#i loooved this episode
w98pops · 1 year
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and it was your heart on the line...
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xandrikart · 4 months
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eatgras · 4 months
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hecksupremechips · 3 months
Akihiko becoming a cop is something that simply doesn’t happen in the coma route cuz Shinji would see that shit and be like Aki what the actual hell is wrong with you
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variousqueerthings · 7 months
VERY RAMBLY BUT I think rose and martha are like the inverse of one another in terms of narrative, in that they both meet a doctor who is deeply deeply hurt, but the doctor interacts with them about it so differently, because of where they're at with that hurt, and the doctor is like "hey, I'm suave and vulnerable beneath the surface, which is quite attractive, want to travel in space and time in my whimsical timeship?" and they both go "oh heck yes!" and then it's like splintered glass from that point on, like martha lives in a funhouse mirror of rose's story -- up until she makes it her own of course and she does call the doctor out on it relatively early on, although rose continues to have that haunting effect
so rose has this bubble created around her that is perfect and unchangeable almost, in which nothing bad can ever happen (except for all the times it does but huuush, we'll be together forever forrealsies don't look at that big ol hurricane hurtling our way), which then inevitably bursts, but is always there-as-memory, because rose becomes something of an impossible ideal to some extent
and martha isn't protected at all, and has all the badness spilling out on her because the doctor is unable to contain any of it (and maybe is relieved to finally give up on being strong), and subsequently all of the promise of wonder has an air of sourness to it, and the doctor will always feel incredibly guilty about how it all ended
but crucially there's a lot they have in common, that is quite different to, say, donna (who is woven in in her own, interesting, way) -- they both become attracted to this powerful, interesting, and suuuper traumatised being, they're both taken along on a journey of promised wonders, they're both incredibly reliable to the point that the narrative is retroactively fitted around how much the doctor's belief-systems revolve around belief in their companions, with many others from the past given their dues (starting with sarah-jane), and they both do see wonders beyond their comprehension (and so does donna, but again, there's something a bit different there to poke at in another post...),
except where for rose this wonder helps her break out of the path that was set down for her and become who she always had the potential to be in a way that is mostly framed as a positive (although with some -- I think -- under-analysed caveats...) and she will be forever thankful for the doctor arriving in her life, martha's is more like an awe that the universe is so hostile and so lonely and so heartbreaking, and so she needs to become more resilient and more ready to make choices that are terrible (from travelling the broken world for a year to the osterhagen key....), and so there's another story about someone who becomes strong and tough (just like rose) but it's because the doctor wasn't really able to be there for her, and while I don't think the show (from memory) ever has her totally regretting the doctor dropping into her life, there for sure is some solemnity to how her story ends, a bit of a dampener in comparison (even tbh in comparison to donna, who yeah, gets her memory taken, but is suggested -- now confirmed perhaps? -- to get more of her life in order/feel more self-confident, also partially because of that subliminal influence of her time with the doctor)
and this isn't to say that it's all-bad for martha! her working for UNIT and Torchwood has a lot of very interesting facets to it, and she is fulfilling her potential to be this impressive, capable person, but the ways all of this was built up to is so heartrending
rose coming in and "saving" the doctor, except it was a bit of a lie, because the second she wasn't there they crashed even harder than before, and martha coming in with the idea that she could save the doctor and walking away when realising what it was doing to her life, and both rose and martha irrevocably changed to the point that the person pre-doctor is barely recognisable in them anymore, both take on the doctor's self-sacrificial traits...
and also the idea that rose gets the fantasy, but it's the fantasy a-bit-to-the-left (funhouse again) because there's always something a bit disconcerting about the lengths the doctor goes to to maintain the bubble, to the point of offering up the alternate-him/tentoo so that she can still have it, even though the actual physical doctor that shared it with her isn't actually there! and martha gets the glimpse of the fantasy, and then has to come to terms with the fact that she's not the person it's "for" and reassess her relationship to the idea of a fantasy in the first place (it helps that martha is an incredibly practical, pragmatic person, but it's still so... ouch)
I don't think it was intentional, but this also fascinating from the perspective of rose as a white woman and martha as a black woman -- who is the fantasy for, to the extent that strange and universe-breaking events go into maintaining it, and who has to be practical and pragmatic and self-reliant?
and also, it's got more tragedy in both cases -- rose as a spectre/haunter of the narrative is always a little bit intangible when she's looked back on (even though in the story she's in she's incredibly real and well-rounded, every time I go back to s1 I am struck by how grounded she is in reality), and I think that's something interesting in terms of her mother's warning in s2, how if she travels with the doctor "forever" she'll become something else, something not her
and martha's mother warns her as well, although she's not completely sure of what, and in contrast to rose this warning comes into very painful fruition, harming her entire family (except, maybe her brother? I wonder if there's anything written about that), but where rose is so omnipresent, martha tries several times to take herself out
(also something about both of their mothers being their anchor-points)
there's something there that's at the centre of both rose's and martha's arcs:
is the change they're going through because of the doctor... good? good for them? good for their families? good as in they're becoming better people than before? good for the world they inhabit? is it good for the person they used to be? did they become better than that person? can they ever truly deal with or even begin to comprehend how these events made them who they are? can they even connect who they are now to who they were then? was this good?
