arcadebroke · 6 months
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disease · 4 months
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duranduratulsa · 2 years
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Up next on my Spooktober Filmfest...Freddy's Nightmares: Lucky Stiff (1989) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #tv #television #horror #freddysnightmares #luckystiff #anightmareonelmstreet #anightmareonelmstreettheseries #wescraven #RIPWesCraven #freddy #freddyKrueger #robertenglund #marycrosby #richardeden #DavidLander #traceywalter #80s #vintage #vhs #spooktober #halloween #october
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timemachineyeah · 3 months
I really, really need you to elaborate on this note you left on a post. I'm fascinated.
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If you don't I'm sure I'll survive but this is an absolutely intriguing concept.
Whoooo, yeah, let's talk about Mormon theology and cosmology!!!
In response to me saying that this is basically Mormon theology, because it absolutely is
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(I swear, being raised Mormon, and especially the studious and serious kind, and then leaving the church is like that bit in the first episode of The Office where they think they might be getting shut down and Jim says something like, "I know so much about paper. What I am supposed to do with all this knowledge if I don't work here any more." Like I never got very far in The Office, but I think about that feeling all the time.)
From the book of Mormon, 2nd Nephi Chapter 2:
22 And now, behold, if Adam had not transgressed he would not have fallen, but he would have remained in the garden of Eden. And all things which were created must have remained in the same state in which they were after they were created; and they must have remained forever, and had no end. 23 And they would have had no children; wherefore they would have remained in a state of innocence, having no joy, for they knew no misery; doing no good, for they knew no sin. 24 But behold, all things have been done in the wisdom of him who knoweth all things. 25 Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy.
Also worth noting that Mormons are so opposed to original sin that it's actually the second of the 13 Articles of Faith, which I had to memorize in grade school. The only article that comes before it is the one saying we believe in God, Jesus, and The Holy Ghost.
"2 We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression."
And stealing from the church's official current website on the topic
President Joseph Fielding Smith (1876–1972) said: “I never speak of the part Eve took in this fall as a sin, nor do I accuse Adam of a sin. … This was a transgression of the law, but not a sin … for it was something that Adam and Eve had to do!”
Adam's fall is considered an unequivocal good to Mormons. So this whole take on theology taps into two very import Mormon principles.
The first is "agency", "free agency", or "free will". This basically boils down to: you can't grow, your actions can't matter, if you don't have a choice. The ability to choose is power, and we are here specifically to experience that freedom and to learn how to use it.
This was actually the basis of a premortal war (don't ask how folks without bodies who can't die do a war, I've no idea) between Lucifer and Jesus, because Lucifer wanted to guarantee everyone's salvation by eliminating the ability to choose wrong. The losing side was cast out of heaven and that's where Satan and demons come from!
Here have a musical number about from a VHS I used to watch constantly (in case the link malfunctions, relevant song starts at 10:55)
The second is, "opposition". Basically, things can only exist in contrast. You can only truly recognize something in comparison to something else. Ergo, a world without suffering or sin is also a world without joy or virtue. It is a nothing world. Here, a worse song from the same musical! (starts at 8:57)
By this principle, the Garden of Eden, while wonderful from the outside in retrospect, was not wonderful from within, because Adam and Eve had no frame of reference for it. To them it was just Existence, and as an existence was fairly bland.
Another thing to understand here is that Mormons believe in a premortal existence. We are all, spiritually, as ancient as God is. We've all always existed. Another Mormon principle is one of "Eternal Progress" - the idea that we are always on a journey to improve, and are capable of improving to even the state of Heavenly Father.
I remember asking once if Heavenly Father was done progressing, and told we can't possibly know, but it's possible that even He has more progress to make. But if so, we can't possibly comprehend what he is progressing towards and it's not relevant to us now.
It's important to realize that "As man is, God once was. As God is, man might become" is, like, central to Mormon theology. We aren't lesser things than God, just not as far progressed. He's among the first caterpillars to figure out how to make a chrysalis and become a butterfly and he's trying to show us how to do the same.
Regardless, a necessary step to this progress, to growth, is to live a mortal physical life in a body. A body is so important that Mormons believe at the second coming everyone who ever lived will be resurrected into "perfect" eternal immortal bodies. (This ALL creates MANY logistical and theological problems but we don't have time for all that!)
Other necessary steps include compulsive heterosexuality, marriage, and having children. Because of course.
But if God's power is not innate, but rather something he has gained by being Perfectly Good And Noble - which is like the Force or something - then he isn't truly omnipotent. He is so powerful and omniscient that to us mere mortals the distinction is meaningless, but God cannot endorse harm or cruelty without potentially losing his Godhood. Godhood is conditional upon good behavior. Morality is a natural force in the universe that can be utilized, but! See above about opposition! And free will! To utilize it, you have to be capable of knowingly being bad and choose good anyway!
This puts God in kind of a bind when it comes to guiding humanity.
He needs people to have knowledge of good and evil, but if he gives it to them directly, he'd kinda be doing a bad thing? Like, he'd be causing suffering to just force knowledge of good and evil upon us. The suffering can't be something inflicted upon humanity, it has to be a product of human choice. And choice is essential, but to learn to make choices, first you must be presented with simple ones.
Like Adam and Eve are immortal, physical, useless baby adults who cannot progress. They need to progress, and they also need to get to boning or else all the other spirit children waiting in heaven to be born will not have bodies.
So God sets up a little trap. A little trick. Just a fun little -just a fun little game.
He puts a tree in the garden and he's like, "Just leaving this over here. Don't touch it. But it's right here. See it? Right here. Just making sure you saw it. Yeah, don't touch it. In fact, two commandments for you.
Go have kids
Don't eat that fruit"
And Adam and Eve are like, "cool, great, awesome."
And God is like, really loudly in front of Lucifer/The Snake like, "Oh noooooooo. I sure hope they don't eat from this treeeeee. That would be terrrrrrible! They'd learn about SIN and BECOME MORTAL." and Satan is like "tehehehe I have a great idea!"
Meanwhile Eve, who is currently a metaphysical biological immortal, does not know what sex is and has no sex drive. She's like, "Sooooo? The kids part? How that?"
And the snake is like "You can find out, but you gotta eat this fruit" (true! this is Eden, it is still free from sin. The snake cannot lie here, yet. Because folk Mormon theology - Satan can't lie! That's a fun fact about him. He twists and manipulates truths, but lying is a Mortal gift we got from the whole Fruit thing that Eve is about to do)
And Eve is like, "Yeah, sure, I want babies. God told me to have them so...." and eats the fruit exactly as God intended her to, tempted by the snake exactly as God planned. And she was like, "Oh! I WANNA BONE ADAM. ADAM EAT THIS SO YOU KNOW WHAT BONING IS SO I CAN BONE YOU."
But then they were materially and metaphysically changed, so they couldn't stay in the Garden anymore. Less about casting out, more about God having to follow the Moral Metaphysical Laws that give him his power.
