#i am a family gameplay sims person through and through
tr4ggot · 1 year
my life has been forever changed since someone on twitter said that playing their sims save files on long lifespan (with suuuuper long individual life stages through mccc) totally solved their problem of getting bored with saves
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raiiny-bay · 4 months
i haven't actually played sims in almost 2 years
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swallowprettybird · 2 months
Hey! This question is from an anonymous..
Who inspires me?
Thank you for this question! I have so much to say 😍❤️
I have so many people's blogs that inspire me. Unfortunately, they won't all fit here, but there are so many wonderful people, know that you are wonderful! 🫶
Too many letters below in random order under the cut 👇
@bakersimmer inspired me so much with her story and legacy ❤️ I love her light and engaging writing and storytelling style ✍️
Saffron is just a cute little devil whom I love very much 😁 and Anselm.. keep your eyes peeled! ehhh my lovelies 😭❤️
Also, her style of screenshots and game seems to be my favorite on simblr ✨
@onestormeynight and Penny, Blair and Rosie life and them story, they're so so cute and warming my heart ☺️ I adore their story because it is full of family love and understanding, it is a wonderful portion of happiness every episode :з
@elderwisp your arts it's something magical!It inspires me a lot, I love this aesthetic, and it hits the heart 100%, your simstyle very fine and sm tasteful 🧡 and tesselate such a goooood story ohmhm my gosh so good 🤌
@youredreamingofroo i love your Roo universe hehe ❤️ I like to discover him every time learning details about his life and character, it seems as if he is another good friend of ours on Simblr 🤭 It's very inspiring to know own characters better too) And of course, I admire your renders, they are very beautiful and high quality!
@kuroashims and her beautiful blog dedicated to One Peece ❤️ 🧭 If you're like me and have never seen this anime, you'll want to know more about it after discover her page, and if you're a loyal fan, you'll love it even more! Her style is unique in its kind, you won't see anything like it in the sims. And the way she conveys emotions and feelings with just one picture without many words is just something beautiful. It is very inspiring. Elfy is also a wonderful person and a so kind warm friend. 🧝 Je t'aime, ma chère ☺️( btw your French vibe is very inspiring too 😍🤌 belle, incroyablement belle 💅🗼)
@changingplumbob and her amazing stories with amazing families. I love each of them. Kirsty plays the game with a huge and contagious passion. Each of her oc's is different and has its own story.
It's touch me and makes root for each character, through victories, mistakes, and life circumstances. She also has a great sense of humor! Her game sometimes throws up such funny situations! In general, Kirsty knows how to turn the usual gameplay into an exciting journey and I definitely recommend you to join. Also, I am very impressed with her playing style. And if I'm ever going to play a ts4 (as gameplay lmao), she'll definitely be the one to inspire me how.
@holocene-sims i love all about Grant and his life. This is such a vital and real, deep story. I love experiencing all the happy and poignant moments with him as well. His example teaches me not to give up and to live in spite of everything, and to be honest, the thought of this sometimes supported me in difficult moments.
I love talking with you about him and the family and about Junga, she's wonderful. 😇 I'm always looking forward to new episodes.
And Ana is my main inspiration for my main story. If you see a new episode of Cursed Chronicles, you should know that part of the gratitude lies with Ana. ❤️
@matchalovertrait and her beautiful lovely sunshine Noemi and her family ❤️ I will love them always 🥹 It seems to be the warmest, kindest and most loving legacy I know) I like to read it at least to recharge my batteries with this wonderful atmosphere and I immediately want to create something cute and wonderful ☺️
btw Dulce and Ángel has grown so charming!
@miralure your sims just incredible and i love your lookbooks ❤️🤌 You inspire me a lot to create and remade my sims and stand at the CAS like never before! looking forward to hearing new posts from you ☺️
@wistfulpoltergeist You have no idea how much I appreciate this person and his support from the very beginning of my blog❤️ Євгенку ну ти справжнє найсправжнє сонечко 🌞☺️🧡He is a real sunshine. And of course, I adore him both as a creator and a storyteller and as a dad/mom of two beautiful cats Aidan and Arvin 😁 this teo boys so lovely and hot 🤌🔥 і я сподіваюсь ще почути від тебе багато історій ☺️❤️
@aniraklova I think looking at her screenshots, you don't have to say anything, do you? This is an absolutely sky-high level of aesthetics 🤌💅 And I admired their work long before I started the blog, becouse all her cc and all art is something very very inspiring, she really inspired me to create some characters and recent cyberpictures :h Карі ти просто крейзі в найкращому значенні цього слова 😘🔥💋
@vermutandherring another wonderful creator who amazes me with her skill and beauty, It's just so gorgeous, this builds and scenes are incredible and everything I see there I dream of either seeing in my game or just admiring endlessly, so talented artist просто золоті руки 😍
@stellarfalls people who I may not follow much, but people who I consider my great inspirations, who make me want to move on, develop and improve my screenmake skills 🧡 at one time she impressed me a lot with her story&creations and I am still impressed, thank you friend ❤️
@aheathen-conceivably I've probably said it before, but you really do inspire me in a very real way, besides the fact that your dynasty is more than sims, it's a whole bunch and a storm of emotions, these are such real, well-developed characters, I almost cried a few times over some moments... for everyone who is not familiar with the dynasty of this wonderful author, I highly recommend you to read it) and besides, your work inspires me to write my own story too :з it really inspired me for some points of the sequel and thank you to your blog for that)
@circusjuney your style and story, are some of my favorites, and Ellie and Max are the ones I'm really rooting for and worried about ❤️ your blog is very inspiring to me in gґso many ways and makes me glad to be here on simblr ☺️✨🫶
@papermint-airplane I may not have known your blog for that long, but I get excited every time I read about Aiden and his friends again ❤️🫶 I really like your writing style, it's engaging, light and catchy, I love adventure, so it really inspires me to write. and I'd like to send you a special hug as a former fan of the TS3 hehe 🫂
I would also note @weirdosalike because I can't help but note that I am fascinated and obsessed by her story, which makes me just as passionate about creating something 😁
I almost forgot about @theosconfessions Scarlet is so gorgeous, you know what inspires me about your blog? your absolute passion for what you do!
.... oh okay i need a chapter 2 😣😖
There are many more authors whose work I am just getting to know, and I really like them ❤️ Sorry if I didn't mention you i love your blogs too 🥹🫶
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samssims · 5 months
Hi Sam! I was wondering if I could ask for some advice on how to make simblr fun again? I love storytelling (it's how I have fun with the game) but lately with writing posts and even in game, I just find myself stressing over if it's good/interesting enough or if I took good screenshots, if my writing is good, etc. I love this game and sharing my stories with this community, so it sucks to feel like this. Thank you sm ♥
Oh Nonny, how I feel this pain. I wish I had a sure fire answer to this but sadly there isn't just one thing that will work.
I will put some advice below for some things that have worked for me in my experience if you're interested in trying them out to try to find that spark again!
Now I have been on tumblr sharing my sims since 2013 so I have seen the community change a lot. Things change, people come and go, it's just the natural way of things. So a lot of the time your community can change around you and so a few years ago sims storytelling was really popular and it was the thing everyone was doing. And I mean everyone.
But now things have sort of fallen off or shifted and there is no shame in that for those who moved onto other things and hobbies. Sims storytelling, at it's core, is a hobby. No one is making money off of it (unless you write it all down and get it published in which case, hell yeah go you!)
That being said, finding your spark again is going to be finding what YOU like about storytelling in the sims.
So here are some tips you can try out in the game to keep it fresh and exciting:
Play the Game
The game has changed a lot and added a lot. It came out in 2014. It's about to be 10 years old. With expansions still being added. Honestly having a family where you can just play through what the game offers you can offer inspiration on how to use in game things for story related things later on.
I have found having a lowkey gameplay (for yourself or even for your blog if you are posting) is an easy way to stay active in the community while keeping things low stakes and casual for yourself while you work on finding your spark again.
Change Up your Post Style
Idk about you Nonny, but nothing gets me less motivated than having to edit photos. If I could just point, shoot, and post, I would have content coming out my ears. Which is what I started doing with my Princess Legacy. All I do is crop it. I add some things here and there but really it's all pretty much easy.
Now I have done it all.
Prose on photos.
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Prose under photos:
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Icons Only:
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Gameplay Only:
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And finally just cropped:
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Now what is the best? That is personal preference especially for the project you are doing. However I have definitely discovered the crop method to be SUPER helpful.
It makes me not have to worry about the whole photo. Sometimes I have this SUPER awesome detail in the back of a photo but when I crop them I lose all that. Which is not good for storytelling lets be honest but does force me to focus on what is actually important in the shot.
Example: Here is the full cottage photo from above You can see that I cropped out a lot of the cottage in favor of being able to see the deer and swans as i thought that was more a cozy fairytale vibe than just the cottage itself. I lost a lot of this detail yet the point still came across.
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TBH the paired crop photos also makes me cut out a lot of access photos if they don't have a pair. It's sort of made me realize how much I don't need to take screenshots of. Though I am definitely an overtaker of photos so I always have plenty to choose from. Sometimes I even queue them then look back and realize they aren't needed and delete. It's humbled me a bit.
