#i cried over my guinea pig
dudefrommywesterns · 6 months
i feel like there's something wrong with me because I've lost people who should have meant something to me but I'm over it? like i never really grieved?
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blood-mocha-latte · 6 months
so i made a quiz a minute back and there was a question about my guinea pigs and a lot of people. followed up on that and wanted to know more lmao. AND if you've been here for even .5 seconds you are aware that i. love talking about my pets so let's get into it
i. Perdita Sue
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name: -- perdita for 101 Dalmations (since she's black and white) -- sue for Sue Hendrickson (a world renowned paleontologist)
fun fact: as stated by the quiz she fucking. loves her water bottle. when she was a baby we were worried she had a blockage in her throat because she kept slamming it back against the wall of the hutch REALLY LOUDLY and her sister didn't do that. so we took her to the vet. nothings wrong. maybe it was just a thing when she was a baby no. no she just really fucking loves her water bottle and likes making it really loud
worst experience: she cut her paw open on a piece of hay when she was about a year and a half old and was bleeding SO FUCKING MUCH i almost missed a class final to stay home with her. she was fine lol
best experience: she likes to shake hands. i have a photo of this somewhere. if you put your hand down in the hutch she'll run over and put both her paws in your palm so you can "shake" them it's the funniest fucking thing
ii. Mei Rosalind
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name: -- mei for my fiancee's middle name lmao (lenora-mei) -- rosalind for Rosalind Franklin (biochemist who discovered the structure of dna)
fun fact: again as in the quiz, she likes sunbeams. a whole fuckin' lot. like, too much. it was about noon and i walked into the room they're in and she was on her back. lil paws in the air. and i thought she was Fucking Dead but no. she was just sunbathing
worst experience: she once sneezed in my mouth and i thought i was gonna die
best experience: when i was studying for my organic chem final she slept on my desk the whole time and just generally kept me from Flipping The Desk and giving up lmao
iii. Meg Helen
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name: -- meg for meg jay (clinical psychologist on adult development) -- helen for. helen keller. bc she's blind
fun fact: the only guinea pig we got from a pet store, who we weren't actually going to get. but she was curled up in the corner of a too small cage and was obviously miserable, so we ended up biting the bullet and adopting her. took her to the vet, vet told us she is The Most Blind Animal she has ever had the pleasure of meeting. take that as you will
worst experience: we got her when she was just a little over a week old and she had to be quarantined from the others. we ended up having to switch off and sit with her at night because she'd cry the whole time and she has the saddest fucking wheek
best experience: she has the croakiest voice of all time. we're pretty sure it's the same genetic inbreeding problems that made her blind, but it doesn't hurt her and it sounds Hilarious. when she finally got out of her quarantine hutch and to her real one (which is 45 feet squared lmao) she didn't stop popcorning and squeaking for fifteen minutes. i cried my fiancee cried i took a video and sent it to my parents and they cried it was a day
iv. Piper Florence
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name: -- piper for the pied piper of war because she's the leader and the others follow after her like she's the. the pied piper -- florence for florence nightingale because again if you've been here for more than .5 seconds you know that i am a. healthcare bitch
fun fact: once jumped out of the hutch and then just stood in the middle of the room because she didn't know where to go. is Best Friends with meg and shows her where everything is in the hutch when we have to change it/replace objects. she does not like sue and ignores her. just doesn't like her there's nothing to be done
worst experience: we thought she had ovarian cancer about a year ago because she was lethargic/sick/swollen etc for a long period of time. tracking her poop what she ate all of that etc etc. turns out that she had a cyst which was still a fucking nightmare, but hey at least it wasn't cancer
best experience: when my fiancée got really sick a few years back piper would just sit on her chest and purr. it was cute and needed and she's fuckin BEEN there man she's basically our dog
anyways that's it. congratulations if you got through it all lmao. i also have four cats (i am. not good at fostering) and a dog so maybe i'll make a post about them idk. ok bye
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arealphrooblem · 1 year
Okay so if you’re doing requests and this looks enjoyable enough to do ( no pressure if you don’t want to I get it) a villain x hero where they’re fighting and hero gets pushed into the water and villian is about to leave but hero can’t swim. So villain is like there’s no way I’m gonna let them die as stupidly as drowning I need to kill them properly and saves them but with a lot of romantic? tension (I’m such a pathetic loser for hero x villian) hope this makes sense lmfao (perhaps hero has a fear of water and is shaking really badly and villian is like hugging and petting them because they feel bad cause they’ve never seen hero so distressed)
Not sure if this is exactly what you pictured but I had fun!
warnings: drowning, near death experience
"Well well well, if it isn't a little mouse caught in my trap."
He had waited before making his entrance, watching the hero struggle to stay upright, clinging to his own feet until his strength left him and he fell back upside down. 
His footsteps echoed in the chamber as he stepped further inside. The hero dangled on a rope over a deep pool of water, hands tied behind his back. Villain crouched down and sloshed the water a bit, as if rinsing something from his gloves. 
"Or perhaps a worm wriggling on a hook would be a more apt comparison."
The hero glared, though the feathery hair hanging over his face like a sheepdog rather killed the intimidation factor. 
"What do you want this time?" he said. "Are you planning some kind of heist? Is there some kind of council of evil-doers you don't want me to mess up?"
The Villain laughed. "You know I don't play well with others. No, I was excavating the cave system here and found, to my delight, an underground lake. It's very deep and very inspiring for a new trap. Which, naturally, you walked right into."
"So you're just using me as a guinea pig?" the hero asked flatly. 
Villain dipped another finger back in the water, swirling it around to watch the ripples skitter across the murky depths. "I was thinking of putting in piranhas. An anaconda perhaps? Catfish big enough to swallow you whole."
"You know that kind of thing only works in the movies, right?"
"I could make it work," said the Villain absently, mind already racing turning the logistics of it.
He faintly registered the sound of creaking rope as the Hero struggled, but was too lost in his own thoughts to pay it much attention. He only registered the scraping sound of boots against stone before the fist of the hero came swinging into view. 
Villain dodged just in time, the hero's woozy balance from his time spent upside down the only advantage Villain had.  
"Next time keep a better eye on your prisoner," the Hero said, cocky grin on his face.  
Villain rolled back up to his feet and kicked the hero square in the chest.
The hero fell back into the water, the splash washing up against the Villain's boots. 
And then he disappeared. Villain waited for a few seconds. 
"There's no point in trying to find an exit," he cried down to the water. "You'll drown before you find your way out."
Nothing. Then, abruptly, the Hero's face broke through the surface long enough to take a strangled gasp of air before sinking back down again. 
That was when it finally clicked for Villain -- the Hero was drowning. Right now. He wasted a few more precious seconds, gripped by horrified paralysis, before shucking off his cape and diving into the pool. 
For a horrible moment Villain became disoriented -- the same murky darkness was both above and below, the surface incomprehensible. This was a horrible idea -- this was a horrible, stupid idea and now Villain was going to drown right along side Hero and for what? For this irritating need for his attention? For the way he --
A flailing limb caught Villain in the ribs, knocking some much needed sense into him. He wrapped his arms around the Hero's body and began to kick his way upward. (Or what he would pray was upward -- if he was the praying type). 
Just as his lungs burned with the desperate need for air, they broke the surface. Villain coughed and spluttered as he dragged the two of them further up the ground. Hero stayed dangerously silent. 
Villain shook him, but the Hero remained unresponsive. He slapped the hero's cheek a few times and then leaned down close his mouth.
No breathing.
Icy dread coiled in the Villain's gut. The past kicked in, training that he hadn't used in years taking over his body. Villain started CPR, the steps carried out on autopilot.
Like riding a bicycle.
Eventually the hero gasped, deep and desperate. Water splattered on the stone as he turned and coughed. Relief made Villain dizzy, like a drug, like a hit of oxygen after asphyxiation.
And then the anger set in.
"What the hell was that?" he demanded.
The hero didn't answer. He leaned his forehead against the solid ground, breathing shakily.
"Can you not swim?"
How long had Villain left him suspended over that pool? And yet the hero had never flinched, never lost his cool, despite death only a few feet away. It only fueled Villain's anger. What if the rope had been faulty? What if the Hero had lost his balance when he escaped his bonds?
Villain shoved the hero on his back and straddled him, his fingers digging into the other man's soaked shirt.
"How the fuck do you not know how to swim?!" he snarled
The Hero shook his head, one hand clutching at the Villain's. Not to tear away, not to struggle out of the Villain's hold. Just clinging to it. His fingers shook.
In fact, the Villain could feel the Hero's entire body tremble beneath him. Of course -- the cave was cold, the underground lake even more so. But that didn't explain the labored breathing, the eyes squeezed tight, the fingers holding tightly to Villain's hand.
Villain knew fear when he saw it. He dealt in it, his favorite currency. Whatever bravado the Hero had earlier had left him entirely. All that remained was the pit deep terror that only a near-death experience or severe phobia could bring.
It looked wrong on Hero.
"Hey." Villain cleared his throat. "Look at me." He shook the Hero, more gently, until the other man cracked open his eyes. "You're alright. You're on solid ground again. You're safe --"
The hero snorted.
"Well  -- safe for now," the Villain amended.  He had so much more experience with creating fear than abolishing it. 
"Until you find some other way to try to murder me," the hero said. 
"You can't pin this one on me," the Villain argued. "I didn't know you were an idiot who couldn't swim."
The Hero's brow furrowed. "Why did you save me? You had the perfect opportunity to finally get rid of me."
"I don't want to get rid of you," Villain hissed before he could filter it. 
He froze at the unexpected confession and the Hero cocked his head to the side, eyes alight, fear forgotten. 
"Oh?" he said. 
"I want to -- destroy you," the Villain amended. "Publicly. So that no one could ever doubt my prowess over yours. There are no witnesses here."
The Hero had the audacity to smirk. "Is that why you kissed me?"
The Villain threw the Hero back down in disgust. "I didn't kiss you -- I performed CPR you absolute buffoon."
"To save my life. Like a Hero."
The triumph in Hero's face was unbearable. Villain stood up, brushing dirt from his clothes, trying to ignore the strange fluttering in his stomach. 
"Go home," he said. "We're done here. I trust you can find your own way out. You've done so enough times."
He headed towards the secret elevator, not daring to turn around and look at the Hero still laying on the ground for fear of revealing his red-tipped ears, the flush on his cheeks. 
He only heard the hero call out once, just before the elevator doors closed.
"Maybe next time you should kiss me." Part 2 here
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thejediscrolls · 9 months
You Drew Stars
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Hunter x Jedi reader
A choice will be made.
Angst / Fluff
Pt 9 to You Drew Stars
Hunter stood in the doorway of his home, looking at his brother with tired eyes.
“I thought you were coming to see us. To check up on Omega and here you are trying to put us back into a fight?” Hunter crossed his arms.
“It’s not just another fight Hunter. This is Crosshair we’re talking about.” Echo urged as he took a step forward.
“I don’t want to hear it.” The soldier muttered as he slammed the door shut to his home.
It was odd calling a place other than the marauder a home, but the residents of Pabu were kind enough to give him and his brothers separate homes.
Wrecker had a comfortable home close to the sea and it wasn’t too long that Tech moved in with Phee. Hunter and Omega had their home towards the top of the mountain, an easy lookout of the sky and sea.
It was a comfortable home for the most part with two rooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a dining room and living area. It was odd having this much space to themselves, but they found comfort in it.
At least until Echo showed up to ruin his peace and quiet.
“Just listen to me!” Echo spoke loudly as he banged once against the shut door, “You can’t shut yourself out forever, brother. Trust me, it won’t do you any good. Please. Just come out and let’s talk about her. It’ll help you move on.”
Don’t get him wrong, he was overjoyed to see his brother alive and well after many months apart… He expressed that emotion… On the inside.
On the outside however… He looked like a shell of the soldier he used to be. His face showing nothing more then a grim frown even behind the closed door.
“Just go…” Hunter’s voice teetered on the edge of a sob and yell as his forehead was pressed against the door beside his fist.
“No.” Echo shook his head as he sighed, “She wouldn’t have liked this. She would have cried at seeing what you have become.”
Hunter didn’t respond, but his heart clenched at Echo’s words because it was true…
I know.
I could feels the swells from needle holes burning my skin as I laid against the cool stone ground. It was the only mercy I had since waking up three months ago.
I could barely recall the events that have taken place without flinching. Images of doctors, needles, and the glowing lights flashed before my eyes in a blur. The only thing that kept me comfort was my family.
One of which was trapped in the cell across from me.
“Hey.” His voice was gravelly, the sarcastic tone barely there.
I groaned, the only he would get from me right now. I could still feel the bruising grip from the storm troopers who threw me in here only minutes ago. I groaned as I rolled over to face him, the room spinning as I did so.
“You need to stay focused.” Crosshair stated from his cell across from mine.
I didn’t open my eyes to answer him, it hurt too much.
I remember passing out and it wasn’t until the sound of a screeching metal tray slide towards me that I blinked my eyes open. I looked at the food, the same thing that I had yesterday. There was a good helping on there. Of course they was, they had to keep their Guinea pigs healthy in some way.
“General.” Crosshair called out to me once he noticed me start to move.
My throat was too soar from screaming earlier in that damn chair… But none the less, I tried to answer him, “I don’t feel like myself…” I barely said above whispered as I sat up and leaned against the wall, “I can’t remember things… I can’t remember your name.”
“Crosshair.” He reminded her again.
“Of course you won’t feel like yourself.” Crosshair scoffed, “They’re doing to you what they did us clones… Erasing and reprogrammingyou to follow orders.” Crosshair sighed, “You can’t give in. You’re stronger than us you know. Do what you have to, to keep yourself from drowning.”
I slowly dragged the tray towards me and placed it on my lap. I picked at my food as I waited for him to continue.
“You need to get out of here.” I whispered, “I don’t know what will happen if I completely forget…”
“I won’t leave you.” I could feel Crosshair’s glare as he said that, “I won’t leave my family again.”
I knew there was no point in arguing with the brooding sniper. Instead I let out a soft sigh.
“I’m glad you’re alive Cross.” I looked up towards him, forcing him to understand the words I wanted to say, “We forgive you. I remember that.” I stated firmly, “We never… Never hated you.”
He stared at me before glancing away, his lips curling into a grim frown, “I’m sure Hunter does.”
My breath hitched at the sound of his name. The person whose face was only a blurry sight in my mind, but I remember the feelings I have for him. That yearning just to be near him… I could feel him through the force, just barely… My connection to the force was nothing, but a thin strand of string now. I couldn’t even call out to him if I tried.
I shook my thoughts as I tried to stay focused, “What do you mean by that?”
“You’re here because of me… Because I sent out that message.” He closed his hand into a fist to keep himself from punching his cell wall, “He’d kill me if he found out you were in this state.”
“I doubt that.” I looked at my metal hand, an unsettling feeling filled my gut.
