#high school shohei
soundspeachytome · 6 months
our future lives - shohei ohtani soft au
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trope: childhood best friends to strangers
word count: 5.9k words
author notes: (this will be a bit long so if you want to jump straight to the fic, go right ahead!)
I wrote this in retrospect to the days i spent with my high school newspaper publication team. Recently,  an old friend and org mate from the school newspaper (who i have not spoken to in years) followed me on instagram and it took me down memory lane.
This was a time when a boy who (coincidentally enough, also played for a sports team) used to read drafts of my silly stories and poems of fictional heartbreak and would compliment my writing all the time. He was my best friend until he wasn’t.
This was when everything was awkward, confusing and unsettling; when I didn’t believe love could blossom beyond friendship. And when it was already right in front of me, I chose to run away.
With Shohei Ohtani as my current muse, I write this to close the what ifs our high school memories have left us. And when love finally visits us once again, instead of running away, maybe, just maybe, we’d be able to look at it straight in the face and say, "welcome, I hope you enjoy your stay."
Songs i listened to while writing: (repeatedly, repulsively, and obsessively)
Right where you left me - taylor swift (evermore)
Shouldn’t be - luke chiang
You are in love - taylor swift (1989)
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.
I didn’t feel anything at first but when realization sank, I almost doubled over. A familiar feeling punctured somewhere on the middle of my chest, like a pounding, beating of a drum. While an economics faculty was waiting for me to check out her library card, she chatted animatedly with her colleague and I couldn’t help but eavesdrop. When the words “homecoming”, and “shohei ohtani” were mentioned in one sentence, I almost dropped the books on the professor’s feet.
“I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation… Did you say Shohei Ohtani is coming back…?” I croaked.
“Yes! It’s on the news everywhere. He’s attending his former school’s foundation anniversary as a baseball alum.” She hushed excitedly. She almost looked like she was blushing. 
“Professor, didn’t you graduate from Rosewood High School, too?” 
She and her friend looked at me expectantly, like I’m some sort of Bingo announcer about to shout their magic winning number. I nodded slowly, a small smile formed my lips.
“Wow! You and Shohei Ohtani were schoolmates, then! Were you in the same year?”
“Has he always been so tall?”
“Did he have any girlfriends back then?”
The pair of them launched their questions like an automatic rifle, I swung albeit defensively, and yet I couldn’t duck myself for cover in time.
I shrugged and quietly said, “I didn’t really know him that much, he was always just playing baseball, I guess.” 
Before they could respond, I pushed my thick-rimmed glasses back to the bridge of my nose and went back to my Excel spreadsheets. They said their thank yous and skipped their way out of the library. 
Finally, quiet again. 
Like every typical librarian, one glare from me could snap chatty visitors’ mouths at an instant. I reveled in the silence of my humble workplace, with shelves taller than any average person, filled with books old and new. I could spend hours in the silence, tapping on my computer archives, or shelving books from the returned pile. This is the job of my dreams. Customary, routine, familiar, comfort zone.  
I realized that I have been tapping the letter Y key from the keyboard, lost in thought. I couldn’t believe the words I heard earlier could ever be strung in one sentence, not even in my wildest dreams. I tapped my legs restlessly. It couldn’t be true, could it?
How many popular Shohei Ohtanis could make girls this flustered?
There’s a one-hundred one percent chance that the result is, well, one. 
To preserve my peace of mind, I decided to google him, and when the results showed the rumor to be true, I almost spiraled in my seat. 
Did you know Shohei Ohtani in high school? The words from the two professors rang in my head. 
I knew damn well who Shohei Ohtani is.
Shohei and I have been friends since the day we learned how to talk. We lived on the same block, sat together in class, shared snacks during recess, we’d bicker loudly and fight like the worst of all enemies. According to our mothers, when he pulled my hair after I had claimed his Spiderman lego toy,  I screamed so loud it could be heard two houses down the block. He felt so guilty about it and rushed to peck me on the cheeks so I’d stop bawling. Not sure how accurate our mothers’ anecdotes are, if they had been exaggerated or not, but they said, after that fight, little Shohei had treated the little me sweeter after that. 
On good days, we played swings in the playground. We walked home together and would visit each other’s houses to play board games and Bomberman until it was no longer comfortable to stay in each other’s bedrooms without getting weird ideas.
Upon reaching puberty, I had grown in breast size, started getting my periods and hormonal mood swings while Shohei had grown a foot taller and his shoulders stretched widely. He lost his baby fat and developed muscle definition after playing sports. It was a time in our lives when it was officially awkward to hold hands while crossing the street, or for him to playfully grab me by the neck. If we did, we would get notes from the schoolmaster for indecency.
It wasn’t only the skinship that changed. Shohei grew to be more popular with the girls when he performed well in high school baseball. He was tall, fit, respectful and most importantly, he had a kind smile that would make your heart do a tap dance. And so my heart wore dancing shoes everyday.
While Shohei was busy playing his ball games, I joined the school paper as a news writer. The club meetings took up most of my afternoons then when i used to spend it by waiting for Shohei. By the time he finished practice, I would still be in the school library, either my face buried in a stack of books, or fingers furiously tapping an article on my laptop.
“You can go first. I don’t think I can go home yet, not unless this article writes itself.” I said one afternoon, not looking up. I was preparing an article for the school sports festival, where Shohei was the third-year representative and captain. I heard him walk up to me and braced myself. Tap tap tap.
He set his gym bag and batting equipment on the table and sat on the chair beside me.
“I’ll wait.” He said calmly. He crossed his arms over the table and closed his eyes, as if to sleep. He sat there in silence, baking in the sounds of my keyboard smashing my unnerving thoughts and emotions. 
Suffice to say, I didn’t get anything done after that. The smell of soap and cologne crept up to my nose and his broad shoulders lightly touched mine. Him sitting so innocently with his head on the table was enough of a distraction. It also didn’t help that on my periphery, I knew that he was facing my direction. In the next three minutes or so, I allowed myself to stare at his face: bags under his eyes were slowly showing, his well-defined nose, his mouth slightly agape, with evidence of picking and biting the lower lip skin.
When he startled awake, I scrambled to close the laptop monitor so loudly I thought I had cracked the screen. Embarrassed and face probably beet red, I stood up to leave. He carried all of my bags that day. When I offered to carry his gym bag, he refused.
In the last few weeks of that semester, I had become interim editor-in-chief. Shohei’s games had ended and our deadline for the year-end publication drew nearer. That meant I had made the library my second home like a bridge troll, only allowing brief, important conversations. My entire table was covered with mock newspaper clippings, sample layouts, glue, stacks and stacks of drafts that went through multiple, desperate, bloody revisions. This and the rest of my academic subjects I balanced gingerly on a thin line. Shohei would continue to visit and wait by the other corner of the library, pretending to read mystery thriller books he picked from the shelves. Most of the time, he slept. I never saw him study, even in the library. He didn’t need to as he aces all his subjects while hitting home runs on the field. I always suspected that he astral projects in his sleep and studies inside the realm of dreams. That’s probably why no matter how much he slept, he was still constantly tired. 
In other words, Shohei always seemed like he never had to try. He was good at everything. And I always had to work hard just to be able to stand on the same playing field as he is, at least once or twice. 
One particular day, when afternoon classes were canceled to give way to the club meetings, I was in my usual spot in the library with Zumi, our layout artist and a third-year from class B. We were finalizing the layout design before submitting it to the publishing house. Shohei was in baseball practice and had been MIA from the library all week.
A group of girls suddenly filled the library.
“He’s not here!” I heard one of them say. They noticed Zumi and I chatting quietly in the corner. 
“Hey, you’re Y/N right?” A girl with jet black hair siad. Her skin was white as porcelain. She had retainers on, the ones that looked unfairly pretty on lucky pretty girls.
I nodded.
“Are you Ohtani’s girlfriend?”
“Excuse me?” I blurted out, eyes almost popping out of my eye sockets.
She chuckled. “Right? I couldn’t believe it myself too. I know Ohtani only sees you as his best friend.”
I couldn’t respond right away. It was true but why did it sting so much?
“But they’re always together, I saw her give him a lunchbox during breaks.” A petite girl with a wolf haircut emerged from the sides. She had her arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. 
The rest of the group murmured in unison.
“Our mothers are close friends, so it was natural for us to grow up being friends, too.” I said irritably. Not only was this irrelevant but it was so annoying that a bunch of girls would question her decade-long friendship. 
“I don’t have to spell out the dynamics of our friendship to you.”
“If that bothers you so much, why don’t you personally tell Ohtani’s mother to stop asking me to bring his lunch boxes for him.”
It was quiet for a few seconds. I was afraid that it would escalate into a screaming match or a brawl that could result in us being kicked out–or worse, banned–from the library. The herd of girls glared at me and I glared right back. 
“Um, a-as you can see, he is not here.” Zumi breaks the silence, clearly intimidated but she soldiers on. “And you’re disrupting our meeting.” 
The first girl gives me a pointed look and spins on her heel and the rest follows. 
Zumi sighed in relief. “Oh my god, Y/N, I thought I would experience my first visit to the schoolmaster’s office before graduation.” She rubbed her sweaty palms together. 
I stifled a giggle, anger fading. Zumi’s gentle personality softened me right away. I couldn’t help but smile at her. 
“Don’t worry, Zumi, we don’t start fights but we sure as hell can end them.”
Shohei and I met less and less after that. I had purposely avoided him as much as I could because I still felt upset and he didn’t even have a vague idea about other girls spreading rumors about us. Another reason was I didn’t want to be referred to as “Shohei’s female best friend” anymore. His growing popularity in school made me only slink back down to the pits of the social hierarchy. 
I also wanted to take some time away and contemplate my feelings about our friendship. He’s only a friend I grew up with. We shared meals together and walked home together. He would hug me when I’m upset and I would console him when his anger skyrocketed. These are common best friend behaviors, right? So why else would it suddenly change? Why don’t we ever stay like this forever?
Weeks after my so-called Shohei blackout, I was left alone to clear the table I had claimed in the far corner of the library when Shohei popped in to visit.
The school year had finally come to a close, exams and ball games concluded, and the year-end paper was now distributed to everyone on campus: Shohei’s team pictured on the front page headline, declared as the year’s champions in inter-high school level.
He had a copy of the newspaper in his hand, grinning.
“Nice article, Y/N.” 
“Is it nice because it had your winning face covering the entire spread?” 
“I mean, you finally got an article on the front page!” He was waving the paper to you, pointing at the byline, as if you’ve never seen the layout more than a hundred times already. “Written by– your name! How cool is that!”
“My name is in a tiny font under your 32 font-size on the headline. I promise you, it’s not a big deal.”
“It is for me, though. I read it word for word. I loved it. You’re so good at words, Y/N” his eyes crinkled at the sides and I waved him off, blushing. 
“I’ve seen enough of this newspaper, I think I’m going to be nauseous.” you faked a retching sound.
“I’ve started seeing that damn thing in my dreams, Sho.” You grimaced. “Please hide that from me. Or I will rip it into shreds.”
Shohei giggled boisterously. You immediately swiped your hands over his mouth.
“Sshh! The librarian will hear you!” You looked around nervously, relaxing after realizing the librarian was nowhere in sight. “I don’t want to get kicked out on our last day of school.”
He held your arms away and uncovered his mouth from your hands. “Seriously, though, I’m proud of you. You worked so hard for this all semester.”
“Well, the subject was interesting to write about.” 
“Is that right?” he smiled, mischief glinted in his eyes. 
“”Rosewood’s revival after years of being dormant in high school baseball” was a pretty cool angle to write.” I said. And it truly was. The moment I saw the efforts and hardwork of Shohei and his inspiring leadership setting a momentum into the games, I knew right away that I had to call dibs on the story. 
“Uh-huh.” He was just looking at me, hands still wrapped around my arms, locking me in place. 
“It was a story worthy to tell and I just happened to tell the story. It all just–” I tried to mash my hands together, demonstrating the words synonymous to merging, fusing, blending. 
He pulls me close and rests his hand at the back of my neck. I could feel the snug of his embrace melting me into a puddle. He hesitates but leans in. It was soft, abrupt and merely testing the waters. He pulled back slightly to look at my reaction. I didn’t know what I looked like, but what I did know at that moment, my heart bounced uncontrollably like a basketball. I swear I thought it would burst my chest open. 
When I didn’t react or push him back, he leaned in for another try, this time, with more intent, meaning, and weight on my lips. When we parted, he looked away sheepishly that all I had to do in response to the kiss was to pull him in a tight hug. We stayed like that for a few more minutes because neither of us knew when to let go, or even wanted to. We just stood there relishing our newfound warmth while concealed in between the quiet and that precious corner space that held us. I don’t know how to define this feeling yet… but I could get used to this.  
Nothing further ever happened after that sweet library moment because the next day, we received news that Shohei Ohtani was granted a full scholarship overseas. Thanks to his impressive performance during the last game. Ohtani joked that it was mainly because my frontpage piece was so well-written, it moved the university scouts’ ice-cold hearts to tears.
“You’d be an idiot not to go.”  I was at the kitchen counter of our home, setting the newly baked chocolate chip cookies out of the oven to cool down. It was a Saturday morning and Shohei visited, like any other day. 
“I’d be alone, though.” he was wistfully eyeing the cookies on the wire rack. “I’m scared I might fail and be a disappointment to my dad.”
His arm slowly reached for the cookies but I immediately swatted him away.
“It’s still hot, dumbass.” I gave him the bowl where the cookie dough was originally mixed. He dutifully scooped the remains and popped a finger in his mouth, he grinned, satisfied. 
“You won’t be alone because everybody likes you. And you won’t be a disappointment because you work twice as hard than everyone else. You’re Shohei Ohtani, for god’s sake.”
He doubted but I knew what he was thinking because I was trying not to think about it, too. If this was about the kiss, we can let it go. We can forget about it. It was just a kiss, this was our future and it shined brightly in front of him. It would make me a selfish person to try and block that from him.
“There won’t be a Y/N there, though.” he said, eyes trained to the cookie dough he held. “My best friend won’t be there.”
“I’ll be right here when you come back. Besides, we can always email each other, like we always did in computer class.”
I didn’t tell him this but it also broke my heart to say those words. I will definitely miss him, sure. He’s been a constant presence in my life that once he leaves, it would definitely leave a big hole in my life. 
I wanted to tell him that whatever happened in the library that day will always be etched in my memory as long as I lived, that I wanted it as much as he did, and it hurt to say goodbye to a possibility, to something that had barely even started. If I had told him that, he would’ve turned down the offer right away.
