temetetlen-halott01 · 2 years
Nem múlik, mi a baj, miért remegek
Elbuktam, és ez már nem lehetett
Az élet életlen.
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vizmozdulas · 2 years
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chaosintheavenue · 10 months
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My cringe fail child Trin has now had every disease.
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answermywearyquery · 10 months
Holy shit I ALSO love Hungarian music! I've never met another person that does! Any suggestions? Mine would be HONEYBEAST.
Asdfgh, what are the chances! 👀 Okay, so I'm Hungarian so, even though I should be able to recommend more, I only have a few. From the current scene, I recommend Ivan and the Parazol, especially their latest album and maybe Carson Coma's popular numbers. I really like an older band, Hobo Blues Band, they have a gigantic discography and the quality ranges as such, but one of their best album is Vadászat (+ not on the album but my fav song from them is 45-ös blues). The lyrics go hard but the music goes just as bonkers. Also, I never heard of HONEYBEAST tho, so I'll be checking that out!! Thanks for the recommendation! 💖😊
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dazelvel · 3 months
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The jewel of the rainforest🌿✨️
This design was inspired off an art peice by honeybeast! I really love their design and work :)
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sombrathedragon · 1 month
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Decided to do HoneyBeasts random Wof oc generator and I think it turned out pretty nice.
Info: SnowDrop is a Leaf/Ice/Rain tribrid with a leaf/rain mother and a Icewing father. He’s scatterbrained, whimsical, and creative. He has no abilities and was raised in Among-the-Evergreens (forested area in Ice Kingdom)
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csmeanerr · 6 months
*me remembering when HoneyBeast was in terras but left terras after seeing the red flags and what was to come,and basically gtfo* Me: you smart bitch...you know that?.
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anonymousbimb0 · 8 months
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Yo ! I'm anonymousbimbo, tho for short , you can call me pip ! Some basic info -
I'm an artist, animator, writer, and content creator~♤
I'm demi-bisexual, my birthday is November 16th, im a senior, and not to brag.. tall 😈
My interests
- Attack on Titan 💙
- Castlevania 💙
- Inuyasha 💜
- Cowboybepbop 🩷
- Bee and puppycat 💜
- Across the spider-verse 💜
- Megamind 💙
- Dishonored 1 / 2 💙
- Terraria 💙
- Starbound 💜
- Stardew valley 💜💙
- Undertale 💙
- Deltarune 🩷
- Sims 4 🩷
- Genshit Impact (unfortunate) 🩷
- Mandela catalog 💙
- Horror / analog / ARG 💙💜
- Get schooled 💜
- Home sick 💜
- Clowns / jesters 💙
- My or others oc's 💙💙💙
🩷 = enjoyed / interested
💜 = like / watched fully
💙 = love / obsessed with
☆ ~ Here's some aesthetics I enjoy ~ ♤
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Arcadecore 💜💙
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Y2k (?) Earley internet 💙🩷
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Angel / 777 💙💜
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Synthwave / vaporwave 💙
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Idk?? Beachwave?? Palmwave IDK 💜
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Glitchcore 🩷
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Dark academia 💙
As u can see.. I have a lot.. and there's many more !
Some creators I look up to / am inspired by !
-Solarqwq (accounts no longer exist)
-Kelsey Animated
-Felix colgrave
DNI (obv)
Racist, anti-LGBTQ , Anti-Religion, Neo-nazi, zoophile / pedophile ("MAPs"), proshipper, lolicon, NFT punks, AI "art", body shaming , graves specifically 🍐
I AM A MINOR (be cautious), I don't put TW / CW on a majority of my content unless it's gore , SA, SH, eyestrain. I curse a lot, A majority of my humor is ironic or satire,
If you have any problem please dm me personally so we can sort things out.
Feel free to reach out or ask about anything ! I truly do not mind and you aren't bothering ! (Unless ur being fucking weird and deranged obv)
Check out other socials here ~ ♤
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First spin outcome of my fic wheel spin I did!! This’ll be a fun challenge I’ll be trying And who knows one of these fics might be one someone has always wanted lmao
Zebruh♠️?♦️?❤️?Reader: Sleepover AYEE
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You were making your way to the indigo troll’s hive. He insisted on picking you up and carrying you there himself or riding his hover board again but you protested. You were fine walking- you had a small backpack with you that had all the fun sleepover supplies! Blankets, pillows, s’mores materials, flashlights, nail polish, and the only thing you could find of sour gummy honeybeasts (or sour gummy bears)
Finally arriving you rung the doorbell waiting for an answer. To your surprise Zebruh’s large hotheaded Lusus answered the door. You awkwardly waved at it, sense your interactions weren’t entirely pleasant.
The zebra snorted at you and simply trotted away from the door allowing you inside. Hey that’s better then getting stomped on..
