#feel free to suggest some for me!!
hegory-grousing · 5 months
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im not a writer so this doesn't have real dialogue. mad libs I guess. I imagine this happens often on their lunch dates hehe
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stiffyck · 2 years
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some more stuff 
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thefirstknife · 2 months
The Vex and the Wish
It's been a while since the finale of the Starcrossed mission and I've not stopped thinking about it. I want to talk about some of the stuff that's been on my mind, mostly about all the little hints about what we might be delving into after The Final Shape.
So, the whole premise of Starcrossed is really interesting and has been since we first heard about it. Some sort of a mission in the Black Garden? During an Ahamkara season? It immediately meant that we'll be dealing with some Ahamkara shenanigans in the Black Garden, two things that have previously not been combined. And the Ahamkara element was really good and nice and heartbreaking!
But the bigger thing that got me thinking and overthinking was all the Vex elements this season. They're kinda flying under the radar because we have bigger issues to deal with, but everything we got about them this season has been super weird and concerning. Especially the Black Garden stuff!
The Sol Divisive have been very active doing... things we don't truly understand. They've made their attempts to somehow interact with Ahamkara magic and they've been messing with Darkness as well. I'll do my best to recap all the stuff we've gotten about the Vex this season and how it relates to Starcrossed. Long post under!
The first thing that got us all thinking was of course the premise for the season in the first place; we knew that we would be dealing with Ahamkara, the Dreaming City and the Awoken, but we did not know about the Vex. That was peculiar in general because they simply haven't been mixed together with Ahamkara before. This was also really intriguing because of the reason we needed an Ahamkara in the first place: to get through the portal in the Traveler and follow the Witness. So why are the Vex (Sol Divisive) interfering?
As soon as the season started and we could look at the items, the first very interesting lore tab was Scatter Signal. In it, we have Osiris tracking some sort of a signal, locking onto it and getting a transmission in the form of hexadecimal code. When decoded, it revealed a strange message from a still unknown source, discussing the Vex:
“A churning singularity of shadow and mimicry beats again within cultivated chaos. Minds orbit its gravity, to bridge communion with a Voice, to move from parallel to entanglement. They dream of a dark core, contained within a timeless structure. A suspended return to the primordial. If not for this truth, why kneel? If not for this truth, why does it elude definition? Though not all agree on all, all agree on this. Sol is Salvation.”
We still don't really know what this message means or who sent it, but I've speculated before that it could have something to do with the Ishtar scientists, most likely Chioma or maybe even Maya and the others. I wrote about this speculation before Starcrossed was out, so now that we know how Starcrossed ended, I believe more strongly that the Ishtar team (at least their simulated copies) is somehow still out there and capable of communicating and that they're the ones who sent this message.
As for the message, now that the season is over, I believe it talks about the Black Heart (churning singularity of shadow and mimicry beats again within cultivated chaos) and the Sol Divisive's obsession with it and their belief that it could grant them some sort of knowledge or ability (possibly paracausality) or a way to return the universe to the way it was before paracausality existed (return to the primordial): this is possibly also talking about the speculative time when the Traveler and the Veil were one, a time that the Vex perhaps remember. It also warns us that while the Sol Divisive are unique in their worship of the Darkness, the Vex as a whole agree on the simple truth that whatever they want to finally achieve will be achieved in Sol, our system, because this is where they have all the necessary ingredients to do so. Whether this is understanding paracausality, resetting the universe or Convergence, we don't know.
When I wrote that speculation initially, since Starcrossed wasn't out yet, a lot of my questions were about what possible connection could there be between the Black Garden and the Ahamkara. That was the only thing we knew before the mission dropped after all. Now in retrospect, we can at least put some of the theories to rest; originally there was speculation that Riven or the Vex or both are doing something that would end up tricking us somehow. This has since been disproven; the Ahamkara in the Black Garden was Taranis who made his lair there to stay hidden and to hide his and Riven's children.
However, a very important question remains. Did the Vex know about this and did they use Taranis' residence in the Black Garden to study paracausality and Ahamkara magic? I believe they must've known about him and that they must've dedicated at least some observational resources to monitor him and his shenanigans in their space. This obviously isn't good. The Vex have been trying to understand paracausality for a very long time and we've been practically giving this information to them for almost equally as long. Taranis living within reach of the Sol Divisive probably offered them some insight into it as well and possibly also insight into Ahamkara abilities.
