#hermticraft au
mansa1212 · 2 years
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What if I take two of my long time interests and like and uhh,,
MCYT x Kingdom Hearts
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rhapsoddity · 2 years
You said Zed ends up left in a cave all alone so. How does he cope with the isolation? I know he's considered one of the less interaction inclined Hermits but even someone like myself who hates coversing would get lonely as all hell in some cave with no one besides myself
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Being a hostile-mob hybrid, Zedaph luckily isn't targetted by any of the mobs spawning in the cave system he's in
however, that doesn't mean they understand a lick of what he says
Zeds is just happy to have someone or something to talk at to be fair
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asterssunzephyr · 6 months
Artic Fox!Gem
• She loves the snow (obviously)
• She also loves to bother the fuck outta Etho :]
• Sorry I love their dynamic
• around the fox ears, her hair is white but the rest of it is ginger
• Loves to sneak up on Impulse & Pearl when they arent paying attention :)
• Sneaky little fox ..
• She enjoys doing this to anyone though :]
• Pranks people alot with Grian
• Sunblings save me...
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okayish-mcyt-aus · 1 year
List of all the cities in my MCYT Hero/Villain AU!
---Hermitopia--- SMPs contained: Hermitcraft, Empires SMP, Traffic Games Hero System/classifications: Hero, Light Vigilante, Dark Vigilante, Villain Ranking Info: Hero - Someone employed by the government, a hero's job is to fight crime and take down villains Light Vigilante - Someone who is not employed by the government but still fights crime and tracks down villains Dark Vigilante - Someone who is not employed by the government, is antagonistic to the heroes and/or sympathizes with the villains yet still keeps the city safe Villain - Someone who is antagonistic to the heroes and does not keep the city safe Other Info: Hermitopia is the only city in the area that uses the light/dark vigilante system, and once in use many 'villains' were reclassified as dark vigilantes
---Capital City of Essmp--- SMPs contained: Dream SMP, Tales of the SMP Hero System/classifications: Hero, Vigilante, Villain: Ranking Info: Hero - Someone employed by the government to fight villains Vigilante - Someone not employed but the government but still fights villains Villain - Someone antagonistic to the heroes Other Info: The city is often regarded as 'falling apart at the seams' due the the constant battles and damage the to city.
---Lifesteal City--- SMPs contained: Lifesteal, Rats SMP Hero System/classifications: Vigilante Ranking Info: Since there is no hero/villain system in place, everyone is classified as vigilantes. There are two distinct groups, listed below: ---LifeSteal: A group of vigilantes that are very defensive over their city. There is often infighting, however that is often quickly solved and everyone is back to normal within a few months. Codenames/masks are not always in use, and most of the group do not care if the city knows who they are ---The RATS: A small group of vigilantes that are mostly passive, staying hidden in a secret hideout in an unknown location. They all have rat themed get up, but rarely hide their faces. Other Info: This city is fairly new to the hero/villain system, and as such as not put once in place. It is unknown if a system will be put in place or not (due to LifeSteal's members often changing sides or everybody being in a middle ground).
---YHS Island--- SMPs contained: YHS (if that counts) Hero System/classifications: None Ranking Info: None Other Info: A small island used to keep orphaned or abandoned children until adulthood. There is no hero/villain system in place.
---Other SMPs--- EVO: The first experiment by the WATCHERS. Was created as a test for potential heroes. Five passed the test, although only two went on to become heroes. Other details classified --- Outsiders: The second experiment by the WATCHERS. A group of heroes in training were put into a test, those who passed would become full heroes. The project shut down after a group of subjects went rogue and attacked a staff member in their escape. Other details classified --- EchoCraft: A small town around an hour away from Lifesteal City, not big enough to have a hero/villain system in place
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omg look grian as a pokemon trainer wooo
i swear idk why but i couldnt for the life of me do this lineart so here you go
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arsonvi · 2 years
No one suspects a thing. And here is why.
No one would ever think that a god of chaos would end up on a server known for beautiful builds and working together. That's why no one suspected that a Hermit would be said god.
So when a low ranking watcher showed up stating that they were looking for a god everyone was surprised. But they let them in to look around.
The watcher went around the server, they met Doc, Ren, Bdubs, Tango, and more. But they didn't suspect any of them of beng a god.
They had questioned the Admin, Xisuma, but there was nothing out of place, nothing that was a sign to the missing god of Chaos.
The watcher met Mumbo, and Scar. But neither of them knew much about this god. Then they met Grian, he looked familiar, but didn't know much.
