#i’ll get you an oh henry bar
upyr-boo · 6 months
does anyone wanna take my place at the cash register so i can get a snack from the vending machine
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finelinevogue · 10 months
the best thing
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summary - you hate harry after that one night together, but when you need someone the most he will always be there
a/n : mentions of sexual assault, quite intense scenes, crying, angst, drunkeness
word count : +3.8k
pairing : ceo!harry x reader
You don’t know how you got here.
One minute you were eating crisps at home and watching reruns of Friends, then the next thing you know you’re at an exclusive event in the centre of London with your best friend; Leia.
Apparently, your best friend is now dating some actor who is in with all the A-list celebrities and so she can get into all these cool events now.
This party was hosted by none other than Harry Styles, billionaire and CEO of StylesTech. He happened to be the one man on Earth who you absolutely despised. Well, maybe he wasn’t the only one.
Harry became a celebrity when he got put on the front cover of GQ’s magazine for sexiest man alive four times. That’s right… four.
Harry was friends with James, your best friends new boyfriend, and had said she could also invite a plus one. The more the merrier was what Leia had said over the phone.
Now you were here.
Some rooftop bar in the heights of London. The lighting was very low, the music was very loud and the room was completely packed.
There was a dance floor where people were grinding more than dancing. There was a bar, which apparently was a free-bar. There was panoramic views of the city and tiny people below, making you feel like a Goddess up here in the clouds.
“We’re going to get drinks, you coming?” Leia asked you, James tugging on her hand to move them through the crowd.
“Yeah.” You nodded and grabbed onto her open hand.
You weaved through the crowds, apologising for people you bumped into.
You felt slightly too single here. Everyone seemed to be clinging onto someone and yet you were clinging on to a couple - third-wheeling to be precise.
When you reached the bar Leia and James ordered together, leaving you wait for another waiter to come to help you.
You waited a few more moments, before someone whistled behind you like they were calling over a dog.
“Oi, Henry. Serve this lady now.”
You turned around with a disgusted look on your face, only to be met with Harry Styles in front of you. He smirked at you when he noticed your facial expression.
You scoffed and turned back to Henry. “Don’t worry yourself about me. You can finish whatever job you were doing, hun.” You smiled at the young boy, who looked terrified of his boss behind you.
“No, he won’t.” Harry came and stood beside you. “She’ll have a vodka cranberry with ice.”
“She has a fucking name. Prick.” You mumbled the last word under your breath. “Sorry, Henry. I’ll actually have a Long Island Ice Tea, please. Thank you.”
Henry was off, probably to get away from Harry and make your drink.
“Sure your tolerance can handle a Long Island?” Harry laughed beside you.
“Don’t act like you know me, Harry.” You sneered his name.
“Oh, but I do know you. Don’t I? Know you very, very, well.”
You huffed, trying to not let his words effect you.
You knew exactly what he was talking about. Specifically, the night he was talking about. It had been one night back when you were working in a rival tech company. You had been issued to attend a conference weekend, there had been limited numbers of rooms and Harry - the gentleman at the time - had offered you a space in his room.
That night you had too many vodka cranberries and ended up sleeping with Harry that night - although not much literal sleeping actually happened.
The point of hatred for Harry occurred when he left in the morning after you’d confessed that you could see yourself liking him. You’d offered yourself to him for a date together and all he said was; ‘I don’t do seconds.’
Hence, the birth of the hatred for GQs sexiest man alive x4.
“That was one night, years ago. Wasn’t anything to remember.” You sneered.
You lied. It was actually one of the best nights of your life and no one has been as good since.
“Except it was. You didn’t scream that much because you were hating it.” Harry sipped on his glass of whiskey.
“You’re a fucking pig.” You grabbed your drink that Henry had given to you now. “Stay away from me, Harry.”
“Then why did you come to my party?”
“I’m here because of Leia, not you.”
You scoffed and walked off, leaving Harry leaning against the bar in his gorgeous suit to stare at you as you walked away.
The little black dress and heels would do wonders for the power walk away from him. He could see what he has been missing.
You saw Leia and James standing at a table and went over to join them.
“Hey.” You said on approach.
“Hey babes.” Leia smiled as James wrapped his arm around Leia’s waist.
“Cosmo?” You asked, pointing to Leia’s drink.
“You know it. And what the fuck did you get?”
“Long Island.”
“Do you even like them?” Leia laughed.
“Then why—”
To prove a point. “Dunno.” You shrugged, taking a sip and feeling sick already from how disgusting the drink was.
“Oh hey man.” James unwrapped his arm around Leia to shake hands with someone. Unfortunately for you, it happened to be the one man you were trying to stay away from.
“Hey. How are you?” Harry asked as they bro hugged.
“Good, good yeah. This is my girlfriend, Leia.” James introduced her.
Leia smiled politely, shaking his hand, and you suddenly wished you’d told her that the story behind the ‘One-Night-Stand’ guy had been this guy. “Hello. Great party.”
“And this is Y/N, Leia’s best friend.” James introduced you, not realising that you didn’t need an introduction.
Harry stuck his hand out for you. If you didn’t shake it someone would know something is wrong, so you could your hand in Harry’s and tried to ignore the soft skin against yours. Instead, you tightly squeezed as if you were trying to strangle his hand.
“Lovely to meet you, Y/N.”
You just tightly smiled, not feeling like returning the sentiment.
“Have we met before? You look very… familiar.” Harry had the cheek to say to you. He was an evil man.
“No. You don’t really have a face that I’d remember.” You pulled your hand away from him in disgust.
“Oh really? I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or not.”
“It’s not.” You smiled, returning to your drink and trying not to gag with how awful it tasted.
“Uh, so, what are you drinking Harry?” Leia asked, clearly sensing some tension between you.
“Vodka cranberry.”
“Ah no way! That’s our Y/Ns favourite drink.” Leia smiled genuinely.
“How coincidental.” Harry faked a shocked face.
“Yeah. Truly.” You rolled your eyes.
“You two must be soulmates or something.”
“That would require two people going on an actual date.�� You stabbed into the conversation.
“I guess..” Leia looked awkward now.
“Your capable of going on a date, aren’t you Harry?” You innocently questioned, turning to face him.
Harry’s nostrils flared and it looked like he was biting back from saying something brass. Instead of speaking, he shot back a good half of his drink.
“Lovely speaking to you, Leia. James, we’ll catch up in a bit.” Harry nodded his head to them both. You didn’t miss how he didn’t acknowledge you as he left the table in a hurry.
You breathed a sigh of relief after he’d gone.
“What the fuck was that about?” Leia asked you immediately.
“What?” You asked dumbly.
“You and Harry. The sexual tension was insane!”
James nodded his head in agreement.
“Don’t be silly.”
“Y/N… C’mon. I’ve seen a penis and a vagina have less sexual tension than you and Harry. Get a fucking room next time.” Leia fanned herself.
“I give up.” You shook your head and downed the rest of your disgusting drink.
“Where are you going?” James asked.
“To find a fourth wheel for me.”
Twelves minutes later and you’d managed to find someone to spend the rest of your night with.
His name was Jordan and he was very good company. Attractive company too.
You two were cornered away in the back of the room in a circular booth. A tray of shots lay empty in front of you and another tray contained full ones.
You were playing a drinking game to get to know each other and now you were absolutely spinning. Your head had taken a hit after the fifth shot and now you were nine deep and couldn’t stop yourself.
“M-my turn.” You laughed as you hiccuped.
Jordan sat close to you, his arm wrapped around the back of the booth where you were sat. His eyes were deep brown and his hair was light blonde. He looked the complete opposite of Harry, which maybe was subconsciously a choice.
“Favourite sex position?” You giggled immaturely.
“Hmm. Doggy. I actually hate seeing a girls face when we’re fucking.” He replied and you had to take a shot because he answered honestly.
That should’ve been your first red flag about Jordan.
You just laughed instead.
“My turn. Have you ever masturbated?”
“Alllll the time. No guy does it for me anymore.” You laughed sadly.
Jordan took his shot and then moved in closer towards you. You tilted your head so he could speak into your ear.
“I could fix that problem for you.”
Your eyes bugged at his forwardness.
“No thanks.” You shook your head and laughed to try and keep it civil.
“Oh c’mon. You’ve been flirting with me all night and you know it.” His hand dropped onto your shoulders and pulled himself closer. His other hand dropped onto your bare thigh and started rubbing up and down on your soft skin.
“No I haven’t!” You laughed the situation off.
“You have. And I bet you’re all excited ‘cause of it.”
He started moving his hand further up your leg. Due to your toxic alcohol intake your reaction times were a little slower, but when his hand had made it underneath your dress-skirt you gasped and tried to tug his hand away.
“No. Please stop.” You said softly, whining as he tried to push his hand higher.
His face came closer again and he started to kiss your cheek. You tried to move your face away but his other hand was there to trap you and keep you close.
You started to worry because of how dark it was and how hidden away you were. Everyone was busy dancing and drinking away and none the wiser about the situation you were in.
“Give in, you tease.” His hot breath felt disgusting against your skin.
“I said no. Please.”
You struggled to push him off. Both your hands were focusing on his hand on your leg that you couldn’t do much to get his face away from yours.
“You’ve been teasing me all night and now we get to play.” He laughed.
Tears formed in your eyes as you kept pushing and pushing and pushing. You kept saying no over and over again, but Jordan was just not listening.
He felt disgusting on you and it made you feel just as disgusting.
Jordan just kept laughing whilst you were crying.
An employee caught your eye - in fact, it was Henry. You thought he might’ve come over to you and help, since he could clearly see you crying and struggling with Jordan on you, but instead he turned and walked away.
You sobbed then, thinking that might’ve been your only chance to get help and he just left.
You wondered whether it was because Harry was a dick to him.
You closed your eyes and tried to think of happy thoughts as Jordan started attacking your neck.
You tried to think of Harry. It wasn’t hard.
He was constantly on your mind.
“You taste so good. Stop denying me all of you.” Jordan bit your neck too harshly to be pleasurable.
“Jordan, no!” You shoved with all your strength and managed to completely get him off. You were pissed now. Your mascara may have run, your eyes red and blotchy, your breath shaky, but that was all he was getting from you.
“No?” Jordan scoffed. “NO?”
Jordan grabbed your cheeks and pulled you towards him.
“Ow.” You mumbled through his harsh grip.
“Listen here you little bi—”
“The fuck is going on here?”
Jordan dropped your face and straightened his jacket, whilst you turned your head to find who you already knew was there; Harry.
His voice had sent a wave of calmness through your body the second he started speaking. Now he was standing there with a deathly look on his face you couldn’t help but feel relief.
And you noticed Henry standing behind him, looking just as angry.
“Hi boss. Just having fun.” Jordan responded.
Harry looked between Jordan and you. Jordan looked dazed and content, whilst you looked broken and scared.
“Are you okay?” Harry looked intensely at you.
“She’s fi—”
“I wasn’t fucking speaking to you, was I?” Harry rhetorically asked. “Y/N, come here, love.”
Harry held out his hand, palm facing up.
You made no hesitation as you weakly moved away from Jordan and towards Harry.
Harry helped you stand up and kept a tight hold on your hand. It grounded you, his touch.
“Can I touch you? Just on your face?” Harry asked you softly and you nodded.
Harry cautiously held your chin and moved your head to the side, noticing the red mark and blood on your neck. He hadn’t taken note of your legs yet, but he would come to find red marks on them too.
Your teary eyes were wiped by Harry’s careful thumb. You looked down at his shoes the entire time, too afraid to look at him. You knew you’d crumble if you did.
“Are you okay?” He asked you again.
“No.” You said softly, shaking your head. “I-I was really scared, Harry.” Your voice broke and Harry immediately cupped the back of your head and brought you into his chest. You collapsed there and Harry’s hands held you up strong.
“You’re okay now. I’m here, you’re okay. I’ve got you.” Harry said, whilst nodding his head discreetly to the two security men.
They came over within seconds and yanked Jordan out of the booth. His protests were no match for the security guys. As he was being escorted out, Harry stopped him to say “See you in court.”
After Harry had thanked Henry with a nod and smile, he walked the small distance over to the same booth and sat down on the edge of it, pulling you to sit on his lap.
Your body was still wracking with sobs, but only because the adrenaline of the situation had been too much for you.
Now you knew you were safe, it was too much.
Harry made you feel safe.
He rocked you as he held you. It was too loud to have a quiet, serious, conversation, but his actions spoke loud anyways. I’m here. You’re safe. It’s okay now.
You heard Harry shout to someone for a glass of cold water, which was brought back to you within a minute.
"Here, sunshine, drink this." Harry spoke closely to you so you could hear.
He held the glass up to your lips and tipped it back slowly for you. Your hands were too shaky to hold onto it yourself, but you managed to drink carefully with the help of Harry.
He even knew when you'd had enough.
Harry's hand cupped the side of your head and brought you to rest back onto his chest. His head stayed rested on top of yours and you both just sat like that for ten minutes or so. It was hard to know exactly how long.
You just sat and thought about everything that had happened tonight and everything that could have happened. Mixed with that, your brain was constantly thinking about Harry and how much, no matter how hard you try otherwise, you like him.
Your heart feels constantly pulled towards him. He's like a beacon in the middle of a storm, safely guiding you towards home.
Just as those thoughts were circling your mind, Harry made his move.
He told you he was going to stand up, so you let yourself slide off his legs onto your own shaky ones. You thought he might be leaving you to go back and mingle with the other guests, so you stood shy to the side.
Harry leaned over to Henry and whispered something in his ear to which Henry nodded.
Before you could make plans as to what you were going to do now, Harry held out his hand to you again - giving you a choice to take it or not. Of course, you took it.
He squeezed your hand in reassurance and then lead you off and out of the room.
You two made no conversation as you wandered out of the noisy room and into a quiet staircase. Harry started walking up the stairs, so you followed him.
It was another two minutes before you made it to the top of the stairs and through a door that led to a rooftop. It was only very small. It overlooked the city skyline, with hundreds of twinkling lights casting shadows over the small space.
There were twinkling fairy lights too, up here. They were knotted around various creeping wall plants like ivy. In the corner of the square space there was a big L-shaped sofa with plenty of cushions and throws.
Harry turned back to smile at you, leading you to the sofa.
He sat down and let go of your hand, allowing you to choose where to sit.
You took one last glance at the skyline and up to the moon, before deciding.
"Wanna sit next to you." You said in a small voice.
"Okay." Harry smiled perfectly.
He shuffled back into the corner of the L-shaped sofa, sitting up and letting his legs stretch out on the chair in front of him. He patted his lap next with a smile. You shuffled over to him and sat on his lap, perpendicular to the way he was sitting so your legs stretched out along the other length of the chair.
"Comfortable?" He asked.
Harry wasn't too sure though, and next thing you knew he was gathering a couple of blankets to throw over your legs and shoulders.
"Better. Thank you." You nodded.
"You're welcome."
"It's beautiful up here."
"I guess it is."
"Is it all yours?" You questioned.
"What? Everything up here?"
You nodded. Harry then took your hands in his and started to play with the few rings you had on.
"No. Not everything is mine."
You looked up at him and into his eyes, noticing he was looking straight back at you.
Your breath caught in your throat as you thought about the implications to his words. You couldn't help but let a blush and smile take over your face. If he was implying what you thought he was then maybe you were in with a chance of Harry liking you back.
"What do you want to have? You're a billionaire. You could have anything you want." You asked, curiously.
"No even a billionaire can buy everything." He smiled sadly.
"Well, what do you wish you could buy even though you can't?"
Harry chuckled under his breath, "Redemption. A second chance. Love."
You tilted your head back against the sofa, your head feeling less and less drunk by the minute. You sighed, looking at the beautiful moon and wondering how lonely she must be up there.
Loneliness is something you've suffered with for far too long.
You wanted to find that connection with that someone who makes you feel wanted, feel loved and feel chosen. You craved it.
You chuckled.
"What?" Harry asked, softly caressing over the back of your hand.
"It's just funny, is all."
"What is?"
"Us, wanting the same thing. Wonder if we want it from the same people." You tilted your head to the side to face Harry, watching him lick his lips as he looked at yours not-so-subtly.
"You already know we do." Harry said quietly, leaning in towards you.
Your breath hitched as he got closer, your heart beating faster than your brain was processing the motions. You knew you wanted to kiss Harry as badly as he wanted to kiss you, but not like this. Not yet, at least.
"Harry, wait..." You said, watching him stop immediately.
"Fuck. Shitting, fuck. Sorry, Y/N. That was completely inappropriate of me. I mean.. After... Tonight and us... and...."
Harry shot back to his original position and ran a stressed hand over his face as he tried to work through his thoughts.
You smiled as you watched him panic, before taking his stressed hands in yours and kissing the back of it softly - right over that small triage of freckles you knew sat pretty there.
"Hey. It's okay." You reassured him. "I'm not stopping you because of what happened this evening. I'm stopping you because I feel I deserve to know why I wasn't enough the first time around."
This was you standing up for yourself.
"Weren't enou-.. Y/N, love. God, I was such a dick. I never, ever, left you because I thought you weren't enough. I left because I didn't think I was. I was a nobody back then. I looked at you and saw someone who could literally be the epitome of sunshine, and then I looked at me and all I saw was a dark cloud that would cover you. I never thought someone as bright, as happy and as golden as you should ever have to be with someone like me. Hell, it's still a thought that niggles away at the back of my mind. But, I've learnt that I can't let those thoughts win. I owe it you myself, and definitely to you, to at least try."
"Well that was as good as apologies get." You sniffled, trying to hold back the happy tears.
"I'm sorry, Y/N, for our wasted years. I... I just wasn't ready for us back then and I know I was a prick about it."
"You were. A right big prick."
Harry wiggled his eyebrows and you had to fake punch him for it.
"I'm sorry." He said honestly. "And I'm sorry for tonight too."
"That wasn't your fault, okay? I promise." You squeezed his hand.
"Okay. I'm still suing that motherfucker though."
"You're a billionaire already!"
"So? I was going to donate the money to a sexual assault charity or something." He shrugged his shoulders like what he just said was no big deal - like he hadn't just shown his truest heart.
"You're a good person, Harry, who deserves good things." You moved closer to him.
"I am?"
"Do these 'good things' include you?"
"I don't know. Do you think I'm a good thing?" You teased him.
Harry leaned in closer. "No. I think you're the best."
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adrienneleclerc · 4 months
Hips Don’t Lie
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: There is an after party after the premiere of “the ministry of ungentlemanly warfare” and Henry meets his co star, Eiza Gonzalez’s friend, Y/N.
Warning: spelling and grammar errors, non translated Spanish’s because I get lazy.
A/N: this is my first ever real person fanfic so I hope you like it.
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Henry was on the red carpet answering a few questions until it was time to head into the theater with everyone to see his new movie. As he was walking in, he saw Eiza Gonzalez, his costar.
“Eiza, how are you?” Henry said, greeting her.
“Henry, que guapo te ves! I’m definitely not used to your clean shaven look. There’s a party after the premiere, are you going?” Eiza asked.
“I’m not sure, I think I’m going to my hotel after this, spend time with the bear.” Henry said and Eiza giggled.
“You should come! I want you to meet my friend, she came back from her European tour la few days ago, I think you guys would hit it off.” Eiza said.
“Are you really trying to play Cupid?” Henry said,
“I just want you guys to meet, I never said anything about wanting you two to date. But if you happen to fall in love with her, don’t forget to mention me in your wedding toast.” Eiza said.
“Are all Mexicans this delusional or just you?” Henry asked, eiza stared at him. “You’re right, I shouldn’t have said that, sorry.”
“Don’t worry my colonizer friend, it’s fine. And it’s probably just me.” Eiza said.
“How come you get to make jokes about my race but I can’t?” Henry asked.
“You are a straight white man, I rest my case, now let’s get inside, I’m pretty sure we have to make a speech before the movie starts, which I find totally stupid.” Eiza said,
The premiere was over and he went to his hotel room. He thought about how it’s been a while since he dated anyone and decided to call eiza.
“Bueno?” Eiza answered the phone.
“Hey eiza, where is the party?” Henry asked.
“Yes, you’re coming, it’s at xxxx” Eiza said.
“I’ll be right there.” Henry replied and hung up the phone. Henry changed out of his suit to something more casual but still presentable and said goodbye to his dog before asking his driver to take him to where the after party was. When he gets there, he was greeted by Eiza in a fitted dress.
“Yes, you’re here! Great decision, Y/N is probably at the bar, mingle while I go find her. Oh my god, Diego! Compa, como has estado, no te ha visto en…” Eiza greeted her friends walking away from Henry. Henry saw Chris drinking at the bar and decided to walk towards him.
“Henry, buddy, how have you been?” Chris asked, hugging him.
