#devil may cry 3 se
6-evil-6-soul-6 · 4 months
Dante's DMC1 costume in the first three titles.
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salty-says · 4 months
Zosan child pt.2
Pt. 3 def gonna be full on family fluff.
Sanji’s jaw dropped and he froze.
“Oh Daddy I was so scared!” Sora threw her arms around Sanji’s neck and cried into his neck.
Sanji’s arms wrapped around her small frame mindlessly and hold her close, rubbing her back. Sanji looked to Zoro looking for any help in the situation. Zoro only mirrored Sanji’s astonishment and confusion.
The child pulled back and looked at her father a little concerned, “Daddy are you okay?” Sora looked over to where Sanji was looking and her eyes focused on Zoro. “Papa?” She squirmed out of Sanji’s arms and ran over to Zoro hugging his legs, “Papa you’re here too!”
Zoro stumbled back, Sora clinging onto his right leg. “Eh?!” He started shaking his leg trying to pry Sora off but she only started to squeal and giggle holding onto him more.
“Papa! Papa!” She giggled and hugged his leg.
Zoro grabbed her off of his leg and held her on his hip, “I ain’t your papa.”
Sora giggled and hugged his neck, “You’re always so funny papa!”
Zoro’s body warmed at her affection. At this point Sanji stood and went over to the two. “Where’d you come from little one?” Sanji asked.
Sora looked over at Sanji her arms still around Zoro, “Well, I was just eating snacks with you and Papa and I got really tired. Papa and you tucked me in bed and then I saw a bright light and I was suddenly in the middle of the street. I was really scared but when I saw you I felt better.”
“So…we’re your parents?” Zoro asked her blatantly while Sanji kicked him softly.
Sora cocked her head at him, “Of course you are Papa!”
“Papa are you okay? I want..I want to go home. This place doesn’t look like the All Blue.”
Sanji gasped, “All Blue?”
Sora looked back over at him, “Well of course, you discovered it Daddy. And you own the best restaurant ever there! You make me and Papa the yummiest food!”
Sanji stepped back and leaned against the wall a hand over his mouth. “It exists.” He mumbled under his hand, tears pricking his eyes.
“Oi, Curly.”
“Daddy?” Sora unwrapped her arms from Zoro and motioned that she wanted to be put down and Zoro obliged. Once her feet were on the ground she ran over to Sanji. “Daddy don’t cry!”
Sanji ran a hand through his hair trying to calm himself down. And Sora tried to pry his arms open for her to sit in his lap. Sanji looked at her, so many emotions running through his head.
He looked at her and smiled, “I’m sorry little one, but I’m not your father. I mean it. I didn’t even know the All Blue existed until you told me. Zoro and I just found you in the street a little bit ago. But you are named after my mother and have an odd resemblance to us.”
“What do you mean?” She asked, her voice wavered a bit.
“I don’t mean to make you cry sweetheart. I would never want to hurt you.” Sanji brushed her hair softly, “But I’m telling the truth. I may look like your daddy, but I am not, I’m merely a cook on a pirate crew.”
Sora paused and looked at Sanji perplexed. She sat and thought for a bit trying to piece some things together. “Well I did think it was a little weird that your hair was shorter. And that Papa’s left eye was still there and didn’t have a scar…”
Zoro’s eyes widened and he touched his left eye making sure it was still there. Sora continued.
“I know you two used to be on the Strawhats! But you said that ever since Uncle Luffy became King you and papa moved to the All Blue and became husbands. But since you can’t have kids some guy with Devil fruit abilities was able to create me! You own a restaurant and Papa is the world’s greatest swordsman and he sometimes has to go away but he always comes back!”
Sanji and Zoro paused not knowing what to do with this new information. This child, their child?was basically telling them their entire futures.
“Something must have happened while I was sleeping that made me get sent back here to when you guys were younger.” Sora figured.
Sanji nodded slowly and let out the breath he was holding. “I see….then we must find a way to get you back home.”
Sora nodded. “I don’t feel that far away though. My dad’s are right her with me!” Sora hugged Sanji’s neck.
Sanji’s heart melted and he hugged her back. Processing the thought that Zoro and him had a child together, nonetheless got married made his brain short circuit. His mind drifted to how awful it would be to marry the stupid moss head. But if it meant that he was happy and had an amazing daughter, it didn’t bother him all that much for right now.
Sanji stood up with Sora in his arms and walked over to Zoro. “We should send you back to your time. But in order to do that we must find that man that sent you here.”
“You saw the man that sent me here?” Sora asked.
Zoro made his voice known, “Yeah, some weirdo said he knew he couldn’t defeat us but could hinder us and then a big white light like the one you mentioned earlier appeared and you showed up.”
“Oh..” Sora nodded. “Devil fruit users are truly incredible if they have the power to do that! I’ve always wanted to meet the younger versions of you guys and go on one of their adventures. I guess I can now.” She squealed in delight hugging Sanji tighter.
Sanji’s heart was almost about to explode at her affection. To think he had made it to the All Blue and found a loving family took a weight off his shoulders he didn’t even know he had. “Well my beautiful daughter, we must get ourselves a place to stay for the night so we can figure this out in the morning. I’m sure you exhausted.”
As if on cue Sora yawned and nodded leaning her head against Sanji’s shoulder. Sanji started walking towards the inn while Zoro just stayed in place. Sanji tuned to him, “C’mon Mossy, I think she would want both of her dads there.”
Zoro flushed and walked over to join them, “I hope this brat isn’t as annoying as you.”
Sora smiled and fell into a gentle rest as Sanji carried her down the street. Even though he wasn’t the dad she knew, he was still her dad and she felt safe in his arms.
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pikynosabedibujar · 1 month
❤️Fanfic de Vergil x madre de Nero. 💙
Holaa!! 😈
Como les comenté empecé a escribir un fanfic sobre Devil May Cry, especialmente sobre Vergil y la madre de Nero que, en mi caso la bauticé como “Aurelia” porque… bueno, me pareció un nombre bonito.
En el fanfic, voy a narrar sucesos que transcurre antes DMC 3, y obviamente se situará en la Isla Fortuna. También, he introducido la mayoría de los elementos, lugares y personajes de la cuarta entrega, sólo que modifique para favorecer a la historia con agregación de personajes propios y hablar sobre un tema que, en la saga no la trató tanto, la magia y los ángeles (aún lo estoy pensando ☝️🤓, ¿qué dicen ustedes?)
Cabe destacar que, si encuentran errores de ortografía, gramática o en narración, etc. Me disculpo, es la primera vez que escribo un fanfic. 😓
Ahora sí, espero que ustedes lo disfruten✨️, se entretengan y bueno, espero que no se aburran.
⚠️Importante⚠️: todos los derechos de la franquicia de Devil May Cry, le pertenecen a CAPCOM.
@KalinaAnn por hacer videítos de Devil May Cry. Consumí una banda de videos y me sirvieron una bocha para escribir este fanfic. Espero que un día lo leas.
En Ciudad Fortuna llegan nuevos residentes, la familia Everhart. El padre, un empresario y miembro de Orden de Sparda. Una organización religiosa, devota a la figura mítica de Sparda, y dedicada a proteger la ciudad de los demonios manteniendo la paz...
Aurelia, hija mayor, es una joven y con grandes expectativas de su nuevo hogar, pero es desilusionada tras conocer el plan de su padre, quien la comprometió en un matrimonio sin su consentimiento. Al sentirse utilizada y busca consuelo en soledad, desgraciadamente, se ve envuelta en un encuentro de demonios. Y para su sorpresa, es recatada por un ser misterioso cuyas intensiones y origen son un enigma.
¿Qué deparara en el futuro de Aurelia? ¿Quién es este enigmático? ¿Qué oculta la Orden junto con su padre?
Capitulo 1 ⤵️
Capítulo 1: La Ciudad de Fortuna
En una isla aislada llamada La Ciudad de Fortuna, los contrastes eran evidentes. Era una ciudad próspera y vibrante, con una rica historia y cultura, pero también un lugar peligroso donde los demonios y el mal acechaban constantemente.
En este entorno, la familia Everhart se instalaba en su nueva casa. Albert, el padre, era un invitado importante de la Orden de Sparda. Esta orden religiosa estaba dedicada a proteger la ciudad de los demonios y rendía culto a Sparda, un antiguo emperador demonio que una vez gobernó esas tierras con mano de hierro.
Los caballeros de la Orden de Sparda eran fieles seguidores de esta figura legendaria, comprometidos a mantener la paz y la seguridad en la ciudad, enfrentándose valientemente a las fuerzas del mal que amenazaban su hogar.
Aurelia Everhart, en plena juventud a sus dieciocho años, se sentía emocionada y nerviosa por comenzar su nueva vida en la Ciudad de Fortuna. A diferencia de su hermana menor, Alice, quien mostraba una actitud más tranquila y despreocupada.
Desde que dejaron atrás su hogar en el otro lado de la isla, Aurelia había sentido la presión de cumplir con las expectativas de su familia. A pesar de su juventud, ya estaba preparada para enfrentar nuevas experiencias y desafíos, aunque a veces se sentía abrumada por la responsabilidad que pesaba sobre sus hombros.
Mientras se encontraban en la sala de estar de su nueva casa, Aurelia estaba absorta en la lectura de un libro, sumergida en sus pensamientos sobre el futuro que le aguardaba en esta nueva ciudad. Mientras tanto, Alice permanecía sentada junto a la ventana, observando perdidamente su nuevo jardín.
“¿Qué te sucede, Alice?” preguntó Aurelia, rompiendo el silencio que envolvía la sala. Sin embargo, la menor no respondió de inmediato, simplemente permaneció en silencio.
“Bueno… yo estoy un poco ansiosa. No sabemos qué planes tiene papá para nosotras”, continuó Aurelia, dejando a un lado su libro y dirigiendo su mirada hacia su hermana menor, quien se levantó con la ayuda de un bastón.
“Deja de preocuparte. Quién sabe lo que papá hace”, respondió Alice antes de salir de la sala.
Aurelia observó a su hermana alejarse, notando cómo se había vuelto más distante desde que enfermó. No sabía exactamente qué le sucedía a Alice, pero podía sentir su sufrimiento. Aunque intentaba mantener la calma, seguía sintiendo una leve intranquilidad debido al misterio que rodeaba a su padre. No siempre estaba segura de cuáles eran sus motivaciones.
