#following all the new rp blogs for hq
dcwnthercbbithcle · 1 month
Gotta confess to y’all, 99% of my entire block list is wholly dedicated to group rp blogs (not multi-muses, for the record; I love multi-muses so much that I made myself one! but those -insert thing-hq type group rps) because they spam and clog up all of the rp tags I follow and I’m constantly pushed their posts when I’m looking to see if there’s any cool new people or open starters about!
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deathaureated · 1 year
{ Guidelines } 
Hi there! I'm Luna!
I’m 26 years old as of writing this, I live in Canada & my timezone is EST. I've been writing in various RPC fandoms for 11 years now, & have been doing so on Tumblr on & off since I was 19. I'm cis (probably) & use she/her generally but I'm also totally okay with they/them used in a general sense if you’re referring to me. I’m Pagan & have been practicing sporadically for about 12 years now, so you could say I’ve always had an interest in religion, folklore & mythology of all different kinds which may explain the weird assortment of fandoms I’ve participated in.
I am neurodivergent & have a handful of physical health issues on top of working a part time job which causes my online activity to be pretty random but frequent, but other than that, I don't think there's anything else important to say. If you'd like to learn more about me feel free to reach out, I'm usually pretty receptive to new conversations even if I’m sometimes shy about reaching out first!
That out of the way, here's a few things to keep in mind when following me:
This is a sideblog for Mori, & follow backs will come from @moonrisenmuses​. Now, I understand that multimuse / hub blogs aren’t for everyone, & there’s absolutely NO pressure to follow, interact with or look at my main blog! I’ll only be using it to send asks from my sideblogs, & only if you happen to have anonymous asks off! Seriously, I wont be sad or offended if you aren’t interested in my other muses.
I want to state, my Mori blog is EXTREMELY CANON DIVERGENT with regards to his past & certain aspects of his character. To get it out of the way... I don’t write Mori as being a pedophile. Yes, he’s creepy. Yes, he’ll violate the emotional & probably physical boundaries of anyone he thinks he can manipulate. YES, he has abused several children mentally, physically & emotionally. He basically brainwashed Dazai with his fucked up way of thinking + is probably responsible for at least 1/3rd of Dazai’s physical scars with the way he ‘treats’ his patients, & he destroyed Yosano emotionally. You don’t even want to know what he did to my interpretation of Chuuya over on his blog, man had a breakdown & pushed Mori out the window of the Port Mafia HQ to his death in his Mafia Boss AU.
He is responsible for a huge part of the cycle of abuse that infects the Port Mafia. He abused Yosano, he abused Dazai who went on to abuse Yumeno & Akutagawa, the latter of whom then began inflicting that same pain & awful way of thinking onto Kyōka & even Higuchi. 
HE IS A BAD PERSON. If you allow it, he will manipulate your character. Especially young or passive or naïve characters because they are easier to control & have less emotional resistance to his tactics.
But he’s not a pedophile or a rapist so please keep your gross headcanons about what he’s done with any of the underage characters of the franchise to yourself, especially regarding Dazai, Yosano, Q, Chuuya, Akutagawa, Kyōka & Gin. I’m not about that. If you’re interested in following a Mori blog because you think I’d be down for gross proship non-con lolicon pairings, or whatever it’s called, turn back now. I have an alternate faceclaim for Elise & gave him a late wife that completely changes Elise’s manifestation. He’s not a pedophile on this blog because his actions are all based on logic & reason, & in his mind, while he could abuse children that way & not feel an ounce of remorse because he isn’t capable of feeling remorse, he would gain nothing from it. Physical threats & mind games are much more his forte. 
MOVING ON! My blog is 18+ only as well as multiship, multiverse, & again, very canon divergent. The events will stay the same, but Mori’s psychological state & past have very much been customized to my portrayal of him. 
As a general rule, I strongly prefer my RP partners to be 18+ regardless of the fandom simply due to my age & the sort of content I tend to write. Graphic & disturbing, I use swearing somewhat liberally OOC, sexual content, etc. If there's no age to be found on your blog somewhere I won't RP with you, sorry. Even a general idea is okay, it's for my own comfort & safety as well as yours; a 14 year old for example really shouldn't read the type of writing I'll likely be posting. Thank you.
I do tag triggers! Almost all the default triggers (child abuse //, violence //, murder //) etc will be tagged. If you have anything you need tagged that is less common, don't be afraid to ask me to tag it, I'm happy to do my part to make you comfortable!
On Triggering Material: I will not write any of the following on the dash: graphic animal abuse, graphic sexual assault/rape (allusions/references are fine as it's sometimes part of a character's background including my own). This may be in the form of flashbacks, discussions of trauma, recovery threads, etc. I just won't write scenes of it, I'm also fine with 'close call' threads where my muse rescues yours from assault or vice versa since that’s a very real thing that can & does happen IRL. I’m just not willing to post such content blatantly on the dash as I know it’s a deeply upsetting subject, & I have no desire to romanticize sexual abuse. I will not write anything to do with pedophilia or any sexual content with characters or muns under 18, bestiality (as in actual animals, not ability users who are able to become animals), necrophilia, etc. basically the 'main' major things that would squick out most people. For my own & my mutuals comfort PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT WITH ME IF YOU THINK ITS OKAY TO SHIP MINORS & ADULTS.
I do tend to format my replies using small text & customizing with bold & italics for the sake of the aesthetic/emphasis, but I don't expect you to. If you have any issues visually or language wise with how i RP come talk to me & we can try to work things out. I will also be using icons at some point, but not constantly, mostly just to dress up a reply now & then.  
Don't force shipping with any of my characters. If a ship happens, that's great, & you're 100% allowed to just come & ask me if I'd like to ship but don't just go ahead with it without asking. It’s okay if you don’t remember what each muse’s orientation is, I’m fine giving gentle reminders or letting you know what is/isn’t okay to assume if the topic of shipping happens to come up. Just don’t get upset if I turn down a ship because it’s incompatible with my muse’s gender or orientation; it would be uncomfortable & unfair to try to force a ship on him if your muse isn't what they’re typically inclined towards. That being said, all of my muses are open to unrequited romances as well, & in fact you don't even need to ask. It's okay for your muse to have feelings for mine, but they might not always reciprocate!
Finally, my blog is absolutely drama free! I will not share callouts of any kind unless someone is an imminent danger. I've been roleplaying for 10 years now & frankly I'm just here to have fun without getting into fights. IF I FIND OUT YOU’VE SENT ANONS HARASSING MY FRIENDS I WILL BLOCK YOU! Seriously, you have a problem with me, come to me about it, don’t be a fucking pussy.
If you made it to the end of this congratulations! There's no passwords or anything here, please feel free to follow me if you think we'd click, & welcome!
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cyberghost-scout · 1 year
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I posted 3,655 times in 2022
322 posts created (9%)
3,333 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,879 of my posts in 2022
Only 49% of my posts had no tags
#kaonacademyishere - 444 posts
#au mas - 154 posts
#scout's amusement (rp meme and starter) - 132 posts
#letthealienhuntbegin - 116 posts
#roughedge-a-lonemech - 94 posts
#misty show (aesthetic) - 89 posts
#cyberverse-hub - 87 posts
#gotghq - 78 posts
#braveggg-hq - 73 posts
#askburningpassion - 65 posts
Longest Tag: 119 characters
#(he's used to it be cause of war. being around the decepticons and ghosty was the second bot to dispose the most bots.)
My Top Posts in 2022:
A familiar purple colored vehicon and insecticon are back on earth. Both attempting to keep a very aggressive acting red and black mech under-control. And little Chime was just looking around curiously. ((Roughedge-alone-mech)
Ghostwire was relaxing a bit, enjoying the time near the place before hearing some sort of commotion.
200 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
Spark Case is wondering around with Nitro in Ghost’s home. Mostly bonding with the little one.bonding and attempting to piece things together.
The home was quiet, but peaceful, as Ghostwire was reading some earth books. Letting the two bond.
While the cats watched Sparkcase, well, Polaris is. Oberon was just following behind the giant mech with his cute triangle tail sticking out. Mewing whenever Nitrospark looks at him.
