#i think i linked all my multi chaps
fantomette22 · 9 days
Do you have any recommendations of bloodborne fan fiction? :3 I'm getting hungry for Laurence 👀
Heya!!! I'm very honoured you are asking me of all people! 👀 I mean maybe you did ask other people too x)
Hm I will try to put here a few links! But that really depends what you want to read 🤔
Do you prefer Fanfics very Laurence-centric? Some where he's just a character between many others? Do you want actions based fics? Something more calm but who are very thoughtful? Something very tragic where Laurence die or when he start to loose it maybe? At which moment of his life? Or do you prefer fics more based into relationships with other characters? And in this case which pairings? Are you more comfortable with something soft where there's just tension or maybe something more intimate? Are you alright with something more graphic and mature perhaps? (there's some very wild fics if you take the time to read some tags on ao3 but I really can't bring myself to read them XD).
Or are you the type of person that will take almost ANYTHING because you are so desperate for the slightest thing? 😂
So yeah it really depends what you are looking for.
But anyway if you are asking ME for recommendations should I understand it's really the ones I read and like? Well I was kinda busy this last few months to read fics. And when I did, I really tend to focus my time to read some featuring particular characters (like gehrman for ex). Fics focus on Laurence aren't my thing except in a few cases (even if he's in my top 5 characters)
But now I will have more time to read and finish written mine as well! That make me think...
Before I sent many link with fics mainly focused on Laurence I know I guess I need to put mine and my friend fic there as well x) They are mostly centred around Maria I supposed but also many other characters as well.
Christened in Blood written my dear friend @heraldofcrow
It's mostly focus on Maria & Bloody Crow backstory + her interpretation of how the lore went. Laurence is there a bit too XD he might show up more later as well.
My own fanfiction, A scholar's dream. It's one of my more complete headcanon/interpretation retracing all the events of the lore before the game. At least 1/4 of it for this first fic, that I haven't finished yet. It's mostly based on how the old blood was discovered by Byrgenwerth, how the healing church was founded, many characters backstory on how they meet. And university shenanigans. (I have 2/3 of chap 7 completed I will try to continue soon). It's focus on many characters and well Laurence is quite an important figure there. Not the most important but still important enough.
Alright now I tried to re find a few fics with Laurence as a main character i remembered reading too. There's some i didn't had time to read yet but are mainly focus on Laurence and written by a few people I know as well. or generally have many people on Tumblr who read them.
Bloodorne fanfictions by @mrslittletall like the Crazy Cat Vicar
Fics mainly focus on Laurence/Micolash :
Bloodborne fanfictions by @karnaca78
Bloodborne Fanfictions by @synthwayve
and fanfictions by @kiybee
@subzeroparade have written many fics where Laurence is the focus as well.
There's a lot of other fics focus on Laurence/Ludwig or with Laurence/Brador as well, even caryll/laurence. I had to dig in ao3 a little but go check it out you might found cool things! (sorry didn't had time to read them all for sure) there's also many little oneshots, focus with only Laurence or even bigger multi chapter fics with Laurence being a main character or not.
I remember reading Synchrony a while ago and it was cool I think. It's mostly focus on Ludwig and his adventures at Byrgenwerth.
I think there were why very cool entered around Laurence at Byrgenwerth as well + gehrman and fanfic.net. I tried to found it again but failed.
I can't just put the entirety and fanfic.net, ao3 and many others so I will stop there I think x) sorry I forgot anyone ;-;
If you want others based on other trope/characters please let me know I will try my best.
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cha-melodius · 5 months
2023 Fic Year in Review
I've been doing these for three years now, and they always grow each year as I get tagged in other year-end posts that make the rounds. Feel free you grab it if you want to do your own review! And I’d like to add a hearty thank you to each and every person who’s read my fics over the years, y'all continue to make this a joy!
2020 Review | 2021 Review | 2022 Review
AO3 Username: chamel  My Page: Link  Active Fandoms:  Red, White & Royal Blue: 20 works The Man from UNCLE (2015): 8 works Loki: 5 works New Fandoms: None thank GOD Total Number Of Completed Works/Word Count  This Year: 33 works, 278k words  All Time: 113 works, 1.27 million words
This year a little movie that came out in August absolutely destroyed these stats lmaoooo. Most Popular One Shot (by kudos): This Year: Always Where I Need To Be (RWRB, Alex/Henry, T, 5.5k) All Time: Class(room) Warfare (RWRB, Alex/Henry, T, 7.8k words)
Most Popular Completed Multi-Chapter (by kudos):  This Year & All Time: Please Don't Let Me Be So Understood  (RWRB, Alex/Henry, E, 20k words)
Events/Challenges: The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Gift Exchange 2023, The Brownstone Anniversary Fic Exchange, Halloween Huh?
More reflections, stats, and planned fics below the cut!
Additional Random AO3 Stats
By number of fics: 85% one shots, 15% multi-chaps
By word count: 52% mult-chaps, 48% one shots
Ratings by number of fics: 48% T-rated, 33% E-rated, 15% M-rated
Musical artists contributing highest number of titles: Jeff Tweedy (Tweedy/Wilco) & The New Pornographers, tied at 3 each
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected?  Somehow I topped my word count from last year by 10k, which I was not expecting. That said, this year was right about average.
What’s your own favorite story of the year?  God this is a hard question this year because I wrote a lot of fics I really really love. For one single fic I'll go with Nova, Baby, because I love the story and I've got a lot of lovely feelings about it.
Did you complete your writing goals from last year?  The Goal: I want to complete a few large multichapter fics, which will probably mean my one-shot production goes down. I completed one long mulitchap, and then a few mid-length (~20k) multichaps. I think I wrote more of those than I have any other year. Surprisingly, my one-shot production wasn't super significantly decreased.
Do you have any writing goals for the New Year? Ok, I gotta come up with something. My goal is to have a similar mix of fics as least year, and also to write my first collaboration with @cricketnationrise, which will be a long multichap.
Did you take any writing risks this year? Wrote on a topic outside my wheelhouse (therapy 😬) and also posted a fic in a fandom where there weren't a lot of fics in similar genres (action/spies). Now that's no longer true, but at the time it was really freaking nerve-wracking.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Every fic I write in a fandom that's not RWRB? 😅 It's hard to complain too much, especially considering what happened to my numbers this year.
Most fun story to write: All the Old Showstoppers, Will You Brie Mine?, You're the Perfect Gift for Me. Silly RWRB boys being silly, basically.