I could break down every one of these posting styles but that's a whole other thing you didn't ask about.
TLDR of this section is to experiment with how you post. You can have a lot of fun with that.
If Something is Boring, Skip it.
Do you hate the infant stage? Age them past it. Do you hate the winter months in game? Set seasons to never have winter. Do you hate in game holidays ruining your plans? Delete them all from your calendar. Is it a crucial part to your story? Not anymore. Write around it. Or find some creative angles and dialogue to write over it.
Make the game fit you!
Follow the Inspo
Have inspiration to make a new sim in CAS? Do it! Want to make a whole new save? Have an idea for one scene that could start a whole story but you have nothing else for it? DO IT!!!
The game is supposed to be fun. If you have inspiration for a project, live in it. Have fun with it.
But Sam, what if only lasts 2 weeks and I never touch it again?
Me too, babes. Happens to me all the time. Own it. Keep it around in case you want to mess with it later. Have 10 million saves. It's your life and if it brings you a moment of joy to work on it, then it totally is worth it.
If you want to be like me: Be chaotic and post it too. Then private the posts later when you decide to never touch it again. Never delete tho. I always tend to regret deleted things.
Find Your Community
You should ultimately write and create for yourself, but find others who are doing it too! Lift them up as well! Use one day a week on your blog to give reblogs or shoutouts to your fellow creators and writers! It's all about lifting each other up and making friends who all have the same hobby as us.
Try New Challenges
A lot of my sims storytelling started from inspiration around legacy challenges. I loved to take challenge rules and figure out how to make a story around them. But remember: Rules are made to be broken. Especially in favor of a good story.
If you are working on a current challenge/story, find another to merge with it or to give yourself a heck of a fun plot twist. There are no rules!
Have Fun!
This is sort of the whole crux of it, right? And if you're not having fun then...
Take a Break
You are not beholden to your queue! Let it die out! Disappear for 6 months. Return when you want. Go play Animal Crossing or BG3 or whatever it is at the moment. Sims is a hobby. But it does not have to be your ONLY hobby. Let your brain rest.
In my case, whenever I leave the sims I am always filled with ideas and ready to come back in like 3 days.
This could also mean take a break from your save too. Maybe spend some time in CAS. Or in build mode. Or cleaning out your mods. You can still do sims things while letting your story brain rest.
There is no right answer for this, Nonny. I promise your photos are all gorgeous and your story is wonderful! But creativity like anything ebbs and flows so give yourself that grace to let yourself rest and just enjoy the game again, or enjoy time away from it! You deserve it you superstar creator!
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anamoon63 · 5 months
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From this moment on I go into busy mode again, but I didn't want to leave without wishing all my mutuals and all simblrs in general a very Happy New Year 2024 and dedicate some words I have been meaning to say to you but hadn't found the time or the appropriate way to do it.
I'll start by saying to all of you who had a hard time in 2023, those who went through depression, physical and/or mental health problems, family problems, marital problems, work problems, problems with your children, with your partners, with your parents or grandparents. To all those who in some way suffered or were hurt in the year that is ending -and assuming that all of us here, or most of us, are storytellers-, my advice is: don't stop writing, ever. Keep doing it through it all, through the good times as well as the bad; write even if the tears well up in your eyes and fall on the keyboard. Just write!
Writing heals, cures and consoles, because it is what we do and because there is no better way to get out all that we carry inside, be it sad or happy. I went through the long night of depression myself and I can say with all certainty that writing was what pulled me through, and that although it may not seem so, there is light at the end of the tunnel, and it's never as dark as when it's about to dawn. I suffered from depression since 2006 and for many years; around that time I started a novel that took me 14 years to write. Through all that time, I slowly healed, and by the time I finished, I was free of all the demons that drove me to write that particular story in the first place.
Okay, enough of me, I want to tell my mutuals, that I love what you write/create, and I really enjoy your work, be it stories or gameplay; and not only those who write, but also those who make custom content, mods, those who create any kind of art, those who take beautiful pictures, those who share memes or funny things about their pets. All of you, know that I read you every day and I take you with me everywhere I go, because you are so talented, creative, funny and interesting.
I don't always have the courage to comment on your posts, be it about sims or personal, for different reasons, mainly because of language barriers, because as you know, English is not my native language, and sometimes I don't have my translator at hand to confirm that what I am writing is correct, or if there is a spelling or grammar mistake or a typo in there; also because of my social awkwardness, as I am a rather shy and introverted person; and the fact that I'm an old simmer, cause believe me, compared to many of you I am old, and this makes me afraid of saying something out of place, out of time, or of being politically incorrect. This may sound silly, but I was born and raised in a time where people thought and acted very differently, even in my early years of sims on the internet, everything was way different than it is now. Well, those are the reasons why I don't always comment, but the fact is that I read you, I like what you do, what you write, I'm in love with your characters -who are already part of my sim-universe-; your stories capture my imagination, intrigue me, interest me, amuse me and, above all, teach me, because I've learned a lot from you, talented creatures, in the time I've been reading your work.
Anyway, I got off my chest what I've been wanting to tell you for days now. I also want to thank you for all your likes, comments, questions, messages, and in general for all the love I received from you this year, it's amazing. I never expected so much in just one year, really. So, thank you, both to those who have been following me for a long time, and have stayed with me and my chaotic stories, and to the new followers, Sims 3 and Sims 4, I thank you all.
Well, this was already very long, sorry for the rambling, lol, I wish each and every one of you a very Happy New Year, may all your dreams and plans become a beautiful reality in the year that begins, because, believe me, some dreams do come true, I had the joy of confirming it right at the end of this year.
That's all, a big hug and a very, very happy 2024 everyone! 🤗❤️🎇
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hood-simz · 2 months
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→PSA/Intro! (read b4 u have a bitchfit)←
The name is Piqt and this blog is 18+. My playstyle features the lifestyles that stray away from the typical "happy-nucleur-family-in-windenberg" type stuff and instead sheds light onto the other side of the pond. I'm on Windows, play with almost every pack due to a beautiful thing called ✨piracy✨, been in the game since the month it released (in case you need to reach out to someone seasoned for troubleshooting), and am currently using 5+ GB of cc/scripts.
WCIF friendly and I hope I can actually help you in that regard through my shitmix of a folder!
Going forward, since you will encounter content in this pinned post that some in the community have had literal tantrums about, I would like to state ✨EA is a leech, delivers broken content again and again for a loaded price and doesn't deserve your morality✨ and I, as someone who has been pirating since 2005, will keep pirating it's content and advocating for others to do so. In the terms of me sharing my own + others mod folders, I also give 0 fucks about someone losing .3 cents of ad revenue as I believe internet ads are literal acidic dogshit and shouldn't exist.
→Tags for this blog←
#thebuildtag [my own builds]
#thescenerytag [scenery edits]
#thelifetag [portrait/life shots]
#thememetag [meme/shitposts/glitches]
#favbuilds [builds i love by others]
#favcontenttag [content i love by others]
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The Masterposts!
◤Anadius's Twitter (site in bio)
→Kinda speaks for itself. Kudus to this guy for his work & time in creating such programs for our community!
◤Blogger who compiles DLC content made BGC by various creators
→An absolute godsend before I got the courage to tell EA to go fuck itself and just rip their entire game + all their packs. These creators are absolutely amazing for doing this♡
◤Sims 4 Mod Manager
→Vital in any scenario when sorting mods/cc due to it's access of all the thumbnails, but you just gotta have this if you're gonna download someone's 50+ GB mod folders like I tend to do. Kudos to this guy as well for an amazing, user friendly program!
◤Sims 4 Price Call Out
→A while back I made a post calling out the insane price EA makes for content that lacks its worth + is almost always broken upon release, leaving us to fix it. This post is updated every few months and is there to show you just how much your paying for assets that lack functionality + are bare minimum in terms of design.
◤Paysitesmustbedestroyed + TS4Rebels
→Both sites hold cc content that is blocked behind paywalls.
◤My personal Mod Folder + recommended/best scripts↓
→*take note as its been a few patches since I made this list and folder, both could be out of date though as of today (04/04/24) it works- check with creator pages/popular conflict detectors if worried*
Mod Folder (5+ GB)
Script List w/ links
Though this blog is mainly a simblr-story type blog, it will also feature CC I find appealing + reblogs of other simmer's gameplay. If you find yourself ever with a broken game, need to find CC, or just need basic troubleshooting help, shoot me an ask/PM and I'll try my best to help!! Also, though it's pretty abandoned, my older storylines are over on insta @ hoodsimz if you want to check it out
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major-simmer · 5 months
The Ultimate Barbie Challenge!
[uploaded 1/8/24]
Hello everyone! This is my take on a Barbie challenge, inspired by @sims-himbo 's Barbie Legacy Challenge, and it's a beast! This is my first challenge made, so I hope it's descent, and if anyone has suggestions, please let me know. Now, let's get started!
This challenge can be played in three different ways: Legacy, Super Sim, or a mix of both depending on your playstyle.
