#health on foot
Breathe, Walk, Thrive
Breathe, Walk, Thrive: Commemorating World Health Day in Nature’s Embrace World Health Day, celebrated annually on April 7, marks a global initiative to raise awareness about health-related issues and promote overall well-being. Amidst the hustle of modern life, one simple yet profound prescription for good health emerges—walking in nature. Walk to Wellness: Celebrate World Health Day with…
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itboytrends · 25 days
Jamie Dornan photographed by Sean + Seng for Arena HOMME+
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ghost-bxrd · 3 months
OK, so you have implied in your previous Fae Dick posts that animals and trees can communicate with him in some fashion. Does that mean that Fae Dick could somehow get a heads up that Jason is crawling out of his grave? Could Fae Dick get to a resurrected Jason faster then the league would?
Ooo, good point!
I’d go with yes, yes Dick would notice. Also I don’t think he’d allow Bruce to bury Jason anywhere but the manor grounds, so that would help.
When Jason wakes up in his grave the entirety of the Wayne estate would startle out of its grief stricken slumber, as imbued as it is with Dick’s fae magic. As such, I think the soil and the roots would also aid Jason in breaking free of his grave, severely reducing whatever brain damage he may suffer from a lack of oxygen.
Meanwhile Dick, who’s out in the streets as Nightwing, would definitely feel a sense of alarm and urgency from his home and immediately turn around to check it out.
And this find Jason right as he pulls himself from the ground.
(Dick doesn’t question it. He’s fae. And questioning miracles is the best way to unmake them and he’d rather sleep in an iron bed than give Jason up again.)
Tim and Bruce would probably suspect that Dick dabbled in some kind of necromancy for a while. Not that Dick does anything to dissuade them of that notion, he’s too busy hissing and spitting at anybody stupid enough to approach Jason without his express permission and feeding him healing plants and roots the forest readily offers to him. 🌳✨
(The manor grounds love Jason ok)
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renphousa · 3 months
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What is Foot Reflexology?
Foot reflexology is a popular alternative therapy that involves applying pressure to specific points on the feet, corresponding to different organs and systems in the body. This practice is based on the belief that these points, known as reflex points, can help relieve tension, improve circulation, and promote overall well-being. Reflexologists use their hands, fingers, and thumbs to stimulate these points, believed to release blockages and promote healing throughout the body. Many people turn to foot reflexology as a natural and holistic way to address various health concerns and to promote relaxation and stress relief.
Foot Reflexology for Stress and Anxiety
When it comes to relieving stress and anxiety, foot reflexology can be an effective way as it stimulates specific reflex points on the feet. Remember that there are some specific reflex points that can help in managing stress and anxiety, including the Diaphragm Reflex, Pituitary Reflex, Spinal Reflexes, and Adrenal Reflexes.
The potential benefits of massaging these specific reflex points include promoting relaxation and reducing muscle tension, improving circulation, and balancing hormone levels. By incorporating foot reflexology into a regular self-care routine, individuals may experience a reduction in overall stress and anxiety levels.
Does Foot Reflexology for Stress and Anxiety Work?
Foot reflexology can be effective in reducing stress and anxiety by targeting specific reflex points associated with the body's stress response.
Its application directly impacts the peripheral nervous system, crucial in the body's stress response. By targeting specific reflex points, foot reflexology can help to improve the flow of energy and promote a sense of balance and harmony within the body, leading to reduced stress and anxiety levels.
Beyond its effects on the nervous system, foot reflexology promotes relaxation by triggering the release of endorphins, which are natural "feel-good" chemicals in the brain. This can further contribute to stress reduction and overall well-being.
In essence, foot reflexology can be an effective stress management strategy, offering a holistic approach to addressing stress and anxiety by targeting specific reflex points and promoting relaxation within the body.
Effective Foot Massage Techniques to Reduce Stress and Anxiety
Effective foot massage techniques for reducing stress and anxiety include effleurage, a gentle stroking movement that helps to promote relaxation by increasing blood flow and releasing tension in the foot muscles. Thumb walking involves using the thumbs to apply pressure in a walking motion, which can help alleviate stress and reduce anxiety by targeting specific pressure points in the foot.
Another beneficial technique is kneading, which involves using the hands to gently knead and manipulate the foot muscles, helping to release built-up tension and promote a sense of calm and relaxation. Additionally, toe rotation can be effective in reducing stress as it targets the toes, promoting flexibility and relieving tension in the foot muscles.
Finally, ankle flex and stretch can help reduce stress and anxiety by promoting flexibility and relieving tightness in the ankles, ultimately leading to a more relaxed and tension-free state. Overall, these foot massage techniques effectively reduce stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation, increasing blood flow, and releasing tension in the foot muscles. Incorporating these techniques into a regular foot massage routine can provide significant relief from stress and anxiety.