Biggest disappointment: Again, I feel like it's hard to complain when I have a fic that's closing in on 4k kudos. The goalposts keep moving, don't they, though? I still live in fear of pouring my heart into a multichap and having what will count as "lukewarm" reception, when before this year I didn't have a single fic above 1k kudos.
Biggest surprise: Most definitely Please Don't Let Me Be So Understood. Like I figured it would do pretty well (I hoped, since I put so much into it), but holy shit?? I still can't really believe it's on page 2 of the tag by kudos? And honestly also Always Where I Need To Be, this little one-shot about David stealing glasses.
Coming soon/planned for 2024:
False Dichotomy (RWRB You've Got Mail AU)
Kissed Out (RWRB pro-pool players AU)
RWRB 1940s noir AU
RWRB conductor/piano soloist AU
RWRB hockey AU (with cricket)
A shitload of prompts from my fandom fest
Extremely delinquent MTH fics
TMFU art thief/gallery owner AU
Thank you for the tags on your end-of-the-year fic reviews @loki-is-my-kink-awakening, @kiwiana-writes, @rmd-writes, @lizzie-bennetdarcy, @indestructibleheart, and @welcometololaland!
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eggbagelsjr · 2 years
How To Plot Romance (in fanfic)
Today I realized I've been plotting my romance writing all wrong. Oops! Lucky for you, I think I figured out how to solve this problem. *Gestures to the camera* come along with me and let's figure out how to write romance plots together!
When I'm sketching out a story idea, I generally use some simplified version of Dan Harmon's story circle (ok so this link is not an endorsement of Dan Harmon as a person, but I have found this plotting device helpful), which is itself a simplified version of Joseph Campbell's The Hero's Journey. The double-simplified version looks something like this:
You (character in a zone of comfort)
Need (want something)
Go (venture outside the comfort zone)
Search/Adapt (adapt to the new situation)
Find (finally get what they wanted)
Take/Sacrifice (but sacrifice/pay a price)
Return (go back to the comfort zone)
Change (different than they were before)
The problem I keep running into is that I never know what goes where, especially as the number of characters and side plots increases. It's also a little hard for my brain to translate this tool that came out of adventure epics to what I need for a romance/rom-com plot. Usually I look at this list, get overwhelmed, and zoom way too far out, filling in these answers based on what I, the all-knowing author, think they should be. The end result looks a lot like (we're using Dramione as our example, but any characters will do):
You: Hermione Granger
Need: To find love.
Go: To a place where you can find love.
Search/Adapt: For/To love!
Take/Sacrifice: The love????? But sad now????
Return: With love!
Change: Loved 😍
And. Uh. That's not a plot?
Where I went wrong is that people in the story don't know they're in a story (unless they do, in which case you should probably sleep with one eye open because your characters know what you've done to them). Your characters are unreliable. They only see what's in front of them. By zooming all the way out to LURVE, I erased everything that's fun to read that gets us to our HEA (or, if you're devious, non-HEA).
So, it stands to reason you should fill out this story circle (story bulleted list?) from the perspective of your character, not you. (This is probably very basic science and congratulations if you got there way before me. You don't need this post. You should be writing this post.)
But even more important in a romance? That need, the thing your main character wants, is kind of a red herring. The character thinks this is their primary need/goal to get them out of whatever slump they start out in, but you, the author, know that what they actually need is to fall in love with the Love Interest.
Then, during the Search/Adapt phase, when your main character is looking for that thing they need or trying to achieve their primary goal or whatever, they start to learn more about the Love Interest. Their perspective shifts, and they realize they were wrong before. The Love Interest is what they actually need. This is probably where most of your story will happen. During this step, there's only one bed, the characters are fake dating, they get trapped in an elevator, etc.
Sadly, just when we think the main character has come to their senses, they are offered the exact thing they *thought* they needed the whole time. Bonus point if the thing they thought they wanted is in direct conflict with accepting the affections of the Love Interest.
During Take/Sacrifice, the main character has to choose. Are they going to pick love or the thing they thought they wanted at the beginning of the tale? In a multi-chap, you might let your character choose the original need/goal (or struggle for a while with the choice). In a one-shot, you might not have enough space for this and the character chooses love.
Next, in the Return, if it isn't the consequences of the character's own actions. A character who chose their need/goal over love during Take/Sacrifice needs to make amends to the Love Interest. The character who chose love has to deal with not getting the thing they needed at the beginning of the story. Depending on your fic's vibes, you might invent a magical solution for the character to get everything they want here. Alternately, maybe the character suffers and loses everything. This seems like a lot to cram into the end of your tale, and it is, so try not to drag it out too long. Your reader has gone on a long journey with your characters and they don't want to read fifteen chapters of sadness before the end (or maybe they do?). If they aren't already, the characters want to be together at this point, they might just need a little shove to get there.
In the final step, take a moment to show us how the character and their life have changed as a result of going on this journey. They are now in a new comfort zone / status quo and are ready for further adventures, should you so choose.
To clarify how these steps work for a romance plot, I changed the labels and made you a little graphic. Please ignore that I don't make graphics and a 12 year old on Canva could have done better.
Tumblr media
The formula looks like this now:
You: Hermione Granger is in her comfort zone. Note: in fanfiction, you don't have to do as much character development with an established character who is behaving as expected. Use this time instead to highlight the limitations of their comfort zone. You can also use this space to set up their romantic foil, especially if that character is behaving in an unexpected way. For example, if Hermione is being very driven and high-achieving, the reader doesn't need a lot of context for her behavior; they already know this version of her from canon. But if her would-be paramour Draco Malfoy is acting kind and considerate, the reader is going to want more information since in canon his behavior is usually presented as rude/entitled/etc. Don't spoil the surprise of why he's different, just show us the ways he's not what we expect. (Reveal his secret in Step 4 - Learn).
Need: Hermione has The Wrong Goal (pass legislation, solve a mystery, avoid sleeping in the room with only one bed). This might be a very noble goal, but it's at odds with Hermione's true, secret, hidden goal of being in love with Draco Malfoy. Why? Because she doesn't know that being in love with Draco is where she's headed yet.
Go: To the place that Hermione's Wrong Goal requires. Pass legislation? Lobby all the Sacred 28s sitting on the Wizengamot! Solve a mystery? Go undercover to find out who did What in Which Room with What Object. Avoid sleeping in the hotel room with only one bed? Go to the concierge and ask for a new room. What's important is that wherever Hermione goes, she's forced to be near Draco Malfoy, the object of her true, secret, hidden, goal (to fall in LURVE).