Sol Divisive has spent a considerable amount of time and resources trying to understand the Darkness, the Witness and the Veil. This season we've gotten confirmation that they're actively merging with Darkness and even trying to somehow fuse with the Witness. We've seen them being able to simulate techeuns, we've seen oracles appearing outside of the Vault of Glass and shaping themselves with Darkness energy, as well as tapping into Darkness in general, into memory, to enhance their predictive abilities. They spent this whole season messing with Ahamkara eggs and Riven's Lair and the Coil as Vex artifacting became more and more prominent as the weeks went on. Osiris has also noted, on several occasions, just how similar wishing magic and Vex simulations are. The second one is particularly interesting:
What is a simulation if not a machine's wish? A projection of what might be, were certain parameters to be altered.
One big problem is that while a lot of this is linked purely to the Sol Divisive and their obsession with the Darkness and the Witness, a lot of it is not. First, one very interesting thing that happened this year is that after nearly 10 years, we finally got an explanation about the Black Heart; it was the Sol Divisive's failed attempt to recreate the Veil, very likely an idea given to them directly by the Witness, to create a makeshift Veil after the original had been lost in the Collapse. A lot of the stuff in the background of this year has been about the Vex, simulations, augmented reality and the Vex attempts at understanding the Veil and paracausality at large; discussed at length in Veil Logs, most notably this one where Chioma speculates about how the Vex could potentially gain access to paracausal simulations if they gained access to the Veil.
This thing, the Veil. It’s… it’s some kind of web of consciousness. Just like the Vex network, but organic instead of artificial. It makes sense why the Vex want it. Paracausal simulations? There’d be no stopping them.
As I said, a lot of this is about the Sol Divisive, but a lot of it is not. The Vex we see on Neomuna are not Sol Divisive, for example. Scatter Signal also implies that despite the Vex at large being in disagreement with the Sol Divisive, all Vex do seem to share some basic ideas which the speaker in Scatter Signal summarises as: "Sol is Salvation." Apparently, all Vex agree on this.
To make things even stranger, here comes Starcrossed. As soon as we first saw it, it was strange because it showed us a big Vex structure in the Black Garden!
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This is the centerpiece of the whole mission and as we proceed through it, we get closer and closer to it. This is called a Citadel and it has appeared in the game before; notably, in Destiny 1, but you can now see it in Destiny 2 as well, in the first encounter of Vault of Glass. This structure is distinctly not Sol Divisive and it never has been.
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The origin and purpose of the Citadel are not entirely understood, outside of ties to the Vault of Glass. It's been on Venus since the Golden Age where it was investigated by the simulated copies of the Ishtar team:
No human being in the Ishtar Academy has ever crossed the safety cordon and walked the ancient stone under the Citadel, the Vex construct that stabs up out of the world to injure space and time.
"I wonder where it came from," Duane-Mcniadh says. Of course he's the one to break the reverent silence. "The Citadel. I wonder if it was here before the Traveler changed Venus." "It could have been latent," Chioma Esi suggests. She's the leader. She kept them together when it seemed like they faced actual, eternal torture. She pulled them through. "Seeded in the crust. Waiting for a period of geological quiescence, so it could grow." Dr. Shim shrugs. "I think the Traveler did something paracausal to Venus. Something that cut across space and time. The Citadel seems to come from the past of a different Venus than our own. It doesn't have to make any sense by our logic, any more than the Moon's new gravity." Maya Sundaresh walks at the center of the group. She's been too quiet lately. What happened to them wasn't her fault and maybe she'll believe that soon. "What could you do with it?" she murmurs, staring up. "If you understood it?" Chioma puts an arm around her. "That's what we're going to find out. Where the Citadel can send us. Whether we can come back."
This is interesting to us now because a very similar construct appeared out of nowhere in the Black Garden and when we reached the end of the Starcrossed mission, we gained access to the inside of the structure. And inside, we found a single room decorated with the symbol of the Ishtar Collective made out of Vex materials.