“I’ve been great, how’s married life treating you?” Henry asked.
“Really well, I’m very happy to be back in Boston but I can’t lie, I do miss these parties.” Chris admitted. They kept talking and when they played a Daddy Yankee song, Henry heard a voice screaming.
“AAHH!! Es mi canción! Joel, cuida mi bolsa!” the Woman said, downing a shot of tequila before heading to the dance floor. Henry thought it was Eiza but it was someone else. However, when the woman started dancing, Henry couldn’t take his eyes off of her.
“Hey man, who are you looking at?” Chris asked but he just followed Henry’s line of sight and spotted the woman that was basically demanding the attention of everyone else with her dancing, that’s when Eiza approached the two mean at the bar.
“Whoo, go Y/N! That’s my bestie!” Eiza cheered her on.
“What, that’s Y/N?” Henry asked,
“Yeah, that’s her. I mean, i knew she could dance because I’ve seen her concerts when she performs at the forum, but I never knew she could dance like this.” Eiza said.
“I think your friend is making Hnery want to learn Spanish, he hasn’t taken his eyes off her since she started dancing.” Chris said and Henry hit his chest, still not looking away from the woman dancing.
“Perfect! I’ll get her when the song is over so you can meet her.” Eiza said, clearly excited that henry is interested in her friend. When the song finished, Eiza made her way to Y/N. “Y/N! Como has estado? Que me cuentas de la gira?”
“La gira fue espectacular, todos los fans cantando mis canciones, llevándome flores, estoy súper agradecida. How was the premiere? I wish I could have gone but I wasn’t invited.” Y/N said,
“Sorry! I forgot when your tour ended. Anyway, I have someone I want you to meet.” Eiza walked Y/N over to when’re Henry and Chris were. “Y/N, this is Henry Cavill. Henry, this is Y/N L/N. Chris, come dance with me.” Eiza said, pulling Chris with her, leaving Henry and Y/N alone by the bar.
“Hi.” Henry said bashfully.
“Hey.” Y/N said, fiddling with her fingers.
“I saw you dance, you were amazing, by the way, you seemed really into it.” Henry commented.
“Well i grew up listening to Shakira so you could say my hips don’t lie.” Y/N said and both of them ended up laughing. “Oh my god, I can’t believe I made that joke, que tonta soy, eh.”l
“No no, it’s okay, I laughed, right?” Henry said, making Y/N feel more comfortable.
“But seriously, my mom would put me in these dance classes, well, her friend who taught dance classes would give me free lessons.” Y/N said. “Do you dance?”
“No but I took lessons when I was filming Argyle.” Henry said.
“I haven’t seen Argyle but I really want to see this movie. Like yeah, my bestie is in it, but I really like your look in this movie.” Y/N said.
“Really? You like the messy hair and the full beard?” Henry asked.
“Yeah, your curls show off more than in your other movie, Night Hunter.” Y/N commented.
“So you’re a fan of my movies?” Henry asked.
“Am I a fan of the movies or just the attractive British actor starring in them?” Y/N asked, getting closer to Henry.
“I say you’re a fan of me.” Henry said.
“Bingo! Hope Im not being too forward.” Y/N said
“Not at all.” Henry said. They started playing Propuesta Indecente by Romeo Santos.
“Well, time to put your dancing skills to use, do you think you can dance bachata?” Y/N asked, taking Henry’s hand and led him on the dance floor.
“Only if you show me how.” Henry said.
“Of course, just follow my lead.” Y/N said.
They danced every bachata song that was played, and when they weren’t dancing, they were just talking.
Eiza sips her drink, observing them.
“They would be a cute couple.” Eiza commented to Chris.
“Yeah, he seems happy enough.” Chris said.
“Could I get your number?” Henry asked.
“Of course, give me your phone.” Y/N said. Henry handed her his phone and Y/N gave it back. “I’m gonna head out but I’ll be waiting for your call. Hasta luego, guapo.” Y/N kissed Henry’s cheek and left the party with Eiza. Chris then approached Henry who was holding his cheek where she kissed him.
“What are you thinking about?” Chris asked.
“How much a Spanish tutor costs.” Henry commented.
“Alright, buddy, let’s get back to the hotel.” Chris said, leading Henry to the exit.
The End
Taglist: @warriormirkwood @shellyshellshell
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mrsevans90 · 3 months
Puppy Love
Captain Syverson x OFC Emma Miller Part 16
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Summary: Austin Syverson has returned to Texas after retiring from the military and starts his own contracting business. Syverson is used to being alone and thinks he prefers it that way. While at work he stumbles upon an injured and abused puppy. When he meets the new veterinarian in town, Emma Miller, he is immediately smitten with her. It turns out Emma has some baggage of her own. Will they be able to make it work? Or is it just a case of fleeting puppy love?
Pairing: Henry Cavill as Captain Austin Syverson x OFC Emma Miller 
Warnings: Y'all, this one is just SMUT. Seriously a little fluff, but mostly smut. Oral (M&F receiving), fingering, squirting, P in V intercourse, shower sex, innuendos, language, playing around in public, rough sex, Captain kink (🥵)
MINORS DNI! Must be 18+
I do not authorize any copying/pasting, stealing of my work, or using my words as your own. 
This story is not beta’d. All mistakes are my own.
A/N: I am an imperfect person who makes mistakes. All that I ask is to please be kind and if you enjoy it then please comment and REPOST! I appreciate any love, comments, and reposts more than you could know. Thank you for reading! 
Part 15
Our plane is finally descending to the tropical Ocho Rios, Jamaica. I found an adult only all-inclusive five-star resort that was offering slight discounts for customers who booked trips within the month so they could fill any unreserved rooms. I look over at Emma who is captivated by the book she brought and smile. She was so excited that she had gotten the doctor to remove the hard cast a week earlier than planned and only had to use a removable brace for the next month. I felt she wasn’t wearing it enough, but I wasn’t about to bring down her excitement. I just tried to subtly convince her to wear it for short amounts of time. She was good for me today and wore it the entire plane ride but I was sure she was going to fight me on it while on vacation. I want this whole trip and proposal to be perfect for her, so I splurged a little but she doesn’t know it yet. We’ll be spending a week in paradise with endless drinks and food being served to us. I told Emma where we were going but didn’t tell her anything about the resort so that she would hopefully be surprised. The best part is, we wouldn’t have to leave the resort if we didn’t want too. It had several bars and restaurants onsite so there was never any concern about us getting back to our rooms safely. Everything we would need or want was in walking distance enclosed within the resort. From a safety aspect, that was a huge selling point to me as well.
When we arrived at the resort, we were immediately served champagne and then escorted to lunch at the beach restaurant next to the ocean while they took our bags to our room.
“Austin, oh my god!” Emma squealed as soon as the server walked back to place our orders.
“Did I do good, Sugar?” I smirk knowing just by her wide-eyed expression and her bouncing in her seat that she was happy.
“I’ve never been anywhere like this! Look at the water, baby! It’s so clear and blue! You did better than good, you did absolutely amazing! How did you find this place?”
“I just started searching ‘tropical beach vacations’ online and I could picture you out here in a bikini so I booked it.” I joke.
“Well, I’ll have to reward you for your efforts.” She says sultrily before our waiter returned with the food that was absolutely decadent. I was starving after traveling all day and their food didn’t disappoint.
We were shown to our room after lunch, and I was pleased that it was everything I had expected it to be. The large king bed covered in fluffy pristine linens adorned with local flowers from their garden sprinkled on top, a rain fall shower that could easily fit both of us, a massive tub with a view of the ocean, mini fridge stocked with snacks and alcohol, and a balcony that overlooked the side garden with the ocean off in the distance. To be honest, this was my first fancy vacation as well. I grew up going to local beaches and mountains for camping with friends and family. I spent plenty of time in airports and military planes being shipped off to the less desirable destinations of the world to fight for my country. This was the first trip that I had booked to just relax and be with the woman I love and I’m glad Walt suggested it. Before I could even suggest anything, Emma was pulling swimsuits from our bag and itching to get to the sand. I’d do anything she wanted so I followed her until she found some beach loungers that she was happy with and sat down. I watched her pull her swimsuit coverup off her body and audibly groaned. Emma had brought a tiny hot pink string bikini that clung to her curves in all of the right places. The bottoms left my favorite part of her ass cheeks on display, and I could feel myself growing in my trunks as she bent over to stow her coverup in the bag she brought. Emma’s hair was up in a high ponytail with she had her sunglasses perched on her nose and I swear I almost burst in my pants when she crawled up the length of the sun lounger to get settled.
“Fuck, darlin’. Trying to kill me on the first day of vacation?” I ask and she giggles.  “I was told to get some bikinis so I tried to find ones that my Bear would like.” 
“Mission accomplished” I say as I motion toward the tent in my trunks before adjusting myself as discreetly as possible.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you later, baby.”
I physically bit my lip as she started rubbing sunscreen on her body before I took the bottle from her and took over. I needed to sit up to hide my erection anyway, so why not get my hands on her in every way I can. 
I rubbed the lotion all over her body, appreciating the uniqueness of her body. I swear I loved every freckle, mole, cellulite, and scar on her body. Even her imperfections were perfect. I watched the sunlight glimmer on the metal of her little belly ring and stifled a groan. She is the epitome of divine. I had her roll over and quickly untied her top when she was on her tummy.
“It’s just so I can get your back, Sugar. Trust me, I won’t let anyone else see what’s for my eyes only.” I started applying the lotion all over her and when I got to her ass, I really made sure it was rubbed in. She giggled and swatted me away when she felt I spent too much time and attention there, but damn she was my own personal paradise. 
“Tie me up.” She said and fought the automatic response that popped into my brain about bondage and I retied her top for her. The thought of her tied up to the bed posts and completely open to me was not going to help my erection become less noticeable.
“Your turn.” 
“Wanting to rub all over your man?” I ask.
“Yes, but I also want to protect you from skin cancer.”
“Hate to break it to ya, Sugar, but the military wasn’t actually handing out sunscreen in the desert. I’m probably already fucked.”
“Well, I’ll be scheduling you a dermatologist visit when we get back. Now sit.” I arch my eyebrow at her. Bossy little thing. Why does that turn me on?
Emma covers me in sunscreen and I have to admit that it felt nice having her rubbing it all over me so I wasn’t going to complain. In fact, I’d probably be taking better care of my skin this trip then I have my entire life if this is how it goes.
We laid back and talked for a while about the amenities offered at the resort and what all she might want to do while we are here. I told her that I had planned dinner for tomorrow for us, but the rest of the trip could go however we wanted. We could be lazy and not make reservations for anything or we could go on excursions and explore. We decided to swim for a little bit, which ended up with Emma wrapped around me like a koala in the ocean because she wasn’t tall enough to reach where I was standing. I had my hands firmly on each ass cheek and would gladly hold her in the water as long as she wanted. I certainly didn’t mind as her breasts pushed up against me. 
“Lemme’ see those perfect tits.” I whisper against her ear and she feigns shock.
“Austin! There are people out here.” 
“I won’t let anyone see. I just need a peek. I’m dying here.” I say as I push my erection against her core that’s against me.
“Fine, but just a quick one.” 
She leans back and quickly pulls the fabric of her top down to expose her tits to me, now shiny from the water and I thrust against her again.
“You’re fucking perfect.” I tell her as I lean forward and kiss her passionately. I don’t give a shit who sees at this point. The water’s so clear though, if I fucked her out here in the daytime it would be obvious.
“Mmmm, baby.” She kisses me back and I know I’m affecting her too.
“How much longer til I can get you in our room?” I ask.
“Now?” She bites her lip and I have to take a deep breath.
“If I get out of the water right now with this massive hard on, everyone out here will see it. I’m gonna need a minute to calm down.” I tell her. I walk her towards shallower water so I can set her down and what does this woman do? She grabs my dick and rubs it. 
“Don’t take too long. Think about Nana having sex with PawPaw or something.” She says and the look on my face must be purely hilarious. Emma starts laughing so hard, if she couldn’t stand up I’d worry she would drown.
“Don’t put images like that in my head, woman! For fuck’s sake! That’s nasty.” Emma is still cackling so hard she’s drawing attention from other vacationers.
“Well, that should help you ease your little problem.” She mutters between giggles.
“Ain’t nothing little about it, Sugar. You know that.” 
“I certainly do.”
After a few minutes of thinking about different military protocol, I’m able to get out of the water with just a semi. Emma is sporting a shit eating grin from her seat on the lounging chairs and I can’t help but shake my head at her. I towel off and grab my shoes and shirt, opting to carry them.
“Ready?” She asks sweetly while standing up and grabbing her bag and towel.
“More than you are.” I swat her ass before grabbing her hand and we head back to our room. 
As soon as I get the door closed, I’ve got Emma pressed up against it. Our belongings are dropped on the floor and I pull her coverup and throw it across the room. I pick her up and she instinctively wraps her legs around my waist as I carry her to the shower. Through our rushed and messy kisses, I’m pulling all of the strings on her swimsuit and ripping it away from my prized possessions. Emma screeches when I flip the water on and cold water starts pouring from the rain shower head in the ceiling directly over us. I watch her nipples pebble under the stream of chilly water and suck one in my mouth. Emma moans and begins to frantically suck at my neck but even though I’m now painfully hard, I plan to make her work for it a little more.
I set Emma down on her feet before pushing her to her knees as I untie my trunks and drop them to the shower floor.
“Suck.” I command using my Captain voice and Emma immediately shoves my cock in her mouth, her small hand pumping what’s left.
She begins to suck me and cups my balls lightly with the hand of her previously injured arm. Emma whines and attempts to rub her thighs together to ease the friction.
“You teased me, Sugar. I’m going to come down your throat and then I’ll fuck that sweet peach so good that you’re begging me to stop. Understand?” I speak authoritatively and Emma attempts to nod around my length.
I make use of Emma’s now sodden ponytail to pull her on and off my cock as she sucks me off.
“Fucking shit, babygirl, you’ve got the most perfect mouth in the world. That’s right, gag on me.” I tell her and she forces herself down further than I expected and gags and that’s all it takes for me meet my climax.
“Oh fuck, I’m cumming!” I tell her and seconds later she is swallowing my load like a champ. I pull out of her mouth so she can catch her breath. I’m leaning back against the tile trying to recover from the best blowjob I’ve ever had before I spread a little bit of my cum that’s left on the head across her lips like it’s lipstick. Emma licks my remnants from her lips and then bites her bottom lip while looking up at me with those perfect blue eyes. 
Emma scrapes her nails gently across my oversensitive skin as she makes her way back up to standing.
“Sugar, that was incredible.” I tell her before kissing her sweetly. “Was I too rough?” I start thinking maybe that was too much for her and I took it too far. 
“No, that was hot as hell.” She says with a smile and I kiss her again. “I’ll be ready to do that again this week.”
“Now, I owe you at least 3 orgasms before dinner.” I whisper as I pull her body against mine.
“Bed. I want you in that gorgeous big bed.” She murmurs against my lips. We quickly wash the sunscreen off of us, before toweling off just enough to not be dripping across the tiled floors. I grab her up in a fireman carry and throw her across the bed on top of the flowers.
“You’re going to cum once on my mouth, another time on my fingers, and then the third time on my cock. That sound like a plan, Darlin’?” I ask as I rip the towel off over her and start kissing down her body, spending a few moments on each of her breasts before making my way to her glistening folds.
Emma whimpers as I spread her legs and kiss all around her pearl.
“Baby, don’t tease me.” She begs.
Without hesitation, I dive right on in to my favorite dessert. I’m sucking on her clit and licking slowly between her folds which immediately has her squirming. I wrap my arms around her hips and hold her in place as she begins to grind on my beard. Fuck, I love the way she tastes and sounds. Her little mewls sneak out as her hands attempt to find purchase on my head and the bed linens. I look up at her and take in the perfect sight in front of me. Her breasts are heaving up and down as her breath races and when I can tell she is getting close, I focus even more on her little button. 
“Bear! Ah fuck! I’m cumming!” She shouts louder than she probably intended as her body arches off the bed and I work her through her orgasm. When her body is relaxed, I crawl up the bed and pull her on top of me, my chest to her back. I wrap my arms around her breasts and start tickling and kissing her neck with my beard.
“Sugar, we’re just getting started.” I grunt against her ear as I place kisses all over her neck while pulling her taut nipples in my hands.
“I dream about these titties when you aren’t with me, Darlin. So perfect. Fit just right in my big hands.” I massage and knead at her breasts until I’ve decided that she’s had enough recovery time and my hands find their way to her legs. I pull them apart and can’t help but press my hard cock against her back as I see her open up to me, completely pliant for whatever I choose.
“You feel how hard you got me, Sugar? That’s all for you, babygirl.”  My hands start to spread her folds and after pressing against her already sensitive clit, I slide my middle finger into her core. 
“You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen.” Emma moans and reaches behind her to wrap an arm around my neck. My other hand is alternating between squeezing on her perfect tits and pressing against her clit to heighten her pleasure.
“More Sy. I need you.” Emma whines and I quickly slide a second finger in and start pumping them in and out. Spurred on by the sensation, Emma begins riding my fingers and gently thrusting against my hand. I spit on my other hand and start pinching on her clit again and without warning Emma arches into a blinding release. I’m thrilled as I keep pumping my fingers, that my girl is soaking my hand and arm, her juices squirting out of her with each wave of bliss that crashes over her. 
“Fuck yes, Sugar. Look at you getting all messy for me. Perfect little peach sucking my fingers in and coating them in your sweet peach juice.” I grunt as Emma once again becomes pliant jello in my arms. I slide my fingers out and stick them into her mouth which causes her eyes to fly open as she tastes her own arousal on my hands, sucking instinctively.
“Isn’t that the sweetest peach you’ve ever tasted? And it’s all mine.” I say as she watches me remove my fingers from her mouth, slide them through her pussy lips again before sliding them back into my own mouth.
“Fuck, Austin. You’re so naughty.” She says almost with a desperate laugh.
“Yeah? You like that?” 
“Mmhmm. So fucking sexy, but I need your cock.” She says as she wiggles against my obvious erection. 
“What you need me to do with my cock, Sugar? Tell me what you need.” I smirk, knowing she has a hard time finding the words when she’s so fucked out. 
“I need you to fuck me so hard that I can’t walk to dinner tonight, baby. Ruin my pussy.” I instantaneously thrust against her ass cheeks just hearing those words out of her mouth. Well, fuck me sideways. Looks like she did have the words after all.
“You want it rough, Darlin?”
“Yes, Captain Syverson.” She says and bites her lip and within seconds I’ve got her flipped on all fours in front of me with that glorious ass and weeping pussy front and center. 
“You need to tell me if you want me to stop or if I’m hurting you, understand?” I command.
She nods and wiggles her ass in front of me. I slap her right ass cheek hard and she gasps.
“Yes. I’ll tell you if it hurts.”
“Yes, what? Is that how you address your Captain?”
“Yes Sir, Captain Syverson.” She corrects and I’m so hard that pre-cum is dripping down my shaft. Not for long.
I rub my cock through her folds and collect her arousal all over me. I spread her ass cheeks and just watch my cock in one of my favorite places making a mental picture of it before I slide all the way in.
Emma’s moans ricochet around the room and mine are just as lewd.
“Fuck, you’re so tight.” I grunt as I force myself to stay perfectly still and allow her a moment to adjust. 
“Ah! I need you to move.” She whines while wiggling a bit and I pull out before slamming back into her core.
“Fuck, Captain. Your cock is so big. It’s all up in my tummy.” Her speech somewhat broken as I slam into her repeatedly. 
“Yeah? You like that your superior has a big fucking cock all the way up in your guts? Railing you so hard that my ball sac is hitting that sweet little button?” I rumble against her.
“Mmm you feel so good!” She grunts as I’m slamming her so hard, I don’t know how she isn’t breaking. I rub on her ass cheeks and likely bruise her hips with my fingertips as my pace puts me so close to releasing.
“I need you to cum. Right now.” I command and slide a hand down to pinch her clit as I continue pumping into her hard and groan as her orgasm overtakes her and she begins clenching all around me. Her arms no longer able to hold her body up as she’s overcome with her release, she crumples to her face on the bed and I groan as I allow myself to let go as well, painting her walls with my spend. My orgasm hits me so hard that I can’t help but drape across Emma’s petite back as I try and figure out which way is up again. I slowly slide out of her before flopping to my back and pulling Emma’s limp body on top of mine. We are silent, the only sounds in the room are of the hum from the air conditioner working overtime in the Jamaican humidity and our ragged breath from exertion. 
“Mission accomplished.” Emma whispers against my chest, quoting my own words from only hours before.
“What mission is that?” 
“The mission to ruin my pussy and fuck me so hard that I can’t walk to dinner tonight.” She says with a giggle and the room now fills with my loud, exuberant laugh.
