#i feel he's cute enough to not be creepy but don't feel afraid to ask to tag :)
snail-speed · 8 months
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The boy in his true form
WORDS WORDS WORDS under the read more because I want to scream into the void about this AU
Sonic meets his friends in this AU much, much more later than he does in canon. The reason being that he had to practice shapeshifting to get to an acceptable form.
Their encounter isn't under any sort of danger, as Eggman has been inactive due to Reasons (TM).
Lots of his features between both forms translate directly, here's a color guide for them:
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In this AU, Sonic wasn't born like this. Sometime during his childhood, he essentially Bore Witness to the Horrors Beyond, and this was enough to permanently mutate him. He's not the only one like this.
I don't care much for like, tentacle monsters being horrible feral beasts, so despite his looks Sonic is still a pretty nice guy in this AU, he just looks very weird. He does differ a bit from his canon counterpart beyond appearances, though. He's spent most of his childhood and teenage years with people fleeing in terror at his appearance, so he gets clingy if you show any interest in him. He's just lonely and wants friends!
He's got a bunch of quirks in his real form, on account of being a tentacled horror beyond. Here's some of them, illustrated!
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Extra stuff about him:
Three functional mouths (all of them can speak, eat, etc.)
His voice in his real form is a tad deep and has noticeable distortion (the closest approximation would be the Werehog with a slight distortion feature I suppose?)
All of his tentacles are prehensile and can stretch, on account of his shapeshifting powers
Ten eyes (5 in his head, 3 in his chest, 2 in his back)
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jchampionsgf · 19 days
✁ THE DINER. ethan landry
inspired by "THE DINER" by billie eilish.
warnings: stalking, obssesion, posessive, no smut just plot343 words
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"DONT BE AFRAID OF ME, IM WHAT YOU NEED." That was the note slipped under your dorm door. You assumed it was from your so-called stalker, as your friends would tell you whenever they saw the notes he left. At first, they were things like, "I know we're meant to be" or "You're starring in my dreams." You leaned down to pick up the note when your roommate, Mindy, stopped you."No, Y/N, enough. Seriously, this stalker stuff is getting creepy.""Oh, don't call whoever this is a stalker. Look, it's nothing."Mindy picked up the note and read it. "Don't be afraid of me?? Is that what you call nothing? For me, this is sounding a bit Ghostface-like." She looked at you with judging eyes. "Come on, we're going to be late for class."You grabbed her arm, leaving your dorm. In front of Mindy, you pretended to brush it off. You knew she'd freak out, but in reality, you were also scared, terrified.
"So, how's stalker boy?" Tara asked while you two were walking to the lunch table."Tara, I'm starting to get scared," you said, stopping in your tracks."Trust me, it's nothing. Plus, think about it, someone is obsessed with you.""Yeah, you're probably right." You both sat down with the rest of the group."Hey guys," Chad said, smiling."Hey, where is Mindy?" you asked. She was the only one missing."Oh, she forgot her pen or something. She'll be back in a bit," Anika said. That was technically true, but Mindy was actually looking for more notes or letters from your stalker. An envelope was attached to the fridge, marked "From: Stalker Boy." Mindy yanked it from the fridge and tore it open.In the meantime, you were sitting next to Ethan. You two were never really close; you'd only talk because of Econ."Are you okay?" he asked, putting his hand on your shaking leg."Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry." You smiled sweetly, turning to face him, and he smiled back."Hey, I'm back," Mindy said, eyeing you. You stood up from the table and went to talk to her."Stalker boy wrote you a letter.""Wait, a real handwritten letter?"Mindy nodded. "Well, that's... weird.""Finally, you came to your senses. Anyways, I destroyed it.""Mindy! That could've been evidence.""Yeah, no, I don't think 'you could be my wife' is evidence." You both chuckled.Ethan was watching from the table, reading your lips. Knowing you knew about his letter just made him more aroused.
Later, you got ready to go to a random Halloween frat party someone was hosting. Maybe you should've worn an outfit that showed less skin because the number of guys hitting on you was obscene. Some were gentle, talking about your future together, while others were more aggressive, kissing you without permission. You needed to catch some air.You stepped outside, sitting on one of the steps of the doorway. "Hey, can I sit here?" Steve asked. He was from Econ, and you always thought he was cute."Yeah, sure.""So, are you enjoying the party?""Not really, actually. Guys keep hitting on me. I want someone who wants me for me, not just for my body," you blurted out."I guess I feel the same way." You both stared at each other. You leaned in and kissed him without much thinking."Oh my God, I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking." You put your hand over your mouth and got up."Wait," he ran over. "I liked it." He smiled and kissed you again. "Do you need a ride home?" You nodded, smiling. You couldn't believe you just kissed the boy you liked and now he was taking you home. You both walked over to his car, and he opened the door for you.What you couldn't see was Ethan watching. He tilted his head slowly, observing. He pulled his phone from his pocket and took a picture of you two, gripping his beer bottle, chugging one more time before throwing it on the ground when you both took off. He put on his helmet and rode his motorcycle to the diner.
He sat down at his usual place and wrote you another letter, more aggressive and explicit than the last one. He didn't even care if you'd be scared. You were his, and he was yours, at least that's what he thought.
You came back home exhausted. Mindy wasn't home; she texted you saying she was sleeping at Anika's. You entered your bedroom, set your purse on your bed.Sitting in the bathtub, you let the warm water envelop you, trying to wash away the anxiety that clung to you. The steam rose around you, and for a moment, you could almost forget about the notes and the unease they brought. After a while, you drained the tub and slipped into your softest pajamas, feeling a bit more at ease.As you walked back into your room, you noticed the clock on your nightstand blinking 11:45 PM. You sat on the edge of your bed, brushing your still-damp hair. Your phone buzzed with a text from Mindy."Are you okay? Did you get home safe?""Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired," you replied, setting your phone down.You tried to distract yourself by scrolling through social media, but your thoughts kept drifting back to the stalker and the unnerving notes. You considered telling the campus security, but part of you felt it would be dismissed as a prank or overreaction. Besides, you didn't have any solid evidence, thanks to Mindy's well-meaning destruction of the latest letter.After a while, your eyelids grew heavy. You turned off your phone and snuggled under your blankets, hoping sleep would come quickly. But as you lay there in the dark, every creak of the dorm, every rustle of the wind outside, seemed magnified. You couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching you.
Meanwhile, at the diner, Ethan was finishing his letter. He wrote with a fervor, his handwriting becoming more erratic as he poured his obsessive thoughts onto the paper. The letter was filled with declarations of love, veiled threats, and vivid descriptions of his fantasies about you. He folded it carefully, placing it in an envelope with your name on it. As the night stretched on, you finally drifted off into a restless sleep, unaware of the shadowy figure lurking outside your window, watching. Ethan stood there for a moment, his breath fogging up the glass as he stared at you. He slipped the new letter under your door before disappearing into the night.You woke up in the middle of the night with a headache, feeling slightly more rested but still uneasy.
The memory of the kiss with Steve brought a small smile to your face, but it was quickly overshadowed by the sight of another envelope lying on the floor inside your door. Your heart sank as you saw another paper "310-807-3956" it was your phone number. you picked it up, the familiar handwriting sending chills down your spine.You tore it open, dreading what you'd find. The words were more intense, more disturbing than before. "i could change your life, you could be my wife" it read. "please dont call the cops, they'll make me stop, and i just wanna talk". "No one else can have you. I'll make sure of it." The explicit nature of the letter made your skin crawl. Suddenly, your phone rang. The caller ID displayed "Unknown Number." You hesitated for a moment before answering, your heart pounding in your chest. "Hello?" you asked, your voice trembling slightly. "Hey gorgeous, did you get my letter?" The voice on the other end was eerily calm, almost familiar. "Stop calling me, please," you pleaded, trying to keep your voice steady. "I memorized your number, now I call you when I please," he continued, ignoring your plea. "I tried to end it all, but now I'm back up on my feet. I saw you in the car with someone else and couldn't sleep. If something happens to him, you can bet that it was me." The call ended abruptly, leaving you in stunned silence. The phone slipped from your hand, clattering to the floor.
what the fuck.
part two?
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maximotts · 8 months
♱ 𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖘 𝖎𝖓 𝖍𝖊𝖉𝖔𝖓𝖎𝖘𝖒 ♱
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♱ 𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖐𝖙𝖔𝖇𝖊𝖗 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑: priest's daughter!Wanda Maximoff
I missed writing her and since it's been a year since @furys-eyepatch dropped this wonderful idea in my ask box, it felt right to start October off with one of my favorite squishies!
confessions of wanda maximoff AU. kinktober masterlist. 18+ only, minors dni. you don't need to add community labels, I've put adequate warnings below. wc: 3.9k. cw: innocent!Wanda/constantly horny!r. sex in a church. fingering. fucking from behind. strap-on use. begging. semi-public sex (no one is around). everything you shouldn't be doing in a place of worship. r thinks saying vulgar things to wanda and seeing her blush is peak entertainment.
“This is kinda the last place I want to be on Halloween, Wands..”
Wanda looked over her shoulder for the sole purpose of giving you an eye roll before continuing to tug you along through the back of the church. “I’m only picking up something for my dad, it’ll just take a second. I did say you could wait outside!”
“And hang around out there by myself? No way, it’s almost dark and there’s a cemetery!” You’d been sidetracked on the way to Natasha’s party, a texted errand from Wanda’s dad bringing you to his office in search of the large bags of candy he forgot to bring home with him. You didn’t mind honestly, the older man was always so kind it was hard to resist any of his requests— much like his daughter, the girl currently standing in front of you grinning.
She cooed at you in the confines of her father’s office, rubbing your cheeks while you swat at her hands. “Aww, are you afraid of ghosts? How cute..”
“Stop it, Wanda!” You scoffed, brushing her off and crossing your arms. So what if you were a little superstitious, who wasn’t? And you certainly didn’t need to let Wanda know; she’d hold it over you like she’d won the lottery. “Just hurry up so we can get out of here…”
Wanda kissed you quickly, soft and placating; an apology for teasing. She always saw you as someone fearless, it was nice to see a concept as harmless as ghosts rattle you. “Don’t worry, I won’t let anything get us. If it makes you feel better, I’ve never seen anything creepy and Pietro and I used to spend tons of time here when we were kids.” 
Trailing off as she went about searching, you leant back against the wall with a pout, opting to watch Wanda while you waited. She had yet to change into her costume, insisting it be strictly for the party, but part of you theorized it was just to keep her outfit from her dad. Instead, her bunny costume lay folded up in the backseat of your car and her dress remained on, teasing you a little more each time she bent over. 
With the cooler weather, Wanda added tights to her wardrobe rotation, sheer black nylon hugging every curve from her ankles to her hips. You didn’t know what it was, but something about them left you drooling whenever you thought about the extra layer on your girlfriend for too long. In the past few weeks, you found yourself running your hands over her legs whenever she was close enough, often ending up playfully chided when you eventually grew too grabby during your shared lectures. But now, alone together with Wanda bent so far over the large wooden desk that you could catch just the barest hint of her underwear, you found it terribly hard to control your urge to grab her.
Hesitation gave Wanda enough time to shoot upright, victorious with heavy plastic bags in her tight grasp, “Candy acquired!” 
She made her way back over to you by the door, pressing her lips to the corner of your mouth as she passed, “Now let's get out of here before some big bad ghostie bothers you.” 
“I don’t think any ghosts want to be anywhere near us right now…” Try as you might, you couldn’t help yourself, eyes glued to Wanda’s backside as she led you back through the dark corridors behind the sanctuary. These weren’t proper thoughts right now, especially here, but it was Halloween… what better day to do something a little sacreligious.
“And why is that-” The end of her sentence was punctuated with a surprised oof, the shock of being shoved sideways into the wall cutting her short. Strong hands gripped her hips, balling the bottom half of her dress in your fists as you buried your nose into her long, dark hair. Instinct begged her to let the moan caught in her throat loose, but someone had to be level-headed here… or at least try to be. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“I could ask you the same question, wearing this dress with no shorts and showing off.” You palmed her ass while she wiggled, sandwiched helplessly between you and the carved wood. Maybe you’d hoped that a simple bit of groping would satisfy whatever just took over, but it’d been wishful thinking; the more you touched, the more you wanted. “Did you know every time you bend over I can see your underwear? It’s not very nice to tease like that.”
“I-I didn’t know…” Wanda’s head was spinning, your sudden turn of mood rendering her flustered. Having never thought of herself in much of a sexual way, today’s lack of shorts was more of convenience rather than to tease. No matter how far she got from being a virgin, the intricacies of attraction and desire remained partially lost to her, always forgetting not only were you insatiable at times, but you wanted her. “I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry!” 
“No need to apologize, Wands, I’m not mad.” The last thing you wanted was to embed shame to how your girlfriend decided to dress; if anything, the uncharacteristic choice made the surprise more enticing. 
She shivered as you nibbled the shell of her ear, trembling more every second your hands continued roaming, exploring, groping her so shamelessly. “But you can make it up to me by letting me touch you.”
“We’re in a church…” Even so, it was just the two of you in the building, a fact confirmed by one quick glance out into the main room through one of the wall’s cutouts. All alone in the quiet, sacred space. Wanda knew she should protest harder, the mere idea should’ve been off putting, but it wasn’t. Nor was it the first time this scenario crossed her mind.
You’d be lying if you said the setting didn’t turn you on that much more and if Wanda’s shudder as you palmed over her covered sex was any indication, she wasn’t completely put off. Curious fingers poked and prodded, pressing against her in earnest until Wanda was gasping. “Why not? No one would know and it’d be fun.” 
You could practically hear the cogs in Wanda’s brain turning, working overdrive to come up with some answer where she could do the ‘right’ thing and keep those all too good sensations flowing from between her legs. “Maybe in the car?”
She’d expected the proposition to sound more convincing than it was, your contemplative hum against the nape of her neck showing Wanda she probably hadn’t swayed you either. Enticing as the car might’ve been in the past, it wasn’t what she yearned for right now. If you led her out, she’d follow and most definitely enjoy herself, but she’d think about this and what it could’ve been until this very rare opportunity presented itself again, if ever.
“Oh, but I want you right here, sweetheart. What if someone drives by and sees you outside? You know I like to keep you all to myself.” Wanda didn’t stop the hand sliding past the top of her stockings, fingers stretching the thin fabric in search of her panties— the second your fingertips grazed the embroidered cotton you groaned. 
Occasionally you caught her wearing the days of the week underwear she’d splurged on from some online boutique shop, something she bought with the mindset that no one would ever see them, but oh how wrong she was. Initially embarrassed for you to catch her wearing them, she was so relieved when you’d written it off as just another precious thing to love about her. 
“How are you always so pretty, babygirl? Makes it so hard to keep my hands off you,” Two inches further down, you discovered the beginnings of a wet spot, Wanda’s body giving her away despite her meekly suggested location change. “Especially when you get wet so easily. It’s my job to take care of that, being a good girlfriend and all.”
“I can’t help it,” she breathed out, trying to keep her breathing even for as long as possible. It was true, Wanda often found her thighs pressed together after a few touches or too long of a kiss; a fact she only recently discovered upon dating you. 
“I know, poor thing, let me fix it.” With your free hand holding the front of her dress, fingers splayed over her stomach, you held your girlfriend still as you moved the last barrier aside, sliding through her already slick folds as shamelessly as you would if you were in the privacy of your apartment back at home, laser focused on watching the girl in your arms go limp. 
The physical embodiment of a devil on her shoulder as you nudged her sweater out of the way, Wanda couldn’t possibly deny either of you further; the longer you waited, the higher the chance that someone else would wander in. Her cheeks burned red hot, unable to tell how much was from being manhandled mere feet behind the altar or the humiliation of how badly she wanted you to continue. “Please…”
“Please what, Wanda? Take you to the car?” Circling her clit almost did her in, knees buckling, hall echoing with the sound of the bags falling from Wanda’s hand to the floor. You let up and she whined pitifully, hips bucking in search for more of the fleeting pleasure. But if you were doing this, you needed your favorite part: her confirmation. “Use your words and I’ll give you whatever you want, baby.”
“Take me, right here…” She was nearly dizzy with need as she spoke, but the struggle was so worth it once your fingers began working her purposely now, promptly rewarding her acceptance. It was all too easy to forget any lingering worries and focus on her rapidly building orgasm, head and hands falling forward to brace herself as you slid two fingers into her. “Oh god, yes-”
You tutted mockingly, grinning into the crook of her sweet-smelling neck. “Now you know that’s not proper language for where we are. Mind your manners.” 
It was terribly hypocritical considering how lewdly you were stretching her open on your digits, letting her drip down your palm. You could pretty much count on her making a mess, but no matter how familiar of a sensation, it was all you could do not to fall to your knees and see for yourself; Wanda was the only person you’d ever felt so inclined to worship. “You feel so good on my fingers, sweet thing. I wish you could feel how tight you’re squeezing them.”
The poor thing did her best to keep up, but you were so fast, so determined to watch her walls come down in the place she should be doing the exact opposite… The most she could do was moan out her pleasure, heavenly music to your ears. “Can I cum? I’m so close-!”
“Go on, I want to feel you.” Wanda finished with a cry, muffled into her arm, still too afraid to be loud no matter how alone you might be. She shivered and shook, thighs trapping your hand in place as she rode out her orgasm. Even from behind Wanda was a sight, long hair falling over her shoulders as she tossed, hands clamoring for purchase anywhere on the wall she’d never look at the same way again. 
Satisfied with your work, thought she’d be done and more than ready to get out of here, but to your surprise, her hand grabbed your wrist before you could pull out. “What’s wrong, Wanda?”
“Nothing, it’s just..” Wanda couldn’t believe what she was about to say, but it’d be a terrible missed opportunity if she didn’t ask. Rubbing her backside against your front confirmed what she’d felt for a few seconds before, the telltale bulge in your pants providing Wanda the perfect setup to make one of her deepest fantasies a reality. She’d gone this far; what was a little more for the whole way. That’s what she kept repeating to validate this next want. “Do you think we could maybe, um..”
“Maybe what?” Her actions only gave you an inkling into what Wanda was hinting at, but surely she couldn’t be thinking what you thought she was. 
When it came to risky scenarios, you were constantly on the propositioning end, finding creative ways to present your new ideas for Wanda’s approval. What you’d just gotten away with was a giant push of luck, never in your wildest dreams did you ever imagine she’d ask for it. “The rules are you use your words. You have to say it.”
Of course you wouldn’t let her off easy, not when both of you were on the precipice of doing something so scandalous. She appreciated how dedicated you were to her enthusiastic consent, but if she thought about what she was asking too hard, she feared she might fizzle into nothingness. “I was thinking if you were up for it, we might go again?”
“Yeah? With my fingers?” You goaded her with a slow curl of your long digits, guiding her back until you could easily grind your clothed strap on against her, the sharpest squeak bubbling from Wanda’s chest. As you moved this time, you were slow, too slow, knowing as nice as it was, it wasn’t what she needed. Not when she remembered how mouthwateringly full she was a few days ago when you’d last had her in your lap.
“N-No,” Wanda shook her head, mousy and bashful. Her one advantage was facing away from you, fully aware she’d never have the courage to speak up that way unless you forced it out of her. “I meant with your strap…”
The words felt heavy on her tongue, as if someone else said them; anyone but the person she knew herself to be. But you heard them in her sweet, sheepish voice and something feral inside you snapped. You tore away from her unceremoniously, only for a second, just long enough to bend her a little farther, slapping Wanda’s ass once. 