So I didn’t, and so he left. 
Ohtani and I would email constantly during our very first year in uni. He would send me pictures of the new places he visited, food he tasted, with little descriptions every now and then. You knew he was trying to include me in his new life as much as he could. In return, I showed him how I continued my simple, quiet life, how I met new friends at uni, how I ate at new hole-in-the-wall restaurants with the promise that we’d try them out when he returned back home.
Of course that didn’t last very long as life apparently came in between us. Long training hours for Shohei, and newer opportunities showed up in my doorstep as I got a partial scholarship and part-time job as a student assistant.
It went on like that for a very long time as we kept missing each other’s emails. I would already be asleep when he sends his messages and he’d be out in the field by the time I could reply. Sometimes I don’t receive anything at all at weeks’ a time.
One day, after two weeks of radio silence, I heard a girl in the washroom gush about Ohtani’s popularity overseas and how he has gotten a girlfriend. They were pretty serious, she would go on to say. She had long black hair with a pretty slender body, something like his type. 
I stood there, hands dripping wet, listening to something I normally wouldn’t believe unless he confirmed it himself. The thing is, I haven’t heard from him in weeks, so I didn’t have a choice but to believe in the words from the grapevine.
I stopped waiting for his emails to come. If he sent me new ones, I didn’t check. I busied myself in the halls of the library studying, reading and writing, writing and writing my feelings away.
I wrote until my hands got tired, until I spilled everything I needed to forget into paper. Until I welcomed a new love into my life. He was also tall, kind, and cheerful. He respected my time and he loved going to new coffee shops with me. At that point, I was overfilled with joy and contentment that I barely thought about Shohei anymore. In the back of my mind, the chapter of Shohei Ohtani is now closed and my rosy high school life became a beloved, worn out book that I no longer revisited.
Later I learned in life that some things, despite making you undoubtedly happy, could still end horribly.
My relationships turned sour, some of my friendships fell out, but the worst part of it all was when my dad had a heart attack. 
He died six months later. 
It was pretty much autopilot after that. I could only ever handle so much, I don’t think I am as brave as Joan D’arc to handle ten, twenty more scars. Not when two of the best people I loved have left my life. Not when the person I want to run the most to is… no longer there to meet me. 
I was a student intern at the archives section when the post for head librarian was vacated. I’ve already applied to multiple companies in the private and public sectors and kept getting waitlisted but the university hired me on the spot. A week after graduation, I had started my full-time job at the library, and it felt like I was somehow glued back together.
The cans of beer clinked together as I swayed the black plastic on my way home from the convenience store. Nothing beats a cold can of beer after a full meal. Also because “Shohei Ohtani” is a name I never thought I’d hear again in this lifetime. So much so, that a homecoming sounded so ridiculous that if someone ever suggested that idea to me before today, I would have laughed at their faces. It was an appropriate time to wallow in my drunken thoughts.
Four years was a long time for anyone to change. It was long enough to switch jobs, get promoted, to save up money and travel, to save up money and get married and have kids, or none at all, to study for a new degree, to meet new people and develop romantic feelings for them, to lose such romantic feelings, to forgive and move on, to develop new habits, and it is also long enough for character development if you think your personality needed an overhaul. Four years was a long time apart, a long time to forget each other to even be considered taboo. And yet. 
And yet. 
My phone buzzed against my jeans pocket. It was a text from Zumi. She now works freelance and designs her own stationery and stickers sold at mega discount stores all over the country.
“You wouldn’t believe what I just heard.” Zumi texted. Even before she could conjure a follow-up text, I responded right away.
Y/N: “Someone’s coming back to town?...”
Zumi: “WUT.”
Zumi: “U KNEW? AND DIDN'T TELL ME #betrayal”
Y/N: “I heard about it a couple of days ago and blacked out after 3 cans of beer. Sorry, Joomi-chan.”
Y/N: “I didn’t drink only because of the news, though. I ate almost 2 KGs of wagyu, too. It was the perfect drink to end the day.”
Y/N: “I ate ice cream, too."
Y/N: “I’m rambling. I”ve been restless since I heard about it.”
Y/N: “I’ll be okay, though. I always have been.”
I was about to put my phone down after the text blasts I sent to assure her when text bubbles appeared. Typing. I waited.
Zumi: “It’s alright to admit you’re not okay about this, Y/N”
Zumi: “He was a big part of your life, who ghosted you, asshole move btw, and his head’s probably gotten too big for his own good. I wonder how he walks around with that swollen head without toppling over.
Zumi: “Also, I’m only saying all of this because my role as Y/N’s only best friend is currently being threatened. I forgive you though!”
I had to laugh. Zumi was always fond of Ohtani and I even back in high school. Whenever she had time, she would join us on our katsu curry runs and hated matcha, while Ohtani and I loved it. She always preferred strawberry. She was the perfect balance in our little trio. And now, she is my voice of reason.
I paused to reread the text. Am I really okay about this? It’s a fairly small town, the chances of running into him are slim, but never zero. And what if I do meet him by chance, what should I do?
Zumi: “Text me when you feel like drinking again. I’ll sneak out and join you in solidarity!” 
Before I could send the cutest peach butt sticker to Zumi, a message from an unregistered number popped up on my notifications.
“Hi, Y/N. It’s Shohei Ohtani. I got your number from your mom. I’m sorry for being abrupt like this but I just flew back from the States and will be spending a few days at home.
Do you want to meet up for some curry katsu for old time's sake?”
Holy hell, I stared at the messages in disbelief. Am I being punked right now? Where is the hidden camera? If the universe is listening right now, please, swallow me whole into the earth right now. 
I clenched the phone hard, against my chest. You are better now. Don’t fumble. 
Tap tap tap.
I don’t know what had gotten into my head that when I responded a few hours later, had agreed to meet up after work for curry and drinks. Future me would like to smack past me of five hours ago for making a decision like this. 
But here I am now, just a few stores away from the curry place I had suggested for dinner. 
Suddenly feeling conscious, I stopped by a convenience store that had a convex mirror on top of the corner shelves. I swiped lipstick on my lips and powdered my nose. I also bought mints just to play for time. I worked up the courage to text Zumi.
Y/N: So, please tell me I’m doing the wrong thing and I will turn back.
Zumi: What happened?
Y/N: After we texted earlier, Shohei texted me out of the blue and that he’s already in the town.
Zumi: He WHAT???
Zumi: Are you telling me he asked to meet up and you said yes?
Y/N: You should switch careers and be a fortune teller instead.
Zumi: You WHAT???
Y/N: Pls, pls, pls tell me I’m wrong for doing this.
She didn’t respond right away. Her text bubbles went up and down infrequently. I stood outside of the restaurant, in the cold of the night waiting for her response.
Zumi: How do YOU feel about it?
Zumi: If I were you, I, who have witnessed all the carnage all these years, I would do it. I know if you turn your back now, you’d spend another four, five years wondering what would’ve happened if you chose differently. 
Zumi: Don’t try to rationalize it, Y/N. You’re panicking now. But I know in your heart, you want answers. You want this. So suck it up and be a big gworl! 
She resonated exactly how I felt about this. So why was I hesitating?
I walked up to the restaurant and scanned the room. It was almost empty after dinner hours, except for a few white collar workers catching up on late night meals.
And then I saw him. He sat at the back of the room, his back facing the front of the shop. I could recognize those wide shoulders anywhere in a heartbeat. I made a beeline towards him.
He wore a blue polo buttoned up to his chest, creasing at the shoulders as he slouched forward. He looked absolutely different from the memory of the boy who used to carry my bags. His hair grew into thick waves and his cheeks and jawline was chiseled and defined to the bone, revealing more of his handsome face.
He stood up, smiling widely and threw his hands around me, a whiff of his sandalwood perfume and the feel of his hair pressed to my cheek brought everything back: spending lazy days in the library, the night strolls on the way home from school, sharing twin popsicle ice creams, the warmth of his hands intertwined with mine, that last first kiss. I pulled away and he gestured to me to sit down. As we both sat down, I thought, You are always finding ways to get my hopes up. 
We stared at each as I settled down on my seat. For a few moments, I felt the room was charged with cold air. His eyes traced my face making me more and more self-conscious, I had to break the ice. 
“The chicken curry katsu is good here, you know.” I said, as a waiter approached and served us water. “But if you prefer pork, it’s heaven too.”
I sipped the cold water nervously and fidgeted the hem of my plaid skirt. 
“It’s been a while.” I started.
“I’ve been busy.” He started to explain. I hate how he thinks this was his decision, how he didn’t even consider the fact that I’ve been busy, too. “How about you? I’ve stopped hearing about you since…”
“Things happened.” I simplified, but really, I wanted to give him a rundown of how things have more or less worked out okay for me–how I am doing well at my job, taking my Masters, thinking about traveling to Southeast Asia with Zumi, spending time with family on weekends, trying to do pilates at least thrice a month, and catching up with some old friends whenever we got to clear our schedules. How I am, despite his absence, was not entirely miserable. But I don’t want him to think that I am just doing this to prove a point, so I coated a response with the standard, “But I’ve been fine, thanks. How are you?”
“Same old, I’m here for business and something else. I finally got the courage to tell you this now.” He said, finishing up the last of his meal and downing his glass of water before speaking again.
I honestly don’t want to know, I want to order another glass of beer and fall asleep drunk. I want to crawl into my bed and waddle in self-pity at how I’ve spiraled back to square one, of how after all these years, I am still hopelessly in love with this unattainable man, who thinks we are still each other’s best friends after years of no contact. Instead I responded cautiously, “What is it?”
He inched forward and leaned his face on his right hand. “There’s this girl.”
I held my breath and braced myself for impact. 
“There’s this girl. We almost always never stood on the same foot. She hated sports and hated standing in the sun to see me play, but watched regardless because she had to write an article about it.
“When we finally started realizing we liked each other, I received my scholarship grant and moved overseas. If she got mad about me going MIA, I could've explained better to her that I had an accident during Spring training and was in a hospital bed for almost a month. Had she checked her emails, she would know. But she never replied. Ever.
“After a few months, I heard from our friends that she finally got a boyfriend and was in a happy, healthy relationship. I thought, ‘Oh. Good for her! I'm happy for her. Someone near to take care of her.’ but was I really, though? I got myself a girlfriend, too and forgot about this girl for a while.
“But I heard about her dad’s passing and I tried to reach her but I couldn’t. Her home phone number was disconnected, my mom said they moved out of the block and she still won’t respond to my emails.
“I couldn’t be there for her but I thought, “she'd be with her boyfriend. She’ll have someone to lean on. But then her friends said they had broken up long before the incident. She carried all those baggage all by herself? Who did she have to lean on? Was she eating okay? Was she sleeping well? Does she still smile when she watches puppies run around bumping into things?
“It seemed like the timing was never on our side. She was available when I wasn’t, I was free on the days that she was occupied. 
“I’ve always wondered if the universe played some practical joke on the two of us. If somehow, they'd ever allow me the chance to meet her again. I’ve been waiting for her for a long time now.
“Y/N, do you think if I ask her now, she’d finally be as ready as I am to meet her?”
I exhaled and felt my heart pounding. There is the thrum in my chest that felt all too familiar. Have we been missing each other’s chances all this time? Have I been getting on and off the wrong platform, just as much as he did, because we didn’t know what we wanted when we were barely twenty?
“I think you should ask her before it’s too late.” I said, catching myself, still staying on that third person narration. I mulled over the times we constantly missed each other like he had pointed out. He had been there for me when I was searching for myself and what I wanted to do, and I had watched him from afar when he was trying to meet his dreams, to the point of pushing him far away. 
“I’m asking you now. I was always late, wasn’t I?”
His brown eyes bored into mine, expectant, hopeful. “Yes. You were...but you’re here now..." I trailed off, thinking how much shock I was to hear Shohei's speech. I wondered if responding to my real feelings was the right thing to do. He had his accident, my dad's funeral, the miscommunication between us. The sudden falling out. I wondered, if after all this time, someone like me would still be worth restarting over with.
"...and I think, you’re just in time, Sho.” 
He smiled widely, showing the crinkles on the sides of his eyes, he exhaled as if he had been holding his breath all this time.
"Thank god. I was almost certain you'd say no and disappear on me again." he laughed.
Freckles that I've never seen before popped over his nose and cheeks. So much has changed in his appearance but it was the same smile of the boy I love since eighteen.
“I’m home,” he whispers.
“Welcome back,” I said, finally smiling at him, too.
Shohei stands up and offers his hand as we exit the restaurant; I take it and interlace our fingers. For the first time in a long time, the tap dancing of my calloused heart has returned ever so exhilarating, like a lost pulse bringing me back to life. We are catching up on lost time, and for whatever fragment of memory that may have escaped through the cracks, we’ll slowly string them together. It doesn’t matter how many possibilities we’ve missed in the last four years of being apart. The important thing is this possibility, the right here and right now.
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simpforchuchu · 8 months
Hi how are you? Do you write for nakaoka from High and Low The Worst? I'd like to ask to him a one shot please, the boy needs some love🥺 💕. I love your writing, you are amazing and so are your works.
Fool in love with you | Shohei Nakaoka x reader
a/n: Hi! Thank you for your good wishes and request 💕 And yes, this boy deserves more love aghshs He is so cuute 💕 Hope you like it 🌸💕
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: fighting, yelling, bugs and mention of phobia, panic attack, so many things but angst to fluff
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When the young girl entered the attic with slow steps, everyone turned their gaze to her. Even though she wanted to smile and act like nothing had happened, the small scratches and wounds on her face said the exact opposite.
As everyone stood up, Nakaoka ran and stood in front of the young girl. When he put his hands on the young girl's cheeks and wanted to look at the scratches on her face, y/n stepped back and smiled.
“I'm fine Shohei, really. Just a small fight."
“I can't say it was a small fight, they were crowded.”
When Motoaki came right behind the young girl, Fujio looked at him in surprise. Y/n was looking at him angrily.
When they blocked Y/n's path, there were only 2 of them. But over time the number increased to seven. When Motoaki left work to go to Oya, he had seen y/n fighting and helped. Y/n wasn't planning on saying they were crowded, but Motoaki had said it.
Nakaoka was worried. They had been dating for a short time but y/n knew how much he cared and loved her. Even though the young boy told her that he wanted her not to get into fights for a while, y/n wasn't happy about it. She understood his concern, but she was able to protect herself.
