#happy birthday terra
KH-OC Week 2022 - Day 3 Package
Glad you enjoyed the magic of my music, and the Halloween Town designs and features
Day 3 is all about 'Data'! First, here is a creative written piece where Karla traverses to The Grid to try and accomplish something that Sora originally couldn't:
Start Writing
Out of all the things I was doing to make things right for Sora and his friends, I remember that there was unfinished business in The Grid. Sora made connections with the inhabitants of worlds, everywhere he went, and Tron was no exception. I remembered back when I was my side of the worlds, that I witnessed Tron experiencing what it was like to be ‘human’, thanks to Sora, and then how Tron helped Sora to stop the MCP and restore proper functions back to Hollow Bastion. Their friendship extended to when Sora had to go to The Grid in his dream world, only to have Tron taken over by CLU to become a corrupt entity known as Rinzler.
Tron was still inside Rinzler, as he was a part of him, but the control by CLU was too much, and Rinzler was programmed to get Sora and the keyblade for the bad side. In the end, Tron recognised Sora, but it was too late as he was supposedly lost to The Grid, and Sora had to leave to further his path on the set timeline of Dream-Drop-Distance. In the stage that Sora was at on his journey, he thought that Tron would be lost forever.
- Time Skip -
One morning in the Mysterious Tower, I was wondering if Sora had ever gotten Tron back since Dream-Drop-Distance (DDD). Riku was currently sleeping at the Mysterious Tower as he was carrying out a lengthy service for Master Yen Sid and Mickey, and being Riku’s dreamer, I was with him. After Riku had been out to speak to Master Yen Sid, he returned to his and my room to see me on the desk, writing in my diary. Riku respected my privacy and so knew not to ask what I was writing, but he was still curious. He rather took another approach, giving me a lengthy stare and then asking me if I had anything on my mind.
I said to Riku; “I’ve been thinking about Tron and the Grid. Had Sora ever gotten him back?”. Riku gave a sigh and said that he didn’t know. He added, “Sora’s never really mentioned anything about that world since the Mark of Mastery exam”. I remarked, “I guess he’s moved on to other things, right?”. Riku confirmed my assumptions. I then asked Riku, “What would it be like if I went there and found Tron?”. Riku giggled as he realised I was conjuring up another hero mission of my own. Riku spoke, “You want me to go with you to the Grid and see if it’s possible to reunite Tron with Sora, right?”. With me having given Riku my answer, he went back outside to ask Master Yen Sid to see if could have some more time to fulfil his Keyblade Master duties.
Thinking that Yen Sid wouldn’t be so sparing, he rather surprised Riku; “Part of being a Keyblade Master is helping others, and she can be included in that case. And as Karla is your dreamer, I suspect she wants you to guide her through that world so that she makes it back safely. She could have just as easily taken Sora, but deep down, she knows that Sora can be too easily swayed by the hearts around him which in turn may end him up in trouble like during the exam. I think deep down, Karla is like Sora, but by being under your wing, she has matured and can watch herself more closely. As much as she can make it herself, the mission will be easier if you’re there with her and can teach her the ways of the Grid”. Riku giving an assertive nod to Yen Sid’s allowance, and suggestion of a new duty.
- Time Skip -
With Riku and I walking out the front entrance of the tower, the teddies didn’t notice until it was too late. Riku had opened up the portal with his keyblade, when Selvian and Sierra came running. Their small figure and little legs made them not very fast as Selvian called out, “Hey!! Where are you going!?”. Sierra was puffing and panting as she yelled out, “Stop!”. Just as Riku was about to prompt me to jump through the portal, I noticed the bears, and so I turned back”. “Where are you going?”, asked Selvian again, but in a calmer manner. “I’m going to The Grid”, I answered. “The what? I’ve never been there before”, he responded. “The Matrix”, added Sierra. I didn’t know whether they meant a literal mind-control matrix, or simply the officially produced movie, and so I said no to this being ‘the Matrix’.
Riku, now himself wondering what was going on, turned around to see me talking to a pair of small exhausted bears. “Are you guys alright?”, asked Riku. “We want to know where she’s going”, answered Selvian. “She and I are going to the Grid. It’s a place made of Data, and in that world, we’re going to go and rescue a friend”. Clinging on to the word Data, the two bears clenched their teeth. Selvian gained a feeling in his bones of the uncertainty of data worlds, and what would happen if I was to be trapped in one. “You guys just can’t come”, I said to the bears, “You don’t have keyblades nor advanced enough fighting skills in general”. Both bears shrieked “what!?”. Riku answered, “She’s with me, so she’ll be alright. You guys stay here and help out Yen Sid, Mickey, Donald and Goofy if they need it. Either that or you can go and check in on Terra and the others at the Land of Departure”. Riku gave the bears a soft smile as he escorted me to the portal, and he and I finally jumped through it.