226 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
Optimus was with megatron, both of the leaders looking tired and disappointed. Well, more so Optimus. Megatron had a scowl on as he stared over at the lined up bots. Just infront of the ruined buildings behind them. Destroyed legible housing units for future returning cybertronians.
(oh no)
Fedelis could only sigh at all of this...
238 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
((Kaonacademy-I forgot to send it in, apologizes!))
I'd been forever since Spark Case was last seen. Worryingly long, so long that it began to gather the higher ups optics. So many high profile bots were disappearing.
Lenro was horribly worried. He hadn't found the mech before, no meeting or talking time. He was just...gone. now he was stuck pacing around. Looking worse then the weeks before.
(It's cool.)
The rest were worried about the news. Ghost wire felt uncomfortable as there was no news of what was happening with the disappearances. Flow worried that they are brainwashing the other higher-ups like last time. Oh, it's faster than before.
And Fedelis came around to check on Lenro. "Lenro. You're going to pop a shock absorber." He said, a bit more out of concern with the situation.
465 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
A blue and white aeral mech stood in the center of some sort of plaza. tall bots all around him as he glanced around with his drones drawing towards him.
It wasn't exactly what he thought would happen...he didn't exactly test that tool on something...besides himself. Note to not just use random tools on yourself!
"So many, huge bots." He turned to leave but just smashed into someone.
Flow Let out a surprised yip as she felt someone bumping onto her. She turned and looked down. Her wings frilled up. "Oh my!"
548 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tendousthoughts · 3 years
Yo yo yo... god that cringy but anyway! I would like to request something that I saw on another blog. It’s when the s/o has a fight with the boys and after it the boys go to the bedroom or somewhere to be alone but when they come out they see that their s/o is gone. In reality they just went outside for a walk to clear their head but our precious boyos panic that they left them for good.
I hope I explained that well I’m pretty new to requesting and stuff but I really love what you’ve written so far on your blog🥺
HQ Boys Thinking Their S/O Left Them Pt. 1
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Character(s) included: Sakusa & Iwaizumi
Warning(s): Foul language (cursing), flinching
Song of the day: Meteor Shower by Cavetown
A/N to ask writer: Heyo! Thanks for enjoying my content! I love this idea, thanks for sharing. If you were looking for a specific character(s) to be put in this prompt go ahead and shoot me a pm/dm, write another message in anon or non-anon, or just comment on this!
A/N: Heyo as you can see I’ve added a new section for people who are my ask box writers in answering too! I got some new rps but if anyone wants to chat! This prompt gave me a lot of space to work with and I’ve decided that it will always probably be a four part series as well or maybe five. I’m extremely sorry about the break I took. If you have any ideas what to call this please tell me lmao. If you have any requests please read my rules first! Sorry for my grammatical and spelling errors. Reblogs, follows, and likes are greatly appreciated!
Where to find all the parts!
Where to find all my content!
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It was a one sided fight. As always. He was yelling and you just took it. It was your fault after all. You shouldn’t have touched his shit, but you did. So now you are here. Holding back your pathetic tears. A mouth full of words was pushing through your lips and soon they fell out. “Sometimes I wonder why you’re still with me..” you whisper, no longer able to push back your tears. “I mean I don’t know what you want from me anymore,” You mutter softly.
He sat their stunned for a moment, “Maybe I want to be alone, but fuck your so clingy and nosey.” He muttered softly. He looked up at you, disgust in his eyes. “You know sometimes I wonder what the hell happened to you at birth to make you this fucked up. We’re you dropped or something?” He screamed. His hands now balled up into fist. You’re scared. You’re not going to lie. As he steps forward you flinch and that brings him back to reality. Instead of saying something he backs off and slams the door. You sit there stunned.
“I’m sorry..” you whisper and leave, grabbing most of your stuff. What ever you can grab at that moment which happens to be your phone, keys, wallet, and jacket. You take a deep breath as you slip on your shoes and leave quietly. Locking the door after yourself.
I’m sorry
I’m sorry
I’m sorry
Your thoughts were all over the place as you got into your car. Grabbing your phone you turn it off. Not wanting any calls or texts. Expecting none, but that just might hurt you more. You take a deep breath and decide to drive nowhere on a random freeway. You start the car and leave.
Hours passed when Sakusa finally came out of the room, “y/n..?” He whispered softly. Now missing you as he didn’t know what he was doing. He looked around and soon realized some of your stuff was gone, and so were you.
He bit his lip running to his room as he called you. “Pick up.. pick up.. pick up..” he whispered.
Heyo! You’ve happened to miss me! I’m sorryyy but I am probably hanging out with my amazing boyfriend. Please leave a message and I’ll call you back soon! Anyways gotta go. I’m going to get in trouble with my boss if he catches me on my phone.
He bit his lip hearing the voicemail. It’s funny, he had never heard it before. Maybe it was because he never called and it was always you. Or maybe because when he did you picked up immediately. Unknowingly tears start to roll down his face. He fucked up. He knows he fucked up.
He lays down on the bed you guys share and just holds your pillow close. Tears rolling down his cheek. He calls again but waits till he can say something. “Y/n.. I’m sorry.. Please pick up. I’m sorry.” He sniffles as his tears fall. “I didn’t mean any of it.. please..” he whimpered softly as he knew it was no use. He ended the call and just cried for a few hours.
When night came he decided not to eat. He wasn’t feeling good as he tried to call you again. Yet not to his surprise he heard the same voicemail. Tears welled up as he heard your soothing voice. He couldn’t believe he made you so scared that you flinched away from him. “Y/n.. baby.. please.. I’m sorry.. I miss you.. I know I sound stupid and you probably want some space.. b..but please..” he hung up. Throwing his phone as he hugged your pillow closer.
At 11 pm you finally make it back. Hoping he is sleeping as you walk in. But to your surprise you can hear soft cries and whimpers coming from the room you share. You bit your lip softly as you gently put your stuff down. Softly taking a deep breath, you gently knock.
“Ba.. Sakusa..” You bite your lip as a couple seconds later you can hear the sound of someone fall or something and then you’re greeted with a tight hug.
“I’m sorry.. I’m sorry.. I’m sorry..” he whimpered softly as he just held on to you. “Please don’t go.” Fear was heard clearly in his voice.
You bit your lip. “Baby.. I’m right here.. take a deep breath.. I’m dirty Sakusa you gotta let me go..” you whispered worried how he might react later.
“No..” he whispered softly as he held on tighter. “P..please no..” he was scared.
“Okay okay.. I’ve got you.. no leaving..” you smiled softly as you gently held him. “I’ve got you..” you muttered softly. You gently held him kissing his head. You take off your jacket and make your way to the bed you guys share. Gently sitting down and Sakusa followed.
He hugged on to you immediately as tears flood his eyes. “I’m sorry.. I don’t want you to leave me and stuff.. I didn’t mean any of it..” he whispered softly “I love you so much.” He muttered.
“I love you too baby..” you whispered softly playing with his curly dark hair. “I didn’t mean to worry you okay.. I’m sorry baby..” you mumble softly.
“It’s my fault.. I got angry and I started yelling and.. a..and I wanted to show you how mad I was.. and I started to scream at you and I said that I didn’t want you to be so clingy.. I didn’t mean that. I missed you and when I went to find you I couldn’t.. and it scared me and I know I fucked it. And I know I shouldn’t have done that. When I saw you finch I didn’t know.. I..I just thought about how terrible I was acting and stuff..” he whispered softly. “When I tried to call you.. you didn’t pick up and then I heard your voicemail.. and I don’t know I just..” he was crying into your chest as he held on.
“Shush.. I’ve got you.. I’m sorry baby.. I know.. it was my fault okay? You didn’t mean too. I touched your stuff and I didn’t think about how you would feel.” You whispered softly, kissing his head softly. “I didn’t mean to worry you.. and you know I wouldn’t ever just leave you without saying anything. I won’t do that to you..” you whispered as he closed his eyes and just held on. “I’ve got you and won’t let you go I promise..” you whispered softly while holding him.
“I love you..” he whispered softly as he looked up to you. Tears in his eyes. “I love you so much..” he whispered.
