#fright night jerry dandridge x reader
socheckitout-mikey · 23 days
i really love fright night 2011 so here's some much needed jerry dandridge hc's! i hope you enjoyed these. lemme know what you thought of them! - mae
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Dating Jerry Dandridge (2011) Hc's:
° "Dating" is a very stretched word when it comes to Jerry. Being a vampire makes it impossible for him to love like a human would, because of his dark nature having warped him greatly over the years. It's more probable for him to "possess" you as he views you more like a human pet than an actual partner. After all, he is much stronger, faster and possesses far more superior abilities.
° However, just because he can't love like a human, doesn't mean he won't have the outside world believing he can't. To everyone else you seem like a normal, happy and loved up couple. But truthfully,- behind closed doors -, you're anything but that. Jerry is excellent at deceiving, almost to the point that when you're in public, you seem to forget yourself. Even now he takes pleasure in deceiving you, but truthfully it's more for the necessity of keeping up appearances: Your gullible nature is just an added bonus.
° Jerry most likely had the intention of turning you to replenish his ranks, but he found you more resourceful alive... for now that is.
° For instance, you probably will fall into the role of being a daytime protector of sorts for Jerry. Your job is to ensure that pesky nosed neighbours (particularly teenage brats like Charlie) don't go digging where they shouldn't. You need to take your job seriously, otherwise it puts Jerry at risk; and when Jerry is at risk, he gets extra grouchy.
° But you're good to him - usually -. Now where that at first was out of necessity, currently it is due to some strange culmination of love and fear. Jerry rewards you plentifully in many ways (usually with his boundless sex appeal), but he also knows how to punish you. You long ago stopped attempting to escape him, accepting your fate that you're stuck with Jerry. You know only two outcomes will come from this: Death or Rebirth.
° However he does like to spice things up a bit. He doesn't like you always being a goody-goody.
° Even though Jerry is a cruel creature of the night, and where he is dark and terrifying, there are also good things about him. He can make you feel on top of the world, like you're the only person that matters - so long as you never interfere with his quest to form and expand his tribe of vampires.
° With that I will add that Jerry also does not allow his fledgling vampires to go anywhere near you. Fraternizing with you of any accord is prohibited, because (for now) you are worth more to him alive than dead or immortal. This is solely why you're never allowed in the basement or in the home yourself. In all honesty, Jerry has really grown fond of you. The thought of you dying no longer appeases him. He wants you safe and sound... Well as safe and sound as you can be whilst in his clutches. He does like to have fun with you.
° Following off that point, Jerry is actually extremely protective of you. Anyone dumb enough to mess with you (even mildly) will be dealt with accordingly (and my friend, it gets very messy indeed).
° God forbid if any of his fledgling tribe members are dumb enough to attack you (particularly if they have escaped without his knowledge). They're given the special treatment of being catapulted into the fiery pits of Hell much sooner than he would have originally wanted. But that's what they get for defying his rules.
° We also know already that Jerry is possessive of you. You're his, no one else's. So lets say a clueless person tries to flirt with you - you know they're not going to live much longer. Hell, after Jerry has grown fond of you, he may struggle to understand harmless small talk for genuine romantic interest. Where he can happily dish out all of the flirtatious charm to his female prey, he does not appreciate if someone else showers you in the same treatment. God forbid if you reciprocate it too when he hasn't asked you to. You know, for the means of strategy to bring more people into his immortal club.
° In public, Jerry is very hands on with his PDA. Almost to the point where it can become gross and somewhat sleazy (depending on what role he is playing in the new town or city). It never fails to make you laugh, though as he flirts with you. He makes you feel forever alive.
° One thing is for certain, you never have to fear anyone or anything when Jerry is in your life. The only danger you really need to worry about is him - so you have more than a healthy dose of fear. Not that he would harm you, but Jerry has quite the temper - one that you'd much prefer to steer clear of. So when he's in one of his moods when things aren't going to plan, you stick to another area of the house or tend to the garden out back when the rays of sunshine prohibit him from going outside.
° Your relationship is going to be mainly physical, but that's only because that's how Jerry's able to show his "love" for you. His fondness is shown through sex and there's a lot of it. There's just something about the way you attempt to swat him away, but yet you beg for more shortly after that stirs up something crazy in him. He has to remember to pace himself so he doesn't break you - no matter how tempting the latter is.
° With all of his sleazy charm and physicality, he does have some soft moments. Those are more reserved for special moments or times where you're both alone - safe from the nosy eyes and ears of others. It's not that they're impossible to manifest, but that it usually takes something for them to occur. Examples could be; after a dangerous moment that you both narrowly missed, you have been very good for him for an extended period of time, etc.
° He much prefers to tease you though. He's very good at it, and is awfully witty. He also likes it when you tease him back about the persona he shows the outside world. He likes the banter you share - even for a human you've got some spice to you, and Jerry likes his partner spicy.
° Another thing he likes to do is scare you. Typically in the jump scare fashion. You never know when it'll happen, but it never fails to scare the hell right out of you. He also enjoys chasing you too. There's just something about psychological terror that turns him on endlessly. He has a naturally high prey drive, but attached to that is also a sexual appetite unlike any other. Your specific brand of fear exhibits a scent he's grown both used to and extremely fond of. He never gets bored of it though. That's most likely because he savours it, providing a game of how long he can keep himself from quenching his thirst the traditional way. You're almost too good not to eat.
° Following from that point, it really is true that he doesn't feed from you in a traditional sense. It's hard for him to control himself, but driving his fangs into your flesh, placing his lips on your wounds or simply licking said wounds can turn you. Vampirism is spread through his saliva in open wounds, much like a parasite infecting someone. This makes it hard when he gets your blood pumping or when you have clumsy moments like when you accidentally get cut, etc. He's grown better at fighting the urge - even though your eyes beg him to bite you.
° Instead he settles for blood letting. He pours it right into a crystal glass. It almost amuses you how he devours it, licking the rim of the glass clean before sticking his finger inside the glass to get to those hard to reach places. You don't really get why he does it, but that's just a testament to your mortality and aversion for consuming blood.
° Speaking of your blood, it doesn't disappoint. It's a treat he enjoys savouring as he doesn't get it often - when he isn't being greedy. Bonus points if you were frightened just before he consumed it. He just has to repay the favour… over and over again. Fear is the greatest flavour to a vampire.