And you stepped a single foot inside the door frame you were immediately grabbed into a hug by Zebruh
“♦️❤️♦️There you are!!! I worried a giant purrbeast ate you up or something!!!♦️❤️♦️”
Was he crying? Or just sounding emotional? It was hard to tell but you sighed some gently papping him on the head
“I’m fine Zeb I’m fine! Nothing tried to eat me-“
Good lord he was smothering…..and not in a nice way….the indigo did not let you go out of his hug despite your reassurance.
“Zeb- you’re gonna crush my bag!” You blabbed which seemed to get him off of you
“Bag? What’s in there?” He questioned poking at the top zipper
“Stuff for our sleep over dummy-“
“…sleep….over?” Zebruh’s face seemed to pause in thought
“Yea! You ever had one before?”
“♠️Well, can’t say I have, never had a partner to share that experience with♠️”
“You don’t need a quadrant to have a sleepover dumbass”
You rolled your eyes playfully taking your bag upstairs. You stared in a lil disbelief that your feelings jam pile hadn’t been cleaned or changed the last time you visited- it’s a lil concerning.
But past that you laid out all you brought on the floor then went to go back down stairs again. Zebruh was confusingly following you back and forth down and up the stairs. When it seemed you staying in the kitchen for a while he finally asked
“♦️What are you even doing dear..??♦️”
“Well right now I’m making s’mores! Wanna try it?”
“Just lemme show you”
You sighed gently opening the bag of marshmallows you brought
You gently took Zebruh’s hands in yours to show him to which a grin formed on his face
“❤️❤️My my how forward~❤️❤️”
“Look so you take the marshmallow, and put it on the skewer,” you say doing the action
“Then you put it over the oven fire!”
“♦️Why am I doing this??♦️”
“To make a s’more!” You encouraged “gotta get the marshmallow all toasty brown!”
Zebruh still looked confused but held his end of the skewer over the flame anyway. He spun it some with your help and soon enough you both had two nice toasted mellows!
“Ok then you take this gram cracker, and a bit of chocolate, and put it together like a sandwich!”
“♠️♠️ew…is it supposed to be this texture-♠️♠️”
“Uh- yea- it’s a toasted marshmallow it’s supposed to be gooey!”
After a few attempts Zebruh was able to put all three items together and looked rather proud of himself
“♠️❤️Ha! There, I did it all myself❤️♠️”
“Sure you did-“ You snorted some “Just eat it already-“
As you said that you took a bite of your own s’more. So fucking good!! You missed these.
While you were eating though the indigo next to you was staring at you. His cheeks had an indigo tint to them and that made your thinkpan- brain- whatever go so many different places, he had been hinting like- 30 different emotions already tonight what is it now-
“❤️♦️♠️You got a lil something♠️♦️❤️”Zebruh gingerly reached his thumb over to your face and wiped some chocolate off your chin
“Oh” you muffled between chewing some
“Thank you”
And then he just went back to grinning like a dumbass at you as you continued to eat. Damn he’s not the best at sleepovers huh.
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csvent-2 · 11 months
typing 2 part to this terralien dump species
looks like Pokii was only accepted because they are a cham mod
mods & aquantinces of the theirs only get slap on the wrist
get let off easily
co owner & mods are simply mean group that pick favorites and do underground trading
U do not care for anyone so stop pretending u do u only care for cash and the profit
I do praise the person in adopt discussion in Terralians server who let off about the species e t c before they left
after the community in the server start to continue kissing the mods ass and praising them and started to speak about how that person who let off about the spec
“Also to dump and leave? Weird”
yeah because I guarantee u crazy baboons would attack the person for giving criticism
Kea trying to sell a $600 terra gatcha that’s worth what $50?
the owner & co-owner & mods allow it cuz what? their mods and they got power?
it is UNFAIR & at least chime-reon mods keep to their rules u money hungry baboons
U give warnings to people who do not ask for a voucher approval or break a simple rule but kea allow to oversell a terra gatcha that is worth $50?
they have mean girl group power it is wretched
& honeybeast got demoted and not going to be a ass kisser about this but I am glad
they do not need to be near those wretched baboons
they should continue focus on other important personal life matters instead of a disaster of a species
& DO NOT give me a excuse that the species is fresh new
it’s been almost three months and they made 0 improvements to help their case
end of this conclusion terraliens are the worst species up to date
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temetetlen-halott01 · 2 years
Nem látszom
Felveszem az álarcom...
Nem fáj fej, csak a baj van veletek
Egyensúlyt nem igér a szemetek
- Gondoltam,
De o-o-ó elbuktam
Te valahogy más vagy
Miért fordulok utánad?
Pedig jobb dolgom is akad, elhiheted, én is elhittem
Csak a gyomrom utazik egy liftben
Amikor látlak
Ezért fordulok utánad?