I was even taught it's not even that childbirth/periods/menstrual pain were punishments from God. They are just natural results of sexual reproduction and the part where God says that's gonna happen now isn't him giving Eve a curse, just kinda God giving Eve some sex ed. Since she'll need it.
Basically, God couldn't tell Adam and Eve to eat the fruit, and in fact was morally obligated to tell them not to, because doing so would cause suffering and death. But the suffering and death aren't a punishment from God, they're just facts about the world that become real when you know about them, but you have to know about them and experience them in order to know and experience good things also, and become closer to being a god yourself, and God wanted us to have good things, so he wanted us to eat that fruit. Which is why he put it there.
So very much like leaving water out for a cat who thinks they're being naughty but actually you just want your cat to be hydrated.
Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles observed: “This suggested contrast between a sin and a transgression reminds us of the careful wording in the second article of faith: ‘We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression’ (emphasis added). It also echoes a familiar distinction in the law. Some acts, like murder, are crimes because they are inherently wrong. Other acts, like operating without a license, are crimes only because they are legally prohibited. Under these distinctions, the act that produced the Fall was not a sin—inherently wrong—but a transgression—wrong because it was formally prohibited. These words are not always used to denote something different, but this distinction seems meaningful in the circumstances of the Fall.”
And before any baby Mormons come in here like, "nuh uh!" about any part of this, your "eternal truths" have been so watered down in the past several decades by leadership trying to seem mainstream and cling to hemorrhaging membership. Y'all don't even know your theology anymore half the time, and what's worse is it's just as toxic as ever but like 200% less interesting. I like Mormonism better when they're proudly declaring Bigfoot is Cain and talking about how John the Beloved already has an immortal body and has been wandering the world for 2000 years and confidently claiming he was the stranger who helped them fix a tire that one time.
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ddagent · 2 months
Next Fic
So, my previous fic poll ended in a draw, so let's have another go! A few different options, this time, with some supporting evidence for each to help you make your decision!
May I present the poll:
And the supporting evidence!
Option 1:
"Uh, boss, your friend is here."
Detective Anthony Crowley looked up from his notebook and turned his golden gaze back to the crime scene tape a few feet away. Behind the white and blue tape, highlighted by the flashing lights of the police cars, was Reverend Aziraphale Fell. Clerical collar, sunny disposition, and two takeaway cups in his hand. One of those was six espresso; one was hot cocoa. Ridiculous man. Snarling, Crowley shoved his notebook into the back pocket of his trousers and stomped through sand to shoo Aziraphale back to his church.
"You can't be here."
"But—" Aziraphale began, a pout forming on those perfect lips. "—I can help. I was ever so good before—"
"—we were nine, Aziraphale. We're not making up mysteries and legging it in and out of caravans and arcades anymore." Which was a pity. The mysteries Aziraphale always dreamt up for them as children were less brutal than the one that currently laid before him. Huffing out a sigh, Crowley took the proffered coffee and gestured for a uniformed officer, Constable Honey, to escort the vicar out. "I'm sorry, Aziraphale. I'll see you on Sunday, yeah?"
"We'll see each other before then, no doubt." Sure, sure. "When you realise you do need my help."
Option 2:
Swiveling his hips, Crowley slid through the open bathroom window of AZ Fell and Co. Even though the bookshop had been broken into three times now, the proprietor, one Aziraphale Fell, still had no sense of security. No locks on the window, no alarms, no cute dogs that Crowley would have to pet and stroke in order to disarm. No, Crowley was free to move around the shop as he pleased. Maybe it was because Crowley had never actually stolen anything that Aziraphale felt safe.
Bah. Crowley didn't want him to feel safe. He wanted him to feel scared. Crowley could do anything here. Anything.
Slipping into the living room, Crowley noted that Aziraphale had fallen asleep on the sofa again. A threadbare blanket was pooled at his feet; a copy of some eighteenth century novel had fallen to the floor. Moving deftly, Crowley adjusted the blanket, placed the book upon the table, and tipped out Aziraphale's hot chocolate. There. Mental insecurity. Aziraphale would know that someone had been in there. Someone who could do anything.
As it was, Crowley committed the most heinous act of all: he left a rare book upon Aziraphale's coffee table, a product of his earlier activities. Gabriel Archer, that twat, wouldn't miss it. And it would certainly give the bookshop's profits a major boost.
Option 3:
"Excuse me, I was wondering whether you had a VHS copy of The Eastern Gate?"
From behind the counter, Crowley didn't even bother turning around to address his customer, so ridiculous was his request. Yes, Crowley had a copy of The Eastern Gate: it was one of Aziraphale Fell's early works, a black and white film focusing on an angel overseeing Eden. It had been very well-received at the time but public interest quickly waned. For years it spent time on BBC 2 on Sunday afternoons - that was where Crowley's copy came from, recorded with great care and attention onto VHS.
He had one copy. And it was not for sale.
The customer cleared his throat. "Dear boy, I do wonder if you could—"
"—in a minute. This is the best part." The Bastille had come out in the 90s, part of the interest in musketeers and the French revolution. Aziraphale looked delectable in the heavy iron chains and all those pretty frills. Just gorgeous. But, with great reluctance, Crowley pressed pause and turned to 'attend' to the customer who wanted the impossible, even in Crowley's memorabilia shop. "Listen—"
But Crowley didn't say another word. Because his customer wasn't just interested in Aziraphale Fell. He was Aziraphale Fell.
Option 4:
"Crowley, can I ask you a question about Twitter?"
Crowley immediately zoned back into the room. He had been fixated on the slight tinge of silver and white at the temples of Aziraphale's blond hair; the curve of his mouth as he indulged in dessert at The Ritz. For some time, Aziraphale had been discussing his latest project: a gripping drama for ITV featuring a gay romance between two childhood friends. It was the sort of project that Aziraphale did often - but this time he had been paired opposite BAFTA winning actor Raphael Archer.
Not that Crowley was jealous or anything. He hadn't campaigned for the role. Hadn't sent an audition tape and told he wouldn't be believable starring opposite Aziraphale in a romantic role. As if he hadn't spent thirty years yearning for this man. Oh, they had played detectives together, odd-couple roles, best friends. But never romantic leads.
And the first time a project came up that was perfect, Crowley lost to Raphael Archer. That Scottish twat. Breathe, Crowley. "What about Twitter, Angel?"
"I don't use it." No kidding. "But Raph does." Oh, Raph is it? "And a lot of his followers have started using a hashtag. Something #raphaphale?"
Crowley's glass immediately shattered. Thirty years as Aziraphale's shadow and this Scottish wanker gets a ship tag?
Option 5:
He was here again. Sitting in the front row with his delicately pressed tan trousers, neat little waistcoat with the gold buttons, and the delicate puff of blond curls. In his lap (which Crowley noted, not for the first time, was rather spacious) was his paddle, with the number 666 printed in red lettering. Since the man had started attending the auctions at Eden's Auction House, Crowley'd had fantasies about that paddle.