“I hate how we can’t wield keyblades”, said Selvian to Sierra, “It means that if she’s in danger, we can’t help her”. Sierra responded to Selv, “Being a clingy father bear again I see”.
- Time Skip -
On arrival to the Grid, Riku had changed appearances. He was now back to his 15yo self, just as he appeared in DDD. I myself had kept my same age and physical appearance, but my clothes had changed, and I got a special keyblade for the Grid, that didn’t even look like my two main ones ‘Mahna Templestowe’ and ‘Spirit of Brigid’. Rather, it was an alternative version of my recently acquired keyblade ‘Bloom Buster’, but this one was called ‘Grid Buster’. Noticing my new outfit, Riku asked me, “Do you always fight in dresses?”, in which I answered a long and drawn out “Yes…?”. Riku seemed to revert back to his nature like in DDD, where he was slightly awkward around girls as he said to me, “The fact that you do that… You’re a strange one”. I was lost for words, I could only say, “I mean…”.
Quickly, Riku caught himself and realised his old nature as he quickly corrected himself; “Sorry, I mean I find it quite striking how you can fight well but still look pretty”. I then wondered about Kairi as I asked, “What about Kairi? Doesn’t she wear a dress these days?”. Riku gained a look a surprised as he answered, “Oh, I forgot all about that. She does wear a dress; although I’m not sure how she’d look in a data world as she’s never been in one before”. I then tapped Riku as I noticed heartless arriving on the bridge. Even though Riku was in his DDD appearance, this was in-fact a real version of the Grid, especially if Tron’s return was to be cannon. “Thanks”, remarked Riku as he was suggested that he was proud at me for noticing the heartless first.
Even though one wave of heartless had been defeated on the bridge, more waves kept coming. Each in clusters about about sixteen to twenty heartless. “Where are they all coming from?”, I asked Riku. “They seem to be coming from that floating arena up there; that place where I rode the light cycle. I think maybe we should go and take them out at the source”, he replied. “We can’t get up there…”, I remarked, as I then gritted my teeth. Riku reassured me that we could, and that he knew someone that could help us out. With the heartless getting ready to chase us down the bridge, Riku signalled for me to follow him to where he was going.
We eventually lost sight of the heartless and ended up at Kevin Flynn’s old quarters. “Who are we looking for?”, I asked Riku. He told me, “We’re looking for Sam. I was hoping that he would be able to help us find a way to get to that floating stadium”. At first I had no idea, but then something sparked in me, making me remember what happened to Sam; “Wasn’t Sam sent outside to be a user in order to rescue this world?”. Riku once again pondered, but then confirmed that I could be right; willing to accept that this plot wasn’t just simply unique to Riku’s DDD story. Riku then said to me, “There’s one more person”. I asked him, “And that is?”. He revealed that it was the iso, Quorra.
- Time Skip -
Riku and I eventually found a way up to the floating grid stadium, but we still hadn’t found Quorra. In-fact Quorra was seen at the opposite end of the stadium, talking to two small creatures. Riku and I were too far away from the opposite end to identify the two creatures, but Riku called out, “That’s Quorra!”. I said to Riku, “She’s talking to two small entities over there, but I can’t make out who they are”.
Meanwhile, Selvian and Sierra had indeed found their way into the Grid, after paying a visit to the Land of Departure (LoD) and having Selvian whine to Terra. It was realised that while at the LoD, Selvian and Sierra had found their ability to summon keyblades… Mini keyblades fit for their size, though because they had paws and claws, it was hard to hold their keyblades properly at the beginning. But once again, this was enough for them to make it to the Grid and sneak into whatever Riku and I were doing, and they must have met Quorra along the way, having her help them.
“How do we make a light cycle?”, asked Selvian in a panic. “It’s that key of yours that becomes one”, answered Quorra. Sierra gritted her teeth as she pointed specifically to Selvian’s Grid clothes for some reason. And then Sierra spoke; “Uhhh; you’d better do this one Selv. I have no idea on how to use light cycles at all”. Quorra said to them, “You’re small, so you can probably get away with enrolling into the games together, and riding on one shared light cycle. The winner gets to talk to Rinzler, and if you both go together, then you both win”. Wait what?! So because Tron was left for too long, CLU had managed to make him Rinzler again. So someone would have to repeat the process like Sora in DDD, but then act quickly enough to make the connection with Tron so that he would stay in his good form and not turn back.
