#gffa OC
agathaarts · 2 years
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...why do we make OCs if not for them to be sexy thirst traps. Ilvashta now, as a brick goddamn house. Ilvashta in her twenties as still a brick house but one trying to show off.
Exceptionally funny in Ilvashta’s case because she’s usually covered neck to toes so glimpsing this much skin is wildly rare. Presumably the AC unit on the ship broke down or something.
She actually had a lot more bodily confidence in her early twenties. Fortunately, this is the Star Wars universe so things like cell phones and pictures and social media and dating websites don’t exist, but if they did she’d have an embarrassing digital history of being young, hence the doodles. As is she’s absolutely mortified enough that some people remember her being young and confident and full of space coke. Sentius gets to tease her about it but he’s about the only one.
Bonus sweaty pals under the cut.
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“All these credits and you didn’t get the Air Conditioning on the ship fixed?” “Don’t test me, Vashta.”
Sentius has it way worse by virtue of Chiss being from an iceball planet so presumably he is slowly roasting to death. But also. Looking fucking great while doing so. Worth it.
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amarcia · 1 month
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My ocs Cirz and Enah. [previous comic with them]
✨🌙 ART LOG -> @404ama
Text is based from an end scene of the movie Mandala 1981
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prahacat · 4 months
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when the horrors catch up and you take an evening off to batch-process
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enigma-absolute · 1 month
Can I hear more about Maddox? What's his backstory like? Where does he fall on the timeline?
(if I'm sending too many asks, do forgive me!)
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You’ve unleashed something in me and now I can’t shut up
To start us off, here’s my boy! This is his original character-defining spread in my sketchbook from early last year:
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Here’s some more art of him, as a colour reference! And what’s this? MORE banger art of my boy????
And here’s a meme too!
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Aside from this older character development challenge google doc providing a lot of his original foundations (including his original character submission sheet!), allow me. To expand on. The Lore.
I don’t think I can shut up greatly so I hope you’re ready for a big ol read under the cut!
So. Maddox is a rebel spy before and during the Rebel alliance in the Galaxy Far Far Away. Standard stuff for a 24-year-old right? WRONG
He’s actually an Australian, a Sunshine Coast local, from OUR earth in early 2023, swept up into something that took him back in time and far off into space (of course, a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away) to have adventures and stuff like that. Adventures and all are just it, right?
Joking aside, to quote the backstory portion in his original RP submission form, and even the addition directly from the document:
Maddox genuinely has no clue how he got here.
As in, how in sweet Force he ended up a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far far away from his own. His retrograde amnesia from a recent-ish rebel spy mission (involving hijacking and detonating an Imperial ship before escaping) has receded away enough for him to remember his life on his home country of Australia on Earth (and a rough knowledge of OT canon and even rougher knowledge of PT canon from that time), but a lot of things are still fuzzy.
He’s grateful he can remember quite a lot, including: his name and age, his past life and home, muscle-memory for espionage, how to catch on to flying several starships if given enough time, and even some previous missions. But whatever his amnesia is hiding from him, he hopes that the Force can help reveal it again… and maybe help him find a way back home. In the meantime, his goals for this galaxy are to continue his sick espionage job, find a way home, make some close friends and maybe, hopefully, call the Emperor a bitch to his face before he carks it during the events of ROTJ. Not all in that order specifically, but he’ll work on that.
Maddox specifically landed in the year 9BBY, roughly before the events of Kenobi were about to happen. He was picked up by and later joined Bail Organa’s Rebel Cell, as the Alliance wouldn’t have existed yet.
His fateful mission, subsequent amnesia and initial recovery occur at the tailend of Kenobi, leading him to re-meet a young Leia Organa when recovered by Bail’s rebels. Leia sneaks in a word to her dad, and Maddox is sent away for a week or two for some ‘minding’ with help of the Force. He later recalls the word ‘therapy’ to better describe his situation and tells the therapist there (who is also initially annoyed about this whole situation happening) that ‘minding’ is a stupid term and the galaxy should really get behind ‘therapy.’
(He won’t know this till later, but his therapist Ben also gained hope and healing through it too.)