Legacy gameplay is best done using groups of siblings as desired, but if you like the challenge of a 48 generation save, who am I to stop you! The main importance is to always, regardless if blood or adoptive relative, have your sims be a direct descendant of your first Barbie, so that the family tree remains unbroken.
For Super Sim, I recommend having your primary Barbie be the parent of Barbie's friends and family, so that you can have many sims earn their own Potion of Youth for her, and always keep her young! Additionally, though it's not truly in her spirit, you may also sacrifice sims to a Cow Plant. She may not, however, turn into a Vampire or Werewolf for immortality. It's Barbie!
For a mix of both, I would reccomend a legacy with Barbie as the start, and then her descendants going through the career paths and earning Potions of Youth for her as you go, that way there is always variety of new unique sims but you have one main one you're keeping alive and well. If you would like, she could be on her own track going through any or all Sims 4 careers and lifetime goals alongside her dedicated team of Barbie descendants, who are being their own embodiments of their paths. The choice is yours! There are many careers or paths not included in this long list, so you may also focus on those if you desire.
To continue on a thread mentioned, aside from your first sim being Barbie, each sim played as "Barbie" does not need to be her herself, she can have variations of the name Barbara, be one of Barbie's friends or family, and, if you aren't looking for a matriarchal legacy, even be Kens, Allans, etc!
With all those choices out of the way, let's establish rules: all modding is free game, as I'm not going to say how you play your game, but no aging or money cheats. If at the start (or anytime, truly) you wish to do a rags to riches you may cheat money down to 0. Also, choice of where to live is up to you, the bigger the better in my opinion, but if your chosen (bulldozed, as no free mansions, though regular houses without any cheats are fine as is) lot is too expensive you may use freerealestate to get it. Since the former doesn't add and the latter gives the challenge of higher bills early on, these are the only exceptions. If you wish to disregard, obviously go ahead, but this gives your early sim some challenge that later sims will not have, as they will be swimming in generational money! If you so choose, of course.
Now it's time to address the elephant in the room: 48 career paths! You heard that right! I went through a list of Barbie's careers through the years, and then picked out ones in chronological order that matched a Sim career to make this challenge.
As this post is quite long already, under the cut I'm going to first list out the career paths in order, and then make a longer list giving information and details (WIP). When it's available, I reccomend using desktop to be able to ctrl+F any you have questions on, but all should be self explanatory as any non careers will say Business or Freelance. I will also be discussing the history of each choice, and may include photos of the respective first Barbie's of the career! I may also make it a seperate post, however... We'll see. :)
I also want to address why I made this challenge: while I enjoyed the concept of sims-himbo's challenge, I couldn't personally connect with the legacy originator being a housewife! She's Barbie! She deserves more credit than that, as historically and presently being a housewife is a thankless, paycheck-less job, so I wanted to go back to her roots for this challenge instead. Barbie is a career woman first and foremost, and I wanted to honor that.
So far, the gamepacks needed for this challenge are:
Expansions: Get to Work, City Living, Cats & Dogs, Seasons, Get Famous, Island Living, Discover University, Eco Lifestyle, Cottage Living, Horse Ranch
Game Packs: Outdoor Retreat, Dine Out, Strangerville, Dream Home Decorator
But any you don't have are easily skippable, and are not necessary for experiencing the fun of this challenge, as there are many careers like Firefighter I wish I could have added but are not available. In fact, there are packs I included that I don't even have, but they're there because Barbie did them. So don't be afraid to join in as is, roleplay, or mod for your own fun!
And now, the list!
Style Influencer: Trendsetter
Style Influencer: Stylist
Singer Freelancer
Athlete: Professional Athlete
Part Time: Babysitter
Business: Management
Entertainer: Musician
Astronaut: Space Ranger
Education: Professor
Equestrian Freelancer
Part Time: Fast Food Attendant
Veterinarian Business Owner
Bakery Business/Restaurant Owner
Military: Officer
Military: Covert Operator
Restaurant Owner
Culinary: Chef
Part Time: Retail Employee
Part Time: Lifeguard
Part Time: Scuba Diver
Paleontologist Collector Freelancer
Shop Business Owner
Florist Freelancer
Politician: Politician (lol)
Secret Spy: Diamond Agent
Part Time: Barista
Photographer Freelancer
Pet Breeder Freelancer
Criminal: Oracle
Civil Designer: Civil Planner
Engineer: Computer Engineer
Conservationist: Marine Biologist
Game Developer Freelancer
Artist Freelancer
Beekeepee Freelancer
Farmer Freelancer
Engineer: Mechanical Engineer
Chicken Farmer Freelancer
Insect Collector Freelancer
Law: Judge
Writer: Journalist
Civil Designer: Green Technician
Athlete: Bodybuilder
Conservationist: Environmental Manager
Interior Decorator
Here is the beginning of the next, longer list, as a teaser...
1. Style Influencer: Trendsetter
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This Barbie's original career, as seen on her box, is teenage fashion model, and in the Sims 4 Trendsetter is the best match. She is the first Barbie ever produced, and an iconic one at that!
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starandsims · 8 months
Poche Legacy Intro
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Welcome to the Poche Legacy!
Family Tree | Characters | Gen 1 (Normal Type)
In this gameplay I will be sharing the story of the Poche family! I will be following along with the Pokémon Type Legacy Challenge created by @smurfingg! I found this challenge just scrolling through the legacy tag on Tumblr and ever since I haven't been able to get it out of my head! I'm a little intimidated by the idea of 18 generations so I'm not sure how far I'll make it but right now I'm super excited! I love Pokémon and I love the sims so how could I resist at least trying?
You can see all the official rules for the challenge on the link above, so I won't go into all of it here, instead I'll just say some specific things about my personal ideas. I sort of built-up a save file, really, I just filled Newcrest with gallery builds and filled it with some original sims as well as some of the non-default EA townies. I kept some of the originals but I'm so tired of seeing all the same people in every game and I only recently discovered that Maxis has uploaded a ton of townies to the gallery that are throwbacks or just pretty cool. I know I'm late on that info, but I went a little wild adding a bunch of new townies to the world once I discovered it.
My legacy sims will all be in some way named after a Pokémon, but it won't always be obvious, and of course the Pokémon they are named after will be the type of whichever generation they're part of.
As with all of my content, I am adult so the things I post will have adult themes and will sometimes involve content not appropriate for minors. Please be wary of this if you are under 18 and viewing my posts. Posts will be tagged appropriately; explicit posts will be marked in the title as well. However, if there is something I have missed I respectfully ask that you please message me privately to alert me.
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coolunspokenforname · 2 years
The “Building a Legacy” Challenge
The main premise of this challenge is to create a family in which each heir creates a legacy for themselves. This doesn’t have to be a world renowned legacy, but one where they are at least well known in a select group of people. For instance, one sim can be remembered as a programmer who created a virus and all programmers know their name, but can be completely unknown to the average person. You do not need to make these people celebrities, if you have get famous, but can if you want. Some generations have less goals or story than others, so you are able to choose what happens and expand on the sim’s personality.
Notes: If you don’t have a pack and need a replacement let me know, since I enjoy writing these and I don’t want people to feel left out because they don’t have a pack. Just mention if you’re just base game or which packs you do have, and I’ll do my best to create generations you are able to play. I don’t know much about the newer packs, so those may take a tiny bit longer, but otherwise I am totally happy to change a couple things. Also, I have not actually gone through this challenge, so if any parts are actually impossible, just let me know.
No cheats that give a gameplay advantage (however, for aspirations like Renaissance Sim that require one or more careers that are different from the career mentioned in the legacy goals, it is okay to cheat that part after completing everything else in the aspiration level)
Normal lifespan
Start with young adult (for story reasons, you can get a roommate if you want)
Unless it is in the goals of the generation you don’t have to complete the aspiration
Live anywhere unless specified in the generation’s story
Gender of sims is unspecified, it’s up to you
Very few generations mention spouses, so it’s normally up to you on your sims’ relationships
Extra goals are at the bottom, but aren’t necessary 
Gen 1: Musician 
Aspiration: Musical Genius 
Music Lover
Self Assured
Story: You've grown up being told music is useless and never had access to musical instruments. Now that you've become a young adult you are desperate to not just listen to music, but also create it. Unfortunately, with how little you were allowed to even see instruments, you don't even know where to start. You don't give up, though, and make it your goal to not only find what your preferred instrument is, but also master it and become famous.
Try all instruments, get at least level 2 in each
Complete Musical Genius aspiration
Level 10 of chosen instrument
Level 10 of entertainer career (Musician Branch) 
Gen 2: Actor
Aspiration: Master Actor
Self Absorbed
High Maintenance
Story: Your parent started out with nothing and in their lifetime rose to the top. You plan to use the fame you got from your connection to them to meet or even surpass their fame. In your teen years you tried to become a youtuber, but when you realized that wouldn't work, you decided to become an actress. After all, you’ve always been able to twist your parent(s) around your finger, how difficult would it be to wrap the audience around it too?