 “Room service then?” I ask and she nods.
The rest of the night is spent laying in each other’s arms, snacking on anything and everything we wanted from room service and even a warm bath by the windows overlooking the ocean.
Emma is draped across my chest as soak in the bubbles with candles and champagne.
“So, what should the next mission be?” I wonder aloud. Our “missions” now simply meaning all of the ways we plan to be intimate on this vacation.
“I know, but I might have to wait a day or so.”
“Oh yeah? Why’s that.”
“So my pussy doesn’t fall off from abuse.” I smirk at her. 
“You asked and I provided. Well then, at least tell me the mission.”
“To fuck on the balcony.” Emma suggests with an arched eyebrow and all of the blood goes rushing back to my dick like it hasn’t been there all afternoon. I throw my head back in exasperation that now I have to wait and it’s all I’m going to be able to think about, other than the proposal she doesn’t know about.
“Unless you’re not interested?” Emma plays on, clearly knowing my head is filled with indecent thoughts as she wiggles against my erection and I playfully thrust against her. 
“Better hope this bath heals that sweet peach up, because that balcony fuck is definitely going to happen.” I inform her as I wrap my arms around her. 
I don’t know what I’ve done in my life to deserve this, but here with this woman right now is my version of heaven. 
Part 17
Taglist: @shellyshellshell, @henryownsme, @caramariehurst, @beck07990, @mollymal, @kingliam2019, @syversonswife, @identity2212, @starfirewildheart, @hannah9921, @wa-ni, @kneelforloki, @cutedoxie, @enchantedbytomandhenry, @foxyjwls007, @geralts-yenn, @courtlynwriter, @corrie1013, @squeezyvalkyrie, @summersong69, @livisss, @mayloma, @uunotheangel, @warriormirkwood, @sofiebstar, @wetzilly
A/N: I was going to focus only on the proposal, but my smutty self took over and that became the focus of this chapter. Sorry not sorry 😜 The proposal is coming, I promise! I just got too distracted by the thought of Syverson shirtless on a tropical vacation.
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wordsofhoneydew · 2 months
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fic rec time!! lfg
here i compiled a list of 11 amazing fics under 500 kudos!! you have angst, smut, fluff, pinging, grief, hurt/comfort. you fucking name it, it’s here.
happy reading!
Invisible by @nocoastposts [100, G]
For the Brownstone Discord Server's weekly drabble prompt "invisible".
Total Eclipse by @myheartalivewrites [1k, T]
Alex is not sure what the fuck is happening here.
“And if you only hold me tight…”
A man—probably the most beautiful man he has ever seen—is up on stage in this karaoke bar, absolutely murdering Bonnie Tyler’s Total Eclipse of the Heart and he’s pretty sure the guy is crying and it’s one of the most horrifying things he’s ever seen and Alex cannot. Look. Away.
Be Mine (And Be Yourself) by @itsmaybitheway [9k, E]
It starts with a misunderstanding, the way it always does with them.
Early on in their relationship, when there wasn’t even a relationship to speak of, the misunderstandings used to feed the animosity.
Then they’ve turned into something softer when their relationship turned into something softer. Purposefully misunderstanding each other just to take a jab, messing around for the fun of it or turning an innocent comment into a filthy innuendo and watching the other squirm.
But this? Oh a misunderstanding has never been this delicious, this appetizing. This one feels like the door to fucking sexy Narnia and Alex can not wait to eat those delicious Turkish delights
OR Henry just wants to be Alex's pretty little princess and Alex will make sure he gets his wish! AKA my Valentine's Day fic with housewife!Henry
it's so hard to get to heaven with my head in my hands by @anincompletelist [6k, M]
His mother would have a fit if she could see him now, taking comfort he isn’t owed from men he shouldn’t want it from. But Henry wipes his tears with the back of his hand and Alex begins singing the dulcet tune of a Spanish lullaby and George feels, perhaps for the first time in his life, like he belongs.
the tragic flaw is that they hide the truth (that you’re enough, you’re enough) by srrafoxjournals [6k, NR]
Alex has been staring.
For weeks now, actually.
Henry had originally chalked it up to Alex being, well, Alex. But lately, Henry can’t help but take it in as more than just his boyfriend's usual oddness.
Or: After gaining some weight, Henry feels self conscious. Alex however, loves his tummy.
blurred lines. by seafloor [5k, E]
Henry is a lovesick writer; Alexander a charismatic bartender. They’re still fated to fall into bed at some point.
I will/I will/We will by @tintagel-or-cockleshells [6k, T]
Alex's wedding planning business is going from strength to strength, but if he never has another wedding at Mountchristen Manor it will be too soon. He just can't get along with Henry, the venue coordinator, and the feeling is mutual. But when push comes to shove, the couple's big day has to come first.
I’ll be with him again soon by mymistakesweremade4u [3k, T]
It's sometime in mid-January, just a couple of months shy of his 95th birthday, when Henry finds himself surrounded by family in his and Alex's bedroom.
Or, Alex and Henry grew old together.
beg you on my knees (to stay) by @littlemisskittentoes [13k, E]
“Up.” Henry keeps the tone low. Controlled.
Alex is often frantic to follow commands, his limbs falling over themselves in his haste to obey. There’s no sign of that rushed need now. He takes his time, unfolding himself leisurely.
“You’re bold,” Henry monotones. He takes calculated steps forward, punctuating each slow stride with the unbutton and roll of his shirt sleeves. “I’ll give you that.”
“You’re only now realizing? Thought you were brighter than that, baby.”
keep me up all night / i wanna scratch your surface by @firenati0n [1k, M]
They step inside, greeted by moonlight streaming through the windows, illuminating their living room in a dreamy light; it’s enough to see outlines and shapes, enough to keep everything just a little bit secretive, a little softer around the edges.
Henry moves his hand to flick on the kitchen light, and Alex’s hand shoots out to grab his wrist. Henry looks down at him questioningly, blue eyes sparkling even with the absence of light. Alex always feels a little off-kilter around him, Henry both his center of gravity and his reason for vertigo. He’s stabilizing, and dizzying, and everything.
Alex’s thumb and index finger circle Henry’s slender wrist, exerting the slightest pressure. He feels Henry's pulse jump under his thumb.
“Get on the couch.”
don’t let me get drunk again by @getmehighonmagic [3k, E]
Alex had never wanted to cancel plans as much as he had while watching Henry pull a pair of light wash, tight jeans over his stockinged legs and bare ass.
Christ, he’s getting hard thinking about it now.
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lau219 · 2 months
Won’t You Be My Neighbor?
Part 2
Part 1 here
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​“Hey, Y/N! What are you doing here?”
​Turning from the chain link fence, Y/N smiled as her eyes fell upon the young boy who came up beside her.
​“Hi, Max,” she replied. “I’m here for Henry’s game. His coach called and asked me to come.”
​“Why?” Max asked as he looked up at her.
​“Well, the other nurse who usually comes to the games isn’t feeling well and she couldn’t make it, so the coach asked me to be here instead.”
​“Oh,” Max replied. “Well, the other nurse usually sits in her car and watches from the parking lot.”
​Y/N smiled. She knew her coworker typically napped in her front seat while at the kids’ baseball games. It was the community center’s policy to have a nurse present at every game in case anyone got hurt, and while all the nurses would jump at the chance for the extra 90 minutes of pay at the beginning of the season, the person who ended up landing the gig each year usually wound up regretting it within the first few games. They’d realize too little too late that the extra pay wasn’t worth the 90 minutes of sheer boredom. But Y/N had happily agreed to cover for her coworker that afternoon when the coach had called; she enjoyed seeing the kids have fun, and she could catch up with a few of her girlfriends who had sons or nephews on the team. She’d filled in several times in the past, and she’d never been bored.
​“I prefer to watch the game up close,” Y/N answered as she reached down and ruffled Max’s hair. “Is that ok with you?”
​“Yeah,” he replied as he smiled up at her. “You’re a lot nicer than the other lady, and you like baseball. You’re pretty cool for a girl.”
​Y/N smiled again.
​“Thanks,” she replied. “I think you’re pretty cool, too.”
​She continued to smile as she looked down at the 8-year-old boy, appreciating, as always, how sweet he was. His 12-year-old brother, Henry, was also a gem, despite the fact that he was at an age where he should be a smart-mouthed wise aleck. She hated to admit it, but, clearly, when it came to the boys, Emmett knew what he was doing. But then, how could his kids be so sweet and enjoyable when he was so frustrating and irritating? She could never figure it out.
​“Do you wanna sit with me when the game starts?” Max asked her.
​She had been in the middle of waving to Henry out on the field when she furrowed her brow at Max’s question.
​“Don’t you usually sit with your dad?” she asked.
​“Yeah, but you can sit with us, too. Besides, he’s not here yet.”
​Y/N frowned again.
​“What do you mean? How did you get here, then?”
​“Henry and I walk here after summer camp; a lot of the kids do,” Max replied. “Then we all just hang out while the coach gets everything ready. My dad usually meets us here after he’s done with work, but that’s not until right before the game starts.”
​“Oh, I see,” Y/N said as she nodded her head. She looked at her watch and then spoke again. “Are you hungry, honey? It’s been a couple hours since camp ended. Do you need a snack or anything?”
​Max looked up at her.
​“One of the moms sometimes has snacks for everybody, but she doesn’t come every time, so sometimes we don’t get anything,” he replied.
​“Is that what happened today?” Y/N asked him.
​Max lowered his head and looked forward through the fence.
​“Yeah,” he said after a moment. “But it’s ok. My dad usually brings something to eat with him when he comes.”
​“Does he bring something every time?” Y/N asked.
​Max shook his head.
​She didn’t like the risk of him possibly not having anything to eat. She also guessed that Emmett likely wouldn’t have any cash on him – hardly anyone still carried cash anymore. But the snack bar people only took cash, and she had a few bills on her because the vending machines at the hospital where she worked only took cash.
Letting go of the fence, she inhaled and turned to Max.
​“Are you hungry?” she asked him again.
​Silently, he nodded his head.
​“Come on, then,” she said. “I’ll get you something at the snack bar. If it turns out your dad brings something, he can have it for himself.”
​“Really?” Max asked her, his eyes glowing.
​“Yeah,” she smiled, and she reached down and grabbed his hand, walking with him over to the small concession stand that stood at the end of the bleachers.
​As they stood in line, she could only imagine what Emmett would bring with him for them to eat, if anything. Not that she thought he was careless about the boys. That was something she could never criticize him for – she had witnessed firsthand that he was a terrific father. But if she was in his shoes, she could see herself easily forgetting to bring something if she’d have had to come here straight from work. She also could imagine he didn’t have the most appealing options, as he wouldn’t have time to make a separate stop to pick something up before the game. It would probably be some old bag of crushed chips or a smooshed snack cake leftover from his lunch, the packaging no doubt covered in droplets of oil after sitting on the bench at his auto shop.
She decided that getting something for the boys at the snack bar was the quickest and simplest solution. Looking at Max again, she squeezed his hand and smiled as he chattered on about what he’d done at camp that day.
​Walking across the dirt parking lot, Emmett shoved his keys in his pocket and began scanning the area for Max as he got closer to the baseball diamond. Typically, when Emmett was a few minutes late, Max would sit with some of the other players’ siblings and their parents, and Emmett would grab him once he got there. He wasn’t late often, but today, he’d been kept at the shop longer than usual due to his one employee unexpectedly needing to leave early. That had left him to finish up the work on a customer’s car by himself, and it couldn’t wait, as the customer had already complained that the work was taking too long. Emmett just wanted to get the work done and have the customer out of his hair. He hadn’t even had a chance to eat lunch today, and he groaned to himself as the thought of food made him realize that he’d forgotten to bring along some kind of snack for the boys. They only took cash at the damn concession stand, and he groaned again as he quickly pulled out his wallet and saw that he had no cash on him. The poor boys would have to wait until they got home after the game.
​As he made it to the edge of field, he saw that the game hadn’t actually started yet. Several parents were standing to the side of the players’ benches and speaking with the coach, and the boys who were slotted to start first in the game were milling around the field and waiting. As Emmett zeroed in on Henry’s team’s side, he spotted Max standing at the end of the fence and talking to Henry as they waited for the game to start, but they weren’t alone. Emmett squinted for a moment before realizing that the woman standing with them was Y/N. As he realized it was her, he stopped. What was she doing here?
​One of Max’s hands was tucked inside of hers, and his other was holding a hot dog, which he lifted to his mouth for another bite as he happily shifted from foot to foot. As Emmett continued to watch them, he saw Y/N smiling at Henry as she lifted her free hand and held a Styrofoam cup out to him, offering him a drink of whatever was in the cup. Henry smiled appreciatively at her as he took the cup, and after he’d handed it back to her, Y/N encouraged Max to turn around and start heading for the bleachers, the game now about to begin. Witnessing their interaction stirred something in Emmett.
Although he and Y/N were frequently at odds with each other, Emmett knew she was 100% right the other day when she’d said that his boys liked her. They always had, and he hated to admit that she was also right that, except with him, she was a very nice person. He’d witnessed it countless times since she’d moved in next door a couple years ago. Everyone loved her. But for whatever reason, when it came to the two of them, they seemed to bring out the worst in each other, constantly butting heads or arguing over the littlest things. They also drove each other crazy with their styles of arguing – Emmett always kept his cool and irked her on with laid-back provocation, and Y/N annoyed him with her pestering and her dramatic overreactions. He was relaxed and go-with-the-flow; she was fussy and particular. They were complete opposites.
Making his way the final yards to where they were, Emmett first caught Max’s attention just as he and Y/N were about to climb up the bleachers.
“Dad!” Max shouted, and he released Y/N’s hand and bounced over to Emmett, colliding with his leg as Emmett reached down and warmly wrapped his arm around Max’s shoulder.
“Y/N’s here to be the nurse for the game, and I told her she can sit with us. Is that ok?” Max looked up at his father brightly, a smear of ketchup at the corner of his mouth.
“Well, I don’t know, buddy,” Emmett began, still looking down at Max before raising his head to look at Y/N as he finished. “You know how badly the nurse is needed at these games; she’ll probably be really busy.” He could barely contain his smirk as he watched Y/N process his sarcastic jab. Max, however, was clueless to the joke.
“What do you mean?” he asked. “Nothing ever happens. The other lady just waits in her car for the game to be over.”
“Your dad was just trying to be funny, Max,” Y/N spoke up, but her eyes remained locked with Emmett’s. “But I think he needs a lot more practice.”
“Or maybe some of us are just too uptight,” Emmett said, his smirk escaping as he looked at her.
Max lifted his head and looked back and forth between Y/N and Emmett, still oblivious to the situation, but picking up on the tension as he watched them stare at each other.
“You guys are weird,” he said innocently.
Emmett broke their gaze then and looked down to Max, his eyes landing on the food in his hand.
“Where’d you get the hot dog?” he asked him, changing the subject.
“Y/N got it for me,” Max answered. “She got one for Henry, too. And a soda for us to share.” He looked over to Y/N with a beaming smile.
“He said he was hungry,” Y/N said as Emmett raised his head and their eyes met again. “They hadn’t eaten since lunch at day camp, and we didn’t know if you’d have anything with you when you got here. And I didn’t want Henry to play on an empty stomach, either.”
Emmett nodded his head once.
“I’ll pay you back,” he said.
“No, that’s not necessary.”
“Yes, it is.”
“Emmett, the food at the snack bar costs, like, fifty cents an item. It’s not a big deal, and I’m happy to do it. He was hungry, so I got him something.”
“I would have gotten him something when I got here,” Emmett said, despite the fact that he had no cash on him.
“Well, now it’s already taken care of,” she replied.
Before he could argue any further, Y/N looked down at Max and spoke again.
“Thank you for the invitation, sweetheart, but I’m gonna sit closer to the players’ benches in case they need me. But I’ll see you later, ok?”
“Ok,” Max nodded, refocusing on his hot dog as he took another bite.
“See ya’,” she then said to Emmett as she looked at him again. Then she turned and headed off in the opposite direction towards the players’ benches.
All throughout the game, Emmett continually glanced over at Y/N, the skirt of her sundress occasionally flapping in the breeze as she watched the game and chatted with a few of the parents sitting next to her. He gradually became irritated as time went by. She had been so take-charge in getting the boys a snack and so adamant when she’d declined him paying her back. It was almost as if she expected that he wouldn’t have anything with him for them to eat, and that she assumed he’d be too forgetful and careless to have cash on him to get them anything.
She didn’t know how busy his schedule was right now; she didn’t know how hard he tried to keep everything running smoothly for the boys. She probably thought he was a bad father.
As the game ended and everyone made their way towards the parking lot, Emmett let Max run ahead with Henry. He then climbed down the bleachers and walked over to where Y/N was zipping up the backpack of first aid supplies she’d brought with her. She didn’t notice him approaching, and he spoke up when he stopped next to her.
“Hey, I’m going to pay you back for the food you got the boys.”
Still bent over and adjusting the backpack, she turned her head and looked at him for a moment before frowning briefly. He was still harping on that?
“I told you,” she said as she stood up straight, “that’s not necessary. I’m happy to do it.”
“I don’t like to owe anybody anything,” he replied. “I’ll pay you back.”
“It was a soda and a couple of hot dogs,” Y/N retorted, shaking her head. “Not prime rib.”
There was a brief pause, and then Emmett spoke again.
“Is this because I woke you up the other morning?” he asked.
“What?” she responded in total confusion.
“Is this how you’re getting back at me? Trying to show me up in front of my boys?”
“Show you up?!” she replied, her expression incredulous. “You think I’m showing you up and getting revenge with a cup of flat cola and concession stand hot dogs?”
Emmett crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes.
“So, why’d you do it, then?” he asked defensively.
Why was he getting so bent out of shape over this? she wondered.
Y/N gripped the backpack, lifting it from the bench and slinging it over her shoulder before she answered him.
“Because despite the fact that I can barely tolerate you, I happen to adore those boys.”
Emmett cocked his head at her.
“You’re no picnic either, princess.”
She glared at him.
“Go to hell.”
“I’ll see you there.”
Then they each turned and walked off in opposite directions.
Part 3
@nyxxie-pooh @febris-amatoria @xsweetcatastrophe @alltoowellbeneaththemangotree @hannibellector @devotedlyshadowytheorist @aphroditeslover11 @natalie--rushman @garrison-girl-08 @fuseburner @neonpurplestars89-blog
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sweetandscarlet · 1 year
tension in between us
summary: after coming back to work after a vacation, you meet a woman who wanted nothing more than simply, just your company. that was until she visits you once again.
warnings: 18+, stripper!reader (23), rich business lady!wanda (32), lap dancing, oh the tension, horny thoughts are being thunk, power play, eventual smut, wanda being a nervous wreck around beautiful women. minors DNI.
words: 5k
an: i’ve been meaning to post this for a while. happy (extremely late) belated anniversary everyone :) xo saph.
edit: i’ve made a few changes to the warnings since this one shot will be split into two parts as i feel it’s too long for one post! enjoy :)
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the cold air was something you had grown accustomed to for a few months now, and as much as you longed for summer to come; there was something refreshing about feeling the chill breeze against your face as you walked towards a secluded but well-built building.
the name always made you smile as you stared up at the glowing neon lights, ‘house of harkness’ reflected in purple onto the mundane streets behind you. you knew of the face beyond the name, you had for years.
miss harkness, or as you personally call her; agatha, was a close friend of your late mother’s. she had taken you in as a friend and mother figure after the unfortunate death of your own. something you would never be able to repay her for, but, agatha was different compared to the people who had come and gone in your lifetime. she simply cared for you, nothing more and nothing less.
“how are you, miss?” your attention was pulled from your blank gaze at the sign, and your eyes followed the voice to the man who stood in front of the entrance of the club. “i’ve not seen you for a while”
you smiled at his kindness, stepping forward just slightly. “i was on vacation, henry. you’ll never believe the sights i’ve seen in england, it was magnificent, much different to what we know here”
the man’s eyes widened just a little at your reply, “a vacation? wow, i'm glad you had fun, y/n. i’ve visited england before, the dialect takes a second to get used to but it’s a beautiful country nonetheless”
you nodded in response, your smile never faltering towards the familiar man.
henry was someone you had known for as long as agatha. he was a loyal server to the owner, working the doors of clubs she had owned in the past and following where ever she settled next.
he was a kind man, someone who knew your mother well, held her memory in his heart and quickly upon meeting him, you had grown accustomed to his sincerity.
“are you ready to get back to work? we seem to have some big spenders in tonight” he asked, stepping to the side to make room for your entrance through the heavy silver door.