“I love you too darling..” you smile softly. Holding him till he falls asleep. Once he does you close your eyes and fall asleep too.
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He got jealous easily. Everyone knew that. He was the type to act on his jealousy. Not only that, but he acted upon them in irrotational ways. So when he heard that you were hanging out with a coworker, it wasn't an extreme surprise that he made a huge deal about it. Starting an argument as soon as you get back.
"Just tell me who the fuck he is!" He screamed, his voice echoed in the hallway. You weren’t even inside yet and he was already acting as if he was going to kill someone.
"Can I even just come in?" you look up at him. You’re clearly annoyed which might just make him more upset.
"Oh okay just come inside! Would you like something to drink too?” He said sarcastically.“Oh wait you went and had coffee already with this 'coworker'!" He screamed as you pushed your way through the door.
When you turn to him the door is already shut and he is waiting for an answer. “It’s a coworker I don’t need to repeat myself, and I won’t. I’m not going to not hang out with people because you want me too!” You scream. Here’s the thing. Your so fucking sick and tired of him pushing you around. You used to take his shit but a month or two ago you started to respond. There’s no fucking reason for his shit.
“Ya you know what. Maybe I would be okay with it if it wasn’t taking up our time together!” He screamed and at this point nobody is really understanding what the other is saying.
“Our time? Our time?! How fucking dare you. You’re always at work! I don’t get a word out before you kick me out of our office!” You look at him in annoyance.
“My work is something I can’t just ignore! So I don’t understand why you keep bringing it up! Your fucking coworker can wait can’t they? I mean you knew I was off today! Did the whole fucking date just skim over your head?” He screamed. Now everything sorta just clicks.
“Wait ba-” but before you can finish he had already left the room. A few brief seconds pass by and you are met with the sound of a door slamming. “Fuck..” you muttered softly.
A few minutes go by and you come to the idea that he wants some time alone. You are just coming home, and are already ready to leave. So you slip on your shoes and leave. Locking the door after you head out to go get some for him, full of his favorite snacks and stuff. Knowing full well that wouldn’t fix it but maybe it could make him a bit happier.
When you get to your car you get a pop up from your reminders app. You feel a wave of tears. “Fuck,” you muttered throwing your phone to the next seat over as you start to drive.
It takes about half an hour for him to notice you’re not there anymore. He doesn’t hear your footsteps or anything as he gets up to check. After a moment or two he knows you left for sure. “Fucking shit. Misses our date and then leaves..” he muttered softly as he headed to the shared room.
You arrived getting a few things as you don’t think about anything other than how to make him happy.
After an hour or two more he bit his lip softly now a bit worried if you’re okay. But he doesn’t call waiting an hour before he does so.
Hello! It seems like you have sadly missed me. I can call you back as soon as possible! Just please leave a message! Bye bye!
It takes him a moment before he opts just to hang up. When he does he releases a shaky breath.
An hour later you get back with some stuff gently placing the stuff down as you take off your jacket and shoes.
Iwaizumi hears you scrambling up and running over. A sigh of relief falls as he sees you standing there. “Thank god..” he muttered softly, walking up to you.
You look over unsure what to say as you feel his arms tightly wrap around you. “I’m.. I’m sorry Hajime…” you whispered softly as tears welled up. You hugged him tight as you felt terrible. “I’m sorry…” you whisper again.
“Hey it’s okay.. I know you didn’t mean to.. I just.. I was upset because it feels like sometimes when I do make time for you something happens.. like last time and shit. But when I don’t it always seems like you’re free and I thought we knew we were both open today and I woke up without you there and then I found out you were having coffee with someone and everything just started crashing down you know..?” He whispered softly.
“I know baby.. I know.. I’m sorry.” You whisper as you hear soft cries come from him. “I’ve got you.. okay? I promise next time I will remember.. I know I messed up okay? You didn’t deserve that..” you whispered as he kinda just stays quiet and holds on. “I got you some goodies baby…” you whisper.
“Please don’t leave like that again.. it made me worried..” he whispered now finally telling you. “I thought you left for good..” he muttered softly, holding you “you didn’t respond to my calls either..” he whispered softly.
“I’m sorry baby.. I won’t.. and you know I wouldn’t do that to you.. I love you too much for that okay?” You bit your lip as you listened “I didn’t see them.. I’ll check why later.. okay? I’m sorry,” you whisper and kiss his head holding him close. Soon enough he drags you to your shared bed to cuddle.
“I love you..” he whispered softly, holding on.
“I love you too Hajime,” you smiled softly, kissing him. Soon enough he fell asleep, the stress finally lifted off his shoulders. You were in his arms again. That’s all that mattered.
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Follows and likes are appreciated! Please reblog if you enjoyed it, so more people can find my work! Thank you all for your support! Stay safe, and have a good rest of your day!
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sinnhelmingr · 3 years
and that’s great! i’m sure you have a fantastic idea to develop your story, and a genuine love for what you’ve created. there’s nothing more harrowing and rewarding than putting your skeletons out there and watching interested players snap them up! i don’t think there’s anyone but the most curmudgeonly indie who will begrudge others for wanting to share their creativity with the community. 
no doubt you’ve poured at least a day or two into the skeletons, the theme, the graphics, and perhaps most importantly, the promo. after all, how will your group get off the ground without reaching out to others? promoting is a time-honored aspect of roleplaying on this site, one that most of us have taken part in from time to time. from the simplest single image to the most ornate multi-panel gif templates, promos are a great way to get your blog out there and invite others to engage with your content.
if. they are used reasonably. promos give you the power to reach out to entire communities that could join your group, and with that power comes great responsibility. this includes recognizing that while you are ready to put in the work to put your group on the map, there are plenty of indies who use the same tags you do. some indie muns might be willing to apply, some might simply scroll past your content, and some will block groups on sight, and that’s the variety you can expect from the independent blogs you share tags with. one thing that all kinds of muns can usually agree on, however, is that scrolling past entire walls of content over and over again is annoying.
really, really annoying. especially in the event that your promo overtakes the tag others are trying to navigate. double that annoyance if trying to take the high road and block/filter out your promo account breaks the tag entirely. with some groups, it becomes obvious that moderators think that taking over a tag is a sure way to generate interest, which might be true... but ask yourself if people complaining about your content is the kind of interest you want.
it seems that recently, a number of rpgs have decided that posting a single or rotating stable of promo graphics upwards of ten to fifteen times a day is necessary to drum up their numbers, and in particularly slow but active tags, the spam can really add up fast. and that is what it comes down to : spam, flooding a tag with your own content so nothing else can rise to the surface. this is the kind of behavior that gets commenters banned on more functional sites, but as we well know, tumblr is not that. thus it falls more to the moderators themselves to, well, moderate themselves.
consider the following before invading a tag:
try to maneuver one of your favored tags from another account. see how long it takes you to find an indie blog, or block your promo account and see if it breaks the tag. this should give you a taste of what indie muns go through trying to maneuver around your flood of content. consider that while you want to build a community of writing partners, so do people outside of your group, and how you might make that harder for them through your promotion tactics.
only post in an rp tag from your promo account. i often see blogs post unrelated content into tags commonly used to promote for new followers, things like mod activity updates from an hq blog or even random asks about fcs. ask yourself what bearing this really has on your promotion, especially in a tag you already use heavily. people have already seen your many graphics -- is an update about you being online or activity checks that could be handled in-house really going to reel in that one person who might not otherwise apply? i suppose it’s possible, but it’s just as likely you’re contributing to a wider audience having to block another account just to make it through to people who will interact with them.
consider changing tags. have you noticed that people aren’t applying from a certain fandom or setting? have you posted in that certain rp tag time and time again only for that latest batch of applications to come up with no results from it? maybe that should be a sign to ease off of the tag for a bit. if you post too frequently, rest assured that users are seeing you, and it’s likely people there aren’t taken by your group. that might be hard to hear, but not everyone has the time or inclination to pour into a group, and that’s okay. shift focus to those fandoms and settings where you are getting some good returns, and if you still need that other tag, try again in the future. chase what works and stop trying to make your group happen where there’s a lack of curiosity.
