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sheepyshenanigans · 2 years
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🕎🎄⍟ 3 Holidays, 3 Candle Sets by LuckiSelki on The Sims Resource! ⍟🧙‍♀️✡️
Halloween / Samhain / All Hallow’s Eve Candles: 
Christmas Candles: 
Hanukkah Candles:
Check out the rest of LuckiSelki’s items on The Sims Resource! She’s made a lot of cute holiday stuff for multiple religions! The diversity is quite nice~♡ 
Mila Bath Candle by BuffSumm 
sims resource: 
sims file share: 
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reggae-vibes-com · 7 months
Dream-X returns with 'Different Element Riddim'
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Dream-X returns with 'Different Element Riddim'. Read Augene Pitter's article about the Jamaican-born US-based record producer. #DreamX #DifferentElementRiddim #EugenePitter #RiddimWise Read the full article
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anarchotolkienist · 2 years
When did Kings of Scotland stop speaking Gaelic - I assume it must have been really early? Before the Norman conquest?
Actually later than you think! It is generally accepted that the languge of the court was no longer Gaelic, primarily, after the Davidan Reforms of King David the 2nd, the son of Méal Colm and Margaret, the widow of king Aethelred (who's a saint now, for supposedly 'christianising the pagan Scots', who'd been Christian for hundreds of years at the time). At this point, their native languge would have shifted, first to some form of early English and then to Scots, as that developed into a distinct languge. However, the Scottish kings were all taught Gaelic as a second language, until James the Fourth, as the languge of first a majority and then a very significant minority (~40%, down to some 25% at the end of the Scottish kingdom) of their subjects, even though the languge retreats to be ever-further from the centre of power in Edinburgh. We know that James was the last only because of a mention by the ambassador of Spain, reporting back to Juan and Catherine, said that the court of the Scottish king was surprisingly cultured and civilised, that the king himself spoke many languages - French, Latin, Greek, Scots, English - 'and he speaks also the language of the Northern savages'. So King Máel Colm II would have been the last native speaker of Gaelic to be King of Scotland, and James the Fourth the last second-language speaker.
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gettingsillyhere · 3 years
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I'm naming this ship DaviDan 😜
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plentyoffandoms · 3 years
Pete Davidson x f/Reader
Masterlist ♡ Pete Davidson Masterlist ♡ Well, Shit! Masterlist
Also the photo is just to show the outfit, not what I am picturing the reader to look like. Please imagine your gorgeous self in one these dresses or even in a dress you may want to wear for this event.
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Gifs & Photos do not belong to me.
Warning: Swearing, talk of labour & delivery
Really the only downside of going to your own movie Premier is the fact that I have to put on a suit, but it is for only one night.
I know Y/N has been excited for this night even though I have been internally panicking at the thought of my almost 8 1/2 month pregnant wife being anywhere outside the safety of our own home.
I was getting super frustrated with the tie and just thought about not wearing it when I heard a soft giggle.
I looked up at the sound and I honestly felt like my heart stopped beating the moment my eyes landed on Y/N.
She had her hair how she usually has it, with her usual make up on. I always try to tell her she doesn't need it but she just scoffs at me.
But what made me feel that way was seeing her looking like a goddess. Her dress showed off her baby bump and all I wanted to do was bunch her dress up around her waist and not leave our bedroom.
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"Having trouble there baby?" Y/N asked as she walked over to me. I visibly gulped as she grabbed the tie from my hand and quickly got to work tying it. Y/N smoothed it against my chest and I reached to grab her hand to hold it against my chest as I leaned to give her a kiss.
"Why don't we just stay home tonight beautiful."
"Pete, this is your movie Premier. You have to make an appearance. Just not for your fans but for Colson."
I threw my hands in the air. "Fine, I'll go but I won't be happy about it." I said teasingly.
"Pete, Y/N, the limo is here" My mom said as she came down the stairs. The twins are a sleep and their grandma is their babysitter for the night.
"You two have fun and remember to take it easy Y/N." My mother said as she walked to us for a hug goodbye.
"Bye Mom."
"Thank you for watching them tonight Amy."
"You know I love watching my grand babies. Now go. You got people waiting on you." My mom said as she practically pushed the two of us out the door.
