#dommi weasley
emrickzhomepalace · 1 year
smut headcanons - h.p girls
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hermione x reader (separate)
ginny x reader (separate)
luna x reader (separate)
gender neutral reader
any house
all characters are aged up to 18+
warnings: smut, swearing, kinky shit
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hermione granger
hermione is defff a good girl - but one that likes to be punished, does that make sense?
like she’ll do everything right but do one thing wrong to be spanked or something else
definitely has a thing for being choked and/or spanked
i can also imagine whoever she’s having sex with they definitely have a rule where she can’t swear
and i imagine her being very vocal and foul-mouthed in bed
she’s definitely there to please yk
she’ll wear lingerie and all that
will probably even yank up her skirt a little when her s/o’s around when she’s in the mood to expose her panties
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ginny weasley
ginny is 100% an absolute fucking bratty bitch in bed
whines and moans rlly loudly
she’ll also really likes the idea of doing it in public places to get caught
she’s the kind of person to be so utterly shy and defenseless and then BOOM she’ll be back for round 2 in the most dommy mommy way
ginny is prolly not a lingerie girl, like she’ll wear it, but she doesn’t see the point as she thinks it’d be easiest to take everything off with no interruptions or obstacles
she also tries to conceal all moaning and noises, becuz she likes to tease her partner and make them either earn it or force it out of her
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luna lovegood
luna is super shy when it comes to things like this
she’s definitely into it, she’s just a total virgin
she tries to hide her moans like ginny but not to tease, it’s becuz she thinks she’ll sound weird and becuz she’s shy 🥺
loves loves loves lingerie
she’s also very into being a good girl, but she’s not as vocal or bold as hermione is
hermione wants to be punished, but luna wants to obey, all the time
luna actually kinda feels bad when/if she’s punished, but it feels so good to her also
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Dominique Ginevra Weasley
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Dominique Ginevra Weasley
Nicknames: Dom, Dommy
Sexuality: Lesbian
Ethnicity: 1/4 English, 1/4 Irish, 1/2 French
DOB: 06/02/2002
Parents: Bill & Fleur
Siblings: Victoire & Louis
Godparents: Camille Fournier & Ginny
Best friends: Roxanne Weasley, James Potter, Fergus McKenzie, Theon Wright, Paul Hargreaves, Emily Hayes
Started Hogwarts: 2013
House: Slytherin
Wand: Dragon Heartstring, Cedar, 10 1/2”
Patronus: Aardvark
Boggart: Claustrophobia
Ex curricular: Slytherin chaser, captain from 6th year
Best subject: transfiguration
Worst subject: history of magic
Hair: Strawberry blonde, shoulder length and wavy
Eye colour: blue
Build: 5ft 9.5”, athletic/ muscular
Favourite music genre: Rock / Metal / Alternative
Favourite artists: Girl in Red, Paramore, Ethel Cain, Rage Against the Machine
Favourite song: Strangers - Ethel Cain
Favourite colour: Indigo
Health: Bipolar disorder, PCOS
Career: Quidditch player (Holyhead Harpies and Applebee Arrows) and then Journalist
Future: Dom marries Marina Fortescue, the Granddaughter of Ice Cream Parlour owner Florian Fortescue age 25 (2027). Dom started going into the ice cream shop (which Marina now owned) every day for 3 weeks until she finally plucked up the courage to ask Marina out. They never wanted kids as they preferred to travel the world and be everyones fun aunties. They live above the Ice Cream Parlour on Diagon Alley.
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thatdammchickennugget · 8 months
Premonition - Chapter Seven
The Parting Of Dominic And Elliana
pairing - george weasley x original female character
warnings - none
wordcount - 762
set - august 31st, 1989
series masterlist - previous chapter - next chapter
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Elliana trailed behind her brother, coming to a stop when they reached the gate leading onto the road. It was taking all of her might to keep her tears down. Not yet, she told herself. She had all the time in the world for crying after Dominic said his goodbyes.
The now 18-year-old boy stood tall in front of the shorter girl and dropped his backpack on the ground, leaning on the gate. “Are you sure you will be alright?” he asked, still unsure about leaving.