“Fuck, I wish I could keep you here all night, just to see what else I can get a naughty girl like you to tell me what they’ve been dreaming up.” Ignoring her shout, you ripped a hole in her stockings, tearing wide enough that you could play with her from behind, shallowly dipping your fingertips into the hole you’d so cruelly left empty. 
“You’re all I want,” Neck straining over her shoulder to catch glimpses of you undoing your pants, Wanda’s eyes grew wide at the sight of the thick dildo set on your hips, only fluttering closed as you nestled the toy between her thighs, sliding it back and forth in an effort to wet it for Wanda’s comfort. Eager as you were, this one was bigger than she’d taken before and you’d never forgive yourself if you caused her any pain. “Hurry up before someone comes in..”
“Look at you, so impatient,” The tip teased Wanda awfully, drawing low moaned out pleas that were much too pretty to deprive yourself of so quickly. It wasn’t long until her wetness coated your strap, slick and ready for her as soon as you were ready to deliver. “Does my sweet girl want me to fill her up with my cock? Would that make you happy?”
“Mhm..so happy..” Something about being fucked left Wanda’s brain so.. empty, always coaxing her into a blissful relaxation. She supposed it had something to do with not only touch, but your words, sneakily dumbing her down until her only thoughts rested on you and when you’d give her what she waited for. 
Being taken in church was an idea she only allowed to appear in her deepest dreams, shaming herself afterwards for even daring to create such a thought. If anyone was going to give it to her now, it had to be you and to her credit, you’d started this. But logistics were way too much for Wanda to think about presently and, in a mission to make this impromptu sex as good for her as it already was for you, clearing her of any fears was your highest priority. “All I want to do is make you happy, Wanda.”
She knew that was true from the very first time you’d told her, those words only ever given with the most sincere honesty. Combined with the gentle patterns you drew over the sensitive skin of her lower tummy, Wanda let herself be lulled, trusting you to take care of her in the vulnerable state she so loved to fall into. 
“Spread your legs for me a little, just like that…” Everyone would be wondering where you were soon, Wanda’s father waiting on his Halloween candy delivery and Natasha for the drinks she asked you to get, but for this, for her? You’d say screw it all without hesitation to take your time and make this happen however she pictured. “Now beg. Confess to me, little church mouse.”
As you pushed the tip in and stopped, Wanda erupted into a fit of pitiful noises, fighting against your hold to feel that ever lusted after stretch, but you were stronger than her and wouldn’t budge. Being made to beg was equal parts hot and degrading; unfortunately you’d come to love to hear it, discovered it turned her on to do it, and now demanded it whenever the chance presented itself. “I need your cock, need you to fuck me.. please please!”
“There’s my good girl,” With one long push, you filled her completely, overwhelming the needy girl in all the best ways. You gave her just enough time to adjust, rutting into her tight pussy hard and fast as soon as possible. If she was wet before, Wanda was absolutely drenched now, making it all too easy to fuck into her as deep as you dared. “You look so pretty all fucked out, Wanda, begging to be fucked just outside of your dad’s office.. in a church, no less..”
“I.. I didn’t…” She truly hadn’t meant for any of this to happen, but she certainly hadn’t objected too heavily either, especially not to this. Each time your hips met Wanda thought she was done for, that coil in the pit of her stomach tighter than she could ever remember it being. Her entire body felt like a livewire, every touch you provided almost stinging. As soon as you found her neglected clit, Wanda was panting, chest heaving in the small, restricted space between her and the wall. 
She devolved into an incoherent mess, pathetic and helpless noises echoing throughout the otherwise silent halls. In a selfish act, you covered Wanda’s mouth, cementing the impossible to ignore wet sounds coming from your girlfriend to memory. “Do you hear how wet you are for me, baby? I would’ve fucked you earlier if I knew you needed me this much.”
Your teasing was too much for Wanda to bear; your crude words, being forced to listen to how aroused she was. Part of her still chalked this up to some insanely vivid dream. The moment your fingertips slid past her lips Wanda was sucking on them, albeit sloppy and lazily, reflecting how little focus she had as your strap hit her at the perfect angle. She was losing it fast, muscles threatening to give out the closer her second orgasm came. “P-Please, can I-”
“Of course you can. Poor thing, you just need to cum so badly,” Wanda’s pulse raced under your lips, but you kissed her there so sweetly it nearly felt like a joke. Below, your hips moved at a torturous pace, quick and brutal in time with the circles you rubbed into her almost too sensitive bud. If you could just see her come apart one more time- “Cum for me, I’ve got you.”
Wanda’s jaw fell open, spit covered fingers giving her slight reprieve while she bucked and twisted wildly, only managing to stay upright with the help of your strong arms. Fucking her through it all quickly became more for your pleasure, bottoming out to let you grind your own clit against the back of the toy at the join of your hips, clinging to Wanda’s trembling form as you came with a groan into the back of her hair. “I would’ve helped…”
“Trust me, you did more than enough,” you mumbled, nibbling the shell of her ear as you caught your breath. You’d never given much thought to the joys of a joint orgasm until Wanda, finding something special in sharing your highs. Always one to prove how useful she could be, Wanda loved being allowed to touch you, to see how good she could make you feel before you reached your end, but this time she was in no state to do so nor did you need it; watching her was more than you would’ve ever asked for. “You did such a good job, I’m so proud of you.”
Wanda wanted to say something back, couldn’t remember if she’d actually spoken out loud or not, but also couldn’t focus hard enough to think that deeply at the moment. She felt like she spent an eternity there, swimming in some cloud high above the church while your touches turned gentle, stroking over her hips and stomach until Wanda finally started to settle down. 
Thankfully the church remained empty so you let her take her time, holding Wanda steady while you pulled out. Careful as you were, she still whimpered, body worn out and tired, “Shh, you’re okay, pretty girl.”
Turning around let Wanda slump against your front as you leaned into the wall, green eyes hazy and heavy. She drew you into an almost sleepy set of kisses, thanking you with sticky, lip gloss smudge marks along your jaw… until she remembered exactly where she was. “Oh my god, I can’t believe we just did that.. We have to get out of here now!” 
Fumbling terribly, your girlfriend snatched the fallen candy bags from the floor in one hand and your arm in the other, dragging you as fast as her strength would let her. “Be careful, Wanda, or you’ll trip!” 
“I’m fine, just open the car!” She didn’t know if she should be mortified or terrified, praying to every power in the universe no one ever found out about this. Wanda’d never sped out of church in such a flurry, as if the quicker she moved, the longer she could escape the anxiety gaining on her. 
Unfortunately for her, you had no such issues and her inner turmoil only made you laugh. “Don’t forget you liked it. I’m pretty sure you were the one begging loudest-”
“You made me!” To you, Wanda would deny her enjoyment for a while and she’d never think of doing it again, but as silence settled in the car and you turned your attention to the road, she struggled to keep still and not squirm too obviously as she replayed your Halloween havoc.
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13eyond13 · 9 days
ooooooooo maybe also #20 for misa
MISA + Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Hahaha. I had to think about this a lot! It's a bit of a tough question to me, because I feel like Misa needs a bestie who both appreciates her good qualities and would genuinely like spending time with her, yet also wouldn't be a total pushover whenever she's being scary or ridiculous or overly impulsive as well?
Here are some of the possibilities I entertained and then rejected:
Rem: extremely caring about and supportive of Misa, but to the point of being way too indulgent of her and way too much of a pushover who always lets her get her way. Plus Misa kinda treats her like garbage much of the time, imo...
Matsuda: I love how enthusiastic he is about Misa and her career. BUT it bugged me when he was cheering on Light's cheating on her in the successor arc! A true bestie would never double-cross you like that...
Beyond: it is always funny to imagine them together because they could be shinigami eye bros, and are sort of similar kinds of unhinged toward the people whose attention they most want all to themselves. BUT I simply feel in my heart of hearts that Misa actually would find B really creepy and gross, and that B might find it really hard to sympathize with Misa willingly halving her lifespan twice to get the shinigami eyes that have been torturing him against his will his whole life.
Light: Here's the thing, I feel like they're kind of weirdly good together as pals in canon half the time? And I don't think their relationship was actually as dark as it sometimes gets portrayed in the fandom either. I think they're basically polar opposite people, and certainly not romantic relationship goals, but they also manage to work together oddly well as a team and as roommates nonetheless for years on end. The biggest nope for me about them is that Misa would likely constantly be trying to escape the friend zone and turn it into something more, and Light probably wouldn't actually be enjoying spending time with her that much.
Mogi: I found them cute together in canon whenever Mogi would be assigned to act as her manager and cook for her at her house and keep her busy at the hotel and whatever else! Only problem is I think she would probably be driving him a bit crazy with stress with all her shenanigans and demands, and he would probably wear himself out trying to please her and protect her and let her walk all over him a bit too much.
Sayu: I feel like she really genuinely liked Misa and looked up to her a bit, and like they'd maybe have quite a bit of fun hanging out with each other as well. Misa might be a bit of a bad influence on Sayu at times or just ditch her for a guy completely whenever she had a boyfriend, though....
In the end, I decided upon:
Ryuk: they were cute together in some of their canon interactions, haha. I feel like Ryuk might be laid back enough to have fun with Misa and not get too fazed by her more boisterous and scary behaviours, or better yet even just find them entertaining. Yet he would also not be afraid to say no to her or roast her back when she gets mean, and I don't think he would let her walk all over him, either...
[character ask meme]
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augustghosts · 2 years
1984 - Eddie Munson
Eddie and Readers first year together, and how they first met. 
This is a prequel to 1987 and 1988. But can defo be read alone!
word count: 5.5k
Warnings: 18+ as usual, gets spicy a few times. But no descriptive smut in this one, sorry </3 Smoking and drinking mentioned, same as the other chapters! A meet cute and some first times. Allusions to sex at the end of almost every month, someone needs to stop me lmao. More stolen song lyrics but from radiohead this time hehe
also not proofread so lmk if you spot any mistakes <3
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January, 1984. 18 year old Eddie Munson is leaning against his newly acquired van. Proud. Ripped black jeans, leather jacket. Typical Eddie. A style he will come to find hard to let go of. Legs crossed over one another, lighting a cigarette. It’s late, about an hour and a half after the bell rang to signify the end of the school day. Cold, too. 
“Fuck!” The curse word being thrust out into the air makes him jump. The source coming from the other side of his vehicle, a few spaces down. 
“Stupid fucking thing!” He hears the voice again, along with a sputtering engine. He’s instantly curious, rounding his car to have a peek. He sees her car door open. She sat in the driver seat, turning the key over and over again as if it would help. It doesn’t. He smirks, because it’s her. The girl he’d admired from afar for years. Fuck, was this his chance? 
Fuck it, he thinks. “You okay?” He asks. Brave of him, to be honest.  She whirls around, she looks scared, like she was expecting someone else. Her face relaxes when she realises it’s just another student. Eddie can’t help but look her up and down as she steps out of her car. He doesn’t miss that she does the same to him. 
“Uh, yeah. Thanks” She’s still watching him. She’d always thought he was cute. But they’d never really been in the same room, let alone close enough to have a conversation. Despite being in the same grade for years. 
“You sure?” He laughs. 
“Well, I don't know.” She laughs back, “It won’t start. I don’t know about cars, I barely know how to drive them.” 
He laughs again, a genuine laugh. “Want me to take a look?” He takes his chance. Shoots his shot. 
“You know about cars?” 
“A little.” He says, he walks around to the front of her car. When he lifts the hood, a cloud of smoke starts to surround him. He coughs slightly, taking a step back. Mumbles a fucking hell. 
“Do you know about that?”She gestures to the smoke. She’s laughing again. It’s beautiful, be thinks. 
“Um, no.” He says, pretending to get a good look at the engine. Fake concentration on his face as he closes the hood. Smoke still billows from the sides. “But, what i I do know is that it looks pretty fucked. So…” 
“I hope not.” Her face falls, he feels guilty. “I can’t afford another one. You got any more of those?” 
She’s pointing to the cigarette in his mouth. He digs around in his pocket and passes her the pack. He watches as she lights one, he watches her lips as she inhales. They share a quiet moment - he breaks it. 
“So uh, can you get home okay?” 
“Yeah. I don’t live that far.” She gets her bag out the front seat and locks the doors. 
“You’re gonna walk?” He asks. 
“Yeah?” She’s already started stepping away from him.
“Wait!” He calls after her. Too much, he thinks. “I can um, can I give you a ride? If you like?” 
“Are you trying to lure me into your car? Don’t you know they’re teaching us that that’s unsafe now?” 
“No! No i was just-“ He starts to back track, suddenly afraid of how creepy his offer was. 
“I was kidding!” She cuts him off. He mumbles an oh and laughs with her. She continues: “It’s okay though, really. It’s not far.” 
“Even more reason for me to drive you. Please? I can’t let such a fair maiden walk home alone.” He tries to make her laugh again, already missing the sound. It works. 
“Fuck it.” She says, “Why not? There’s witnesses over there though, by the way.” She points to the jocks hanging around outside the gym. 
“Bunch of pricks.” Eddie says as he holds the door open for her. Her laugh makes him smile bigger than he has in weeks. 
February. Hawkins High library, late afternoon. Eddie feels like everyone is looking at him. “Eddie, we’re fine.” She says, not even looking up from her paper but she knows what he’s doing. Surveying the room to glare at anyone staring at him, anyone wondering why the hell Eddie Munson was in a library with a girl. One of the most beautiful girls in school, at that. 
“I’m not getting this anyway.” He says, throwing the pencil down in front of him and leaning back in his chair. She watches as he spreads his legs, getting comfortable. Her eyes on his thighs - he notices. 
“You are! You’re a lot smarter than you think.” She gestures to the paper in front of him, where she had drawn green ticks and a smiley face on the page when he had asked her to look it over. After that night he dropped her home a month ago, he had come back to help her call a tow company to come get her car. He had recommended a mechanic for her and even gone with her to make sure she ‘didn’t get ripped off’ - his own words. She had started buying weed off of him as an excuse to hang out. They had kissed once in his trailer and then not spoken for a week. He had asked her to help him study. His excuse to hang out again , and here they were. 
“Yeah right.” He mumbles, looking around nervously again. “I need a smoke.” 
“Let’s go.” She says softly. He watches her hands as she packs up her things. He lets her leave first, so that he can snatch up the piece of paper she had drawn the smiley face on and stuff it into his pocket. It was too cute to leave behind. 
“You know,” He starts talking after they both had cigarettes in their hands, he had lit hers for her and she had looked into his eyes and it made his cock stir. Made him think about the night he had invited her into his place to watch a movie and she had ended up underneath him on the couch. He shakes his head, as if that would make the image of her swollen lips leave his mind, and he continues - “I appreciate you helping me and all but, it makes me wonder why.” 
“What?” She’s leaning against the wall facing him. He’s looking forward, her eyes burning into the side of his face. 
“Why are you helping me?” He repeats. She smiles, he’s about to ask her what’s funny when she lifts her hand to his cheek. He freezes, his stomach flips and his skin tingles as she moves her hand to the back of his neck. She leans up and slowly tugs him down, he feels stupid about how still he’s being right now. When their lips meet he jumps into action, moving his free hand to her waist. The kiss ends too soon when she pulls away and says: “That’s why I'm helping you.” 
March. A cold night, Eddie’s porch. His jacket around her shoulders. Lit cigarettes and empty bottles. Sitting so close that their legs touch, skin tingling. He thought she looked beautiful. “It’s fucking freezing.” She whispered from where her head was on his shoulder. 
“I know,” He was shivering too. “I’m trying not to smoke in the trailer anymore, my ceiling is starting to turn a weird colour.” 
“Ew,” She laughed. “That’s gross.” 
“Yeah, that’s why I'm not doing it.” He laughed back. He turned his head slightly to look down at her. She stood up, holding out her hand. 
“Come on.” 
He took her hand, as always, and let her lead him inside. She shrugged his jacket off of her shoulders and turned to face him, winding her arms around his neck. He smiled against her lips as she leaned up to kiss him. They had only kissed a few times, Eddie felt like his soul was alight every single time. His hands resting on her hips, kind of stiff - nervous. She always made it better, made him better. As the kiss heated up, tongues and hands wandered. She turned to gently shove him down to sit on the couch. 
“Fuck.” He murmured as she climbed onto his lap. Shit, he could already feel his cock stirring. He didn’t want to make her uncomfortable, but she was practically sitting on his crotch right now. He shifted slightly underneath her, her lips travelling to his throat not helping the situation. Her giggle in his ear when he groaned and squeezed her waist. He was screwed. 
“Baby, i-” He pulled away, stopping himself mid sentence. He had never called her that before, they had never used pet names with each other, his mind was reeling - unsure of what to say apart from a small sorry mumbled under his breath. 
“What are you sorry for? The nickname or your boner?” 
His face reddened, he could feel the heat of his skin. Actually, his whole body felt kind of hot. Should he open a window? “Uhm, both. I guess.” He said, sheepish. 
“Don’t be,” She said, grinding down against him. He was leaning back now on one of his elbows, his other hand resting on her thigh. His eyes on her hips. “I like it.” Her hands travelled down his chest. She clarified: “Both.” 
“Yeah?” He asked, palm running up and down her leg, his fingers inching closer to her inner thigh.  She hummed in agreement. Pulling his face up to kiss him. “I don’t wanna fuck you for the first time on this couch though.” He says, the trailer filled with giggling as he scooped her into his arms. 
“As if that mattress of yours is any better.” 
April. Eddie’s bed, early morning. She’s still asleep beside him. She’d been staying over a lot recently. He loved it. They need to get up for school, but the breeze coming through the window is tempting him to stay underneath the sheets. Her body is warm beside him, he loves not sleeping alone. He thinks about going back to sleep and pretending he was never awake. When she wakes up panicking about missing school he’ll just shrug and lure her back into bed. But he knows how much she cares, knows how much she wants to graduate. Knows how much she wants him to graduate. He watches her for a little while longer, she looks ethereal. He knows what he wants to say. He just can’t seem to find the words. Maybe one day. 
He gets up, trudging to the kitchen as quietly as he can. Aware that he’s the only one awake in the place. They don’t have much, and he doesn’t know how to make the coffee she likes. He leaves that to her. So he just places some toast into the toaster and waits. She has a habit of not eating before school, he hates it. When he returns she's still sleeping, he places the plate down. Crawling on top of the covers to hover over her. When he places a kiss on her forehead her nose scrunches, he leans down to kiss that too. She groans as she wakes, his name being mumbled. He presses another kiss to her cheek, “Morning.” He mumbles. 
“Hi.” She whispers, grasping his chin in one hand to squeeze his cheeks. Pulling him down to kiss her lips. 
“I made you some breakfast.” He’s still whispering, their faces inches apart. “We don’t have long, you just looked so cute in my bed.” 
She laughs, reaching for the toast. Watching him walk around the room, picking up clothes. Hers and his. 
“What are you staring at?” He asks, he’s shirtless. Only a pair of sweats on his hips from when he went to the kitchen. 
“You.” She says, “Come here.” 
