#goblin ville
loxalotl · 7 months
Tom's Nightmare (aka when you let Astarion's VA loose on BG3)🤣
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Aaand part 2 for funzies
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appletreeduty · 1 year
me for the forseeable future
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aizel-kon · 6 months
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Congrats to Neil for getting the best performance award. Well deserved! 👏👏
That God damn vampire changed my life. He is now my official third braincell.
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gloireetpotaufeu · 25 days
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Time for some presentation, in this little serie of characters' concept !
Here is Ziemniak (He/They), a sweet potato goblin and the protagonist of Gloire & Pot-Au-Feu !
As an assassin he ends up having to... go see the countryside for a little bit and ends up arriving in Marmiton at the beginning of the game~
(concept art done by @lapaduza)
Il est temps de faire les présentation avec une petite série de concept des personnages !
Voici Ziemniak (il/lui), un gobelin patate douce et le protagoniste de Gloire & Pot-Au-Feu !
Assassin de métier, il se retrouve à devoir.... Aller se mettre au vert pour un temps et arrive dans la ville de Marmiton au début du jeu !
(concept art par @lapaduza)
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abbatoirablaze · 2 months
Shameless, Chapter 11
Word Count:  2.2k
Warnings: small instances of violence/siblings fighting, mentions of cheating/infidelity.
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“Hey, thanks for coming with us Sofia!” Ian smiled.
“Yeah, really sucks that dad wasn’t able to come…or any of my brothers…they weren’t gonna release Mickey without an adult present.” Mandy agreed. 
“I got you, Mandy.” You smiled softly, wrapping an arm around her, “you’re my little brother’s girlfriend…practically family…”
Ian gave you a look and you couldn’t help but laugh. 
You knew why he’d shown up. 
You knew that he’d been screwing Mickey on the down low. 
“Here he comes,” Mandy smiled as they opened the back door and he was released, “you know, you didn’t have to come with us, Ian…”
“Bad neighborhood!” Ian said quickly, barely looking at the two of you as he kept his gaze focused on Mickey, “need to make sure that you guys are safe.”
“Yeah, we live in a bad neighborhood!” Mandy scoffed.
“Yeah, but we’re related to the bad people in our neighborhood,” Ian argued, “you guys aren’t related to people here…”
“What the hell is the Gallagher family reunion doing here?”
“Dad, Joey, and nearly everyone else was busy…so Sofia offered to be the person over eighteen to get you out…and Ian-“
“He thought I might need protection!” Mandy laughed.
“Oh yeah?” Mickey asked as he reached out and pulled Mandy into a hug, “you may think that you know my sister.  But you don’t know my sister til you fought my sister!  She’s protecting your ass!”
“You smell like barbeque sauce…”
Mickey reached out and pinched her tits, twisting her nipples through her bra.  She screamed and grabbed his arms, fighting him off, “OH, OW!  What did dad tell you?”
“Oh, ow!  Fuck-Fuck the police!”
“No titty twisters now that I’m a C cup!” she growled, pushing her brother away from herself.
“C cup?  Bitch you wish!” Mickey scoffed.  He turned, looking to the guards, “HEY!  Fuck you!  Fuck you!  And especially fuck you!”
“Alright, come on kid, before they lock you back up!” you teased as Mandy and Ian started pulling him away from the doors.  He wrapped an arm around Mandy’s shoulders and tried to wrap one around Mickey’s, but he pushed him away from them. 
“You uh-knocked up pretty good…” he commented dryly as he looked back at you, “still with the cop, or is that a little Milkovich taking up rent space in there?”
“It’s the cops,” Mandy laughed, “but they’ve been splits Ville since he tried to break up Fiona and her boyfriend.”
“Thought they did break up?”
“They did…and Colin’s been at our house every other day with flowers or otherwise trying to win Sofia back.”
“He knows the little crotch goblin isn’t his?”
“Trust me, Mickey…Colin knows that my child belongs to Tony.”
“We could still raise him as a Milkovich if you and the cop don’t get back together though,” he shrugged, “sure dad would love to finally have a grandkid…and you know that Colin would raise the bastard like it was his own.”
“Gee, Mick…thanks for the thoughts…”
“Just saying,” he shrugged, “any of you fuckers got a light?  No one put any money on my books, and I’d kill for a smoke!”
“I don’t right now, but I could drop a carton off after I get done at my shift at the club…Col was saying he wanted to see me…”
“You’re not coming home?” Ian asked.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be home in time to make sure Debbie’s daycare is good…was just gonna stop off at Chez Milkovich first.”
“Sounds good,” Mickey agreed, “I’ll tell Colin he’ll get half the carton…”  
“What the hell was that?”
“Oh, you saw the little slut and her grandpa tipping out sis big time too?”
“Oh, I saw little slut just kiss my sister,” you answered as you placed a drink on the bar, “six fifty.”
The guy tossed a ten on the bar and told you to keep the change as he walked off and was quickly replaced by another one.
“That a thing?” you asked.
“What, Fiona going out with them all the time?”
“Judging by that tone, I’m going to assume that it is,” you smirked, but the smirk was quickly replaced by a frown, “but no…was talking about her kissing that chick.”
“She does it all the time.”
A shiver ran down your spine, “damn…maybe I have been missing out on what’s going down…Do you think I’ve been spending too much time at the Milkovich’s?”
“Milkovich, or with your husband?”