Learn: This is where Hermione and Draco are forced to work together to solve the problem of the finding/achieving the Wrong Goal. Through this process, Hermione realizes Draco's exactly what she didn't know she was always looking for, etc. Unfortunately, her original goal is still at odds with being in LURVE with him. Cue tension. Example: They're at the concierge desk begging for a new room; he's offering all the money in his vaults, she's trying to appeal to the hotel staff's sense of human decency. She admires his tenacity. He realizes she's witty and a little bit underhanded. He likes this. She has a fleeting curiosity about how the tenacity would manifest in bed. Oh no.
Find: In this step, Hermione is confronted with an opportunity to obtain her original Wrong Goal. Example: Well what do you know? The bribe and the appeals worked. The concierge has found one other room in the hotel. Dramione are no longer forced to sleep in the room with only one bed.
Choose: Unfortunately, lurving Draco is still at odds with Hermione's original goal, so she must choose between him and what she originally thought she wanted. She might have a lot of introspection here, where she considers the merits of different choices. Maybe she even talks it out with him or someone else. If this is a one-shot with a happy ending, she has grown and developed sufficiently by now to make the right choice and choose Draco. She sacrifices the original goal for him. If this is a multi-chapter fic, she chooses the wrong original goal over him and loses him as a result. Example: They both go back to the room with only one bed. He's going to collect his things and go to the new room. They hesitate. Is it really necessary for him to move rooms? Draco has so many items, and some of her stuff is mixed in with his stuff. He looks at her with eyes full of newfound respect. "What do you think, Granger?" Hermione sacrifices her original goal, calls the concierge back, and lets them know that they won't be needing the new room after all, but "Please enjoy whatever ungodly massive tip Mr. Malfoy left you. I know I sure will."
Reap: Now it's time to reap the consequences of the choice Hermione made in Step 6. In a one-shot, maybe Hermione's all done. She heads back to her old comfort zone with her new relationship. Depending on the tone of this story, maybe there's some way that she gets to have her original goal and her relationship. However, in a multi-chapter fic, this is where Hermione has to do some work to make amends for choosing wrong (that is, for not choosing Draco). If it's a multi-chap with a happy ending, she succeeds, Draco forgives her, and they smooch. Example: They're back in the room. There it is - just the one bed. All those slightly naughty things they thought during Step 4? Oh yeah. They're going to try them all out. Fade to black, etc.
Change: Some final scene showing how things are different now that Hermione has what she really needed (the D). Example: They wake up the next morning way past check out and have to extend their stay. Bummer!
A fully worked example:
You: Hermione Granger is bored at her job at the Ministry of Magic. She unexpectedly bumps into her former archenemy, a now polite and reserved Potions Professor Draco Malfoy. She learns that Minerva McGonagall, the current Hogwarts Headmistress, is retiring.
Need: Hermione needs to prove to Minerva, Hermione's longtime mentor, that she's the right person to hire over the other candidate, who just happens to be polite and reserved Professor Malfoy, even though Hermione has never taught students a day in her life.
Go: To avoid her obvious bias, Minerva sets up a series of practical trials to determine which candidate will win the job. Hermione and Professor Malfoy enter the obstacle course.
Learn: When the practical trials start turning dangerous, Hermione and Professor Malfoy must work together to stay alive. Unfortunately, working side by side shows them they have more in common than they thought.
Find: Hermione is presented with an opportunity to sink Professor Malfoy's ship: she learns that he never finished his Potions Mastery. If she reveals this information to Minerva and betrays Draco in the process, the job of Head of Hogwarts will be hers, and the dangerous practical trials/threat to her life will be over. But what about the romantic "something" budding between Hermione and Draco? Well, that's just an acceptable loss. Hermione's career trajectory is on the line!
Choose: Is this a one-shot? Then Hermione chooses "right" at the last minute and decides to sacrifice the job for love and keeps the information to herself. Is this a multi-chapter fic? Then Hermione chooses "wrong" and decides to sacrifice love for the job. She tells Minerva. Draco is devastated.
Reap: If this is a one-shot, Hermione returns from the trials holding hands with her new boyfriend. While they were in the trials, Minerva figured out a way for them to both get the job somehow! If this is a multi-chapter fic, Hermione returns from the trials alone, with her brand new job and a hefty side of guilt. Realizing her error too late, she works to make amends to Draco.
Change: A year later, the Co-Heads of Hogwarts Hermione Granger-Malfoy and Draco Malfoy-Granger celebrate the one-year anniversary of the trials and their relationship by burning Minerva's horrible obstacle course to the ground.
I've written all this out in list format because, well, you saw the circle I made you, but the circle has the benefit of helping you visualize that where your character is in Step 8 (Change) becomes the new Step 1 (You, character in zone of comfort). If you are writing multiple scenes, you can apply this plot exercise to each scene, even if these little micro plots are very small (e.g., Hermione forgets her quill and has to ask Draco to borrow his). Hermione obviously won't have big revelations about how she doesn't really need a quill and is actually in love with Draco each and every scene, but you can still play around with your characters pursuing one goal only to realize their true aspirations mid-way through a scene using the story circle framework. Plotting this way will help you make sure everything you write leads to some sort of change in your character. And that's character development baybee!
When you're ready to level up your story circle skills, remember that in a romance you probably have at least one other main character whose needs you'll have to service. Your new job is make a story circle for the love interest! Note the ways that the two characters' needs/goals align and the ways that they are in opposition. When the characters' story circles are in opposition, you get tension, when they're in alignment, you get softness! Just make sure that whatever is keeping your blorbos apart is actually forcing them together. Meaning, if they have opposing Wrong Goals (Step 2 - Need), make sure that they still have to work together or be near each other somehow (Steps 3 & 4 - Go & Learn) to be able Find (Step 5) what they thought they were looking for. Also make sure that their true, secret, hidden goal is the same (at least for a happy ending fic): they want to end up in love with each other. The characters may come to this realization at different times, and that may guide whether they choose the Wrong Goal or Love during Choose (Step 6) and who has to make amends during Reap (Step 7).
Finally, if you're an alpha or beta reader, try making these circles/lists for the fics you're reading. It should clarify what's going on in each scene and help you identify what's missing from a story.
Happy writing!
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samioli · 2 months
hiii samiolioliolioliiiii i hav quaastion
what are your thoughts on langwrightworth/rounarumitsu? love it? hate it? written for it? got any wips or ideas or musings to share about it? how would you rate it? what's your favourite/least favourite thing about it?
have a great day!! awooooooooo
djdfnjfkd awoooo to you too!