How the hell was he going to make it through today's auction?
Still, Crowley was a professional (allegedly). So, he took to the podium, gavel in hand, and addressed the crowd. "Lot number one is a collection of Austen, incredibly preserved from the period, featuring four books - including Pride and Prejudice and Persuasion." He swallowed a number of sarcastic remarks, bit back his need to share the crackpot biography he'd read about diamond heists and whisky smuggling. Not the crowd. Never the crowd. "Shall we start the bidding at fifteen hundred?"
The man was the first to take the bid. As it was accepted, he wiggled happily in his chair. Oh, Crowley was gone.
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The Eden Analysis/Lore Dump.
Part one of idk, we'll see.
Note: all sources are Vrel confirmed. This means scenes written by or approved of by Vrel, as well as Vrel's posts on the blog. There is additional info from people asking Vrel things on discord, but idk if all of these are confirmed so I've left them out. A lot of Eden scenes are not included due to controversy around them being OOC (these were not Vrel made scenes).
All info is collected up to the date of 19th September 2022, game update 0.3.11.
Tumblr doesn't like a lot of photos, so I'll keep them out of this, but if you'd like to see screenshots of the lore I've compiled I'll be able to show you in another post or an ask.
Discussion welcome about points made!
Warnings for: Eden being Eden meaning noncon, petplay and pred/prey, but various forms of child abuse mentioned in theorising their past.
Who is Eden?
The basics. Eden is a hunter in the forest of DoL. They do not like the town, they don't like technology or modernised ways of living, and they are not afraid to be an asshat. They kidnap and rape the player character, as well as putting them in a collar or even a cage later on.
Eden does not like animals and warns PC to stay away from them. They also don't like people that much.
What are they like in the present?
Eden's schedule is filled by them having breakfast, getting ready for the day, tending their crops, going out hunting, preparing any catches, chopping wood, having a bath, maybe having dinner, and then sitting around reading or tending their gun.
PC is able to clean and organise the cabin, help Eden farm, clean and gather things outside of the cabin, fix Eden's clothes, cook any food they have, and since Eden has no electricity or plumbing, they'll likely have to fill the bath by boiling pails of water one at a time.
Prior to PC, Eden would have had to do all of this by themself. This helps explain why their home is so spartan. It explains why the crop field is all weedy, why the spring is dirty and why they have no mushrooms. It simply would have been to time consuming when they already has so much to do.
Eden's favourite hobby seems to be reading. Despite not doing well in school, they enjoy old literature that quite often is worded in ways that take a little bit of know-how to fully understand. I don't think Eden was bad at school because they're stupid. I think they dropped out of school because they had too much going on at the time to put effort in.
Their anti-modern stance could be worsened due to how much tech would have advanced while Eden was in the forest. We don't know how long exactly past "a very long time," but I'd wager Eden watched things on VHS and has no idea what a Netflix or Amazon Prime is. Lack of knowledge in something can often lead to fear.
Eden also used to have quite the libido. This has since been reduced from what it used to be, but the hunter and PC can still go at it roughly 12 times a day depending on lust and other things.
We see that Eden is quite insecure in their appearance. Vrel says that they've "Whipped themself into a state of anxiety over it." Whether this is because of their toned form or the scars they have is up for debate, as both could be from life in the forest.
Eden hates going into town. They wish they didn't have to make supply runs, but the forest doesn't give Eden nails to make repairs. It doesn't provide bullets for hunting. Eden's hatred of town is a funny thing, because in the first scene where they drag PC back home at low love everyone fears them. This fear could be from childhood.
We also see that Eden has their anal and oral virginities. They used to have a hand holding one, but this is no longer the case.
Eden's behaviour towards PC is very controlling. From spanking to collars to cages, they aren't afraid to put them in their place - below the hunter and obedient to them.
The hunter has been described by Vrel as "quite vanilla." This is a curious description, especially as Vrel also said that they'd be intrigued by a PC wanting to taste their blood. Eden also engages in pet play adjacent things, as well as predator/prey. It could be that Eden is rather vanilla compared to most other people in the game, rather than vanilla themself. A lot of the pet play we do see from Eden (and even the spanking) is something they do as a punishment. It could therefore be argued that their hatred of animals translates into these moments where PC is not what they want. Eden therefore treats them as one.
However, Eden is loyal and certainly expects it back. Vrel says that they will not cheat and will be driven to violence and punishment if PC does.
One more point from the present: Eden is said to distrust the temple. They don't know Jordan or Syd, however. Yet Eden is unaware of Ivory Wraith, even if Wraith seems to show some curiosity towards them in scenes involving both of them. Eden could perhaps not believe in the supernatural or religion and be seen as a heathen by the temple when they were around town.
What do we know about their past?
Not much to be honest. Eden outright refuses to talk about it beyond some cryptic things. We know that they didn't do well at school, we know they've been in the forest for a long ass time, and we know that they don't want to talk about their family.
The only proper connection Eden seems to have to the outside world is Bailey. What started as a theory of Bailey and Eden knowing each other more than as just client and seller is pretty much confirmed. The theory started with Eden chucking after PC asks them where they got their magazine from. Eden replies "An old friend," as they draw PC in closer. This, along with the fact that Eden somehow can buy you from Bailey, set off the theories. Vrel more recently said on the blog that "Bailey and Eden do interact outside that, but scarcely."
The most popular theory on how they met was that Eden was orphaned as a child, either through abandonment and abuse or a harsh death of their family. Bailey was either another orphan or a child Eden met at school.
Vrel mentioned on the blog that Eden dropped out of school before they could graduate - and even knew Winter - so it is possible that Eden left and ran straight into the forest or that they left to get a job. Perhaps illegal jobs with Bailey.
Regardless, a life as an abused orphan with no family also helps explain the bareness of the cabin. They have nothing sentimental worth keeping.
I do theorise that Eden is keeping something of importance. Perhaps Bailey gave them something important to look after out there.
After all, there are many around the same age as Bailey and Eden (both said to be in their 30s by Vrel) who they could have issues with. Briar, Landry, Remy, even Quinn. With Bailey working for Quinn, it is possible that Eden did something against Quinn that means they have to hide. Maybe Bailey did something against Quinn and Eden took the blame as they were already wanting to leave into the forest.
If Eden has pissed off someone important it could add to their fear of town. As mentioned above, people clearly fear them when they are around. Its highly unlikely that Eden would be a target - unless it's by someone paid to do it. Perhaps by someone rich like Quinn, Briar or Remy. Maybe even Leighton. Or, Eden's past abuse simply clouds their perception of themself due to how long they've been alone. This is emphasised by when someone asked Vrel if Eden would accept a yandere PC stalking them. Vrel said it "could work." Does Eden really fear being victimised? Or would this be a special case as they'd like PC?