° After he tends to any of your wounds. If he has taken too much, then there's that softer part of him that will take care of you. Your diet is rich in iron and other vitamins that help keep your blood and health strong. Where this first came from a necessity to keep you alive, he now does so out of fondness. You may not understand it much, protesting that you can take care of yourself, Jerry won't hear of it. It's his ritual after all, one of the only moments where he can show a softer part of him to you. To convey that in his strange way he might actually love you.
° Jerry is four hundred years old. He knows many things and if you're willing, he passes his knowledge onto you. He's a bored immortal though, so he likes to mess with you, but over time you become less gullible. In his eyes, if you wanted to know more about these things then you should have come into his life when he wasn't bored and so twisted. He knows though that one day he'll mellow out again and by that time, you'll be immortal; so he has all the time in the world to teach you things.
° I think with you around, Jerry is more likely to actually sleep throughout the day. You find it strange that he heads to the basement, but you just think he has a coffin down there since there's no bed upstairs. That is until you realise he sleeps in the literal ground when he rises with dirt covering him head to toe.
° There is absolutely no digging your pesky, mortal nose in the basement or in his private room of his tribes knowledge. He only let's you see the latter when he trusts you enough not to run and tell the entire world. The former isn't until he's ready to turn you into a vampire. So in this case, curiosity would definitely kill the cat - the cat being you. It's best to remain in your jurisdiction.
° If he finds you digging, he considers that meddling and he's not privy to nosy people. If you haven't angered him enough, then he won't kill you, but he may punish you. Especially if you rise up against him with the likes of Charlie...
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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3d-wifey · 6 months
How many of yall will read a story about him
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Jerry Dandridge[1985] With Dominant Male S/o
My Stories are meant for the much more mature audience, 18+.
Background: You are Charley's older brother, who returned home from college just in time, to meet the new...vampiric neighbor. but you not only have a past but you are also connected to one another.
Moive: Fright Night[1985]
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Ever since you hit puberty age, you have had, strange dreams, something of the past, classical clothing for both men and women, and instead of cars they had carriages. You dreamt of the same man--creature over and over but could never see his face, as it was always a blur. The dreams:....visions, never stopped even when you were in college.
Currently, you just returned home, greeting your stepmother, welcoming you, obviously, you were adopted, you looked nothing like her, she always said you had a type of 'allure' that was clearly different from others and herself.
"I'm so glad, to see you home! Come, lease, your old room is still intact, I haven't touched anything promise, only a little cleaning!" Judith: Your stepmother declared, tugging your tall frame forward and up the stairs, currently it was brightly lit outside, and you knew Charley was most likely at school.
Entering your large room was like a wave of nostalgia hitting you, there were classic horror movie posters plastered on the walls, and some of your drawings, primarily based off of your visions/dreams, but held more of a gothic texture to them instead of just plain old-century. You remember wanting it to at least fit in, and not wanting to hear your mothers questioning on why it didn't match the rest of your interests.
Slowly you turned to look at your stepmother lost in thought while looking at you, "What?" You asked, brushing your cold hand against the back of your neck bashfully, "Nothing, it's just, then you were so scrawny and young, but now look at you! My boy has turned into a man!" She was gushing with pride as she swiftly hugged out.
"Now, honey, you get some rest, dinner will be done later tonight, Charley is going to be static to see you again!" She gave you a kiss on the cheek, having to stand on her tippy toes to reach you, before she gave you one last smile and turned around, shutting your room door gently.
Setting down your suitcase, which didn't hold much in it, you take a seat on your old bed, which was sturdy and still as comfortable as when you were younger....you could only assume your mother and Charley had replaced the mattress.
Slowly without even tucking yourself in, you fell asleep quickly, the restless flight having delayed your long-deserved sleep.
You slowly awoke with a groan after hearing a loud thump coming from outside, slowly you groggily stand up, letting your eyes adjust to the darkness as you look out your window, and see a normal-looking man, and then an enticing one with a red scarf, carrying what seems to be a coffin.
Your mouth parts slowly, while, quickly shutting your blinds, after he nearly glanced your way. You didn't even realize you were holding your breath until you let out a huff of air
Exiting your room is what you did, Charley your step-brother, who, you basically always got along with other than the random brotherly fights.
Suddenly as you made your way toward Charley's room, you saw a short-haired girl rush passed you, glancing at you before rushing as she hurriedly put her jacket on.
Charley followed after, quick to stop once seeing his brother, "Holy crap!--[Name]!" Charley swiftly hugged you, as you both looked at each other, awe at how much you had changed.
Your brother had told you, that he had to go after his girlfriend, then would catch up with you later....Which you both did, or the past weeks.
Over the weeks, your mind had wandered to the strange neighbor who always seemed to come around at night. You had to admit, you were indeed creeping on him, through your window, but had no idea Charley was doing the same thing but has seen many different things than you did....more horrid things.
"You don't fucking understand!---He's a vampire [Name]! A fucking vampire!" Charley ushered out, pasting around his room, with fearful swear to drip down his forehead. Even though Charley sounded crazy...you believed him, by the simple fact of little details, the coffin, blood stains on his face. "Jerry... Dandridge--a vampire?" You murmured, Charley suddenly jumping over and handing you a cross necklace.
After a while, you had tried to calm Charley down, admitting you did indeed believe him, to distract the both of you, you decided to play some classic slasher films.
"CHARLEY, [NAME]! Come down! I want you both to meet somebody!" The muffled voice of Judith from downstairs called out, to both of her sons.
Charley rolled his eyes, pausing the film, as you got up from his bed, both of you heading downstairs, Charley letting out a low-tune whistle while doing so, clearly in a better mood after distracting his mind from the vampiric neighbor. Unlike Charley, your movements were slightly sluggish, as you let out a yawn. Charley was wearing a white button-up long-sleeve shirt, tucked into some jeans with a belt.
You were rather the opposite, With a black button-up long sleeve, with some of your buttons loose, then you had dark grey dress pants with a black belt.
After you had both made it down, you saw Judith Standing with a wide smile on her face, "Charley, [Name], this is our next-door neighbor, Jerry Dandridge." Judith spoke, causing both you and Charley to freeze, eyes roaming across the sitting vampire.
"Hello, Charley," Jerry spoke, leaning out of the large seat which covered his view, of Charley---and--oh...who was this?: Taking a closer look Jerry, visibly froze, before turning to a wide smile, even wider than the one he had given Charley. "Andd--what was it..." Jerry paused pursing his lips while shaking his head; as if he recalled some type of memorable scene. "[Name]..." Jerry slowly uttered with a low humming tone in his voice and a hint hit a sultry.