Back to where I was with Riku, I noticed all the heartless in the stands, but here in the stadium, they were not coming down to attack anyone. Rather, the heartless seemed quite content to stay in their seats, and it’s rather like they had a big interest at seeing who the winner of this light cycle battle event was going to be. Riku then said to me, “I think this game is for new participants only. So because I was already in one in my dreams, I don’t think I’ll be able to participate in this one”. My heart sank as I realised I had to handle the uncertainty, and possible d-rezing of a light cycle event myself. Riku reassured me as he said, “Don’t worry. I’ll teach you how to use the light cycle”.
- Time Skip -
With Riku and Quorra watching from their own ends of the stadium, myself and Selvian and Sierra got lined up at the starting line, unbeknownst to each other. There were multiple programs from CLU’s side also participating in the race, and the teddies’ tiny vehicle was buried amongst them, and so I could not see them. Quorra did not know me, and so could not comment on me when she saw me, but it was the opposite for Riku and the teddies. After blasting a few of the orange vehicles to pieces, the teddies found some space on their own. Coincidentally, they were also approaching Riku, in which he realised who they were, he gasped. Riku was about to go running on to the arena to pull them off, but quickly stopped himself, realising that this would be dangerous. Riku then had thoughts to stop me to tell me what was going on, but he didn’t want to be responsible for taking away my potential win.
Selvian quickly over as he exclaimed to Sierra, “Riku!?”. Sierra screamed at the top of her lungs, “Watch the road Selv!”. Being distracted by the sight of Riku, the teddies were approaching a sharp turn, and Selvian being the driver, took the turn more suddenly and sharply than needed, consequentially sending Sierra flying off the vehicle. I was behind the bears’ vehicle, but with a horde of orange vehicles chasing and shooting at me. It was a sudden shock to see Sierra hurtling towards me while screaming, but lucky for her, she hit my chest and ended up dropping onto the central bar of my vehicle. “What the hell Sierra!?”, I thought. With Sierra exhaling like she had fainted, she said, “I’ll tell you later…”.
Another lap had passed, and this time I passed Riku again, with Sierra. Sierra looked from the vehicle as she attempted to wave to Riku. However, now without a companion, Selvian was struggling on his side of the race and found it super hard to drive and operate the Commando/Cobra’s nano-drone cannons at the same time. Riku had his eyes fixed on the little vehicle as he noticed Selvian going haywire. “I have to do something” thought Riku. That’s when despite what Riku said earlier, he turned his keyblade into a light cycle vehicle and entered the track. Lining up as much as he could next to Selvian’s vehicle, he prompted the bear to have faith and jump on to his vehicle.
Now that I was with Sierra, I knew what Riku was doing when I saw Selvian and him on the one vehicle. It was agreed that Riku and I would drive as fast as we could for the top spot, but made the mental pact not to shoot at each other. A few bullets couldn’t be helped though as we aimed for orange vehicles, but missed them as they swerved in and out, trying to get at us instead.
A few more laps passed, and no one seemed to be stopping the race. Was this some sort of trick? Was I tricked into an eternal race with no end? Did Riku and I possibly have to find a way to escape with the added fear of breaking some arbitrary rules? Was reaching Rinzler and rescuing Tron to complete Sora’s original story a guarantee?
End Writing
In October last year, a commission was drawn for me, of Riku and I in The Grid; so here's a nice fitting picture for Day 3:
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Artist's Twitter: https://twitter.com/LordBareBack
Bonus Content!
In my reality, Terra's birthday is on 3 AUG (he hasn't told me how old he is). Now that he is a dream guide alongside Riku (and Jak), he gets his birthday specially celebrated!
This artwork was done just today. If anyone recalls my Tumblr submissions from last year, there was mention of a nobody teddy called Raxeoch, that like his fat green somebody counterpart Horace, eats things! So I have decided to now draw Raxeoch, and he has found Terra's Earthshaker for dinner.