The "Eden was an orphan" theory also means Bailey likely gained the role of caretaker as Eden was leaving or had left. With Bailey being around the same age its highly unlikely that they were the caretaker at the time. The abuse Eden faced either as an orphan by another caretaker or at the hands of their family may have been worse than what we see PC goes through. Sexual abuse is a probability. We don't know how Eden lost their virginites. We don't know if they were abused, the abuser themself, or if it was consensual. It also could explain Eden's closed mouth on their issues. They could have been taught that sharing that stuff was weak and to bottle it all up.
Eden's need for control does imply that they were hurt indeed. The animal hatred element is obvious, in the forest with aggressive creatures it is nigh impossible that Eden hasn't had some bad run-ins. Maybe even some sexual ones they didn't consent to. The temple could also be involved with this, fueling Eden's distrust of them.
So how does this theorised past impact PC?
I'd argue that Eden sees themself as a saviour to PC in a way. If Eden found peace living in this way after a childhood similar to PC's then they could believe that PC will find the same comfort they do out in the woods.
If Eden lost a friend in Bailey and now has a very strained relationship with them or was abandoned as a child somehow then it helps to explain why they're so possessive over PC. They don't want to lose someone else.
If Eden has been hurt by animals, then they lash out at PC by treating them as one.
They do love PC, as Vrel has said, just in their own way. An unhealthy and twisted way. They also do view PC as incompetent or soft (Vrel says Eden views PC as too gentle to shoot them with their gun) - perhaps willingly putting this on them for their own peace of mind or seeing a younger self in PC.
This can also been seen in how Vrel says Eden would not care if PC was previously a criminal or rich before they got them. Eden doesn't want PC to be someone they were before. They want PC to be who Eden wants them to be. Or, who Eden knows them to be. It's up for interpretation.
Where does this leave us overall?
Eden is paranoid, controlling, hard working and I don't believe they've as dumb as popularly interpreted - especially when you consider that they have to be dumbed down for gane mechanics and fairness reasons.
They trust next to no one and act out when that trust is broken or when their control is shaken. They are insecure.
They keep their cards close to their chest. They know how to keep secrets. But what those secrets are remains to be seen.
Further updates may provide more answers, especially a big update such as Pregnancy. We'll be able to see Eden's behaviour towards a baby and glean some info then.
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lindszeppelin · 8 months
Here’s how they could have made a better cake for Austin if Kaia actually knew anything about him:
Get rid of all the weird sports jerseys, and put boxing gloves on there instead. He loves boxing and MMA fighting
Put some CDs or little vinyl records on there for his love of music
Get rid of the weird egg in a frying pan and instead put some oranges on the cake, to reference the orange tree he had as a child
Instead of the sports jerseys yet again give him an Anaheim Mighty Ducks reference since we know he likes that
Get rid of milo, Kaia, and the house because that does not need to be on his birthday cake. But I suppose if anything, put a picture instead of his childhood dog Jake or of his moms dog Darla. And put some pictures of his family on the cake for Christ sake
Since the man like vintage clothes, put a cute little denim jacket and combat boots in there with a shopping tag
The film stuff I’m not horribly mad at but it’s too general and not specific to him. Put the sword of shannarah on the cake, alongside an Elvis style belt buckle perhaps, and a green shirt in reference to Austin’s first extra job on Ned’s, which was wearing the green and orange shirts.
Put some VHS tapes on there of Fight Club, Serge Gainsgourg's film Slogan, Pulp Fiction, Raging Bull, and East of Eden to represent his favorite films.
Put a journal and a pen on there for his love of writing.
And boom, fixed the cake and made it better in 2 seconds.
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jesuisici33 · 6 months
tagged by @hippolotamus and @disasterbuckdiaz
shuffle your ON REPEAT playlist and list the first 10 songs
teenage dream/break free - &juliet (broadway version)
from eden - hozier
pretty isn't pretty - olivia rodrigo
now that we don't talk - taylor swift
this love (taylor's version) - taylor swift
your fault - into the woods (2022 broadway cast)
satellite call - sara bareilles
that scrooge - a vhs christmas carol
whataya want from me - &juliet (west end version)
superman (taylor's version) - taylor swift
your top 15 favorite tv shows can say a lot about your personality (list your top 15 shows)
schitt's creek
good omens
brooklyn nine nine
supernatural (1-10)
doctor who
abbott elementary
puppet history
the flash (1-5)
one day at a time
the crown
tagging @911-on-abc @rmd-writes @apothecarose @mammameesh @ramonaflow @eddiebabygirldiaz @monsterrae1 @thewolvesof1998 @liminalmemories21 @pirrusstuff @your-catfish-friend @loserdiaz @wandering-night19 @fortheloveofbuddie @forthewolves @wikiangela @wildlife4life @aroeddiediaz @tyfinn @flowertrigger @saraminia @mallpretzles @callmenewbie
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kitsumidori · 1 month
BL3 Remix/Siren Song Lore Post
I couldn't think of a better way to title this but basically this is the rewrite I've been working on for quite awhile and I think it's good enough to post
The majority of the story is somewhat still intact with a few key differences. (More under the cut)
Angel ended up surviving the Control Core assault but was left in critical condition, Lilith helped with her recovery to the point that she became Angel's new mom.
The Calypso twins are not sirens, instead they are Eternals and decided to impersonate as siren's to trick the masses into joining their cult, going so far as covering their rashes with makeup and making fake siren tattoos.
Ava is instead the phaseleach siren and actually came to Pandora because of a strange voice telling her to.
(This would take place when she was 10, so 3 years before BL3's story took off.)
Maya ended up staying in Pandora instead of going back to Athenas since after giving some thought, Athenas maybe her birth home, but all she remembers is being sheltered for most of her life and being used as a threat.
Like in canon, Maya takes Ava in, but more as a daughter rather than just an apprentice.
Tannis is still a siren like in canon, however since Angel is still alive with her powers still intact, Tannis has a different ability rather than phaseshift.
(That being called Phasesight)
Borderlands 3
Pandora 1
The Calypso's did to ambush Lilith, however Tyreen leached her a lot longer than canon, to the point where Lilith was left in a coma 
Fiona is here. While rebuilding the raider, Vaughn recommended a few people he knew with one of them being Fiona and let's just say that she and Lilith became more than just allies.
Fiona was at first staying in Pandora, but after Lilith was attacked she didn't want to leave her side and force herself into the ship while also in complete hysteric 
Lor’s character is slightly altered, mainly his aggressiveness is toned down and he's way less rude that how he is in canon (still a bit stressed though)
Sasha's here, Malawan believed that she'd disappeared but in reality she was in hiding sabotaging Malawan’s plans.
Mostly the same in canon instead with Ava tagging along with the Vault Hunter's since Maya did promise her that she can do a mission as long as she keeps her tattoos hidden from the monks and she'd stick with the Vault Hunter's.
Maya refuses to even step foot on Athenas, she only left the ship when she found out how to open the Anchorhold.
Shortly before, she found out that she was never abandoned by her parents, but was kidnapped by Sophis.
Prometheus 2
The storyline is the same as canon up until the vault of the Rampager.