“We need to start getting ready.” He reminds her, but he obliges anyway. He really means that she needs to start getting ready. He can get ready in 5 minutes, but he doesn’t single her out - he knows better. He crawls to her, she's sitting up - he pushes her back down. His arms caging her in,  his hips anchoring to hers.
“I think we can be late today.” She whispers into his mouth. 
“Only if you can be quiet for me,” He says, “We don’t want to traumatise Wayne.”
May. He knows the sound of her car by now. He springs up from his seat on the couch, stepping over to the door to meet her at the bottom of the steps. “How are you feeling?” He asked, opening his arms to take her in immediately, when she met him at the bottom. She hadn’t been at school today, she didn’t feel good. He had felt lost.
“Like I got hit by a bus.” She jokes into his chest. He doesn’t laugh. She pulls away from him to walk up the steps, to escape the chilly air.
“I would have come to you.” He says, following closely behind her. “I wanted to come pick you up.”
“I was fine driving. And I feel better here, this is where I wanna be.” He never understood that, she loved his bedroom. 
“Are you hungry? Do you want a drink?”
“I’m fine, Ed’s.” She laughs at how worried he looks. It also breaks her heart, he cares so much. “I just want to rest, I think. Can we put a movie on?”
“Yeah, sure.” He’s touching her again, caressing her back. Always comforting, always wanting her close. Anything he can think of to make her feel better. He knows she craves his touch, just like he craves hers. She goes to sit on the couch but he stops her, “Nope! No, bed rest!” He exclaims, pointing to his bedroom. He looks like a mother telling her child to go to bed.
“Bed rest?” She laughs, “But the tv is in here?” She points to the square television on the stand. 
“I’m gonna wheel it in.” Eddie says, already crouching to untangle the wires. 
“No, Eddie, we can sit in here!”
“No, no, no.” He mumbles, still behind the tv. “Go!” He says, pointing to his bedroom door again. She laughs, but obliges. Eventually, he gets the tv stand into his room. 
“Where are you going?” She asks from under his covers as he turns to leave. 
“I’m gonna get you a drink, and some snacks,” He sits on the edge of the bed to put his palm on her forehead, as if he knew what he was doing. “And then I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna be your doctor.” 
“My doctor?” She laughs, he’s trying to push her down now, trying to pull the covers up to her chin and tuck her in. 
“Yep.” He says, matter of factly. He stands to leave, her heart swells as she thinks about him. How much he cares, he had even wanted to leave school today to do this. She had convinced him to stay over the phone. She came to a conclusion recently: she loves him. He returns with snacks and water bottles, mumbling about how he’ll go to the pharmacy when she is asleep and clean out the cold and flu shelves. Getting her everything she needed. She smiles as he climbs into bed with her, encouraging her to eat and drink, threatening to feed them to her if he had too. 
“Hey.” She mumbles, an hour into the movie. He hums, not looking at her, his eyes focused on the screen, chips being shovelled into his mouth. 
“I love you.” She whispers, so low that he isn’t even sure he had heard her right. His mouth stops chewing, his eyes stay glued to the screen. She can almost see the gears turning in his head. 
“What?” Is the conclusion he comes too, idiot - he thinks. He’s looking at her now, deer in headlights. 
“I said that I love you.” 
“Really?” His voice is so soft, she’s almost worried. Worried that she had scared him or that he didn’t reciprocate.
”Yes, Eddie.” She confirms. He’s hesitating. Fuck. He wants to say it back, needs to. He doesn’t know how. She understands, so she just kisses him softly on the cheek and settles back into his side to watch the movie. He breaks the silence with: “Am i gonna get sick now too? Because you just kissed me on the cheek?” 
“Probably. Then I'll get to take care of you.”
June. 4am. Eddie wonders if other people feel like this. If anyone else ever feels like some kind of puppet on a string. As if he’s being controlled, the things he’s doing are just to impress other people. Headaches, emphasising pain. She’s asleep in his bed, a usual night for them now. He’s sitting by the window, cigarette in hand. Her velvet skin under velvet sheets, all he wants is to be in there beside her. He knows he won’t sleep, he doesn’t want to disturb her. Sometimes he feels like she is too fast to keep up with. While he tries to take things slow, she likes to dive in. Too fast for her own shadow. Silver lining, he always looks forward to seeing her. She keeps him busy. Galloping through his mind even when she isn’t with him. Loneliness - no more. Doesn’t want to be anywhere she’s not and this frustrates the shit out of him.
He finishes his cigarette, closing the window. No help, to be honest, the room always smells of smoke regardless. She doesn’t mind. He crawls back in bed beside her, she shuffles slightly. Pushing back into him, his arm rests over her frame. Warm and safe. So strange to him, still now. The next morning, he watches as she stands in his small  kitchen, making two drinks.  “Why are you watching me?” She laughs. 
“I don’t know. I zoned out, you just look so good.” He smirks as she reaches for him, pulling him into a hug. He holds her tightly for a moment. She strokes his hair.
“You look tired.” She mumbles, her hand on his face, thumb tracing underneath his eye. “You should sleep at night instead of smoking out the window.”
He laughs before taking a sip of the coffee she had made and says: “Do I look like someone who prefers sleeping over smoking out the window?” 
July. It’s cold. The kind of cold that makes your nose and ears and hands feel like ice. You can put gloves on, slip on a hat. But they still feel cold underneath.  God, her brother would kill her if he knew she was sitting beside Eddie in his van, the joint being passed between them is almost done. The end fizzling orange as she watches him inhale the smoke before it circles around them in the van. What’s the fun in doing what you’re told? He’s watching her, she’s starting to think he can hear her internal monologue. Because right now, her eyes are travelling down his legs - thinking about how tightly the denim sits around his thighs. 
“Give it a rest.” He smirks. She jumps at the sound of his voice, he smirks wider.
“Stop staring at me.” He says. 
“You don’t like it?” She tries, her smirk mimicking his. 
“Depends.” He says, playfully. “Are you gonna come over here? Or are you gonna keep watching me  from afar?” 
She smiles - beautifully, he thinks. She practically crawls over to him, his eyes moving straight to her chest as she leans forward. Beautiful enough to break his heart. Her eyes were bright enough to pick it up and put it back together again. “Your hands are cold.” He laughs as she cradles his face. She’s sitting on his lap now, her thighs framing him. His eyes rake over her and her stomach stirs. 
“Warm them up then.” She says, bringing her mouth to his. Her hands winding around his warm neck. His large palms move to her chest straight away. 
“Eager?” She asks. He scoffs, pulling away from her mouth. 
“Of course, look at these things!” He unbuttones the blouse she has on, just enough to get a glimpse of the way her tits sit in the cups of her bra. He practically moans and adjusts the way he’s sitting beneath her. Their crotches brush against each others as they continue to kiss. Messily and rushed. Hot - hands wandering and squeezing. Eddie, as vocal as ever, groaning against her neck as his pilowy lips meet the warm skin there. Lips exploring - Hands gripping, squeezing her chest. Soft, loving. 
“What do you want?” He whispered against her lips, bringing his head back up to brush his mouth against hers, not quite touching. 
“Use your hands.” She smirked back at him. His ringed fingers coming up to cup her jaw. 
“What? These?” He laughs, wiggling his fingers in front of her face for effect. She nodded, grasping his wrist as he brought his hand up to her mouth, his thumb running across her bottom lip. Holding back a moan when she took it into her lips. Her tongue - warm, soft. His cock hardens in his jeans as the sun sets over them. As Eddie’s hands travel lower, the van eventually heats up to her liking. 
August. 11am, she emerges from her car. A small jog as she makes her way towards him, leaning against the door frame. Waiting for her as usual.
 “Hey!” She beams as she hops in. “How are you?” 
“I’m alright.” He says, she laughs. It's early for him, 11. He looks tired, she can tell. Half an hour later they’re in his bedroom. He’s pulling out his pack of cigarettes as she flips through a magazine he had beside his bed. He’s nervous for a second, relieved when he leans over to see that it’s an appropriate one. He thinks she probably wouldn't care anyway. 
“Ed’s, it’s still early. That’s not good for you.” Her usual rant. She smokes too, but she read in a magazine somewhere that smoking as soon as you wake up isn’t good for you. As if smoking is good for you at all. He’s seen her break that a few times, but he never says anything. He laughs around the cigarette that's now in his mouth. Fizzling orange, burning paper as he lights it. Smoke curling around the room. A roll of her eyes as she goes back to the magazine. Roaming the streets of Hawkins together - she should know by now, him smoking by 11am, is nothing.  Eddie has his notebook on his lap - D&D stuff. She never asked to see it, knew he wouldn’t let her. He was an amazing artist. He had wonderful visions. His campaigns are always so beautiful. Not that he ever let her see, but what she had heard was always good.
“It does make us look cool.” She joked. “Especially you.”
“Since when have you thought I was cool?” He laughs. She looks up from the magazine. 
“Hey! I’ve always thought you were cool!” 
“Yeah, right.” They both laugh. When it dies down, she continues. 
“I do. You’re my own personal bad boy.” 
He almost chokes. He hates that his stomach stirs at her words. He pushes it down, trying to keep joking instead. 
“Bad boy, huh?” Hm, maybe the wrong way to go. It comes out more suggestive than he intended. 
“Well, yeah.” She gestured to him, the room she’s sitting in. The cigarette in his hand, the posters and the guitar on the wall. 
“And, the yours part? What makes you think I'm yours?” Fuck, he’s really trying his luck here. His sudden wave of confidence so early in the morning surprised her.
“Of course you’re mine.” He doesn't miss the way her voice has dropped. “Who else’s are you?” 
“Well, you are the one sitting in my bedroom right now. I’ve never had any other girl in here.” 
“Mhm.” She hums in agreement. Her fingers stop flicking through the magazine. She pushes it aside and stands up. He gulps, watching as she approaches where he’s sitting, his back against the headboard, legs outstretched. He thought that maybe he had overstepped by mentioning the girl thing. He shuffles back more, sitting up straighter as she moves down to straddle his lap. Taking his cigarette from his fingers. She puts on her own mouth, his eyebrows raised. A comment about her 'it's too early’ rant on the tip of his tongue. He decides against saying anything when he realises her chest is inches from his face. 
“Am i going to have to remind you who you belong too?” She asks. He’s shocked for a second, his hands staying by his side. He snaps out of it, slowly bringing his hands up to wrap around her, his palms resting on her bum. 
“Hmm,” He leans in to press his lips to her chest, just above the v neck of her shirt. “I think you might have too. I seem to have forgotten.” His stomach swirls in anticipation at the sparkle in her eyes. 
September. The Hideout. Always busy on a Saturday. Eddie is leaning against the wall, cigarette in hand. Looking down at his feet, dirty reeboks. Kicking stones around on the ground. The stars twinkled above him,
loud music behind him. The brick wall was cold underneath his shoulder. He looks up when a pair of equally dirty converse appear next to his own shoes. She doesn't say anything, just reaches into his pocket for his lighter. 
“Are you gonna stay?” She asks, looking up at the sky. 
“What’s the point? Our set sucked.” He’s miserable, she can tell. 
“No it didn’t.” She says softly, reaching up to tuck his hair behind his ear. His gorgeous side profile glowing in the light. He scoffs, doesn’t believe her. “I’m not lying, you’re always good.” 
“I disagree.” He mumbled, inhaling the last of the smoke before throwing the glowing end on the ground. She smiles, her hand still in his hair. Resting on the side of his head, he leans into her hand and brings his own up to grasp it. “I’m tired anyway.” 
“Yeah, and it’s a saturday. You should be taking me on a romantic date.” She smirks.
“Bringing you to my show, for free, may I add - you don’t think that’s romantic?”
She turns to look back inside the venue, pretends to think about what he said. He laughs - “No.” She finally says, reaching for him to pull him close. “There isn’t any romance around here.”
“Oh, baby,” He whispers, his hands grasping onto her waist. “I think I disagree.” He leans down to kiss her, sloppily and messy. She laughed against his lips, a small ew whispered between kisses. “C’mon.” He mumbles, his hands on her waist guiding her to walk in front of him, delivering a small smack to her ass. “I wanna get you home, then I'll show you what romance is.”
October. “Oh, that’s funny!” She laughs sarcastically, Eddie cringes at the venom in her voice. 
“What? You think you’re special or something?” He retorts. “I can’t just cancel shit for you all the time!”
“All the time? I just wanted one night, Eddie!” 
He knows she's right, he had promised her. But he just can’t admit that he was wrong, a lifelong habit and burden he’d possessed. He’s struggling to keep his cool. Her standing opposite him, he can practically feel the anger radiating off of her. She stares at him for a moment, when she doesn’t get a reply, she sighs. Throwing her bag over her shoulder, a pause when she swings open the door. It’s raining, fucking hard. Eddie can see the conflict, he almost smiles - thinking he’d won. That she’d stay. His smile falls as she walks outside into the rain, slamming his front door. The whole trailer feels like it shakes. 
“Shit.” He mumbles, he rushes to the door but pauses - hand on the handle. He debates letting her go, but decides he isn’t that stubborn. And it’s dark. 
“Hey!” He yells at her, she’s already pretty far away. “Come back!”
He may not be stubborn enough to let her go, but she is stubborn enough to walk all the way to her house in the dark and rain. So he moves fast, practically sprints until he’s a few steps behind her. “Don’t be a fucking idiot.” He says, speaking up to be heard over the rain hitting the pavement. 
“You’re the fucking idiot. I thought you were going to your stupid club?” She turns to face him, they’d only been outside for a minute or two but they were both already soaked.
He ignores her comment, he’s decided they aren’t going to fight anymore tonight. “Come back inside.” She pulls her arms away when he reaches for it, trying to walk away. He’s stronger than her, so he stops her from walking by grabbing both her shoulders as gently as he can. He can feel she’s shivering. 
“Get off, Eddie!” She says, a little too loudly. God, he hopes none of the neighbours are watching this. 
“Come back, you’re not walking in this fucking rain. And I'm not driving in it either. So come back, for tonight. I’ll sleep on the damn couch if that’s what you want and I'll take you home tomorrow.” 
“No.” She tries to walk away from him again. But she turns to look at him sympathetically when he says “Please?”
He looks pathetic, wet hair, wet clothes. His bangs stuck to his skin. She knows she doesn’t look any better. She sighs, ripping away from him again but this time to turn and walk back towards the trailer. The warmth of the inside is familiar and welcoming. Eddie steps in behind her, both their clothes dripping water onto the floor. She’s the first to laugh. Now he’s a whole new level of confused. He just stares at her. 
“You look stupid.” She laughs, he looks adorable. In all honesty. But she doesn’t want to say that right now.
“Do you think you look any better?” He’s laughing now too. 
“You don’t have to sleep on the couch, by the way.” She says quietly.
“Oh, gee, thanks.” He laughs. She watches as he makes his way to the bathroom, the sound of his shower running. “You know, i’ve never tested it out but, i’m pretty sure this is big enough for two people.”
“Hmm,” She pretends to think, joining him in the bathroom doorway. “It might be, if we stand close enough together.”
“Oh we will be.” He says stepping into the bathroom. “We need to be close enough for me to apologise properly.” 
November. ‘The sun, the moon and the stars are you.’ Eddie had no idea what that meant. But it made his heart twist. It made his stomach flip and tears form in his eyes. The next line, ‘You, me and everything. Always.’  This is what he’d been doing for days. Skimming the page, the note she’d left on his bedside table. Eddie never understood poetry.
“Are you still reading that thing?” 
He looks up towards her voice from where he’s seated on his bed, she’s watching him expectantly. 
“It was only supposed to be fun, Ed’s.  Don’t read too much into it.” 
He doesn’t believe her. He knows he’s made her nervous by constantly reading and re reading the note. He’s made her think he didn’t like it, maybe she even thought that he thought it was weird. It was the total opposite - he was going to keep it forever. He put the note down and reached out his hands. She walked forward, taking his hands and letting him pull her between his legs. 
“I love you.” He says against her skin after brimming her knuckles up to his lips. She says it back - he’ll never tire of it. “you’re mine.” He whispers into the skin of her wrist as she cups his face. She hums in agreement, admiring him. 
“Say it.” He says. glancing up at her with a grin. She smirks back, pulling her hands from his grasp. Resting her fingertips on his jaw to tilt his head back. Fully looking at her, his mouth falls slightly open. 
“I’m yours, Ed’s.” She leans down, their lips brushing. He breathes out - shuddering. 
“Forever?” He teases. Still grinning at her. The pure love in his eyes makes her heart feel like it’s going to leave her chest and fly away. She knows he means it, and so does she. 
“Forever.” She replies. Not being able to resist the love sick look in his eyes any longer - succumbing to the feeling and leaning down to kiss him properly. Drowning in him - his love. She manouvers herself onto his lap, her legs caging him. He leans back onto his elbows, admiring the sight of her sitting on his thighs. She’s above him again, her necklace hanging down in front of his face. Her lips found his again, a peck before travelling to his jaw. He moans breathlessly before asking - “Will you stay tonight?” His hands come up to grip her ass - pleading. 
“I really shouldn’t.” She whispers against his ear. Excitement brewing in his stomach as her warm breath washes over his skin. He massages the skin in his hands mumbling a please.
“Do you get upset when I leave?” She asks. She wants to hear him say it. She selfishly wants to hear him beg her to stay, hear him tell her that he misses her when she leaves. He understands what she wants and smirks, his voice lowering - raspy, when he says. “Oh baby, of course I do. I cry when you leave.” 
“Cry?” She giggles. 
“Well,” He pulls her ass forwards, her centre brushing against the bulge beginning to form in his jeans. He doesn’t miss the way she bites her lip as the denim pushes against her. “I cry on the inside.” 
She laughs, his favourite sound, and sits back to take off her shirt. His eyes widened in surprise, his eyes going straight to her chest. His hands squeezing her hips. 
“Well,” She says, leaning back down to him. “Then I guess I'll have to stay.” 
December. Eddie, scanning the shelves in a grocery store. List in hand.  “He should settle down and find himself a wife! That's what he needs!” He overhears a woman say, a conversation between two friends. He had always hated societal norms. He had kind of made it his reputation, anyone would tell you. The whole settling down thing had never been on the cards for him. Until now - until he met her. As cheesy as that sounds, he hated saying it. Hated even thinking about it, the fear that would stir inside of him felt like no other. 
Although, he feels that he doesn’t have to marry her. He wants too, god he wants too. The thought of calling her his wife did something to him. But, he doesn’t feel like he needs a ring to prove how much he loves her, he already knows neither of them is going to leave. And he knows that she knows as well. 
He leaves the aisle he’s currently on, wondering where she had run off too. As soon as he sees the sign pointing to the Christmas decoration aisle, a small smile forms on his lips. He was right, and when he turned the corner he saw her further down the aisle. The cart was significantly fuller than when she had left him. Christmas cards and wrapping paper piled on top of their groceries. Some colourful lights there too. 
“No tinsel.” He says as he approaches her, a small laugh when she jumps at his voice. “I hate that stuff.” 
She laughs before saying, “You need this!” He follows where she's pointing, to one of those small trees that are made for desktops. 
“Do I need it? For what?” 
“For your bedroom! It’ll look so cute.” She’s smiling so big, he feels like he can’t say no. Honestly, he doesn't want a tree in his room. But he can almost see the way her face will light up whenever she walks in and sees it. He can’t miss that. He would never deny her, so he says, “Okay.” And dumps the box into the cart. Just as he predicted, she smiles so big that he can’t help but smile back. 