they both become these larger-than-life people, somewhat without noticing on both parts (but the narrative does notice), one of them a ghost, and the other a soldier -- one of them an increasingly intangible, ever-present idea, and the other someone who has to fight every step of the way
it's just a bunch of things I've had going through my head that I can't quite formulate in coherent essay-like sentences, but for sure it's there
opposite sides of the coin, rose tyler and martha jones
I do wish they'd had space in the story for them to talk
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fluffs-n-stuffs · 7 months
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Finally catching up on the Horizons episodes I missed 👍
#fluff binges !!!#I've missed out this one and the one from last week that I'll watch once I settle my work for tonight--mainly due from a whirlwind on my en#even if it were just for two weeks I missed these sillies sm 🥺🥺🥺#Diana was finna gonna murder that man you gotta respect that#I think I saw online that not that many people liked this episode because of the main concern that Friede usually saves the day#I do get that though I actually really enjoyed this episode because I think it's one of Roy's best battles (aside from the top one which wa#--the confrontation with the explorers in Diana's hideout)#he got a couple hits in and even thought to send in Wattrel when he realized that he'd get an advantage up in the air which was so so good#the kiddos mainly fumbled this time 'round because they forgot about the foongus/didn't have another mon to counter it#(maybe Hatena could've countered but Liko still needs to learn How to use her in battles--she does want to help though !!! with how she#--moved that shovel on her own - which I thought was a nice lil indicator of a possible battle highlighting her in the future)#I loooved that moment at the end with Diana showing the dude his true self through Bronzor's reflection that was actually very sweet#so yeah it's a simple ep but an enjoyable one - I think people gotta chill with constantly wanting peak sdkjfskndjfs#loads of Horizons content are focused on character moments and a slice of life feeling to everything which is something I love personally#this is a nice breather after the insanity of the last arc methinks hehe#anipoke#pokeani#pokemon horizons#diana pokemon#arcanine
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lavenderjewels · 6 months
I love how todo, alongside nanami, is one of Yuuji’s best mentor figures. You can really see a lot of Yuki’s mindset and behavior shine through him and I hope we get more of that, through a flashback or todo’s thoughts, before the series ends
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mochimellowd · 2 months
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Doodling my gorgeous and beautiful wife! Oh tiny sketchbook save me
My ipad killing itself kind of put a damper on my motivation but it is what it is!
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blujayonthewing · 5 months
I understand why the sub for dungeon meshi is just the script for the dub but that doesn't mean I have to like it
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spikrock · 2 months
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this week i had only the time/energy to do one :'( and i hadnt drawn the tweedles in a minute, so i figured id do this number since i really like it. they had a lot of fun with this and you can tell
i think thanks-a-lot day as a holiday sounds really neat, like genuinely. we need to make this a thing. i wouldnt mind a day where you just thank people for things. im always very awkward about coming off as too mushy or weirding someone out for giving them a compliment or something so having a holiday where thats the whole point sounds convenient and nice fr i know its supposed to be a wonderland thanksgiving but thats not really what people do on thanksgiving. i mean youre thankful but i think its mostly just people being thankful for what they have. at least ive never seen people thanking people on thanksgiving. hmm
but anyway...how did the queen get zero thank yous?? in the first song rabbit says he owes her 1200 for that year. did he just forget the year before?? i also think the line about rabbit liking monster truck rallies is very funny. its not the first time in the show hes shown interest in cars before, there was the golf cart episode. why does he know so much about golf carts
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romansmartini · 5 months
sorry i just watched that one episode of its always sunny with brian cranston and aaron paul and i gotta ask… what the fuck do they have going on. whats happening there.
the thing about this episode is that. on the surface level it is ultimately just one big product placement exchange between two sets of Guys On TV Selling Their Own Alcohol Line. what’s made it truly great is that aaron paul and bryan cranston are of their own accord doing all their marketing in gay for pay style that makes you believe they’re an exciting upper class gay couple that works in entertainment in new york and has a summer home in maine and two identical purse dogs named ginger and judy. but they’re making an appearance on the toxic people show created by the rpf brothers. their willingness to adapt means that this gay for pay relationship persona transforms into toxic age gap relationship probably borne out of an unprofessional workplace environment who has crazy hate sex and who undoubtedly engages in some form of pet play. which is why it’s awesome
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skyenthusiast · 2 years
these scenes with poppy singing <3333333333
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minorheroics · 19 days
officially one step closer to superwholock. happy 2014 everyone
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scalproie · 27 days
I'm never gonna get over "her beloved, Kazuya Mishima"
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@maya-matlin @tkandbuck @brionysea @sulietsexual
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jigencaps · 8 months
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