Troy attempted to leach Maya's powers, but failed miserably and was stop by one of the Vault Hunter's
Maya survived with her powers intact and only suffered a broken wrist.
Troy…wellllll….he ended up getting shot in the head by Moze, killing him instantly (at first...)
This was also when the raiders found out that the Calypso were Eternals.
After that, the rest of the BL2 vault hunters join Sanctuary lll and let's just say…..they were pissed.
There basically family at that point and if you go after family, your making it personal
While everyone is arguing on what to do if they came across Tyreen again, Krieg kept silent, brainstorming with himself on what to do with that rat boy's sister if he sees her again.
By the time of the Eden-6 arc, Tyreen used her powers to revive Troy (basically the unused Evil Troy design)
Aurelia is still working with the raiders and is undercover, joining the C.O.V to get more info.
Troy still has a weird thing for her but unlike canon……she's not interested in him and think he's a creep (that and she straight up told him that she's a lesbian)
Pandora 2
The boss battle with Troy ends a little differently, instead of dying he tries to leach one of the VH's but was instead leached by Ava, leaving him dead.
Before she fucked of to somewhere else, Tyreen leached what's left of Troy, so some part of him is still with her.
The raiders still meet Typhon, but instead of how it played out in canon, everyone stops seeing him in a good light not only after learning that he's the father of the Calypso's, but that he's the reason on why the twins act like that and how casually he talks about his shitty parenting.
Maya and Krieg hated him instantly, not only for the fact that the only thing that Typhon values about his late wife involved sex, but also talked about it in front of a 13 year old.
Tannis still admired Typhon at first, but she started to see the cracks and is now both embarrassed and disgusted at all the praise she gave him.
Lilith had since awoken from her coma and wanted to join the Vault Hunter's trip to Nekrotefayo, much to the displease of the other raiders.
And let's just say that it's taking every amount of her strength to not straight up kill Typhon.
Pandora 3
From then on the storyline is the same as canon, up until the final cutscene where Lilith sacrifices herself after getting her powers back.
Instead of dying or going MIA, she survived thanks to the Watcher, but was gravely injured.
Once she has recovered, she announces that she's retiring and is making Maya the new leader of the Crimson Raiders.
Tyreen miraculously survived the battle. Everyone believes she's dead and she'd like to keep it that way.
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dnschmidt · 4 months
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Enjoy fifteen science fiction short stories filled with adventure, aliens, robots, and monsters! Take your flying car to the drive-in because the show’s about to start! In "The Doom Tapes", the earth is invaded by aliens. The only ones who can save the world are the clerks at Last Chance Video, the last movie rental store that still stocks VHS. “Robot Eden” is the story of a trio of machines wandering a post-apocalyptic wasteland in search of the one place humans can never enter. Gangs of survivors fight them at every turn, seeking to scrap them for parts. In “The Many Bodies of Harlan Thorne”, a spacefaring assassin has a collection of cloned bodies, each with a different super power. It’s a great life, until a clone refuses to go back into storage. In “The Texas Creepers”, a man plays poker with parasites from another dimension. “Mystery Meat Monster” features a truck stop in space, aliens, ray guns, and the galaxy’s most dangerous meatloaf. The collection also includes the novella “The Asteroid Heist.” A thief and conman has a plan to pull off the biggest crime in history. But how do you steal three miles of space rock?
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silvanoir · 1 year
Trigun '98 rewatch
I finished rewatching all of the '98 Trigun anime. On DVD this time, because I long ago got rid of the VHS tapes when I got rid of my VCR (but kept the covers), and replaced them with the collector's edition DVD tins. Not the same watching experience, as when I watched and rewatched it over and over on old square tvs on top of bureaus, in the late 90s/early 2000s, y'know?
If you're new to Trigun, I'd say watch the '98 anime first THEN read the manga, the anime is a bit more toned down and has less in it, and the dub has a few spots of awkward translation. The manga has far more details, a better translation, and is more intense.... some real graphic violence at points. Humanity as a whole feels a bit more likeable in the old anime, though, and it feels more hopeful at the end, I'll say that. Plus you'd be less disappointed by the changes from one to another. I have no opinion on the new anime (2023) because I haven't watched it.
spoiler time:
Still want someone to call Knives out on his BS. Not debate him on the nature of humanity/the universe like he wants, but on how he personally f'ed things up for himself and others. Vash is never going to agree with you! ever! You saw over a century of scarring on him and he still hasn't given up on humans, you sent killers after him and killed people he cares about (well he cares about everyone) and it doesn't matter, you can't PUNISH someone into agree with you! And even if you did manage to punish someone into "agreeing" they wouldn't really be agreeing in their heart, just saying whatever you want to hear to get you to stop hurting them and those they care about.
IF you really wanted someone by your side to bitch about how much you hate humanity together, YOU HAD A GUY! You don't have to turn your brother into that guy, you had a guy! Legato would've been over the moon to be officially recognized as a substitute little brother, you could've sat up on some high tower snarking and snarling and snacking, human-haters-only club. Real family not working out for you--- try FOUND family. But no. He was literally dying for your approval (literally literally literally). Now what've you got? nuthin' Vash will only stick by you because again, he doesn't hate anyone and you're brothers, and as DAMAGE CONTROL, but he is never, never, never going to agree with you.
And you wanted to make your own little Eden? Well almost all your actions have made the world more hellish. So you fail in that too. Manga Knives was at least trying to liberate the plants albeit in a messed up selfish way that proved his downfall.... but what are you doing other than making everyone more afraid and angry and full of pain, HMMMMMM? You made entire towns disappear, OK.... and then what? AND THEN WHAT? You want the planet to be just you and Vash? You don't even get along!
I'm not mad at the writing choices or characterization, to be clear, he works just fine as a villain and I don't want any changes, I just want someone to yell at him while he's still incapacitated AFTER the last episode and therefore has no choice but to listen.
The other thing I want to say, without making this TOO long is the anime line "The ticket to the future is open" what a klunky way to translate. The Future Is Wide Open or The Future Is A Blank Ticket would've been far better.
Still one of my favorite animes ever though, that despite it imperfections I somehow feel better after watching it everytime. Something something the world is f'ed up and left us half-crazed and beaten down, let's all keep going and appreciate the blue sky anyway.
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duranduratulsa · 2 years
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Up next on my 80's Fest Movie and TV Marathon...Freddy's Nightmares: Lucky Stiff (1988) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #tv #television #horror #anightmareonelmstreet #freddysnightmares #anightmareonelmstreettheseries #wescraven #RIPWesCraven #freddy #freddykrueger #robertenglund #marycrosby #DavidLander #traceywalter #richardeden #vintage #vhs #80s #80sfest #durandurantulsas4thannual80sfest
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valsilverhand-archive · 9 months
Anyway here is a Lore Dump on Borderlands Camilla! The events go from BL1 - Tales from the Borderlands - BL3.
.... this is Long. I've had her for YEARS at this point and have had the chance to flesh her out properly. Everything is in points because I think it's more fun to explain that way.