Was this how… I furrowed my brows as I forgot his name. He was a friend, that I know. Was this how that clone trooper felt when he first obtained his prosthetics? I wondered. I knew deep down I would get used to the new feeling, but it still felt like a part of me was gone…
“Besides, if he hates anyone, it would be me.” I said as I focused back on the conversation, “I said I’d come back and now… He thinks I’m dead. Omega thinks I’m dead...”
Force above I missed that bubbly girl so much. She hasn’t left my memory and I hoped that it would remain that way. I wondered if she was doing well without me? I hope so…
“He doesn’t hate you. He never could.” Crosshair shook his head, “Not even if you held a knife to his throat and threatened to kill him.”
I looked back towards him wondering what he meant behind those words.
“Then he doesn’t hate you either and I don’t want to here anymore of how he could because they’re all lies, got it?” I stated and in any other instance I would try to sound menacing, but my voice was hoarse and scratchy.
Crosshair couldn’t help the tiny smirk as he scoffed, “Yes General.”
“He’s been like that for months.” Wrecker huffed as he took a big bite out of his cooked fish.
Wrecker along with Echo, Tech, Phee, and Omega sat outside Tech and Phee’s home to have a small family dinner.
Echo sighed, “I was afraid you would say that.”
“She was very important to him…” Tech sighed.
“She was important to all of us.” Wrecker clenched his fist, a mixture of pain and regret painted across his face.
No one could tell if the expressive one of the group wanted to punch something or hold himself back from crying… Maybe it was a mixture of both. After a moment he seemed to collect himself as the soldier he was trained to be.
“Tech said that you know where Crosshair is?” Tech spoke up, trying to steer his brother’s fallen expression to something more hopeful and it did.
Wrecker’s expression immediately brightened as he looked across the table to Echo.
“You know where he is?” Wrecker asked quite loudly.
Echo nodded as he placed his holo pad on the table, “I do. After what happened a few months ago…” Echo refrained from mentioning the General’s death as he continued, “Rex and I went on a rescue mission to export a clone squad out of the empires control. When we arrived they were ambushed and taken by this man here.”
A holo figure appeared on screen of a man none of them have ever seen before.
“Dr. Royce Hemlock. A scientist and in charge of leading the Imperial Cloning Program. He has been behind the disappearances of clone troopers, including Crosshair.” Echo explained.
“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go get him!” Omega said as she stood to her feet.
“Yeah! I agree with the kid!” Wrecker shouted, his mouth full.
“He doesn’t deserve to be trapped there.” Omega pressed.
“In this case, I agree with Omega and Wrecker.” Tech stated, “There is a high percent chance of rescuing him now that we have solid information.”
“We only have limited time before Crosshair is… Decommissioned.” Echo frowned, “Rex and I located him here in Mount Tantiss.” He pointed towards the cell blocks deep within the mountain, “This is where they are holding him and other clone troopers.”
“It’ll be easy to get through if you get those fancy storm trooper suits.” Phee commented as she looked through the security records, “The only thing would be getting out or if they find you out.”
“Echo can get us some right?” Omega looked to her brother.
“I’ve already discussed that with Rex. I’ll be meeting him in a couple days in Coruscant to get them.” Echo explained, “He says he found out more information about the scientist that could be detrimental.”
“I’m coming with you.” Omega stated immediately.
“No. You’re not.” A deep voice stated behind her.
“Hunter.” Tech acknowledge him.
“Why not?” Omega turned to face him with the sternest expression that she could make.
“Because it’s too dangerous.” He explained as he stepped towards the table.
“How is this anymore dangerous then what we’ve done before?” Omega said frustratingly.
“Because it is.” Hunter grunted, his face stern.
“This isn’t fair!” Omega pushed her chair aside as she stepped up to her brother, “You’ve changed! The old Hunter would have jumped at a chance to save his family! What happened to you?!” Omega pushed at his chest.
He didn’t answer, instead his eyes found his way to the sea once more.
“Tell me!” Omega pushed again.
“Omega maybe you should…” Echo tried to defuse the situation before Hunter ultimately blew up.
“No! I want him to tell me! So tell me! Why won’t you save our brother?” Omega pushed him again with an exasperated huff.
“Because he’s the reason she’s gone!” Hunter yelled.
Omega took a step back with the abrupt shock of it all.
And suddenly, it was like all of his words spilled over and into the sea, “If we never would have gone to that place then she’d be alive right now! Here with us. In fact if he would have just came with us after Kamino, then none of this would have happened! She’d be alive, eating this food, and looking out at the sea.” Hunter fell to his knees.
He placed his hands over his face. Not to cry… But to hide from them, from the planet, from everything. It brought him back to the moment spent at the pond, with just him, Omega, and her… Oh how he wished they could all be back there right now.
“She loved the sea.” He whispered brokenly.
“She loved your spirit.” Phee spoke up through the heartbreaking silence, “She loved your leadership and your protectiveness over your family. Any woman could see it in her eyes with the way she would look at you.”
“We would never want you to lose apart of yourself, brother.” Tech stated.
Echo stood up from his chair, gently leading Omega took take a seat. He then knelt before his brother and carefully removed his hands from his face.
“It is not your fault.” He spoke softly.
“I should have been there.” Hunter stated quickly, “I could have-”
“No.” Echo shook his head, “I know where those thoughts lead you and it is a dark path. I’ve lost a lot of my brothers… Almost my entire unit… My best friend…” Echo closed his eyes.
Echo remembered Fives before he took a breath and focused his gaze back on Hunter, “So trust me when I say this, it is not your fault and you did the best that you could in that situation. No matter if you had the fastest ship, you wouldn’t have gotten there in time. You need to accept the fact that she did what she did to save a member of our family. Do not take her death in vain…”
“We can help Crosshair come home.” Omega spoke softly.
Echo and Hunter both stood up.
“I’m sorry for my outburst.” Hunter looked at Omega with sad eyes.
“It’s okay.” She confirmed with nod of her head, “I understand.”
Hunter looked around at his family. They weren’t perfect, far from it… But they were right… He watched as his family looked at him with hopeful eyes. We are stronger together. All of us.
“We’ll go get him.” Hunter confirmed and his family erupted in cheers.
Tech quickly took over the conversation of Crosshair’s escape as he pointed at a few engine rooms and systems.
While Tech discussed the best way to avoid detection, Echo gently placed his hand on Hunter’s shoulder, “Live to fight another day, brother.”
Hunter nodded solemnly, “Live to fight another day.”
The time it took to arrive at Coruscant was quicker than they expected.
Echo, Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, and Omega all emerged from the ship as soon as they landed in Coruscant’s underground. It was the same garage as last time, discreet and under the nose of the empire. A perfect place for clones on the run now adays.
“Didn’t think you guys were going to make it.” Rex joked as he emerged from the back of the garage.
“Quick witted as ever Captain.” Hunter greeted the old captain, “Nice to see you’re still here.”
“Same to all of you.” Rex nodded.
Rex motioned for the group to follow him to a table with some boxes set up in the back.
“These were hard to get, but my men did what they could.” Rex said.
Wrecker and Omega immediately rummaged through the boxes, pulling out the helmets first.
“How many did you acquire?” Tech asked.
“We acquired three. Of course Omega won’t be involved in the mission and Wrecker is too big for a standardized suit. It’ll be up to you, Hunter, and Echo.”
“Awww come on! I wanted to blow things up!” Wrecker made a fuss as he tossed the helmet back into the bin.
“In all due time brother.” Tech stated, “Just because you can’t infiltrarte the base doesn’t mean you can’t wait on the ship with some explosives on hand.”
“Alright!” Wrecker fist pumped the air.
“And what about me?” Omega asked.
“You’ll be with Phee for this, kid.” Hunter said.
“What?!” Omega began to make a fuss, “He’s my brother too!”
“Omega, you’ll help us more by staying safe.” Echo stepped in as he placed a hand on the young girls shoulder.
“Hunter.” Rex motioned for him to follow.
Rex led hunter a little ways away from the group and towards the edge of the garage. Hunter watched as ships came and went on different platforms as he waited for Rex to speak.
Everything now a-days was quite different from how it used to be. Hunter thought as he watched exchanges be made and cargo be shipped. He never thought for a moment that his life would turn out like this. He always assumed he’d die in a great battle in the war…
“I found out some intel last night that you need to know.” Rex voice was suddenly serious as he spoke in a low tone.
Hunter’s brows furrowed at Rex’s sudden change, “About?”
“The doctor your going after… An informant of mine said he has been working on something dangerous. I couldn’t get a lot of information on it, but it’s called Project Light.” Rex explained.
“What does that have to do with us?” Hunter cross his arms over his chest.
“Hunter, it is said that they’ve been doing testing on any Jedi they can get their hands on… Their reprogramming them like they did to us during Order…” Rex couldn’t bring himself to say the word, “Imagine what will happen to the galaxy if they gather an entire troop of them.” Rex stated.
Hunter took in the severity of the situation and he nodded, “I understand… What do you need me to do?”
“There should be some files or data about what they’re planning to do with the Jedi once they successfully complete the experiment. I need you to find those documents.” Rex said.
“Alright.” Hunter agreed.
“Thank you.” Rex nodded.
That shouldn’t be too hard.
“Seems like we’ve gotten everything we can from you given your intricate… DNA.” Dr. Hemlock gaze held a spark to it that made me shrink further back into the cell wall, “Your new life is almost complete General and I believe it’s time for something more… Invigorating.”
I was a general?
I couldn’t keep my eyes on him for long as my gaze kept flicking back to Crosshair and the three storm troopers in his cell. A wire was wrapped around his throat, held by one of the troopers as he awaited his order.
“Please don’t do this.” I pleaded and when my gaze found Crosshair’s again, I saw the stern glare of his eyes.
He clearly expressed his emotion of me pleading with a simple frown on his lips.
Don’t beg. I could hear his thought clearly in my mind.
“Your pleas fall empty little Jedi.” He simply stated as the shield on my cell disappeared, “I already told you what would happen besides…”
I watched him step back to allow two storm troopers to enter my cell.
“You’re beginning to become my new favorite project.” He grinned, “Only a few more tests before your mind will have a clean slate. A fresh start for you, I suppose.”
I don’t want a fresh start… I want back what was taken from me.
“Hm… Maybe now you can feel like you truly fit in among your clone friends.” He motioned to Crosshair.
“No.” I stated and used what little energy I had to send the storm troopers in my cell forcefully against two walls, holding them in place, “I won’t succumb to your control.”
He glared disappointingly at my attempts to flee, “Do you not remember what happened last time you fought back?”
Fleeting memories of Crosshair enduring a shock wave of torture filled my eyes and before I knew it, with just a snap of his fingers, the string around Crosshair’s neck tightened.
“Stop!” I yelled as I heard Crosshair’s gasps for air, “He has nothing to do with this!”
“I told you I would use him to keep you in line… Now obey.” His tone turned dark and I already knew he didn’t care whether Crosshair would die, but I cared… I knew he was family and I couldn’t live with myself if the others knew I was the cause of his death.
I carefully put the soldiers down, listening to their gasps of breath as I stared at the doctor towering above me.
“You don’t know what you’re doing.” I spoke seriously, “I will remember.”
“Oh little Jedi, but you won’t. Now follow.” He stated as he turned and once again I found myself following after the cold doctor.
I will remember.
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@dragonrider9905 @sarahskywalker-amadala @spacebaby1 @cocolinagoodnight @that-one-potato-girl @originalcollectionartistry @arctrooper69 @brynhildrmimi @ttzamara @fandomtrashwhore @i-just-like-to-read @kanakarbakar @dramamouse-blog @gisselleherrerasposts @quince-xd @sunshinesdaydream @dangraccoon @solstraalaa @thesirenscallmelo @darkangel4121 @curious-cat-10-6 @dollyniini @urfriendlyneighbornightfury @red-plaidedandcladed @eternalwaffles @thesirenscallmelo @idoubleswearimawriter @nerdyglasess @nick-djarin @mysticcreatorfox @aeryntheofficial @originalcollectionartistry @elp-art @sunipostsstuff @andrakass2 @dangraccoon @motte-the-goblin @the1sunshine1girl @endofthexline @dalu-grantkylo @not-reilly @leafyturtle @waytoooldforthis78 @immarriedtorex @kixismybestfriend @endofthexline @pheesupremacy @kittykatslender @gisselleherrerasposts @onyxtides @techmexicanvieja @dalu-grantkylo
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appelia · 1 year
♡*♡∞:。.。 Craig's Gang Relationship HC's
IMPORTANT: all my characters in my fics are aged up to 19-24. Side note: excuse my poor English.
Warning: none applicable
Genre: general, headcanons
Reader Gender: neutral
A/n: I'm not much a fan of separating Tweek and Craig, so theirs will be loosely based on how they act with each other (but I'll still use the pronoun "you")! Also, this one is a bit short, I'm sorry!
Craig Tucker
He's pretty bad at expressing his emotions, which can get pretty tricky at times.
He's great at helping you overcome difficulties, as he's very logical.
His ideal date night: Stargazing near the pond, if it's a meteor shower, he'll talk all about space and the universe and whatnot.
If Stripe likes you, the relationship is going to last a long time (guinea pigs my beloveds)
With his monotone, it's pretty hard to tell if he's happy or not, so he'll make sure to reassure you that he loves you a whole lot.
Clyde Donovan
Everyone knows Clyde's a crybaby.
When he's sad, he cries. Happy, he cries. Angry, he cries.
It's a bit jarring at first if you don't know beforehand. You two will just be cuddling and he'll start crying out of nowhere.
"I'm just so happy ☹️!"
His ideal date night: I think Clyde's a bit of a shopaholic. He'll take you shopping at the mall, making you stop at every single store.
"Y/n, we could match!"
Jimmy Valmer
I like to think he'd be head over heels for you.
He'll practice his comedy to you before his shows, asking you which one you liked the best.
His ideal date night: Watching a comedy special while cuddled up together with a bunch of snacks all around.
He's not afraid of PDA, he'll kiss you anywhere at any given time.
He's the jealous type - the moment he sees anyone getting a little too comfortable he does the most so that they'll get the hint that you're off limits.
Tolkien Black
This one's a sweetheart
He'll definitely go overboard in gift giving. If you say you like something, he'll buy 50 of it.
His ideal date night: A romantic dinner at some nice restaurant, then just walking around the town.
He loves to hold hands, but he's not huge on PDA otherwise.
I think Tolkien's a candle guy (This doesn't really have anything to do with relationship I just think he loves candles.)
Tweek Tweak
He's kind of insane but in an endearing way.
He tends to freak out and have outbursts a lot, but with you, those outbursts lessen.
His ideal date night: Going to the beach. He freaks out a bit at first because he thinks there's going to be a shark in the water and he'll die, and when you guys are leaving he'll complain because sand is a bitch to clean. But during the date, he'll love it!
He's absolutely the jealous type - He's also most likely wickedly strong, so whoever's getting too comfy with you better watch out.
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ornii · 1 year
Bitterly Beautiful, Part 4
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Chapter 4: Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
"I just, don't think I understand her.."
