#eclipse era of the beast
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sepublic · 1 year
The Owl House Timeline
-Millennia Ago; The Archivists encounter the Demon Realm and send the Collector to play with the young Titans; The Collector meets the Titan known as the Boiling Isles, and comes across King’s egg; The Archivists commence a war against the Titans, who resist their attempts to turn every living thing into scrolls; Due to Titan magic countering their own, the Archivists enlist the help of the local demons, Bill among them, and create the Titan Trappers; An Archivist transforms the Owl Beast into a scroll, only to lose it in the ocean; The Boiling Isles Titan hides King on a remote island, shielded from the view of Archivists, and appoints Jean-Luc as the guardian. 
-The Collector is imprisoned in the in-between by the Boiling Isles, who is the last Titan alive; Hooty comes into existence after this during a hunt; The Archivists disappear from the isles; The Titan blows out Bill’s eardrums in a final battle against the Titan Trappers; The Titan escapes to the other side of the planet and ‘dies’, but due to her heart still beating, lingers as a ghost watching from the in-between; Bill communicates with the Collector using one of the moon discs, worshipping them as the Grand Huntsman, only to lose contact when the disc is broken; The Titan Trappers find the Boiling Isles, but are unable to locate King’s egg to free the Collector; Bill’s generation eventually dies out until he is the only one left, leading new generations of wannabe Titan Trappers; Hooty leaves the Boiling Isles’ eye.
-Hecktaceous Period; A Stonesleeper is transported to the Titan’s skull and placed as guardian; Luz Noceda briefly visits through a time pool.
-Witches and demons evolve from the Titan’s corpse; They initially learn glyphs by communicating with the Titan’s spirit on her knee, but eventually rely on their bile sacs instead.
-Thousands of Years Ago; The Bat Queen is carved and abandoned by her owner, a giant, after being wounded; She begins looking after other mistreated palismen in solidarity.
-Circa 1600s; The Deadwardian Era begins.
-1613; Young orphans Philip and Caleb Wittebane arrive in Old Gravesfield.
-Evelyn Clawthorne and Flapjack enter the human realm using an archway powered by Titan’s blood, and befriend a teenage Caleb; Evelyn and Caleb communicate using hidden rebuses, and a vial of Titan’s blood is buried outside the archway in Gravesfield.
-As an adult, Caleb moves to the Boiling Isles’ right arm with Evelyn permanently, marrying her. Philip enters the Boiling Isles through Eclipse Lake, emerging at the Knee, and discovers the Ice glyph.
-Circa May 21st, 16XX; Philip begins writing a journal documenting his journey in the Demon Realm.
-Five years after his arrival, Philip returns to Eclipse Lake and retrieves Titan’s Blood to build a Portal back home, emerging the only survivor; Philip absorbs Palismen essence to gain an advantage over witches, beginning his curse and slowing his aging; Philip reunites with Caleb, killing him and being chased off by a pregnant Evelyn; Philip discovers the Plant and Fire glyphs.
-1635; New Gravesfield is founded, replacing the town’s older layout.
-1660-70; Years after entering the Demon Realm, Philip Wittebane encounters Luz Noceda and Lilith Clawthorne, who travel from the future to meet him; Luz teaches Philip the last glyph, Light; Philip meets the Collector, and encounters the Stonesleeper he will use to create his first Grimwalker of Caleb; A Portal is made using the Titan’s eye that leads to Philip and Caleb’s childhood home, but ends up buried next to Evelyn’s archway.
-1693; “Witches eating babies” -Eda
-Philip creates his first Grimwalker of Caleb; Philip assumes the identity of Belos and claims to speak on behalf of the Titan, espousing the coven system; Belos and his Grimwalkers stage false flag attacks in order to scare the populace into believing them; A city on the Knee is abandoned as a result of one of these incidents. 
-A teenage Hieronymous Bump destroys a rival school resembling Glandus with his fellow students; Hexside is built atop the ruins.
-Circa 1972; Belos becomes Emperor of the Boiling Isles.
-1970-75; Caleb and Evelyn’s descendant Lilith Clawthorne is born; Two years later, her younger sister Edalyn Clawthorne is born.
-Eda, Lilith, Alador, Odalia, Darius Deamonne, and Perry Porter attend Hexside, with Principal Faust in charge; Despite or because of his role in Hexside’s founding, Bump is Vice Principal; Faust breaks up with Terra Snapdragon, who takes their home, forcing Faust to live at Hexside.
-1990s; Cosmic Frontier is published.
-Circa 1992; Eda meets Raine Whispers and Terra at IFWOT; Raine transfers to Hexside; Bump replaces Faust as Principal of Hexside; Eda is cursed by Lilith using the Archivist’s Owl Beast scroll; Lilith joins the Emperor’s Coven, and Eda discovers the Portal, emerging in the Wittebane house at Gravesfield; Eda watches Dragonclaw Z in the human world; Petrifications ‘officially’ end as a means of capital punishment.
-Darius is mentored by the Golden Guard; Darius has a falling out with Alador and Odalia; Alador wins the Bonesborough Brawl; Coven sigils are introduced and mandated; Raine and Eda break up; Raine joins the Bard Coven, only to realize the system’s corruption, and begins a campaign against it from within; The Golden Guard dies, and Lilith is appointed as the Head Witch of the Emperor’s Coven when Belos realizes she will travel to the past to meet him; Alador and Odalia marry and found Blight Industries together.
-Circa 2006; Emira and Edric Blight are born.
-Circa 2007; Skara is born, followed by Willow Park; Vee is the fifth basilisk to be cloned by Belos.
-Circa 2008; Luz Noceda and Amity Blight are born.
-Circa 2010; Augustus Porter is born.
-King Clawthorne finally hatches from his egg.
-Circa 2014; King is found and adopted by Eda.
-The Nocedas move to Gravesfield.
-August 22nd, 20XX; Manny Noceda succumbs to his illness and dies, leaving Luz the first book in The Good Witch Azura series.
-Luz becomes obsessed with The Good Witch Azura.
-Amity is forced to sever ties with Willow during her birthday.
-Circa 2017; Alador has his last weekend off before Odalia forces him to work overtime.
-Willow meets and befriends Augustus Porter.
-Circa 2021; Tibbles finds The Good Witch Azura books washed ashore the Boiling Isles, and sells them to the Book Nook; Amity is the only one who buys them and becomes obsessed.
-Eda begins selling human garbage at Bonesborough as a side gig.
-Amity leaves the Hexside Banshees, quitting Grudgby entirely; Vee and Numbers Three and Four escape the Conformatorium.
-Summer 2022; Luz Noceda enters the Boiling Isles, while Vee enters the human world.
-Mason is promoted to Head Witch of the Construction Coven after the yearly Covention, in time for Luz to attend her first day at Hexside.
-Hunter is appointed the new Golden Guard by Belos.
-Scooter Crane retires; Raine Whispers is appointed as the new Head Witch of the Bard Coven; Tarak sees King’s video while visiting the Boiling Isles and mistakes him for another Titan Trapper’s estranged son, dropping off an invitation letter.
-Luz and Lilith travel through a time pool and encounter Philip Wittebane in the year 1660-70.
-August 22nd, 2022; Reaching Out takes place.
-The Day of Unity occurs; The Collector is freed by King and stops the draining spell; Luz and her friends (and Belos) are stranded in Gravesfield after the Portal is destroyed; The Collector turns the population into puppets, and builds a palace out of the Titan’s skull.
-October 29th, 2022; The Hexsquad discovers the rebus left behind by Caleb.
-October 30th, 2022; The Hexsquad locates Evelyn’s vial of Titan’s Blood; Belos infects Hunter’s body.
-October 31st, 2022; Belos kills Flapjack, and Luz and her friends return to the Boiling Isles.
-November 1st, 2022; For the Future takes place.
-November 2nd, 2022; Luz befriends the Collector and destroys Belos once and for all; The Titan passes on.
-2026; Luz graduates from high school and has her 18th birthday.
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deripmaver · 9 months
What’s The Point Of Elaine?
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There are three eras of Casca in Berserk so far: Golden Age, Elaine, and Revived Casca. I find that within the fandom, Elaine is written off as not particularly worth analysis, that she just represents a transition state between the real Cascas, pre-eclipse and now revived. 
I do in some ways understand this feeling - Miura has said that in developing the story of Berserk, he ultimately decided in keeping Casca alive only because he needed a way to keep Guts’ rage intact, and not let the sands of time dull his need for revenge. This comes from an interview with Miura from 2017, that he spared Casca because she makes sure Guts never forgets the Eclipse. If I may editorialize, though, I think there are narrative reasons to keep a character alive, but that doesn’t mean said character isn’t being independently developed and doesn’t have their own inner world, especially when Miura has said repeatedly he’s trying to write real people and not archetypes. If I may also be snarky for a moment, considering one of my first interactions on Berserk tumblr had someone arguing that Casca stans read too much into Miura’s quote on her recovery to the point where you can’t even really assume he intended to have her recover - perhaps it’s reading too much into this quote to extrapolate that “Casca remained alive to fuel Guts’ anger = Casca as a character is only a plot device for Guts and Miura had no intention of developing her outside of that.”
Another reason to overlook her as a character that I do understand: Elaine is completely voiceless. She literally does not speak except for baby-ish noises from the time after eclipse until chapter 355, practically 275 chapters. For all of that time, we are given no indicating of how Casca is processing the eclipse (or not processing) - and so in some ways Elaine is just a narrative place holder as Kentaro Miura found his footing with her recovery. 
My intention with this post is to show that it is possible to gain a bit of insight into Casca’s feelings and emotions as Elaine from some key moments, even though she is never given a voice. Much like (in my opinion lol but also I’m right) Beast of Darkness is just a facet of Guts’ mind and not a separate being, ditto Femto for Griffith, Elaine is Casca, and she’s being written as Casca, just a shallow and surface level version of her. 
Elaine has these few shining moments where Casca comes through, showing that deep inside her mind, Casca is there, a terrified little sprite shielded by this childish outer shell, hiding from the world. First, when she jumps down the cliff during Conviction Arc:
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Next, when she kills the men who attempt to rape her during the Winter’s Journey. 
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I won’t post any more panels from that chapter lol. It would be better if there was just... A look into her mind during those moments, just for an instant. What made the actual Casca come through in those moments? How did she feel, suddenly being back in her body, in a world infinitely more terrifying than the one before she regressed? What happened to make her go back in, in her safe little cocoon of Elaine? 
Another moment where Casca comes through just for a moment is, in my opinion, one of the most powerful in the series: 
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Casca has run to Griffith on the Hill of Swords. It’s not clear why - perhaps she remembers their closeness before the eclipse, or perhaps she’s being drawn to the moonlight boy, her son, in his body. All of a sudden, the unstable rock wall cracks, sending boulders tumbling towards her, and Guts isn’t close enough to get to her in time...
But Griffith is.
He protects her from the falling rocks, and we get the page posted above. This is the first time Casca has seen Griffith since he raped her during the eclipse. She starts to shake and sweat with him holding her still, her noises becoming terrified. She reaches out to him with a trembling hand, her eyes filling with tears. Her brand lets out a burst of blood, and her trauma and terror overwhelms her, while Griffith stares down at her impassively. Casca is still in there, and being confronted by her rapist again, she is absolutely terrified. This, to me, says so much about Casca in this state. Again, if we only could have gotten a glimpse into her mind at the moment, even if it was through the jumbled confusion of Elaine. I think it would have added so much.
I kept waiting for this scene to happen again with Casca revived, but at this point it hasn’t happened. Even with Casca in Falconia it hasn’t happened. MAYBE ONE DAYYYYYY.
There’s a particular look Casca gets when she’s terrified and dissociated, and that remains constant from the Golden Age, to Elaine, to post-revival. 
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I also especially like that second panel, when she first wakes up as Elaine because her first instinct when terrified is to attack and bite Guts. It feels like a very Casca thing to do, and in fact that’s more or less what happens on their first meeting in the Golden Age, just a tragic perversion of it. Also, her expression is so similar to the one she made when she was begging Judeau not to die.