You frowned, “I-It was only once, V-“
“Girl, he’s your husband.  You should be spending more time at the house next door than the one a few blocks down.”
“V I don’t need a speech on a soap box.”
“All I’m saying, is that you can’t just let people into your life when it suits you Sofia,” she sighed as she put a hand on the small of your back, “Tony was good for you…sure, he called the cops on Steve…and he got him to give him the house…but he did it because he knows the types of guys Fiona lets in, and he was trying to protect you guys…I mean, you remember the guy with the anger issues…and the guy who started trying to deal drugs out of your house when you were at school…and the guy that-“
“I get it,” you frowned, cutting her off with a shake of your head, “but it-he could have talked to me about it instead of going right on after Steve…instead of calling the cops on Ian and Lip.”
“Sweetie, he thought he was doing what was right…” she offered, “and anyways…he said he kicked out that rub and tugger after your conversation…you still have your copy of the key…fuck the Milkovich kid…go get your husband back…”
“Yeah…you’re right, V…” you smiled, “thanks.”
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Your brow quirked, but you didn’t say anything as you made your way past Fiona, who was sleeping on the couch, and into the kitchen.
“Quiz me!” Ian encouraged. 
You messed with Lip’s hair as you passed, and opened the fridge to start breakfast, “who needs food still?”
“Me!” Carl called.
“Well, what do you want, kid?”
You nodded, tossing him the bag, before looking at your other brothers.
“We both do!” Ian admitted.
“Uh, if A equals B, then B equals A!”
“He may as well get a windshield and call it a car!” Lip groaned.
“It’s just a phase.”
“What are you guys talking about.”
“She hasn’t even slept with him yet!” Lip admitted.
“He’s talking about Karen.”
“Ugh,” you groaned, “I’ve never liked her.  You could do so much better than her, Lip…”
“Maybe he’s a eunuch!” Lip said, ignoring your comment.
“Maybe she just likes him?” Ian shrugged.
“Debbie, what do you and Liam want for breakfast.
“Whatever?” Debbie shrugged.
“Lip, why are you sleeping in mine and Fi Fi’s bed?” Fiona asked as she came into the kitchen.
“Lip was sleeping in our bed?” you asked, “what’s wrong with your room?”
“Ask her!” Lip frowned, pointing at Debbie.
“I moved Liam!” she called, coming towards you so that she could reach into the fridge, “I can’t be in the same room where Liam is constantly masturbating.”
“It’s not masturbating if nothing comes out!”
“According to whom?” Fiona asked.
“My friend Jack O’ Donnel.”
“Not true!” Debbie claimed, with a shake of her head.
“It’s kind of true!”
“Not legally true!” Ian argued.
“So, Liam could be arrested for masturbating?”
“What?” Fiona asked, “no.  Listen up!”
“What is the age where it’s inappropriate to arouse yourself in front of others?” Lip asked, “even if nothing comes out.”
“Two years old!”
“Guys, we’re not having this conversation,” you argued, playfully slapping Lip upside the head, “Lip, keep quizzing Ian.  Carl, masturbating is still masturbating even if nothing comes out, regardless of age….Fi…we have to do something if it’s becoming a problem…maybe move Lip into Frank’s room?”
“Unfortunately, Frank has rented out his room to a pregnant woman!” Fiona groaned as she slipped a new shirt over her head and pointed upstairs.
“What?” you asked.
“I told them!” Debbie announced.
“You let her in last night?” you asked.
Debbie shrugged, “she had a key!  Besides, she’s from China.  They kill extra babies there.”
“Liam needs to go back in with you!” Fiona frowned.
“WHAT NO!” Debbie screeched, before looking to you, “Fi Fi, tell her that Liam can’t be back in with me.”
“Debs, that’s not fair,” you tried, “maybe we switch with the boys.  Have the three of us in the boy’s room and the boys split off?  Carl and Liam in one and Ian and Li-“
What’s done is done!” she yelled, looking between you and your sister.  She stormed off leaving you with your sister.
“Okay…for now, Liam’s in the boy’s room!” Fiona announced.
“SERIOUSLY?” Lip asked.
“Four guys in one room!”
“Isn’t that a health violation?” Ian asked.
“Why can’t we do what Sofia said?” Carl asked, “you three in our room and then Lip and Ian in yours and me and Liam in Debbies?”
“We don’t have money for anymore beds, and I can promise you that Debs won’t sleep on the top bunk and Sofia won’t be able to jump up there with as pregnant as she is.”
“Well, we have to figure something out!” you tried, “Fi…there’s not enough room in there for them…maybe we push the chick out that Frank rented his room to?”
“We’ll find Frank and figure it out, but until then, four to the room!”
There was a cough, and the kitchen went silent as the woman that Frank had rented his room to came down the stairs.  Fiona left the kitchen in a huff, and you put a hand on Lip’s shoulder before sliding around and kissing Ian’s temple, “We’ll get him here and figure it out…I promise guys…it won’t stay this way.”
“Of course!” you smiled, “now come on…you gotta work at Kash and Grab, and Lip…you said you and Kev need extra hands with the ice cream truck today?”
“Fiona…you got the daycare?” you asked as you followed your two brothers outside to where Kev was eagerly honking the horn for the ice cream truck.
You stopped though, your heart aching, when also coming to the bottom of the steps, to the door right beside yours was your husband. 
You couldn’t stop the butterflies that rose in your stomach at the thought of it. 