(Y/n) sits, Legs crossed on the bed of Enid Sinclair as she paints his fingernails, it never bothers (Y/n) to be the Guinea Pig for Enid's ridiculous theories on color palettes and designs; he couldn't see any of it to begin with, what did help him was the ear she lent him.
"Oh (Y/n), Silly (Y/n)," Enid says, finally being coy herself. "Women are an enigma that a man simply can't understand."
"Women? You're still a Teenager Enid." He said annoyed, Enid scoffed at this.
"Am not! I have grown into a respectful and very intelligent woman."
"Enid the first time I met you I told you Santa wasn't real you cried for a week and said you'd spit on my grave.. what has changed?" He says and she rolls her eyes.
"If you could see I'm rolling my eyes right now." She says with a smile, he snickers, but sighs soon after.
"I hope you're right Enid, I think Wednesday is great, I just think she hates me."
"She hates everyone." Enid replies, "You don't have to keep up this act, be emotional, cry a little."
"I think If I cried she'd probably like it."
"No, I just think she likes seeing people miserable." (Y/n) replies and Enid waves it off.
"Not true, I bet she's trying to come up with the best way to invite you to the Rav'N." Enid says, now her turn trying to reassure her bestie.
"You think so?" He asks, and she nods.
"I know so. So, when you get the chance, tell her with confidence that you want to go to the Rav'N with her!"
The Jericho county morgue is a place housing the corpses of those who met an unfortunate passing lately. What it also held was valuable information for a certain creepy girl. Something makes its way through the ventilation shaft and drops down on a camera. Thing, who spatters black Bubblegum all over the Security camera watching the door. Thing drops down and crawls to the door, opening it via a button and Wednesday creeps in.
"Dr. Kinbott tells me I should get out more. Says I need to open my mind to new people and experiences. Who am I to argue with her professional clichés?" Wednesday says, and she and Thing enter the main room.
"While I do the autopsy, you find the files of the monster's other victims and make copies." She says to thing who taps loudly in refusal.
"Don't pout. Your scalpel skills are questionable. Do you remember my 13th birthday, when Uncle Fester gave me that cadaver? You sliced right through that man's carotid."  She says, Thing taps more and Wednesday this time halts everything.
"I did not invite (Y/n) because his indecisiveness about his feelings would slow me down. I'm not indecisive, I know what I desire." She says, Wednesday locks the door back and Thing makes a few gestures.
"No, I did not leave him back at Nevermore because I care about him, I only care about the truth." She says, Thing makes a gesture with two fingers hitting each other; almost like Kissing, Wednesday turns to him with her cold stare.
"Say that again and I'll find you a permanent slot in this Morgue."
Thing, realizing he actually prefers living quits and heads to copy, and Wednesday now heads to the chambers holding the corpses and prepares for what's ahead. Wednesday begins to open up contains corpses, absolutely unfazed by any of it.
"No. No. Magnificent hematoma. There you are." She says, and drags one out, the old man who got visions of hell tossed into his face. Dead. Wednesday begins her autopsy. Probably something she genuinely enjoys doing.
"Thursday, 7:23 p.m. The body is that of a 50-year-old male. Lacerations and defensive wounds appear on both hands. What remains of the chest and torso indicates a frenzied attack. The subject has been almost entirely disemboweled. This is curious. The subject's left foot is missing. It appears to have been chewed off at the ankle." Wednesday begins her Analysis, but Thing comes rushing in, tapping wildly.
"Have you seen a left foot anywhere? Calm down. Who's coming?" She asks, she hears the front door open and looks around for a hiding place, unfortunately, there's no (Y/n) to hide behind this time. So she picks the perfect place. The Sherrif enters with a man of bronze-colored skin and a salt and pepper beard, obviously in his older years.
"Appreciate you coming back to the office, Doc." The Sheriff says as they enter the Morgue.
"No problem, Sheriff. Whatever I can do to help. Whatever or whoever is responsible for these killings... In all my years, I've never seen injuries like them. I thought you should see this before I issued my report on the latest victim. It's a real noodle-scratcher. The killer cut off two toes from the victim's left foot. My best guess, they used a surgical saw. The final autopsy report's still pending."
"Minute you're done, send it straight to my desk. Media blackout on the toes."
"Sure thing, Sheriff. Been a busy couple of weeks, huh? At least I'm going out in style. Friday's my last day."
"Happy retirement, Doc."
"Gonna surprise Mrs. Anwar with a four-week cruise. Excited to trade rib shears for Mai Tais. See yourself out. I'll lock up." the Doctor says, and Sheriff obliges and leaves, the Doctor noticed that the door to one of the corpses was, open, he closes it but takes one more precaution. He opens it to Wednesday, who seems as dead as most. Her skin was cold, eyes were unmoving and stiff.
"I don't remember this one coming in. Full rigor. You've been dead a while. Guess you won't mind waiting another day for me to cut you open." He says with an uncomfortable smile, he closes it back up and leaves; letting Thing escape from the cap of a skeleton anatomy diagram. He fiddles over back to the door and opens it up to a surprisingly alive Wednesday has her eyes closed, and gingerly opens them.
"Five more minutes. I was just getting comfortable."
The next morning at Nevermore, Wednesday is in her Dorm, pinning up clues and pieces to the puzzle of Nevermore, which mostly looked like crime scene photos.
"When I suggested giving your side of the room a makeover, I did not have Ted Bundy's Pinterest in mind," Enid said, approaching from behind to look at this odd collaboration of Gore.
"Still not as creepy as your stuffed unicorn collection," Wednesday replies looking back at Enid, who begins to question her.
"Is this why you snuck out last night?"
"Thing and I made an unsanctioned trip to the morgue to copy the files of the monster's victims."
"Okay, there are so many levels of "ew" in that statement, I don't know where to begin. (Y/n) was worried about you." Enid says, Wednesday's attitude softens a bit as if she's a bit, glad he was concerned for her, As she looks Enid up and down, again she shoves her feelings away and continues.
"I need to get inside its head. Discover any patterns or anomalies. I've already made a big discovery. Turns out all of the monster's victims have had body parts surgically removed." She begins, takes off the photos, and hands them to Enid for her to look at them but it's obvious Enid isn't taking it too well.
"The first one a kidney, the second a finger...
"Wednesday, I don't feel—"
"Third a gall bladder. And the bearded man from the meeting house, two toes. Do you understand what this means? These murders aren't mindless. He's collecting trophies like a seasoned serial killer. It's impressive." She says, she turns back around to shoe Enid more, but Enid has already hit the ground unconscious.
"It's Vasovagal syncope."
(Y/n) stands there as he picks Enid up off the ground. Wednesday watches quietly from her side of the room.
"Makes people feint at sighs like blood and gore." He says as he lays her in the bed, he combs back her hair, he looks downward at her, like a sleeping beauty.
"You seem to know much about her, what are you, her doctor?" She asks, (Y/n) turns towards her.
"I'm her friend, and who knows maybe I'll end up a pediatrician, or Veterinarian, or your therapist when you eventually wind up in the psych ward." He says sarcastically and Wednesday folds her arms.
"You're using comedy to hide your own issues."
"Oh, you think I'm funny?" He says.
"That's not what I said."
"All I heard is that you think I'm funny."
He says, he looks back at her and reaches into his pocket. He grabs a small vial of smelling salts and waves them under her nose. Her eyes open quickly as she sits up.
"Wednesday I don't think—" she begins, but sees the two look at her.
".. I fainted, didn't I?" She says sheepishly, (Y/n) just laughs and helps her up, and the only thing Miss Addams can do, is watch them. Her eyes focus right on (Y/n). He always seems so, Chummy and caring if Enid like they’re family.
"While most plants reward their pollinators with sweet nectar, many carnivorous varieties turn to sеxual trickery or deception." Miss Thornhill is giving a lecture on Carnivore plants, Wednesday sits next to Xavier, who looks a bit worse for wear. He notices Wednesdays piercing eyes glaring at him.
"I tweaked my back fencing." He says, Thornhill continues.
"The orchid produces a pheromone that mimics a female insect, luring the males in. Now, once the plant is pollinated, what do the male insects get in exchange?" She asks:
"Nada. Just like all the guys at the Rave'N." Bianca says. Which some students laugh.
"Okay, okay. I know you're all excited about Saturday, which is why I haven't assigned any homework. But I do still need volunteers for the decorating committee. Anyone interested, come and see me up here."
"You're not gonna volunteer? Aren't you pumped about disco balls and spiked punch? There's even a DJ. MC Blood Suckaz."
"I'd rather stick needles in my eyes." Wednesday says with clandestine annoyance. Xavier just smirks.
"Being around blind people I thought you'd think better than that. You know, you could invite someone and have a little fun." Xavier says, Wednesday attempts to ignore his dry humor.
Wednesday seemingly leaves the classroom, and Xavier walks away, little does he know, a sly Black cat follows him, Wednesday. She stays a steady distance away to avoid detection, she watches him enter a building, it was dark and out of eye of most people, he was there only a few minutes before departing out of it. Wednesday creeps inside.
"Xavier didn't get those scratches from fencing. He's hiding something." She says: and turns out the light, she was quickly enriched with paintings of a, large eyed monster. Which seem so, real..
"I suppose every artist needs a muse. Xavier, you just became that much more interesting." Wednesday takes a drawing for herself and leaves, but didn't check everything.
"Wednesday." A voice calls out. She halts in her steps and turns around to Xavier.
"Xavier. Hello." She says, caught off guard.
"What are you doing?" He asks.
"Nothing. I just saw you come out this way. What is this place?"
"It's kind of my private art studio. I cleared it out, fixed it up, so Weems let me use it."
"How very entrepreneurial. I would love to see inside. Why don't you give me a tour?"
"Not right now. It's a total mess."
"I shadowed a crime scene photographer last summer. I'm not easily fazed."
"Maybe another time. Why were you looking for me?"
"I wanted to go over Ms. Thornhill's homework assignment." Wednesday said, "She didn't give us homework. Remember?" Xavier responds, catching her in a lie. "Why are you really out here? Is this about a certain dance that makes you want to poke needles into your eyes, perhaps? I'm all ears."
"Sometimes intentions melt in the face of unexpected opportunity. If this was my chance to get up close and personal with a potential serial killer, how could I refuse?" Wednesday thinks to herself.
"Are you really going to make me ask?" She says, and he nods.
"Oh, absolutely." he responds, Wednesday sighs, and curses to herself. "Would you... Would... Would you possibly consider going to the Rave'N dance with a certain... Would... Would you go to the dance with me?" Wednesdays finally builds up the nerve to ask, and Xavier smiles.
"Yes, Wednesday, I would love to go to the dance with you. I thought you'd never ask."
"Neither did I." She says gritting her teeth. Wednesday informs Enid her outing at the Rav'N
"Oh my God! Wednesday Addams is going to the Rave'N. My whole world is tilted! You know what you need?"
"A bullet to the head?"
"A dress."
"I already have one."
"Not the one you showed up here in! That thing was a fashion emergency not even lightning could resuscitate. Thing, back me up here. You need something that screams, "First date. Stand back, bitches! I have arrived!" And I know just the place!" Enid says smiling, and Wednesday can only imagine the form of torture she has in store.
"Hawte Kewture" the Most, explosive in color and fashion for all the girls of Nevermore, except Wednesday.
"What kind of dystopian hellscape is this?"
"Our first roomie shopping spree! The dance committee's suggesting all white to match the theme, but that's not gonna fly with us."
"I have more pressing business than to worry about a dress for a dance I don't want to attend.
"But I thought we were bonding." Enid says, a bit saddened.
"I feel I'll only slow you down. You're a gazelle. I'm a wounded fawn. Cut me loose and go run with the pack." Wednesday says.
"Are you sure?" Enid says, but Wednesday is pretty sure.
"I'm going to see Galpin." She replies, and Leaves to the Sheriff, who isn't very fond of her to begin with. His fondness for her dissipates even more as Wednesday Addams enters his Office.
"We both know that there's a monster out there. If we're going to stop it, I think it's time we put our differences aside and work together." Wednesday says to the Sheriff, who just looks at her; before she hands him Xavier's drawing, and he compares it to a photo of said monster, both heaving a, striking resemblance to each other.
"And this is your stake for me to deal you in? I'm sorry, you gotta do better than that. You got some nice detail though."
"I didn't draw it."
"I need to know who did."
"Unless we're exchanging intel, I'm not at liberty to say."
"Why would I share information about an ongoing murder investigation with a high school kid?"
"Because I go to Nevermore and you don't. Don't you want eyes and ears behind those ivy-covered walls?" Wednesday says offering a dead Oliver branch.
"Listen, Velma, why don't you and the Scooby gang stick to your homework and leave investigating to the professionals." The sheriff replies, but he gets phone call.
"What?" He says answering it.
"Mayor Walker's on line two. He's looking for an update." She says, he puts the phone says and turns his attention back to Wednesday.
"Hey, Addams. Let me see that sketch again." He says and she shows him, he looks at it once more, and caves in.
"The person who drew this, that your suspect? When you bring me some concrete evidence, maybe we'll talk." He says before Wednesday leaves. She continues down the road before the Caw of a crow stops her, she sighs and speaks.
"You can stop following me." She says, she turns around to (Y/n), standing there as he awkwardly rubs the back of his head.
"Yeah, my bad." He says, before remembering the conversation he and Enid had and takes a deep breath. So, you know we have the Rave'N this weekend, right?" He says, and Wednesday folds her arms.
"It was all the buzz at the Weathervane today. I must be the only one not obsessed with this stupid dance." She said, he tries to keep his calm composure.
"Right, So, you're not going?" He asks.
"Actually, I was forced to ask someone as an act of self-preservation." Wednesday admits, and (Y/n)'s hope shattered like glass.
"Oh...So, who is it?" He asks
"Xavier." She says, (Y/n)'a frown could nor be hidden and he just nods. "Well, enjoy yourself I suppose." He says and walks off.
"I'm not sure why you're upset." Wednesday said, (Y/n) stopped and turned around.
"I don't know it's this feeling called.. being upset, it's natural to feel this way." He says.
"It's not my fault I can't interpret your emotional brail." Wednesday fires back and he grips his cane a bit harder.
"Right, because why would I expect Wednesday Addams to know how feelings work, why am I surprised. I just, thought you and I got along a hell of a lot better than Xavier of all people."
"I'm just dealing with a lot right now. I need to prioritize." Wednesday replies, and (Y/n) just scoffs.
"Right, Priorities.. Prioritizing Xavier before me, not to sound selfish but I think you have your priorities a bit mixed, but I guess I have to be the bigger man in this situation right? I hope you two have fun at the Rav'N." He says before walking away. Wednesday opens her mouth to call out to him; but she stops herself, she can only watch him walk off, Thing Crawls from her backpack to say something, but Wednesday cuts him off.
"Not one word." she says, and begins to stew in her anger. Returning to the Bee Keeping station, she brings her Ted Bundy Pinterest to Eugene.