I think it’s worth noting that the impacts of Elaine on Casca are ongoing, and unlike some of the discussion I’ve seen, I don’t think anything that’s happened to her as Elaine will be brushed aside. As Elaine, we’re first introduced to her because she is absolutely terrified of all men, even her companions. 
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This is reflected in the corridor of dreams, in my view, with the very unsubtle penis monsters (which I won’t post an image of LOL) - the association of men with sexual violence and sexual assault. Her close companions as Elaine were majority women, and this remained true after her revival. By the time Guts and Casca were reunited in Conviction arc, she seemed to have lost some of her mistrust of men, and him in particular - but of course that didn’t last long.
There’s also this imagery of her in a coffin, which is again reflected in the corridor of dreams.
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Finally, and most interestingly, in chapter 372 it was pointed out to me that it seems Casca remembers her ordeal at the Tower of Conviction, and being surrounded by Falconia’s soldiers reminds her of the mob trying to burn her at the stake. 
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There’s a lot to say also about Casca and Guts’ relationship and how his assault of her as Elaine impacted it, but I think that’s been discussed elsewhere and better than what I could. My point in writing this is to show that Miura was writing Elaine as Casca, and that there are moments where Casca seems to come to the surface and break through the protective façade. I think it could have only helped to give us just a brief glimpse into her mind in those moments, and it’s a detriment that there was nothing. In looking at the panels of Elaine, I think we can get a sense of where Casca’s recovery might go.
Interestingly, most of the moments I’ve shown here happen from before Farnese and co. join the group, and as the later arcs drag on I feel like Elaine gets goofier and less serious of a character, kind of like chestnut puck. Still, I still hold out hope that with Casca revived, even if she is in Falconia, we’ll start to see her process what happened to her as Elaine - especially if she comes across Luca and the girls, as I’m sure she will. 
Must protecc
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To the Next Adventure
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Atem/YamiYugii X F!Reader
Darkness was everywhere you looked. It surrounded you, preventing any other movement besides the pivot of your head. It was neither cold nor warm, dry nor wet, it was simply nothing. What was this place? What happened that made you come here? Pain shot through your temples as if to answer the questions you’d asked, near blinding white hot, threatening to render you motionless altogether. Had you sustained a head injury of sorts?
“Release her at once!”
Another bolt of pain seared across your being. The voice was familiar, ripples of fine dark hued velvet dancing with white silk appearing from nowhere, as it caressed your ears. Who was its owner?, you couldn’t help but wonder as glittering gold sand gathered in a pile around your feet courtesy of a warm breeze. Darkness lingered though small stars slowly began to appear with each echo of the command until a desert spanned for as far as you could see blanketed by Nyx’s cloak of twilight. A full moon stained red threatened to bathe all things in its crimson glow if not for the single figure who stood atop of a mighty twin mouthed dragon.
“I will not repeat myself…Consider this your only and final warning!”
This time pain radiated from around your neck as what was identifiable as large fingers threatened to cutoff your airway. “Ah, but you see, she is rightfully mine by right! Need I remind you of this era’s rules, your highness, for he who lays claim to a female then the property she becomes! Matters not how nor if it was by choice! I have her in my hold currently which makes her the perfect person for the job I have in mind!”
The dragon released an earth shattering roar that would make any who heard deaf, its four eyes aglow with bloodlust as its summoner’s lip curled in a snarl. Seeing either one alone would ensure nightmares to come with its glistening fangs and claws but it was the man wearing the Eye of Horus upon his head that struck you with awe. Wild ebony hair with vermillion tips that faded to violet towards his neck’s nape, a mantle of rich purple billowing behind him that accentuated the amethyst shards within his sharp gaze as it remained locked upon the one you surmised as your captor, skin beautifully kissed by the sun’s rays that shone with subtle hints of sweat as he raised his hand outwards. “All in the land know that she you dare touch is to be by my side as queen so do not play me for a fool! Will or not, I demand you return her at once!”
Queen? You? Confusion filled your chest at his words.
Anger shone brilliantly as his gaze tinted towards pomegranate. As if your uncertainty had wounded him, there was the briefest shadow of sorrow hidden within his gaze as you met it. “You heathen, what have you done her?”
“Well, dear pharaoh, it was clear that you were not going to pull your punches even if I used those little modern century friends of yours. My patience wanes thin already and Zorc the Dark One will be resurrected soon enough once I offer up her life force!” Another hand rose to take hold of your chin, raising it roughly so that the length of your throat was exposed. “Try not to take this personally, my dear, you were simply a means to an end! Fear not though, your memories shall be returned to you once his highness speaks his name!”
Both summoner and beast bellowed towards the night sky as the moon behind them darkened. Those were your only warnings as the world you barely knew was plunged into darkness once again courtesy of a dagger which first swiped across your throat then buried itself deep within your chest until its metallic hilt met your flesh.
Breaths hissed from between your clenched teeth as you sat upright in bed, hands leaping to your throat and chest while staring wide eyed up through the skylight window to the full blood moon eclipse. Horror filled you like a spreading poison when hearing a voice call out a name which unlocked a hidden gate that was buried within your mind. Faces and places swam past you like a movie reel until they came to a screeching halt upon an altar where the shadow sourcing from a single being became two. The cellphone that was on your bedside table began to ring but you were too numb to move let alone speak. Somehow you knew where to go, where you should be, and who was calling out to you.
Sunlight threatened to blind you while stepping off the boat, feet running the second they met the blistering sand despite the shouts of local deterring you from venturing below. You’d used every string and connection you knew to get here so quickly but it would all be worth it. At the end of a seemingly never ending stone staircase, after stepping around the slumped figure of a white headed man, you found the golden upside down pyramid laying behind a tricolored teen who lay unconscious with several others. The stone tablet before you seemed to hum with power as you approached, a single golden beam appearing from the carving’s apex to brush your brow, before it fell silent; all of your memories had been restored already, meaning its task had nothing to do with you. Your hands carefully picked up the ancient artifact, caressing it gingerly and carefully as if it would shatter, raising it to press one of its sides against your cheek. A single teardrop fell from your eye to splatter across the priceless gold.
“By the ancient gods,” the voice from your dream sounded as if he were standing in front of you instead, “how have you come here?”
“Nothing upon the earth nor in the heavens could keep mine love from you, my pharaoh.” You whispered back while returning it to the young teen who stirred. Though you couldn’t physically see him, there was no mistaking the gaze which seemed to watch with suspense as you walked back towards the staircase. The urge to take the Millennium Puzzle came over you in a tidal wave yet you retrained yourself. It was not for you to possess and his task within this time was not yet complete. “Come seek me out once you have gathered your senses about you.”
And without another backwards glance, you vanished back up the staircase.
The gentle rocking of the boat would lull anyone into slumber but you instead found solace upon starboard’s bow with the wind teasing the sensitive skin of your face. Scents of water lily and driftwood filled the night’s cool air which quenched most of the day’s relentless heat. A soft smile made to raise your lips if not for the presence which manifested behind you.
They didn’t speak, nor did you, as the shadow that stretched across the wood underfoot became taller. It was dominating, radiating with power unseen in this century’s time, yet it seemed to not show its fangs as it came closer.
One step…
two steps…
four steps…
And it came to a stop just short of reaching where you stood. Yet they still did not speak nor did they attempt to touch you.
This time a smile did grace your lips as the lids of your eyes slowly closed. Masculine sandalwood now tickled your nose in place of playful yet faint scents of modern deodorant which was a bit too potent for your personal liking. “Upon the Nile’s shore, where water kisses land, so ever flows my love for you.”
“May by Ra’s grace, our bond be forged in gold.” He spoke softly, gently, as if afraid you were a vision that would disappear if he was too loud. “For not riches nor jewels shine brighter than my beloved. For so long as she remains by mine side, I shall not want for naught.”
“For what is fortune to one such as I when mine eyes behold the greatest treasure one could find?” You faced him fully with a tilt of your being, the banister meeting the small of your back as he crossed the remaining space to wrap both arms around you as if to prevent anyone from stealing you away. Guilt wracked your body as you in turn clung to him.
Along your trip you’d familiarized yourself with the path of his vessel, Yugi Mutuo from Japan, and had felt stricken with self loathe when discovering all that had occurred while your memory was lacking; Pegasus’ Shadow Game, the battle against Marik’s evil, Atlantis, and that you had been unable to assist in any of them left you feeling bitter. Even back in ancient times, the pharaoh had immense strength blessed to him by the gods, but the showcase again and again of it was almost too much for you to take when realizing that strangers had been by his side instead of you.
“My pharaoh, my beloved, my King of Games, forgive this fool of a woman for not finding her way to your side sooner.”
“I am relieved that you did not have to suffer twice. The battle’s path may have turned in an unfavorable direction if you had participated, (Y/n), thus I am relieved to find you unharmed and well.” The pads of his thumbs were quick to wipe away the tears as they spilled down your cheeks, his gaze piercing you with its gemstone hues. “Bakura’s curse was vanquished the moment he was defeated, (Y/n), so do not blame yourself upon something that was not within your control.” He appeared just as you had dreamt and more as he encouraged your eyes to open with the softest of brushes that were his fingers against your eyelids. Pale moonlight accentuated each plane of his face, revealing masculine edges yet smoothed over by the lingering plush that was from living within the modern century, though it did little to conceal the physique which was testimony of endless trainings both in combat and magical. A black racer back tee failed to conceal the lean build he sported, shoulders and upper chest showcased thanks to the fabric’s tightness, and recognizable bottoms ended where pointed boots began. Leather studded bands around his biceps and wrist did little to deter his movements, matching the choker around his throat. The expression upon his features though was foreign as he retreated a step. “Forgive my appearance, for it is not entirely my own.”
“My pharaoh, frankly I would not care if your vessel was a giant purple dinosaur.” Your hand waved dismissively when his head tilted slightly, unable to stop a giggle from sounding. Pride filled you while cupping his face between both your palms, exhaustion appearing within his gaze as you brought him closer so that your foreheads were touching. “It matters not, beloved, all that matters is that you have succeeded in saving the world from Zorc the Dark One. Now you may finally know peace as the kings before you have.”
Regret wafted off of him in waves as he removed your hands, gaze becoming hooded. “I am in need of rest, yes, yet my duty upon this matter is not yet finished.”
You listened carefully and intently as he told of one final duel he needed to partake within. This time it would be against his vessel. Understanding filled you when noting how he glanced over his shoulder towards the cabin where the boy’s companions sounded from, your fingers lightly brushing against his own when he hesitated to answer the call of a name which wasn’t his. “Go to them. It will not be long before they must accept your destiny leads somewhere they cannot follow.” Though his fingers and hand was larger than your own, it did not deter you from raising it so as to brush your lips across his knuckles before placing his palm against your chest where he could feel your heartbeat. “You have my word that I will not wander, pharaoh, have faith in my words as a promise to remain seen yet unseen while going forth from here.”
Sharp gemstone eyes closed briefly as he nodded, slowly allowing the call to cause his vessel to take retreating steps, until he disappeared from sight towards the other end of the boat.
Watching him go threatened to fill you with loneliness and neglect but it was not you who needed comforting tonight. No. He deserved to be with the friends he’d made despite you wanting not to waste another second not within his presence. You’d managed this second life’s time so far without him.
What was one more night?
Little were you aware of how many times he came to a stop outside your door as the moon traveled its way across the night sky. It was close to the four o’clock hour that the softest of sounds woke you. No explanation was needed as you crossed the borrowed room’s space to unlock the door, your hand gently collecting his own and drawing him inside before closing it once more. The shadows seemed to gather around him as he silently followed you to the bed, not stopping nor saying anything as you laid him down first. Words weren’t necessary as the heaviness within his gaze met yours. One of your hands rose to begin slowly combing through his tricolored tresses while the rest of you settled in a comfortable position beside him, silently encouraging him to relax by coaxing his head to rest against your upper chest. The invitation was accepted and he soon had nestled his face into your being with arms wrapped around your waist.