Due to Force *~shenanigans~* and the still unremembered way as to how he came to the GFFA time from 2023 on earth, Maddox doesn’t really have a way back home and is physically stuck aging at 24 years old. And despite obviously being from Earth and thus having no midichlorians of his own, he is Force-sensitive after having an encounter with it while in spy training. That being said, he has a unique relationship with it where he can feel it more ‘talking’ to him than not, and is able to use it with study, self-teaching and meditation. However, he will NOT take a kyber crystal of his own. He may be a light-sider, but he doesn’t feel he deserves the title of Jedi.
We’ll get back to that in a bit.
His amnesia is (of kriffing course) courtesy of the Empire, under a top-secret, but now defunct and destroyed experiment called Project Lethe. This experiment had been self-contained in the star destroyer Calledania, but when a Rebel spy mission to break its secrecy had gone awry, Maddox had enough time to help set charges to blow it up before his capture and subsequent retrograde memory wipe.
You can imagine the horror he’d be going through, waking up after falling out of a bacta tank and coughing it out of his lungs, knowing NOTHING about himself or what’s going on. Then only arming himself with a scalpel and maybe a doctor’s medical ID before running out onto the main bridge to see that he’s in space (he really shouldn’t be), everything is chaos and falling apart (is he in a spaceship?) and he’s certainly feeling everything falling into a nearby planet’s orbit (these stars are NOT his own).
Of course, he managed to escape and started to recover his memory with the Force, but you’d have to ask him for the fuller story. And that’s if you can convince him to tell you all the details.
In terms of timeline and character relations, aside from entering and joining the early stages of rebellion prior to Kenobi’s events in 9BBY, he’s become a cool older ‘cousin’ friend of a sort with Princess Leia, especially since she was the one who knew his later-therapist Ben (Maddox nicholasnames him ‘Benny’) first. Bail has also been a mentor figure for Maddox before and after his amnesia - in terms of the growing rebellion, high-class etiquette and manners (which mostly consist of keeping an eye on Leia at fancy guest parties and learning from her). Not to say there’s no personal platonic fondness between them, it’s just that the professionalism has been more important for Maddox to get a grasp on his new life.
He’s also grateful for meeting and befriending friendlier folks in the GFFA, such as freeman Clone Troopers Juggernaut and Jorts (OCs in the first RP server I ever entered him into), and in 7BBY, @moobrvoobl-moobmoob-oobmpoobroom’s Clone OC Strike and co-created OC Pins, a stormtrooper who ditched the Empire when the two rebels had their cell missions cross paths and escaped together after going after an asset. Maddox has quickly grown to befriend and fall in platonic love with Strike and Pins, the former particularly since she causes/caused flares in his memory of his mum.
Especially since, in his old earthen life, he was an Eshay, and a horrible person to his mother and sister.
Did I mention he’s a regretful older brother? And a regretful son?
For leaving his family behind? For not being the person he should’ve been? For being selfish and into stupid stuff when there are things in life worth more than stupid ‘friends’ and stupidity?
Good god he’s ashamed to admit it. But he has to admit it somehow.
It was the second memory recovery in the Force that he recalled how he used to be, getting so depressed he needed that therapy from Benny.
Okay here's a couple rapid-fire points about Maddox bc I don't have all the brainspace for backstories:
In the flight back to the base after his couple-weeks therapy from Benny, Maddox had a dream about talking to some fella named Anakin, infodumping to him about the fauna and flora of Australia the entire time. Anakin was in awe of earth's natural flora and flora.
Maddox didn't put two and two together on that 'Anakin' guy until after waking up. His memory got intact enough to connect those dots.
(He won't do the same for Benny for a long, long time).
His enamel pin is actually his sister's, and it's another Peter Pan reference with the star and text saying 'straight on till morning'. (I really hope I can defictionalise it into a real pin one day!)
The leather bag he carries was borrowed by his sister for some time before he took it with him to the GFFA, so he's got more of her belongings with him rather than his own.
He modded an iPod over quarantine days into having a new battery and 256GB SSD drive to fill with his own music, but of course - his sister got to it when he wasn't looking and filled it up with her own tastes before he could wipe it clear.