As I've noted before in the post where I speculated about the names of the seasonal missions and the meaning of Scatter Signal and what this mission in the Black Garden could be, this whole situation brought me back to thinking about the lore book from Season of the Undying: Aspect. In it, we follow Praedyth who is eternally stuck in the Vault of Glass (incidentally, this happened to him because he wished to an Ahamkara) and who discovers the simulated Ishtar scientists and establishes communication with them.
He realises that something has changed and that he's no longer in a loop, but able to change things by talking to the Ishtar team. He and the Ishtar team develop a strategy in which the simulations are able to theorycraft and instruct Praedyth (who is physical and in a physical space) to create a way for all of them to escape their associated prisons. The team figures out together that a way out could be achieved through the Black Garden and that they would need a specific event to jumpstart their escape; this event would be the Undying Mind and its awakening which opened the gate to the Garden again, this time on the Moon. They start with Praedyth sending messages through in hope that someone, somewhen, will hear them. Soon, as the disturbances in the Black Garden get more prominent, they get the chance to not just send messages of code out, but to actually try to escape physically.
The lore book never tells us if they succeeded.
A hundred and sixty Mayas reach for the Chiomas by their side. A hundred and fifty-eight Chiomas reach back. One Praedyth, waiting for the conductor's baton to drop. Uncountable Vex in the Garden, waiting for the same event, a synchrony none of them notice. Somewhere, a veil is always lifting. Somewhere, Kabr is always dooming himself. Somewhere, a door is always opening. Somewhere, they are always stepping through.
The name of the final chapter is "irrealis;" a grammatical mood for situations or actions that are not known to have happened at the moment of speaking. All Aspect chapters are named in this way, one of the reasons I started thinking about this lore book in the first place, the moment I noticed the names of missions this season (this theme is also extended to the weapons reprised from Undying: Imperative, Adhortative, Subjunctive and Optative). As an addition, the final mission's name is also very interesting and it is possible that maybe there will be another (one more radio message and triumph haven't been unlocked yet).
The point is that we don't know if the Ishtar Collective simulations and Praedyth managed to escape because at the time of speaking (when this lore book was released) this was an irrealis mood; unknown if the action has occured. But their plan, to use the situation with the Undying Mind in the Black Garden and the Black Garden itself to escape (the Vault of Glass and a simulation) seems to be connected to the massive Vex Citadel usually connected to the Vault of Glass that suddenly appeared in the Black Garden and has tangible proof of the Ishtar Collective inside.
As in, I believe they did manage to escape, in what for us is right now (or at least in a way that we could detect right now; time shenanigans with the Vex could mean anything honestly). I think that the appearance of the Citadel in the Black Garden correlates with their escape and that the Scatter Signal message is also something that came from the Ishtar team trying to give us information about the Vex. I also believe that this is a massive setup for the future content about the Vex and most likely the return of Venus in some form.
This whole year spent quite a lot of time reacquainting us with the Ishtar Collective: from Neomuna and their adventures in founding this secret city and their investigations into the Veil. Chioma Esi, a character that has existed in Destiny since the first game's release was finally given a voice and she and Maya Sundaresh were developed further and given some extra details to their backstory, most notably all the stuff we were told about Maya specifically and how much the Veil drove her mad. Not only that, but we were also given additional information about the Black Garden and the Black Heart, another point from the original game's first story that was brought back almost a decade later. Like a loop to the beginning.
The fact that it all ended with more stuff about the Black Garden and the Ishtar Collective is not a coincidence, I think. Most importantly, it's not the story that will be resolved this season and very likely won't be something we will be dealing with in the Final Shape. So this is setup for something after; about the Vex and their search for paracausality (and possible success?), about their connection to Venus and about the Ishtar Collective, perhaps even more about the Black Garden and maybe even Praedyth and the Vault of Glass.
As a quick summary:
The appearance of the Vex Citadel in the Black Garden - the original Citadel is linked to the Vault of Glass and is located on Venus. Somewhat related to this, this season Oracles appeared outside of Vault of Glass and were shaping themselves into Pyramid energy.
The Citadel architecture is not Sol Divisive Vex. This is important because otherwise we would be able to just chalk up the appearance of this structure to the Sol Divisive shaping the Black Garden, but the Citadel is not their work.
