liliallowed · 3 months
when you hate yourself so much that you actively pursue toxic partners that'd hurt you to punish yourself...
it feels GOOD. weirdly enough it feels GOOD to hurt like that. And it's SO FUCKING hard to break free. the pain is GENUINELY like... idk how to describe it. it's like when you get a bruise and you kinda press it to feel it more or like when you have sore muscles that hurt when you stretch but you do it anyway cuz it's pleasant?
that but on an emotional level like you're venting out stress. like there's two of you, one the punisher and one the guilty. you endure the pain of it to Feel Like a vindictive heroic judge of justice for yourself...
which is just your mind coping....
like I'm just saying I'm not just going by cliche and saying dust is a sadist/masochist.
I'm not sure if he is either but he DOES hate himself. he hates himself A LOT.
he would even try to destroy himself in the process of the ordeal just for a petty one up over crimson.
he'd feel GOOD over this toxic relationship. he'd feel like he's deserving of it he'd feel safe and in control...
god I wanna hug him.
I wanna tell him that it's going to be alright. that he deserves happiness. that he deserves to let himself grieve.
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samreich · 1 month
in game changer: deja vu, we had 7 pieces of classic movie trivia prepared for grant (zac) just in case: round 4: grant: did you know that the "i am spartacus" scene was suggested by the actor? sam: take this suggestion and get off my set! round 5: grant: did you know that marlon brando used cue cards for "on the waterfront?" sam: that's your cue to get off my set! round 6: grant: did you know that dorothy's slippers were originally silver? sam: kick your heels three times and get off my set!
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detectiveforfree · 2 years
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*squints at this post and cherry-picks whatever tf i like*
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c-kiddo · 7 months
Do you have any doodles of caduceus you would be willing to share?
I love your art so much!
thankyou :' ) yee heres 2 things from th other week i think . from just after the reunion aired n i was figuring out hairstyles and also hadnt drawn him for a while .so he looks a bit young by accident
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kael-writ · 1 month
I would like to know what Ify's ponytail evaluation metric was because Brian's pony was and is IMMACULATE. Honestly offended.
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Shego: "Uhm, Dr. D? Did you read the instruction manual?"
Drakken: "No, manuals are for dumbasses... I am smart."
Shego: "..."
Drakken: "..."
Shego: "..."
Drakken: "Okay, maybe I do need to read those instructions..."
Shego: "..."
Drakken: "Aaand maybe I should do it without cradling this heavy metalic arm like a baby."
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greglow03 · 2 months
Beckory💙💚 & Flashlight Duo🔦
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'Cause you're a sky full of stars
Flashlight Duo🔦
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Brothers, from different times🔦⏳️
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catnip2554 · 3 months
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My friend see my sketches and told me to Finished it... Just My Drunk Frost Ice Mage OC who it a joke in the group 🤣
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risto-licious · 2 months
haven't done this kinda thing in a huge while! thanks for tagging @sir-olofii!
latest song: moonlight, kali uchis
favorite color: blues and greens will always scratch that special itch in my heart. the whole rainbow spectrum as well as certain color combos always manage to hit the spot, though. really into pale lavenders as well these days. COLORS ARE LIFE.
currently watching: 1997's berserk anime as well as fun mix of streams
last movie: the 14th detective conan movie: the lost ship in the sky
sweet, spicy or savory: yes please all of it after one another, I am a consumption connoisseur
relationship status: single
current obsession: enjoying myself, berserk, something written with someone
last thing I googled: amalfi coast in italy (gorgeous), bc I am playing just cause 3 right now and I want to soak up beautiful mediterranean scenery
tagging: @jitterzart @gorekody @ghostfriendmel (if you feel up to it!) & everyone who reads this and thinks it would be fun!