“ready as i’ll ever be” is all you could respond as you move forward. henry pulled open the door, watching as you stepped in before smiling once more and closing it behind you.
you make your way through the hallway, purple lights guiding your way as you reached the reception. the staff member who was perched behind the register nodded at you and you shot them a small smile back before continuing your walk into the depths of the club.
“y/n! you’re back!” agatha’s voice boomed over the music that echoed throughout the club, you glanced at your surroundings, noticing the many customers that were situated with other woman you hadn’t worked with before. you brushed it off, turning your attention to agatha who stood close to the bar.
“hi, agatha” you replied, smiling as you stepped closer. the older woman pulled you in for a hug and you instantly sighed in her embrace, you squeezed your arms around her before pulling away. “henry tells me there are big spenders in tonight”
“well not so much right now, those guys have a table booked a couple of hours from now. the other ‘not so generous’ customers are occupied at the moment but.. there is someone here who hasn’t had a dance yet”
you shoot her a puzzled look and agatha chuckles amusingly at the confusion written on your face.
“i think she’s a first timer”
the confusion only grows more. “she?.. i don’t think we’ve ever had a female customer”
“well,” agatha tuts, slinging an arm around your shoulder. “there’s a first time for everything, kid.. would you?”
you shuffle your weight on your feet, turning your head to look up at the older woman. “fine, but i better make some good money from her”
agatha laughs once more, “don’t worry doll. when you see her, you’ll know she means business”
you choose not to reply at that, instead, you slip out of agatha’s hold and head towards the changing room. once you pull open the door, you throw your bag on one of the counters and begin the process of getting ready.
fifteen minutes had passed since your brief conversation with agatha.
you had already done your makeup prior so all you had to do was adorn yourself in red lingerie, and garter belts to match along with your red-bottomed stilettos. it was a popular outfit of yours, a signature look that was sure to get you thousands as it had done in the past.
you gave yourself one last look in the large mirror in front of you, checking your ruby lipstick was pristine and your curls fell perfectly against your shoulders.
“let’s do this” you whisper to yourself before grabbing your clutch that lay next to the large bag you carried inside with you. “it’s show time”
you swiftly turn around before exiting through the changing room door and back into the busy club where coloured lights flash and the booming music echoed around you.
you nod over at agatha who stays perched near the bar. she smiles back at you, her eyes never faltering away from yours. “looking good, kid. you ready to paint the town scarlet?”
you roll your eyes dramatically at the use of your allies.
“just a heads up, some of the girls have already tried to get some money out of her but.. she’s a tough nut to crack so good luck”
a smirk twitches at the corner of your lips, “she hasn’t met me yet”
agatha shoots you a playful wink, her hands reaching up to rest on your shoulders. “that’s the spirit, my little money maker”
you let out a sigh, shifting your weight as you prepare yourself. after a fleeting moment passes, you smile at the older woman before turning around in her hold; making agatha’s arms fall to her hips. you purse your lips and while holding your head high, you take a few steps forward.
your eyes scan the room, in search of the hard to crack-mystery woman. you land on a table of men that are gathered around with champagne, smirks on their faces and a dancer hooked onto each arm like leaches.
you want to roll your eyes at the desperation that oozes from most of them, the way they cling onto one customer that won’t so much as cough up a hundred bucks. it was painful to see, but you tear your attention away from them. reminding yourself that you were once new too, new and naive. they’ll learn.
you continue to keep your eye on the prize, walking past the table that boomed loudly with belly laughs and hollers.
just as you were about to give up and complain to agatha that the woman was no longer in sight, you spot red hair that broadly made itself known behind a pillar and as you turn the corner; you’re greeted by a woman, a gorgeous woman at that, in a black suit, situated with one leg over the other as she nurses a whiskey glass.
you push the thought of how disgustingly good looking this stranger is and instead focused your mind back to why you were here. money.
“hi there, you look like you’re in need of some good company” it was a pathetic starter conversation really, you knew that. “what brings you into the house of harkness?”
the redhead raises her gaze from her glass and up to you. you watch as she gulps dryly, her eyes subtly scanning your body before eventually flickering back up to your face.
“oh you know, just a bit of shopping..” you snigger at that, stepping the tiniest bit closer towards the obviously tense woman. she shakes her head at her own words before moving her crossed leg to rest back on the plush chair she sits on. “that was a terrible joke, i’m sorry. i- i don’t know why i’m here, i was recommended by a friend of a friend and well..”
you smile, “and now you’re here” your eyes drop to the empty chair at the table, “you know it’s- may i?” your hand gestures out, stepping closer to the seat.
the older woman eyes you for a split second before nodding her head. you pull out the chair from under the table, moving slightly before situating yourself down on it; throwing a leg over the other as you maintain eye contact.
“its not everyday we have beautiful women like yourself in here, i think this calls for a celebration..” you nod your head at the older woman.
“oh i- thank you.. and wanda. my name’s wanda”
“wanda” you repeat, liking how the name sounds and how easily it rolls off of your tongue. “how ethereal.. i think this calls for a celebration, wanda. shall we get a drink?”
the redhead looks down at the empty glass she had been nursing for god knows how long. she lingers on the thought briefly, her mind and body battling the decision to stay or leave.
“what’s your name?” wanda asks, mentally kicking herself for how timid the question sounds coming out of her mouth. “it’s not something like diamond is it?”
a laugh escapes your lips as you shake your head. “you’re definitely a newbie, aren’t you? no, nothing cliche at that, my name is scarlet. as you can tell from my whole ensemble, i’m partial to the colour red”
wanda’s gaze drops to your red lipstick and then the lacy bra that pushes up your chest oh so perfectly that it makes wanda subconsciously lick her lips at the mere thought of being so close to them.
“hmh, i can see that. reds my favourite colour, too” wanda hums, her eyes flickering back up to your piercing gaze. “i think i will take you up on that drink offer. what would you like? it’s on me”
your smile stretches from ear to ear at that. knowing damn well this is how it starts, it’s an easy trick of yours. coax nervous customers into a conversation, offer to have a drink with them and before you know it they’re racking up thousands in purchases on their bank cards.
“such a gentlewoman, thank you. i’ll take a rum and coke, please”
you don’t even realise until you check your phone that an hour had passed, wanda was currently back at the bar and paying for another round of drinks for the two of you. you had both slipped into an easy conversation that seemed to make time pass you by in a blink of an eye.
you sit up straighter when wanda approaches your table with a drink in each hand. you proudly noticed how over the hour, the older woman’s tension seemed to decrease massively as she reaches her empty seat.
“i have to leave soon,” wanda mentions as she situates herself back in her seat. she places your drink in front of you and then takes a lengthy sip of her own before placing it down on a napkin. “i have work in the morning, but.. i enjoyed talking to you, scarlet”
you pick up your drink, watching the liquid bubble with fizz in the glass as you mull over your next move. now’s the time, just do it.
you shift to the edge of your seat, a delicate hand reaching over to rest on the top of wanda’s thigh and you immediately love the feeling of the expensive material of her pants suit under your finger tips. “i enjoyed talking to you too, wanda. you know.. we could always finish these drinks in one of the booths?”
wanda’s eyes shoot down to your hand, then to the left of you to glance at the ‘private booths’ sign that shone brightly in purple neon, until eventually she turned back to capture your gaze.
you pull your hand away from the warmth of her thigh, watching as the gears turn in wanda’s mind, the mental battle of should or shouldn’t. it made you itch with eagerness and something you can’t quite put your finger on. never in your career has anyone doubted the thought of getting you alone in a dark booth that was only covered by a black curtain. men always jumped at the chance but, wanda… wanda was different. shy, kind, respectful. it was intriguing nonetheless.
“i- i think..” wanda reaches a hand inside one of her pant pockets, you watch with baited breath as she digs around before eventually pulling out a wallet. “i’m not sure how much-“
she flicks through the thick stack of neatly placed bills before settling on several notes and placing them on the table next to your drink.
your eyes fall to them instantly and before you can muster up a reply, wanda beats you to the punch.
“is three-hundred enough? i’m not sure how this works but..” wanda sighs as she rises to her feet, she picks up her drink and takes a few more sips before settling it back down. “i really should go, thank you for your company, scarlet”
your lips part as your eyes rake up her suit clad body, confusion is evident in your face as you land on emerald-green eyes. “wanda..”
“maybe i’ll see you again?” the older woman offers as she folds her wallet up before slipping it back into its resided pocket. “thank you, really. i had fun”
your eyes flicker down to the money that lay in front of you and then back up to the redhead. conflict swarms through your mind at the thought of the woman leaving. you had done what you came to do, make money. but.. this was so different to other customers, they never simply just paid for your time. they came here to see one thing only; you, naked.
you decided to plaster a smile on your face, ignoring the ache in your chest to convince her to stay, before standing up to bid her a goodbye. “yeah, i- until next time, wanda”
wanda nods at you in response, her eyes holding your gaze for a brief moment before she turns on her heels and walks away from the table. you stay there, confused at the interaction as you watch her heels click one by one before eventually fading away and leaving out of the building.
oh, you were definitely intrigued now.
your turn to face the now empty table, your eyes land on the money and you can’t help a smile creeping on your face at the entire situation. for a quick hour of conversation with a beautiful woman, you managed to make more money than you would have done with the other customers who were currently eyeing you up like meat on a platter.
you shake your head with an exasperated sigh as you reach down to collect the bills. it’s not long before you make your way back over to the bar to where agatha’s perched near the edge, watching your every move.
“i guess you were right, doll..” agatha beams, noticing the notes in your hand. you extend your hand and give her the money with a grin. “how did you manage to crack her?”
you purse your lips, sucking your tongue against the back of your teeth before shrugging. “i didn’t do anything, we just spoke and then she said she had to leave”
“so,” agatha tilts her head. “she just.. gave you this? god, you really are the best of the best”
you laugh at that with a rolls of your eyes. “yeah, yeah. you’re just saying that because i make you more money in a day than these other girls do in a week”
agatha tuts, “although that is true, you really do have a talent kid. those new girls couldn’t get a cent out of her before you came out”
pride swirls in your chest at her words. the thought that out of everyone here, wanda chose to tip you. excitement brewed in the pit of your stomach at the off chance of her actually visiting again, it was something you had never felt towards any other customer who had visited before.
“did she say anything before she left?”
agatha’s voice pulls you out of your thoughts and snaps you back into reality, your eyes flicker up to hers as your mind quickly registers her question.
“just that she had to leave and that maybe she’ll see me again?.. i can’t see that happening to be honest but hey, stranger things have happened here”
a few days had passed since your last interaction with wanda. everyday that you worked since, your eyes briefly scanned the hallways every so often, watching as customer after customer piled into the club. but, you never saw thick locks of stunning red hair in the sea of people.
your work days were thankfully busy, which meant you spent hardly any time pondering over whether or not, a stranger; that had quickly invaded your thoughts, would ever come back.
“hey.. sorry to interrupt”
your turned away from your current conversation with agatha and your eyes quickly landed on a timid looking girl, staring at you. you could feel the nervousness radiate from her as she shifted on her feet, waiting with baited breath for you to speak. you eyed her cautiously, your mind registering that you had never spoken to her before.
you smiled as best as you could though, given your somber state over once again, no sign of a certain redhead, in hopes that it would help ease her anxiety. “hey, it’s all good. you okay?”
the younger girl smile brightly at your politeness, her shoulders falling as the tension left her ever so slightly. “yeah, thank you. i just.. sorry, i haven’t had a chance to meet everyone properly yet. are you scarlet by any chance?”
“that she is, melody” agatha spoke, causing both of you to turn towards her as her voice reached your ears. “the one and only, the best of the best”
your gaze flickers back over to the younger girl and you smile once again, rolling your eyes. “pfft, don’t listen to her, she’s crazy”. a grin spreads on your plump lips upon hearing agatha gasp dramatically, but you continue your focus on the girl in front of you. “i’m not the best but i am scarlet though, what can i do you for?”
the younger girl, who you now know as melody, shifts on her feet once more, her eyes scanning over to a certain part of the club before looking back over to you. “someone’s requested you specifically, she didn’t give a name but-“
“she?…” you ask, your heart beginning to beat slightly faster. you pick up your clutch from the bar and sling it over your shoulder, shooting agatha a knowing look. “what did she look like?”
“absolutely gorgeous” melody hums, taking a step back to allow you some room to move. “red hair, black suit. she’s sitting over near the lounge”
you teeth bite down on your bottom lip, chewing nervously as the younger girl speaks. you thank her before briefly bidding a goodbye to both agatha and the dancer.
your legs quickly move in front of you, your mind racing with determination as you walk towards the lounge. after walking past a few busy tables, your turn and instantly your eyes fall on wanda who’s perched in a chair that’s situated with a small table in the corner of the room. you bite back a grin as you step closer towards her, ignoring the way excitement bubbles in your chest.
green eyes trail upwards from the phone in her hands, until eventually she’s staring back at you, watching as you approach.
“hey, you um- you asked for me?”
wanda smiles, her hand gesturing to the empty chair opposite her. you instantly obey to the silent command and perch yourself on the chair.
“yeah.. i wanted to see you and thank you again for the other day. i think you could have smelled how new i am to this environment and.. well, you were really kind so, thank you”
your eyes trailer over wanda’s body as she speaks. it makes you almost audibly grown at how good she looks, the beauty and power that radiates from her as she sits in a black suit and heels to match.
ignoring the dull ache you feel building between your thighs, you shift slightly in your chair and lean forward.
you certainly don’t miss the way wanda’s eyes fall quickly to your cleavage and back up to your face.
“that’s nice of you to say, wanda. did you come all the way here just to say that?”
the redhead chews delicately on her bottom lip before taking a deep breath. “no i- i want to.. i’m not sure of the prices but, i want a dance.. from you”
“oh?..” is all you could say as you gulp dryly at wanda’s confession. you study the way she fiddles with her fingers, the way one leg bounces gently and how her brow line creases into a frown. “are you sure? you seem nervous”
it was a shameful thing to point out about someone, you knew that. but, you couldn’t help the concern you felt towards the older woman. sure, if this was any other customer; you’d happily take their money without so much as blinking. but, wanda was kind, deferential. you wanted her to be sure of her decision.
“it’s because i am,” wanda scoffs with a chuckle and repositions herself on her chair. “but yeah i- i do want this, i’m just..”
your shoot her a lopsided smile. “it’s okay, you don’t have to explain, as long as you’re certain”
wanda nods, feeling nothing but relief at your words. how could she possibly begin to explain why she’s nervous? she has no reason to be. she’s a grown woman, someone much older than you, who has plenty of life experience and wisdom and yet when it comes to this? she’s a ball of anxiety that’s ready to roll out of the door and never return.
maybe a drink will help, she thinks.
“do you want a rum and coke? i’m just going to head to the bar before we start”
you smile at the redhead as you rise to your feet, “i’d love one, c’mon, let’s go together”
the air is thick with tension as you both step into the dark booth that’s only light comes from the illumination of bright purple fairy lights that hang overhead.
you motion for wanda to sit down as you plug a cable into your phone that connects you to the speaker. once you do, you pull up a playlist and press shuffle. music slowly builds into an easy rhythm and you gently sway your hips on every beat.
you can feel wanda’s eyes burning a hole into the back of you and a smirk twitches at the corner of your lips as you continue to dance.
you shift backwards, your ass only a few inches away from wanda’s face and that’s when you begin your routine. you reach down, your fingertips touching the tips of your heels and you can’t help but hum at the delicious stretch you feel in the back of your thighs.
you move your hands from your heels, smoothing them up your calf’s and over the back of your legs until you reach your ass. you grab a fistful of flesh and teasingly spread your cheeks apart.
you hear wanda groan from behind you and you can’t help but feel pride beam proudly in your chest once again. the same pride you felt on the first day that you met her, when you realised that out of every dancer in the club; wanda chose you. she chose to speak to you, to tip you. and to now be the one who gives her, her first lap dance.
“you doing good back there?” you ask, a hint of sarcasm laced in your voice as you trail your arms up to your hips, pulling at both ends of the hem of your thong. you let them go with a brief snap against your skin before turning around to face wanda. “sounds like you’re enjoying the view to me”
you hook a finger under wanda’s chin, tilting her head upwards to face you and even in the dimly lit darkness of the booth, you can see the way wanda’s pupils fade from emerald green to black as they dilate. the way her chest rises in uneven breaths and the way her hands grip the edge of her seat harshly.
wanda parts her lips, the words she so badly wants to whisper just dancing on the tip of her tongue. i want you. instead she settles for a breathy “yes”, leaning forward as she does in a desperate attempt to be closer to you.
she fights every instinct in her body to not reach out and touch you, to feel the softness of your skin under her fingertips.
“good,” you mutter, your hot breath hitting her lips as you speak, and it takes everything in you to not close the gap between you. “you really are something else, you know, wanda. you’re so unbelievably gorgeous, it hurts”
you pull away, releasing the hold on her chin and continue to dance, swaying your hips as your hands roam over your body until they reach the curve of your breasts. you give them a generous squeeze and wanda’s eyes never falter as she watches in awe.
wanda holds your gaze, even when you step closer and closer until you swing a leg over her hips, your other one following soon after. she gulps dryly when you fully straddle her, your hands moving to rest on her shoulders.
your hips stay just a few inches above her lap and wanda’s teeth clamp down on her bottom lip when they begin to grind gradually in the air.
“me?..” wanda gasps, the grip on her seat getting tighter and tighter by the second until her fingers turn white. “have you seen you? you’re a fucking masterpiece, scarlet. the things i-“
you tilt your head downwards at that, your face a few inches away from wanda who sits there with flushed cheeks and her lips clamped shut.
“the things you what?..”
a shaky sigh hits your skin before wanda drops her head in embarrassment. “nothing, i- forget i said that”
you hum in thought, your movements coming slowly to a halt as you let the lower half of your body rest on wanda’s thighs. your already peaked heart rate spikes dramatically at the feel of once again, expensive cotton and all your mind can think of is grinding against one of her tense thighs until you leave a mess on her pants suit.
“you can call me y/n, by the way” your words come out in a broken whisper and you don’t even care, your mind is swirling with nothing but wanda. how her skin would feel against your touch, the softness of her lips against yours, what makes her tick and how she would sound when she reaches that blissful peak of an orgasm. “scarlet is just an allies”
“y/n” wanda repeats, lifting her head up once more until your eyes interlock. “that’s a pretty name, it suits you”
you smile down at her, liking the way your names sounds when it comes from her. it makes you itch more with want and you can feel yourself becoming unbearably needy as she holds your gaze. “do you- are you busy after this?”
your eyes widen as the words leave your lips and you instantly begin to climb off wanda’s lap, stepping backwards until the coldness of a large mirror behind you hits your back.
you quickly reprimand yourself as mortification creeps in at such a question. something you have never asked a customer before, let alone thought of. how could you be so stupid?
“fuck, i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean to say that. i don’t think before i speak“
you could see a hint of faint surprise written on wanda’s face but, as she rises from her seat; something you can’t quite place glistens in her eyes as she parts her lips to speak. “you didn’t mean it? that’s quite a shame”
she steps closer towards you, inching closer until you can once again feel her hot breath hitting your skin. “are you sure you didn’t mean it because..” wanda sighs, her eyes hungrily raking down the smooth skin of your body. “my diary’s completely free and if i’m being honest, for the past few nights all i’ve thought about is you”
her confession makes you gulp hard, the confidence and boldness you had before is slowly vanishing as a new side of wanda shows herself and cracks through the surface of her once timid and unsure demeanour.
you clear your throat and stand up straighter, your eyes never breaking contact as you try to regain some sense of tenacity. “oh do tell,” you mutter, moving closer just an inch until you feel the curve of wanda’s breasts pressing against your own. “i’d love to hear about how you’ve been thinking of me”
wanda’s gaze flicker to your lips for a split second before taking a small intake of breath. “well, well, you’re a brave little girl, aren’t you? my thoughts envision you as someone who takes it lying down but.. i guess i was wrong”
a slight grin itches at your lips at the back and forth dynamic you both hold but you bite it back, not wanting to show any significant detail of feeling on your face. “oh i do like to take it lying down but.. you’re right, wanda. i’ll never step down from a challenge”
wanda smiles and unlike before, when it was soft, gentle and the dimples in her cheeks formed; this one held something much more sinister behind it. “we’ll see how long it takes before i break you, darling”
before you could reply, the sound of your timer plays loudly in the booth causing both of your heads to turn towards the noise and the illumination of your phone screen.
“looks like my time is up” wanda voiced with a hum as she steps back a few feet. the loss of her warmth against you makes you want to reach out and pull her back towards you until your bodies deliciously press together again. “so, tell me y/n, what happens next?