Camilla was born and raised on Pandora by fairly loving parents.
Her parents worked as hard as they could to teach her everything from street smarts to book smarts.
She worked her ass off to attend the schooling programs on Hyperion, making her way to be a scientist.
She is a pro with Eridium and that gets her into Hyperion's scientist section very, very quickly. She's basically hired on the spot.
Jack hired her from reading her notes.
Camilla had a brief 'affair' with Handsome Jack.
She tormented her old coworker Jerry because she thought he was a pain in the ass.
She did, in fact, kill Jerry by 'accident' after he said she was a third rate scientist.
Eventually she worked her way into working with Jack's daughter, Angel, and was forced to do terrible things to that girl. She hates herself for it.
When Hyperion fell, Camilla was abducted by the budding Calypso Twin's cultists family and was forced to become the wife of one of the sub sections leaders.
She ends up on Eden-6 because of this.
She suffered being drugged and abused for five years until the Vault Hunter comes their way.
She meets FL4K.
FL4K gives her a hurt, baby Jabber, and tells her to take care of it for them.
FL4K helps her find shelter with Wainright and Hammerlock, where they help nurse her back to health, and she does the same for the baby jabber.
She names the Jabber, Jack, for ironies sake.
She gives Jack a little outfit infused with kevlar to keep her safe.
After she is brought back to a decent state, she ends up heading back to Pandora to travel around with Jack, and to learns the ropes of becoming a VH.
She continues to have random run ins with FL4K.
Said run ins turn into her having a crush on her savior.
FL4K and Camilla end up traveling around together for some time after that.
They start teaching eachother new things along the way.
Their friendship is interesting to say the least.
Camilla is one of the few people that FL4K's pets actually protect without being told to.
At some point they end up dating and eventually they get 'married' several years down the line under one of the full moons. FL4K is wearing their 'human' mask that night, but Camilla convinces them to change it back to their normal face. She likes their big, glowing eye.
Eventually Camilla becomes a 'grandma' when Jack has babies. They suspect that FL4K's jabber and her got a little frisky when they were busy with something else.
Blah blah blah this is long enough for now and my memory is fuzzy on the ending. I think I have Cam die at some point and then she returns as a robot, but I never got that far. I was just happy with my babies being VH's together until Cam can't physically do it anymore.
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throwaninkpot · 5 months
Oh to be 8 years old, unaware I'm undergoing terrific trauma, watching Doctor Who on VHS tapes my grandma records off her TV and gives to us at church every Sunday, getting praise from adults because I read books Jane Eyre and Frankenstein,but then getting yelled at by my mom bc I played Garden of Eden with dolls and she thought it was immoral for Barbie and Ken to be naked.
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necros-writing-stuff · 9 months
Had a dream last night where I was Eden's spouse and he kept old VHS tapes of Winnie the Pooh movies hidden away.
So it will now be in my canon that Eden finds comfort in the Winnie the Pooh series thank you.
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asrealasadonut · 1 year
This must be the place
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Gif by @karamelcoveredolicity the real mvp of this fandom especially the Sebastian kydd stans.
Warnings: age gap relationship, brief drug use, kissing, (idk how to write physical intimacy can you tell) swearing, grammar and spelling mistakes
Author’s note: Fuck it imma just post this not fully realized Sebastian/oc fic because I refuse to work on it anymore lol
Summary: Rosie West experienced her first real heartbreak when she was 14. He was the most beautiful boy she'd ever seen. His name was Sebastain Kydd.
It was 1985. Rosie West was the shy younger sister of Top athlete and straight A student, Thomas West. In contrast to her brother, she didn't have many friends. She just went to school and went home.
Her older brother, Thomas walks her home everyday. People at her strict catholic school never paid attention to her, especially boys. It's not that she wanted a boyfriend at that age but, if you paid attention, everyone else had one.
She usually went to her school’s library to avoid any unwanted attention. In the corner of her eye she would see girls and their boyfriends of the week sneak behind bookshelves. They just couldn’t keep their hands off of eachother. She looked away and rolled her brown eyes, holding her book tighter. It was like Rosie couldn't escape it. But deep down, she felt that she was missing out.
One day after school she walked through her favorite place, the video store. She spent most weekends here, renting every movie from the 50s over again until the employees were sick of her hogging the only copy of East of Eden.
She was minding her business when she laid her eyes on a very tall boy that she'd never seen before. He walked in. Blue Jeans. White shirt. Golden blonde hair pushed back. He looked just like James Dean with his pouty lips and his big shiny blue eyes. She couldn’t believe how beautiful he was.
Before she knew it she was following the tall boy. She tried to casually walk down the same aisles he was. When he went to the horror section, so did she.
The boy eventually caught on to the younger girl close behind him and decided to speak to her.
Her eyes went wide. She didn’t think he could actually see her. She thought she was being subtle and mysterious.
“Hello.” She squeaked back.
All she could do was stare at him.
She fumbled with the vhs in her hands turning the cover over to the front. The blonde boy took notice.
“Rebel without a cause”
“The movie.”
He points at the tape.
She looks at her hands.
“Oh right!”
She nervously laughed
“I like stuff from the 50s.”
He nods.
“That’s cool.”
He runs a hand through his hair.
His casual gaze was setting her on fire. She had to leave the store and go home and scream in her pillow about this boy giving her attention.
“Gotta go… pay for this.”
He nods, still holding her gaze. The 14 year old girl was stuck frozen in place.
“Okay, bye.”
She quickly snapped out of the trance that big had her in and walked towards the cashier.
She quickly paid the renting fee for the movie and walked out of the store.
The cool air hit her face and eased her racing mind. Who was that guy?? Boys like that don’t just appear out of thin air! It felt unreal like he was a gift from the angels above. Taking pity on a poor teenage girl by creating the boy of her dreams.
A few days passed and it was Friday. The day that mom let Thomas bring all his annoyingly loud jock friends over to the house. Even with her door closed she could hear everything! Thomas could only bring his friends around after school if Rosie stayed up in her room. It was the only way their mother would allow it. This didn't stop the curious 14 year old from spying on whatever they were doing in the living room. Older boys scared her. They were louder and taller and somehow more annoying than the ones at her school.
She peeked out to the living room where the boys were. She overheard her brother talk to the blond boy she saw at the video store!
They were talking and laughing. Thomas rummaging through the kitchen for snacks.
“Hey Tom. Where's your bathroom?” The boy ran his hand through his blonde locks. He sighed.
“Around the corner Down the hall.”
He looked tired.
He took his leather jacket off and laid it on the couch.
“God he’s so perfect!” She thought to herself. Her breath hitched in her throat.
He made his way towards the door frame she was standing near. Peeking at him. He squinted slightly. He slowly realized he’s seen her before.
“Oh hey.”
She looked up at him, deciding to be silent. Rosie ddint know what to do with her hands or body. The cute boy from the video store was in her house looking at her.
