#daz life
dazzlingdisaster · 1 year
Ahhh mental health nuclear meltdown vis Borderline episode.
I'm so fucking exhausted, STILL, and I don't know if I want to try and put myself back into the swing of things again slowly, or if I just want to spend $80+ on a silver bracelet chain and load it with nothing silver butterfly charms and then see if anyone in the wild gets it. I might do that eventually anyway, but the urge is stronger when you're reeling. Or maybe it's just that you're too tired to think "this is a great idea but it'll do terrible fucking things to my wallet and I have bills and stuff, so I should not do that". It's probably that.
I don't know, I'm just trying to hold on until winter is over. And if it means starting a hundred things I'm pretty sure won't finish, coming up with a hundred projects I can't afford right now, and watching a hundred things that I kinda want to see for a few episodes and then switching without finishing anything, whatever. Maybe I'll come back to it, maybe I won't, but it's better than just sitting there letting everything get to me that much more. Right? And the watching stuff for a bit and switching is really just speed dating, but with potential fandoms. I'm not wrong... >:3c you know damn well that I'm not technically wrong...
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theproblemcallednight · 7 months
i have many random wips like sdkjfndksjff why can't i finsh smth
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anyways heres a fem skk one ive been sitting on for the past week. i did try to do a background but i got lazy
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dduane · 7 months
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Noodling around with some test textures and emissives for this image from ch. 9 of The Door Into Fire: the scene with Herewiss and the moth. And sighing, because I can see that the moon and the background starlight are going to have to be added in post. The HDRIs / sky backgrounds I've got in the toolbox aren't anywhere near detailed enough, or contrast-y enough, to render correctly in a scene like this. (Also will need to load in some atmospheric mist, as the structures closest look way too close: and add some of the background terrain around the old Hold.)
Still more work to be done, too, on the walls/pillars, which are part of a facility full of alien-originated architecture that may be alive and sentient: hence the not-yet-subdued-enough lighting effects. And am also feeling around for ways to visually suggest that Dusty’s, well, not exactly stoned out of his gourd in this scene, but certainly in an altered state of consciousness.
At least the moth's okay. ...Well, for certain values of "okay," considering that it's dead. But the balance between its transparency and its emission settings wasn't as complex as I thought it might have to be.
(yawns, shuts down rendering computer) One to stick into the "come back to this later" folder and move on to other things.
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reneray · 1 year
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nadjabear · 1 month
Me: "Yeah I've been listening to the audiobook I'm Glad My Mom Died and it's been pretty good so far" Friend: "That book is so sad tho"
5 minutes later
Me: "Look I just read this one and it was pretty good!" *points to My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness* Friend: "That looks like it's a pretty depressing book" Me: "It is but it's really good :D"
Another 5 minutes pass
Me: "Alright I'm going to buy this book!" Friend: "What's the name?" Me: "The summer Hikaru died" Friend: "WHY ARE YOU ONLY READING SAD BOOKS!?"
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Haagen Daz I'd like to help you out.
Your company seems intent on making an actual quality product fit for human consumption in this age of plenty.
(for a few, but lucky for you those are your customers. it's a shame with this economy people would love to indulge and feel happy eating your ice cream but just can't afford it and your customer base is just going to keep shrinking with the economy.)
Your ice cream is the most perfect blend of texture and taste and ice creaminess™️ I've ever found sold in a store. And it's a damn sight better than most ice cream parlors and even the high end hoity toity $12 a fucking scoop ice cream business I got suckered by with freezer-burned ice milk in Palo Alto.
But this mint chocolate chip does not work for me. Those chips might as well be little sharp edged cubes of rock till you can find and bite every single one so you can finally enjoy your ice cream pain free.
Here's where my help comes in
Make the chips sets of very thin ripples. Mint Chocolate Ripple™️ by Haagen Daz daz zound niz, yez?
Yes flakes are the thing! Your Mint Ripple Chip will be the bomb once you layer your excellent chocolate like it was peanut butter ripple with filo-thin layers of crispy chocolate.
The tongue and roof of the mouth feel the crumbling layers cracking into a thousand little slivers that instantly melt on the tongue letting your immediately pair that bitter chocolate mouth feel with the creamy perfectly midsweet perfectly minty ice cream.
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kon-konk · 1 year
Remember how when Tsubaki went and got Belkia from Mahiru the two of them immediately started talking about getting ice cream.
His priority that day really was just getting his bf back before he missed their ice cream date, huh
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bobbie-robron · 9 months
Don’t call me son! I’m a Hopwood, me and him! We might be scum but at least we don’t pretend to be anything we’re not. (Part 2)
Robert makes it clear that Jack, Victoria and Katie are the most important people in his life and that also includes Andy, too. Sorry, Robert, but you need to choose between your brother and Katie as you can’t have both. Andy winds up burning whatever remnants of Katie were left at the farm. He also states to Jack in no uncertain terms he is sick of being a Sugden and now a Hopwood.
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the-iron-orchid · 1 year
With the advent of the new base model that nobody wants, DAZ is selling the older 3D assets at fire-sale prices, and you better believe I'm in there grabbing shit like a fucking RACCOON, stockpiling textures, morphs, sets, and costumes like there's no tomorrow
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What this means for us is MOAR MODELS, and I finally have a solid plan for Lucio (cut for technical rambling):
For his arm, I'm going to create a geoshell of his left arm and shoulder and texture it to match the unarmored prosthetic, complete with emissive maps. Most of the time, normal maps should suffice, but I'll also make some displacement maps so it looks right when it's unarmored. (This keeps me from having to rig a whole-ass arm, and also ensures it will not clip either Lucio or the armor bits.)