There was nothing to find..
So no one suspects a thing.
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sialaterornever · 1 year
oh yeah i finally cross-posted my watt fic to ao3 so if hermitblr wants to eat this yeah
ao3 link
or the watt fic if you want that one(has more shit)
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nert-zz · 1 year
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Playing with shapes and thinking about my hermticraft psychonauts au thing. I wanted to try and draw some hermits how I think they'd be in the game
I just think it would be cool if they all had psychic powers, and hung out, and went on missions, and...
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bellshazes · 1 year
sorry to be all over the place but im thinking about holic au again. theres literally a holic reference in dia but it so subtle that it probably doesnt deserve the title of reference. the moment anyone signals they know trc/holic and also hermticraft i will lose my whole entire mind. there's so much. bdubs IS a watanuki. scar IS yuuko, titties out and all. i think scar should smoke a pipe and smash laptops while bdubs watches horrified as his indentured servant. i know this makes no sense but i'm not sorry enough
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bugbbear · 5 months
how much would yall pay me to write a pjo au of hermticraft where joe hills is the oracle of delphi
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slimesidian · 3 years
What's doc's role in the superhero au, obviously he cares abt the rest of the nho, its doc. But what is he?
I’ma be real here, I have not developed every NHO member in the superhero AU, all I know is that out of the four of them he is probably the only one who doesn’t end up turning neutral(or even eventually turning good like in Bdubs’ case, no I will not elaborate haha). He’s the only one who remains with their villain alter ego even after the group splits up, said alter ego ofc being the Goat Father because what ELSE would we use?
-Mod Slime
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writing-the-end · 4 years
LoL Chapter 9- Burnt Parchment
A Wizard Hermits tale (AU belongs to @theguardiansofredland )
A brief respite for the hermits, they all take the time to rest, train, and learn more. While Xisuma digs through the libraries for information on dark magic, Stress discovers an unnerving note far from home.
Xisuma hums to himself, fingers running along the books. Old leather soft and emblazoned with gilded letters, sharp parchment of scrolls cutting into his skin with new vigor. All kinds of books and tomes and tablets, collected among Joe’s library. It’s a well cared for collection, and Joe prides himself on all the knowledge stowed in his home. 
The only problem is how he sorts his books. Most librarians would use one of many systems developed by scholars, perhaps by genre or author’s last name. But no, Joe used his own strange system, a madness to his method. No matter what the other hermits do to fix his insanity among the stacks, he only shuffles it back. And Xisuma is stuck reading through the strange collection their resident poet has amassed. He blinks away as he reads something he’d rather not, and pulls free an aged scroll, adding it to the collection in his hands. 
Xisuma steps back, turning. His eyes fall across the large black lacquered cabinet settled in the corner of the poet’s home. Distant from everything else, even the azure blue bed that’s covered in half-written poems and spells. Cold metal brushes against X’s fingers as he unconsciously touches the wrought iron key. “Dark magic has to be somewhere in there.” 
He reluctantly opens the banned book cabinet. Joe isn’t a person to ban books just for being controversial. In fact, the poet loves to bring books other libraries wouldn’t dare hold. Knowledge that should be spoken, kept safe. Illegal works against the Council, exposes on guilds, lost history no longer taught in schools. If their island in the Ashioll sea was a sanctuary to the illegal guild, this library was a sanctuary to illegal words. 
But even some knowledge is dangerous in the wrong hands. And if there’s anything X could call dark magic, it’s dangerous in any hand. Only one book among the darkened oak shelves gives him any hint to it’s contents including dark magic. A book about ancient magic. Why is this with the taboo tomes? Xisuma stands, tucking his armful of books close to his chest and donning his mask back on to face the sunlight.
Xisuma is a void wizard. He spends his days staring into the darkness of space, learning from the motions of dark matter and the void between stars. When others look to the light to discover truth, he can see everything beyond space and time, warped by the light others seek. X’s fingers run across a fractured part of his helmet. Where an insignia of a sun surrounded by spiraling void was dented out of existence. He can just barely feel the sharp triangular points of his brother’s symbol nowadays. 
He pulls the mask over his head, and braves the sunshine of his island home. In the distance, he can hear yelling, followed by the sharp clang of metal. The ground rumbles, and out of the corner of X’s vision he sees pillars of stone spire free from the grass. False and Scar are dueling, and Xisuma notices silver coins being passed between TFC and Cub. An easy smile appears beneath X’s mask. TFC was never one to stay holed up in the infirmary long. He’s still pale and weak from the crystal attack, but nothing would stop the guildmaster from being with his family. So long as he’s not using his magic, Xisuma won’t stop him. 