En ese momento, el fiel sirviente de la familia, Gavin, llamó la atención de la joven.
"Buenos días, señorita Aurelia", saludó Gavin con respeto. "Debo informarle que el señor Everhart ha ordenado que se reúnan para asistir a una misa en la catedral." El hombre levantó un paquete rojo con un listón dorado.
"Bien. ¿Y esto es...?" preguntó Aurelia mientras tomaba el paquete y lo abría. Para su sorpresa, encontró un vestido rojo con una capucha blanca y el emblema de la Orden de Sparda.
"El señor Everhart dijo que deben vestirse de manera apropiada para la misa de hoy. El chofer vendrá en una hora", explicó Gavin antes de inclinarse y retirarse.
Aurelia observó el vestido con asombro. Era hermoso, pero también un poco intimidante. No estaba acostumbrada a ese tipo de ropa.
La joven se puso el vestido en su habitación; era un poco ajustado, pero le quedaba bien. También arregló su cabello oscuro en un rodete adornado con trenzas que rodeaban su cabeza como una vincha. Al mirarse en el espejo, sonrió satisfecha. Luego salió en busca de su hermana en su habitación.
"¿Qué haces con eso?" preguntó Alice.
"¿Qué haces tú tirada en la cama? ¿Acaso no escuchaste a papá?" respondió sorprendida la hermana mayor.
"Ah, en realidad no quiero ir", dijo Alice volviendo a fijar su mirada en el techo. "Y también me duele todo el cuerpo", agregó, claramente como una excusa.
A lo lejos se escuchó la bocina de un auto, señal de que era hora de partir. Aurelia suspiró profundamente.
“Bien, de todos modos, si te sientes muy mal, llama al doctor”, dijo, resignada. Ya no quería molestarla más. Viendo que Alice no estaba dispuesta a hablar, decidió alejarse por el momento.
Durante el camino, Aurelia observaba a través del cristal del coche los campos repletos de tomates con un rojo intenso. Mientras tanto, su sirviente comenzó a decirle que no debería estar nerviosa, ya que su padre estaría allí para acompañarla.
El sirviente continuó diciendo: “Además, debo recordarte que, dentro de unos días, debes asistir a unas clases para formar parte de la Orden, ya que la abandonaste desde que dejaste esta isla.”
“Parece que papá planea quedarse aquí por más tiempo. ¿Tienes alguna idea, Gavin?” cuestionó la joven.
“Me temo que no, señorita Aurelia,” respondió el sirviente.
Al final del trayecto, llegaron al centro de la Ciudad de Fortuna y luego se dirigieron hacia la catedral.
Allí, vio a su padre rodeado de caballeros de la orden. Antes de reunirse con él, echó un vistazo alrededor. La fachada de la catedral era una impresionante obra de arquitectura renacentista, con ladrillos grandes y oscuros, y picos altos que se alzaban hacia el cielo. Esta vista llenaba a la joven de cierta presión, pero a la vez, despertaba su curiosidad por la misa, aunque no fuera creyente.
Gavin se acercó a su padre para informarle de la llegada de la chica, pero este la miró de reojo, ignorándola por completo, antes de entrar al castillo acompañado de los Caballeros. Aurelia no comprendió esa reacción y se sintió desilusionada.
“Señorita Aurelia, ya puede entrar. La misa está por comenzar”, dijo el sirviente, y la chica asintió con la cabeza y siguió adelante.
Una vez dentro, la chica notó en el centro la enorme estatua esculpida en mármol que, al parecer, representaba al salvador, Sparda, dejando en claro que siempre sería una figura de admiración. No lograba verlo del todo debido a que aún estaba en proceso de construcción, cubierto con telas y maderas.
Ella tomó asiento en la parte trasera y observó a su padre sentado al frente junto con otros sacerdotes de túnicas blancas que estaban cuestionados por espadachines de uniformes claros. Minutos después, comenzó la misa.
Primero, una joven de la orden, vestida de blanco, se acercó al escenario y comenzó a cantar de manera hermosa. Luego, apareció el Vicario, el líder de la orden, quien pronunció palabras de bienvenida y agradecimiento. Vestía con la típica alba blanca y larga de un sacerdote, pero sobre ella llevaba una casulla roja con bordes dorados, así como una estola del mismo diseño, marcándolo como una figura de superioridad.
"Hace 2000 años, el caballero oscuro Sparda tomó la decisión de enfrentarse a sus hermanos demonios y blandir su espada en favor de la humanidad. "A pesar del coraje que demostró en nuestro nombre, temo que muchos olvidaran ese sacrificio", narró el Vicario. Continuó la misa relatando la grandiosa historia de su deidad, lo cual conmovía e inspiraba a muchas personas del pueblo, quienes rezaban con fervor.
Aurelia se fijó en las personas que vestían túnicas blancas cortas y capuchas adornadas con el mismo emblema.
Para concluir la misa, el líder inició un recitado que parecía un canto.
"Nuestro enemigo caerá," comenzó él.
"A medida que nosotros," continuó, y la gente siguió: "Tomamos conciencia."
"Para reclamar nuestro destino, ahora y siempre," las personas repetían en unísono. "Ahora y siempre, permaneceremos unidos. En amor y en odio," resonaban todas las voces en eco por toda la sala, hasta que un silencio final abrazó el último rezo.
Al concluir la ceremonia, Aurelia no perdió tiempo y se dirigió hacia donde estaba su padre, quien en ese momento recibía cordiales saludos de un hombre de avanzada edad ataviado con un uniforme blanco.
“Es un placer conocerlo, señor Everhart. Mi nombre es Sanctus, el General Supremo de los Caballeros. Nos honra enormemente recibirlo en nuestro catedral,” dijo, extendiendo su mano en señal de cortesía.
El padre de Aurelia, un hombre de mediana edad con cabello y vestimenta oscura correspondió el gesto con un firme apretón de manos.
"Gracias, General Sanctus, el honor es mío", respondió él con cortesía.
"Estoy al tanto de sus logros profesionales, y me han impresionado profundamente. Confío en que la colaboración entre nosotros será fructífera," añadió Sanctus, su tono adquiriendo un matiz ligeramente más intimidante. "Créame, encontraré la manera de serle de gran utilidad." Una sonrisa astuta se esbozó en sus labios.
"Será, sin duda, un placer trabajar juntos," concordó el padre de Aurelia, sellando así el inicio de una alianza que prometía ser tanto intrigante como potencialmente transformadora.
Albert Everhart, un hombre de negocios astuto y determinado heredó la empresa de explotación mineral "Everhart Industries" de su familia. Con una visión audaz y una determinación inflexible, Albert llevó la empresa a nuevas alturas, salvándola de una crisis que amenazaba con extinguirla por completo. Su enfoque frío y calculador le permitió tomar decisiones difíciles y estratégicas, ganándose así el respeto y la admiración de sus colegas y competidores por igual. Bajo su liderazgo, "Everhart Industries" se transformó en una de las compañías más potenciales en las afueras de las fronteras.
La estrecha relación de Albert con la Orden de Sparda no es solo una cuestión de negocios, sino también de creencias personales. Como miembro devoto del culto, Albert está profundamente comprometido con la misión y los objetivos de la Orden. La conexión personal fortalece los lazos entre la empresa y la Orden, proporcionando una base sólida para colaborar mutuamente beneficiosa.
El General Sanctus notó la presencia de la joven, Aurelia, y se dirigió a ella con cortesía.
"Oh, veo que es su hija. Encantado de conocerte, señorita Everhart."
"Igualmente, señor Sanctus", respondió Aurelia con respeto.
El General continuó, haciendo referencia a un regalo que Aurelia había recibido. "Veo que recibió su regalo de compromiso. Felicidades."
Aurelia se sorprendió ante el comentario. ¿Qué regalo de compromiso estaba mencionando el General? ¿Acaso se refería al vestido que había recibido? La joven se quedó pensativa mientras el General continuaba hablando.
"Es una gran oportunidad para que su hija se convierta en miembro de la Orden", añadió el General Sanctus, revelando una posibilidad que Aurelia no había considerado hasta ese momento.
"¿Novia?" volvió a mirar a su padre, y la mirada que recibió fue suficiente para que Aurelia contuviera sus preguntas.
"Exactamente", respondió Sanctus "La Orden necesita mujeres fuertes y capaces para servir a nuestro señor Sparda. Señorita Everhart, usted es joven y tiene el potencial de convertirse en una gran mujer para un caballero de la Orden."
Aurelia se sintió confundida ante la propuesta. "Yo... No sé qué decir", murmuró, mostrando una sonrisa incierta.
"No se avergüence, debería estar muy orgullosa", dijo el General Sanctus, volviendo su atención hacia el padre de Aurelia. "Si me disculpan, debo retirarme por ahora. Señor Everhart, realmente estoy interesado en su trabajo. Espero con ansias trabajar con usted."
"Por supuesto, podemos continuar con nuestro acuerdo más tarde", respondió el padre de Aurelia.
Con la partida del General Sanctus, padre e hija quedaron a solas. Aurelia sintió la necesidad de hablar, pero su padre se dirigió hacia la salida sin darle la oportunidad. La situación la preocupaba profundamente; le aterraba la idea de casarse, o incluso de ser utilizada para los asuntos de su padre con ese tal Sanctus, quien le generaba cierta desconfianza.
Aurelia lo siguió afuera, hasta los jardines que rodeaban la entrada de la catedral, donde una hermosa fuente de agua añadía serenidad al ambiente.
"Padre, tenemos que hablar", insistió ella.
"Ahora no, debo reunirme con el Vicario", respondió él mientras avanzaba a paso rápido.
"No, escúchame", insistió Aurelia, tratando de detenerlo. "¿Cómo es que todos lo sabían y yo no?"
Albert tomó aire y suspiró. "Tarde o temprano, esto pasaría. Pronto lo entenderás, Aurelia."
"¿Qué quieres decir? ¿Me utilizaste para tus amiguitos de la Orden?" Aurelia enfrentó a su padre con determinación. "¿Ni siquiera me diste la oportunidad de decidir mi propio futuro?"
El hombre la miró directamente, con una expresión seria en su rostro.
"Tuviste mucho tiempo para pensarlo", respondió en tono firme, antes de llamar al sirviente.