I like langwrightworth! i think they are cute together. I actually have an E fic where lang and phoenix get together first and then talk about how they both want miles too, and there's some spicy times with that (not including miles actually in there yet, they just talk about him) and you can read that here
I also had a whole post about how i wanted to write a multi chap that bounces off of that but i couldn't find it to link, like langnix together first and miles losing his gay lil mind about it. lang and phoenix try to seduce miles separately and sometimes together, miles gets more and more confused and desperate about the whole situation--its a mess
theres so many ideas ive had for that fic ill maybe never write, but just know it haunts me all the time. i think the three of them deserve two boyfriends <3
and i know its just definitely a me thing but i think langnix getting together first is what ill always imagine. like not only is it really fucking funny to me, but i just find it sweet in my head
i would rate it a 9/10!!!!!
i guess for just like, fanon stuff, I'm personally just not that into people making the three of them jealous in a bad way? like obviously jealousy is a normal emotion and human experience, but i dont like seeing fics that make them jealous of each other and have them acting out about it, yknow? that's just me tho
Thank you so much for this ask!!! awoo once again my friend, have a lovely day!
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cyanide-e-pistachio · 10 months
Shuake Spicy Fic Recs✨
Hi everyone! I’ve noticed a lot of amazing Shuake fic rec posts, but not a lot when it comes to the spicier variety 🔥 so I’m gonna link a few of my favorites! When it comes to Shuake, I like dynamics of all varieties and read a lot based on mood. So I’ll try to divide these as best as I can!
What are my credentials, you may ask? I'm just a simple gal who likes to read and write :3
If You Want Something Deceptively Wholesome - The Joy of Asking for It by Stealth_Noodle (One-shot, 6k words)
A post-canon, established relationship fic that is simply a wild ride through and through, ending with a lovely little domestic scene that warms the heart <3 I love this author's writing style and how they make everything so engaging!
If You Want a Good Top!Goro Fic - Advantageous Positioning by coleslawed (One-shot, 7k words)
Starts off with a really captivating cold open, has a fun mini-character study of Akiren, and has a good, assertive Akechi! I remember really loving how this author could write such compelling prose.
If You Want a Good Top!Persona 5 Protagonist Fic - We'd Feed Well the Land and Worry the Sheep by cookietosser (Multichapter, 34k words)
This is an older fic, but still so good. If you want a confident, doting Akiren, this is the fic for you! It's set during Sae's Palace arc where the two start to bond through nap dates, things escalate quickly, and Akechi has a bit of a crisis about it, lol. Aside from the smut, this is also just a great fic overall and a true classic for me!
If You Want a Great Switcheroo - change places! by bangandawhimper (One-shot, 6k words)
I guess if I'm preferential to any dynamic, I love switching, and this one has that in spades. An unspecified AU fic where Akechi tries bottoming for once, much to his (initial) irritation. There were some moments in this fic where I genuinely laughed out loud.
If You Want Something Actually Hilarious - spin cycle by androgenius (One-shot, 6k words)
Again, another fic where I genuinely laughed out loud several times while reading. Akechi and Akiren are neighbors, and a lot of hilarious shenanigans regarding a washing machine ensue (and not in the way you'd think, you heathens!). The writing style makes it an absolute joy to read.
If You Want a Good Amount of Plot - Bullet with Butterfly Wings by CloudMenaceBird (Multichapter, 127k words)
If you want a good plot to go with some incredible smut, this is one of my favorites. It's just an amazing post-canon shuake fic where Akechi wakes up in the Velvet Room and manages to find Akiren again after the events of Royal's final Palace.
If You Want the Oddly Specific Category of “Two People Who Have No Idea What They’re Doing but Pretend to be Experienced Anyways” - what matters most is how you bring joy to life by futuresoon (One-shot, 8k words)
This is simply a classic, through and through. Pretty much everything by futuresoon is, but this is my personal favorite of theirs. I have nothing to say other than this is probably my favorite characterization of Akechi, and that all the subtleties in this work are *chef's kiss*
If You Want WHOLESOME WHOLESOME WHOLESOME - Fools Rush In by Atalan (One-shot, 35k words)
I actually read this work recently, and being. Simply. FLOORED by how good this fic is, and how much it establishes in a one-shot. Essentially, Akiren and Akechi speedrun their entire confidant on the day they first meet at the TV Station, and it has a delicious way of writing that "instant connection" vibe. And it's incredibly wholesome. That is all.
If You Want a New Fav - Good For You by Chaoticconstellation (Multi-chapter, 14k words)
This came out just recently, and it is a new favorite of mine! A wholesome fic where Akiren and Akechi agree to try an experiment to see if physical touch improves Akechi's mood. It features a very touch-starved Akechi Goro who needs (and gets) a hug.
If You Want a Classic - To Catch a Tiger Cub, One Must First Enter the Tiger’s Lair by AyuOakhay (Multi-chapter, 77k words)
This is my personal favorite Shuake fic ever! I don't know what draws me to it - maybe it's because it has a little bit of everything I like! And despite what the tags may suggest, it does have some surprisingly sweet moments. It also inspired my current work!
And there you have it! I have more I can think of and other oddly specific categories, so I may do a Part 2 one day! 💚
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sparrowmoth · 1 year
hi there! i know you're not much of a descendants blog right now, but i was wondering if you could recommend me some fics that look into the magic on the isle? specifically the barrier and not being able to die on the isle - i remember reading some really cool fics about that a while ago, but haven't been able to find them since. no worries if you don't want to answer this, and thanks!
Hi Anon! No worries at all, I'm never not going to be a Descendants blog, so you're always welcome to ask me about stuff like this! <3 And indeed, I'm sure I can think of some fics to rec you! Been a while since I read a couple of the ones that come to mind, though, so let me do some digging through my AO3 bookmarks...
Strawberry Split Lip (Rotten OT4)
till death do us part (Jaylos)
Maybe together we can get somewhere (Jaylos)
Redemption (Multi-ship)*
*This one's incomplete at 31 chaps and hasn't been updated in 2+ years, so fair warning. It's been a long time since I read it and I can't really remember much except that dragon!Mal rescues Carlos at one point, which I thought was fun as hell, so I'mma rec it 'cause the plot has to do with the barrier (not "no death" though, I don't think).
And finally, there's the two I've written myself, which are...