So now he has his sister's tastes in music, for the most part. Which is a good thing.
So as for Maddox right now in my personal timeline? Well, I just have fun tossing him in the years between 9BBY-4ABY, putting him in Situations and Events (mainly RPs) to see how he develops and how far his character goes. There's a couple alternate timelines and AUs he's in, including the Chrumblr RP in the big discord.
And that's not even getting into the stuff his sister gets into in AUs and timelines.
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more worldbuilding for Shili, this time for traditional spirituality bc that just fascinates me
the ancestral perception of the Force was often as a great unifier, and the position of family matriarch or grandmother fit that very well. Grandmother Ashla is usually depicted with the same fuzzy skin coloration that Ohkaali has, with each agespot another star in the sky and another life in the Force
a huge amount of Shili's landmasses are scrub, prairie, and steppe, and the majority of Togruta civilizations started in the great turu savannas. by far the most common "mother nature" figure was a variant on Mother Turu of the grasslands, with as many montrals and lekku as there are blades of grass
the Moonsiblings arrive according to the phases of the six moons, sharing the burden. Veyla is the youngest, so has the smallest amount of moon to watch over with a crescent moon. Maato is the middle sibling and can handle more responsibility with quarter moons. Thikruan is the eldest and is the only one large and strong enough to carry a full moon. their secret fourth sibling Gohr was a stillborn infant, nevertheless still seen in the darkness of the new moons
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Grandmaster of the Dusk, Bari Nas
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Commission of my friend Zera's OC Bari Nas by the indefatiguable @cadhla182! Bari is a six-hundred-and-fifty-year-old(Force Weirdness) Iridonian Zabrak and former Jedi who founded her own Force Order in our weekly Saga Edition game; the Dusk, who operate as a sort of 'Balance Police' in the post-Endor world, to prevent the Jedi from doing another Korriban, Galidraan, Kalee, or similar(going along with the political winds of the day and taking part in a genocide/condoning one by not investigating properly), especially given the moral compromise of the Clone Wars, and obviously to keep the worst excesses of the Sith and other Darksiders in line without resorting to Jedi-like Holy Wars. She's a take-no-shit hardass badass who has like five adopted kids and a four-person polycule.
Anyway she came out beautifully, and I am as always grateful! ^-^
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swift-creates · 8 days
@chrumblr-whumblr day 19: asphyxiation and day 24: drowning
wc: 366 | warnings: star wars swearwords, choking on bacta, mention of bodies | characters: Lieutenant Strike (OC)
an attempt at a Strike version of @enigma-absolute's boy Maddox's backstory!!
She didn't know how long she floated in that state of half-knowing, half-consciousness, half-feeling, the nothingness pressing in close and dark around her. But then all her senses kicked back in at once and she was choking on bacta, the sickly sweet stench of it clogging her nose and mouth as she convulsed. She coughed and spat and heaved, shaking on the slippery floor of the medbay. It was a miracle she hadn't cut herself on the broken glass of the bacta tank, but she couldn't bring herself to be overly thankful at the moment.
Where am I what is this how did I get here oh kriff are those bodies what the kriff is this oh force- She stared at her surroundings as she gasped for oxygen, air replacing the sticky fluid in her lungs. Aside from all the inert figures, the room was deserted, the only sound the distant rumbling of a starship's engines and deep booms almost like explosions. How did she know that? She didn't know how she knew that.
Medbays… Medbays usually have doctors in them. But there were none in this one. Where did they all go? Was the ship exploding? So many questions, not a single answer. The edge of a stray ID card was visible from her position, and she suddenly felt way too vulnerable, exposed on the floor.
Gotta go have to go run go go go get out- She pushed herself onto unstable feet, grabbed a scalpel and the card off one of the abandoned medical stands and stumbled to the door. The walls trembled around her as she went through hallway after hallway, finally emerging into the command center of the ship. It was just as deserted as the medbay, broken panels hanging off everything and sparks falling from the loose wiring. A planet she didn't recognise who was she kidding she didn't recognise anything loomed out the viewport, coming ever closer as the ship shook, threatening to come apart from the explosions' wounds left on its hull.
