#hope this art do justice to people who ship them
butcherlarry · 3 days
Canon: Clark explores his sexuality in college with a mermaid. Fanon: Clark explores his sexuality in college with Bruce. Superbat fanon "Clark" is always so boring
Hmmm, gotta say Anon, I'm digging into my past experience as a college TA, and I'm going to have you give you a bad grade in asks. The tone you are using in this ask is very negative and condescending. It doesn't really make me want to go out and find this canon example of Clark and a mermaid in college. To improve this ask, I would have spun it a different way. Maybe along the lines of "Hello! If you enjoyed the fic "Padam", I have a canon suggestion for you! In the Superman comics, he dates a mermaid in college, which I think is a fascinating way to explore your sexuality." I would then include the issues where this happens and, if possible, a link to them (maybe through free comics online?). This would be a much better ask, because the tone is more positive, you're not bashing a ship that someone enjoys, and it gets people interested in the comics that you enjoy!
On a side note, I really enjoy the fic "Padam". It has one of my favorite parings (Superbat), is inspired by beautiful art created by the artist januariat, and is written by a friend of mine, @halehathnofury. And the summary "Clark explores his sexuality in college with Bruce" doesn't really give the fic justice. In the fic, Clark has gone from small, rural Kansas town Smallville, to larger urban city Metropolis. He's learning about how being queer in both those environments are different, and learning how to present himself, on top of being an alien with superpowers who doesn't want to be discovered by the wrong type of people. He's traveling to gay clubs, meeting new people across the spectrum of queerness, and discovering new kinks to explore. And there's Bruce, who is younger in this fic, getting into the swing of Batmanning, while presenting a facade of an air-headed, spoiled young billionaire, looking for a new person to take home. And those two find each other, learn about each other, and develop feelings about it. And it's fascinating to me how they each go about and deal with these feeling they have for each other, because they attack them in different ways.
To me, this has been a fun fic to read as it has been updating, and I'm always happy when it does. If that doesn't interest you, Anon, then that's fine! Don't read it! If you don't like the Superbat ship, that's ok too! It is possible for you to block that tag on Tumblr so you don't have to see it. I do this for a few tags too on this site. Also, when searching for fic on AO3, you can also exclude the pairing of Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne if you are not interested in reading those fics.
If you are disappointed in the lack of "Clark discovering his sexuality with people who are not Bruce Wayne", I would suggest to write your own fic. Be the change you want to see! You might discover you really enjoy writing fic, and find an audience who wants to read the type of fic you write too!
I hope the advice at the top has been helpful for you to craft better asks, and that you have better luck finding fics you enjoy reading AO3, or whatever fanfic reading site you use. And I'm being genuine about you trying to write your own fic. If you want to grow a fandom you are in, you need to participate in the fandom, in a positive way. It took me a long time to learn this, dear Anon, and I hope you learn it sooner than I did.
Happy reading!
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kumeramen · 7 months
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Mogu mogu~! もぐもぐ
✉ ChojiSaku request : I think the message lost somewhere in the inbox or I delete it by accident– Anywho, have some ChojiSaku enjoying their snack 😋
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autistichalsin · 3 months
My case for Halsin x Art Cullagh as a ship
First of all, these are two characters with a LOT in common. Both are intimately tied to the Shadow Curse. Both lost everything because of it: Halsin lost his homeland and Thaniel, while Art lost (temporarily) his sanity and would eventually lose his life to it.
Both care very deeply for Thaniel (and, later, Oliver). Thaniel was Halsin's first friend, who "made (Halsin) who (he) is today", while Thaniel helped Art in the Shadowfell. Thaniel played with both of them. Both of them felt protective- one might say paternal- towards Thaniel. Art tells the player that Thaniel is a sweet soul- too sweet for the Shadowfell- and he can't wait for the player to meet him.
Both are kind, gentle souls with a strong sense of justice and a call to do right in the world- Halsin by fighting against threats like the Shadow Curse and the Absolute, Art by being a Flaming Fist.
The link through Thaniel is strong (and not just in the "Thaniel has two daddies" sense). Thaniel tells Art about Halsin; Art repeatedly says that Thaniel told him that only Halsin can save him, that Thaniel "spoke of little else".
After being comatose for who knows how long, when Art startles awake and calls out for Thaniel, the first person he sees- and the first person to speak to him- is Halsin. Halsin, who instantly kneels to softly, kindly tell him to relax and breathe- a heartwarming way to be introduced to someone (and indeed, the devnotes say, "warm. Good bedside manner.") As soon as Halsin mentions that he too wants to help Thaniel, Art recognizes him, saying in shock (perhaps amazement?) "You're... you're Halsin," before repeating his request that Halsin find Thaniel. Which Halsin instantly agrees to, but repeats that he needs Art's help, and Art gives it.
When the curse is lifted, Halsin tells the player how sad he is to be leaving Thaniel's realm, how he hopes Thaniel and Oliver will stay as a pair because then they can have a friend after he's gone... clearly missing them, but knowing he has a greater mission in stopping the Absolute. What does Art say if you talk to him in the act 2 epilogue? That he feels Thaniel should have someone with him when he wakes, so he's staying. One might even argue that Art staying is the reason Halsin felt so comfortable leaving- sad, yes, but not worried. He knew Thaniel and Oliver were in good hands with Art. He trusted the two halves of his best friend to Art.
Art knows, tragically, that he's going to die soon after. He mentions it to the player, and in the epilouge, he sends this note to the player:
To an old acquaintance, I write to you from the sunny porch of the Last Light Inn. A light breeze blows now and then. People are milling in and out - builders, visitors, the children of all ages in Halsin's care. I can no longer hold a quill, or eat without assistance - a kind friend is transcribing this for me. Thaniel, re-joined with Oliver, has promised to be with me when the end comes, and as our old songs drift on the wind, ever louder, I know I have mere days left. But I do not fear it. If not for your help, this land would still be shrouded in darkness, and I'd still be lost within it. Know that my heart is full and happy, and I am grateful for my last moments. Do visit some day. And if you have time to stop by an old Flaming Fist's grave, I know I'd love to see you. Art Cullagh
Halsin and Art are still in contact. Art lived long enough to get to see Reithwin being reconstructed- by Halsin. Halsin lifted his shadow, Thaniel and Oliver's shadow, and brought Art peace during his last days- including the peace of having his close friends with him as the end comes. And presumably, Halsin himself stays- it's hard to imagine that Halsin, of all people, wouldn't.