I held my arm for Y/N to take as we walked to the limo. I already plan on not being far from her tonight. My worst fear is that she is going to hurt herself.
Or worse, that she will go into labour. I actually thought about having our OB-GYN attend the premiere but Y/N said no and I thought about going behind her back, but she would have me sleeping on the couch if I did that.
I held the limo door open and helped Y/N get in. I was not far behind her as I settled into the limo beside her. We talked about random things, but I kept my body turned towards her as I wanted to keep my hand on her baby bump.
The premiere was not far from our house and we pulled up just behind Colson and Megan. The rest of cast and crew were there, all getting their photos taken and answering questions.
I looked out the window and just contemplated asking the driver to just take us to Giuliana’s Ristorante and just spend the night out for ourselves.
"Ready baby?" Y/N said as she pulled me out of my thoughts.
"Not really."
"We will have a good night. I promise you Pete." She said as she squeezed my hand that was on her bump.
I leaned in and gave her a kiss and once again I wanted to just drive off but there was a knock on the window.
"Yo, let's go love birds." Fucking Colson.
I opened the door and got out of the limo. I held my hand out for Y/N to take as she carefully pulled herself out of the limo.
"Looking gorgeous Y/N." Megan said to her.
"You always look gorgeous Megan." My wife said as she looked at our friend.
Megan and Colson walked the carpet first and had their moment to shine. Then it was mine and Y/N's turn.
We answered questions and had our pictures taken. Y/N took it all in stride but I felt like a nervous wreck inside and I have no idea why.
Next the paparazzi wanted photos of just me and Colson and Megan literally had to shove me away from Y/N, promising me that she will not leave her side.
I watched as Megan and Y/N walked into the building, talking and laughing and of course getting their photos taken along the way.
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The paparazzi got their photos that they wanted and asked us questions about the movie.
The two of us went inside and found our partners. Y/N felt my hand on her lower back and turned to look at me. I didn't interrupt her as she continued to talk to Timothée Chalamet and John Mulaney.
The four of us talked for a bit until it was time to watch the movie.
A few of the main cast, including Colson and I gave a few short speeches and then the movie was started.
People were laughing and seemed to be enjoying it. Near the end of the movie, Y/N got up to go to the bathroom.
I got up to follow her to make sure she would be okay, but she insisted I stay and enjoy the rest of the movie. With a a kiss, she was off to the bathroom.
The movie ended and the audience got up to clap but I rushed my way through crowd that gathered around us.
One of the female staff was running towards me with a panicked look on her face.
"Mr. Davidson, Mr. Davidson! Come quick. Your wife has gone into labour. Another member of the staff has called 911. They should be here soon."
I was going to say thank you but I heard Y/N scream from the bathroom and I took off running and flung open the bathroom door.
There she was, sitting on the floor with her back against the wall, hands on her stomach.
Y/N looked at me as I ran into the bathroom to sit behind her. I wrapped my arms around her as a contraction came, and it pained me to hear her scream and cry in agony.
"Pete, it hurts."
"Y/N, baby deep breaths. The paramedics will be here soon. How long since the contractions started?"
"A few hours ago..."
"Y/N Davidson. Why didn't you say anything?"
"Usually it is hours until active labour starts." Y/N said as another contraction hit her.
We did the breathing exercises that we learned for a bit until another contraction hit and Y/N grabbed onto my hand and squeezed with all her might.
I guess I made a noise when she was squeezing because all I got was, "Shut up Peter!" Oh shit, full name.
The bathroom door swung open and Megan was standing there.
"We heard screaming. Oh my God! Has she gone into labour? COLSON!"
At that moment the paramedics came rushing into the bathroom and Colson was right behind them.
The paramedics checked Y/N over and got her on the stretcher. I held her hand as she was wheeled out of the bathroom.
Y/N let out another scream and grabbed me by my suit jacket.
"This baby is fucking coming. I am not going to make it to the hospital."
I looked at the paramedics with fear.
"We will get her to the hospital as fast as we can Mr. Davidson."
"Mr. Davidson, all entrances have been cleared of paparazzi." The female staff member from before informed me.
"For fuck sakes! Get this child out of me!" My wife screamed as we ran through the building, outside to where the ambulance was.
They got her loaded into the back of the ambulance and I sat in the front, even though I wanted to be beside her. I told the paramedic which hospital to take her too.
