#elizabeth peña
filmreveries · 6 months
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Jacob’s Ladder (1990) dir. Adrian Lyne
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stijlw · 10 months
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elizabeth peña and tim robbins in jacob's ladder (1990)
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90smovies · 2 years
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now-watching · 2 years
Recommendations 81-85:
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81. GOLD DIGGERS OF 1933 (1933), dir. Mervyn LeRoy, Busby Berkeley
Things get tough for Carol and her showgirl pals, Trixie and Polly, when the Great Depression kicks in and all the Broadway shows close down. Wealthy songwriter Brad saves the day by funding a new Depression-themed musical for the girls to star in, but when his stuffy high-society brother finds out and threatens to disown Brad, Carol and her gold-digging friends scheme to keep the show going, hooking a couple of millionaires along the way.”
Availability: Can be rented via AppleTV, VUDU, Amazon, and GooglePlay.
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82. LA BAMBA (1987), dir. Luis Valdez
Los Angeles teenager Ritchie Valens becomes an overnight rock ’n’ roll success in 1958, thanks to a love ballad called “Donna” that he wrote for his girlfriend. But as his star rises, Valens has conflicts with his jealous brother, Bob, and becomes haunted by a recurring nightmare of a plane crash just as he begins his first national tour alongside Buddy Holly.”
Availability: Can be streamed via Starz with a subscription and also available for rental through VUDU, AppleTV, Amazon, and GooglePlay.
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83. THE FOG OF WAR (2003), dir. Errol Morris
“Using archival footage, cabinet conversation recordings, and an interview of the 85-year-old Robert McNamara, The Fog of War depicts his life, from working as a WWII whiz-kid military officer, to being the Ford Motor Company’s president, to managing the Vietnam War as defense secretary for presidents Kennedy and Johnson.”
Availability: Can be rented via AppleTV, Amazon, and GooglePlay.
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84. I AM A FUGITIVE FROM A CHAIN GANG (1932), dir. Mervyn LeRoy
A World War I veteran’s dreams of becoming a master architect evaporate in the cold light of economic realities. Things get even worse when he’s falsely convicted of a crime and sent to work on a chain gang.”
Availability: Available for rental via AppleTV, VUDU, Amazon, and GooglePlay.
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85. INHERIT THE WIND (1960), dir. Stanley Kramer
Schoolteacher Bertram Cates is arrested for teaching his students Darwin’s theory of evolution. The case receives national attention and one of the newspaper reporters, E.K. Hornbeck, arranges to bring in renowned defense attorney and atheist Henry Drummond to defend Cates. The prosecutor, Matthew Brady is a former presidential candidate, famous evangelist, and old adversary of Drummond.”
Availability: Can be rented through GooglePlay, AppleTV, VUDU, and Amazon.
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[The American Experience Film Recs]
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gbhbl · 2 years
Horror Movie Review: Jacob’s Ladder (1990)
Horror Movie Review: Jacob’s Ladder (1990)
Jacob’s Ladder is a 1990 American psychological horror film directed by Adrian Lyne, produced by Alan Marshall, written by Bruce Joel Rubin, and starring Tim Robbins, Elizabeth Peña, and Danny Aiello. On October 6, 1971, an American infantryman, Jacob Singer, is with the 1st Air Cavalry Division. Deployed in a village in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta, when his close-knit unit comes under sudden attack.…
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thebutcher-5 · 1 month
Gli Incredibili
Benvenuti o bentornati sul nostro blog. Nello scorso articolo abbiamo parlato come di consueto di un horror e questa volta abbiamo deciso di recensire il prequel di un’opera che abbiamo portato recentemente qui e a cui sono molto legato, Orphan: First Kill. Siamo in Estonia al Saarne Institute, un ospedale psichiatrico dov’è rinchiusa Leena, una donna di 31 anni con una particolare patologia…
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triforcevillains · 9 months
Jacob´s Ladder (1990)
Der Postbote Jacob trägt viele Laster mit sich, seien es seine Zeit im Vietnam-Krieg oder den Verlust seines Sohnes durch einen Autounfall. In seinem Alltag plagen ihn weiße Gestalten, die ihn zu verfolgen scheinen.