The fading black veins up TFC’s arm reminds Xisuma why he’s researching dark magic. After what happened to their guildmaster, their leader and father figure, Xisuma needs to know why it happened. And how to stop it from hurting any of his family. Ever again. Dirt crunches under his boots as Xisuma walks to the stone tower he calls home. The oldest structure, the first part of the island built up. When him and his brother fled into the mysterious sea, setting up the Order of Hermits. Fitting name, seeing as they’re the only ones brave enough- or stupid enough- to call the odd archapelago home. 
“Sheshwammy!” Keralis’s voice runs across the air like honey, but the magnitude of his voice causes Xisuma to jolt in his boots. A scroll drops, falling open and rolling across the dirt. Xisuma groans, tucking his chin to chase after the runaway parchment. Keralis aids him, scooping up the scroll and tightening the paper around the wooden rod. “Whatcha got there? A little bit of light reading?” 
“I wouldn’t call dark magic ‘light reading’.” Xisuma chuckles, plucking the scroll handed across from him. Keralis’s expression is quite alarmed. 
“Dark magic? Like spooky scary attacking crystal dark magic?” Keralis peers at the books in Xisuma’s hand. “Why are you trying to learn dark magic?”
“I’m not trying to learn it- I’m trying to learn about it. So...so things that happened in Gildara don’t ever happen here. Don’t ever happen to our island.” Keralis nods, nudging Xisuma’s shoulder to show it was all in jest. And the void mage feels like he can breathe. 
“Are you going to hole up in that tower of yours then?” Keralis watches X’s eyes through his visor, the crossed scars over his left eye. “Sheshwammy, come, let’s have some tea in my house! Soak in the sun, it’s good for you!” 
Keralis waves Xisuma to the glass hemisphere, tall grass and undergrowth flourishing in the massive terrarium. A single tree props up the glass from within, and a beehive thick with honey sits like fruit hung low from the tree. Black flecks buzz around among the terrarium, denizens of bugs flying in their habitat. To and from their food and wherever they make home within Keralis’s terrarium. When Keralis first showcased his magic to Xisuma, he admits he was freaked out. To gain magic by consuming bugs seemed...strange. But over time, it was no different than Joe’s poetry magic or Tango’s hellbound spells.
“Hello Suzy. How’s the hive today?” Keralis giggles, giving the fuzzy bee a pat. X stops at the door, watching Keralis file away some of his magical treats for later. “I was just coming to grab some more beetles before fighting Cleo, but this gives me an excuse to not face her now.” 
Xisuma sits down among the grass, the tall blades bending outward like a nest. Green and grey robes spread out, and Xisuma sets his pile of books on Keralis’s green bed. Keralis places a cup of tea in his hand, his friend remembering exactly how much sugar, honey, and milk he likes in his tea. Xisuma’s shoulders untense, remembering why he wanted a guild in the first place.
They weren’t just a team. They were family. They have each other. He’s not the only one worrying about TFC, others are taking good care of him. And they take good care of each other, including X. Xisuma swirls the spoon in his tea, blowing on the steaming drink and raising his head to feel the sun filter through the glass dome. His brother always wanted a family like this, but sometimes the sun shines too bright even for those who rely on it’s light. Every time Xisuma feels the warm rays on his brown hair, he thinks of his brother. 
But he always chases the thoughts out. That wimp left, ran away when things finally started to become real. Xisuma pulls the book on the top of the stack and forces it open. He flips to the page about magic law and illegal magic. 
Keralis peeks over Xisuma’s shoulder, trying to follow the insane speed the void wizard reads at. He doesn’t catch everything he sees, or understands most of what he reads, but the pages do reference the words he fears to be true. “Do you really think someone is practicing dark magic?” 
“I’m sure it’s dark magic. You saw how those husk people acted.” Xisuma picks up a book discarded to the side, pointing to a single paragraph. Hardly more than a line references the process of magic. “Dark magic is illegal for a reason- it steals power, killing the person who it’s stolen from. But none of these books talk about how it happens. There’s no mention of crystals, or the entire land devoid of life. A grey wasteland.” 
“What about this book?” Keralis sits in the grass, pulling up a massive, ancient leather book. “Plirus Mageia.” The bug mage opens the book, dust spouting free of the yellow, torn pages and causing Keralis to cough. 