They just work really well as a tragic ship, brought together by loss and heartbreak.
Fittingly, that extends into scenarios when one of them dies. If Halsin dies before act 2, or dies when the portal collapses, and the player tells Art this, he is heartbroken- while he frames it primarily in terms of being sad the curse can never be broken now, he must also be sad that Thaniel's friend has been lost, too.
And if Art dies (either because Last Light fell or for some other reason) and the player learns what they need from Art's corpse? Well.... let's just say that Halsin has some VERY strong things to say for someone he barely knows.
Halsin: That is what I needed to know. It should be cause for joy, but... that poor man didn't have to die.
Player: His existence was worse than death. Now he's at peace, and we have what we need.
Halsin: True. But are we still deserving? Only time and nature can tell.
To think that he might not be worthy any longer of breaking the Shadow Curse because a man he barely knows died is.... quite an intense emotion. Almost illogical, and Halsin is an extremely reasonable person. Make of that what you will.
Player: There was no other way.
Halsin: You can claim it so... but I don't think it will ever be true. Oak Father willing, we will soon lift the curse from this place. But I suspect a shadow will linger here, because of what was done to that man.
Again... these are VERY intense emotions. Understandably so, of course- Art was clearly Thaniel's friend, and he suffered so much only to die. But if Last Light falls, MANY people die besides Art, yet Halsin is focused on him- the only other person he mentions with quite this much grief is Isobel, and even she doesn't get a mention from him here. "A shadow will linger here, because of what was done to that man"? Not "what was done to those people" or even "what was done to Art and the others"? It is.... a very interesting way of phrasing it.
In conclusion: Halsin cares Art A LOT, Art deserves peace and happiness, and Thaniel and Oliver deserve two daddies. Flaming Bear is the ultimate tragic doomed ship and we are sleeping on this ship
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sgiandubh · 8 months
I feel like there is so much hatred in this fandom whether it’s against Sam or against Cait, pitting them against each other, one is better than the other, they hate each other to just name a few.
What do you love about Sam and Cait as a couple and what do you hope to see from them as a couple in the future?
I apologize if you may have answered this question already but do you have a top receipt from the last year or two that you would love to share for fun?
Thank you for answering!
Dear Receipt Anon,
I just came home (TGIF) and before I am done with a couple indispensable chores, I gladly take the time to answer your polite ask.
Isn't it uncanny that the fandom of a time travel fairytale, doubled by what probably will remain as one of the most iconic off-screen love stories in the history of television, has become such a dark pit of hatred and - let's call a cat a cat, pun totally intended - hysteria? I am sometimes baffled by the alarming estrogen level of this place and regularly ask Upstairs for more sanity (but it seems He is busy with all the real troubles under the sun).
I have no problem with people not shipping them, as long as they keep things civilized and stay in their lane. I have a BIG problem, however, with socially unrewarded egos that find here a boulevard for all their frustrations to blossom. And I sometimes wish these people would channel all that energy towards a soup kitchen or a refugee camp. Seriously.
I think what I love most about These Two is the Life imitating Art side of it. The idea that the underdog, the shy one, that boy who waited for hours in front of that Burger King at 15 finally got The Girl: poetic justice. And I also simply cannot imagine These Two separated - I mean, I should (we all know why), but seriously: it's sad.
As for hopes, let's be rational. I set the bar very low on purpose. So much so, in fact, that anything positive is a welcome boon. I readily welcome whatever they carefully choose to share (by now, there are no slippages anymore) and I keep my fingers crossed.
Off the top of my head, I cannot think of a bigger receipt than their joint reaction at the chemistry test revisited by Josh, for this year's promo.
I hope this answers your questions. Thank you for dropping by!
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Do you wanna read a new web serial?
Of course you do! Everyone loves web serials. What? You're not really into web serials? Haha, what a silly joke. Seriously now though, have some web serials.
Curse Words: Spellcasting for Fun and Prophet
Kayden is a trans boy with a curse in his heart. Since he was a baby, the most important thing in his life has been keeping it dormant. Until the day he fails, until the day it wakes up, and suddenly, Kayden's mere presence is a threat to his friends, family, and anyone else he meets.
When a mage visits his house promising to teach him to control it, it sounds like a trap. All he has to do is accept a scholarship to the world's most prestigious magic school, away from his family, away from any legal or government protection, away from his life. Knowing the reputation that mages have for killing particularly dangerous cursed people, he knows that it has to be a trap. But what else can he do?
Whisked away to a fun magical world of invisible dragons, mysterious lake monsters, and a teacher who looks way too much like a Disney supervillain to not be evil, Kayden needs to work fast to get a grip on what's going on. Because somebody's trying to kill his favourite teacher and frame him for it, and if he can't understand the situation fast enough to bring the perpetrator to justice, he might be stepping into an entirely different kind of trap that he's woefully unprepared for.
Oh yeah, and the entire world is also in danger. He should probably do something about that.
Time to Orbit: Unknown
Aspen Greaves is a sociologist and pop science author who doesn't even like going to the moon, let alone deep space, so they're the last person who should have been picked to be put in chronostasis and launched at a distant star in humanity's first attempt to colonise space outside of our own solar system. But they were one of the five thousand colonists picked, so they go to sleep, expecting to be woken up in orbit around a new planet.