V had convinced you that maybe it was best to give Tony another shot.  After all, he was trying to do what was best for your family.  He didn’t have any ill intentions with it, other than to create some distance between Fiona and Steve. 
When he fucked up and realized that Lip and Ian were the ones that got arrested, he’d done everything in his power to make sure they walked…Steve just happened to give him the house after the fact, thinking that was the main factor in keeping them out of jail.
And then last month when the two of you hooked up, and he admitted that he’d kicked out the Laotian girl…
He did care. 
“Tony?” you asked softly as you opened the door to the house. 
You didn’t get a response from him.
But you did hear music coming from upstairs. 
Closing the door behind yourself, you pushed upstairs.  The lights were off in the master, and the door to the nursery was closed, but you saw lights on in one of the other rooms, on the far side of the hall.
“Tony?” you tried again.
A woman moaned in response. 
Your heart broke. 
But that didn’t stop you from stomping down the hall and barging in only to see your husband balls deep in another woman. 
“Go fuck yourself, Tony.  I’m done!” you spat, throwing your wedding ring at the ground, “I want a divorce!”
“Go fuck yourself, Tony….I don’t want to hear it.”
“Sofia…wait…wait, would you please jus-“
He stopped speaking when you whipped around, and slapping him hard across the face, “don’t you fucking touch me, Tony.”
“I-I deserved that.”
“You said you were done!” you spat, “you said you kicked them out…you-“
“I did…but then-“
“Then what?” you growled, “what happened Tony?”
“You didn’t come back!” he answered, “I-I kicked her out.  I got rid of her.  But then you didn’t come home.   You just kept staying over there!  To the fucking Milkovich house.  Hell, I arrested one of his brothers the other week and he admitted that you were fucking Colin again.  Wh-what did you expect me to do, Sofia?  Wait forever?”
“I didn’t expect you to stick your dick in another woman while I made sure my family was okay, Tony!”
“You weren’t making sure your family was okay, you were being a crazy bitch!” he growled, “you were going out and fucking another man while I sulked in our home.”
“I’m sorry,” he tried, his head shaking, “I’m sorry, Sofia…just please...”
You looked down to see him holding your wedding ring in his hands, “what the fuck is this, Tony?”
“Please don’t leave me, Sofia…”
Chapter 12
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lapaduza · 7 months
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Gloire & Pot-Au-Feu An indie visual novel where you play a sweet potato goblin that go green in the little town of Marmiton ! - Un visual novel indé où vous jouez une patate douce qui va se mettre au vert dans la ville de Marmiton !
Dedicated page on instagram : https://www.instagram.com/gloireetpotaufeu/
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dorianmathay · 5 months
Watch Bazzini: The Dance of the Goblins. Op. 25 on YouTube Music
(J-D) DURAND. L'Italie de 1815[C.e(&)à.D] à nos jours. éd. HACHETTE supérieur;Vanves.09/2018.2ième édition.160pp.(incl. chronology & bibliography). : Les lettres V.E.R.D.I.(" Vittorio Emanuele Re d'Italia") qui s'étalaient alors sur les murs des villes italiennes étaient, en même temps qu'un hommage au grand compositeur qui enflammait les opéras italiens, le signe de la réussite de cette action. (in op.cit.p40; svCap: II.Le Piémont, puissance européenne. (pp40-42)
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scarlet-spider7 · 1 year
Joker: Mental Health and Subversion of Expectations 
By: scarlet-spider7
If you asked me who my favorite villain of all time, I wouldn’t be able to give you ONE answer, my answer would be, Green Goblin, Cruella De Vill, and of course, The Joker. The Joker is arguably the most iconic superhero villain, and arguably, the best. The Joker is an agent of chaos and in my opinion has helped tell some of the best Bat Man stories, and has also been the main character in one of my favorite super hero movies, (or super villain movies) Joker, this is an essay about why, it is such an amazing movie, and a bit of a lesson on how to use the Joker character.  
Spoilers From This Point On. 
The movie opens on a perfect note, Joker starring in a mirror with clown makeup on, frowning. He puts his fingers in his mouth, and positions his lips into a smiling position, and then a single tear falls from his eye. It’s immediately obvious, that this man, has mental problems... 
Mental Health: This is THE central aspect of the film, it’s the Jokers struggle with mental health and decent into madness. We don’t actually know WHAT his mental problem is, but I can describe to you three of his mental problems shown in the movie and how they tie into the plot. 