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Er verfällt vermehrt in Erinnerungen an das Leben mit seiner Exfrau und seinem Kind, ebenso bizarren Wahnvorstellungen. (9/10)
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venuscentipede · 9 months
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cinemaquiles · 9 months
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spryfilm · 1 year
Blu-ray review: “Jacob's Ladder” (1990)
“Jacob’s Ladder” (1990) Drama Running Time: 113 minutes Written by: Bruce Joel Rubin Directed by: Adrian Lyne Featuring: Tim Robbins, Elizabeth Peña and Danny Aiello Louis: “Eckhart saw Hell too. He said: The only thing that burns in Hell is the part of you that won’t let go of life, your memories, your attachments. They burn them all away. But they’re not punishing you, he said. They’re…
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peepingtomb · 2 years
Elizabeth Peña was born on this date in 1959.
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ultrahpfan5blog · 10 months
Thoughts on Jack Ryan as a whole....
So with season 4, Jack Ryan comes to an end. In the end, the show has always struck me as a competent, enjoyable, espionage thriller with likable characters, but fairly by the numbers in terms of execution. There has never been anything that has stuck me as 'wow' about it, but I have always enjoyed it. I think Season 1 was probably still my favorite. I think Season 1 and Season 3 were the best seasons. Season 4 was good, but due to reduced episode count, it felt less fleshed out than previous seasons. I didn't quite completely understand the various intricacies of the criminal organization. Season 2 was the weakest because I think it fell into the tropes of Jack Ryan seeking revenge, and in general the story was the least interesting. I think the show benefited by a likable group of actors in key roles. John Krasinski was consistently strong. He is very innately likable and doesn't come off as a superhero. Wendell Pierce as Jack Greer was excellent throughout. Michael Kelly as Mike November was a standout for me. Betty Gabriel as Elizabeth Wright lent a formidable presence in the last 2 seasons. Michael Pena was a big boost for the show in the final season, as Domingo Chavez. Abbie Cornish had a relatively thankless role as Cathy Mueller but she also leaves a mark and she has good chemistry with John Krasinski and was able to be seamless reintegrated into the show, after being absent for seasons 2 and 3. All in all, I quite liked the show. I am glad it didn't overstretch its welcome, even though I would have enjoyed another season.
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prozac-shaped-urn · 2 months
My brain doesn’t form any kind of emotional attraction to someone unless I know enough about them to develop an opinion on whether or not I’d like to be around them a lot. Thinking someone’s hot doesn’t factor into this opinion. I think a lot of people are hot but I don’t know them, so in my view that doesn’t constitute a crush. I’m definitely on the demi-romantic spectrum.
I’m in the middle of a Star Talk podcast with Dr. Janna Levin as the special guest and y’all. Yalllllluh. I’ve held a candle for this woman for 5 years now and not only is she the hottest math professor alive, SHE’S A MATH PROFESSOR so she’s automatically someone I would want to be around a lot. She’s intelligent and witty and self possessed and knows when to use who and whom. I want to listen to her explain event horizons to me forever. Just please never shut up, Dr. Levin. You’ll never bore me. Keep talking.
So, in my case at least, a crush is someone I know I would want to be around for extended periods of time, someone I could see myself developing an attraction to specifically because of their intelligence and humor, and someone who will never bore me. It’s just a bonus if they’re hot.
Great developments in the ole noggin’ tonight.
(See what I’m talking abt??
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Like goddamn.)
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mattribbiani · 4 months
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JULIO PEÑA? Não! É apenas MATTEO TRIBBIANI, ele é filho de NIKÉ do chalé 17 e tem 24 ANOS. A TV Hefesto informa no guia de programação que ele está no NÍVEL III por estar no Acampamento há TREZE ANOS, sabia? E se lá estiver certo, MATT é bastante AMIGÁVEL mas também dizem que ele é SISTEMÁTICO. Mas você sabe como Hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
No coração da cidade de Nova York, um simples entregador de pizza, Marco Tribbiani, viu sua vida transformada quando cruzou o caminho da esplêndida deusa Nike. Uma conexão inesperada floresceu entre eles, resultando no nascimento de Matteo Tribbiani. O relacionamento deles evoluiu rapidamente, mas a súbita partida de Nike, guiada por deveres divinos, deixou Marco perplexo, ignorante da herança divina que ela compartilhava com seu filho recém-nascido, Matteo. Mesmo assim, ele tinha infinitos planos para com seu primeiro filho, animado para tudo o que ainda viveriam juntos — até uma fatalidade acontecer e Marco parar de respirar.