Nakaoka was still quite serious as Y/n smiled and approached the young boy.
“Shohei, I'm really fine. It’s okay."
“No, it is not. You could have been injured more seriously, y/n. When are you going to stop being this reckless?”
Nakaoka spoke with fear and anger. He didn't want to sound so harsh, but now he had said it. Y/n also got angry with what he said and her smile faded
“Reckless? Do you think I deliberately started a fight?"
Nakaoka defended himself by saying, "I didn't say such a thing," but y/n didn't listen
“You can fight but I can't, right? Why ? Because I'm a girl?!”
Everyone was watching the couple nervously. Fujio wanted to intervene, but he didn’t.
“I just want you to be safe y/n!”
Y/n yelled too when Nakaoka raised his voice
“You just want me to listen to you!”
Nakaoka yelled after her as the young girl rushed out the door angrily. But Nakagoshi convinced him to stay there and he will talk to y/n and left the school.
Nakaoka sat silently in the seat on the side. He nervously ran his hands through his hair and lowered his head.
“Sometimes I feel like she doesn’t understand me at all.”
Fujio quietly sat next to him and squeezed the young boy's shoulder.
"You're both angry, you should talk when you're calmer."
Nakaoka shook his head.
"She does not understand me. I am worried about her. I really love her and I don't want her to get hurt."
Fujio nodded and smiled
“Y/n knows how much you love her but you want her to be someone else.”
Fujio continued as Nakaoka looked at his leader in surprise.
“She’s like you too. She grew up fighting. She fought other schools alongside you at this school. And you want her to give up on all.”
While Nakaoka was thinking about what Fujio had said, Nakagoshi ran after Y/n. He had called the young girl several times, and finally y/n had stopped.
“Y/n-chan, I know you're angry. But wait, let's talk.”
Y/n turned around and looked at her senpai with her red swollen eyes. Nakagoshi fell silent when he saw that she was crying.
“He keeps telling me I'm reckless. But he doesn't understand me at all. I can't change my entire life just because I'm dating him. I love him, I understand him, but I can't do that."
Nakagoshi nodded. He really didn't know what to say. he actually ran after y/n not to talk but to make sure she was okay.
“I'll go home senpai, don't worry.You can go back."
Nakagoshi shook his head.
“I can walk home with you.”
Y/n smiled and shook her head.
“I'd better be alone senpai, see you tomorrow.”
Nakagoshi couldn't say anything. He knew that the young girl was angry and sad. He nodded and said goodbye to her.
Nakaoka was remorseful, he really was. He wanted to talk to Y/n but he knew she would never talk when she was still angry.
After a few days he was about to lose his mind.
Others who saw him in this state were upset too. Of course, none of them took a side. But they were trying not to leave either of them alone.
Unable to bear it any longer, Fujio told the others about his "genius" plan. Although Tsukasa did not approve of this, he had to accept it when the majority said okay.
Fujio told y/n and Nakagoshi told Nakaoka to come to the basement storage room urgently. Y/n and Nakaoka had rushed there as soon as they got the message. Nakaoka had entered the basement before y/n. When Y/n saw him there, she wanted to leave, but the door was already locked.
The young girl immediately understood what was going on. But Nakaoka was truly unaware. It wasn't hard to understand from his confused face.
The young girl raised her head when she heard Fujio's voice on the other side of the door.
“You will both listen to each other.I won't take you out without you guys solving your problems."
“Fujio! Open the damn door!”
As the young girl screamed in anger, Fujio's footsteps were heard climbing the stairs. Y/n sighed in anger and kicked the door.
“I hate them sometimes…”
Nakaoka sat silently in a corner of the floor, watching the young girl. He didn't like this situation either, but he knew they would never be able to talk because of y/n's damn stubbornness.
Y/n started pacing back and forth in the basement. She didn't like closed and dark places. She wasn't afraid of the dark, but this place was dirty.
After a while, Nakaoka couldn't stand it and called out to y/n.
"I am sorry."
Y/n stopped when she heard the young boy's voice and looked at him
"Really. I am sorry. You were right. I asked you to be someone else. But I love you. I love you as you are.”
Y/n stared at the young boy in surprise. Was he really her boyfriend who said these words?
“What I said was very wrong. I was just so angry and so scared. I’m sorry y/n.”
Y/n felt her heart soften. She knew. She didn't expect him to speak so maturely, but she was happy.
Just as she was about to walk towards him, she screamed when she saw a cockroach passing by. Y/n was very afraid of bugs and Nakaoka didn't know that.
When the young girl took a few steps back, Nakaoka saw where she was looking and laughed.
“It's just a little bug y/n, it won't kill you.”
But y/n's fear wasn't just a simple fear. It was a serious phobia and her heart started beating very fast. She wouldn't be so scared if she saw this creature outside, but she couldn't escape right now. That's why she felt like she couldn't breathe.
Nakaoka stopped laughing. He understood that the young girl was really afraid. He quickly stood up and approached her. And when he saw that the young girl was panicking, he caressed her cheek.
“Y/n, look at me. I am here. Those little creatures can't hurt you.”
Y/n could hear him but didn't understand him. It was like a humming. When Nakaoka saw that the situation was serious, he kicked the door and shouted several times, but no one was there.
He took out his phone and texted many people to open the door. But he wanted y/n to calm down until they arrived.
“Heyy… look at me. I am here. I am on your side. Damn! I didn't know! I didn't even know about such a plan! Y/n? Do you hear me ?"
Nakaoka was making consecutive sentences but y/n didn't know what he was saying. The young boy thought he needed to distract her. When he remembered a scene he saw in a movie years ago, he never knew if it would work, but he had to try.
He put his hand on the young girl's cheek and moved towards her lips. He left a sweet little kiss first. Y/n looked at him in surprise. When he realized he had her attention, he deepened the kiss. A long, slow and deep kiss.
Once Y/n's heartbeat slowed down, she began to respond. She placed her hand on the young boy's cheek and continued their first kiss.
When Y/n stopped and tried to breathe, Nakaoka leaned his forehead against hers and whispered
"I am here. I am on your side. Don’t you ever forget it."
When the young girl closed her eyes, Nakaoka pulled her to him and hugged her tightly. A few seconds later the door opened.
While everyone was gleefully looking at the duo, y/n turned and walked towards Fujio. Nobody could understand what happened. Y/n punched Fujio hard and started walking up the stairs.
Nakaoka smiled and looked at his leader.
“She might really kill you this time, Fujio-san.”
HnL taglist : @straysugzhpe @tiddly-winx @ninamarie1994 @thatpoindexterpixy @koala-yuna @star2fishmeg
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ruins-and-rewritez · 11 months
The Cats (Nekoma)
The Brain/The Pudding Head
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The Rooster Head
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[Photo ID: black and white manga panels of the Nekoma High School Volleyball Team members and their stats on a five-point parameter of power, jumping, stamina, intelligence, technique, and speed. In order Kenma Kozume, Sou Inouka, Taketora Yamamoto, Tetsuro Kuroo, Morisuke Yaku, Nobuyuki Kai, Shohei Fukunaga, Yuki Shibayama, Yasufumi Nekomata, and Manabu Naoi]
(Haikyuu!! Character Reference Master Post Here)
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alicenowonderland · 9 months
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This may contain SPOILERS so BEWARE if you are going to watch the movie and if you don't like spoilers. ( ˶•̀ ᎑ - ˶ )
The story introduces us to Suzume Yosano who got lost in Tokyo after arriving there in search for her Uncle's house. She lives in the rural mountainous area of Japan (I'm sorry IDK where is it ㅠ﹏ㅠ) but her Father got a promotion at job where he needs to go to Bangladesh and her Mother will go with him so Suzume will stay with her Uncle Yukichi. But as she search for her Uncle's house she collapse in a park due to exhaustion. She woke up in Uncle Yukichi's house after she was saved by Satsuki Shishio. A junior in class of Uncle Yukichi and later revealed to be Suzume's Homeroom Teacher. She was seated beside Daiki Mamura, he is considered as the most handsome student in their school and called Sadistic Prince because of his cold features and treatment especially towards female classmates and schoolmates.
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At first Mamura is hostile towards Suzume but Suzume asked Mamura to be friends with her. Upon knowing that Mamura has a condition called gynophobe, it is a kind of social phobia where he has a fear of women/girls. Eventually Suzume and Mamura became friends since Suzume keeps Mamura's secret. A female classmate named Yuyuka Nekota has a big crush on Mamura and noticed that Suzume is getting close with Mamura. In order for her to gain Mamura's attention she befriends Suzume and on the day of their camp she tricked Suzume to go into the woods where Mamura followed her. It is where Mamura revealed to Suzume that he hated women since his Mother left them, his Father, him and his younger brother. It became an emotional trauma for Mamura that develops his gynophobia. Later on, Suzume catch a fever due to the cold weather and they were lost in the woods. Luckily, Shishio found them and bring them back to the camp.
When Suzume wakes up she saw Shishio taking care of her in the clinic and even closes the light revealing a box full of fireflies. AHHCCKK !! Personally it is my favorite scene and who wouldn't fall for that act? Like, you get a box of fireflies for me just because I am sick ?! E-F-F-O-R-T!!! ♡_♡
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Then back at school, Suzume confronted Yuyuka and they had physical fight where Yuyuka spilled that she likes Mamura that is why she tricked Suzume. Mamura and his friends saw Yuyuka and Suzume's physical fight but Suzume defended Yuyuka by just saying they are practicing wrestling. HAHAHA! Then Suzume said to Yuyuka that she might be a bad person but she does not hate Yuyuka. Awww! The innocence! ( ,,◕ ̫ ◕,, )
Suzume and Yuyuka became friends for real and Yuyuka helped Suzume to develop her physical appearance. Mamura fell harder for Suzume seeing her physical appearance change. Shishio also catch feelings for Suzume when he saw her. I don't know if her really likes Suzume from the start, he gives her a nickname too calling her Chun-chun. But I guess Shishio likes Suzume even from the start. Maybe at first he is just looking out for her since she is his friend's niece but later on catch feelings for her.
Suzume also likes Shishio and tried to confess to him on Christmas Day which is also Suzume's birthday. Shishio turned down Suzume's invitation to their party and got sad. Mamura then shows up and brought Suzume to a Christmas themed park where she is overjoyed by the big Christmas tree. Who wouldn't be overjoyed by it when a handsome classmate of yours invited you to a date in your birthday and Christmas day! AHHHCCKK! It is where I got confused who should I choose. HAHAHA!!!
Suzume scared of what Yuyuka's reaction will be especially when Mamura kissed her on cheeks. She left and went home. Shishio came and promised Suzume that they will go to the Aquarium (Ocean Park) the next day and almost kissed each other. AHHHHCKKKK!
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Personally I like older guys maybe that is why I like Shishio better than Mamura even if he is the green flag.
While going home, Uncle Yukichi saw them together and hinted that there is something between the two. The scene was not really shown but Uncle Yukichi called Shishio to talked and maybe he asked Shishio to leave Suzume alone since she is his student and a HIGH SCHOOL GIRL. She is a minor and he is not. It will be bad for the both of them even if they feel is real love. In the manga she is only 16 years old. It would be a real crime in the real world, you know.
The next day after Shishio dismissed the class, Suzume confessed to him but he turned her down saying he does not feel the same. AHHHHCKKKK HEARTBREAK ! ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚ Mamura also confessed to her where Yuyuka saw it. She went after Yuyuka who got mad at her feeling played. It is where she said the lines that why did she fell in love if everything will be that sad and hurting. AHHHCKK !! I felt it. I was like that on my younger years but realized that love and pain is inseparable. Someone will got hurt and someone will win. That's just love is.
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Suzume went back to her hometown during Winter break (am I right?) with her Mother visiting her. The classes starts and Suzume stayed with her Mom. Yuyuka and Mamura suprisingly visits Suzume after getting worried about her. There, Yuyuka and Suzume got confrontation and their bond became stronger. Mamura also admitted that he still likes her but she is still in the process of healing.
A new school year starts and they are now in the last year of their high school. Mimura got more famous, Yuyuka still has a crush on Mamura but accepts the fact that he will not feel the same. Suzume sees Shishio less and less because they now have a different Homeroom Teacher.
One day Suzume is feeding the fishes in the school's lobby when Shishio approached her. Mamura seeing how awkward and hurting it is for Suzume rescues Suzume by telling Shishio that they are dating. Mimura told Suzume that it is just for act since he still hates being around with girls, but deep inside he secretly likes the fake dating with Suzume since he likes her. But because he is the greenest flag in this story he cannot keep Suzume for himself, he cannot be selfish to the person he likes.
◾ ┃🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 ┃🟩🟩💚🟩🟩 ┃🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ ➖ GREEN FLAG ALERT
He invited Suzume into the Aquarium (Ocean Park) where Suzume and Shishio will have a date. Mamura did it as a thank you to Suzume. Suzume realizing how good Mamura is, gives them a chance.
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Suzume and Shishio had a confrontation and confession in a hospital after Suzume thought Shishio got into an accident (Thanks to Uncle!). Shishio bravely confessed his feelings for Suzume even if he knows the consequences of it for the two of them. But Suzume UNEXPECTEDLY rejected Shishio, realizing she fell in love with Mamura. AAAAHHHHCCCKK!!! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ But Suzume admitted that it is real and cannot be forgotten that Shishio will always be her first love. Suzume went back to Mamura admitting how she felt for him and they kissed. AAAAAHHHHHCKKK!!!
Soooo, it is a very nice movie actually. I liked it. It played my mind cause of it has an element called
But also I did not expect that Suzume will choose Mamura which is also the best choice. I am glad that she did. My heart and mind was played by this movie ahhh!!! But I am satisfied with the story and everything.
I though Mamura was the ✨SECOND LEAD SYNDROME✨ until the end of the movie I realized that the real ✨SECOND LEAD SYNDROME✨ is Yuyuka.
It is still evident until the end that she likes Mamura but accepts the fact even if she is hurting. She also became real and genuine friends with Suzume. She is the pretty classmate whom we thought will be the villainess of the story it turned out that I loved her and I wish he all the luck in love. She deserves someone who will love her as she loves because she is just so sweet and thoughtful and honest. Until the end, she listens to Mamura even if she knows she will be hurt by it. She did not hope for him to like her. She did not got envious of Suzume and let her feelings go in peace. WAAAAAAH! A true woman! A matured one!