"Enid wouldn't let me keep this in our dorm." Wednesday said.
"No worries. Mi colmena es su colmena. I assume this is the creature that's been rampaging in the woods." Eugene says, looking at the photo.
"You've heard about it before?" She asks.
"Rumors. Mr. Fitts banned me from bug-hunting until further notice. Claimed a bear was on the loose, which I knew was a lie. Didn't match their hibernation schedules. Speaking of monsters with sharp claws, could you give this to your roomie?" Eugene grabs a Jar of sweet honey.
"Put in a good word for me? I hear she's still sans date for the Rave'N." He says, Wednesday decides now is probably the best time to shatter his dreams.
"I know the chances of her asking me are next to zero, but I don't care. I'll keep putting myself out there until Enid finally... sees me." Eugene says.
"And if she never does?"
"She will. I'm playing the long game. My moms say people will appreciate me when I'm older. They're probably just trying to make me feel better, but—"
"Listen, people like me and you, we're different. We're original thinkers, intrepid outliers in this vast cesspool of adolescence. We don't need these inane rites of passage to validate who we are." Wednesday said, giving Eugene advice.
"So you're not going to the Rave'N either?" He asks, and Wednesday begrudgingly shakes her head.
"Actually, I am. With Xavier." She says, and Eugene looks a bit surprised.
"I see." He says, "It's not like I like Xavier. I just have ulterior motives." Wednesday explains.
"No I was just thinking, you don't.. have Ulterior motives with (Y/n) do you?" Eugene asks, and Wednesday scowls at him.
"I just don't want my home slice getting played." Eugene says trying to sound "Hip."
"...Anyway, Sketches are the closest thing I have to a lead to try and stop this thing." Wednesday continues, showing Eugene, which one photo piques his interest.
"That circle...I've heard about it." He says, Wednesday turns to him quickly.
"Who told you about it?" She asks, and Eugene shows her to the man. Who just so happens to be in a smaller room in Nevermore, a sculpting room for pottery, sculpting with dark black clay for pottery. His hands feeling along the molded clay. His coat was off and his sleeves were rolled up to avoid messes. He stops sculpting to reach for more clay, he grabs a handful and goes back, and a Wild Wednesday appears in front of (Y/n), Eugene also struts over.
"... What do you want?" He asks, and Eugene steps up.
"You remember what cave you told me about? The spiral?" He asked and (Y/n) nods, he reaches for a towel to clean his hands.
"Yeah, it's in the forest.. why?" He asks.
"There's a high chance it has something to do with what you and I are investigating." Wednesday says, and (Y/n) now looks more interested. "I found a drawing that is close in resemblance to the cave." She explains, (Y/n)s brow furrowed at this, he stands up, cleaning his hands off.
"...Okay, let's check it out then." He says, the trio stand before the Cave. (Y/n) feels the side of it.
"It's nice to search for uniquely shaped things, I guess it's a way to pass time for me. I came across this cave but Decided against it." (Y/n) said.
"It's definitely a match." Wednesdays says. "You think it's in there?" Eugene asks Wednesday and (Y/n), "It's.. possible." (Y/n) says, which makes him a bit concerned for Wednesday and Eugene.
"I'll go first." (Y/n) says, he heads in, cane clenched. Wednesday turns to Eugene. “If I die, well just tell Enid she’ll plan the funeral I guess.” He trudged in slowly, trying to sense any unorthodox sensations.
"If you hear me screaming bloody murder, there's a good chance I'm just enjoying myself." she says before following (Y/n) into the darkness, they encroach upon bones.
"This is definitely its lair." Wednesday said. (Y/n) kneels down and takes the bones.
"Are these human?"
"No, I think it's got a taste for venison." Wednesday grabs a deer skull. (Y/n) picks up the sound of something and he walks to the wall.
"Wednesday, Check this out." He says grabbing something, a chain, not just chains but lend attached to shackles. (Y/n) turns towards her.
"You were right, this must be it's lair, where did you get this drawing from?" He asks, Wednesday continues to ponder but says nothing, now needing more proof of what connects. She kneels down, seeing something jammed into the ground, grabbing it, she pulls it from the ground, it's a claw. Perhaps the owner of this claw was said monster. But she needed hard evidence.
She returns back to Xavier's art house, now with Thing in tow.
"All right, I won't be long. I just need to find something to match against the claw's DNA." Wednesdays and thing enter the room, but Xavier was quick to show up.
"What are you doing?" He asks accusingly.
"How do you know what the monster looks like? Or are these all just self-portraits?"
"What, you think it's me? I saved your life."
"So did the monster. Or was that you the night Rowan was killed?"
"You so are out of line now."
"I'm trying to uncover the truth. And your art seems to have a recurring motif." Wednesday said, and Xavier slowly caves in.
"Yeah. This creature's been haunting my dreams for weeks. I try to block it out, but I can't. So I just... come in here and paint it. When I was painting this one, claws reached out and took a swipe at me. That's how I got these."
"I thought you were able to control your ability."
"Not when it comes to this."
"Maybe it's your guilty conscience."
"I told you I'm not the monster, okay?"
"You just happened to draw pictures of it, down to the location of its lair in the woods? Those are some pretty vivid dreams." Wednesday said, which just irks Xavier
"You were in here. Before, when I caught you outside. That's the only reason you asked me to the Rave'N? To try and cover. You are unbelievable."
"It's nothing personal."
"No, it never is with you, is it? I mean, do you even care about anyone or anything at all, Wednesday? Get out.." he says, and Wednesday slowly sees herself out, Wednesday now returns to the Sheriff, After procuring evidence from Xavier, she drops the claw, and a bloody rag.
"That's the claw of the monster and that's a dried blood sample from a potential suspect. He used it to dab scratches on his neck. Run the DNA test and see if they match."
"I'm sorry, do I work for you?" Sheriff said.
"You asked for concrete evidence. That's it."
"Where'd you get this? And who's the suspect?"
"Run the test first, then I'll explain everything."
"I'm not playing games, Addams."
"Neither am I, Sheriff."
"....Bernice, bring me a DNA authorization form, please." He says calling someone, (Y/n) is finishing up some brail work at his desk inside his dorm. as he feels a tapping on his shoulder. He turns around to no one, but thing on his shoulder.
"I'm not even going to ask how you got here.. what's up? Wednesday use you too?" He asks sadly but thing just hands him a letter. (Y/n) just looks at him.
"... You know I can't read this, right?" He says, "Just.. Go get Enid please." (Y/n) said.
Eventually, Enid is in his dorm, reading the note and is freaking the Eff out.
"Dear (Y/n), I, Wednesday Addams, cordially invite you, YOU (Y/n) Healy to the Rav'N tonight! I await your arrival in my dorm! O M Gee! This is so her! Even the ink smells of Goth And Glamour!" Enid says, so happy for her Bestie. (y/n) was a bit shocked by this.
"She wants to go with me? I thought she was going with Xavier, guess that fell though.." (Y/n) says sarcastically,
"Or." Enid begins "She realized just how perfect you two would be and knew you were always the best choice! Don't worry I'm going to hell you get dressed, you strut your stuff like the beautiful magic demon peacock you are! And you'll steal her black heart!" Enid says, almost fantasizing about it.
"You want to plan our wedding too?" He says sarcastically.
"Promise?" She asks, which scares him a bit, he stands up. "Just.. whatever you think is best." He says, and Enid smirked, ready to turn (Y/n) into a perfect Victor van Dort.
Later in the night, Wednesday prepares herself for an outing with Eugene. And there's a knock at the door and she heads to open it.
"I'm coming, Eugene! Hey, did you grab any extra batteries for the flash—"
Wednesday opens the door to someone she was not expecting. A tall, handsome figure dresses head to toe, a pair of Dapper wingtip shoes, socks to boot, a sleek Velveteen White suit, a pearly white shirt and a hefty black vest combo. And a perfect black bow tie to boot, his hair slightly combed back and he cologne, the scent of Black Rose and Vile Thron fills Wednesdays nose and for the moment she thought she actually died and met her Corpse Groom. He tips his glasses and smiles.
"I got your invite. Guessing you had Thing being it to me." He says, and Wednesday was, for the first time in a while, at a loss for words. She was either so angry or absolutely smitten, probably the first.
"After our last conversation, I thought I really messed up and I wanted to apologize too, but before I could I got your note, it was.. really honest and sweet." He says, but Wednesday continues to just stare at him, absolutely at a loss. "You need a few minutes?" (Y/n) asks before she shuts the door in his face and storms over to Thing.
"Honest and sweet?" How could you do this to me? That weird feeling In my chest is happening again! I swear I am going to hang you by your fingernails—" Wednesday begins, but stops as she sees a dress lying on her bed, and it was grandios, antique, so, darkly beautiful.
"How'd you pay for it? Five-finger discount, of course...Thing, don't look." She says and gets dressed, (Y/n) waits downstairs, for the first time in a while he's actually, nervous. The footsteps of high heels clicking sends chills down his spine. He stands up and turns to the sound and the waves create an image of, beauty. Wednesday wore a All black Lace dress, right to her calves, it had side ruffles upon the sides of her sleeves, a sleek black waist belt to finely fit every aspect of herself, even her hair, now in a upper bob, was new. (Y/n), one for jokes and teasing, was just mesmerized by her.
"Wow, you, you’re..” he begins, but Wednesday looks more annoyed to be here.
"Unrecognizable? Ridiculous? A classic example of female objectification for the male gaze?" She says, which makes him just Chuckle.
"Well you don't have to worry about that from me, these damn eyes I can't really see anything."
"Yes you can, you just have to open them, of course it would mean the death of every living being you set your eyes on." She said Dryly, he nods sadly but, with his gentlemen charm. Gives her a courtesy bow.
"Well, I'd burn this entire world to the ground just to see you." He says, and Wednesday for the moment just stares at him, unable to form a correct response to that lady killer line. He smiles and tries to be more comfortable.
"I mean it, Wednesday. You look beautiful." He says. Wednesday looks away. Showing her antisocial tendencies.
"You're Just saying that to make up for what you said."
"That, and I mean it.. you know it's rude to not look at people when you're talking to them. Cmon, look at me, please?" He asks, Wednesday, trying to not let emotion overtake her, turns to face him and he smiles.
"You really are drop dead gorgeous.." he says, there were no words exchanged, but the look Wednesday gave him spoke volumes, before she can say something, Eugene arrives.
"Wednesday, what's going on? What happened to staking out the cave?" He asks, seeing the two together.
"Sure, I get it. Guess I'll check out the woods myself."
"Don't go alone. It's too dangerous. Stand down. We'll go together tomorrow night, understood?" Wednesday says to him, and (Y/n) turns to her.
"Staking out the cave?" He asks, Wednesday walks off as (Y/n) follows to the Rav'N, who Enid has already attended with a, Normie? He looks at the Yeti statue, a bit perplexed.
"Is that an abominable snowman?" He asks.
"Oh my God! You can't say that, it's offensive! The correct name is Yeti." Enid explains.
"Oh, sorry. Do any go here?"
"Not anymore. They've been extinct since the 1950s. Our science teacher Ms. Thornhill chaired the dance committee this year. She wanted the Rave'N to feel relevant. So our theme is climate crisis meets extinction event. But in a fun way!"
He looks even more confused but accepts it, before they can continue, the couple of the century step in, the necks of many students turn their heads to see (Y/n) and Wednesday absolutely stealing the night. The murmurs of the peanut gallery come out.
"Wednesday totally busted out of her cocoon."
"Like a death's-head moth."
"(Y/n) isn't looking too bad either, he’s glowing with that smile.”
"I know like a, handsome nightlight."
"Do you see Bianca's face? She's not going to be happy."
"They're talking about us." (Y/n) says, as Wednesday analyses the room.
"Bianca's jealousy is just burning her up, seared salmon is pretty delicious." (Y/n) said as a jest.
"Hm." Wednesday had a small sound come from her lips, and (Y/n) turns to her.
"Did you just, laugh?"
"No, I don't laugh."
"Are you sure? That sounded like a chuckle..."
"No, I just found your joke about Bianca slightly humorous than all your other failed attempts."
"You just don't want to admit you find me the slightest bit funny?"
"I'd rather douse myself in gasoline before entering a burning building than do that." Wednesday replies deadpanned, which just makes (Y/n) smile more.
"Wednesday Addams." They hear Ms. Thornhill approach, "What a lovely surprise. Ms. Thornhill." Wednesday says, and Ms Thornhill looks at them.
"You two, a bunch of showstoppers! I'm so glad you decided to come along."
"It took me dragging her out of her room." (Y/n) says sarcastically, and Wednesday turns to the drinks. "I'm gonna go get us some drinks." Wednesday leaves as (Y/n) smiles, watching her go. Wednesday grabs a pair of drinks before Enid happily strolls over to her roomie.
"OMG! I love the look! Amazing choice of date too." Enid says looking at (Y/n), like a Wolf of The Wall Street. Wednesday turns to Enid.
"I'd say yours is.. more interesting." She says, as Enid tries to explain. "It's not what it looks like." She says.
"Good, because that pilgrim already is on my list." She said.
"Lucas is trying to make his ex jealous. I'm trying to make Ajax jealous. It's a win-win." She explains, and Lucas approaches, hands up.
"Wednesday, I come in peace." Lucas says.
"That's a shame. I brought my pocket mace. The medieval kind." She says, the dance continues as Wednesday watches along. (Y/n) is getting basically harassed by girls asking questions about his get up, happily directing them to Enid who did most of the work. Xavier walks up next to her,
"Can't believe you brought him."
"Why are you bringing this up? As if this dance weren't tedious enough."
"You don't know what he did to me." Xavier says, and Wednesday tilts her head a bit.
"Enlighten me."
Xavier spills his soap opera, to the slight interest of Wednesday, and now she intends to find her date, which (Y/n) was sitting down, Wednesday approached and sat next to him.
"Too man Yeti-tinis?" He asks smugly.
"Xavier told me what you did last year. How you destroyed his mural on Outreach Day." Wednesday said, and (Y/n) sighs, "Honestly? Well I guess you deserve to know the truth, last year we were part of the archery class, "Artists of Infamy." We won championships, did really well.. and In comes Bianca, she took him away from the team, started using her siren powers, he missed practice, Bombed on championship tournaments, and I.. took it out of him. And his mural." He explains, and Wednesday looks at him.
"What did you do to the mural?" Wednesday said.
"I.. might.. have sent a murder of crows to shit all over it. Weems couldn't prove it was me but, Xavier knew." He says sadly, Wednesday stares at him and sees his sadness.
"Did you think I was going to judge you over some lousy prank? I would have taken it further." She says, trying to cheer him up, but be vague about it. He just smirked and looks at her.
"I knew there was a reason I liked you." He says smiling, and Wednesday felt, happy. The odd music hits (Y/n)'s ears and he stands up.
"Is that Goo Goo Muck? I love this! Cmon we have to go dance!" He says, without much surprise he takes her hand, excited. Wednesday sees the gleam in his face and is slowly melted by his child like innocence.