The first one is laughing uncontrollably, which is said to have been caused by head trauma. Though it SEEMS uncontrollable it may be caused by elevated levels of stress, as he laughs in most stressful moments. Second, he learns by seeing, but, like, to an extreme. At one point, he saw three men on the subway harassing a woman, al laughing, so, Joker, laughs, right along with them. We also see him at a standup comedy bar, taking notes on how to tell jokes, so we can better understand why he laughed along with those scum on the subway, he is learning, and really doesn't know right from wrong. And finally, seeing things that aren’t real, which I'll get into in a moment. but first, I want to talk about- 
Adapting The Joker: This is one of the two best adaptations of the Joker; I won’t talk about the other (but I bet you could guess) but why? Throughout the movie you may have noticed that this maniacal tyrant who is known for being a killer, only has a body count of seven. If you haven’t seen the movie and you're reading this as an entry point to the film, you must be shocked! But it works so damn well. The Joker only kills if it is necessary for his plan, not if it’s absolutely necessary, because he loves making wiggle room in his plans. His laughter causing him physical pain, also seems so perfect for the character, in such an odd way. Comparing this origin movie to his origin in the first Tim Burton Bat Man movie, this movie takes the cake. Even though Tim Burton's Joker origin is much more well known, the one presented in this movie is better. Instead of seeming like an evil demon emerging from the acid, he is a person, and because he is just a person now, it seems scarier. And when watching a movie with Joker, you should be scared 
Subversion of Expectations: At the end of the Mental Health segment, I mentioned that Aurther saw things that weren’t real, let me explain one. At the beginning of the movie, Joker meets a woman in an elevator named Sophie. Throughout the movie, she supports Joker in everything he does, and even begins a relationship with Joker. And then, in one scene, he walks into her apartment, and sits on the couch. Sophie walks up from behind him and, she is shocked, and then the audience is shocked, when she says “Your name is Aurthur right? Can I call your mom is she home” Nobody was expecting this, I can guarantee you, this is obviously is subversions of expectations. As Joker begins his descent into madness, you expect Sophie to leave Joker eventually, not being able to stay with a madman, so you expect Sophie to make the Joker sad, and you’d be right, but you didn’t expect it to be done in the way it was. Other big shockers in the movie were Jokers adoption, and that he was abused as a child, Tomas and Martha Wayne being inadvertently killed by the Joker, and plenty more. Circling back to Sophie, Joker losing her hurts him, which makes sense! And to become Joker, you’d have to endure- 
Losing Everything: The first thing Joker lost was his job, all because of one of his fellow workers spinning a web of circumstances and lies so he could fire his co-workers. Next, he lost his therapist and psychiatrist prescribed medicine due to budget cuts in the city, and someone so mentally ill can’t benefit from lack of help. He lost his parentage, he found out he was adopted and abused by his mother! He lost his mentor, who humiliated him on TV. And through all that, at least he had his girlfriend Sophie, after all of this, literally minutes later he found out he made Sophie up. Obviously, this could break anyone to insanity, but Joker was already insane, no, the reason that this man became a killer is that, he has to deal with- 
Being a Product of Your Environment: This whole movie has a central theme of Gotham being a bad, bad place. At one point in this move the Joker says, “If one of you were dead on the ground there would be swarms of people surrounding you, but if it were me, you’d just step over me” Gotham neglects someone who can’t fit in, someone who doesn't already know how to survive. Tomas Wayne perfectly embodies this, in fact he embodies the whole city, IN UNIVERSE when characters think of Gotham, they think of Tomas Wayne. And Tomas Wayne offers no sympathy for people like Joker, and though he says he does, he cares nothing for the lower class, so it makes sense why the lower-class sides with Joker, and Gotham, becomes a house divided against itself, upper class versus lower class. This war actually ends in a loss for the upper class, by Tomas Wayne being killed. Tomas Wayne being killed, inevitably leads to Bat Man, and Bat Man inevitably leads to- 
Joker VS Bat Man: 
There isn’t a single Bat Man vs Joker fight, hell, Bat Man isn’t even in the movie! But in the Jokers actions, it’s easy to draw parallels. Infact, on the surface level, Bat Man and The Joker are the same, straight down to the supposed Tomas Wayne parentage, so why IS it that every time the Joker does something, it draws parallels from Bat Man? Again, we circle back to that upper class VS lower class struggle, Gotham's lower class bread the perfect killer, and its upper class bread the perfect hero.  
The Differences Between a Joker Movie, and A Bat Man Movie:  
This movie easily could have been a re-hash of any given Bat Man movie, just with extra Joker footage, but it was nothing AT ALL like a Bat Man movie! Bat Man movies portray Tomas Wayne as a saint, while this movie portrays his as a scumbag. Bat Man movies portray Joker as a scumbag, and this movie portrays Joker as, an innocent exploited by the system. Yet the similarities are still uncanny, both show how messed up the system is, how the “villains” are just people who need help, and are all still really enjoyable.  
The closing scene of the movie shows Joker in an interrogation room, that is inside a mental hospital where he laughs at the therapist questioning him. The next shot is of him walking down a hallway, leaving a trail of bloody footprints behind him. 
Initially, while watching this movie, I thought it was a tragedy, but now I realize... It’s a fucking comedy.