The girl slapped his arm jokingly. “Yes, I am! You have to go! This is a huge chance for you,” she told him determinedly. And she was right, this was huge. Charlie Weasley, the son of an old friend of her parent’s, had been working at a Dragon sanctuary in Romania as an apprentice for a year now and he had managed to get Dominic a spot in the program as well.
Not only did this mean he would be able to get away from all the troubles Grantford Manor, where they had been living with their uncle’s family for the past 3 years now, had to offer them, but it would also mean he could start working at his dream job not even 2 months after finishing school. Ellie was so proud of him.
“I’ll write you when I get there. And you’ll write me the second the welcoming feast is over. I want to know what house you’re in,” he said and noticed his sister nervously playing with her hands at the mention of her first year at Hogwarts. “Hey, you’ll be fine. If any of the older kids give you trouble, you just tell them who your big brother is and that I’ll come and beat them up.” He smiled when he got a giggle out of her. “I have a surprise for you.”
He ducked behind the gate and pulled a silver cage into view. Elliana’s jaw dropped in surprise. Inside the cage was a small brown and white barn owl, looking up at her in curiosity. The girl fell to her knees to take a closer look at the animal. “Are you serious?” she asked her brother with a big smile on her face.
“She’s yours. I had to make sure you have no excuses not to write me,” he joked but the girl did not even react to it, too focused on petting the owl’s tiny head through the openings in the cage. “What are you going to name her?
Ellie finally looked back at her brother, not being able to hide the tears collecting in her eyes anymore. “I think I’ll call her Nora.” She stood back up and threw her arms around her brother. “Thank you, Dommy. I’ll miss you so much.”
Dominic buried his face in his sister’s hair, also trying to hide his tears, and pulled her even closer. “I’ll miss you more.”
Elliana wanted him to go. Merlin, she did not even give him the chance to stay, she pretty much decided for him. And he wanted to go. He was excited and he knew he was lucky to get the spot, he would be stupid not to go. But leaving her still felt like he was betraying his parents, no matter how many people told him he was doing the right thing.
The siblings did not know how long they kept standing in front of the house, holding each other and crying into each other’s shirts. They only let go of each other when they heard a car pull up behind them.
Arthur Weasley, her parent’s old friend, jumped out of the car. He greeted the siblings with a smile, taking Dominic’s bags off the floor and loading them into the trunk of the car. The man had kindly offered to bring the boy to the portkey he was going to take to Romania.
The two quickly hugged one more time and promised to write each other again, before Ellie picked up the cage and stepped back, letting her brother walk to the car. He was about to climb into the passenger seat when they heard a knock coming from the house. They looked up to see a little boy, their nine-year-old cousin Theodore, standing by the window, waving with a sad look on his face.
Dominic sent a wave back to the boy, smiled at his little sister one last time and got into the car. Ellie stayed outside and waved at the flying car until she could not see it anymore.
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wongas--frank · 4 years
Cake Cauldron Content
The bar wasn’t crowded, but it made no difference to Frank. It didn’t make him less busy with experimenting in the kitchen, a little frustrated with how old some of the cooking utensils were. If the kitchen had more than just cauldrons, then Frank would have more flexibility. In the meantime, he wandered to the front of the house, a homemade cauldron cake in hand.
He nudged Dom with an elbow, setting the cauldron pastry in front of her. The top of it overflowed with ice cream, though it was the only thing he could find that could actually work as a ‘potion’ as the cake cauldron’s contents. He’d have to be a little smarter about shopping for ingredients next time, it wasn’t enough to assume that they had everything on had. “You might want to eat that fast—I haven’t figured out Fortescue’s charm for keeping ice cream unmelted.”
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beatrice-lestrange · 4 years
Beatrice belonged the least at the Leaky Cauldron, and she didn’t linger in the bar very long. There was a layer of grime everywhere, though not in the physical sense. The place reeked of misplaced energy, where wixen had come to shed their muggle facades behind.
But there Beatrice stayed, on their third floor with a room that overlooked Diagon Alley. She had finished another hour of looking through the apothecary’s wares and being disappointed in their limited wares—though so distracted was she by trying to figure out if there were ingredients that can be substituted that she spent a longer time at the bar muttering under her breath than she would have liked to. At least long enough that maybe the barmaid had noticed before Beatrice finally thought about what she wanted delivered to her room. Apparently they were out of a certain item and Beatrice had to consider substitutions too for her dinner.  