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fdblaize · 8 months
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calendars and kings by @taizi
He just didn't know, Sanji thought weakly, that his would count. Birthdays meant something to everyone, even if they didn't mean anything; and they were all celebrated just a little bit differently, even if they weren't at all. Life on the Sunny-Go was proof of that.
i still remember reading this years ago and crying :') skl when i realized I drew luffy and ace with the same smile I fell on the floor crying lololol also curly haired sanji supremacy
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a-room-of-my-own · 1 year
It's impossible to find a video about fashion history without an airhead who self-identifies as a fashion historian - because she LARPs on week-ends and owns a sewing machine - inserting a 5 minutes tirade in defense of corsets.
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charlotteee013 · 3 months
Beginner's Guide to Foot Massages During Pregnancy
Read our Renpho blogs to learn about the amazing benefits of foot massages for expecting moms during pregnancy.
Click here to read the article.
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arthursfuckinghat · 23 days
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John Marston and Sombra 𑁦𓃥𑁦 RDR1
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salvadorbonaparte · 17 days
I unironically think there should be more secular pilgrimage. And no, I don't just mean normal travel or non-religious people going on religious pilgrimages. I think picking a place that is really important to you and going on a long-ish journey to reach it could probably be good for a lot of people.
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renphousa · 3 months
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In the pursuit of wellness, unconventional solutions often hold remarkable potential. Renpho Foot Massage, an innovative approach to relaxation, has sparked curiosity regarding its possible effects on blood pressure regulation. Could this ancient practice offer modern-day benefits for cardiovascular health?
Renpho Foot Massage stands at the forefront of holistic self-care, blending ancient wisdom with contemporary technology to provide a rejuvenating experience. But beyond its soothing touch lies a fascinating proposition: the potential to influence blood pressure dynamics through targeted foot stimulation.
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goldiipond · 4 months
graduated 2 years late but who caares im FREEE i can do wjatever i want. i can do anything. i am going to draw my little characters
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lightasthesun · 1 month
just wanted to thank everyone that's been encouraging me or offering some kind of support the last few times I talked about getting a cane... because I went and got one today and I didn't think it would make that much of a difference. I underestimated how much it would change for me.
So thank you <33
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atsuwumus · 3 months
feeling sick to my stomach bc none of y'all told me about miguel o'hara :((((
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gentrigger · 7 months
Hi gen! I've been a fan of your work since Songs We Sing was on the MSPA forum, and your creations have rly sparked my imagination a lot! I send this to ask, out of curiosity, what your dayjob is like? im at a place where idk what to do in my life, so ive been wondering what other people are doing, esp other creators. thank you for reading!
Hey there! Thank you for fondly remembering my early work there. It's nice to know people enjoyed that adventure and that I wasn't just slinging stuff out into the void. I guess I'm pretty lucky with my job stuff because the cost of living where I'm at is pretty low so I can just do part-time and supplement that with art commissions to live pretty comfortably. Also my job, which is call center insurance stuff moved all its operations to work-at-home so I went from commuting for 30-45mins one-way to just clocking into a company laptop and being able to start on dinner right after I'm clocked out.
Best advice I have to anyone who's trying to shove creative work between a day job though is to find the hours you can work on it, guard those hours jealously, then DON'T go overtime to working on your creative stuff.
Also when your hours for working on creative ventures are over, then don't try to work on them afterwards and do overtime. That's a quick way to burn out. Thinking about a project is work too so if you're just spinning your wheels stressing about it constantly because you think you haven't done anything productive for the day then you'll just end up being less efficient. Learn to actually relax and accept when a day is a wash.
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rosyjuly · 2 months
i was about to make a post about how i'm not fit for human society and then i remembered i have forgotten to take my meds two days in a row.
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bumblebeeappletree · 6 months
Air pollution kills millions each year, especially in the world’s megacities. But we found some surprising news: In many places, it’s actually getting better! Here’s how megacities around the world are already making their air cleaner and safer. 
#planeta #smog #airpollution
We're destroying our environment at an alarming rate. But it doesn't need to be this way. Our new channel Planet A explores the shift towards an eco-friendly world — and challenges our ideas about what dealing with climate change means. We look at the big and the small: What we can do and how the system needs to change. Every Friday we'll take a truly global look at how to get us out of this mess.
Author: Kira Schacht
Video Editor: Frederik Willmann
Supervising Editor: Kiyo Dörrer
Fact-check: Kirsten Funck 
With thanks for interviews (included and not):
Rafay Alam:
/ rafay_alam
Zoe Chafe: https://www.c40.org/our-team/zoe-chafe/
Sophie Gumy, Technical Officer at WHO's Department of Environment, Climate Change and Health
Frank Hammes, IQAir: https://www.iqair.com/
Bhavreen Kandhari:
/ bhavreen-kandhari-8028...
Abid Omar:
/ abidomar
Read more:
WHO Ambient (outdoor) air pollution:
C40 – Air quality:
Pakistan Air Quality Initiative:
/ pakairquality
00:00 Intro
00:46 The problem
01:31 Our analysis
02:00 The causes
02:36 Transport
04:04 Industry
04:45 Waste
05:39 Energy
07:12 What now
09:46 Outro
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