Mulaney screamed that they will meet us at the hospital. This hospital is going to be full of so many celebrities tonight. I just hope the hospital staff stays professional.
The ambulance pulled away with the sirens blaring. I text my mom and told her what was going on. I told her to stay home for now as I didn't want the twins to be woken up.
It only took us a few minutes to get to the hospital and our Doctor and nurses were waiting outside.
I got angry as I saw the paparazzi lining the sidewalk but I couldn't focus on that right now.
I opened the door and jumped out as Y/N was being lowered from the ambulance. I grabbed her hand as we all ran into the hospital.
Y/N was put in a private room and was changed out of her dress into a hospital gown. I was still in my suit but I didn't care. I can always just get a new one if this gets dirty.
Our Doctor came in the room to check on Y/N and we got told it was time to push.
"Are you ready Y/N?" I asked her.
All Y/N could was scream as she started to push. I held her hand the whole entire time. I will have a Doctor look at it once the delivery is over.
Y/N was screaming and a nurse had the audacity to look at my wife and say.
"Honey, you’re going to scare the other moms if you keep screaming."
Before I could even open my mouth to say something, my wife gave her the nastiest look possible and said.
"They SHOULD be scared!”
And with one final push our handsome baby boy was born.
It was a blur after that. I only thing I can remember is the moment they laid him on Y/N's chest. I couldn't stop myself from giving my wife a kiss as the two of us had happy tears in our eyes.
After a few hours Y/N was finally asleep. We decided on his name and I was very happy with it.
I went out to the waiting room with our baby boy in my arms and my mom came rushing over. She had tears in her eyes as she saw her new grand baby.
"Who has Scott and Julianna?"
"Your sister has them. She says when I come home, she will stop by to visit."
My friends gathered around. Colson and Johnathan were on either side of me.
"How is Y/N doing?" Megan asked.
"She is doing good. Sleeping right now. No problems with the delivery this time." The moment I said that, Colson looked more relaxed.
"Everyone, I would like for you to meet the newest member of the Davidson family, William John Colson Davidson."
Part 6
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Tag list: If you would like to be added to the tag list, please let me know. @sincerelyasomebody @sesamepancakes
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Making a separate post for this
Since there was a legit message in the code from the devs saying the ending was non cannon and impossible to get in game we have to go into the files.
and WhiskeyToYou fucking pulled through YO:
“Okay, so level33 is Hugo’s first date. All I did was switch the file names of level33 and level58, then I just went as if I was gonna do Hugo’s first date, and it triggered the cult ending.”  
Hoddie is streaming it RN.
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stuckatmyhouse12 · 6 years
I wanna reread Lee Shore and also Time Displacement: Side A
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jalebi-o-shir · 4 years
The Idiocy of the Hindi-Urdu Controversy (Sources at the end)
People saying that Urdu and Hindi are two separate languages don’t know anything about how languages function. From a linguistic standpoint, purely linguistic without involving any politics, these are one and the same language. Don’t come parotting the same overused debunked myth that was wrongly perpetuated by an Irish officer by the name of John Gilchrist to drive a wedge between one people who simply had two different religions. Hindi and Urdu are two just registers of one language called Hindi-Urdu depending on your preference. The term “Hindustani” is a non-native term for the language . It was coined by the British Raj and never used by the natives who knew the language by several names such as Hindvi, Hindi, Rekhta, Dehlavi, and much later Urdu.
A few facts
Urdu was a term coined later which was in vogue around the late 17th CE. The language was known under several names Urdu/Rekhta/Hindi/Hindvi depending on the region and era.
Amir Khosrow, regarded as father of Urdu poetry composed a few poems in a language he himself called Hindvi.
Hindi-Urdu is an Indo-Aryan language and belongs to the Indo-Iranian branch of languages which in turn belongs to the Indo-European language family.
Standard Modern Hindi is the language spoken in the Indian parliament and government function, and on the news . It was heavily Sanskritized as a way to purge the language from its natural Perso-Arabic vocabulary and it was devised by Hindu nationalists that opted for Devanagari script and injecting Tatsam words (unchanged Sanskrit words) . Standard Modern Hindi is not spoken natively as it is a political idealization and artificially constructed to pander to a select demographic.