try looking into alternative tags. imagine how much easier it would be for players to find your account if there was a dedicated group tag depending on the fandom or genre they write for. your page could be more easily accessed by popularity without having to compete with indie account promos, which often rack up a fair amount of likes and reblogs, for space at the top of the page. as there are already some pretty dedicated ‘indie [fandom]’ and ‘indie [genre]’ tags in play, there’s nothing saying that groups can’t employ the same advertising maneuvers.
and above all else, scale back the number of posts you queue in a short amount of time. twenty posts in a day, which i have seen in extreme cases, is inexcusable. even ten in a day has the potential to really upend maneuverability in particularly slow but active fandoms. i want to repeat that your page is being seen, i promise, and if you’re ruining the tag for others by putting out more than one post an hour, you’re being seen for all the wrong reasons. if people have to actively come forward to you asking you to please stop posting so often, consider that you have a problem with oversaturating your group.
of course, no one group of mods is under any obligation to listen to this. the few groups that i have seen others reach out seem to believe that if they don’t post at least three times an hour four times a day some other group will swoop in and steal potential players out from under them. a few that certain mutuals have approached even claim that many promos a day is ‘normal.’ and i would like to say, from the bottom of my heart, it shouldn’t be and you’re part of the reason other mods think that. i want to believe after almost a decade on this site that indies and groups can coexist as they always have, but i know others and i myself are recently at the mercy of scrolling past endless amounts of group promotions to find even one new blog, especially in larger fandoms. some groups have even gone so far as posting in indie rp tags, which defeats the purpose of the tag entirely. with a little courtesy and less obsessive advertising, we can find a middle ground that allows both groups and indies to use the tools available to us to entice new interactions and players alike.
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ceo-of-daichi · 3 years
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#lydz speaks ~ My random rambles [almost on every post lmao]
#important‼️ ~ Important announcements to do with my blog
#moots i adore✨ ~ Me interacting with my amazing moots
#sawamuras big schlong hoes🤩 ~ Me chatting to my followers [yes u are all my big schlong hoes]
#tw __ ~ I don’t tend to write stuff that needs serious trigger warnings, but if I do it will be tagged like this [e.g. tw.body shaming]
#tag games✨ ~ Me playing tag games
#ask games✌️ ~ Me asking people to play ask games with me🥺
#[spicy🦋] ~ me rbing/writing nsfw stuff [block this tag if you are a minor]
#[soft🌸] ~ Me rbing/writing sfw stuff
#daichi owns my whole ass heart ~ Me talking about Daichi🥺💛
#bucky🦾🤍 ~ Me talking about Bucky🥺
#__ thoughts💭 ~ (e.g. #12pm thoughts💭) My random thoughts often as a lil blurb/drabble! But I don’t tag my taglist in these types of drabble
#srb💛 ~ Me reblogging my own work
#lydz hits __ ~ Me hitting a milestone😚
#hq🏐 ~ Me chatting about haikyuu
#marvel🍃 ~ Me chatting about Marvel
#not hq👀 ~ Me chatting about none haikyuu related stuff
#lydz recommends ~ art/fics/events/blogs ~ Everything i recommend you guys read/see is tagged like this! (Old Tag)
#lydz recs🍒. series/fics/hcs/art/blogs/events ~ New tag for my recommended things!!
#🌻. aes ~ Me rbing aesthetic things
#lydaichi🐻 ~ Me talking about my selfship [lydz x daichi]
#lydaian🐻🐼 - Me talking about my poly self ship [daichi x lydz x meian]
#social sunday🗣 ~ An event I run every sunday on my blog
#chats with the loml daichi😍 ~ chats with Cindy’s Daichi anon [can be long threads]
#🍓. rp hours ~ me roleplaying with anons etc
#lydz navi ~ takes you straight to my navi if you search it on my blog
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Current Emoji Anon’s
🥀.anon | 🍠.anon
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evanpeaters · 4 years
                           𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕞𝕖 ( 𝕠𝕠𝕔 𝕞𝕖𝕞𝕖 )
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How long have you been roleplaying?
Honestly, I remember starting out way back when Bebo was a thing. You’d make a profile for a character and write opposite absolutely anyone, even if it was multiple muns writing the same muse. Then the first Tumblr rp I joined was actually a Skins/Glee crossover, which is a wild idea, but it worked. I played Sid in a Sid/Quinn ship, I think. 
What are your hobbies outside of writing?
I like to make my own clothes when I get the time ( which is now ), but while I’m working, on a normal day...does going to the pub with friends count? Because that’s 80% of my life. 
Do you have any pets? Tell us about them!
Really interesting answer: no. 
If you had a month of free time to learn to do something new, what would you choose?
I’ve had a few guitars for literally years because I keep meaning to teach myself, but I’ve never got past learning one song. Seven Nation Army by White Stripes - like, the ultimate beginners song. 
Do you listen to music while you write? What are three songs on your playlist?
While I’m writing paras I literally can’t concentrate with music on or I’ll start bopping. But normal gif chats, yes. At the moment I’m listening to a lot of Sticky Fingers, Ocean Alley and Husky.
What’s a favorite recent youtube video/channel?
I actually never used to watch YouTubers until @jocklowden​ informed me there was one who looked like my main man, now I’m low key attracted to Kurtis Conner and watch his from time to time. 
Tell us one random fact about you!
I once got so close to meeting Evan at Universal Studios that I anxiously threw up and never got to :):):)
Who is an FC you’ve always wanted to use but haven’t yet?
There are a couple of actors I personally love the work of but aren’t very well known, like Toby Wallace ( The Society ), Rudy Pankow ( Outer Banks ) and Glen Powell ( Scream Queens, Set It Up ). If you’ve noticed I prefer to write males, it’s because I prefer to stretch further away from real life.
What’s a plot you’ve always wanted to write but haven’t yet?
Something a bit more fictional, recently I’ve stuck to hollywood groups but I’ve always wanted to try something apocalyptic. Also anything with @liliricnhart​ and @itskjapa​ please, as I’m the worst and unintentionally bailed while I had fun threads/connections going with them. 
Do you have a favorite plot you’ve seen someone else in the group do?
I loved the development of @hqnessa​ and @drewhq​ back when they were a thing, with all the drama that came along with them thanks to Drew’s ex faking a pregnancy, and getting to be even minorly involved in that as Jordan was definitely a fun time. 
Who on the dash makes you smile?
Literally everyone. Impossible to pick. You all have your moments where I read the posts, laugh along with them, or enjoy getting to see things play out for everyone’s muses. 
What is your favorite memory in the group?
Realising that amongst all of my threads and paras with @goodlourd​ that Billie and Evan had chemistry that went way beyond being just good friends. Though they’re two muses people wouldn’t ever think to put together considering their close ties to Emma, it’s made me realise they would work insanely well, and getting to play everything out with Maree and Lex ( @emberts​ ) , who I’m super close to OOC, has been a treat. 
Also @alxdaddarios​ trying to avoid the feels for Zac by sleeping with Evan, then being taken back to Zac/Evan’s shared room on the Hawaii trip was pretty spectacular. And Jofia going against all the odds to get together, it was like those two against the world @hqsofia​ .
What’s your favorite thing about your celeb(s)?
For Evan, I love the fact that he really doesn’t give a shit. He hasn’t changed one bit from his starting out days, to now when he’s much more well known. He doesn’t seem to care about making himself more Hollywood - he’ll show up on the red carpet in the goofiest things, lead impromptu karaoke sing-a-longs during panels, follows stoner blogs on his public accounts, and chats to fans when he’s drunk in bars. And I love getting to follow his example, much to his best friends dismay ( @joekcery​ @hqgemma​ )
For Nick, I love that he’s so unexpectedly hilarious. Everyone always says they’re surprised by how witty he is. He’s the perfect mixture of an intelligent gentleman who clearly doesn’t take himself too seriously. And those eyes, though. 
What’s a plot you miss?
Forever Fernrock. Alice and I didn’t even get to touch on nearly as much as we wanted to with those two, but they had the potential to be something really great. To the point where we still ship them now, in real life. Just waiting for Finn to realize he likes dudes. Or, a dude. @ariagrans​
What would you love to see this group do in the future?