Swiftly Jerry stood up, walking to Charley and you while holding out his hand, Judith was about to say something for not taking Jerrys hand. But you unexpectedly grabbed Jerry's hand, staring right into his eyes. You were the first to pull your hand away, not Expecting Jerry to try and hold on longer; subtly of course, after realizing where he was, he let go of your hand and stared at you for a bit.
For some strange reason as you made contact with Jerry, you felt a strange pang in your chest, but you simply had mistaken it for your sheer attraction to the vampire.
"What's he doing here." Charley tried to mask his fear by avoiding eye contact with Jerry, "I invited him over for a drink." Judith answered back with a smile. "What.." Charley murmured breathlessly.
Before they could say anything else, you felt rather lightheaded when staring at Jerry for too long, as if a string of memories were trying to pour in at the same exact time, but failed because of the overwhelmingness of it all.
"Fuck." You huffed out, grunting in pain, as you nearly tripped over your feet, but regained your balance. "I need to go lie down." You struggled, seeing the amused look on Jerry's face.
"Oh--alright, I'll get you a glass of cold water, and food! You haven't eaten since you got here---oh I'm so sorry Jerry..." Judith spoke, both her eyes and Jerry watch as you stumble back up the stairs and out of their view.
When you made it back to your room, you just laid in bed without shutting your eyes as you stared at the ceiling, trying as much as possible to ignore the flashes of vision overcoming you. In every single vision Jerry fucking Dandridge was in them, 'the man of your dreams,' it made you scowl out in laughter at the thought...simple disbelief.
A couple hours had gone by, and as your mind had finally calmed itself with the rapid, visions, you assumed, Charley and Judith were already in bed.
What you didn't expect was for a figure to be inside your room, suddenly you shot up from your bed, sitting down instead of simply laying. "Jerry?" You asked slowly, as his frame came further into view, the moonlight striking his features carefully, in a blink of an eye, he was at your bedside, leaning down and sniffing. "You must forgive me, if I had known you were here sooner, I wouldn't have wasted so much time, teasing that little--Charley fellow...~" Jerry purred out, setting his palms on your bed as he crawled forward.
You watched Jerry's seductive gaze settle on you, his lips slowly connecting to your own. But you quickly and surely take control, griping your hand through his black curls and messing up his neatly done hair
Both of you devour each other's lips ferociously. "Jerry," You whisper into his ear while pulling on his waist, and leaving sloppy kisses down his neck. "Yesss~~" Jerry's voice slightly slurred with a sultry gaze. "I remember you." You uttered biting into his neck gently to leave your own mark on the vampire, however, you were sure it wouldn't stay.
"Good," Jerry responded, his head pulling away and tilting his head to look at you, his thumb trails upon your bottom lip parting your mouth slightly as he stared, almost as if he was making sure this wasn't a dream.
A low humming tune erupted from his throat with a wide smile on his face as he planted his head on your chest, listening to your beating heart, "My love....oh how I've missed you, my sweet mate." He purred out, gripping tighter
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milaeryn · 2 years
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I was rewatching Fright Night and did some Jerry Dandridge sketches!
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chezzywezzy · 2 years
Yandere Jerry Dandrige HCs
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I don't write HCs other than as birthday gifts for friends, so don't ask for others! However, happy birthday to my best friend in the whole wide world, @fanfic-side-blog! Sorry it's a few days late. And do enjoy. Love you lots!
You’d never suspect of a vampire moving to the middle of the South, where the sun was always at its peak. And yet, that’s where Jerry ended up going to stave off suspicion.
What was even odder was that he decided to move into a trailer park. A vampire who had a great deal amount of money, ended up in a trailer in the middle of a desert. How odd.
However, Jerry Dandrige was an old vampire. More than four-hundred years old, he was getting bored of the same-old, same-old. Relocate have some fun slaughtering the locals, and move elsewhere. He’d been all over the world, from the frozen tundras of Alaska to the humid rainforests of the Philippines.
But there he was. And, as uncomfortable as the landscape was for him, he would end up being quite grateful for the impromptu move. Because that trailer park in the middle of nowhere in the searing hot desert would be where he met you.
The sun was just beginning to rise when he caught a glimpse of you. He worked his brow, sitting back against a chair just outside of his purchased trailer. He had a ‘beer’ bottle beside him and he was about to pack it up. 
There you were, out and about on an early morning run. You were sweating and heaving, probably just hitting the three-mile mark. You were running right by and didn’t feel his eyes glued to your figure.
You were attractive. Roughly his physical body’s age. Even drenched in and with an uncomfortable expression, you were nice on the eyes.
However the sun was about to rise. So, off he went, shutting the curtains of his trailer. He didn’t particularly need any rest, so he sat back in the recliner and watched television.
And yet, all he could think about was you.
He started making it a habit to sit out in the early morning. Sometimes you were there, running laps without noticing him. Other times, his morning was desolate and lonely. 
Jerry was taken. So, he was left with no other option than to take up running. It was easy. It was slow. And yet, he did so in hopes that you two would cross paths and formally introduce.
And that happened. He was coming from the opposite direction as you. You two made eye contacts, and he noticed how your face flushed as you scanned his exposed torso up and down. Jerry had to resist a smirk, instead smiling and sending you a friendly wave.
You awkwardly waved back. And so, a new habit was set. He would go in the opposite direction each morning and you two would cross paths. During this time, a few people were mysteriously disappearing around the trailer park and the local area, but that was hardly your business.
And then, one morning, instead of waving, he greeted hello and slowed to a stop. You reciprocated, making it clear that you found him attractive and dreamy. Jerry couldn’t help but feel instant chemistry.
Jerry was smooth. So very smooth. However despite how you physically drooled over him, you were a little dense. And maybe even that was an understatement. So, for the time being, you two became jogging partners.
Slowly, Jerry became more involved in your life. You two exchanged numbers. You somehow could text him any time of day and night. It was like he never slept. And he was always very vague about what his job was, too, and you never saw him out during the day.
A few months passed and Jerry knew he was supposed to leave. And yet, you were here. And even though it had been a few months, the connection he found with you was irreplaceable. 
But he also knew that if he swept you off your feet and took you with him, it would be easy to locate him for kidnapping. So, he was stuck until further notice.