And that was all it took for the mighty Nameless Pharaoh of Egypt to finally break. His hold became tight as near scalding droplets of liquid splattered across your skin as he choked on his own words. He told of everything from how his initial emergence from the puzzle frightened the poor boy who’d completed it, how he had selfishly grown attached to the boy’s friends and became envious of the simplistic lifestyle, of how each adversary he met would nearly result in the harm of those he’d come to care for, the frustration he felt when someone was made victim because of his choices or actions, when he’d felt helpless against silver tongued opponents who nearly made him lose sight of his path. Your hold didn’t wane or falter as he spoke, uncaring of how long it took until his words ran out, internally relishing every one that passed through his lips. It had been so long since either of you had spoken freely, let alone held one another in such a way, and though he’d tried his best to keep a clam and neutral exterior, you of all people knew just how self destructive such a face could become.
He’d had no one in this time to comfort or encourage him in the way he needed. No one had been capable to ensuring his confidence within himself was put back together when he felt lacking. There had been new friendships to help him cope with his missing memories but with them came a lacking of understanding from both parties. Several times it seemed as though he was at a loss for what he’d needed in some scenarios, despite his and their best efforts to find solutions, but that’s outside of the here and now.
Silence hung in the air once he’d finished, though it was as weightless as a feather, yet it settled over the two of you in an invisible blanket which stemmed off the chill of night. Your eyes drifted closed as his breaths slowed to an even rhythm against your skin. The tension which had been radiating off his form since your skin touched was replaced by calm acceptance. His mind must have been racing with the coming dawn that it had robbed him, and his vessel, of slumber. Even if this was all you could do for him you’d gladly accept this role.
Dawn filtered through nearby window as he finally stirred, bathing him in its colorful glow as he rose to sit upright. You would wake soon, that much he could tell from how you shifted due to his warmth now missing from your embrace. Ever so gently he brushed his lips against your temple then across each of your knuckles. The beauty he saw as you teetered on the line between dreamland and consciousness threatened to take his breath away but it could not be ignored that he had one more mission to accomplish upon this plane of existence. His turned back, however, made him miss the tear which slid down your cheek as with a crack of your eye allowed your to witness him depart.
Dressing took minimal effort, your belongings next to none since you no longer would need them come tonight, and you carefully followed the small group who were his comrades below the earth to where the Millennium items were to slumber. It seemed that none noticed you slipping within the designated space that was to be his final stage and watched with awe as not one figure but two appeared from the shadow which had been one.
With breathless abandon, you watched the duel’s twists and turns earn mixed reactions from those who watched; the tomb keepers would be freed from their ancient family duty to watch over the Nameless Pharaoh’s tomb until his return and those who were teens within high school couldn’t decide who to cheer for yet they all soon began cheering for the one named Yugi. Magic cards were activated, trap cards triggered, summons of monsters completed or prevented…
Until his life points were nonexistent.
Your breath came out in a soft exhale as defeat permeated the air. It seemed as though the other spectators were struck by the turn of events, judging from how they stared wide eyed up at the pair who crossed the space to stand mere inches apart instead of feet. Even from here you felt the waves of relief coming off the pharaoh as he offered his hand towards the boy who looked ready to weep. Whispers almost too soft for you to hear filled the air, encouraging you to come forward from your hiding place, and steeled yourself as you stepped out from the column’s shadow you’d been within. A collective exclamation rose as you remained locked upon your target, the platform which had been stage for his final duel, uncaring as a few demanded you explain how you’d come to be here. Coming to a stop beside him, you offered him a smile after bowing lowly. “Beloved, you fought valiantly.”
An uproar sounded from those who watched, despite the attempts of the tomb keepers, but silence fell as his hand rose to tuck a few fallen strands of hair behind your ear. The boy beside him was watching with wide eyed surprise as your introduction was followed by explanation of Bakura’s curse upon your memories which had wiped them clean until recently.
Your hand offered its palm to him as another smile raised your lips when he took it. “Thank you for taking care of him as he traversed upon such a path.” Hesitation filled his gaze when you drew him forward, your other hand cupping the side of his face so that his gaze wouldn’t wander from yours. “Your friendship shall not be forgotten, Yugi. Allow me to take my place at his side now as he prepares to cross the final threshold.”
He didn’t object or intervene despite his friends who spoke against your actions while releasing him, the woman tomb keeper explaining the final steps which the pharaoh needed to take in order to transcend. “I can tell you mean a lot to him, (Y/n), though I probably should say that I had my suspicions someone out in the world was looking for him ever since we returned. I’m glad you found him.”
Those who had gathered as the great stone slabs parted to reveal golden light which bathed the pharaoh in its light. His modern clothes were replaced by the ancient wardrobe you’d been more familiar with down to the royal purple mantle which billowed in the soft breeze coming from beyond the gate. Ever so faintly you could see those who had passed on during the battle centuries ago waving and awaiting the two of you with welcoming smiles. Tanned fingers gently laced themselves with yours, which you gave a gentle squeeze, your gaze rose to meet his own to find them practically glittering. Somehow your own clothes had undergone a change as well to resemble those which you’d once donned. A bend of his being brought his lips to your cheek, earning a soft hum from within your chest and a blush as he whispered how beautiful you looked, before turning his attention to those who watched with tearful gazes.
Farewells were said, smiles exchanged, your fingers giving his a squeeze as the minimal window which would allow him to finally crossover began to shorten. “Atem, my beloved, it is time. If we do not go now then we may remain within limbo.” You shared a glance with him back over your shoulders, then together the two of you stepped through the gateway.
“As I embark on this next adventure, I am thankful to the gods that we have reunited.” He brought your joined fingers up to his mouth as the golden light grew, nearly blindingly so, his lips descending upon your own when you sighed blissfully. “Let us go…together.”
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astrolavas · 10 months
i think it’s kind of interesting with the hexside tracks convo. i actually think construction magic is the only coven-specific type of magic we’ve ever seen hunter do? with that big earth fist he whacked amity with in eclipse lake. i don’t know if that would be an argument for or against him taking it as a class, but i feel like everything else we’ve ever seen him do is like,, not tied to a coven besides that one spell
(this is related to this old post but i put the answer in my drafts and the option of posting it vanished from my memory lmao)
tbh that IS true, i forgor it can be technically considered construction magic kxjsjks
i feel like there are so many spells and different "sub magic types" and magic courses that are kinda unclear which track they'd be taught at or where they fall under, especially since there are some tracks/magic types that we've only seen used in a very general way; like construction or oracle. we've seen manyyyy possibilities for some tracks, like abomination (like what darius vs alador vs amity can do, how differently it can be used) or bard (how at first glance it just feels like a "yeah we use instruments to fight and do spells" but then we also find out how much you can truly do with it and how much actually falls under bard magic through raine) or illusions (everything that gus, and graye, have been shown to do) etc. but some tracks/covens we have really just been kinda... shown from a very surface level lol
hell, i still wonder why anyone would ever choose a potion coven in a world during belos' reign, where you have to choose to only have one magic type, because... from all we've seen it seems like in order to make potions you don't really need any magic (having magic can help but it's not necessarily needed) so what magic DO you get??? you have to get something (maybe magic that can assist you in making potions?) but we have no clear idea what. also considering how oftentimes potion-making is also tied in with other magic types (like plants or healing or beast-keeping) it almost feels like it should be a sub-type of each magic or an addition rather than its own thing. BUT KXJSHSK YEAH like, we don't know! i wish it was more clearly fleshed out in the show.
there's also the fact that now that belos is gone, the society is able to take back their culture and history and practices that were lost to time and as we can see in the epilogue they're actively working on making the boiling isles less... belos-influenced. they're working on that process of decolonization and it's going to be a long LOOONG while until traces of belos' impact completely disappear, but there are already clear changes. the sky is clear again (just like it was in the "savage ages" - a contrast to the pollution we see in the emperor's coven era), palismen are being carved again and palistroms are coming back from being endangered, selkidomus is doing good, the once a police precinct in latissa is now a hospital and the hostile architecture around it (the spikes) is gone, there's now a way to remove sigils and everyone is free to pursue whatever they want. the society is healing. etc.
and covens, magic being split into these clear subtypes- was not ever really something natural. like yeah, there ARE magic types that seem very clearly "thematic" like you can very clearly separate bard magic from plant magic, and a witch can be naturally skilled in a particular thing (like willow or gus) but there are also some spells that overlap and some that seemingly don't fit into any covens at all. belos made up covens in order to limit witches' bodily autonomy and control their abilities, in order to seem more powerful and to create this structure of power. so i imagine that if you are in a coven, in any coven, there are spells that don't quite fit any of them, or some that fit all.
i. ngl i completely derailed the ask and forgot where i was going with this LMAO but yeah
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lady-harrowhark · 1 year
Locked Tomb Characters as Taylor Swift Songs
hey there tlt demons, it’s me... your local taylor swift girl. credentials include over 15 years of swiftie experience and a well documented primal urge to infodump about both the locked tomb AND taylor swift. more under the cut because this thing is a beast. let’s get into it.
(update: Spotify link added in the comments)
Gideon: The Story of Us. Listen. Gideon is a Speak Now girlie. I will die on this hill. Everything is so cinematic - the fireworks, the kissing in the rain, it’s just like her comic books! She will absolutely be singing this album in the shower. And if you have anything to say about it? Sucks to have shitty taste, my dude, sounds like you hate fun. 
Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room And we're not speaking and I'm dying to know Is it killing you like it's killing me yeah I don't know what to say since the twist of fate When it all broke down and the story of us Looks a lot like a tragedy now... next chapter
Harrow: Hoax. Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “How dare you assign her a song not from Reputation?” And aesthetically, I hear you. She probably wants you to think that, actually. But while Harrow can identify with Reputation’s themes of the juxtaposition of public persona and private identity, she viscerally rejects the sweetness and vulnerability of Rep era tracks like Call It What You Want and New Year’s Day. But Folklore... Folklore is for abject despair. Hoax is Harrow crying into the mattress, remembering what she’s done. Hoax is “I still love you.”
My only one, my smoking gun, my eclipsed sun This has broken me down My twisted knife, my sleepless night, my win-less fight This has frozen my ground Stood on the cliffside, screaming, "Give me a reason" Your faithless love's the only hoax I believe in
Ianthe: Better Than Revenge. We’re not supposed to like this one. In theory, the description of “Diss track about ex-boyfriend’s new girlfriend, written by an 18 year old” doesn’t really hold any appeal for me. But when you listen to it, you can’t help but love it in all its nasty glory. Sometimes women are mean, and I need a song to scream to about it. (Ianthe thinks she’s doing Dress with Harrow. She’s not.)
I never saw it coming, wouldn’t have suspected it I underestimated just who I was dealing with She had to know the pain was beating on me like a drum She underestimated just who she was stealing from
Coronabeth: Mirrorball. Corona is an expert at reflecting back what people want to see. She studies military history for Judith, learns all about shuttles for a boy who wouldn’t look twice at her, she pulls off the long con of convincing the empire she’s a necromancer. She’s a mirrorball.
I'm still a believer but I don't know why I've never been a natural, all I do is try, try, try I'm still on that trapeze, I'm still trying everything To keep you looking at me Because I'm a mirrorball, I’m a mirrorball I'll show you every version of yourself tonight
Palamedes: Champagne Problems. Oof. You must have known this one was coming, right? Unlike most of the songs on this list, Palamedes is the subject of this song rather than the narrator. You know who the narrator is.
Your mom's ring in your pocket, my picture in your wallet Your heart was glass, I dropped it: champagne problems ... One for the money, two for the show I never was ready, so I watch you go Sometimes you just don't know the answer 'Til someone's on their knees and asks you
Camilla: I’m Only Me When I’m With You. A personal favorite of mine that doesn’t get nearly the love it deserves. If this isn’t her and Palamedes, I don’t know what to tell you. And after the events of NtN... um...
And I know everything about you, I don't wanna live without you I'm only up when you're not down Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground It's like no matter what I do Well, you drive me crazy half the time The other half I'm only trying To let you know that what I feel is true And I'm only me when I'm with you
Nona: A Place in This World. Nona Palona. Kiddie. Junior. No-No. Cutie Pie. Lil Bits. Was there ever any other choice for her? This song is the perfect blend of slice-of-life and the inherent isolation of Figuring Out What Your Deal Is. Some people’s deal is being the soul of a murdered planet in someone else’s body, you know? It happens.