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celandeline · 5 months
Summer of Like // Farleigh Start x OC (18)
My fatal flaw is that I can’t say no to Venetia. I’ve known since I met her, when I moved into our suite at Cambridge, that I wasn’t going to be able to say no to her - not when she’s as pretty as she is and as pitiful. Which is how I find myself singing karaoke in the library with Venetia.
I didn’t know the words to Head Over Heels by Tears for Fears before Venetia pulled me out of my seat. I doubt that I’ll remember anything I’ve sung after we finish given how much wine I had at dinner. But it makes her smile, and everyone scattered on the couches around the rooms claps when we’re done. 
I hand off my microphone to another of the Henrys, and flop down on the couch, next to Felix. Venetia perches between our laps, one leg over mine, one leg over her brothers - her right arm around Felix’s shoulders, her left hand laid on my thigh. I wrap my free arm around her waist, and tuck my head into the junction between her neck and her shoulder, watching as the Henry who took the microphone from me starts to swagger as Flo Rida’s Low starts playing. 
“Oh god.” Venetia laughs as an exasperated sigh leaves Felix. 
It’s very evident right from the start that he’s not very good. It’s made even worse by the way his British accent tries to mimic Flo Rida’s tone. I huff out a laugh as he shrugs off his jacket, tossing it to a woman that I presume is how wife. 
Felix is the first one to call it quits. “Alright, fuck this. I'm getting a drink.”
“Me too.” Venetia says, rising from her spot in Felix and I’s laps. “Coming Evie?”
I stand up with them, fixing the straps of my borrowed dress. “‘Course.”
I follow them back into the dining room, leaving the library behind us, letting the noise of the karaoke fade into the background. In the dining room, the plates and silverware have been cleared away, but the bar is still set up to the side of the room. 
Felix gets there first, pulling three glasses over from the side. “What do you drink, Evie?”
“Depends.” I say. “What are the options?”
“Anything you want.” He says, pouring himself some whiskey that looks like it costs five times my rent in New York. He starts on Venetia’s drink, pouring gin, vermouth and bitter campari into the same glass, and swirling it all around a few times before handing it to her. 
“Some tequila would be good.” I say. 
Felix grabs a bottle and pours me a healthy helping, and drops a lime wedge into the drink for good measure. “Alright?” He asks, handing the glass to me. 
“Yeah, thanks.” I say, taking a small sip. The tequila burns, just a little, the impact softened by the wine that’s already in my system.
Venetia grins as she sips her own drink. “Nobody makes a negroni like you, Fi.”
Felix scoffs, and downs his glass of whiskey like it’s a shot before pouring himself another. “I’m sure you’ve had better negronis than that.”
“I didn’t say it was good.” Venetia says. “Just that nobody makes them like you.”
“Shove off.” Felix says, but there’s no bite in it. 
Glasses in hand, we wander back to the library. The song changes abruptly as we slip back into the room, as I spot Farleigh at the karaoke machine, sorting through the selection, microphone in hand.
“Okay, well done Henry, that was great. Round of applause for Henry…” He grins as he finds the song he wants, and stands back up to his full height. “Okay now it’s time to take things up a notch. We have someone here who is a very talented singer.”
The intro to Rent, by the Pet Shop Boys begins to play. I turn to Venetia, already knowing what he’s going to do before he does it, but she’s only smiling, not recognizing the song.
Farleigh turns towards Oliver, that wry smile on his face. “He’s your best friend and mine: Oliver Quick!”
“No, no, no…!” Oliver protests as Farleigh grabs his hand.
Farleigh only smiles as he pries Oliver out of his seat and presses the microphone into his hand. “Yes, yes, yes… don’t be shy!”
Oliver stumbles forward, pushed by Farleigh, wide-eyed. “I don’t even know this song!”
From the couch, James claps his hands. “The words are on the screen, Oliver! That's the best bit! That's the best bit!”
The first verse of the song starts, and Oliver starts to sing, a little off the melody, but smiling anyway. Farleigh sidles up to me, a playful smile on his face. “What’re you drinking?”
“Tequila.” I say, holding my glass out to him. 
He takes it, and swigs some into his mouth before handing it back to me. 
I keep eye contact as I take a sip, sure to place my lips right over where his just were. “You’re cruel, you know. Making him sing this song.” 
His grin widens. “You know this song?”
“Yeah.” I say. “My mom loves the Pet Shop Boys. She’s always playing them around the house. Says they remind her of the ‘good ‘ol days’ before she had kids.”
“Harsh.” Farleigh laughs. 
“Either way, it’s mean.” I say. 
“Shhh, he hasn’t realized yet.” He says, fishing a cigarette out of his pocket and lighting it with glee as he watches Oliver stumble along to the music. I watch as Elspeth realizes exactly what song is playing, casting a look at James. The cheering only gets quieter as more and more of the crowd realize where this is going. 
The music swells into the chorus, and the lyrics change on the screen. I watch Oliver’s face shift as he reads the words, and the joke dawns on him all at once. He falters only for a moment before he finishes it off. 
“I love you, you pay my rent.”
Full of malicious glee, Farleigh whoops. “Whoo! You tell ‘em!”
“Farleigh.” Felix’s voice is low. I glance over to him to see a glower on his face, not unlike his expression at the breakfast table the night after Venetia’s moonlit escapade. 
“What?” Farleigh mocks innocence. 
Whatever Felix is about to say is cut off by Oliver. “This is your song as well Farleigh, come finish it.” His tone is friendly, but his stare is anything but. A shiver runs up my spine just looking at him. 
Still, Farleigh grins. “Only if you insist.” He tucks his cigarette between my lips before dashing away, taking the mic from Oliver. He doesn’t have to look at the screen to know the words, and he leans into the performance, dancing and spinning the wire of the microphone as he croons. 
I puff on his cigarette as he looks over to me and winks.
< previous part | next part >
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deandoesthingstome · 1 year
Hall Pass - Chapter 2
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Paring: Henry Cavill x Reader (RPF)
Series Summary: You run into Henry Cavill at the start of a two-week house-sitting vacation. You had some previous plans. Some were ruined by your now ex-boyfriend. Some were made better. Guess by whom?
Series Warnings: I’ll be honest, this whole thing is just self-indulgent smutty fluff. Here’s what I offer: meeting, making out, and having sex with Henry Cavill (rpf). I’m probably NOT going to be adding chapter warnings unless I get a bug to re-write and something worms it’s way into the story that I wasn’t expecting.
A/N: I started this story shortly after the fiasco of The Witcher and Superman announcements. I thought about how great it would be to try and cheer him up a little. For the purposes of this story, he is single. No hate to anyone in his life right now, in whatever way you imagine that to be. I also understand if you do not read rpf. Feel free to scroll on by. I don’t need to hear about it.
This was going to be a looooong one-shot, but solicited feedback prompted me to break it up for you. 
Playlist: I will add to Spotify with each chapter.
Word Count: 3.8K
Chapter 1
In the morning, the smell of freshly brewed coffee forced your eyes open. You hoped you had enough time to shower before heading out to say goodbye to Henry. Plus you needed to tame the lingering fantasy from your dreams the night before. Somehow while reaching for the bottle of body wash on the floor of the tight shower cubicle you almost slipped and fell out, cursing loudly and grabbing on to the shower curtain, praying it held while you found your balance again. You heard a sharp knock at the bedroom door.
“Everything alright in there?” Henry called.
“It’s fine! I’m fine. I’ll be right out,” you hollered back from the bathroom.
You tried to hurry while still taking your time to keep your footing. One more quick rinse, then a dry off with a fluffy towel and you were back in the room slipping into fleece-lined leggings and a comfy oversized sweater.
He had another fire roaring in the great room and was sitting next to two mugs of coffee at the breakfast bar.
“Good morning! I heard a shout when I came to see how you took your coffee. Everything okay?”
“Oh, just clumsy me. I’m fine. And black is fine, thank you very much.” You glanced at your watch. So little time left.
“Yeah, I should probably get going soon. The store said 10 and I recall it was about 30 minutes out?” You nodded in response to his query. “Yeah, so a quick cup and then I should run.”
You hoped your face hadn’t fallen too low. Could you fake a need in town so you could head in with him? Ooh, go back for the honey! No, too desperate.
“Henry?” Might as well try, desperate or not.
“Do you… where you’re staying… Is there any reason…Would you want to…I mean, there’s a table that gets good natural light you could take over and work on your model…oh, but Kal…shoot, nevermind.”
“Were you offering this farm as my hiatus home?”
“Yes? I mean, you could take up more space than a table. Plus the grounds are inspiring to wander around. And the goats. You barely had time to meet them while you were making out with the horses yesterday.”
Henry gave a hearty chuckle. “That’s really sweet of you. Very kind. But I’ve got…”
“Yeah, right, of course. Ignore me. Please. This must be so weird for you. A total stranger offering you a room in a home that isn’t even hers.”
“Well, I wouldn’t call you a total stranger and I’ve often found that Henrys make the best friends, but yes, I do have Kal and my assistant to think about.”
“Yeah, of course. No worries.”
You offered to jot down the directions back to town while you finished your coffee with Henry. He asked you to text him the details instead, reciting his cell number for you.
“I can trust you won't just go handing this out now, right?”
“Never!” You clutched your chest in mock dismay.
Too few moments later, you waved down the drive with a bittersweet smile on your face as you watched him go, then turned to re-enter the house and settle into your non-anniversay day. It had started out so lovely, but now that you were alone…
Oh, but not! You shifted gears and headed into the barn, where Caleb was mucking stalls.
“Did you have a visitor last night?” the old man greeted you with a cheerful smile.
“Sort of? The strangest thing…”
“And where’s your better half this morning?” He watched your face fall and tried to recover. “Everything okay?”
“It will be.” You paused for a moment. “We’re done. He just couldn’t tear himself away from work, not even for our anniversary.”
“That stinks. I’m so sorry. Was that him I heard leaving just now?”
“Not exactly…” you hedged as Caleb laughed at your reticence.
“Okay, well, keep your secrets then,” he winked. “Want to help out here?”
You jumped at the chance to get a little more familiar with the care and handling of the horses. Caleb helped you lead Mikka and Sadie into the field. You asked if you could have Butterscotch saddled for a ride in a little bit, which meant Telly would stick nearby. He never went far without her. Caleb recommended waiting to saddle the horse until the work was done so she wasn’t uncomfortable for the duration. The manual labor kept your mind off both Henry and your ex for the time being. As soon as the stalls were done, you headed back inside to pack some provisions for the afternoon. When you headed back out to the barn, you turned your attention to the goats who were ready for mid-morning nibbles.
Caleb was just about to saddle Butterscotch when a familiar vehicle wound its way up the drive.
“Holy shit,” you whispered under your breath.
“Any idea who this is now? Wait, isn’t that the SUV I saw on my way in?”
“Sure is,” you were almost beaming. Henry Cavill was driving back up the road to you with what looked like a large bear in the passenger seat.
Henry parked and stepped out of the car, making his way toward you and offering a hand to Caleb in greeting.
“Good afternoon! I’m Henry. You must be the horse master?”
“Sure am. Name’s Caleb. Nice to meet you.”
“Henry, what on earth are you doing back here?” you asked.
“Well, I got to thinking. First of all, we forgot to grab some photos for your hosts. And second, why would I spend my hiatus in a fancy hotel in the city, when I could just as easily enjoy this beautiful country-side? If the offer still stands, that is.”
“You a photographer or something?” Caleb asked, and it was all you could do not to laugh at the older gentleman. 
“Uh, no. Nope. Not a photographer,” Henry smiled. 
“Caleb, Henry forgot to give you his last name. Seems that’s his schtick. This is Henry Cavill, he’s an actor. Plays Superman,” you offered, thinking it would be the easiest character for Caleb to identify with.
“Well, played, yes,” Henry countered and you almost fainted from embarrassment. Of course! He’d just had some terrible news about that role. And after leaving The Witcher, no less. Poor guy was having a hard time of it lately. 
“Oh, yeah. Think I knew that. Well, what’s a big Hollywood celebrity doing all the way out here?” Caleb asked.
“I was picking up some items from a store nearby when I got sidetracked and wound up at this wonderful farm last night. And now I’m hoping I can impose for a little while longer.” He smiled at you with a genuine sincerity and you couldn’t stop grinning back. Suddenly a sharp bark sounded from the SUV.
“Oh, yes, and Kal! Caleb, are the horses good with strange dogs? I’d love to let him run free, but happy to keep him inside if it’s a problem?” Henry asked.
“As long as he’s good with horses, they’re good with him. Sadie and MIkka are out in the pasture right now, but Telly and Butterscotch can show him around.”
While Henry retrieved Kal from the car and introduced him to you and Caleb, an idea began to form and before you knew it you were giving it voice.
“Caleb, would it be too much trouble to saddle Telly as well? If Henry’s up for it, I’d love to take him for a ride this afternoon,” you gave a questioning glance toward Henry, hiding your panic that he might think you were once again insinuating a different kind of activity altogether.
“Oh, well if it’s not too much trouble for Caleb, that would be a wonderful treat.” If he did notice the double entendre, he wasn’t showing it.
“Sure. Happy to saddle ‘em up for you. Think you can get ‘em untacked when you're back?”
You nodded, noticing Henry did as well, and Caleb proceeded to get the horses ready for you while you led Henry back into the house.
“Oh, and here, for you” Henry handed you a small brown paper bag. You opened it and peered in to find two jars of honey. “I wasn’t sure which flavor you preferred, so I just asked Josh if I could have one of each.”
“Well, thank you!” You put the honey in the kitchen and continued down the hall to drop Henry’s bags in his guest room. While he used the bathroom, you took the time to gather a few more items to add to the bag you’d already packed to take with you on your ride, then led Henry back out to the barn.
“Alright, you two. I’ll be back this evening to gather the other two and get them all in the barn for the night. See you later!”
You waved as Caleb took off, then headed into the barn to grab a helmet. Henry followed.
“Do you think I could borrow a helmet as well?”
“Oh, I didn’t even think. I usually wear one because, you know,” you gestured to yourself, “clumsy. But I didn’t want to assume, since you ride so often.”
“Well, it’s always a good idea to take precautions, I think. Maybe just to stay on the safe side,” he winked at you. Or tried to.
Once you were settled in the saddles, Henry asked where to.
“There are a few different paths around the property. If you don’t mind, I’d like to take an easy ride through the pasture and around the woods.”
“Sounds just fine.”
Henry and Telly fell in line with you as you led Butterscotch down the lane and into the field at a slow pace. Kal ran ahead and returned every so often to make sure he was headed in the same direction you were. You asked Henry how he managed to switch up his plans.
“I just felt so welcome and unbothered here last night, I really didn’t want our time to end. I called my assistant and had her bring Kal to meet me in town. Gave her the rest of the hiatus off and hoped for the best. I just texted her while I was settling my things in the guest room to go ahead and cancel the suite as well, since it seems I have another lodging option now.”
A warmth spread from the tip of your head to your toes. Henry Cavill wanted to spend more time with you. It seemed you wanted the same. You let your sincere smile speak for itself and enjoyed the rest of the ride in a serene quiet, listening for the sounds of nature instead. Every so often, you snuck a glance to see if the videos you'd watched online did any justice to the way this man sat in the saddle.
They did not.
Soon, you turned Butterscotch to enter a small copse of trees and Telly followed suit, barely requiring a nudge from Henry’s reins. A short distance in, you pulled to a stop and turned to see how Henry was reacting to the landscape in front of him.
“What in the world…?” he marveled.
“It’s a small natural hot spring. The next town over is famous for them. There’s a hotel, spa, roman bath house, the whole works. It’s their tourist draw. My friends were lucky enough to find this small pocket on their land. They set the flagstones surrounding the pool and even created some stone seats once you step in.” You paused, realizing Henry had just told you how unbothered he felt here and now it seemed you were making a play to see him practically naked. “If you want to, that is, no pressure at all.”
“Well I don’t know if I’m prepared…”
“I snagged a pair of swim trunks while you were settling in,” you admitted, sheepishly. “I was already packed and getting ready to head out here when you showed up. I really hope you don’t mind.”
“How could I mind? And the water’s safe?”
“Absolutely. They test it just about every week, but it stays consistently warm and without bacteria. It’s really a wonder!”
“Well alright then. Let’s do it!” Henry smiled wide and dismounted with such ease you were almost embarrassed to get down in front of him.
It honestly felt like you were flopping yourself to the ground every time you got off a horse. But once you were on solid ground, Henry approached to help you unpack the saddle bags. You let the horses saunter around the clearing, trusting Butterscotch to keep Telly close.
“There doesn’t seem to be a changing room out here,” he joked, making a show of looking around.
“Yes, well. I thought you could just step behind that rather large pine over there and change while I get in. There’s no one around for miles, I swear it.”
Henry accepted the trunks and towel you offered, then marched off to the makeshift dressing room. You set the food and drink you’d packed on the side of the spring, then peeled off your clothes down to your bathing suit and stepped in, sitting quickly to fend off the brisk, wintery air, keeping your back towards Henry, lest he actually be too big to fit behind the tree as well.
In a moment, you heard a rustle and footsteps heading your way, so you turned and almost lost your breath. He was striding toward you, jeans and sweater in hand, towel draped around his neck, and looking just fine in the borrowed swim shorts. They fit him snuggly and it may have been the best idea you’d ever had, short of actually inviting him to stay with you at the farm.
As he got closer, you moved to the far side of the spring to give him room to enter. He sat and released the same satisfied sigh you had when you first entered the warm water.
“I didn’t realize how chilly the air had gotten until you had me strip naked behind a tree. But this is just phenomenal.”
You laughed and apologized, but he waved it off. 
“I’m glad you suggested this. It’s a welcome treat. And I see you have champagne?”
“Yes, well. My plan was to come out here and drown my sorrows alone…”
“Oh, right! Ah, today’s the actual day, is it?”
“Was. Yes. So would you care to toast the demise of my most recent blunder with me?”
“Absolutely. And his loss, by the way. Absolutely.”
You ducked with a sudden shyness and took a sip of the champagne.
“Did you also bring strawberries for this? That’s a pretty standard anniversary thing, isn’t it?” Henry teased with a wink.
“I would have if they didn’t wreck my insides. I can’t stomach the tiny seeds. But here,” you turned and grabbed a small container to open and hand over. “Have some grapes?”
Henry thanked you and grabbed a few, then apologized if his strawberry joke was in poor taste.
“You had no idea. How could it be?” you assured him.
“You know, I’ve been meaning to thank you.”
“Thank me? For what?”
“For not treating me like a celebrity. With kid gloves and as if the whole world revolves around me. It’s been refreshing from the moment you bumped into me. You’ve listened to my ramblings about my hobbies and haven’t asked once about that Witcher fiasco. Or Superman for that matter. It made it very easy for me to accept your offer of a few weeks of quiet country time and I really appreciate it.”
“Yours or mine?” he asked.
“Ok, go.”
“You’re my Hall Pass.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Hall Pass. It’s like…”
“Yes, I think I’m aware, but you aren’t in a relationship anymore, right. Not since the very minute we met, if I’m not mistaken. Do you need a pass now?”
“No. No I suppose I don’t.”
“Good. Because I really wouldn’t want this to ruin anything you’ve got going.”
You blinked your eyes with confusion. “This?” you asked, not sure if you were afraid he would give you the answer you assumed he’d give, which was something along the lines of anything that hinted he had no real interest in you. Or if you were afraid he’d give you the answer you hoped for and that he meant he had the same undeniable attraction to you as you had to him.
He licked his lips, tilted his head, and furrowed his brow ever so slightly. You could see the way his mind sought the right words.
“I suppose it’s my turn to apologize and hope I’m not being terribly forward when I say that I don’t mind saying I’d like to kiss you.”
You blinked again trying to decipher the words that sounded like a jumble and yet also appeared to mean exactly what you wanted them to when combined with the sexy drop in his voice and the way he leaned in ever so slightly.
Don’t shake your head to clear the cobwebs, you idiot. But do something soon so he doesn’t regret what he’s just said.
“I think I’d like that, too,” you managed to whisper, afraid of the tremble you were sure would accompany the regular volume of your voice as he inched closer.
“Is now okay?” and he waited just long enough to see you nod before he bent his head left and captured your lips between his.
It was sweet and warm, a tender, gentle touch. At first. But the groan that escaped his throat as you swiped your tongue across his bottom lip when you very much couldn’t hold back sent shivers down your spine and a heat wave through your core. Henry placed a hand against your neck to hold you firmly in place as he tilted your head back and answered your silent ask with his own deepening of the kiss, tongue swirling into you.
The various ways you imagined kissing Henry Cavill could go each time you pressed play on one of his movies or shows did absolutely no justice to the real thing. And maybe you were naive, but this didn’t feel like an “acting kiss.” No, this was real, at least for you. Every tingle, every spark, every butterfly struggling for release. And yours wasn’t the only body reacting.