And then, one day, when he’d just called over a nice meal - prostitute -, he heard knocking on his front door. He opened it, and found you. Adorning such gorgeous Victorian attire, hair in a curly red updo, was you. You looked so shy, but to quote Mr. Darcy, “your feelings could not be repressed.”
You admitted your crush on the man. And Jerry’s heart melted. He couldn’t even give a verbal response instead pulling you into the trailer and welcoming you with a warm kiss that caused even more butterflies to erupt in your stomach.
All of the pieces fell into place. But then, you picked up a very peculiar stench. Sure, you thought it was just the beer at first, but as you ogled the rest of his trailer, you realized. It smelled too much of iron to be simple beer and cigarettes.
Jerry, calm and collected, began explaining everything. How he was a vampire. He was na immortal. And he wanted nothing more than to be with you for all of eternity.
You almost said yes. At least, until there came a knocking on his trailer door. He left you eagerly, swinging it open to reveal a scandalously clad woman with a cigar poking out from her lips.
The realization set in on you. But you could only watch in horror, too internally conflicted. His teeth sank in and he sucked the woman dry, his face having morphed into something far more terrible than the handsome man you’d become acquainted with.
As the body dropped the ground, Jerry opened his arms to you. And you, as though stuck in a trance, hugged back. He held onto your hair as he dug his fangs into your neck.
The sensation was oddly pleasant, minus the dull pain from when he first pierced into you. It felt like a dream. One that made you feel so ecstatic, even if every fibre of your being was screaming that this was wrong.
And then as his fangs departed and he pressed one final kiss to your forehead, you dropped to the ground. 
By the time you woke up, you were vaguely aware that you were being carried. You felt absolutely famished, too. And as your eyes opened you were peering at Jerry. Somehow, you weren’t in the desert. It was the middle of the night and you were in a forest, a cool breeze sifting over you two.
Your heart melted because god, he was just so good-looking. But you also realized that your spontaneity had left your family - and a dead woman - in the dust.
Jerry consoled you, saying that the life of a vampire was beautiful and free. And, as much as you were swayed by his gorgeous voice and handsome lips, you felt so very guilty.
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Jerry Dandridge and Billy Cole did nothing wrong, the humans are the villains and I'm being totally serious about this. They were just living their best lives.💔
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fanfic-she-wrote · 2 years
Imagine Jerry Dandridge being your boss
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trash-gobby · 2 years
second batch of headers i created :D
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✨ The Suicide Squad (2021)
✨ Abner Krill X GN!Reader
✨ Plot: You take Abner to see a very special art exhibition at the museum.
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✨ Stranger Things (2016-Present)
✨ Undecided.
✨ Plot: Some of the teens of Hawkins end up being stuck in detention for the day. Shenanigans ensue.
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✨ Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997-2003)
✨ Buffy Summers X Faith Lehane
✨ Plot: Buffy has left Sunnydale. Having lost hope and fallen into a deep depression, she finds herself spiralling until she meets a girl one day at work who challenges her perception about life and love.
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✨ Stranger Things (2016-Present)
✨ Eddie Munson X GN!Reader
✨ Plot: Eddie see's the reader at a music event and wants to talk to them but doesn't know how.
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✨ The Lost Boys (1987)
✨ Paul X Enby!Reader
✨ Plot: Paul starts to develop feelings for a local skateboarder and tries to figure out how to impress them.
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✨ Near Dark (1987)
✨ Severen X GN!Reader
✨ Plot: Working the closing shift at the mall was nothing unusual for you. Restocking shelves and making sure to usher customers out of the store before locking up.
What you least expect is to become the target of a vampire which is hungry for more than just the taste of blood.
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✨ Near Dark (1987)
✨ Diamondback X Fem!Reader
✨ After having a fight with her lover Jesse, Diamondback goes out into the night to cool off.
She wants nothing more then to find something, or someone to drink. What she doesn't expect is to find someone who she actually manages to feel something other than hunger for.
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✨ Alien Franchise (1979-Present)
✨ Ellen Ripley X Dwayne Hicks (not prominent in the story)
✨ Plot: Undecided.
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✨ Stranger Things (2016-Present)
✨ Steve Harrington X Eddie Munson
✨ Plot: Getting sick of being stuck inside over the summer Steve allows Robin to rope him into hanging out with the gang at the Hawkins Community Pool. There he contends with chaotic yet oddly compelling recent addition to their ever expanding group, Eddie Munson.
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✨ Fright Night (1985), The Lost Boys (1987) & Near Dark (1987) crossover
✨ David X Michael Emerson, Diamondback X Jesse Hooker, Severen X Caleb Colton, Star X Mae, Paul X Marko (subject to change)
✨ After the attempt which the lost boys made on the Emerson family, Michael isn't sure what is going to come next. They did a number on David and the others, but they managed to get away. Now they have to anticipate what will come next...
Caleb and his family have sold the farm and moved as quickly as possible across the country. Hoping that they've covered their tracks enough, will Santa Carla be far enough away to escape the vampires hunting them?
Jerry Dandridge barely escaped with his life, now he is planning to recoup and pick up the pieces in a new town. (subject to change).
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birdlungg · 2 years
Blood Bound: Chapter 6
The ride back to your neighborhood is silent. Your mind is surprisingly quiet given the circumstances. You figure it stems from being so comfortable around Jerry. It should worry you, honestly. How can you feel so at peace with a man you barely know? You can’t help but wonder if he feels the same.
He pulls up into his driveway before long, pressing a discreet button on his visor that opens the garage door, allowing him to pull in and close it behind you. As he turns off the truck, you notice that the garage is full of construction materials. Splattered paint cans, plastic sheeting and dusty sawhorses are on all three sides of the solid garage walls.
The door to the truck is swung open and you jump a bit in your seat, finding Jerry standing before you with that smirk of his. You grab your bag and hop out, standing there awkwardly for a moment as he closes the door and leads you up the short steps to the door of the house with his hand on the small of your back. He presses close enough that you can feel his warmth through your shirt as he opens the door and lets you in.
You both make your way to the kitchen, and you peer around the house. It looks like he’s been making good progress on renovations. There’s new drywall and plaster on most of the walls, and some of the stairs leading to the upper floor are a different color than the rest, indicating that some have been replaced.
“Sorry about the mess. I keep getting distracted from my renovations.” He leads you to the small couch in the living room, adjacent to a single recliner that’s facing the mall tv in the corner.