In Standard Modern Urdu, notably after the partition, the government started a similar scheme started opting for an increase in Perso-Arabic as opposed to Tadbhava words which words from evolved Indo-Aryan vocabulary.
The common man speaks Hindi which is synonymous with Urdu which has kept natural Perso-Arabic vocabulary intact. Without Arabic or Persian, Hindi would not be able to exist as it is essential for communication and its foundation.
Urdu did not derive from Persian. Persian is an entire other language and belongs to the Iranic branch of the Indo-Iranian branch. Urdu belongs to the Indic branch. Urdu is not a mix between Hindi + Arabic + Persian + Turkish because Urdu and Hindi are the same language that developed from middle Indo-Aryan languages called Prakrits . In the process Hindi-Urdu acquired Persian and Arabic words along with its Tadbhava vocabulary. Languages do not change overnight, they progress and evolve gradually, and it is an ongoing process as we speak.
Pure Urdu and Pure Hindi are not Persian nor Sanskrit. People have the tendency to identify Sanskrit words as “Hindi words” and “Perso-Arabic as “Urdu” know that this is wrong. Hindi-Urdu both have Indo-Aryan and Perso-Arabic influence. In the case of coining words Hindi or Urdu, know that Perso-Arabic and Tadbhava words make up its native vocabulary.
Languages can have native equivalents, but that does not necessarily make it pure. If that was the case English would be “polluted “ with Latin, Greek, and French. Rather, the English that we know now would not have existed, it would not be English as we know today without the external influences. It would be a different language, possibly more Germanic.
For Hindi and Urdu every English word we substitute freely in Urdu and Hindi have native equivalents from its Indo-Aryan and Perso-Arabic word stock. It can be argued since language is an ongoing process, that English is also part of Hindi-Urdu.
Yes, we have pidgin languages, but they follow a very simple grammar structure and can be traced to its mother language. Hind- Urdu feature the same tenses, same verbs same conjugasions, feature the same syntax (word order), and same verbs which are impossible to develop in a few hundred years and they can be traced to Khadi/Khari Boli (as in Khadi meaning to stand)
Urdu-Hindi progressed naturally from spoken Sanskrit where it split into Middle-Indo-Aryan languages that went on to becoming and developing into modern Indo-Aryan languages such as Punjabi, Gujrati, Marathi, Sindhi, Bengali, Hindi-Urdu spoken today in the sub-continent.
Urdu did not develop in the camps. This was purely fictional and is not factual. This was written in the prefix of collection of stories titled Bagh-O-Bahar orginally written by Amir Khusrow in Persian and translated by Mir Aman into Hindi-Urdu.
Zuban-e-Urdu-e-Moallah refers to Persian as it was the administrative language of the mobile camps named Shajahanbad, now known as New Dehli. Thus we have to read it in Persian which simply translates to ‘exhalted camp/base language’ nothing more nothing less. This is because Persian enjoyed a privileged status in government. Outside of government, people spoke Hindi along with their regional language as this was the lingua-franca of North-India.
The name Urdu was always a noun, never the name for the language until the late 17th CE. Urdu literally means camp, base, encampment.
If Urdu really was a mix 1). It would have a Persian base complete with verb conjugasion. Urdu features an Indic system. 2) It would feature heavy Persian verb presence as Persian was the dominating language of the elite. Instead, Urdu features 99.9% Indic verbs which can be ultimately traced to back to Sanskrit.
The few loan-verbs are Guzarna, Kharidna, Badalna, Farmana. All of these have been Indianized to accomondate the Indic grammar system. This amount is miniscule compared to the Indo-Aryan verbs such likhna, hasna, dena, chalna, DoRna which in Sanskrit respecitively are Lekiti, Hasiti, Chaliti, daviti (compare to Persian Davidan to run). 3) As earlier mentioned, it would feature a simple grammar to facilitate easy communication, which is does not.
Misinformed claims about Urdu
70% Persian, 30% Hindi.
A mix of Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Hindi.
Derived from Persian.
Derived from Arabic.
Borrows more from Persian than Hindi.
Is a Persian language. (what does this even mean?)
A Muslim language.
A language that was created between soldiers.