Aurelia, desorientada por las palabras de su padre, lo observó subirse a un automóvil después de su breve conversación con el sirviente. Sin prestarle más atención, se sintió molesta y en silencio se escabulló entre los pasillos de Ciudad Fortuna, sin ser notada por los demás.
Después de un tiempo, perdió de vista a su padre y al sirviente tras pasar al otro lado. Ahora sola, comenzó a recorrer el lugar apartado de la catedral y del centro. En sus pensamientos, añoraba los recuerdos que había compartido con su madre cuando era pequeña; paseos, comidas y charlas en esos mismos caminos durante días de ferias. A medida que pasaban los años, esos recuerdos parecían desvanecerse lentamente, como si se desvanecieran con el tiempo, lo que entristeció aún más a la joven. Paró en seco, luchando por contener sus lágrimas, y se dijo a sí misma: "No, debo encontrar una manera de convencer a papá".
En ese instante, escuchó un ruido extraño que la sacó de sus pensamientos. Se dio cuenta de que estaba totalmente sola y alejada. La joven se sintió perdida por completo e intentó encontrar a alguien, pero no había nadie a la vista.
El ruido era como el de una vibración molesta, parecía el zumbido de insectos. Aurelia se detuvo, con el corazón latiendo a toda velocidad, y su piel se volvió aun más pálida. Miró a su alrededor, pero no vio nada. El sonido volvió a sonar, esta vez más cerca. Sintió un escalofrío recorrerle la espalda.
De repente, se dio la vuelta y vio a los espantapájaros. Eran grotescos, con sacos llenos de escarabajos y sus extremidades equipadas con guadañas. La joven gritó y comenzó a correr.
Los espantapájaros la perseguían. Siguió corriendo tan rápido como pudo, pero parecía imposible escapar, lo que la hizo sentir cada vez más aterrorizada.
Entonces, de repente, vio una figura vestida con un manto oscuro parada en el camino. Aurelia se detuvo, sin saber qué hacer, con el corazón latiendo con fuerza en su pecho.
Aurelia, desesperada, se acercó al hombre y tomó su brazo. Aunque su rostro estaba oculto por una capucha, sus ojos claros resaltaban en la penumbra, fijos en ella, en los iris púrpura que reflejan el miedo.
La joven, en un grito de súplica, le pidió ayuda al hombre, pero este permaneció inexpresivo, sin emitir palabra alguna. En ese momento, uno de los demonios saltó sobre ellos, y Aurelia, temiendo lo peor, cerró los ojos. Sin embargo, en lugar del ataque, escuchó un sonido metálico y, al abrir los ojos, vio al hombre desenvainando su katana con destreza. La espada era hermosa, con un mango blanco decorado con rombos oscuros y adornos dorados, y una hoja de acero pulido capaz de cortar cualquier cosa.
El extraño manejó la katana con delicadeza, pero con una velocidad increíble. En un movimiento fluido, tomó a Aurelia por la cintura y la apartó de su camino, al parecer, protegiéndola del ataque del demonio.
"Están perdiendo mi tiempo", dijo el hombre con un tono sereno y sofisticado.
Lanzó varios cortes en el aire dejando un rastro de luz, luego se sintió una brisa viento que venía de esa fuerza descomunal. Todos los espantapájaros cayeron como moscas para luego esfumarse como polvos.
El hombre guardó su espalda y se volvió para irse. Sin mirar atrás e ignorándola completamente.
Desconcertada y con el corazón aun latiendo con fuerza, Aurelia observó cómo el hombre desaparecía en la distancia sin siquiera mirar atrás. Se quedó allí, temblando, tratando de asimilar lo que acababa de presenciar. Antes de procesar completamente la situación, sintió un dolor en la cabeza que la hizo tambalearse y caer al suelo.
Fin de capitulo 1
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newsintheshell · 7 months
Devil May Cry, Tomb Raider e Blue Eye Samurai fra le grandi soprese arrivate durante la premiere live di Castlevania Nocturne!
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Ve lo avevo anticipato e non poteva quindi farsi attendere il riassuntone del primo DROP 01 di Netflix, lo speciale evento virtuale in diretta streaming su YouTube e Twitch, imbastito per unire il watch party in anteprima di Castlevania: Nocturne e qualche breve ma gustoso sneak peek di alcune novità, lato animazione, attualmente in cantiere.
Purtroppo riguardo a Pluto siamo stati scammati, non hanno fatto vedere nulla di nuovo. Hanno semplicemente ripassato il trailer spaccamascella uscito un paio di mesi fa.
Tutto sommato, però, è stata un'ora e mezza piacevole, fra episodi - che non sono riuscito a seguire al verso, se non a spezzoni ahimè - e brevi teaser e showcase di merchandise vari. Un evento dal formato leggero, informale e conciso, che mi piacerebbe si ripetesse sinceramente.
Capisco che eventi più corposi come la Geeked Week e TUDUM siano maggiormente attesi in generale, ma le presentazioni in pillole, a mio modo di vedere, sono decisamente più fruibili e, appunto, più efficaci.
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Cominciamo con un primo annuncio MOTIVAZIONALE (*wink wink*). Dante, Vergil e Lady di nuovo in versione animata, 8 episodi, più stagioni in programma.
La sceneggiatura è stata concepita da Adi Shankar (Castlevania) and Alex Larsen (Yasuke), mentre il tutto porta la firma di STUDIO MIR (The Legend of Korra, Dota: Dragon's Blood, The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf).
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Mostrato un teaser che annuncia una terza stagione per la serie con protagonista il celebre riccio di SEGA. Ad un'occhiata da profano, ha tutta l'aria di una grandissima cutscene, ma non sembra male.
Non sono però mai stato un fan di Sonic, quindi skipponi. Go next.
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Altra produzione targata Adi Shankar, questa volta in mano allo studio BOBBYPILLS, che la chat di Twitch ha subito categorizzato come Suicide Squad made in Ubisoft e la chat di Twitch ha sempre ragione :v
Fra ultraviolenza in stile retro anni '90 e ironia, questo spinoff dello spinoff di Far Cry 3 (ci hanno infilato pure Rayman!!) sembra vare le carte in regola per rivelarsi una visione divertente. Il trailer ci dà appuntamento per il 19 ottobre.
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A quanto pare questo progetto era inizialmente comparso per la prima volta nel 2020, ma me lo devo essere perso.
Nata da un'idea dei coniugi Amber Noizumi e Micheal Green (Logan, Blade Runner 2049), è stata sostanzialmente presentata come una "storia di vendetta nel periodo Edo - Kill Bill incontra Yentl".
Come biglietto da visita è intrigante, ma ammetto che la trama di base mi ha lasciato con qualche dubbio. In sostanza, la nostra protagonista in cerca di vendetta, è una meticcia con gli occhi azzurri e per questo viene discriminata e trattata come una "creatura della vergogna". Le frontiere del Giappone sono ancora chiuse e razzismo e misoginia sono di casa, quindi che fare? Ci si traveste da uomo e si va a sbudellare gaijin finché non si trova quello che è tuo padre, l'occidentale che ti ha resa diverss e reietta dalla nascita. Ok...?
La serie, che arriverà in streaming il 3 novembre, a livello tecnico e di atmosfera si presenta molto bene comunque, quindi vedremo. Giudicate voi, ecco il treailer.
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Non ce la fate ad aspettare il 17 novembre per vedere la versione animata, in stile SCIENCE SARU (The Tatami Time Machine Blues, The Heike Story), del famoso fumetto di Bryan Lee O'Malley? Eccovi una clip in anteprima allora.
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Clip in anteprima anche per la nuova serie di He-Man e i Dominatori dell'Universo, che approderà sulla piattaforma nel 2024.
Pu confermando una vaga continuità con gli eventi della divisiva Masters of the Universe: Revelation, la serie è stata presentata ufficialmente come standalone, suggerendo un qualche tipo di correzione di rotta riguardo alla narrativa.
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E dulcis in fundo, anche sul gran finale abbiamo chiuso con il botto, con l'adattamento animato di un'altra storica icona videoludica: Lara Croft!
Preannunciata un paio di anni fa, ma anche qua io non ne ho alcun ricordo, la serie si ispira alla trilogia reboot di Crystal Dynamics (Tomb Raider, Rise of the Tomb Raider e Shadow of the Tomb Raider).
In programma per il 2024, è prodotta in casa Powerhouse Animation (Castlevania, Masters of the Universe: Revelation).
Per chi si fosse perso la premiere in anteprima e volesse comunque un assaggino di Castlevania: Nocturne, nel mentre aspetta di poter maratonare la prima stagione (vi ricordo che esce domani by the way), ecco i primi sette minuti della prima puntata in omaggio.
Quel poco che sono riuscito a vedere, non mi è dispiaciuto affatto, ma la sensazione che ho avuto è stata quella di una serie molto introduttiva, con in mente un arco narrativo da sviluppare potenzialmente su più stagioni e che quindi potrebbe risultare un po' lentina e all'acqua di rose. Per ora mi mantengo curioso.
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Autore: SilenziO))) Se usate Twitter, mi trovate lì! 
blogger // anime enthusiast // twitch addict // unorthodox blackster - synthwave lover // penniless gamer // INFJ-T magus
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Student and Teacher: Vergil x G/N Reader
Summary: Fight lessons from a certain blue devil.
Beginning Notes: If you haven’t already, please check out Vergil’s H/Cs for his outfit; otherwise, some of this won’t make sense. Bokken are wooden practice swords; in this fic, they are in the Tachi style (since I think that’s what Yamato is?? I don’t know much about sword specifics). Vergil uses the red oak to handicap himself--since they are heavy and break easier. ⚔️🤲⚔️ Vergil x G/N reader Fluff?? I think?? Sexual undertones between the two of you, which you primarily drive.
INSPIRED BY: Devil May Cry Drabble Challenge, Chapter 3--By: EmpressRhiannon 
     A small grunt left your lips as you fell face-first into the dirt, earning a small mouth full of the dusty substance. With a small huff of a laugh, you tried to stand back up, however, a heavy boot pushed you right back down. 
     "Ugh. Come on," you felt him dig his heel harder into your back, "Just let me up."
     "You think the enemy will care if you ask them to obey you?" you could practically hear his hubris as he continued to grind his boot against your back, knowing damn well you were going to feel that in the morning, before slowly removing it.