They do not expect to wake up in the middle of space, five years from their destination, on a broken ship with no living crew and a glitchy AI. Yet here they are, with a new goal: survive long enough to get the ship full of colonists safely to their new planet. With no astronaut training, no knowledge of engineering, and only a basic education in biology, this is a lot harder than it sounds, and Aspen will have to unravel mystery after mystery to figure out what went wrong if they want to have any hope of not dying in deep space and taking the whole ship with them.
Charlie MacNamara: Galactic Ace (on long hiatus)
Charlie was a single mum out taking some photos for her online art course when she was unexpectedly kidnapped by aliens. This, naturally, caused somewhat of a disruption in her life.
All Charlie wants to do is get home to her kids, but this isn't on the cards for her captors. She's been shanghaied by a pirate ship under the command of the mysterious runaway royal the Faceless Princess, so with an alien hivemind made of tiny flying spiders as her translator and guide, she gets to work learning enough about the ship to change their minds -- by force, if necessary.
But she's become embroiled in a struggle much bigger than the fate of one little planet like Earth, and it's going to take all of her intelligence, charisma and extremely mediocre social skills to stay alive. Because Charlie is learning that in the big, wide universe out there, nothing puts someone in more danger than being a human.
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mirjam-writes · 23 days
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @suavissimapenna <3 Sorry it took so long!
How many works do you have on ao3?
7 for Sherlock and 23 Good Omens that are completely mine. 6 collaborative fics I have either partly written, or just made art for. So, 36.
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Good Omens! I used to write for Sherlock too, but that's now in the past.
Top five fics by kudos:
Truth Or Dare (E, 6.5K words), my first proper smut ever! Post s1 gettig together story.
Angel Of Justice (T, 9.5K), my first ever Good Omens fanfic. Post S1 from Michael POV, A/C as a background couple.
!False (It's funny because it's true) (E, 5.4k), an office romance human AU set in software company.
A Stable Relationship (E, 9.9k), horse rider AU with trans Aziraphale. Friends with benefits becoming a romantic relationship.
Girls Just Wanna Have Sun (G, 1.7k), outsider pov scene about Robin's day at the beach, where she meets two weird gentlemen who have never been to a beach before.
Do you respond to comments?
YES I DO! Slowly, possibly, but yes I do, and I read and reread them!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhhh... angsty ending? What is that? Technically Be Still My Soul: The Rift, but does that count if it's a middle part of a trilogy? That's definitely my angstiest fic of all time BUT I tried to write the happiest ending possible to it. But also, yeah, people died in the war (just not A or C), so maybe I'll count that story.
Edit: WAIT NO! To Love Somebody, a story from Shadwell pov about how he fell in love both Aziraphale and Crowley, and how that changed him. That's sort of angsty and the ending is bittersweet!
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmmmmmm. I have so many. I can't compare. Maybe Watching You (Watching Me), it's the porniest porn i have ever written, and it has...uh... several happy endings :D
Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far!
Do you write smut?
Yessss. I'm in my porn writer era at the moment :D
Craziest crossover:
I did some super weird anime crossovers as a teen (I hope those are long lost) but haven't dabbled on that since apart from very vague blink-and-you-miss-it references.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
One of my Sherlock fics was translated into french in 2018!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Only for one round robin event, which produced four stories! Not sure if that really counts as collaborating since we weren't allowed to talk about it when we did it, we just got the fic, read it, and added 600 words and gave it to the next one! It was super fun though.
All time favorite ship?
Aziraphale and Crowley. No competition there.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't usually start posting unless I'm 100% confident I'll finish the story, so I don't have public wips.
I had one pretty cool Sherlock post-apocalypse story idea, which I'd love to talk about if someone is interested, but writing it? Hmm probably not. But it's not really a wip, if I have only like two bullets in a doc?
What are your writing strengths?
I think I write pretty good bickerflirting and humour even in dark situations. And, uh... historical research.
What are your writing weaknesses?
LONG ASS SENTENCES. I need to cut them down. Chop chop chop. Also, I over-use commas and em-dashes.
Also, not being a native english speaker, but I think I've got a lot more fluent during the past years, so maybe that's not my biggest weakness anymore.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I have done it myself, in a situation when my pov character wasn't supposed to understand what was being discussed, but I did only a couple of lines.
My languages (apart from english) are finnish, very rough swedish, and teeny tiny bit of german, but many fics I've read that have used another language in dialogue, use French or Spanish (which are popular languages for English speakers to learn in school!), and with those I'm woefully lost!
But honestly, i don't need to understand every fic under the sun! You do you, I bet there are people who can understand whichever languages you'd like to mix in your story, and that will be amazing for them!
First fandom you wrote in?
The Book Series That Must Not Be Named. I projected so much of my teenage angst into wizard school drama.
Favorite fic you've written?
You monster! Making me choose. Uh.
Okay, fair. It's easy. Be Still My Soul, hands down. @be-still-my-soul-fanfic
No pressure tagging: @hkblack, @ambrasue, @tawnyontumblr , @ack-emma and @zehwulf and anyone else who wants to answer!
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number oneeee: your art style is so beautiful, it feels so comforting just looking at your art.
number twooo: i’m an absolute sucker for both marlene mckinnon and the marylily ship and your work on them is immaculate. favourite headcanons?
number threeee: i truly hope u have a lovely day night and rest of the week
thank you for all the compliments and i hope you too have a lovely week <3
here are some headcanons!
youngest of three children, by the time she started attending hogwarts her older siblings had already graduated, and were generally making their parents proud with brilliant careers. for this reason, marlene’s parents never seemed to care about her or have any expectations for her, so she also stopped caring about her studies and grew a rebellious personality.
despite her disinterest in studying, since she came from a family of powerful wizards, magic wasn’t hard for her, and she was actually rather talented. however, she didn’t really believe she was a good witch because of the lack of attention from her parents in her childhood.