A soft knock on her door about twenty minutes later interrupted Beatrice as she laid out her notes and drawings on her bed.
“Come in!” A flick of her wand unlocked the door; she wasn’t bothered to go up and greet the waitstaff herself. It wasn’t as if they were stupid enough not to know to leave the food on the table.
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dierdra-jones · 4 years
Slow Days and a Slower Sister
It was a slow day. There was a slow stream of wizards and witches just passing through the Leaky Cauldron on to Diagon Alley, not many stopping for a drink, and those that did just wanted to be left alone with their fire whiskey. Dominique was happy to oblige.
She was leant against the bar, reading her Witch Weekly magazine, not so secretly. ‘How to make him fall head over heels in 10 easy steps.’ ‘Loose those extra pounds with this one tip!’ ‘8 things that will drive him wild in bed.’ She flipped through the pages not really focusing on any single article. She’d read it front to back already. It was a slow day.
She was just mulling over an advert with a model in a bright pink fur coat wondering if she might be able to pull the same look off when she heard the bell of the door ringing. Dominique looked up, giving a wide smile, as she did for all her customers, tucking the magazine away. “Hi there! Can I help you?”
The Ministry required her to use their city entrances, since she had only recently started her position at the Prophet. She wasn’t able to convince them to let her work from home, though her bag had a few letters from readers she was going to work on answering. The Leaky Cauldron was not her usual stop in Diagon Alley; the smaller cafes were usually more to her taste, though much less palatable than the kind of food she’d have when she was spending time with her grandparents.
Victoire didn’t bother hiding her snort, realizing who had greeted her once she entered the bar. What Victoire did do, however, was pretend that Dominique was… well, just another barkeep. She was already rather good at ignoring her sister—pretending she didn’t exist was even better. Her eye caught the overglorified dishrag her sister had been reading, half-wondering if some of the advertisements she had photographed for were there.
Her voice was so sweet, but so tense, when she addressed the bar maiden—especially since she was trying to hide her smirk. It was very unlikely that Victoire would have even stopped at the bar had she not realized that her sister was going to be her server. “I’ll have a butterbeer, please.”
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marius--lestrange · 5 years
Dominique stiffened a little at the insinuation that what she was wearing wasn’t up-to-date but bit her tongue. She was trying to be nice to Marius, she really was, but he had a way of getting under her skin. She didn’t understand how Vivienne and Marius could be so different. Vivienne was always welcoming to her, and didn’t seem to care that she wasn’t fabulously wealthy like the Lestranges. She had been excited to have more family members. Marius just seemed to look down his nose at everyone.
She wasn’t sure how to interpret his comments about Vivienne either. He spoke so cryptically she just let it wash over her, sipping her champagne and not really paying attention. For as much as she claimed she wanted to get to know him better she didn’t really enjoy talking to him.
“I know how that feels,” she added when he spoke about being misunderstood. “My family think I’m a little strange sometimes too.” Dominique was desperately trying to find things to bond with him over.
“Strange how?” Marius was pretending to ignore her gulp down champagne glass after champagne glass. He shouldn’t be making this a contest about who was the more miserable of the two, but it didn’t hurt to commiserate just a little. “At least your family would help you catch a killer. Mine pretends nothing ever happened.”
He shrugged, though he couldn’t help but be disappointed when she only responded to his comments about Vivienne with more alcohol. Marius was close enough to give her a pat on the back, then gently let his hand linger on her shoulder. Marius stared at the wall in front of them, not quite looking at Dominique; he sounded stiff when he spoke in an attempt not to sound too bitter. Dominique looked as if she would run at the first inkling of anything that required feeling anything more than pity for her conversation partner.
“I wish my sister actually treated me like a sibling—though sometimes that feels like so much to ask of her sometimes. My own brother took my wand from me for trying to find out who killed my fiancée, so I’d hate to see what happens to anyone else who falls out of favor with my family.”
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lafemme-lestrange · 5 years
☎ (Dom)
NAME: Dominiquè 
RINGTONE: Wannabe by Spice Girls
PICTURE: Vivienne thought this was the cutest little snap!