Make videos as teen
Complete Master Actor aspiration
Level 10 acting
Level 10 actor career
Gen 3: Conservationist
Aspiration: Beach Life
Child of the island
Story: All your early life was spent running around with your parent, never really stopping and having a chance to breathe. As soon as you can you get out of that life and move to Sulani, hoping that the islands would give you some much needed relaxation. However, you soon find out how polluted the island is. While you still take time to relax, you start to clean up the islands and make it your goal to create better islands for the future generations.
Heal Sulani
Complete Island Living aspiration
Level 10 conservationist career (Environmental Manager Branch)
Gen 4: Archeologist
Aspiration: Archeology Scholar
Loves the outdoors
Story: You loved travelling, enjoying going to the different islands of your home. You loved exploring the oceans and that, eventually, turned into loving exploring everywhere. You also loved learning of the different histories of places. When you learned that you could find these mysteries yourself, you jumped at the chance. Though, you also had a great love of teaching people about history, educating the future generations. So, you set to combine those two things, becoming a professor and vacationing to Selvadorada every weekend to dig for artefacts.
Put artefacts found in museum
Complete Archeologist aspiration
Level 10 archeology
Level 10 education career (Professor Branch)
Gen 5: Criminal
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
Family Oriented
Story: All your life you've lived in comfort. Your family was well off, especially with one of your parents being a professor, and often went on vacations. You wanted to give your children the same kind of life, so as soon as you became a young adult you joined the business career. However, you hated the work and the pay was terrible. You never could sit still, and working at an office, sitting at a computer all day, sounds like torture. Only a few days after you joined the work you decided to quit. Unfortunately, that rushed decision left you with no backup plan, and no one wanted to hire you. Well, almost no one. That’s how you ended up working at a criminal organization and deciding to make it work.
Work in business career for a few days
Move house often after entering the criminal career
Complete Fabulously Wealthy aspiration
Level 10 criminal career (Boss Branch)
Gen 6: Detective
Aspiration: Super Parent
Story: Your parent was one of the biggest crime bosses in the country and, surprisingly, was an incredibly good parent. Sure, they were sometimes a bit distant, and they didn’t talk about their job at all. Plus all the moving so they couldn’t be tracked, but otherwise they were a great parent. However, you still didn’t feel entirely comfortable with their job. Maybe it was because of all the detective and cop shows you watched as a kid. You decided to follow those interests into adulthood and your parent was still proud of you. You made it your goal to be as good as them to your kids, along with excelling at your job.
Convict 3 criminals
Complete Super Parent aspiration
Level 10 detective career
Level 10 parenting
Gen 7: Artist
Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire
Art Lover
Story: Your parent wanted the best for you and your siblings, but you never made it easy for them. Argumentative as a child and teen, you often snuck out of the house to hang out with your friends. You were often grounded and, when you didn’t sneak out, painted to pass the time. It was actually quite helpful for your emotional state, and you began to paint more and more, eventually deciding to make a career of it. Soon enough you were selling masterpieces to rich buyers, but something was missing. You had fallen out of love with your highschool partner, and they didn’t love you either. You parted ways peacefully, and still talk to them once in a while.
Keep 5 masterpieces to put in museum
Breakup/Divorce highschool partner, but stay friends
Level 10 artist career (Master of the Real Branch)
Level 10 painting
Gen 8: Politician
Aspiration: Eco Innovator
Green Fiend
Story: You’ve always been very connected to nature, enjoying exploring it as a child. As you grew up, though, you began to see your neighbourhood get dirtier, more polluted. As a teen you decided to work to fix it, and the best way in your eyes was to become a politician. On your way to the top you lost a few friends, but you were focused on your goal and didn’t care. You tried to be there for your child, but with the debates and charity balls, they were sometimes put on the backburner. You reasoned that you were doing this for them, so they could live a childhood like you did, but still felt bad about your distance. You decided, then, to have another child for them to have company.
Complete Eco Innovator aspiration
Level 10 politician career (Politician Branch)
Level 10 charisma
Gen 9: Astronaut
Aspiration: Nerd Brain
Story: You were your parent’s second child, and it was clear that they just had you so you could keep your sibling company. However, you weren’t fishes, and growing up you hated each other. You also hated the world your parent had spent their life cleaning, so you wanted to leave it. Space was always interesting, and it was an escape since you were young, so you decided to become an astronaut. However, when you finally got to the alien world after years of work, you realized that you loved your home just as much. While you still love space and going to the alien world, you now spend most of your life with your feet on the ground, and try to create a new connection with your sibling.
Go to alien world
Level 10 astronaut career (Space Ranger Branch)
Level 10 rocket science
Gen 10: Vet
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Cat/Dog Lover
Story: You’ve never been the most outgoing person, and always preferred animals to people. It wasn’t that you didn’t like people, but that you felt like animals would never leave you. You got a dog when you became a teen, and after realizing how expensive vet visits were, you started learning how to treat pet’s illnesses, often going to classes on the weekend. As you got better, you started helping other people’s pets too, and eventually decided to get a vet clinic. However, in your free time you still take care of strays, and even adopt one that you got attached to.
Get vet clinic to 5 stars
Treat strays in free time
Adopt  at least one stray
Level 5 veterinarian skill
Gen 11: Scientist
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Story: As a teen you helped out at your parent’s vet clinic, and you really enjoyed it. Your friends always said that you were lucky, since not only was the job fun, but you were also getting paid, unlike other friends who were helping out their families’ businesses. Your favourite part of the job was creating the anecdotes and treats. Your family has always called you their “little scientist” and you actually really liked the idea of that, so when you became a young adult you started working for a science lab. You have a lot of invention ideas, and you’re excited to bring them into the world.
Work in the vet as a teen
Level 10 of scientist career
Be good friends with your child
Gen 12: Hero
Aspiration: StrangerVille Mystery
Family Oriented
Story: You have always been a bit of a conspiracy theory nut. You trusted your parent, of course you did, but always felt like the system was strange, that there was something hidden from the both of you. That’s why, when you start noticing people acting strangely and alien fruits popping up, you know it’s something to do with that lab in the middle of the crater. You start to research and even sneak into the lab to find out, but when you were almost there your friend/partner gets infected too. Now you're desperately searching for a way not to just help them, but also to stop whatever is going on.
Have a friend get infected
Complete StrangerVille Mystery aspiration
Note: This generation, after completing the mystery, is pretty loose. You can add on to this whatever you wish, whether it be a different career or, if you have the paranormal pack, they can even be a paranormal investigator. (while that sounds interesting, I can’t actually play that out, so it’s not in the challenge) Though, I would recommend they be either a freelancer or self employed.
Gen 13: Chef
Aspiration: Party Animal
Dance Machine
Story: You’ve always loved the party life and food, so you decide to make your life all about those two things. Why not? You are always either at work, at the club, or throwing parties. You are the go to party planner, and are constantly looking for a thrill. After a one night stand you are left with a child, and trying to make it work with a person you barely know.
Throw 5 parties (at least 1 gold)
Complete Party Animal aspiration
Level 10 cooking
Level 10 culinary career (Chef Branch)
Gen 14: Social Media
Aspiration: Soulmate
High Maintenance
Story: You felt that your parent never really cared about you, but you refused to let it get you down. As a kid you start posting videos on the internet, and as you grow up the interest stays. Eventually you get a job with a social media company, and you quickly rise to fame. You love how everyone looks at you, how you’re able to influence everyone. One day, though, you meet someone who doesn’t seem to know who you are, and you fall deeply in love with them. You didn’t know much about love, your parents didn’t have it, and you never felt it until now, but you know you can’t let this person go. You both have a whirlwind romance and marry only a year after you met. Maybe you rushed into it, but you never looked back.
Marry spouse soon after meeting them
Complete Soulmate aspiration
Level 10 of social media career (Internet Personality Branch)
Gen 15: Athlete
Aspiration: Bodybuilder
Story: Most of your early life you were a geek, interested in video games and computers, never leaving the house, the works. In highschool you were mercilessly teased by most of the more popular kids, except for one. They were an athlete, not the most popular, but close enough to the top. They start talking to you, and after becoming friends they invite you to join a team. You find out you really love sports and, possibly, like your friend too. You both get a job as athletes, and rise the ranks together. Then tragedy strikes. They pass, and you’re left alone, wishing you had told them your feelings and wishing you could see them again. Still, you try to move on, becoming one of the most famous athletes in the world. You find love again, and name your first child after your friend. Even after all that has changed in your life, you still enjoy playing video games in your spare time, and you pass that love down to your child/children.
Be best friends with one of the popular kids in highschool
Lose that friend as a young adult
Level 10 fitness skill
Level 10 athlete career (Professional Athlete Branch)
Gen 16: Programmer
Aspiration: Computer Whiz
Story: Your parent was an athlete, but they still loved computers and video games. You got that from them, and since you were young you tried to learn how computers worked. You loved to figure out how computers and robots worked, and even started a robotics club at your highschool. You always got good grades, but that never stopped you from hacking into the school and improving your friend’s grades. Why would you get a part time job when you could get three times that by hacking into the Landgrab funds. However, after your rebellious teen years you want to do good, deciding to start building robots that help others.