That Qaumi Tarana is Persian
A different language because it is written in a different script. Urdu can be written in roman. it does not automatically make Roman-written Urdu a separate language from Perso-Arabic-written Urdu. This also occurs in Persian where the Persian variety spoken in Tajikistan,Tajik, is written in Cryllic where as Iranian variety, Farsi, spoken in Iran is written in Perso-Arabic, yet are still known as one language. What about Punjabi where the language is written in Shahmukhi and Gurmukhi?
Persian is part of Hindi and Urdu as much it is part of Persian itself. Try communicating without Persian words if you know what these words are. You cannot.
Hindi speakers that say that Hindi relies primarily on Sanskrit are not even aware of the Persian words that are part of their vocabulary. Everyday examples: hameisha, magar, agar,sirf, safed, roshan, rang, duur, khaab, baarish, sakht, narm, zindagi, garm, nakhun, khoon, farsh, zameen, javan, saal, baar, rumaal, kaghaz, kyun ke, khush, cherah, namak, shakar, tava and this is just a small fraction. Urdu relies on Sanskrit as much as Hindi-speakers do. Without Sanskrit, Urdu would not even exist since it is the meat and bones of the language.
People who are fixated on the idea that Persian is an “Islamic” Language have to understand that language is just a vehicle of communication. Yes, Persian was the primary language of many Islamic empires and territories in West, North, and South-Asia, but that does not mean it is exclusive to Islam. Persian themselves were invaded and conquered by the Arabs which gave rise to an huge influx of Arabic vocabulary present in Modern Persian. Remember that Persians were Zoroastrian orginally. The holy texts are written in Avestan (Old Persian) a sister language of Sanskrit. It’s strange that hindu-fundamentalists want to get rid of the Persian vocabulary, but do not realize that Old Persian is closely linked to Sanskrit. The word namaz for example shares the same origin as the ‘namas’ in namaste. The Sanskrit word for far ‘dura’ shares a common origin with duur in Persian. In the same way that ast in Persian and asti in Sanskrit have a common origin. These ‘cognates’ are still present in huge numbers.
Hindi in itself is the language that is known as Urdu. A language cannot be mixed with itself it does not make sense. Urdu-Hindi contains 70-80% Tadbhava vocabulary. These are words that underwent a development from Middle Indo-Aryan languages and ultimately derrive from Spoken Sanskrit. Examples Nasika = Naak, Lok= Log, Raatri = Raat, Pancha = Panj, Chandra = Chand, Krti = Karna, Asti = Hain (Persian retained this with ast since Sanskrit’s sister language, Avestan, is Modern Persian’s ancestor)
The remaining estimated 30%-20% is Perso-Arabic vocabulary which it naturally acquired. Languages are living beings. They get fed with vocabulary and grow. Without Perso-Arabic Hindi-Urdu would not exist as its vocabulary is vital to its existence. Standard Modern Hindi is a failed example as it not spoken natively as it was intended to.
It is interesting that most of the focus is on the Perso-Arabic vocabulary in this controversy , even though it makes up an insignificant amount compared to the 70% of Tadbhava vocabulary. Nobody uses the full capacity of a language. That would mean using every word in its existence ; archaic, in disuse, and present. In practice, percentage of a language’s vocabulary is used depending on context, need, and/or goal.
Another argument is that Hindi is deprived of Sanskrit is a strange one as languages progress instead of regress. In that sense we can argue that French is deprived of Latin, or English from its Germanic roots. Yet, we all agree that Latin (Vulgar Latin) evolved into French or that Modern English has French vocabulary as part of its language. How is Hindi deprived of Sanskrit if Sanskrit evolved into Hindi? In languages we go forward, not backwards. Sanskrit is a foreign language in the sense that it does not serve a function anymore in modern Indo-Aryan languages. To put it into perspective, putting random Old English Germanic words in Modern English speech would sound out of place , foreign, and feel weird on the tongue, even though English is an Germanic language.
Imagine somebody speaking as an Indian newscaster, speaking Modern Standard Hindi they would be riddiculed. It would sounds unatural and artificial. Same can be said if somebody would be speaking as a Pakistani newscaster. Nobody speaks like this in neither countries. Bollywood on the other hand is written in Hindi, true Hindi which, as earlier mentioned, is the same as Urdu. Dialogue is written intentionally with Perso-Arabic vocabulary to capture a wide audience because it is understood by everyone as it is meant to be as opposed to Standard Modern Hindi. This is why Hindi and Standard Modern Hindi are two separate things and are not identified as one.
