#i know hes due for a rerun soon but i am so so scared of a bedo rerun i want his c2 so bad and idk if i can afford it..
oathofkaslana · 8 months
52 wishes, 18 pity, and a 50/50 for arlecchino, clorinde, and navia o7
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stxrrywildflower · 4 years
little things (s.r.)
pairing - spencer reid x reader
summary - you and spencer revel on the moment you fell in love with each other
warnings - none
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insomnia was nothing new to spencer.
it was something that hit him hard throughout his childhood and all the way up to present day. there were countless nights the genius would find himself unable to sleep.
his insomnia got better once he met you. something about the comfort you brought spencer eased him into a peaceful sleep with minimal fuss.
while you did help him, there were nights where spencer could not sleep for the life of him. he turned to mastering the technique of successfully getting up without disrupting you.
tonight, however, was one of those nights.
the second spencer stirred in bed, you had woken up as well. while he left the room as quietly as possible, you waited a few minutes before going to meet him.
you could hear the clinks of glasses from the kitchen as you slipped out of bed. you pulled on one of spencer’s sweatshirts in an effort to fight off the cold that flooded the apartment.
“spencer?” you mumbled, still slightly dazed from your prior sleepy state. his head perked up at the sound of your voice, immediately directing his attention to you.
spencer took a sip of his tea he had made. so that had been the clicking you had heard earlier. “you should be in bed,” he finally spoke.
you scoffed. “come on spencer, if you’re awake i’m awake.”
he couldn’t protest that. it had pretty much become your motto if spencer ever woke up due to his insomnia.
“make me a cup?” you asked.
spencer nodded, already moving to grab another mug from the cabinet to fill up with hot water. while the tea bag steeped, you took a seat at the counter.
there was a sudden silence as spencer prepared your drink for you. you didn’t exactly know how to staff a conversation at this hour or if spencer would even want to have a conversation.
you thanking him quietly as the mug was handed to you, your preferred amount of cream and sugar already stirred in.
“now,” you spoke. “do you want to watch some tv?”
spencer nodded at that. “but can we keep the volume off? any noise like that this time of night gives me a headache.”
“of course.”
the two of you settled on the couch, tucking into each other with a blanket thrown across you for extra warmth. spencer leaned into you a little more.
whatever reruns of the usual sitcom soon played on the tv. you made sure to put the captions on to make up for the lack of noise.
“when was the moment you knew you loved me?”
spencer turned to you, eyebrow quirking at the sudden question.
“i was just curious,” you quickly added. “it’s always something i’ve wondered.”
spencer though about it for a moment before answering. “probably when i got shot,” he spoke. “which time?” you joked.
“down in texas, remember? when i got shot in the neck i mean” spencer explained. you leaned up to trace the scar out of habit. “you dropped everything to come see me and it really just meant a lot.”
“of course spence, you were literally fighting for your life. there’s no way i wasn’t going to be there for you.”
“it’s not that i mean. just seeing how much you genuinely cared acout me when i was in the hospital was it for me. i guess it was at that moment i just knew i loved you. how about you?” spencer asked.
you took a sip out of your mug before giving your response.
“probably that day we went out with henry,” you answered, swirling around the tea bag. “which time?” spencer questioned.
“the day at the aquarium,” you answered.
an amused smile passed over spencer’s face. “really? the aquarium?”
“hey, i like sea creatures okay,” you huffed. “i don’t know. i think it was just seeing you explain all the different facts to henry and his face just lighting up was the moment i knew. and then the stingrays were really cute too.”
“that wasn’t my fault,” spencer protested. “you and henry thought it was so funny that one snapped at me and got scared.
you shrugged. “yeah it was pretty funny.”
your conversation died down after that. the only sounds in the room being a combination of your breathing and any nightlife from outside.
when spencer let out a yawn, you took that as your queue to clean everything up.
you took the mugs from the table and brought them into the kitchen. they would sit in the sink until the morning, spencer was more important then clean dishes.
spencer was rubbing his eyes while stifling another yawn when you entered the living room once more. he shot you a soft smile.
as you sat back down on the couch, spencer quickly adjusted to lay on top of you. his head rested in the crook of your neck, arm draped across your waist as the other was tucked under his head. “are you comfortable?” you asked.
“yeah i am,” he replied.
“try and get some sleep, okay? i know you may not be able to but you do need to at least rest,” you spoke. “does that sound okay?”
spencer hummed against your neck, nesting further into you as his eyes closed. it was obvious just how comforting being held was to him.
“goodnight spencer,” you finished, ducking down to kiss his forehead gently.
“goodnight sweetheart.”
☆ ☆ ☆
tags - @blakes-dictionxry @hurricanejjareau @ogmilkis @ssa-morgan @gublertoon @ah-blossom @emilyslefteyebrow @holding-on-to-my-youth @agentshortstacc @emilysprentisss @mrs-dr-reid @goldenxreid
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lovewhatyoudodolan · 5 years
In Your Arms || Ethan Dolan
Prompt: He was your world, but what happens when he’s not there anymore?
Word Count: 3720
A/N: Happy ending I promise! In this Ethan didn’t have his original life-threatening accident and was still riding!
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I had only been to New Jersey once before with Ethan and Grayson and both consisted of some of my favorite memories. The state was beautiful in the fall, not too warm and not too cold unlike my hometown of Pasadena.
When Ethan and I started dating two years ago, I never expected our relationship to last as long as it has. He was still a kid, just wanting to have some fun, but somehow, we’ve grown together.
“Y/N, is there anywhere else you want to go?” I smile at the older woman who was kind enough to treat me to lunch. Lisa Dolan practically took me in with open arms the first time I met her. Only ever asking me how I was able to rein Ethan in.
I shrug, taking a sip from the large coffee I took to go. “The boys are out doing who knows what, so I’m free if you need help running any errands.” Grayson had said something to me this morning about the two of them going off on their motorcycles, so who knows where they are by now.
“I just need to run to the grocery store to get some leftover ingredients for dinner tonight,” she replied softly, “But I can drop you off at the house before if you’d rather spend time with the boys?”
I chuckle and shake my head, “Like I’d rather be surrounded by testosterone all afternoon.” I knew she appreciated me wanting to spend time with her. She didn’t say it out loud, but her smile gave it away.
It wasn’t even thirty minutes later when I could be seen sobbing in the woman’s arms in the middle of the grocery store though. My mind couldn’t comprehend anything she was saying to me as my breathing became heavier and my cellphone fell to the hard floor at our feet. Nothing made sense.
Passerby’s stopped in hopes of helping my panic-stricken self, but the pure fear for the boy I loved prevented any rational thoughts from crossing my mind. A woman I didn’t know cradled me in her arms as Lisa picked up my phone to respond to Grayson’s panicked screaming from the other end of the line, the mother of three immediately collapsing to the floor when her youngest child informed her of what happened.
“Whatever is wrong, you need to snap out of it so you can do what’s best for the situation.” The woman supporting me instructed as I tried to take in shaky breaths. “The issue isn’t going to be resolved until you snap out of this.” She turned my head so we could make eye contact, allowing me to feel less alone. “Breathe with me okay? In and out.” We did a couple of breaths together before my shuddering calmed down and it didn’t feel like a boulder was crushing my chest. “Okay, now that you’re okay I need your help with your company.”
The two of us proceeded to help Lisa in the same way, me starting by taking my cracked iPhone from her hands. “Grayson?”
“Y/N Jesus Christ what is happening over there? I heard a loud crash and then when I talked to my mom, she just went silent.” Grayson witnessed everything that happened to his twin, but somehow, he was able to keep it together long enough to call us.
As the woman who stopped to help us slowly pulled Lisa to her feet, I bit my lip, “Grayson let’s not talk about that right now. Where did they take Ethan? Your mom and I are on our way there.” Gray immediately responded with the hospital Ethan was taken to and I couldn’t help the surge of anxiety that crept up at the thought of going to an Emergency Room.
Lisa thanked the caring woman before the two of us sprinted out of the store, leaving the cart full of groceries behind us. Neither of us dared to speak a word about what was possibly waiting for us at the sterile building we were headed to.
Grayson was pacing back and forth in the waiting room when the two of us sprinted in, Lisa immediately going to hug her youngest son who had a couple of scratched on his face from the accident. “Grayson, what happened?”
“I…” He ran a hand stressfully through his tangled hair as he looked anywhere but at the two of us, “Jeez Ethan, he… he was ahead of me on the road and we came to this four-way intersection. We had the right of way, so we started going through and all of a sudden, this car comes out of nowhere and completely slams into Ethan. Not clipping him, but a direct hit.”
My hands shook at the thought of Ethan getting struck by a car on his motorcycle. “Right after the hit, I turned my bike on its side in hope of avoiding a collision myself which is how I got all scratched up. I sprinted over to him when I saw the person in the car passed out; he was trying to get up but couldn’t move, the paramedics were scared that he was paralyzed.”
“Have they come out with any updates?” Lisa asked trying to stay calm and collected for the rest of this situation.
When I realized that Grayson was also shaking, I moved my hand forward to intertwine our fingers. Even if Ethan is an important piece of mine and Lisa’s lives, no one loves him more than Gray. “T-They said he flatlined but were able to get him back. Neuro said the nerves were good, so he isn’t paralyzed, but he has a ton of internal trauma.”
With all the Grey’s Anatomy, I’ve watched over the years, those words made my stomach fall, “Did they say anything about a medically induced coma?” It wouldn’t surprise me given the immense amount of pain E is probably going through at the moment. Gray’s eye darted from me to his mother, signaling that he didn’t want to answer this in front of her.
“They said they would be out with more information if-if he makes it out of surgery.” The little choke on the word ‘if’ caused my stomach to do a flip. What if he doesn’t make it through? What if he does but never wakes up? What am I supposed to do without him? What is Grayson going to do without him?
Questions would continue to swamp my thoughts for the next two and a half weeks as I sat next to Ethan’s bed during visiting hours. Lisa would go to work and come by to visit after her shifts, and on some days, Grayson would go with her, but I couldn’t get myself to leave.
I hadn’t cried since the first day, it isn’t what Ethan would want. However, seeing him in that bed, pale as a ghost with a tube down his throat to help him breathe made it hard not to cry. “You can be a real dick you know?”
A chuckle escaped my mouth as I spoke the words to my boyfriend. “You hog the covers and play too many pranks on me. You ignore me for hours to play video games when we’re supposed to be hanging out. You’ll insult the outfits I wear sometimes, even though half the time your clothes aren’t matching, and I have to fix them. You can be such an obnoxious sassy douche too… God E you have me wrapped around your pinkie finger so tight… what the hell am I supposed to do if you don’t wake up? It’s been two weeks already.”
My face fell onto the soft sheets of his bed as tears began to well up in my eyes. I sat like that for what felt like a century until the nurse came into the room to notify me that visiting hours were over, just like every other day so far.
This continued like a cycle for a little over a month and Grayson and I’s hope was slowly dwindling as time continued on. Neither of us had spoken to our managers in a week because our full focus had been on Ethan and his health, but nothing was changing. The doctors told us to give it time, but how can you continue to have hope when things have been stagnant for almost a month and a half?
I was leaned up against Grayson’s side watching some rerun of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. The two of us had been each other’s support system through the process, and it definitely brought us closer. “You know he was planning to propose next year if you guys worked out? Even brought me out to talk and look at engagement rings. He’s so whipped.”
“Why would you tell me that?” My heart fell as I pushed myself up so I could face the younger brother. “The man I love with all my heart is in a coma still and you think it’s a good idea to tell me that he wanted to get married?”
He shakes his head, obviously not meaning to upset me. “No, I just… I don’t want you to give up on him. Both of us have been skeptical lately, but there’s this feeling I’m getting… like he’s going to wake up soon.” His hazel eyes dart to the television to see Ross and Rachel in a tight embrace. “I just want us to keep fighting for him and not give up hope…”
From there I just retreated to my boyfriend’s old room, not wanting to continue the conversation. I had moved in here after not being able to sleep during the first week with Ethan in intensive care. The sheets still smelled like him and it made me feel safe.
The following day I was just silently sitting in his room, lightly gripping his hand to let him know I was still here. Grayson had gone to the cafeteria to find something to eat, offering to bring me something back but I turned him down.
My twitter notifications were still buzzing with questions about Ethan’s health, bringing a frown to my face when I glanced up at my boyfriend. Fans just wanted to be kept in the loop, especially if he takes a sudden turn for the worst, but sometimes it gets to be too much. I felt like I was going to be sick with a specific question continuously flashed by…
‘What are you going to do if he doesn’t make it?’
‘Will Ethan be okay?’
‘It’s been a month, why aren’t there any updates on him?’
I sighed, squeezing the boy’s hands as tears threatened to fall once again. Sending out my first tweet since before the accident.
‘I’m with Ethan right now. He is healing physically, but still isn’t awake… Keep him in your prayers.’
An uproar followed the tweet since Grayson also hasn’t posted any updates other than to say videos were on hold due to Ethan getting in a traumatic accident. “These people really love you E…”
Another week followed and still nothing new had come up. Grayson and I decided it was best to post a video on both of our channels in order to shed some light on Ethan’s situation with the fans. It was hard to keep my composure during filming, resulting in long drawn out silences and cuts when I’d cry.
I sigh, watching the end of my video over again as it was being uploaded to YouTube. “Ethan is one of the biggest inspirations in my life. He is also the light of my life and I haven’t been able to properly sleep since the accident…”
“All of us are hurting which is why Grayson and I are both taking a break to figure out what the next step in our careers is.” I sigh seeing the change in how red my eyes were, “Right now my major concern though is Ethan’s health… Hopefully, I will see all of you soon. Thank you for your continued support.”