“What’s next?” She asks, pointing to the list in his hand. 
“Uhm,” He scans the paper, her adorable handwriting clouding his mind, “I think we got everything.” 
“Are you just saying that because you wanna leave?” She asks, hands on her hips. “Because this is very important stuff.” 
“Is it?” 
“Yes!” She genuinely looks shocked. “It’s Saturday, Ed’s. It’s movie night. These snacks are very, very important.”  
“Well, as long as we have popcorn, I think we’re good to go.” His eyes scan the multiple bags she had thrown in. 
“You can never have enough.” She says, watching his eyes scan the cart. Predicting what he was going to say. 
“I think you can, actually.” He mumbles, more to himself, as she passes him with the cart. 
“What do you want for christmas?” She asks him, surprising him.
“Nothing.” He wants to avoid this conversation, he hates receiving gifts. He already has hers, in a little box next to his bed. In the draw buried underneath his heavy metal magazines, somewhere he knows she won’t look. 
“Don’t be stupid. I’m gonna get you something, and it’s gonna be great.” 
“Oh yeah?” He says, his eyes travelling to her neck. Thinking about how the necklace in the box will look. He had spent a lot of money and got some funny looks while buying it. So he hopes she’ll love it. 
“Yeah. I know what I'm gonna buy.” She says. He’s so observant that he doesn’t miss the way her eyes move to his hands. New rings perhaps? He’d actually love that. He’d been wearing these for a while. “And i’m gonna come see you on christmas day, you and Wayne.” 
“You don’t need to do that.” He says, wrapping an arm around her as they walk. Christmas had never been a big deal to him, he’d never really done the family christmas thing. 
“Of course I do.” She smiles.
“Yeah, you're right.” He says, “When else would I give you your amazing present?” 
“You could give it to me now?” She smirks. “Or I could just search for it.”
“You wouldn’t dare!” He gasps. “You love surprises.” 
Another thing that was so different about them, but worked so well. He hated surprises, but this one he couldn’t wait for. He knows how well she knows him, and he’s honestly excited to see what she buys. A year ago, he might have been upset. He always thought he didn’t deserve gifts, he didn’t deserve someone knowing her as well as she did. But she had made that all go away. For once, he was excited about the holidays, excited about Christmas day. One thing he was also excited for was the future. He couldn’t wait to be surprised by her forever. He couldn’t wait to love her forever, he couldn’t wait to be loved - forever. 
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"My, my, look at what my web dragged in," the drider chuckles as you enter the tailoring shop.
Two of his smoke-colored hands deftly snip a length of thread while the other two rummage through a box of colorful scraps of fabric.
"I have a party tonight and I literally have one decent outfit, which I accidentally ripped. Can you fix it?" You hold it out.
"For a price, darling," the drider purrs. "Nothing comes for free."
His long fingers pluck and worry at the edge of the rip. "I'll see what I can do. It shouldn't take long to mend, if you wouldn't mind waiting."
He smirks and gestures to a bench in the corner that has cobwebs clinging to the legs.
"You kind of have a bad reputation already. The creepy act isn't helping," you sigh and sit down. "Doesn't scare me though."
"Living as the only monster in a town full of humans will do that to you," he replies. "Everything that is different about you is magnified. I appreciate your lack of fear. It is nice to have someone treat you normally."
He's finished sooner than you expect and you stand to head over to the counter to make your payment. Before you can do that, he slides out from behind the counter and skitters up to you. His spiderish legs tap on the floorboards.
You can't recall a time when he hasn't been behind the counter and your mouth drops open at what you see. Staring is rude but right now you really can't help it. He looks like a spider just fluffy enough to look cute and not scary. He's wearing a shirt on his upper half but the round globe of his spider body is bare, covered only with its own soft fuzz.
"Am I scaring you?" He asks, tilting his head, mandibles flicking.
"N-no. Luckily I'm not afraid of spiders. It's just that you're so... Different. It's pretty cool."
"Then I have decided on my payment. I want you to go on a date with me."
"What?" You look up att him, startled. "I mean no offense, but it was just a rip in my outfit."
"That I fixed with my own silk. That's valuable stuff."
He gestures the clothes. Where there was once a rip, there is now a patch of material that's soft to the touch and sparkles under the ceiling lights. It has been artfully repaired, so it looks like your clothes were made that way.
"Whoa," you gasp. "That's beautiful!"
"Worthy of a date?" He grins.
You glance around the shop and for a moment, the only sound comes from the ceiling fan whirring lazily overhead.
"It must get lonely up here," you say.
He blinks, once, twice. His smaller secondary eyes remain fixed on you, making it hard to look away.
"Company would be nice," he says softly, leaning forward like he's about to touch your hair.
But he pulls away, scuttling back behind the counter.
"It's up to you," he says simply. "A payment in cash is also fine."
"I need a breath of fresh air. Give me a second."
Slowly, you turn and trudge outside. Something made you hesitate about saying yes. Even though you don't really know him, you've come here enough times to get a feel for his personality. It would be nice to get to know him better.
You can still hear the fan whirring away in there.
What will it hurt anyway? It's not like I care about whether I get judged for it.
You poke your head back in.
"Hey, I'm free on Saturday," you tell him.
His smile in response is so warm and wide that you're thinking about it the entire walk home.
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youkeepmehigh · 1 year
Simon was at a bar with 141 and you just happened to catch his eye, he wasn’t one to socialize with strangers but he really wanted to talk to you and luckily his good friend John Mactavish helped him get the courage to talk to you. WARNING 18+++
Chapter One
The Taste of Bourbon
You just started your night shift at this new bar that happened to open up near your apartment, they were pretty short staffed, and you took that as an opportunity to get a new job, you had plenty experience from your previous job so this should be easy enough, right?
As more people came in you started to feel a bit nervous since you hadn’t worked behind a bar in a while but surely no one would order anything to complicated. You scanned the bar looking around at all the people, they all looked like they were enjoying themselves it kinda made your nerves calm down but then you noticed some guys on the far side of the bar, they had masks on but of course it was none of your business.
You tried to stay focused on your job but um one of them seemed to be staring into your soul. 'Creepy…’ You thought trying your best to avoid eye contact with the muscular man, the guy working with you on the other of bar walked over to you. “That guy has not taken his eyes off you; you know him or something?” He asked you with a bit of a concerned look on his face. “I don’t, I’ve been trying my best not to look back at him.” You said playing with the crystal on your necklace, it helped with your anxiety at times.
“I can stay closer to you if you’re not comfortable being by yourself.” He said noticing you fidgeting with your necklace. You took the time to really examine his face, he had a lot of piercings, one on his right eyebrow, three on his nose bridge, and two on his upper lip. For some reason you found his piercings comforting or maybe it was the fact you could actually see his face?
“Yeah, I’d like that, I’m Y/n.” You said giving him a friendly smile. “Knox, looks like your stalker is coming over with a friend.” He teased, laughing at the way you looked around him seeing the guy was actually coming this way. “Hi, I hope we aren’t interrupting anything.” Said the shorter man, he had a Scottish accent and sounded really nice. “It’s fine, would you two like to order something?” You asked looking at the man that had been staring at you for a split second then at Knox who was just on his phone probably listening to the conversation you were having.
“Oh no thank you, you probably noticed my good friend Ghost here staring at you I just wanted to apologize on his behalf, he just thinks you very pretty and would like to talk to you more.” The Scottish man said looking at Ghost as he mentioned him then back at you. Ghost seemed to be very uncomfortable with his friend making him socialize he was looking at his feet until his friend bumped his shoulder, he looked at the Scottish man who crossed his arms his eyes moving back and forth between you two. Ghost looked at you and gave you a small wave.
‘Aw, he must be antisocial.’ You thought thinking that him being his very large size and being afraid to talk to you was kind of cute. You waved back at him giving him a small smile. “See? She doesn’t bite, now have a little fun.” The Scottish man said giving Ghost a pat on back then leaving Ghost alone with you. You looked over where Knox was once standing and realized he had gone back to his side to help some customers. “Sorry about the staring thing, it’s a habit.” Ghost said, hearing his masculine voice made your stomach go in a knot. “It’s fine, but you should definitely work on it I was starting to think you were going to rip my head off or something.” You said getting a small chuckle out of him. “Want anything to drink?” You asked him. "I'd kill for some Bourbon." He said watching you pour him a glass. " I really don't get how guys like you can just drink that. " You say sliding the glass in front of him. He picks up the glass taking a sip of the drink, you watched him almost gagging thinking about the taste. " Guys like me? " He asked, wondering what you meant when you said that. " Yeah, guys that drink...that. " You said pointing at the glass in his hand, you remember your father drinking it a lot when you were younger. You being a stupid little kid you tried some of it and couldn't get the taste out of your head...it was disgusting.
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It had been a few weeks since that night, Ghost and Soap had came by once a week sometimes it would just be Ghost by himself, and you didn't have a problem with that, he was nice company. On nights Ghost was here guys seemed to have less motivation to try and talk to you, you always loved when ghost would come by near the end of your shift to check on you, he'd even walk you to your car which was very kind of him. On this Friday night it was surprisingly slow, after midnight all the customers seemed to have left in a group going to some club down the street.
You hummed to yourself cleaning some of the glasses you picked up then suddenly someone had came in making the bell on the door jingle, you looked up and as you suspected it was Ghost. " Where's everyone at? " He asked sitting down at the counter looking around the empty bar. " They all left to go to some club that opened down the street, I've never seen this place so dead before. " You said getting Ghost his usual. Even Knox had clocked out early because of the lack of customers.
" I bet you like how silent it is in here, huh? " Ghost asked you drinking his Burbon rather fast today. " Yeah, I don't get silence often here. " You said finishing the dishes you were washing, you decided to let the glasses air-dry. You walked to your side of the side Ghost was on and sat next to him, he didn't seem to mind you sitting there. You both watched the news.
For a minute you hadn't realized Ghost had stopped looking at the TV, you looked over at him seeing him looking at almost empty glass
“ Something wrong? ” You asked him looking at him awaiting his response. “ No, I just…have a lot on my mind right now. ” He said finishing his drink. “ Want another drink? ” You asked him not sure if he wanted to talk about it. He didn’t say anything he just slid his glass towards you, you stood up and walked around the counter and came back with the whole bottle and a glass for yourself, pouring yourself and him some of it. “ Thought you didn’t like it. ” He said picking up his glass. “ I’ll just drink it this one time, for you. Cheers? ” You said to him sitting back down next to him holding your glass up. He smiled a bit, from the other side of the counter you could never really see when he was smiling but you learned that if you could make him smile hard enough you’ll be able to see it in his eyes, seeing him up smile up close just made the butterflies in your stomach flutter. “ Cheers. ” He said raising his glass up as well. You both drank at the same time, you ended up coughing a bit from the taste getting a laugh out of Ghost like a genuine laugh you aren’t sure if it was actually funny to him or the Bourbon was making him a little more loose.
“ Not funny. ” You said laughing a bit at yourself. “ God this tastes worst then I remember it. ” You say drinking some more of it trying to drink it as fast as you could to just get it over with. “ I was starting to think you weren’t gonna do it. ” He said quickly drinking the rest of his glass to secretly make fun of you for your slowness when drinking yours.
When you finally finished yours you picked up the glasses and the bottle going behind the counter to put them away. As you were putting the bottle back you saw that a tip had fell on the ground, you went to pick it up and as you bent down you couldn’t help but notice that someone’s eyes were burning a hole right through you. You turned around and saw Ghost’s eyes slowly travel up your body.
Wait! Was he like…staring at your ass?
You couldn’t help but smirk at his actions, that was really bold of him. “ Fuck, sorry I just- I fuck- I should go. ” He said stuttering like crazy then getting up to leave. “ No, you can’t just run off after I caught you eyeballing my ass. ” You said blocking his way. “ Why not, it’s not like you’re going to anything about it. ” He said leaning down getting face to face with you.
“ It’s just I’m a little afraid of ghosts, that’s all. ” You said softly grabbing his arms and pulling him closer to you, he put his hands on your waist trying to pull you even closer looking straight into each other’s eyes, you could tell he needed this more than you like…a lot more than you. You put your hands around his neck staring into eyes, you almost felt like you were just with him like nothing and no one else existed just you and him. “ I can fix that. ” He said giving you a small smile. You smiled back the both of you starting kissing each other, at first they were small kisses then they slowly turned into full on tongue kisses, you felt so weak from his embrace you wanted to stay like this forever. You never loved the taste of Bourbon this much. What made you feel even more weak was his hands, they just wondered all over your body playing with all the right places. You’d definitely let this man ruin your life.
You gasped when he picked you up like you weighed nothing, he carried you and sat you on the counter going back for more kisses his hands caressing your thighs slowly making their way up to your cunt. You felt like you were on some type of drug the way he was making you feel, what’s the word for it? Ah, yes he was giving you the feeling of euphoria. Fuck how much you loved that word…how much you loved…him.
His hand went up your skirt his thumb tracing circles around your clit through your panties. “ Fuck…stop teasing. ” You said gasping a bit for air. “ Relax let me do all the work, Angel. ” He said in your ear continuing to tease you. You felt yourself get wet at the pet name he called you. “ Angel? ” You said smirking at him as you used your knee to rub the bulge in his pants. “ Yeah, I know you like that, don’t you Angel? ” He said kissing your neck. “ Mhmmm. ” You hummed putting your head back to give him better access to your neck. You closed your eyes focusing on his touch for some reason it was more exciting not seeing what his was doing but just feeling it, feeling him.
You felt him pull on your panties the cold air startling you a bit. All you heard was the sound of a belt unbuckling and it made you really excited. You felt his eyes on you but you still didn’t open your eyes, he didn’t say anything secretly deciding to try it himself. He lined himself up and slowly pushed himself inside of you letting you adjust. You moaned a bit louder than you thought you would letting out a small giggle. “ What’s so funny? ” He asked resting his forehead on your shoulder. “ Your gonna make me lose my job. ” You said smiling to yourself. “ You don’t seem to mind. ” He said starting to slowly thrust in and out of you, small grunts and moans coming out of the both of you.
“ Fuck…you feel amazing. ” Ghost whimpered in your ear, you could tell he was trying to be gentle with you. “ You know you don’t have to be all soft with me, I promise I can take it. ” You said softly trying to encourage him to be more rough. He picked up the pace drastically practically pounding into you. This man made you a moaning mess in five seconds. You could just imagine the look on his face. You started to feel yourself on the edge you were so close to an orgasm you started to cry, you grabbed on his hoodie signaling that you were close. “ Oh that’s it Angel, let it all out. ” He said digging his fingers into your skin, that’ll definitely leave a bruise. You let out a quiet sigh as you fell off the edge letting Ghost rest some of his weight on you, he came inside of you but you honestly didn’t care, you were just happy that tonight happened and that you knew he had a little crush on you.
“ Oh sorry I- y’know. ” He said as he was about to pull himself out of you. “ It’s fine, can we just start like this for a while? ” You asked him making him pause. “ Yeah, whatever you want. ” He said resting his forehead against yours.
Part 2?
Pls give writing tips 😭
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diosama27 · 1 year
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Part 2 - insecure chubby reader
Angst, fluff
Jotaro Pov:
When all other girls were after me she was not, yn was different she just treated me like a normal person.
I felt comfortable around her. I could be my true self.
This was such a weird feeling I have never felt like this before. Something comfortable, but still it makes me nervous when I'm with her.
I don't know how it's possible to have such mixed feelings for someone. Yn looks so beautiful, elegant and cute all at the same time. I didn't know people could pull off all this together.
Her curves are all hidden, but still I couldn't help imagining how she will look like under all those baggy clothes.
She's so perfect. I'm afraid that someone will snatch her away. I want to get ready before confessing my love for her. Will she accept me?
That time when I was with yn in the cafe, I felt so embarrassed to be alone with her I know that's not how I am but still when it comes to her I am all nervous and flustered. I can't really control myself when I am with her.
I was actually scared that she would find me creepy when I texted her like that. But still she was so composed. This is not the way how I feel normally, I just want to protect her at all cost I just want to see her smile the beautiful smile on her face is enough.
She must be so soft I want her. I want her to call my name
I wonder what sounds she will make? How will my name sound in her mouth? How will she look like under her clothes? How will it feel like having her in my arms? ... Shit shit shit i can't think of anything else when I'm with her
I want her to be mine
End of jotaro pov~~
Classes went on you had ur final exams. It was pretty easy since u stu-died.
And so your long awaited winter holidays are coming.
So it was time for you to fill and refill and refill your big tummy and hibernate all day. "Heaven isn't it?"
Your holidays went by you got a message from jotaro, he asked you out. You thought of getting rid of those feelings this winter but he keeps on hindering the plan
Well you didn't have much to do but still enjoyed your hibernation process. Yet you didn't turn him down because of the feelings you have for him like you felt it was just too unfair for him
(AN: grulll he rejected hundreds of women)
So it was a date but basically all you did was hangout in a park for a little while and then had lunch after sometime he just brought you back home.
Well it was literally an awkward trip since you were not the one to start a conversation and even if you did he just nodded.
Still there was something you both felt in the silence among you. Only the presence of each other was enough no words nothing just having jotaro with you felt soo pleasent.
Before bidding your goodbyes, you thanked him
As you were about to leave, he grabbed your wrist gently with his big hand which made you jerk with shock. You turned around blushing beet red thinking of what all things that were about to happen.
He holds out a bouquet of fresh flowers and says
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
Jotaro was nervous you didn't think that you would be able to see him like this with a little blush, holding a bouquet for a girl and the girl bieng you was so unreal.
You thought you were dreaming, there was no other explanation for something like this to happen unless you're dreaming about it. But still you didn't feel like waking up.
You wanted this moment to continue forever. Your heart was beating soo much and you felt like you're going to burn up
You wanted to accept jotaro's proposal immediately but your heart snak you felt sad. You felt like you were never in his league, so why is he confessing now. Maybe he lost a bet or something
You just played it off
"Yaaa! Jotaro c'mon now stop pulling my leg. Did you lose a bet or something?....I... I.. almost fell for it."
Jotaro Pov:
What is she talking about. Does she think I'm toying with her.
"Hey, yn I'm serious I'm not playing with you . Are you not interested in dating me?"
Yn Pov: Is he really confessing to me right now? The mighty Jotaro Kujo? the man of attitude?
No no this is not happening
Wait I'm not even fit to walk around with him so why did he choose me over all other girls.
"Why me jotaro? You could have choosen anyone. So why choose me?
You want me to believe you? How can I? It's not logical."
He was shook. Jotaro didn't expect you to degrade yourself, he never have thought of you like this his only thought was that he could never be enough for you.
Tears brimming in your eyes you were soo embarrassed that you are about to cry infront of your crush. While trying to pull back in your tears and hidding your vulnerable side you did not see that coming
Jotaro gave you a big warm hug, eyes filled with guilt that he was never there for you when you needed someone
You couldn't comprehend what was going on all you could hear was jotaro's kind and gentle voice while you were crying and feeling comfort in his chest.
"Yn, it's alright you have me now. You are the one and only woman in my life. You don't have to bottle it up, you can cry on me."
"It's ok yn. It's alright"
"It's ok, It's alright"
"It's ok yn. It's alright"...