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samreich · 1 month
in game changer: deja vu, we had 7 rounds of math prepared just in case:
round 1: x = 3 + 5 round 2: x = 3 + 5 round 3: y = x - 2 round 4: z = x - y round 5: a = x + y + z round 6: a - x = ? round 7: x + x = ?
answers below!
round 1: 8 round 2: 8 round 3: 6 round 4: 2 round 5: 16 round 6: x round 7: a
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bunnieswithknives · 1 year
For the Hostage Rowan au, how do the resets affect humans? Cause there’s a lot more stuff that can make you forget things then just Soul Rot, and magic probably makes that list longer. Cause I’m imagining the longer he stays, the more his mind tries to adjust by also trying to reset(unhealthy coping mechanism or maybe in this scenario it would be the most healthy option). Like have you ever not been able to fully trust your own memory? That’s what I’m thinking happens except a little more extreme, and he doesn’t notice that until he realizes that he almost forgot his own name and had begun calling himself the name that the others had called him(I’d like to say Red but he’s no longer wearing anything prominently red, maybe David forgot his name was Rowan like that one HC just kept calling him that or they call him that because of his hair and “We can’t just call you Colorful Guy, that’s that crayon guy”(Creative Brendon)). 
Knowing something is happening and knowing how to stop it are two different things. He can’t write anything down permanently and even if he could, what if he already forgot something, his sisters, his age, his parents, how could he trust himself to remember that when he almost forgot his own name. I imagine it like that one Spider David scene where he’s like “oh ok” and the next “wait a second!/Stop that!” except instead of just yelling at David he’s also yelling at himself for forgetting, and it just keeps happening, no matter what he does. Cause he can keep reminding himself of facts but he can never get rid of the doubt that he’s forgetting something (example: “My name is Rowan; I have two sisters, Samantha and Sophie- wait do I have two sisters? What if it’s three?! Do I have another sibling!? Do I have a brother!? Did I forget someone! What if that’s not their names! What if that’s not my name-wait no it is, my name is Rowan! Or is it? Dammit David!”), your mind can be your best ally or your worst enemy, and unfortunately for Rowan, it doesn’t seem to want to work with him. And when Red and the puppets do escape like in the au post-canon, he might be very disoriented and never really fully trust himself with that without someone(probably Sammy) constantly reminding and affirming him of things and therapy, lots and lots of therapy.
(Sorry I saw the question + AU and couldn’t stop thinking about it, sorry for the rambling) -J
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One of the main differences between director Red and hostage Red is how they're integrated into the house. Director Red is kept an outside observer for the most part, while hostage Red is directly living with the puppets. At first, it would be a lot of crying and breakdowns, but after a while, I think he straight up forgets he didn't always live there. He still wants to see his family again, but it becomes a lot less urgent, and he talking about them like he's just forgotten to reach out in a while, though he will occasionally make omnious mentions wishing he could see them.
When they do eventually get him home, he's still convinced the whole thing is a lesson, which he plays along with for a while, until he finally just breaks down and begs for them to stop pretending to be his family. He's so convinced that it's fake and going to be ripped away from him at any second that he just wants to get it over with.
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5-pp-man · 3 months
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y'know. Chris shooting his shot right before attempting to sacrifice himself would've been commendable if Finn wasn't having a major trauma moment.
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from live slug reactioner to the object of a live slug reaction, charles is really moving up
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pokemon-ash-aus · 1 year
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More modeling poses :)
I think at this point the models are telling their own stories simply through posing...
Have i... Have i done this before?
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riverofjazzsims · 7 days
Dejavu for @novapark Izan's ISBIBC
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Dejavu Hypnos
Traits: Freegan, Erratic, Cheerful, Music Lover, Family Oriented
Aspiration: Eco Innovator
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Born and raised in Strangerville. Deja met, married, and became the mother to "Love of her life" child 8 years ago. Two years later, she was a single mother heading to court to file for divorce. Deja High School sweetheart enlisted in the military, 10 mths after reporting for extra assignments on base, Deja started noticing small changes with her husband. Those small changes became more and more until 1 month from their daughters 2nd birthday when he woke up and had no memory of his and Deja relationship past being high school classmates, meaning no memory of time dating, marrying or that he was a father to a small child. The more they attempted to help regain his memory, the more withdrawn and sometimes violent he became.
Dating as a single parent, especially one in a small town, is hard. Dating and you're the former wife of the towns infamous solider who now more often than not is known as Nervous Subject, is even harder.
Deja just wants the chance to love again and be able to share her life with someone willing to not only look past the rumor mill. small town chatter but also accepts she is a package deal with her sweet daughter, Lullaby.
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toexistwithin · 5 months
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