“Make yourself at home. Do you want some wine?” You nod and smile at him, taking a seat on the couch and watching as he makes his way to the kitchen. He’s out of sight behind the wall for a moment and you hear the sound of several cupboard doors slam shut before he’s back in view, carrying a bottle of red wine and two stemmed glasses.
Jerry pours two full glasses before setting the bottle on the side table on the right side of the couch and taking a seat, kicking his leg up so his ankle of one leg rests on his knee and tossing his arm across the back of the couch. You both sip your wine for a moment, with you still looking around the house, and him watching you heavily.
You’ve just taken a sip of wine and are about to open your mouth to ask what kind of plans he has for the house when he grabs your glass from you and set’s it down in one smooth motion. He grabs you by your hips and pulls you toward him on the couch and kisses you hard.
You make a noise of surprise before you return the kiss, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. He picks you up like you weigh nothing, and settles you on his lap. He tastes delicious, like a mix of the red wine you had been having and something earthy. You pant against his mouth, and he runs his hands under your shirt and up and down your back, leaving a scorching trail with his touch.
You don’t even realize it, but you’re grinding down on his, swirling your hips into his as you kiss. Jerry pulls away for a moment, before his lips are blazing a trail down your neck. He gets to one particular spot that makes you moan softly and he licks at it, before sucking hard. Then, he’s back to his kisses, working his way to your collarbone.
You toss your head back and moan, biting your lip as he tastes your skin. You can feel just how wet you are getting against your pants. He stands up suddenly, causing you to gasp in surprise and hold onto him tighter. Without even moving from his task of painting your skin with his marks, he makes his way up the stairs, never even straining from carrying you.
Before you can even blink, he’s laying you on your back on the giant bed in the master bedroom. He pulls away from you finally and you open your eyes to look at him as he hovers over you. His pupils are blown wide with lust as he looks at you hungrily. He grasps the edge of your shirt before pausing, giving you time to tell him no, giving you time to stop. While you appreciate it, you have no intention of doing so.
You sit up and let him rip your shirt from you, exposing your bare stomach and bra clad chest to the cool air of his bedroom. He lets out an appreciative sound before pulling your torso toward him and working his tongue across the parts of your breasts that your bra isn’t covering.
Your panting and moaning is getting ever louder. He finally pulls the cups of your bra down, exposing your pebbling nipples to the cool air. He sucks hard on your right nipple, grinding his growing cock against your heat. He reaches one hand around and finally undoes your bra, tossing it to the floor once your arms are free.
Jerry pushes you until your back is flat against the bed, and removes your shoes and socks, slipping his attention to your other nipple. Your clit is practically singing against the seam of your jeans, and you squirm against him.
He finally undoes your pants, grabbing at the hem of both your pants and panties before slowly working them down your legs. You’re hit with a wave of insecurity as he tosses the clothes onto the floor. What if he didn’t like what he sees? You hold your legs together for a moment, before he makes direct eye contact with you and pushes your legs open at the knees. He slots himself between your thighs and trails his eyes down your body, before coming to rest on your glistening and swollen folds.
“You are” Jerry starts, tearing his own shirt from his body, “so unbelievably beautiful.”
You lift yourself onto your elbows as he starts to remove his own shoes and pants, keeping heavy eye contact the whole time. Once he is as bare as you, you trail your eyes down his body, coming to rest on his gorgeous cock. Then he’s moving again, this time situating himself so his face is flush with your heat, resting his cheek on your thigh and inhaling your scent.
You’ve never felt so exposed or aroused in your whole life.
He kisses from your thigh to directly on your clit, making you jump as he makes contact. He licks and sucks at your clit before licking from your entrance to just above your folds.
You know you are being incredibly loud with your moans but you can’t find it in you to care at the moment. This goes on for a few more minutes, each lick and suck bringing you closer to where you desperately want to be. Jerry takes two fingers and thrusts them roughly into your entrance, and you come on the spot, gushing against his fingers and face with a yelp.
He licks you softly as you come down, and when you squirm away from the over stimulation he finally relents, moving away from your quivering thighs and up to your sweaty and flushed face. He seems to get off on eye contact during your more vulnerable moments, and he licks his fingers clean as you watch on and squirm.
He rests his palms by your head, and your hands automatically come up to rest on his forearms to ground yourself. He lines his cock up with your entrance and pauses, once again waiting for you to give the ok. You bite your lip before nodding once.
He grins at you, suddenly seeming toothier than he was before and - wait what’s up with his eyes?
“I have waited a looooooong time for this.” He snaps his hips and bottoms out in your heat in one fluid motion. It drives all the air from your lungs and you gasp, digging your nails into his arms. Jerry doesn’t seem to care, and growls deep in his chest before retreating and thrusting into you again. Each thrust makes you gasp out, and the bedroom is filled with the sound of your panting and moaning, the growling he’s making in pleasure and the squelch of his cock driving into you.
When you come again, it’s in the same moment he does, and your body locks up as he grabs you and holds you to his chest, thrusting once more before spilling into you. As he comes, he locks his teeth into your neck, sending a spark of pain through your body that only adds to the heat from your orgasm. You sit there gasping for air as he withdraws his teeth, licking at the spot.
Jerry holds you close as you both come down, resting his face against the skin of your throat, murmuring about how good you were. The sex has taken a lot out of you and you can barely keep your eyes open. You shut them gently, and the last thing you remember before slipping into unconsciousness is Jerry’s face before your’s, with his eyes dark and chin covered in your blood.
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fortnight-dream · 3 years
Jerry Dandridge - Fright Night (2011)
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3d-wifey · 6 months
I will singlehandedly reblog a jerry dandrige story 100 times omg PLEASE
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Thank you, at least I have one person who's in my corner
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goodguydxll · 3 years
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horrorstolemyheart · 2 years
Notes: Just a quick, short little fic I whipped up. I hope Jerry feels in character. Kind of a melodramatic tone for a character from a horror comedy but hey, I had fun with it lol. Perhaps not my best? Again this was sorta quick. But anyways, hope you enjoy it!
Warnings: Mention of blood, reader dying (but not permanently), I guess a slightly sexy scene? If neck kisses fall under that, I'm sure you could see some implied smut between the lines, but imagine it how you will. Nothing directly written. Umm... I think that's it? If I missed anything please let me know!
Pairing: Jerry Dandridge (1985) x reader
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Jerry had always wanted you. He knew the moment he saw you he wanted to be with you for eternity. You were very clearly something special.