So happy birthday Terra! I hope Raxeoch is enjoying his stay at the Land of Departure (the only teddy that Terra isn't fond of):
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Same content but in WordPress view: https://karlasworld1998.wordpress.com/2022/08/01/kh-oc-week-2022-day-3-package/
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awoogayanderes · 10 months
➪ warnings : mentions of suicide and scars, kinda nihilistic, one reference of intimacy, non sexual nudity
➪ other notes : YALL KNOW I HAD TO WRITE SOMETHING FOR MY MAN !!! made it a bit angsty too, also some of this is not canon like oda dying before dazai turns 18
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osamu dazai never saw his birthday as important. why should he ? it was the start of his life where he believed nothing mattered. for the first 14 years of his life, he saw his purpose as useless, always seeing the world in black and white, he’s a gray person afterall. he met you around the time of his most previous suicide attempt before joining the mafia. you were just a stray orphan mori picked off the street to use as his assistant. bless your soul.
you found out his birthday by accident almost two years later, going through mori’s old patients files. june 19. despite dazai’s absorbed personality, he had never mentioned his birthday. you wondered if he would be offended if you wished him happy birthday when he turned 16. nothing ever stopped you from pushing your limits though. “happy birthday dazai,” you use his surname, not being fully familiarized with the young man.
wide eyes looked at you as you walked off. despite him knowing you for almost two years, that was the first time you actually caught his attention. he knew you served as one of the doctors in the mafia, you had access to his file though he never expected you to remember it. that’s what started your friendship, him lingering around you more often even when you were with other patients in need. he always found those who help others interesting.
he starts to trust you when he’s soon to turn 17. dazai starts inviting you to bar lupin, sometimes alone and sometimes with oda and ango. he doesn’t know how to feel about you, he doesn’t want a relationship with you at that time but he also doesn’t just view you as a friend. “happy birthday dazai,” you smile at him despite still using his surname as a formality. later that day, you, ango, oda, and dazai are at bar lupin. that’s when you make a toast for the bandaged man wishing him a good birthday.
the year he was turning 18 was the most difficult year of all. it was the year where all hell broke loose between dazai and mori as well as you and mori. he had told you before his birthday that he was going to spend it like he did last year with you, oda, and ango. that was until oda died. that same evening, he held his hand out to you pleading for you to leave the mafia with him. so you did, a decision made in a matter of seconds with little hesitation.
you didn’t celebrate his birthday, you knew he was in pain that he had lost two of his friends who he held dearly. “happy birthday osamu,” you say softly from the small couch of your small shared home. he had been gone the whole day, you even almost missed the chance of congratulating him. he sat next to you, almost immediately leaning into your touch where you wrapped your arms around him. even though he was turned away from you, his sniffles could be heard. you slept in that position for the rest of the night.
despite the connection you and dazai had, you were still friends by the time he turned 19. despite him still having drinking habits, he seemed more in touch with the world. deeming it safe enough to do something for him, you bought him a beige trench coat that would reach his ankles, a replacement for the one mori gave him whilst in the mafia. you lit the candle on a decently big cupcake you bought as his keys jangled on the door. “happy birthday osamu,” you smiled presenting the cupcake.
he was caught off guard like the first time you wished him happy birthday. he smiled before blowing out the candle. when you handed him the trench coat, he looked at you before stepping closer and putting a hand on your cheek. time froze for you as he leaned forward planting a chaste kiss on your lips. that was the first time any action out of friendship happened between both of you. it’s safe to say that you weren’t just friends after this moment.
whilst in a positive work environment, both of you start shaping your own mentality. as dazai was turning 20, you thoroughly realized how much love he lacked. so you wanted to make sure he knew he was appreciated. you bought him pink carnations, even baked a cake from scratch. there weren’t a lot of things dazai genuinely wanted, but that day he realized he wanted your love as you present the cake and carnations, “happy birthday ‘samu,” you smile brightly as he brings you into a tight hug.
your relationship got more closer, emotionally and intimately by the time he turned 21. this time instead of letting you do something you believed he wanted, he went to you and asked you to bathe him and change his bandages for the first time on his birthday. you could have cried from joy when he asked for that at one in the morning. “happy birthday ‘samu, love you,” you say quietly but smiling, helping him strip of his clothes and eventually his bandages.
this was the first time you saw him without his bandages, scars in some places, some uneven skin tones, but still your dazai. you scrub at his hair softly with shampoo with his eyes closed. he’s completely vulnerable but he’s relaxed. you later help him change his bandages, his humming is the only thing that prevents silence. when you’re done, there’s a small smile on his face, a genuine one, conveying gratitude. you didn’t judge him, you were patient.