Ishtar Collective symbol inside; not only linking to Aspect, but also to Venus itself (we got a lot of Ishtar content this year in general, starting even before Lightfall, with Spire of the Watcher dungeon in Season of the Seraph, just before Lightfall, as an intro to the story of Ishtar and founding of Neomuna)
Several mentions of Venus, indirectly (the Citadel, Ishtar Collective) or directly (mentioned in one voice line linked to the history of the Ahamkara in the system, and also in the mysterious mention of an incredibly niche character of Albios, also in context of the Ahamkara history in the system)
All of this points to some Vex heavy content coming post-TFS with a strong connection to Venus and the story of the Ishtar Collective (perhaps their simulations) and some possibility of Praedyth and more about the Vault of Glass. Pretty much everything discussed here and everything the Vex have been doing for years is likely not getting resolved in TFS as the primary problem for us in TFS will be the Witness.
But once the Witness is gone? I'm pretty sure we will be finally moving on to the Vex and possibly their grasp of paracausality. We might be forced to go back to Venus and dig up more information about them, perhaps even reach out to the Ishtar simulations, if they've escaped (which I believe they did, given what we've seen at the end of Starcrossed).
Obviously this will likely be happening in Episodes, probably the first one, given what we've seen about it so far; it is called Echoes and has something vaguely Vex-shaped as a placeholder image. Not only that, but it's covered with plants that have reminded me of Venus ever since it was first shown. Note that none of this is still final and this placeholder image was shown to us before all the troubles with layoffs and delays. But it seems like the general idea will have to remain the same because of all the hints and setup about Vex content we've gotten so far, especially with these open questions at the end of Starcrossed mission.
We don't know yet how big Episodes will be which obviously makes it impossible to make any kind of prediction on what the stories in them might be able to cover and how extensive the content will be. Especially how likely it is to get a whole location like Venus back, not to mention that there are still questions about other Vex-focused locations; for example, are there plans to expand on Nessus and are there plans to also deal with Mercury?
Obviously I would love to deal with Mercury first and foremost (we know Bel), but I think most of everything we've seen through this story and through the hints and setup points to Venus and the return to some of the original unanswered questions in the lore. I'm really excited for the possibility that we'll get more information about the Ishtar team and about what truly happened to their simulations. I'm also excited for the possibility that there might be more information about the Vault of Glass and the Black Garden and the Black Heart (for which I think that the Vex have been trying to rebuild or fix in some way). It would be a neat way to create a circle back to the start of the story, especially since it's dealing with the Vex and time travel shenanigans. I'd really love if the story of the Vex forced us to metaphorically go back to the start of the story and look at everything we've seen so far with a new perspective.
I've gone to a lot of different points in this post, but I hope it makes sense. There have been some really interesting background infodumps and discussions in the lore and character interactions about the Vex and their impact on the world, overshadowed by the fact that we have much bigger imminent problems to deal with. This incidentally also gave Vex enough time and space to do their thing unsupervised. They've had enough time to observe us and other paracausal entities (such as the Ahamkara and the Witness and the Traveler), we've given them plenty of information about Guardians (the fact that we deposit our "paracausal sparks" into Vex receptacles in the Black Garden during Starcrossed is quite concerning) and they've evolved enough to begin shaping themselves with Darkness resonance, and they've never had more information about simulations and prediction.
The Vex have taken their time to catch up with us and they've been especially prolific during Season of the Wish while our attention is directed elsewhere, even with them being directly involved. I'm super excited for whatever they have planned for Vex stuff after TFS and they've given us plenty of content to speculate about it until it releases!
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alchemicaladarna · 1 month
Demon Royalty au part 1
This was supposed to be a simple vampire!Bagi/demon princess!Tina au but I got carried away while researching the nether biomes so here we are lmaoo
Ironmouse- Queen of the Underworld
Castle resides in the Nether Wastes region
Oversees all the Nether capitals/kingdoms/demon kind
And business concerning the Overworld's access to the Nether
Tina- Princess of the Seven Capital Vices
Castle resides in Warped Forest region
7 deadly sins reflect the Seven Capital Vices (regions) and are named: Avaritia, Luxuria, Invidia, Gula, Ira, Acedia, Vanagloria
Helps Mouse with matters concerning demon kind/the kingdom's subjects
Bad- Prince of Death (Grim Reaper)
Castle resides in the Soulsand Valley
Also has connections and access over ancient cities/deep dark
Mostly rules over matters concerning dead mortals/making sure souls pass properly
Bad's role is like Hades' in greek mythology basically
Yangdding- Highest ranking demon general
Main fortress resides in the Crimson Forests
Leads Mouse's armies
Has a lot of experience exploring the different biomes, fighting, and resolving conflicts between demons
Still a part of demon nobility but doesn't "rule" over anything, so no royal title
Basically a brief summary of how the Nether Kingdom works:
Demons are still looked down upon by many people from the Overworld, but that's mainly due to the many millenia of tyrannical demon rulers and the power they abused to instill fear into the people of the Overworld. Eventually, the Nether Kingdom became impoverished because of the corrupt governing, until IronMouse- a "lowly demon" stepped in to try to change things. A civil war ensued, but the rebellion led by Mouse, Bad, and Tina won and Mouse took the throne as the new Demon Queen.