Written in the Scars (Marlos-centric, Rotten OT4)
Red Days, Blue Nights (Carvie)
Hmmm, I'm sure there's more fics out there about this stuff, but the way people tag for it is pretty inconsistent so I might be forgetting some things. Descendants fam, did I miss any fics? If y'all have recs for Anon, please feel free to reblog or comment with links! <3
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badmoodbatflowers · 11 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let's spread the self-love🫶🏻
Oooh this is such a very sweet ask game, thank you for tagging me <3
In no particular order, my five fave fics:
Who is in control?
I set out to write this largely out of boredom, and it was the fic that started my rapid spiral into wyler brainrot - so of course it deserves an honourable mention here. There's definitely some things I would change if I were to write it again now, but as far as first fics go, I think it's not bad.
Sweet like honey
My first big multi-chap and a fic that I never imagined becoming quite as long as it has. I'm so excited to finish this and so wish that I could update more frequently. From the very first chapter (ostensibly posted as a one-shot), I have been so blown away by the positive reaction to this idea, and I am determined to give you all the happy (burning hot) ending you deserve for sticking with it for so long.
Honey I'm home
I could write essays on how passionately I feel about needy bottom Tyler, but for now I'll just say this idea would NOT leave me alone and it makes me endlessly happy that it inspired @nonamemanga's #pegging4pride masterpiece Once Upon a Pride...
Of curses and intrusions
You guys, it is so much fun to edge your readers. I think the tension came out really nicely, and this was honestly just super enjoyable to write.
Lines of communication
Get rekt Xavier, need I say more?
I believe a lot of people have been tagged in this already, so I'm going to sneak into a few inboxes, but please feel free to ignore me if you've already posted your recs (send me a link!)
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themirokai · 9 months
Fic stats meme!
Thanks so much for the tag @mashumaru ! I had actually seen this from @theanishimori , and had copied it into a note to do, but hadn’t followed through. This was the impetus I needed!
Rules: give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the least words.
Most hits: With 10,000 more than the next fic, it’s Sort It. Which is my Sherlock & James Bond crossover with Q as a Holmes brother and featuring Mystrade. The Q as a Holmes brother trope is so good, but it hasn’t been written all that much, and at least when I wrote Sort It there was almost none with prominent Mystrade (I haven’t looked lately). So this story fits a specific niche in the fan fic universe that people are interested in reading but there’s precious little out there. It still gets a couple kudos each week and tops most of my stats.
Second most kudos: The Century Gentleman. This is my Sandman post-show canon straight forward Dreamling getting together story. And my problem with it is that I’ve read So Much Dreamling getting together that is so much more interesting and creative than what I’ve written that I’ve gotten a little meh on it. But I posted it in the early days of the show fandom when people were dying for Dreamling content, so it got a lot of kudos. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ve done better.
Third most comments: This is Sort It again. It gets beat by Loverboy and Seven, which are both more than one chapter and I waited between posting chapters so some people were kind enough to comment more than once.
Fourth most bookmarks: Lonely Two-Legged Creatures. My only Star Wars fic and my only fic to have a title from a song lyric. DinLuke. I’ve written 3 out of 4 chapters and it haunts me. Tops my list for number of subscriptions. I do think what I’ve written is quite good. Every few months I think about trying to finish it. Maybe someday I will.
Fifth most words: Law School Days. Another unfinished multi chap but this one doesn’t haunt me that much because very few people were interested in it. It’s part of my Arcane, Jayvik, environmental lawyers AU - HexLaw Stories. As the title suggests it’s a prequel for the rest of the series where the characters are in law school. I adore this story. I think part of the reason I ran out of steam on it was because I was bummed about the lack of reaction it was getting. I could see returning to this series when Arcane season 2 comes out, so maybe I’ll end up finishing this.
Fic with the least words: Tie between Talk and Promise which have 360 words each. The Mystrade fandom has the 360MG format in which a story must be exactly 360 words and end with words starting with M and G. I’ve written 2 of them. I’m proud of both but hitting the word limit was really difficult.
Not going to tag anyone but if you feel like diving into your stats, I encourage you to do it!
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luthien-under-bough · 2 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by @girlwithakiwi
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
97! I am scratching and clawing my way toward 100 this year.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
537,646 *probably at least 400k of that is Daemyra
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Almost exclusively House of the Dragon/ASOIAF since HOTD s1 aired and Daemyra consumed my life.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
i got a bad desire (baby i'm on fire) - Daemyra modern AU multi-chapter (WIP)
ain't nobody hurt you like i hurt you  - Daemyra modern AU multi-chapter (complete)
better not touch (i want it too much) - Daemyra modern AU multi-chapter (complete)
...anyone noticing a theme? 👀
I found some hate for you, just for show - Daemyra canon divergence oneshot
do you feel the hunger? - Daemyra canon divergence oneshot
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to respond to all of them! Sometimes I get behind, but I usually get to them by the time I post a new chapter, at least.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhh probably i've looked at clouds from both sides now. Even though only one of the major characters dies, it somehow still feels angstier than the literal necrophilia fic where they both die.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I feel like most of my other fics have a happy ending? Both of the completed multi-chaps I linked above definitely do.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I occasionally get a rude comment, but I have no qualms about being a dick or just deleting/blocking. I have gotten a few tumblr anons that made me roll my eyes, but any hate I get has been firmly a THEM problem and not a ME problem. Haters stay pressed. 💅
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
It's a rare day when I do not write smut. I write all kinds. Since writing in the Daemyra fandom, my list of "hard no's" when it comes to writing has rapidly diminished; it seems like every other day I discover a new kink that makes my brain do a record-scratch. I started writing fic again in 2020, and published baby's first smut shortly thereafter, but it was fairly standard stuff. Now I'm like "well if you aren't literally digesting your lover, is it really romance??!"
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
The only crossover I've written is a House of the Dragon/Naked Attraction crackfic that infected my brain during the depths of binge of the latter show.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Only one that I know of - someone copy/pasted all of do you really feel alive without me into different chapters of their ""fic"".
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
for our blood is restless was translated into Russian here.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. My writing process is chaotic and inconsistent and I would not inflict that on another writer. I'm also very particular about what I do and do not want to write, as well as my prose, so I don't think co-writing is for me. If we don't like to break the rules of English grammar in the exact same way, I'm afraid we won't be able to get along.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
I mean, I think it's pretty obvious. 😅 Daemon Targaryen/Rhaenyra Targaryen (House of the Dragon) has only been my OTP for <2 years, but they are already my all time favorite. Prior to that, it was Dramione (Harry Potter), Cullen Rutherford/Female Inquisitor (Dragon Age: Inquisition), and Aloy/Avad (Horizon Zero Dawn).
