#i’m pretty sure things are randomly disappearing from my queue
i swear i can feel this app disintegrating through my fingers
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wholesomemendes · 3 years
Omg congrats on 1k🥳🥳 concept- a blurb about love languages and like ur guys styles are diff lil angst pls heheheh
Author's Note: Hiiiiiii. How are you lovies? I know you probably all hate me cause I just disappeared but hopefully this will kinda make up for it for those of you who are actually still here. Fun fact never used the queue before so we'll see how that goes. Also I vaguely remember the read more thing not working that well with asks, but I don't remember what I used to do to fix that so hopefully this works. Love all of you and miss you *mwah* please interact with me so I get more motivation lol
The second the door shuts to the condo you share with your love, you can already hear his unmistakable voice call out for you, “Baby, come here! I have a surprise for you!” You roll your eyes, knowing that some insanely expensive gift was probably waiting for you around that corner. Shawn wasn’t the type to randomly spend a large portion of his money on things he didn’t need, but when it came to you, there was no limit to his spending. Anytime he saw something that reminded him of you or that he thought you’d look stunning in, he couldn’t stop himself from swiping his card. It wasn’t like you didn’t appreciate the copious amount of gifts he gave you; you knew he meant well and that one of his love languages was giving gifts. However, as someone who was raised to be independent and not accept “handouts” from anyone, you found it hard to be constantly given things you didn’t work for and you didn’t believe you deserved yet. You didn’t find it fair that you weren’t at that stage in your life where you could gift Shawn something as expensive as what he gives you, but you constantly get those things from him. It wouldn’t have phased you as much if it was just for holidays, but this was an almost every other day occurrence and no matter how many times you told him not to buy things for you, he never seemed to listen.
You sighed, putting your purse on the table and making your way towards the bedroom, desperately wishing you could just relax into a warm bath after your hard day at work instead of facing whatever your loving boyfriend had in store for you. Opening the door you were met with Shawn’s smiling face, a large box with the word Gucci written in bold lettering across it. You put on a fake smile as your heart sank. This couldn’t be what you thought it was could it? “Hey,” he put the box next to him in favor of pulling you onto his lap, “How was work today?” He pressed a sweet kiss to your lips and for a moment, you let yourself get pulled into the utter bliss that was Shawn Mendes.
“I won’t lie, not the greatest,” you sighed as you rested your head on his shoulder.
“Why, what happened?” he asked, his arm tightening around you to pull you closer.
“It was just insane today and my boss was in a bad mood and...I don’t know it was just bad and I’m exhausted.”
“Well, I think I have something that might cheer you up!”
“Shawn…,” you said in a mix of a whine and a stern tone, “I told you no more.”
“I know, I know,” he rushed out, placing the box in your hands, “I just want to spoil my girl. I can afford to do so and there’s no one else that deserves it more than you do.” It hurt your heart to hear him talk like that when not a single part of you felt you deserved it. You were nowhere close to where you wanted to be in your life career wise and you certainly weren’t near Shawn’s level of success. “Just open it, please?” he gave you his softest puppy dog eyes that always made you cave.
“Ok…” Opening up the box your heart stopped. There lying in the delicate paper was one of the most beautiful handbags you had ever seen; the one you had secretly been saving up for for almost a year now. You thought you had hid it from him so well, always looking at it when he wasn’t there to make sure you could still get it, and even putting together a small envelope of extra money to use towards it. This was supposed to be your first big designer purchase in honor of your huge promotion at work a little under a year ago today, but of course Shawn had to go and ruin it all for you.
Meanwhile, Shawn was oblivious to the disappointment and resentment brewing inside of you. “Do you like it?” he asked with the biggest smile, “I noticed the tab open on your computer last week when I borrowed it for those pictures and thought you liked it!”
“Why would you do this?” you whispered, a crack forming in your voice.
“Why would you do this?” you almost snapped at him, looking at him with tears that held mixed emotions.
“B- because I love you,” he stammered, not having prepared to have this reaction. In his head you were going to come home, see the gift, smother him in thank you kisses, and maybe, just maybe, you would make love to him for the rest of the night. Never in his wildest dreams did it end up like this.
“If you loved me you would have listened to me and not bought this, or anything for that matter!” you exclaimed as you stood up off his lap, “I’ve told you so many times I don’t want you buying anything for me but you never listen!”
“I- I’m sorry, I just thought…”
“No that’s the thing, you didn’t think! I just- god, Shawn, this was it, the one thing I was going to do for myself after all these years. I was only $100 away from my goal, I was right there! But you can’t just think with your head for one second and think about how your girlfriend who always tells you that you don’t need to buy things for her might be planning on finally achieving one of her goals of having enough money to spend it on something like this!”
If your eyes weren’t filled with tears and you weren’t so blinded by your emotions you might have been able to see Shawn’s heart visibly breaking on the bed, leaving him looking like a hurt puppy. “I’m so sorry, I’ll do anything to make it up to you. I’ll, I’ll return the bag or or you can pay me back for it so it’s like you bought it yourself!”
“You don’t understand because you’ve never had any problems with money. It’s not the same anymore, Shawn. No matter what, all I’ll be reminded of is that you bought it first and not me.”
“What can I do? I, I swear I’ll do anything,” his voice cracked as his own tears filled his eyes.