"Fine.." Wednesday yanks her hand away but follows him, it's dark in the ballroom but he can see Wednesday just fine. They stand across from each other, and he begins to dance, nothing too crazy, but his focus was on Wednesday, who just stares at him.
"When the sun goes down And the moon comes up I turn into a teenage goo goo muck." Wednesday begins to, dance? It was, unique, something that only She can truly do. (Y/n) can only watch the sound waves dance like a sonar with a smile, seeing her dance. Her focus was so, straightforward on (Y/n), he began to stop dancing and just watched her, smiling.
"Yeah, I cruise through the city And I roam the streets / Looking for something That is nice to eat / You better duck / When I show up"
Wednesday disappears into the smoke, (Y/n) feels a hand tap his shoulder, he turns to Wednesday who appears behind him.
"The goo goo muck"
(Y/n) was enthralled in all of this, and has to participate; He began to dance in perfect unison with Wednesday, trying to mimic her movements down to her slightest shift in momentum. Everyone watches the two, almost like a, mating dance.
"I'm the night headhunter Looking for some head / With a way-out body Underneath that head / Yeah, I'll get you, baby With a little luck /  'Cause I'm a teenage tiger And a goo goo muck / You better duck / When I show up / The goo goo muck / Yeah, the city is a jungle And I'm a beast / I want the most But I'll take the least / 'Cause I'm a goo goo muck tiger And a teenage beast / You better duck when I show up /
It was impossible to see during the lighting, during the dancing, but Wednesday had a small smile on her face, she was, enjoying herself, her company, her friend. As the dance ends, (Y/n) laughed and took her by the hands.
"I'm so glad, so glad you came with me." He says, and Wednesday felt the feeling in her chest again. She pulled away.
"My feet are killing me, and as interesting as that would be to see, I must take these shoes off." She says and walks away. He watches, smiling. Wednesday enters the hall to sit, where Bianca was sitting.
"Whoever invented high heels clearly had a side hustle as a torturer." Wednesday sat down to take off her shoes.
"As my dear mother always says, "Fire tests gold, suffering tests a woman." Bianca replies.
"Speaking of suffering, where's your date? I didn't see you and Xavier on the dance floor."
"We had a little tiff. About you, actually. You don't know what it's like."
"Being beautiful and popular?"
"Never knowing people's true feelings. If someone likes me for me." She admits, Bianca's ability as a siren always had the possibility of putting people in a trance. Never truly knowing if their feelings for her are genuine or from her powers.
"What about your amulet?" Wednesdays looks at it, hanging around Bianca's neck.
"It's not foolproof. It's a mild prophylactic, so to speak. That's why Xavier broke up with me. He could never fully trust me. The worst part is I could never trust his feelings either. I never knew if they were real or not. You're lucky."
"Do tell." Wednesday asks for explanation.
"You don't care what people think of you." Bianca said, which Wednesday considers. "That's why he likes you so much." She says, which piques Wednesdays interest.
"(Y/n)." Wednesday said and Bianca nods.
"Like he said, force of nature." Bianca chimes in, but Wednesday isn't as proud of herself as many would think.
"Honestly, I wish I cared a little more."
"It's time for the big finish. Yo! Almost eleven o'clockity, so haul it out on the dance floor one last time before the Rave'N says "Nevermore!" The DJ yells, Wednesday stands up and calmly walks over as (Y/n) is waiting, still smiling just as brightly, he begins to dance, but Wednesday isn't as up for it as him now, but it didn't matter, as long as she was there. He stops, and gets close to her.
"I really meant what I said, you really are beautiful." He says, smiling.
"Because I don't care about what people think about me?" She says, and he laughs and nods.
"Yes! Yes! You don't care what people think about you, I saw the way you danced, you didn't give a damn about what anyone thought. The way you carry yourself, the way you act. You don't do it to be "Creepy" or "Weird". You're you, and that's what I love so much about... you that you’re…You." He says, and those words spoke volumes to Wednesday. He slowly leans in, ready to place the final bow on this perfect night, before.
It began to drip on the ground, (Y/n) felt something hit his head and he and Wednesdays look around, it began to pour, everywhere! Blood red poured from the sprinkler system. People scream, feared for their lives, and just made a mess. (Y/n) saw the horror and dismay on peoples faces, he turned to Wednesday, and he actually saw it. A smile on her face. She was, enjoying this. And he felt his heart skip a beat seeing her truly smile. She tastes the odd liquid and her scowl returns.
"They couldn't even spring for real pigs' blood. It's only paint." she says, and (Y/n) sighs with relief.
"Thank God you had nothing to do with it—" he says before people begin to bump into them. One hits (Y/n) and he falls to his knees, and another bumps into Wednesday, causing a vision possibility, he feels her stiff like a corpse and he quickly stands up to catch her, she snaps out of it and looks at him.
"Wednesday! Are you okay?" He asks, she grabs his shirt.
"Eugene is in the woods. He's in danger. She says, before running off, he chases after her, calling for Eugene.
"Eugene! Eugene?"
(Y/n) sniffs the air and picks up a scent, it wasn’t pigs blood it was.. humans blood. He rushes to the strong scent and comes across him.
"Oh no.. Wednesday! Over here!" He yells and kneels down. Wednesday rushes over "Eugene? Eugene?" She says before seeing (Y/n) kneeling down over him, Eugene, bleeding, unresponsive. They both kneel down to do whatever they can but, they're just kids, (Y/n) turns his attitude to Wednesday.
"We have to find this monster... Now."
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royalwilmon · 5 days
here are so many fun little ally life updates since my Disappearance
my best friend had a baby!!!!!! auntie ally mode activated!!!!!!
one of my roommate's guinea pigs passed away but she got a new one! very sad but very happy
the cast album for the notebook musical came out and i haven't been the same person since
i binged the newest season of the circle and it became my entire personality for a good three days but now i forget most of what happened
i was mostly all caught up with fantasy high junior year as it was airing but now i refuse to watch the last episode because i refuse to acknowledge that its over
i signed up to do a lot of volunteer ushering for a bunch of different regional theatres in boston!!!! i'm ushering one of the preview performances of the new A.R.T. gatsby musical on friday!!!!!!!!
i saw wasia project and laufey in concert and Died i died i am dead. its so wild that i saw laufey at this tiny venue in cambridge just a few years ago and now she sold out the wang??!!!! proud of her :')))
i saw regional productions of a strange loop (michael r jackson was there and surprised the cast onstage at the end of the show!!!!! i WEPT) and spring awakening (hated it!!!!!!! they gave every character smartphones!!!!! mama who bore me was done with selfie sticks!!!!!! hated it!!!!!!!)
got invited to my ten year high school reunion. HATED that.
was in NYC last weekend!!! drove all the way in there myself!!! only cried once!!!! i did hit a bus but y'know what i reached my destination!!!! central park picnic and then I SAW DAVE MALLOY'S NEW SHOW!!!!!! i have so many thoughts and feelings that i might make a whole post about soon-ish
and last but not least i went to boston calling on sunday! i saw chappell roan and megan thee stallion and hozier and i am fully dead. but like. yeah if any of you have seen the posts about it, the event was MASSIVELY oversold and the crowds were fully Dangerous and it was super stressful and super scary. i had fun and im grateful i got to go (for free!! its cool to have connections!!) but holy yikes. had to leave hozier's set early because i almost passed out. probably won't go again unless its like. omar. lol
okay that was so much i guess i did have a busy month ??!! if you are reading this pls tell me something fun you did in may!!!! chit chat with me ok my social battery is fully recharged
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ofmd-ann · 3 months
Tagged by @gentlebeard @kiwistede @soupbtch - Thank you loves!!💕
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?: Nope! My parents just liked the sound of my name
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: A week ago maybe? due to being stressed. Sometimes a good cry is therapeutic though! I recommend it.
DO YOU HAVE KIDS?: No, maybe in the future but I'm undecided.
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED?: I loved playing tennis as a kid, but I'm not that sporty! 😅
DO YOU USE SARCASM?: Yep (really wanted to channel Ed from Fun and Games here hehe)
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE?: I think I'm good at reading people and I can usually tell right away if we are going to vibe or not. If I can pick up on kindness and warmth, that's always a draw. Physically... I guess I notice eyes.
WHAT'S YOUR EYE COLOUR?: My eyes are Blue!
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS?: I'm going to go with happy endings, I do prefer movies that make me feel something (whether the ending is happy or sad) and sometimes horror movies are not too deep/just a bit of fun, but I do love horror as well!
ANY TALENTS?: I guess I must do but I can't think of anything specific lol I guess my creativity is a talent. I love making things (whether it's digital stuff or crafts)
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES?: Video games, being in nature, spending time with friends, psychology (which I'm studying right now), and obsessing over pirates 🏴‍☠️🌈
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?: Not right now, but I've had cats, guinea pigs, and bearded dragons! 🐈 🦎
FAVOURITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL?: English 100%! second to that would be science. Maths & P.E. were the worst for me.
DREAM JOB?: I always wanted to be a veterinarian or work with animals in some capacity but it never happened. Right now I'm studying psychology and I work in mental health. Helping people and making a difference enriches me, so any job in which I can do that 🥺
no pressure tags: @gentlebeardsbarngrill @agaywithcoffee @spirker @scorpiostarseed @bizarrelittlemew @saltpepperbeard @sherlockig @blakbonnet @elby3000 @celluloidbroomcloset @wastingyourgum @xray-vex @merryfinches @lightninginapuddle @sleepystede @apex-nadir @blueberreads @thehappyfeminist-22 @xoxoemynn
I know I've forgotten people 😪 so if you want to do this, tag me either way. I'm always interested in reading these💜
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ladykagewaki · 11 months
15 Questions / 15 Mutuals
Thank you for the tag @ladyzirkonia
Were you named after anyone?
I think my mother had a cousin I never met she named me after.
When was the last time you cried?
I am guessing March, but I don't have a solid memory of crying recently.
Do you have kids?
Nope. No thanks.
Do you use sarcasm?
Usually not.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their height.
What’s your eye color?
Hazel, dark green, dark grey, some brown.
Scary movies or happy endings?
I do love a great thriller, something clever and interesting and terrifying, but I think I do need a happy ending after it all.
Any special talents?
Special talents? Uh...hm. I am good at building an efficient process. And I doodle a mean stick figure ;)
Where were you born?
This is kind of personal and don't feel comfortable sharing online.
What are your hobbies?
These days it's doodling my silly comics, raising exotic plants, and avoiding all the face to face contact with other humans that I feasibly can.
Have any pets?
No...but over 50 plants who are just as dramatic as my late guinea pigs were.
What sports do/ have you played?
When I was young I did gymnastics, figure skating, volleyball, softball, track and field (200m and shotput), then as an adult I got into lifting and yoga.
How tall are you?
Favorite subject at school?
Biology, Folklore, Social Psych, Cross Cultural Psych
Dream job?
Realistic: A process or project manager. Dream: Like @ladyzirkonia I day dream a bit of voice acting, though I've never done anything remotely close to acting (I was traumatized by dumb adults in my early years of theater stuff). Maybe being a florist. Or a travel blogger.
@zaya-mo @chrissywakingup @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @aintinacage @ladykatakuri @indira-korr @marierg @isthereanechoinhere96
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eruden-writes · 1 year
Athethran & Minerva - Part 5
Building a story from Valentines (and my birth month!) asks. So toss me a trope/scene/ask and I’ll try to work it into this story or do another.
@vaya-mernda asked: An actual body guard fic 😂 even if it’s just the meeting of the pair. Who are decidedly ready to NOT get along. With some low key sexual tension.
Bodyguard x Ward Demi-Eldritch x Human Age Gap (10ish years)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 (coming soon)
After a long stretch of quiet, no one else offering to be a fresh guinea pig to whatever challenge the demon ringleader had planned, Minerva stepped forward.
"I’ll accept a challenge,” she said as people around her parted a little further, allowing the demon ringleader a better view. Their eyes lit on her, head tilted to the side and assessing her. As they approached, she felt Athethran tense behind her, but kept her eyes trained on the ringleader. "I go by she/her, by the way, thank you."
“Interim Ring Leader Tazlo, they/them, at your service, miss.” Tazlo bowed, their tail flickering behind them as they held out their hand in a silent request. Minerva’s response was automatic, trained from years of etiquette lessons as she dropped her hand into their waiting palm. She realized it was perhaps not the best move, with Athethran casting a watchful gaze behind her.
It was no use to revoke, however. With a quick kiss that grazed her knuckles, Tazlo soon dropped her hand and stood straight.
"Now then, let's see, let’s see…” They grinned, their lilac eyes flickering around the assembled crowd. A few people called out ideas, mostly involving entangling her with their own self, but a few offered less personal ideas.
Minerva tensed as their attention shot behind her. She hadn’t even looked at Athethran to know what sort of expression he wore. Her heart tripped a little as Tazlo’s smile broadened, showing off rows of pointed teeth. “I dare you to kiss your dour companion. They look like they could use something to cheer them up."
Minerva’s shoulders tensed, feeling Athethran’s eyes fall to her back. Over the goading cries or the groans of others, she simply said, "As long as he agrees, I suppose."
"Certainly, only if they agree!" The ringleader nodded, hands on their hips and chest puffing out a little bit. Entertained by their own mischief.
Athethran and Minerva awkwardly caught each other's eye as she turned. She wanted to experience everything the festival had to offer and he’d be lying if he didn’t wish to be among those experiences. Before he could stop himself, he gave a small nod of agreement.
Minerva smiled up at him as he agreed, her eyes brightening. But as her hand landed on his chest and she leaned up, Athethran could feel her awkwardness and it only amplified his own. Eyes closed against the audience of strangers, he leaned down to land a chaste kiss on her lips.
Though her lips were plush - begging for a tongue to breach their barrier - and his were invitingly warm, the kiss was stiff and awkward. Minerva was far too aware of their audience and of her partner’s tension. Athethran was far too aware of his own corporeal form and his inner, darker, self squirming beneath the surface.
They parted quick from the mild kiss - looking away from each other - to the sound of mild teasing boos and heckling.
"Oh, come now!" Tazlo gave a hearty laugh, leaning toward Athethran. "If you aren't going to absolutely snog your lovely companion I'm sure someone else here will!"
A rousing round of cheers and whoops drifted up from the crowd. Minerva pressed her lips together, heart jerking in her chest at all the interest. A number of interested patrons chimed in at the ring leader's teasing words. She couldn’t bring herself to look at Athrethran, so she missed his expression hardening at the edges.
“That won’t be necessary,” Athethran said coolly, turning back to Minerva. He extended a hand to her, leaning closer. “If I may have another go?”
Minerva couldn’t find words as her eyes jumped from his proffered hand to his face. With a quiet nod, trying to ignore the heat in her cheeks, she placed her hand in his. With a tug, he pulled her close and their lips met once again, eyes fluttering shut. One of his arms looped around her back, the other hand at the base of her head. Her hands splayed wide on his chest, palms pressed against the fabric of his tunic.