her witty and rebellious personality matched quite well with remus’, and they became close: they have matching stick n pokes on their ankles (done rigorously while drunk, marlene’s is a poorly drawn guitar and remus’ a wobbly record), and in the summer of 1976 remus brought her to muggle london to get cigarettes to resell at school (i have a couple of drawings about this actually)
her favourite band was the runaways: she could sing the entirety of “dead end justice”, and remus started calling her cherry because of the song “cherry bomb”.
very chill about everything. she actually encouraged people to experiment with expressing themselves, (“do you think wearing make up is for queers?” “david bowie wears make up, sirius. it’s fucking rock n roll”) and she was be a good listener. might encourage chaos tho, always eager to get in fights.
another quidditch nerd. she didn’t enjoy getting up at 5 am for practice, but that’s what you get when james fucking potter is captain. loved discussing strategies tho.
never really thought about being a lesbian. she just was, never felt the pressure of getting in a relationship with a boy.
rivalry with dorcas, both on the pitch and in class. dorcas took it very seriously, marlene saw it as a sort of game between the two of them.
friends to lovers. but not the sweet, “realised-i-love-you-more-than-a-friend” kind of dynamic: both lily and mary were very jealous, when they still weren’t aware of their feelings. lily never liked mary’s boyfriends, and mary seemed to dislike snape even more than marlene. snark remarks and eye-rolls. the good shi.
marlene connected the dots before mary and lily. she wanted to slap both of them for being stupid and blind, but at least she understood the tension.
when they were younger, mary would help lily being less shy: they were both muggleborns, but mary had never been intimidated by snobby purebloods, and lily admired her for it. because she was a girl and a muggle born, she was an easy target for purebloods who made fun of her being “the teachers pet”. (“lily it doesn’t matter who their parents are, you’re much better than them, so even if they call you names, don’t apologise for being smart!”)
lily fell first but sure as hell she didn’t realise it. mary, however, didn’t find out she liked her until they both confessed their feelings during an argument in their room (marlene proceeded to flee to give them some privacy)
the first girl mary ever kissed was emmeline, when she was still trying to figure out wether she liked women or not. lily was fuming when she found out.
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kataraslove · 6 months
I love the Kataang fanart archive. Thank you for all the work that you do. I know this is a huge ask, but I was wondering if you plan on extending this blog to Sukka and Maiko as well? I feel like people have such a hard time finding fanart for the Kataang ships because this fandom loves non-canon 😅
first of all, thank you so much, anon! that means a lot to me to hear that you’re really enjoying the archive. i love running it too.
secondly (i think your ask meant hard time finding fanart for the canon ships?) I feel like this is a project that i could only do for kataang. just because i was fully aware of all the kataang fanart and fanartists and where to locate them before i started this blog. all of the art posted on this blog is posted with the artist’s consent.
i’m not as passionate for sukka and maiko as i am for kataang, so i don’t think i could do either of those ships justice if i made the sukka & maiko versions of @kataangfanartarchive. i wouldn’t really have the time/energy/motivation & the blogs wouldn’t be as active (plus can you imagine running THREE fanart blogs? insanity, so to speak).
with that being said, i’m tagging this with sukka and maiko in hopes that someone would be able to pick up these projects! it should be someone who ideally:
knows their ins and outs of sukka or maiko fanart. or, at the very least, is willing to research into the artwork.
very passionate for sukka & maiko
willing to message artists for permission to repost on the archive(s) and only posting when you have full consent from the artists
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cosmerelists · 7 months
True Confessions of a Cosmere Blogger
[There's a Stormlight spoiler in here! For Oathbringer specifically]
Followers, friends, people who ended up here through tumblr's broken search function: it is time. Time for me to lay bare all of my most terrible secrets as a Cosmere blogger. I am ready, and I hope you are too, for these very honest and real confessions.
1. I don't fucking know how to spell Gavinar Galivar Gavilar's name
Real talk: I had to look up the spelling to make this joke because I couldn't remember which was the right spelling and which were the wrong spellings. It's the grandson, I think. It's not fair to have Gavilar (I had to look at the wiki again) and Gavinor (I had to look this up too) have such similar names, not to mention Dalinar (I'm good there) making me forget whether it's the L or the V first in that dude's name. Seriously, this guy's name is the hardest part of writing any Roshar list.
2. My wife came up with my most popular list
I think my very first post is still my most popular: "How Other Cosmere Characters Would Convince The Stick to Become Fire." And who came up with this awesome idea? My wife! I was hemming and hawing about whether to actually start this blog, and she was like, "Hey, what about a list where everyone tries to convince the stick to become fire?" and let me tell you, that list wrote itself--I couldn't type fast enough. The jokes may be mine, but the idea, which is the funniest part, was all her.
My wife had another really good list idea that I still haven't written, since I haven't found a way to do it justice, but when I finally write it, I bet it'll do great.
3. I don't watch Brandon Sanderson's videos
I don't know. I just have trouble watching Videos On The Internet. I had to FORCE myself to watch the Secret Projects announcement since nobody would say what it was, and that was super hard.
4. I don't read fanfic
I think my blog would classify as fanfic, so it would be fair to say that I write it but I don't read it. I've only read like two fics in my life, and they were both because the girl I had a crush on at the time ordered me to (and yes...it was Wincest). No real idea why I don't read it; just something about my brain, I guess. It does mean that I am trying to understand shipping dynamics and fan preferences through tumblr osmosis, which is why my shipping-based lists may occasionally just leave out some huge pairing I was entirely unaware of (like Navani & Ialai, apparently! Whoops)
5. This is my third list blog
I like to pretend that "list blog" is a genre. It actually worked for a while! I had atlalists first--I joined tumblr because I was writing lists for my own amusement and my roommate at the time told me they thought it would do well on tumblr-- and then bleachlists. Bleachlists was the height of my success; I got so many asks & list requests that I had to create a whole separate blog, askbleachlists, just to handle them. I wrote three lists...A DAY. And some other people made their own "list blogs" inspired by bleachlists, which was wonderful. People made art--I still have some of the bleach art people made hanging in my office. It was fun! Then I left tumblr for a while, and now I'm back with cosmerelists.