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astarab1aze · 18 days
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Nations & Their Cities - 2
Capital: Margrove
Cities: Braemare, Montrose, Arborden, Hagscroft, Rumfort, Rockhill, Grennock, Kildarling, High Gate, Bloodswell, Netherly, Wounshire
Sights: Highgarden, Cicatrician Hills, Mad Hag's Lesion, Loch Lettie, Pseudocilium Forest, the Feyrie Graves, Margrovian Viaduct, Par'Sylfie, Cain Fort, Carnival Rock, Bledsoe Creek, Kobold's Split
Capital: Ru Gravis
Cities: Lupatera, Praetoria, Venefica, Venavera, Infernum, Imperratore, Melmalum, Cornix, Melmanus, Lupa Stella, Sicaria, Fortuna, Pallens, Cat's Cradle, Impetua
Sights: The Pale Watch, the Hellmouth, the Descent, the Devil's Pit, Umbral Sepulchre, Tenibresian Steppes, Simulacral Towers, Domine Lupus, Blackthorn Brush, Hellhound's Brace (prison), Lake of Fire, Port Angelus, Lux-en-Tenebris
Capital: Colline-de-Ven
Cities: Occitienne, Touxlon, Ysère, Paliseux, Pon Cleux, Vonveille, Pommefore, Clementina, Beaunaire, Grainerie, Ville Aimante
Sights: Wind Collector's Ridge, Port Lumineux, Palais Corveaux, Ossus Promenade, Canal de Lumineux, Mon Claire, Caldeira Ver, Grotte du Dragonne, Blue Roseraie, Salle des Mort, Veines du Monde, (part of the) Cicatrician Hills
The Barrowfells
Capital: Knottly
Cities: Deepfall, Drath, Dresden, Nurada, Wellburrow, Fellhammer, Baelfrost, Pangold, Irontown, Soot, Knothung, Denthelm, Donar, Southport, New Grand Eyrie, Steelfold, Armora
Sights: Southern Pass, Iceflow, Khuthd's Burn, Splitpeak, Vulka's Forge, Barrowborn Mines, Simmerflow Mine, the Forge-King's Monument, Tor's Hammerstone, Vale of Fire, Knife Ridge, Run-Off Caves, Surfacer's Tradepost, Balroga, Goblin & Myhala Tunnels, Helforge Bastion, Knocker's Trove
Capital: Argesh
Cities: Marakeem, Khadisha, Cyrus, Tereeza, Myr, Efirit, Gisul, Khesi, Taissyr, Eleeza, Fherah, Sahari'el, T'shari, Jada, Urzza, Sahti, Qamar
Sights: The Eternal Desert, Imperial Highway of Argesha, Tomb of the Maleficar, Odesza's Spout, Fountain of Manah, Uzzani River System, Lakes Eashal and Laban, Ahmari Steppe, Temple of Holy Mother Sahari'el de Sunjat, Alfil Bato (pirate city), Alqarnus' Cove, Qamari'el's Labyrinthe, Sabaari Forest, the Taniyn Ashlands, Port of Dukhat
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protokirby · 2 months
Freshly woke up, the brain goblins are still trying to gather the pieces of my dreams to remember them. I think it might be funny to describe the dream while the goblins are still scavenging.
Crispin was there. Standing in a forest path lookin place near a few ladders and stuff and it really looked like the style of the levels from the old digimon story games but if they were 3D.
(The goblins keep shouting at me "did we hug him??" like I have no idea! Yall are the ones trying to find that out. I have been craving a hug dream for like a week so--edzhetszdtj)
I don't remember wgat happened between the time I saw Crispin in the forest and the next part of the dream. I kind of recall seeing Crispin start randomly changing colors like a chameleon.
I went on an underwater adventure, found a shiny prinplup. I recall finding another shiny prinplup in a different dream from the numerous times I woke up and went back to sleep. Why this would happen across multiple dreams, idk.
While underwater, I saw atlantis and landed there. Landing there opened an unskippable cutscene where a villain steals my pokemon so I have to use digimon to fight the vill-
-continuing. I was using digimon to fight the villain. I remember one of them was Cherrymon but I do not remember the rest. Oh and the villain looked like some kind of alien man. One of the other digimon I was using was arguing with Cherrymon and just picked him up and threw him. This caused the battle to be lost but it was-- won anyway for some reason?? I don't remember why it was won despite all the digimon being knocked out or, in Cherrymon's case, somewhere else. 60% sure Crispin showed up and did something.
I got my pokemon back from the defeated villain. Instead of pokeballs, they were in what looked like dino-medals from fossil fighters.
Another cutscene part of the dream happened that showed some of the villain's past in atlantis. The alien people were having some kind of party in a dome covering their city and the guy who became a villain was the talk of the party until some other alien people were talking about something cool.
All the attention was drawn to the cool thing. This made the not-yet-villain upset.
What was the cool thing drawing all the attention--- It was Drayton. How the flip did he get to atlantis?
He was spinning a baton in one hand. Really fast. It was addicting to look at. He was smirking and looking around at how amazed the alien people were.
So yeah the villain's origin story was Drayton was the coolest guy at the party.
What a wild way to end a dream. Well, it didn't end on that specifically. I remember swimming back out of atlantis for a little while before waking up but no specifics about that--- except I opened a video game menu that looked like the menu in the old ds digimon story games. And having a mysterious guitar solo in my head that doesn't exist irl as I woke up
Oh and I did not in fact hug Crispin in the forest. He talked like an npc and we had a pokemon battle
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mintchipnicecream · 4 months
plazas in pancake-ville and giant arenas for an eternal love. Greek hope in triangular waxologies, fastened to the homogeneous laughter of the goblins.
architectural significance among the loosest of desires. the bakeries, the wind chimes, singing in a splendid cacophony, holding on dearly to the bits of smoke and steam from below. the earth holds on tightly..
animals revealed in the headlights, the grasses of the centuries. speech and action codified into formal arrangements. circle A's and Icelandic space-hope.
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racout · 9 months
Note: I'm an English learner and I wrote this text to practise my written English. If you want to give me feedback about my English, please go ahead!
Korrigans are creatures from the folklore of Brittany (North-West of France) that look like little black and hideous people. They are described as hairy, thickset and they have frizzy hair. They keep with them a purse which is said to be full of gold. But if someone stole it, they would find inside only dirty horsehair and a pair of scissors. These pranksters like playing tricks on Christians who don’t respect their duty. They are sometimes accused of stealing animals or objects, or making a mess in houses.