Henry pressed closer, pushed you gently against the side of the small pool, one hand behind your back to cushion you against the stones. You felt his knee wedge between your thighs and when your hand touched his side to hold him close you could swear you felt goosebumps. But that must just be the cold air.
Suddenly he pulled you away from the wall, backing himself up to the other side and dragging his hands down your back before lifting you onto his lap and coaxing your legs to either side of his thighs. He never once let go of your mouth, so you had no choice but to moan wantonly into his as you could now feel what else this kiss was doing to him.
His hands roamed your body, fingers pressing and squeezing gently before settling on the small of your back so he could shift you closer into the grind of his hips. After a few moments of even more passionate kissing with heads tilting back and forth in a carefully choreographed dance of lips and tongue, you felt him pull back and reluctantly let go.
“If we don’t stop, I’ll likely come right in these borrowed pants and I wouldn’t want to mess with the pH of the hot spring,” Henry confessed with a little sadness in his voice. “I’m sorry, I know I started that.”
“Please stop apologizing to me,” you answered kindly, attempting to retreat to the opposite side of the spring. “If nothing else, on my darkest days I can at least remind myself of a hot tub makeout session with Henry Cavill.”  
Henry didn’t let go.
“Oh, well, I was hoping…I mean, is it presumptuous of me to imagine there could be something else, more than … well.” The way he simply stood up as he shifted your legs to wrap around his waist and turned to set you on the ledge. “Is the air too cold for this?”
“I have a feeling you can take care of that,” you grinned, accepting his arms around your shoulders as he bent for another taste of your lips. All his residual body heat was keeping you warm and even if it wasn’t, your mind was decidedly on other things for the entire time his mouth was on yours. 
Suddenly, your phone’s alarm sounded and you jumped, knocking your head against his once again.
“Shit! Sorry! That caught me by surprise,” you apologized.
“That phone seems to cause you more trouble than it’s worth,” he teased, letting you free so you could stand up and grab your cell from the bag.
“Oh, I'd rather say this phone has provided me a unique experience," you replied before glancing down to silence the alarm. "Oh…fuck,” you tried to keep your flash of concern to a whisper but Henry heard.
“Everything alright?” he asked, already slipped back into the warm water where you also wished you could be at the moment.
“Uh, yeah. It’s…oh, god. I swear. You are going to think I am just trying to take all kinds of advantage of you,” you offered, while wrapping yourself in a towel to stay warm.
“I mean, I’m not exactly protesting here, am I?”
“No, I suppose not. But this whole day is just..okay, well it was supposed to be an anniversary date, if you recall. So what’s happening now is that we need to pack up and head back to the house because in sixty minutes I have a massage booked.” You grimmaced, hoping it didn’t sound like just another excuse to be next-to-naked next to Henry Cavill. “I could just cancel, eat the fee, it’s not a big deal…”
“Absolutely not. Unless that’s what you want to do. This is your day, right?” He watched you nod. “And do you want to have a massage?”
What you wanted was to continue your time with Henry in a hot spring, but you had also shelled out some major bucks to schedule two in-home 90-minute massages for you and your dolt of an ex. Canceling now would mean losing the entire fee. And Henry was here for another two weeks. There’d be plenty of time to get back here, literally and figuratively, if that’s where things were really going to head.
Plus, the stress of everything over the last several months left you longing for the sensation of palms and knuckles and fingers kneading into deep tissue to release stubborn tension. You could send one of them home, maybe. Eat that cost. Unless…
“Would you be interested in one as well?”
Henry paused for a moment. “There might be some things to consider with that…ah, fuck it. Why not?”
Chapter 3
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 1 year
Broken Without You
Summary: After witnessing the death of your best friend Henry and his little brother, you're close to giving up and ending it all. Until Joel asks you to join him and Ellie on their journey across the country and gives you a reason to keep fighting.
Pairing: Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: language, blood, suicidal thoughts
Previous Chapter
Chapter 8-
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Joel was nowhere to be seen in the street as you exited the bar, so you began wandering around the community trying to find the house that Maria had allocated for you guys.
It wasn't hard to find though, because as you were walking past a large two-story building, Ellie suddenly walked out the front door sporting fresh clothes and a striped pink and white hoodie.
"Oh, hey!" Ellie shouted, jogging over to you with a bright smile. "You should see the inside of the house, it is enormous! And the hot shower, man, you're gonna love it!"
You smiled at how enthusiastic and happy she seemed to be. At least someone was having a good time in this community because Joel sure as shit wasn't.
"I can't wait!" You responded, matching her enthusiasm causing her to smile brighter. "Is, uh, Joel inside?"
She shook her head, "haven't seen him. I'm heading to Maria's. She said something about a movie night or... I don't really know."
"Go have fun. I'll see you later."
Ellie waved goodbye and walked across the street to the house that you assumed belonged to Maria and Tommy. You watched her go and tried to ignore the pang of sadness aching in your chest. Henry and Sam would have loved this place.
Little Sam would've loved patting Shimmer with Ellie earlier, he would love exploring this community with her and meeting other kids his age. Henry would have been thrilled to sit at the bar of the Tipsy Bison knocking back a glass of whiskey. They both would have loved this place.
Shaking your head at your thoughts, you walked through the front door of the other house.
There were three bedrooms, one downstairs with fresh men's clothes on the end of a bed, so you figured that was Joels room. Upstairs there was a room decorated with typical teenage girl stuff, and another room that seemed fairly normal and like Joels, had a small pile of fresh clothes and supplies on the end of the bed.
Maria matched your clothing size perfectly, the jeans, shirt and flannel jacket lined with soft wool all looked freshly cleaned and practically brand new. There was a towel, shampoo and a bar of soap also there, so you grabbed those supplies and walked out the bedroom and down the hallway into the main bathroom.
It was crazy having lights indoors that actually worked. The QZ had electricity and running water, but it had been a long time since then.
The hot water felt like absolute heaven on your skin.
You stood under the spray of the warm water for a few minutes cleaning your body and washing your hair with shampoo that smelt like coconuts. It was nice. It was too nice.
Henry and Sam should be here. They should be the ones eating homecooked meals in the cafeteria. They should be the ones getting clean clothes and having warm showers, not you. Why were you still here and they weren't? If anyone deserved to survive, it was them, not you.
Closing your eyes, you leant your back against the wall and slowly slid down until you were sitting on the tiled floor of the shower, letting the water wash over you. Tears burned in your eyes as you thought back to that morning in the motel room.
It wasn't fair. Why did they have to die? Why them?
You covered your mouth with your hands, muffling your cries in case Ellie returned to the house. You didn't want her to worry about you, but right now, alone with your thoughts, you couldn't stop the emotion that had been building up for all those months to come spilling out.
You cried, your tears mixing in with the shower water as they poured down your face. Henry's broken voice echoing through your mind on repeat, 'what did I do?' before he squeezed the trigger.
There was nothing you could do as those memories washed over you. So, you just sat there under the water, hugging your knees to your chest as you cried.
You weren't sure how long you were in the shower for, but you eventually picked yourself up from the floor and got out. You spared a glance at yourself in the foggy mirror, noting how red your eyes looked. There was no hiding the fact that you had been crying. You just hoped Ellie was still with Maria.
Clad in nothing but a towel, you make your way across the hall back to your bedroom, but as you rounded the corner, you quite literally bumped into Joel.
You grunted hitting his chest before stumbling back a step at the unexpected impact. Joel quickly shot his hand out, grabbing your bare shoulder to stop you from falling over, but quickly let go once you regained your balance and averted his eyes when he realised you only had a towel wrapped around you.
"Sorry." You apologised, hating how raw your voice sounded.
Joel must have noticed because he looked back over at you, making a point to keep his eyes on yours and his brows furrowed a little when he noticed how red they were.
"I'm fine." You mumbled, despite the fact that it was a clear lie.
"You're not."
You couldn't stand the look of concern in his eyes. You didn't deserve his concern. You didn't deserve any of this. Sam and Henry deserved this, not you.
"Doesn't matter." You whispered, stepping around him and walking off.
You could feel Joel watching you, but you kept walking until you reached the bedroom and slipped inside, closing the door behind you. Quickly, you got changed into the new clothes, still surprised at how well they fit before you grabbed your old jeans and pulled out the single bullet from the pocket.
The bullet was useless. Maria made you and Joel submit your rifles upon entry, but you tucked the bullet into your pocket nonetheless and walked back out the bedroom.
You could faintly hear Joel and Ellie talking from her bedroom further down the hall, so you slipped out the house without either of them noticing.
You weren't sure where you were going or what you were going to do, but you needed to get some fresh air.
The sun had long ago set, the sky now shimmering with stars above you. The footpath was lit up dimly by the streetlights, but the street was empty which you were grateful for. Earlier, there had been people bustling about, busy with errands. But now that it was night, it had fallen still.
You wandered the quiet streets of Jackson feeling numb while you thought of Sam and Henry. For so long, you felt so many different emotions, but now... now you didn't feel anything at all.
You were so distracted and caught up in your own head, you hadn't heard another set of footsteps sneak up behind you until it was too late.
"Well, well, well. Fancy seeing you here."
There was no mistaking that voice. It was Mark from Kansas City QZ.
You stopped in your tracks and turned around only to be met by a fist that collided against the side of your face.
For the first time in a long time, you felt something other than numbness. Pain blossomed through your skull, and to your own surprise, you liked it.
The force of the hit sent you to the ground though, but you didn't care.
It all happened so fast, you didn't have a chance to really process anything before he knelt beside you, leaning down until his face was inches from yours.
"You leave Jackson by dawn. If I see your face again, I'll put a bullet through it."
"Fuck you." You spat, lifting your arm and throwing your elbow back into his face.
"Fucking bitch!" He hissed, stumbling back a step, holding his now bleeding nose.
"You think I can't take a punch? That was weak. Come on, try harder." You teased, getting to your feet and holding your arms out to the side in an almost taunting pose.
You knew this would only make him angrier. It was a bad idea. Horrible idea even. And something was seriously wrong with you because you wanted this. You wanted him to hurt you. Maybe you couldn't use the bullet on yourself, but if someone else just ended it... well, you weren't going to stop them.
Mark took a step forward and let go of his nose. Blood dripped down his chin, staining his neck while his whole body shook with rage. Oh, yeah, he was angry. Good.
He took another swing which you managed to dodge easily, but you didn't try and dodge the second and you welcomed the familiar sting of his knuckles colliding with your jaw.
Your head snapped to the side from the hit, instantly tasting copper in your mouth.
"Think I'm weak now?" He snarled.
You grinned madly, exposing your blood covered teeth as you began to laugh boarder-line hysterically.
"Yeah, I do."
Mark lunged forward, grabbing you by the collar of your jacket and pinning you up against the brick wall of the house behind you. Your back slammed against the brick roughly causing you to grunt, but you didn't try to fight back.
"That the best you can do?" You asked, raising your eyebrows at him.
His chest expanded as his shoulders pulled back making him look bigger and fierce. But before he could do anything, a voice suddenly shouted in the background.
"Get the hell away from her!"
Tommy Miller.
God damnit, why did he have to show up?
Mark glanced over his shoulder in the direction of Tommy before he looked back at you with rageful eyes.
"Be gone by dawn or you'll regret it." He growled.
He didn't wait for you to respond before he was sprinting off down the street in the opposite direction and disappearing into the darkness.
"Holy shit, Y/N." Tommy's voice gasped, and you tilted your head to the side to find him rushing over to you.
"I'm fine." You dismissed, spitting a mouthful of blood on the ground.
Tommy appeared in front of you a moment later, his wide brown eyes filled with so much worry and concern as he stared at the no doubt reddening bruises on the left side of your face. It probably wasn't something you should have noticed, but his eyes were strikingly similar to Joel's.
"I've had worse. I'm fine." You said, not wanting Joel's brother to worry about you, especially while you were still mad at him for earlier.
"C'mon, I'll take you to the infirmary-"
"It was just a couple punches. I'm good. I swear."
"You don't look good. Your eye is already starting to bruise. Do you want me to get Joel?"
Absolutely not.
"No. He's back at the house-"
"I'll walk you there." Tommy said, his voice leaving no room for arguing.
"Not sure Joel actually wants to see you." You pointed out, thinking back to when he had stormed out the bar.
"We talked. We're good now. C'mon."
You reluctantly nodded and followed him back to the house. He remained silent the entire walk, not asking any further questions. You were surprised he didn't try and ask who attacked you, but you had a suspicion that he already knew who it was, but he didn't say anything, and neither did you.
"Joel, you home?" Tommy called out, knocking on the front door before simply opening it and walking in without waiting for a response.
You walked in after him just as Joel came down the stairs with a rather confused look on his face at the presence of his brother.
It was easy to pinpoint the exact moment he noticed your busted up face. Those brown eyes widened, mimicking Tommy's from earlier as he descended the stairs and rushed over to you without saying a word.
Joel lifted his hand and hooked his index finger under your chin, tilting your head up to the side to get a better look at the damage.
He mustn't like what he saw though because his eyes hardened and frown deepened.
"Who did it?" He demanded.
"It's okay. It doesn't matter-"
"No. Who the hell hurt you? Was it that guy from KC? I swear to God, I'm gonna-"
"Joel, I said it's okay."
"It's not okay-"
"Yes. It is." You sighed having no energy to fight him as you grabbed his hand and lowered it from your face. "Don't worry about it."
You walked past, trying to ignore the concerned look he was giving you. You weren't used to him caring about you, it was strange. A few months ago, he practically hated you and now... well, you didn't know what to make of those worried brown eyes.
You closed the bathroom door behind yourself and turned to face the mirror. It wasn't as bad as you thought it was. The skin around your left eye was starting to bruise along with a patch across your jaw that was bright red and would be bruised by morning.
"What happened?" You heard Joel ask from the other room.
"Not sure. I was walking down the street and I saw her..." Tommy trailed off, not finishing the sentence.
"Saw her what?"
"She was taunting Mark... riling him up. It was like she wanted him to hurt her and then... Jesus Christ, Joel, she didn't fight back, didn't try to run, nothing."
Shit. You were hoping Tommy hadn't heard or noticed that. Of course, he did though and of course he told Joel. Damnit.
You leant your hands against the bathroom sink, staring at your reflection while you waited for Joel's response, but whatever he said was too faint for you to hear from upstairs.
Henry would be so disappointed in you for what you just did. He used to hate it when you got hurt on the job working for FEDRA, let alone purposely getting hurt in a fight. He would be ashamed of you, and that thought alone should make your heart ache, but all you could feel was numbness.
You pressed against the reddening skin along your jaw to feel something. But the dull pain from the bruise wasn't helping as much as you hoped it would.
A knock on the bathroom door made you jump, and you quickly lowered your hand from the bruise like you had just been caught doing something bad.
"Y/N?" Joel called out from behind the door.
You grabbed hold of the bench, taking in a deep breath to calm yourself.
He knocked again, "hey, can you open the door?"
Reluctantly, you reached over and yanked on the door handle, pulling the bathroom door open. Joel stood in the hallway, his arms folded across his chest with an unreadable look on his face.
"Why'd you do it?"
"Do what?" You sighed, glancing over at him.
"Don't. Don't play dumb. You know what I'm talking about. Why did you want Mark to hurt you?"
You looked away, not wanting to answer that question because if you were being honest, you weren't entirely sure of the answer yourself. Did you want Mark to kill you back there? Maybe. You weren't going to stop him if he tried. But you did want him to hit you again. That pain, it made you feel something, something other than the numbness inside. You wanted it. You needed that pain, but how were you meant to say that to Joel? He wouldn't understand, and you didn't expect him to.
"Earlier out in the snow when Mark had that gun to your head, why did you tell him to pull the trigger?" Joel eventually asked when he realised that you weren't going to answer his other question.
You tilted your head up, your eyes locking with his beautiful brown ones. He looked almost sad as he stared at you, and you hated it. He shouldn't be sad because of you. He shouldn't care about you.
"I think you know why." You whispered, feeling tears starting to rise in your eyes, but you forced them back.
Joel sighed, "yeah. I do."
Neither of you said anything for a while as you averted your gaze and stared at the bathroom sink, willing your tears to stay away. You had cried enough in the shower to last a lifetime and you didn't want Joel to see you cry either.
"You still have that bullet?" He questioned, not elaborating but you knew what he was talking about.
You nodded, pulling it out your pocket and placing it on the bathroom bench for Joel to see. He stared at the golden bullet for a while a wave of different emotions flashing across his face, but they were gone before you could place them.
He reached forward picking up the bullet before he leant against the doorframe, twirling it around in his fingers.
"Do you know how I got this scar?" He randomly asked, pointing to the pink scar above his temple and you shook your head. "I got shot."
"Good thing the person had shitty aim." You responded, not really knowing what else to say.
Joel stared down at the bullet in his hand before he said, "it was me."
You paused, thinking you had heard him wrong, and Joel looked back over at you when you didn't respond and saw your confusion before elaborating.
"I was the guy who had shitty aim."
Oh. Oh.
You opened your mouth to respond, but no words came out. Joel really tried to shoot himself?
For a moment, you thought he was joking, but the serious look on his face was enough to show that he wasn't. He really did it. Holy shit.
"What happened?" You asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
Joel sighed, placing the bullet back down on the bench before folding his arms across his chest. He didn't say anything for a few seconds, contemplating what to say and you didn't rush him. He would speak when he was ready, and if you tried to push, he might change his mind about telling you all together.
"I had a daughter." He suddenly said, sparing a glance at you through the bathroom mirror before looking away. "Sarah. Her name was Sarah."
He paused again, lost in thought.
Joel's protectiveness and sometimes harshness to Ellie was starting to make sense. When you first met him, he was trying to keep the girl at arm's length, almost as if he was scared to let her get close. But sometime over the past few months that is exactly what happened.
"She died.... she died in my arms right at the start of it all. And I couldn't see the point anymore, simple as that." He continued to say, his words hitting close to home. "And I wasn't scared either. I was ready. I couldn't have been more ready. But, when I- when I went to pull the trigger... I flinched. Still don't know why, but I did."
You hadn't noticed the tears in your eyes had started to fall until you caught a glance of yourself in the mirror, and you hastily wiped them away. Joel caught your gaze through the mirror, his sad brown eyes locking with yours.
"Anyway, the point of telling you all this is... I get it. Sarah was my world, and I know Henry and Sam were yours. So, I get it." He simply said, nodding to the bullet on the bench. "I... I struggled for a long time with survivin'. But, no matter what, you keep findin' somethin' to fight for."
His words hit you hard, and you didn't know how to respond.
Joel remained silent, letting you process everything he had just said, but how were you meant to find something to fight for when the only two people you had spent your entire life fighting for and protecting were dead?
You swiped away the silent tears that continued to trickle down your face. You could feel Joel's eyes on you in the mirror because it was easier to look at each other during this emotional conversation through the mirror rather than normally. It didn't make sense, but it was true.
"For what it's worth, I'm glad you flinched." You replied quietly.
He nodded, "me too."
"Does it get easier?"
"No." He answered honestly, and that was just perfect. Great. "But you do learn to live with the pain. I know that's not what ya wanted to hear, but it's the truth and you're not alone."
You sighed, turning around and leaning you back against the bathroom sink as you glanced over at Joel properly instead of through the mirror. He tilted his head to the side, his eyes meeting yours.
"Why do you care? I'm no one to you." You responded, sounding a little harsher than what you intended.
"That ain't true."
"It is. I'm just the girl you got stuck with because you felt bad for me. I'm no one to you, Joel. So, why would you care about me? I mean, look at me, I'm a fucking mess. I'm broken. I'm-"
You didn't get to finish your sentence before Joel suddenly shortened the distance between the two of you and captured your lips with his, silencing you instantly.
It took a while for you to process what was happening, but then you were quickly kissing him back. The moment Joels tongue pressed your lower lip, you parted your mouth, welcoming him in. His tongue slipped inside your mouth, and you weren't surprised to taste the faint tinge of whiskey on him.
His hand came up cupping the back of your neck, the other sliding down to your waist as he pulled you closer, your chest pressed against his.
Finally, he pulled away, breathing heavily as he rested his forehead against yours. You kept your eyes closed, savouring the moment before a sudden horrible thought occurred to you.
"Whoa, wait, wait. What about your wife?" You quickly questioned, taking an instant step back.
"I don't have a wife."
You frowned, thinking back to what Tommy had said in the bar. "What about Tess?"
Joels face shut off at the mention of her name. You feared he was going to build the wall back up around him, the wall that you had managed to take down brick by brick without realising.
"She wasn't my wife." Joel eventually answered. "And she's dead."
"Oh, I'm sorry." You quickly apologised, now feeling like a total asshole for bringing up her name like that.