     "No,” you sat up and knelt with your butt resting on your heels, “but they would've put me out of my misery by now."
    "Is that what you want?" Vergil stood behind you and placed a sheathed Yamato against your throat "To die?" 
     You knew that it was dumb but you weren’t just going to let him be so prideful. So, you knocked your head back into Vergil’s body… hitting him right in the nuts. The blue devil jolted back with a grunt and removed Yamato from your neck. Over the years, Vergil had become relatively numb to pain, so it wasn’t that it hurt per se but he didn’t expect it. With intense irritation, Vergil shoved you back down and flipped you over to face him, pinning your wrists above you.
     His eyes narrowed as he let out a low growling grumble, “Fighting dirty won’t work on me, I assure you.”
     “Wha-” embarrassment shot across your face as you wriggled against his grip, “I didn’t- I hit you- There?”
     “Where else would you have hit?”
     “I don’t know,” you pursed your lips and whispered with a small concern, “You alright?”
     He raised a brow, “Do you think I am that weak?”
     “What- no!” you shook your head, “I mean if I got hit like that, pretty sure that would hurt.”
     “Hmph,” he broke off his stare and stood upright, “I am fine. I believe that is enough for today.”
     You sat on your butt and had one knee up where you rested a forearm, “Oh come on one more round?”
     Vergil’s eyes slowly panned down to you.
     “Please?” you pouted slightly.
     A small sigh left his lips as he mindlessly adjusted his coat.
     With a small grunt, you stood up, “What?”
     “Overworking yourself won’t make you improve faster,” he folded his arms.
     You laughed a bit, “I’m just barely warmed up, Vergil. Besides,” quickly you dusted off your lower half, not noticing that Vergil was watching you, “We haven’t even touched any swordsmanship stuff.”
     “Last time we did that,” he sighed, “everything I told you went over your head. I don’t think that you should start with me; perhaps Nero or Dante could--”
     “I already tried them both and neither of them taught me anything new. I even asked Trish, but she won’t train me.”
     “Is that right?” Vergil smirked a bit as he watched your puppy-eyed pout and, as per usual, he couldn’t help but cave, “Fine, stay here a moment,” the blue devil made a portal using Yamato and stepped through, leaving you alone. 
     Now alone, you looked around with a small frown. You had agreed to let the DMC crew use your backyard as a training area; which was greatly appreciated by everyone, however, your lawn was far from happy with the arrangement. 
     As you overlooked your war-torn grass, you noticed some small colorful spots a dozen or so feet away. Your curiosity got the better of you and you decided to meander over to it, having nothing better to do. 
     In a small undisturbed patch of grass, there were countless crocus flowers of all colors; white, yellow, orange, and a single purple one. 
     With a groan, you leaned forwards and carefully picked the lone purple flower. 
     “What are you doing?”
     “Hm?” you stood up and turned to see that Vergil had returned with two bokkens in hand; one white oak, one red oak. 
     He strutted towards you, “What are you doing?” a small curious tilt adorned his brow.
     “Oh! Here,” you smiled and cautiously reached out to the blue devil, moving his coat off to the side a bit, “Got something for you,” he watched you as you carefully tucked the flower into the chest pocket of his vest.
     Vergil chuckled softly with a barely-there smile and locked eyes with you, “You picked me a flower?”
     Your face became flush once more as you tripped over your words, “I know that- that it is kinda… childish… But I thought-"
     “It is a nice gesture,” he had returned to his usual expressionless stare, “especially after hitting me where you did.”
     You laughed slightly, unsure if he was upset about it or not.
     Vergil held out the white bokken, “Shall we begin?”
     Eagerly, you grabbed the weapon and followed him back to the open area from earlier. The blue devil removed his coat. He tossed it off to the side where he had placed Yamato. 
     The two of you crouched in a starting stance, however, Vergil stood right back up. Before you could question, he walked over to you and pushed your leg down with the end of his sword.
     “Too stiff,” he then pushed your far shoulder back, “If we are going to spar then at least make this worth my time.”
     With a small shake of your head and a roll of your eyes, you waited for him to return to his starting spot. A smug smirk tugged at his lips as he stared sharply at you, telling you he meant business. 
     It didn’t take long for the two of you to start destroying the lawn further. You had gotten a few good hits on the blue devil; given he had done the same and you had several welts starting to form. Vergil had to hold back, for obvious reasons; which left the two of you at the same level. A small huff left your lips as you folded your arms, showing that you were done.
     “Done already?” Vergil stopped only a mere foot or so from you, “All that fuss for less than ten minutes?”
     “Actually,” you pursed your lips in thought then slowly smiled, “I have a request, just for today.”
     “I’m listening.”
     “Vergil, I want to have a real match.”
     “In what regard; if you are asking for me to use Yamato-”
     You shook your head, “No, I’m not that insane.”
     “Then what?”
     “I want you to stop holding back,” you approached him and stood directly in front of him.
     The eldest twin looked away from you and gave a rough, almost insulting, chuckle, “Do you have a death wish?”
     “Come on,” you gently grabbed his bicep, “please?”
     He eyed you up and down, mindlessly playing with his teeth and tongue. Vergil shook his head and sighed, “You won’t defeat me.”
     “True, but,” you gave him a shy smile and shrug, “I want to feel you in your entirety,” you gave him a playful flirtatious wink.
     After a minute in thought, he sighed quietly, “Fine,” in an oddly careful and gentle manner, Vergil removed your hand from his arm, “Don’t say I didn’t warn you, Wanderer.”
     You flashed him a wide smile and moved back to your starting spot--him doing the same. Admittedly, you were semi-terrified at the notion of how hard this was going to be. Sure, you’ve fought Dante and Nero at their finest, but Vergil’s a completely different ballpark. 
     Instantly the blue devil vanished and you did a shoulder roll; dodging his attack. Springing up to your feet, you saw Vergil standing there with an oddly patronizing look of superiority adorning his features.
     “Come on- is that all you’ve got old man?” you smirked at him, doing your best to stay serious; otherwise he would stop the fight.
    With a small cocky tilt to his brow, he disappeared. You pivoted around and blocked his attack; however, because of the strength difference, you ended up flying back and landing on your ass. Quickly, you moved to kneel and defended against him. The two of you locked into a hold with him pushing down against you. Unsure how to break this, you decided to lunge forwards with your leg--dropping into the splits--and wrapped around his leg. Although you were trying to get him to collapse, you ended up using him as a pivot point and sliding through his legs.
     Up on your feet again, you decided to try some offense, which went as well as you could expect. You couldn’t even touch him. He teleported right after you swung since it gave him a small opening. A startled grunt left your lips as you felt an arm wrap around your middle and his bokken against your throat. He pulled your back snugly against him and kept your arm pinned to your middle. 
     Although it was an enjoyable position, you weren’t going to lose that easily. With all the force you could manage, you knocked your head back into his. You knew it was stupid and that Vergil is a lot stronger than you. However, the eldest twin released you in confusion at your brash action. 
     Breaking away for only a moment, you threw your weapon at him and hit him square in the chest; which distracted him and allowed you to tackle him at the hips. You had him pinned for a brief moment as the two of you tussled; inevitably, however, Vergil flipped you over. Unable to fight your laughter anymore, you let out a hearty laugh and were shocked when Vergil let out a full laugh as well.
     However, once this died down a small warmth found its way to your face as you looked up at the Dark Slayer. His hair had fallen slightly in front of his face and he was staring you down. The longer the two of you stayed, the darker your blush became. 
     Although you’d always stolen glances when you could, you’d never had the opportunity to examine his features. How he had light frown wrinkles permanently upon his brow, even though his expression was relaxed. The way his lips were slightly parted with a small happy tug at the corners and were tantalizingly close to yours. You were watching the plethora of colors in his irises when he finally said something barely audible.
     “Gotcha,” a warm smile spread across his features making his eyes crinkle just a bit at the edges.
     Your eyes widened; not only because of the odd remark but because of the very uncharacteristic expression.
     His brow twitched in disappointment at your reaction and his smile faded, “Sorry,” Vergil stood and stuck out a hand to help you up. Which you gladly took, however, you weren’t done yet. 
     You pushed him back down and pinned him again. In an instinctive reaction, Vergil’s hand shot upwards and he grabbed your neck, hard. A sputtering grunting moan left your lips as you playfully returned the action--much softer than him, that is. 
     Vergil used his other hand to push you back over and returned to pinning you like before. His hand, however, never left your throat. 
     Before you could ask why he left it, the blue devil reapplied pressure to your throat; making you repeat the same noise as prior. 
     He raised a brow and whispered, “Do you find that enjoyable?"
     With a smug grin, you matched his volume in return, “Maybe.”
     “Hmm,” he gave you a smirk in return and gave your throat a gentle squeeze.
     “Ngh,” you gave him a half-lidded look, “Harder.”
     Vergil gave you a confused and almost concerned look.
     “Come on,” you smiled and lightly teased, “Or is that all you’ve got?”
     A sharp gasp left your lips as he clenched his fingers tightly around your throat. He leaned down and whispered right into your ear, “Like that?”
     “Y-yeah,” your breathing was uneven and laced with heavy lust. 
     Another harsh squeeze, which made you let out a louder groan and arch your body; pushing yourself against him. 
     “To think you were the same person that picked me a flower merely a half hour ago,” Vergil leaned up a bit to watch your face as he constricted your neck again, “I didn’t take you to be one to find pleasure in such perverse actions; especially not from me.”
     “Hah,” your face was beyond flushed, “If you only knew half of the things I want you to do to me, Vergil.”
     Instantly, his face was bright red at your words, “I- I beg your pardon?”
     “Uh,” you began to panic, “Nevermind- Just forget what I-”
     You were cut off by a very unsure set of plush lips against yours. As quick as they connected to you, Vergil’s lips departed and he stood up. 
     “Hey-” you sat up and pouted slightly, “Why’d you get up?”
     He didn’t respond, rather, Vergil’s eyes shyly met with yours. 
     With a grunt, you stood up and grabbed his hand, “That was a crappy first kiss, ya know? I didn’t even get to enjoy it…”
     A light pink dusted Vergil’s face as he let out a meek laugh and turned from your gaze. 