You heard only this. Jotaro Kujo's soothing voice to put you back in a stable mind along with the cold evening breeze
After all the crying you felt really embarrassed that you couldn't see him in the eyes.
"I'm sorry jotaro. I just.... "
He hugged you again and said
"Yn I will always love you no matter what it is. Take some time. You need some rest."
He pulled away and kissed your forehead "I love you"
You were so flustered that you were not able to think straight for a moment.
You never felt this, it was real yet felt dreamy. You have never felt so blessed in your life. You turned around to see Jotaro leave.
You didn't know how it happened all of a sudden you were there back hugging the tall man. "Thank you Jotaro, I... i..lo..lo..love... you too"
Well you thought to atleast give him a chance
The man was frozen for a second, he then turned around and hugged you and said "thank you for accepting me, love. I will make sure that you made the right decision"
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dunefeather · 2 years
Hi! Here i am again 🙈 i would love to make a request for a Gurney x reader imagine! The reader and Gurney love eachother but haven't told the other yet. Gurney is hessitant because he is older and reader is hessitant because their past relationship was not so great. So maybe Gurney comes back from a fight hurt and the reader takes care of his injuries, they talk and finally confess their love for eachother. Some smut at the end please!😊 Hope everything is alright!
Here it is ! Thank you for requesting ! 😊
Secret Unveiled (18+)
Gurney Halleck x F!Reader
Content : smut, protected sex, medical exam, love confession, mutual pining, friends to lovers, age gap, fluff, angst.
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Gurney Halleck is no stranger to you and this little light in your eyes each time you welcome him in the infirmary, whatever the reason. It was simple for him to find some explanation : a guard hurt during his duty, he happened to walk nearby and decided to visit you, or a quick meeting with the staff to ask for any improvement needed.
This man is proud of his missions and achievements throughout his life. To be fair he is even pretty satisfied with his ability to keep himself in shape despite his age. Of course years are showing but he keeps discipline and physical condition at heart. He is respected, listened to. Sadly he doesn't have anyone to share his life with. He may not be the most romantic soul of this castle - and would never equal Leto Atreides' level around Lady Jessica - but his loneliness had started to take a toll and it got worse around you.
"The day you tell me you trained with live ammunition I won't even be surprised," you sigh, "I guess this soldier was upset for some reason ?"
It's hard to focus around you. Gurney feels ashamed of this attraction he feels whenever you come into his eyesight or - even better - when you get to touch his bare skin to heal him. A part of him wants to show off around you but is afraid of crossing the line that would condemn him to being seen as a creepy old man. With all his experience and years of restraint and sacrifices in many aspects of his life he should be able not to shudder at soft feminine hands on his bare chest. He is no longer the young soldier that could have an excuse of falling for the first cute nurse he sees after a traumatic accident.
"No live ammunition I promise," he chuckles, "not as long as you could do much worse as retaliation."
"I don't know who would have to fear this the most, you or the idiot that would have accepted to obey that kind of orders."
It feels good to have someone to share a few laughs despite the bruises your are examining. He likes your stern eyes.
"I hope you would take care of that idiot then, there are days where teaching them not to listen to everything they hear is more difficult than others." He admits.
"So they have to learn to obey at everything but at the same time to anticipate what could get them into troubles ?"
"Of course."
Gurney tenses up as you push him gently to seat onto a table, a few shameful thoughts crossing his mind as you make him lean backwards a little to take care of some wound. You are standing there in your white dress, face invisible as you are leaning towards him. He hopes he lost enough blood during that stupidly dangerous training not to show you any unexpected excitement down there.
"I am going to apply some balm on your belly and ribs." You mumble before walking to the right. "some serious bruises that are going to get pretty painful if we don't do anything."
He wants to show off so badly. Humour will help him to get more comfortable and stop thinking about inappropriate details.
"You can tell me if you want to touch you know," he jokes with a cocky tone, "enjoy it for as long as I still have a body."
"Then spread your legs Warmaster instead of bragging." You chuckle as you come back at the spot right in front of him. "I need room to treat your silliness."
Shit. You're not making things easier do you ? Gurney decides to look up at the ceiling, his knuckles turning white as he grabs the corners of the table firmly to distract himself from your insanely close presence. He'd love to have a beautiful girl like you bent over that same table, or even better in his bed. How many times he came back to his quarters like a stray dog beaten up by strangers and only wanting some kind touch in a safe place ?
He swallows hard as he spreads his legs for you to get closer, and attempts to think of something else than his inexistent sex life. He's a grown ass man, he can deal with a cute nurse with no problem. Yes but with an interesting cute nurse that's different.
"Do you want me to give you some painkiller? You look like much more in pain than when coming in." You ask with worry clear in your voice when you rest your hand on his forehead. "Do you have any other injury ?"
"Not that I know of," he replies.
"Mh. Adrenaline must have been erased by your body now, you should feel any wound that could have escaped your attention."
"I'm fine. Old man joints."
You snort at this and he regrets the precise moment when you remove your hand from his forehead.
"Gurney, you are not that old," you scold him.
Your head is lowered to the area around his belly now covered with bruises. It's certainly his imagination but the way your fingers hold that tissue covered in transparent balm over his skin feels sensual to him. The cold substance sends chills down his back. Slow circles, very little pressure... and that low wet sound feel all too good despite the slight pain.
"I am that old. But thank you for denying the truth." He whispers.
"Nah. Look at you. Still a healthy Warmaster able to resist a mine with no major problem."
The softness of your gaze is hypnotizing as well as this grin. He had always heard that younger women were a danger to weak minds and he has to admit that more than that you are the only one weakening him that way.
"I had a special protective outfit on and the mine was disfunctional."
"Still. That's quite impressive."
"You wouldn't have said that if I had lost a leg. You would be screaming at me."
"I'd be crying you mean." You say with an offended tone as you lower the tissue to right above his waistline. "No way I let you get rid off your old man joints like that as you call them. I'd do it expertly without any pain."
He shouldn't laugh like that and soon enough he regrets it as his belly hurts all too much for his comfort. You stop applying the balm and grab his bare shoulders themselves covered with bruises here and there. He likes you what the hell can he do against that fact ?
"So I have old man joints." He taunts you as you cross your arms.
"Oh shut your mouth and stop being silly," you smile brightly, "you are lucky it's a small day or I'd have kicked you out of this infirmary a long time ago. You are a strong old man fully capable to overcome big bad bruises."
He wants to kiss you hard, to taste your lips and the saltiness of your skin on your throat. How blessed must have been the men that were part of your past. Having you saying their name with a panting voice must be a delight.
How long has it been since the last time he saw a naked woman ? Especially one like you ? As young as you ? He forgot how satisfying and beautiful it looks, with a face still relatively innocent yet capable of those feline stares.
"Are you hurt anywhere else ?" You ask sheepishly before turning around to walk hastily to your first aid kit.
Uncertain, he pounders whether or not he should tell you. He doesn't know what that balm could do to his sensitive parts. After all they don't hurt anymore. But after all you are a nurse, and humor sounds like something perfect to deflect any uncomfort between you.
"Hm... well I felt some pain down there as I fell onto a rock." He admits with a grimace as he remembers the atrocious pain it sent throughout his body. "But I'm doing better. Don't worry about it."
"Are you alright ?" You ask with an embarrassed grin. "I can check if you feel like it could have gotten wounded. Did your outfit get opened under the shock ?"
"Maybe. I don't know, I wasn't really thinking about my outfit at the moment. And I know... well last time you talked about a guy you appreciated so I don't want to make things awkward if you come to talk about the Warmaster's crush nuts to him."
He is ashamed at how impatient he is to get your answer, and at how proud he is as you chuckle and release the tension of your shoulders.
"Don't worry I take care of my patients' privacy. And that guy is part of the past anyway. Like all the others."
The faint crack of your voice make him both guilty and happy. Of course everything had to end up with those idiots. They don't deserve you. Honestly he does think he does, but you must have other goals in your life.
"I'm sorry for you. You sounded like you appreciated him at least a bit."
"I did. But you know how the soldiers are when they see a nurse taking the role of their mother when they were little kids." You laugh as you shake your head. "They get attached, make you hope a lot with the bright light in their eyes and... well they are adults so they have different priorities than children and suddenly it's not the maternal side that interests them and... and they leave."
How can anyone treat you like shit like that ? That brief sadness and uncertainty over your face shouldn't exist. It makes him angry, it's as simple as that.
"You are a wonderful woman they would run up to the day we get at war." He grumbles with a stern look. "They are cowards that think of themselves as more important than they are. The day you meet someone deserving your attention you'll know it."
"Thank you." You smile softly as you rub your thumbs against each other. "But don't worry about me."
"You are charming. I'm pretty sure you already have all the men at your feet trying to seduce you."
"If they could be as interesting as you are it would be much better."
"I beg your pardon ?"
It's unbelievable how little it takes to make him feel as light as a feather despite his exhaustion. A boyish grin forms on his lips as he witnesses you all flustered but trying to stand your ground.
"For an old man you are interesting. Don't get too confident." You half scold him with a huge smile.
"It's good to know. Finally you acknowledge that you can tolerate me."
"Of course I tolerate you, it's even nice of you to visit us so often."
"How could I not to when there is the most beautiful nurse of this planet right there ?"
"Stop it I swear." You laugh out loud.
"You are pretty attractive I would be a liar of I pretended the opposite. If I were a young soldier I would fall in love, not use and throw away as they do."
"Well... I don't consider you as old. So I guess you are young enough to fall ?"
"I'm still young enough for this." He confirms.
You are a bad actress pretending to look for something but It's so good to feel that ego boost after a depressing morning.
"So," you start again with a low voice when you turn around, "does it hurt ?"
"Do you need some medication ?"
He nods and the nibbling on your bottom lip activates something on him. Not enough to harden at the mere thought of you seeing his manhood, but enough to convince h that he won't be able to repress his body instincts for long.
"Stand up and take your pants off please." You instruct as you get another tissue ready.
His heart is pounding and his boots reach the ground, his calloused hands undoing his black belt to keep it open around his waist. He feels that electric shock so maybe it wouldn't be a useless exam.
"I'll have a look and tell you whether or not you need a fecundity test, it could have affected your..."
His eyes don't leave the back of your head and he grins at the slight jolt you have when his pants reach his ankles, the metallic sound of his belt reaching the ground making his state obvious. His black boxer is the only thing separating his private parts from you and it's thrilling.
"Well. Let me see. Describe the pain."
You turn around and walk up to him, hesitant eyes glaring at his confident ones.
"Electric shocks in my testicles under some motions." He states calmly. "I got it at my penis as well but I don't have any pain."
"Do you still feel them ?"
"I do."
"Alright. Lower your underwear."
Gurney loves the way your eyes widen so subtly as they lower on his manhood. It sends a pleasing warmth in his belly, his hips ending up. You like what you see.
It gets even better when you kneel down, a pair of rubber gloves on his thighs to make him spread them. Your head is only made of hair from his point of view, and really dirty things start to find a way to his mind.
"You have a pretty bad bruise on your right testicle, up to your waistline." You say breathless.
"No wound ?" He purrs ?
"No wound."
His eyes close by themselves as he knows he is fucked the second your hands start to press his balls slowly. Really precise circles at some spots. His pubic hairs react at the goosebumps your touch create, and he gets ecstatic at how well you manage to keep your voice still despite his erection starting to show and his balls still holding the seed he has dreamt of making you swallow for months.
"The left one looks correct." You say absentmindedly.
"I'm sorry for... you know." You says with a smile as he stares at the wall before him.
"It's natural." You chuckle. "It's... all natural... may I touch it ?"
He silences the moan forming in his throat as his feels the rubber pressing his hardening shaft. It has nothing to do with masturbation, he does understand you are testing his sensitivity but by the Gods it feels both frustrating and relieving.
"Is it alright ?"
"More than alright." He whispers.
Fuck it if that makes him look like a pervert. He is tired of pretending you don't arouse him. He hasn't had sex in an eternity, the girl of his dreams is there after a mine explosion that could have cost him so much more than a pubic exam. He is not complaining.
"A bruise there." You say quietly as your finger brushes up the right side of his shaft. "All the way up to the tip, it follows the vein."
Gurney swallows hard as you keep caressing the same area a dozen of times, much more than necessary until his erection rests on his belly. You get up, your hand still brushing this side and your eyes demanding his attention with a clear desire lightening them up. He want to fuck that pretty mouth, to claim you as his from behind, to taste your wetness.
"Is it misplaced to desire you as much as I do right now ?" He asks as you let him cup your face.
"Do you actually think you are the only one having such thoughts ?"
Your thumb now circles around his tip, your hand wrapped around his warm and throbbing flesh. It does hurt a little due to his bruises but he isn't complaining.
"I'm flattered you think of me this way." He admits as his hands go down to the thin skin of your neck.
"Do you think of me as... some fresh flesh, or as... more ?"
It's enough to make him grab your wrist at the sudden heavenly sensation threatening him to come already. He can't let himself do that despite how tempting it is under your now playful smile.
"More. Definitely as more." He whispers as your thumb keeps on taunting him.
"Are there... feelings ?" You ask with begging eyes.
"There are feelings. Yes there are feelings. Strong ones. They've been there for a while."
Gurney doesn't let your kiss go as soft as you intended it to be. He devours you and you follow his guidance faithfully until feeling his tongue against yours, his chest covered in balm staining your white dress as his strong arms press you against him. You are burning too, fully reactive to the tension eating him up from the inside.
"I need to..." you whisper breathlessly.
Your sentence gets cut off as he lifts your dress up to your waist then forces you to sit on the table, them takes the fabrics off. His lips are busy kissing and nibbling your neck, his hands conquering any spot of bare skin available.
"Gurney fuck I need some protection I can't... I can't do it like that..." You whisper desperately as your bra gets tossed to the ground.
"You're magnificent." He groans before sucking on your right breast avidly.
He loves how eager you are to give yourself to him, he wants to feel you come undone under his hip thrusts. He wants to claim you as loudly as possible so any other nurse or doctor in the other rooms can hear you. Oh yes how hot it is to make them know when he will make you shake with pleasure.
"Gurney please I..." You moan as he attacks your other nipple.
How greedy your hands are as the explore his toned body. He is clearly not old enough to disgust you despite what he was afraid of. You are starving for good time like he has been, welcoming his body and feelings completely.
"That's why I love you, always so perfect." He purrs before starting to leave a mark on your throat.
Your bare legs wrap his waist firmly as he feels your arm looking for something, opening a plastic or something similar as his thoughts go completely blank at the mere anticipation of filling you up. Then he sees a white color flashing on the side and leaves some room between your crotches.
The time you insert your own protection inside you he leaves a trail of sloppy kisses on your chest, his hands massaging your breasts.
"Go inside." You whisper.
You are exactly as tight as pictured in his dream from a few nights ago, your warmth swallowing his thick shaft relatively easily. Your protection is not as wet as your core yet, but it's only a matter of seconds the time the lubricant spreads at his thrusts. He stares at your clouded eyes with authority, a hands grabbing your nape as he gets deeper and deeper, your shaky exhale turning into a sensual moan.
"My beautiful." He mumbles before pressing his balls against you.
"Gurney." You squeal with your hand in his hair. "Please my love please."
The first stroke is both slow and brutal, his forehead against yours.
"Please my love," you whisper.
He thrusts out then in.
"Please my love," you moan.
It's good to have you now moaning in his mouth, his hand on your bare breast, his cock pounding inside you. He is no fool, he knows anyone right outside the room can hear you, even listen to you if they wanted to. But that's perfect. Make them know you are calling him, the Warmaster, "my love." Make them hear it again and again.
He clenches his teeth with his forehead on your shoulder as he watch a breast bouncing at the corner of his eye, his climax so close. Any woman would have driven him crazy after such a long abstinence but you are making it so much better.
The second he forces you to look at him he knows it's over for you. Your eyes rolling, your body exposing him your breasts even more, the sensual loud moan leaving your lips, your sex clenching around him... you are cumming hard and don't care about how hot you look to him and how hard he ejaculates in you, weeks of seed filling you up and dripping on the table as he pulls out.
- - - -
Thank you for reading please comment and reblog if you liked it ! 😊
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2n2n · 11 months
I seen a post on rebbit saying that, Tsukasa might be scared of thunder?? I just searched up “What is Tsukasa afraid of” because I’m so curious! I want to see a point in the manga where Tsukasa is vulnerable, on the verge of tears, or speechless, or sort of afraid. Just something different from the way he usually is, fearless, brave, unwavering, kooky, ect.
I saw the rebbit post and it pointed out how in the official art of how the characters feel about thunder, you see on the right there are the characters that are scared of it, and Tsukasa just happens to be on the right but with “No comment”.
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Honestly I found it so funny 💀. Like imagine this strong supernatural boy that seems to be a menace to society and is really f-ed up possibly being scared of thunder? Like out of everything in the world! Not scared of his brother for killing him, not scared of the world ending but is scared of something as simple as thunder.
What are your thoughts on this, and if not thunder than what do you think Tsukasa could possibly be afraid of?
I don't see Tsukasa as "fucked up" or so inhuman ... I think we have enough evidence he is as variable as Amane is, really. He is OTOUTO! it's true he seems afraid of thunder ... while Amane lies about being brave about it. It paints such a picture, doesn't it? Of Amane being a good big brother, acting unafraid... he needs to be brave for Tsukasa....
Tsukasa and Amane both have a really poor cold tolerance!
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they are on the 'excited by snow' spectrum but ALSO the FURTHEST on the 'weak to cold' spectrum!!! That means the boys like to run all around in the cold LALALALALA and then, surely suddenly, they're shivering fussy messes under the kotatsu together, sniffly nosed. I wonder what Tsukasa was like on cold, cold nights, as kids? I hope Amane was a good big brother... maybe he would warm something up for them... it is cute to think he is weak to cold, right?
Tsukasa has a tendency to wall up in certain circumstances. I also think about this instance everyone was asked about their "first dream of the new year", and Amane dodges the question (as you'd expect...)-- he says something like, "ghosts don't dream!" but this is obviously a lie, as Mitsuba answers honestly. Tsukasa, like with the thunder question, doesn't reply, and gazes blankly. I wonder if he doesn't want to talk about it? What kind of dreams does Tsukasa have?
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When Tsukasa is overloaded or doesn't know what to say, he drops making any expression. I think he feels more than is assumed of him. After Amane yells at him for dropping his telescope, he holds it very tightly in both arms, and looks very focused....
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which reminds me of the Tsukasa who was sensitive to the consequences of Amane yelling at him, as a kid-- the Tsukasa soon so easily sure Amane hates him...
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for any illustration Tsukasa is staring blankly, I wonder what he may be feeling ... I think it is often thought, "Tsukasa just looks creepy, likes to look creepy" but ... I don't know. Everyone else is quite cute, funny, or shy, being asked to kiss a heart on valentine's day. I wonder what Tsukasa feels?
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I think we'll see more of Tsukasa's feelings coming out, very soon ^^ we have yet to see yorishiro Tsukasa take his hat off, or have it fly off ... he's never really lost grip on the situation in front of him. But, it'll happen. I wonder what he'll be like, chatting with Nene-chan at the festival?