Level 10 engineer career (Computer Engineer Branch)
Level 10 programing
Level 10 robotics
Gen 17: Writer
Aspiration: Bestselling Author
Story: You’ve always loved reading. Since you were little your parent would read to you, and as you grew up you created new stories. However, in your teen years you gained a new interest. You found out in class that generations ago there was a musician with your name. Looking deeper, through births, marriages, adoptions, and deaths, you find out that you are directly related to them. They are your great (x14) grandparent. Having learned this, you decide to look into your family history, only to realize that they all became famous, even your parent. You don’t expect to become famous, but decide that you have to write down their lives and publish them. But, to your surprise, bringing your family’s history into the public made you famous as well.
Level 10 writing
Level 10 writer career (Author Branch)
Write one non-fiction book for each prior generation
Extra Goals:
Gen 1-Play at one community lot in each world (except vacation worlds)
Gen 2-Go to the spa every weekend (or multiple times a week)
Gen 3-Have two kids, one becomes diver the other is the heir
Gen 4-Lecture about archeology to at least five other sims
Gen 5-Cause a sim’s death
Gen 6-Marry a lawyer/criminal
Gen 7-Get back with ex
Gen 8-Live in a green neighbourhood
Gen 9-Have one alien kid (can be heir or not)
Gen 10-Get level 5 training skill
Gen 11-Complete whiz kid childhood aspiration
Gen 12-After healing friend live together for the rest of their life (can be as just friends, QPR, partner, or spouse)
Gen 13-Get level 10 gourmet cooking
Gen 14-Post one video every week from teen to elder
Gen 15-Play video games whenever you have the time
Gen 16-Create a simbot
Gen 17-Visit every place your ancestors have left themselves in (paintings, photos, important objects, ect)
Extra Overall Goal: Create a museum to remember all your sims. Include things like books written, paintings they made, pictures of them and their spouses, etcetera. (A warning-If you go to university and live on campus all pictures/previous degree plaques in household inventory will be reset, deleting all info on them)
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simgerale · 1 year
Any tips on sticking with a legacy? It's amazing to me you have Sims from 2016!
ooh!! i know many people struggle with sticking to their sim families, but i will try to give my most relevant advice!
✨ miranda’s tips and tricks ✨
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for me, I can only stick with sims that i am connected to. this means creating a backstory (or actively playing through a story i’ve made for them), giving them real personalities outside of sim traits, and figuring out what their favorite hobbies and interests are! it’s important to me that i don’t limit my creativity to in-game things, even if that means i can only imagine that a sim does a certain activity (or pose them doing it)! you’ll get bored real fast if you decide that they have to fit a mold.
with each generation, i’m trying to do something different and new. The easiest way to get lost in the motions is to do something repetitive! sure, there can be a lot of similarities from one gen to the next, but variation is key! [Ex #1: gen 1 had two kids, gen 2 had three kids, and now gen 3 has one kid] [Ex #2: vibes have been quite different. Gen 1 was more gameplay, gen 2 was full of spicy drama, gen 3 has been about finding oneself amidst relationships + enjoying the little things]
On that same note, I want romance in each generation. And as a hopeless romantic, i have used a different trope every time! It keeps things interesting while also playing to cheesy cliches that everyone can’t help but enjoy. you could also have the ‘no romance but sleeps around’ generation to shake things up [gen 1: forbidden love except not forbidden, just frowned upon at the time] [gen 2: best friends become lovers but with a SLOW burn] [gen 3: fake lovers to real lovers]
using gameplay outcomes to help further your legacy helps. i know the game is lacking…. Take it from me as someone who owns only 10% of the packs lol. but I try my best to let the game decide on some things while guiding it in other areas! your sim is actually bad at something you thought they’d be good at? cool that could change their career! your sim suddenly wants to have another baby and it isn’t planned? up to you, but it could open up lots of opportunities! your game killed off a parent too soon? rip but maybe you can use that for your heir’s personality development lol
if you’re intimidated by following certain guidelines, you don’t have to! I’ve set my own (can’t age up the heirs to see what they’ll look like, can’t travel to worlds that would realistically be too far away for every day activities, try your best to have family events/holidays)
my final tips go hand in hand: take your time and only play when it’s enjoyable. if the fact that i still have a sim from late 2016 isn’t hint enough, i can tell you that I’ve only played my legacy when I absolutely wanted to. if i wasn’t feeling it, i didn’t bother because i wouldn’t have enjoyed myself! this meant that i would go periods without playing (and posting), but i can speak from experience when I say that it has been for the best!!!
all of this is to say… everybody is different! what works for me may not work for you. overall, do what makes you have fun. as long as it is isn’t hurting other people, you’re doing great 😌
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bbdoll · 2 years
Can We Chat?
I have a theory that tumblr algorithms are taking over my preferences! Tell me why I had to refollow 10 simblrs that I KNOW I would never have unfollowed?! Hell, I barely use the unfollow feature and I can’t imagine how many more I’m missing! This irks my nerves. 
Also, my dash “seems’ dead all the time AND I hear this a lot from other simmers but I follow about 1k people and as soon as I check on them through the “following” section it states that they posted about 5 mins ago. Like WTH?! So basically they’re posting...it’s just not showing on my dash. It’s really getting old and annoying. 
Is a bit disappointing for me. I play tested through a week to discover that I had no notification for Prom. I LOVE some of the features but feel that yet again it leaves more effort for creative minds instead of thorough gameplay that I’m missing. Still waiting to:
Sit criss cross on the floor
get invited to a party and sneak out
sit on the bed cross legged.
and pretty much every other feature that i saw in the EA walkthrough.
I also noticed the CAS glitch which I HATE and am creating yet another save. You know the one where you buy an outfit on Trendi and later find out that you have doubles in your CAS category! 😡
You know me. All I ever want to do is just play the damn game. I’m not story driven for that very reason and only IMO it takes too much effort. As a person who doesn’t really play with MODS I see very clearly that it’s NECESSARY to have them in order to even have a story let alone real gameplay!
I still don’t want them. So I think what I need to do is redirect my energy back into focusing on randomness with photos, more builds, sims, and pets. I can’t be bothered with this glitchy mess rn. Every time I try to have a family with a rich story line to engage you all something happens. As bad as I want that... similar to other simmers who inspire me, obviously it’s not my cup of tea with the way my game is setup sans mods.
Yet again, I’m in the middle of trying something off the wall. I want to redesign my sim style. I can’t take this game serious so something even more vanilla and cartoony. Similar to Alice down the rabbit hole bc that’s how I’m feeling atm.
p.s. I really really miss you @vonehilda + @giraffesvoice-whalesear. ❤️
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moyokeansimblr · 2 years
Moyo Plays ts3
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Introducing Jeremiah Lucero, a sim I made about a year ago to do an "All Lifetime Wishes Challenge" in sims 3. Originally I had been recording zero commentary gameplay of it on youtube but since I have a simblr these days I figure it's not worth the extra strain on my laptop to record when I can just take pics of important things.
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I play sims 3 with super minimal CC, mainly just defaults and store content. It's my version of maxis-match I guess. Here's Jeremiah's outfits.
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Here's his personality. The first LTW I started doing before stopping to play sims 2 for 10 months was to become a superstar athlete. Yes, I'm not even through *one* ltw yet.
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He is level 7 though right now so he's getting close! I'm not sure which ltw to do next, I made a spreadsheet of them all but my only criteria is going by EP ie all the basegame ones first. As why I don't have any EPs that add ltws enabled. Only basegame, generations, seasons, and stuff packs enabled.
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He does have two kids. He got abducted a while ago and had Pluto Shukepoj and Pluto's imaginary friend Pat. They're currently at boarding school because I honestly wasn't ready for there to be any more sims until I did family related ltws but I get attached to things easily so there was no way I could've sent Pluto back to space. But I can send them to boarding school 😉
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I aim to do ALL of the ltws with Jeremiah alone, so I'm saving up his points for a young again potion because he's already most the way through his young adult years. I've got it on a Long lifespan but it's already on Week 7. I haven't decided if I am going to try to keep the kids young or let them get older than Jeremiah. Probably the latter because they're not the focus of this challenge.
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Anyway, he's just as pudding-y as sims 3 sims always are. But I remember having loads of fun with this before my sims 2 stretch so I'm excited to jump back into it today.
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meet-the-bordens · 1 year
Magic Realms Legacy Challenge (Sims 4)
Originally my plan had been to write the challenge then play test it. Then, after I played it, I would share with you all the rules and all that jazz. The reasoning behind that idea was if I needed to tweak the rules here or there I could do that as I played, and then let y'all see the finished project. HOWEVER I am a slow sims player. Blame it on being full-time employee with 3 kids. So, the new gameplan: I'm gonna post the challenge rules here if you would like to play the challenge yourself. **THESE ARE NOT THE FINALIZED RULES** So expect things possibly to be a bit wonky and/or difficult to play. Having that said I'll post more regularly updates of my family as I also play-test through the challenge. So, good luck, and I hope you enjoy.
Basic Rules:
You begin your magical journey with a non-magical sim accidentally stumbling upon great power and passing it along genetically.
