargants of various size and design parked out in the badlands – and towering above all of them was the Perish Operork Fort, the Fantum’s personal command center. Even to La’al’s T’au sensibilities it was utterly breathtaking. The Perish was so unbelievable in its scale that even the spires of the Imperator titan whose deployment on Dal’yth she had seen recordings of would have barely reached mid-chest on it.
She had never heard of a bhe’ghaal force so well organized or armed as this WAAAAGH! and she took immense pity on the people who would soon face their wrath. She had done what she could to sabotage the construction of many of the Gargants, but with the way Ork technology functioned, the lone Fire warrior held little faith that her makeshift explosives and strategic cutting and acid bathing would do more than slow them down, enough to allow evacuations with a bit of luck. Despite that, she had worked hard to make sure many of the lesser war machines, like the Kans and Dreads, would crash in spectacular fashion within just a few engine activations, and many Mekz, Painboyz, and Nobz among their numbers had met their end along the edge of her blade, glinting in the dark of night.
Wandering out onto the depot field where the fleet was parked up, she gave the titanic machines another looking over, testing and weakening external mechanisms covertly as she went.
“Oi, Lildeff! Ya bring me anyfin’ ta nosh on?” came a shout from several yards up one of the machines, the “Fist uv Maybee Mork,” if memory served. Looking up, La’al rolled her eyes at the severed purple head yelling at her.
“When wuz da last time A’ brought ya’ anyfin’, ya’ daft git? Ya’ dinnae even ‘av a stomach,” she responded, her own accent still not quite gone behind the Ork one she put on.
“’Oo needz a gut ta’ nosh on stuff?” Nashtoof retorted, swinging himself about on the chain dangling his head from the Gargant.
Shaking her head with a chuckle, La’al jumped up to the spot he was hanging from, finding a relaxed position on one of the many “small” guns jutting out of the machine.
“Pretty much any’un not an Operork, Nash,” the “greenskin” said, pulling some jerky out of her bag and impaling it on one of the head’s tusk-like lower canines. Her words were quite true though. La’al herself had decapitated Nashtoof an entire year prior. However, the “kultur” of the Operorks was extensively intertwined with their ability to sing. As such, the clan held zealously to the belief that their heads had literally no need for their body other than to get properly stuck into fights. Admittedly that was fairly important for Orks in general, but Operorks could be a part of the fight without ever needing to swing a blade or pull a trigger. Their songs alone could, as La’al had seen with her own two eyes, whip their brethren into an astonishing bloodlust, make their machinery work with nearly unparalleled efficiency, or even shake the very foundations of mountains.
“Lookin’ for’ard ta’ getting’ off world, finally?” the T’au asked as Nashtoof worked the piece of meat off of his tooth with his tongue.
“Zog yeh!” he responded before finally getting a grip of the food. “Bin way too long wiffowt a gud scrap!” His chewing on the jerky didn’t even muffle his voice, a concept La’al found even stranger than the fact he was speaking without a body. The line of what is possible had to be drawn somewhere, right?
“I’ze gotta say, doh. I get dis odd feelin’ dat we’ze gonna be in for a bigun soonah den latah,” said the bhe’ghaal, an odd darkness and calm coming over him, fully opposite of how any normal Ork would say those words.
“Whyz’at?” La’al asked, looking down at the head with mild confusion and surprise at the tone of his voice.
“Dunno. Jus’… jus’ a feelin’. Sky’ze getting’ dark, doh. Probubly time fer ya’ ta’ leave, den’. All da’ best scraps iz gonna be goin’ on bakk in town,” the hesitant tone and sudden shift of subject put La’al very much on edge. Even so, she nodded and hopped down from the titanic machine.
“Yeah. Prob’ly time. Dinnae wanna miss da’ gooduns. See ya’ round, Nash,” she said, walking back toward town and the sounds of its clamor. She had adjustments to make to the stellar radio she had been cobbling together in her cave over the last year before its first test that night, after all. But still, something was scratching at the back of her head in regards to what Nashtoof had said, and not just the bhe’ghaal’s tone of voice. It was something she couldn’t quite put her finger on. Until, like a sun cresting the horizon, it dawned on her.
Snapping around, she looked up at the system’s star, still high in the sky and as yet untouched by the growing storm-clouds. Yet it was growing darker and darker by the moment. Then, the sky began to roar with the sounds of countless fighter craft and dropships falling through the atmosphere.
La’al saw red. Not for the fighters, not for the dropships, not in their Guard colors. No, what drew the fury from the darkest depths of her heart was the drop pods, falling wave after wave into the badlands and sprawling shanty-towns around her. The drop pods. The jet-black drop pods. Marked with the jagged cross.  The Black Templars had brought their eternal crusade back across the Damocles Gulf. And from the Stayj, a bellowing cry of bloodlust and excitement rose to meet them.
(And so the climax approaches. I’ll admit, not totally sure about how well this particular part works out for someone who didn’t write the thing. Deeply sorry if parts of this story feel less than cohesive with one another. Don’t really have much of a commentary at the moment, but as always I’m open for any questions and critiques)
No need to apologize, and sorry I took this long to get back to you! The truth is just that I've had a rough spell and thus was quite inactive for a while, but thank you for still sending me this. 
I do not have too much commentary on this one; I enjoy the closer look at Ork cultural cues and societal nuances, I have always enjoyed those, so seeing something of a market at the outset, for example, was something I enjoyed greatly!
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