Matt foi acolhido pelas seis irmãs mais novas de Marco. Essas irmãs, unidas pelo desejo comum de proteger e orientar o jovem semideus, formaram um laço familiar único, oferecendo a Matteo suporte emocional e amor, tornando-se a âncora essencial em sua jornada. Elas não poderiam saber de seu laço divino, mas sua infância foi repleta de desafios e sinais de sua herança.
Na escola primária, seus momentos de fúria ou intensa concentração desencadeavam episódios de força, causando estranheza entre seus colegas; como arrebentar a alça da mochila ao retirá-la do encosto da cadeira, machucar de verdade um colega que só queria dar um susto, e rasgar com facilidade livros ao meio quando queria zombar do professor.
Ao chegar ao Acampamento Meio-Sangue, os sinais tornaram-se mais tangíveis. Durante treinamentos de combate, a força descomunal de Matt se revelava sem aviso prévio, superando qualquer expectativa para alguém de sua idade. Nos campos de treinamento de corrida, sua agilidade sobrenatural e resistência inabalável se destacavam, transformando desafios que deixariam outros semideuses exaustos em mera formalidade para ele.
No interior do acampamento, Matt encontrou um lar entre seus iguais, aprimorando suas habilidades sobrenaturais. Seu dom notável, a super força, logo se destacou, tornando-o uma figura respeitada entre seus colegas. Hoje, aos vinte e quatro anos, Matt é um instrutor habilidoso de combate com espada e mestre em corridas de obstáculos solitárias, uma verdadeira força a ser reconhecida dentro das fronteiras seguras do acampamento.
Numa noite sombria, enquanto desfrutava de uma refeição no refeitório, a tranquila atmosfera do Acampamento Meio-Sangue foi abruptamente quebrada. Rachel Elizabeth Dare, a atual oráculo, pronunciou uma profecia angustiante. A revelação de que segredos do Olimpo seriam revelados e o próprio Olimpo cairia mergulhou Matt e seus companheiros semideuses em um estado de apreensão.
Antes do chamado de Dionísio, Matt estava no acampamento. Ele se comunica periodicamente com as seis tias, embora a maioria delas já tenha a sua vida particular e o contato seja mais raro, mas ele sempre as atualiza de tudo o que acontece. O Tribbiani literalmente havia acabado de chegar da casa de uma das irmãs e seus filhos quando foi jantar no pavilhão, no momento em que tudo aconteceu.
Como filho de Niké, tem a autoconfiança como uma velha amiga. Real, ele esbanja autoestima... Só não conta para ele que se ele não tiver pelo menos um date por semana, ele fica insuportável na matéria de insegurança. É uma relação complexa: ele é confiante desde que consiga agradar os outros e os tenha na mão.
Em complemento ao anterior, é um namorador de carteirinha e um amigo festeiro e fiel às amizades.
Pode aparentar ser metido por conta de seu jeito expansivo e do histórico de conquistas, mas é bem humilde em relação a essas coisas. É um jovem como qualquer outro, disposto a sobreviver mais anos do que a média do semideuses e aproveitar a tudo que tem direito. E se tiver muita sorte, ter filhos.
Nas rodas de conversa, é aquele que vai incentivar o mais calado a falar.
Não é competitivo por uma simples razão de autoestima: sabe que vai ganhar.
Estudou Arquitetura Romana por um ano na universidade de Nova Roma antes de trancar o curso por falta de identificação.
Super força: Matt possui um nível imenso e extraordinário de força física, tendo suas capacidades elevadas muito além do nível natural. Isso o torna sobrenaturalmente mais forte do que membros comuns de sua espécie poderiam ser, mesmo através de vários métodos de treinamento.