Got the radio on, my old blue jeans And I'm wearing my heart on my sleeve Feeling lucky today, got the sunshine Could you tell me what more do I need? And tomorrow's just a mystery, oh yeah, but that's okay ... Oh, I’m just a girl, trying to find a place in this world
Pyrrha: Right Where You Left Me. Look, I’m sorry about this one. But if you really expected me to pick anything else for the woman who’s spent the past ten thousand years watching every person she’s ever loved leave her behind in one way or another? That’s on you.
Friends break up, friends get married Strangers get born, strangers get buried Trends change, rumors fly through new skies But I'm right where you left me Matches burn after the other Pages turn and stick to each other Wages earned and lessons learned But I'm right where you left me ... You left me no choice but to stay here forever
Alecto: My Tears Ricochet. This song never fails to give me the chills when I listen to it in the car. Taylor’s ghost story metaphor for being taken advantage of by her record label until she was forced to leave maps on eerily well to John’s betrayal. I’ve been trying to be succinct in my lyrical excerpts, but fuck it, Alecto can have two stanzas, as a treat.
We gather stones, never knowing what they'll mean Some to throw, some to make a diamond ring You know I didn't want to have to haunt you But what a ghostly scene You wear the same jewels that I gave you As you bury me
I didn't have it in myself to go with grace And so the battleships will sink beneath the waves You had to kill me, but it killed you just the same Cursing my name, wishing I stayed You turned into your worst fears
John: Dear John. Honestly, any number of characters could be the narrator here, but I’m primarily thinking of Alecto. Mercy was right about putting an age limit on the Lyctor trials: “don’t you think nineteen’s too young?” John is also getting two stanzas to better exemplify the extent of my rage here. Fingers crossed for Alecto shining like fireworks over his sad empty town in AtN!
Well maybe it's me and my blind optimism to blame Maybe it's you and your sick need to give love then take it away And you'll add my name to your long list of traitors who don't understand And I'll look back and regret how I ignored when they said "Run as fast as you can"
You are an expert at sorry, and keeping the lines blurry Never impressed by me acing your tests All the girls that you've run dry have tired, lifeless eyes 'Cause you burned them out But I took your matches before fire could catch me, so don't look now I'm shining like fireworks over your sad, empty town
Kiriona: Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve. Right up front, I will acknowledge that this is a much different context than Taylor wrote this song about. However, the imagery is so spot on for Kiriona’s rage. Taylor was right to save this one for the 3 AM version of Midnights, not because it doesn’t deserve to be on the standard album, but because it would have completely overshadowed every other track with the rawness of her anger and regret. I feel physically ill every time I hear the line “Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first.” And Kiriona’s no stranger to giving someone your whole life and realizing they didn’t even want it. 
God rest my soul, I miss who I used to be The tomb won't close, stained glass windows in my mind I regret you all the time I can't let this go, I fight with you in my sleep The wound won't close, I keep on waiting for a sign I regret you all the time
Mercymorn: Anti-Hero. I feel this one so strongly that I have actually already made a separate post comparing the lyrics to specific Mercy quotes (and I kind of want to do the same for Kiriona… hmmm). Unlovable Mercymorn, critical Mercymorn... it must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero.
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me At tea time, everybody agrees I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
Augustine: The Archer. You know, I almost gave him Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince just for the drama and scheming, but I think The Archer captures the genteel façade overlaying his true feelings. It brings to mind the conversation during Dios Apate (minor) where he says he wants to believe that he could’ve stopped Alfred if he’d had just a bit more time. Ouch. 
All the king's horses, all the king's men Couldn't put me together again 'Cause all of my enemies started out friends Help me hold onto you
G1deon: I Knew You Were Trouble. We know it, we love it, we laughed ‘til we cried over the version with goat noises edited in. He knew he was playing with fire, and look how things ended up.
I knew you were trouble when you walked in So shame on me now Flew me to places I'd never been Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground
Wake: Cowboy Like Me. A country ballad? For Wake? It’s more likely than you think. Cowboy Like Me is the story of two swindlers who didn’t mean to actually catch feelings... sound familiar?
Now you hang from my lips Like the Gardens of Babylon With your boots beneath my bed Forever is the sweetest con I've had some tricks up my sleeve Takes one to know one You're a cowboy like me And I’m never gonna love again
Pash: philosophical exemption
Judith: Enchanted. I knowwww, it seems a little frilly and glittery for Judith, but hear me out. How starstruck she was over Marta, how working with her for the first time did absolutely nothing to change that. Thinking of no one else until she’s able to suggest her for her cavalier, secretly reading, ahem, “materials” and dreaming about making things different between them... Yeah, Judith was definitely enchanted to meet her.
This is me praying that This was the very first page Not where the story line ends My thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon I was enchanted to meet you
Cytherea: Look What You Made Me Do. The old Cytherea can’t come to the phone right now. Why? Cause she’s dead! I love this for Cyth, not just for surface level content, which certainly fits, but for the context of the song. When LWYMMD was first released, the public consensus was that it was a response to the whole Kim/Kanye situation. In the years since, though, it’s become public that behind the scenes, Taylor was struggling to regain control of her work from her record label. With that context, much of the lyrics and music video reflect that conflict, rather than the one everyone assumed. In the same way, Cytherea’s motivation and actions look much different through the lens of what we learn throughout the next two books.
But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time I got a list of names, and yours is in red, underlined I check it once, then I check it twice, oh!
Dulcie: Bigger Than The Whole Sky. This one hurts. In a series full of tragedy, the fact that this delightful menace never got to meet Palamedes and Camilla in person is enough to break my heart. Our sweet little malign fairy, who has never done anything wrong in her life. 
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye You were bigger than the whole sky You were more than just a short time And I've got a lot to pine about I've got a lot to live without I'm never gonna meet What could've been, would've been What should've been you
Abigail: September. Not a Taylor Swift original, but her folksy cover of the classic is so soft and cozy. Comforting, in that Abigail way. If she and Magnus danced to this one, I can’t blame him for keeping a scrap of her dance card.
Our hearts were ringin' In the key that our souls were singin' As we danced in the night, remember How the stars stole the night away
Magnus: Starlight. More songs for saving dance cards! I can imagine him both sweetly dancing with Abigail AND being a huge dork and embarrassing Isaac and Jeannemary to this one. (Noooooo Magnus, don’t dance to Taylor Swift!)
And I said, "Oh my, what a marvelous tune" It was the best night, never would forget how we moved The whole place was dressed to the nines And we were dancing, dancing Like we're made of starlight, starlight
Isaac and Jeannemary: Long Live. Because that’s what they should’ve been able to do, ugh. I sort of meant this as a joke but when I went to copy the lyrics over I started getting all teary-eyed, so, you know. It’s fine.
Will you take a moment? Promise me this That you'll stand by me forever But if, God forbid, fate should step in And force us into a goodbye If you have children some day When they point to the pictures Please tell 'em my name Tell 'em how the crowds went wild Tell 'em how I hope they shine Long live the walls we crashed through I had the time of my life with you
Cassiopeia: Vigilante Shit. I love the image of Cassy as a contract lawyer vigilante, but I also love the implications in this song that she was working behind his back with his wife Alecto. Gotta make sure she gets the Benz in the divorce, and if the FBI get involved? Well, that’s out of her hands at that point [sips coffee].
She needed cold hard proof so I gave her some She had the envelope, where you think she got it from? Now she gets the house, gets the kids, gets the pride Picture me thick as thieves with your ex-wife
Anastasia: Haunted. The church bells! The drama! So very Ninth. With Haunted, we get both her devastation at “misapprehending” the ascension process and her growing horror at the ways she’s begun to realize they’ve all been manipulated.
Come on, come on, don't leave me like this I thought I had you figured out Something's gone terribly wrong You're all I wanted Come on, come on, don't leave me like this I thought I had you figured out Can't breathe whenever you're gone Can't turn back now, I'm haunted
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blazing-dynamo · 1 year
I spent the night making a Listening Guide for the 8th Doctor for my partner, and figured I would share. I made it as a checklist in iOS. The numbers/abbreviations are connected to my Plex Audiobook server so might not line up with the names/numbering of the official releases.
8th Doctor Order
Charley Era
Main Range
- [ ] 16 - Storm Warning
- [ ] 17 - Sword of Orion
- [ ] 18 - Stones of Venice
- [ ] 19 - Minuet in hell
- [ ] 28 - invaders from mars
- [ ] 29 - Chimes of Midnight (Christmas Special!)
- [ ] 30 - Seasons of Fear
- [ ] 31 - Embrace the Darkness
- [ ] 32 - The Time of the Daleks
- [ ] 33 - Neverland
- [ ] 50 - Zagreus (Season Finale!)
- [ ] 52 - Scherzo (best one bring tissue)
- [ ] 53 - Creed of the Kromon (new companion!)
- [ ] 54 - The Natural History of Fear
- [ ] 55 - The Twilight Kingdom
- [ ] 61 - Faith Stealer
- [ ] 62 - The Last
- [ ] 63 - Caerdroia
- [ ] 64 - The Next Life (Season Finale!)
- [ ] 72 - Terror Firma
- [ ] 75 - Scaredy Cat
- [ ] 77 - Other Lives
- [ ] 80 - Time Works
- [ ] 83 - Something Inside
- [ ] 88 - Memory Lane
- [ ] 101 - Absolution
- [ ] 103 - The Girl that Never Was (Season Finale. End of Era.)
Charley Era Bonus content:
Charley is a fan favorite so she has a whole bunch of side content compared to the other eras.
Eighth Doctor Adventures
- [ ] CPFA1.01 The Mummy Speaks
- [ ] CPFA1.02 Eclipse
- [ ] CPFA1.03 The Slaying of the Writhing Mass
- [ ] CPFA1.04 Heart of Orion
- [ ] 8DA1.00 Living Legend
These are Charley stories made after the end of Charley’s era. Charlotte Pollard the Further Adventuress is brand new. Living Legend was like a year after she left (don’t fact check me)
Main Range
- [ ] 111 - The Doomwood Curse
- [ ] 114 - Brotherhood of the Daleks
- [ ] 116 - The Raincloud Man
- [ ] 124 - Patient Zero
- [ ] 125 - Paper Cuts
- [ ] 126 - Blue Forgotten Planet
This resolves the charley cliffhanger. She travels with the Sixth Doctor for some timey wimey further pissing off of the web of time. If you still don’t have enough Charley she has her own series that follows after her adventures with Sixie.
Main Range
- [ ] 123 - The Company of Friends
- [ ] 153 - The Silver Turk
- [ ] 154 - The Witch from the Well
- [ ] 155 - Army of Death
Eighth doctor in the main range without Charley. 123 is with his comic/book companions. The others are the Mary Shelly companion stories! Fun fact he mentions these travels as just happening in Storm Warning so they are a direct prequel.
Main Range
- [ ] 100 - 100 (technically only in part 4)
- [ ] 275 - End of The Beginning
One offs
- [ ] The Light At The End (50th anniv special)
The Legacy of Time
- [ ] 1 Lies in Ruins
- [ ] 2 The Split Infinitive
- [ ] 3 The Sacrifice of Jo Grant
- [ ] 4 Relative Time
- [ ] 5 The avenues of Possibility
- [ ] 6 Collision Course
This chunk is all big anniversary cross overs that feature charley. Some with 6. Some with 8.
Companion Chronicles
- [ ] 4.12 Solitaire
Short Trips
- [ ] 2.8 Letting Go
- [ ] 5.8 Foreshadowing
- [ ] 6.11 The Man Who Wasn’t There
- [ ] 9.11 Hall of the Ten Thousand
- [ ] 10.8 These Stolen Hours
Classic Doctors, New Monsters
- [ ] 3.4 If I should die before I wake
This last selection is all small short stories that take place during the Charley Era.
