#i gotta sleeps too!!!
dirtylittlemuffin · 2 years
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Still in time for Logan appreciation day bay-bee
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kakapim · 1 month
Shinichi angst is so damn good. He's in his own body but it doesn't feel like himself. His life is "dead" even though he's alive. When he comes back he will never go back to his old self. He can go back to his body but his life will never be quite the same (for better or worse)
He was just a 17 kid who had dreams ambitions friends he had to "abandon". Imagine putting up an act 24/7 and not being truly able to say the things you actually want to. And yet- this false identity of his started to blend in with his "authentic" self.
He will have to "kill" Conan like he did with himself eventually. Like I know this this is the whole point of his character but I feel like it's easy to forget due to everything going on, and every so often I'm reminded of this and go bonkers over it. Does anyone get me 😭
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anachilles · 2 months
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-> read here on AO3! <-
firefighter!bucky x bartender!buck AU
Gale works at the haunt of the local firefighters to put food on the table and a roof over his (and his cat’s) head while he studies for his doctorate.
Bucky’s ex-military, having enlisted to the Air Force straight out of high school, but is now a firefighter and dedicated patron of the station’s most beloved dive bar. Even more so when he meets who he’s convinced is the love of his life.
It becomes a running joke that Gale refuses to both A) wear a name tag and B) tell Bucky his name.
So obviously the only choice for Bucky is to flirt with him shamelessly and relentlessly every time he’s in the bar. Pulling his metaphorical pigtails and running away.
Also: “Well if you’re not gonna tell me your name, suppose we could just share mine.” And so, ‘Buck’ was born.
Even the other bartenders start calling him Buck. When they know his actual name!!
Becomes known around the station as Bucky’s teetotaller barmaid crush. Antics, mutual pining, and falling in love ensue.
Curt, Douglass, Demarco, Veal, and Hambone as fellow firefighters.
‘Chick’ Harding as Station Chief.
Crosby, Brady, Blakely, and Helen as fellow bar staff. Rosie’s also here, Buck’s good friend from college who comes and hangs out at the bar often to catch up and work on legal cases on the quiet nights, etc.
Jack Kidd as the bar manager. Of course.
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ghcstcd · 1 year
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I feel like I haven't shared anything for a while. So here's a wip of Vessel <3
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shower-phantom-ideas · 6 months
Spent 30 minutes trying to figure out how to start this post so now im just doing it sorry
Phantom gets called cat like by the other heros all the time. Hell some of the league members have even joined in after he met them. Fuck you superman how dare you out his purring
Problem is his new power he started developing. Telekinesis. And it’s very hard to control. Now if he looses focus he starts knocking stuff off shelves or off tables.
Frostbite told him he would keep developing powers till his ghost side was grown but he thought it was done. How many more powers does he need!!!!
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chirpsythismorning · 5 months
Wait, did Mike sleep in Will’s room in Lenora?
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b4kuch1n · 7 months
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about ready
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whereismyhat5678 · 5 months
I had a clear vision with this one.
I did NOT need to spend that much time on this BUT DAMN IT IT’S FUNNY-
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Context: Peppino was annoying the fuck outta’ him and it got so bad he wanted to take him home.
He was done with his bullshit- 💀
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springypaws · 22 days
Oh no the archivist is archiving (more versions & ID’s under the cut)
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ID: It’s a drawing of Johnathan Sims from the Magnus Archives, sat legs-crossed, with one arm loosely held on his legs and loosely holding his glasses, and the other propped onto an invisible surface. The propped arm’s hand is raised to Jon’s eye, stretched out, but with his index finger creating an opening with the rest to display his overshadowed eye, still easily visible due to it being outlined by bright green lines. The style the eye is drawn is similar to the style of the bright green eyes haloed to the side of his head, and the large, less opaque, large one in the background of the drawing. The middle finger of this hand is lightly pulling down his bottom lid, making the eye more visible. Jon is colored in a grey-scale manner, the dull color ever-so-slightly hinted blue. He is half outlined in the same bright green as the eyes, half outlined in a bright red. This bright red is also present as cartoonish exclamation symbols around him, and in the pupil of his bright-green eye. His other eye’s pupil is also colored brightly, but with the green, rather than the red, interrupting the greyscale of the rest of the area. Jon’s expression is neutral, although he looks exhausted, with deep dark circles under his eyes and a slightly furrowed brow. He is wearing a dark overcoat with lighter patches on the elbows and shoulders, and, under this, is wearing a lighter vest. Under the vest is yet another layer, being a semi-visible white button-up shirt. He is wearing darker dress pants and black, professional, and simple shoes. His hair is long and unkept, decorated with white streaks and put back into a loose half-bun.
Plus some filter-playing fun:
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ID’s: The first filter makes the drawing look almost like it’s behind the screen of an old electrical device, more similar to that of an older model of computer. The colors are dulled ever-so-slightly, and the edges of the drawing are darkened with shadow.