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Not technically a single WIP, but I always meant to add more stories to my collection of Cullen/Inquisitor Dragon Age fics (most of which I posted during Swoon June 2022). It's possible I'll experience another burst of inspo for that fandom when Dragon Age: Dreadwolf finally comes out, but I'm pretty firmly entrenched in Daemyra for the foreseeable future.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, characterization, ANGST. I think my smut is pretty hot. Idk I generally like everything about my writing. That's why I keep doing it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Uhhh anything to do with plotting or planning. We thrive on vibes here. ✌️
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Beyond the occasional word or phrase in High Valyrian for my HOTD/ASOIAF fics, I cannot be bothered. Italics and a dialogue tag do me just fine.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
This changes semi-regularly, but my current favorite is one that I'm actively writing - a Daemyra early marriage canon divergence (milk teeth). Also because I just re-read this the other night - surrender (a rare non-Daemyra HOTD fic).
No pressure tags: @anamazingangie, @ar-feyniel, @grandlovescheme, @crimson-tulip, @bluegoldrose
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chromatic-lamina · 10 months
Fic Stats Tag Game
(This shall get buried under all the Episode 1071 posts, which is fair and fitting).
Was tagged by @purplehairedwonder
Give us the links to your fics with the most hits, most kudos, most comments, most bookmarks, most words, and least words.
Okay, will do, but I need to warn, my most hits, etc., are dark fics—one is very dark, and your faves are dark—so be warned before you click if you do. 18+ only.
Most hits: Interdisciplinary with 10,205 hits. Extreme Law whump with very dark, usually not dark, OP characters. But, my first fic to hit 10K (and the only one off-anon. I should stop deleting my fits in after-uploading panics, though :D). (Rated E)
Most kudos: One shot: Dark like the North Blue Sea (aka The Sea-Hill you Die On) . Heart Pirates wind up Usopp in the same way that Law does (whilst on the way to Wano). Wow, that's surpassed my multi-fic, Repossession, which was the most popular for a long while (also one I deleted at one stage though, and uploaded backdated. Ahh).
Anyway, 218 kudos to 1,570 hits. Gen-rated Madness. Not complaining!
Most Comment threads: Another dark multi-chaptered work. I had one very dedicated reader on this fic. Much thanks to her. Not many other people actually commented, but A few drops of holy cuckold with 50 comment threads. There are 48 chapters, so approx a comment per chapter, and I know that's a blessing! I'm very grateful. (G-Rated)
Most bookmarks: Repossession, another dark Law whump fic, 80 bookmarks (more than half aren't public, I think). (E-raterd)
Most words: Shamefully (cos so often a long word count's an indication of not being able find the right finishing spot for a fic, and a sign of not enough editing, but in fanfiction about a series, maybe it's inevitable, but anyway!) A few drops of holy cuckold at 150,972 words. (E-rated)
Fewest words: Well, I have a number of pure drabbles, but they're part of drabble collections, so I guess the work is not stand alone, necessarily (if we're looking at the AO3 stats page), so let's go with protect (338 words), a ficlet about Rebecca written for the Women Wanted Zine (OP Women) as part of some zine challenges. There was maybe a 400 word count challenge on that.
tagging @ayusaurus , @gendervapor14 , @devircy if you feel like doing it, and I just want to remind everyone that stats, etc. are totally relative and dependent upon so many elements. Also, anyone else who'd like to try! I'm gonna make one for one shots, cos even though I have one one shot in the list, multi-chaps will usually come out ahead in this kind of thing.
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silverskull · 6 months
What made you start writing fanfic?
These asks do not always appear on my phone, and it sometimes takes me loading coal into the engine of my laptop and then navigating to tumblr dot com to find them...
I started writing (terrible) fic as a teenager back in my Stargate SG-1 days, because I fell in love with Sam and Jack, and had only recently discovered that you were allowed to imagine scenarios in your head and not just say your prayers when you went to bed at night. (I also had a brief Pokemon phase, but I’m not gonna even bold that one.) That fic all disappeared in a Blue Screen of Death home PC crash back in the day, and I gave up on investing effort into digital files until I had a more reliable backup plan. Despite that, I recently discovered (and discarded, with love) pages of A4 notes I wrote in secondary school that were actually just Harry/Hermione or Sam/Jack fic starters. Love the dedication - in fountain pen, no less! - from teenage me!
After college, cue LiveJournal! And Fringe! And community fic prompts! I loved it so much. I definitely wrote 3 solid fics for Peter and Olivia back then, but I was very at sea in real life, and I didn't keep it up. I uploaded them to AO3 in recent years, and I’m glad they’ve been saved for posterity. That show was very important to me too.
After LiveJournal died/sold out to the Russians, I gave up once again, and didn't even really read fic in any of my following fandoms. But then came The Pandemic, and Lockdowns, and lots and lots of time to rewatch my favourite shows, and my brain decided to fixate on The Rookie and Lucy and Tim. I am not sorry. I was struck with the disease and forced to stay at home and go on my little mental health 2.5km walk loops, and my mind started to suggest that I could write fic again. That I'd done it before. That the brain pictures could meld into a story, and that fic archiving (with the advent of AO3) was a lot more reliable.
So, a few lockdowns later, along came "In the Hole Together", a spec-fic for 422 that was founded on fan-detectivery and paracetamol. And when people actually got interested, I thought this was something I might be able to do.
And "Roots Won't Keep Me Warm" was born.
I've never ever written something so long, so detailed and so intense, and it became a personal challenge as much as a dedication to the readers that were following along. The only two rules I've set for myself since then are 1) Don't try to use song lyrics as titles anymore, Sil, and 2) Always finish a multi-chap.
The way my brain operates, I can only work on one fic at a time, so I never have written WIPs hanging around (though I have many, many head-plots, and some of them are even stored as bullet points in a google doc...). I hope that the one thing I will always do is finish out a fic to its conclusion, as it is absolutely an undertaking I most appreciate in the authors I love.
I had some extra time this (northern) summer (personal reasons) to devote to ChenfordWeek and finish my second Big Long Fic ("Shadows of Deception"), but it hasn't been sustainable since then, and it makes me very, very sad. I have been so harassed and harangued with real life, that I could barely even Do Imaginations for Chenford, and - to be frank - that has been critically depressing. It always has for me, since the days of SG-1.