there was a small festival nearby where you live that was the night before dazai was turning 22. dazai suggested going, so here you were, both of you in cultural wear walking around the bright festival with your arms interloped. as the festival was coming to an end, you both sat on some grass nearby as fireworks exploded into the night sky. “happy birthday sweetheart, i love you,” you said, using a delicate nickname for someone like him. you both leaned into each other as colors bursted into the sky.
he never told you this but every time you had him blow out a candle and make a wish on his birthday, he never did. he already had what he wanted, you. you and your love. you and your kindness. you and your affection. you always made him seem like he was deserving of your love, even he believes it now. the only thing he could wish for now is that you both stay together forever even in the after life and future lives. osamu dazai never saw his birthday as important, not until he met you.
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andpaper · 6 months
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Happy birthday Tina, 2023!
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azureterra · 10 months
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you light up my world!
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worstjourney · 22 days
hello, I just browsed through your character sheets on your patreon (amazing btw!) and was fascinated by an anecdote about Silas having a laughing fit because of a dance mishap? Do you know more about this story? It sounds like such a funny scene!
This comes from Tryggve Gran's diary. It was the night they celebrated the Return of the Sun in the miserable Second Winter. They knew their friends were dead, they didn't know how; the weather was constantly atrocious – they needed a party, and even though no one saw the sun (because there was a blizzard, of course) they celebrated its astronomical return with a big bust-up all the same.
Besides, there was a lot of alcohol to put away before the ship returned to take them all home.
Anyway, Gran records:
We acted like a pack of schoolboys who had just been set loose on holiday. Nelson and I danced a 'mixed Cakewalk Fandango.' Wright was the judge of the dance, the last part of which ended as follows: a somersault by Gran knocked Nelson out of the dance, causing the judge, Wright, a paralysis of laughter which resulted in his making acquaintance with the floor of the hut. His hilarity was uncontrollable, and we the artists didn't find it easy to help in this situation. Wright was therefore carried off to bed where he laughed himself to sleep. — The Norwegian with Scott, p.206
After this, Gran, Keohane, Williamson, Nelson, Atkinson and Debenham launched into a sing-song, with the cook Archer joining them after midnight. They kept going until 2.
That's one of my favourite little Silas anecdotes, so thanks for asking!
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iknaenmal · 1 year
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @kindledrose !!!!!! Sorry terezi ate your cake :(
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September 01: Happy Birthday Sheila Levitt (Terra Formars)!!!!
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dont-f-with-moogles · 2 years
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piovascosimo · 2 years
caetano veloso | terra
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star-trek-pop-quiz · 3 months
Star Trek POP-QUIZ #18
( 10 / 02 / 2024 )
Question 1. Which of these is not a stated location on Terra Luna? a. Tranquility Base b. New Berlin c. Lunmji d. Lake Armstrong
Bonus Question: According to memory-alpha, how many Humans live on Terra Luna?
Question 2. TRUE OR FALSE Vulcan has two moons, Delta-Vega ( where we see Spock in the Star Trek Reboot ) and T'Khut.
Question 3. Which of these characters were born on Terra Luna? a. Beverly Crusher b. Julian Bashir c. Tasha Yar d. Tom Paris
Question 4. In the episode "How Sharper than a Serpent's Tooth", they encounter a god-like alien who names themself as: a. Chiwen b. Quetzalcoatl c. Shun Long d. Kukulkan
Bonus Question: Where does the title come from?
Question 5. Fill-in Question! Which Starfleet ship was the first Space-Shuttle named after?
Bonus Question: TRUE OR FALSE: This shuttle never made it to space.
Score: __/ 5 + 3 bonus ( Answers under cut )
Question 1. c. Lunmji
+ 50.2 million Humans are stated to live on Terra Luna.
Question 2. False. According to TOS, Vulcan has no moons. Due to production mistakes, Vulcan has been shown with what appear to be "moons", however they are often referred to as "Companion Planets" instead. https://www.reddit.com/r/DaystromInstitute/comments/55jcgx/is_the_planet_vulcan_actually_a_moon/
Question 3. a. Beverly Crusher
Question 4. d. Kukulkan
+ The title comes from Act 1, Scene 4 of William Shakespeare's King Lear: "How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child!"
Question 5. Enterprise
+ True.