Jerry had lived so long and witnessed many incredible things. He'd seen the most stunning work of the best artisans in the world, watched the most divine thespians to walk across any stage, and heard singing that could only be described as angelic. But none of it compared to you.
Jerry had wanted to turn you from the beginning, but if time had taught him anything, it was to be patient. And although his overzealous nature had gotten the better of him on a few occasions, he never pressured you into it. He waited until you were ready.
The evening was a very special one indeed. Turning someone was a ritual, much like marriage. Everything was to be perfect, he made you feel like nothing less than royalty.
Candle light illuminated the room as his lips trailed down your neck causing you to gasp. The quickening of your pulse was intoxicating and a part of him would miss your fragile mortality. The sound of your heartbeat, the warmth of your skin. 
"Are you ready, my love?" He whispered against your soft skin.
"Yes," you replied breathlessly.
A few more chaste kisses were placed before fangs sunk into your neck, blood trickling from the fresh wound down the back of your shoulder. 
The beating of your heart began to slow, the grip on his strong shoulders began to weaken and your vision started to turn hazy. Your lovers face fading into a mosaic of colors.
Jerry held your body in his arms, a thumb stroked over your cheek. You were still warm, if only for a moment. He began to think of how many he'd killed in cold blood, simply to feed himself, so many strangers he cared not for. But you were his mate, his partner, the love of his life. This time was different.
The gap between your form lying completely still and the life beginning to come back felt much too long. But soon your lashes began to flutter. Your body began to shift and you blinked, jolting upright.
"Easy, darling. Your vision will adjust soon," you held onto him, glancing around the room. He placed a kiss to the back of your hand and then your forehead. The feeling was different. A bit of heat lingered, but that would soon fade. You were ready to jump up and explore, it was exhilarating. Everything looked so... clear! Colors and lights had never looked so divine in your life!
As you went to stand, Jerry held you back warning you to rest for a bit. Let your senses come down from there high. Reluctantly, you relaxed back into his arms, watching the candle flames that flickered around you, and a sense of euphoria enveloped you.
Jerry admired the look of child like wonder on your face. Reborn, and glowing with a beauty separate from your mortal kind.
You were now almost completely cool to the touch, and although a part of him would miss it, Jerry held you. And that's how you remained for just a while, wrapped in a different kind of warmth. 
**I hope to be able to write more in the coming year, I'm so excited and hope to improve. I also hope you guys will be around to read! Happy New Year lovelies!
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Meeting and Dating Jerry Dandridge
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous via message)
(The sequence of events in here are a little different from the movie so forgive me for that.)
- You’d lived next door to Charlie your entire life so even though you were a few years older than him, the two of you were still very close. You’d graduated a year prior and were taking courses at a local community college so that you could still stay with your parents; and see your friends whenever you wanted. It also meant that you were right there when Jerry moved into the neighborhood. 
- Charlie went insane. That’s what you thought when he neurotically ran over to you, grabbing your arm and dragging you into his house. You’d just returned home from a night class and had only caught a glimpse of the two men that were standing in the yard beside your friends.  
“Have you lost your mind!” You asked incredulously, rubbing your wrist as he locked the door behind you and his half asleep mother. 
- Jumpcut to an hour later and you were hesitantly standing up from the boys kitchen table, looking at him strangely as you fumbled through an excuse to finally leave. In return, Charlie insisted that you stay until sunrise which you did, if only to placate him. 
- The boy kept watch as you walked the few yards to your own front door in the early hours of the morning, tired and confused by your friends; what you could only assume was a, psychotic episode. You thought it was a one time thing, spurred on by a nightmare or fever or something. Oh how wrong you were. 
- You had your first actual interaction with Jerry that following night. The sun had just set and you were home alone when a knock sounded at your door. Upon opening it, you were met with the sight of an attractive stranger who introduced himself as your new neighbor. 
- You invited him in a few moments later after getting over the initial shock of his model-esque face. The two of you had a short but sweet conversation and you told him he was welcome to stop by any time he’d like, more than a little starstruck by him. He extended the same courtesy to you and gave your hand a parting kiss as he left through your front door, leaving your cheeks feeling hot. 
- During the next few days, the two of you were friendly with each other. On more than one occasion, you came home to see him and his housemate standing outside. Upon seeing you, he would smile at you, oftentimes walking over and exchanging a few words. You were growing to like him more and more. 
- Not long after, you received a call from Amy, pleading with you to help her and Ed convince Charlie that your neighbor was not in fact a vampire. Obviously, you agreed and set to work on arranging everything. 
- When you arrived at Jerry’s home, you were a bit nervous but excited to see the man at the same time. His housemate opened the door, letting you and the rest of your group inside. Once Jerry made his entrance, Charlie realized that this wasn’t your first time meeting and immediately asked how he knew who you were.
- You faltered for a moment; hesitant: nervous as to what his reaction would be. And you should have been, considering the moment you told him, he looked as though he might implode. Thankfully, Vincent calmed him down, insisting on getting the test over with. 
- The test was done and soon enough, Vincent was ushering you all out of the mans home. Jerry paid particularly close attention to you as everyone was preparing to leave, insisting that you come over and visit, all while Charlie watched on protectively, ready to pull you out of the house at any moment.
- You reached the door and looked up at the man with a smile, saying a somewhat shy goodbye. He smiled back at you and leaned down, slowly pressing his lips to your cheek as Charlie stared at the two of you in outrage and horror. 
- The kiss. Sure, it was to show that he could do whatever he pleased; to prove that he had full control over any situation Charlie threw at him, but it was also just something he wished to do. He truly was looking forward to seeing you again, mainly because he was becoming more and more invested in you. 
- When you were going out the next day, Billy had called out to you, saying that Jerry wanted to know if you’d join him for dinner at his house. Who wouldn’t accept? 
- So, that night, you put on a nice dress, did your hair and makeup accordingly and headed over to the charming mans door. You weren’t sure what you were expecting but a candlelit dinner was not it. 
- The entire evening was unlike anything you’d ever experienced. The air was near stifling with tension, romantic tension, sexual tension. Every look he gave you had your insides ablaze and when you were saying goodbye, the hand he placed on your shoulder felt like it was burning your skin.
- In an instant you were hyperaware of the feeling of his lips, pressed close to the corner of your mouth as he says a husky goodnight. It’s hard for you to leave when he pulls away, but you do and you go home to take a cold shower, trying your best to rid yourself of the heat. 
- A few nights later and your parents are out of town, you have the whole house to yourself and are looking forward to a quiet night in. That’s when you hear a knock at your front door. 