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LAST TEXT RECEIVED:  *something about the valentine’s party*
LAST TEXT SENT: “Darling you looked absolutely stunning at the party! Très très chic. I told you pink was your colour ;) Let’s catch up. Nails? xx”
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ethanwoodx · 5 years
☎ (Dom)
RINGTONE: The alarm ringtone
PICTURE: Just uses her icon picture
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LAST TEXT RECEIVED: *something about Sunny walking in on them*
LAST TEXT SENT: “What the fuck happened back there?”
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lettelestrange-blog · 6 years
↕ - Finley: 5"10, Dom: 5"5, Ana: 5"7
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Send me ↕ and I’ll compare our character’s heights.
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roxannexxolivia · 5 years
“Listen -- I love my cousin dearly, and when we figure out who abducted her there will be hell to pay. She’s bright, she’s resilient, she’s intuitive -- hell, she’s one of the most stylish people I know. I can’t begin to imagine what she’s been through, and I understand that everyone needs their time to process, but Circe help me, if that girl doesn’t get her act together... I might have to goad her to comply myself, and I can’t promise I could keep all of those things I love about her in mind. I love my family. It’s no surprise to anyone that I was a Hufflepuff and I am a Weasley before anything else, but I can’t get on board with stubbornness when it could potentially endanger others.”
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jandjsalmon · 4 years
Fic Back Friday: Recs
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Make a post recommending a fic you love from at least a year ago. Dust off the archives, dig through your AO3 history and share those old fics with newer fans who might not have seen them - and the fans who’ve been around forever and might want to revisit an old fave.
Such a fun deep dive into old favourites. I dug deep and found a couple:
For our allotted time is the passing of a shadow by florahart  (3/3) Pairing: Cedric Diggory x Hermione Granger Rating: R      Words: 31,700 or so Originally Posted: April 2007 Summary: Ten years after Harry Potter won the Tri-Wizard Tournament alone, a dream that isn't a dream brings some of the players back together. Jandy’s Rec: This is my favourite piece of HP fanfiction featuring Hermione. This was SO clever and written so well. This is a brilliant epic fic. An intriguing plot. The plot is the very best part of this fic. Obviously very AU - Cedric isn’t dead in the story but the war is over… but what if post-War Harry started having dreams about the Dark Lord ‘killing the spare’ in the graveyard and then things kept happening that made him think that is what really SHOULD have happened? And then people start disappearing… see… the plot is where it’s at! Also - Characterization. Each character is drawn perfectly, right down to Portrait!Snape who is bitter that his painting has been charmed so he can’t snoop. Hermione is different than we generally see her. Time is a bit loopy - and it’s very thought-provoking. Not super super graphic… but enough that you shouldn’t be underage reading it. Yeah… a great story. The first time I ever wanted to get into Cedric Diggory’s head and it’s my favourite Hermione ever. Just lovely. 💛🖤
The Head Boy's Laundry by sugarbear_1269 (1/1) Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Ginny Weasley Rating: E      Words: 5945 Originally Posted: June 2004 Summary: She was a horrible, despicable person. Why had she let herself sink to this level? Malfoy. These were the thoughts running through her mind as she rooted frantically in a large wicker basket of laundry underneath the chute marked Head Boy. She found what she had been seeking without too much trouble; a huge, green cable-knit jumper in Slytherin green with a silver C for captain embroidered above the left breast. Jandy’s Rec: I thought I’d find something super fun from my Draco/Ginny days to share today. I have SO MANY favourites from that time - but this one was probably foundational when it comes to how I feel about dommy cranky boys. It’s short and fun and I adored it. You should read it too!
Beast and the Beast by by @chickren​​  Pairing: Jaime Lannister x Brienne of Tarth Rating: E      Words: 98,317 Originally Posted: Oct 2013 Summary: Modern AU.  She knew who he was, of course, everyone did. Jaime Lannister: star quarterback. She'd seen him around campus and before that she'd seen him on the news, on the front page of the tabloids. There had been a betting pool on her floor; five gold dragons and you could circle a date on a calendar, your prediction for when he'd make the announcement he was entering the draft. Brienne only overheard about the bet. No one ever invited her to take part--not that she would anyway, she hated football. And she hated Jaime Lannister. Jandy’s Rec: My first Jaime/Brienne fanfiction ever and forever my favourite Braime author (all of her works are amazing). This was a different twist on the stories I’d read in that fandom prior to this - my first Modern AU! There were moments where I wanted to SCREAM at both Jaime and Brienne - and I sat crying in the club SO MANY TIMES - but the overwhelming feeling of the final scene still makes me just GUH. It’s a must read if you love these two together.