The second filter has made the image completely greyscale, muting the bright and dull colors both.
The last filter has made the colors all a bit more blue, giving the drawing more color than it had originally.
And the sketch too cause I think I might like it better (as always)
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ID: A colored and shaded sketch of the drawing. It looks very similar to the final product, except less cleaned-up and covered in guidance lines and coloring that goes out of the lines.
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autistickaitovocaloid · 6 months
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happy holistar day (eve) everybirdy
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kinokoshoujoart · 2 months
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oops all rock (springtime edition)
i’ll be able to draw digitally again soon! ;w; in the meantime i’ve been scribbling a lot on paper…
could not wait for Soon, so i resorted to coloring it using the markup tool in default iphone photos app (don’t do that ever again)
#my art#sos awl#debating whether to just dump my sketches from my soujourn to hell or save them to be transferred and finished as digital stuff#or like both idk. i don’t know how ppl feel about WIPs#i’m happy to post art again ;w; thank you everyone who welcomed me back i’m slowly getting through everything i missed while i was y’know#and thank you for the sweet messages while i was gone i am bbghkjh i need to calm myself and respond !!!! love#rock tumbling (sos)#story of seasons a wonderful life#bokumono#story of seasons#harvest moon#hm awl#harvest moon a wonderful life#bunny sighting 😳 i still have THOSE wips too#there’s certain things i wanna prioritize once i can use my tablet again and those are one of them#but i will also probably post new stuff alongside finishing old unfinished stuff….. i hope that is OK……#idk i’ll have to talk more later! right now i am nervous!!! i love you all!!!!#fanart#awl rock#bokujou monogatari#hm anwl#unfortunately this scum neet still has my entire heart so. most of the notebook is just him pulling goofy faces… sorry……..#also a lot of lumina and nami…. and molly…. they r really cool…#ceci is also cool and i’ve drawn a collage of her that i just. never posted#mostly drawing HMDS related stuff about the descendant characters#OK I’LL STOP TAGBLOGGING#i am once again back in DS for girl hell. i want to make a series of posts about differences in the English vs the Japanese version#and also fun secret things related to DS#this is all in the future i gotta finish all my unfinished stuff…. uuuu….#i love you all mmmmmwah (i cast sleepy time blanket and sleep forever)
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ovumgravidus · 1 year
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This is what happens when you get knocked up but decide to stay on the team regardless. Here's to hoping that no one stops by to drop off equipment, or they might see you trying and failing to push out your baby into your tight little gym shorts. Should have taken them off when you had the chance, now you couldn't close your legs even if you wanted to, the head spreading you to and past the point of tears, but unable to go any further, your shorts already stretched to the maximum. You'd never wished more for the standard uniform to be more flimsy before, but you're wishing it now, the seams holding firm even as you push hard enough that you see spots in the corners of your vision.
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samarecharm · 4 months
I miss goro. Bring his bitchass back
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ghostyclay · 2 months
S7 mumbo jumbo cosplay coming soon :3 (wip)
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keithsautism · 8 months
I feel like Keith and Lance are both ND but in different ways. Keith is the kind of guy who would really like physical contact and words of affirmation as love languages. He's pretty good at telling Lance how he feels about him later in the series. He'd probably appreciate the lack of ambiguity and take things at face value/put trust in I love yous.
Meanwhile Lance grew up in a big family so they might not have had as much money. Receiving gifts was a really big deal for him growing up. I can imagine Keith giving Lance a cool blue shell he found at an alien market and being all confused, thinking Lance doesn't like it when he goes still. Like he wants to take it back and is disappointed that Lance doesn't like it. But he does, he's just a bit overwhelmed by the gesture. Trying to show why he thought getting some silly shell was a good idea, Keith meekly tells him to look at this pretty part of it, turning it over in Lance's hands, pointing out an opalescent part that's all different kinds of blues. Says it reminds him of Lance's eyes.
Lance says something like "How would you know what colour my eyes are" because eye contact is not Keith's forte, but there's no bite behind it, and Keith doesn't get the joke anyway, just looks nervous. Keith just says they're pretty, as if he couldn't not have noticed. Lance puts it down on his side table gently. Keith says "You don't like it?" Lance gives him a super tender kiss. They kiss for a while holding each other, and Keith hugs him, sighing with contentment into lance's shoulder. Says "Holding you feels like home" then Lance dies on the spot
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shower-phantom-ideas · 7 months
Years later and the Justice League are trying to figure out who this Phantom character is. Batman is doing some digging on his more recent past (ignoring that stuff from before y2k)
He finds some stuff about Amity Park and decides to pay a visit
Cut to Wes being interrogated by Batman about his on blogs claiming Danny Fenton is Danny Phantom
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