     You used your other hand to turn his face back towards you. After a small pause, you slowly placed your lips against his again as your thumb gently caressed his cheekbone. It was short and sweet. The two of you shared a warm smile as you stayed with your foreheads touching. 
     Vergil moved his free hand to your hip and kissed you again. This time it was longer and more confident. Your hand moved down to the side of his neck then to his shoulder, then to his bicep where you held him. It was as passionate as it was gentle. He was nervous, that much was obvious; however, the overwhelming feeling of love from him overtook that part. Cautiously, you let go of the hand that was intertwined with his and moved it up his arm and then to his chest. Both of his hands were placed on your hips and he was kneading into you with his fingertips. 
     The two of you broke from the kiss only to return not a moment later. Vergil’s confidence increased with every passing second as he moved his lips more and more. He gently bit at your lips, asking to enter your mouth; which you allowed him to do. His tongue was hot against the inside of your mouth. You could practically feel his giddiness about this; about finally being able to touch you in such a manner. Vergil moved his hands to the small of your back and kneaded against you.
     A small hiss left your lips as you jerked against him.
     Concerned, he broke from the kiss, “Are you alright?”
     “Bad spot on my back,” you laughed quietly, “Someone dug their boot into me there…”
     “Oh,” his hands moved down to your ass and rested there, “How’s that?”
     “Mmm, better,” you leaned against his forehead and placed your nose beside his, “Hey, Vergil?”
     “Can I make a request?” A playful smirk tugged at your lips.
     “I’m listening,” he pulled you closer to him.
     “I want you to stop holding back,” your voice was laced with both nervousness and lust, which made the blue devil chuckle.
     “Do you have a death wish?”
     “I want to feel you in your entirety,” you placed a slow kiss against his lips and felt him shudder slightly.
     “Fine,” he moved to rest the side of his face against yours and huskily whispered into your ear, “Don’t say I didn’t warn you, Wanderer.”
If you like this please consider checking this on my AO3. There are extra chapters and my H/Cs over there, so please consider checking them out! Comments, Likes/Kudos, and shares are always appreciated! Thanks so much for reading!! :)))
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sulan1809 · 2 years
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Viewtful Joe - O Herói Tokusatsu da Capcom
Viewtiful joe é um personagem de uma franchise de games que leva o nome do personagem principal. No primeiro game, Joe é um cinéfilo fanático, apaixonado pelos filmes do Captain Blue. Um dia, quando ele estava assistindo um filme ao lado de Sonia, uma figura sombria derrota o Capitão Azul e chega da tela para puxar Silvia para ela. O robô do Capitão Azul, Six Majin, é retirado do filme pela figura, e leva Joe de volta com ele. Joe é confrontado pelo Capitão Azul, que lhe dá um V-Watch. Isso permite que ele se transforme em seu alter ego, Viewtiful Joe, sempre que Joe diz a palavra "henshin". Mais tarde, ele também adquire Six Majin como seu próprio robô pessoal.
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Todo o gameplay geral de Viewtiful Joe apresenta a tradicional plataforma 2D side-scrolling misturada com gráficos 3D cel-shaded. Habilidades conhecidas como "VFX Powers" concedem ao jogador ações especiais para combate e resolução de puzzles, como desacelerar ou acelerar o tempo. Viewtiful Joe foi aclamado pela crítica por seu estilo visual e jogabilidade únicos, ganhando vários prêmios de várias publicações da mídia. Depois de ser um pequeno sucesso comercial, o game gerou algumas sequências com lançamentos vistos em outros consoles, como PlayStation Portable (PSP) e Nintendo DS(Viewtiful Joe: Double Trouble). Uma adaptação em anime do jogo e uma série de mangá também foram produzidos. Viewtiful Joe foi elaborado por Hideki Kamiya, o famoso designer que criou Devil May Cry, e com o sucesso astronômico do primeiro game, surgiram outros, tais como o ultra-hard DMC 3: Dante’s Awakening, cujo modo hard da versão japonesa se assemelhava ao modo normal da versão norte americana...
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Vale ressaltar um certo personagem, Dante, da popular franchise Devil May Cry, que aparece como personagem convidado em Viewtiful Joe, bom, pelo menos pra quem tinha um PlayStation 2...
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spinningbuster98 · 5 months
Castlevania II Simon's Quest Part 3: Even Death has its off-days
I wanna make something clear: despite its reputation Castlevania II isn’t...awful per se
This isn’t anywhere close to the same tier as games like Sonic 06, Mega Man X6-7 or Devil May Cry 2.
Once you get past its...peculiar ways of progression you’ll find a game that’s pretty bold in some areas, I mean how many NES games had a real time day and night cycle?
Unfortunately said game also tends to be...kinda mid
Castlevania II introduces some light RPG mechanics. Extremely light and also sloppily implemented
I feel like 30% of this game’s issues can be attributed to the way it handles currency: in this game hearts act as currency. You get them from defeated enemies and if you kill them at night you even get double the amount, nice!
Here’s issue number 1: you can only carry a maximum of about 250 hearts at once
This is stupid
Very stupid in fact
Because this means that as soon as you hit that number it’s time to spend all of your hearts and some stuff can be pretty expensive, meaning that you’ll have to probably grind every so often just to buy one thing at a time
The other issue is that upon getting a game over you lose all of your hearts. ALL of them
Now I MUST compliment the game for essentially giving you save states in 1987: no matter where you die you will always respawn only a few feet away from that spot even if it’s a gameover. For an open ended game like this it’s ideal and honestly really ahead of its time for the 80s, impressive!
But it’s just so stupid that the game empties your wallet with each gameover because all it really results in is you having to grind more
Another very stupid thing is that shops close at night and you have to wait until it’s morning. I get the logic, there are monsters outside an all, but this just adds to the whole feeling of artificial padding that the game has
And it’s not like this is the grindiest game ever nah. Technically Dawn of Sorrow can be grindier with its bullshit droprates, it’s why I used to resent that game. But at least in Dawn of Sorrow you can get some overpowered souls from grinding that can mop the floor with enemies and bosses, it feels like an extra that you can delve into if you want to. Here you need to grind for basic whip upgrades and stuff like laurels which are sometimes needed to go through poisoned marches. And in that game you don’t just loose all the progress of your grinding just by dying too much
The Mansions act kinda like dungeons from Zelda. These are very sloppily designed, they kind of act like more open ended versions of the first game���s stages, but they’re not nearly as interesting or varied when it comes to their obstacles, they’re often very cheap with enemy placement (I swear stairs are worse here), and after you prosess one of Dracula’s parts the game doesn’t warp you outside like Zelda does nah you gotta strut all the way back to the entrance can you spell padding?
We have very little in terms of bosses and what is there is...uhhh...
Oh look it’s Death! Boy he ain’t looking very hot now huh?
Oh but don’t worry! Should he somehow prove himself to be too much of a challenge to you...you can just straight up ignore him by walking in a straight line, he won’t even hit you!
In fact upon reentering the room he’ll respawn like an ordinary enemy! My man wasn’t really feeling it today at work wasn’t he?
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fabdante · 6 months
WIP Game
i was tagged by @thevampireauthoress (thank you friend!!)
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP list, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it. And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
So I have a metric ton of wips. Like a metric ton. I collect them. Ones from years ago I'll pick up and work on again. But some I like more then others and are more likely to be finished, and there are some I've tapped for posting later, so I'll focus on those (i'm also excluding all wow oc related fics) I am also including meta posts I've been clunking away on and I will separate them.
Excerpts from :thing of a title of a book here: (the devil may cry grunge band au no one asked for)
The One Were Kat Gets To Yell At Vergil
Kat and Dante make a spread (jail food)
All the lost boys fics i saw mad me angry
Catharsis for Someone (this is a TF2 fic)
Retrospect (this is a Samurai Champloo fic)
Swan Song
Tales of Ba Sing Se redux (this is a Zutara fic)
The Mai/Jet dream captivated me (this is a Mai/Jet au)
The Jet Bit (this is a Zutara fic)
Sparring is good for her, she thinks (this is a Zutara fic)
The really long Zelda Fic
Playlist for a Three-way with Eve, Lilith, and the Serpent (this is an original poem?)
A bug flew into my ear (this is also an original poem??)
ATLA Champloo
Eva, Sparda, and the boys
Verat and The Divine
V is Kat theory and some thoughts on Downfall
My Long Running Desire For A Good Sam Cham Essay (this is actually 4 seperate WIPs so if you want to get real spicy you can specify between: Take 3, An attempt at a conclusion, some points on Journey as Growth, Another misc unit of paragraphs)
Essay no one asked for on spiderverse and grief mostly because I'm obsessed with the black out kingpin causes
Essay no one asked for about why Channel Zero upset me
Now that I have presented you all with Too Many Wips, I must admit I don't know who among you are writers with wips you would like to share (as I know many of you do original stuff you may not want to share) so I will instead say: Consider Yourself Tagged If This Seems Fun Because I Genuinely Am Curious
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theonlyadawong · 7 months
If it means anything, the head writer for the Castlevania show won't be involved with the Devil May Cry show.
I just hope they don't skip over Lucia and DMC 2.
mm that's good. and ik itsuno is supervising, so i have some home it wont be a total train wreck.
i will say this dante looks fairly young. his demeanor and outfit are more reminiscent of how he was during 3 (maybe even before?), so unless they're going to keep making new seasons aging him up, i don't think we'll se lucia
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ackkans · 7 months
Juegos que por cojones voy a jugar porque ahora tendré una bestia de pc (no voy a parar de tocar los huevos llevo años soñando este momento)
Devil may cry V
The sons of the forest
Apex Legends
Metal gear solid V
Zelda:totk (que le den a la switch)
Detroit become human.
Minecraft con 4k mods
Y ya no se me ocurren más
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6-evil-6-soul-6 · 4 months
The collection is slowly growing...