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oxfordasp · 4 years
Cousins who Talk - Dom & Albus
The patio had been a big reason he’d taken the flat.  It was small, maybe a hundred feet square, but it was enough for a table a few chairs, and, most importantly, a pile of pillows with an unobstructed view of the sky above.  It was the perfect place for morning coffee.  Or evening coffee.  For cigarettes when he was twitching and for drinks when he had a bloke over.  Bur it was most perfect for when Dominique swans in with a little box and a thousand thoughts.  
Meant his day was going to have one heck of a different ending. 
Glasses in hand and bottles floating along behind him, he wandered his way out to the patio where his cousin had already unshrunk the cushions and set them out into a glorious pile.  He hummed, moving to drop down next to her and pass over a glass.  
“Water, pumpkin juice, a bottle of the best mint lemonade from that hippy shop down the way, and ale if you’re into mixing your intoxicants,” Albus replied, choosing lemonade for himself and leaning up against the wall, a cushion behind him.  “So light the bloody thing and let’s chat, cousin.”
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writcraft · 5 years
WIP/Progress Monday
Tagged by @bixgirl1 to set out what I’m working on and progress made with small excerpts if available. Thank you for the tag!!!
Recently finished/Nearly finished: I’ve mainly been working on original flash fiction and three festive fics for HP and One Direction fandom but I can’t really say anything about any of them as all are anon. My WIPs are firmly in can wait until next year territory but I want to play so here are my primary upcoming fic projects, all HP fandom (for the first time in a long while) or OF. All titles are WIPs too because I fight with titles and lose.
Main Projects (FANFIC)
The Ghosts of Godric’s Hollow (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy). 1,000 words of outline / plot. This is my first big writing project for next year. A novel-length Drarry in which strange magic is afoot, the dead keep coming back to life and Harry’s house is haunted by the ghost of Draco Malfoy who has an opinion on everything.
Love Song For A Vampire (Harry Potter/Severus Snape). 2,000 words. My second big writing project for next year. A novel-length Snarry in which those rumours about Snape being a vampire turn out to be right on the money.
Glitter Lust (Ooh La La) (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy), 3,000 words. A kink / leather / fetish fairly confused premise which is basically hoping a dommy Draco and stupid boys pretending feelings haven’t been caught can save it from a lack of any real plot outside of ‘sweaty sex.’ Think gritty clubs and leather bars. The title for this will definitely change but listen to the Goldfrapp song Ooh La La because it’s so gooood.
“The places we go aren’t exactly open to all and sundry which is lucky, given the things you make me do to you.”
Harry glares. “I don’t make you do anything.”
“I’m not complaining.” Draco leans in, his voice silky and low. “I like it when you beg.”
If She Ever Leaves Me (It Won’t Be For You) (Hermione Granger/Ginny Weasley), 500 words. I don’t know if I’ll ever finish this because my heart is already heavy, but I want so desperately to write this story about two fierce women falling in love and finding their way in a world where everything goes spectacularly to shit. In which a burgeoning and unexpected relationship changes families and friendships forever.
The Highway’s Jammed With Broken Heroes (James Potter/Sirius Black). 3,000 words. James and Sirius dream about going on a road trip and also fuck.
James looks tired, the shadowy room emphasising the darkness under his eyes. He pushes a hand through his hair and looks away from Sirius, facing the door. Some doors, once opened, can never be closed.
Sirius knows that better than anyone.
Main Projects (ORIGINAL FIC)
Story About A Girl. A novella about a queer girl in 1970s and 1980s Britain.
She stands shoulder-to-shoulder with all the other sun-shocked people who never knew a night can end so fast.
Various Flash. Various pieces of flash fiction which I am attempting to get published in lit mags. I’ve got a few pieces publishing between now and the end of Jan which I’ll share here next year once they’re all up.