Each heir focuses on a ‘magic type’ within the game. This is not limited to gameplay within ‘Realms of Magic’ but includes aspirations/skills/goals that give your sim ‘magical-like’ abilities. The goal is to experience the game in a new, fun, and challenging way.
Cheats can be used but try and keep it to a minimum. Suggestion: Its always a good idea to use freerealestate when getting your first home, but not using cheats after that.
Having that said, cheats may need to/can be used at the beginning of the challenge to make adjustments to your Hermit, so they are capable of ‘Trying for a Baby’ with your Sim Use testingcheats on paired with cas.fulleditmode in order to shift+rightclick the Hermit and select the Modify in CAS selection. Or (with the Growing Together pack) you could opt to have a 'Science Baby'.
Every generation should complete their career and aspiration of the heir unless otherwise stated in the challenge.
Lifespan is on Normal
Careers/Aspirations/Traits of spouse shouldn’t matter unless specified in the challenge.
Each heir will be given a magical preference. What that means, is that is the type of magic they practice when they practice magic. They stay within that type of magic unless otherwise instructed. They don’t waste their time with any other magic types. However, they also are not required to master their preferred type of magic unless otherwise specified.
Some heirs are also given a familiar. How and when you get those familiars is completely up to you; as long as your sim does have a familiar in their life, for a fair amount of time.
‘Discovering Our Roots’ - Gen 1
You’re a kind of awkward sim who has trouble making strong relationships. But you dream of one day having your fairytale moment where your one true love will whisk you away. You love being outside in the dirt, so you spend your time finding excuses to do so. You also are a big fan of camping.
One night while camping you hear a strange mystical sound from somewhere deep in the woods and decide to follow it. You manage to find the source of the sound, but not without injuring yourself. Luckily, you’ve stumbled upon a kind soul. You stay at their home while you heal and are introduced to a new and exciting world. You also believe you may have met your one true love. They teach you what they know about herbalism, a magical practice, and about the true meaning of love and friendship.
Unfortunately, your lives are too different to be able to stay together. Your whirlwind romance is over before it ever really got started. But you do not go home empty handed. You take to expanding your knowledge of Herbalism, feeling that mastering the skill, in a way, keeps you and your lover close. You also do your very best to give your special child as normal of a life as possible. That includes raising the child in a happy, loving, two-parent home. You never let your child know that their other parent is different from the person they grew up with or that they are in any way different at all.
Traits: Clumsy/Socially Awkward/Romantic
Career: Gardener
Aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast
Skills to Master: Herbalism/Gardening/Charisma
Goals: Complete the Outdoor Enthusiast Aspiration/ Get to level 10 in the Gardener Career/ Have a Cowplant/ Raise Bees and/or Grub/Insect / Become Friends with the Hermit/ ’Get injured’ while camping; stay the rest of your vacation at the Hermit’s house (at least 3 days). Never speak to them again after. /Have a child with the Hermit (Child must be a spellcaster. **)/ Get married to a non-occult sim/ Complete the Insect Collection/Grow a Death Flower that gets passed on throughout generations (You will use the death flower in gen 9 so hold onto it!)
**Can either use cheats to make Sim a spellcaster (traits.equip_trait trait_Occult_WitchOccult) or you can choose to have your sim explore their magical heritage later in life.
‘Unleashing the Beast Inside’ - Gen 2
You grew up living a normal, average life. But you always knew you were destined for greatness. There was always just something different about you when it came to others. It was something your family always noticed but kept quiet about. You always knew they were keeping a secret from you, but you never knew what.  It caused you to mistrust your relationships with people. You find that you make better animal friends than those of the human variety.
Growing up with that mistrust has followed you into adulthood. Your best friend has always been the animal (cat or dog) that you received as a teen. The two of you share an unbreakable bond. It shapes who you are as an adult and guides your career choice. The bond between the two of you is so strong in fact that when they die they return to you as a spirit. As your spirit guide and your familiar, your beloved pet helps guide you through your magical journey as you finally discover what it is that makes you truly unique.
Your love of animals eventually leads you to your spouse. Their ‘animalistic’ nature gives them a uniqueness you feel you can relate to. And your intense connection to the wild can calm any ferocious spirit.
Traits: Paranoid/ Vegetarian/ Ambitious
Career: Conservationist
Magical Preference: Practical Magic
Familiar: Ghost Pet
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Skills to Master: Pet Training/ Logic
Goals: Complete Friend of the Animals Aspiration/ Get to level 10 in the Conservationist Career/ Cannot learn or do anything magical until after pet has died and has returned to be part of the family as a ghost**/ Be Companions with said ghost pet and make them your familiar/ Must either marry a werewolf or someone who has been recently bitten/ Have at least three children
**You will have to use cheats to add the ghost pet to your family again.
‘Finding Inner Peace’
Your childhood is full of noise and utter chaos. Between your parents and siblings, you never had a moment to yourself. As a young adult, although you have adopted your families more mischievous nature, you strive for peace and order in your life. You think you’ve found that in the military. But their strict ways clash too harshly with your wild upbringing. So you quit to become writer and live your life in a calm, quiet, harmony.
After a long life of peace and self-discovery, you decide you want to impart your knowledge onto someone else. So, you adopt. When that child becomes a teen, you bestow upon them the gift of magic and teach them everything you know.
Traits: Loyal/ Loner/ Slob
Career: Military/Freelance Writer
Magical Preference: Mischief Magic
Familiar: Hex Doll
Aspiration: Inner Peace/Best Selling Author
Skills to Master: Wellness/Fitness/Writing
Goals: Complete the Inner Peace and Best Selling Author Aspirations/ Get to level 5 of the Military Career before quitting your job to become a freelance writer/ Live in a micro-home at some point in your life/ You never marry/ You adopt one child as an adult (You don’t have any other children)/ You write a ‘Book of Life’ about your child before you die/Learn the Rite of Ascension and use it on your child when they become a teen
‘A Phantom in the Night’
Your parent taught you self-acceptance and how to obtain inner peace. These helpful skills have given you strength in your magical abilities giving you the courage to delve into darker magic. It challenges you, which is something that doesn’t happen often. But it also gives you to ability to really help stop crime in your city.
As a lawyer, by day, you fight hard in the courts to keep criminals locked up where they belong. At night you work as a vigilante, dutifully pestering the evil ‘Racoon Gang’ with your list of powerful spells. Banding together with your secret society pals, you all work your hardest to end crime in San Mayshuno for good.
Traits: Geek/Goofball/Freebie (if you adopt someone child aged in the previous gen, this one will already be picked for you).
Career: Lawyer
Magical Preference: Untamed Magic
Familiar: Bunnerfly
Aspiration: Chief of Mischief
Skills to Master: Mischief/ Research and Debate
Goals: Complete the Chief of Mischief Aspiration/ Live in San Mayshuno/Earn a Language and Literature Degree/ Join the Secret Society/ Get to level 10 in the Lawyer Career/ Make a best friend who later becomes your worst enemy/Go fly around every night looking for Racoons and their homeless cohorts; scaring them away from the area with your magic (you may or may not decide to bring your Secret Society pals as well **not required**)/Marry someone you meet in the Secret Society
‘Siren Song’
You grew up watching your parents fight crime for the sake of justice and all things good. You couldn’t wait to be old enough to help. While your parents wouldn’t allow you to take to the streets with them, they didn’t object to your collecting obsession to be put to good use. You spend your time scouring the magical world collecting artifacts to help your parents out in the field. In your spare time, you frequent the cities clubs, gathering information from its patrons. Plus, you love music. And the tips you get from DJing aren’t bad either.
You love all things that have to do with the ocean. You’re not sure why but being near the water makes you feel so much more powerful. Oh! And you also like seashells.
Traits: Party Animal/ Child of the Ocean/ Genius
Career: Diver
Magical Preference: Your Choice
Familiar: Glowfrog
Aspiration: The Curator
Skills to Master: Fishing/DJ Mixing/Dancing
Goals: Complete the Curator Aspiration/ Get to the top of the Diver Career/ Complete the Magical Artifact Collection **/ Complete the Seashell Collection/ Go out at least once a week to DJ for tips/ Meet and become best friends with a Mer-person/ Must fill an aquarium full of pet fish to be passed through generations.  At least on of those fish must be an angelfish. (Will be used in gen 9. Keep that aquarium on you!)
**The Magical Artifact Collection is bugged. If you collect the 26 items (ignoring the recolors) you can count that as completing the collection.
‘Something Different’
Your parent was always super supportive in everything that you did. They were hands down your biggest cheerleader. You’d think that would make you confident in most things that you did. But instead, it made you feel pressured to perform and less confident in your abilities overall.
It didn’t help that you never were quite able to get a handle on the same magical abilities your family has been using for decades. Taking inspiration from your great-great-great grandparent, you return to your original roots in making potions. It gives you new purpose in life. You use your ability in everything you do. It also gives you the courage to try your hand at making other things. You even manage to make a little profit from it.
Your new ventures inspire a change of venue midway through your Young Adult life. You thrive in your new surroundings, making loads of new friends along the way. There’s also your obsession of cats. If the Egyptians aren’t shamed for worshiping them, neither should you be!