- It’s him. At this hour it wouldn’t be anybody else. The instant you see him, your heart starts to flutter and you step aside to let him in, greeting him as you try your best to not sound as affected by his presence as you truly are. 
- You don’t know how it happens, or rather you can’t remember, but you wind up in your bedroom. Perhaps you were grabbing a sweater since you remember standing at your dresser. The details are hazy but you remember the next series of events vividly.
- You turn from your dresser, only to find him standing beside you, his chest nearly pressed against yours. A heat, one you’ve only ever felt when with him, courses through you and you can hardly breathe as he leans down, his lips inching towards yours, your face tilting up and....
“Y/N!” You jump, instinctively moving away from the man even though you long to stay close. Whipping your head towards your window, you find Charlie leaning out of his bathroom window and glaring at the man in front of you. 
- You feel your face turning hot for an entirely different reason as your friends eyes move over to you. Without saying a word, Jerry leans forward and shuts your window, pulling the blinds shut. 
“Your friend still doesn’t trust me.” He says quietly, disappointed for an entirely different reason than Charlie’s opinion of him. 
“I’m sorry about him-” You begin but he shushes you politely. 
“You don’t have to apologize.” He tells you softy, his hands running up and down your arms. “You never have to apologize with me.”
- That visit continues to resurface in your mind for days, haunting you in the middle of the night until you’re walking the short distance to the Dandridge residence. You don’t even have a plan but in that moment it doesn’t matter, there’s this inexplicable pull between you and the house.
- You expect Billy to open the door but you’re immediately met with Jerry, his lips curling into a smirk upon seeing you. He invites you in with no hesitation though your insides feel like they’re twisting into knots with how nervous you are. 
“I...” Your voice falters and you realize how vulnerable you truly feel. You don’t even know what to say or how to say it or if you should say it. You feel completely out of control and it’s somewhat frightening. 
- You open your mouth, trying to think of something else to say before he shushes you gently, stepping closer and closer until he can clasp his hands around your shoulders. They glide over your flesh, gliding up your neck until they’re right below your jaw, his thumbs resting on your cheekbones. 
- He says nothing as he closes the distance between you and your eyes flutter shut at the feeling of his lips on yours. The world around you is gone and all there is is you and him, and in that moment, that’s all you could’ve asked for. 
- Constant pda and touching. He’s never able to just keep his hands off of you. 
- Without a doubt, he’s a clingy man. He likes always touching you, always having you around. You’ll most likely move in with him fairly early on in your relationship.
- The two of you get lost in each others embrace, time passing you by as you lay together, your legs intertwined and your lips connected. He could kiss you for hours if you’d just let him.
- Neck kisses.
- Soft caresses. 
- Sitting on his lap. He looks at you expectantly whenever he sits down or whenever you walk in on him lounging on one of his old armchairs.
- Feeding each other. Allow him to show you how eating an apple can actually be a highly erotic situation.
- Hand kisses. If you kiss the tip of his finger, he will not be able to hold back his smirk.
- Antiques; you’re given a lot of century old things. Necklaces, rings, art; you name it and he’s given it to you. 
- He likes to spoil you in any way he can. Gifts, affection, compliments; it’s all yours as long as you stay by his side and promise to love him. 
- Evenings spent by the fire. 
-  He’s perfectly happy with any type of cuddling. He just wants to be as close to you as he can be, to hold you or be held by you. What better way to sleep than to be wrapped up in your lovers arms?
- Waking up to soft kisses on your bare shoulders and other soft places. 
- Darling, sweetheart, honey, pet. He loves that one; pet, as cute as a kitten and all his. 
- He adores it when you call him pet names. Having you refer to him so affectionately, calling him something that's reserved for only him. It’s like a dream come true. 
- Pulling him into kisses by his scarf. The act always makes him smile.
- Long hugs. He likes having you pinned against him. 
- Sometimes he’ll revert to another centuries way of speaking or behaving without even realizing it at first. You find it quite adorable; and incredibly charming, when his words suddenly sound more old English and he’s speaking to you like you’re at a 17th century ball. 
- Sometimes he’ll do it purposefully just to amuse you, pretending to court you as though you were some highly sought after duchess, asking you to dance or waxing poetry he remembers from the time period. 
- Having him wrap himself around you from behind, observing whatever it is you’re doing or looking at curiously, or looking on proudly/smugly as you tell someone off; particularly Charlie. 
- You’re gonna have to convince Charlie and Vincent to not kill him and convince him not to kill them. He’s ready to form a truce; mainly for your sake and because he doesn’t care about whether or not Charlie lives as long as he leaves him alone. Charlie might not be so keen on forgiving him though. 
- Shyly asking to see his vampire features. He finds it adorable when you’re not sure how to ask and then when you marvel at the different, inhuman parts of him. Not to mention, examination means more touching so it’s a win win for him.
- If you give him permission to feed off of you, he has to stop himself from immediately fucking you senseless. Be careful when bringing it up because the mere thought of it takes away a lot of his usual restraint. 
- Speaking of sex. Intimacy is pivotal in your relationship whether sexual or not. He lives on intimacy, yearns to have it for himself and give it out at the same time. It’s incredibly important to him that it’s there and he’s more than willing to work if it means he’ll have it. 
- Dancing together. 
- Deep, intimate gazes.
- He kisses you like he’s devouring you whole, slow and hungry as you submit to him fully.
- You’re his. Every part of you belongs to him and every part of him belongs to you and no one is allowed to look at or touch what belongs to him. Call him possessive or what have you, he doesn’t really care “as long as you know that you’re mine”.
- You’re not allowed to be insecure when you’re in a relationship with Jerry. He just won’t allow it. If you won’t accept that you’re perfect then he’ll just have to show you.
- He’s perfect at winding you down after a long day; taking your coat off, peppering kisses down your neck, speaking in that deep, husky voice....
- He’s always very happy to be your date to things; being able to show off that you’re together is one of his favorite things to do. Just make sure it’s going to be dark out.  
- Becoming friends with Billy. The man isn’t going away anytime soon and you don’t think you’d want him too anyway. You like your little supernatural family. 
- Your parents will love him. He’s charming, sophisticated, fairly wealthy, and is obviously very invested in you. What else could they ask for?
- He enjoys taunting Charlie every once in a while. He insists that he wasn’t doing anything or that he was just playing around but you know better. But don’t worry, he plays nice. After all, it is technically Charlie who brought the two of you together. 