I also have a PhD thesis, a book chapter and a conference paper to write too but ssssh let’s not talk about such things.
I’m going to tag @gracerene09 @shiftylinguini @candybarrnerd @silveredsound @ticklefightharry @ravenclawsquill and @nerdherderette and anyone else who cares to share!
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sweetgingerpie · 5 years
Happee Birthdae
“Now, girls, when Mama asks what you did today, what are you going to tell her?”
“We made presents with Tante Gabby!” exclaimed Dominique with a large grin.
“No, no, Dommie—that’s exactly what I DON’T want you to say to Mama. We’re gonna tell Mama that I was at work all day, and you and Vic played with Pop and Nana. We did NOT spend the whole day preparing for Mama’s birthday, and your Aunt Gabby did NOT help us, yes?”
“I thought lying was bad?” Victoire asked.
“It is, Sweetie, but, some lies are okay. Some lies are good lies, like this one. We’re trying to do something special for Mama’s birthday, and it’s even more special when it’s a surprise. I’m relying on you girls...”
“What about Louis?”
“Louis is a boy, Sweetheart. Boys aren’t always the brightest. Besides, he has a very loud mouth on him. You know. You can hear him all the time,” Louis was upstairs asleep in Victoire and Dominique’s old crib, but, he had no use for the valuable information that he was offering his two older sisters.
“Remember: you played with Nana and Pop all day. That’s all. And tomorrow, you’re going to grab your presents to Mama from underneath your beds and bring them to her. Keep her busy so I can finish the rest of the surprise.”
“What did you get Mama for her birthday, Papa?” Victoire asked, curious as she tilted her head to the side in puzzlement. A characteristic she inherited from her mother.
“You’ll have to wait until tomorrow. It’s time for bed now... C’mon, we’ll finish Babbity Rabbity and then it’s sleepy time.”
“Bu-But we wanna stay up to see Mama!” Dominique wined.
“No. Mama isn’t going to be home for another couple hours. You’ll see her in the morning.”
Bill reached for the waists of both children. As he lifted each up to hold against each respective side, they adhered to him like a pair of koalas: Victoire rested her blonde head against her father’s shoulder, and Dominique wrapped both of her slightly smaller arms around his neck.
“Papa?” Victoire piped up just as he had kissed Dominique goodnight, ruffled her ginger curls, and tucked her plush toy dragon (her favorite gift from Uncle Charlie) underneath the covers with her.
“Yes, Sweetie?” He moved across the room to the opposite end where Victoire was sitting at the foot of the bed, dressed comfortably in a lavender onesie with her hair up in a pony tail.
“Is Mama gonna like my present?” She asked, a little doubt in her voice.
“Of course,” Bill spoke as he lowered his weight onto the edge of the bed, “Because it will come from you. You’re lucky. You’ve got the cute factor about you. You could do ANYTHING for Mama and she’ll be impressed. Me, I need to actually try. I can’t just give her a big goofy smile,” he exaggerated a smile for Victoire and she quietly giggled.
“Now, c’mon, bed. It’s passed your curfew. No jinxes, curses, charms, or incantations. No foolish wand waving, explosive dung bombs, or fanged frisbees... and no animating of toy dragons to set fire to the curtains,” he gave Dominique the side eye from Victoire’s bed. Dominique stifled a giggle and shut her eyes abruptly, pretending that she was asleep.
“What’s your most favorite present you ever got?” Victoire asked as she climbed under her comforter, Bill fastening the hem under her chin, “Oh, that’s easy: you, Dommie, and Lou, of course.”
“People don’t count!”
“Why not? Your Mama gave you to me. That’s a present, yeah? And like your gift to your Mama—you were a surprise.”
“Uncle Charlie called me an ax-ee-dint?”
“An accident? Spilled juice is an accident, taking your father’s old Cleansweep IV and crashing yourself into a field of corn is an accident...” Now he gave Victoire the suspicious side eye. Eight year old Victoire Weasley came limping out of the cornfield with some cuts and scrapes on her face and a big bruise on her ego. Before Molly got to work on her healing spells, she called her oldest son into the room so he could witness his daughter’s bold stupidity. They both cleaned her up and put her down for a nap in his old bedroom.