At the slightest pressure from his tongue, Minerva’s lips parted, welcoming the deepening of the kiss. Athethran leaned further into her as her arms slinked up his chest, wrapping around his neck. Without  much thought, her leg came up, hooking around his hip, pressing their trunks closer together, savoring the heat and firmness of him pressed against her.
Likewise, he was enjoying her plushness pressed against him and the sweet taste of her on his tongue. A stirring need shifted in him. Deep and dark and hot. The craving for more reared up at the back of his head. The desire to delve parts of him, not at the moment manifested, into her. To explore every inch of her, find every little nerve that had her writhing and trembling.
Athethran broke the kiss suddenly, eliciting a gasp from Minerva. There was a brief second where she stared up at him, wide-eyed and chest rising with slightly ragged breaths. It wasn’t long until the whoops and cheers of their audience broke through their bubble.
“Now, if m’lady wishes a kiss from someone else, she can have at it.” Atheran gently disentangled himself from her, waiting until she was solidly back on two feet before taking a step back.
Fighting the urge to fan herself, Minerva shot him a confused look. Did he really just invite someone else to kiss her? After all the qualms he had about her being at the festival? “Wh-what?”
“Ooh, a kissing contest? I’m game.” Interim Ringleader Tazlo grinned and laced their fingers together, stretching their arms in front as their knuckles cracked. They held their hand out to Minerva once more. By this point, even her automatic etiquette response had worn thin. “If you agree, miss?”
Minerva glanced from Tazlo’s proffered hand then to Athethren, but he only offered a shrug in return. He certainly didn’t seem to care or mind. That was curious, she thought, but she turned back to the demon. Their grin never wavered as they waited for her answer.
Biting her bottom lip, she couldn’t deny Tazlo was rather attractive. Their facial structure was appealing and their light purple eyes were emotive, enchanting even. Little curious thoughts, like how their horns would feel under her touch, teased through her mind as she reached her hand out. “Sure.”
“That’s the All Hearts spirit,” the ringleader winked as they clasped her hand in theirs.
Before she knew it, they swept her up in a quick fervor of a kiss. She barely had a chance to gasp as the Tazlo descended on her, their tongue tracing the seam of her lips as their mouths met. Once her lips parted, the kiss deepened. Their arm tightened around her back, their other hand cradling the back of her head, as they stooped closer. Even as they pulled away, she wasn’t given any reprieve as they trailed kisses down her jaw and down her throat. A peal of giggles escaped her before they fully pulled away.
They were interrupted by the obvious honk of a clown’s nose sounded further into the ring. Joyful caterwauling around Minerva and Tazlo became even louder, realizing the official entertainment had returned.
With another wink to Minerva, who bashfully rubbed at her neck where their lips had been, Tazlo spun around and spread their arms wide. “Sounds like the act is back on now! Who’s ready for some clown fuckery!”
A sigh of relief puffed from Minerva as the attention in the tent shifted from her to the inner ring. She started her way to the seats, a few people shooting her particular looks or murmuring congratulations for her delightful little sideshow. It wasn’t until she and Athethran found a bare stretch of bench to sit on that he spoke up, “Enjoying yourself?”
She hazarded a glance at him, not sure what she’d find there. Surprisingly, he seemed to be grinning down at her with an amused curl to his lips. Unlike earlier, when he had stood straight and proper, he leaned against the back of their seating in a slouch.
It did not escape her attention, with his arms spread along the back board of the benches, his arm grazed awfully close to her back. She tried to ignore the almost-touch with a shrug. “Well, I can’t say I expected a kiss to be the challenge.”
“What did you expect?” Athethran raised his eyebrows, not even pretending to pay attention to the antics in the ring.
“I don’t know. I read the challenges can really vary,” she answered, awkward heat prickling her cheeks. Her eyes remained fixed to the clowns in the ring, engaged in lewd slapstick that ended with one rather dainty clown ‘accidentally’ landing on a rather impressively sized eggplant. “Flashing, oral, or straight-up sex in the ring come from the accounts I read.”
“Were you hoping for a different challenge?” His eyes narrowed, but a grin tilted at his lips. Though it was warm in the tent, it was nowhere near sweltering. Minerva’s flush was from more than heat. Well, exterior environmental heat. “Or did the kissing suffice your curiosity?”
There was something in Athethran’s tone that sparked suspicion in Minerva’s mind. Finally, she looked at him, gauging his expression with a critical eye. “Are you fishing for a compliment?”
“Well, the ringleader did call it a contest. I think it’s only fair to be told who won.” He gave a one-shouldered shrug.
In that moment, seeing Athethran lounging back with his arms spread, the hint of a smirk on his lips, a warm jolt danced down Minerva’s spine. She had to pull her gaze away from him with a shake of her head, a dry laugh leaving her lips. “Unbelievable. You only kissed me, because you thought the ringleader was making a contest of it.”
He frowned at her words, a mingling sense of shame and embarrassment climbing up his back as he had to face exactly why he kissed her the second time. True, that smug ringleader hadn’t helped in his quest to be a better bodyguard than yesterday, but… Well, even he knew that first kiss had been a dud and he had wanted to correct it. “That’s not quite true.”
“Don’t try to save your ass now,” she scoffed and waved her hand at him, turning to face the ring again. A tinge of haughtiness slid into her tone while her mind weighed the earlier kisses. If he wanted to play this game, she was going to play it seriously. “Factoring the scores of both your kisses versus their single kiss, I’d say you were about average. The ringleader scored a solid eight out of ten.”
Ah, she was going to be ornery. Shifting position, he leaned forward and braced his elbows on his knees, casting her a look as he leaned toward her. “And if you only consider the second kiss?”
Dear gods, he was making it very difficult to pay attention to the bawdy show. Minerva didn’t turn her face to him, but gave him a sidelong look. Athethran watched her silently, waiting for her answer. His attention didn’t even dart to the entertainment, even as moans and fleshy slaps increased. After pursing her lips and narrowing her eyes, she muttered, “Seven point five.”
Oh yes, she was being purely stubborn. Hunching further, Athethran leaned his chin in his hand and sighed, “Yes, well, that’s because I kept my tentacles to myself.”
“That you did,” was all Minerva could find to say in response to that. She remained sitting straight, hands clasped tight in her lap. Though she tried to focus on the show, her mind kept wandering to just how he could have included his tendrils. And just how much that could alter his kiss’s score.
Athethran was on the verge of saying, “A mistake I won’t make again.” However, he stopped himself.
That wasn’t something a good, dutiful bodyguard would say. He could get away with the earlier kissing, considering it was a challenge and his Lady wished to experience what the festival had to offer. Seeing as he was part of the festival - and she had urged him to enjoy it as well - he hadn’t broken any orders or guidelines.
Well, that’s what he told himself. He knew it was rickety reasoning, but he didn’t care.
Together, the two attempted to watch the show, even though their minds were occupied amongst other thoughts.
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ratsoh-writes · 7 months
Today was actually awful, like I wanna rant about it but if y’all don’t wanna see that just ignore this
Ok so I have a neighbor who used to baby sit me when I was in elementary school. She’d make me top ramen even though my mom wouldn’t let me have it at home. She has my eternal love and loyalty for that.
Anyways now, this lady is like 80-90 something. Old as fkn dirt and the last five years dementia hit hard and she’s basically a toddler with the attention span of a sparrow now. Her daughter is her caretaker, and occasionally I babysit granny (neighbor) while her daughter runs errands . I do this for free cause I fkn love granny, like it’s no problem
Well today granny was having a bad day, she had a fit and started yelling (she has really flip floppy moods but she’s just loud, never violent so I’m not bothered) and when she goes out onto the porch, she heads to her swing seat acting like she’s gonna sit down. I follow cause you know, mandated babysitter/entertainment. Granny then does the fastest old lady sprint ever back inside and locks me out. Not a problem, I have a house key
The. Key. Isn’t. Working.
So I call her daughter, no pick up, I text her, nothing. I’m still outside, I try all keys on the ring in every direction I can think of. Granny is cussing and yelling at her reflection in the tv inside (she has so much beef with her reflection, it’s hilarious). It’s now well over a fucking hour, and I’m still out on the porch praying that granny won’t fall or something till I can get back in. The only reason I haven’t called like the cops or something is cause I can tell she’s not hurt or anything inside.
Finally she lets me in, cause I use the tried and true excuse of needing to pee (“oh go to the bathroom then girl!!”) and I do fkn pee dammit, and by then I was locked outside for about an hour and 15 min. The fallout is she threw all her clothes out of her dresser and undid her daughters bed. I clean up her stuff after slicing her a banana as a distraction, and we eat lunch together cause her daughter still hasn’t come home and it is that time. (she fkn loves fruit)
Well by now daughter is supposed to be home. I’m only supposed to be here for an hour and half. Granny is a happy camper and telling me about the good old days when she pulled all the bitches. Confuses me for my mom a few times, and talks about her son simultaneously being a child but also a father of grown children (she mixes up her timelines too)
Her daughter doesn’t come home for another hour and forty five min. I’m so happy I called work and told them I had a family emergency, cause if not, I would’ve had maybe 20 min to get ready and scream to my students after that shit show. It just wasn’t gonna happen today
Anyways I’m not mad at granny, she has the brain of a guinea pig who just heard it’s owner walk into the kitchen. I’m mad at her daughter who never answered my calls and who didn’t give me a heads up that she was gonna be out nearly two hours over our agreed time. And the reason? She left her mother fucking car in hee dumb freaking hecking ducking car. Like butch I’m watching your biggest responsibility and you just don’t have your phone on you????? What if there was an accident??? If anyone was watching my kid, my phone is in my fkn pocket with the vibrate on just in case. And she doesn’t even apologize
Literally I don’t think I can watch granny anymore, and that freaking kills me cause I adore her. But I don’t trust her freaking daughter anymore. She goes over time all the time, that I always brushed off. But just not having her contact with her, that’s so dangerous. Literally went straight home and just cried for a solid 20 min afterwards cause of how shaken up I was.
Anyways that’s all. Just wanted to rant about it
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wire-mutt · 9 months
a woozy youth
(On AO3)
Summary: During a scuffle with a villain, Miles is injected with a potentially fatal aphrodisiac. Hobie is the only one around to help.
Notes: Hobie/trans!Miles sex pollen fic. Hobie is 20, Miles is 15. Hobie feels horrible about the whole thing.
CWs: dubcon, emetophobia, needles, underage, age difference
18+ only, explicit, not sfw, etc
Hobie watches Miles plummet through a window chasing after the most recent villain causing trouble in the wrong dimension. Some kind of mad scientist--an off-shoot of Doc Ock with syringe tentacles--who's been using civilians as guinea pigs for his concoctions.
Hobie swings up to the windowsill, peers down and is relieved to see that Miles finally has his hands on the slippery little bastard. For all his little gadgets, the scientist is no match for Spider-Man's super strength, and Miles has him pinned to the floor beneath him.
Hobie has every intention of swinging down and helping Miles web his limbs to the ground, but he hesitates--something he'd end up kicking himself for later. Miles has been so eager to prove himself in these missions, but keeps getting one-upped by his partners. He's yet to be sent on a mission without a babysitter, and by no means is Hobie here to be some authority figure. If Miles has got it, he's got it.
But he hesitates too long. Before either of them can react, a mechanical limb snakes out from behind the scientist and stabs into Miles's shoulder. Miles cries out, and it's all the scientist needs to pry himself out from underneath him.
"Careful, Spider-Man," the scientist taunts, rising to his feet, "Some of my testing didn't yield the most orthodox results. This variant of the toxin--Love Serum--works quite differently, actually! You better hope you have a gentle hand with you; it's known to be fatal if left unattended to. Good luck!"
"That's the best name you could come up with?!" Miles jabs, still clutching at his shoulder, a pink substance leaking from the puncture. As the scientist skitters away, Miles calls, "Pervert!"
Concerningly, Miles doesn't give chase, staying kneeled on the floor. That's when Hobie leaps through the window, firing a webshooter at the villain. "Hold on, now! You've still got me to worry about!"
His web wraps around one of the legs and he pulls, but instead of halting the villain it simply separates from the suit. The limb comes hurtling towards him, and he flips over it with ease, hearing it crash into the building behind him.
The area outside the lab is a wide-open space without many buildings to swing from, and even missing a leg the villain is making great distance in a short amount of time. He'd have to chase him on foot.
He shoots a concerned glance towards Miles.
"I'm fine! Go after him," Miles insists, but the way he's leaning towards the ground tells a different story.
Instead, Hobie calls for backup on his watch, telling them which way the villain is heading. Miles makes a noise of complaint, letting his head drop. His sigh is audible.
Hobie approaches him after he's done informing the other Spiders, kneeling down beside him. "How you feelin'?"
"I told you, I'm fine," Miles says, strained despite his words. "That guy's never tested his stuff on spider-people before. It probably doesn't even work on us. Go after him."
"Quit tellin' me what to do."
Hobie glances in the direction the villain went, then back down to Miles.
"Look, if he's wrong, then there will be other chances to catch him. If he's right, well, there's only one of you. …Don't look at me like that, you know what I mean."
Miles just sighs, pulls off his mask. His skin is already starting to darken, damp with sweat, and he's panting. It's hardly been a minute.
"You got a girlfriend? Or boyfriend?" Hobie asks. He doesn't know if he could logically get Miles to them in time if so, but it couldn't hurt to try.
"Uh… No," comes his hesitant answer.
Hobie pulls off his own mask, considering his options. He could call for Gwen, or even Pavitr--someone closer to Miles's age than him--but as far as he knows, they're both on their own missions. And Miles probably wants as few people to see him in this position as possible.
"Looks like you're stuck with me, then." He tries not to let his own uneasiness show in his voice. He's five years older than Miles. Not that he cares about laws per se, but… he still feels like he'll be taking advantage of the poor boy.
He's thankful that it's the dead of night and the lot is vacant. In his condition, he doesn't think Miles would make it somewhere more private even if Hobie physically dragged him there. Glancing around, Hobie spots a security camera outside the entrance to the building, and uses his webs to cover the lens.
A shudder runs through Miles, and Hobie places a steadying hand on his uninjured shoulder. Miles whines at the touch and leans into it, and it takes everything in Hobie not to recoil.
"Easy. I'm gonna help you out, mate. Don't worry."
Miles glances at him, eyes lingering a little too long with a look that makes Hobie's stomach twist. That kind of hunger looks out of place on Miles's otherwise innocent features.
"Let's just start slow, yeah? And get you out of that suit. You look like you're about to overheat."
Miles nods absently, moves the hand clutching his shoulder to the back of his suit, then is wracked with something that has him groaning and placing both hands in his lap while his thighs squeeze together, fingers twisting into the fabric.
"I… can't."
Hobie nods, and moves to unzip Miles's suit himself. Miles sighs as his skin hits the cool air, his flush reaching his neck and shoulders already. Hobie lets his suit drape around his waist as Miles's shrugs out of the top half. The boy's muscles are toned, though he's just a little too scrawny to resemble an adult. His small pecs heave as his breath picks up and sweat dribbles from the exposed skin between his collarbone.