More AU weeks! They’re my favourite. They’re opportunities to write with people we don’t usually write with, in so many different scenarios, and I love getting to see who comes out with what. Shoutout to @itsnataliadyr​ , you know why. 
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bloodfcst-a · 4 years
given the revival of the vii fandom with all of the hullabaloo surrounding remake, i can think of no better time to do this meme. i also suggest you check out my updated nav page if you haven’t already! i worked really hard on it okay sobs.
things a new rp partner should know about me !
write 3-5 things a new rp partner (or those who want to be) should know about you and tag 3-5 people! it should be related to rp and not to other interests. 
tagged by: no one, but it’s a shame bc... i got thoughts. you were warned.
tagging: @angereve​ @enshijou​ @breselin​ @serophs​ @strfe​ @fractempyreal​ @extremepath​ @localmagicalboi​ @shimmerseas​ @duplikiss​ @verumking​ @asterites​ + if it strikes your fancy.
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i. i am not your mother’s/father’s yu.ffie blog. while i do have a verse reserved for compilation content, that’s not the main premise of this blog. if you came here for oversexualized underage ninjas.... i’m going to have to direct you elsewhere. out here we’re primarily an adult modern interpretation... who does not daylight as a ninja constantly. she can, however, be a y.akuza or a sheltered member of high society who enjoys kicking ass for justice so if you’re interested in that, y’know. c’mon down.
ii. the typical ‘ yu.ffie is a kleptomaniac ’ / ‘ stop stealing my stuff ’ trope is like. one that grates my very existence. i have talked about this many times, but for those of you who are new: yufi has only stolen out of necessity to her cause. the only time i’ll refer to petty theft on this blog is if she like steals a fry or something. if we’re joking around, okay, but... please don’t consider that to be the sole core of her characterization. i’m begging. i’m on my knees. i’m warning you, i’ll cry and then i’ll probably ignore whatever post you’ve mentioned it in if you’re serious. just. don’t be that person if you’re following me.
if we’re going into it, the only times she’s stolen anything were: > in crisis core, as the ‘ treasure princess. ’  but this is arguable, as the treasure is truly up for grabs to start with & zack repeatedly goes after these locations she’s sent to him ( which, by the way, were sent to her from rufus to attempt to retaliate against + destroy shinra hq ). zack already knew what was up when: 1) she showed up in his spam folder; 2) she literally said she’s on the hunt for treasure; and 3) he knew at least after the second time that he was gon’ get goinked ( please see definition #2 ) so... can’t help him there. > in vanilla vii, when the party is foolish enough to meet her and not recruit her off the bat ( it be ya own self ). to be fair, 99% of her interactions with easterners / non-wutai prior to that moment had been people who either wanted to kill her or exploit her, so... it’s only self-preservation to use them before they use her or worse, leave her for dead. a sad reality for a 16 year old. > in vanilla vii, only after the party arrives to wutai & she thinks she can successfully finish her mission of “ getting all the strongest materia. ” after she’s captured, she does apologize, and then afterward makes cloud sign it in writing. so. y’know, she did learn from her mistake & said “ ugh, guess i gotta put that diplomacy training to use. ”
y’all could argue that she’s a thief class and that’s what they do, but note that it’s NOT one of her core skills-- it’s a MATERIA. which means everyone out there with a steal materia could be out here being a kleptomaniac. cloud? barret? tifa? red xiii? none of your favs are safe. her skills in the game, however, are shit called “ blood festival ” ( oh? see the username’s relevance all of a sudden? aha! ) and “ doom of the living. ”  she’s out here summoning ghosts and reigning otherworldly power on ur ass but... fandom wasn’t ready for that conversation !!  some folks were too BASIC and couldn’t handle her true strength... so i will gladly champion that for you.
iii. i like to emphasize that yufi is an emotionally strong yet traumatized figure, which stems from her origins and that i just put that in the forefront. we have a character who is haunted by her mother who died after childbirth, seemingly rejected from her father yet held to the highest of his standards, has attachment issues because she’s the “ black sheep ” and doesn’t just accept defeat or dejection even if it comes from her core community, survived multiple wars, has led in post-war rescue efforts on multiple occasions, was wrongfully imprisoned, was on the forefront of pandemic outbreaks as a first-responder, joins and rises to the top of an organization created to restore world order, is one of the two top operatives in said organization ( and the one out on the field longer--sorry vin.cent, but u only got involved at lu.cretia and when the actual gunshots disturbed your brooding and wine session filled isolation sessions. but like, mood tho ), pretends to be cheery despite clearly remembering all the hauntings and death and other bullshit she’s been facing since she was a toddler.... oh, and she disarmed bombs when her country was wrongfully targeted + used as political bait for terrorists...when she was a child. that’s canon, if we’re talking about  “ accuracy. ” even in vanilla vii, she had no outlets, no one to turn to, ‘cause everyone was cloud vc: “ not interested. ”  
so if you’re on this blog, it’s not like you won’t see happy  yufi... but realize that i recognize that she is multifaceted and has a lot of baggage. emotional issues which unfortunately i bring to every verse gfdohfofh but u know, it’s core to her character + y’all gon have to deal, or... idk, go find another yufi. i’m not forcing you to be here.
iv. in my opinion, the best plotting comes with ooc conversations/interactions. i’m not saying if we plot that we’re required to be friends, ‘cause i don’t wanna force anyone into friendship, but i truly believe that if you want super deep plots with frequent interactions, we should... probably talk more than once. pretty simple, imo !  sometimes people claim i play favorites, but i really don’t... if you never talk to me and you don’t respond to my attempts to interact, then how am i supposed to know you’re interested? 
as a general rule, i’ll put in as much effort as i receive. if i see you’re interested in me, if we’re really vibing when it comes to plotting, if you’re sending asks & liking posts, we’ve got some threads going, rad !  if i like starter calls and send you asks and message you and you never respond to me... ?  i’ll take that as a sign you don’t wanna talk + i should move on to someone else. if i’m wrong, well... do something to change my mind.
v. i know i went hard as fuck on this meme, but that’s bc I’M REALLY PASSIONATE ABOUT ABOUT THIS MUSE.  in reality i’m actually quite soft + a weenie babie. if you ask.......... most people, i think they’d say i try really hard to be approachable and adaptable. i think everyone who talks to me on discord laughs at me because i’m scared of the stupidest things + i love to make jokes and just be funny and relatable. so please be nice and love me and my sassy fighty extremely tough deprived child. we both need hugs. 
kthx i’m finally done.
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halchron · 4 years
fun new meme here ! write 3-5 things a new rp partner (or those who want to be) should know about you and tag 3-5 people! it should be related to rp and not to other interests. (also don’t write you are a dork/gremlin/etc. this is tumblr, of course you are)
TAGGED BY:     stole it from thyme lol TAGGING:     steal it from me !
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01. all my muses are canon divergent. all of my muses are canon divergent in some way, which you can find in their headcanon tags. this is mostly due to me disliking how fandom portrays them ( bokuto, kuroo, suga, and denki specifically ), so please don’t think my kuroo is some like... sex god or my bokuto or denki are dumb as bricks because they’re not. the biggest thing i’m canon divergent on is my portrayal of green, my green is more based on pokemon adventures ( the manga ) rather than the games.
02. feel free to request muses ! I have a list of request only muses and while i don’t offer them upfront, feel free to ask for them in asks / starters. it’s mostly for the reason that I don’t like the fandoms or they’re inactive, and I won’t actively seek out blogs from those fandoms, but if you happen to find me or we’re already mutuals, we can work it out. that being said, I’m sorry bnha fandom but I probably won’t be following you back because the fandom and the mangaka are... something else.
03. my response time varies a LOT. I know this is a typical thing in the rpc but I think I’ve known for quick responses, but that’s really only for my hq muses most of the time. my muse for them is usually always high, the same goes for denki and my oc, so i’ll get to those threads quicker than my others. also i’ll usually put them in the queue if I blast through a lot all at once. but yeah, I’m very sorry if your still waiting on me for smth I swear I’ll get to it soon.