When the upload reached 100%, I shut my MacBook, placing it on the small table next to Ethan’s bed in hopes of finding some peace to sleep. However, that was short lived when Grayson frantically ran into my room. “He flatlined again. They don’t know what’s wrong but they’re saying we need to get to the hospital…”
I don’t think I have ever gotten out of bed so fast in my life…
The three of us were once again sitting in the waiting room, my stomach dropping when none other than Cameron Dolan sprinted in to join us. Lisa said she was only going to fly back if things got worse and her appearance made me feel sick. “Mom you scared me on the phone. I thought Ethan was doing better?”
“So did we,” Grayson’s voice sounded hollow as he stared out the window at the dark rainy scenery. It seemed fitting for what was happening.
Every time a doctor came out, Lisa would jump up in hopes that it was about Ethan only to be disappointed when they went to a different family. It wasn’t until three hours later when someone finally updated us.
“Dolan?” Lisa and Cameron were asleep at this point since none of us had gotten any sleep before rushing here. I raised my hand for the man, waving him over as Grayson woke his mother and sister. “So, Ethan was suffering from internal bleeding because one of the stitches slipped. We were able to repair it, but we don’t know if he will wake up this time. He was under for a little longer than we had hoped and with the lack of response before… I just suggest saying goodbye sooner rather than later.”
This was the first time I had seen Cameron cry since arriving. She had been trying to be strong for Lisa, but it was inevitable for the girl to break down eventually. The doctor gave his condolences before walking back to the double doors leading to the intensive care unit. I excused myself, saying I needed to use the bathroom, but Grayson’s worried expression signified he saw right through my lie.
As I neared the vacant room my sobs finally escaped. I fell to the floor of the handicap stall, locking the door from the outside world as if passersby wouldn’t be able to hear me. At that moment I let everything I had been holding back for the last month out, all of the fear and sadness for the boy who had changed my life.
“Y/N let me in,” Grayson’s exhausted voice said as he knocked on the stall door, “You don’t need to be along right now.”
I coughed, “Just leave me alone.”
“I can’t,” He yelled, “I can’t because I promised Ethan I would look after you when he whispered your name after the accident. I can’t because you were his whole world and he wouldn’t want you hurting because of him. I can’t because you’re as much a part of this family as he and I are. Whether you like it or not, you’re stuck with me.” With that he fell to the ground, crawling under the door to get to me. “We all love you and I know this hurts you just as much as it hurts me. You don’t have to pretend to be strong anymore.”
His words just made my tears come faster, “He’s my whole fucking world, Grayson.” My voice cracked as the words came out, “He means literally everything to me, and he might not make it through the night. Even if he does, he may not ever wake up. How am I supposed to survive without his corny jokes or shitty date ideas? Who is going to bully me and tell me they love me right after? Who am I supposed to go to when I’m sad and need ice cream at three in the morning?” I wiped the snot from my face as I continued to cry harder with every world, “It’s pathetic but he is my whole world…”
“It’s not pathetic…” Grayson wraps his arms around my shoulders, just letting me cry it all out. “Just let it all out and when you’re ready we’ll go sit with E.”
The two of us stayed in the restroom for probably another twenty minutes before I finally ran out of tears to cry. A silent conversation was exchanged between the two of us as he helped me back to my feet, me feeling a bit dehydrated due to all of the crying. Neither of us spoke as he led me toward Ethan’s hospital room where Cameron was currently talking to her younger brother.
“I already went in and she’ll probably come out in a minute,” Lisa sighed trying to stay strong. Having already lost her husband, I couldn’t imagine the pain she was in at the moment.
Grayson was the next one to enter the room, Cameron exiting with a blank expression on her face. The same one I had after spending my first afternoon holding Ethan’s hand after the accident. I leaned up against the hallway wall for support, just watching Grayson interact with his brothers’ lifeless body. Letting out a hearty chuckle at probably some dumb memory the two had shared in the past.
It wasn’t long after when Grayson finally joined me in the hallway, seemingly better than when we came arrived at the hospital last night. “He’s all yours.”
I hesitated, seeing all the machines that were once again hooked up to the boy I loved. As days passed, machines disappeared but here we were, back to stage one all over again. “Ethan Grant you wouldn’t believe how pissed I am at you.”
My fake anger was my way of coping with him not responding. “It’s been almost two months and now you decide it’s time to get worse all over again? When did you turn into a quitter?”
“You really need to get your shit together for all of our sakes…” I sigh as I fell into the seat next to his bed, gripping his cold hand tightly in my own. I was silent for a few minutes, the only noise breaking the silence being the machines in the background. “You really want me to sweat, don’t you? Lying here in a coma while I worry like the wife of a man going to war… God Ethan, I can’t do it anymore. I can’t put on the tough girl act for you because you could be dying for all I know. At any point, you could flatline again and they may not be able to bring you back again and that scared the living shit out of me…”
I trace circles on the back of his hand lightly, “I hate how you have become the center of my world in the last two years. It’s been almost impossible to sleep without you by my side, I even moved to your old room in hopes that your sent would help me. I cry at the drop of a hat if someone brings you up in conversation.” I glanced up at the lights in hopes of keeping my tears at bay, “I couldn’t even make a simple update video for the fans without sobbing…”
“You are the love of my life and I don’t know how the hell I could live without you… Please…. Please don’t make me do this alone.” I choke on my words, “I don’t think I can do it without you E…”
My face fell down onto the white sheets as I somehow once again found tears to shed for the poor boy laid out on the bed in front of me. I didn’t know if I was imagining things when I heard choking coming from the boy on the bed, but when a nurse ran in I grew worried. “What happened? I didn’t do anything!”
She chuckled as she pulled the breathing tube out of his mouth, a large smile on her face. “You didn’t do anything, but this is a good thing!” She replied as she started looking over his charts, “He was fighting the breathing tube meaning he is able to breathe on his own. He’s trying to wake up.”
My hand squeezed his hand tightly and a smile formed on mine and the nurses face when a light one was returned. “He’s going to be okay?”
“He’s got a long road to completely recover, but his response means that he’s awake and his body will work harder to heal itself.” From that day it was a steady upward climb for Ethan. He opened his eyes one day when Grayson was in the room alone and the two had been inseparable since. Lisa and Cameron had gone in to speak with the boy a couple of times since, but I hadn’t found the courage to do so yet.
I stood outside his room two weeks after he squeezed my hand watching as Grayson walked out and toward where I was watching. “He wants to talk to you. He’s been waiting for almost a week now.”
“I don’t know what to say to him, Gray…”
He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me toward the doorway of my boyfriend’s recovery room “It’s just Ethan. Go.” He gave a light push forward as encouragement before leaving for what I guessed was the cafeteria.
“Wow you really look like my girlfriend, but I kind of forgot what she looks like because I haven’t seen her in so long.” Ethan joked softly as I walked through the threshold, “What took you so long?”
I shrug and talk a seat across from him silently, “I was nervous.”
“Why? I’m going to be okay.” His hand reached forward for mine and I gladly placed mine in his warm one.
“E you were touch and go for two months,” I sighed as he brushed some of my bangs from my face, “I thought that was it for our time together…”
He tilted my chin up so I could look him in the eye, “I promise you I’m not going anywhere any time soon okay? I love you.”
“I love you too,” I choked out as he smiled at me.
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chogiwank · 5 years
A Year’s Farewell - NonIdol!Jaehyun Smut&Fluff | Part 2
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You Can Read Part 1 Here
Word Count: 2,502
Warnings: Smut, Phone Sex, Toy, Sir Kink/Mr.Jung, kinda proofread???
Pairing: Law Major!Jaehyun, Non Idol!Jaehyun x University Student!FemaleReader
A/N: I mean I really hope you guys like this because I’ve been working on this as much as I could since like January oh god and its still probably shit enjoy!!hopefully also side note,, happy birthday to jung jaehyun!! the softest bean and wow im so in love destroy me please
Knock, Knock…
The soft taps on the door caught his attention from sitting on the couch, watching his weekly reruns of ‘Friends’ on Netflix. Standing up to answer the door, checking the time - 10:00PM he wondered who it’d be so late, definitely not recalling order for take-out. Opening the door revealed a female with baggage and bundled up with a jacket to keep her warm,
“Hello,” he kindly greeted the girl, her nose red from the cold outside. “is there anything I can help you with?”
“Hi, I’m so sorry it’s so late but I just came back from a summer trip - I didn’t know if you’d be awake…” She cleared her throat, unwrapping her scarf from her neck and unzipping the jacket.
Jaehyun cocked an eyebrow at her, “You might be mistaken.”
“Uh no, actually I didn't get to fill out the housing form, but I got some luck since your old roommate dropped out so hi, hey, how’s it going, I guess we live together now.” She flashed a smile at him, “I’m Y/N, great to meet you.”
Jaehyun’s ears turned red slightly embarrassed knowing he’d be sharing a dorm with a girl, and even more, realizing the first thing she sees him in is duck pyjamas, “Nice to see you too, let me help you in.”
“Thanks.” She laughed, “love the pyjamas by the way.” teasingly winking picking up her suitcase into the dorm. His ears turn a brighter shade of red, grabbing onto the rest of her bags and dragging them into the vacant bedroom.
“Don’t worry, I won’t be a bother to you for that long,” sliding off her jacket onto the bed. “I’ll be out next semester.”
“Why is that?”
“The apartment I’m supposed to be in is occupied since there was a little mix-up, so the resident will be out by the time the second semester comes around.”
“Oh, okay,” Jaehyun awkwardly laughs. “Well I should be leaving you alone, don’t want to invade your privacy or anything.” Turning around to walk out back to the living space.
“Wait, I saw you were watching Friends, mind if I join you?” Enthusiastically he accepted happily to have someone on his lonely weekly binge. “Alright, just ten minutes and I’ll be there.” That first night the two bonded from strangers to acquaintances over Netflix and junk food, despite the unexpected meeting and ungodly hours of the night, - laughing and getting to know each other just a little, this being the beginning of it all.
Exams, final exams are coming up, all the stress headaches and late night study sessions begun. This was it, this was going to happen sooner or later I knew it, my sanity coming to borderline insanity. The shooting head pains - whether it be lack of sleep or too much studying - making me hallucinate, my brain pulling tricks on me and the fact I was practically alone in the library did not help even a bit. I swear my eyes just made me see Casper the ghost or something near. She thought.
The unreasonable hours she’s been studying late into the night, right now at three (3) AM exactly. Abandoning her workspace to search what she claims to see, calling out ‘Hello’s’ and ‘Anyone? Please answer.’ Turning the corner she’d lost balance bumping into a hard chest -hearing a book’s thump as it hit the ground- her fall halt by a hand grabbing her arm. Opening her eyes she tightly shut expecting to harshly hit the ground, unmasking the mystery of the said ‘Casper,’
“Jaehyun?” He gave an apologetic smile.
“Hey, sorry I scared you.” Helping her upright on both feet. “You were gone so late, I kind of got worried when I got up for a glass of water and you weren’t passed out on the couch with your books.”
She slightly blushed at the male’s concern towards her, “Well I mean, thanks but it would’ve been nicer and less scary if you’d told me you were coming.”
“I know I just didn’t want to disturb you beforehand, guess I should’ve planned it out better.”
“It’s alright, but you really are so pale, you looked like a ghost!” She exclaimed.
“Well how about I just changed my skin to orange? Less frightening?”
“That’s appalling.” The two laughing in unison as they gather Y/N’s materials and head back to their shared apartment, ready for a best-as-can-be goodnight’s sleep.
And with that, she woke up once again in the library. This time in broad daylight packed with many others.
Oh, it was a dream. The reminisce of when she first developed unknown feelings for Jaehyun, his unexpected kind-heartedness settled a secret warmth within her heart.
She must’ve passed out halfway through reading her textbook and writing notes. Sighing she collects her belongings returning to her apartment. Setting down her backpack and plopping onto the couch - her mind jumbled with thoughts and memories of her boyfriend. - a new year of University begun again and he’d flown overseas for job placement and studies the whole year. One complete year without him and going through school without their weekly night routine of cuddles, kisses and chats. Considering the amount of stress which would sometimes build up, he helped to get rid of it by deep, comforting talks or sensational sex - rough or sweet however she’d preferred. She fathomed what to do in her situation and really all she needed was to see him.
Sending a video chat from her phone, she pleads to all those superior to let him pick up - a smile forming upon her features as his face pops up on screen - her request heard.
“Hey baby, how are you?” He spoke cheerfully, face beaming. His tousled hair and rosy cheeks, visible due to him being barefaced, gave him a gentle look. Oh how badly she’d missed the sight of him, his arms wrapping around her with a soft “hello beautiful” and peck, greeting each other after their long schedules.
“Oh, I’m so sorry were you busy?”
“No, not really I’m just finishing up some notes,” he cleared his throat. “listen, I’m so sorry for not calling.”
“In all honesty, me too, These four (4) weeks have been hectic, I’ve had no time,” a clear voice crack heard. “But at least now we can talk.”
Interrupting his notetaking, he looks at her with eyebrows furrowed, “are you okay?” She shakes her head no. “Babe, talk to me please don’t cry.”
“I-it, it’s just so much workload from school and I haven’t been managing many shifts…”
Jaehyun nods his head, encouraging her to continue as he listens to her bothers,
“So I barely have the cash to buy proper food, it’s just been the cheapest, greasiest fast food I could find. And I…” sniffing as she sobs, tears wetting her cheeks. “I miss you so much. I want you to hold me and come back soon.”