Talán nincs is humorod, de elhiteted, könnyű elhinnem
Sírva nevetek a viccen
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distressedgold · 2 years
@/amethyst-slime-king A not so little honeybeast is going to plop down next to uncle. She has put something in motion that she's too young to put out of motion, and now she's just tired, sore, and grumbly from the anger induced transformation
Belos didn't look up from what he was working on at first. For once, it wasn't paper work, but a component of a larger mechanical contraption. And the Emperor had wanted to work on something that made him use his hands as well as his focus.
Only once a small 'click' was heard when something popped into place did he address his niece. "I see you had another growth spurt."
"Can you change back yourself?"
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g00-daddy · 2 years
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💜Like father, like daughter~💛
Have little Pamela in her Abomination form! The Honeybeast herself!....Even if it's definitely something to be concerned over that she's transforming at 3.
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partyanimalshu · 3 days
Szeged, Tisza-part és SZIN-es buliforgatag
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Harminc újabb hazai nevet jelentett be a Coca-Cola SZIN az Armin Van Buuren, Kamrad, Zara Larsson nemzetközi sor mellé, így már több, mint félszáz fellépő ismert az idei nyárzáró buli előadói közül. Ne feledjük: augusztus 28-31., Szegedi Partfürdő!   A hazai fesztiválszezon legnagyobb nyárzáró bulijára, a Szegedi Ifjúsági Napokra - mely tavaly Coca-Cola SZIN néven még nagyobb fordulatszámra kapcsolt - az elmúlt években már jóval a fesztivál előtt elkeltek a bérletek, tavaly volt olyan nap, hogy a napijegyek is elővételben elfogytak, pedig már egy megnövelt vendégtérrel várták a látogatókat. „Nem az a célunk, hogy rekordokat döntögessünk, hanem minden évben szeretnénk egy olyan fesztiválélményt nyújtani, ami emlékezetes lezárása a hazai, sokszínű zenei fesztiválévadnak” – mondta Kolonics Erika, a Coca-Cola SZIN főszervezője. „Az egy kiváló adottság, hogy Szeged belvárosához egy ugrásra, de a Tisza-parti természet közelségében építhetjük fel a fesztivált, ezt igyekszünk egy olyan programkínálattal feltölteni, melynek gerincét nemzetközi sztárok, nagy hazai fesztiválkedvencek adják, de szívesen mutatunk be minden évben feltörekvő új zenekarokat, előadókat is” – tette hozzá a főszervező.   A nemzetközi sztárokat már ismerjük: nyár végén Szegedre érkezik a trance mozgalom “zászlóvivője”, Armin Van Buuren, az „I Believe” című dalával a toplisták élére tört Kamrad és a svéd világsztár, Zara Larsson, akinek új lemezét itt hallhatjuk Magyarországon először élőben. Az is már közismert, hogy Azahriah a Coca-Cola SZIN-en zárja majd a fesztiválnyarat.   A hazai listát most 30 újabb névvel bővítették a szervezők. Ők: a Carson Coma, Majka, Beton.Hofi, a Margaret Island, a Parno Graszt, a Blahalouisiana, a Honeybeast, a Punnany Massif, Ganxsta Zolee és a Kartel, 6363, Bruno x Spacc, az Esti Kornél, a Magna Cum Laude, az Anima Sound System, a Konyha, az Aurevoir., a Hűvös, ajsa luna, a Gypo Circus, Metzker & Friends, azaz Metzker Viktória, Koósz Milán, Pumped Gabo, Pixa, Szalonna és Bandája, a K-OSZ DISCO, OTL-IBBIGANG x Gyuris, kristoaf, Rácz Gergő és Orsovai Reni valamint a Hangfoglaló program keretében érkező feltörekvő zenekarok, előadók, mint a Gorg & Benzol, Lenkke_, Juhász Zoli és zenekara és a Vodka For Kids.   A Coca-Cola SZIN korábban már bejelentette, hogy a hazai felhozatalban a Tisza-partra érkezik majd – mások mellett - Dzsúdló, a Bëlga, Krúbi, Pogány Induló & Ótvar Pestis, Rúzsa Magdi, a Follow The Flow, az Analog Balaton, a CsakNekedKislány, a Wellhello és sokan mások.   Bővebb információ itt: www.szin.org Read the full article
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bdpst24 · 2 months
Ezért költözött el a városból Tarján Zsófi
Ezért költözött el a városból Tarján Zsófi
A Honeybeast énekesnője mindig is természetközeli ember volt, régóta vágyott rá, hogy a várost maga mögött hagyja. Búcsút intett a városi nyüzsgésnek Tarján Zsófi, a Honeybeast énekesnője, aki egy természetközelibb lakhelyre költözött. „Tizenöt percre lakom a várostól, ez egy jó változás, amire régóta vágytam. Itt tisztább a levegő, nyugodtság van, jobban tudok befelé figyelni. Ezek énekesnőként…
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szif · 5 months
youtube knew i needed honeybeast played so im not mad about it randomly playing music
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