Strike stared into the emptiness of space and didn't remember who or where she was, only knowing one thing.
These are not my stars.
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Scruffy: *Noticing Canvas has been really quiet for an hour following a routine armor clean* Hey, Vas?
Canvas: *Distractedly* Hm...?
Scruffy: *Now sitting next to him* You okay, little brother?
Canvas: Mhm. Just got something on my mind.
Scruffy: *Expecting it to be about Canvas' dead batchmates he honors on his armor* ... Yeah? What is it?
Canvas: Well, um... in a lot of holy artwork across the galaxy, they use white doves in their symbolism, right? White doves are often just a special type of, or a selectively bred, pigeon. White doves are just pigeons with better P.R. and marketing than their city-dwelling counterparts.
Canvas: And a lot of artwork of angelic figures I've looked at has the solid white wings. It's pretty and all, but... that's so boring at the same time. There's no diversity! I'm thinking it'd be a lot cooler to have artwork where the wings are barred, barless, checked or t-checked just like the other types of pigeons.
Scruffy: *Getting up* Excuse me I think I have to go paint something now.
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lamaenthel · 4 months
I saw your tags about Karen Travis, is that why people don’t like her?
yeah she's uhhhhhhhhhhh i'll try to say this nicely but she legitimately thinks that the Jedi were a bunch of superpowered fascist babysnatchers who thought their powers gave them inherent superiority over other sentient beings. she portrayed them in her repcomm novel series as incompetent clowns who were actively complicit in enslaving the clones and deserved order 66 as comeuppance. also any poor sap who thinks the Jedi were good is actually engaging in nazi groupthink and they need to take a long look at their lives
i do enjoy the characters and stories that she created and i think she did great with making up a whole ass language that's genuinely easy to learn and expand upon, but she definitely missed the boat on the Jedi completely
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battlekilt · 1 year
Everyone's out here creating youngin' OC, and I've created a man in his 60s with grown children, grandchildren, and a great-grandchild on the way. I love Admiral Forsil's brain, his primness, and his immediate fondness for Cody. I love how he is flawed, but adaptive.
Now left alone with Forsil, Obi-Wan turned to him again, and with the same gracious humility he confessed, “Admiral Forsil, thank you… so very much. For everything, you and your crew have done. I don’t know what we would have done without your dedication… and your kindness to them—to the Clones. I’ve been aware that there is some animosity between the Clones and the Na—” A man of his remorse, Forsil bowed his head to the gratitude expressed, but raised his chin, “Navy pride, General. That’s what. We were the premiere military of the Republic, and suddenly… we had to share the spotlight with a bunch of lab-grown—” Shocked at how easy it was to fall back into the old embittered ways, Forsil ducked his gaze down and looked Cody in the face. Immediately, all the hardness melted away from the old sailor. It was the way a grandchild melted their grandfather; a unique magic found throughout the galaxy. Obi-Wan saw the man for the grandfather he was. After this, it would be hard to find others Obi-Wan would trust his dear little Clone Commander with. But the Admiral? Obi-Wan would trust the old sailor with Cody’s life, which now weighed more than Obi-Wan’s. Softened down to the kinder gentleman within, Forsil looked bashful, and lost ten years off his face when he admitted, “It was also a bit of… good ole fun—Navy vs Army and all that. To be honest, we were kind of excited. We hadn’t had an Army to bicker with for… oh… a few thousand years, give or take.” Barely a breath, the Admiral nodded and continued to speak, “It’s a bit like being an only child for so long, then suddenly you have a little sibling you didn’t want. But you know how that goes: don’t hit my little brother, it’s my job to hit my little brother. Well, these soldiers boy—they are our little brothers, hm?” Forsil dropped his gaze, and saw that his hand had come up and cupped the back of Cody's head. He didn't get pinched or poked, though the Cloneling hadn't quite leaned into the touch; he still sulked. "Especially now, hm?"
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He loves Cody so much. His adopted grandson that crawled out of a pickle jar.