"It's okay." He shrugged, like it wasn't a big deal, but you could tell that it was. "I, uh, I'm gonna go to bed. I'll see ya in the mornin'."
You nodded, watching as he awkwardly turned around and walked out the bathroom. His footsteps descended down the stairs and once he was gone, you turned back to the mirror and stared at your reflection before shaking your head.
"What the hell are you doing, Y/N?" You whispered to yourself.
Next Chapter 
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cricketnationrise · 29 days
Ficlet prompt
Fandom: RWRB
Time: 10:53 pm
Location: Karaoke Bar (did it have a name in the movie? I’ll have to search in the book)
Song: Josh Turner’s “I Want to be Your Man (have you seen the Taylor/Nick duet?? 🔥)
Rating: Author’s discussion
AO3 UserID: Penandra (reader not a writer on AO3 — some (old) stories on FFN
Thank you for what you’ve written so far. Excellent!
was i searching the wrong song title at first? yes. did i eventually realize and find the tiktok of them singing a verse of this almost immediately? also yes. thanks for the prompt, hope you enjoy the ficlet!
read the rest of the ficlets here
10:53pm, karaoke bar
Henry’s already pleasantly tipsy before they even get to Alex’s mystery destination. The car stops and Nora and Pez tumble out, pulling June and Bea after them. Henry waits, sprawled across Alex’s chest.
“Let’s go, baby, we’re here.”
“Comfy, though.”
“You’ll like it, I promise. And it’s an anniversary of sorts for us.”
Intrigued despite himself, Henry straightens up, a bolt of heat going down his spine when he spies the neon Karaoke Queen sign out the tinted window. A veritable storm of hazy memories flick through his brain: luridly bright kimonos, an inadvisable amount of vodka shots, an even more inadvisable moment in a bathroom.
“You want to celebrate this anniversary?” Henry asks, incredulous. “Is there a traditional gift for the first anniversary of bathroom sex? A new loo roll holder, perhaps?”
“I was more thinking about what happened later that night,” Alex says softly, a hint of embarrassment playing around the corner of his mouth. “It was the first time I—that we…”
The reminder that following his rendition of Don’t Stop Me Now—Henry is sure it had Freddie himself spinning in his grave—the two of them had stumbled into a hotel room and been as close as two people possible could, is a humbling one. Alex had been nervous, but determined to make things as pleasurable as possible for him. Determined to meet Henry’s suggestion head-on, despite his lack of experience with men. 
It had been a tipping point for Henry—what he supposed was the beginning of the end for the two of them. They’d shared a bed before, but it was that morning in LA, Alex watching Henry get ready for the day despite his own exhaustion and hangover, that a pang of sharp longing hit him. He wanted Alex in his space, always; wanted him at every event, in every room, at every hour of the day.
And he and Alex were still “casual.”
“I just—that night was special. So I made sure with Bea and Pez that you were free this weekend so we could come back here, now that we’re out, and not have to hide any ounce of love this time.”
“Forget it, it’s stu—”
“It is not stupid. Let’s go.”
Henry’s the one to lead Alex inside, fingers laced together. The rest of their group cheers when they make it to the table. Henry busies himself downing the first two shots Pez ordered to avoid hearing the specifics of the teasing aimed at their later arrival. Honestly, Nora should know that two-thirds of her bawdy suggestions aren’t even physically possible.
“As punishment for your tardiness—”
“It wasn’t even five minutes,” Alex protests.
Pez continues as though uninterrupted. “You two lovebirds are up first. And if you don’t suitably impress us, you’ll be forced to do solos until the staff begs for mercy.”
“That seems more like a punishment for us,” June whines, but Henry recognizes the teasing glint in her eyes.
Alex shoves at her. “Fuck you, I’m great at karaoke.”
“Then it should be easy to get us on our feet,” Bea says. “Choose wisely.”
“Y’all are the worst,” Alex says. He downs two shots in quick succession then stands and gallantly holds out a hand for Henry. “Shall we?”
The next few minutes pass by at lightning speed. One moment Alex is cackling over song options and the next he’s towing Henry up onto the stage while the twangy guitar intro plays. At least Alex picked a song Henry’s heard of, even if he’s never tried to sing along before. When the lyrics pop up on screen, Alex starts, lowering his voice in a futile attempt to match Josh Turner’s. It’s all Henry can do not to laugh, but he knows his grin is visible from space.
Baby, lock the door and turn the lights down low
The delighted screaming starts almost immediately, drowning out Alex’s voice as the crowd joins in. Your Man isn’t really an up-and-at-’em kind of song, but the whole bar is singing along with his boyfriend and Henry can’t look away. Alex meets his eyes with more than a little heat as he sings: 
I’ve been thinking ‘bout this all day long 
Never felt a feeling that was quite this strong
And Henry snaps out of his trance for the opportunity to utterly wreck Alex’s concentration. He deepens his own voice and half-speaks, half-sings: 
I can’t believe how much it turns me on
Alex’s face is a picture of shock; the juxtaposition of Henry, Prince of England and usually buttoned-up, singing about being turned on, is apparently enough to make Alex gape. Henry continues, more sincerely for the next line.
Just to be your man
Alex blows him a kiss and then tugs him in closer with an arm around his waist so that they’re sharing the same mic. Henry would protest, but the shots and Alex’s proximity have him relaxed enough to throw himself into the rest of the performance. He looks out and sees Pez serenading both June and Nora, sees Bea tapping her foot and holding up the lighter app on her phone. A group of bar patrons over on the dance floor are doing some sort of line dance, what Henry thinks might be a slow Cotton Eye Joe. Even the bartenders are singing along. 
The words spill out of Henry like campfire sparks shooting into the sky. He feels welcome here, in Alex’s arms, surrounded by family and friends and strangers all united by this one song. Such is the magic of Alex—he lights up any room he’s in and then uses that light to illuminate the corners, to include as many people as possible. But—
Alex sings the next lines directly to Henry:
Ain’t nobody ever love nobody
The way that I love you
Henry can’t help but pull him in for a sloppy kiss right there on stage. Just because he can. Because he loves Alex.
Because he loves.
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myheartalivewrites · 10 months
I've finally had enough time to finish rewatching the second half of RWRB! Without further ado, here's my very thorough, ACD x HGEJFMW list of things, both tiny and huge, that I loved about the film:
(Yes, I DID think this would be shorter than the first part. I was very, very wrong.)
(here's part 1 if you want to check it out!)
The wide shots of Texas landscape
How excited Alex is to get to work when he gets there
Alex and Henry’s Texas emails
Alex leaning against a building like Jordan-freaking-Catalano, added bonus of his t-shirt sleeves pushed up 🥵
“…and then, I want to lick it off”
White button-down tucked into chinos, sleeves neatly rolled up, bracelets 
The New York hotel room and Henry hopping to get his shoe off and then falling on the bed
“You ever been on Grindr?” “Once, unsuccessfully” and the way Henry laughs when he says that
“Swooniest” 😍
Alex squeezing Henry’s thigh when he talks about his dad
The very obvious bottle of lube and condom wrapper on the bedside table in the morning
“It’s all chill, Zahra”
Zahra full on climbing on the sofa, heels and everything
Henry straightening his shirt as he climbs out of the closet, then neatly closing the doors behind himself with the dignity of a prince (even when faced with Zahra)
“I’m sorry to interrupt your process of becoming”
Pretty much everything Zahra says, but especially the way she says “Your Royal Highness” after threatening and cursing for several minutes
Alex’s very serious face while he tells his mom
“She’s also a he…”
Uma Thurman talking about anal and bottoming and PreP - truly a highlight
“I cannot believe they gave you the nuclear codes!”
The Lake House *swoon*
“You can call me Congressman” “Well, in that case, you can call me Your Royal Highness”
The music in the lake house montage sequence
Henry doing kick-ups
Sharing a hammock and reading 😍 (Yes, OLS and Girl, Woman, Other)
The look on Henry’s face when he goes into a regular bar
Henry’s dorkiness on stage
The “Alex is so in love he could die” moment as he watches Henry sing terribly
How Oscar’s clothes are a lot like Alex’s, and you can see him taking after his dad there, being proud of it
Oh god, everything about them on the dock/raft/pier thingy: “shower time!” and Alex kissing Henry’s neck as he climbs on and Henry kissing Alex’s bicep; the easy, casual intimacy before everything goes to shit. The perfect continuity in how wet they are all the way through! (that kind of thing bugs me) Shorts. Wet body hair, legs, arms, chest. The way Alex glitters.
"I never felt this way about anyone" and the inevitable...
Henry closing off, pulling his hand away, his fake smile 💔
Floating in the water, as if he could hide from his problems in there
Alex’s sad, confused face as he calls out “Henry!”
Oh god, Henry's sad face as he lies in bed in the lake house 😭
“What difference would it make if I did?” and Henry’s holding-back-tears face, the tight little smiles
The picture above Alex’s bed
The soft, vulnerable “What if he won’t see me?” whispered to Nora
Rain-soaked Alex saying “Can we please talk?” in a thick voice that sounds like he’s got a huge knot in his throat and is trying not to cry
“For once, I wish you could see me for who I am and not who you want me to be” and “Sometimes I don’t think you know me at all” 💔
“But, Henry. Nothing will ever happen to you.” Fucking bawling now, thanks
Henry and his key to slip out of the palace
Henry and Alex’s boots in the V&A (I don’t know what to say, I just like them)
Dancing ❤️🥹
History, huh? and his eyelashes 
Alex’s firm grip around Henry’s wrist in the morning, because he’s not letting him run away again
The airstrip: the ring, the key, that hug
“I’ll be as patient as you need”
“The forced conformity of the closet cannot be answered with forced conformity in coming out of it”
The montage of happy moments throughout Alex’s speech
“Mooning over the prince like a cow in labour” and “two lovesick homosexuals” and again everything out of Zahra’s mouth
“No. I’m not okay.”
Shoulder to waist ratio in a black t-shirt
God Save the King plucked on the piano 😂
“We really need to get you a book on English history”
Henry’s face when he says “and now they are faced with the reality”, so hard, so hurt
“I'm white and upper class so my affection comes with strings” and the way Henry cracks partway through and starts to laugh
The ring fiddling as they wait for the King
Ciggies and booze for the King
Stephen Fry’s accent *chef’s kiss*
OMG the King read their emails 😱 The horror
“Homossssexiual” 😂😂
The tears in Henry’s eyes and in his voice when he says “I love you”, finally, properly, for the first time
“We’re the blue team, right?” and “You just say the word, I’ll get your enrolled at UT Austin,” classic father/son-in-law banter and I love Oscar and Henry for it
Holding hands in public, in Austin, yes sir
“Oh my god, I’m so grateful you’re here” and that hug
Alex’s bracelets, all the way through (have I mentioned them already?)
The return of that jacket and that hoodie for the final scene, my favourite and most quintessential, relaxed, fully themselves versions of Alex and Henry
“We won.” “We won.”
And of course:
Alex lending Henry his pinky so he can spin the ring on it and soothe himself (over the credits), which someone pointed out on here and it broke me fully
And never forget:
“Do you think anyone noticed?” and Henry’s clenched fists 
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This isn't that au I was talking about in a previous post, it is more or less what I think happend when omza went to save Dorothy from that tower in langwidre's caslte
(Pre relationship Dorzma, or atleast that was the intention)
Dorothy awoke on the uncomfortable ‘bed’ in the northern tower she had been locked in, sighing heavily when she was lucid enough to realize the previous events were no bad dream.
“Can't be helped.” she thought to herself.
She got off the bed and looked to the endtrace of the cell she was in, the lack of food tray made her assume it was before breakfast.
That or Langwidre had yet to send her breakfast. Oh well, at least she had eaten well the day before. She ought to survive a few skipped meals.
But for how long?
She shook off that unpleasant thought- the princess wanted her head, and what good is the head of a dead person? 
“Besides,” she remembered, “ Uncle Henry told me it would take about a month with no food at all to starve to death.”
Assuring herself that she wouldn't die of starvation, she decided to occupy her mind with other things. Unfortunately the bit of chalk she had found & drawn on the walls with last night was nothing more than a nub, perhaps she’d be able to request another one from the maids next time they come by.
She looked to the window,
“May as well see what the rest of Ev looks like.” she thought as she went up to it. It was just high enough for her to see without using her tiptoes, she could cimb onto the windowsill if she pleased. But the widows were barred too close together for her to squeeze out of, and she was very high up.
“Its not as high up compared to most modern buildings,” she mused, “Yet- wouldn't survive that fall. If the Scarecrow were here he’d be able to break the fall like he did in that porcelain country, or perhaps Lion could use his claws to scale down the towerside…” she sighed heavily, missing her old friends dearly.
“I wonder what they’re up to right now, I do hope they’re doing better than I am.”
She shook her head, it cant be helped.
She looked out over the kingdom of Ev, of to her side she could see the ocean she and Billena had washed from.
And a little speck she assumed was the chicken coup they had floated in for who knows how long.
She sighed, she could even see a distant approximation of where she had met TikTok. She remorsefully ran her hand over the key in her pocket.
“I wonder if his thought has ran down yet.”
She scanned the surrounding country, she had a very good view from where she was. If she was in a better situation she’d enjoy getting to observe a whole new fairy land.
Her eyes landed on a vast desert with nothing living on it.
“That must be the dessert separating me from Oz.” she sighed, resting her chin on the window.
Oz, that's where she wished she was. Or with Uncle Henry, the poor man must think she’s drowned by now. She’d give up this potential adventure in a heartbeat just to be in either place.
“But- I have no cyclones or magic shoes. I’ll just have to make do till I figure something out.” she reminded herself, taking in a big breath and re-instilling her confidence.
“You've killed two witches, albeit accidentally, and survived just about every awful thing life has thrown at you so far,” she told herself, “You’ll make it out of this, though, it may take quite a lot of time- given you're alone…”
She looked behind her, to the drawings from last night, they were of her family back at home, the farm, and what she remembered of her adventure in Oz. The adventure itself was crystal clear to her but- some of the faces of her friends had been blurred by time. 
She couldn't quite remember if it was Tinman’s left or right that The Wizard had placed his new ‘heart’ into. Or which of Lion’s ears that had been clipped by some unknown event. Or if Scarecrow’s hat tilted in front of his face or away from it.
It was eerily similar to her memories of her parents, did her father have a scar on the left side of his face- or the right. Was it her mom that always had her hair in braids, like Dorothy has now, or was that something she made up?
But, like with her parents, she’d be able to recognize any of them in an instant, that she knew for certain. She couldn't forget either of them if she wanted to.
Not that she’d ever would of course.
“Would trading my head take my memories with it?” she wondered for a second before shaking it off.
“No, you are not going to trade your head, so its useless wondering what would happen if you did.”
She turned her eyes back to the lifeless dessert. 
“Though, you have little to no chance of getting any help from your old friends with that lifeless desert in the way-”
The sentence in her mind stopped short when she saw something, something was stirring in the desert. But how?
“If only I had a spyglass!” she thought as she anxiously squinted- trying to make out some type of shape.
“What could that be?” she wondered aloud.
She didn't have to wait very long to get an answer.
Within seconds she could make out a chariot shape, and the figures of some type of army. 
She felt an ounce of hope in her, “Did my friends somehow learn of my imprisonment?” she wondered as she strained to get a career look at who was driving the chariot.
Soon the magnificent chariot came into focus, not enough to make out the driver's face- though it appeared to be a girl around her age, but she could make out the form of a large Lion.
The ounce of hope grew to a pint.
The Lion was side by side with a large Tiger, both were carrying the chariot over a green carpet that unfurled in front of them. Shielding them all from the deadly sands.
Beside the chariot Dorothy saw  two forms, one was straw stuffed-  with painted features, wearing blue munchkin clothing, and was riding on what appeared to be a wooden horse. 
The pint became a gallon.
The other, shiny tin, with an ax over his shoulder, and his funnel hat tipped over his ear as if it were a hat.
The gallon overflowed. She couldn't help but bounce on her heels.
“It's them! It's them!” she clasped her hands together, 
“I'm as good as rescued! I'm as good as home!”
She crawled onto the windowsill and watched her friends, the girl and Tiger- who she did not recognize, and the army of unknown soldiers behind them, excitedly as they approached.
It took a while, reasonably so- Ev was a rather large kingdom with quite a few curious residents, but eventually they arrived below the castle.
Dorothy waved her arm and called out,
They didn't seem to hear her, perhaps she wasn't loud enough? Or they weren’t close enough.
The Scarecrow got off the wooden horse and approached the trick sign on the castle.
“Hey, I'm here! Here’s Dorothy!” She was half tempted to throw one of her shoes down, but the straw man heard her.
“Dorothy?” he said, initially looking around him.
“Up here! I'm up here!” she had to wipe a few tears of excitement and relief from her face.
The familiar painted face of the scarecrow looked up, it was a ways down- so details weren't too clear, but she could see he had been repainted since the last time she’d seen him.
“Dorothy Gale?!” He asked, painted eyes squinting.
The Tinman, Lion, Tiger, Mystery girl, and all the soldiers looked up. She could see the Tinman and Lion’s faces smile at her as the soldiers muttered to one another.
“What are you doing in there?” The Lion asked.
“And are you ok?” The Tinman asked, concerned. 
“Nothing and No!” she called down, “I'm a prisoner in here, please get me down.”
“We’ll do just that little friend, who are you a prisoner of?” Scarecrow asked.
“That Princess Langwidre, she wants me to trade my head for one of her old ones. And locked me up when I said I’d do no such thing. She’s got a horrifying temper.” Dorothy explained. The Mystery girl spoke up, her voice was pleasant, loud, and clear as a bell. 
“I do not blame you, I have business with Langwidre but I shall have you free’d before any of that is to be discussed.” she said.
“Oh,” Dorothy was a little surprised, the girl looked of high importance- from what Dorothy could see she was wearing a beautiful gown, had long dark-brown coils laying perfectly down her shoulders, and had a gold ringlet with poppies on the sides. Then she remembered The Wizard had left the Scarecrow in charge of Oz- and this girl appeared to be his friend. Of course she’d want to rescue her. 
“Thank you very much!” 
“Just sit tight Dorothy, you’ll be down as fast as we can get you.” the Tinman assured her. Dorothy gave a nod and carefully slid down from her spot on the windowsill. 
“Oh no-” she remembered. “Don't listen to the sigh! Its a trick! The real door is on the right!” she called down.
“Thank you!” Scarecrow called up to her. Dorothy stood at the window and watched them walk off and out of sight.
She was so excited to see her old friends again, and that new person- Dorothy couldn't see much of the mysterious girl driving the chariot of gold and emeralds, but anyone who was friends with her old comrades was worth trusting. 
She remembered how elegant and put together the girl looked, and became very aware of her outfit.
“Oh dear.” she bit her thumbnail as she saw how water stained and dirty her clothes were. ”Well, I was stranded in the ocean, then a beach, and then a prison cell. I have no real control over how I look right now.”
But what she did have control of was her hair. She heard some distant shouting, Langwidre had met her old friends, which means they were on their way to see her. 
Which means she didn't have long to put herself together. Aunt Em always said it was important to make good impressions on strangers- she had no control on her impressions of her old friends, but she had some control here.
Quickly she took the ribbons out of her braids, and finger brushed her unwashed, blond hair. Once she had gotten most of the dried sea salt out of it she braided them back into their ropes and tied the bow’s back on.
She heard footsteps, only three sets thought- too heavy to be Scarecrow, not metallic enough to be Tinman, and she assumed Langwidre wouldn't let Lion this far up in her castle. Mayhaps her friends were waiting just outside the tower and some of Langwidre’s maids were going to take her to them?
She had hardly gotten her second ribbon tied when she got her answer.
“Here’s the girl, very rude mind you- thought I did have No.17 on. That one tends to be offended by almost everything. I really do need a warning sign on that one.” Langwidre was rambling as one of her maids opened the door, behind her was the Mysterious girl.
Dorothy was now very aware of how unkempt she looked- and the addition of one un-bowed ribbon in her hair did not help.
“Well I must get back to my Mirror room- I’ll meet you there when you wish to discuss saving my Aunt and Cousins.” Langwidre snapped her fingers, her and her maid walked away and left the two girls in the unlocked tower cell.
Pretty didn't begin to describe the girl.
Her gown appeared to be green silk with a shimmering train behind her. The poppies on her circlet looked as if they were living, and knowing Oz, they most likely were. It sat elegantly on her river of dark brown coils, that flowed down her shoulders, framing her face perfectly.
And her face, Dorothy had never seen a girl look this pretty without makeup, and she hardly saw any make up last time she was in Oz. Apart from casual lipstick and blush.
She had large black eyes set into her round face. Her brown skin was clear, without a single blemish, and reminded Dorothy of some of the doll’s that were too expensive for her family to buy.