See more :
They usually live in megalithic monuments, which are sometimes called “ville des korrigans,” “city of the korrigans”. They keep inside of these constructions their treasure, which they take out at night to spread it out on the ground. Sometimes they do it in the summer sunshine. Still at night, in some stories at full moon, they dance around blocks of stone, singing often the days of the week till Friday. If one tries to complete the song adding the two last days, the korrigans might dislike it and shower them with blows. If one runs into them, they could get swept up in the korrigans’ dance. They are forced to dance to the point of exhaustion.
Korrigans seem to be related to fairies. For instance, when a fairy steals a human baby, sometimes, it substitutes it with a korrigan.
In Chants populaires de la Bretagne, Théodore Hersart de La Villemarqué explains his theory about the origins of korrigans. The ancient bards venerated a goddess called Korid-Gwen. She was associated with another character who was similar to dwarves and who was called Gwion. He was nicknamed “le Nain” (the Dwarf) or “le Nain à la bourse” (the Dwarf with the purse), because he was sometimes represented with a purse in his hand. He was in charge of guarding a mystical vase containing the water of genius, divination and science. Three drops fell on his hand, and he took them to his mouth. Thus, he discovered the future and science. In addition to carrying a purse with them, Armorican dwarves are related with magic, occult, alchemy, metallurgy and divination, which reminds of the legend of Gwion. This link can also be found in a medicinal plant that dwarves are said to like. It is sometimes called the herb of kov, but the Welsh also call it the herb of Gwion, while the Gaulish used the word korig.
In an article from Bulletin de la Société polymathique du Morbihan, Alfred Fouquet tells a legend about a very poor farmer. One night, the farmer saw little black men around a tumulus. Some were dancing on it, others came in and out. The farmer let out a scream in surprise. The little men, who were korrigans, ran away when they heard him. A few days later, the man wanted to go back there at night. It took him the whole night to clear the entrance of the tumulus, but he eventually managed to go inside. He saw the goblins gathered around a pot. They noticed him and started to run all over the place. One of them even went to the neighbouring wood to hang itself, giving to the place the name of “bois du Pendu” (wood of the Hanged one). The man, who was, as we said, very poor, took their pot filled with their treasure, and brought it home. He became rich, and bought the farm where he worked. Years passed, and his children grew up used to a wealthy life. The farmer died, and shortly afterwards, his children reached the bottom of the pot. Finally, his grandson was buried in debt. He had to sell the farm. As he wasn’t able to pay the land rent anymore, he was evicted.
Emile Souvestre, in Foyer Breton, tells another story about these tiny beings. Lao was a Breton bagpipes player. One night, he went down the mountains with a group of people to play during the pardon of the Armor. They reached a crossroads. The women wanted to go down the path that leads to the ocean. But Lao wanted to take the one that goes through the heath. The women explained that there was a city of korrigans and only those who never committed any sin could go through there without trouble. He didn’t believe in these stories and said he would play for them since they liked dancing. He took the path to the heath and began playing. The women went down the way to the sea. He saw the menhir and the korrigans’ home. He heard a murmur which, little by little, became a rumble. Tussocks shook and became hideous dwarves. Surprised and intimidated, Lao stepped back against the menhir. The korrigans surrounded him and forced him to play. The musician was unable to stop, and he played and danced until dawn. Eventually, he collapsed from exhaustion.
Marie-Charlotte DELMAS. “Korrigan”. In: Dictionnaire de la France Merveilleuse. Paris, France: Omnibus, 2017, p. 418-420.
Alfred FOUQUET. “Un kilomètre en Crach”. Bulletin de la Société polymathique du Morbihan, 1863, p. 1-7.
URL (Gallica)
Théodore Hersart de La Villemarqué. Chants populaires de la Bretagne, First Volume, Fourth edition, p. 46-53. Paris : Leipzig, 1846.
Désiré Monnier, Aimé Vingtrinier. “Les Fées Chrétiennes”. In : Croyances et traditions populaires recueillies dans la Franche-Comté le Lyonnais la Bresse et le Bugey. Lyon : Henri Georg, 1874, p.  393-397.
Prisma Media. “Korrigan : qui est cette créature légendaire bretonne ?” Geo [online]. Gennevilliers. 05/11/2021. [Visited between 01/06/23 and 02/06/23]
Louis Pierre François Adolphe Chesnel de la Charbouclais (marquis de). “Gauriks ou Gores”, p. 216, “Korandons”, p. 262, “Korigans ou Korigs”, p. 262, “Korils ou Kourils”, p. 264, “Kornikaneds”, p. 267, “Poulpicans, Poulpiquets, ou Korils”, p. 466, “Teus”, p. 594. In: Dictionnaire des superstitions, erreurs, préjugés et traditions populaires, vol. 20 of Troisième et dernière encyclopédie théologique. J.-P. Migne, 1856
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gloireetpotaufeu · 1 month
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ENG "Gloire & Pot-Au-Feu" is an upcoming 2D visual novel/point&click created by @lapaduza and developed with @jonayaRiley
Where you'll play as a sweet potato goblin trying to go green in the little town of Marmiton !
Stay tuned for art, info and news by following us :D
FR Gloire & Pot-Au-Feu est un visual novel/point&click en 2D créé par Lapaduza et développé par JonayaRiley
Vous y jouez un gobelin patate douce qui va se mettre au vert dans la ville de Marmiton !