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So let's talk about Shishio. We can say he is kind of RED FLAG 🚩 for competing with his student (Mamura) and falling in love with his student. Let us admit it, Suzume is a HIGH SCHOOL GIRL, a 15/16 years old girl according to Manga and he is probably like 25 years old above. Suzume basically is a MINOR. Whether they feel for each other is real love, it is not acceptable that he will start a relationship with his student. That is why I am glad that Suzume somehow chooses Mamura.
But if we analyze the situation, Suzume is in the age where she explores her world and in her age it is natural for her to fall in love and have crushes. Shishio is the first guy who became Suzume's friend since Mamura is aloof at her at first that is why she cannot see him in a romantic light. Shishio maybe really loves Suzume but in the first it is more like he takes care of her just because he is his friend's niece and he is their Homeroom Teacher. Until, well, his feelings developed. *suddenly remembers MY TEACHER (Japanese Film too)*
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Since Shishio is always there for Suzume and they are always togehther since he is always in her Uncle's shop, Suzume fell for him. AND WHO WOULDN'T FELL FOR THAT FIREFLIES TRICK?! AHHHCKKK even I would fall for my teacher if he did that and he is good looking too just like Shishio. Hihi! (≧▽≦) So basically Shishio is the only option for Suzume at that time since her guy friends back at hometown feels like brothers to her. It is where she felt the attraction towards the opposite gender with Shishio.
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AND WHO WOULDN'T FALL FOR HIM? Just look at him. ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )
Over-all the movie is nice. I recommend it to young adults, not to teenagers cause they might fall for their teachers TT____TT it's a different kind of offense when your teacher fell for you at a minor age. It is a serious crime in some countries like here in the Philippines. So I recomment this to young adults (18+) so we can all feel hopeless that why did this not happened to us in our high school days. WAHAHAHAHA! Just kidding! It played my mind and my heart so good that sometimes I do not know who to choose. ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )
This is a really nice film and the actress who played Suzume, Mei Nagano, has a resemblance to Moon Ga Young! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
And I just recently knew that Alan Shirahama who played Mamura is a half-pinoy. Ahhhh! That's why I felt some connections between us. HAHAHAHAHA! Delulu momints 🇵🇭
What are your thoughts and comments about the movie? Would you like to watch it too? Or just a hard pass?
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nanamimizz · 1 year
tags: 18+ minors dni, fem reader, condom usage, established relationship, raw sex, creampie, mating press, overstimulation, dacryphilia, cervix fucking (mentioned once), manhandling - let me know if i miss something
synopsis: it’s your three year anniversary and barou knows exactly how to celebrate it, you don’t think you can take it.
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Barou’s neat freakiness was well known but no one knew just how far it ran. In the same way, Barou had a specific routine for his day by day so did he have specific rules that would not be broken. Roll towels -do not fold them over, pair all socks immediately and keep all baskets in the washroom. He has rules about personal care too, his long warm-ups and cool-downs, and brushing his teeth three times a day.
And most of these things charm you in a way - seeing how detailed his red gaze makes you laugh behind your hand in a way that Barou thinks has no reason to be that cute. Well, all but one rule makes you laugh like that. Barou Shoei in the three years you’ve been dating after meeting at a high school reunion that ended with phone numbers being exchanged to tonight’s dinner coming to an end has been maintained without room for budging.
He always has to wear a rubber.
It was nice the first couple of months, even with being on the pill at first it made you almost purr seeing how adamant he was on it. After a year the charm had half worn off, any pleas fell on deaf ears after he had pulled you aside for a quickie only to realize his condom had expired. What resulted from that was you getting your thighs fucked and coming around nothing from the silky head of his cock nudging against your clit. The second year you had admitted to him that you no longer planned to take the pill, clearly subtlety wasn’t the strongest trait in the men of his family as it only made him more adamant on condom usage. 
It wasn’t until tonight - it’s your third anniversary and you both were changing for bed. He was in the bathroom, his hair down and smelling of soap as he looked at how you gently hung the pretty dress you wore for him but Barou can’t help but think about how much prettier you are dressed in ultra-soft leggings and a dark green long sleeve. He catches one last glimpse of you before turning back to the sink for the task of brushing his teeth. He had left his wallet on the counter, letting it flap in any way it wanted to and his eyes were caught on the raunchy yellow packaging almost neon in the soft lighting you installed in the bathroom.
Barou thinks profoundly for a moment and thinks about you and all the ways he loves you. He’s introduced you to his sisters that call him a loser whenever you are in their presence. You tell them to apologize as they whisk you away and he can catch their half-assed “sorry big brother sho!” on the air while he rolls his eyes at their antics. He gets you soy milk instead of cow milk, and he doesn’t call you a donkey or peasant. That might seem like a weird thing but for Barou that’s a big deal - is probably what you would say in his defense which makes him huff amusedly as he spits out the toothpaste in the sink. 
Barou takes the condom out of the folds of his wallet and it lands in the trash with a satisfying ‘flick’.
He comes out of the bathroom and he feels his shoulders drop at the sight of you carefully running a lint roller over his blazer before you zip up the covering, and tuck it away in the closet like you did with your own dress.
Yeah, Barou Shohei doesn’t need anything holding him back tonight.
Three years is a long time, and his hand twitched at the idea of finally having you the proper way, the right way. It’s apparent in the way he kisses you, big hands settling on the curve of your ass in those oh-so-soft leggings of yours that always make him ask you to walk in front of him. You gasp and whine when his tongue makes its way into your mouth - a king on a conquest and you concede without a battle. Your hands curl themselves into his shirt, fisting the fabric as Barou bends his back to have more of the taste of honey on your lips until his teeth ache. He’s sucking your tongue, tracing your teeth, groping, and grabbing at your cute ass. Barou delights in the wet and thin little sounds you make, and he pulls away when he has to not because he wants to. He takes joy in the thin glossy strings that trail after him.
You panting - all soft and thin little sounds that drive him crazy and you’re quick to bring a hand to cover your face when he squeezes your ass again. Barou is back to bumping heads with you, nudging your head with a hungry look in his eyes that makes you want to run and hide.
Lest you are found in the lion’s maw.
“More - I want more, I want to devour you.” He mumbles and you can feel the bass in his chest when he presses his own lips to yours and you gasp when you are met with tongue and teeth. You can only let out shudders of his name, gasps,, and whines because he keeps going until you feel your knees folding when met with the edge of the bed. A hand much bigger than yours goes from your ass to your chest and you find yourself flat on the bed. 
From above you, Barou is mighty, and from beneath him, you are divine.
“What’s - what’s gotten into you tonight?” You ask with swollen lips and stolen breath. Barou shakes his head, reaching under your comfortable clothes, and groans at the soft skin under his palms. You smell like the expensive lotion you splurge on, notes of jasmine and peonies are in the air and he thinks about how sweet the smell of your cunt would mix with them.
“It’s our anniversary you’re dumb if you think I’m not going to fuck you tonight.” He gruffs out, red eyes looking at the way you bite your lip and flush at his vulgar word choice. How someone as delicate as you got with him he’ll never know but he’s for sure not going to ruin his gift with insolence. Your shirt is off, his hands tug at the band of your leggings and he can’t help but let out a curse at the sight of pretty lace meeting him. He can see the curls of your hair through the sheer fabric and you hide behind your hand as he finishes tugging off your bottoms.
“You wear pretty things like this for me and you still thought I wouldn’t fuck you tonight?”  He almost growls at you and in return you turn away, unable to meet his gaze. Your undergarments look all the more dainty under his fingers when he tugs away the fabric and there’s a groan that is ripped from his chest when he sees the sticky strings of slick that cling to the gusset of the panties.
Your clit is hard, flushed among the petals of folds and your thighs jolt at his touch. His fingers can’t help but strum at it fast and rough, making you whine his name all high and pathetic. Red eyes look at how you shine in the soft golden lamps of the bedroom and moan at how just being played with the littlest bit makes you leak down his palm.
“Fuck, fuck you’re leaking it’s like you’re in heat for me.” He mutters from above you, letting a finger shallowly enter your cunt. Laughing when you tense up hips hiking and thighs popping shut, there’s something wicked in his vermillion gaze.
“You’re fucking cute, huh? Acting like you haven’t taken fucking my cock before?” He can see the sweat that drips down the side of your cheek and fights the urge to lick it up. You shake your head and it’s like your whole body trembles when you feel his finger sink further inside of you.
“It’s not that - just everything ah! Everything is sensitive t-today.” You gasp out and your eyes shut and you feel the telling sign of tears because Barou had slipped in another finger, curling it up into that spongy spot on your upper wall.
“Yeah? You need it bad, huh?” He asks you all mocking and cruelty because he knows, keeping a thumb at your clit and you feel like your brain is gonna melt out of your ears. You whimper into his smug grin and he laughs at your scrunched expression because you’re about to come for him. Despite being covered by your hair he can see how warm your ears are when your hands come to grip at the forearm of the hand that’s fucking your cunt with almost cruel precision. There are tears in your eyes as you cum with a squeal of his name - he can see his reflection in the shine and there is something vicious in his stomach that groans in approval at your pleasure-stricken face.
Barou tries very hard to be gentle with you, leaning into his better nature with tentative steps but right now with his head swimming with all the things he wants to do to you - he can’t help but want to be a villain. There’s nothing gentle with how he lets your orgasm crash and burn through you, your nerves buzzing and burning as you tremble beneath him. Your thighs are still shaking and your nipples are tight, his cock slaps against your folds; he moans with you at how the strings of your cum cling to the silk skin of its ruddy head. It rubs into your folds, and you feel tears drip down your cheeks because when one orgasm fuzzes out you still have more pleasure to traverse.
“Ah- wait, where’s the condom Sho-” You began to ask and you can only squeak when you feel the bare head of his cock being pressed into the opening between the petals of your cunt. Your hands had gone to clutch at his biceps - you had gotten your nails down for dinner tonight and Barou can’t help but moan at the sting.
“Not wearing one, I’m, fuck,” His head is in and Barou feels like the floor just swallowed him when he feels how hot you are. Barou is most familiar to your body, has seen it, and touched it the most intimately over the years. He’s felt your warmth and felt your slick when it would drip down to his balls but this..this was different. It feels like a punch to the gut, how you take him - a tight little fit because you’re in that time of the month when all your body can think about is cock. It’s like hot silk, pulpy and needy with how it drools around him and there’s a shiver that racks down his back when he feels a drop of your slick drip down a particularly sensitive vein down the left side of his cock. “I’m fucking you raw.”
His words are heavy in the air and you only let out soft girlish sounds when he pushes the rest of his cock in, long and heavy as it twitches inside of you. You’re losing your mind, it feels like the first time all over again and you feel like you’re going to sob your heart out with each inch that slips inside of you. Swallows around nothing and groans as he presses against your forehead when he feels himself slip the base. Is this how he could have had you for the past three years?
But it isn’t enough. Not like this.
 His hands go to grip your thighs so tightly you mewl at the sting, red eyes lock on where your bodies are joined and you feel the ache in your joints as his hands force your thighs further and further apart.
“A-ah, Shoei what are you doing?” You ask voice wobbling and thin as you feel yourself being manhandled, your weight shifting higher and higher on your upper back. The world tilts on its axis as you feel your ankles meeting the sturdy skin of his defined shoulders. The angle makes everything slip further - the head of his cock meeting a special sponge-like spot that makes you moan high and thin. It makes his cock twitch, eyes snapping up to watch how you keep the tears coming and you’re trembling all over.
“Trying to see what I've been missin’ all this time - tryin' to fuck you the right way.” He grunts out, voice thick and rough, racked with lust that he can’t contain. The first thrust feels like a freight train and you squeal like a mouse at the feeling of it, an adorable little tidbit but it isn’t what he wanted. He fucks you deeper, harder he’s sure there will be indents of his hips on your cute ass that ripples each time your bodies smack against each other. It’s too much for you, the weight, the length, and the strength of his cock. You’re too delicate at times and he feels your dainty hand come up to his pelvis, nails swiping at his stomach accidentally and he tries to [push past the way the sting makes him moan.
Barou wanted you to sound like a whore, just for him, just for tonight.
“You holdin’ out on me? Begged for my dick like this for years and now you have it you can’t take it?” He grunts at you, hiking you further up until you’re bent into a shape you’ve never been in. Your ankles are freely hanging in the air and your hands grip his biceps. Your shoulders and your cunt feel like a river - you don’t know how you’ll live with the embarrassment that you like being manhandled like this.
Barou feels like a beast and less of a man, he should have fucked you like this from the beginning because he can feel how you pulse, how you moan in time to the flutters of your walls and the throbs of your clit. You’re soaking him from tip to balls and he groans when he feels your slick drip down to his inner thighs. Thighs twitching at the idea of you creaming on his for the first time makes him ignore the burning in his core because Barou thinks if he’s denied that he’ll kill someone and he is desire is realized faster than he thought.
You fall apart with a wail - something too loud and deep in your chest he’s sure the next house overheard you and the thought makes him pump into you at an even pace. The stimulation makes the pleasure endure and it’s like watching the fibers of your mind being frayed right in front of you. Your cum is milky, thin, and opaque and Barou watches it froth at the base of his cock even spilling into the trimmed black hairs of his crotch. He moans because fuck, fuck this is what he’s been waiting for.
There’s a fog in your eyes and you wonder if you even have a brain anymore and when the too-hot pleasure pain from Barou’s thrusts keeps up you know you do. You peek down at where you two are connected and moans so weakly he wonders if he broke you. There are red scratch marks on his biceps and you gasping, stuttering over your words because God this is the best sex of your life.
“Di-did you cum, ah, Shoei?” You ask with a rocky voice and you whine in between the syllables because you feel the bump as the head of his cock meets a wall it’s never touched before.
“Nah - that’s just, fuck,” you twitched around him when he bumps into the wall of your cunt again,” that’s just fucking you and this messy cunt you got.” You moan with him at the same and your eyes have black rims around them from the remnants of mascara that you couldn’t get off but most certainly had cried off looking up to meet him. Barou doesn’t think you’ve ever looked more prettier than right now, and he thinks about how he’ll get to have this view again and again until you get sick of him.
Maybe that’s the thought that gets him - in time with the shuddering ache at his core of fucking you like an animal and he spills into you. You gasp his name, whining it out and Barou’s never felt like more of a man than right now as you watch how his cum leaks out of you; cunt swollen and puffy he can’t help but huff when he feels his cock twitch at the thought of filling you again. Your legs are still over his shoulders and he turns his head to press a kiss to the delicate slope of your calf.