I'm then going to make all the armor bits - some from scratch, some from bits stolen from all the newly acquired armor in my assets library - and attach them to rigid nodes on the geoshell geometry so they'll roughly follow the posing. Again, that saves me from having to rig it, and I'll have the ability to fine-tune the position of each bit of armor independently when posing. In more problematic poses, I can just take the whole thing into Zbrush and fudge it before rendering.
(I can get away with all of this because this is not a product for distribution - it can have ugly kludges, and since it is literally only for Lucio, it doesn't have to be conforming to other shapes.)
He'll also get a geograft for the stump of his left arm; I should be able to cover over any discontinuity in the arm texture with the scarring textures (or postwork, failing that). I'll make the stump graft itself by duplicating some geometry from the arm and sculpting it to shape; it will already be UV'd to take the base arm texture, saving me some work.
As for Lucio's clothing, the simplest workaround for anything he wears is to remove the extraneous geometry from the left sleeve in the DAZ Geometry Editor and save it was a custom asset; I can then just tuck the newly-shortened hem under the armor as appropriate in Zbrush.
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djevilninja · 9 months
Stop frontin', you was never a menace; Never a hustler, no, we could never do business. Business is business, money is money, hustle is hustle, Stupid is stupid; you the dumbest of dummies...
Cam’ron feat Daz Dillinger - Live My Life (Leave Me Alone)
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dazzlingdisaster · 1 year
Since it's on my mind, I'll go ahead and post the Izuminokami Kanesada earrings and the Yamatonokami Yasusada hairbow. Hopefully the pics are good enough to really show them. I'm not skilled with a phone camera half as much as a DSLR, but I haven't been able to test and pick a new one to replace the camera that broke. Anyway! Everything is under the cut :3
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Earrings heavily inspired by Izuminokami Kanesada's earrings, but with a little creative license. Just ignore the amount of pain my hands were in after having to bend and shape it all. It was worth it. I handmade each tassel, and bent large jump rings into neat looking spacers for the tassels. The center jewel drops swing freely, as do the tassels, and the overall weight is much lighter than it looks. The only problem is that, see how red and angry the ear hole is? I react to a LOT of metals. Reliably I don't react to sterling or fine silver, and titanium, and 22kt gold that I know of. I still wear these things in public, though, even if it's a maximum of 6-8 hours. I'll take the itch, until I can find a way to get a hypoallergenic post that's hidden under a jewel or something. I'm really happy with them.
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Yamatonokami Yasusada inspired giant hairbow. The color of the fabric is much more blue like the picture where it is worn, but. The sakura bobby pins Kiyomitsu gives him (both variants) are on the right side of the bow body, and then the "makoto" kanji is on the left tail. And his little white hair tie against his black hair is in the center of the bow. You can see where I also embroidered on the mountain peak border, which was SO TEDIOUS but the result is amazing. It's a very, very large bow but I love wearing it. Maybe people think it's a little gaudy with the size and the color scheme and all the things, but damn it, I'm not wearing it for them. This took aaaages and I can see all these little things and flaws, but honestly I am very proud of myself for getting through this, and I adore how cute it is, just like Yasusada.
I am also ridiculously proud of myself for one thing in particular, which is embroidering a language I don't speak well, using a writing system I have absolutely no experience with; and then when I point Google Translate at it with my phone camera, it immediately recognizes and translates correctly.
So there's the two things that I made, my very obvious declaration of fandom and a much more subtle one. Hopefully it's not like super weird or something, making them for everyday street wear and not cosplay, but it's not gonna stop me from wearing them even if it is.
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theproblemcallednight · 7 months
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hoshikawa is taking over my brain. their style is so ksdjfnksjfbkfaf
anyways kinda ooc but was copying this ref under the cut:
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idk jus saw this and thought skk
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musicprincess1990 · 1 year
My coworker just gave me this Christmas gift:
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gentwogar · 2 years
Hello!! Life is kinda hard right now and I’m looking for some friends!! All I ask is that you be 19+ and be lgbt friendly :)
Heres a little about me~
I like video games, like Life is Strange, Night in the Woods, Little Nightmares, Calico, and there are two new games I’m looking at, they are called “Teacup” and “Kentucky Route Zero” (if you’ve played these games let me know if they’re worth it!!)
I like collecting dolls, such as Monster High, Rainbow High, and a little bit of Bratz. Bratz are hard to get, so I don’t have many of those, only three. I have 10 rainbow high and 10 monster high. I also collect Littlest Pet Shop and Crybabies :)
I also like doing makeup!! I’m still beginner level, but I do learn quickly. I also crochet and I’m trying to learn how to sew but using a sewing machine is hard to use, especially when I’m teaching myself. I also like watching gamers on YouTube, like Daz Games and Markiplier, but I would love to watch more women streamers. So, gimme any and all reccomendations!
If you made it this far, thank you!! The state of the world is really bad ofc, and I’m living in an area where I can’t openly and safely be myself. Feel free to message me, thank you!!
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keiths3dart · 2 years
Today I will mostly be FINALLY updating (i.e totally remaking from scratch) my Max and Chloe models from Genesis 8 to Genesis 8.1
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bobbie-robron · 9 months
Look, sweetheart. So everyone’s talking about you being a trollop. So what? It’s better than being ignored! Enjoy your meal.
Jack is surprised to find Daz has moved back in at Andy’s… permanently. Daz makes sure to rile up Robert at the garage (that’s my interpretation) so much so he gets a bit rough with him. That’s when Andy shows up and threatens to kill him if he touches Daz again. Things are getting to Katie after such a short time, feeling like a leper, no one to talk to, no friends. Val, Val… trying to make Katie feel better 😂. Jack’s not too thrilled about Andy having Daz back and becoming a parent at his young age. Daz leaves Robert a little pressie… graffiti on the car.
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