Lucie Era
Eighth Doctor Adventures
8DA Season 1
- [ ] 1, 2 Blood of the Daleks
- [ ] 3 Horror of Glam Rock
- [ ] 4 Immortal Beloved
- [ ] 5 Phobos
- [ ] 6 No More Lies
- [ ] 7, 8 Human Resources
8DA Season 2
- [ ] 1 Dead London
- [ ] 2 Max Warp
- [ ] 3 Brave New Town
- [ ] 4 The Skull of Sobek
- [ ] 5 Grand Theft Cosmos
- [ ] 6 The Zygon that Fell to Earth
- [ ] 7 Sisters of the Flame
- [ ] 8 Vengeance of Morbius
8DA Season 3
- [ ] 1 Orbis
- [ ] 2 Hothouse
- [ ] 3 Beast of Orlock
- [ ] 4 Wirrn Dawn
- [ ] 5 Scapegoat
- [ ] 6 The Cannibalists
- [ ] 7 The Eight Truths
- [ ] 8 Worldwide Web
8DA Season 4
- [ ] 1 Death in Blackpool
- [ ] 2 Situation Vacant
- [ ] 3 Nevermore
- [ ] 4 The Book of Kells
- [ ] 5 Deimos
- [ ] 6 The Resurrection of Mars
- [ ] 7 Relative Dimensions
- [ ] 7b An Earthly Child
- [ ] 8 Prisoner of the Sun
- [ ] 9 Lucie Miller
- [ ] 10 To the Death (end of the Era)
Lucie Era Bonus
8DA Season 5
- [ ] 1 The Dalek Trap
- [ ] 2 The Revolution Game
- [ ] 3 The House on the Edge of Chaos
- [ ] 4 Island of the Fendahl
This season is technically not an 8DA release but is called “the further adventures of Lucie miller” and takes place before Human Resources. But I wouldn’t slot it there, and instead just listen as a bonus.
Short Trips
- [ ] 3.8 All the fun of the Fair
- [ ] 6.4 The Curse of the Fugue
- [ ] ST7.7 Flashpoint
- [ ] SST 2014-06 Late Night Shopping
- [ ] SST 2013-03 the Young Lions
- [ ] SST 2015-12 The Caves of Erith
Liv and Helen Era
Yes technically this was the Molly era but she got too famous between dark eyes part 1 and 2 so it’s really Liv’s Era, and Helen joins soon after. This era is a string of box sets so basically just Dark Eyes >Doom Coalition >Ravenous > Stranded, but what follows is a checklist so you can keep track.
Eighth Doctor Adventures
Dark Eyes
- [ ] 1.1 The Great War
- [ ] 1.2 Fugutives
- [ ] 1.3 Tangled Web
- [ ] 1.4 X and the Daleks
- [ ] 2.1 The Traitor
- [ ] 2.2 The White Room
- [ ] 2.3 Time’s Horizon (Hello Liv!)
- [ ] 2.4 Eyes of the Master
- [ ] 3.1 The Death of Hope
- [ ] 3.2 The Reviled
- [ ] 3.3 Masterplan
- [ ] 3.4 Rule of the Eminence
- [ ] 4.1 A Life in the Day
- [ ] 4.2 The Monster of Monmarte
- [ ] 4.3 Master of the Daleks
- [ ] 4.4 Eye of Darkness
Doom Coalition
- [ ] 1.1 The Eleven
- [ ] 1.2 The Red Lady
- [ ] 1.3 The Galileo Trap
- [ ] 1.4 The Satanic Mill
- [ ] 2.1 Beachhead Track
- [ ] 2.2 Scenes from Her Life
- [ ] 2.3 The Gift
- [ ] 2.4 The Sonomancer
- [ ] 3.1 Absent Friends
- [ ] 3.2 The Eighth Piece
- [ ] 3.3 The Doomsday Chronometer
- [ ] 3.4 The Crucible of Souls
- [ ] 4.1 Ship in a Bottle
- [ ] 4.2 Songs of Love
- [ ] 4.3 The Side of the Angels
- [ ] 4.4 Stop the Clock
- [ ] 1.1 Their Finest Hour
- [ ] 1.2 How to make a Killing in Time Travel
- [ ] 1.3 World of Damnation
- [ ] 1.4 Sweet Salvation
- [ ] 2.1 Escape from Kaldor
- [ ] 2.2 Better Watch Out
- [ ] 2.3 Fairytale of Salzburg (Another Christmas Special)
- [ ] 2.4 Seizure
- [ ] 3.1 Deeptime Frontier
- [ ] 3.2 Companion Piece***** See Below
- [ ] 3.3 LEGEND
- [ ] 3.4 The Odds Against
- [ ] 4.1 Whisper
- [ ] 4.2 Planet of Dust
- [ ] 4.3 Day of the Master 1
- [ ] 4.4 Day of the Master 2
I highly recommend skipping to the Bliss Era before Companion Piece. They were released simultaneously and have a crossover in companion piece and it makes it better. But you could always “Spoilers sweetie” and find it out later.
- [ ] 1.1 Lost Property
- [ ] 1.2 Wild Animals
- [ ] 1.3 Must-See TV
- [ ] 1.4 Divine Intervention
- [ ] 2.1 Dead Time
- [ ] 2.2 Unit Dating
- [ ] 2.3 Baker Street Irregulars
- [ ] 2.4 The Long Way Round
- [ ] 3.1 Patience
- [ ] 3.2 Twisted Folklore
- [ ] 3.3 Snow
- [ ] 3.4 What Just Happened
- [ ] 4.1 Crossed Lines
- [ ] 4.2 Get Andy
- [ ] 4.3 The Keys of Baker Street
- [ ] 4.4 Best Year Ever
Liv and Helen continue into What Lies Inside and Connections, but I don’t have it yet so I don’t know the episode names.
Liv Era Bonus Content
Main Range
- [ ] 149. Robophobia
Liv was actually an almost-companion for the 7th doctor. She told him no, and kicked herself until the 8th Doctor showed back up.
The Robots
Liv’s Spin off. Takes place during Ravenous 2 when the doctor has to leave her for a year. I haven’t listened yet so I don’t know the titles but there are 6 seasons of 3 episodes
Ninth Doctor Adventures
- [ ] 2.3 Hidden Depths
Crossover with the Ninth Doctor Range.
Short Trips
- [ ] 7.1 The World Beyond the Trees
Bliss Era
Aka the Time War! Can technically be listened to whenever because it doesn’t directly reference things but it’s best after Doom Coalition, but Before Ravenous.
Eighth Doctor Adventures
Time War
- [ ] 1.1 The Starship of Theseus
- [ ] 1.2 Echoes of War
- [ ] 1.3 The Conscript
- [ ] 1.4 One Life
- [ ] 2.1 The Lords of Terror
- [ ] 2.2 Planet of the Ogrons
- [ ] 2.3 In the Garden of Death
- [ ] 2.4 Jonah
- [ ] 3.1 State of Bliss
- [ ] 3.2 The Famished Lands
- [ ] 3.3 Fugutive in Time
- [ ] 3.4 The War Valeyard
- [ ] 4.1 Palindrome 1
- [ ] 4.2 Palindrome 2
- [ ] 4.3 Dreadshade
- [ ] 4.4 Restoration of the Daleks
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allwaswell16 · 2 years
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A fic rec of One Direction fics with a feminine Harry character as requested in this ask. (Thank you @lululawrence for the help with this one!) If you enjoy the fics please leave kudos and comments for the writers. You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
🎀 Love in the Dark by @brightgolden
(E, 90k, a/b/o, alpha Louis, omega Harry, mining industry, war, arranged marriage, mating bond, mpreg Harry, nightmares, angst with a happy ending, smut)
Where Louis is an ambitious Advisor Council that is reluctant to find a mate, and his father takes the matter into his hand while Harry is the valedictorian in his kingdom destined for better things than an arranged marriage.
🎀 an everlasting eclipse by you_explode / @nobodymoves
(M, 63k, Anne of Green Gables au, Harry as Anne, historical, friends to lovers, pining, gender dysphoria, angst with a happy ending, closeted character, writer Louis, found family, writer Harry, no smut)
Anne of Green Gables/Anne With An E AU. In 1891, orphan Harry is adopted by the Teasdales and goes to live on their small farm in Holmes Chapel.
🎀 You Were My New Dream by @princesshalo
(M, 49k, Tangled au, royalty, Prince Harry, innocent Harry, mentor Louis, hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, age difference, homophobia, transphobia, masturbation)
He doesn’t want to be the next King of Eroda, because according to his father, kings don’t wear dresses, paint their nails, or braid flowers into their magical hair. 
🎀 Pastel (series) by @fournipplesau
(E, 44k, writer Louis, barista Harry, daddy kink, dirty talk, pwp, dom/sub, dom Louis, sub Harry, kink discovery, smut)
Harry distracts Louis while he works and gets the punishment he deserves, and so badly wants.
🎀 Pretty in Pink by lovelarry10 / @chloehl10
(E, 18k, a/b/o, alpha Harry, alpha Louis, fluff, light angst, ballerina Harry, bonding, knotting, smut)
Alpha Harry loves to secretly dress up and be pretty. He loves his feminine side, even if it’s not typical of an Alpha.
🎀 Treat Mothman With Kindness by flowercrownfemme
(T, 16k, cryptid Harry, small town, creepy, glitter, fluff)
In which Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn are amateur cryptozoologists and Harry is the creature they find in the woods of a small north-western town.
🎀 This Thing Upon Me (howls like a beast) by @sadaveniren
(E, 9k, a/b/o, alpha Louis, omega Harry, uni, rimming, jealousy, dirty talk, first time, smut)
They’d met when they were put together through their university’s AO MatchUp, a program that set up alphas and omegas based on the schedules of their ruts and heats so they had someone to help them through it.
🎀 Her by @jaerie
(E, 7k, a/b/o, trans character, transitioning, hormones, dysphoria, gender identity, quarantine, anxiety, masturbation)
When Harry gets home, she can finally be who she wants to be. 
🎀 american rose by docklands / @hershelsue
(E, 7k, historical au, 1960s, president Louis, starlet Harry, cheating, dom/sub, dom Louis, sub Harry, masturbation, smut)
 where Louis is JFK and Harry is Marilyn Monroe.
🎀 Is It Okay? by larry_hiatus / @larry-hiatus
(E, 4k, established relationship, makeup, nail polish, pwp, dirty talk, pet names, smut)
Louis’ breath hitched when Harry added his second hand, and even more of his pretty little polished nails came into view.
🎀 Can't Wait To Consecrate This Wondrous Mess by graceling_in_a_suit / @graceling-in-a-suit
(G, 4k, uni, fluff, nail polish, feminine Harry, feminine Louis, sweet)
Harry wants to paint his nails. Louis has nail polish. It's a match made in heaven.
🎀 a rose by any other name by delsicle / @eeveelou
(G, 3k, historical au, Victorian era, a/b/o, alpha Louis, omega Harry, rich Harry, gardener Louis, flowers, metaphors, symbolism)
Harry is a sheltered omega who is the pinnacle of good breeding, but the flowers in his family’s garden – and the alpha gardener who keeps them – prove to be his greatest weakness.
🎀 make me dizzy (feel it in my fingertips) by stretchmybones / @onlyfor-thegays
(E, 1k, a/b/o, alpha Louis, omega Harry, established relationship, pwp, pet names, body worship, d/s undertones, smut)
Harry whimpered at the pet names he could never get enough of.
-Rare Pairs-
🎀 Becoming by @homosociallyyours
(G, 8k, no romance, genderfluid character, first kiss, drag queens, bad friends, songfic)
There's always been a part of Harry that's a little bit different.
🎀 go as slow as you want to by whensheflies / @choface
(M, 5k, Harry/Nick Grimshaw, friends to lovers, mutual pining, angst with a happy ending, pwp, HS1, smut)
a tender HS1 era Gryles fic.
🎀 What You Waiting For? by @lululawrence
(NR, 4k, Harry/Nick Grimshaw, pining, flirting, humor, panties, fluff)
It was half eleven on a Friday after a long week of work and his flatmate’s best friend randomly barged in talking about alibis.
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reginrokkr · 25 days
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◜In the perpetual meantime of sheltered eternity, most are content to live and not to dream. But in the hidden corners where the gods' gaze does not fall, there are those who dream of dreaming.◞
𝐗𝐗. It's hard to believe that even these words would have an actual meaning one day, and it seems to slowly come in full circle with a very special weapon lore. This is just one example of other crumbs spread through the story that bring more context while leaving unanswered questions behind all the same.