Traits: Cat Lover/ High Maintenance/ Maker
Career: Style Influencer
Magical Preference: Potion Master
Familiar: Fairy
Aspiration: Purveyor of Potions
Skills to Master: Painting/Photography/Entrepreneur
Goals: Complete the Purveyor of Potions Aspiration/ Get to level 10 of the Style Influencer Career/ Learn all the potions and test them either on yourself or on another sim/ Have at least three cats in your Young Adult lifespan/ Adopt a stray cat that you have met in the pet cemetery/ Run a side business selling candles you’ve made/ Midway through your Young Adult lifespan move to Henford-on-Bagley/Have one of your children be completely devoid of magic **
**You will most likely have to use a cheat to remove the spellcaster trait from the next heir. (testingcheats on / traits.remove_trait trait_Occult_WitchOccult / or use MCCommand Center)
‘Squib Reformation’
You are the first ever sim in your family in many generations that is born without the ability to use magic whatsoever. The fact has left a bitter taste in your mouth. Crippled with a seething jealousy that you let control your life, you grow up to be a very vile and nasty person.
Everything right down to your job, is done purposely and out of spite. As an overachiever you’re able to always keep yourself pretty busy. You have no remorse for the things that you do to others. Instead of taking responsibility for your actions, you blame the occult and work hard to destroy its members.
That is until you meet your spouse. You’re not sure what it is about them, but they are able to melt your icy heart. Turning a new leaf, you work hard to gain a better reputation, and be a better person overall for your large, loving family.
Traits: Overachiever/ Gloomy/ Evil
Career: Critic
Aspiration: Villainous Valentine/Soulmate
Skills to Master: Cooking/ Mixology/Vampire Lore/ Get to level 7 in both Piano/Comedy
Goals: Complete the Villainous Valentine and Soulmate Aspirations/ Learn how to make the Vampire Cure and forcibly cure 3 vampires before falling in love and marrying one/ Buy a Re-Traiting Potion from the Rewards Store and change your sim from evil to good/ Must be a good sim before you can start having children/ Have 6 kids (only one can be a spellcaster**)/ Have a pristine reputation before you die
**You can cheat to make the child a spellcaster genetically. Or you can choose to have the child denounce their vampirism to become a spellcaster.
‘A Voice from Beyond’
Out of the many children your parents had, people have always labeled you as the strange one. If you’re being completely honest with yourself, you don’t blame them. Due to your upbringing, you’ve always had a connection to the dead. But you are the only child who actively hears voices from beyond the grave. Or maybe they really are just your more erratic tendencies. Either way, you’re drawn to the world of magic, specifically the parts that deal with the afterlife.
Your study of the dead has lead you to travel all over the worlds. Your favorite spot being Mt. Komorebi. It is your intent to spend as much time there to see and experience everything you can. All the while your parents keep a close eye on you. They worry about you and your mental state as you make waves in your own magical journey.
Traits: Erratic/ Squeamish/ Adventurous
Career: Paranormal Investigator
Magical Preference: Practical Magic
Familiar: Phoenix
Aspiration: Mt. Komorebi Sightseer
Skills to Master: Medium/ Rock Climbing
Goals: Complete the Mt. Komorebi Sightseer Aspiration/ Get your Paranormal Investigator License/ Master the Paranormal Investigator career/ Climb to the top of the mountain/ Get your heart broken by a ghost before finding your one true love/ Marry someone with the Erratic trait/ Live with your parents until they die
Your childhood was mixed. Your parents were a bit unstable and strange to say the least. However your grandparents have always played a major part in your life to try and give you some stability. You’ve gained your love of cooking from your grandparent and spend loads of time in the kitchen with them. And no matter what you’ve chosen to do in life they always been around to help encourage you, helping you grow into the sure-footed adult you are.
Since your parents have been more focused on themselves however, you have had to make due for most of your life. That meant most of the time you were dealing with hand-me-downs or whatever you managed to make or acquire for yourself. You’re resourceful, so you’ve managed, but its always left you wanting so much more for yourself in the future.
Your grandparents’ deaths leave a major impact in your life. That mixed with your upbringing has you questioning the boundaries between the dead and the living.
Traits: Foodie/ Self-Assured/Materialistic
Career: Chef
Magical Preference: Untamed/Mischief Magic
Familiar: Skull
Aspiration: Master Chef
Skills to Master: Gourmet Cooking/ Baking/Knitting
Goals: Complete the Master Chef Aspiration/ Get to level 10 in the Chef career/ Obtain a Potion of Youth/ Use all the items in your ‘inheritance’ (the death flower from gen 1 and the angelfish from gen 5) to make ambrosia/ Bring one sim back from the dead
Your magical family has seen some ups and downs. They’ve explored just about every avenue of magic there is and have made quite a name for themselves in the magical community. But no one has ever become a master. No one has ever dreamed of such greatness, or maybe it was that they couldn’t handle it? Whatever the case, you’ve made it your life’s mission to be the best. To become THE spellcaster of all spellcasters. Self-proclaimed prophecy or no, you are the Chosen One.
Further, you believe it is your families responsibility to pass on the knowledge you’ve obtained over the years to the future generations. It inspires you to build your own magical school. One that you intend to run forever (because who else is more capable?) as you solidify your family’s name in the hearts of all spellcasters everywhere, for the rest of eternity.
Traits: Creative/ Perfectionist/ Self-Absorbed
Career: Education
Magical Preference: All
Familiar: Velid
Aspiration: Spellcraft and Sorcery
Skills to Master: Violin/ Guitar/ And one of your choice
Goals: Complete the Spellcraft and Sorcery Aspiration/ Learn all the spells in every magic type/ Win 3 duels against other spellcasters/ Get the Mentor Reward Trait/ Mentor 5 other sims in becoming Rank 3 – Adept spellcasters/ Teach one of your children an instrument/ Become an Immortal
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nexility-sims · 2 years
The character Barbie has been popping up on your blog and she is pretty and I am very interested in her. Can I hear some things about her if you have any ideas on her?
ahh, thank you so much for asking about her !!!! 💓💓💓💓 i love to word vomit about my characters :^) however, actually, barbie belongs to @dreamstatesims​, who graciously allowed me to share her. she is absolutely gorgeous (erica’s talent ... i am awestruck), and she has a fun personality, too ! all confident and extroverted and energetic, with a healthy spoonful of goofiness that makes her extra lovable. i think she may be the less cringe-y version of germán... they must be so obnoxious if you have to be in the same room as them asdhjksdsf
right now, the distant future plans for my story are quite undefined—i have things planned out through the early 1950s, and then just undeveloped plot points beyond that. i don’t know if i’ll actually try to ~storytell~ the period between the 1950s-1990s. however, my current intention is to have a future part set in the early 2000s which will feature, among others, miss barbie. i’ll decide on the final cast in 1798243 years when i actually get to doing this (maybe i solicit more sims from y’all, we’ll see), but barbie will be a main character ! it’s gonna be a Super Cliche, Teen Movie School Setting Situation (see this); gotta work on my royal simblr bingo card, anyway. something cute that’ll happen is that yesenia (who’s posing with barbie in the last picture of that linked post) enters the story as the Awkward Pretty Scholarship Girl and becomes miss barbie’s best friend. 
in the generic 2020s present day posts i sometimes make, barbie and germán are married and have four children: desideria (desi), malena, felix, and ... a baby whose name is either christina or isabel & birth order tbd??? skdfjsgsd pretty sure their wedding was the actual Wedding of the Century ✋ anyway, they’re the crown prince & princess after beatriz dies in ... tentatively 2023 ... then, they get to be king and queen like a decade later [everyone groans.] i just think they’re a very cute couple, and i feel like barbie’s got a good head on her shoulders which nicely balances out his head being full of rocks kgjdsglsd !!!!
my vague but firm headcanon is that barbie is BELOVED by everyone in uspana because she’s lovely and fun and a proper Influencer™ (she’s probably the only senior royal who runs her own social media accounts). planning to do one of those instagram template posts for her sometime soonish ... in the 2000s, the royal family had a lot of twenty-somethings who spent all of their free time partying and being photographed doing it, and beatriz had the bright idea to just ... embrace the celebritification of the monarchy to help it stay relevant. in my mind, barbie’s image is, like, the ideal outcome of that effort.
for the foreseeable future, i’ll continue to be ... living out my gameplay impulses by doing random photoshoots of her and the family. i want to do an outtake with her sometime soonish, on that note. anyway, move over germán, barbie is the REAL STAR now !!! 