6. I thought about making this blog a LONG time before I did it
It just felt really scary! The Cosmere has so much lore and so many characters and so many magic systems and I do NOT have a handle on it all. I read Stormlight Archive 2 1/2 times in preparation, hoping to at least have a handle on that part. But what helped, actually, was going to the Cosmere DragonCon panel last year, listening to the questions, and realizing that nobody really understood the majority of what was going on. So that made me feel better. And in the end, it was just something I wanted to do, and it's my way of enjoying a fandom, so I thought I'd give it a try.
7. Sometime I forget major plot points (Oathbringer spoiler)
I put Demid in a poll as a Bondsmith candidate and people were like, "isn't he dead?" I still don't remember him dying. I'm so sorry, Demid.
At least I can spell your name...right?
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the-bloody-sadist · 6 months
In my twitter I like to post fanarts and also give fic recs for my fav non canon mlm ships. And somehow someone tweet me this :
"I'm starting to think maybe people should read actual BL manga. perhaps considering manga written with actual gay characters in it in addition to shipping m x m from whatever battle shounen you're into."
I was confused af.... Do you think I should reply or just keep silent ?
Thanks for sharing your fanfics and fanarts. Your writing style and art style is not what I usually love at first sight. But wow your arts are beautiful and your writings are amazing (especially on how you wrote the characters, none of them are ooc). And your answers to same anon asks on fandom and shippings, WOW. Some of them are what I often feels but I just can't voice them....
I also love your fics recs, some I don't even know yet....
NEVER. RESPOND. TO THOSE KINDS OF COMMENTS. NEVER. I'M HAPPY YOU'RE AKSING FOR MY ADVICE SO I CAN TELL YOU THAT!! If you're a creator, especially in the BL space nowadays, you're going to hear from these shitheads at some point or another. Their arguments mean NOTHING. They are irrational and ridiculous and will change their logic the moment you interact with them, so no matter how well you present your opposing argument, they'll find some other way to cause trouble. I REPEAT: YOU CANNOT WIN NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO. Plus, there's no need to, because the levelheaded people already agree with you and that's what matters.
Also they have no idea what they're talking about and don't even believe what they're saying, much less follow that logic for their own entertainment choices. They're hypocrites. They'll say that to feel like a social justice warrior and then turn right back to the fanfic about battle shounen boys that they felt guilty about reading. They're projecting at best, moral grandstanding for their friends' approval at worst.
Whenever I see people like this, I snicker with my friends about it, make sure my view of the comment is correct by discussing opinions with them, and then block the person so they don't have to see my work anymore (since they can't make the decision for themselves!). It's a strategy that works wonders and makes sure I deal with the least hate possible in my day-to-day posting experience. And it builds me up with the right audience who actually loves me and my work!
Thank you for being one of those people and for looking up to me for answers, I'm deeply flattered! If given the chance, I will always try to be the voice for anyone who needs it, so you can link to my posts and ramblings when someone says something stupid and have me explain why you think the way you do (and why it's NOT WRONG AT ALL).
Much love! I hope you enjoy those fic recs!!
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
minidura chapter 1 react
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hey guys started reading minidura i think im in love
just imagining izaya going like "yahoo!! X3" man. i know mikado is the real protagonist and not being able to see through izaya's eyes adds to his charm and intrigue but like mannn itd be so fun to just watch him fuck shit up like in that one episode. he must be hilarious to people watch with
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god they're so fucking cute i love this chibi style
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"he's the one who most fails to live up to his name"? is that like a kanji name joke goddammit
i really shouldnt just like. post the entire pages but it's such a pain to keep taking screenshots :sob: you guys have no idea the pain my wrists were in after that drr ten react
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haha dramatic irony but i just realized i have no idea what exactly izaya takes responsibility for and what stuff he blames on human nature/self-interest/naïvite and now i have to find out ugh
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durarara illustrators draw simon normally challenge :sob: im so sorry they do this to you king if i ever get around to drawing you ill do you justice
also tiny shizuo <3333
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obsessed with walker's cat face he and erika are so platonic(?) soulmates besties cringefail weeb team rocket ass duo
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i was 100% ready for erika to start grilling mikado on his supposed raging homosexual unrequited love(?) 300k slow burn romance but oh well. it happened in my head so it must be canon
i dont care enough about the raira trio to ship mikakida or whatever their ship name is (isnt the celty head girl named mika too. oops) but i do think it's funny that their ship name could be kidado because that sounds like cuidado. watch out
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ok i know they're trying to make him look cool but he does not look cool in the chibi art style lmfAOo
itd be really funny if they switched the styles to the normal manga style during serious moments like i think the bsd wan manga/anime did lmfao
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LMFAO??? i like how we only see the top of izaya's head pff-
celty my bbygirl i love your shadow puppets dont listen to them
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yk what it's actually a crime this didnt happen in canon
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AND HERE HE ISSS!!!!! cringefail pathetic loser my beloved
god i hope he narrates the entire minidura (he probably wont)
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ok he's really cute though....catboy irl fr
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cant believe they're both on a rooftop together whoa prime spot for confessions amirite (<- delusional)
im posting the tiny floored izaya on his own later because that's adorable. he's so cute when he's half dead
itd be really funny if all the events from minidura were all in izaya's concussed ass head from this moment as explanation for being noncanon
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the "doctors hate him" meme but it's convenience store workers and shizuo heiwajima
actually construction workers probably hate shizuo too. and urban planners and anything that has to do with city work and also doctors because shizuo evades their healthcare insurance because he doesnt need it (i looked up japan's healthcare costs for this joke and concluded that i dont have enough time to pit the sources that say it's expensive and the sources that say it's reasonable against each other) and also vending machine companies
the "doctors hate him" meme but it's all of ikebukuro and shizuo (and also izaya)
i love how izaya just. stops bleeding. his platelets working mad crazy
(it's pretty easy to find translations online but here's the site im reading on anyway)
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hotsoupthemusical · 5 months
Will the musical involve shipping Draxum and Splinter...? 😅 I'm really interested in the story, but I'm one of those few people who really don't like the ship... Also, props to you for organizing this so well! I'm a theatre kid myself, and my theatre group puts on lots of musicals. Your audition posts look a lot like the emails our directors send out with audition/rehersal/show information, so whenever I see them (despite not being involved, and not even being able to participate), I instinctively go "OH That's important! I should check that out before next rehearsal so I know what we're supposed to be doing!" Then I remember "Oh wait, I'm in Beauty and the Beast... Not Hot Soup the Musical" 🤣
I hope this turns out amazing! :D Draxum's my favorite, so do him justice!!!