“Well, it says it’s complete, but does that really mean…” Keralis grins as he discovers dark magic listed in the index, flipping to the page. It’s Xisuma’s turn to peer over Keralis’s shoulder, watching the ancient pages flipping forward, deft fingers searching for the page number listed.  Until they go past it. Keralis frowns, and flips back. And misses again. One by one, they look through the book. All that remains of the chapter on dark magic is ash, pouring into Keralis’s lap when he tips the book forward. “Someone doesn’t want dark magic to get out.” 
“Or someone doesn’t want anyone to know their secret.” Keralis whispers. 
Stress packs the snow tight, pressing rosy pink lips onto the forehead of the snowman. One hand has her icy magic circle pressing against the torso. A little kiss like that sends magic surging through the white snow, each crystal and snowflake imbued with her power. The stone eyes blink and bluster against it’s cold body, and stick arms wiggle to life. “There you go lovely! Go explore! Watch out fer the edge!” 
Stress giggles as the snowman wanders across her icy island home. Just offshore of Eremita, she built her igloo under the cooling respite of an eternal snowcloud. She sits back, closing her eyes and feeling the chill touch of snowflakes falling on her pale cheeks. The cold water tickles her skin, clinging to the warm, fluffy grey fuzz that keeps her comfortable. She loves the cold, because it means she can cozy up in her warm robes, fluffy boots, and thick pants. She doesn’t have to worry about her hair being too long at her neck, or if she has too many blankets- which is never enough in her opinion. She’s known as a blanket thief, and it takes bribery to get them back. 
Snow crunches, the fresh layer depressing onto the white powder beneath it. Stress peeks open her eyes, and notices her new snow friend is waving for her attention, rock mouth mute to call for her. Rigid sticks flap back and forth, until the snowman knows it has her attention. It points a wooden finger down to the icy waters around her island. 
“What is that doin’ here?” Stress questions, standing up. She brushes the snow from her rear, watching the tiny boat rock against the ice chunks. She can only imagine if these enchanted sailboats had little itty bitty sailors, they’d look like massive icebergs, just before a frozen continent at the bow. “I thought these didn’t leave the cities.” 
Stress scoops up the wooden boat, fingers running along the smoldering fabric sail. The edges turn to ash upon her touch, embers eating further into the sail and smoking the wooden ship. It’s in bad shape, and Stress can’t figure out how such a little ship meant for messaging within a city made its way out here. Why is it burned?
She remembers the contents of the boat, pulling off a glove to squeeze her finger into the thin deck. Sure enough, a scroll was being carried by the scorched ship. The snowman at her side reaches for the boat, like a child desiring a toy. It’s wish is granted, Stress ignoring the boat in lieu of opening the parchment. 
It’s burned as well, and whatever edges aren’t black and charred are torn and tattered. On the backside, Stress can see printed letters torn through. It reminds her of when she went to school in Milliara, among the other noble children learning how to be good heirs, passing notes on torn sheets of their notebooks. The twine falls apart in her hand, allowing the burnt parchment to open. 
Stress gasps, letting the letter fall to the snow. She runs to the icy edge of her snowstorm, but the ice rises to meet her feet. Walking across frozen water beneath her shoes, until she’s on solid ground again. She doesn’t slow, doesn’t hesitate. She needs to tell the others what was on the paper. 
The parchment, burnt and soaked with snow, flutters in the warm Ashioll sea air. Blood for ink scrawls out two words. 
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mine-sara-sp · 2 years
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Chapter 8 is up!
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asterssunzephyr · 6 months
I have one for you: Deer + Pearl
Gonna throw little headcanons at you for now :]
• Antlers. You heard me. Just like how Gem is depicted with antlers im letting this thought live rent free in your head now.
• different species you can go for w/ pearl imo: Barasingha deer, Giant Muntjac deer, Elk, Marsh Deer or the Sambar Deer.
• Im leaning towards Muntjac because they have fangs but I really like how Sambar Deers look so.. we'll see!
• Centaur? body. Half deer body :) I like the way Elks look but Marsh deer have cool patterns oh but now im looking at Fallow Deers oh my god patterns.
• Ok species can be determined later
• This is gonna drag me into a hole I cant come out of so once I decided a species Ill tag you in the post
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Since the mister mash facts post I’ve just been imagining Keralis t-posing in the shadows all over season 7
T-pose to assert control in the group of monster hermits.
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cd-head · 3 years
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