04. I’m shy and lowkey afraid to reach out, it’s me not you. I psych myself out of talking with new mutuals so it may take me a bit to send you asks or stuff as well as talk to you oocly. I also would love to spam y’all with asks and really would love to be friends, but I’m a big baby gdfsgfds. I swear you’ve done nothing wrong though and if I do express interest with interacting with you, I promise I’ll reach out in capacity in some sense.
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Important! Archiving This Blog And Moving To A New One!
As you can all see from the title of the post, and of the name change to my blog here, I’m planning to archive this blog very soon!
I have my reasons for doing this. I follow from my main blog ‘mattdrawsmen’, and I started thinking that maybe having to follow from a (very much NSFW) art blog might not exactly be the best way to follow people I want to write with, especially since said main blog is completely inactive. Also because I’ve been blocked by a few accounts because I neglected to send an ask stating my personal was a main for an RP sideblog, which I’d like to take the time to apologize for.
That, and I actually want to start sending in asks without having to use the anon feature, especially since some RP blogs I interact with don’t have it, meaning I can’t interact much with them.
With my reasons for archiving these blogs to make new ones out of the way, there are a few important things to mention.
I’m going to try to have the new blogs ready to go by the end of the week, maybe have one or two ready by the end of today if I’m lucky. Until then, all my RPs are going to be put on hold.
The biggest thing to mention. I’m going to be unfollowing every RP blog I follow from my main blog and refollowing them from the new ones. So if you see me no longer following you, please don’t be alarmed! I’ll be following you right back again from the new blogs!
And finally, if we have an RP going on any of my current RP blogs, I’ll be moving them to a new RP blog on a new post. Then I’ll be messaging the person I’m writing with to let them know where the RP has been relocated to.
As for these soon-to-be-archived RP blogs, I’ll be keeping them up for my old RPs to be kept in case anyone wants to read them or I need to look back to find a particular detail for an RP that’s been moved. I probably won’t delete the archived blogs unless I need or want to. But more than likely they’ll stay up!
I want to thank everyone who interacted with and followed this blog before the archiving:
@floralxkombatant @kutthroat-kano @seidanguard @ragingxwolf @getxoverxhere @belowfreezingblue @bladedgeneral @grayfxce @technologik @testyoursight @takahashitakeda @sentosbite @sentohelps @ask-shangtsung @ask-magicswordman @we-share-blood @shinxjae @ellieaelious @hazard-15 @kxmbat-veterxn @damuxblade @st-riley-the-brave @paymemytribute @something-something-tall @0fshadowsteps @16sweetiebri-bri @the-multifaceted-playhouse @chained-black-dragon @komebackxkid @hxttrick @thousandxsouls @erronblxck @the-i-d-f-l-hq @mechanists-blog @llegatum @pxlaris @theladyofstorms @fiery-assassin and all I may have missed!
You all are amazing and writing with you has been an amazing experience. And I truly, truly hope I’ll see you on the new RP blogs too! ^^
With that being said, here is the new (still a work in progress) RP blog for Mortal Kombat RPs:
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malnatihq · 4 years
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                               — introducing MALNATI HQ !! —
NEW URL: the 312 has been our child since 2015, but back then we were much more of a city rp where its focus was on chicago, illinois !! today, though, we have shifted our focus onto being more of a hotel rp centered around the malnai hotel. the URL change signifies the plot shift for our group and ushers in a new era for the folks in the 312 !! it feels just as fitting, if not more so now, and we hope you all will think so too !!
NEW TAGS: with our URL change comes changes to our tagging system, as follows:
malnatism ( social media )
NEW GRAPHICS: a modest update to the main, but we admins always get rather excited when we are able to make some aesthetic changes to the group, so we hope that y’all enjoy them as much as we do with this slick, modern feel !!
THEMED DAYS: continuing our tradition, meme mondays & open starter sundays will be in full effect - but we are also adding task thursdays to the list !! we will be putting out new tasks every other thursday and can’t wait for everyone to participate because we have some rather interesting and unique ones planned !!
ACTIVITY CHECKS: for a little upkeep, we are changing up how we do our unfollows !! as we have typically done activity checks per player, we are going to begin activity checking per character !! our activity limit will remain five days, and we will continue to check in with everyone as best we can before unfollowing. this change will mostly affect anyone who plays multiple characters as we just want to be sure that our taken pages are as accurate as possible !! checks will be posted on tuesdays at 9 pm EST as needed.
WANTED CONNECTIONS: to boost our wanted connections, we are going to ask our members to elaborate a little more on the type of connection they’re looking for when they submit them so we can create a better promo for them on our promotion blog !! hopefully this will help potential applicants get a better idea of what each player is looking for and if they have muse for a connection !!
MALNATI MEDIA: introducing our newest blog !! malnati media will have a little bit of everything for us all to enjoy.
MALNATI RADIO: make requests and tune in to the best hotel radio station in the city !! call the hotline for requests, dedicate a song to a certain someone, or call in for a chance to win some amazing prizes !!
SCRAPBOOK: the scrapbook will be found here as well, where the photos you’ve taken of your pals will end up !! if you take any you’d particularly like to see in the scrapbook, just submit it with a caption so we can publish it !! 
MALNATISM: you’ll also be able to find everyone’s social media posts reblogged here using the #malnatism tag !! we all love a good shoutout and are beyond excited to see what kind of edits you all come up with.
MEME MONDAYS: on mondays, we’ll reblog a meme that we think could be fun for anyone who could use a hand in finding one that’s interesting and could spark some muse. 
HOTLINE: hit up our hotline too for any employee suggestions and we will relay the message to the malnati’s for immediate consideration !! the hotline can also be used for any requests or as always, song requests and contest entries !!
INTERVIEWS & EVENTS: whenever there are interesting guests of events at the hotel, exclusive interviews will be posted that no one is gonna want to miss - especially if there is any tea to spill. additionally, event recaps will also be posted to keep everyone in the know or if anything was missed !! 
STARTERS: you’ll also be able to find everyone’s starters reblogged here, too, as we all know how the tags like to eat them !!
POINT SYSTEM: we love the idea of rewarding our members for being as amazing and active as they are, so we have come up with a point system so that you all can engage even more in the group in fun ways !! below you will find all the ways you can earn points to claim prizes once certain goals are reached. we will do our best to keep up with accurate point totals which can always be found on the media blog - but always feel free to message us if corrections need to be made and if you want to ‘cash in’ on your points at any time !! so here’s how to earn points:
open starter +5
open starter reply +10
task completed +15
wanted connection submitted +10
meme answered +2 per
social media post +5 ( text ) / +10 ( graphic )
song request via hotline +2 per
employee suggestions via hotline +2 per 
scrapbook photo via hotline +3 per
here are some of the prizes you can earn:
2nd character
3rd character
create your own task
create your own event
malnati radio takeover
employee of the month & prize
re-decorate your suite
special vacation
celebrity meetup / concert at the malnati
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chief-n-alpha · 5 years
Hello and Thank you to my new followers !
( I am very much aware how late i am in welcoming all of you but I wanted to welcome you all the same!  Under Read More due to length.) 
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( Hello and welcome to my blog, if you’re an rp blog feel free to reply to any of my open starters or send an ask / message me on DMs to chat or plot. If you’re not an rp blog i’ll gladly chitchat with you, I love all my followers regardless of what your muse is or if you’re just a personal blog looking for things to reblog.)
( I promise i’m a nice person and laid back, i’m not selective with who I rp with so i’m open to anyone. That being said following me is not required to interact with me. I must also warn you that i am a bit rusty with Hiccup and Toothless as I just recently came back from a long break (2015-2019 ) )
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reedrph · 6 years
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As per request, I’m about to tell you how to roleplay in the Twitter roleplay community if you’re interested in starting.  This is just my take on Twitter roleplay, and I’m sure there are others with different methods. But I’ll try to break this down step by step with pIcTuReS because I fucking love pictures. 