“Rosie!” She heard her brother say.
She snuck back behind her hiding place.
“Alright I'm going!” she hollers back.
She flashes the blond boy an awkward smile before she dragged herself to her room.
Rosie's bed room was only one door down from the bathroom. She left it open just a crack so she could hear if Thmas wanted something or if her mother came home early.
She was sitting on the floor listening to her michael jackson cassette. She bopped her head to the song when she looked up and saw the blond boy poking his head through her door. He lifted his hand to wave at her.
She quickly slid her headphones off her scalp.
“Hi, you must be Rosie.”
Her heart was pounding.
“Yeah, hi.”
“I think we met before? At the video store right?”
She managed to nod her head.
“He’s just a boy Rosie, chill out.”
She thought to herself. Yeah. A boy who cared to recognize her!
“Shouldn't you be with my brother?”
He shakes his head and leans up against her door frame.
“I was on my way out actually. Just wanted to say hi. I'm Sebastain by the way.”
He told her that Thomas was one of the first people to befriend him at their school. Thomas was so friendly and easy to talk to. It was something Rosie envied. A friend of her brothers actually caring enough to talk to her?? Surreal.
He came around the house more and more. Instead of hanging with Thomas, he’d hang on the doorframe to Rosie’s room and chat about whatever.
Sebastian was different from any other boy she had ever met. He had a genuine gentleness. It was in his big blue eyes. Most of Thomas's friends ignored her, but not Sebastian. He always asked how she was doing, trying to make her comfortable.
Just simple small talk. Nodding like he was interested in the things she had to say. It was like he could tell how lonely she was. Being so shy, it was hard for Rosie to be the one to start conversations, but it felt so easy with the tall boy.
One afternoon after school, she entered the diner alone. Usually her brother would meet her there and they’d walk home together. But when he got too busy with extracurriculars, she had go by herself. Her mother gave her a house key and told her not to talk to strangers.
This time she pleased to see sebastain alone, face pensive. A white coffee mug steaming in front of him. Too hot to drink.
She slipped into his booth.
He looks up with a slow smile forming on his face.
“Good to see you Rosie.”
They talked until it got dark. They made it a habitual thing. They’d share a basket of fries and he would spill his soul to her.
He drove her home. He played her songs that he thought she'd like. They’d go to the video store and give each other movie recommendations. They became close.
That summer, Sebastian told her that his dad got him a replica of James Dean’s race car, Little Bastard. He said they were gonna fix it up together. He was so excited to start working on it. She liked seeing him smile. The way his lip would curl mischievously made her heartbeat thump so loud she could hear it to her ears.
Rosie would ride her bike, passing through his rich neighborhood every day just to catch a glimpse of the beautiful boy. Sometimes she'd catch Sebastain working on his car. He’d wave and smile warmly at the girl. As time passed, she noticed that his dad wasn't around helping him with the car. They were supposed to work on it together.
She stopped in front of the driveway to talk to Sebastian.
“Isn't your dad supposed to help you?”
He shook his head.
“Nah, he had some stuff to do”
He responded. Clearly annoyed.
She bit her lip. She hated seeing him upset.
“If I knew how to fix a car, I’d help you.”
The corner of his lip curled.
“Thanks, Rosie. I know you would.”
She lightly kicked her foot against the pavement. Her eyes were downcast, watching the ground scuff her brand new white shoes.
“You could help me wash it when I'm done.”
She looks up and smiles shyly.
It was the last weekend before senior year began, so Thomas decided to throw a party at his house.
“Keep your door locked ok? I don't want anyone bothering you.”
He told Rosie.
She stayed in her room catching up on some required reading, the loud music was thumping. It was way too distracting, so she put on her headphones and tried to down out Thomas’ music.
She heard a knock on her door. At first she assumed that it was the booming bass of the music. But she heard the knocking again a little louder. She assumed it was Tommy so she unlocked the door and poked her head through the crack.
It was Sebastain. Her face lit up.
Her voice was relaxed but excited.
“Can’t sleep?”
She shook her head.
She invited him in. They talked for a while. She’s wrapped up in her comforter and he sat on the ground next to her bed.
“You’re so much easier to talk to than anyone else.”
They were sitting across from each other. So close now. His head tilted and his bottom lip poked out.
His face was so close to hers now that she could count every eyelash on Sebastian’s face. She really wanted to kiss him but she never kissed anyone before. What if she did it wrong and he wouldn’t like her anymore. Her mind was racing almost as fast as her heart beat.
He cupped her cheek.
“Can I kiss you?”
She tried to breathe. Her heart stopped.
This moment felt like a dream. If she thought too hard about it, he could disappear and she’d wake up.
She nodded desperately.
His lips met hers. His mouth was so soft and warm against hers.
It was like nothing her mind could possibly dream up. She practiced on her teddy bear and watched 50s romance films but this was real. So very real.
He broke away from her face resting his forehead on hers.
“I love you, Rosie.”
Before she could process what he just said, There was a knock on her door. Rosie’s body froze.
“Rosie? You alright?”
It was Thomas calling from outside her door.
She hollers back.
“Can I come in? Unlock the door.”
She goes wide eyed.
The tall boy cringes and looks around the room. He quickly opens the window and starts climbing down.
“You’re leaving?”
She whispers.
He shook his head.
“Talk to your brother.”
The window closed and the boy was out of sight.
Rosie sighed and walked to her bedroom door. She unlocked it. Eyes met her older brothers.
“You ok?”
She nodded.
“The party’s dead. Can you help me clean it up before mom gets back?”
She sighs.
He looks past her room suspiciously.
“Hang back for a bit. I’m still tryna get everyone out.”
She smiles innocently.
“Ok. I’ll come down later.”
Thankfully Thomas was oblivious and made his way down the hall.
She closes the door. Resting behind it, sighing.
She looks out the window to see the boy had left.
The first week of freshman year began for Rosie West and she was still stuck on that kiss. Her first kiss with an older boy. She couldn’t focus on her classes because she couldn’t stop thinking about Sebastian.
One day Sebastain’s Red Porsche pulls up next to her as she's on her way home.
He greets.
She replied deflated.
“Can I talk to you?”
The boy's eyes were sincere.
Rosie couldn't say no to him.
She tried to sound less desperate than she felt.
She got into the passenger’s seat.
They sat in silence for what felt like forever.
The older boy turned to her. Not knowing what to say.
“I felt lonely for a long time before I moved here.”
She nods slowly.
“And then I met you and everything started to make sense.”
He tenderly grabbed her hand.
“I meant what I said at the party.”
The back of his fingers brush her cheek.
“Sebastian, I-“
“You don’t have to say it if you're not ready.”
He holds her hand and interrwines his finger with hers.
“We can take it slow.”
They start dating. In secret of course. Rosie was terrified to know if her older brother knew. It was good that they went to different schools so it would be less likely for Thomas to find out about them. Besides that, they tried to be discreet as possible. It worked for the most part.