Restez au courant avec plus d'art, des news et des infos en nous suivant sur les réseaux :D
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calle-dnd · 1 year
Iturs anteckningar (recap #001)
Det började som vilken dag som helst. Strax efter soluppgången var det min tur att hålla i morgonbön och ritual för templets präster, paladins och religösa trollkarlar från det intilligande gillet. Denna dag pratade jag om någon flesta av oss känner: att få möjlighet att ge oss ut och hjälpa andra och knyta dem närmare Helm och Lathander.
Jag har på senare tid känt hur tristessen börjar hugga tag i mig. Träning i all ära men när får vi praktisera det vi lärt oss? Dhorrin verkar känna likadant men Mott verkar väldigt nöjd med att stanna i tornet och studera eller på sin höjd hänga med ned till byn för att träffa Emrys och Levin. Vad jag avundas de båda.Emrys ger sig ut på långa turer som varar i dagar och detsamma gäller Levin som reser med sin pappa längs handelsvägarna och får se vad som händer bortanför Pinewoods gränser.
Idag var inte vilken dag som helst. Efter frukost började det viskas om en främling som anlänt. Jag och Dhorrin släppte allt och tog oss iväg för att se vem det var. Vi fick bara en glimt av mannenn inna han försvann in i templet. Det tog inte lång tid innan både jag och Dhorrin blev inkallade till översteprästen som förklarade att mannen rapporterat att man sett orcher och jättar i området runt Nightstone, en by ett par dagars färd härifrån. Det förklarades att vi var redo för större utmaningar och att vi skulle bege oss till Nightstone och "ta hand om det hela".
Det tog inte lång tid att packa börja bege mig mot samlingsplatsen. Döm om min förvåning då jag såg att Mott skulle med. Något var på tok för han verkade inte lika inspirerad som jag och Dhorrin, men hans intellekt och kunskaper kommer vara ovärdeliga så jag beslutade mig för att inte gräva och bara vara nöjd med att han beslutat sig för att följa med. Lathander var på gott humör denna dag för då vi kom ned till karavanen var både Emrys och Levin där och väntade och det var glada miner då vi gav oss av.
Efter två händelselösa dagar började vi närma oss Nightstone och Emrys och Dhorrin såg till att vi rastade längre och längre från vägen för att inte avslöja oss. Nattlägret hamnade onödigt långt inne i skogen och vi hade knappt bestämt lägerplats innan Emrys gav sig iväg för att "kolla läget i omgivningen" och vi andra fick ordna med mat och sovplats. Men jag hittade snabbt en bekväm plats och satte mig för att be men blev ofta avbruten av Mott som obekvämt irrade runt, konstant missnöjd med bekvämligheten. Han skulle behövt komma på morgonbönen och fått lite av Lathanders välsignelse. Resan har hittills varit väldigt bekväm mest på grund av Levins alla kontakter med värdshusvärdar och andra personer som tipsade oss om plaster att stanna på, men ute i skogen är det Emrys som har bäst koll och bekvämlighetskraven dem emellan är...mycket stora. Kvällsmaten var nästan klar då Emrys kom tillbaka med andan i halsen och berättade att han stött på ett stort antal orcher i skogen inte långt härifrån. Det blev full fart på planerandet, maten glömdes bort och efter att vi stoppat Dhorrin från att "ta hand" om orcherna på egen hand bestämde vi oss för att varna invånarna i Nightstone och satte iväg i mörkret.
Då vi anlände hörde vi tempelklockorna ringa. Något kändes mycket fel och vi hastade fram och över den  nedfällda bron och in i staden med dragna vapen. Flera av husen var raserade och på marken var stora stenblock nedborrade som om de vore inkastade. Jättar var det första som vi tänkte men vi såg inga. Vad som däremot dök upp var tre stycken Wargs som de andra snabbt attackerade, till och med Mott. Han är en väldigt försiktig person och försöker få oss att inte ge oss in i dumheter, men jag har fortfarande inte sett honom backa om vi behöver honom.
Det desperata klockklämtandet gjorde att jag ville se om det fanns folk inne i templet som var av behov av hjälp så jag rusade in. Altarsalen var en enda röra men inga spår av människor. Ett snabbt avancemang in i klocktornet visade på två goblins som hängde och slängde i klockrepet. Så fort de såg mig drog de kniv. En försökte sig på att kasta sig ned från repet med kniven mellan tänderna. Han hann inte nudda marken innan min stridsklubba skickade in honom i väggen och iväg till vad nu goblins tror på. Den andra tvekade lite och skulle precis hugga mig då jag planterade min stövel i bröstet på honom. Efter det var han mycket medgörlig.
Då jag kom ut hade de andra redan tagit hand om wargsen och jag kastade fram goblinen, som tydligen heter Yek, till Dhorrin som kan tala deras språk. Efter lite övertalning så fick vi veta att de tagit byborna som fångar. Yek var mer än villig att visa oss var de håller till. Att vi måste skynda oss att försöka befria byborna det var vi alla överrens om. Levin trollade fram en flaska whisky som skickades laget runt. Med bestämda kliv och fyllda med flytande mod puttade vi Yek framför oss mot vad som förmodligen är ett enormt bakhåll...
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ramblingwreck · 1 year
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Ysbrand “Izzy” Brinson (he/him). “I’ve always taken the safe option. I mean, I’m a priest of the goddess of war and I’ve never been in battle.”
Born July 8, 1461 (25). Rivara, SRR.
Human-Orc Hybrid (Rivaran/High Orc).
Height 6’1” (185 cm). Weight 223 lb (101 kg).
Skin pale green. Hair black, dyed blue, short mohawk. Eyes black.