- He allows you to have the allusion of control or choice in most situations but you should never forget that whatever he what's will happen eventually. Oftentimes, he’ll humor you if the situation isn’t dire, mainly just finding your obliviousness to the reality of things cute. 
- Rest assured, he’ll never force you to do anything; or force you into doing anything, that you don’t want to do. It’s his own actions that he’ll pretend you can stop him from doing. He wants to kill someone? You can calm him down and convince him not to, but; in some cases, only for some time. 
- Above all else, he wishes to please you. Your comfort and happiness are most important to him. Its the reason why he listens to you and does; nearly, everything you ask of him. If he didn’t care about your feelings than he wouldn’t bother with the intricacies or listen to you at all. 
- How he reacts to men being attracted to or falling for you varies depending on who it is. There’s burning jealousy in some cases and pitying amusement in others.
- He’s incredibly protective of you, every part of you. He’s never going to let anything happen to you and if anything does, there’s going to be hell to pay. Whether it’s a matter of your life or your modesty; you’re in good hands. 
- You don’t fight, like ever. He’s good at smoothing things over with little fuss; and changing the way you feel about things, so even if you did have something to fight about, it would most likely be resolved fairly quickly. 
- Though, if you do end up fighting, rest assured that he’s very good at apologizing, in more ways than one. 
- He says he loves you all the time. The way he says it can range from a pleasant “Love you” in front of someone as you’re saying goodbye to each other to an intimate, gazing into your eyes “I love you” when you’re completely alone.
- He most likely wont wait very long to turn you, unless you want to wait. He takes no offense if you don’t want to be like him just yet, he’s got all the time in the world and he can’t deny that he enjoys you being human. …Maybe he will wait a little longer....
- He’s ready to spend the rest of his eternal life with you; he was ready the moment he saw you. He’ll treat you like a queen for the rest of your life, all he asks in return is that you give him your love. 
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Horror Villain Zodiac #5
*Vagina and Uterus maybe necessary
#5. The one you shared a mysterious, steamy night with and BAM! accidentally became pregnant with the child of was... (Plus: What kind of relationship you have with that Creep moving forward at the bottom, using the weekday your birthday falls on this year)
Tag or comment your result! ... it’ll be fun!... hopefully... XD
If you got a female Villain, then just assume she has a penis or you have the penis and they are the one that gets pregnant.
The Wheel: I think Bubba has made it on to every one of these things so far?? Haha
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Aries: Freddy Krueger, A Nightmare On Elm Street
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Taurus: Leslie Vernon, Behind The Mask: Rise of Leslie Vernon
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Gemini: Roman Bridger, Scream 3
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Cancer: Inkubus, Inkubus
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Leo: Michael Myers, Halloween
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Virgo: Luda Mae Hewitt, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003 and 2006)
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Libra: Vincent Sinclair, House of Wax
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Scorpio: Granny Boone, 2001 Maniacs
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Sagittarius: Chucky / Charles Lee Ray, Childs Play
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I know this is Billy Bibbet but give me a break, do you want a gif of doll Chucky in this context?? No I didn’t think so.
Capricorn: Bo Sinclair, House of Wax 
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Aquarius: Bubba Sawyer, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
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Pisces: Jerry Dandridge, Fright Night
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Part 2: Type of Pursuer (AKA: The shit you have to put up with). Use the Day of your Birthday this year.
They don’t know about the baby; You never met them again. : Saturday
They turn up for the kids’ birthdays but that’s it. : Monday and Friday
They visit whenever they’re passing through or near your town to see their kid; Your relationship with them is purely about the baby. : Tuesday and Wednesday
They keep you (And baby) close. You have very, very, very little independence. : Sunday
Wow, now you have a killer / rapist / fugitive deadbeat hiding out in your house acting like you’re married? Welp... goodluck with that. : Thursday
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fanfic-she-wrote · 3 years
Imagine being Charlie's older sister and getting a crush on Jerry Dandridge
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Earlier that night...
"Y/N, Charlie! Come down here. I want you to meet someone." You heard your mother call out from downstairs. With a sigh you shut your book and got up from the bed, giving yourself a quick one over in the mirror before leaving your room. You met Charlie in the hall. "Wonder who it is?" You asked as you both headed down the stairs, he just shrugged in response.
When you reached the bottom, you saw your mom standing there talking to someone in the chair, but you couldn't make out who it was.
"Kids, this is Jerry Dandridge." She said in a cheery voice. Slowly a man sat up on the chair and faced you. Your heart skipped a beat. He was gorgeous! Was the first thing that popped into your mind as he gave you a charming smile.
"Oh, hello Charlie!" He spoke. Surprised, you glanced over at your brother and noticed that he suddenly became very nervous. Finally, he knew someone worth knowing. You thought.
"Ah, I see you've met Charlie. This is my daughter, Y/N. She's a studying fine arts in college." Your mother told him proudly.
"Y/N, what a lovely name." Jerry said, scooping your hand up and placing a kiss on it, making you blush. No one ever did that before.
"We'll have to hang out some time. I used to paint when I was younger."
Pushing a strand of hair behind your ear you smiled and said, "I'd like that."
Your mother stifled a giggle, noticing how you were looking at him. She had seen that look before many years ago when she met your father. Charlie however wasn't as pleased.
"I can't believe you have a crush on him!" Charlie exclaimed, following you down the stairs.
You rolled your eyes, heading into the kitchen. "So?"
"Y/N, he's a vampire!" He told you.
You shook your head becoming annoyed as you reached into the fridge to get a soda. "If he's a vampire then you're a troll." You retorted, pushing him aside.
"Please just listen to me!" He pleaded desperately following you back out of the room.
"Why should I?" You asked as Charlie slowly chiseled away at your patience.
"I'm your brother." He stated obviously.
You raised your eyebrow giving him a smirk. "Give me a better reason."
"Seriously? He's killed people." He insisted with a sigh. That was it.
"Whatever Charlie." You groaned as you headed back up the stairs towards your room.
"Wait! Please, just be careful okay?" He asked you sounding sincere. Even though you annoyed each other, he still loved you.
You sighed and nodded your head. "I will. Don't worry." You assured him, messing up his hair playfully. How he hated that. "Wonder what it's like kissing a vampire? I bet he has years of experience." You teased. Apparently, that was enough. Charlie gagged and walked away, not wanting to think of you kissing. Still the same old Charlie. Somethings never changed.
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