She swore she could see freckles, slightly darker than the girl’s skin, scattered across her face. They weren't too different from Dorothy’s freckles- though she had many more, years working in the sun dose that to a person.
Actually- there was one ‘imperfection’ on the girl’s face, a scar on her chin. As if she had fallen down and injured herself as a child. But the scar somehow added to the charm the girl already possessed.
Dorothy realized only a few seconds had passed, and the girl was now looking at her with a gentle expression. Before Dorothy could do or say anything, the girl walked towards her and- entirely to Dorothy’s surprise, kneeled.
“It's a pleasure to meet you Dorthy, Hero of Oz, and slayer of the wicked witches.” the girl said in a soft voice, just as pleasant and clear as when she was several feet below her window.
Dorthy felt her face warm, and was glad she had some dirt covering it. She quickly tried to hide the unfinished hair bow behind her shoulder as the girl rose.
“I am Princess Ozma of Oz.”
Princess Ozma, the one TikTok had told her about. 
That explained why she looked so elegant.
It took her a few moments to get her thoughts straight, embarrassed that she looked this unkempt in front of royalty.
In embarrassment and sudden pressure to be propper, she completely forgot proper etiquette and stuck her hand out- as if to shake Ozma’s.
“It's nice to meet you too Princess, my friend TikTok told me about you.” she said, words falling out of her mouth before she could think of them too much.
“Dorothy, what are you doing? You’re not supposed to shake princess hands when you meet them!” she said in her head, yet her expression remained a polite- if a little nervous, smile.
Ozma smiled back and took Dorothy’s hand. Dorothy had expected a princess’s hand to be soft, but Ozma’s hand was almost more calloused than hers were. 
They shook hands as Dorothy remembered she was meant to curtsy, and did a half curtsy as she shook the princess's hand.
Ozma’s nose scrunched in amusement before she laughed. Like her voice, her laugh was pleasant and pretty.
“I'm glad I finally got to meet you. I've heard about you since your first visit in Oz, I'm from the gillikins country in the north.” Ozma said, still holding on to Dorothy’s hand.
“That's where the good witch who kissed my head is from isnt it?”
“Yes, you have a very high reputation there, as well as all of Oz. Reasonably so for all you've done for it.”
“I would have been able to do any of that stuff without my friends.” Dorothy fidgeted with the loose strands at the ends of her braid. “And I killed both of those witches by accident. I'm glad it ended up being good but It wasn't planned- at least the witch of the east wasn't. My house really did just fall on her- I had no control of that.”
Ozma nodded.
“Speaking of your old house, it's now a monument to you.”
“Oh is it?” Dorothy asked, becoming embarrassed again. “Tell the munchkins I appreciate it, even if it's a bit much- I'm still just a simple farm girl.”
Ozma tilted her head, never dropping her smile, and a strange look of empathy coated her features.
“I was too once, well- kinda anyhow.”
“Hm?” Dorothy tilted her head in confusion.
“I promise to explain later, but right now I need to talk to Langwidre, and I believe your old friends would like to see you.” Ozma looked at the drawings Dorothy had made, “and I believe you’d like to see them.”
Dorothy nodded her head and the two walked out the door.
They walked, hand in hand, as Dorothy looked the Princess over again.
When she first saw her, she thought she was pretty- like a painting or glass doll. But after that short conversation with her, she seemed more- real, Human. Or Gillikin in her case, Dorothy still wasn't too sure what the difference between a munchkin, gillikin, quadling, or winkie and a human was. Apart from coming from Oz that is. 
But she felt drawn to Ozma, drawn in a way that felt- possible. Realistic. Ozma went from appearing like a painting come to life, to another human. Who happened to be very pretty.
She could tell she was going to get along with her, and was excited to hear about how a Princess of Oz got such calluses on her hands.
They walked into the drawing room, just as Scarecrow, TikTok, and Tinman were discussing something. 
She dropped Ozma’s hand and ran towards her friends.
“Dorothy!” Tinman and Scarecrow exclaimed as Dorothy hugged the Scarecrow, trying her best not to crumply his straw stuffed body.
Thanks for reading, I posted this on my a03 account: TheHyperfixationStation032
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gavinsdeviant · 8 months
Feel the Light
cw/tw- talks of past harm done to character, talks of torture, emotional distress, trauma response, a traumatic flashback, hurt/comfort, Quinn, insults and harsh language
word count- 1,645
pairing- Sam & Darlin
fandom- Redacted Audio
fic inspired by the song feel the light by Jennifer Lopez
@davidshawswife @daveysangelsposts @angelcactus @morgansplace @annahhopee @romeo-the-homeo @zozosrandomthings @miyowmiyow
hope you enjoy!
“Quinn doesn’t get to keep hidin’ from you, not now. Not anymore.” Darlin’ gives a small smile, squeezing his cold palm in theirs. He brings their hands to his mouth and kisses a line down their wrist.
Do you remember,
“I’ll be fine. They ain’t gonna know what’s hitting ‘em,” he adds, flashing them a toothy grin. They laugh, even as nerves bounce around in their stomach. They reach up to press a kiss to his cheek.
When we feel under,
“I love you.”
“I love you too, darlin.”
Fifteen minutes later the shifter and their Alpha are seated overlooking a drab, empty room. The air is cold, quiet.
Darlin’ scrunches their nose at the smell of stale coffee.
“Where is he?” David asks again. He’d been hounded Detective Clark as soon as they had sat down, hackles raised at the room that still appeared vacant. Their stomach churns.
The fluorescent lights hum, buzzing as they drum fingers along the cold rim of the table they were sat at.
Henry beckons them to look. The door slides open and a familiar silhouette steps out seconds later. *Sam.*
Hurry up, hurry up,
There’s no more waiting,
He shuffles over to take his seat, flannel sleeves pulled up to the elbows. They smile to themselves as their chest warms. ”Samual Collins. He’s your partner, correct?”
He glances back to the glass, saluting them, something akin to mischief alight in his eyes.
We’re still worth saving,
The scrape of a large chain rattles the door before they can find a way to reply and then, with a slow creak the door swings open. With dusty hair and a charming smile, the man in the door almost appeared normal.
Sam’s smile drops.
I left my pack for him,
I gave my heart to him, my fears to him,
I put myself second for him,
Everything for him.
All they had done had been to have him behind bars and now, they couldn’t even look him in the eye.
Coward, their mind hissed.
Feel the light,
Shining in the dark of night,
Their heart pounds in their ears as their cruel vampire ex regards the man who had let down his walls for them— had let them love him for who he was, even when it wasn’t pretty. “I keep these walls high so those feelings don’t get the better of me but… you climbed over them. And you’re in here. I love you, Darlin’. Deeply.”
“Is my little mouse here?” Quinn demands, leaving in as if in whisper. A vein throbs in Sam’s temple.
They knew he’d ask— knew he’d try and draw them out, to no avail.
“No matter,” he snarls, smile too wide,” I don’t need them here for the things I’m going to tell you.” He lets out a huff, fangs flashing. “My pretty little pet didn’t share the details, did they?”
Sam bites back a growl.
“You really don’t know half the shit there is to know about your darlin. Oh, now you’ve got me excited.” A pause.
“Ever notice their limp?”
With a sharp scrape, their chair goes flying back as they press closer to the glass. “He doesn’t get to do that,” they hiss, turning to the detective. He shakes his head. “We need this information out of him. We’ve got him talking… now he just has to keep talking.”
Slowly, they turn back to the creature, one they’d called “lover” so many years ago, its eyes faint with delight. “Oh, the things I’ve done. Seen the scar on their ankle?” He seems almost nostalgic, eyes cast to the ceiling in thought.
Remember what we forgot,
I know its a long shot,
“I broke them, bit by precious bit, and I liked it,” he mused. They swallow hard. “Broke that ankle five, maybe six times, until my name became a prayer.”
“You,” Sam bites out,” don’t get to pretend you’re still apart of them, that you know anythin’ about them.”
“You new bloods are all the same. Young and naive. Don’t know what you’re saying.”
In a flash, Sam has him pressed to the wall, breaths coming hard.
Quinn only huffs out another laugh. “I would’ve made an example out of them. For all the empowered and non-empowered humans dead at my hand, they’d be a living example. Say, ever heard of the blood eagle?”
There’s a silence, long enough for darlin to hear their pulse in their ears before he continues.
“The Brazen Bull then? Eaten by rats, perhaps? They will always be a pathetic fucking mutt, in my eyes. Meant to be taught a lesson—“
Without a word, the shifter slowly rises from their seat and pushes the door open, grimacing at the ache that creeps up their ankle. Sam had never asked and hadn’t wanted to push anything they weren’t willing to give, but oh how they had wished he did.
They were humiliated.
Here I go, here I go,
Their eyes burned with tears, ones that they furiously wiped away. He didn’t deserve their tears, not when he fed on their pain like a sadism demon took to brutality.
A few minutes pass, the cold wall pressed to their back as they breathe in, and out. Their heart still beat like a thousand drums in their chest and they couldn’t seem to make it slow. They glance at the door just as it opens, David’s muscled frame waiting.
Feel better now, feel better now,
He hesitates, face taut.
And then, with long strides towards them, wraps them up in his arms, head to his chest. They shudder.
“It’s okay,” he breathes. “You don’t have to go back in there, if you don’t want to. That fucker doesn’t get to take that choice from you too.”
They nod.
“Do you want Sam?” Again they nod, eyes burning.
“I’ll go get him.”
“He should be in there,” they try weakly. “Trying to save that girl.”
“I don’t care. There are other ways.”
Without a further word their friend pushes up from where he’d practically sunk down on his knees in front of them, and swings open the door. It shuts with a resounding click behind him as they slump back against the wall.
Here I go, here I go,
Feel better now, feel better now,
Their shoulders shake, chest heaving as they bite back tears. They were just messing things up— if it weren’t for them, none of this would have happened.
You’re his thrall… always will be.
And then, Sam is there, gently cradling their face in his hands and whispering soft words.
“Hey, hey— you needed me, and I’m here.”
They see the panic in his eyes, the hurt as if reflected mirror-like in front of them.
They lay a gentle hand on his chest, pushing back. He doesn’t touch, only opens his palms instead.
“These hands will always be for you, darlin. Always. Never to hurt or bruise. To hold, whenever you might need it. We’re safe.”
”Oh pet, my name tastes so good on your lips… as you scream it. How’s your leg, hmm? Holding, and healing, I hope.”
They roll their ankle, over and over again, tapping along the ridge where the scar had healed.
Still here, still here.
Still here still here still here still here still—
”Nice and crooked. Shifter bones are harder to shift and clay, but this… Now you can never run away. Why would you? Such a masochistic wolf you are. And so the wolf traded their life for another. The fox and the wolf.” He smiles. “What a tragic tale. Sly fox, stupid wolf.”
“I had this horse on the farm I grew up on, way back, in Mont Blanc.” They blink, lights unbearably bright. “Athena, we called her. And me, bein’ the small stubborn boy that I was, decided that I could damn well ride her if I pleased.”
There’s a pause, the shifter tapping a finger along the bone of their left ankle as they look up at him, present now.
“I fell off a horse that day, and my mama was not impressed.” They smile, reaching a hand out to take his palm.
“I’m sorry, its just—“
“No apologizin’.” They shrug but gesture for him to continue.
“Well, Athena got up to a whole lotta trouble in my day. She loved goin’ out and never wanted to come back,” he smiles, somber. “Couldn’t really blame her.”
They take his hand in theirs, squeezing as if to say I’m here.
“We can go back,” they say suddenly, the quiet too big. He looks concerned by pulls them gently to their feet anyway, a stream of tears drying on his cheeks.
“I’m so sorry,” he rasps, voice raw. “You shouldn’t have had to live through that.”
They smile, a genuine smile, one they hadn’t felt in weeks.
From behind them Detective Clark clears his throat. The shifter and vampire both turn to him looking distraught, hands behind his back.
“Quinn lashed out. He managed to shatter the glass to the back room and has been placed again under a magical suppression. We don’t believe it’s safe for Mr. Collins to return back in there.”
He walks closer, placing a hand on Sam’s shoulder. “You did well. Thank you both for coming, we appreciate the patience in this difficult case in finding Mr. Fox.”
An hour later, Darlin and Sam are standing on the sidewalk, breathing in the cold evening air, feeling lighter than they had ever been.
Sam throws his head up to the stars, eyes bright.
“As long as those stars burn,” he points. “And as long as I live, I will always be here for you— morning, noon and night. Whenever you need me, darlin. I love you.”
Here we go, here we go
“I love you too, cowboy.”
Feel better now, feel better now
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wordsofhoneydew · 3 months
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happy wednesday <3
thank you to my lovelies @anincompletelist @suseagull04 @itsmaybitheway @eusuntgratie @heysweetheart-writes @rockyroadkylers @magicandarchery for tagging me !! your snippets were absolutely scrumptious
i started my first song fic!! so i’ll be sharing a longer snippet than i usually would:
Henry is walking back now, taking careful steps around the crowd of dancing people as he tries not to spill the tray of shots he’s holding. A high pitched giggle escapes his lips as he sets it down on the table in front of Alex, but Alex never strays his focus away from Henry’s face. The way his blue eyes gleam reminding him of the water at his father’s lake house back in Texas— dark and all consuming—as he looks back at Alex so intently. He could get lost in them forever.
just another blip in my heart:
He’s laughing at some suggestive joke Pez makes, head tipped back and smile completely unguarded. The sheen sweat on his cheekbones makes his skin glow under the luminescent lights of the bar, as if he was sculpted by Michelangelo himself. And Alex just watches him in quietude, utterly infatuated with Henry’s natural beauty. It makes his heart clench in his chest; knowing that he can’t have him, that Henry doesn’t feel the same way as he does.
So he looks away begrudgingly, grabbing another shot and downing it without a flinch or grimace, hoping that the buzz under his skin and the raucous music will eventually drown out the thoughts of the pretty blond man in front of him.
Then Nora is grabbing Alex by his wrist and pulling him up to the dance floor. He bites back a groan as he gives in to her, and places his hands on her waist.
“What’s up with you, Alejandro? You’ve been sulking all night.” Damn Nora’s perceptiveness and ability to read right through him. He thought he did a fair job at hiding the looming feeling of dejection that comes to him whenever Henry’s around or weighing heavily in his thoughts.
”Nothing.” Alex catches a glimpse of Henry watching them and turns around so that his back is facing toward him. Out of sight out of mind.
Nora looks over his shoulder as she continues to dance, a knowing smirk spreading across her lips. “Oh I see, still pining over Henry?”
Alex rolls his eyes as he tries to keep up with the pace of Nora’s movements. “What d’ya think?” he practically grumbles. “It’s not like I can turn off my feelings like a fuckin’ light switch.”
“Loosen up, man. Or just talk to him. That white boy is literally in love with you, stop being a coward and just go for it.”
A coward. That’s exactly what Alex is, and if it means it will protect his heart from inevitable rejection, then so fucking be it.
“I need another drink.” He mumbles, not caring whether Nora hears or not.
The night fades away into Alex stumbling through the front door of his apartment, still buzzed with adrenaline and alcohol running through his system.
After a much needed shower and change into a comfortable pair of sweats, the fuzziness subsides, his feelings begin to feel tangible, more real. His mind replays the events of the night; prim and proper Henry loosened up after a few drinks of gin and tonic, how he swayed his hips subtly to Get Low and smiled to himself as other people gyrated against each other. He recalls how they caught each other's eyes every so often, then noticing how Henry quickly averted his eyes every time. Tonight he was beautiful and glowing, and absolutely captivating in the way he just was—In the way he always is. Alex misses the person he was before he found himself enamored with Henry; gregarious and the life of the fucking party. Now he’s stuck in an endless loop of pining after someone he can never have and convincing himself he’s over it.
sometimes I think of calling you up:
Alex is sprawled out on his couch with his TV playing something he could care less about. As suspected, the effects of alcohol can only do so much to drown out the despair of unrequited love, his mind no longer buzzing from the sound of club music, but circling around only one person’s name over again. Henry Henry Henry.
@agame-writes @affectionatelyrs @absolute-audacity @anchoredarchangel @bitbybitwrites @saturntheday @cha-melodius @clottedcreamfudge @daisymae-12 @dumbpeachjuice @everwitch-magiks @firenati0n @nocoastposts @littlemisskittentoes @inexplicablymine @junebugclaremontdiaz @ninzied @rmd-writes @orchidscript @myheartalivewrites @i-am-freyja @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @getmehighonmagic @happiness-of-the-pursuit @tinyarmedtrex @gayrootvegetable @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @captainjunglegym @sherryvalli @alasse9 @read-and-write- @sparklepocalypse @songliili @sunnysideprince @priincebutt @bigassbowlingballhead @o0anapher0o
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johnnylawrencefix · 1 year
Maybe you meet (2019) Johnny at a bar where you were with your friend and she ended up leaving with some guy and Johnny notices and tries to flirt with you
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Thank you for your req!
Pairing: Johnny Lawrence (2019) x fem!Reader
Word Count: approx 790
Warnings: flirting, alcohol consumption (mild), minor swear w ords
You were already uncomfortable before your friend had even asked you to hit up the bar with her that night. Somehow she’d managed to convince you to leave your den, and you were regretting every minute of it, especially as you stood next to her, fidgeting in one of your tight dresses that rarely saw the light of day. And worse yet, your feet were already aching from the stilettos she’d almost manhandled you to put on. 
“Oh, would you look at the time!” You said hopefully, nudging her arm and turning your phone screen towards her, which she ignored entirely because to your disappointment she was engrossed in chatting with a guy she’d had her eyes on since you had both arrived. It made you contemplate if you were just a cover for her to meet him here in the first place, playing the ever indiscriminate, uninformed wingman. You knew your friend had her tendencies, and even though it aggravated you to no end, you still valued her friendship. Sighing, you turned back towards your nearly empty drink, swiveling the stirrers. 
Ah yes, you thought, shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot once again, she’ll be wanting to leave with him soon. And as if on cue, she finally turned to you and gave you the sweetest and most genuine hug, and it caught you off guard. “Bestie!!!! I’d really hate to leave you here, but Henry wants to go grab a drink back at his place. Did you want to come? You’re totally invited,” she said cheerfully. 
You held back from letting your eyes roll and gave her a simple, unsurprised smile, “You go have fun, don’t worry, I’ll be able to make it home. I’ll just finish up this drink.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, don’t worry,” you shrugged and waved her off, giving her a thumbs up as she feigned a pout as she walked out the door with her new companion. 
Sighing once more you looked back down at your drink. You didn’t hold it against her, you knew this was coming - maybe even a small part of you did want the excitement and was curious as to see what would happen next. There was no harm in her leaving you there either, the town was quiet enough, and you did do anything out of the ordinary to put yourself in danger’s path. 
You lifted the drink to your lips and took the last swig, ready to call it a night as a man you couldn’t identify over the rim of your glass took a place at the bar next to you.
“Hey Bartender, I’ll take a Coors Banquet and the pretty lady here will have another one of whatever that was,” he gestures to your now finished drink. You were taken aback and found yourself blushing not only at the offhand compliment but also at how handsome the stranger next to you was. 
“That won’t be necessary” you tried to interject, to no avail, and then turning to the man you said, “I was just about to leave actually.”
“Ah, where’s the fun in that, it’s not often I see as gorgeous a babe as you ‘round here,” he threw you a pretty smile and you found yourself relenting: unreasonably. 
“Well,” you paused, “thanks for the drink -”
“- Johnny Lawrence,” he offered happily. 
“-Johnny,” you repeated, testing. The bartender placed both your drinks down and you held back a smile. 
“Your friend always leaves you in lurch?” He gestured to the doorway with the base of the bottle as he raised it to take a drink.
“Oh? F/N? Yeah…” you trailed off, pondering it as if only now realizing how often it happened, “But that’s okay I like her!”
“Seems like a shitty friend. You should get a new one,” he admonished. 
“Really?” You laughed, “You have any suggestions?”
“Yeah. Me,” he was frank and you’d have taken him far more seriously than he’d meant it if not for the easily spotted boyish smile he was trying to hide. “Got a name?”
“Y/N,” you offered. You’d never quite met someone like this Johnny Lawrence before, your curiosity was more than piqued and every passing second this total stranger was drawing you in. 
“I should have known,” he sighed. You paused for a second, what did that mean? Was there something wrong?
“Pray, tell.”
He winked, “I should have known that your name would be as beautiful as you are.”
You guffawed, shocked at the highschool line - you couldn’t help but find it absolutely endearing. He chuckled, gorgeous blue eyes sparkling.
“How ‘bout we get to know each other better, Y/N? Wanna get out of here and grab a bite? I know a great pizza place.”
“I’d like that.”
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