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mrsuper-omg · 1 year
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Buenas a todos , soy Super :D Soy un chico de 18 años , vivo en España , concretamente en Asturias Como soy nuevo en Tumblr y este es mi primer post os voy a comentar un poco sobre mis gustos y hobbies , espero conocer bastante gente por aquí con gustos similares a los míos , así que haya vamos :D Soy un chico al que le gustan mucho los videojuegos , y suelo jugar un poco de todo , aunque en si mi genero favorito es el Hack And Slash (Devil May Cry , Bayonetta , God of war , Sekiro...) y también me gustan mucho los juegos de terror (Silent hill ,Outlast,FNAF 1 2 3 4 Sl todos los demás no me gustan, Resident Evil ...) ,También juego mucho al Minecraft como jugador Técnico , en mis tiempos libres , pues es el típico juego al que puedo jugar indefinidamente y puedo pensar en mis cosas mientras escucho música Hablando de Música , yo suelo escuchar un poco de todo en general , aunque mis genero favorito es el rock , las bandas que suelo escuchar a diario son Queen , My Chemical Romance , Taburete , Melendi (Vuelve a fumar porros porfavor), El canto del loco , Bon Jovi, Morat, La oreja de Van Gogh, entre otras muchas otras bandas :D Mis series/películas/anime favoritos suelen ser de acción , aunque en general me gusta cualquier genero xD ,en fin , que me voy por las ramas , mis contenidos audiovisuales favoritos a día de hoy son : The Boys , Shingeki ,Jojos , El señor de los anillos (la saga entera) ,Harry Potter etc (No veo muchas series en general ,así que si hay alguna serie que me querréis recomendar podéis dejarla en los comentarios :D) Uno de mis Hobbies es el de ser creador de contenido en YouTube , donde me dedico a subir cada 4000 años un video sobre algún videojuego que me haya marcado de alguna forma , y también me dedico a hacer Streams en Twitch donde suelo jugar a Minecraft Técnico con seguidores, ya que es algo que realmente me gusta y no se , siento que es divertido , aunque personalmente no estoy tratando de llegar a vivir de esto ,ya lo intente una vez , y aunque los resultados no eran malos (media de 50 viewers en Twitch) Acabe con una depresión por tomármelo muy en serio , y no es un camino que quiera retomar la verdad , Os dejo aquí mis canales de YT
y de Twitch:
Bueno , creo que ya he dicho lo más importante sobre mi en este Post , no se si se puede editar pero si es así , lo hare en un futuro próximo :D para rellenar algunos huecos :D : Muchas gracias por leerte el Post entero :D , cuéntame un poco de tu vida por acá en los comentarios que me apetece conoceros un poco :D Un abrazo😊
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penguins-united · 1 year
Books read in 2022!!
rereads are italicized, favorites are bolded
1. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling
2. Boxers by Gene Luen Yang
3. Saints by Gene Luen Yang
4. The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett
5. The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie
6. Immortal Poems of the English Language by Oscar Williams
7. Soldier’s Home by Ernest Hemingway
8. Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo
9. Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix by JK Rowling
10. The Dead by James Joyce
11. Soldiers Three by Richard Kipling
12. The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben
13. Richard iii by William Shakespeare
14. Balcony of Fog by Rich Shapiro
15. All Systems Red by Martha Wells
16. Artificial Condition by Martha Wells
17. I have no mouth and I must scream by Harlan Ellison
18. Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo
19. The moment before the gun went off by Nadine Gordimer
20. The importance of being earnest by Oscar Wilde
21. A farewell to arms by Ernest Hemingway
22. Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells
23. Rules for a knight by Ethan Hawke
24. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince by JK Rowling
25. The Secret History by Donna Tartt
26. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling
27. Gerard Manley Hopkins: The Major Poems by Gerard Manley Hopkins
28. Highly Irregular by Arika Okrent
29. The Green Mile by Stephen King
30. The Swan Riders by Erin Bow
31. The King’s English by Henry Watson Fowler
32. The Truelove by Patrick O’Brian
33. The Glass Key by Dashiell Hammett
34. The Wine-Dark Sea by Patrick O’Brian
35. The Commodore by Patrick O’Brian
36. An Old-Fashioned Girl by Louisa May Alcott
37. Long Day’s Journey Into Night by Eugene O’Neill
38. The Disaster Area by JG Ballard
39. The Tacit Dimension by Michael Polanyi
40. Wicked Saints by Emily A Duncan
41. The Pillowman by Martin McDonagh
42. The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner
43. The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
44. The Queen of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner
45. Exit Strategy by Martha Wells
46. The King of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner
47. A Conspiracy of Kings by Megan Whalen Turner
48. Thick as Thieves by Megan Whalen Turner
49. Return of the Thief by Megan Whalen Turner
50. Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut
51. Confessions of St. Augustine by St. Augustine of Hippo
52. Little Lord Fauntleroy by Frances Hodgson Burnett
53. The Yellow Admiral by Patrick O’Brian
54. Bad Pharma by Ben Goldacre
55. The Russian Assassin by Jack Arbor
56. The ones who walk away from Omelas by Ursula K LeGuin
57. Captains Courageous by Rudyard Kipling
58. The Iliad by Homer
59. The Treadstone Transgression by Joshua Hood
60. The Hundred Days by Patrick O’Brian
61. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead by Tom Stoppard
62. The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus
63. Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett
64. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the Pearl, and Sir Orfeo (unknown)
65. Persuasion by Jane Austen
66. The Outsiders by SE Hinton
67. Bartleby the Scrivener by Herman Melville
68. The Odyssey by Homer
69. Dead Cert by Dick Francis
70. The Oresteia by Aeschylus
71. The Network Effect by Martha Wells
72. All Art is Propaganda: Critical Essays by George Orwell
73. This is how you lose the time war by Amal El-Mohtar
74. The Epic of Gilgamesh (unknown author)
75. The Republic by Plato
76. Oedipus Rex by Sophocles
77. On the Genealogy of Morals by Friedrich Nietzsche
78. Ere the Cock Crows by Jens Bjornboe
79. Mid-Bloom by Katie Budris
80. Blue at the Mizzen by Patrick O’Brian
81. 21 by Patrick O’Brian
82. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
83. Battle Cry by Leon Uris
84. Devils by Fyodor Dostoevsky
85. The Uncanny by Sigmund Freud
86. The Door in the Wall by HG Wells
87. Oh Whistle and I’ll Come to You My Lad by MR James
88. The Birds and Don’t Look Now by Daphne Du Maurier
89. The Weird and the Eerie by Mark Fisher
90. Blackout by Simon Scarrow
91. In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
92. No Exit and Three Other Plays by Jean-Paul Sartre
93. The Open Society and its Enemies volume one by Karl Popper
94. Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut
95. The Ethics of Ambiguity by Simone de Beauvoir
96. The Cue for Treason by Geoffrey Trease
97. The things they carried by Tim O’Brien
98. A very very very dark matter by Martin McDonagh
99. The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich A Hayek
100. The Lonesome West by Martin McDonagh
101. A Skull in Connemara by Martin McDonagh
102. The Beauty Queen of Leenane by Martin McDonagh
103. Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche
104. The Power and the Glory by Graham Greene
105. The Shepherd by Frederick Forsyth
106. Things have gotten worse since we last spoke and other misfortunes by Eric LaRocca
107. Each thing I show you is a piece of my death by Gemma Files
108. Different Seasons by Stephen King
109. Dracula by Bram Stoker
110. Inker and Crown by Megan O’Russell
111. Out of the Silent Planet by CS Lewis
112. Killers by Patrick Hodges
113. The Game of Kings by Dorothy Dunnett
114. The Rise and Reign of Mammals by Stephen Brusatte
115. Any Means Necessary by Jack Mars
116. The Birth of Tragedy by Friedrich Nietzsche
117. In A Glass Darkly by J Sheridan le Fanu
118. Collected Poems by Edward Thomas
119. The Longer Poems by TS Eliot
120. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
121. The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene
122. The Antichrist by Friedrich Nietzsche
123. Choice of George Herbert’s verse by George Herbert
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pressstartblog · 1 year
Breve reflexión sobre la saga Devil May Cry
Desde hace años soy fan de la saga Devil May cry, juego que debutó en,  Playstation 2 en el año 2001 y finalizando en el año 2019 con la quinta entrega (sin contar su spin off).
A modo de homenaje, dí un breve recorrido por 3 de sus juegos recientemente, siendo el Devil May cry 1, 3 y 5 siendo estas mis apreciaciones. Cabe aclarar que esta es solo mi opinión
En primer lugar y una de las principales razones por las que comencé a jugar este título fue la jugabilidad, esta se ve notablemente mejorada a medida que van pasando los juegos, desde una jugabilidad un tanto incómoda para el día de hoy pero adecuada para la época. Esta jugabilidad se ha visto mejorada siendo totalmente responsiva para el último Devil may cry lanzado hasta la fecha.
La estética anime dio paso a un renderizado 3D realista, potenciado por RE Engine. Además, actualmente la interfaz ha sido mucho más legible y moderna, quizás quitándole personalidad en favor de la accesibilidad.
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Por último, quiero admirar el diseño de escenarios y de enemigos. En todos los títulos de la saga se destaca una atmósfera que mezcla lo moderno de los protagonistas con fondos de un estilo gótico que concuerdan con su música, teniendo un diseño de enemigos visible e identificable, logrando que el jugador pueda entender inmediatamente cuál es el tipo de enemigo y sus características.
Este es todo mi análisis, espero que nos vuelvan a visitar.
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elfuckencio · 1 year
Devil May Cry 3: Estilo sobre sustancia [Análisis]
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Creo que no hace falta presentar a Devil May Cry.
La saga de acción desenfrenada por excelencia, el rey de los hack n' slash, la que definió el arquetipo del antihéroe en los videojuegos con el protagonista mas badass que te puedas encontrar en cualquier lado.
Una saga, que con sus altibajos (*ejem* Devil May Cry 2 *ejem*), ha marcado un ritmo casi perfecto que a día de hoy no deja de divertirnos en lo absoluto, uno donde lo que cuenta es cómo acabas con cada demonio de la forma mas espectacular posible y con momentos tan chorra que el juego te deja en claro a qué has venido: a darte de hostias, la historia da igual.
Y aquí que estamos a día, para hablar del verdadero despertar de la franquicia y de su rockstar cazador de demonios por excelencia:
Devil May Cry 3: Dante`s Awakening
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Soy fan de God of War, ¿Qué queréis que os diga?
Yo fui de aquellos que cuando llegó a la adolescencia le dieron a elegir 3 opciones: Ser un otaku deprimido con el Nier clásico con Daddy Nier de prota, ser un fanboy edgy del heavy metal con ganas de mostrar rabo con el DMC: Devil May Cry o un pedazo de bruto que le encanta repartir estopa y cortar cabezas a todo lo que se me cruce porque el gore mola con el God of War Ascension.