Standard Modern Urdu and Standard Modern Hindi are based off political ideologies. This is not carried out by “the people”. Languages need people to communicate, the people choose to communicate in the everyday language understood by both people who speak Hindi-Urdu. Languages are not tied to borders or religion as they can be arbitrarily set and changed.
Hindi-Urdu are languages spoken in different regions and different countries. These varieties or registers belong to one language usually known by several names as a way to distinguish it from the other registers. Some examples in other countries are Dutch-Flemish; German spoken in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Belguim; Metropolitan French , Quebecois French, and French in the African continent; Tajik-Farsi-Dari spoken in Tajikistan, Iran, and Afghanistan, and surprise, English, as spoken in the Anglophone world. Examples of these can be also found in Portuguese, Spanish, and Arabic.
The geographical area that Hindi-Urdu spans is huge. There is no definitive line or set words people from either country uniquely use as it varies from region to region, town to town.
My native language is Dutch as I was born and raised in Amsterdam. Dutch is spoken in Belguim, Suriname, The Netherlands, and The Dutch Caribbean Islands. Speakers from Belguim calls their regional variety Flemish or Vlaams. Dutch people from The Netherlands call their language Dutch or Nederlands natively. Both people from both countries know that they speak one and the same language named Nederlands , but Belgians choose call it Flemish (Vlaams) because of the regional, cultural, and historical significance attached to it. How is it that Urdu and Hindi speakers claim to speak separate languages, while other speakers from other languages have similar differences, yet know and call their language as one?
Each variety of Spanish has regional dialects, and regional vocabulary how come they do not have this controversy. It’s simply politics. This phenomena can be found in Afghanistan as well where the term Dari is used to differentiate itself from Iranian ‘Farsi’ to instil national pride in the dialect spoken in Afghanistan.
Strange that Punjabi does not have this controversy in the sub-continent since it’s written in both Shahmukhi and Gurmukhi and has several regional varieties with a diverging vocabulary , yet is simply known by its speakers as ‘Punjabi’ and is understood to be one and the same language regardless of country or religion. Could it be because Punjabi was not weaponized as a political and religious tool against its own people?
People who have gone to school know that Wikipedia is not a reliable source and is never used as one. How come we don’t use the same mindset and actually read academic papers written by historians and accredited linguists that have studied the language in-depth together with its history instead of parroting debunked old myths and outdated information lead by emotion and misplaced pride?
The whole language controversy is so illogical that it hurts my heart to see one and the same people fighting about something that was perpetuated by the British Raj. Start decolonizing your mind and use rationality instead of being a tote-ye-hind. These claims about the Hindi-Urdu Controversy are not taken seriously by modern linguists. These claims orginate from observations made by people who marched in our lands and decided our history without even knowing anything about it and stating them as facts by then having them mindlessly spread by future generations. A number of these claims are also spread by our own people attaching their ideologies to them who absolutely have no knowledge on linguistics or the true history of Hindi-Urdu.
As a person of Pakistani descent that speaks several languages, this idiocy is only displayed in the Sub-Continent. Yes, I call my mother tongue Urdu. It’s simply a label that I choose to identify my language with that I’ve known my entire life. I’m proud of my regional variety, but I do know people on the other side call my Urdu their Hindi or my Nederlands their Vlaams.