“Listen to me,” Jaehyun speaks sternly. “First off, don’t cry you know how much it pains me when you do.” Deeply inhaling she wipes away her tears, sitting up on the couch and bites her bottom lip. Nodding as she motions him to continue speaking,
“You are so precious, don’t starve. You’ve got my key, I’ve got a good amount of money for you to use-”
“Jae, no, I can’t-”
“Yes you can, what’s mine is yours. Please, stay healthy. It’s in my closet a little safe box behind all my clothes, emergency money.”
“That’s very kind, thank you.” She snuffs cracking a smile, her eyes twinkle from happiness and gratitude towards the boy.
“It’ll be enough for until the end of the semester, then I’ll return, make sure you stay on top of work and studies.”
“Wait…you’re coming back? I thought it was the whole year?”
“Shortened it, I don’t think you’ve noticed but it’s extremely lonely.” His sarcasm compliments his ‘duh’ expression.
“Honestly, I’ve been having the time of my life. Spectacular food, parties, can’t even feel the solitude.” The two giggled. Knowing they’d missed one another’s presence and voices, warm gazes sent to the other through the fluorescent screen. Both sitting in silence as the other virtually accompanied them, the sounds of the clock ticking and unexpected raindrops landing upon the window were the only sounds heard. Flashing silly faces at each other, the two ended in a fit of laughter during their battle,
“You shall never beat me y/n! I am always the winner!” He dramatically poses, mimicking a victory action.
“Never? You’re wrong. Truly so, so very wrong.” Jaehyun raises an eyebrow at her, intrigued by the comment.
“Why may that be?” He questions.
“Because,” she cheekily states. Standing her phone on the coffee table against a small glass decor, settling on her knees. Unbuttoning her top enough to reveal cleavage, smirking at her own actions, “I never lose with these, you give in so quick to me baby.�� She innocently bats her lashes. He licks his lips while she continues to unbutton her shirt, her breasts exposed yet covered with her lace bra worn underneath,
“I don’t think this is the best time, y/n.” He gulps, Adam’s apple bobbing up and down, swallowing his saliva from the desire building up.
“Awe, why?” She pouts.
“My roommate, he’ll be back in an hour-” restless eyes flickering to the time on his watch.
“You’ve done me faster,” A bold, mischevious interjection said as her shirt pools on the ground, bra hook unclipped and straps slide down her arms, throwing the undergarment elsewhere. “Please Mr.Jung.” Putting on a show of her exposed breasts on screen. Flaunting them with a little bounce and a little shake, “I’ll be so good.”
Breath hitching in his throat, choking out a fuck it. The sounds of the door locking and his belt unbuckling heard off screen. Sitting back in his seat, he positions his phone on the desk, backing up to have his body in full view,
“I can’t believe you actually affect me this much.” Pulling out his semi-hard cock, pumping the length in an attempt to fully erect. “Baby girl, please you got to cum for sir and make him cum too, okay?”
“Yes, Mr.Jung.” Now positioned on the couch, bottoms off and legs split open in view of the camera, she begins to rub her clit and finger herself. Self-teasing with one finger, with such unexpected pleasure without being touched by Jaehyun for weeks. Her clit erogenous, shivers racing up and down her spine, soft moans of Jaehyun’s name left her mouth, and her’s from his. The two lasted for a while until y/n halts her erotic actions.
“What’s wrong?” he pants, hesitantly slowing down his movements on his cock as she disappears from the screen, silently groaning as the familiar knot fades. Shuffling noises heard in the background until she returns to her previous spot, this time with a hidden item, “Baby girl, what are you up to?”
“I really miss your cock, Mr.Jung, and I really want it, but I can’t…” Picking up her phone, fixating it upon the counter she grabs a nearby chair, “you can punish me later but I really need it.” Sticking a purple dildo on the chair, she gave him a roguish smile - Jaehyun and her never used the dildo much, not unless he wanted to tease her or make her work for her orgasm. In other words, punish her mostly for his own amusement. Although she never touched it, unless an order was given.- her legs centre the dildo to her entrance as Jaehyun breathes out,
“Naughty bitch, I’m going to fuck you senseless when I come back.”
“Please do.” She begs, almost whining.
“That’s a promise.” He says grunting, watching her lower down upon the toy feeling her walls stretch and accidental whimpers release. Speeding up the pace on his length at the sight of his girlfriend pleasuring herself. Moaning out for him, how desperate she really was for him. He whispers her name but loud enough to be heard through the call. Her walls clench around the toy - just like she did with Jaehyun, his moans erupting from his throat every time. - chanting profanities like a prayer, the two came near their highs, Jaehyun being the first to climax. Strings of his cum landing on top his shirt and pants, ruining the two articles of clothing.“Fuck baby girl, you made me ruin my clothes.”
“Mmm.” She lets out a high pitch whine. “S-sorry Mr.Jung.” As she races to find her climax.“Remember the first time, baby girl…” Jaehyun talks through cleaning himself up, simultaneously changing into his pyjamas, preparing for whenever his roommate knocks to be let in and avoiding the thoughts to ravish his girlfriend, controlling his once again developing hard-on. “The first time you came so hard, you squirt on me. Right on your bedroom floor and we had to buy a new rug. That was so sexy, cum like that once more for me.” Her moans a higher pitch from every word he spoke, the familiar twist in her stomach formed. Sweat glistened on her forehead and wet, pornographic sounds of her sliding down the cheap dildo, “Remember all those times I stayed over until the morning and woke you up with my tongue?”
“Yes, yes…” she pant.
“The days we’d both be pissed at our professors or bosses and you’d let me push you against the wall to throat fuck you.”
“Those were really fucking hot…” her head thrown back and fingers rubbing her clit in an eager attempt to release.
“And that one time against your balcony doors, on my birthday. How they’re glass and in clear sight of anyone passing by to-“
“FUCK, YES OH GOD.” She lets out a scream as ecstasy devours her. Thighs trembling from the hard orgasm,  “I remember…” lowering her voice as she calms down. “I remember when we fucked against those doors,” her untidy, sweaty, post-sex appearance covered with a suggestive smirk on her face could bring Jaehyun an instant boner again. He did, usually, it did, but he’d have to control himself now. “That was really the hottest fuck we ever had, and we are doing it all over again when you’re back.” She says with more stable breaths.“Of course-“
Knock, knock!  The sound of the doors alerted Jaehyun,
“I’ll be there one second!” He gave his girlfriend a loving and apologetic smile, “Clean yourself up baby girl, I’m sorry we can’t do round two, but I swear, you will get such a better fuck when I’m back.”
“I’m waiting.” She winked, blowing him a farewell kiss.
And with that, the call ends and y/n makes the utmost effort to clean herself up. Despite her weak legs and heavy eye-lids, her mood was completely different. Definitely still with stress but, a relaxed feeling from the masturbation and her boyfriend.
Anon Asked: Hiii!! love ur work!!! can you pls write a phone call smut with jaehyun (non-idol AU) where you’re really stressed and tired about school or something and you miss him while hes away for smthn and then u call him crying and he talks u down and gets u all loose if u know what i mean lol !! pls and thanks 💕
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meditationadvise · 5 years
Dreaming the Future? Stories of Precognitive Dreams, a Psychic Phenomena
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Here is another psychic sensations that I personally recognize to be genuine. It seems to be almost as typical as regular recognition, however people do not speak about it a lot: people call it precognitive fantasizing, when they fantasize something and also the precise scene they fantasized becomes a reality later on in life.
Sometimes the desire becomes a reality the following day or shortly after, as well as often individuals dream the future years beforehand. This is not something that can be chalked up to coincidence: this is individuals dreaming exact scenes, specific moments of their life where every detail of the scene is a particular means, and it comes to life later.
I know this to be true from firsthand experience. I dreamt a scene where I was going through a park when I was 11 and staying in Houston, Texas. When I was 16 I strolled through the exact same park the exact same method Sacramento, The golden state, where I had never ever been at the age of 11.
The exact same point of view I saw the park in the dream, the precise very same scene was just what I saw, and it gave me among one of the most powerful sensations of déjà vu I have actually ever before felt, however it was clearly different.
For some reason I had some dreams at the age of 11 that came true when I was 16, yet there were no much more precognitive desires afterwards for me. I can't remember exactly what the various other dreams were but they were minor compared with the dream of the park: I remember I fantasized them when I was 11, as well as they came to life when I was 16.
So below are a couple of even more stories of precognitive dreaming.
According to a tale on the subreddit 'Problem in the Matrix' by Terpinator_91:
' OK, very first message below, but after doing a reasonable little bit of reading I really felt that there would certainly be no harm in putting this out there.
As much as I can inform there are many individuals out there who have actually had some type of precognitive dream or vision, that later on happened. I am speaking about the next level of this. The very first time it took place was in secondary school, near the time of college graduation. I was hanging out in my basement with 2 of my friends playing computer game, when I started getting a sense of Deja Vu. In the beginning I could not find out why, yet then a commercial began TELEVISION that i remembered distinctly seeing the evening before in my desire, and also that is when I entered this state. For the following 8 mins I knew exactly whatever that was mosting likely to happen, every activity, every word, every audio. I even understood exactly what I was mosting likely to claim prior to I said it, however, for some reason I did not say it up until the actual moment I understood I would certainly. It was virtually as if I was scared to do something various from exactly what I was expecting, and I still question, exactly what would take place if I said something concerning just what was taking place then ... or could I have? It was horrifyingly unusual, however after that it came to an end. Nothing else really occurred for a couple of weeks.
Second time was different, due to the fact that I remembered my dream from the night in the past, but also for some factor I could only understand some information. Something felt strange, yet I really did not assume much of it, and also I went on with my day usually, up until I met with my Papa for supper. Points got really unusual right here ... as quickly as I unlocked I understood I was back in this Deja Vu space again. I understood which table to go to without even having a look about, and once I rested down I informed my Papa about just what was happening, which I understood what I was intended to state to him and also what he would state back. As I had actually fantasized, he pulled out a note pad and began writing every little thing down as he exposed to me that this was something that haunted him as a teenage right into their adult years. I say expose due to the fact that if you would have asked me before I strolled into that dining establishment regarding my dads interest in the subject, I would have had no suggestion. While he was describing his concepts to me, I really felt like I was watching a rerun for the 5th time, as everything that was stated and also done was specifically as expected.
I have numerous more examples. One evening I understood my buddy was going to get bitten by a snake before we even knew that there was a pet serpent in the house we were in. I have seen athletic contests in my dreams that unravel specifically the exact same means as I view them. Continues ... and also has actually been for about 6 years currently. As I have grown older it has actually happened less regularly, though component of me believes it is due to the fact that I do my best to not acknowledge that this has occurred, since I have no way to explain it.
I could recognize the concept of time not being straight and also that whatever could be occurring simultaneously, as well as for some factor individuals might have the ability to look right into various other areas of time. Yet I was simply questioning if anybody had any kind of originalities to what is occurring right here and your experience with it.
Again I am talking extreme information right here, Want to the factor that I informed my gf both scores she would certainly bowl the one time I was experiencing this when we went bowling.
I have no control over it, no means of knowing when it will happen, and also it can take place in a couple various ways. I have no idea how you can explain it, but it appears to be beyond coincidence to me.'
According to a discussion forum remark by Highlander at Globe of Lucid Thinking:
' I still keep in mind a dream i had like 15 years earlier. I'm at job as well as i see several of my women colleagues chuckling and also painting their faces. Like 2 weeks hereafter dream, in waking reality, i'm at job and we are all preparing for an event produced by our company: a paintball game outdoors. As well as what do i see? My women coworkers giggling and also repainting their faces. I was checking out that situation and also thinking: 'I imagined this."
According to a discussion forum comment by ESPer at World of Lucid Dreaming:
"As has actually been stated a number of times, one needs to experience it for themselves to think it. And really that's how it should be. One should not blindly believe anything. I would certainly be (and also am) hesitant of anything I really did not directly experience.
This is however something I have verified for myself past much uncertainty. It wasn't simply a matter of being someplace, or doing something, and having a comparable scenario play out in the future. That 'could' refer coincidence. I obtained a sms message in a desire, then received that EXACT sms message later on that day. The probabilities of that being coincidence are just astronomical.
Her name was Amanda, as well as I hadn't talked with her in like 9 months. I bear in mind in the desire looking at the text and also seeing: 'Hey, it's AMANDA, ...' (I really did not remember the rest in the desire). Her name was in all caps, both in the desire and later on that day (you won't capture me using the term 'in actual life', due to the fact that I consider my desires simply as actual as this so called 'life', keying away right currently).
And the kicker to it all is ... I recognized it as soon as I felt the thing shaking in my pocket. I 'felt in one's bones'.
This had not been the only precognitive dream I've had by a longshot, but it was the most convincing example.'
According to a discuss a post by 'Rebecca' at World of Lucid Dreaming:
' When I was a kid, I fantasized my relative (that I seldom viewed as she lived thus far away) acquired an old yellow mini as well as was owning it round my college. The following day my mum informed me she had actually done specifically that (without the college bit, she would certainly just got a yellow mini).
As a young adult (about the moment I began lucid fantasizing) I dreamed of thousands of gigantic logs littering the landscape, all outlined intentionally for an objective. There was a whole impressive story going on as well - something about the pyramids and also I wrote a tale about it when I woke up. Once again, the following day we went for a stroll in the park as well as discovered myself in my dream again, checking out dozens of massive trees chopped down as well as left littering the park, the scene was very unusual.'