“Hope you’re ready for the next round,” he mutters into your scented skin nipping at the delicate line of your ankles. “I still have more I want to devour.”
What a foolish thing you are, you’ve always been in the lion’s maw and what a lovesick thing you are turning away bashfully but still presenting yourself for him. Greedy things the two of you really.
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leclucklerc · 3 months
Against the World SO17 - Prologue
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Pairings: Shohei Ohtani x Reader
Summary: Y/n and Shohei's journey started in high school. A place where the both of them found themselves thrusted into the spotlight without warning.
Word count: 2.8k
Masterlist Next
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Her friends told her that their relationship work was because how busy they are.
It’s because the both of them are really successful in their own respectful field. That the both of them are both really dedicated to their own craft and realized that time and effort is essential to keep improving themselves. That both love their works so much, making them both really busy and in the end-
Their relationship works because of that.
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They met in high school.
Y/n likes to think that it’s fate, their meeting that is.
L/n Y/n was born from a Japanese mother and an American father. She doesn’t know much of her dad, considering he left her mom when he realized she was pregnant with his child. Y/n doesn’t really care. It’s not hard to forget a man that had never been in your life to begin with.
The same thing couldn’t be said to her mother.
After all, the woman had been heartbroken. She had given her heart, her young adult years, her dedication, for a man that decided that she’s not worth it. She had given him everything, only to be left with a child that he doesn’t want.
Maybe that’s the start of her resentment towards the man that had never been there. To see the woman that had raised and loved her staring longingly at the only picture that she has of the man. To see the woman closed her heart tightly. Never letting anyone to enter anymore.
To see the woman who had been so strong to raised her as a single mother in the midst of the Japanese society that had never looked her situation favorably.
Born and raised in Iwate, Japan, Y/n thought that she will grew up in this small city forever. She never really has an ambitious or big dreams to chase. From the start, she’s content with her life. A loving mother, a comfortable house, and friends to play with.
That is, until she was scouted as an idol during her first year of middle school.
If she must be honest, she had never really had an interest to become an idol. Nor had she put much thought when she said yes to the guy that scout her. It was a spur of a moment thing, where Y/n doesn’t really have much going on about her life.
The idol industry in Japan started young after all. Much younger than any other idol industries all around the world. She figured there’s no harm in trying and if in the end she doesn’t really like it, she can just quit considering that she still have her whole life before her.
She really didn’t expect the world of glitz and glamour. The kind of world that she’s not familiar with where she’s nothing more than an object to be idolized by someone. Where she has to put up a smile 24/7 on her face as she dance and sing in front of a crowd of people that really should be doing something better than obsessing a 13 year old girl.
Though alas, Y/n fell in love with the stage.
The bright light, the light that shone upon her, and the screams of adoring fans. The way her voice resonated across the air as she captured every pair of eyes, all of them focusing on her. All of them, putting all their attention to her.
For a girl that always craved love and validation all her life – an absentee father and a mother that is too busy - It really doesn’t take her long before she starts to love all of those. To start loving that aspect of being an idol and her life.
The stage is her first love. It’s something that will never fail to bring out a smile across her face. Something, that she could see doing years onwards.
But of course, life is not that perfect. What with her debuting under a small company amidst the already packed idol scene in Japan, it doesn’t take long for the company to put her into a hiatus. A hiatus is the fancy term, considering the company is basically trying to find an investor that’s crazy enough to invest their money on the not famous idol Y/n . 
And well, no one wants to.
Her latest album sales are less than 1000. The same thing could be said to her most recent fan meeting where almost no one showed up. Her company too realized the failing potential of her idol career, that’s why they’re putting her in the so-called hiatus. 
Her dorm room was taken too, considering how tight money is. Not wanting her to live on the company practice room or even the streets, Y/n was sent home back to Iwate.
Compared to Tokyo, Iwate is a quiet town. It’s the town where she was born and spent her childhood in and yet, it feels almost unfamiliar. She’s not used to the dark streets without the colorful billboards and various advertisements. She’s not used to the mountain scenery without any tall building disrupting her sight.
She’s not used to this. 
This uncertain future of hers. These signs that keep on showing. Showing her that it's time for her to give up on her hopeless dream. That there's no way she can succeed as a celebrity and capture the heart of many.
"I don't want to go to school," she had said to her mother, finger playing with the food in front of her. "So many people knows that I left Iwate for Tokyo to become an idol... if I went back now people will laugh at me."
"And what?" asked her mother, voice a bit firm. "Leave your education?"
Y/n went quiet at that.
She knows that her already doomed future will become more doomed if she choose to leave her higher education without a good reason. A university graduate could hardly get a decent job after all. What can a high school drop out do?
"You finish your school," said her mother again. "Finish high school at least. We can talk about university later."
The start of her high school life is bleaker than ever.
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Her earliest memory is of her and her mother watching a baseball game late at night.
She remembered being excited, considering for the first time ever her mother had let her to stay up way passed her bedtime. Her mother had told her earlier, with a pretty and yet secretive smile, that she has something to show her.
Y/n is excited. Practically bouncing at her feet as she stared at the bright television screen in front of her. There’s a baseball game in front of her. Of the cheering crowds and the colors of the teams splattered across the screen.
“Y/n-chan,” breathed out her mother, also entranced as her arm wrapped around the younger’s smaller girl. “Baby, look,” she said as she pointed towards one of the man who was walking to the field, bat in hand. “That’s your dad.”
Dad, is a foreign concept for the young girl.
She had never met her dad before, and yet, her mother had told her countless of stories about the man. Y/n practically knows almost nothing about the man and yet at the same time, she knows everything to know about regarding the man.
The man on the screen has a small frown on his face as he went into his batting position. His mother let out an entranced gasp as the crowd started to grow wild when the pitcher too, went on about his pitching motion. And without further ado, the crowd went absolutely wild when the man hit off a homerun almost immediatelt.
“Oh my god!” yelled the older woman, practically hugging Y/n. “Oh my god!”
Y/n blinked. “What’s going on?” asked the girl, turning her head towards the older woman. “Is it a good thing?”
“It is baby!” exclaimed the woman as she smothered plenty of kisses on y/n’s face. “Your father had just won the world series!”
That was the first time she ever heard about the world series and her early introduction to baseball. At first, she was excited. After all, who won’t be after discovering that your father is a world famous baseball player? That your father is just someone so cool?
And then she realized why she never see her father.
Y/n was nine when she watched an interview that her father did. An interview that he did with his family. His family that’s not y/n and her mom.
She watched as the little girl around her age sat on her father’s lap, smiling widely with a pretty dress that y/n wished she could own. She watched as the woman besides her father laughed, hand looped around the man arm as the woman who’s definitely not her mom gave her father a small peck on his cheek.
She watched this picture perfect little family laughed and joke inside her screen.
It made her felt a bit empty. She had asked her mother countless of time why they never sees her father. Something that the older woman had never answered directly. It was always a “we’ll see him soon,” or “he’s a really busy man.”
Well, now she knows why she never sees her dad.
Her relationship with baseball grows a bit complicated at that.
To be precise, she really doesn’t have any personal vendetta towards the sport. Though, being reminded about your absent father every time she see the sport is an unpleasant feeling. To know that your father doesn’t care about you or your mom every time she sees someone playing baseball is something that she hates.
Growing up trying to avoid baseball in a country like Japan is a hard thing. Baseball is a national sport here so encountering the sport on a daily basis is not something uncommon.
Y/n hates it. She hates the fact that her father made her hates baseball. She hates the fact that her father cheats on his own wife. She hates the fact that her father doesn’t care about her or her mom. She hates the fact that baseball reminds her of her useless existence. That y/n is an unwanted child born out of wedlock.
She hates it so so much.
Though, as she stared at her new high school, she started to question many things.
“Why did I choose this school…” she muttered as she saw the large banner being displayed in front of the school building. A banner that’s congratulating the school baseball team on entering Koshien.
Turns out, her new high school, the Hanamaki Higashi High School, is a school famous for their baseball team.
Y/n really does have a rotten luck.
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"Didn't you go to Tokyo to become famous?" asked the girl in front of her.
Y/n let out an awkward laugh. "I'm on a hiatus," she said. "I want to pursue my education first before continuing my career," continue the girl, lying boldly.
The girl laughed at that. "Well it's great to have you back!" she said. "Can't believe we have a celebrity on our midst!"
Said girl let out an awkward laugh at that. The opening ceremony had just began and there's countless of eyes on her. She should've been used to this, all the prodding and curious stare that's being directed towards her way.
And yet, she can't help but hate the feeling.
She could almost feel all the judging look and the raised eyebrow. She doesn't know how many of them would belief her lie of deciding to pursue her education over her career but she hates it nonetheless.
Y/n wants to hide.
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She first met him as they were assigned to sit together.
Before then, she had known who Shohei Ohtani is, considering his hulking height. The teen had stood out like a sore thumb during the new student orientation, towering every single student. Ema, who is considered tall in a Japanese standard, had to crane her head up to see his face.
Besides that, Y/n too, had heard the whispers about him.
Apparently, Ohtani-san is a really good baseball player. Like, really good. During his middle school days, it seems that he had set some kind of record that made many famous baseballs school wants to recruit him. The reason why Ohtani-san chose their school? Who knows. All they know is that the baseball club head coach had jumped in joy when he realized the potential that Ohtani-san has. While of course their school too boast an amazing baseball program, it can’t be compared to those from a big city like Tokyo or Hokkaido. 
All in all, Y/n impression on his is that Ohtani-san is a really quiet guy.
While Ema is all about cheerful greetings and wide smile, Ohtani-san is all about prolonged silence and deep gaze. If the both of them are colors, Y/n would be a bright yellow while Ohtani-san will be a drab grey. Not too bright, and yet, he’s not that closed off from those around him.
Admittedly, they didn’t talk much. Y/n had tried to talk to him, several times in fact, but the answer had always been short and clipped. During class too, he had only ever passively followed along the lesson. Never tried to answer an open question or be the one to come in front to answer a problem.
The only time she had ever see him alive is when he’s playing baseball.
When the bell rings, Ohtani-san would be brightened considerably as he almost immediately shot past the door with his bag. Once, she had asked one of the baseball club members about it.
“He’s always been the first one on the field,” answer one of them. “And the last one to leave.”
Y/n hummed at that answer.
She had thought their relationship will always be like that. The amicable seatmates that don’t really talk much with each other but didn’t bother each other as well. That is, until the next seat rotation at the end of the semester. 
“Oh,” said Y/n, arriving at her designated seat. “Ohtani-san, we’re together again,” she said with a smile.
Ohtani-san looked up from his phone screen before he’s scrambling to hide it from her point of view. He looked a bit embarrassed at that. “L/n-san,” he answered after managing to gather his bearings for a bit. “Yes, um…”
He trailed off at that, seemingly unsure on what to response. Y/n doesn’t really mind as she took her seat. The girl gave the male a polite smile before she reached out for her bag, taking a fashion magazine that she had brought today.
There’s a casting for this clothing brand model… Maybe Y/n could try that?
Or maybe should she audition as a voice actor? But she thinks it will be hard to transition back to a singer if she does that.
She really doesn’t want to give up her dream to become a celebrity though. Should she try online auditions? Like in South Korea or-
“L/n-san,” called out Ohtani-san, catching her attention. They had been sitting silently for almost 10 minutes at this point, waiting for the morning bell to ring. Y/n never thought that the baseball player will strike up a conversation with her.
“Hm?” she answered with a smile on her face, a bit distracted, looking away from the magazine in front of her. “What’s up?”
He looks hesitant at first, opening and closing his mouth afterwards before he thrusted his phone towards her. It’s a recording of a baseball game.
“I… I was watching a game last night,” he started before pressing the video to play. In it, someone is doing the first pitch. “I was wondering if this was… really you?”
She stared at the phone screen in front of her. Dark eyes staring at the girl who’s doing the ceremonial first pitch with her long dark hair half hidden with the team’s cap.
It’s her. Y/n knows it’s her.
After all, that instance had been one of the highest peaks of her career. One of the baseball teams, the tigers, had asked her to throw the first pitch on one of their home games. Truthfully, considering her popularity, the only reason that she had gotten that gig was because the general manager of the team is her company’s ceo cousin. Back then, when it was her that’s going to throw the first pitch, no one knows who Suzuki Y/n was.
The cheers were minimal, but Y/n doesn’t really care. After all, it’s an honor for her to do that. 
No matter how her feeling is towards baseball – or, like, MLB – baseball is, the number one sport in Japan. For a failed celebrity like Y/n, to be able to throw the first pitch in one of the first-class team league in Japan is a sign of success.
Considering how much of a baseball geek Ohtani-san is, she really should’ve expected him to realize her job.
Answering him, she let out a large grin. “Yeah, it’s me,” she answered, leaning forward towards the desk. “Really cool right?”
Ohtani-san flushed before he nodded his head. “… Yeah,” he let out. “I didn’t know you’re… famous.”
“Not many knows that” she let out a chuckle. “I’m a bit of a failed idol, you know.”
The other teen furrowed his brows. “That can’t be it,” he said, tilting his head. “You did the first pitch for the Tigers.”
“Eh, it’s all about nepotism, Ohtani-san.”
He still doesn’t look unconvinced. 
“… I searched for your videos,” said the baseball player after a while. “Last night, to make sure that it’s really you.”
Y/n raised an eyebrow at that. “You did?”
Ohtani-san nodded his head. “Yeah,” he let out before showing his phone screen towards her. It was one of her music video. The most recent one actually. “And, um… you were amazing. I really thought that you’re a famous star when I watched you perform.”
That- that warms here. Unexpectedly.
"You do?" she asked.
"Yes," replied the male without missing a beat. "I thought that it's amazing that you can perform like that despite so many eyes staring at you! I- um, I'm a nervous person naturally... so I really won't know what I should do if I were on your position."
She had heard people praises her performance many times. That if only she didn’t debut under such a small company, she would’ve been a star in the industry. Usually, she would’ve responded those praises with her automatic smile. Thanking them for the praise before humbling herself down.
Usually, such praise won’t make her heart skipped a beat.
Maybe it’s the sincere look on his eyes, or how he sounds as If he’s utterly convinced at that statement. She doesn’t really know. All she knows that simple praise opens up the gate of friendship between the two of them.
“Thank you,” she said, letting out a huge smile. “That really means a lot.”
Ohtani-san let out a smile at that too.
"Though, don't you have many people watching your baseball games?" asked the girl.