“O Leader of Khaenri’ah’s noble families, the crimson shadow of the moon has long fallen into the abyssal sky, your bloodline too has gone blind in one eye after all.” [...] This was during the faraway times when the shine of the pitch-black sun did not yet cover the whole underground, and the ancient honorable clan ruled the vast kingdom.
The thought that the bloodline of the king of this time is notorious for being blind in one eye during the era of the Crimson Moon Dynasty —gentle reminder that this was when birds had yet to be classified between wild and otherwise as per human standards and, as the first dynasty of Khaenri'ah, this is set around the Apocalypse— and that the last king of Khaenri'ah during the Eclipse Dynasty is depicted to have one eye also is really interesting. It comes to speak how long-lasting this clan was.
The priests, stubborn and old-fashioned, convinced the decrepit muddle-headed king to believe that the Crimson Moon’s corpse up in the sky was the master of all, dictating and governing everything; Because the color and lustre of the moonlight was flowing through the veins of the ordinary mortal, the source of the darkness that was hidden at the abyssal bottom too must be the Crimson Moon.
For being a kingdom whose foundation is their lack of belief in gods —and profanity, as such—, it's curious to see how these people place their faith in other asters, entities or abstract concepts such as the Crimson Moon in this case, but the Abyss later on as well. The notion that the lustre of the moonlight is known for flowing through these people's veins brings me back to the Pale Princess and Six Pygmies tale that talks about the Kingdom of the Moonlight Forest, described to be born with fair skin, light-colored hair and bright blue eyes. If we're to think about Gold who lived during this era and the possibility that Albedo was created in her image, this description from the book may have some credence in the real lore. Moreover, there is another character connected to Khaenri'ah that hits the mark with these descriptive traits, that is Dain.
It is also curious that the darkness that is hidden at the very bottom part of the Abyss is believed to stem from the Crimson Moon, which isn't entirely far-fetched. This moon is highly likely one of the moon sisters that passed away in the disaster that befell then (although it's inconclusive if it's the same moon corpse that shines in Teyvat or is a different one) and, as per Skirk's words, those who die leave curses behind. These words stand true if we take examples such as Orobashi or what Hu Tao described that happened prior to the establishment of the funeral parlor.
As such, it was only proper for the King of Mankind to name himself after the Crimson Moon. Just as the light and flame of the two realms, ruling over impermanent fate.
The concept of two realms is highly intriguing, as well as the two of them harboring a light and flame. These realms are probably different from the realms mentioned in the event that happened in Enkanomiya, which mentioned the Light Realm (or realm of the elements / Vishap Realm), Human Realm and Void Realm. The measure of these two realms seems to be different in order to differentiate them. Nevertheless, it is interesting to bring up the mention of a beast realm as per Narzissenkreuz / René's claim that someone opened it.
Thus, the humans who sought transcendence built countless magnanimous towers, and prayed upon the long dead Crimson Moon to bring them salvation.
The transcendence term isn't new, specially when thinking back what the Crystal said during the Caribert AQ— words claiming about becoming a transcendent one. And perhaps not unrelated to this, within the neo-human project of the Narzissenkreuz Ordo there was a manner of transcendence achieved by Jakob and René, as their bodies had a composition that is similar to that of Khvarena but opposing at the same time and different to Carter, a normal mortal. Moreover, considering that the form Jakob took is that of an Iniquitous Baptist and another NPC from the questline of Khvarena of Good and Evil took pride in becoming an Abyss Herald, alongside the fanaticism that was present in Khaenri'ah for the Abyss, it isn't unreasonable to think that for these people, transcendence is being one of these creatures (mages, heralds, baptists). Whether this is the transcendence they sought or something different is inconclusive, albeit not incompatible.
Another point of interest is the premise of praying for salvation from an unknown variable: it could be that these people live in a more hospitable place one day, devoid of the dangers that spill from the Abyss and the overall poor state of the land that is incompatible with life; it could be from the very gods who the founders of Khaenri'ah ran away from; the concept of fate; who knows if a combination of all of them or an entirely different aspect yet to be introduced.
[This lasted] Until the astronomers, who were shunned as heretics, glimpsed the source of the fate of everything in the world in the reflection of the false sky, [This lasted] Until suspicion and anger grew like an inextinguishable wildfire, and ravaged the dreamless land, ultimately reaching the moon-colored high palace…
The false sky. Another concept introduced very early on in the story during the Unreconciled Stars event that chronologically-wise, it's been known about for even longer. And yet, this very knowledge seems to be one of the reasons why these astronomers were shunned as well as one of the reasons why something occurred in Khaenri'ah. Perhaps related to this newly-learned knowledge that people couldn't accept, that shook the foundations of everything they believed in. Whatever happened at this moment of time, it caused the nigh-extinction of this race of people.
In honor to the prelude of this post, the confirmed notion that Khaenri'ah is a dreamless land and that its people dream of dreaming perhaps because they can't to begin with. It's interesting when putting them in juxtaposition with those who live in Teyvat, maybe because they live "easier" lives if compared to Khaenri'ah, as they're submitted to the gods and their help which, unfortunately, comes at a steep price.
By the time the pitch-black sun shone upon all, the name of the Crimson Moon faded just like its color, and its tainted remains were only left with the title of Balemoon. No matter if they were the “impure” who suffered the curse, or if they were the “spotless” yet untouched by fate, no one still claimed themself to be a follower of the moon’s corpse.
Another mystery is explained, even if partially, when the notion that the opposite of impure who can't suffer from the same curse (of the wilderness), allegedly the pure-blood Khaenri'ahns are untouched by fate. Considering all the layers of relevance fate has in Teyvat, going as far as being connected to the Heavenly Principles and the constellations (except for Neuvi at the very least), this is groundbreaking to even think about. At the same time, I can't help but wonder what exactly makes the pure-blood Khaenri'ahn pure-blood besides not being tainted by fate or by the curse.
Only very few managed to evade the clan-extinguishing disaster, and hid themselves in the shadows where the Black Sun could not reach, waiting for the Crimson Moon to offer recompense in the name of revenge. But in the end, that so-called recompense had not yet arrived when the Black Sun too fell due to the same foolishness and arrogance. When the destruction came again, the only one left laughing was the moonlight that fell upon the sun’s shadow of which only ashes remained.
It's interesting the thought that besides the astronomers branded as heretics for acquiring the knowledge of the sky being false, there are others of this race of people —the few who survived— that wanted nothing to do with the Eclipse / Black Sun dynasty and that whatever happened, they want to seek revenge on them. This is further demonstrated with the personification of, supposedly, the Crimson Moon laughing at the Eclipse Dynasty fall when the Cataclysm happened.
“Fate, o Fate, terrifying and pale-white fate, why would you go so far as to submit to the savage and wilful usurping monarch,” “If the corpse of the Balemoon has already anchored death upon you, then what meaning is there in seeking revenge for old blood feuds,” “If the fate she has woven mocks us so, then there is no harm for us to loudly mock fate too,” “Until the fragmented shadows of the Cinder Sun incinerate the old world, until the Crimson Moon witnesses the pure, spotless break of dawn.”
Lastly, it intrigues me the prospect that something abstract as fate isn't one and the same, but it differs depending on who weaves it or on the entity it submits to. From Dain's perspective, it's particularly sad the thought that he was searching for his destiny alongside the abyss twin when they found each other in Sumeru. The reason being not because he had one and lost it alongside the kingdom's fall, but more because... as a pure-blood Khaenri'ahn, he never had a fate to begin with. Which in a way can be positive considering all the problems fate gives in this world and at the hands it is enacted, and inspiring coming from him to be master of his own fate as he wishes on everyone else and that he's actively working on.
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diet-comet-soda · 1 year
Everything (that I could think of) left unanswered after the TOH finale!
Please feel free to add onto this! I’m sure I’ve missed a ton of stuff!
Regarding the Owl House, Eda, and the Owl Beast:
What are the origins of the Owl House (did Eda build it or did it exist before her)?
What’s the history of Hooty? Was he always a part of the the Owl House or did he move in at some point? Why was a mini-Hooty in the Titan's eye socket??
What's the history of the Portal Door & Key? Who originally made them and how? Who's hands has it passed through over the years?
How did the Portal Door end up buried where Eda found it?
What is the Owl Beast and what's their story? Where are they from, are there more of them, and exactly how powerful are they?
How did the Archivist who trapped the Owl Beast lose the scroll they sealed the beast in?
Does the Owl Beast's consciousness also exist within Lilith now? How??
Regarding the Titans and Collectors:
What was the Demon Realm like during the era of the Titans?
What are the Archivists up to nowadays? What are the specifics of the Archivists' overall mission (like, do they want one of every living being or do they try to freeze whole societies in stasis or what?)? Are they a looming threat for the future?
What are "the stars" like?
Why did the Archivists leave the Demon Realm when there was still one Titan left to kill? Did they even know about King? The Titan Trappers who worshipped the Archivists knew the Boiling Isles Titan had a child, so you would expect the Archivists to know about it too, right?
Were the Archivists even the ones to eventually kill the Boiling Isles Titan? If not, how did the Titan die? What's the exact timeline of events here?
What exactly is the Tower Glyph (the one that King carved on his collar) and where does its magic come from?
Can people use glyphs to perform Collector magic like they can with Titan magic? (I personally think that the Draining Spell was Collector magic, since it was taught to Belos by the Collector, it used unique glyph patterns that don’t match the Titan glyphs, and it also relied on a celestial event—the eclipse—to function!)
Regarding Palisman:
Who did the Bat Queen belong to?
What are the individual backstories of Ghost, Clover, and Emmiline Bailey Marcostimo?
How did Lilith get to keep her palisman when joining the Emperor's Coven and what is their relationship like?
Regarding Evelyn, Caleb, & Phillip, and Gravesfield:
What are the nitty gritty details of the Wittebanes & Evelyn's story?
Is Evelyn a Clawthorne? (We all know the answer is yes, but it's still technically not been explicitly confirmed).
What are the details of Flapjack’s origin? Whose Palisman was he exactly? (My personal guess is that Evelyn carved him for Caleb).
How did Evelyn originally travel back and forth from the Human & Demon Realm? Was it the Portal Door (most likely imo), raw Titan’s Blood, or some other means?
What's the history of the shack in the woods? Does it have any direct relationship to the Owl House? Who used to live there? The Wittebanes? Evelyn?
Who stashed the Titan's Blood in the graveyard?
Regarding Emperor Belos (more like Emperor Boo-los, amiright?):
What is "Artificial Magic" really?
What age was Hunter born at? What does he actually remember from his past?
What’s the story of the previous Golden Guard? How did he die? How much did he figure out about Belos? How much did he tell Darius? How did Darius initially react to Hunter showing up after the previous GG died, looking so similar to his predecessor?
What exactly is Belos' curse?
Was it a consequence of him trying to give himself the ability to use magic by consuming Palisman? Or by drawing glyphs directly on his skin? A combination of the two?
Or was the curse inflicted by some other means entirely, and the Palisman-eating and body glyphs actually came afterwards, solely as a means to stave the curse off? If so, who cursed him? Did he inflict the curse upon himself to give himself power?
Considering all the parallels drawn between the two, does his curse have any actual relationship to or similarities with Eda's curse, or is it just an entirely different thing altogether?
Basically my point is that Belos' curse and his magic (and their exact rules and properties) are super ambiguous and unexplored and I want more clear answers!
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That post about writers completely re-inventing characters and ignoring continuity and turning them into basically self-insert OC's (which is generally infuriating for fans) got me thinking about times when it actually worked well to totally revamp a character. I think one of the keys is when it's an extremely minor character, and long dead or out of continuity, so fans are less likely to mind. (Readmore, because damn do I ramble a lot.)
Like one of my favorite examples is the Shade, a Silver-Age Flash villain who had a cane who could create shadows:
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It's the guy in the top hat, so old school that he hung out with The Fiddler.