According to a comment from 'Donna' on the same message:
' I have them quite a great deal. One specifically I call the 'Fatality Desire'. It's not the information of the desire that matters as much as the sensation of it. The initial time I knew exactly what it implied was when among my pupils dedicated suicide. I've had it a number of times considering that. Most recently was a few years ago, when my spouse's auntie died. I woke at 4.44 am and also he woke as well and also asked me why I was up. I informed him I 'd inform him in the early morning, which I did. Quickly after that, his parents sounded with the information. We inquired if they could obtain time of death information, which they did: it was estimated between 4.30 as well as 5am.'
According to a discussion forum message by Kailyn Spears at Globe of Lucid Dreaming:
' Since as much back as I could remember I have had dreams where I could see approaching events in my regular everyday life. The majority of are ordinary things like dreaming that I am standing in my bed space assuming concerning something as well as after that I begin to really feel a feeling and after that days weeks even months later it occurs exactly as I dreamt it would certainly. Exact same location, same stream of consciousness, very same exact emotion. With my life I have had a few very unique times where my precognition really transformed or changed my life. Let me start with a little biography so you recognize a lot more about me.
I expanded up in a southerly, christian, republican, house. I mosted likely to Sunday school each week and also review my Holy bible daily. I don't bear in mind when it began happening however I do remember thinking that I could not inform anybody because they would certainly think I was crazy or even worse really did not rely on God. The church I expanded up at taught that dreaming the future (among various other things) was witchcraft and that it didn't actually occur it was just something individuals did to fool others from their money. When I began having these dreams, I intuitively maintained them to myself, that is until just recently. When I was more youthful, I thought that my precognition desires were a present from God which they would lead me down the course in life that I am supposed to take. Now provided, a lot of my dreams are concerning ideas and sensations as well as mundane activities I preform others are substantially different because I can manipulate the present based on what I saw occur in my precog dream, kind of like the old disney program, 'That's So Raven'.
The most significant of these circumstances was November 14th and 15th 2006 when I was 12. I had the most significant crush on this guy yet I understood one of my friends liked him as well. I had a dream that I was standing outside the band hall by a particular pole and she came near me as well as claimed, 'He said no.' I recognized that she was speaking about the individual that we both had a crush on as well as I deducted that she had asked him out and also he had actually rejected her. When I woke up from my dream I schemed to recreate this dream to ensure that it would make my opportunities of dating him better and get her to quit flirting with him (yes i recognize I was a crafty child back then). So at lunch I chatted her up to it. She claimed she would ask however that I had to go wait at the band hall and as I have explained in the past, that is where I was waiting on her so I concurred to this action. I left the cafeteria as well as I went and waited by the post that I bore in mind on call in my dream. When she came to me, her answer was exactly what I had actually visualized, 'He stated no.' Existing with my teeth I began to console her saying I was sorry as well as that she can find a much better guy however after that she quit me. 'He claimed no to * you *.' I stated what? She responded, 'I believed you indicated to ask him out for you. He claimed no to dating you.' Well obviously I was squashed by this information so later that day in an initiative to conserve face and maybe restore a relationship and perhaps a hope of dating him, I called him. I explained exactly how that had not been supposed to happen which I liked him but thought that she was mosting likely to ask him out for herself. Long tale short, me and also this guy started dating that night and also we dated for a year and a fifty percent, to today my lengthiest relationship. After that fantasize they kind of diminished, when I had them it was mundane things that just weren't also worth stating.
However, lately the task has actually been occurring increasingly more regularly. I think that my control over my precognitive dreams is enhancing. Just what I want validation on is, exists any person that has actually had a precognitive desire while half awake??? Earlier today, after not sleeping for 24-HOUR, I lost consciousness on the couch as well as while I was asleep I started having a precognitive dream that my good friend would call me and state something to me. However, while I was having this dream, he actually did call me!
So I was dreaming the future simple secs prior to it actually happened! At the end of my pre gear desire my friend stated something, I truthfully don't remember just what it was and also I desire I did. Quickly after that, he actually claimed what I had actually simply dreamt as well as to that I replied yea, I understand, you just stated that. To which he responded, 'no I really did not. just what are you speaking about?' I, now being rather awake, clarified to him that i was simply fantasizing regarding just what he would say as well as that i had anticipated him stating what he claimed. Basically the whole experience reminded me of the Oracle on the Matrix when she says 'Oh and also do not stress regarding the flower holder.' and after that Neo breaks it.'
For much more info, below's a documentary I found on YouTube concerning precognitive dreams.
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dynowrites · 6 years
Barba's daughter (reader pov? If ya want) gets in trouble and questioned at the precinct? The squad finds out he has a daughter when he's screaming at her in Spanish? Pls?
Little back story. Daughter born in 2000, making our sweet Rafi 30 (used Raul’s birthday). His fiancé passed away during childbirth during complications. Sorry… I just have a weird fantasy of Barba being a single father… Also, set in 2017
Rafael had never told the squad about his family. He kept his love life separate from his work, afraid that someone would try to hurt him through his family. He had a beautiful daughter who would be graduating high school in a few months, who he couldn’t be prouder of. She was a smart individual, being able to speak both English and Spanish by the time she started kindergarten, not perfectly or fluently of course.
 Rafael was on his way to the Precinct due to getting a call from Olivia. Two high school girls got into a fight during school and the one broke the others girls nose. Thinking this was some ridiculous case, he wanted to throw it out quickly. Why did SVU even need to follow this case? Once Rafael had walked into the Precinct, he found Olivia right away.
“Why are we even on this? Can’t we have the school handle it?” Rafael had said clearly annoyed. Olivia looked at him Rafael as she was sitting on the corner of Amanda’s desk, reading through the file they had about both of the girls.
“Two girls from Preston High School got into a fight during lunch. The first girl, the girl who broke the victim’s nose, says she a victim, too. That the girl she started a fight with had inappropriate pictures of her and a guy. But she refused to let us see her phone.” Olivia had spoken. Rafael was shocked to hear that these girls had started a fight, since Preston is where is daughter went.
“And why was this brought to us? Why isn’t Bronx PD dealing with it?” Rafael had said, clearly annoyed. Olivia sighed some, noticing the male was already frustrated with this case.
“The parents of the victim live in Manhattan and insisted we take care of it. No one could get a hold of the other girls father. We’ve tried calling him, but he wasn’t answering his phone. She’s in interrogation room 2 if you’d like to talk to her, Councilor.” Olivia had said. Rafael had sighed with a nod as he walked over to the room. He stared into the glass with wide eyes, noticing that it was his daughter. Like any other angry parent, he stormed into the room, glaring his daughter down.
“¡¿Tuviste una pelea en la escuela?!” Rafael had shouted at the girl. She flinched back some at his tone, faintly having memories of her grandfather shouting like this when she was little. She didn’t respond back, just started down at her hands that were folded in her lap.
“¿Qué incluso te poseyó para hacer esto, Luna? ¿Por qué golpeaste a la chica?“ Rafael began to shout again. On the other side of the glass stood a very confused and amused Olivia with the rest of the squad. Luna broken down crying at all the shouting from Rafael. 
“Lo siento, papi! Iba a mostrarle a toda la escuela ¡qué puta soy!“ Luna finally shouted back at Rafael. As soon as they all heard the work ‘papi’ they knew exactly why Rafael was shouting at this girl, especially in Spanish. Luna was his daughter. Rafael let out  sigh and tried to calm down.
“Mostrar con qué, cariño? ¿Las fotos que les dijiste a los detectives?“ Rafael had said as he motioned towards the mirror, assuming they were standing there. Luna nodded and leaned down to get her cellphone out of her backpack.
She didn’t say anything, just opened up the text from that morning from the girl she punched, Ava. She had showed Rafael the conversation about how Ava would show the pictures of her being a slut and whore if she didn’t leave Ava’s boyfriend alon’. Following the conversation was two pictures of Luna and the boy kissing, followed by one where Luna’s shirt had began to be taken off. Nothing else was there, except another text from Ava.
I just sent you the clean ones, you slut. There’s more explicit ones that I have. Stay away from Mason.
Rafael was fuming at this. He didn’t know who to be mad at. His daughter for punching Ava in the nose, Ava for having these pictures of his daughter, or Luna yet again for seeing a boy behind his back. Rafael was cool and collected as he read the conversation, until Ava called his daughter a slut and whore on repeat. The pictures because to cause a burning rage in Rafael, upset seeing his daughter in this state. He had slammed his hand on the metal table hard, causing his daughter to flinch back, pushes her seat back from the table some.
“Todavía te rompiste la nariz, Luna. ¡Podrías ser expulsado de Preston!“ Rafael began to shout once more. Luna was crying so hard that it broke Amanda’s heart seeing how rough Rafael was with his daughter. Olivia stood there and watched, hoping that when Noah gets to high school, girls wouldn’t be as rude and mean as now.
“I told you, papi! I’m sorry! She had taken these pictures of me without me knowing! I didn’t know that Mason was her boyfriend! Stop shouting at me, you sound just like pappy!” Luna had shouted back at Rafael. It was at that exact moment he realized what she said. He was shouting like his own father, scaring he poor girl like his father did so many years ago. A sigh escaped Rafael’s lips as he watched his daughter.
“I’m sorry, cariño. I didn’t mean to scare you. I’ll call the school and have a meeting with your principal, Ava and her parents tomorrow. We will sort this out.” Rafael had said before he left the room. He looked to the squad who all stood there and looked at him. Olivia soon chuckled as she pointed towards Luna.
“Why did you never tell us you had a daughter, Rafa?” Olivia had asked. Rafael rolled his eyes at her question and sighed. He slowly turned towards the mirror and watched Luna sit there and cry.
“I feared that people would try to threaten my family when cases went wrong. Threaten them to get me to back down. My fiancé passed away when she was giving birth to Luna and I knew I wanted to protect my daughter.” Rafael said as he watched his daughter quickly calm down. She had wiped all the tears from her eyes as she stood up. She straightened out the skirt on her school uniform before walking out of the interrogation room.
Rafael kissed his daughter’s head and apologized to her over and over again in Spanish. He never wanted to sound like his father, since his father was a scary and mean man. The two left the Precinct to go home for a night of Barba’s amazing cooking and some TV which was old rerun episodes of a few Telenovelas that Rafael and Luna used to watch with his grandmother all of the time.
¡¿Tuviste unapelea en la escuela?! - You got into a fight at school!?
¿Qué incluso teposeyó para hacer esto, Luna? ¿Por qué golpeaste a la chica? -What even possessed you to do this, Luna? Why did you punch the girl?
Lo siento, papi!Iba a mostrarle a toda la escuela ¡qué puta soy! - I’m sorry,daddy! She was going to show the entire school what a whore I am!
Mostrar con qué,cariño? ¿Las fotos que les dijiste a los detectives? - Show what,sweetie? The photos you told the detectives?
Todavía terompiste la nariz, Luna. ¡Podrías ser expulsado de Preston! - Youstill broke her nose, Luna. You could get expelled from Preston!
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hyungswons-blog · 7 years
dark side of the moon.
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Characters: Lee Jooheon, Female Reader, small appearance from Lee Minhyuk
Genre: Angst, fluff
Warnings: badboy!jooheon, fuckboy!jooheon, college au, smut, shower sex, cheating, mentions of drugs and violence (nothing explicit), brief gore (don’t get too excited), jooheon’s bra fetish
Length: 8.3K
Part: One Part two coming soon!
a/n: the support i’ve gotten on my kihyun fic is just... out of this world! i’ve wanted to give mbbs a gift to show my appreciation and to celebrate my birthday (which was on oct 1) but it just so happened that i got really sick and had to postpone posting this. but here i am! with a longer fic this time!! this is only part one , as it got too long. i haven’t proofread it, but i still hope you enjoy it despite any mistakes! 
+ gif is not mine, but the contents of the story are.
Everyone always says to expect the unexpected, but there are some things in life that you can never imagine happening, nor do you wish for it to happen. You can’t predict death or disasters, just like you can’t predict what each new day will bring to your life.
When you open the door at 10pm on a Tuesday night, the last person you expect—or even want—to see is Lee Jooheon.
“Hi, Y/N,” he grins, as if you’re neighbours and he’s come to borrow a cup of sugar. But he’s not even supposed to be in this city anymore, and you haven’t seen him since senior year of high school, 3 years ago. “Long time no see.”
Forming a sentence is hard when seeing his face brings back so many memories. He’s more handsome now, with matured features and he’s finally dyed his hair back to black (the red undercut was too try hard in your opinion), but you know what he uses that attractive face for. “What are you doing here?”
Jooheon doesn’t explain much. He’s always been a little secretive about his motives, yet ever vocal about his experience in bed (among the many other places he’s deflowered the entire female population of your city). “Right to the chase,” he muses, scanning you from head to toe. “Where’s the old Y/N who beats around the bush?”
“If you’re here to reminisce, I’d rather not,” you smile sarcastically, already in the midst of closing the door in his face.
He’s quick to wedge his foot between the door, forcing you to keep it open. “Okay, Jesus Christ. I need a place to stay for a while.”
Of all the people in his life, you can’t help but wonder why it has to be you. Jooheon’s got friends (or connections, whatever he calls them) everywhere. He’s best friends with the majority of drug dealers, and he’s got whores to fall back on as long as he puts out for them.
So why you, an ex girlfriend? Why you, a girl who he hasn’t kept in touch with after starting a new life in some dingy town down south? You’re surprised he even remembers your name, much less your address.
He gives you no time to interject. “Remember that favour you promised me when we were 15?” The memory is clear in your head, but you never imagined he’d ever actually require your assistance in anything except, say, studying. “I’d like to cash it in now.”
“No, no, no,” you shake your head vehemently. “Jooheon, it’s been years and—and you’re asking for a lot from someone who you used to know.”