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theocs-strikeback · 2 years
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Created by: @thechaoticfanartist
OC Name: Grim Kennet
Pronouns: She/her
Species: Human
Status: Grim was originally from Earth before she ended up in the Star Wars universe during The Clone Wars in the middle of a battle field. After being rescued by Obi-Wan Kenobi and then later using the Force to grab his lightsaber that he dropped and saving him, and also explaining to him she was from another universe and giving proof she is brought to the Jedi Council and made Obi-Wan's Padawan. Grim spends The Clone War trying to stop Sidious from executing Order 66 wanting to save as many lives as possible. Ahsoka and Grim end up becoming girlfriends but they separate when Ahsoka leaves the Jedi Order. Throughout the war Grim struggles a lot with not only the war itself but with herself and the dark side.
Around the middle of the war she encounters Sidious twice and reveals to him she's from another universe. During the early part of The Clone War she's really hopeful and happy, but as the war goes on that changes. Grim tends to be reckless and is very passionate, but is also kindhearted as well. By the time Revenge Of The Sith arrives Grim is on the verge of giving up. The dark side whispers to her constantly but she refuses to be defeated. It isn't until Order 66 happens that she is forced to accept she has lost.
Surviving the event she escapes with Obi-Wan, but at the sight of the Temple Grim snaps. She goes to Mustafar to kill Anakin, however she does not succeed and loses her left arm. She survives Mustafar and after the events of Revenge Of The Sith, Grim stays with Obi-Wan in hiding for three years before leaving to join the Rebellion. In the rebellion she goes under the code name "Oracle" using what she knows about Star Wars from Earth to try and take down Imperial projects. After A New Hope she decides to take on the task of training Luke. After the Empire is defeated Grim joins Luke in rebuilding the Jedi Order until Kylo destroys it and Grim is killed in the conflict while trying to get a group of students to safety.
Read about Grim in: The Clone Wars Gets a New Victim
Holo of Grim
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agathaarts · 2 years
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Visual exploration of the best kind of OC: the kind that’s already dead when they enter a story. Wanted to make a creepy Sith Ghost, because why not, so here’s Darth Somnum, a Thisspiasian Sith who lived ages ago, whose creepy mask is considered a treasure but it always seems to make it’s way back to the temple where she died.
Darth Somnum’s master punished her by cutting something off for each failed attempt to kill him, but kept her around more as plaything and experiment. When she was out of arms to remove, he took her tongue, then one eye, then the other. On the seventh attempt, she succeeded in killing him through dream and emotion manipulation- which became her specialty. Eventually, she was killed by an apprentice of her own. She had never been more proud than that moment, given that her past several apprentices never managed to do so, and died in their attempts.
Look I love how fucked up weird we can make Sith stuff and I’ve always been a proponent of leaning into it.
Even in death, she’s a huge bitch who enjoys playing with people, dredging up memories or dragging them into fantasy/nightmare worlds she crafts out of fears and delights. Of course, given sufficient entertainment, she may decide to teach those who seek out her deathbed a few tricks- all the better to keep the galaxy on it’s toes.
Sentius and Ilvashta go to take her mask as a Sith treasure but she has a lot of fun plonking them both into force visions and making them live out traumatic memories and altered realities where they become their greatest fears. You know. Fun stuff. They survive, though, and manage to push through (barely) so she lets them take her mask and her lessons.
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amarcia · 5 months
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Jedi were not meant for war.
✨🌙 ART LOG -> @404ama
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kissingwookiees · 10 months
rrussh and kaliyo's relationship can best be described as that toxic and mildly homoerotic relationship you had with a middle school girl bestie
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enigma-absolute · 4 months
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Behold! A little guy of a rebel spy!
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Ohkaali is good at getting into trouble. an enormous amount of trouble. absolutely massive trouble. so much trouble that she draws a dozen other people into trouble with her and it influences the rest of their lives
the particular victims of her brand of trouble here are baby Savage and Feral Opress who she accidentally stole off of Dathomir, despite being a kidnapped slave herself at the time. they spend far too long locked in a Death Watch ship before narrowly avoiding death by Nightsister and then getting kidnapped again by a young Hondo Ohnaka starting his pirate empire
it doesn't get any less complicated from here
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