Shade had largely fallen out of continuity when he was picked up to be a major character in James Robinson's Starman, where he was reinvented as an immortal being from the Victorian era who had gained supernatural powers from a magical accident. No longer needing the cane, this Shade could control and project shadows. Starman's Shade was also a significantly more interesting and complex anti-hero type, who had adopted Opal City as his home and is willing to defend it. He is dark enough to rip people to pieces with his shadows, but winds up helping the good guys more often than not, even if it's sometimes for his own purposes. The series also delves into his past history through the present, fleshing out his past and origins. Also, he got much hotter:
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That probably helped, too. This Shade is so different from the original he may as well be James Robinson's OC, but i can't imagine even fans of the original complaining, he's a very cool character whose profile was raised enough in Starman that he got a solo mini-series. He also appeared in the live action Stargirl TV series as the Robinson version of the Shade, playing a similar role as an amoral anti-hero who might be helpful but can't always be trusted.
Of course, I may be biased, because I love The Shade.
Another example where I'm definitely biased is X-Men's Changeling transforming into Morph on TAS. Changeling was kind of an interesting character, as a former terrorist turned good with a last-minute redemption, but his redemption was a half-assed flashback that retconned his death to revive Xavier. He probably would have been a forgotten footnote in X-Men history if he hadn't been pulled out of mothballs and given a personality overhaul to become Morph, a much more fun, heroic and sympathetic character. I think it says a lot of that all the alternate versions of Changeling that appeared in the comics since TAS (AoA and Exiles) have been clearly based on TAS Morph's "wacky shape-shifter" personality, and literally called Morph rather than Changeling. The alternate version has largely eclipsed the original. That being said, it would be kind of interesting to see 616 Changeling resurrected on Krakoa with more of his original personality intact. He could join X-Force for sneaky shape-shifter espionage stuff now that Mystique is busy with the Council and Destiny. If nothing else, it would be funny to see a former criminal be absolutely appalled at Beast's actions in X-Force because "I thought you were supposed to be the good guys!"
There are examples even with bigger name characters, like Bucky Barnes being famously brought back from the dead in 2005 as a mind-controlled assassin. Despite turning Bucky darker and grittier, the revived Bucky has become something of a mainstay of the Marvel Universe, was featured in several movies, and shared a Disney+ series with Falcon in which they were clearly dating. It probably helped that by 2005, Bucky was just famous for being dead, and not many people were reading old comics from the 40's and 50's, so Winter Soldier could over-write teen Bucky.
And of course, there are major overhauls to even long-standing characters that add depth, like Magneto going from a standard 60's villain to a noble-but-misguided terrorist, Holocaust survivor, and old friend of Xavier. I think most people acknowledge that to be a massive improvement on the character that made him far more interesting and complex.
It probably helps when the characters are taken in a "good" direction, although it can be fun to watch people go dark as well. Grim and gritty Bucky was still a largely sympathetic character, he was just "cooler" (and also alive). But I'm pretty sure absolutely no one liked DC villain Dr. Light being retconned as a rapist in Identity Crisis, even if it made him more threatening. (There was a lot to hate about Identity Crisis). I'm also not super-fond of Josh Williamson giving the original Trickster a come-back only to write him as much nastier than he was before, although at least he didn't become a rapist. Never write James Jesse again, Williamson.
Responses are mixed to Moira McTaggert, another long-dead minor character, being retconned as not only a mutant, but a mutant who has been directing and influencing all of the X-Men's history from behind the scenes. Personally, I'm sad to see one of the X-Men's best known human allies turned into a secretive and manipulative mutant, but I could deal with it until Percy turned her into an evil cyborg that wore a Banshee skin-suit. Percy had better keep his claws off Stevie Hunter, one of the few human X-Men allies left alive. (Also she's totally a congresswoman now).
Overall, I think it depends a lot on how long the character has been out of action and how well the writer uses them, and responses will always be mixed. Of course, these positive examples are not meant to justify the tendency of certain writers to take well-known characters with a long established history and completely ignore it in order to write the shallowest and laziest possible version. Everyone reading this probably has a different writer in mind, and you are all right.
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ethanreedbooks · 7 months
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"10 Ways The Titans Shine Brighter Than The Justice League"
In the vast universe of DC Comics, two superhero teams stand out as icons: The Titans and The Justice League. While the Justice League may have been the flagship team, The Titans have emerged as an exceptional force in their own right. Their journey from youthful sidekicks to seasoned heroes remarkably represents heroism, growth, and legacy. Here are ten compelling reasons why The Titans have carved out their unique place in the DC Universe and why they might be better than the Justice League.
Varied Rosters for Dynamic Stories: The Titans boast diverse lineups, including iconic members like Robin/Nightwing, Starfire, Cyborg, Raven, and Beast Boy. Unlike the Justice League, whose core members are considered irreplaceable, The Titans have embraced change, introducing a wide range of heroes into their fold, leading to more dynamic storytelling possibilities.
Championing Lesser-Known Heroes: While the Justice League primarily consists of standalone superheroes, The Titans have offered a platform to lesser-known characters like Red Star, Pantha, and Cyborg. This organic team dynamic allows these heroes to shine without being overshadowed by A-list icons, fostering a sense of growth and development.
A Heroic Launching Pad: The Titans have a history of nurturing heroes who later branch out into other teams or solo adventures. Cyborg's ties to the Justice League and Doom Patrol and Damage's transition to the Justice Society are prime examples. The Titans' familial environment encourages heroes to spread their wings without being eclipsed by more established figures.
Reconciliation with Enemies: The Titans have demonstrated an exceptional ability to reconcile with their adversaries. The transformation of Slade Wilson, aka Deathstroke the Terminator, from a villain to an antihero aligned with The Titans showcases their capacity for redemption and character growth. Such instances of forgiveness and redemption are rarer in the Justice League's world.
Balanced Power Levels: While the Justice League boasts some of the most powerful heroes in the DC Universe, The Titans maintain a more balanced power dynamic. With mid-level powers among their ranks, such as Donna Troy, Wally West Flash, Starfire, Raven, and Cyborg, The Titans' stories often focus on relatable challenges and stakes rather than epic battles.
Relatability: The Titans, raised by DC's iconic heroes like Batman, Wonder Woman, and The Flash, exude a sense of relatability. Whether as teenagers or young adults, they grapple with real-life problems, including living up to their mentors' legacies or reconnecting with their families. This relatability sets them apart from the larger-than-life members of the Justice League.
Embodying Legacy: The Titans' roster has seen radical transformations over the years, with heroes like Robin evolving into Nightwing within the team's confines. This continuous growth and evolution of character identities define The Titans' essence, whereas the Justice League's members often remain static in their personas.
Defined Rogues Gallery: The Titans boast a well-defined rogues' gallery, with foes like Deathstroke, Trigon, and Brother Blood closely associated with the team. This distinct array of adversaries adds depth and dimension to The Titans, whereas the Justice League often battles their individual nemeses rather than a unified set of villains.
Reflection of Pop Culture: The Titans have consistently reflected the pop culture of their respective eras, adapting to the spirit of the times. This flexibility allows each incarnation of the team to resonate with readers personally, in contrast to the more iconic status of Justice League members.
A Family of Heroes: The Titans are not just a team but a family of heroes. Each member plays a unique role within this close-knit unit, from Donna Troy's nurturing presence to Beast Boy's playful spirit. Their familial bonds make them relatable, endearing, and a cornerstone of the DC Universe.
In conclusion, The Titans have proven themselves as more than just a "junior Justice League." Their ability to evolve, foster growth, and address relatable issues makes them a dynamic and compelling superhero team in their own right. As they continue to shine brightly within the DC Universe, fans can't help but gravitate towards these heroes who embody the essence of heroism, growth, and legacy.
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Yeah, it was Bloodmoon Ursaluna. (Disregarding the timeline, though, that thing is a BEAST. He swept my entire team the first time I tried to catch him, even hitting my Ghost-types with his signature move, and almost did so a second time. Also, the whole concept is awesome: I'm always down for eclipse theming. (I like the idea that he's the Ride Ursaluna from PLA, and that the reason he's still alive is because he's Too Goddamn Stubborn To Die.)
"average ursaluna lived 150 years" is false. average ursaluna only lived 60 years. bloodmoon ursaluna, who has been alive since the closing of the second crisis era,
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saintsandsinnersarg · 2 years
Deeper Lore
Had a sudden realization I forgot to share the lore to people only participating on tumblr, woops
I’ll do more lore deep dives as more lore is discovered ingame.
(Quick overview: SAS is a arg/cyoa where you act as the gods to a clan of cats, inspired by various African mythologies. Discord link is https://discord.gg/dvgpqkAXUN)
Khaosmor is a wild, new world, born only 25 years ago at the default starting date. Rising out of a magical extinction event that messed with memories, they try to find their footing. Prehistoric creatures from all eras roam its surface with Amolacaris lurking in the seas and dire wolves and American Cheetahs running on the plains. This universe is populated by many creatures, such as spirits, Madimu, Alusi and the cats–the mortal creatures closest to the spirits. The cats feed upon magic as well as prey, and they obtain magic via either controlling territory or other’s Belief (be it in their Power, their Cunning, or their Benevolence). 
 The cats of Khaosmor need to face many challenges, from disaster–causing eclipses that spawn from their aberrant, 5 moon night sky, to cat-eating monstrosities, malevolent false gods known as Alusi, and dwindling magic to consume all plague the lives of the cats. When most cats die, their souls descend to the Sprawl, which is a content if chaotic way to spend eternity. But when a cat's tale is told enough, when they die they become a Saint--part ancestor, part spirit, part god. Among the cats arise creatures known as Saints – cats who, after their deaths, had their tales widely told that they ascended to proto-deity status. Saints try to protect the living clans, but they aren’t very good at this considering they’re constantly fighting amongst themselves over limited amounts of divinity.
In addition to the cats, there are many other kinds of creature inhabiting Khaosmor; some are sapient, some aren’t. Other animals, both prehistoric and not, dot the landscape–you can see foxes and dire wolves running side by side.
Animals can Awaken to sapience with enough magic; thus there are individual Beasts dotted about Khaosmor distinguished from mere animals. The Beast of the Falls, the Beast of the Sea, and the Beast of Clawswamp are all some examples.
As well as regular animals, there are also fearsome false gods known as Alusi. They take the form of great creatures wearing odd jewelry and speaking in lilted tones, weaving mighty feats of magic–and yet everyone can tell there is not a spark of divinity in them. There are rumors that the Alusi did not always take this form, that they were spat from the sea, that they were trees that got up and walked, that they come from other realms, or that the first cats were their familiars. Nobody’s quite sure what’s true.
What everyone can agree on, however, is that the Alusi don’t have the cat’s best interests at heart. They demand lavish tributes, worship, and servitude, and bad things happen to those who disagree.
Most enigmatic of all of the creatures are the spirits. The spirits, like cats, feed on magic and embody concepts. They take physical form. They come in three varieties:
Sleeping.  Mostly inanimate natural things like stones, plants and fungi, although they can awaken. They sometimes form hiveminds.
Dreaming. These are the animal-equivalent spirits, sentient but not sapient. Cats depend on them for prey, or bargain with them for power, or offer sacrifices to appease them. Like Sleeping spirits, they can awaken; sapient Dreaming spirits are known as Dreamers, and they usually wear jewelry to denote themselves as not-prey. Dreamers are more powerful than naturally Awakened spirits, but are also more beholden to their instincts.
Awakened. These are sapient spirits, and they come in a variety of personalities and attitudes. Some communities worship Awakened spirits, others fear them; still others allow them to live in their camps. There are some Awakened spirits, however, that are very unsettling….
The most fearsome to the cats, however, are the Madimu; aberrant monsters that resemble different beasts crudely stitched together. They crave the taste of cat flesh because the Alusi created them that way; they seem to think the cats screaming and running in terror is entertaining.
There have been whispers of another kind of beast, some sort of creature with wings and wheels and too many eyes, but nobody’s quite sure what they are.
The cats are hybrids of spirits and mortal beasts for reasons nobody quite understands. When a cat is born they take on traits of the area they're born in (e.g a cat born in a wildfire might have smoky eyes) and they’re strongest close to their birthplace. For this reason expecting cats often range far away, hoping for more unique kittens. 