Miles squirms in his suit, trying to find some kind of relief. "This is crazy."
"For sure. But we'll get you through it." Hobie hooks his fingers into Miles's suit to pull it down around his hips. Miles gives him such a pleading look as he does it that Hobie wants to turn around.
He won't let himself. This is for Miles.
He doesn't mean to tease the boy, even if part of him is stalling. Hobie helps him kick off his suit completely, leaving him in his boxers--which are soaked--as he lays back on the ground.
Huh. Hobie had no idea he was trans. He feels bad that Miles was robbed of the opportunity to tell him himself--yet another thing to add to the growing list of things on Hobie's conscience.
Hobie moves back to put some distance between them, and Miles whines at the loss of contact.
Hobie pulls his glove off with his teeth. "Just try 'n relax."
Miles looks so... lewd like this, flushed with half-lidded eyes, legs spread, hips arching as he tries to rub himself against the air. Hobie's cock is starting to take an interest, despite his reservations, and Hobie internally curses at it.
"I'm gonna touch you, alright? Just to get you through this," Hobie warns.
Hobie places a hand on his thigh, moving it up until his fingers brush against the damp fabric of his boxers. Miles's body jerks in response, legs spreading wider, inviting.
Hobie strokes his pussy, and the boy mewls at the contact. "Just breathe, yeah? In and out."
Hobie pushes the fabric of his boxers to the side and slides a finger easily inside him, curling it as it enters. Miles's thighs quiver, and his back arches off the floor.
Hobie's hand moves steadily, Miles's hips bucking up to meet it. Hobie tries to ignore the way the boy's pussy tightens around his finger when he curls it, the way Miles's hands scramble to grab something to hold onto, how he's trying to grind against his hand, desperate for friction.
"Another one. Please," he whines, his voice so sweet. Hobie complies, sliding a second finger in next to the first, watching his digit sink down to the knuckle in one smooth thrust. His thumb moves to rub at Miles's clit.
Miles is moaning now, a mess beneath him, and it's getting to Hobie. He feels sick to his stomach, a headache forming in the back of his skull, yet his cock is pressing against the inside of his suit, and he can feel it leaking in a sticky mess. He bites the inside of his cheek until it's bloody.
Miles's whole body is trembling, and he's panting like a dog in heat, whining with each breath.
"It's alright," Hobie reassures him, even though Miles doesn't seem to be listening anymore. "I've got you."
Hobie speeds up his hand, watching as his face screws up with pleasure. Miles's back arches again, his head going back and his hands clenching against the concrete.
Hobie feels like he could throw up, but that sick feeling isn't enough to suppress his libido, his dick throbbing incessantly in his pants at the sight of Miles going mad with lust.
He doesn't stop, doesn't slow down. He's going to make the boy come, whether Miles loves him or hates him after this.
(Hopefully it's the latter.)
He keeps going, and... going, and his arm hurts and Miles hasn't come yet. Frustration is etched into Miles's features, a far cry from the pleasure from moments ago. He's shaking his head, sweat dripping down his forehead.
"It's not enough," he gasps, his teeth gritted.
Hobie is taken aback. "What do you mean it's not enough?"
"I need more. I need--" Miles's hand comes down on Hobie's wrist, the one moving between his legs. His touch is scorching. "I need something inside me. It's not enough."
Hobie goes still. "You want me to--?"
"Please," Miles begs, "It's not enough."
Hobie can't take it anymore. He feels like he's going to snap, like he's going to go insane.
"No." He's not about to whip out his cock and fuck a child into the ground. "Not havin' none of that. I'll get you there."
Miles looks devastated. "But--!"
"I know you can do it," Hobie encourages, though he's lying. He just needs to get it over with, so he can get away from this place as quickly as possible.
He withdraws his fingers, to Miles's audible dismay, and hooks them into the waistband of Miles's boxers, pulling them down and off his legs in one swift motion.
Miles looks properly confused as Hobie lays out on his stomach between his legs, pushing them apart.
"What are you doing?"
"Gonna lick you out," Hobie says bluntly, and he means it.
"Like a cat?"
Hobie laughs at that. "Not exactly. Don't worry about it."
He doesn't give Miles a chance to react before he slides his tongue along his pussy lips, making the boy buck and whine. He wastes no time, tonguing his clit as his fingers slip back inside him.
Miles seems satisfied enough with it, head rolling back against the floor as his thighs squeeze around Hobie's head. Miles is so receptive to everything that Hobie is giving him, moaning like a pornstar as he does.
Hobie tries to focus, to just pretend this is like any other fuck, but the more Miles reacts, the harder it gets. He can feel the tremble in the boy's thighs as he presses them against his ears, muffling the pitiful noises that have been pouring out of him for the past few minutes. His cunt is twitching around fingers, his clit thrumming underneath Hobie's tongue.
The smell and taste is making his head spin, and he's never been more turned on in his life. He's a fucking pedophile, he can't believe this is happening to him.
Miles whimpers, and one of his hands finds purchase on the back of Hobie's head, pressing him further down into him. "Right there! Don't stop."
At this rate, Hobie is going to soil his pants. He grinds down onto the concrete floor desperately as Miles pleads, but there's not nearly enough friction to satisfy the way he's throbbing, the heat coiling in his gut.
Somehow he still manages to ignore his cock, in favor of licking and sucking between the kid's legs. It's like he's fucking possessed. He doesn't stop, doesn't even slow down, until Miles is back to being a drooling mess beneath him.
Miles is whining, his hands finding Hobie's wicks as Hobie keeps sucking his clit, his fingers rubbing at the spot inside him that makes the boy go wild.
"Oh, god," Miles pants, "I'm gonna--!"
His thighs tighten around Hobie's head, and he's spilling all over his mouth and chin. Miles is writhing under him, gasping and moaning as his fingers dig into Hobie's scalp. Hobie can't even think as he fucks Miles through his orgasm, the boy's pussy quivering and contracting around his fingers. He's just relieved that it's over.
When Miles stops twitching, Hobie pulls back, wiping his mouth and chin with the back of his hand. Miles is breathing hard, his body limp and eyes fluttering shut as his chest rises and falls rapidly.
Hobie can't stand to look at him, to look at what he's done, so he stands and turns away, trying to ignore the tightness in his pants. He wants to go home, go to bed, go anywhere but here. He could shower for a year and still not feel clean.
Instead, he stands there, listening to the heavy breathing of a boy he just molested.
"Hobie..." Miles croaks behind him, and Hobie's stomach flips. He wants to crawl out of his own skin, but he forces himself to turn around.
"You alright?"
Miles is still lying on his back, his hands limp and his legs spread. "It's... It's not gone."
Hobie glances over him, seeing that his skin is still flushed. That desperate look still hasn't left Miles's eyes.
"What?" is all Hobie manages, his brain coming to a screeching halt.
"It still hurts." Miles is leaning forward, hooking his fingers into himself, a clumsy, desperate attempt to repeat Hobie's earlier motions. "It's not enough."
"Miles, are you serious?"
The boy looks up at him, eyes pleading, begging. Hobie's heart is beating a mile a minute, his stomach churning.
"I need you to help me," he says, desperation in his voice. The movements of his hand looks painful now, hammering in and out of himself. "Please."
"There's nothin' my dick can do that my fingers can't," Hobie insists, mostly to himself. Miles isn't having any of it, shaking his head, eyes squeezed shut tight.
"I don't know, maybe it's like... an antidote," he says. "I just-- I need you. Please. Please."
"Fuck." Hobie is panicking. He knows Miles is only thinking about his body's needs, but he can't even wrap his head around the thought of what he's about to do. Miles is still a kid, even if both of their bodies are trying to convince them otherwise.
He doesn't know how long he stares at Miles, watching him drive his fingers into himself in a way that would be painful to a sober body. When he does move, it doesn't feel to his own accord. He finds himself kneeling between Miles's legs again, Miles's hands finding his shirt and clawing. He unzips his pants, already painfully hard, his cock curving up towards his stomach.
He casts one last wary glance towards the webbed camera, like it'll catch him in his worst moment, then back down at their bodies. Miles watches, his face a mixture of awe and need.
Hobie positions himself, rubbing the head of his cock along Miles's pussy. Miles bites his lip, his fingers digging into Hobie's skin.
And then he's buried to the hilt inside a child.
And it feels so good.
His wet, sucking heat is tight around Hobie's cock, and he can feel the kid trembling beneath him. Miles's legs come around his waist, pulling him in further, his heels digging into his back. Miles is squirming beneath him, his hands sliding up his shirt and clutching at his back. His lips are parted, breath coming out in hot bursts against Hobie's skin.
He moves his hips robotically, in and out, and tries to suppress the shiver that runs through him each time Miles moans.
He's been with girls who were tighter than this. He's been with boys who were noisier. But Miles is... something else entirely. The boy's body is reacting to Hobie's, and it's like he's sucking Hobie's cock inside him. Hobie can't tell if he's feeling the toxin too or if he's just reacting to the way Miles is pulling at him. Hobie's head is swimming with the feeling of being inside Miles, with the scent of sex and sweat and lust. It's a mess, a mess of bodies and limbs and moans.
"Hobie," Miles whines. "Hobie. Hobie."
His name becomes a mantra to the boy, and Hobie has to clamp a hand down around his mouth to keep him quiet. He's trying not to think about the fact that he's fucking a kid, but the sounds Miles is making are making that impossible.
"You've gotta be quiet, Miles," Hobie gasps. "I can't--I can't do this if you keep moanin' like that."
He keeps moving, even as Miles starts to make those same sounds around his hand, and it feels good enough that Hobie can almost pretend it's someone his age.
Miles is clinging to Hobie like he's the only thing in the world, his hands in Hobie's hair, tugging at the wicks. Hobie shuts his eyes tight as he pumps his hips, trying to lose himself in the familiar sensations.
But it's difficult. This is, objectively, bad sex. If he lost himself to habit, he'd be biting his partners neck, taking it slow, teasing them. Not like this, Not this awkward, uncomfortable thrusting into a kid too impatient for foreplay, just trying to get it over with.
He uses the hand not covering Miles's mouth to shift the angle of his legs, pushing them higher. From the sounds he makes, it has a pretty big impact. He's tightening and spasming around Hobie's cock, trying to drink him up. This boy is so full of desire, eager to please and be pleased, innocent and yet not.
Hobie's head is swimming, his blood racing. He's just jabbing himself into him, hoping it's enough--and by Miles's reactions, it is. There's nothing pained or desperate in him anymore, only ecstasy, as if Hobie is the best thing he's ever felt. Maybe he is.
He keeps moving, tries to keep his voice down, and just keeps thinking of anything but this. He tries to think of nothing. Of his tour schedule, of the streets of London, of how it'll be cold when he goes home. He tries to think of the guy he got a drink with last night. The one with the tattoos and the cocky grin. The one who'd showed up to his shows to learn his words, the ones he sang about identity and transgression. He thinks of the way his body had felt under his fingers, lithe and solid, and the taste of him on his tongue.
"I'm so close," Miles whispers against his hand, and that makes Hobie's stomach drop. It makes his hips stop moving, and Miles whines, trying to push his hips forward.
Miles sounds so sweet, so desperate. He's a wreck, tears streaming from his eyes, sweat pooling in the dip of his collarbone, hands clinging desperately to Hobie's clothes. He's trying to kiss Hobie's fingers, nipping and licking at them.
Hobie pulls his hand away, and Miles tries to kiss him instead. Miles's lips are parted, tongue darting out to try and taste him.
Hobie hesitates, fighting the urge to pull out completely, but finds his hips move forward to their own accord, pushing in again.
He lets Miles kiss him.
He kisses him back.
And it's awful.
It's nothing like kissing his past partners. But Miles is sweet against his mouth, moaning into the kiss as Hobie slides his cock in and out of him, his whole body wracked with pleasure. His hands are bruising Hobie's shoulders and there's a franticness to the motions, like at any moment Hobie will just pull away.
Hobie is shaking. His stomach is twisting, his heart pounding. Miles is pulling at his shirt, his hands sliding underneath to grip at his skin, and it feels so good that Hobie wants to throw up.
He breaks the kiss, resting his head on Miles's shoulder as he thrusts in and out, in and out. Miles is panting, chanting his name, begging for him not to stop. Hobie wants to cry, wants to scream, wants to run away.
But he can't.
He just keeps fucking the kid, trying to get this over with. Miles's voice is breaking as he cries, and Hobie doesn't know if it's from pleasure or pain. He doesn't stop, keeps moving in and out until Miles is shaking against him, and then--
And then--
Hobie feels it.
The walls of Miles's pussy are squeezing around his cock, rippling against it. He feels Miles's body jerk against his, and hears him let out a strangled cry, muffled against his own hand. His legs lock around his waist, his fingers digging into his skin. He's twitching against him, his pussy pulsing around him as his hips grind.
And it's like Hobie's body has been given permission.
He comes inside Miles, and it feels so good, so fucking good. It's the best orgasm of his life, his mind going blank as he spills into the kid.
He's in heaven, he's in hell, he's everywhere at once.
He rides it out, feeling Miles spasming around him.
When Miles's legs finally release him, Hobie doesn't collapse against his chest. He's quick to pull out, put space between them.
But, out of habit, he pauses to take one last look at Miles, the blissed out look on his face as he relaxes against the concrete, the come--his come--oozing between his spread legs.
He scrambles to his feet, nearly tripping over his own pants as he tugs them back up. He stumbles a few feet away and heaves, bile rising up the back of his throat and spewing onto the ground. He stands there, bent over, hands on his knees, trying to steady his breathing as he empties the contents of his stomach. He hears Miles make a confused noise behind him, but doesn't turn around.
"Feelin' better, mate?" he asks, panting, his voice rough.
"Yeah," Miles responds after a pause. Hobie is sure he's never heard such relief in his voice.
Hobie is already pulling on his mask before Miles can continue, ready to forget all of this.
"I should be saying something about 'dinner first', right?" Miles tries to joke as the sound of a long zipper permeates the air.
Hobie forces himself to laugh. It's all so stupid, so morbid and horrible. His throat feels like it's full of glass, but he's relieved to hear some normalcy in Miles's voice - nothing like the pleading arousal of before.
"If that was an invite," Hobie says dryly, "that's a resoundin' no."
"No! I was just… Uh... Well, thanks for your help."
"Don't mention it." Please.
"Are you--?"
"Just get some rest," Hobie stops him. He's already picking out home on his watch. "I'll see you around, yeah? Maybe next time I'll give you a bit more attention."
Miles snorts.
"Yeah, we'll see."
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blackwldcw · 1 year
just finished episode 18 and I am HHHHH FURIOUS. Gods. I know humans make for good villains because, really, humanity does not have the best track record in any capacity for welcoming outsiders. But yikes. This show is a kids' version of District 9. It's haunting. There are literally Autobots and Decepticons out there surviving off of scraps, risking their lives for human entertainment just to get a bit of energon. And the Decepticon POWs? Let's hand them over to a madman to be guinea pigs.