Much like RotTMNT, I plan on not stressing the romance aspect of the musical! Other than the point in time where Big Mama and Lou Jitsu were together, all other ships will be only hinted at, if not nonexistant!
Of course during breaks and side projects such as art collabs, artists and other creators are free to do as they please!
And thank you for the kind words! It makes me feel more confidant in what I'm doing :]
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robo-cryptid · 1 year
Do you consider yourself a Yeehan shipper? And if so, why? I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, I’m a relatively new shipper (started playing this year, and other Yeehan shippers directed me to your work), but I’ve seen some of your tweets and in many of them you seem to have more negative things to say about how they make you feel than positive. So I was curious to know your stance on them, and why you keep writing for them. (If this is too invasive, you don’t have to reply)
Also, I really enjoyed Ricochet. It sold the ship to me, basically (but now I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing)..
First off, I'm really glad you liked Ricochet! It's one of the fics I'm still really proud of, and I'm currently in a project with fanartist @showerwhoops and a friend who makes fandom light novels to make it printable with lots of gorgeous art. I mean, mostly I just love collabs and wanna support G's light novel-making hobby, but hopefully other people will find that exciting to know.
With regard to Yeehan, lol, I'm struggling to figure out how to answer this, especially without context for which tweets in particular. The simple answer is yeah, I'm a Yeehan shipper. I love them. I've said it before, but I basically trauma-bonded to them and can't let go. But also I love the themes of redemption and the various forms that can take, and people finding love not when they're young and fresh-faced but when they're jaded and have been through some shit, and seeing two people fight not only to make the world better but to make themselves better people together. I love all of that. It's delicious. I also love writing them as dumb himbos because why the heck not.
I've been in this fandom since 2018. I've written 70+ fics just for Yeehan (plus a few dozen others for the rest of Overwatch), and I'm still writing it. Of my last three art commissions, one was Hanzo and one was Yeehan. I started Yeehan Fic Rec Friday (@yeehanfrf) to help new people find good Yeehan recs sourced from the community, not just one person, and to lift up my fellow writers. All of this is on my twitter, and that's not even getting into all the fan events I've participated in, etc., before this year. So yeah, I'd say I'm a fan, lol.
Unless you're mistaking my shitposting and lovingly mocking the characters for meanness, maybe the negativity you're seeing is when I'm being critical of the fandom itself? In which case... you know, I'm going to take this as an opportunity. And it's gonna get kind of long, so let's go behind a cut.
I can only reiterate that I've been here since 2018. I've seen so much shit, and while some of it has come from "outsiders" (other shippers, people who are sick of Overwatch, etc.), plenty of it has come from my fellow Yeehans too. And while most of my frustration with the Yeehan fandom is on the level of, you know, family that you love but would like to shake some sense into, that doesn't change that it can be frustrating.
Here, an assuredly incomplete list of all the things I've experienced from other Yeehan fans:
I've seen people harassed outright for drawing/writing the "wrong" character bottoming. I've seen literally dozens of nonbinary and transmasc people misgendered and harassed for being "fujoshi" "fetishizinig mlm," because nothing says great justice like blending transphobia and misogyny to attack real people over fictional characters. I've been here for at least 10 different rounds of witch hunts for various fandom "crimes" like people shipping characters with a bad-idea-in-real-life age gap or power imbalance, or even just shipping the same character with multiple people.
I was here when Cassidy's animated short dropped and it took less than an hour to see hate posts about Ashe. And I was also here when fandom retconned the tale of those events to claim Yeehan fans only hate her because some of her fans are shitty, and it can't possibly under any circumstances be misogyny ever. (Which is not saying that some of her fans aren't shitty. It's just that some Yeehan fans are also shitty and in denial about it.)
I've been outright harassed for talking about fandom misogyny, no matter how kitten gentle and "Let's Have a Teaching Moment" I've been about it. I've been harassed for pointing out fandom racism. I've seen a friend get ostracized and harassed much worse for pointing out the same fandom racism and misogyny. And this is, of course, on top of actually seeing and reading racist portrayals of Hanzo and occasionally Cassidy, and seeing and reading constant misogyny (mostly over Ashe, but not exclusive to her) to remind me that men get to have greater interiority and receive more sympathy and get their flaws smoothed over in ways women never do, in fiction and in reality. But hey, don't point any of that out, because fandom is supposed to be a place for escapism, even if those things are making it difficult to escape, yourself! (And then of course I've seen people attacked really harshly over the kind of "they probably genuinely did not know better and it would have been an easy fix if someone just very kindly explained it to them instead of needing to publicly punish them" racism or misogyny.)
I've had someone hold a sustained, months-long campaign of just constantly shit-talking me and low-grade harassing me across multiple Discord servers, and recruiting their friends to do the same, all because I said, "Hey, you've been consistently rude and also triggered me this one time."
I've had anons in my inbox doing everything from demanding I write more to accusing me of pedophilia (or supporting it) for... I don't even know at this point, lol. Because that's a thing people do in fandoms, I guess.