“I’m still the same Jooheon from three years ago.”
“But I’m not the same Y/N!” you protest. “For all I know, if I let you in, I could be housing a fugitive!”
Jooheon chortles—the audacity!—at your insinuation. “Y/N, I haven’t killed anyone. I swear.”
You cross your arms, skeptical. “How about robbing? A bank heist? Kidnapping? Human trafficking?”
The amused grin on his face does not work to soothe you, but it makes you all the more worried. “What exactly do you think I do in my spare time?”
“I know enough.” Dabbling in all forms of drugs, whether they’re dangerous or just recreational. You know of his habit that resulted in his expulsion from your high school. You know he never graduated: not in this city and not in his new town. Stringing girls along is another one of his hobbies: sleeping with them, sleeping with their friends, cheating.
“Sweetheart,” Jooheon sighs in faux disappointment, reaching for your arms crossed over your bosom. “You’ve got the wrong idea.”
You slap his hand away from you. “Jooheon, go play your games somewhere else.”
It’s a split second, but you swear you see the pain of rejection flash in his eyes. His face twists into one of anguish, but you blink and his cocky smile is still there, leaving you to believe it’s just your overactive imagination.
“Y/N.” Jooheon’s eyes darken just the slightest. “You don’t understand. I can’t go elsewhere.”
“Why not?” Exasperated, you drop your hands back down to your sides. “Jooheon, I don’t want to be roped into your bullshit. I’ve finally found stability in my life. A boyfriend, a useful major, positive influences.”
He rolls his eyes, dropping his flirty façade. “Not all of us can have that, Y/N,” Jooheon remarks lowly. “I’ve never had a normal family like you. I’ve never had money like you. I’ve never had the same opportunities as you. And now, when I’m trying to get somewhere in life, the only person I thought I could count on is slamming the door in my face.” With a sardonic chuckle, Jooheon stuffs his hands in his pockets and turns back around. “Whatever. See you around, Y/N.”
You watch him descend the path leading up to your doorway as he mockingly salutes you. Words he’s just said have left a bitter taste in your mouth that you’re unable to swallow down.
Fuck. He knows just how to manipulate you into doing what he wants. You know it, and yet you call out for him begrudgingly. “You can stay in my room. For now.” Opening the front door wider, you wait for him to jog back towards you and slip into your world once again.
The television is playing reruns of Friends in the living room, your family’s laughs resounding throughout the house. Ross’ voice is extra loud when yelling due to the high volume, and for once, you’re grateful for your father’s dwindling ability to hear properly; it acts as a cover for Jooheon’s careless footsteps because, despite calling in a favour from you, he makes no move to keep his presence a secret.
“Why wouldn’t you take your shoes off?” you yell in a whisper, accusatorily, as he climbs the stairs ungracefully. The chunky combat boots make loud thuds with each step, threatening to give away what you’re doing.
“They’re new,” he defends haughtily before you push him into your room. He stumbles, and that’s all you see before closing the door as quietly as possible.
Sighing, you return to the living room and drop yourself onto the couch, observing the atmosphere to find the perfect escape. You were only at the door for five minutes but dealing with Jooheon always feels like it spans over years instead. Despite not wanting to continue to deal with him, you’d rather be in the room with him to monitor what he does than leave him to his own devices right now.
“Who was it?” your mother asks, not glancing up from her tablet. She’s so immersed in her game that she fails to notice what her motherly instincts would usually hone in on: your tell, the action that gives away whether you’re lying or being truthful.
Rubbing your nose, you keep your eyes fixed on the television screen. Acting natural is key, and eye contact when uncalled for is a clear give away. “Some kids trying to sell cookies. They’ve become really insistent these days.”
“Haven’t they?” your father asks rhetorically, scowling at the thought. “A few weeks ago when I refused to buy, some girl started using words I’ve never even heard.”
“Honey,” your mother clicks her tongue as she loses the level. “To be fair, you told them to fuck off.”
He defends himself against his wife indignantly. “And they called me a ‘pothead geezer!’ What the hell does that even mean?”
You snort to yourself, pleased with the fact that your parents need no distraction. In the midst of their arguing, you simply excuse yourself on the pretext of being tired and needing to wake up early for school, and head back to your room to deal with the boy currently hiding in it.
Careful not to open your door too much, you slip through a small crack and immediately pull it closed behind you. When you turn around, you find yourself regretting the act of pity towards Jooheon when you initially granted him permission to use your house as a hotel.
He’s spinning around on your desk chair in the middle of the room, twirling one of your bras in his hand.
Jooheon halts when his eyes meet yours, and he grins in that annoying way you’ve been trying to forget. “You know, I always thought you were small, but,” he lifts the red lacey material and stares at it appreciatively. “I guess you really aren’t the same Y/N since I last saw you.”
Snatching the undergarment from his grip, you glare at Jooheon. “Did you go through my wardrobe?”
He shrugs.
“Okay,” you grit your teeth and shove the cloth in the nearest drawer before swivelling around to face Jooheon. “How long do you need to stay here?”
It takes all of your willpower not to lash out at this boy for everything that he’s done to the people you love, and now the burden he’s putting on you with this favour. The only thing holding you back is the guilt over the fact that you’re the reason for his actions.
“No idea,” he admits, no care in the world. “A week at least. I just need to plan out my next moves.”
“What even happened?” you attempt an interrogation, anxiety coursing through your veins. He really sounds like a criminal on the run with the way he’s speaking. Rather than being scared for your own safety, you’re just worried that he’s going to drag you down into the deepest pits of hell with him.
Jooheon loves dodging questions. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
You don’t have the time or the patience to deal with his ridiculous riddles and whatnot. You open your closet and toss him the extra pillow and thin blanket you keep for those colder winter nights. “One week is too long. You get one night, and you have to take the floor.”
Frowning, Jooheon pushes the items back into your arms and falls onto your mattress. “No thanks, you can take the floor.”
Dumbfounded, you watch as he kicks off his shoes and pulls the comforter up to his chest. Jooheon folds his arms behind his head and closes his eyes, leaving you no room to fight him.
Or so he thinks. But like you’ve been saying, you’re not the same girl he knew all those years ago.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” you growl, ripping the blanket off his form. “That’s my bed.”
He peels his eyes open irritatedly, yanking the sheet back towards him. “So?”
“So,” you begin with a scowl. “You take the floor.”
His laugh is exaggeratedly loud and sarcastic, and you leap to cover his mouth with your hand so that your family doesn’t hear. With your father being the only male in the house, they’re bound to notice another deep voice if you aren’t careful.
“Quiet!” you hiss, straddling his waist with your face mere inches away from Jooheon’s.
His eyes narrow playfully at your position, as he pries your palm away from his lips. “As much as I love this position, I’m still not gonna sleep on the floor.”
You aren’t giving up. “Neither am I.”
With both your stubborn personalities, the next hour ends with you both squeezed onto the twin bed made for one body. You’re pressed up against the wall as Jooheon spreads himself out for comfort beside you, a smirk painting his lips.
It’s dark and silent for a while before he pipes up. “Hey Y/N.” You can hear the triumphant attitude in his voice and you refuse to acknowledge his presence. “Looks like I finally got you in bed again after all these years.”
Groaning, you shift yourself as far away from him as possible and hope that the night passes quickly.
The next morning, Jooheon absently swats at your face, mumbling incoherently about your alarm that blares through the room and your terrible choice in music.
Groggily, you force yourself out of bed to get ready for the day. Last night, you had completely forgotten about your morning classes and mentally curse yourself for your stupidity during registration. To be fair, how were you to know that an asshole would appear out of the blue and demand you let him find refuge in your house?
After showering and dressing yourself in record time, you return to your room quickly to debrief Jooheon on expectations while staying with you.
“Get up,” you say flatly, kicking his leg repeatedly. It takes a good ten minutes before the action has an effect, and he rubs his eyes as he sits up, squinting at you through sleep-crusted lids.
“I have class,” you inform him, arms crossed. “So while I’m gone, here are some ground rules. One, you are not allowed to go through my stuff. That includes clothes, knick knacks, books, everything. Entertain yourself with your phone or sleep the whole day. It’s not my problem. Two, you are not to leave this room. My dad is home today and if he finds you, we’re both dead. Three, stay quiet. No humming, no falling, nothing. Are we clear?”
Jooheon nods absently, but that’s all the confirmation you need. You toss him a shirt and shorts that your boyfriend left in your room last time he visited, before letting him return to his slumber.
“Y/N!” your boyfriend hollers, jogging over to you from across the courtyard. The scowl on your face instantly lifts into a grin at the sight of him, his smile alleviating some of the stress Jooheon has given you in the past twelve hours.
Minhyuk drapes an arm around your shoulders when he’s at your side and you stiffen. The weight, albeit quite light, presses into a kink in your neck from sleeping in odd positions with the limited bed space Jooheon left for you. You wince and duck away, only to bring your hand up to rub at the sore spot.
“Woah,” Minhyuk frowns worriedly, inspecting your face. “What happened?”
You sigh and drop your arm back to your side, rotating your neck slowly to ease the stiffness. “I think I slept weird. Jooheon showed up at my house last night and I guess it’s got me all stressed.”
Concerned, Minhyuk takes your hand gently and tugs you towards a nearby bench below a tree. He seats the two of you down so that your back is towards him, and his hands clamp down on your shoulders. One thing you’ve learned from a two year relationship with Lee Minhyuk is that he really knows how to use his hands. You suppose it comes from the fact that he’s studying to be a surgeon, but you digress.
He kneads the heel of his palms into your skin, massaging out the knots around the crook of your neck. His touch is so relaxing, your eyes flutter closed and you sigh breathily.
“What did Jooheon want?” Minhyuk asks quietly, so as not to disturb the peaceful atmosphere between the two of you.
You’ve told Minhyuk about Jooheon very briefly. It’s come up when he’s asked about your childhood, desperate to know you better. You shared your memories of how Jooheon was when he was 15, and how he’s changed with every year that passes. You spared no details, except for the ones that involved you, too ashamed to expose your own faults.
Just thinking about Jooheon has you tensing again, until Minhyuk hums soothingly into your ear. “He needed a place to stay. Something about having to plan his next moves.”
You can’t see it, but you can only imagine the crease in Minhyuk’s brows. “You told him to beat it, right?” 
Hesitation. That’s enough to signal red flags in Minhyuk’s head, but his hands never once cease to work out your knots. “Y/N, you know he’s dangerous, right?”
“I’ve known him since middle school,” you defend yourself. “And he’s never once done anything to me.”
“But he’s hurt the people around you.”
Lee Jooheon is an enigma. In all the years of knowing him, he’s been nothing but an arrogant asshole. Jooheon wreaks havoc wherever he goes: suspensions and expulsions followed him to each school. He’s got a criminal record for swinging a sword out of a car window as his friend drifts around a parking lot past 3AM, and he’s notorious for putting his dick into anyone with long flowing hair.
But he’s never done anything to you.
Sure, the innuendos and flirting is annoying, but he’s never laid a hand on you. You think back to what he said last night on your porch, about you being the only one he thought he could count on. Could it be that he truly sees you as a reliable friend?
You’ve sprayed him with perfume to cover up the rancid smell of marijuana before class. You’ve offered him your notes when he’s gotten suspended. You’ve acted as a messenger between him and the one girl he thought he loved, who just happened to be your best friend.
He’s never hurt you, even if you’ve hurt him.
You turn to face your boyfriend, uncertainty in your eyes. You’ve never wanted to defend Jooheon before, but in some ways, once you think about it, you’re starting to see him in a different light. “Minhyuk, do you trust me?”
A second doesn’t pass before he nods affirmatively.
“Then trust that I know what I’m doing,” you assure him, reaching out to caress his cheek. Minhyuk leans into your touch and nods again, this time a little more reluctantly. “I think… I’m the only person he has left that he can trust. If he needs a place to crash for a few days, I’ll let him. Because as soon as he’s come up with his ‘plan,’ he’ll be out of my life once again. He’s harmless to me.”
You come home just after lunch, announcing your arrival to your father before informing him that you’ll be studying in your room. Both your parents know that’s code for ‘do not disturb’ and they’re usually pretty good about it.
Throwing your bedroom door open, you toss your bag in the corner, momentarily forgetting about Jooheon’s presence. You inhale deeply with a smile, before your nose crinkles at the unfamiliar scent of boy. You turn to see Jooheon, on his knees in front of your bed, looking up at you with pained eyes. “Y/N… Bathroom…”
The scene is laughable, but you can only bring yourself to crack a smile at how miserable Jooheon is. His features are scrunched in desperation, and you’ve always been a little too nice for your own good. Poor guy’s probably been holding everything in since last night.
“Dad!” you yell through the door, watching as Jooheon’s eyes widen in panic. He must think you’re about to rat him out, and you revel at the fear in his eyes. “I’ve run out of pads. Can you go to the corner shop real quick for me please?”
If this were any other time, Jooheon would be snickering at the mention of menstruation. But he’s appreciative for your womanly needs when he hears the front door slam closed, and he makes a beeline for the bathroom next door.
When he’s returned to your room, you’re holding a plate of leftovers from last night’s dinner, the smell wafting through the room. You set it on your desk for Jooheon to eat before seating yourself on your bed. While he scarfs the meal down, you scatter your books across the bed to study for an upcoming exam.
“Y/N,” Jooheon pipes up after some time between bites. You hum in acknowledgement as you read through your textbook, taking notes of important details. “Can you model all your bras for me?”
Without looking up, you chuck one of your notebooks in his direction. You know you’ve hit the bullseye when he howls in pain, and you smile smugly to yourself.