The male's cheeks warmed a bit at that. "Uh- um... if it's during games I would be too focused at the game itself so I won't notice anything besides it."
"I see," said the female. “So, who’s your favorite player at the tigers cause I got a lot of autographs from them-“
After that, Ohtani-san became Ohtani-kun. And Ohtani-kun, became simply Shohei.
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vraisetzen · 1 year
✨️ maki shinichi appreciation post
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(because my boy doesn't get enough love from the SD fanbase)
i think by now i've made it plain and obvious that maki shinichi is my best boy out of all the best boys in slam dunk.
which is fairly surprising, because i started reading this manga expecting to like sendoh, based on the hype surrounding him, and the fact that he's shohei ohtani's favourite character.
and to be honest, it's difficult for me to articulate why i like him as a character — for all intents and purposes, maki was introduced in the manga as the quintessential player (before sawakita was introduced). he's physically well-rounded, he's a leader, he has a strong desire to win, and he's the king. he's supposed to represent the glass ceiling for all basketball players in kanagawa. when we're shown, prior to shohoku's match with sannoh, that kainan had difficulty playing against sannoh, that not even maki could go up against them, it serves as a representation of how strong sannoh is.
but all this — the titles, the comparisons — these are all impressions other characters have of him.
as the story unfolds after his first appearance (as a stuffy looking teenager who appearance suggests more of a 50 y/o divorcee than a high school basketball player), more details are revealed about him:
his coach credits his humility and his strong desire to win as part of the reason why he's the strongest; his teammates have complete trust and respect for his leadership and captaincy; kiyota, the petulant child, defends him after sakuragi makes a poorly-timed comment at maki's mature appearance.
and despite kainan's dominance, despite maki's undisputed reign as the best player, he sees the potential and the strength of other players — most notably when he invites sakuragi (along with a tagging kiyota) to watch aiwa gakuen's match against meihou; he also warns sendoh of shohoku's renewed strength, and flags up minami to rukawa's attention.
it's interesting, then, that the kanji in his name: 牧 (maki) means shepherd, while the 紳 in shinichi means gentlemen. he guides his players, like a shepherd with his flock, to victory, and with grace and humility.
maki's the king, yes, but he's also a teen who cares enough about his appearance to change it after being called out for it; he's forceful and domineering, but he has a strong respect for his opponents; he grumbles about kiyota tagging along for the trip to aichi and pretends to be distracted, but he really doesn't mind and lets sakuragi follow as well (while also checking in on akagi).
and i think, also, that we tend to overlook the immense pressure maki must have as the captain of the strongest team in kanegawa — who is not only responsible for the welfare of his players, but also for the honour of bringing the trophy home for the 17th year running.
all these things, ultimately, come together to create an unforgettable and notable character who was only ever meant to serve as an antagonist for our team of problematic children.
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(and i mean, just look at how happy he is, winning the inter-high tournament 🥹 in most panels he's pouting like ben stiller in zoolander)
also, this is rather random, but for a character who isn't a fan-favourite, we know strangely quite a lot about maki:
he surfs
he drives a car
wears glasses
has friends outside of kainan (moroboshi)
wore the numbers 12 -> 8 -> 4
had a pompadour hairstyle as a freshman
it's these small tidbits that make him really endearing to me, personally.
maybe i just have a thing for really strong players with no perceivable flaws, who are subsequently revealed as actual absolute dorks (affectionate). or maybe it's just maki shinichi.
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demifiendrsa · 7 days
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance - "The Sacrifice" Trailer
Japanese version
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC (Steam, Microsoft Store) on June 14, 2024 worldwide.
■ What is Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance?
Released in 2021, ATLUS’s renowned RPG Shin Megami Tensei V has sold more than one million copies worldwide.
This highly acclaimed title has evolved in every aspect, including the system and scenario, and will be available on multiple modern platforms!
At the beginning of the story, the player is presented with two divergent paths. The story told in Shin Megami Tensei V, the Canon of Creation, and a brand-new route, Canon of Vengeance, a dramatic tale of revenge by the fallen.
The Canon of Vengeance follows the scenario of Shin Megami Tensei V</em but changes drastically from the latter half of the game. The outcome will be completely different. Enjoy the two divergent stories to your heart’s content.
The battle system, demon fusion, and field exploration have also evolved in depth with the addition of new elements. We are excited to deliver a full-fledged RPG that can be enjoyed by those who have already played Shin Megami Tensei V</em, as well as those who are playing this series for the first time.
■ Story
Thou shalt be God—.
When a grisly murder scene in modern-day Tokyo blocks our protagonist’s walk home, an unplanned detour leaves him buried and unconscious. He awakens in a new Tokyo, a wasteland ravaged by apocalypse now called Da’at… but before bloodthirsty demons can claim his life, a savior emerges, and the two of them unite to become a mighty being, neither human nor demon: a Nahobino.
Revenge Awaits
Demons attack humans and seek to create a world of chaos. Defying them is Bethel, an organization seeking to protect God’s order. Caught up in the conflict between the two, while exploring Da’at, the protagonist meets and starts traveling with Yoko Hiromine. Using magic, Yoko and the protagonist stand together on the front line.
Four female Demons know as the Qadištu. “And so we have found it…The key to the resurrection…” A member of the Qadištu, Lilith, calls protagonist the Key of Resurrection, and herself The Oppressed. What is their purpose? A tale of revenge by the fallen begins.
■ Characters
Protagonist/Nahobino (voiced by Casey Mongillo in English, Kouhei Yanagi in Japanese)
An ordinary high school senior living in Tokyo. He transforms into a Nahobino, a powerful being capable of using supernatural powers to fight demons. Awaken an epic new form in Canon of Vengeance!
The protagonist has completely altered from his characteristic blue appearance. With a sickle-like blade, what is this form capable of?
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Hayo Koshimizu (voiced by Sean Crisden in English, Kenjiro Tsuda in Japanese)
“To that end, I would like you to assist with the investigation and cessation of the current threat.”
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Koshimizu is the Prime Minister of Japan, as well as head of Bethel’s Japan Branch. Calm, collected, and strategic.
Recruits Ichiro and others to Bethel’s cause, giving them the Demon Summoning Program to aid in the war against demons.
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Abdiel (voiced by Cissy Jones in English, Romi Park in Japanese)
“As decreed by our lord, the Nahobino cannot be permitted to exist.”
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An archangel and commander of the forces of Bethel.
Very strict and hard on herself and others, she will eliminate by force anyone who disturbs Bethel’s order.
Having absolute faith in God’s order, she is devoted to protecting and maintaining His will.
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Shohei Yakumo (voiced by Ben Lepley in English, Tomokazu Sugita in Japanese)
“Humans need the will to survive at any cost. And those who lack that strength of will… no longer deserve to live.”
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A mysterious man who stands in the way of the protagonist in Da’at.
A man of few words who calls himself the “exterminator of demons.”
His purpose and identity are unknown. He works with the demon Nuwa.
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Nuwa (voiced by Laura Post in English, Ayana Taketatsu in Japanese)
“Whether I am there or not when Yakumo’s world comes to be is of no concern to me.”
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Goddess in Chinese mythology. She has been working with Yakumo for unknown reasons since he was a child.
They arrive in the netherworld unexpectedly and confront the protagonist.
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Mastema (voiced by Doug Erholtz in English, Wataru Takagi in Japanese)
“I am Mastema, an angel in service to the kingdom of light.”
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A mysterious archangel and member of Bethel.
Says that he has received permission from God to tempt humans and test their faith.
He has come to Tokyo in pursuit of Qadištu, after they desecrated his own faraway jurisdiction. Could the strange incidents in Tokyo be related to his arrival…?
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■ Demons
In addition to the demons that appeared in Shin Megami Tensei V, this title features more than 270 demons, including new demons newly drawn by character designer Masayuki Doi and demons from previous titles!
Nahobeeho (Fairy)
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Jack Frost in a new form, resembling the Nahobino.
He loves snowy mornings and hopes to one day create a world made of silver.
Amabie (Enigma)
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The game’s new demon.
A Japanese yokai that is said to have appeared in Higo Province during the Edo period, it is said to have emerged from the glowing sea and prophesized to the people.
■ System
The Parallel Ravaged Tokyo: Da’at
The story takes place in the Tokyo we know and the parallel world of Da’at. Demons roam in this vast netherworld, attacking the protagonist.
Da’at varies greatly in aspect from place to place, from desolate deserts and collapsed buildings, to areas lined with surreal geometric structures. Each location may contain different demons, often with tricky terrain that you’ll need to use your wits to navigate.
In Canon of Vengeance, Da’at includes a sprawling new area, Shinjuku ward will become available to explore.
—Various demons roam Da’at, blocking the hero’s way.
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—Discover the mysteries of Shinjuku ward. A sacred atmosphere created by a huge object that resembles a great tree.
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Netherword Exploration
Da’at is interspersed with a variety of elements, some of which will obstruct the hero’s path, while others provide advantages in his Da’at exploration and combat. Explore every corner of the vast netherworld by using these new features.
—Magatsuhi Crystal
Magatsuhi Crystals present in Da’at can be collected to provide various benefits. Green crystals recover HP, yellow crystals recover MP, and red crystals will increase the Magatsuhi Gauge.
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—Magatsu Rail
This path formed of Magatsuhi connects and allows for travelling between the two locations in Da’at. Activating it not only provides a shortcut to a specific location, but also allows the user to navigate to hidden locations that are normally unreachable.
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Occasionally, there are large red obstacles growing in the path of the main character.
This obstacle is known as an Abscess. Powerful enemies appear in the vicinity and attack the protagonist. Defeating Abscesses will awaken new Miracles.
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—Magatsuhi Demon
Demons cloaked in an aura of Magatsuhi will sometimes spawn in Da’at, called Magatsuhi Demons
Unlike normal demons, they are dangerous enemies with powerful skills, but may drop valuable items if defeated.
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Da’at Exploration
Da’at is interspersed with a variety of elements, some of which will obstruct the hero’s path, while others provide advantages in his exploration and combat. Explore every corner of the vast netherworld by using these new features.
Relics can be obtained from vending machines scattered throughout Da’at. Take them to Gustave, who will exchange them for Macca.
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—Demon Navigator
Demons that accompany the main protagonist and support him in his exploration. They do not participate in combat, but will search for items, Magatsu Rails, and other useful items on the map and notify you.
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—Treasure Chests and Amalgams
Yellow objects will give you items and Macca, and silver objects will give you Glory. Both are useful for adventures, so keep your eyes out.
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—Aogami Husks
Aogami’s Essences can be obtained by examining the husks of Aogami scattered throughout Da’at. Once the husks has been examined, the Essence can be obtained again by after a certain time has passed.
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—Demon Haunts
The Demon Haunts can be visited by accessing the leyline founts connecting the various regions of Da’at. In the Demon Haunts, the protagonist’s demons appear and gather, and the player can enjoy interacting with their allies by conversing with them and giving them gifts, as well as viewing them up close and taking photos.
In addition, special conversations may occur regarding game progressions, such as battles and field exploration, and these may offer rewards such as items or status enhancements of demons.
If you see a conversation notification in the menu, why not visit a demon haunt!
You can have conversations not only with your demons, but also with Aogami. Some of these conversations may lead to stat and ability bonuses for the Nahobino!
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—Cadaver’s Hollow
The Cadaver’s Hollow shop is accessible via leyline founts. You can pay Macca to purchase items or sell Relics you have collected to Gustave.
Gustave (voiced by David Errigo Jr. in English, Yusaku Yara in Japanese)
The keeper of Cadaver’s Hollow with an interest in human-era items. He will buy any Relics found within the netherworld.
Gustave will reward you for locating Miman, his relic-seeking pawns, when you report back to him with the number you have found. The number of Miman determines the type of reward.
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Discovering Miman will also help you obtain Glory, which is necessary to learn Miracles. Be on the lookout for hiding places throughout the netherworld.
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World of Shadows and Demon Fusion
The World of Shadows can be accessed via the leyline founts.
With help from Sophia, the ruler of the World of Shadows, you can perform a Fusion to create stronger demons.
Aside from a two-demon fusion, there are fuse by result that allows you to choose a resultant demon, a special fusion that can be performed by choosing from two to four demons, or an Essence Fusion that utilizes Essences to lower or increase the ranks of the same race.
Most skills can be inherited by other demons through fusion, with the exception of a few select special skills.
Sophia (voiced by Erin Yvette in English, Sayaka Kinoshita in Japanese)
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A mysterious being who rules of the World of Shadows. Her introduction states “I have come from a plane bar beyond this one to act as a guide to both the world and the Nahobino.”
There are multiple ways to create new and powerful demons: two-demon fusion merges two demons of your choice, fuse by result allows you to determine which demon you want first, a special fusion performed with up to four demons, and Essence Fusion, which uses a demon’s Essence to provide additional bonuses and skills.
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■ Godhood Guild
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Godhood awaits. Go and claim it! Become a Nahobino and sign up for SMT emails to join the Godhood Guild, a special club for Shin Megami Tensei fans!
By being part of the club, you’ll receive special perks such as getting a sneak peak of content drops, special surprises, and exciting news about Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance!
Join the Godhood Guild here!
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rz-jocelyn · 5 months
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[NEWS] Sato Ryuji will be Starring in the New Movie-Stage Project "Jakkotai"
"Jakkotai" has been announced as the next project the Toei Movie-Stage mix media series. It will also be the first musical in the series.
Movie Release: Summer of 2024
Musical: August to September 2024
Four death row inmates with unique personalities are given a stay of execution with the condition that they go on a suicide mission as ordered by the Shogun. Their team is called the "Jakkotai".
Dragged into this is a straight-laced samurai from the countryside, who is the complete opposite of them. With this, a motley crew is formed!
This motley crew is tasked by the Shogun to hunt and kill a "man-eating demon". Will they be able to succeed in their mission and restore the peace!?
Sato Ryuji as Rinzo
Nichika Akutsu as Mizuno Heima
Hashimoto Shohei as Surume
Koyanagi Shin as Uemon
Hirose Tomoki as Himeji
Director (Movie): Kanezaki Ryosuke
Director (Musical): Mouri Nobuhiro
Script: Konishi Mayu
Music: Wada Shunsuke
Lyrics: Fujibayashi Shoko
[1] Hashimoto Shohei and Ryuji have co-starred in the Movie Theatre "Success Sou". They also worked together on the variety show "Rokunin Yoreba Chonaikai".
