meteors-lotr · 1 month
Faramir: Ew. What kind of tea is this? Éomer: I boiled gatorade.
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partial-boner · 1 year
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John Willie
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blazlngblade · 8 days
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Anytime I listen to "Prison of the Past", I always want to draw Farame, so I decided to do a quick drawing of her this time. The song is a good inspiration.
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omercifulheaves · 2 years
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Dark Souls 2 (2014)
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rastronomicals · 2 months
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11:53 AM EST February 28, 2024:
Mulatu Astatke & His Ethiopian Quintet -   "I Faram Gami I Faram" From the album Afro-Latin Soul Ethiopian Quintet (1966)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
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I know there's a secret boss in Faram Azula, but I don't know who or what it is.
That being said, y'all I think I found it.
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lottafuckingshit · 1 year
to the tune of "Hakuna Matata":
Faram Azula! What a wonderful place! Faram Azula! Where's that god damn Grace?! It means no Erdtree, gone up in a blaze! All one big heresy; according to prophecy! Faram Azula!
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retconomics · 2 years
I'm so not ready to finish elden ring I'm not ready for it to end...
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Are the Demi Humans also people "touched" by the crucible? Or are they a unique race of peoples?
They look like a unique race of people who originated from the Crucible, but are not strongly tied with it like the Misbegotten or Omen are. They certainly seem to be sort of the in-between of man and beast that probably evolved during Crucible times, but they aren't heavily associated with or punished for having Crucible traits bc they don't have the amalgamation of animal features that define one blessed with that primordial magic. Them appearing to have crude civilizations is probably because of Golden Order meddling, though
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kunosoura · 1 year
ok just malenia, fire giant, faram azula, and the endgame trio and I’m done
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brokenpiecesshine · 7 days
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Fall Out Boy, live at Good Things Festival, Melbourne (01/12/2023).
📸 Andrew Faram
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anakajalaka · 10 months
Sei que você tem sido dura consiga mesma,
tem chorado na frente do espelho, arranhado a pele, sentindo nojo de tudo em você... já tentou de tudo pra conseguir amar nem que fosse um pouco essa casca vazia que tens como corpo.
Ninguém realmente sabe o quanto você tentou. Ninguém sabe o quanto odeia a si mesma. Ninguém sabe quantas vezes você se machucou e se humilhou por não estar contente com o reflexo que te pertence. Ninguém sabe, e ninguém nunca vai entender, por isso também acabam sendo duros com você. Fazem comentários maldosos sem pensar se você mesma já não se tortura por ter uma aparência que não lhe agrada.
E sabe de uma coisa? Ninguém nunca vai querer te ajudar, não vão querer fazer com que você se ame. Afinal, eles não podem, de qualquer forma.
Sabe quem pode fazer você amar o corpo que vai te acompanhar até o fim de teus dias?
Apenas você.
Por isso, faça isso por você. Comece, apenas comece.
Se tu falhar, então você recomeça. Nem que tenha que recomeçar tantas vezes. Só entenda uma coisa: se tu desistir agora, as coisas não vão mudar. E você não vai ter ninguém pra culpar além de si mesma.
Então se cuide. Restrinja, tenha disciplina, seja maior que tuas compulsões. Quem manda nesse caralho de corpo é tu, não tuas vontades. Deixe apenas a vontade e ânsia de se amar te controlarem, e essas, apenas essas, faram de você uma pessoa da qual você olha no espelho e não sente uma esmagadora vontade de chorar.
Você consegue. Eu acredito.
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tlgtw · 9 months
-- Why Did Godfrey's Campaign End Before Caelid? --
A safe bet, it will be, I believe, that the eventual Shadow of the Erdtree DLC for Elden Ring will take place in Caelid.
For one, judging by the relative location of the 'Shadow of the Erdtree' itself to where we see Miquella. That Shadow is a far distance forward and to the left.
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Comparing spots from the game's map, the only regions that reasonably allow for this kind of angle are Caelid, and the Southern half of Liurnia.
Since Miquella himself is currently *under* Caelid, that should make the Wilds more likely out of the two.
The secondary reason is the real-life one: Will it really be that FromSoft WON'T show us what Caelid originally looked like? A place whose pieces on the map are made to look damaged, and where its entire character as a region is that it was defaced by the Scarlet Rot!?
I will be shocked if it is...!
And with this proposal in mind, I think there's a lot to be considered regarding the region of Caelid as it originally was.
To start, there is a considerable amount of evidence that Caelid was originally a desert. Alike to the ones in the Southern US or Australia.
The dead ordinary trees in Caelid find their match in Faram Azula:
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By the Faram Greatbridge and the Bestial Sanctum it is shown that Faram had had a direct presence in Caelid, so this itself makes sense.
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So of note is the kinds of trees themselves found growing in Caelid in the first place. Gnarled and with thin leaves, a friend @slavonicrhapsody described them as alike to trees like mesquite trees. And I think they're right.
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Not that the trees in Caelid and Faram Azula are *literally* mesquite trees. (Though imagine if something so specific was ever actually revealed lmao) but that they're like mesquite trees: They're evolved to survive in an arid region.
Also found (everywhere) in the Lands Between are tumbleweeds. Those things are fucked up. And since they're *there*, certainly, they've had to originally come from *somewhere,* right? Why not Caelid? It would fit with the other trees we see.
And, for these trees and tumbleweeds, the only way it would make sense for them to have come from Caelid would be, if the region hadn't originally been a swamp.
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The shores of the Swamp of Aeonia are, notably for a swamp, made of yellow sand. If we compare similar shores, assuming that the Swamp of Aeonia was originally a lake--with Caelid being at a similar elevation to both of these place, as well as being directly connected to Limgrave, this proves unique.