I don't think Tsukasa's emotions will quite be the same as anyone else's, though ... I think his tendency to stare blankly and lose his mouth is quite cute. Amane, when upset, he really looks tense, agonied, face melts off. When I think of Tsukasa upset, I wonder if it won't be more like Rasphard, from Aidairo's visual novel, with his under-the-surface quiet ~samisii~~ (lonely) sadness, which asks for nothing... we don't see him cry on his final day, as a child. But we see him freeze up.
whatever the case ... he really tends to just get quiet when something comes up.
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I think as a person with arrested outward emotional expression... I really like Tsukasa's range. He gets shy, he gets apologetic, he gets embarrassed...
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he's too ah ... lets say, suicidal, to be afraid of conventional things (dying, the world ending, snakes, spooky things) ... but he can feel sheepish he messed up, did something stupid, or, his picture he was proud of was ruined, shy to talk about himself...
I always think, if Amane wanted to, he could overwhelm Tsukasa to complete nonverbal paralysis within seconds, just be being outwardly affectionate or coddling...)
I always love this image, where Tsukasa is waiting for the new chapter to come out (chapter 58 Amane!!! being so handsome right) and he's all tense and serious, he doesn't want to mess up and miss the mailman, he has his stamp all reaady to stamp the mail!!! I think he's actually pretty self-aware he can be forgetful or distracted... not gonna fuck up. Going to get the mail. Exciteable ...
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Amane has major big brother syndrome.... I have to think ... that he had a reason to stand with Tsukasa, even when things went bad ... to refuse to reject him... and, that the way Amane treats Nene, when she is worrisome, is a reflection of those hardwired big brother habits.
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maybe if it was super cold... or if there was thunder... or if Tsukasa's drawing was ruined somehow... or if he messed up and ruined something Amane owned ... Amane would sigh and be a sweet older brother, attuned to when Tsukasa needs it.
That is the way I think of them ... I feel good about it. Maybe crazy to some, though....
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scarlet-bernard · 2 years
Hi, could you please write something platonic for Alastor, it can be fanfic or headcanons, the reader sees him as a parental figure and trusts him, not some obsessive thing, just really admires him and wants to be like him. Thank you so much!!
Totally!! This is super cute!!
Platonic Alastor And GN Reader
You were fairly young, when you died
I'd say early 20's? Maybe
-Kind of up to you, this is just my estimate-
You weren't dumb by any means, just new to Hell
So when you got to Hell, you knew nothing about the overlords
Safe to say, when you ran into Al, you had *no* clue who he was
Like no clue
So when you started chatting with him you recieved stares
Al wasn't too angry about the run in
Of course, he *could* have killed you
But you must've been new, you didn't seem very afraid of him
A small mistake, really
He could fix that without killing you!
Besides, you were entertaining
Murdering you would be to easy
You were... refreshing
So, he decided to spend the rest of the day with you!
"Well dear, you must be new! Let me show you around Hell!" And he has his arm wrapped around your shoulders and he's dragging you around Hell
Glances are thrown at both of you. They almost feel bad enough to warn you
"How'd you know I was new?"
"Well, darling, people are generally afraid of me. You don't seem to know who I am!!"
You... weren't sure you wanted to know, honestly.
You weren't going to ask
But, you made a new friend! So it was a good day. You were feeling pretty alone until you met him
He honestly reminded you of a dad, with all the dumb jokes he told
They're very stupid
Since they two of you are from different generations....
"The past, present, and future walk into a bar. It was tense!"
You groan
They were very bad jokes
I thought it was funny
Of course, you eventually found out who he was
It was... unsettling, to say the least. But hey, he was your friend
You were already in too deep
And you were in Hell
You could've run into someone worse, is my point
Kind of
It could've been Val
Besides, he threatened a manager and a real estate agent helped you get a job and a house!
And he was seriously influential
He knew where you lived. You really couldn't hide from him if you wanted to
He got you the house anyway
He always stopped by randomly
He'd bring food, tell jokes, tell you stories from when he was alive, stories of his murder sprees
Gonna be real, this man adores you
And he supports whichever gender or sexuality you are! (Or anything else! You're just darling to him)
He was never one to follow social norms
Of course, if you were nervous to tell him, he'd do his best to make you feel better
"Uhm... So, Al, I know this might be kind of weird, but I'm ........."
"Dear, why do you seem so nervous? Hahaha! I don't mind at all! You know, I was never one to follow tradition, either. Goodness, this reminds me of that one time-"
And suddenly, he's gone onto an hour long tale of weird shit he did
And illegal shit
It's safe to say, you feel incredibly better
And have a migraine
He told a lot of bad jokes
He accepted you! He didn't disown you!
I mean?? Not disown. He totally... Isn't your Hellish parental figure
Yes he is
Because of this, he totally would do anything for you
Someone picking on you? They go missing
There's something you really want? Wait, when did it get into your house?
You're crushing on someone? He does his best to not scare them off
Even though he really wants to
Also, if anyone dares to break your heart, they also go missing
You try to keep people from mysteriously vanishing
He keeps one of his shadows watching you if you want protection, too
It isn't creepy
He's just a little protective (if you allow him)
You can ask the shadow to leave you alone, too
It'll stay in the vicinity, though
This man will also take you shopping
And on father daughter dinner dates
Let it just be said, you really really admire him
And if you're ever a parent, you want to be just as good as he is
Aside from the murder
All in all it's just a lot of fun to be around him
And then he starts working at the hotel
And you meet a whole bunch of cool people!
He totally brags about you to the other overlords too
"Anyway, they're doing great!"
"Ah yes, Vox. You may have a small business," ow, "but Y/n is doing ........ now, and they're really popular. Though, I'm sure you already know that!"
It's just his way of showing... what is this feeling??? Paternal love??
All in all, you're glad you met this bastard. And vice versa!
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depressedbagpipe · 1 year
"Blackbird to Robin, do you copy?" (Billy Russo x ofc)
Chapter five
Words: 3780 Warnings: owen being a creepy dude, bad writing, foul language, me not understanding how radio frequency works, ice cream??? art ignorance but not in a cute way, ACTUAL VIOLENCE AND SH00TINGS (pls read at your own risk), death and blood, explosion, me not knowing how explosions work A/N: i have never been to nyc so I'm fully relying on the met's webpage and google maps for the central park descriptions. also, sorry for the long wait, and please, AGAIN, this chapter may contain sensitive topics so please, if you don't feel comfortable enough, skip to the end. also mind you, i have never written/experienced any of this before, so let's pretend this is the best writing you've every seen. Taglist: @badasseddy, @noortsshift, @britishbassett
Series Masterlist Previous chapter <> Next chapter
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Chapter five
‘Remind me how this is a good idea again?’
‘We gotta monitor everybody you come in contact with. So it’s either this or I just show up on your date and start talking to you both.’
‘Alright, alright, I get it,’ I groaned, pulling together my coat to muffle the noise. ‘Safest bet.’
‘Safest bet,’ Billy confirmed.
‘And you’re sure the mic’s hidden? And the com?’ I asked, unconsciously bringing my hand to my ear, pushing the ear com even deeper, afraid anybody could see the tiny device poking out.
I could feel Billy rolling his eyes. ‘We’ve checked a million times, Dana, everything will be fine. Do you remember our cues?’
‘Right ear, three times. One cough, and a rub on the nose,’ I recited, my eyes fixed on the white building.
‘Good girl.’
Billy was sitting down on a bench on the other side of the street, with my back to him. Thankfully, he couldn’t see my face, or else he would’ve noticed the way my skin flared up at his words.
‘What’s up with the names, anyway,’ I asked, looking around, looking for Owen. But Owen wasn’t there yet.
‘They’re cool,’ Billy replied after taking a sip of his coffee.
‘They’re lame.’
‘Well, they were our code names during the war. Maybe you’d like to complain to the Marines about it .’
‘But why birds? You guys were in the sea, you should’ve been fish,’ I sauntered.
‘Would’ve made life so much funnier. Like, “Cod, this is salmon speaking.” Have you seen Spongebob Squarepants?’
‘Literally the Fish News Anchor.’
‘Owen’s here.’
‘Oh shit.’
‘You sound excited.’
‘I am.’
‘Well, I’d be if you weren’t here but you can’t always get what you want,’ I waved at Owen, who made his way toward me with an excited grin on his face. My mouth was still hidden in my scarf, having the cold weather as an excuse.
‘Be careful, Robin.’
‘I’ll be, Blackbird.’
‘It is quite a beautiful piece, isn’t it?’
‘What do you know about modern art, Owen?’ I chuckled at him.
He was staring at the figure of what appeared to be an iron stick on white cardboard. Even the sculpture had no name, and the author was anonymous, leading me to think it had only been a joke on the museum's behalf. Owen was staring at it with a concentrated look on his face, his eyes squinted behind his rectangular-framed glasses. He was scratching his chin in deep thought, nodding his head occasionally, as if the sculpture was talking to him. 
‘Not much, but I wanted to impress you.’
‘What a pity, he can’t even make light conversation without making a fool of himself,’ Billy’s voice suddenly said in my ear. 
I laughed, despite wanting to scold him. ‘Don’t be mean.’
‘What?’ Owen looked at me again, confusion on his face. 
I widened my eyes. ‘To yourself, I mean. I don’t know much about modern sculpture either, I quite prefer impressionist paintings,’ I looked back at the iron stick, hoping Owen would fall for the quick comeback.
‘Yeah, impressionism’s cool. I like the, eh, brushes,’ he said, following after me as I moved on to another piece.
‘Brushes?’ I laughed.
‘Okay, I just told you I don’t know much about art,’ he threw his hands in the air. ‘I mean, I could have done that,’ he pointed at the painting on the wall, a few splashes of paint right in the middle.
I scoffed. ‘Yeah, but you didn’t,’ I said, enjoying the frown on his face.
‘Oh, c’mon! Even a toddler could’ve done that!’ a few people shushed him when he raised his voice.
I smiled at them in embarrassment. Billy wouldn’t have brought the attention to him like that. Why was I even thinking about Billy was out of the question.
‘That’s the point, isn’t it? It’s up to us to decide what the art is about. That’s what makes it beautiful,’ I said, almost wistful.
Those weren’t my words; they were Amelia’s. Amelia Jones, the woman who had sacrificed her life for me for twenty years without expecting anything in return. 
‘That’s bullshit,’ Owen scoffed.
‘Well, get your own painting exhibited at the MET and then we’ll talk.’
I was suddenly annoyed by him, his words leaving a stinging sensation in my heart. 
‘He’s an idiot,’ Billy’s voice was low. 
It made me shiver ever so slightly. I didn’t respond.
‘Alright, I’m sorry, I just, I guess I never really knew how to appreciate the finer arts,’ Owen suddenly spoke behind me. 
I turned around, lifting an eyebrow at him.
‘What did you do at school then?’ I tried to laugh it off, but every heartbeat only sent me further away from him. 
He shrugged. ‘Chasing pretty girls like you.’
‘Oh, for fuck’s sake, Dana, don’t fall for that,’ Billy groaned in my ear. 
I had to stifle the laugh. It was a bit much even for me.
‘You tell every girl that?’ I asked Owen, much more interested now that I had Billy’s constant commentary just to myself.
‘Just the ones I like,’ Owen winked at me.
‘Anything else up your sleeve?’ I asked again.
‘I hope not,’ Billy grumbled.
‘Many things. But I’m not gonna show all my cards just yet,’ Owen grabbed my hand as he led me down the hallway, completely ignoring the rest of the exhibition.
I didn’t like the way his skin felt on mine. It was clammy and cold, and it did nothing to prevent the icy shiver that ran up my arm. Owen must have noticed, because he smirked smugly while he kept his gaze up front.
‘Why not?’ I was desperate to release my hand from his grip, the nervousness growing by the second, but I held my front and followed him regardless.
‘How am I supposed to keep you around?’ Owen replied nonchalantly. 
‘I just know in his head it sounded so good,’ Billy noted.
I snorted. 
‘You wanna keep me around?’ I smirked at Owen, already knowing how he was going to respond.
‘Definitely,’ he tightened his grip on my hand.
I tried so hard not to wince, not out of pain, but out of discomfort. Under any other circumstance I would have laughed and gone along with his awful jokes and made excuses to continue into a second date, but every single time I tried to think about a possible future in which Owen was something more than a classmate, Billy’s head popped into my head. 
I barely noticed Owen leading me to the exit.
‘Wait, we’re leaving already?’ I frowned, looking back to the big sign next to the doors where the words ‘European Paintings’ shone as if someone was holding a light directly from above for me to follow the path to them. Grabbing our coats from the coat check, he didn’t spare a second glance at me. He drew his arm over my shoulders, and even the weight felt weird and unfamiliar.
Owen pulled me closer to him, making me stumble slightly as I stopped for a few seconds while I looked back, not ready to leave the museum, and slightly altered at his rash behavior.
‘Yeah, I think I much rather get that ice cream now.’
We passed over the big doors and into the street. A huge cloud passed over the sun as we went down the stairs onto the main street, and the smirk he sent my way suddenly turned dark. 
Even the ice cream tasted wrong.
‘I don’t think this is the best idea, considering the temperature,’ I reckoned, looking up at the sky, where the clouds had turned almost pitch-black.
Owen followed my gaze and shrugged, unbothered. ‘I don’t see why you can’t have ice cream in February,’ he gave a big lick to his vanilla cone, fixing his eyes on me as he did so.
I had to stop myself from physically gagging, what I knew was his attempt at flirting going all the way south. The alarms had been blaring in my head ever since we left the museum, and I didn’t know how much louder they could possibly get until I paid attention to them, or they broke on their own accord, whichever came first.
‘Well, at least it won’t melt in my hands,’ I said, using the little spoon to grab a bit of my chocolate one, anything to give me an excuse to not look at him. I winced at the cold that met my teeth. ‘Ouch.’
‘What was that?’
‘Too cold.’
‘Well, I can’t control the weather,’ he took me forcefully by my hand.
I let him lead me away, noticing how he very straightforwardly walked across the gates to Central Park. I sighed slightly in relief, for at least people were walking around with their families and friends, infusing life into the biggest park in Manhattan. I knew that, no matter how much Owen wanted to, we wouldn’t fully be alone, and it would also give Billy plenty of space to hide.
Speaking of, I hadn’t caught sight of him when we left the museum, silently praying that he would be around, no matter how infuriating his presence was. Even though I didn’t want to admit it, his company had been rubbing on me, and the weird feeling his absence left was too powerful for me to ignore. 
‘Turn back,’ Billy finally spoke in my ear.
He sounded a bit out of breath, and distant. Whatever connection we had over the ear coms, it wasn’t very strong now.
‘Why?’ I asked.
‘I don’t have powers, Dana, although that would be really cool. There is weirder stuff flying around, that’s for sure,’ Owen laughed. I had almost forgotten about whatever he said, but, once again, Owen didn’t notice the little shenanigan I was playing at.
‘There’s too much interference with the trees. Don’t let him take you to a second location,’ Billy answered pretty much at the same time.
The first thing that popped into my head was that maybe that interference could be nice. It certainly would allow me not to have Billy’s constant nagging in my ear every time Owen put his foot in his mouth. The second thing that popped into my head basically yelled at me to listen to him, and my own anxiety, and run far away from Owen, for good.
It didn’t take a genius to know what I did next. 
I only retrieved my hand from Owen’s grip when he abruptly released it. I took fast bites of my ice cream, for some reason feeling I should have both hands empty for whatever came next with him around.
‘Why don’t we sit over there?’ Owen motioned to a bench under a big oak tree, a couple of feet away from where we stood.
I frowned. ‘Sure.’
Owen tried to grab my hand once again, but I swiftly occupied it with my ice cream, if only to give me another reason not to touch him. The flavor still tasted salty on my lips, and it only seemed to grow colder the more we walked.
The bench was a bit away from the main paths of the park, but still within clear distance. I discreetly looked around, trying to find the familiar shadow that has haunted me for days, but Billy was nowhere in sight. To say that I was concerned would have been a misunderstanding. Where the hell was he?
Owen promptly sat down and patted the seat next to his. I sighed and sat down, keeping a bit of a distance from him.
‘I certainly hope it doesn’t rain,’ Owen said, causally raising his arm and putting it back behind me on the headrest.
Looking at his hand, which rested in mid-air dangerously close to my shoulder, I suppressed a shiver and faced him once again.
‘You sure this is the best place for a date? I really think it’s gonna downpour any minute,’ I said looking up at the sky.
‘Nah, it’ll be fine, babe,’ Owen inched closer. ‘Have I told you that you look beautiful today?’
The pet name left me too stunned to speak. I didn’t like how it rolled off his tongue. I didn’t like how he directed at me. 
‘Well, you do,’ his fingers braced my shoulder. Thankfully, the thick coat I was wearing didn’t allow the contact. 
‘Honestly, Owen, I really think I should get going,’ I started, trying to stand up.
To my surprise, Owen’s hand gripped my arm tightly and forcefully sat me down again, pressing his body closer to mine.
‘No, wait, please, I… Look, Dana, I really like you. And I told you, we work well together, and I would love it if we could be something more.’
His eyes. Something hard gripped its edges and made his gaze somewhat menacing. Though he was trying to be welcoming, his grip didn’t falter. 
It was the last warning I needed. ‘Owen… I don’t think I want that.’
He widened his eyes. ‘What?’
‘I’m sorry. You’re great, but I don’t think we should be together. We’re too different.’
He immediately got defensive. ‘Why? Because I don’t like staring at random points on a paper for hours? We don’t always have to go to museums.’
‘I know, but I still don’t think it’s a good idea. Besides, you’ve seen how little time I got. Between the master’s, and my job, and…’ I stopped myself before I could add anything else. ‘My life, in general, Owen, I’m not fit right now for a relationship. I’d much rather have you as a friend, and a classmate if you’ll have it.’
He didn’t say anything. He only kept looking at me. I was about to ask him whether he was fine or not, but then my phone rang. The tension didn’t leave my shoulders even after slowly taking it from my pockets and bringing it to my ear, without checking the caller first.
‘Are you fucking stupid?’ Billy almost barked.
‘Wow, hello to you too,’ I tried to laugh dismissively if only to stop Owen from listening to Billy’s near-shouts.
‘Where are you?’
‘Central Park.’
Owen tensed beside me.
‘I know that. Which part exactly?’
‘Nearby the Great Lawn. Why?’
I didn’t like the desperation in his tone.
‘Get out of there immediately.’
‘Why?’ I still couldn’t fight the annoyance that came with his order.
‘For fuck’s sake, Dana, just listen to me for once!’
‘Not until you tell me why? I’m tired of being thrown around like a fucking puppet!’ this time I stood up, walking a bit away from Owen. I turned my back to him as I stopped, staring into the distance, noticing the many families that were picking up their things. Small droplets fell on my hair mere seconds after. ‘Is it because of the rain?’
‘No, Dana, just get out of there. Go back to the MET and cross the street, we’ll meet there.’
‘You’re kind of freaking me out,’ I tried to laugh it off as my heart sped up.
I turn around to face Owen, only to find I was alone at the park. Owen had left.
‘Holy fucking shit, are you kidding me?’
‘What’s wrong?’ even Billy sounded anxious.
‘He’s gone.’
‘Dana, get the fuck out of there.’
‘You bet,’ I said as I started walking back towards the MET, much to my own disappointment. I really didn’t want to be following Billy’s words, but I had nowhere to go anymore. ‘Fucking dick, you turn him down and he dips… Who the fuck does that?’