To watch videos from Rokumachi's official YouTube channel, please refer to this link: HERE
[2] Koyanagi Shin and Ryuji have co-starred with each other in "HiGH&LOW THE WORST" and the "Live Spectacle NARUTO".
They will also be working together in "'Jujutsu Kaisen' The Stage -Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event & The Origin of Obedience-". International ticketing for the stage is available at this link: HERE
[3] Mouri Nobuhiro has also directed "REAL⇔FAKE".
[4] Wada Shunsuke has also composed music for "Itoshi no Hakana", the "Live Spectacle NARUTO" and the "Musical Touken Ranbu".
Rinzo is a pickpocket, and the leader of the Jakkotai.
"Jakkotai" Official Twitter Account: HERE
"Jakkotai" Official IG Account: HERE
"Jakkotai" Official Website: HERE
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xsweetelegantdisasterx · 10 months
So My name is Aimee, and I bounce around stories. My bestie @stardragongalaxy gave me sound advice to create a master list for all my stories. >-<
Mostly I write about Monsta X, Ateez, The Rampage. And random one shots. My new hobby is writing stories based off of High & Low characters. I will not write about extremely bad shit, but angst is my boo and go too. I like the fluff n stuff, but I am not good at writing a straight fluff story. . My mind becomes clouded with things like "there isn't action. Who did they fight to get to where they needed? Why hasn't my character throat punched anyone yet. . ." ALL VALID QUESTIONS.
If you've made it this far through my rambling, welcome to my disastrous blog. I am an 89 liner, INFJ. And love to write.
Master List:
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High & Low
Nightshade: |Amamiya Bros| 1 2 3 4
Suzuran Boys High School: TBW {To be written}
Oya High: TBW
White Rascals: TBW
Rude Boys: TBW
Daruma: TBW
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Sannoh Hoodlum Squad: TBW
Mighty Warriors:
Bernie: (In the process)
Monsta X:
Stuck: {Wonho}
Shownu: TBW
Jooheon: TBW
Minhyuk: TBW
Kihyun: TBW
Hyungwon: TBW
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The Rampage From Exile Tribe:
Likiya: For Better or For Worse.
Rui: {Yall know i can't have RMPG stories and Not bring him in ♡~♡}
Kazuma: {Him too}
Kaisei: 1
Requests: {Always Open}
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Jongho & Hwa: Fallen {1}
Mingi: TBW
Yunho: TBW
Wooyoung: TBW
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that-bi-bitch-writes · 8 months
My Fav Characters (Haikyuu Extended edition)
Okay so i'm gonna do three teams: nekoma, aoba johsai, and inarizaki
1)Kenma: look at him. i rest my case. NO he's actually so cute and smart and there's not many other reasons he's literally my little baby and i would love and care for him (but i'm not cleaning up after anybody he has money we can hire someone. i might cook through)
2) Kuroo: I don't think i have to explain this honestly. I don't think of him as some seductive force or "rizz master" as the kids say but he's certainly attractive and i like his passion. also idk i feel like he's a neurodivergent nerd who just happens to be kinda handsome and why would i not like that
3) Kai. Handsome (probably black) man. He's calm and approachable, slightly above average height which is good for me bc i'm short, but he's driven. He's not to be left behind are miscounted. Nekoma definitely needs him on the team. He's sweet and reliable. HE NEEDS MORE LOVE AND I WILL GIVE IT TO HIM. also i like gardening to an extent so having someone who is an arborist in my life allows me to dabble
4) Yaku: He's yaku I mean. one of the best liberos in the game. (why do the best ones not come baaack) love my short king he is literally life to nekoma just like the other three and i love his chaotic energy and defensiveness on and off the court. don't let them make you think he's violent lev be starting with him. also for a volleyball player he has some nice kicks
5)Fukunaga Shohei: When i first saw his eyes i knew i'd love him. his design is literally so cute and friendly and he's one of the most deliberately cat-like and it works for him. I love that he's always making jokes that no one gets or only he laughs at because that is soooo me and i feel like we could parallel play together so well
Aoba Johsai:
1) Hajime Iwaizumi: I'm sure this came as a surprise to absolutely no one. This is the love of my life right here and he's in my top 3 haikyuu men which is a feat of it's own. Never in my life have i loved a character with such little screen time as i love iwaizumi. Just thinking about him telling me to call him hajime?? wow. he's so cool, he's sweet and only mean to his bff yet the love between the two of them is undeniable. he has a huge heart and huge arms that he can put around me. I feel like he'd kinda be a little shy about someone he's dating and have a proud smile but also faint blush. He definitely gets women easily but i feel like he'd turn them down politely(for me! he's saving himself for me)
2) Matsukawa Issei: If you're surprised i mean i get it but i don't. Never let them tell you Issei is an unloved character. If he has 100 fans i'm one of them, if he has 10 fans, i'm one of them if he has 1 fan it's me and if he has no fans I am dead but take me to his mortuary pls so i can see him one last time. He had me a little interested after he scared hinata off that one time but someone else piqued my curiousity a little more and now i read any fanfic of him i can get my hands on and i love my relaxed king.
3) Oikawa Tooru: a master of his craft, charismatic, petty. One of the greatest "villains" of all time (this is a joke based off of what i see on twitter all the time) Oikawa has all his opponents stressed and even his enemies want him on their side. There's no denying his skill or game play. The fact that he could just come in seamlessly to teams "above" his skill level while in high school should prove it to you.
4) Kentaro Kyotani: His design is literally insane and I feel like he's probably not as aggressive as one would think. To me it feels like he bottles up his rage until he can play volleyball which may lead him to do reckless things on the court but he's undeniably skilled and a good guy. This might be me projeting but i feel like he's neurodivergent and he gets a bit overstimulated/understimulated and that's where the anger comes from but he can be shocked out of that state like with yahaba. It was clear he never meant to negatively affect the team he just got swept up
5) Akira Kunimi: To me he's like a mashup of kenma and tsukishima with a bit of his own flavoring in it and i like both of those characters. He's dedicated to volleyball but only while playing volleyball. He's obviously smart/clever and he's just kind of overall adorable and hard to hate. He sticks out to me even though i don't think that's what he's trying to do
Inarizaki: (changing the ranking slightly from earlier)
1) Osamu Miya: He came in the game, he conquered with his twin brother, he served looks, attitude, wasn't the "cool twin" nor the more subdued twin even though he called "less" attention to himself than Atsumu. Most anime twins are either the exact same until you can tell the difference or they're like polar opposites. Osamu looked at that and kinda spit on it. They got their separate hair colors for individuality and then went about their business being too similar to not fight and different enough that there was no jealousy and osamu hung up the volleyball and made his own place in the restaurant industry. That's my baby right there
2) Shinsuke Kita: I was gonna make a volleyball joke but it fell flat. Anyway Kita is always serving looks. If anyone wants to look at a character similar design wisesto that misogynist naoya from jjk here you go. Kita was the responsible upperclassmen/older bro whatever you want to call it but it was organic and natural and despite not being a starter, the way he ran the team proved that he was invaluable and when they showed that to him and he cried? He's such a sweet character and i feel like he has some hidden mischief i'd like to be a part of. also once again sometimes i get the urge to farm or garden so i'm just gonna be like "give me a task shinsuke"
3)Aran Ojiro: I'm rooting for everybody black. Okay anyway look at him. just look and appreciate all you're getting to look at. Okay now look at his timeskip goatee. alright are you back on earth yet? I must have a thing for aces/hitters. We love an emotionally intelligent man who is yet another heart of the team i mean without kita an ojiro where would inarizaki be? He knows his shit, he's one of the top five aces of the country, he's gorgeous and he's sweet. need i say more? Should i?
4)Suna Rintaro: He's so pretty i would be scared to bring my s/o around him (i'm joking why would i be scared to bring him around himself) I feel like we'd vibe and i'd tell him i love his eyes and he'd say he loves mine and then we'd be messy together while somehow making sure to stay out of it. He's smart and analytical and i feel like he could give me a run for my money in terms of noticing and knowing stuff (i'm literally psychic and i love gossip) also i love that he's just slightly scared of kita
5)Astumu Miya: just cause he's at the bottom of this list doesn't mean i don't love him. I would prefer him as a bff or brother in law if i'm being totally honest but his character is way too cool to not make it on a top 5 list. He serves (literally) he has good chemistry with a couple people) he's a bit petty, he's pretty, 100% ND and i think that could explain how his passion is both intriguing and scary. He's 100% misunderstood and mischaracterized but he could be my clingy best friend i just wouldn't let him teach me volleyball bc he'd be mean (accidentally ofc)
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shoheiakagi · 11 months
😏😏 A - Z for Shohei and Chitose, if you could please? - redlovesashes
of course <3 but i just skipped like two questions since this was getting pretty long
send me a homra boy!
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Akagi: super sweet and affectionate. Cleans his partner up with a towel, or draws them a bath, before spooning them. and yes, he does this with his flings and hook ups too, he’s just very affectionate after sex
Chitose: smokes a cigarette while going through his post nut clarity. He either knocks out after smoking or tries to get away as soon as possible. But if he’s drunk, i can see him cuddling onto his date before passing out, snoring in their ear
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Akagi: works out a lot to keep in shape, but is proud of his biceps, especially since thats where his homra tattoo is. Loves to flex his bicep around his partner, especially when theyre in bed and his s/o is absentmindedly tracing his tattoo. Shouhei is obsessed with his partner’s waist, always wrapping an arm around to pull them in closer. He’s especially obsessed with how small their waist is, constantly pressing kisses and blowing raspberries on their belly
Chitose: he loves to flex his abs, always posting gym selfies on social media. On his partner, he likes a full pair of lips and a thick ass. He has a bad habit of smacking or squeezing his partner’s ass when they walk by, not caring about who’s watching.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Akagi: has a breeding/cream pie kink. He loves to cum inside his partner, filling them up to the brim. Nothing beats the sight of his cum leaking out of his s/o after sex. He will literally scoop up any leaking cum with his finger and stuff them into his partner’s hole
Chitose: loves cumming all over his partner’s face and chest. Whenever he needs to release, he has his partner getting on their knees and swallow his load
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Akagi: with his partner’s consent, he records some of their sexy times; some of them being audio recordings, others being video recordings. When hes alone and bored, he watches some of their videos and can’t help but imagine their videos being posted online in one of those amateur p*rn sites. He's a little embarrassed to admit on how hard he gets at the idea of random strangers (and even his friends) watching him manhandle and rawdog his s/o while they cry out his name.
Chitose: he sometimes fantasizes about having a threesome with another homra member. He doesnt know why, but theres just something about the idea of spit roasting someone with a fellow member that turns him on. He asked dewa once but the latter turned him down lmaoo. His ideal candidates are dewa, kusanagi, mikoto, and shouhei.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Akagi: has an ample amount of experience. i can see him losing his virginity during high school, either with his s/o at his house when his parents were out, or maybe during some house party with some random person he vaguely knew. Every now and then, he would end up picking someone up from a party or club to release any stress he’s been building up from the week.
Chitose: has a crazy amount of experience. He lost his virginity to his late girlfriend during high school, and has been pretty vanilla with her. Post-breakup, chitose is consistently getting laid every weekend with so many different types of people, where he learns a lot of new moves, positions, and kinks
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Akagi: if hes feeling romantic, then missionary and the lotus position are his favorites, since it brings him closer to his partner while maintaining eye contact. If he’s feeling horny, jealous, or angry, then he favors any position that would end with him pinning his partner down while he selfishly thrusts into them (i.e. doggy, against the wall, holding their wrists above their head, etc). Regardless, he will always favor any position that ends with his partner’s leg over his shoulder as he pounds into them
Chitose: doggy style because to him, nothing screams more primitive and wild than this position. Something about controlling the other person’s movement while gripping onto their hips gets to him. He finds it so cute when they collapse face first on the pillows bc they can’t handle his thrusts, only for him to yank them back so that theyre pressed up against his chest as he continues drilling into them
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Akagi: he can be pretty serious and intense during sex, but for the most part, he’s cracking jokes and making small talks with his partner to make sure theyre feeling comfortable. He’s a big fan of talking during sex; literally the type to ask you about your day as he thrusts into you
Chitose: i think chitose can be very flirty and humorous during foreplay, but when it comes to the actual deed, he suddenly becomes more quiet and serious, more focused on getting his release
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
Akagi: peppers a lot of kisses around his s/o’s face and neck, especially when he first enters them and feels them tensing up. Would whisper a lot of encouragement and praises into his s/o’s ear, telling them how beautiful they are and how proud he is of them for taking in his dick so good, how they were made for his dick, etc. Would even kiss their hand and wrists when he gets excited and emotional.
Chitose: without even realizing it, chitose is actually soft with his partner. stroking their neck, kissing their forehead, making sure that they enjoyed the experience as well. he's very seductive, spending a lot of time to 'woo' his lover by tracing a finger down their spine, kissing their collarbones, treating them to a fancy dinner before getting into bed, etc.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Akagi: when alone, he masturbates to the sextapes he created with his s/o. i can also see him and his partner masturbating to each other during a video call, both of them missing each other's touch
Chitose: actually doesn't masturbate that often since he's mostly out there getting laid lol. but i do see him joining the other homra guys in watching watching adult videos that include some crazy positions or their favorite p*rnstar, and we know how those sessions go
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Akagi: bondage. he loves the dominance he gets from tying up or handcuffing his partner to the bed, leaving them vulnerable to him. bonus points if he gets to blindfold them as well
Chitose: he's really into roleplaying with his partner. especially scenarios where his partner acts as a cop and he acts as the big, bad criminal that they have been trying to catch. its his favorite since it always end up with his partner bent over and handcuffed to the bed post, while he taunts them about being this godawful cop who is terrible at their job and has no other purpose but to be fucked by him
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Akagi: when he was younger and even more reckless, nothing excited him more than fucking his fling in the back of his friend's car. now that he owns a motorcycle, he takes his s/o to secluded areas where he can bend them over his bike without any care. but when it comes to more common locations, he's been leaning towards fucking his partner in the shower
Chitose: he doesn't really have any favorite location. but he does find himself in the same dingy love hotel way too many times. if his partner is lucky, chitose might drag them over to his apartment and fuck them in his living room
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Akagi: i've mentioned this before, but red is his kryptonite. theres just something so seductive about his s/o wearing red that makes him lose control
Chitose: its no surprise that chitose doesn't need much to be motivated. as long as youre conventionally attractive with a nice body and a cute face, consider him turned on
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Akagi: anything that would hurt him or his partner (knife play, smacking/punching on the face, etc) and scat play
Chitose: breeding kink. even if its just during the heat of the moment, he doesn't even want to entertain the idea of accidentally impregnating his partner
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Akagi: like any other guy, he does like receiving a good blowjob. But unlike some guys, he actually likes returning the favor, genuinely wanting his partner to feel good. It also helps that he has an oral fixation, so he’s always happily burying his face between his partner’s thighs, enjoying their taste.