Happy Lunar New Year to all who celebrate 🖖 ( particularly the dragons )
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Etheric Messages for 23 September ❤️🥳
People on here may or may not know that September 23 is my birthday. Due to the way the world is going, it has been difficult for me to hold high enthusiasm and any sort of hope for connection and community... But there are some days of the year that I get out of my comfort zone, and this is one of them. I wanted today to be as memorable and magical as possible, and I think that was a very big success. I rest (/hibernate) for the remainder of the year so I have the energy to see miracles like this happen.
I would like to thank those who helped me celebrate my special day, whether it was IRL or a small handful on Discord or Twitter.
Even so, everyone connected to my dream guides (Riku, Terra and Jak) all said something via energy perception. How does this work? I get a sensation and write down what I perceive on my phone. And so I thought an amazing way to finish off the day would be to share what my etheric family and friends said ❤️🥳
Terra: “Dear Karla, wishing you the sweetest birthday this year. Thank you for always being so kind to Kingdom Hearts and everyone around you. You deserve the world, and again I’m so honored to be your dream guide”.
Sora: “Hey Karla, wishing you an awesome year of 25! Thanks for keeping everyone together and I hope to see you again soon”.
Goofy: “Hey there Karla! Have an exquisite, awesome and fantastic 25th birthday! Hope ya get lots of presents and enjoy your day”.
Donald: “Happy Birthday Karla. Leave some cake for Goofy, he forgot to tell you”.
Lea: “Hey there sweet cheeks, happy 25. Hope your day is flaming hot and awesome. Sorry, I’m getting a bit carried away. You know what I mean”.
Roxas: “Happy 25 Karla. Hope you have an amazing day”.
Ventus: “Hey Karla! Happy 25th birthday! Quarter of a century already? Seems like we’ve known you for longer than that”.
Jak: “Hey Karla, happy birthday. Thanks for putting up with me and my rough ways. I hope the coming day is something worthwhile for you, celebrating it with your Earthly family and us”.
Keira: “Dear Karla, I hope you have an amazing birthday. Thanks for being a good friend to Jak”.
Riku: “Dear Karla, happy birthday to my spunky little dreamer. Looks like you really enjoyed yourself today and I’ m glad to have been a part of it. Best wishes from all of Kingdom Hearts”.
Aqua: “Happy Birthday Karla. I hope you have a wonderful day and thank you again for everything you’ve done for Terra”.
Xion: “Dear Karla, happy birthday. I hope you enjoy your special day”.
Namine: “Dear Karla, wishing you the happiest of birthdays. I hope you enjoy it with all the people who are special to you”.
Torn: “Happy Birthday Karla. I hope it’s a good one”.
Kairi: “Happy Birthday karla. Wishing you the best now and always. Thank you for persevering and reaching out to Sora”.
Mickey: “Happy Birthday Karla! I hope it’s swell and everything fabulous”.
Daxter: “Happy 25 angel cheeks. Next year you’d better invite me to the party!”.
Sig: “Happy 25th birthday cherry”.
Kleiver: “I can smell the cake all the way from Spargus… Fine, happy birthday”.
Aerith: “Happy Birthday Karla. Riku said that with your karmic belt coming full circle, you can connect to Kingdom Hearts guests as well”.
Cid: “Happy birthday who? Eh, to Riku’s not so little chap”.
Ashelin: “Hey Karla, have a great birthday celebration today, and happy 25”.
Aced: “This is preposterous! I have to wish someone I’ve never even met a happy birthday?!”.
Ira: “Happy Birthday Karla”.
Invi: “Happy Birthday Karla. Have a wonderful day”.
Gula: “Hey, happy birthday Karla. 25 is it?”.
Leon: “Happy 25th birthday Karla. Enjoy your day”.
Ava: “Happy 25, Karla. I hope you have an amazing day”.
Yuffie: “Happy 25 Karla!”.
Samos: “Happy Birthday Karla! 25 years old… What’s another 25 on top of that?”.
Pecker: “Happy birthday to Jak’s interdimensional protege. Thank you for making this year’s party exclusive invites only. Onin says to choose your friends wisely”.
Tess: “Oh my gosh I almost forgot! Happy 25th birthday Karla! Here’s to another year of keeping Jak out of trouble”.
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awoogayanderes · 11 months
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allisonmckenzieart · 2 years
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Spooky Terra!!! Happy Birthday, October girl!!!
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tayasigerson · 6 months
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Happy birthday Terra!
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ksantillus · 6 months
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It's still October 18 in some time zones, so: happy birthday, Terra!
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sapherin · 6 months
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Happy birthday to Ms. Tina Terra Branford 🔥✨
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