Maybe because I'm prolific or maybe because I actually talk to anons or maybe because I have a follower count above the triple digits, a lot of people have treated me like I'm nothing but a content machine, not a person, which is something I've seen plenty of people do to other artists and writers across fandom. It's crummy. It makes me feel like I don't belong here if I'm not "producing," and even then I'm only tolerated for that, not for, like, my basic humanity (or being funny as hell imho). I've had people attack me over dumb jokes or act like I'm not a "real fan" for them (despite the aforementioned 70+ fics, like I guess those don't count if I make a joke about Cassidy being kind of a douche one time in his animated short).
And anything that's happened to me, I've seen happen to other people. Often worse, actually, because I get far fewer rude comments on my fanfic than several of my friends do, and nobody's misgendering me when they imply I'm a woman, even if they do sometimes erase my queerness.
On the scale of things that are mostly just annoying/stressful and not so much acts of aggression, fandom does this thing where it just freaks out (positive or negative) about something instantly, so I get spoiled on stuff if I don't see it within 15 minutes after it dropped? That's frustrating, especially if the reaction is largely negative, so I'm just, like, absorbing all these bad vibes before I ever get to see the thing for myself.
And then, you know, shipwars. Shipwars are obnoxious. They are exhausting. I do not have time for them. They are also unavoidable these days. Any time I go searching for content, there's someone shitting on Yeehan and someone else stirring the pot by replying to them, and frankly it's just tiresome from all sides. (Besides, I think if you're a fan of the juggernaut ship in a fandom, you've gotta chill and recognize people will find you annoying, then go comfort yourself with your near-daily fanarts and over 6,000 fics. This doesn't mean they're allowed to be absolutely garbage monsters and harass people. Like I'm not pretending Yeehan fans are the only people capable of sucking, lol. They aren't! Online harassment is shitty at all times! But if all they're saying is, "Why does Yeehan get so much attention? I hate it," you can just ignore them, mute them, block them, whatever you gotta do.)
In general, I'm often critical of fandom, especially my corner of it, mostly because I'm a social scientist by training so observing groups of people is what I do. Like genuinely, I enjoy holding the world around me under a microscope. But also in terms of reach and efficacy, I'm more interested in "cleaning up my own backyard," so to speak, than arguing with people who wouldn't listen to me anyway (Yeehan antis in this case, I guess). So when I turn the "negative" lens on, it's of course going to be aimed at the community I'm most embedded in. It doesn't mean people outside of Yeehan are better or worse people; they're just not the ones I'm exposed to constantly, lol.
But also, as many bad things as this sounds like, I've actually mostly enjoyed my time in this fandom. I've made a ton of friends here, people I adore and respect and am so, so grateful to have in my life. I've gotten to be part of some really cool projects. I've been lucky enough to experience the absolute joy of knowing people like something that I've made, of getting to make stuff for people, of people telling me I inspired them to make things. All of those are really special, wonderful things that places like fandom cultivate, and I love that part so much that it makes me feel gooey and self-conscious about trying to articulate it.
Anyway. I'm sure the actual question you asked got answered in the paragraphs above the cut, but just in case it didn't, it was nice to be able to just say all the things anyway. You're new here. I hope you enjoy all the fun parts and don't get bogged down by the crummy ones. Also you should definitely check out the @yeehanfrf rec lists if you haven't.
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raayllum · 1 year
yeah my bad, honestly forgot that he was half asian (I have not interacted w the show or fandom in a while, so thats on me tbh), but I definitely agree with your input. I know that Callum is the main character, so he’s going to get more love and attention, same as Rayla, especially since Rayllum is the main couple (not dissing on them or the ship ofc) but it really upsets me when I look for art/fics of Ezran he’s either A) with Callum or B) in the background of something Rayllum related and in fics i rarely ever see solo fics of just him, he’s either in the background of rayllum or being their therapist or something like that
TDP has done a good job when it comes to portraying their characters of color, and its nice to see POC in positions of power for once (Harrow, Ez, Janai, Anaya, Kasef, etc), I just wish that the fandom as a whole would do the same thing yknow?
I’ll get out of your askbox for now, but this was definitely something that was weighing on me for a while lol
Omg you're all good! That's actually why I've run two Ezran Appreciation Weeks (although I still need to finish my fics for the second one, but life got unexpectedly super busy) and why I use the tag Ezran centric for fics that well, focus primarily on him and his relationships, rather than him being in a supportive or background role. I still wanna write a fic about him and Janai (maybe I can work it into a speculative S5 piece, since it seems like maybe we'll get to see them on screen together, and they had a Lot of parallels in S4).
But yeah there are definitely people in the fandom who aren't open to critique in how they treat Ezran. I once pointed out that hey, most of the time when his character is incorrectly tagged in a post, it's almost always in relation to his brother. Did not go over well, but I don't really care. It was still worth saying (and hopefully people will think a bit more thoughtfully about it too).
We could definitely all do more; I do my best to put dents in it when I can, but with varying degrees of success I'm sure
List of Ezran focused fics for anyone who wants em! (to the dashboard, i know i've missed some, so please feel free to add 'em)
Ezran appreciation week day 1: animals
3 shot collection on AO3
Ezran dealing with possessed Callum (post s4)
Opeli & Ezran drabble 1
Ezran & Rayla oneshot
Opeli & Ezran oneshot + future oneshots
Chessmaster Ezran oneshot
i hope i wake up young again: Soren is the “best crownguard,” ten years in the making. Ezran&Soren, 3.7k
if i am the king: then you have to let me go.“ Ezran and Corvus make their way back to Katolis, times three. 3.2k
ezran contemplates viren’s death
ezran and ethari’s first meeting (pre s4)
will not be denied: Per the monarchs of old, King Ezran is visited by Lady Justice in a dream. 1.5k, Ezran centric
can my eyes rest: otherwise known as how many autistic Ezran headcanons can I fit into one ficlet
Other relevant tags perhaps: autistic!Ezran, let Ezran be messy, chessmaster ezran, ezran's council, ezris (for ezran/ellis) and ezran x aanya, ezranedit
Upcoming Ezran projects:
Canon divergent Ezran & Kasef focused oneshot
why is it a monster: Ezran finds Aaravos' mirror first.