TLDR; (Because im lazy)
Alright so if you’re unaware what twitter roleplaying is it’s roleplaying via Twitter; though you’ll find all the roleplay mains on tumblr in the ‘twitter rp’ tag.  Unlike tumblr roleplaying where you write in the third-person, for twitter roleplays you write in first-person. As it’s social media based your tweets come from a first-person perspective which means everything is ‘I’ based. However, it is not uncommon for people to roleplay out paras in the DMs just like how you’d write on tumblr.
Twitter roleplays are fast, everything is happening that day at that moment, opposed to tumblr groups where you may be doing a thread set a week ago. They’re great if you don’t have a lot of time, but still want to roleplay, or want to try out a more fast-paced environment!!
Honestly applying for a twitter group is pretty much the same as applying for an appless tumblr group. 
Now something that I tend to see a lot in twitter groups (at least the last time I checked the tag like three months ago MNXBXNBX and from my experience running them) groups drop into the tag but often won’t have their app up for 1-3 days. During that time they’re basically just building hype and gathering an audience, so when they do open it’ll be a swAMP of apps coming in in the first hour. If you like playing a popular faceclaim (like me and Jungkook) I find I rarely manage to snatch him up before anyone else.
But the actual app itself is normally easy, a lot of the time it’ll be requested you submit it opposed to using the ask box (since they may be a little bit too long for it) so prepare for that!!
Once you’ve been accepted it’s common to be given 6-12 hours to get your account in. You may think this is a short period of time, but you can put together a twitter account in 20 minutes.
A common theme, that I’ve never really experienced is people getting locked out of new accounts, though from my history using an email and cell phone verification can prevent this. (if you include your cell phone number go into your twitter settings and disable letting people find you from your phone number) As well as people say not mass following a bunch of people all at once also helps, so only follow 20 people at a time (I’ve mass followed 60+ blogs and have been fine)
If it’s a new account (or an old one you haven’t touched in a while), just like a new tumblr blog you may not show up in peoples notifs!! You need to be active first, which is why you may see people posting “//notifs” before things are even open for plotting. This is perfectly fine and the only reason you should tweet beforehand!! If you notice you may not be getting any replies the first night this is likely why, which is why you want to post ‘notifs’ and like some stuff first.
When it comes to usernames (your @) people typically play off their characters first name and try to make it funny or interesting. Some examples of my own characters past and present would be:
Alliteration is a good approach!! Pick words that share the same first letter and it’ll run smoothly. Or sometimes people's names can be turned or related to other things like:
There are also common name ‘starters’ you’ll see used like:
Really it’s very similar to how names are set up on tumblr.
Display Names
Display names are a little different than usernames, they’re found above the username and is actually what people see first. A lot of the time people will put in memes, TV characters, inside jokes, quotes, song lyrics really anything. Two examples of display names from my own accounts are:
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For one character I’ve chosen a play on his name for his display name that being ‘50 Shades of Grayson’, and for the other I chose a meme, which is ‘Do you take teardrops?’. 
Really what you put in the display name can be anything.
On every twitter account, you get a spot to put a biography this is where you can write a little blurb about your character, put in a quote, a joke, tell us their pronouns, and all that fun stuff. Though often if someone doesn’t know what to write for a bio you will see them just put “Bio for sale” as a little joke.
An example from one of my characters biographies which also includes the display name and username is as follows.
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I just included a small amount of information about him, used the ‘location’ spot to include their pronouns, and then the website spot to link back to the main group.
Icons & Banners
Depending on what kind of group you’re in changes what kind of icon you may use. For instance, if you’re playing someone famous and rich you may use a shot from a photoshoot, or a magazine. But if you’re playing someone with a less glamorous job, it’s a bit more fitting to start out with a selfie or a candid picture of your muse. (Later you may break out the more HQ pictures, I find that happens a lot)
For example, if you’re in a less glamorous setting the picture on the right would be more fitting. While if you’re in a glamorous setting you can get away with more HQ pictures. (But tbh no one’s gonna question it either way, you’ll see people post photoshoot pictures for milestones a lot!!)
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Banners can be anything, you can toss in a picture of a meme, an aesthetic (some people like to match their icons to their banners), if you’re in a ship it’s common for them to change their banner to a picture of the S/O.
Following the Main
Just follow them on twitter, sometimes people will send a little tweet with it like ‘// @.rpname character name has arrived’ or literally just “//@.rpname hi”. But for most all you have to do is follow the twitter main and they’ll follow you back, if it’s an unopened group they may not post a follow, but already opened groups always will!!
Okay so you’ve gotten accepted and set up your account now it’s time for your intro. And intros change person to person, everyone has their own style!! I love graphics so mine occasionally are a little fancier, but not always!! 
It’s also common to end off your post with ‘LMS to plot’ which just means if someone likes it you DM them to plot.
IMPORTANT: Do not post tweets or your bio before the main gives the go ahead!! (Aside from the ‘notifs’ tweets)
Option One:
No bio post, you just introduce yourself in a tweet saying something along the lines of
“//Hey my names Reed, I’ll be playing Grayson and i don’t have a bio but he’s a 20 year old solo artist who’s been around here for two years. They’re pretty chill and kind of over dramatic.”
Option Two:
The lists, since a lot of people roleplay on twitter only through their phone you’ll see a lot of bios posted through a note app where they write down some general info, sometimes in lists, sometimes in blurbs. It’s not uncommon for people to post their characters app in it.
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Option Three:
As someone into graphics a lot of the time I find myself being extra and just making pretty intros. This is not at all required or expected, but if you want to do it, you can.
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Plotting goes along with intros, it’s extremely common for someone to have a wanted connections list, or just say ‘LMS to plot”. Which means you’ll go to the DMs to plot with them. 
But there are also a decent amount of people who prefer chem over plotting, it all depends on what kind of person you are. 
If the main as given the go-ahead to start tweeting then it’s time to think of your first tweet. Now as I stated at the very beginning of this, twitter roleplaying is done from a first-person perspective (with the exception of if you para in the DMs but we’ll talk about that later.)
When it comes to OOC tweets make sure to always start them with slashes ‘//’ (one or two whichever you prefer), this is just the way of showing it’s OOC.
A lot of people tweet for their characters, like they would for themselves. This is very common in twitter groups, everyone puts a little part of themselves in their muses. But it’s also good to find ways to separate them so you aren’t playing to OOC. As it’s not uncommon for people playing more of a self-insert to feel attacked over IC drama that is not OOC, just since they’ve invested so much of their personal self in them. I personally often play characters opposite to my personality IRL to avoid this, however, if you roleplay and put a bit of yourself into the character there’s nothing wrong with that!!
Your first tweet will always feel like the hardest, which is why I typically choose to reply to other people first to take the pressure off before posting my own. But this can really be anything you could say what they had for breakfast, post something funny, or just say ‘hi’, it’s honestly up to you there’s no wrong way to start.  You can even post a selfie, typically most people do sometime in their first 100 tweets.
This is so important, because one of the most common things I see is people who do not reply to other characters, but expect people to reply to them and then they start saying the group isn’t inclusive because they don’t have a lot of threads. But the first few days the dash is always super busy, meaning a lot of tweets will get lost in it, so don’t get sad if some of your tweets don’t get replies, not all of them will. So make sure you’re replying to other people, that’s how you build connections and stay included in the group!! If you ever see anyone posting to RPTs or sending anons to the main saying things are cliquey and you’re in your first 1-5 days, almost 100% of the time it is because they are not replying to enough things themselves!! 
If you’re active, posting your own tweets, and replying to tweets you can get above 100 tweets in your first night. (I’ve gotten 500-600 on the first night before)
You may see a lot of ‘LMS for a DM’ posts too, which just means if you like it, they’ll send you a DM.
Do you see that selfie on the TL?? Go like and retweet it!! Even post a reply on it if you’re really feeling it this is a fast way to make friends. Also, retweet any milestone posts you see posted!! It’s always nice to get support on your own character, which means you need to do it for others.
Also you should get out of your comfort zone, roleplay with faceclaims you may not normally roleplay with, or characters you don’t know.
In the end you'll come to understand more how things work as time goes on, and typically very fast.
There are two types of general messages in the DMs (well three, but I’m giving the third its own category)
The first is OOC messages, used to plot, or communicate with your partner. Much like OOC posts on the timeline, you want to always start this out with ‘//’.