Vigor e Durabilidade Sobre-humana.
A Níkēphoros se revela de maneira astuta, escondida sob a forma de uma pulseira de ouro. Quando ativada, a pulseira se transforma instantaneamente na imponente espada de bronze celestial. "Níkēphoros" é um nome grego que combina duas palavras: "Níkē," que significa vitória, e "phoros," que significa portador ou transportador. Portanto, o nome "Níkēphoros" pode ser traduzido como "Portador da Vitória" ou "Aquele que traz a Vitória." Essa escolha reflete a natureza da espada, destinada a trazer triunfo e sucesso ao seu portador nas batalhas. Foi forjada pelos ferreiros do Acampamento Meio-Sangue e humildemente alcunhada pelo próprio Tribbiani.
Instrutor de combate com espadas e participa de maneira individual da corrida com obstáculos.
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autistpride · 29 days
These books are written "geared towards" adults and older teens. I personally would let my teen read all of these, so I'm not gatekeeping literature, but use your own judgement on what you think is acceptable for your own kid to read.
Nonfictional Books for adults:
All the weight of our dreams by Lydia XZ Brown
Stim: an autistic anthology edited by Lizzie Huxley-Jones
Connecting with Autism by Casey Corner
Sincerely your Autistic child by AWNN
Uniquely human by Barry m prizant
Engaging autism by Stanley Greenspan
Raising human beings by Ross Greene
Beyond behaviours by Mona delahooke
The whole brain child by Dan Siegel & Tina Payne Bryson
Autism and gender by Jordynn Jack
It's your weirdness that makes you wonderful Kate Allan
Women and girls with autism spectrum disorder Sarah Hendrick
Worlds of Autism by Joyce davidson
Authoring autism by melanie yergeau
Nerdy Shy and Socially Inappropriate Cynthia Kim
Autistic disturbances by julie rodas
War on Autism by Annie McGuire
Rethinking autism diagnosis by kathenne Cole, Rebecca mallet, and sammy
Leaders all around me by Edlyn Vallejo Peña, PhD
Ido in autismland by Ido Kedar
Typed words loud voices by Amy Sequenzia & Elizabeth J. Grace
It's an autism thing by Emma Dalmayne
What Every Autistic Girl Wishes Her Parents Knew by Autism Women’s Network
Women on the Spectrum: A Handbook for Life by Emma Goodall and Yenn Purkis
Unmasking autism by Devon Price
Neurotribes by Steve Silberman
Love, Partnership or Singleton on the Autism Spectrum & Bittersweet on the Autism Spectrum, both edited by Luke Beardon and Dean Worton
Autism, Anxiety and Me: A Diary in Even Numbers by Emma Louise Bridge & Penelope Bridge
Autism: A New Introduction to Psychological Theory and Current Debate by Sue Fletcher-Watson and Francesca Happé
A Practical Guide to Happiness in Adults on the Autism Spectrum: A Positive Psychology Approach by Victoria Honeybourne
Gender Identity, Sexuality and Autism by Eva A. Mendes and Meredith R. Maroney
The Guide to Good Mental Health on the Autism Spectrum by Jeanette Purkis, Dr. Emma Goodall and Dr. Jane Nugent
Different, Not Less: A Neurodivergent's Guide to Embracing Your True Self and Finding Your Happily Ever After by Chloe Hayden
Odd Girl Out by Laura James
Uncomfortable Labels by Laura Kate Dale
Drama Queen by Sara Gibbs
The Electricity of Every Living Thing by Katherine May
Fall down Seven Times Get Up Eight by Naoki Higashida
The Reason I Jump by Naomi Hashida
The Electricity of Every Living Thing by Katherine May
Wintering by Katherine May
Diary of a Young Naturalist by Dara McAnulty
Explaining Humans by Dr. Camilla Pang
Fingers in the Sparkle Jar by Chris Packham
Adult Fiction:
Adult Virgins Anonymous by Amber Crewe
Exciting Times by Naoise Dolan
A Girl Like Her by Talia Hibbert
Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert
Act Your Age, Eve Brown by Talia Hibbert
Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata
Failure to Communicate by Kaia Sønderby
An Unkindness of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon
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