He’s just cleaned up everything on his plate when the front door shuts and your father’s voice booms in unison with his footsteps padding towards your room. “Y/N, I got the sanitary napkins!”
You and Jooheon share a look before he scrambles towards your closet. You practically throw your books off your bed in your rush to hide him, shoving at his butt to squeeze him in between the racks of clothing and shelves of shoes, before shutting the door behind you and cracking your door open.
“Thanks dad,” you say, almost panting as you take the box from his hands. He looks you up and down suspiciously, and you swear that he’s about to burst into your room and tear it apart. He can’t be that stupid—he must know you’ve got a boy in here—
Your father nods and returns to his work room.
Finally safe again, you set the box on your desk before tugging open the closet door. You wish you could say you’re surprised by the sight that greets you, but you’ve gotten used to it far too quickly again.
Jooheon, despite being squished in between the wall and clothes, is wearing your black floral bra, hands cupping the support to test the size. He glances up at you with his tongue poking through his lips in excitement. “You’ve really grown.”
Rolling your eyes, you slam the door shut again and return to your studies, ignoring the boy who emerges from your closet in a mess. He haphazardly throws articles of clothing back in before forcing the bulging door shut. Within minutes, you feel the bed shift beside you and glance over to see Jooheon, attempting to read over your shoulder. He’s still wearing your bra, but you don’t have the energy to fight it off him.
“Hey,” you warn, spent. “Personal space.”
As usual, he doesn’t listen. “What are you studying?”
You lift your books and move them to the right, sliding as far away from Jooheon’s body as the small bed allows you to. “If you must know, I have an exam on next week. Economics.”
Jooheon scoffs. “You want to live your life doing math?”
“It’s the production, consumption—” you can already tell that your words are going in one ear and coming out the other. His eyes are glazing over and his lips turn down in disdain the longer you talk. “Yes, Jooheon.”
He crosses his arms, leaning his head back against the wall to stare up at the ceiling. “Production, consumption, and transfer of wealth, sure. I’m not asking for a dictionary definition.” Jooheon glances at you from his peripheral. “What does economics mean to you?”
You purse your lips, pondering the question. It’s not like you have a passion for the art of economics; being a stockbroker is something your parents think will be good for your future and the prosperity of their company. Your plan was never to go into such a boring field, but then again, you had always been indecisive about the direction of your life. So much so, that you’d let your parents decide for you.
Do you have regrets? Of course. Every time you get below an 80%, actually, because bad grades have never been an occurence in your life. But then, you wonder, why does Jooheon even care about what you want?
“What do you want to be?” you fire back suddenly, but Jooheon remains unfazed, as if he hears this question at least twice a day.
Letting his eyes flutter shut, he presses his lips into a thin line. “No idea.”
“Not surprised.”
Jooheon had never once shown a passion for anything that wasn’t sex, alcohol, drugs, or trouble. You remember being told once by his teacher that he’d failed final exams by using a mountain pattern on the answer sheet.
But you know Jooheon is smart. Somewhere deep down, he’s a guy that knows what he’s doing is stupid, but does it anyways. Afterall, if he was truly lacking in the brain department, it would be hard to conquer so many girls’ hearts, but he does it so easily.
You’re brought back to the idea of Jooheon being the biggest enigma of your life. He’s unpredictable. Sometimes he makes you smile and other times you want to rip his hair out strand by strand. Sometimes he wants to hear your inner thoughts and other times he dismisses everything you say.
What goes on in his head?
You stare openly at his side profile, nose perfectly straight, lips ample, jaw sharp. He really is handsome, always has been. But you pride yourself on being someone who appreciates what’s on the inside, and Jooheon’s heart is anything but beautiful.
You compare him to Minhyuk. Your boyfriend’s a man who knows how to treat a girl properly. On your first date, he’d bought you a dozen roses and chocolates. He’s the textbook definition of perfect, what with his grades and his attitude. Minhyuk, despite spending the majority of his time studying and sitting in on operations, always has a radiant smile on his face. No matter how tired he is, he’ll always run over to you when he has the chance to show you how much he loves you.
Minhyuk’s an angel, inside and out, whereas Jooheon is a high school dropout who wears leather and ripped jeans. He can’t stay faithful to one girl, and he’s easily riled up. Police, dealers and regular people all know him by name, but they never have anything good to say about him.
Jooheon acts like a devil.
But whenever he’s around you, you don’t seem to see him that way. You know of his reputation and what he’s capable of, but you also know that Jooheon’s the guy who cried when he had to move cities. He’s the guy who punched his step father for threatening to hurt his mother. Jooheon’s the guy who beat up one of his friends when they broke up with you the day before your birthday.
Jooheon’s not a devil on the inside.
He doesn’t miss the long look you give him. “Are you done admiring me?”
You frown, cheeks heating in shame at having been caught. You didn’t realize you’d fallen so far into your thoughts, resulting in ogling him.
Returning to your books, you bury yourself in the paragraphs as Jooheon chuckles quietly, but you can’t bring yourself to focus. What, or who, is Lee Jooheon, really? Under this masquerade of a bad boy, is his soul as dark as he likes to pretend, or is there something else?
It doesn’t matter, you remind yourself, taking a shaky breath. Don’t get attached again. You’ll only ruin yourself.
“Y/N, I haven’t showered in three days!”
Nose crinkling in disgust, you balk at the boy from your spot on the floor, who’s sprawled across your bed. “So? Go home and use your own shower then.”
Jooheon flails his limbs childishly. “Y/N, come on.”
He knows you’re firmly standing your ground. Unfortunately for you, Lee Jooheon also knows what bothers you and what you hate. He’s not one to treasure the small quirks of girls he sleeps with, but you’re an exception.
“So you’re cool with sharing a bed with a guy who exercises all day when you’re gone but hasn’t showered after those sessions?”
That knowing smirk on his face is almost as bad as the thought of all the germs transferring to you. And the smell—you can’t pretend you hadn’t noticed it last night. Not when he unknowingly snuggles closer to you in his sleep when he’s cold..
“Then take the fucking floor!” you yell, only to clap your hands over your mouth. It’s easy to forget you have to hide him from your parents when you’ve been holed up in your room ever since he came to your door. “You can’t take a shower because what if my dad needs to pee and is too lazy to go to his room? What if he waltzes into my room and realizes I’m in here but there’s someone in the shower too?” You shake your head. There are so many possibilities, each of them ending with you getting grounded until you’re ninety-two years old.
“Shower with me then.”
Bewildered by his audacity, though it’s not new, you open and close your mouth, unable to form a response. A minute passes and Jooheon finally meets your gaze, confused by the sudden silence. He waves his phone in your face. “Hey, are you listening?”
“Y-yes, but I wish I wasn’t,” you snap at his stupidity. How can he just say things like that, knowing you have a boyfriend, with no remorse?
Jooheon crawls off the bed and sits cross legged in front of you with a simper. “Y/N, I really need to shower. See?” He lifts his arm, shuffling closer so you can get a whiff of the armpit in your face.
You try to hold your breath but you’re too late, and you almost gag.
“I’ll cuddle you all night so you can get more of this,” Jooheon threatens with the most angelic smile you’ve ever seen on him. It sickens you even more than the arrogant smirk he does when he’s bored and playing around with your bras.
“Fine!” you relent, slamming your novel on the floor and standing up. “Let’s go.”
Jooheon does a little jig following his victory while you peek through a crack in the door. Deeming the coast as clear, you gesture for the boy to proceed. It’s quite easy getting him into the bathroom with you, and you lock the door immediately behind you.
“So how do we do this?” you ask, blowing your hair out of your face, hands on your hips. “I just sit on the toilet and wait for you to finish lathering?”
He snaps his fingers with a cheeky grin. “Bingo! Turn around.”
“What? Why—” you hardly have time to question, because Jooheon is already tugging his shorts down his legs by the time you open your mouth.
Though it’s too late and you’ve already seen the boxers that are a little too tight around the crotch, you rush to cover your eyes. “Can you give a warning next time?” you hiss as you turn towards the door.
The smirk on Jooheon’s face can be heard in his voice as well. “I did.”
You can hear his clothes hitting the floor before the shower door opens and closes. The water starts up and you can hear it pattering against the glass walls of the stall.
Eyes widening in realization, you’ve only just remembered that there’s no curtain to hide what’s going on behind the glass. You glance over your shoulder cautiously, catching the outline of Jooheon’s body through the water droplets and condensation. You can see his hair flattening against his forehead, the curves of his back muscles all the way down to the dip in his lower back—
Instantly, your head snaps back to face the door. Why had you even peeked in the first place? Your cheeks are burning and you try as hard as possible to rid your head of the image. Think of Minhyuk in his favourite yellow sweater, you tell yourself, squeezing your eyes shut. Minhyuk with puppies. Minhyuk in a field of flowers. Minhyuk’s face while you take him into your mouth after a week of abstinence.
It’s twenty minutes of torture. The bathroom door doesn’t change once in the time you stare at it, boring you to the point of struggling to stay awake. For once, you’re grateful to hear Jooheon’s voice.
“Y/N, can you pass me a towel?”
Groaning, you tug the material off the rack and blindly swing it towards the shower door, trying to find Jooheon’s hand. Now that the water’s off, you can hear him chuckle as he rips the towel from your grasp and ties it around his waist.
His voice comes again. “Y/N, I don’t have another change of clothes.”
It’s one problem after another with him.
“Just..” You pinch your nose to contain every sigh that’s just itching to fall through your lips. “Go back to my room. I’ll grab something from my dad’s room.”
You go your separate ways as soon as you unlock the bathroom door. When you’re sure Jooheon is holed back up in your room, you sprint quietly past your father’s office to get to your parents’ bedroom.
Rummaging through your father’s drawers, you grab the first things you can find and rush back to your room. You have no time to inspect what exactly you’ve brought Jooheon.
“Y/N, are you okay?” your father shouts from in front of his laptop.
You throw the articles of clothing at Jooheon’s face, sparing a second to admire the sight of him in only a loosely wrapped towel around the hips. “Just went to grab a snack, dad!”
“Alright,” he replies. “Keep studying then.”
“Got it, dad!”
When you turn back around, Jooheon’s on the floor, still dressed in his towel. The change of clothes you’d risked your cover for are tossed on the bed carelessly as he flips through your novel, eyes burning mischievously.
He quirks an eyebrow, holding the book up for you to see its cover. “Studying, huh?”
Your eyes narrow at the familiar paperback. A guilty pleasure of some sorts. “I told you not to touch my stuff.”
Jooheon holds the book as if he’s giving a sermon. One hand keeping it open, the other hand is raised in the air dramatically as he recites whatever filth is written on the page. ‘“I get paid? Oh, goodie!” Stepping back, grinning, she brushed her ass against him—”
“Lee Jooheon!” you yelp, flustered. Your immediate reaction is to lunge for the book, but he’s quick to dodge you. Curse his athleticism and height advantage.
‘“What’s the currency? Orgasms?” In her dreams, he always grabbed her and meshed the hard length of his cock into—”
Too embarrassed with the current situation, you leap onto Jooheon’s back, desperate to shut him up. He stumbles around the room with you clinging to his bare shoulders, scrambling to retrieve your novel.
He topples onto the bed, back first, landing on you with the least amount of weight he possibly can. As always, Jooheon doesn’t want to hurt you in the slightest bit. He props himself up using his arms, the book long forgotten as he dropped it during the struggle.
Jooheon stares down at you with a soft smile. It’s different from the usual sneers and exaggeratedly innocent ones. It’s genuine, with the subtlest glint in his eyes. The scene is too familiar and intense for you, forcing you to clear your throat awkwardly and look away.>
But Jooheon doesn’t waver.
“Y/N,” he speaks carefully, as if he's debating on if he should say this or not, attempting to catch your attention again.
You try to look at him, but can only bring yourself to fixate on his nose. Too high and his eyes would pierce your soul. Too low and… “Hmm?”
“Thank you,” Jooheon says suddenly, catching you off guard. You finally meet his eyes, perplexed, but you stay silent as he continues. “I don’t say it enough but I really appreciate having you as a friend. With someone like you on my side… I know that I have someone to fall back on when I need to.”
You don’t know what to say. Jooheon’s only ever listened to you when it comes to talking about emotions. It’s never been the other way around.
He seems to sense your internal struggle, because he chuckles and pushes himself up, grabbing the change of clothes in the process. “You don’t have to say anything. I know I may not be to you, what you are to me. All that matters is that you still give me chances.”
“Everyone hates Jooheon. He’s a heartless monster who stomps on everyone to get what he wants.”
“Lee Jooheon? Aka the bastard with like every STD known to man who breaks hearts?”
“Wait, you dated Lee Jooheon? He doesn’t seem like your type. Oh my god. Did he cheat on you too?”
“You want to watch me get dressed?” Jooheon pauses, hand on the towel as he cocks an eyebrow in your direction when he realizes you haven’t hid your eyes yet.
You sit up and shake your head, relocating your gaze to your lap where your fingers fidget. People only see the bad in Jooheon, and sometimes, you wish that’s the only side he showed you too. Instead, you have to live knowing that there’s a real human being deep down, and though he doesn’t try to hide his mistakes, Jooheon tries hard to hide yours.
Jooheon’s gentle smile illuminates the room as he stares down at you. His fingers ghost over your skin with the lightest of touches, leaving a trail of searing hot pain. They’re coated with your essence, but why does it sting so much wherever he traces?
You look down at your stomach where his fingers linger, but there’s nothing physically hurting you in their wake.