“You were a delightful surprise,” he spoke with a genuine smile before he leaned in and pressed a kiss to her forehead, “Go to sleep, or I’ll make you help Pop Pop assemble that refrigerator he won’t stop talking about.” Victoire stifled a giggle and rolled over onto her side so her back was facing her father.
Bill stood in the dimly lit doorway for a moment longer, admiring the scene in front of him before he quietly pulled the door closed. He popped his head in the nursery, just long enough to see Louis’s still form through the bars of his crib. The room was quiet except for the lightest of breaths that were leaving his parted lips. Satisfied, Bill pulled the door closed and exhaled before he moved across the hallway into the master bedroom, or, ‘Mama and Papa’s Bedroom.’
The kids being put to bed was only the first step in completing Fleur’s birthday present.
He started to dress down the moment the door clicked behind him: stripping his body of each layer of clothing from his flannel shirt and under shirt, down to his pants, boxer briefs, and socks. He left this trail of discarded clothing in his wake as he moved into their private bathroom.
What would have normally been a quick and careless wash, he instead paid great attention to his body—for Fleur’s benefit. He washed his face thoroughly, making sure that the dirt and sweat that often got trapped in his scar tissue was expunged; he shaved away the stubble that had begun to form on his chin and cheeks—and other places... He finished it off with his usual shampoo and soap—imported from Egypt, and patted dry his damp body as he climbed out of the shower. The stray droplets that he had missed cascaded down his body and came to pool at his feet.
He had just finished applying her favorite after shave to his cheeks and neck when he heard the faint ‘ding’ of he family clock downstairs, implying that someone’s state of being had changed, or, was changing. It startled him into action as he hurriedly moved around their bedroom. He stumbled to get his wand from the top of the dresser and waved it with purpose; summoning the dirty clothes to the basket in the corner; smoothing down the blankets and comforter on the bed and fluffing the pillows; and drying his hair and body.
Throwing the wand back onto the dresser, he pulled out the drawer that contained his under clothes and accessories. What does she like? We’ve been together for ten years and I don’t know what she likes? As a man, he felt that his desires were more predictable: skimpy, lacey, more skin, more butt, more breasts, done. Even then, it took little effort on Fleur’s part. But, now, he wanted to put a real effort in for Fleur. He wanted to make her feel, and want, and lust for him in the same way that he did her.
Eventually, he decided upon a pair of dark purple boxer briefs with a black elastic band and thigh-hugging edges. It was a bit tighter than his other underwear, but, that proved to be a slight advantage over the others. And the purple was a color that they both associated with their wedding, which would create a positive aura.
He stepped into the shorts and pulled them up to his waist, just below his bellybutton and where the elastic band hugged his hips. He took one look at himself in Fleur’s vanity mirror: smoothing his long, red locks back and out of his face, and then taking a moment to glance down at his physique: a little muscular, but still modest and lanky. His biceps were well-defined, his abdomen was smooth all the way down to the happy trail of ginger hair that partially disappeared beneath his briefs. He crossed his arms over his chest and tensed up, flexing a bit in hopes that this image is what will entice his wife for her birthday—which it now was since midnight had only just passed.
He glided his tongue over the front of his teeth and stepped away from the vanity so he could climb onto the bed, strategically placing himself in the center of their modest queen-sized bed. His body sunk into the comforter as he settled into place. He awkwardly tried get himself into a visually alluring position: bending his knees, laying on his side, thrusting his groin out for emphasis in case there was any confusion as to what he was trying to do. But, he gave up (after feeling a little foolish and embarrassed), and instead propped himself up using the pillows and sunk down onto his bottom. He took one deep breath and just relaxed with his eyes fixed on the door, waiting for his birthday girl.
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lafemme-lestrange · 5 years
☎ (Finley)
NAME: Mon mari
RINGTONE: Their wedding song
PICTURE: I imagine it’s a cute picture from their wedding, if not a selfie of them. 
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LAST TEXT RECEIVED: *something about dinner plans*
LAST TEXT SENT: “Will you be home for dinner tonight? If not, shall I make a reservation at Clos Maggiore? Is 8 okay? xx”
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