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simblrnova · 1 year
to expand on my last post a bit a rant below the cut.
i've been playing Sims for years. I was even in this community once before. No I won't go into that detail as I'd prefer my privacy and to start over. I remember a lot of stuff about it and I was so invested in it as a teen/young adult. I left from around 2017-2021 because honestly I wasn't feeling inspired to create anything anymore and I needed a new outlet before I cracked. I've been trying this new thing with my CC folder where I do have CC and I do have all these things I want to use, but I challenge myself to minimize or reduce my CC usage. Part of the inspiration loss came from I never really built or played a family of sims because I always felt like i needed to define my style and make a unique thing rather than just have fun and do what I like. part of my issue was letting CC carry my style sense to where every house was so predictable. All my sims felt the same and I just felt trapped. Another part was my obsessive need to TWEAK EVERY LITTLE DETAIL TO PERFECTION to make sure I had a unique gameplay style so people could like my sims/gameplay/builds/etc rather than just "I like it, I'm happy with this". I went through all the known hair palettes that I ended up not feeling... Flipped flopped from MM to Alpha to SMM to I dunno what it was other than a whole mess. As you notice, I just drop stuff without the crazy over polishing and trying too put so much effort into making the advertising for it super appealing and appeasing to the eye. I make what I want, drop what I want and if people like it, cool. I think it's better for me that way and it's been freeing for me to make CC without spending weeks making sure the Effing Screenshots of it had enough filters to make it look perfection incarnate so people would click on it. Maybe in 2023 I'll try to keep a consistent look to present and Title my CC, but honestly I like where I am where I just drop whatever's in my head and keep it going. It's honestly been going pretty well minimizing my CC as well. TOOL and Better Build/Buy have really helped because I can turn off and on seeing CC, so I can quiet the urge to "just use the damn CC" and challenge myself to make a home that looks good. I did a set of vintage homes I shared here and since then I've been feeling super into decorating and making houses again and I feel like I have a style and a feel to them that isn't just "Here's XYZCreator's entire catalog in every room" as my personality. I've also discovered maxis items I like using and have been able to stretch my creativity a bit by forcing myself to find ways to use Maxis items when they don't really fit together. I've been making what I need, where I need it and it's also been a experience too. I don't sit here looking for projects to make, I just... wind up making something I'm like "wow I need that in this house" so yea... It's been a thing. I might share some houses and try some gameplay soon, so expect that.
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rush-mp3 · 3 days
extremiun yapping about my current sims gameplay below lmao
i think i've had some really interesting sims gameplay for the first time in a while (for me personally) and it's all because i've been struggling with getting my sim's love life started.
usually it's so easy, but i'm doing my best to take relationship differences into consideration and not just jumping into something unhappy (for the long run at least....she's definitely jumped head first into am unhappy relationship & situationship lol).
but the upside is that everything else has been going great and i love that. she graduated high school early, got a distinguished degree in computer science, enough scholarships to give her a full ride, and even graduated uni before aging up to a young adult (though that is specifically because of the shorter uni mod lmao). she started at level 8 in her career and is now level 9 i believe and what was once the shitty starter home in copperdale has now been upgraded to a pretty decent house—without cheating! of course it doesn't look great on the outside because i'm not a builder, but it's what's inside that counts <3
i have one more potential beau for her in mind before i give it up for a little while and just have her adopt a kid (because she really wants to start her family now). and i say adopt because despite her having high fertility, she's been struggling getting pregnant, which is so insane to me considering her longtime situationship (wolfgang munch) ALSO has high fertility.
honestly, she's in her depression era rn (she gained the gloomy trait), so idk if i want to explore that final potential love interest just yet. she currently has the soulmate aspiration, but i think i'll change it to a nature one. i want her to reconnect with her old hobby of fishing since she doesn't have to do it for money anymore. and maybe this will help move along the storyline of her meeting and befriending her final potential love interest. since she hasn't really put much effort into her friendships in a while. usually she'd talk to people enough to know them and then she'd add them on social bunny and the relationships would take off from there.
honestly, it's been so fun having her life have its ups and downs.
in the beginning, she was social awkward and hot headed (which were randomized traits), which inspired my storyline that her parents unexpectedly died and the rest of her family took most of her inheritance (which she ended up getting a little bit of back through that one pop up), so she had to move to copperfield and majorly downsize from her previous wealthy life (since i dressed her up all rich girl preppy before i came up with a storyline).
i changed her traits to outgoing and self-assured when she aged up because being socially awkward and hotheaded did nothing to deter her from making hella friends and fast too. and because of this, through the talents & weaknesses mod, i also gave her the talent of being charismatic. i also eventually gave her the talent for programming bc it really came to her so easily; i think she leveled uo pretty quick and always had successful hacks even when she had a lower skill.
going back to her love life bc i cant stop fixating on it and that's where most of the ups & downs lie.
primarily, i'm obsessed with the constant push & pull between her and wolfgang. even though he prefers non-exclusive relationships and she prefers exclusive ones, which caused their most recent split (still unofficial as of now bc my game kept bugging out too much for me to get anywhere else, so now i must wait for the next weekend).
but to start from the beginning: in high school, malcom landgraab asked her to prom and i was gonna do a storyline where she dated him briefly to be petty since wolfgang was playing around (and also bc she was lowkey freaked by him since he kept somehow barging into her house???), but he literally never spoke to her again after he ditched her at prom (that HE invited her to mind you).
anyways, my sim (helena) decided to invite wolfgang to the usual prom after party at the pier (which i'm pretty sure he got dressed up for despite not going to prom. and i had them go on the scary ride first and then i tried helena's luck with the romantic ride and it worked!!! wolfgang was feeling her like she was feeling him and theu shared their first kiss!! but then he started playing games afterwards. which, come to find out, he viewed her as basic looking. for the longest time i thought they struggled to gain romance because wolfgang was mean & gloomy, but no!
so after that, i started trying to have helena forget about wolfgang and try out some other options.....which she didnt get very far. i was going to have her date this guy named ocean from her uni, but she got wrapped back up in wolfgang and those two ended up becoming friends with benefits.
very soon after, she became queerplatonic partners with aurelio.
now, her and aurelio became quick besties in their later teen years and i was shipping them so hard until i read his sim bio and learned that he was aroace. but they did end up getting a bit of romance even after i secured his preferences (or lack thereof) in CAS, but he also had a dislike for flirtation so there was that. later on, though, i remembered i had the mod that can specify orientation, so i made him romance/relationship favorable (though i wish i had kept it at indifferent) and woohoo averse.
i think i missed up at one point by choosing an interaction where she asked aurelio to be more than friends bc i really didnt think it did anything lmaooooo but they ended up becoming bf & gf. which sucked bc she had to break up with him twice....and this was bc he had the jealous trait and kept antagonizing her about their relationship problems??? despite them having only been together for not even a full sim day, i dont think????
chile, anyways...
i'm pretty sure she had also ended her fwb relationship with wolfgang for aurelio bc i totally forgot about that before starting anything with aurelio.
but honestly it didnt really mean anything bc i had her invite him (and others) over for new year's for a little dinner party (which idk why i do parties in my game anymore bc they never work right), and they ended up banging on the couch, in front of jeb & ocean (who, btw, also propositioned her for sex....which i accepted at first, but then denied immediately after). i felt bad for having them do that in the living roo. bc aurelio literally left the house (he was staying over btw).
anyways, after all that craziness. she ended up inviting wolfgang over again and they whoohoo'd a lot. which is where we discovered that despite bith her and wolfgang having high fertility, helena just was not getting pregnant. apparently she is also prone to having issues during pregnancy, so i'm worried about that.
due to them not getting pregnant naturally, i was gonna have helena ask wolfgang to have a science baby with her, but like i saod earlier, this is where my game really started to lag so bad i genuinely couldn't get anybody to do anything.
this era is so sad bc i had extended the house and redecorated for a potential baby and it just wasnt happening, so i ended up deleting all the baby stuff and turning the extra room into a guest room.
but i also feel bad bc i wanted helena to move out of copperdale tbh (also i might've called it copperfield somewhere earlier. i found one incident & changed it, but i could've sworn there was another, but i'm not looking for it). but i like the progress i've made on her house, i'd feel too sad to move out already. but the lot honestly isn't big enough anymore. i think i want her to have a pool even though it's still early spring in my game rn (i think i want to change the length of the seasons tho....a week is just too short).
also, i think i might finally make that switch to long life span....i want to cherish helena's young adult years, especially with what i have planned. and i dont want her adult years to be rushed either.
i'm hoping she either finds genuine love and friendship with this ken guy she had a sexy dream about once, or wolfgang suddenly wants to settle down....or maybe, she'll find someone else idk. i wish i had a proper computer setup so i wouldnt be so irritated by the lag that happens whenever going off my home lot, bc i'd love for helena to go out clubbing and exploring.
either way, i'm excited for her to adopt a child too. i definitely think that will be the next step for her, especially with her problems with conceiving. and i think i'll finally move to the world that came with the horse pack, bc i havent done a single damn thing with that pack yet (besides this one random sim i made live there at one point, her save was a random throwaway save tho). i only just recently seen an actual horse in game with helena bc aurelio'a family adopted one. i've pretty much been everywhere else.
anyways, i think i'm all yapped out about my current sim. i can't wait to play her again, but i might just wait until school is officially out until i do play my game again. i'm so invested in helena's story, just playing on weekends isnt going to cut it anymore.
i really do hope this is the gameplsy where i can actually continue a legacy. but if it is, i desperately need to start taking more pics with helena's friends. i missed their teen years (besides with wolfgang...of course), i don't want to miss their young adult ones.
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