And don't even get me started on the human-led shadowplay on Cybertronians.
This is such a good show, but I really hope the writers follow through with this whole theme of redemption and cut back on misunderstandings in the next season. I want bots like Breakdown and Tarantulas to be okay.
Like OPTIMUS are you dumb are you STUPID. Megatron knows what's up. And I hope he blows the whole place sky high when he finds out what's been happening to his people.
And the memorial. CRIES. There is a war memorial written completely in Cybertronian to commemorate all who died before the space bridge was destroyed. The blue flowers. The fact that only Megatron's statue has graffiti. Like, it's a sacred place.
And the ending photo of the graffiti saying "Transformers Go Home" being changed to "Transformers ARE home."
My head and heart are full of feelings ok. I haven't been this invested in a Transformers cartoon since Animated.
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elentarial · 9 months
Fifteen Questions for Fifteen Mutuals!
Thank you for the tag @swanhild (I mistakenly left @thescrapwitch tagged, but I’d have answered it if you sent this too)
1. Are you named after anyone? My paternal aunt
2. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday, over my dog. I cry very easily though.
3. Do you have kids? 2 daughters
4. Do you use sarcasm? Extensively
5. What sports do you play/have you played? Equestrian, basketball, softball
6. What is the first thing you notice about people? Their teeth.
7. What’s your eye colour? Blue.
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Scary movies
9. Any special talents? I tend to recall stuff from the past and it generally annoys other people.
10. Where were you born? United States.
11. What are your hobbies? Reading, writing, baking, sleeping, wandering around in nature and wasting time on the internet.
12. Do you have any pets? I have two dogs, a turtle, two Guinea pigs, a kitten, and a cow. Used to be just three dogs, but I had to put my oldest dog down this week. 😭
13. How tall are you? 5'6
14. Favourite subject in school? History, geography, short stories and poetry.
15. Dream job? Making a ton of money with full benefits. I don’t care what the occupation is.
I haven't been online much these last couple of days and have no idea who has already done this, so I'll just tag a couple of people I talk to regularly (zero pressure of course!): @curufinswife, @cuarthol, @i-did-not-mean-to,
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Thank you for the tag @insilanar, even if I got the tag notification over a month late :P
Are you named after anyone? I picked my middle names after a poet and a mythical warrior.
When was the last time you cried? Yesterday watching the Barbie movie.
Do you have kids? No, but I want to adopt in the future <3.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? It's a big part of Finnish humor, but I avoid it with friends who don't understand it :3.
What sports do you play/have played? I played football for 7 years, but had to quit due to asthma and joint problems.
What's the first thing you notice about other people? The way they smile.
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings! I like to think there is always hope for the future.
Any Special talents? I'm a ventriloquist! And I can play the violin.
Where were you born? I was born in Espoo, Finland <3
What are your hobbies? I crochet, play the violin and cycle.
Do you have any pets? We have two guinea pig ladies, Laku and Toffee :3
How tall are you? I'm 165cm!
Fave subjects in school? Art and history!
Dream Job? I want to be an arts/special needs teacher.
Eye colour? Dark greenish-brown :D
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oliviaischillin1204 · 11 months
This Fanfiction Of Sanders Sides Is Called "Bluey" Part 4: Janus
[olivia's note: hey y'all! this is the 4th and final chapter of a fic by the amazing anne onymous! thank you SO MUCH for submitting this to me!!! i'm so grateful for your writing <;3]
chapters (1) (2) (3) 4
Patton walked into the kitchen, immediately catching Janus's attention. "Hi Janus! Sure is quiet tonight, huh?" Patton greeted. "It was. Since when are you up this late?" Janus asked, rolling his eyes. "I just have too much energy to sleep. Roman too. Since we're all up, wanna come play with us?" Patton offered. "Nice try. I heard about what you two did with Remus and if you think I'm going to fall for this, you're clearly just as dumb as I thought." Janus said before sipping his wine. "Well, guess you leave me no choice but to bring out the big guns. Roman!" Patton called out, summoning the prince who was carrying many Bluey toys and their YouTooz plushies. Patton took half and flashed his best puppy-dog eyes. "Why do you never play with us?" Patton cried. "What is happening?" Janus asked. "You're always with Remus!" Patton whined. "Because no one else can handle him! Even then, I spend half my time hiding from him." Janus argued, trying to stay strong. "It's like you don't even love us! Don't you know how much we love you?" Patton asked, tearfully. Janus was stunned. Why was this working? What was Patton doing with his eyes? And why did the plushies make it harder to say "no"? What is happening?! "How can you not love your own family?" Patton sobbed. Oof, the family card. "Alright, fine! I'll play with you." Janus groaned. "Yay!" Patton cheered, high-fiving Roman.
"Let's just get this over with. Whatever we're doing, are we doing it here?" Janus asked. "Of course not, silly. We're going to my room." Patton said, sinking out with Roman following after. Janus did the same and as soon as he appeared, Roman tackled him to the bed and pinned him down. He summoned scarves to tie Janus's wrists to the headboard–wait, their beds don't have headboards. Did they summon one just for this?! His protests fell on deaf ears as Roman tied his ankles to the bedposts and removed his shoes. "Untie me this instant!" Janus shouted. "Tsk tsk tsk, someone is certainly cranky, eh Patton?" Roman said. "Probably because he's up so late, poor snakey-baby needs sleepytime. Guess we'll have to tire him out so he can get the rest he needs." Patton reasoned. "School's in session, let's start the lesson!" Roman exclaimed as he sat beside Janus who was still struggling in his bonds. "What lesson?" Janus asked. "I promised Roman I'd teach him some of my tickle techniques. You don't mind, right?" Patton explained. Janus's eyes widened. He was only teasing about Remus's endeavour, he didn't think Patton was actually smart enough to come up with a scheme like this! He's managed to dodge all of Remus's attempts at a tickle attack for years but now he's tied up in a Y position and about to be made nothing more than a tickle toy? Well, he's certainly not going down without a fight.
"I will not be your experimental guinea pig, now let me go!" Janus protested. "Too late, you already agreed to play with us, Jennifer." Roman remarked. "Janus." he corrected. "Whatever." Roman scoffed. "Let's start with something you're familiar with, Roman." Patton suggested. "Perhaps this little game will change your tune, hmm?" Roman teased, manoeuvring his legs under Janus's back so his torso rested on his lap. "Ladies, gentlemen and esteemed guests, I shall now play for you the Rondo Alla Turca." Roman announced as he pushed Janus's shirt up, revealing his slightly scaley stomach. Janus wiggled and squirmed, desperate to stop Roman, but his struggling only got the job done faster. "Such good manners, little Jessica." Roman teased. "Janus." he hissed. "Don't care." Roman remarked, cracking his knuckles. He cleared his throat then began dancing his fingers all over Janus's tummy, singing and humming a tune before stopping when he noticed Janus wasn't laughing. Roman turned to look at Janus and smirked at what he saw. He was biting his lip and his eyes were shut tight. He was trying not to laugh. Game on. "My sincerest apologies, everyone. I seem to be having a bit of trouble with my piano. Probably just needs a little tweaking." Roman said, lightly pinching all over Janus's torso. The deceitful Side jumped and jerked with every pinch, still refusing to give Roman what he wanted.
"You sure he's a piano?" Patton asked with a wink. "You're right Padre, silly me." Roman remarked as he laid down next to Janus. He took his hat and placed it on his own head, tipping it. "M'snakey." Roman said, causing Patton to giggle while Janus scowled. "This is no piano, it's a banjo!" Roman exclaimed, "strumming" across Janus's belly. The dam finally broke when Roman got a little too close to his sensitive bellybutton, causing him to squeal loudly before bursting into a fit of laughter. "Nohohohoho! Rohohoman, I'm gohohoing to kihihill yohohohou!" Janus cackled before he snorted, causing Roman to stop and Patton to squeal. "Did you just snort?! That was so adorable!" Patton gushed. "Mention it to anyone and you're both dead! And Roman, give me my hat." Janus scolded. "You really think you're in any position to make demands, Georgia?" Roman queried, twirling the hat around on his finger. "That one's not even close!" Janus argued. "Close enough. Hey Patton, catch!" Roman said before tossing Janus's hat to Patton who caught it and decided to wear it. "Suits you better than him, but now he looks cold. No worries, I'll be your blanket." Roman said, laying on top of Janus. "Get off me, Roman!" Janus barked. "There's no Roman here, only a blanket. A crazy blanket!" Roman teased, digging his fingers into Janus's ribs. "Hahahahaha! I hahahahate yohohohou!" Janus laughed heartily. "The feeling's more than mutual, Ginny." Roman remarked.
"Uh-oh, looks like this blanket is infested with ticklecrabs!" Patton chimed in, scratching at Janus's underarms while repeating "tickle tickle" over and over again, not that it could be heard over Janus's giddy giggles. "Aww, the ticklecrabs just want a friend to play with. Luckily, I heard there's a lonely bug who also likes to play giggly games like this." Roman teased, straddling Janus's thighs. He placed his hands at the bottom of Janus's ribs and began crawling them down as he sang. "Poor little bug on the wall, ding ching!" Roman sung, digging into Janus's hips at the last minute which evoked a very loud squeak. Holding back his own snickers, Roman trailed down Janus's legs. "No one to love him at all, ding ching!" Roman continued as he scratched at the back of his knees, chuckling at Janus's attempts at kicking. He turned himself around and moved down to Janus's ankles, removing his socks. "No one to tickle his toes, ding ching!" Roman sung as he spidered across Janus's sensitive soles, delighted by the boisterous laughter that followed. "No one to blow his nose." Roman finished before blowing a raspberry on Janus's tummy, causing him scream with belly laughter as he bucked and struggled in his bonds. "NOHOHOHO! THAHAHAHAT TIHIHICKLES! HAHAHAHA!" Janus shrieked. "That's kind of the point, Janus." Patton said. Roman got back up for air and decided he and Patton should take a break, giving Janus one too.
Janus never felt so humiliated. So embarrassed. So...happy? And loved? The endless laughter was exhilarating, he felt a certain closeness with the others he's never felt before and the tickling sensations themselves were a lot more fun than he anticipated. He avoided being tickled for so long because he assumed he'd hate it but he was loving every second of it. But he has an image to uphold, so he can't let Patton and Roman know. "Hey Patton, remember the Bluey episode "Featherwand"?" Roman asked. "Uh-huh. It did not go in the direction I thought it would." Patton said. "Well, what do you say we give in to our imaginations and make our expectations a reality?" Roman offered, summoning a long white fluffy feather. "I like the way you think." Patton complimented. "Watch this." Roman said before fluttering the feather around Janus's ears and under his chin, causing him to giggle uncontrollably. "And if you think that's cute, wait until you see this." Roman said, noticing Patton squealing into his hands. He pulled the feather away and raised it in the air. "Heavy!" Roman exclaimed, causing the feather to glow golden. He began tickling Janus's belly with the feather but this time, he bellowed loudly and struggled frantically. "Oh, I get it! Bingo's featherwand made things heavier when she said "heavy", and yours makes heavier laughter!" Patton said. "Close. It actually feels like heavier tickling which causes heavier laughter." Roman explained.
"Hey, you didn't even need my help this time! Good job, kiddo!" Patton praised. Roman beamed with pride. "Hear that, Jeanette? You're dealing with TWO tickle monster pros now. Cootchie coo!" Roman teased, moving the feather down to Janus's feet. "ROHOHOMAN, DOHOHON'T! HAHAHAHAHA!" Janus screamed. "Well well well, looks like someone's got feather-sensitive footsies. Tickle tickle tickle!" Roman taunted, waving the feather at his ticklish toes. Janus completely lost it. "AHAHAHAHA!!! GUHUHUYS, PLEHEHEASE STOHOHOHOP!!!" Janus begged, pulling at his bonds as hard as he could. Roman and Patton immediately stopped everything and in a snap, everything from the feather and the scarves to the bedposts and the headboard vanished. Janus curled into himself, still giggly from the phantom tickles coursing through his body. That. Was. Amazing. Not that he would ever admit it. Patton summoned a glass of water and tapped Janus on the shoulder, handing it to him as he turned around. "Here Jan, this will help." Patton advised. Janus took the glass and slowly gulped it all down. "Thank you." Janus mumbled softly, handing the empty glass back to Patton. "For the water or the tickles?" Patton asked. Janus froze. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out so he closed it again and looked down, sheepishly. "Your secret's safe with us. Promise." Patton assured.
"Plus, you and me can be considered even now after that comment you made about me and a certain Side." Roman said. "Seriously?! You're still moping about that?! Need I remind you I only said that because you laughed at and insulted my name?! And you still continued to make fun of it by getting it wrong throughout this ridiculous endeavour!" Janus protested. "I would've gladly apologised for that, had you apologised to me for comparing me to Remus of all people!" Roman argued. "Ok, let's all calm down. Maybe both of you should say you're sorry while we're here." Patton suggested. Janus and Roman glared at each other. "Janus, is there something you'd like to say to Roman?" Patton asked. Janus sighed. "Roman, I'm sorry for comparing you to Remus. It was hurtful and uncalled for. I promise I'll never do it again." Janus apologised. "Very good, Janus. Roman?" Patton said. "Well, I'm not entirely innocent either. I'm sorry for treating your name like a joke...Janus." Roman replied. The two fidgeted awkwardly as they uncomfortably stood in silence. "Come on, hug it out." Patton encouraged. Janus and Roman hesitantly walked towards each other and hugged. Roman felt slightly uneasy but Janus didn't want it to end. He didn't get hugs very often except from Remus, but he's too rough. Plus, he stinks. "See? Not so bad." Patton said. Janus let go of Roman, grabbed his socks and shoes, snatched his hat back from Patton and sank out.
"This was fun, we should do something like this again sometime." Roman suggested before yawning and rubbing his eyes. In an instant, he changed from his signature look to a white tank top and red pyjama pants. "Thanks for everything today. Night, Patton." Roman said, leaving the room. "Goodnight kiddo." Patton said as he climbed into bed. He kissed all his plushies goodnight and dozed off. Today was a fun day. A day he would still be thinking about tomorrow morning. He found himself waking up earlier than usual and decided to do something productive. He borrowed some paper, crayons and colouring pencils from Roman and began to work on something for Emile. As soon as it was done, he quietly sneaked down the hall and slid it under Emile's door. Emile woke up about an hour later and as soon as he noticed something on the floor by his door, he got out of bed and picked it up. It was a hand-drawn Bluey themed card. Each of the Heelers was sketched on every corner and the words "THANK YOU" were written in the centre. He opened the card and there was more drawings and a message from Patton that read "Thanks for your help yesterday morning, it made the day really fun. I got to tickle pretty much everyone AND help Roman with a few problems. I'd like to do something for you in return. Wanna have that Bluey marathon for real life?"
The End.
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