Most of their time together consisted of Sebastian sneaking into her room when he knew Tomas wouldn’t be home. He had to park his car really far down the opposite end of the street and walk to her place.
His blond head poked outside Rosie’s window. She smiles and opens it.
“Hey, you wanna go for a ride?”
Rosie eagerly nodded. She slipped her shoes on and put on her jacket. The two of them slipped out from the window then made their way to Sebastian’s car.
They rode around for a bit then made their way to the edge of town to a small park with a lake. The boy came often to clear his head or get away from his parents.
Across from a shady tree there they sat in the empty parking lot.
“Oh, Tommy’ll lose him mind if he knew I was out with you this late.”
“Let him.”
She laughed at how loose Sebastian’s attitude could be. He was truly a rebel.
“God, you’ve got the cutest laugh.”
Rosie smiled shyly. Her face warmed up with embarrassment.
Sebastian pulled out a joint. Rosie had never seen one before. She did a double take. She’s seen girls from school smoke cigarettes behind the dumpster at lunch but never anything worst than that.
“You don’t mind do you?”
He asked politely.
She brushed off her reluctance.
“No go head.”
She smiled shyly.
“Can I have some?”
“You sure?”
“If you like it, I wanna try.”
“Rosie you don’t have to.”
“Just a little?”
He shrugged and passed it to her.
She tried to smoke it like the girls at school. Enhaling deeply but exhaling toofast. Rosie started coughing. She didn’t like it too much.
“You’re supposed to breathe out a lot slower. You wanna try again?”
She tired is again with Sebastian’s new advice.
It was a little better the second time. It didn’t feel so different. She thought drugs worked instantly so she just sat there silently waiting for her mind to alter. She handed the joint back to the tall boy.
She pouted. Her ears picked up on the song playing on the radio. She couldn’t recognize it but it was slow and sad. It made her chest ache. She felt it through the radio and into her soul.
Sebastian took notice of her changed demeanor.
“You doin’ ok?”
She looks up at him. Her brown eyes are big and glossy. She felt like she couldn’t breath. His face looked so angelic. The sunset was going down making his face less visible. She wanted the sun to come back so she could see Seb look at her again.
“You're so pretty.”
She could feel the words in her throat getting thick. Before she knew it, tears were flowing down her cheeks.
“Why are you with me?”
Sebastian's eyes go wide with concern
“God sometimes I just look at you and I can’t believe you’re real and…you like me.”
She looked down.
“Did West say something?”
She sniffed and she wipes her eyes on her hoodie sleeve.
She shakes her head like a child.
The boy’s eyes were shiny with concern
“I’m sorry! I’m so fucking stupid!”
The blonde shakes his head.
“Oh no Rosie. You’re not stupid.”
He takes her face in his hands and looks deep into her eyes.
Sebastian goes quiet. Thinking of what to say next. He sighs.
“I am crazy about you, Rosie. You know that right? I think you're the coolest. No one gets me like you do. And I love just hanging out with you. I don’t care where we go or what we do. We could just sit in my car all day and I’d be the happiest boy in the world.”
He wipes her cheeks with his thumbs.
“You’re my girl.”
He whispered it like a prayer.
She sniffs. Her brown eyes sparkled with wonder at the beautiful boy.
Sebastian nods. His mouth curled into a sweet smile that took Rosie’s breath away.
He pulled away for a second so she could compose herself.
He puts his hand on her shoulder. He rubbed soothing circles with his thumb.
She wiped her nose and she smiled sadly.
He tilted his head towards her. His eyes never left her.
“Can you remind me? That you still like me.”
She looked down and messed with the ribbed edge of her hoodie sleeve.
He chuckles.
“Don’t be.”
He smiled at her and had this coy look in his eye. He put the car in drive and took off.
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
Rosie watched the sky turn a deep blue as Sebastian drove them into the city. She had never been to New York until now.
He promised he’d take her.
Seeing all those bright lights up close felt magical.
One day Thomas finds out. He gets Sebastain alone at school.
“Stay away from my little sister, man.”
His warm brown eyes turned cold, focused and hard. He was deadly serious.
Just then it really hit him. Sebastian felt like he did at his last school. Wrong. Just wrong.
The next two weeks, they try to avoid each other. No diner. No secret car rides. Rosie became more anxious, she couldn't focus on her classes.
She missed Sebastain terribly so she bravely decided to call his house. She didn't know who would answer, since his parents were always far too busy to be at home with their child. He never answered, but instead the housekeeper. She apologized and told her he wasn't home. That's when she grew worried. He wasn't at the diner after school like normal either.
Sebastian showed up at her house lightly knocking at her window that night.
She threw her bedside lamp on and she let him up.
He grabbed her face a little more forceful than normal.
His lips met hers into a feverish kiss. It took Rosies breath away. Sebastian didnt kiss her like that. He was usually gentle.
“I missed you so much.”
He still held her face and pulled her to her bed.
Her hands never let go of his. Rosie loves his hands. They were so much bigger than hers.
She took one of them and started kissing his palm. She turned his hands over and her eyes grew wide.
His knuckles were all red and scabbed over.
She looked up at the tall boy.
“what happened?”
He pulled his hands from her tender grip and ran one through his hair. The other rubbed his knee.
“I got expelled today.”
Rosie’s face fell.
“I started a fight. This guy said something really stupid and then I just lost it and kept beating him til he bled.” I got so mad you know? Just….at everything. I haven't seen my mom in months. Im having a real hard time Rosie.”
He broke down in her arms. She rubbed his back as he tried to keep his weeping at a quiet volume as to not wake up Thomas on the other room. She just let him weep into her stomach.
All she could do was listen to the boy. He had so much going on in his head. Everyone had these bad opinions of him and that really hurt Rosie’s already fragile heart. He was the sweetest boy she’d ever known. No one understood him the way she did.
The boy looked up at her. His eyes red and puffy.
“Go to bed with me?”
He nods and slowly stands to his feet. He waited for her to get situated under the covers. He kicked his sneakers off.
“I’ll be right back.” She tells him.
She comes back with a glass of water. She hands it to the sad boy.
He gratefully took it from her and downed the whole thing.
“Thank you.”
He looks up at her.
She strokes his soft blond hair.
“Of course.”
She smiles back.
They climb into her tiny twin bed. Face to face on her pillow. The bedside lamp cast the room in a soft glow. It made his face look golden.
“You’re the only thing I care about.”
He whispered, eyelids dropping.
She closed her eyes and let her exhaustion overtake her body. They fall asleep holding eachother. Cozy and warm.
A soft voice called her name and woke her up the next morning. It was Sebastian leaning over her. He smiled tiredly.
“I gotta go baby.”
She let out a groan and fopped to the other side of the bed and met his eyes. She grabbed his hands lazily. They were soft and warm.
“Don’t go. Lay here with me all day.”
“I really want to.”
He made his way to her window. He slipped out into the blue sky. He pokes his head out to say one thing.
“I’ll call you later.”
That’s all folks sorry!!
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