‘Hurry up.’
‘Shut up, Billy.’
‘Blackbird,’ he corrected.
‘Whatever. I’m coming, I’ll see you at the MET.’
I hang up before he could protest against it. A wave of emotions flooded my brain as I thought about the day, the initial anxiety that had kept mounting up since I woke up seemingly crashing down on me. I was angry at Owen for abandoning me, yet I was glad I didn’t have to pretend to enjoy his company anymore. Finishing the last bits of my ice cream and throwing it into a nearby trashcan, my walk didn’t last long, for a fast stream of screaming people made its way across the lawn in every single direction.
‘What?’ I muttered, looking around until my eyes caught what had had the people run for their lives.
Three figures, dressed in black from head to toe, were walking around with big riffles in their arms. Their heads were covered with ski masks, and their bodies were clad with all sorts of other weapons, just as deadly as the guns they held. They started shooting at everything that moved, the firing echoing violently in the air. 
I was suddenly paralyzed. I saw people fall to their knees as the bullets made contact with them, yet the shooters didn’t stop. They kept walking forward, using the lawn as their private hunting spot. More men came from the other side of the trees, making more people run and crash as they tried to flee the warzone. I managed to hide behind a tree, too scared to move or run. Parents were grabbing their kids in their arms, leaving their belongings behind as they all ran, trying to get away.
‘Ro..?’ Billy’s static voice was weak in my ear, either because of the interference or because of my own fear.
‘Ro… Black… py?’ he tried again.
‘Blackbird?’ I cried, pushing the earpiece even deeper, praying to whatever god he could hear me.
‘Blackbird to Robin, do you copy?’ he finally came clear, his voice in ragged breaths. I knew he was running, the possibility of running toward me both relieving and frightening.
‘Robin to Blackbird, please, help me.’
‘Where are you?’
‘Great Lawn.’
‘Shit. Can you run?’
‘I don’t want them to see me.’
‘How many are there?’ his voice sounded clearer.
‘I count six.’
‘I’m scared.’
‘I know. I’m gonna get you out of there.’
I dared peek behind my hiding spot. Even though the tree wasn’t thick enough, it still gave me enough coverage to look back at the carnage without being seen. Dead bodies littered the ground, red covering the once-green field. I felt physically sick to my stomach, and it took everything in me not to throw up right there on the spot. 
‘Almost there,’ Billy panted in my ear. ‘I’ve got my men ready, too.’
The quick movement of one of the men immediately got my attention. 
I don’t know at which point the tears started to fall, but my blurry vision was making everything worse. The man held something small over his head, but I quickly realized what it was.
‘He’s got a grenade. Shit.’
It all happened too fast. One second I was deliberately running away from my life, following the screams of people and the police sirens that had invaded the dead silence between the trees. My lungs were burning, gasping for air and begging to stop, but I forced my legs to keep going. One minute I was running, and the next I was on the ground, heat flooding my body as my head collapsed on the ground. My eyes closed on their own accord, and the ringing in my ears was the only thing I heard for a few minutes.
Everything around me was silent, although I knew it was anything but. Through my peripheral vision, I caught blurry movement, running in every direction. Blue and red lights littered the place, and the air smelled of ash and sulfur. I somehow managed to lie on my back, staring at the dark sky, where the rain had only intensified during the attack. 
‘Dana!’ a distant voice called my name, but I couldn’t answer back. 
The smoke that had circled the area was heavy on my lungs, and my erratic heartbeat only thumped louder in my ears even as I tried to get up. I felt weak and beaten down, and the side of my head felt hot and heavy. One look at my fingers after gently touching it showed the red blood that trickled down my cheek. I winced in pain, feeling returning to my body and making me realize how every movement hurt. 
Two strong hands pulled me up. I knew it was Billy, but my gaze was still so out of focus that I could only distinguish him thanks to his black robes. The urge to throw up was even bigger now, the image of the men imprinted on my brain forever. I caught sight of Billy’s gun on his hip when he gripped me by my arms.
‘Are you okay?’ his voice sounded muffled and distant.
His fingers touched the side of my head and I winced once again. I still couldn’t talk, out of shock or pain, but Billy, thankfully, quickly caught on to that.
‘We need to leave. Can you walk?’ he asked, but before I could answer, he shook his head. ‘Nevermind.’
The wind was knocked out of my lungs when he hurriedly hoisted me up into his arms, dodging the many officers and workers that were now rushing to aid the injured. Crying and yelling filled my ears. My vision was still a bit blurry, going in and out of focus, but I caught sight of the many broken people, standing around in shock with tears in their eyes.
‘Don’t look at them, look at me,’ Billy whispered in my ear.
This time I shivered. It would have been ironic, really, after spending the entire afternoon with his nasty comments in my ear. Only this time, his breath tickled the back of my neck, and the way he pressed his nose to the helix of my ear brought a warmth to my body much different from the one that the grenade had caused. And this was a warmth I wouldn’t mind experiencing every day of my life.
He occasionally glanced down at me, his eyes wrinkling at the sides with worry. It would have been a cute sight, if black spots weren’t dancing around my eyes. With every step he took, it became harder to keep them open.
‘Hold on a bit longer, Dana, we’re almost there,’ he continued. 
‘I can’t,’ it hurt to speak. I coughed at the hoarseness of my throat.
Billy’s frown became even deeper, and he secured his grip on my legs. I unconsciously rested my head on his chest, his fast heartbeat making me frown too. But it was warm, and I was too tired.
‘It’s okay. I got you.’
And then, everything went black.
Next chapter
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pen-observing · 10 months
Ahh I'm the request anon and I missed your pinned post, I'm a bit slow sometimes hehe😴
If it inspires you, a fic where dottore and reader's relationship is like Morticia and Gomez'.
He treats reader like a total queen, never says a bad word, says some corny but romantic shit and he's not scared to do that even in front of others, his reputation is solid enough to do whatever he wants.
Somebody asks him a question? He turns his lovestruck gaze from reader towards the person, with 100% irritation and coldness. And after that he comes back, lovestruck as before, kissing reader's knuckles and whispering some concerning things that only they find exciting.
(props if reader is a kind sweetheart but in private also has a thing for unethical experiments)
Been sitting in my brain for weeks.. Lots of love btw!! My favorite blog💋
Would you believe me if I told you I thought about this before?? I have a soft spot for the whole 'omg evil man who only does good for his beloved' !! I have been putting it off until we learn more about dottore tho hehe
Because at this point I am not sure if it lines up with his personality? The part I struggle with is picturing Dottore actually fall in love with someone and what their personality would be in a lot of my thoughts like,,,on one hand I don't want the reader to be a carbon copy of the man but on the other hand I don't want them to be so different Dottore cannot feel anything for them ??? HE IS SO HARD TO WRITE FOR AND ITS ANNOYING!! And yes, I could make up a reason and a story but I prefer for them to be in character as much as possible.
This idea is so CUTE tho like Dottore saying something corny and romantic in public just to annoy the reader?? And then busts out actual romantic lines that would make anyone swoon in private? And the whole 'why is the boss so happy today? WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN SOMEONE LOVES HIM??? is he,,,is he carrying flowers and is that a flower language book on his desk??? QUICKLY SLAP ME RN THIS MUST BE A DREAM !!" and don't you try to ask Dottore anything when he is talking to the person he loves??? Do you wish to become part tomato? But your idea is even better than cus from what I have read: Morticia and Gomez's relationship was written in such a way that it started with a question "They're such an odd family so they must do everything differently from regular humans. Regular humans HATE their WIVES SO!! to make it all creepy what can we do? Make this man obsessed with her!! That will show just how different they are!!" and honestly it seems like a great paradox of trying to make Dottore even more evil but ending up with a loving, stable and devoted lover??? I do think that after all this time only love can redeem Dottore if and when they do his character arc. Nothing else comes to mind honestly. It isn't like they HAVE to redeem him but if they don't I am afraid he won't be playable.....
As in regards to your question the answer is: as soon as I see the possibility of writing Dottore as such - I am going to take it and run because I am obsessed with that man !!
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linalilia · 2 years
🍁my enstars ocs (part 1): kaede ariyoshi! 🍁
okay, so i decided to try and make my own enstars ocs! even though i don't remember anything about the lore and plot hjnfjskdk I JUST WANT TO HAVE MY OWN CUTE LITTLE UNIT and make them interact with my friends' ocs hehe
the unit that i came up with has a menhera/yami kawaii theme because i always liked that aesthetic a lot and i thought it would be interesting to have a unit like that in the game. i thought that their name would be "band♡aid" I KNOW IT DOESN'T SOUND THAT UNIQUE I'M SURE SOMEONE ALREADY HAS A UNIT LIKE THAT BUT. I NEVER WAS THAT GOOD AT COMING UP WITH UNIT/BAND NAMES.
also, most members are actually foreign exchange students because.. most japanese names i wanted to use are already in the game. enstars has too many characters ndsdjksksk. and i simply thought it would be cool to have a unit that has so many foreign characters, like OKAY SLAY BILINGUAL/MULTILINGUAL KINGS.
i'm going to post their profiles separately and the first boy is actually their leader! and also he's the youngest one here, so yes, he's baby.
i haven't drawn their designs yet, so we will have to use picrews/character makers for now.
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(links: 1 2 3)
name: kaede ariyoshi (有吉楓) (his last name means "to have, possess" and "luck" and his first name means "maple")
age: 16 y/o
school: yumenosaki academy
class: 1-A
club: game research club
circle: mystery researchers
height: 166 cm
date of birth: 13.07
zodiac sign: cancer
hair color: tonys pink
eye color: fuchsia
roommates: ruan yu, andrea mari
handedness: right-handed
blood type: A
likes: horror games, trees
dislikes: being the center of attention, arguing
favorite food: french fries
family: father and mother
hobby: listening to asmr, camping
specialty: making games
image color: #E5D0E8
unit: band♡aid
agency: new dimension
personality: kaede is a very shy and soft-spoken person who finds it hard to express his own opinion. he doesn't want people to think that he's weird or scary, so he tends to apologize before he even says anything and he always asks if the person he's talking to is uncomfortable with what he's saying. he also stutters and because of that it can be hard for him to even say just one word. but even though he's so shy and he hates being the center of attention, he's always trying to be a peacemaker of the group and if he sees his unit members fight, he's the one who tries to calm them down. and if he becomes angry enough, he can get surprisingly rude and even violent, he can easily punch someone if they annoy him too much. kaede is actually very interested in horror, especially horror games and before he became an idol, he was a game developer. he created three very short horror games, but even though he doesn't find them that special, kaede already has some fans. however, he refuses to talk about his interests in public because he's afraid people will judge him and think he's creepy. and according to him, it already happened in the past and that's why he became a shut-in and stopped going to school.
backstory: kaede was a fan of horror since childhood and his parents encouraged his interests even though they agreed that it was kinda strange for such a young child to be obsessed with everything scary and dark. he hoped that he will find friends with the same interests and he knew that a lot of his classmates also like creepy things, but to his shock, those kids started making fun of him because they couldn't believe that such a cute and "soft" boy like him would genuinely like horror. and when they learned that he really does like it, they only started bullying him even more and said that he needs to find a hobby that will fit him. they also thought that he was scarier than all those monsters and villains. eventually the bullying got so bad that kaede stopped going to school and refused to leave the house, even though he really liked going camping with his dad and he always liked going on walks and he found it calming. he decided to express his feelings through games and that's why he became so interested in creating his own games. his parents got so worried about him, they were afraid that kaede won't be able "to return to society" if they don't do anything. it should be mentioned that his parents are actually show business experts and they've been a part of it for many years. so, kaede's parents decided to make their child become an idol, hoping that it will help him become more confident and he won't be afraid of other people anymore. but kaede has no experience at all, so it will be quite hard for him to get used to this.. it doesn't help that he also was chosen to be a unit leader.
you can often see him wearing hoodies and baseball hats, it's also a part of his school uniform.
he was chosen to be a unit leader because he seemed to be the "most normal" out of all the members and he genuinely wanted to get along with all of them.. but also because it was his parents' wish.
kaede is not that good at singing and dancing at first, but he slowly gets better at it because he doesn't want to let others down and he keeps practicing.
he has the most high-pitched and childlike voice out of all the unit members, however, he can sing in a much deeper voice when he has to. he finds it scary though, so he doesn't use it that much even though his fans find it more attractive
he is very attached to anzu because she was the first person who tried to help him get used to being an idol. he stutters even more when she's around and he often gets teased because other unit members think he has a crush on her. and they're kinda right
kaede's parents spoiled him a lot and it's also one of the reasons why he was bullied by his classmates. they say that forcing him to become an idol was the most harsh decision they've ever done.
kaede is bilingual and he's fluent in both japanese and english. whenever other unit members are having trouble with reading or understanding something, he explains it to them in english.
kaede was the one to come up with the unit theme and he made a reference to his past and his own personality when describing it. he thought that it would be interesting for their songs to still sound cute and innocent but have very dark and deep lyrics, it's just like his own vibe! he's also the one who writes lyrics to some of the songs.
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feuqueerfire · 3 months
When I Fly Towards You Live Blogging
Need something cute and fun and happy to wash away the DFF tragedies and decided to watch this after I saw a few Tiktoks on this last night. The Tiktoks made me want to watch + it has a really high rating on MDL. I've never watched a het CDrama before (Stay With Me was the only CDrama I've watched + 2 bromance shorts) and they tend to be really long but this one is around SWM length (24 eps w 35min runtime).
Also, I find the male lead's demeanor/way of carrying himself really attractive lol and the female lead is round-ish face girl with black hair and bangs like ah my weakness
Ep 1 (Mar 13)
Another ill-advised time to start a new show, I have so much homework etc to catch up on.
seems like they don't know each other from the beginning? but she's into him lol
her name: Zaizai
oh, her diary. found by the dude
who is this guy who got mistaken as Zhang Lurang supposed to be? are they all gonna get detention together or smth and meet again?
his name: Zhang Lurang
oh lmfaoo Lurang's friend borrowing his books
so this is a new school and they're in grade 10, so did Zaizai and jiang jia (?) transfer in? It feels like maybe high school starts in grade 10 (searched it up and yes). that's also why many people don't know each other yet ig? though there are apparently at least 9 classes per grade so makes sense to not know e/o anyway
oh, her wallet, not her diary
omg she thinks Lurang's name is Guran
I forgot the dubbing kills me
she's so cute, already daydreaming about her and Guran.
they're going to the military base... the tiktok wouldn't already happen would it? I thought it happened after they started dating already
this show is funny heh
pls okay Enough with the mismatched names cuz when other people get involved I become nervous
Cute so far and funny, I hope the name thing gets cleared up soon
Ep 2 (Mar 13)
they do keep meeting each other
pls Lurang just not correcting Zai when she calls him Guran
Zaizai is literally so bold omg volunteering to sign a song in front of everybody + dedicating it to the boy she likes (even if she doesn't know his real name lol)
pls Lurang smiling while looking at Zai wanting to sing with Guran while knowing she means him... menace but he is endeared
Guran is kinda annoying, I think Jiang deserves somebody a little less annoying
ah not him using the "Run if it's raining. Fool" like that she used on him in their 1st encounter at the beginning of ep 1
lowkey also into Jiang and Zai yuri
not into Guran and Lurang yaoi cuz Guran irritates me
Zai is so cute "You're here alone. Do you need me to protect you?" says the one who's afraid of the dark
okay I could get into Jiang and Guran enemies-to-lovers if Guran stops being annoying
Zaizai is sooo cute also hah Lurang following behind her when he'd realized that Zai was scared lol but his nonchalant act is fun
Oh, is the year already over? They're in grade 10 and 16 years old here, does it follow them for a couple years? I know they apparently get married at the end
Ep 3 (Mar 14)
nvm still grade 10
usually in a hetship i like it when the guy likes her more (and that probably is gonna end up being the case here too lol) but i love how bold and proactive Zai is here! Like following Lurang is one thing but she’s also not shy about the fact that she was trying to fit into his ideal type (ahh his smile when she’s crying into her braids) and last ep when she was saying she’ll protect him and this ep paying for Lurang with her bus card ahh it’s cute idk
and then her speaking up when the man was being creepy and when Lurang asks, her being like yeah I was scared but I knew you’d back me up! and then Lurang being the one who gets shy saying he wouldn’t back her up and her being like but you diddd hehe
Ep 4 (Mar 14)
i remember the edit where Lurang is a bit mean to Zaizai and tells her to be quiet had comments about Lurang's step(?)-mother, so yeah ig she doesn't treat him well and compares him to her younger son
ahh they're gonna tutor each other yess
her tugging on his short sleeve is crazy woah i love hetshipping <3
Okay, yknow what Enough! Stand up Zaizai, how are you down bad enough for a teenage boy that you let him finish your whole food? esp one that's meat, i'd offer the guy and be waffling down the rest. He should buy her something now
okayy she at least got him to agree to treat her to a meal later
and Zaizai got him to smile in front of her + also getting his WeChat so true
loll Lurang literally seeing in slow motion when she shows up in casual non-uniform clothes
oh Lurang calling her Su-laoshi (Teacher Su) killed me omg
I guess the Class 1 girl (Ye Zhenxin) will end up being a problem? The one who made fun of Zaizai for being from a non-key class and now also has to stay behind for basketball?
okay fine the boys can defend the girls from the bullies and show off by beating them in basketball
Ep 5 (Mar 14)
At least the Guran and Jiajia misunderstanding got cleared up
hehe rain and umbrella scene
umbrella scene hehe ofc
nooo is Zhenxin gonna accuse Zaizai of stealing the money? Because she saw her treating people to snacks + saw her leave Class 1?
ahh Lurang coming to her defense
plss Lurang seeing her pretend cry with her friends through the window but thinking Zaizai crying for real
glad it got finished quickly within the episode
Ep 6 (Mar 15)
aouuu Lurang waiting for her
plsss not Guran overhearing Jiang Jia telling his doctor dad about her hair loss but thinking she is deathly ill or smth and confessing every time he's wronged her T.T silly af
does Guran's doctor father kinda ship him and Jiang Jia lol
omg a roundabout way of the "MC has love interest running errands for them" trope
heh here's the scene from the edit of Zaizai getting caught by Lurang cheering for another student by calling him "handsome, jjayo!"
Ep 7 (Mar 15)
Ah, Zaizai realizing Lurang's habit of rubbing his neck when he's shy/lies heh
pls not Zaizai's homeroom teacher Mr. Lin being Lurang's uncle
I don't fully understand why Zaizai was so nervous like it's not like she's nervous about the fact that she was studying alone with a guy in his home because she was fine and eager to see Lurang's uncle. Is it because Zaizai thought that Mr. Lin wondered if the two of them were dating that one time before?
the dancing after the play, are they trying to sell me on Guran and Lurang yaoi?