Como no tenia mucha idea busqué y Ascension se llevo de lejos mi atención y mi oportunidad de comprarme una ps3.
Desde entonces Kratos ha sido mi puerta al mundo de los juegos de acción: Dantes Inferno, Heavenly Sword, los Smash Bros y sus copias, entre otros tantos y también es el responsable de que descubriera al que es actualmente mi escritor favorito de comics: Frank Miller, gracias a su brutal 300.
También, y gracias al Smash Bros que hizo Playstation, probé el reboot de Devil May Cry: DMC, el cual no guardo demasiado cariño. Me acordaba de su acción que no me llegó a convencer y de la horrible historia que tenia. Se me hizo inaguantable seguir jugándolo y me deshice de él regalándoselo a un amigo que nunca lo había probado.
Después de 3 años del lanzamiento de Devil May Cry 5, youtubers que me salían en recomendados, y sobre todo por mis amigos fanboys con ganas de insistir, decidí probar esta saga, olvidándome de ese reboot tan malo que jugué en su época. Así es como le di por primera vez a la trilogía original.
Para no extenderme más de lo que he hecho lo resumo en:
Devil May Cry 1 es un Resident Evil con espadas y me encanta como aprovechan el concepto para que no parezca un plagio de esos juegos, además del genial protagonista que nos presentan con su carisma chulesco pero no idiota.
Con Devil May Cry 2... objetivamente no es mal juego, es normalete tirando a mediocre. Pero como secuela es decepcionante y muy lamentable lo que hicieron con el combate y con el propio Dante, que lo convierten en protagonista de anime genérico numero 16884 sin ese carisma que resaltaba en el original.
Y llegamos al que nos toca hablar hoy: Devil May Cry 3 que no solo supera a sus predecesores, sino que da un golpe en la mesa para asentarse como el juego revolucionario que intentó el original pero con mucho mas estilo y mucho mas heavy metal de los 2000 de por medio.
Algunos recordamos el inicio del primer DMC: Dante en su oficina recibiendo a una mujer rompiendo su puerta montanda en moto en busca del hijo de Sparda, el legendario caballero demonio, para ofrecerle un trabajo. Cuando de repente le empala con su espada y le tira su moto, solo para que Dante se la sude y la devuelva a tiros demostrando que no solo es el hijo de Sparda sino que es duro de derribar, y que el juego iba a tratar sobre controlar a este machote duro como las piedras para cumplir con nuestro contrato mientras matamos seres del inframundo en el proceso.
Pero lo del 3 no tiene nombre: nos enseñan que este Dante es mucho mas joven que el que conocimos con anterioridad y que es un chulo de cuidado, aparece el villano diciendo que vienen a por él pero al tio se la suda, y el malo se larga del sitio.
El sigue a lo suyo intentando coger un trozo de pizza cuando... aparecen 4 fantasmas, le joden el local, le empalan los cuatro a la vez, al tío se la vuelve a sudar, les suelta tremenda patada voladora que ni Chuck Norris, y les revienta con PUTAS BOLAS DE BILLAR CON UN TIRO DE SUS PISTOLAS. Y en ese momento nos dan los mandos y nos toca acabar con nuestra primera horda de enemigos. Y tu te quedas:
Y es ahí cuando entras en el juego. Bienvenidos jugadores, disfrutad de la cacería.
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Este juego se basa puramente en el gameplay, asi que empecemos por los mas importante:
Los controles son una evolución del primer titulo. No existe un botón de ataque normal y otro de ataque fuerte, los ataques van por ritmos y dependiendo de a qué tiempos pulses el botón obtienes combos distintos. Por ejemplo si pulsas el botón de ataque repetidamente solo conseguirás hacer el combo básico, pero si después de pulsarlo una vez, y esperas un segundo obtienes un combo mas largo y que hace mas daño pero también mas lento. Algo que se complementa con el Devil Trigger que, aparte de regenerar poco a poco tu vida, te vuelve mas rápido y agresivo inflando a golpes a tus enemigos hasta verlos estallar o desintegrarse.
A medida que avances en el juego obtendrás nuevas armas las cuales podrás intercambiar en cualquier momento durante el combate para no dejar de atacar a la horda que va a por ti, pero sobre todo lo harás para aumentar tu medidor de estilo.
Una de las pocas cosas que hizo bien pero poco aprovechó la segunda entrega es que el medidor no suba por los golpes sino en la variedad de ataques que puedas realizar, variando movimientos e intercambiando armas para que tu barra suba y conseguir que llegue a esa SSS que nos hacen sentir como si fuéramos los putos amos, aunque con la desventaja de que al mas mínimo golpe, repetición de movimientos o porque no atacamos empieza a bajar.
De ahí que las armas de fuego estén mejor implementadas que nunca. Son las que mantienen el ritmo en momentos donde dejamos de usar nuestras armas cuerpo a cuerpo para planificar y cargar contra otros demonios. Varían bastante entre ellas: las míticas Ebony and Ivory que son idóneas para mantener la barra al nivel, la escopeta que la mantiene con menos efectividad pero haciendo mucho mas daño, y otras armas que van de hacer mas daño a otros enemigos o disparar a varios de ellos a la vez.
Y por ultimo y no menos importante: los estilos. Marcan el estilo de juego de cada uno y dependiendo de cual elijas o cambies durante el nivel, podrá variar la manera en como decides enfrentarte a cada escenario.
¿Quieres ser muy agresivo y no dejar respirar a tu enemigo con Swordmaster o Gunslinger? ¿Quieres marcarte tremenda jojo-referencia con Quicksilver y hacer Za Warudos? ¿O querrás hacer como yo, buen jugador de God of War, y usar Trickster para esquivar lo mas rápido posible o Royalguard para cubrirte y contraatacar con parries? Muchas posibilidades, pero tú decides cual usar.
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¿A que se nota que este juego es la ostia por lo bien que he hablado de los controles y de lo divertido que es probar todas las posibilidades? Pues bien, resulta que... ¡este juego tiene historia! Una que pese a ser simple y no tomarse en serio, funciona.
Pues resulta que el tipo que nos entró en el local trabaja con Vergil, el tan sonado hermano gemelo que se nos presentó en la primera entrega, y quieren abrir las puertas del infierno porque Evil Blue Dante tiene muchas ansias de poder y el otro se quiere convertir en una especie de dios demoniaco (vamos, lo típico), y nosotros somos unos picados de mierda porque el único propósito en la vida de Dante es ganar a Vergil y quedar como el hermano mas guay en duelo a muerte con cuchillos. Ah, y también hay una tipa llamada Lady que quiere cargarse al malo que es su padre porque se cargó a su madre.
Y... ya está. ¡Es perfecta! El propio juego en la inmensa mayoría de sus cinemáticas solo le importa crear coreografías surrealistas para ver lo guais que son los personajes y como de malos malosos muy malvados que son los villanos.
¿Qué más necesitan si te lo están poniendo en bandeja? El juego quiere que te diviertas controlando a estos capullos que se flipan combatiendo que en meterte una historia pretenciosamente profunda para que llegue a fastidiar el ritmo o el propio juego por no pegar para nada con el gameplay. Ojo, que no digo que sea puras chorradas, el drama presente que manejan lo hacen con muy buena mano y con cantidades justas para que puedas no tomarte en serio a los personajes, pero a la vez te preocupen y les cojas cariño (sobre todo con Lady).
Es funcional, estúpida, y muy bien llevada. Me encanta.
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Ah, casi se me olvida. ¿Qué seria de tooooodo esto que os acabo de comentar si no hubiera nada a lo que atacar?¿Donde están esos demonios que Dante mata para mantener el negocio a flote? Los enemigos son el plato fuerte del juego y la razón por la que deseados volver a lucirnos para ver que tan bueno somos combatiendo.
Varían desde los que hacen como mucho 2 ataques y están hechos para morir casi al toque, pasando por voladores que requieren utilizar nuestras armas a distancia para acabar con ellos, algunos que son capaces de spawnear enemigos, otros que disparan a distancia... toda una enorme variedad para cortar, trocear y empalar lo mejor que puedas imaginar dentro de la variedad que te ofrece el juego.
Y los bosses... todo un reto ellos solos. Todos y cada uno de ellos son muy distintos entre si y son instantáneamente reconocibles: están las 2 estatuas sin cabeza que se sincronizan para atacarte a la vez, el cerbero que se cubre de hielo y guarda distancias para defenderse, la bestia alada que nos lanza jaulas, ondas de energía y nos embiste para quitarnos muchísima vida...
Y por no hablar de Vergil, uno de los mejores bosses a los que me he enfrentado nunca. Es el jefe que, si aun no habías pillado cómo funcionaba el juego, te dejaba muy en claro que esto es Devil May Cry, olvídate de lo demás.
Ataques muy agresivos que exigen reflejos, patrones que repite una y otra vez para que aprendas cuando lanzarte a por él, y lo mas importante, su modo Devil Trigger que te exige 2 opciones: o guardias distancias usando tus pistolas pero durando mas su estado haciendo el combate mas largo, o meterte de lleno en la boca del lobo para quitárselo lo mas rápido posible pero con el riesgo de que te haga muchísimo daño o incluso matarte. Un boss desafiante y muy bien diseñado.
Una selección de bosses excelente, muy variados y reconocibles, pero sobre todo, muy muy disfrutables.
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Mira, después de comerle la polla de esta manera ya no sé como decirlo.
Devil May Cry 3 es FANTASTICO, un juego de acción sublime que no deja indiferente a nadie, es de esos títulos que te lo metes entre pecho y espalda, y lo gozas por lo divertido que es.
Quizá sea porque estoy demasiado acostumbrado a los God of War y no sea capaz de exprimir todo ese jugo que el juego pueda darme por llegar a un punto de estar machacando botones sin pensar, pero mi experiencia ha sido muy divertida y estaría encantado de rejugarlo.
Completamente recomendable.