“Jooheon,” you try to call out to him, but your mouth is sewn shut. Panic settles in the form of a fifty pound weight on your shoulders when you discover the thread that locks your lips in place, and when you look up, Jooheon’s replaced with a woman who looks strikingly like you, except paler. The threads in her mouth have been ripped out, and the blood from each tear drips onto your skin, burning through your flesh. But you can’t scream out in pain.
“Tick tock, tick tock,” she sings in an eerily robotic mantra. “Liars shan’t speak. Whenever their mouths open to talk, lies are all that leak.”
Jooheon’s awoken in the middle of the night by your body thrashing around. Still fuddled from his sleep, he watches as you shiver even under the warmth of the heavy blanket. He listens to you mutter incoherently, watches as tears start to pour from your eyes that are squeezed shut.
“Y/N,” Jooheon whispers worriedly, tapping your shoulder to wake you. All you do is huddle closer to the wall, so he tries again, shaking you. “Y/N, wake up.”
When it doesn’t work, and your whimpers only increase in frequency, Jooheon reaches out gingerly to pull you towards him. He doesn’t care that you’re drenched in sweat or that you’re tears are staining his shirt. Right now, he just wants to calm you down from whatever nightmare is haunting you.
“Baby,” he coos softly, tucking your head against his chest. His other arm wraps around your waist, rubbing your back soothingly as he whispers reassuringly, pressing light kisses into your hair until your body stops trembling and your whimpers fade into the night. “It’s just a nightmare, baby. I’m here. It’s okay.”
You wake in the morning before Jooheon does, and you take the time to admire his features closer. He’s got long lashes and an almost perfect complexion. When he sleeps, he doesn’t seem like the type who would mess around with any girl he sees, but rather, a dimply, playful guy who just wants to have fun.
You can still hear his voice echoing in your head. Your nightmare had faded into an image of Jooheon threading his fingers through your hair, and the word baby repeated itself until the woman crumbled to dust and the string unwound itself from your lips.
It’s too weird to think about the fact that you dreamt about Jooheon, at least not this early in the day.
You sit up just as Jooheon’s eyes open, both of you rubbing the sleep away at the same time. Glancing over your shoulder, you catch a glimpse of him frowning at you. Did you accidentally kick him at night or something?
“You can go back to sleep,” you mumble quietly.
“Are you okay?” he asks tentatively, voice deep and husky from slumber, but laced with concern.
You simply nod.
“You were shivering last night,” Jooheon sighs, hand messing with his hair. “You wouldn’t wake up.”
Rubbing your nose reflexively, you refuse to look back at Jooheon. “It happens sometimes, don’t worry.” With the pregnant pause, you can tell that Jooheon’s curious as to what can affect you so much, but he doesn’t get a chance to ask. “Anyways, how’s your ‘plan’ going? How much longer do you need to stay here?”
“I need some more time,” he admits before changing the subject. “Hey, I gotta shower. I have to… go somewhere today.”
Eyebrows raised, you know that simply voicing your curiosities will get you nowhere. Where could he possibly venture out to within the span of one day when he’s supposedly got nowhere else to go? But Jooheon never gives a straight answer, so you don’t bother asking anymore.
You nod and lead him to the bathroom. “I have to go to the gym today, so I’ll probably shower there. Take your time.” Though you’re sticky with sweat from last night’s nightmare, you’re practical; you know that there’s not enough time for both of you to shower.
Perching yourself on the toilet lid, you scroll aimlessly through your phone as Jooheon hums. You’d learned the first time that the only thing to distract you from the naked boy only a foot away is social media.
But everyone learns from mistakes, and you’re reminded of this when there’s a knock on the bathroom door.
“Y/N, I need your hair dryer,” your mother’s voice is muffled. “Mine broke. I’m coming in.”
Fuck. Your eyes hone in on the doorknob, only just realizing your mistake of leaving the door unlocked. This is it. You’re about to be found out, that you’ve been harbouring some rascal in your room for the past week and you’ve even seen him naked and—
The stall door opens and you’re yanked inside before it shuts again, just as the doorknob rattles. You can hear your mother rummaging through the bathroom cabinet, but it’s hard to care when you’re flush against Jooheon’s naked body, hands braced on his wet chest and staring up at him in shock. He holds his finger to his lips, indicating that you remain quiet, and you can only nod in your stupor.
“Oh, honey, why is your phone on the floor?” your mother chides. “I’m not buying you another if this one breaks.”
She must have found what she needs, because she’s bidding farewell, telling you to have a good day at school, and all that shit that you always tune out, oblivious to the two silhouettes behind the glass shower.
When the bathroom door shuts behind your mother, you breath a sigh of relief. It’s ridiculous, but Jooheon’s quick thinking saved both your asses, even if it required soaking your pyjamas and risking an even bigger scandal.
“Thanks,” you mumble, trying hard to look anywhere but at him. His face, his chest, his lower body, everywhere’s taboo to look at.
But ultimately, you fail.
Your eyes widen when you accidentally look down at what’s in between your two bodies, and you hope Jooheon can’t feel the heat radiating from your body in embarrassment. He’ll never let you live it down.
Apparently, it doesn’t matter to him. Jooheon’s hand cups your chin, tilting your head up so that his lips can connect with yours. For a second, you’re stunned frozen, but his tongue prods against your lips and your automatic response is to grant him access.
In the moment, your brain turns to mush, forgetting your boyfriend and the world outside of the shower stall. All that matters is your lips moulding against his and his tongue that tangles with your own. You haven’t kissed Jooheon in years, but it still gives you that same warm feeling. Or maybe it’s the hot water.
It doesn’t take long for Jooheon to strip you of your wet clothes with your help. You let them fall on the floor of the stall before bringing your arms up to loop around his neck, pulling him closer. He gives you no time to prepare yourself before his hand is groping at your breast, tweaking your nipple with his thumb and forefinger as his lips follow a water droplet that rolls down your neck and between the valley of your breasts.
Your hands thread through his dampened hair with a moan as Jooheon’s mouth latches onto your nipple. Every time he grazes his teeth over your nub, heat pools in your stomach like a fire being fed each second.
There’s a voice in the back of your head, warning you to stop before it’s too late. It sounds faintly like Minhyuk, pleading and telling you that what you’re doing is wrong. But you can’t stop indulging in Jooheon’s naked body, nails raking down his back as he releases your breast from his hold.
Jooheon turns you around so you’re facing the wall, hands pressed against the foggy glass. You can feel the head of his cock brushing teasingly against your folds as he guides it with one hand to your entrance.
Both of Jooheon’s hands clamp down on your hips as he enters you from behind. The two of you struggle to keep the volume of your moans low, afraid to get caught in such a compromising state. It’s so wrong, you know it, but it feels so right.
“Fuck,” Jooheon hisses.
Your walls are tight around his cock. He fills you up perfectly, letting you adjust to the unfamiliar intrusion.
Pushing yourself back onto his length in an attempt to get your desired pleasure, you moan Jooheon’s name, begging for him to move already. It seems to snap him back to reality because within a few seconds, he’s thrusting into you with no remorse.
The bathroom is filled with the sound of his skin against yours. The smell of sex is mixed with the humidity from the hot water, and even though you should be worried because you’ve left the door unlocked, you can’t bring yourself to care when Jooheon’s ramming into you and hitting all the right spots.
Jooheon’s so experienced, he automatically knows what’s the best way to please you. He’s angled himself so that, with every buck of his hips, he’s hitting your g-spot ruthlessly and all you can do is release lewd noises as you feel your orgasm build up.
“I’m close,” you whimper, and he just barely hears you over the pounding of the water against your back.
Jooheon picks up his pace, allowing himself to go deeper. One of his hands leaves your hips to circle around your body. He finds his way to your clit, thumbing hard circles to send you over the top. “Me too, baby. It’s okay,” he assures you. “You can let go.”
Your body racks with trembles as your walls clench around Jooheon’s cock with his permission. Releasing a particularly loud moan, you lean your head against the wall as your legs lose feeling for a second. Jooheon’s holding you up as your cum coats his member, and the sight of you as a shaking mess has him releasing inside of you not long after with a low groan.
He doesn’t stop thrusting until both of you ride out your high. Jooheon slows his pace until he comes to a stop, pulling out of you and giving you time to breathe as he admires the view of your ass lifted slightly for him.
Giving you time to think. He’s giving you time to realize what you’ve just done.
Wordlessly, you straighten and step out of the shower, wrapping a towel around yourself. Right now, your head is spinning and lurching and you want to punch yourself for what you’ve done to Minhyuk. He’s only ever been good to you, and you’ve reverted back to your cheating ways because of Jooheon.
It’s always because of him.
He’s gotten in between so many relationships with other girls. He’s slept with so many other girls. Hell, he broke your old best friend’s heart by cheating on her three times. And now he’s gotten in between your own love.
Minhyuk was right. He’s dangerous.
“Y/N,” Jooheon says slowly and you freeze in your spot. He shuts off the water and takes two calculated steps towards you. “Can we talk about what just happened?”
Your hands ball into fists by your sides. You were so wrong about Jooheon. You thought maybe he just needed your friendship in a time of crisis—what crisis? Was his whole agenda, changing your mind about him while he slept in your bed and bothered you all day with bickering, to just get in your pants?
Or worse. Was this actually a game to him? To see if the almighty Lee Jooheon could get the one girl everyone thought he’d never bone again, to succumb to her sexual desires with him?
God, you really haven’t changed since high school. You’re still as naive and even more wicked.
“Get out,” you mutter.
Jooheon frowns and reaches for your shoulder, but you whip around and grit your teeth. He’s never seen you with this expression. Your lips are trembling, eyebrows furrowed, eyes set in fury and… disappointment. “Y/N, come on. Let’s talk.”
“Get OUT!” you repeat, enunciating with much more conviction. “I want you out of my house within the hour, and I NEVER want to see your face again.”
It’s easy to ignore the broken expression he feeds you. It’s just another ploy. “Y/N—”
You keep your voice steady, though it’s threatening to shatter into a hundred sobs at any moment, and it makes you all the more intimidating. “Get out or I will call my father right now and tell him everything.”
He tries, once more, to plead with you silently by using his eyes, but you’re determined not to fall for any of Lee Jooheon’s tricks anymore.
Finally, he sighs and maneuvers around you, grabbing an extra towel off the rack and tying it around his waist. Jooheon shuts the bathroom door silently behind him, glancing back at you once more. The last thing he sees is your slumped back.
You collapse to your knees in a heap on the wet floor, sobs racking your body. How are you going to tell Minhyuk? How could you betray the man who trusts you, loves you, cherishes you… with the one who sees women as disposable toys?
You want to be mad at Jooheon, but right now, you’re furious with yourself for letting this happen. You thought your resolve had gotten stronger, that you had finally cleaned up the act that you’d left back in high school.
But Jooheon... just keeps dragging you back, as if he’s got you wrapped around his toxic finger.
You bury your face in your hands, and an hour passes before you leave the bathroom, eyes red and puffy. By now, your body has dried itself and your tears have left salted crusts on your cheeks, and when you trudge back to your room, Lee Jooheon is nowhere to be seen.
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[TH] The Midnight Drummer (Notes much appreciated)
The Midnight Drummer By Devon MacNerland
I have spent what feels like ages, slowly melding into my couch. A new sitcom that will be gone by next month, I change the channel. A rerun of last night’s game of Jeopardy, saw it last night. Blackouts on the East Coast, slow news day. I sluggishly break the crust forming on my neck to search for tonight’s entertainment. I crane my neck around the room. I’ve used too much energy. I’m exhausted. I slump back into the same pattern as before and glare at the iridescent screen. Nothing's on TV. “In other news, the 7 crew members of Space Shuttle Challenger have been confirmed…” I switch back to Jeopardy. My stomach growls like thunder, I’ve been putting it off for hours but eventually a man’s gotta eat. I slowly peel myself out of the leather couch. With each vertebrate a rip tears through the air as my skin forcibly removes itself from the mold I have created with my comatose state. My stomach roars. “Yea I’m going.” I say to myself. The light from my fridge shocks my weary eyes. I peer through the thick light to see an almost empty fridge. The only thing that sits there, lonely, is a can of sardines. I open up my contacts and scroll through the assortment of delivery restaurants and stumble upon my sister. I haven’t seen in her yet. I haven’t seen many people in a while. I continue through my phone. I call the Chinese food place and shuffle slowly back to my self-molded chasm. I succumb to the will of the broadcast stations and watch their bubble gum TV, sweet but hard to swallow and it leaves me empty. The doorbell finally rings. It’s so far away. I lay in the perfectly molded crevasse wondering how to climb out. With Herculean strength I ascend. I shuffle towards the distant door knowing that the teenager on the other side has more to live for. I can’t stand him. I haven’t even seen his face, but I fucking hate him. I reach for my wallet and open the only entrance to my shelter from the outside world. It’s my neighbor standing in the dimly lit hallway; stains riddle the carpet. Where the hell is my food? I almost said that out loud. I have to slow down. “Hey” I pause a bit off put. I’ve never said anything past hello. He doesn’t seem my type, well dressed and timid. He seems lonely. I scramble for the right words. “What do you want?” Wrong words. “Uh, hey, man, I’ve been getting your mail for a little bit. Been meaning to hand it off for a while” “Thanks”, I grab my mail. Why didn’t he just leave it in front of my door? A long pause almost like he is waiting for something. Spit it out. “Well… enjoy your mail.” “Yep.” Christ, I remember why I don’t go outside anymore. I sift through the daily reminders to ‘Shop at Kroger!’ the over due utility notices and a bible’s worth of porno mags. They weigh heavy in my arms, but my soul has accepted my gluttony. I pass a few more letters, mostly cards apologizing for my loss. I never appreciated those, they’re hallow. People expect good karma from something so disingenuous. As I keep sifting I stumble upon a letter from my sister. Huh, coincidences. I stare at the letter not really sure what to think about it. How old is this? Why write a letter, we’re at the peak of technology, we have dial up for fuck’s sake. Maybe I should call her. Not yet I worry a bit too much sometimes. I rip open the Envelope.