Now for IC messages. These are written just as you would write for DMing as yourself, the only difference is you’re doing it IC.  So here’s a fast example I made between two of my own characters to show you how it works. It really is very casual, and sometimes you’ll DM with people everyday, other times it may die out, it’s all about character chemistry.
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So paras still do exist in twitter roleplays!! They just happen in the DMs opposed to on the timeline. Now there are two different ways of acting stuff out in the DMs and one of them is the para way (my personal preference) or some people kind of just talk it, which I’ll also explain.
When it comes to para’s, I’m not going to lie the most common times I see them happen is with ships, writing out dates or smut (no smut if yoURE A MINOR). Which you may lead up to happening through messages or hint at it, and then you just ask your partner
“//hey do you want to para this?” and typically they’ll say yes, sometimes people might be too busy. If this is the case you can just headcanon it OOC!! Which just means you discuss what may have happened.
So if you’re wondering what a para may look like, it could be something like this:
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Now for the ‘talk’ version, it’s a little different, and I’m personally not a big fan of it, but if it’s my partner's preference I’ll do it. And basically you don’t write out the actions, you just hint at them in what they’re saying. 
So an example of what that looks like is the following:
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Milestones: Milestones are when you hit a big number of tweets, for example every hundred tweets. People often celebrate by posting pictures, or videos. Though I find once I pass 1K tweets I don’t do milestones for every hundred, but I at least do them for every 500.
Indirects: An indirect is when someone mentions your characters name on the timeline, this means that when you search the name and hit ‘from people you follow only’ you can see it. These are great for selfie captions, so if you see someone asking for an indirect, give them one!!  An example of one would be if someone said ‘grayson is the wORST’, since they used ‘grayson’ I can find it in my indirects. When using this for a selfie caption you typically credit the person who said it with their @ for example if I made it my characters selfie caption I’d format it as ‘@.characterurl: Grayson is the wORST’.  Notice the period to separate the @ from the username? This is so they aren’t actually are tagged and get stuck with your notifications for that post.
Quirk: Some people like quirk, some people don’t. Basically, it’s characters who post memes constantly, make a joke out of everything, and are just very extra. I find that a nice middle ground is the best place to be.  Don’t let that be the only thing you post, and don’t be too quirky in serious situations. But a little quirk never hurt anyone!!
TL: Timeline
LMS: Like my shit/stuff/status
DN: Display Name
DP: Display Picture
DM: Direct Messages
RT: Retweet
Follow your group's rules!!
Run your plots by the admins!!
Reply to other people’s tweets (as many as you can, don’t be selective!!)
Post your own tweets!!
Retweet all selfies and videos you can 
Be a welcoming person!!!
Expect people to reply to your stuff if you are barely replying to anyone else.
Take IC drama as OOC
Be a shitty person, avoid being racist, sexist, homophobic etc, etc. 
Be cliquey
Guilt trip people for ships!!
Only look for ships / faceclaim hunt ships
Tag up on characters on the dash (if you see two people arguing don’t throw your character in, it’s overwhelming)
Turn people against other players characters. Even if you don’t like them, it’s not right to isolate someone like that.
Go to RPT blogs with your problems instead of the admins. You can’t solve problems that way, if you talk to the admins, they’ll try to help.  RPT blogs can’t, which makes you part of the problem.
That’s it MNBVCXZ If I missed something you want to know, send me a message!!
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smallblueboyscout · 5 years
Smallblueboyscout’s RP PLOTTING CHEAT-SHEET
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name: Leo OOC Contact: IMs (generally IM jon’s blog, since I have him logged into the mobile app), and discord, which is listed at the bottom of all my muses’ app pages
Who the heck is my muse anyway
Jon Kent, AKA: Superoy. He’s the son of Clark Kent and Lois Lane. He’s just a ten year old trying to adjust to his newfound powers and sudden double life, while trying to love and help everyone around him.
Points of interest:
His powers, his kindness, his sympathy. His powers are also interesting.
What they’ve been up to recently:
Isola Verse:  making a hero group, hanging out with his friends, trying to better himself 
Indie Verse: training during summer, traveling, helping people, school work.
Where to find them:
Isola Verse: glued to the side of his friends, peter’s house, probably picking a fight with whoever decided to make him mad that day
Indie Verse: The Fortress of Attitude (his and damian’s personal HQ), the batcave, the Fortress of Solitude (Superman’s HQ), the Kent apartment in Metropolis, the private school he attends with Damian, stalking heroes 
Current plans:
Isola verse: Making that hero group
Indie Verse: training!! He wants to be a better hero!!
Desired interactions:
More hero based work, like helping other heroes with their jobs or saving people, space!!, soft superfam interactions, idk man hit me.
Offered interactions:
Would you like a small overpowered toddler to love you?? I have your solution. IM me fam.
Current open post/s:
I don’t post starter calls or things for indies, but I’m always down for interactions. For isola, I have a permanent relationship call, and generally post minis and rp ads occasionally.
Anything else?:
I work part time so I’m not always online. The best way to contact me is jon’s IM and discord, please don’t rush me for replies of any kind. Sometimes yeah I drop threads or lose interest, but that doesn’t mean I never wanna interact again. Also indies please don’t reply or reblog or like things labeled for isola like the minis or starter calls.
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ofmymuses · 5 years
hi amanda ! i was wondering if you had any advice on how to start indie roleplaying? particularly for a multimuse? like how your account should look, how to meet / reach out to other writers, etc? i've been trying to get into it for a while but have no clue where to start , ty so so much in advance !
hey hey !! creating an indie is super exciting :-) I hope all goes well for you ! here’s some advice for ya :
the first thing I’d say is there isn’t a specific way your blog needs to look ; whatever you’re feeling ( theme, colour scheme, etc ) is the way to go ! never try to make your blog look a certain way just because it’s trending or whatever -- you should be happy with the way your account looks 
in my opinion, your url doesn’t have to connect with your mumu indie ( I’d suggest otherwise if it was for a singular character tho ) --- my indie is sugarsoftie which honestly makes no sense at all & that’s okay ! it doesn’t need to make sense. if you’re looking for different words for your indie, you can always google translate words in different languages or put “ hq ” or “ tm ” before or after said word? for example: svnkissedhq / blueblushtm
I feel like the best ways to “ get out there ” is to read peoples rules & follow them ! most people go through their new followers and check their blogs out so the chances of them following back & interacting are pretty high. you can also create promos for your indie & post them with typical indie tags : indie rp, indie (description) rp --- example: indie horror rp --- indie mumu rp & so on
there’s a few pages I think are very important for indies to have: about yourself, rules & your muses’ page. that way people can know about you & your boundaries as well as get to know your muses which can also help with figuring out if they think their muses would connect well with yours
a few other things : 1) try to ignore / delete / not answer anonymous hate should you get it ; you can always turn off the anonymous option if the problem continues, 2) having a tagging system will help WONDERS when you need to find a certain post, 3) I know some people’s rules pages are long but it’s very important to read them before interacting & I can’t stress this enough
annnnd yeah ! I’m pretty sure that’s just about all I wanted to say ? if you need help with anything specific ( url help, theme recs, etc etc ) ~ by all means, come back & I’d be more than happy to help with that !! happy rping :-)
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update ((06.01.2019))
Hey guys, Mod Uri here! So, just an update on things around the incorrect blog’s HQ. I actually have no idea where the rest of my mods are, I have to shoot them a quick message soon, but I just wanted to go ahead and tell y’all that I’m getting a little busier at work considering that we are switching managers and stuff. I’m a little stressed, so I apologize for the lack of posts. Soon, I will go through some of the drafts I have on my phone and queue up a bunch of stuff without getting distracted. I will also go ahead and announce the start of a new blog I’ll be making for all my followers who RP utapri. I am in the works of making an utapri RP blog for my OC by the same name as my mod name. If you guys wanna RP with my OC don’t be shy and shoot a message to my personal or maybe even RP blog once it is up. I’ll work on that first, that way I don’t get distracted when queueing up the text posts. You can reply to this post with your thoughts I’d be grateful. Always love the feedback!
♥ mod Uri
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