I love writing fic, and I hope never to turn it into a job rather than a hobby, because that has never worked out well for me in the past. That said, I have you, Ms @queseraone, to thank for getting me to sit down and face the music this Christmas/Winter/Holiday season, and actually write some new Chenford content. And it is h a r d. It is hard to do the thinking and the linking and the typing. It is hard to find the time and the will and the motivation. It is hard to have a plan and then another plan and then discard it all when you actually sit down to type. But I am really happy to be doing it. I really am. 
And I can’t wait for @chenfordsecretsanta to arrive, and to share in the joy of a whole batch of new fics in our little fandom! To have something to look forward to that is closer than February 20th. To have someone believe in me enough to persist in prodding and poking me into committing to this challenge.
So thank you. Thank you, and I love you, and I appreciate you.
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displayheartcode · 9 months
fic stats game!
Rules: Give us the links to your fics with the most hits, second most kudos, third most bookmarks, fourth most comments, fifth most words, and your fic with the least amount of words.
thank you, @startanewdream!
most hits - walking on sunshine
this is a case of it doesn't matter if the fic is written well, but if it's posted at the right time. i remember reading BLOOD OF OLYMPUS in a blur and immediately writing this. it is not a good fic. it really isn't. between this and my other old pjo shame (yes, ia m talking about the hiding spot), i would rather stare directly into the sun than look at my high school era fanfics.
second most kudos - virtue is only virtue 
i have always had a soft spot for reincarnated lovers. it's all about that angst of river recognizing the doctor!!!!! theyw ere always this close to making it, but ultimately they were forever out of sync with each other. until...
third most bookmarks - Eggs 
again, not a good fic either! i was clearly in high school when i wrote this. still, i give myself some props for trying to subvert the whole "shovel talk" trope, which is something i dislike. also, it's weird looking back at this stuff and remembering when writing was so much easier. what happened to me?????
fourth most comments - no strange land 
the first fic posted for a marvellous light 😎
fifth most words - Gusts Come Around 
goddammit another old fic from high school. the prompt came from a forum on ffn, and reading the comments after my sat prep class (talk about suffering!!!!) made me want to turn it into a multi-chap fic. i would scribble ideas in between college visits, but everything sputtered out around freshman year because a) i became so tired and was unaware of several ongoing health issues b) fell out of the idea. weirdly enough, i have never felt guilty for dropping this fic.
least amount of words - my heart will go on
movie night for dresden and bob! i think this was a tumblr prompt? idk. i had a friend looking over my shoulder, telling me that it should have been princess bride instead. yeah, he's right about that.
tagging: @thenicestthingiveseen,@otterandterrier, @searchingforserendipity25, @alphacrone, and @runawaymarbles
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mipwrites · 3 months
Thanks @isahorcrux for the tag!! I love WIP games, and it is nice to check in and let everyone know where youre at in terms of writing! I have a lot in the pipe I haven't even hinted at for writing lmao
1. List the titles your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
2. An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
3. Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
4. Then tag 10 writer friends!
A Court of Snow and Shadow Chapter Four -- ACOTAR, Azriel/OFC multi-chapter.
2. Sermon Chapter Eleven -- Batman, JasonEra!Robin Jason/OFC multi-chapter.
3. currently untitled Teen Wolf fic -- Derek Hale/OFC multi-chapter
4. ACOSAS Sequel A Court of Song and Flame -- ACOTAR, IC!Children fic, multi-chap
5. currently untitled Reacher fic -- Reacher (TV series), Reacher/Roscoe whatif! fic - possibly a one shot, more likely short multichapter.
Spoilers Abound Ahead! Turnback now!!!
Upcoming Writing
1. I've been incredibly sick for the last few weeks, so my goal to get chapter four out by the end of February likely will not happen, but I am so excited for this chapter. We're getting into Nyra's POV here, and diving deeper into Winter Court dynamics and her feelings on everything that happened. Her internal monologue has consistently made me laugh while writing, she's hilarious lol.
2. Sermon has been my white whale since 2017 lmao. I took two years (!!!) off because it stressed me out so much just staring at that document, plus everything else going on in my life. But I'm determined to finish it!! and now that actual plot is happening and all the exposition is over, I think that will be a lot easier. I love my lil babies cannot wait to finish their stories lmao.
3. So this one came to me once the Teen Wolf movie came out and uh....I had some issues with it. Namely how this entire series treated Derek. But I also was really interested in the idea of Derek being a parent, and all the questions around that - like who was Eli's mother? Where is she? What would rebuilding a werewolf pack like the Hales *look* like? I delved into it and sadly never found anything concrete enough to plan around, but I may rewatch the series again to get some inspo if there's enough interest.
4. Okay, so yes, I haven't even finished ACOSAS yet, why am I thinking about a sequel lol. Honestly, I just got really interested in what the Inner Court's children would be like, and quickly found myself pulled under lol. A Court of Song and Flame focuses on [SPOILER] Azriel and Nyra's daughter, Aella, and her relationship with a certain son of an Autumn Court Prince. It sort of turned into a buddy cop/romcom/mystery and I really, really love the idea. Just gotta finish ACOSAS!!!
5. I. Love. The. Reacher. TV Show!!! I found the first season so fun and compelling, and just absolutely fell in love with Roscoe. I had this idea of "what if, after leaving Margrave, one day a blonde teenager comes calling to find a father her mother only had stories of. Chaos ensues. I only have the first threads of it but I hope to expand it later.
Tagging a whole host of people that I'm sure might have already been tagged: @thequibblah @clare-with-no-i @emeralddoeadeer @sunshinemarauder @noneedforbloodpressure @acourtofwhatthefuck and anyone else who'd like to do the wip tag!
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myheartalivewrites · 11 months
Fic Rec Friday
Thanks for tagging me @14carrotghoul! 🧡 Since I'm late already, I'm saving this for Friday and turning it back into a Fic Rec Friday post. The theme was:
So wanted to get some hiatus rec lists going and encourage some self promo in my friends so how about sharing your top fics no matter how big or small - give us the links to your wonderful words with the Most hits/Most kudos/Most comments/Most bookmarks /Most words/Least words
I like a chance to share some of my stuff, so here we go:
Most hits: Down by the Water, I Saw You - this is my top fic for many of the categories, which I think is the case for most people's long fics. I do love this a lot, it's quite an angsty (and smutty) story of Henry and Alex as exes, finding each other again and getting over past hurts to be together. There's holidays (vacations, sorry America) and beautiful scenery, teen romance and adult love, and the epilogue goes deep into their future, and it truly holds my heart.