Izzy grew up in a relatively typical middle-class household. His father, Brent, is Rivaran and his mother, Roxana, is an orc Brent met while guarding a caravan. He had always dreamed of joining the priesthood, because of the stories the temple priest, a retired adventurer, told in his sermons. Izzy was a bright and studious acolyte, and was one of the best junior priests at the temple of Baduhes he grew up attending, but he left because he was bored being a temple priest and wanted to practice in the field.
Kristy Brushtop (she/her). “I’m Kristy. Most people call me Poison Ivy, but you can call me whatever you want.”
Born March 22, 1459 (27). Belcorno, SRR.
Halfling (Underhill).
Height 2’11” (89 cm). Weight 31 lb (14 kg).
Skin deep tan. Hair blonde, dyed hot pink, unkempt mohawk. Eyes hazel brown, colored contacts vary daily. Teeth filed to points.
Kristy is Tellus’ equivalent of a rock star. She was the lead singer and bass lutist for a band out of Freeport called the Goblins, until she was arrested for obscenity due to her stage outfit, during a police raid on the Toothed Hen. The Hen’s owner, Whitey Cabot, advocated for her and got her sentence reduced from 15 years in prison to 5 years’ exile. She is adventuring until she makes enough to buy her way back into the Council’s good graces and get her performer’s license back.
Puck de Kers (they/them). “I miss the beer we used to brew at St. Lucentus’. It was clear and strong. I don’t miss the schnapps. It was strong, but we were never clear.”
Found September 3, 1458 (28). Südenstadt, Suden.
Human-Elf Hybrid (Unknown/High Elf).
Height 5’7” (170 cm). Weight 142 lb (64 kg).
Skin pale silver blue. Hair purple with green highlights, short and messy. Eyes violet, slotted pupils.
Puck was left as a foundling at the House of the Order of St. Lucentus and spent their entire life cloistered there. High elves were notorious for discriminating against hybrid children, so their parents most likely assumed they would find better acceptance at the monastery. The abbess recognized that Puck was a master of the physical and disciplinary arts of the Order, but had no sense of the outside world, and ordered them to spend at least six months adventuring to learn the ways of the world.
Metapeset “Uncia” Kleftis (she/her). “Unlike some of us, I actually took notes when Greasy hired us.”
Born December 6, 1469 (17). Freeport, SRR.
Cambion (Valefor).
Height 5’7” (169 cm). Weight 131 lb (59 kg).
Skin lilac. Hair white, short and slicked back. Eyes bright blue, cross pupils. Horns gray black, run along her temples.
Uncia’s family are wealthy merchants, and she grew up in the Hillside Park neighborhood of Freeport. While her parents are very loving, they spent her life preoccupied with business and social pursuits, and she grew up feeling neglected. As a result, she spent as much of her childhood at the home of her neighbor Niccolo “Smokey Joe” Scalfire, a high-ranking figure in the Cambion Syndicate, as in her own home. When she was 16, she taught herself how to use lockpicks, and started breaking into houses around the area. At first she just did it for fun, but eventually she started stealing small valuables. To protect her from her own recklessness, her “Uncle Nick” hired her to keep an eye on one of his investments. Her parents think she is on a camping trip with friends.
Drusilia Meliscient (she/her). “Racist stereotypes aside, do I look like I’ve had to pick up a bow since childhood?”
Born December 22, 1371 (114). Ville des Bois, Galòn.
Elf (Wood Elf).
Height 5’6” (167 cm). Weight 108 lb (49 kg).
Skin burnished copper-green. Hair black, lined fade. Eyes green, slotted pupils.
Dru’s family moved from Galòn to Port au Sel, Blackwater when she was very young. They were refugees fleeing the anti-Wood Elf pogroms that swept across Galòn after they were blamed for the kingdom’s loss of its premier colony. She is part of a generation of Galonic wood elves that not only produced more sorcerers, but ones of unique abilities born of the stresses of their circumstances, known as the Riot Born. She is a member of the anti-monarchist terrorist group called the Hand of Three, using adventuring as cover to allow her to move around Cadma freely.
Betha Trauthammer (she/her). “Before you ask, it means ‘from a place of loving kindness.’ The maul is a coincidence. I just like to hit things.”
Born June 3, 1466 (20). Freeport, SRR.
Human (Alemmian).
Height 4’8” (142 cm). Weight 170 lb (77 kg).
Skin pale. Hair red, Viking undercut. Eyes green.
Betha was born in Freeport to Alemmian immigrant parents. Her parents died in a cholera outbreak when she was 3 and she spent the next ten years in a Baduhian orphanage. When she aged out, she joined the Red Street Panthers and over the next six years became an underboss and respected leader of the gang. She has been to prison twice, for violence and loan sharking activities. Six months before the beginning of the story, an incident occurred that convinced her to go straight and begin adventuring.
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silodrome · 2 years
A CCM Spitfire Custom By Anthony Partridge Of Goblin Works Garage
A CCM Spitfire Custom By Anthony Partridge Of Goblin Works Garage
This CCM Spitfire was customized by the highly influential motorcycle designer Anthony Partridge on an episode of Goblin Works Garage, a TV series on the Discovery Channel in which he co-stars with Helen Stanley and Jimmy de Ville. The bike is now for sale with just 43 miles on the odometer fresh off the set of Goblin Works Garage, it’s being offered on Collecting Cars out of Derbyshire in the…
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