Chitose: prefers receiving head than returning the favor tbh, he's a bit selfish like that. but luckily his dick makes up for his selfishness! he's not shy to yank his partner's hair while theyre blowing him. he gets a little impatient and eventually takes over and fucks their mouth. lets out a loud curse and momentarily falls in love when his partner eagerly swallows his cum
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
i feel like it depends on the mood for both akagi and chitose when it comes to their pacing. chitose, despite being a firm no strings attached guy, can be pretty slow and sensual when he wants to. but most of the time, i can see him being fast and rough during sex. when shouhei is feeling romantic and wants to make love to his partner, he will be thrusting into them slowly, whispering praises into their ear. but there has been plenty of times where he would roughly fuck his partner into oblivion
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Akagi: he prefers proper sex, but is open to quickies if him and his partner are in some public setting but he suddenly pops a boner and is now craving for his partner's touch
Chitose: very familiar with quickies, since there's been a few nights where he had multiple partners at different times throughout the night (and yes, dewa did take him to get tested the next day)
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Akagi: behind chitose and kusanagi, he has the most sexual experience, so i can see him being pretty adventurous but with some limitations
Chitose: the most experimental guy out of homra. he's been around the block multiple times, slept with different types of people, so he's the most open minded when it comes to taking risks in sex
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
okay but theyre both from homra so theyre definitely capable of fucking all night 🤬
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Akagi: he does not own any toys, but he knows that his partner owns a vibrator, so a lot of sessions have him teasing his partner by placing the vibrator against their nipples or inserted into their hole while their hands are tied up
Chitose: you didn't hear it from me, but he owns a sex swing which is hidden in his apartment and is used on very few people
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Akagi: can be pretty mean when he ties his partner up, teasing them with his tongue and fingers and pulling away right when theyre about to cum
Chitose: 10x meaner than shouhei cause one time he literally left his partner alone in his room for some time, tied up with a vibrator shoved between their legs
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Akagi: very vocal, grunting out curses as he thrusts into his partner, moaning into his partner as he eats them out, etc. but he prefers to gasp and groan into his partner’s ears as he pins them on the mattress, pumping into them
Chitose: unable to speak complete sentences, but is always cursing and growling as he gets closer to his orgasm.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Akagi: had sex on halloween night with his jason voorhees mask on, which was a major turn on for him and his partner
Chitose: once snuck a girl into homra’s van for a hookup. Everything was going well until kusanagi bursts in right when he was about to cum. Safe to say that him and kusanagi werent able to look each other in the eye for a couple of weeks
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Akagi: very healthy sex drive. He can keep it in his pants for the most part, sleeping around here and there. so unlike chitose, hes able to have normal conversations with ppl he’s attracted to. However, once he finds his person, hes suddenly horny like a dog in heat, needing to always touch them and grope them, before dragging them away to some secluded place
Chitose: wayyyyyyyy too horny to the point he might need some professional help. He sees one attractive person and it hasnt even been 10 minutes until he already starts fantasizing them on his bed, face down and ass up
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Akagi: exhausted by the time they finish their last round. For the most part, he tries to clean up his partner and run a bath for them before cuddling to sleep, but there has been times where he literally knocked out on top of his partner, his dick still inside of them
Chitose: chitose never really falls right asleep after sex, no matter how many rounds they go for. Sometimes, he’s sitting up and lighting up a cigarette. Sometimes, he’s laying down, staring at the ceiling. Other times, he’s in a rush, wearing his clothes and gathering his stuff and rushes out before the other person wakes up
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hinahaikyuu · 2 years
adult sleepover. Surprise Route 
these are a little shorter because I wanted to leave the ‘ending’ open for your interpretations.
pt. 1 | pt. 2
@hai1q @tsukina​ @moonlit-mizukage​ @kitsunekanojo​ @hoperenae​
all works owned by @hinahaikyuu​— please do not plagiarize, copy or modify my works.
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The room was silent, the boys reading there letters and looking at each other. 
“Is it... none of us?” Lev looked sad almost, and you shrugged your shoulders. He was wrong, and it took him a second to figure it out only after Kenma said something. 
“Not all of us are here.. there is only six of us.” 
“Then who else could it be!?” Lev laid back into the pillows with an exasperated sigh, you laughed sitting on the couch. 
“Got my hopes up it was me.” Kuroo teased, falling off the sofa when you reached over and shoved him off. They all had good points, and good memories with you, it was hard to see who it might have been, even narrowing it down to those who weren’t in the room. There was the chance, that yes, the crush, the current still, crush was there and it was one of them. You wouldn’t have said anything if you weren’t ready, but it was a fun thought and a good trip down memory lane. 
Kenma started the movie as Lev reached over to turn off the lights. How they talked you into a horror thriller, you had no idea but it worked in someone's favor. Lev sat between your legs, cowering under a blanket even in his twenties, not that you were any better. 
The moment that the door in the movie swung open, so did your own door. The sounds of screaming and panic filled the room before the light in the entry way turned on, revealing another of your nekoma alumni. 
“Hey pretty girl.. didn’t mean to scare you.” Fukunaga stood in the doorway, taking off his shoes and setting a plastic bag on the counter. 
“Shou... you scared the shit out of all of us. I don’t wanna die just yet.” You smiled, your heart racing a million miles an hour. You stood and walked over to the new member of the party, looking into the bag while he slipped his arms around your waist, completely ignoring the room full of guys. 
“What? The chocolate gets attention before me?” He pouted, and you moved what little you could with his arms in a vice around your waist.
“Yes. Always.” He spun you around, pinning you against the counter while you crossed your arms in a huff. You could see the boys behind the chef looking at you two in disbelief and confusion. “Come on princess, gimme my kiss.” you caved, leaning forward and giving the part time comedian what he was looking for. It was when you shared a kiss with him that it clicked and the whispers stopped. 
“It was Shohei!?” Inuoka collapsed forward, landing on Lev with a thump before you and Fukunaga broke your little kiss apart. 
“Was what me?”
“The crush from high school... that she still has a crush on..?”
“Oh.. you guys have no idea? I thought the whole thing was obvious.” 
“Don’t be coy.” You teased, lightly smacking his shoulder, he smirked in response. 
“No.. it wasn’t be back in high school. We’ve only been together for a few weeks, was going to tell you guys tonight all at once.” He grabbed a small box from the bag and took your hand, leading you to the pillow fort in the living room and sitting you on the ground between his legs. 
“So who was it?” Kenma looked at you, and you shared a look with Shouhei. After giving him a nod, he spoke.
“It was Akaashi, then I stole her heart with my awesome jokes.”
“Shut the fuck up Kuroo.” 
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ruins-and-rewritez · 11 months
The Spikers Part 1
The Sun/The Greatest Decoy
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The Captain
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The Ace
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[Photo ID: black and white manga panels of the Karasuno High School Volleyball Team members and their stats on a five-point parameter of power, jumping, stamina, intelligence, technique, and speed. In order Shoyo Hinata,Ryunosuke Tanaka, Daichi Sawamura, Chikara Ennoshita, Asahi Azumane, Hasashi Kinoshita, Taketora Yamamoto,Nobuyuki Kai, Shohei Fukunaga, Yui Michimiya. Part 1]
(Haikyuu!! Character Reference Master Post Here)
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leclucklerc · 7 months
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Charles Leclerc
Hard Carry - Charles Leclerc x driver!reader - Formula One superstar y/n l/n met Sauber's no.2 driver and her world tilted on its axis.
Roses and Peonies - Charles Leclerc x idol!reader - When her group announced their hiatus, y/n felt as if she was drowning in loneliness. At least, that is until she met a man with warm green eyes and dimpled smile.
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Max Verstappen
Check Point - Max Verstappen x actress!reader - Leaving the world of racing years ago, an award winning actress never really thought that she would cross path with her childhood best friend slash rival once more.
A Fool's Flowers - Max Verstappen x reader - She's a fool in love. Too in love and way too enraptured in her own romantic delusion to see the signs.
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Shohei Ohtani
Against the World - Shohei Ohtani x singer!reader - a romance between a world class popstar and a world class baseball player that spans from their high school days
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queenofanime · 1 year
Daichi Sawamura / Kōshi Sugawara / Asahi Azumane / Yū Nishinoya / Ryunosuke Tanaka / Chikara Enoshita / Hisashi Kinoshita / Kazuhito Narita / Tobio Kageyama / Shoyo Hinata / Kei Tsukishima / Tadashi Yamaguchi / Keishin Ukai / Ittetsu Takeda / Kiyoko Shimizu / Hitoka Yachi
Tetsuro Kuroo / Nobuyuki Kai / Morisuke Yaku / Taketora Yamamoto / Kenma Kozume / Levi Haiba / Shohei Fukunaga
Inarizaki High
Shinsuke Kita /Aran Ojiro / Atsumu Miya / Rintaro Suna / Osamu Miya
Aoba Johsai
Toru Oikawa / Issei Matsukawa / Hajime Iwaizumi / Takahiro Hanamaki / Yutaro Kindaichi / Akira Kunimi / Kentaro Kyotani
Shiratorizawa Academy
Wakatoshi Ushijima / Eita Semi / Reon Ohira / Satori Tendo / Tsutomu Goshiki / Kenjiro Shirabu
Fukurodani Academy
Kotaro Bokuto / Keiji Akaashi / Yamato Sarukui / Akinori Konoha
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Main Characters
Legoshi / Louis / Haru
Melon / Ibuki / Free / Agata / Dolph / Jinma / Hino / Miguel / Sabu / Dope
Drama Club
Pina / Juno / Billy / Aoba / Tao / Ellen / Shelia / Riz
701 Boys
Collot / Jack / Voss / Durham / Miguno
Black Market and others
Gosha / Yafya / Gohin / Rokume / Kyuu / San / Seven / Ogma / Cosmo
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My Hero Academia
Hawks / Mirko / Aizawa / Endeavor / All Might / Present Mic / Midnight / Vlad King / Gang Orca / Mandalay / Fat Gum / Mrs. Joke
Shigaraki Tomura / Dabi / Toga / Twice / Stain / Kurogiri / Giran / Mr. Compress / Overhaul / Lady Nagant
Class 1A
Momo Yaoyorozu / Shoto Todoroki / Katsuki Bakugo / Tenya Ida / Fumikage Tokoyami / Mezo Shoji / Mashirao Ojiro / Eijiro Kirishima / Yuga Aoyama / Mina Ashido / Tsuyu Asui / Ochaco Uraraka / Denki Kaminari / Koji Koda / Rikido Sato / kyoka Jiro / Hanta Sero / Toru Hagakure / Izuku Midoriya / Minoru Mineta / Hitoshi Shinsou / Hatsume Mei (don't ask why she's here)
Class 1B
Itsuka Kendo / Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu / Juzo Honenuki / Neito Monoma / Shihai Kuroiro / Yosetsu Awase / Sen Kaibara / Togaru Kamakiri / Yui Kodai / Kinoko Komori / Ibara Shiozaki / Jurota Shishida / Nirengeki Shoda / Pony Tsunotori / Kosei Tsuburaba / Setsuna Tokage / Manga Fukidashi / Kojiro Bondo / Reiko Yanagi / Hiryu Rin
The Big Three
Tamaki Amajiki / Mirio Togata / Nejire Hado
Shiketsu High School
Inasa Yoarashi / Seiji Shishikura / Camie Utsushimi
Ketsubustu Academy High School
Yo Shindo
Isamu Academy High School
Romero Fujimi / Habuku Mongoose / Kashiko Sekigai
Citizens and others
Rody Soul / Melissa Shield / David Shield / Natsuo Todoroki / Fuyumi Todoroki / Eri (platonic) / Kota (platonic)
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Main Characters
Aladdin / Ali Baba / Morgiana / Hakuryuu Ren
Kou Empire
Kouen Ren / Koumei Ren / Kohua Ren / Hakuei Ren / Kougyoku Ren / Judar / Koubun Ka
Reim Empire
Muu Alexius / Myron Alexius / Lo'lo / Yaqut / Titus Alexius
Sinbad / Ja'far / Masrur / Hinahoho / Yamraiha / Sharrkan / Drakon / Pisti / Spartos / Yunan
Myers / Doron / Sphintus Carmen / Marga (platonic)
AOS and others
Cassim / Serendine / Barbarossa / Mystras / Pipirika / Rurumu / Fatima / Takeruhiko / Vittel
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Demon Slayer
Tanjiro Kamado / Zenitsu Agatsuma / Inosuke Hashibira / Nezuko Kamado / Genya Shinazugawa / Kanao Tsuyuri / Senjuro Rengoku / Aoi Kanzaki
Giyu Tomioka / Mitsuri Kanroji / Obanai Iguro / Sanemi Shinazugawa / Gyomei Himejima / Muichiro Tokito / Shinobu Kocho / Tengen Uzui + wives / Kyojuro Rengoku / Kagaya Ubuyashiki + family
Kokushibo / Douma / Akaza / Nakime / Kaigaku / Daki / Gyutaro / Tamayo / Yushiro / Muzan Kibutsuji
Hotaru Haganezuka
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Attack on Titan
Zeke Yeager / Reiner Braun / Porco Galliard / Pieck Finger / Gabi Braun / Falco Grice / Colt Grice / Annie Leonhart  / Yelena / Onyankopon / Niccolo / Bertholdt Hoover
Eren Yeager / Armin Arlert / Mikasa Ackerman / Jean Kirschtein / Connie Springer / Sasha Braus / Hange Zoe / Levi Ackerman / Floch Forster / Historia Reiss / Marco Bott / Hitch Dreyse
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Great Pretender
Makoto Edamura / Abigail Jones / Laurent Thierry / Cynthia Moore / Dorothy / Seiji Ozaki / Clark Ibrahim / Thomas Meyer
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Cowboy Bebop
Spike Spiegel / Jet Black / Vicious / Faye Valentine / Julia / Grencia Mars / Andy / Electra / Vincent Volaju / Ed (platonic)
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This will be the fandoms and characters I'll be writing for. Updates don't happen often but I'll try my best :)
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