Ezran oneshots/drabbles about missing Rayla during the timeskip; feelings about his mother's death; bonding with Ibis in 3x09; etc.
Aforementioned Janai&Ezran parallels piece
great responsibility: Modern AU. Ezran gets bit by a radioactive spider. feat. Rayla as his boxing trainer and Callum as an overprotective big brother while he becomes the superhero he's destined to be
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achilleanwizard · 1 year
I was tagged by @punkranger (Thank you!!! 😊) And I’m going to tag @gelvaan @sataari @mutantenfisch @deviant3lover @averagejermafan @demianwas and @aelyosos (Feel free to ignore this if you’ve already done it, or just don’t feel like filling it out for your OC(s)!! I’ve just noticed you guys talking about your ocs, and I’d love to hear more about them!)
Full Name: Alexander Valente
Gender: Male?? Look, we’ve got more important things to worry about right now, okay?
Sexuality: Biromantic Bisexual
Pronouns: As of right now? Just he/him. He’s pretty comfy with she/her too though. It’s flattering that people think he might be a girl
Family: He never had anyone he considered family; Just very good friends. If asked about it, then he’d say something along the lines of “Do you think I would take the boost drug, with a notoriously very low survival rate, in order to get superhero powers if I had any family I wanted to talk about?”
Birthplace: ???, Nevada, USA
Job: A consultant. Who is he advising and what is he giving them advice about? Mind your business
Phobias: Spiders. Heights. Especially looking out of windows from a very tall height. Admitting he has feelings for a certain someone(s). Abandonment. Probably a whole bucketful more, but those are the main ones.
Guilty Pleasures: Sugar in all it’s various forms (even if he needs the energy to function/for his telepathy) Taking the time to read and appreciate art when not working. Painting his nails (but only when possessing the Puppet’s body) Taking time off work. Buying three entire floors of a luxury skyscraper to house his villain base/office, Renting the most luxurious top floor penthouse (That would make Mayor Osborn (from spider-man) weep tears of envy) he could afford for a home that he barely resides in, Pleasures of the flesh (it’s like a catholic priest up in here) Honestly, it would be easier to list things he isn’t guilty about. (Killing. He’s not guilty about those he’s killed, even if he should be.)
Hobbies: Playing piano. Scheming. Beating up Daniel behind a Wendy’s parking lot Training Daniel. Kissing Daniel too. Starting fights that he can’t possibly hope to win/finish
Morality Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Sins: Desire / Despair / Envy / Fear / Hunger / Pride / Rage / Sloth (so almost all of them…)
Virtues: Charity / Chastity / Diligence / Humility / Justice / Kindness / Patience
introvert/extrovert organized/disorganized close minded/open-minded calm/anxious disagreeable/agreeable cautious/reckless patient/impatient outspoken/reserved leader/follower empathetic/unempathic optimistic/pessimistic traditional/modern hard-working/lazy
Otp: It’s cruel that you’re making me choose between Herald and Ortega. But gun to my head…. Chargestep. There’s nothing quite like old lost loves.
Ot3: I forget the ‘official’ name for it but, Herald/Sidestep/Ortega (Flychargestep? Chargeflystep?)
Acceptable Ships: Alexander flirts with everyone possible, so. Argentstep. Steelstep. Mortumstep? <- Is that the right name? Anyway, he’ll smooch just about anyone.
Brotp: I have to admit, I’ve been thinking about different Sidestep interactions from time to time. I think he’d be good buddies with some, and have a, uh, very *interesting* dynamic with others. Not naming any specific Sidesteps to 1. Avoid any favoritism and 2. Not humiliate myself even further. He’s annoying though, and he revels in that, so it might only be a good time for him. Oh, also Anathema and Sidestep. Best bros for life (or death)
Notp: Oh, this one’s tough. Shroud/Sidestep if that’s even a thing. It’s on sight for him with her. He don’t trust random Regenes like that. (Unless it’s a multiple Sidesteps AU) HG/Sidestep too cause… yeah. If you know you know. Icky. Blaze/Sidestep, because I like teasing my friends(?) (acquaintances?) 😉
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jerrythebug · 1 month
So in my read through Booster just died. But through amazing apocalyptic powers he was still up and running, until the evil of the week was defeated. And then Ted (who fucking saved the day!!!! Let's go bug man!!!!! I live for this!!!!) was like let me press the Special Button on your new armor buddy - and now our poor Booster is stuck in that ugly ass tin can permanently, which serves as life support.
He literally died and Beetle raised him from the dead. What's little casual necromancy between friends? Fuck me. Those were great issues. Very homoerotic.
But not great for Bea and Tora - who also had great homoerotic moments (the whole evil Tora kidnapping Bea? Come on! Gay!). I may be reading mainly for the Boostle, but Fire and Ice also had a Very Special Relationship going on that was fun to see, even if I kinda rooted for Guy sometimes (but hey, Tora has two hands! Multi shipping is good for the soul and super fun!). So Ice was brainwashed, went evil for a bit, but in the end she broke through and was killed for it. Which sucks! I liked her so much! I hope she comes back but I don't think she is. She should be resurrected is all I'm saying.
And Superman is back already??? Also with slightly longer hair? I thought he was gone for longer or maybe I'm reading too little too fast. I just complained about knowing that he comes back, saying that maybe sometimes those big characters should die permanently, but now when it's Tora I'm like bring her back this instant I miss her!!!! I miss my cool wife!!!
And coming back to Booster, he was so silly. For the first time he used his Future Knowledge to tell people what was going on. I didn't think he'd do that, to not contaminate the time stream or whatever. The way Ted reacted ughhhhhhhh that was so good! Love those fools! I need to draw them kissing with tongue! I need to draw them more and more!
Overall. The whole end of the world arc with the big evil guy whose name I already forgot was neat! I liked it! Now the League is about to break into more fractions and Extreme Justice with Extreme Art is incoming. More Iron Booster. More spider bug? We'll see!
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