She changed a lot of things including how long a ruler should stay in power, since technically, one crowned demon can rule forever. Mouse declared that demon rulers can stay in power for 1000 years maximum before they must eventually find a successor to take their place. Mouse's dynasty has just reached its 650th year when the story takes place. Ironmouse wants to establish peace with the people of the Overworld, and they mainly stay out of Overworld wars. That is, until the ancient conflict between demons and vampires arises and escalates once more...
I want to go over the vampires and Bagi's role, but I think that requires a separate post XD
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doodlingleluke · 3 months
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Aquarius season here we goooo
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inklore · 1 year
Exactly chile—Regarding the namor thing. Finally some good fuckin food. The tumblr children are not serving up the stories like I thought they would. There’s some but not nearly as much as there should be. I’m mad ! 😡
bestie i've been going through the tags on here, on ao3, like a fucking rat looking for a freaking crumb I NEED MORE FICS FOR THIS MAN PLS!!!
i see thirst for him, i see the posts calling him fish daddy, wanting to suck him dry, and yet i have only seen a select few write for him? it's a crime. it's a disservice to the horny community!!!
i need ya'll to write those same au's you do for barnes, rogers, parker, like those movies came out on a monday and ya'll had ten fics posted the day BEFORE ok, i need that same energy cmon!!!!! 💳💳
i NEED to see the coffee shop aus, dbf, best friends dad, mob boss, the coworkers au, the sugar daddy ones, the dark ones, the angst ones, the tortured lovers, the friends to lovers, the childhood friends, the enemies to lovers, the band aus that i know ya'll love sm, the accidental baby having ones, the marriage of convenience, the most unhinged nasty thirst that'll have me laid up for an hour after reading it I NEED IT ALL!!! PLEASE <3
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emily-mooon · 2 months
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*appears from the corner with a magic wand (aka my Apple Pencil)*
Moomins your Nordegrim
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musicallypan · 2 months
who the fuck gave me the inspiration and not the ideas
wdym i wanna draw buttonblossom but dont know what to draw.
wdym i want to get back into julethief but dont have enough brainrot.
wdym i wanna make a full length essay abt how togachako is so dear to me but cant articulate.
what do you mean im supposed to be drawing madohomu for valentines day but didnt have time and also dont know what to do with them.
what do you mean i wanna draw dellumbra art because theyre apparently SEMI-CANON now
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seahdalune · 10 months
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hello this is the werewolf comic i’ve been working on for 3 weeks and it’s finally done
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sapphorror · 4 months
Okay but my favorite GIR moments are ALWAYS the ones that imply he's just aware enough of what's going on to know that the thing he's doing will fuck up Zim's day, and he still does it anyway, possibly specifically for that purpose.
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carissimipaixao · 4 months
so, i watched the first season of hannibal
i'm in hehe
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winchesterszvonecek · 8 months
How They’d React
A Headcanon List - Reader Insert
How [name] would react to:
You wearing their clothes
You surprising them at work for the first time
You telling them you were pregnant
Waking up next to you for the first time
Seeing you naked for the first time
You surprising them at home after they’d been a work all day
You baking them their favourite treats without them even needing to ask
Seeing you talking to your ex
Finding you crying
Hearing that you were seriously injured
Realising what they said had hurt you
Hearing other people flirt with you
Bumping into you all the time when you’re nothing but strangers to each other
You asking them out on a date rather than the other way around
Seeing you in your wedding attire
Being there when you gave birth to your first child
Finding out you hadn’t seen their favourite movie or tv show
Finding out you’d dated someone they knew/one of their friends in the past
feel free to use these however if you do perhaps leave credit by tagging me and including a link to my original post? thanks!