Further Reading:
“Early Urdu literary culture and history “ by Shamsur Rahman Faruqi (2001)
“Yes, Hindi And Urdu Are The Same Language” SPARSH AHUJA (2017)
“The Name and Nature of a Language: Would Urdu by any other Name Smell as Sweet?”Shamsur Rahman Faruqi (2014) (Abridged Version)
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dramaphan · 3 years
Putting these here as well: tw r*pe, tw alcohol, tw grooming
I haven’t really kept up on it all but basically David is accused of witnessing rape without doing anything, giving alcohol to minors, and I think more. Dan davidan (game grumps and ninja sex party) is accused of grooming and sexual abuse. It’s much more complicated but i don’t care to know more
I did a very brief Twitter search and at first glance the Dan one seems like a loose allegation at best but the David one definitely seems sketchy. I also don’t particularly care to know more
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wordsinpersian · 5 years
Transcription: davidan
Meaning: to run
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haeronline · 5 years
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Popular on 500px : camel ride by Davidan sun,liberty,free,back lit,blue sky,adventuresome,outdoor,sunny,desert,sand,travel,adventure,friendstrip,travel photography,life,pic of the day,morocco,desert tour,merzouga,dunes,africa,sahara,sahara desert,camel,animal,shadows#haero #… pic.twitter.com/jPHLXaqh30
— AndOREAH Fabellini (@haerone) June 13, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/haerone
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vicariousplacebo · 5 years
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Ocaso by Davidan Source: http://bit.ly/31fw08e
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anarchotolkienist · 2 years
Question, since I don't know too much about Scotland: are the Highlanders and Lowlanders two different ethnic groups speaking their own languages, or two regional groups of ethnic Scottish people who just happen to have two different local languages? I mean, I know that legally people from the Highlands and Lowlands are Scottish, but as I started to learn about Highlandism, I got myself confused as to what precisely is the relationship between the peoples of the Lowlands and Highlands :(
I mean, if we want to talk about ethnogenesis, there's obviously not like a hard genetic line between them, because people intermarry and intermingle and humans, but if we want to talk about cultural origins/descent in a way which is not relevant to the current day (and again, also NOT ETHNIC, strictly) we can draw a distinction something like this - Lowlanders in Scotland speak/spoke Scots and have a distinct culture largely based around it, and this languge develops out of Anglo-Saxon, as spoken by the Angles. The Gaels/Highlanders, however, have a cultural origin together with the Gaels in Ireland, and therefore out of the insular Celts, who lived on the Islands of the North Atlantic before the Saxons came (and of course the Celts themselves had integrated the previous peoples who lived on these isles when they arrived). The old folkloric explanation being as the followers of Fearghas Mòr, son of the King of Dáil Riata in modern Ulster, who led some of his people to settle. The modern explanation, and the one that I hold truck with, is that the languge and culture co-evolved in one cultural zone on both sides of the Irish sea, but it's not 100% certain.
However, none of that stuff really matters, because these groups would not necessarily conceive of themselves as different and talk about their origins as such without ideological/material reasons to do so, i.e. undergoing ethnogenesis (becoming an ethnic group). In Scotland this seems to occur shortly after the Norman Conquest and the Davidan Reforms, when Gaelic quickly retreats from the Lowlands (except for the glens of Galloway, where Gaelic clings on for another few hundred years) in favour of Anglo-speaking merchants and french-speaking nobles and establishes itself north and west of the Highland Line, where it would be more or less stable for another 700 years, untill the Clearances. The first historical account of Scotland, by John of Fordrun in the 12th century, already makes a clear distinction between the Wood-Scots, and the coastal Scots, as he calls them, who he says are fundamentally different in every way, and hate eachother (supposedly, mixing up the two was the greatest insult you could make to either side) - in clothing, in languge, in manners, in civilisation, in social organisation and so on and so on. Interestingly he says that the Wood-scots (the savage Gael) still speaks 'Scottish' (he means Gaelic) whereas the coast-scots speak 'Inglis' (he means Scots). Clearly, ethnogenesis has already happened here, and the stage is set for the next millennium, as the Lowlanders try and solve their Highland Problem through every weapon available in the colonisers handbook - direct settlement in the Plantation period, divide-and-conquer, full-scale occupation, fundamental otherisation/dehumanisation, invasions and destabilisation and eventually genocide. The first few chapters of Mi-rún mór nan Gall have really good information on the medieval context, where it seems the two ethnic groups first appear if you're interested. I want to be clear though that there is no such thing as 'ethnicity' that exists independently of our thoughts about it, but it is an ideological construction that is created by people - a lot of the Lowlanders who would make much hay of their Teutonic blood and descent in the middle ages and forwards would have been the great-grandchildren of Gaelic speakers. It's culture, not blood, that matters on this sort of scale.
I hope that sort of answered your question?
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thescifigamer-blog · 7 years
I laughed so hard the first time i watched this.
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obsessiveame · 7 years
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Behold the three stages of Dan Davidan-- "Emotionally Defeated/Destroyed", "Everything's Swell" & everyone's fav. "Suave Heartthrob"
going to make the third one my icon later
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