Dear Charlie, The funeral is cancelled, I’m sure you’ve heard about the blackouts in New York, I am safe for now but completely terrified. I couldn’t call, my cellphone died before I could charge it and the landline is down. I can barely sleep anymore. The feral cats make the most disturbing noises, sometimes I’m not really sure if they are actually feral cats or not. My across the hall neighbor went outside during maybe the 3rd or 4th day, he came back and didn’t say a word. He’s usually so friendly and polite. I’ve had him and his wife over for dinner so many times. They’ve babysat Delilah almost everyday after she comes home from school! I don’t know what could have happened, but when he came I could see what I thought was blood on his shoe. How could something get that bad out there? There haven’t been riots at least any that I am aware of, so my mind wanders to more brutal more personal crimes. I’m running low on food. I’ll have to go out soon. I don’t know what Delilah’s going to do, she’ll have to stick here alone for a little. The nights are unbearable for me, shadows move outside the window, I can hear things climb the fire escape. I’ve run out of excuses to tell Delilah. The worst thing by far is every night, midnight on the dot, there is this sickly drumming and with every thud is a disgusting moan. I tried ignoring it the first few nights but it’s so eerie. It reminds me of the blood on my neighbor’s shoe. Every time I hear that moan it sends shivers down my spine. This is going to sound crazy but the voice that’s moaning sounds so familiar, I know, I know crazy right? How can you tell a voice from a moan? I’ve tried my best to find out what it is, but nothing. I’ve looked out the window I couldn’t see anything in the pitch black, especially anything that would be on street level. I’ve shined my flashlight down…nothing. I would try to go back to sleep, but it’s torturing. Every Goddamn night drum after drum after drum, my mind is being splintered. I need to get out of this place. Brandon’s death has devastated all of us, Charlie. I guess the reason I’m writing is I was hoping to stay with you until the blackout clears up. It would mean a lot, I’m just so scared. Love your Sister, Claire
Cancelled the Funeral over a little power outage? Christ, the blackout’s gotten to her head. Do I write back? She might already be on her way. I look around at the filth and waste that has built up around me. I look at the clock 11:37. Damn my sleep schedule is messed up. I go back to the cozy indent in my couch and continue mindlessly consuming last night’s episode of Jeopardy. I’m not really paying attention. Should I call her? Her phone is dead. She’s probably on her way. “What is Nestle?” I tell Alex Trebek half-heartedly. Maybe she charged it at a Gas Station? She’s on her way. “No, you idiot!” Maybe I should be on Jeopardy. My phone is shaming me. I can feel it. She’s on her way. “Fuck”, I give in. I pick up my cell phone and scroll past the multitude of delivery food contacts to finally reach my sister. The dial tone lazily drones on. I’m getting impatient and Alex Trebek won’t shut up about the Daily Double. That fucking funeral was already messing my mind up and now this blackout shit. The dial tone drones on. There’s a knock on my door, what now? I swing open the door to see a shitty disgusting teenager with my food. Fuck, I completely forgot I even ordered. I hand him the cash, take my food and slam the door before he can even hand me the change. It’s ringing there must be a charge. It goes to voicemail. “GOD DAMNIT!” I chuck it across my apartment. I can’t loose another sibling. I breathe. She’s on her way. She’ll call me in the morning she’s probably just sleeping. Maybe I Tivo’d the 11:00 news. Each fucking bong the Tivo makes sends me into a rage of fury. I search through my pointless DVR, nothing! I run to my computer, hopefully this clunky piece of shit will run. “Bwaaaaaaaaaaannngg” The Windows logo stuns me as the shine creates a halo around my face. I stare at the screen, inch by inch the starting up process moves along. I stare it down. Intimidation usually works. The letter lingers, building an acidic pressure in the back of my mind. With each and every second that passes by, the burden gets heavier and heavier. “FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!” Where’s my phone maybe I should call her one more time. While the computer is loading I try to recollect the general direction I chucked my phone. I’m destroying carefully built skyscrapers of trash, scrounging through the crusty and damp laundry delicately and softly covering the floor like sand dunes on a desert. I hear my computer croak and I give up on the search for now. I type in my password but each letter takes eons to finally show-up in the password bar. “AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH” I pause and close my eyes as frustration drains from my body. A knock on the door launches me back into eclectic fury. Who the fuck, is knocking on my door? I storm over to the breach in my sanctuary and swing it open. It’s my neighbor. “Hey, uh… I couldn’t help but hear you from down the hall. Are you okay?” “Yea, I’m fine thank you.” I’m about to shut him out for the sake of my peace, but a thought slithers into existence “Have you heard anything about the blackouts on the East Coast?” I’m sure his answer will be as mundane as he is. “Not much, but nothing good. Why?” Fuck him, he did that on purpose. “Nothing thanks for checking up on me.” Like he even fucking cared to begin with. “Oh no problem let me know…” I slam the barrier shut. I can finally look it up for myself so I can prove the lying scumbag across the hall wrong. Everything’s fine on the East Coast. “She’s fucking paranoid.” The words come out soft and weak. I run Internet Explorer, my computer struggles in late hour as if I woke it up. I bang it a few times. A thud from down the street grabs my attention. Why did she focus on the drumming out of all things? That could be anything. Finally, Explorer opens, I quickly type in ‘East Coast Blackouts’. Green slowly crawls along the search bar, standing its ground every few seconds as if it’s trying to taunt me. “C’mon, C’mon” It’s so fucking close. I can taste it. Every grueling second here is one more in ignorance. I think about screaming again but that attracts pests. I am stuck in this eternal rage with no release. It’s grueling. The search bar freezes mere nanometers from the end. It is so close. Another nanometer goes by. “C’mon.” I say under my breath. It just raises my anxiety. Another nanometer. I am beginning to crack. Another nanometer. I am going insane. Another nanometer. I freeze in anticipation. Another nanometer. The search bar stops. I am going to pop a vein. I clench my fists and teeth. Giving into to my rage I… The web page loads. “YES!” It’s at that exact second the power goes out. Alec Trebek’s voice no longer fills the room. I sit in silence. I’ve been defeated. A groan echoes across the darkness. A transformer probably blew that’s all. It’s just my building, I try to look out my window but the city is dark. It’s just my block, I tell myself. My eyes adjust to the dark and I stand perfectly still trying to listen for feral cats. It’s nothing it will all pass in the morning. I look at the clock it’s dead. I should just sleep it off. I stay frozen. I tell myself again, ‘Get some sleep’. I ignore it. What was the blood on her neighbor’s shoe? No matter now, my sister’s going to be here in the morning. I just have to keep calm. I wander off to my bed stubbing my toe on the kitchen counter. I sigh maybe I’m delusional; his death is rough on everyone. I lay down and my exhaustion is already getting the better of me. Is Delilah okay? A long blackout like that must freak her out. I take a deep breath and try to put it out of my mind. What’s with those cats? My sister’s paranoid, she’ll be here in the morning. I leave the thought behind. The phrase ‘things climb the fire escape’ flickers across my restless brain. The electricity’s out, people used the fire escape instead of the elevator. I toss the idea aside and pay no attention to the glaring discrepancies. I silence my active imagination and rest.
“Thud… uuuuuuuuuuhhhhh. Thud… uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh. Thud… uhhhhhhhh.” I’m dragged out of my slumber, groggy. What the hell is that noise? “Thud… uuuuuuuuuuhhhhh. Thud… uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh. Thud… uhhhhhhhh.” My heart skips a beat as heavy realization hits me. “Thud… uhhhhhhhhhhh. Thud… uuuuuuhhhhhhhhh. Thud… uhhhhhhhh” I bolt out my bedroom. I’m going to fucking kill this guy; he’s fucking with me! He must have read the letter. I go to my balcony and shout down. “Hey what the absolute fuck are you doing?” He looks up. I see no eyes staring back at me, no mouth to respond. A faceless drummer is staring back at me with his deep cosmic blue skin. My heart races as I try to piece this impossibility together. I can feel my brain breaking. I must have mistakened. I wipe the tiredness from my eyes. He’s still there. It’s hard to tell in the dark but his head seems smooth, no hair. A dull blue void stands before me holding a band drum. “Get outta here kid, your jokes aren’t funny” “Thud” He bangs the drum in response. “Uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh” Where did that noise come from if he doesn’t have a mouth? Doesn’t have a mouth? What the hell am I saying? It’s probably some kid looking through people’s fucking mail. A thought pops into my head. It’s my fucking neighbor! I fucking knew I couldn’t trust him. “STOP LOOKING THROUGH MY MAIL CARSON!” “Thud… Uhhhhhhhhhhh” He bangs the fucking drum. I’m done with this. “You wanna play dumb huh?!” I bust out of my apartment and start banging down the entrance to his flat. The door opens. “Hey Charlie you okay?” I’m paralyzed. It’s my neighbor “Thud… uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh.” I don’t say a word. “Thud… uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh.” The drum echoes down the hall. “Thud… uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh” I walk back into my apartment. “Thud… uuuuuhhhhhhh.” It’s timed perfectly with each step I take. “Thud… uhhhhhhhhhh.” I grab a flashlight. “Thud… uhhhhhh.” Open the sliding doors to the balcony. “Thud…uuuuuuhhhhh.” Shine the flashlight down. “Thud”, the drumming stops. The light seems to terrify him, he uses his drum to shield himself against it and I see it. Her mouth is gaping open. It looks like her organs are shoved down her throat. She is living and breathing. Tears flood her eyes. Her face, stretched across this monsters instrument. My sister.
submitted by /u/Spooksandgiggles [link] [comments] via Blogger http://bit.ly/2KFoTzX
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incognitokiddo · 7 years
❃ A U T O B I O G R A P H Y ❃
              I was born on the 20th of March 2000 at the Cardinal Hospital, right before my mom’s birthday, given the name, Riella Razell V. Mendoza. I was the second child followed by three more siblings, summing us up as five with three girls and 2 boys. Our family is partly Chinese but the only Chinese word that I know is “Xie xie” which means thank you, we didn’t really develop the culture in our practice although some of our relatives did. I and my siblings are more into the South Korean hits even though we are far from being Koreans, the irony.
              I grew up feeling the lack of belongingness. I wasn’t the favorite child and so I had to live with it up until where I got used to it, where it shouldn’t matter anymore but it still does. I spend a lot of time with our former maid when I was a kid because I felt that I was being cared for but eventually, she had to leave us. My grandmother became my rock ever since that happened. I grew up feeling special because of her tender care and love for me. I felt as if she was my mother because she made me feel like I belonged.
              I studied at Orias Learning Center when I was in my nursery stage and skipped kinder and went straight to prep. When I turned 6, I transferred to Immaculate Conception Cathedral School, starting from Grade 1 up until Grade 10. From there, I met a lot of bad and good people. Some stayed with me up until now and some were just mere acquaintances. Sadly, I was included in the first batch of the k-12 program instead of going straight to college and then work, I had to spend 2 more years in school and so I had no choice but to go with it. I applied in the university of Santo Tomas and passed but I didn’t get the chance to reserve my spot due to some financial issues, but turns out Angelicum college was associated with UST and so I kind of passed there too and had no choice but to just enroll in the school.
               When I was at my primary level, I was so silent back then. I’m scared of recitations and communicating with other people, it was probably my introvert-self attacking. I was very quiet and timid that someone mistaken me for a mute because he asked for my name and I just pointed at my name tag and he then asked “pipe ka ba?” but I just shooked my head. 4th Grade was my turning point. I craved for belongingness and so I had to at least try, if not at home then maybe at school and eventually, I became good friends with a lot of people, making me feel at ease and temporarily happy. I associated with different kinds of people making me exposed of what’s out there. Time passed and now I’m at my 12th grade, the last year of high school, spending it with a small group of friends that I have gathered ever since I transferred in UST- Angelicum. At first, it was really terrifying for me because it was my first time transferring into another school and being an introvert, myself, making friends was a hard task, even blending in. Luckily, I found myself a bunch of great people surrounding me with love, fun and different stories to learn from and reflect on. All in all, I’m just an average student, doing good and bad at particular subjects. I’ve never had any honorific award besides my ‘3rd Honor award’ back in my 8th grade’s first trimester. I joined a lot of contest and activities in school like quiz bees, singing contests, section/year competitions, sports competitions and plays.
                 I’m a very closed person. You might think you know me well but that’s probably just the excerpt of the whole story. I might seem like a very outgoing person but I’m actually not. I grew up closing my vulnerable self to the world and became comfortable with it that I can’t seem to open up until now. It takes me a lot of time to trust someone a hundred percent, to let someone have a rerun of my whole life and not just a single experience or problem. I perceive myself as someone who can be a wall for the others even if I can’t be strong for myself because I know how it feels like having no one back you up so I want to prevent that especially to the people that are dear to me.
                 I consider myself as an explorer and that being said, it affected not just my dreams and the things I want in life but also my character. I explore different things, people, places, that got me jumping from dreams to another. Being a Music Video Director wasn’t my first passion and dream, it was being a singer but soon it turned into being a fashion designer then chef or baker and so on until I reached this point. To be honest, I’m not sure of what I would be in the future, knowing that I like to wander a lot, I am not sure if I will be continuing what I’m pursuing right now which scares me. I hope that someday, I will be happy with the life that will be given to me in the future.
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