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lesbianchristian · 4 days
Why do you believe in god/ christianity?
I'm gonna level with you, it's midnight, so I make no promises on how articulate I can be. The last two paragraphs are really the answers to your question, but I feel this needed some explanation since I haven't made much effort trying to explain what's been going on the past six years.
I've gone through a lot of changes since starting this blog. When I started I was a very devout Christian that was very steadfast in her beliefs who was very sure she was a lesbian. I made this blog to cope with being a queer Christian with a very traditional Christian upbringing. I believed in most of the traditional doctrine: no sex before marriage, hell was real, the Bible is true.
Then I went through a lot of shit. Dropping out of grad school, burnout, health crises, deaths in the family. All of this happened in about the span of two years, where my life burned to the ground. I then spent the next four years rebuilding. I still deal with some sort of health thing every year.
I also started getting exposed to deconstruction and learning a lot more about the history of Christianity, like how we got from 1st century CE to now, universalist theory (is there a hell), that sort of thing.
Some people might say this strengthened their faith. I'm sure my sister would have. But in all of it, I felt very ignored by god. I stopped attending church. I became very angry at god. I never stopped believing that there was a god, but I would describe it to friends as god and I aren't on speaking terms at the moment.
One might say that not attending church and having that sort of relationship with god would probably get your christian membership revoked, but A. I was very private dealing with it and B. after 24 years it's very hard to extricate my existence from Christianity. My entire family is Christian (yes, everyone). I spent literal years of my life (once you count all the hours) spent in church. I am a tangled ball of yarn and
It's a very long story (four years worth), but to make it short I now attend church specifically for the community (I deal with a lot of social anxiety and self isolation, to the point that my atheist friend thinks it's a good idea for me to go). You can do good in a church if their goals align with yours and I go to a liberal one that believes in social justice and caring for the community. In regards to belief, a lot of it I haven't parsed yet and don't know if I will. I don't believe in hell anymore and am basically a universalist Christian. I think there are tenets that are worth following: act justly, love mercy, walk humbly. Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, welcome strangers. Love your neighbor. So I call myself a Christian. Partially to avoid making waves in my family (it's complicated, I love them but I also like avoiding making time around them more stressful than it has to be), partially because I don't know if I'll ever be able to see myself as not a Christian. It's like a birthmark.
This may or may not have answered your question about the Christianity bit, though maybe less so on the God part. As for that, I'm sure in many ways it's influenced by the fact that I grew up believing in a god. I'm rational, I can concede that. And I could talk about the years I spent studying chemistry and biology and how it's hard to imagine that everything that exists as we now know it didn't have some sort of cosmic hand to guide things into place. But really, if you held a gun to my head and asked me to really search deep into why I believe in god, it would be because trying to conceptualize that there is no god is like peering off the edge of the Grand Canyon and trying to walk off the ledge. It leaves me untethered, falling. I can't imagine a world in my head where god does not exist for me. But that's for me. Other people can't conceptualize a world where god exists and that's for them. Perhaps some might look down on my reason as not a very good reason and perhaps it's not. But it is why, even through all my anger and screaming, I have never been able to stop believing that there is a god who hears it. Whether he's doing anything about it is another discussion entirely.
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mitamicah · 11 months
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It is definitely not 3am and I’ve been working on WIPs of Käärijä “stickers”
🤘🟢 🟢 🟢 🤣🟢 🟢🟢 🤘
Am I fashionable late or just obsessed - you decide x’D
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andyzambie · 7 months
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🦇Back with more OC stuff!🦇
(Don't worry, fanart will be back too now that I managed to get my pen pressure to work correctly.)
So this is Lein who is a vampire that can make himself look human (?) he enjoys pretending to like human food, play the guitar, can turn himself into a little bat and also works as a paranormal investigator with his brother and a friend.
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sapphosboy · 6 months
Seeing the Israeli UN counsel wear those yellow “never again” stars makes me feel sick to my stomach. To weaponize people sympathies towards Jewish people because of the holocaust so they can continue to commit genocide against Palestinians is fucking despicable. 
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