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thispatternismine · 1 year
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I posted 944 times in 2022
73 posts created (8%)
871 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 944 of my posts in 2022
#atla - 394 posts
#video games - 245 posts
#zuko - 215 posts
#fanart - 211 posts
#devil may cry - 150 posts
#ozai - 141 posts
#mai - 131 posts
#azula - 118 posts
#fanfic - 115 posts
#lol - 113 posts
Longest Tag: 33 characters
#there are no comics in ba sing se
My Top Posts in 2022:
Into the Fire [7/?] - Family Drama
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Relationship(s): Mai/Zuko, Zuko & Iroh, Ozai & Zuko, Zuko & the Gaang
Summary: When Azula met her brother in Ba Sing Se & told him he could come home, he believed her, even though she had made this exact offer before. This time there was no loose-lipped Captain to give the game away, & he was brought back to the Fire Nation not as a hero, but in chains. When he is dragged from his cell months later, he expects to be facing his execution, not his coronation.
Chapter 1: A Decision is Made
Chapter 2: Preparations & Discoveries
Chapter 3: A Public Spectacle
Chapter 4: Prison Break, But Legally
Chapter 5: Casually Suggesting Treason
Chapter 6: Confused Hakoda
Chapter 7: Family Drama
Ozai sat slumped against the wall of his cell, too exhausted to do anything else. (Weak, so weak…) He felt drained, empty, the void where his inner flame had once been clawing at him.
He had lost everything. His power, his throne, even his firebending, even his strength. And soon, probably, his life. The Avatar was clearly intent on Iroh being Firelord, judging by the gloating comments of his friends as they had hauled their prisoner onto an airship, and by now the coronation must be over.
(There was something in his hair. Rotten fruit, he realised, from Ba Sing Se. The Avatar’s little band had of course needed to collect the new Firelord and take him to his coronation. And they had made sure to show their prisoner off while they were there, just to underscore his humiliation.)
When a guard announced that he had a very important visitor, and the pathetic torches blazed stronger, he remained slumped against the wall, not even bothering to turn and look up as a shadow fell over him. He didn't want to have to see his brother's smug face again.
His head jerked up, half worried that he was hallucinating from his dehydration (though the Royal Physician had provided him with water). Or worse, that Zuko had been restored to the title of Prince, and dispatched as a messenger.
But no, it was indeed Zuko, dressed in Firelord robes, the crown glinting in his hair.
He closed his eyes for a moment, relieved. Thank Agni for small mercies. At least one of his children was on the throne. He'd rather it was Azula, of course – he had groomed her as his successor – but better Zuko than Iroh.
A shiver wracked him.
“You’re cold?” He hesitated a moment, before leaving.
Ozai wondered if he’d been abandoned for displaying weakness, but Zuko returned a minute later, a blanket draped over his arms.
“Here.” He held it through the bars.
Ozai didn’t reach for it; he wasn’t going to debase himself more by begging. And he was too weary to move. Besides, what good would it do?
“It won’t help.” The cold was inside him, threatening to consume him.
Zuko sighed. “Just take the fucking blanket.”
[ tip jar ]
14 notes - Posted December 22, 2022
The Last Firebender [23/?] - By the Power of the Moon
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Relationship(s): Mai/Zuko, Zuko & the Gaang, Zuko & his family
Summary: Agni has stood by as his children have used their gifts to burn the world, consumed with despair but reluctant to interfere. When the one who is meant to act as his intermediary in the mortal realm burns his own son in a shocking act of cruelty in front of a crowd who fail to step in, that is the final straw.
The Fire Nation descends into chaos at the sudden loss of firebending, & the war becomes bloodier still, as the troops fight on out of sheer desperation, terrified that a reckoning is now due.
And then Iroh, tending his injured nephew while trying to keep him safe from a vengeful father who blames him for this calamity, realises that Zuko's inner flame still burns...
Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Any Port in a Storm
Chapter 3: Unexpected Guests
Chapter 4: Making Friends
Chapter 5: Adventures
Chapter 6: Learning Lessons
Chapter 7: Fire & Ice
Chapter 8: Azula is Not Okay
Chapter 9: Father & Son
Chapter 10: E v e r y t h i n g i s F i n e
Chapter 11: Azula is Still Not Okay
Chapter 12: Friends & Family
Chapter 13: Unravelling
Chapter 14: Zuko & Azula Actually Have A Conversation (part 1)
Chapter 15: Zuko & Azula Actually Have A Conversation (part 2)
Chapter 16: The Council Has Spoken
Chapter 17: Island Getaway
Chapter 18: Going on a Mama Bear Hunt
Chapter 19: Fire Nation Democracy in Action
Chapter 20: A Night in the Woods
Chapter 21: Bad Moon Rising
Chapter 22: Blue Moon
Chapter 23: By the Power of the Moon
See the full post
16 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
New ATLA Fic Preview
Here’s a preview of a fic I've been working on. Based on this AU idea by @electronswrites, where Aang is found much earlier & the Gaang is formed of characters from the generation up (I tried posting this yesterday, but I think Tumblr was glitching or something? idk?). Tagging various people from the post’s notes that seemed interested: @professionalranter31, @muffinlance @gaymedievaldruid @girl-loves-travel45 @kacievvbbbb @beastlybeauty1 @shorteeby40. Lemme know if any of you want to be removed.
This AU involves some changes to canon, because somebody needs to teach Aang waterbending, so Hakoda is a bender here. (If you're wondering, 'Wait, so who is going to take on Sokka's role of non-bender warrior?': Kya. It's Kya. Kya is here to chew bubblegum & kick ass & there is no bubblegum in the world of ATLA so that really simplifies her 'to do' list.)
Ages have also been adjusted. I've decided that everyone is the same age as their show equivalents (where available). Hakoda is 15 (same for Bato), Kya is 14 (I might switch them idk), Ozai is 16, Ursa is 15, etc. I've decided on 24 for Zhao's age - still young, but old enough that he'd be super resentful being bossed around by a teenager. Zuko is already around, as per the og post, & is 1.
A few small tweaks to the ideas posted: Zhao & Ozai are bitter rivals, rather than friends. Ozai & Ursa weren't betrothed (because I figure in that case Azulon would just move the wedding date). And Ursa escaped the 'school' she was sent to while still pregnant & went on the run.
I haven't really planned this fic out too well, beyond this first chapter, a vague outline, & a few random ideas, & ngl it'll be a while before I do any proper work on it (which is why I'm just posting this preview on tumblr rather than Ao3), because I have a current WIP that I'm nearly done with, another that I want to at least update, & a third I would like to start posting. I don't even have a title.
But for now, here's the first chapter: Hakoda Tries to Impress A Girl
Hakoda scanned their surroundings as Bato steered their boat deftly between icebergs. They didn’t really need to be out here – the village had enough provisions stored away that they’d be okay unless their hunters had a real nasty bout of bad luck. But bad luck did happen (often in the form of Fire Nation raids) & nobody would say no if they caught anything extra.
And it got them out of shoring up the snow wall around the village, which was tedious work.
Kya wouldn’t be called upon to help with the building work, but she had jumped at Hakoda’s invitation, keen to get out of the village for a while.
The men wouldn’t let her train with them anymore. Nobody minded a woman having some kind of basic training, at least enough to know how to wield a club without knocking herself out instead of her opponent. That was just common sense. If any Fire Nation soldiers got through the warriors’ defences, then it was useful to have some of the woman be able to hold them off from burning people’s homes (or worse) until the real warriors were able to step in
But when Kya had started beating some of the men, the Chief had put his foot down. He couldn’t stop her watching though; he couldn’t stop her practicing the moves she’d seen on any man who bothered her either.
“Kya,” Bato was saying, carefully. “If you hit a man in that spot, it really hurts.”
She rolled her eyes, continuing to swing her club. “I know. That’s why I did it.”
“But it’s dishonourable! That’s not how you win a proper fight!”
That got a snort. “Like the Fire Nation cares about honour.”
Bato looked pleadingly at Hakoda for help, but he kept his eyes on the water, pretending not to notice. He understood that, as the Chief’s son, Bato felt he had to take his side. But she’d been in the right & Sunoq had had it coming. Maybe he’d learn to keep his hands to himself in future. (He also didn’t want to risk being on Kya’s bad side, even a little.)
Besides, he had another reason for inviting her along; he was hoping to show her a waterbending move he’d just learned.
Learning to bend had been a struggle. The only teacher available to him had been an infirm old man who’d been missed in the raids. Before he’d died, he was able to teach Hakoda some healing, & a few simple moves that didn’t require much, well, movement. But any actual attacks that would be useful in fighting the Fire Nation, or anything big or powerful, were beyond his ability to demonstrate. And that was the exact sort of thing that would be of interest to Kya.
He’d done his best to figure out moves based on the man’s descriptions, but it was difficult, especially as his mind had been wandering as his life drew to a close, & some of those descriptions had been confusing.
But today he thought he had something. Something that might impress Kya. And he really wanted to impress her.
They’d known each other pretty much their whole lives (it wasn’t that big a village) & the three of them had always been friends. But recently he thought he’d like to be something more than friends with her. He wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to just come right out & ask her though. She was scary when she was mad, & he knew from training that she did not pull her punches at all.
They found what they felt was a promising spot, & Hakoda & Bato cast their lines & sat back to wait, but hours passed & nothing was biting. And Kya, who’d been crouched with a spear, staring intently into the water, swore she hadn’t seen a single fish.
It was as if they were avoiding the area. But there was no sign of any predators, & if that was what it had been, then whatever it was should have moved on by now in the absence of prey.
Well, at least he didn’t have to worry about scaring fish away.
He began swooshing water to & fro, slow at first, but gradually getting faster, before pulling upwards, making large waves that pushed the boat closer to the large iceberg in their vicinity.
The next step – which he hadn’t quite consistently managed yet – was to turn the waves into ice. If he could figure that out, it would be immensely useful to the tribe – he could quickly erect defensive barriers or build bridges.
Maybe then the Chief would stop looking at him like he didn’t belong.
He did his best to follow the movements the old man had described, which had worked a little in his experiments, but the water stubbornly remained water.
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30 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
Playing Stray & getting the notification that you earned the trophy for the cat dying 9 times like
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37 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Working on The Last Firebender, & was trying to figure out upcoming plot points, because I’d only planned a few chapters ahead, & even then only vaguely, & realised an upcoming plot point wouldn’t work so I needed to do something else, & the fic just kinda started taking a turn...
And now I’m at the stage where I’m like
Okay what if the rest of the fic is just Zuko & Momo hanging out...
37 notes - Posted February 8, 2022
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