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The same brown mud texture is used for the shores of both Liurnia Lake and Agheel Lake.
And anyway real swamps aren't made out of sand in the first place. Nor are they yellow. They're made out of like black peat and stuff from all the organic material that dissolves in them.
Caelid, however, only yellow sand all the into the Heart of Aeonia.
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Yellow sand, by the way, comes from the iron in it being exposed to the air and oxidizing. Dry beaches and deserts, where exposure to the air happens a lot, are thus where sand is yellow all the time. But in a SWAMP...!? That's exactly where soil touching oxygen DOESN'T happen!!
The muck you're traversing when making Torrent deal with the Swamp of Aeonia are the polluted remnants of a destroyed desert! As if the very scarlet rot nuked out by Malenia is terraforming the land into an environment optimized for that rot to propagate. Exactly alike as to what we see's been done to the Altus Plateau. (As shown in Episode 1 of Elden Ring Explained with Snake-Eyes Teieruji)
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The caves in Caelid are also unambiguously filled with sand.
Which is perhaps a little more obvious.
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With the question of *why* Caelid *would* be a desert, in the first place, having a very easy excuse: The Dragonbarrow!
Of extra note is how the map item for the area tells us that the Dragonbarrow is merely it's *new* name on account of Greyoll staking her claim over it in response to the Scarlet Rot.
So we don't actually know what the region's original name was.
But what the "plateau to Caelid's north" *would* do, would be casting it in its rainshadow. As seen when we're there, the Dragonbarrow has rain like all the fucking time, has a larger amount and concentration of trees there, and is the only spot in Caelid where there's a natural body of water. (The pond where you actually find the map item in)
*By* its elevation, then, the Dragonbarrow would've been the landform depriving Caelid of moisture in the first place.
With what rain the lower region did get being funneled into the likes of this Grand Canyon instead!
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So that's what Caelid had been! An arid desert of yellow sands and tumbleweeds. Appropriate, perhaps, if the Regalia of Eochaid being only accessible through the Gaol Cave indicates the the long-gone realm of Eochaid itself, a region of "proud solitary ascetics" as Elemer's equipment informs us, was originally in Caelid!
Maliketh is also from New Mexico, although that's for unrelated reasons.
Recall also how Godfrey's campaign involved the invasions of Limgrave and the Weeping Peninsula, but stopped right at the edge of Caelid: As the Sword Memorial near Smoldering Church outright tells us:
"Lord Godfrey, at last at the end of his campaign His golden armies unvanquished and unbowed Yet finds grace lost, tattered and faded"
What was his problem with Caelid!? Why was his campaign finished *before* Caelid? He'll kill everyone in Limgrave and the fucking Weeping Peninsula but not the same for here? Why didn't Marika's empire want Caelid!? Was it just not good enough for them to be worth it?
With the answer to be proven seeming "yes, it wasn't."
Caelid itself is referred to as the "Caelid Wilds" multiple times across the game. Further referring to how it was ignored during the Age of the Erdtree.
Understanding Caelid to have originally been an arid desert, it's easy to presume why. Why forsake so much money and men to control an oversized region not likely to have been unified like Limgrave and Liurnia were, that was also just a bunch of sand!
If so, then. With Caelid *being* a desert. That during the time of Godfrey, was seen as not worth subjugating.
What changed for when Radahn came there?
All of the information we're currently given about Radahn are of when he became the Starscourge during the course of the Shattering. But as we hear from the intro cutscene to Morgott's boss fight, it was *when* Radahn became the Starscourge, that he was *already* a General.
Ostensibly, the Red Lion General earned his title from his activity in Caelid. So,
what did he do there?
What *was* there, *for* him to do, even?
That was evidently *not* there, worth doing, during the time that Godfrey himself had actually been Elden Lord?
The only other place we find the skulls of giants is in Caelid, after all...!?
So when the DLC is finally released, I'm very keen on what we'll find out about Radahn and his "younger days."
Oh yeah and the place we fight Radahn in is called the Wailing Dunes. "Dunes," for a place that is ginormous enough (it's literally bigger than Southern Caelid) that it's obviously not just a beach.
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A more thorough view of what Caelid holds (the Formless Serpents, for one.) will be shown in a future episode of ERwSET.
In the meanwhile, email me questions to answer in the OF's Kinda-Monthly Newsletter! I've only gotten 2, and decent questions they are, sure, but I want more...!!
You can find my email in the pinned post of this blog.
Any topic! Whatsoever! And don't forget to sign yourself off with a pen-name, too.
I'll Be Yours,
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rastronomicals · 2 months
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10:37 PM EST March 6, 2024:
Mulatu Astatke & His Ethiopian Quintet -   "I Faram Gami I Faram" From the album Afro-Latin Soul Ethiopian Quintet (1966)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
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Banished knights in Faram Azula... Living ones, too... Very interesting...
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voices-of-favor · 4 months
My recent lore art post did pretty well so Im feeling confident enough to post more of my stuff here That, and Im still working on that Primaris Impulsor tank (taking so long because uni assignments got me by the throat)
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Two named characters within the lore in work outfits
Faram on the left is something along the lines of a medieval sheriff and Tori on the right, his partner, is the town mechanic/blacksmith/ handywoman
They live in a small settler town on a recently populated (and untouched by industry or war) planet, they have a big house, two kids and a good, relatively peaceful life (I say relatively because Faram still has to help people deal with bandits, smugglers and other kinds of dangerous fugitives who like to use such backwater planets to hide and do bad things in peace)
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