The 5 forms of magic (Ike/Creation, Mmebi/Destruction, Yipada/Alteration, Nghota/Divination, and Ifowoyi/Control) are the core of Khaosmor’s magic; each cat is born with one of these, and each in turn is tied to a specific plane. Ike is tied to the Plane of Comets, Mmebi to the Black Holes, Yipada to the Moons, Nghota to the Stars, and Ifowoyi to the Rings. 
Each cat is then granted an element they can manipulate in this specific way, For example, an Ifowoyi Sea cat would be able to manipulate the sea, and only that. Even then, cats can only perform tiny bits of magic without a) some precious metal or gemstone to attract more magic or b) the assistance of others in a ritual known as a Clansyowl.
The vast majority of Khaosmor’s landscape is odd, resembling the bottom of a coral reef bed. Seaweed savannahs, coral mountains, and anemone moorlands all dot the land. Areas known as Redseas where the sea splits in two, leaving a stretch of beach in the middle, are often inhabited by brave clans looking for easy sea prey. Nobody’s sure what holds them apart. In addition, deep twisting cave systems dwell within the planet, often inhabited by the cats. Don’t go too deep in them, however.
The cats don't have a ton of cultural overlap; journeying out into the wild lands is perilous. Thus nearby clans tend to share culture but there's almost nothing faraway clans would have in common. 
Notable landmarks include:
 the Alliance Lands (Seaweed Savannah, Coralridge Mountains, and Pawprint Lakes), especially lush and rich territories with an abundance of prey and magic. The clans there ally with each other to defend these lands, though they often quarrel within themselves. 
 Orisha’s Whisper, a strange cave by the coast. An inlet full of fish and pearls runs into the cave, feeding its inhabitants- strange, arcane spirits of gem and gold, burrowing gardeners that grow magical seaweed, and a bustling community of living spells. Ghosts also roam deeper into the cave, and for this reason all but the most desperate stay away despite its riches. This is the area where the clan we follow has set up.
The Wildwood, a coral-forest. Inhabited mostly by  spirits, but with a good deal of cats as well. Parents leave kits they don’t want there, knowing the spirits will take care of them. The Wildwood is protected from predators, being the favored grounds of some Minor Alusi,  but the Alusi can be worse than predators at times, and burrowing menaces will steal any prey left on the ground, so most Wildwood inhabitants are entirely arboreal. The spirits often feed the kits anemone growths on the higher branches; they’re sweet like fruit.
The Howling-Isles. This tropical island draws in swimmers during storms. At first glance, it appears to be a paradise, with plentiful prey and tempting fish, and many wonder why it hasn’t been claimed already. But if an unlucky creature falls into the island’s only water source, they’re sucked into a watery wilderness created by corrupted water spirits-and unlike regular water spirit lands, you never return.
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midnightunderground-hq · 11 months
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Time stops for no man or beast and we march ever forward. The wheels of fate spin wildly.
Hello, my doves. It’s been some time since we last held correspondence, though my dearest and I have watched over you all for these past few months. Absence truly does make the heart grow fonder, but I’m not here to offer sentimentalities, rather I’m presenting you with several leads for your enjoyment…well, mine, but your consideration. 
001. Our children suffer for the avarice of others. The Black Market has wreaked havoc in your community for years, growing without limits, poisoning the minds of the disenfranchised humans among you and worst of all…turning my children and Hers into commodities. Those behind a velvet curtain have tapped into the inferiority complex of these beautifully mundane creatures, turning them against those twice blessed by yours truly. Some say they deserve empathy, but I cannot spare a single drop. Perhaps, you will approach the matter differently…all I ask is that you excise the Underground of this verdant tree and its poisoned roots. 
002. Be wary, children, of the snake in the grass. How I wish I was allowed to meddle just a little more into these affairs. Seeing as one after the other unfolds, has left us feeling both disappointed and impotent…to see the hatred in these hearts, to be unable to cut the threads being weaved before us…godhood is far more onerous than any of you would understand. Either way, Cicerone and I can only hope the breadcrumbs scattered around you prove fruitful. Goodwin is…a problem— I cannot and shall not reveal any more than that. But fret not, children, the answers stand right before you…you need only take a closer look. 
003. The eclipsed sun will hide behind the moon no more. I’m not sure if you’ve all noticed, but very strange things have been occurring lately; more than the mischievous doings of a wayward Faerie and her cursed companion. There’s something amiss in the air, a thorn in my side and a deadly parasite for others. Audacious creatures will always taint a God’s mercy, and this one child of a bygone era has polluted the well in its entirety. You must understand, they grow stronger with each passing day and if they’re able to remove their shackles, you will be the first to feel their wrath. It is in your best interest to stop this false God.
004. Checkmate, another false prophet has fallen. What a shame it is to watch this unfold. When a thread is woven, braided until it resembles rope and presented to one unlucky person; a thrall in this instance, flying too close to the sun. The former mayor now sits on the hand of a clock, disgraced, stripped of his prestige and soon, he will be stripped of his life. You should all be made aware that the hour draws near, he will become one of the departed and his secrets will be buried with him. Before then, you’re free to speak to this dead man walking, though there’s no guarantee that he would humor any chance at redemption. 
005. If you would like, lend me your sight. While the choices presented above are of utmost importance in my eyes, I sit on another plane and observe as one would an ant farm…if you feel I may have missed something of importance to you— summon me, if you dare…and please feel free to pull another from the pile.
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sweetcedar · 2 years
14: Attrition
ch: ianthe pyr visellia || wc: 1536
content warnings: smoking, eye horror. story centers around civilians' simultaneous support for and ignorance of the military-industrial complex.
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Ianthe pyr Visellia was not used to losing. Everything about her was built to win, or at least to contribute to the victory of others. On the northern coastline of Garlemald, where the sun shone all night in the summer, her little hometown lay on the coast, feeding its youth into the naval base nearby. Even if one chose the life of a civilian, the proximity of the military made it impossible to avoid. The joke was that youth from a smaller town had two options: the military or the trades. It came as no surprise to anyone who knew her that Ianthe was among those who ran to the Capital, nor that she succeeded there. She would become an optio, by the time the Empire fell in upon itself: the right hand of the centurion, and groomed to rise higher.
For a time, if one looked no further than Garlean shores, all was well. She made good marks in her schoolwork. She was admitted to train to be an officer, and she made good marks there once again. When she finally entered the military in truth, her life outside the Legions had been entirely eclipsed by her place in the machine. It was well-oiled, she recalled now. She served alongside soldiers who once were conscripts, and their relief at their citizenship cemented her trust that a skilled conscript could earn a place on the Garlean mainland. As she looked down towards the ocean, she recalled with ease how people treated her in uniform back on those northern shores. Civilian support for the military was constant, even with the arguments that formed about politics on the mainland and in the provinces. Now she and many of her kinsmen knew that the Emperor was almost a religious icon, but now that Ianthe was out of it, she thought that the troops and their service were concepts that were nearly as hallowed.
The troops could commit no wrongdoing as a group, because their service allowed for the lives of the civilians to continue: fresh fruit in winter, minerals mined at a loss, silks imported at prices that couldn’t feed their weavers. The individual soldiers, of course, were different. The individual soldiers were either heroic, deified protectors who were bearing Garlemald in their arms unto its glorious fate – or they were disgusting, violent beasts who had committed crimes that the bureaucrats would never have condoned. Every civilian in the capital would have been better soldiers than the soldiers, Ianthe knew. If she believed their words, so too would the Eorzeans, with their neverending religious wars and their subjugated ‘beast tribes’ of sentient beings.
If they had staffed the Legions with Eorzean merchants and Garlean politicians, everything would have been different. Someone would have said something. None of this would have happened.
And Ianthe wouldn’t be here hung above the clouds in an airship, being watched like a hawk with every step she took. In her time with the Sixth Legion, she had a hand in battles of all shapes and sizes, from great clashes high above the earth to skirmishes of barely a scouting force. She was finished fighting decisive battles on far-flung province fronts. She knew her terminology. In a war of attrition, both sides pick at the other, ripping away resources and personnel. Either the will to fight or the ability to fight will break, eventually. The enemy cares little for which one breaks first. If there was an enemy at all in this antebellum era, she knew it would be her.
Ianthe herself was the force being picked apart, ground down from all sides. She refused to argue against it: it was never undeserved, even and especially when she didn’t understand. The instinct was still there to defend herself and her fellows. So often she would state a fact she knew to be true, only to be stared at with wide eyes and furrowed brows. “Of course there are cruel soldiers, but that’s the point of military courts and tribunals, to catch them before they act and punish them if they do,” she had insisted ever so recently. When cruelty was found, Ianthe knew that the aggressors would be brought to task and stripped of their rank and merits. She trusted the system to do it, and she had seen it work in front of her eyes. But in the entrails of an airship hung motionless over the Northern Empty, the table of people looking back at her grimaced or looked away as though she had stung them.
This was how you learned, Ianthe had come to realize. The military courts were a joke, pinning blame on someone to soften the rage from the enlisted, and punishing conscripts far more violently than anyone of her ilk. Her newfound friend had been an engineer, she told her, and not the kind of engineer that builds trains and water systems. She was Dalmascan. A war orphan, and now a Garlean citizen. In the tongue of Ianthe’s people, she told her over a cigarette that she knew how tightly anything that would have broken the illusion was guarded, but she knew what was happening in those classified rooms, and she could tell her.
Her lover the chirurgeon was Eorzean, but she was only Eorzean because she had fled Valnain. Ianthe had loved Valnain, too – the bright, blue water was unlike any coast she had ever seen until the first time she flew in as a soldier. She had heard her joke once after one ale too many that they had traded places. It wasn’t a joke, Ianthe knew now. She had turned those blue eyes away as soon as she said it.
And the little hawk of a woman, the monk. The monk who supervised her at every waking moment now, and whose sainti had nearly taken her eye in the Dalmascan highlands all those years ago. She remembered how she had clicked her tongue as Ianthe faltered, hand shoved against her cracking helmet to try to hold the organ in place. Ianthe rested the ball of her hand in against her eye and rubbed it. Now she scolded her as much as she spoke softly to her. If anyone could understand how Ianthe felt about conflict, it would be someone who had fought on the opposing side. She could hear her now: how her hands would slap her own thighs in frustration, how her voice would lift to exclaim how horrific it was that Ianthe could think of her newfound friendships in terms of warfare.
But she was a good, kind woman, and the realization that she would be disappointed in her hit Ianthe like a blow. The thought turned her stomach in her gut, flipping it as though the airship had hit a steep curve. Everyone else on this craft saw her as deluded at best, and an agent of genuine evil at worst. If she did nothing, she knew they would be correct on both counts. Even now, she brought war into every thought she had. There was no other framework to use: war was in everything, from the stories she read to the music she danced to. Every industry fed fuel into the engine of war, and it belched smoke as it bolstered their trades in return.
Still Ianthe sat on the airship with these people, sharing cigarettes and drinks after a hard day’s work. Still she chuckled at their jokes and brought their belongings down from high places. Still she climbed into bed with her friend for a vice neither of them could ever manage to avoid, however bad it was for the both of them. She always fled before dawn broke. The lack of sleep was a necessary evil, as so many worse things had been before. Ianthe’s companion – her observer, she should say -- never spoke much at breakfast after they were done, but a little bit of salt in the wound was better than letting their hearts tie strings around the act.
Now she sat alone at the window, lost in the clouds. If she considered herself an enemy, she would be tossing herself right back into the world she had promised to leave. If she considered herself to be just the same as everyone else, she would be minimizing her own free will in her acts. But there was no middle ground. There couldn’t be. The clang of a metal door opening made a clean cut from her reverie. Ianthe looked back into the airship as the light flicked on around her. “Morning, flyboy,” called a low, familiar voice. She had no accent when she spoke Garlean, and Ianthe was struck every time that it was her first language, too. “Els and I are going to make breakfast. Are you going to sit there and brood yourself to death, or can you take a turn on the bridge?”
Ianthe stood up immediately, pushing the stool back into its slot. She stretched and nodded at the same time, realizing too late that she’d look like an idiot for it. Then she found herself meeting that constant grin with her own small smile. “… Morning. Yeah. I’ll be right there.”
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