Most kudos: Have One (On Me) - this is a ~10k one shot starring Henry as a bartender and Alex as a patron who's desperately into him. I really like the banter in this, and there's a good bit of stuff with June and Nora that I think is really fun. There's a (very fundamental) misunderstanding, sexy dancing and lots of pining too (always, always be pining.) It still surprises me that this has the most kudos out of all my fics, not because I don't like it, but simply because I often wonder at what special kind of alchemy has to happen to make something pull in the most kudos.
Most comments: if I'm being strict, it's Down by the Water again (bc multi chaps, etc), so instead I'll highlight this one: Tumbled Down and Tangled Up. It got the most overnight comments of all my fics and people seemed to really like it! It's a take on canon where Alex and Henry hook-up in the hospital closet scene from early on in the book. It was really fun to write, and I still like to go back and re-read from time to time.
Most bookmarks: Pumped - ok, this is actually third place, but i've already mentioned the top two. This is my climbing AU and it's the first thing I ever wrote for firstprince and the first thing I published on ao3. It holds a special place in my heart, just two silly boys, falling in love and not knowing how to talk to each other - until they do.
Most words: listen, the system's completely broken down at this point, categories don't make sense anymore. Happy NY is only third by word count, but I think it's my favourite of all my fics, so I wanted to put it in here! It's a New Year's Eve story, a missed connection with plenty of angst and definitely smut. It's a similar vibe to Down by the Water bc I wrote it in the middle of finishing it up, and I think of them as sister fics. It just gives me all the feels.
Least words: well, well, what is even left at this point? I only have 9 fics on ao3! I'm going with Don't Want to be a Fool for You which is my most recent fic and pretty short (for me) at around 6k. It's a roommates story where Henry pines desperately, and they are definitely shit at talking to each other, but then sex ensues.
I've had fun talking over all my fics, now time to get back to my wip! Happy reading!
EDIT: forgot to tag! Anyone who hasn’t done this yet? @cultofsappho @daisymae-12 @celeritas2997 @stutteringpeach ? I’ve lost track!
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bakerstreetbaggins · 4 months
Tumblr media
Ask and ye shall receive
Tbf I don't have a whole lot of extra info since some of these ideas are more developed than others, and I don't really have a plot for any of them (mostly vibes tbh) BUT I shall elaborate.
In order of appearance from the poll:
Pride and Prejudice AU:
Essentially a retelling of this amazing book but with some minor modifications to fit the characters a little better. Idk who here has or has not read the book (if not seriously go read it rn), but Ace will be our Darcy, Pat will be our Lizzie Bennet. Enemies to lovers ensue. Will be multi chap and probably a bit on the longer side, if I am to guess. The only thing I'm debating is setting, as I have no idea whether I want it in the original early-1800s, or adapted to a 1950s-highschool setting. TBD I guess. But I get major vibes, so there's that.
Will probably be written as a oneshot but it'll be long so I'll separate into chapters, most likely. Essentially TLOU-inspired, as I kind of want to change the fungus so that it doesn't affect the host quite as quickly. Ace and pat will be an established relationship, but when pat gets bit, ace has to get him to where they think scientists will have a cure before it's too late. He's faced with the terrible decision to leave him behind or not. Idk what kind of ending it'll have just yet (like happy vs bad) but I really liked the TV show, so vibes would be based mainly off that.
Noah Kahan Inspired Series:
It would essentially be a collection of one shots that are based off of various songs from the We'll All Be Here Forever album (which I love sm please give it a listen). Gives small town vibes, and ace is given the opportunity to pursue a famous career in music, but that means leaving Pat and their relationship behind. Idk how many parts it will be, but I'm thinking of basing each oneshot off of a different song from the album, and if you read them all together, the story will kind of develop that way. Still a bit unclear with this one just yet, but I really wanna do it at some point.
Such Sweet Sorrow:
This is me just finished a WIP I've had for a while. The Romeo and Juliet AU i was working on like a year ago lol. If you'd like to read, there's a link on my masterlist to it above!!
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notthestarwar · 5 months
Masterpost of my character webs (webweaves of quotes that make me think of them. usually with a very long explanation of my thoughts in one of the reblogs lol)
Sources and text are in alt but pls let me know if there's any mistakes
Cody Cody 2
Obi Wan
Anakin (1 2 3 4 5)
Jango (1 2 3 4 5 6)
Some extra Jango quotes that didnt make it in to an actual web
Is Jango a father to the clones
RE: my writing
I know I've mentioned this to a few of you but I wanted to make a post explaining and also I'll add this in to the authors notes of what I've got posted on ao3.
I'm pretty unhappy with what I've got posted on ao3, the editing isn't where I want it to be and I've not been at a point where I can fix it. I'm not intending to delete any nor am I gonna make them anonymous/orphan them, but it is my full intention to rewrite my multi chaps and I consider the very early oneshots I wrote to be abandoned. Though I'm not intending to delete any of them and they'll be there, I am considering possibly making a new account and leaving that one to collect dust as an archive I guess.
I wanted to mention this as I know I've got a few unfinished works and I've been saying I'll update them as soon as I'm in the right frame of mind but I haven't got there and now I'm at the point where I want to rewrite what's there before I move on with them (tho tbh I have quite a lot of chapters from those finished and unposted and outlines for each of them.)
So. I don't consider myself to be on hiatus, however, I do intend to rewrite:
Dead from the beginning (mainly editing)
I think love is something that happens to other people (adding some side storylines)
When is a monster not a monster (mainly editing but also moving chapter breaks)
The lost mand'alor (story changes. I intend to delete large bits)
And before i post new chapters I want to do major revisions to:
What the living do rewrite
No children
Talking to the dead
The glass wall
How the living go on living and the dead go on living with them
I've yet to decide what i want to do with the one shots. If I'm only making small edits it'll be on the same work but for the above rewrites/ major revisions In all liklihood I'll be posting them as seperate works possibly on a seperate account (tho I'll link back and you'll be able to see it's me). I'm just not at a point where I can consider starting this yet and so in the meantime I won't be updating any of those wips and they'll be in their messy unedited state for the foreseeable (dead from the beginning in particular lol which is pretty much entirely unedited)
I am gonna try and get back in to writing by maybe working on unposted wips/starting stupid little things that entertain me, as I think that's probably the best way to build on my ability to get me to a point where I can rewrite the above, so depending on how that goes you may see new stuff being posted, but the old ones remain unabandoned and ready to go as soon as my brain gets with the program, just don't expect it any time soon lol
That said. I'm always happy to talk about my work on here and explain where things are heading
Wip list
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