Ep 8 (Mar 15)
omg poor Jiang Jia with a period stain on her skirt but at least the nice girl told her
prince Lurang... I want to be you but also you're attractive
ah Guran fr has a crush on Jiang Jia fr
and yet helping her by letting Qianyu know that she brought all that food for him ah
I'm way more into Guran and Jiang Jia now than I was in the beginning
The grandma telling Guan Fang (?) that he doesn't have to be the focus and the center to shine :(
Ep 9 (Mar 15)
ahh can Lurang or Zaizai just confess like they know they like each otherrrr just date already and I have no hopes of even getting a kiss bc the wedding kiss from the starting credits seems like an angle kiss
omg?! not Zaizai saying she saw Lurang with the kid and saw them in 10 years, that's a crazy thing to say but if you can say that, why can't you confess properly and start dating T.T
ah 2012, end of the world
alksdfj not Lurang purposely making Zaizai jealous heh
hmm okay but spending most of the time with the girl when he knows Zaizai is sad/insecure is >:(
not Lurang's brain turning off practically when in the room alone with Zaizai and leaving ASAP
glad that ended well
Ep 10 (Mar 15)
ohh Guan Fang seemingly easy-going and bullyable but not actually
pls Enough funny misunderstandings for Guran where he's accidentally seen as the hero, i'm just not somebody who can handle the joke being that somebody sees himself as better than he is
omg D: randomly a touching story amidst the jovial mood so far
Ep 11 (Mar 16)
ah, they're apart for a month for New Year's break and Lurang's going back home instead of living with his uncle
loll Zaizai's reaction to Suyang
The way every child is Zaizai's nemesis lmfao
not the gaggle of gossipping aunts and uncles
Started doing 1.25x this ep or the previous ep because 1x was taking a long time rip
Ep 12 (Mar 16)
pls i too initially thought Guran was hiding porn
Aw, ep 10 about Guan Fang and this ep about Guran feeling neglected by his doctor parents who are heroes to other patients but leave him alone.
Are we gonna get smth about Jiang Jia in ep 14? And then delve more into Lurang afterwards? and possibly some Zaizai too? I wonder when the part where Lurang tells Zaizai to be quiet and then she avoids him is gonna happen
Ep 13 (Mar 16)
Guran is so obvious in his crush on Jiang Jia loll
ahh Lurang being jealous thinking it was Su Zaizai righting the love letter to someone, I love jealous Lurang
ohh the jealousy during pull-ups, this was in the edits
Guran, ow "it's not like you'll ever be [Qianyu] anyway"
Ep 14 (Mar 16)
I've really liked thus far how supportive Guran has been in Jiang Jia's crush on Qianyu, like telling her to confess and helping her and encouraging her even though he obviously doesn't want to because he likes her. He just wants her to be brave and chase what she wants. It's a very kind thing to do I guess because like I'm used to fuckass Han Seojun (True Beauty) type characters who insist their their female friend date them and not leave her alone until she does
Y'know idk why I thought it was his step-mother? Feels like I saw it in the comments of a real but I think it's his bio mother maybe since Lurang lives with her teacher brother
now Guran gonna get got by Jiang Jia apparently crying when she didn't cry
"Turns out the sun and sunflower shine for each other" is so true like the connection immediately makes me think of the sunflower facing the sun always but indeed the sun is also shining brightly for the sunflower, not a one-way relationship
Ep 15 (Mar 17)
girl why are we Singing?
ah, grade 11 begins
ouch, Guran always having to help Jiang Jia with Qianyu or the other way around
"Report to me if you notice anything" girl
bro the way we're having problems about Lurang and Zaizai dating or liking each other or spending time together or whatever at school but these fuckers aren't even properly dating yet T.T
omg D: is this gonna be the start of Lurang telling Zaizai to be quiet but she's gonna be hurt?
aww poor Zaizai who was already facing the rumour that she's some girl who's bothering key-class-Lurang and now Lurang being rude to her
Ep 16 (Mar 17)
immediately started this new ep, which doesn't happen with this show usually because the eps tend to end well but i'm too into the angst rn, I've been looking forward to it since the edits
but Lurang's not the one who told them about the transfer D: T.T
and omg Lurang's so bad at speaking too
I'll guess that this guy is her cousin or smth?
lolll not him fueling the fire talking about how he didn't tell an annoying girl in the next class about his transfer
indeed he's her cousin
ahh Zaizai getting Lurang to act cute for her
So, Lurang's brother is younger than him but is gonna be doing grade 12 test even though he's in grade 11? i'm confused girl
oh I see, he's a 10th grade age in 12th grade
aghhh like I can understand Lurang's frustration esp since he's a teenager but also Luli is also just 16 and in a new place where he only knows his brother and is also the focus of gossip even though they're praising him T.T I hope they become closer or at least more friendly :(
bruh, call Lurang to let them know that Luli's been found
Oh man, the bias and favouritism is wayyyy too much fr
I can handle this much tragic backstory for a male love interest like it's sad but not like every tragedy piled on
Ep 17 (Mar 17)
aw he's really leaving for a year :(
I really don't fully get what the status of this relationship is cuz she's saying happy 1 year anniversary lol like they both know they're lowkey in a relationship but they just... don't Talk about it I guess?
Ep 18 (Mar 17)
plss not the girl thinking Zaizai edited the pic of her and Lurang lmfaoo but at least Zaizai's happy and excited knowing he doesn't accept gifts from girls or anything
"Let's not give up on our dreams for the other" so true
I read a comment that said the grandma will be okay so that's good
Ep 19 (Mar 18)
I'll be honest, it's kinda hard for me to keep picking up this show cuz I just wanna watch a BL with dubcon/weird/uncomfortable dynamics instead.
ah, so they're talking about Confessing now like girl I wish I knew why your situationship is like this
pls not Lurang being like hmm Su zaizai, act normal *nods nods*
plsss not her signalling by saying my parents want me to get married at 30, so much get engaged by 29, should meet my partner's parents by 28 and need to have dated 10 years for that, so I need to start dating at 18
this tarot reading lmfao
bruh not the Guran and Jiang Jia
ahh confession finally and a cute one too hehe
hug !!!
oof, Guran leaving fr
Ep 20 (Mar 18)
ahh that's not even a kiss but so true i'm giggling
omgg a kiss hehehe esp bc Lurang learned copy-and-paste
Doraemon reference
Ah, she said "Rang-rang, you're the best" and it sounds like ZB1 Zhang Hao's name
ahhh no way both Lurang and the senior tried to say "here" for Su Zaizai to cover for her absence byeee
but i do like it when either of them get jealous cuz it's like cute but not Too Much lol
This ep had the military scenes from the tiktok that I'd watched. Also had the fantasy of everybody finding out that the FL is dating the cool handsome ML which is fun, we love.
Ep 21 (Mar 18)
and Zaizai cleverly letting the senior know that she has a boyfriend
why is there no fucking music during their kiss scenes is it because of youtube? is there music on Viki?
Ah, there is indeed music in the Viki version, I'll just continue watching that one
hah paying rent for staying in Zaizai's heart via kisses
Okayyy now it's Lurang's turn to have somebody interested in him while perhaps Zaizai is a bit jealous hehe, though I hope this girl also ends up bowing out gracefully like Zaizai's senior and less like the catty girl from high school
smh the girls in these really are Very Meddling huh? i guess there's appeal in that too even if I'm not super into it
loll saw these moments in tiktoks too
I really like it when Lurang sometimes widens his eyes when looking at Zaizai in a teasing way
Zaizai's parents are sooo funny lol
Ep 22 (Mar 19)
"You match my bed so well" while sitting him on the bed and grabbing his face like this, oh Su Zaizai you get me
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dang, we've gotten multiple kisses and an allusion to sex and they also live together, idk why I expected it to be more chaste. Ig since they started out in high school + literally didn't start Dating until graduation, I thought it'd remain that way. obviously it's still not hot and heavy or anything and the kissing scenes are just closed lips pressed together but still
Did Lurang just notice Jiang Jia and Guran tension or did Guran tell him?
i don't remember who this Wan Nan is unfortunately lmfao I thought the senior that Jiang Jia liked was the prince charming in Cinderella play but maybe not who knows
had to pause to scream a little at the boss touching Zaizai's hand/leg >:(
Let's kill this boss wtf
Ep 23 (Mar 19)
my poor Su Zaizai, I hate this evil boss man >:(
ah Guran having to be told by somebody else that Jiang Jia likes him while Jiang Jia also never made a move despite thinking that Guran probably maybe likes her
Ep 24 (Mar 19)
last ep
man I'm gonna stop being practical or thinking because the thought of Lurang buying a house By Himself for them to live in just gave me the ick like why...?
ahhh proposal so cuteee also interesting to see a proposal that's not "Will you marry me?" "Yes" "yay she said yes!" even though the beats are the same
oh, scandelous, Lurang opened like one shirt button and slipped the sleeve off of Zaizai's shoulder lol
ahhh the wedding cuteee
Su Zaizai angry face and then biting Luran's arm heh
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oh they're having a baby
ahh, them in their school uniforms again from the last scene, sooo cute
This isn't the show's fault at all but I think I'm just in the mood for a BL, so occasionally I'll think of just pausing the show to watch a BL in the middle lol or to go watch some BL edits (esp because I'm using this fluffy cuteness to try to get over Dead Friend Forever TeeWhite tragedy). This doesn't tend to happen when I'm actually watching the show because for more of the eps, I'm watching it like :D ^.^ :) :> happy smiles and giggles, so it's not the show's fault but rather me craving some yaoi cuz it took like a week to watch this lol
This was so cute, I liked the characters and their characterizations, I liked the friend group (more than I thought I would at first bc I was annoyed by Guran in the beginning), I liked their romance. I liked how they were mutually helping each other achieve their goals and paths in life. It was just cute. They had a 1 year long-distance thing in the middle where they were obviously sad but they got through it. I like that they trusted each other and liked each other and were nice to each other. Su Zaizai and Lurang, you're so cute!
Love that so much of this was them while in a relationship! Like they were in a "kinda relationship but we don't talk about it or define" for a while there during high school but even after officially becoming a couple after graduation, there are many eps of them in uni and at jobs and such. I love an established relationship situation and this delivered (want this for my BLs so bad). They got through situations together, no unnecessary breakup or terrible miscommunication, ah just feel good and cute but entertaining without becoming a bore.
It's just good and cute and endearing. Liked it. I don't necessarily think I'll think about them a whole lot, especially because everything is wrapped up so nicely, but I think the show did a lot of things well.
Rating: 6.5/10 [May 12, 2024 Update: Decreased by 0.5 stars when rerating shows I've watched in 2024: 7 -> 6.5]
Tiktoks - Before watching:
Saw this Tiktok edit while going through an account for TeeWhite (DFF) edits and
the most popular Tiktok of this show made me wanna watch
+ this one like omg idk why I’m so excited to see him get jealous/grovel I don’t know this man
Okay wait I saw this (pretend crush) on a reel before, I didn’t know this was from the same drama, no wonder the name seemed familiar.
0 notes
daisiesconstellation · 4 months
We All Have Our Own Demons (3)
Josh rolled his eyes hard when he saw his best friends, Stell and Justin, coming his way while snickering to each other loudly. He knew those two would immediately pry some hot gossip from him after knowing Ken was his ride home last night.
"Before you ask anything, no, nothing happened, you perverts." Josh pointed his finger to their direction.
Justin visibly deflated. "And we thought you're finally getting laid."
Josh narrowed his eyes at that, "Sorry to disappoint, but it really is none of your business. How about you, had a good night with Maverick?" asked Josh with dirty looks. Justin blushed until his ears were red too.
Stell cackled, "Ooh, both of us were having a really good night, unlike some of us..." Josh threw a balled up tissue at him.
Even though sometimes he wanted to hit his two friends for their unfiltered jokes, Josh couldn't help but feel energized by their bantering and gossiping every morning. They really made his office hours tolerable, God knows how tiring it was to work on financial department. Even more after last night, the whole haunted elevator thing still made him uneasy. Was Ken right? Was it just Josh's brain doing tricks on his tired mind? But... what he saw was very real, he swore to God.
Stell seemed to notice Josh being quiet suddenly. "Spill it out. What are your big brain thinking about right now?"
Josh shrugged. "Nothing. Just... what happened to me last month, I had told you about it, right?"
"Oh, hell nah, I don't wanna hear creepy story so early this morning." Stell shivered. Justin made a face and also shivered.
"I think it's enough to hear the story once.. or was it.. you saw it again last night?!" shrieked Justin loudly.
Josh cringed, "That's the problem. Last night, nothing happened. Now I'm afraid I'm really going crazy."
Stell and Justin stared at Josh. "I mean, the number one rule is if you're still questioning your sanity, you're pretty much not crazy, I think." said Stell.
Josh just hummed.
And then, Stell and Justin suddenly smiling to each other. They were looking at something, or someone, behind Josh.
"Good morning, Ken."
"Good morning, guys." answered a deep baritone voice. Josh didn't have to turn his chair to know who it is. He had been dreaming that voice speaking soft things to his ear after what happened in the elevator last night. And his warm hand...
Josh shook his head.
Stell and Justin must have noticed it and they were busy poking each other while stiffling their giggles.
These bastards.
"Alright, we'll be going. You two have a nice day." said Justin while pulling a shaking Stell into their respective offices. Josh really wanted to throw another tissue, no, he wanted to throw the whole tissue box at his friends.
Ken walked closer to Josh. "Seems like everyone had a good morning. So, how's your morning?"
Josh sighed. He'd never be left alone, would he?
"Still stressing over ghost, if you really want to know."
Ken smirked, "So you're still stressing over something non-existent?"
"Let's see if you're still smirking after you piss your pants later."
Ken just threw his head back, laughing so hard. That got Josh thinking, "Damn, that's a cute laugh."
"See you tonight, then." said Ken in a low voice while walking to his studio.
And with that, Josh was left alone blushing crazily in his seat.
Time flies when you were busy working. It was already 7 PM. Most of his colleagues had already left. It was a busy day in his company because he was stuck in two meetings, very boring meetings. All the hours spent on the meetings caused Josh to have little to no time left to finish his actual works, and that's why Josh was still in his seat finishing some of his deadlines when he felt someone approaching him.
"So, are we really gonna go ghost hunting tonight?"
"Why? Had a change of mind?" Josh asked sarcastically, turning to see Ken.
Ken took a seat on a lone chair next to Josh and stared at him. Just staring. Josh felt nervous suddenly, he was trying to break their eye contact but he didn't want the other to know that he's panicking inside. So, Josh just sat there, mentally smacking himself for being a fidgety person.
"What do you think will happen if you really see a ghost tonight?" Ken asked.
"Well, one thing for sure you'll know that ghost is real. And... I'll probably be so scared that I..." Josh went pale. He'd tried not to think about their ghost hunting plan since last night, because he was scared he'd actually saw the ghost, and the ghost was an angry one, and the ghost would kill him, and he wold be de-
"You won't be dead. Not on my watch." said Ken suddenly, his eyes turned dark.
Josh knitted his eyebrows. He was sure he didn't say what he was thinking out loud. Or did he? And what was he saying? Not on his watch? What? He could feel his face displaying pure confusion.
"Huh? I didn't say anything about being dead?" asked Josh.
In just seconds Ken's darkened eyes turned normal and he looked like a deer in headlights. "I-I just assumed you would say that, I mean.. you had the dramatics to say that kind of thing."
Josh frowned. He wasn't dramatic, hell no. "Instead of calling me dramatic, can we just prepare for tonight? I have watched enough ghost hunting documentaries to now what we need. We don't know if this ghost is a malevolent one or not, so let's just prepare for the worst."
Ken chuckled. "So we're copying those dumb and obviously fake ghost hunters, huh? Tsk, only 3 years old would believe their crap."
"I'd rather be 3 years old than being strangled to death by some angry spirits. I don't care about your opinion, I'm gonna be fully equipped. I'm taking this seriously." Josh fumed while tidying his desk.
Unbeknown to Josh, Ken was silently smiling to himself. He just couldn't help how cute Josh was when he was being irritated. "Okay, my prince. We'll stick to your plan. What do we need?"
Josh chose to ignore the usual endearment from Ken and picked up his bag. "Okay, I already made a list of things we need. First, flashlight-."
"Can't we just use our phone?" Ken asked, stifling a smile.
"-or matches. Then, we also need batteries for the flashlight. It's important to keep the flashlight on. No flashlight means darkness, and darkness means you get killed by a demon." Josh continued, ignoring Ken's question. "Next is camera. We're trying to get evidence of the ghost existence so of course we need a camera. We also gonna need some salt. Salt is important to ward off evil spirits, at least that what this ghost hunter that I had been watching these past weeks said."
Ken's face dropped. "Salt?"
"Yeah, lots of it. I need that damned evil thing to be as far away from me as possible." said Josh while getting up from his seat. "I think that's all. I have those things in my apartment, thank God. Let's go, we need to go now so we have time to prepare all those things."
Josh started to walk to their company exit door when he realized Ken wasn't following him.
"Ken? Come on, we're leaving."
"Do we really need salt?" Ken asked. "It's ridiculous."
Josh frowned. "Hey, like I said before, I just want to be fully equipped. I'm just following the instructions from the internet." He's confused. From all the thing he had listed before why was it salt that Ken seemed to have a problem with?
"So... you're still going to use salt?"
"Yes, absolutely. Well, come on, now." Josh urged his producer to get up.
Ken seemed a little bit... tense, but he still stood up anyway. He finally followed Josh to their way out of the office building and to the parking lot. There, Ken's sleek black car was waiting for them..
They had arrived at Josh’s apartment in just 15 minutes. Josh was a little bit anxious because of the tension that followed them from their office to their destination here at the apartment. Ken was unusually restless on their way to Josh’s place, as if there was something troubling him. Josh didn’t even try to start a conversation because of how tense the atmosphere was. And for the first time ever, Josh wished Ken show his flirtatious side to him instead of this cold, unreadable and intimidating version of Ken.
"Ken." Josh called Ken in tiny voice after they were inside of the elevator.
Josh gulped. If he was being honest, he didn't like it when Ken was quiet and not being his usual self who always trying to engage Josh in various topics just so they had conversations. He tried to remember the words he had said to Ken before but he was sure he hadn't said anything offensive. He didn't know why he felt guilty suddenly. "Did I say something wrong?"
Ken turned his head towards Josh. "No. Why?"
"You're being too quiet."
"Why? You wanna hear my voice that bad?" Ken smirked.
Oh, there went the tender moment. Josh's worried face turned straight in a second.
Josh pretended to hit Ken and said, "No, it's fine. You're being annoying as usual again." He would never admit it but he felt relieved to see Ken smiled again.
"I'm joking. I'm just thinking about this ghost hunt we're about to do."
"What of it?" asked Josh.
"It's pointless. We shouldn't do it."
"Why? You had agreed to do it last night! Please don't tell me that you're actually scared of ghost?" Josh narrowed his eyes. "I've planned this thoroughly, so if you're just gonna tap out because you're actually scared of ghost, I'm gonna punch the daylight out of you."
"No, I'm not scared. Ghost isn't real, Josh." Ken stared at the other.
"Let's see if you're still saying that after tonight." said Josh in a mocking manner.
"Ghost is not real." Ken stared deep into Josh's eyes. "But maybe demon are."
The elevator door opened. 16th floor. Oh, they had skipped past the cursed floor.
After a few seconds being stunned by Ken's words, Josh walked out of the elevator and said, "Huh, I'm immune to your attempt on scaring me out of this ghost hunt now. I might be scared shitless, but I'm still going to prove their existence to you." He stuck his tongue out at Ken and walked to his unit.
Ken also walked out of the elevator and followed Josh, mentally preparing himself for tonight's outcome, whatever it was.
0 notes