“I don’t, I don’t know. I need to go.” You knew you were being dramatic, but after 2 years of the same thing with Shawn over and over again you had reached your breaking point.
“No please, I’ll fix this I promise,” he pleaded, standing up to face you.
You successfully avoided him so you could grab a small bag with your things, “Shawn, I need space for at least one night.”
He reached out for you this time, his large hand grabbing your arm desperately to turn you around, “Please, don’t go. I won’t buy you anything else, I swear!”
“It’s not that I just, I don’t know. I’m upset and I’m tired and my head is all over the place and…” His large hands cupped your jaw and pressed his lips hard against yours, giving you no space to pull away. The slight taste of salt from both of your tears on your lips broke your heart more than it was before. It was hard to explain why you weren’t fighting him on this kiss; it was almost as if he was kissing you so that it was easier to let you go for the night.
His lips released yours reluctantly with a sigh, “I’ll pack my things for the night. You stay here.”
“No, I was the one who messed up so I should be the one who has to leave. I still have a backpack I never unpacked from when I got back from LA last week and I can stay with my parents for however long you want. I- ,” he looked down shamefully, his hands finally dropping from your face. “I’m sorry. I just wanted to make you happy, but I wasn’t even thinking of what would really make you happy. Just, just tell me when you’re ready for me to come back home.”
He made his way through the bedroom, grabbing his phone, wallet, backpack and guitar before making his way through the door. Your heart cried out to go after your love, but your feet stayed planted almost in shock of everything that just happened. You were still mad at him, upset with him, and if it was possible, even more upset and mad at yourself. So as much as you wanted to run after him, you let him walk away with half your heart in his hands.
“Mom?” you sniffled as you sat on the edge of your bed, the infamous handbag discarded next to you as if it was taunting you.
“Oh honey, what’s wrong?” the soft voice of your mother filled the speaker.
“I messed up,” you confessed, “I really messed up and I don’t...I don’t…”
“Take a deep breath, dear, and tell me what happened. I’m sure it can be fixed.”
“I don’t know if it can. I’m a horrible person!”
“You are not a horrible person. Now tell me exactly what happened.”
She listed carefully as a mother does while you went through moment through moment of your lash out with Shawn, up until the point where he left. “I feel terrible, Mom. This was just the one thing I had planned to do for myself and he never took into account how I would feel about this even though I constantly tell him how I feel about gift giving.”
“Sweetheart, I know you so badly want to be an independent woman and there’s nothing wrong with that. But you’re in a relationship now which means not everything you do can be independent. Think about it from his point of view: all of these things he gets you he gets out of love. He doesn’t do it because he wants you to rely on him for money, he knows you’re not with him for that and it’s probably one of the reasons he loves you so much; you treat him like a regular person. Not someone who is just a pretty face that can buy you whatever you want and get you fame. However, he is someone with money and that means he can afford these things for you. It’s not to belittle any of your accomplishments in your career or financially because we both know how supportive he is of you. It’s simply because he wants to show you he’s thinking about you and spoil you to make you happy. I know gifts aren’t one of your main love languages, but it’s definitely one of his. I bet if you had told him about this bag and how much it meant to you instead of hiding it from him, he would have never dreamed of taking it away from you. I understand your immediate frustration, but maybe think about if you’re truly upset with him about this or if you’re upset with yourself for not being able to reciprocate.”
“You’re right, Mom.”
“Of course I’m right, I’m your mother!” she let out a light hearted laugh, “But seriously, go apologize to that boy. He’s probably beating himself up over this.”
“Are you and Dad home right now?”
“Yes, why is something wrong?”
“Can’t I just be coming over to say hello?”
“Of course you can, but I can tell by your voice that something is wrong.”
A sad smile formed on his face at the fact that even over a car speaker, his mom was still able to read him like a book. “Y/n and I got into a fight.”
“Oh no,” his mother gasped, never hearing many difficulties between the two, “What happened?”
“It’s my fault, Mom, I was being selfish,” he replied defeated, his guilty heart weighing down on him, “You know how I love to give gifts right? Well, Y/n isn’t always the biggest fan of it because she loves being independent. But I can’t help it! She’s the first person who hasn’t been overjoyed over every gift I give her and I never understand because I just want her to be happy and I know they’re things she would like so...I just don’t think! I don’t know why I can’t take a hint and just do what she wants me to do! I just want to make her happy, Mom, and feel loved and all I’ve done is annoy her and upset her!”
“Ok, before you keep going on this self-deprecated spiral, I need you to tell me what happened. And no more blaming yourself until I’ve heard everything.” So he did. And just like the conversation unfolding back at his home, his own mother listened to every word he had to say.
“From my understanding,” she began, “And I’m not saying this to try to defend you, but it sounds like she is battling some problems of her own.”
“No, you don’t understand, I wasn’t listening to her…”
“Oh will you hush! I wasn’t finished. Could you lay off the gifts and make them every once in a while? Of course. However, I believe her outburst today had something to do with some financial conflicts she is facing and maybe just an overall bad mood. You’re not perfect, obviously you need to tone down the gifts just a little bit, but you were definitely not in the full wrong here. There was no way she could have expected you to know about her intentions and plans so you can’t blame that on yourself. She definitely felt that she had to hide it from you in fear that you wouldn’t listen, which might be another issue if she believes that you aren’t willing to budge on your point of view. But you should not go beating yourself up over this! She’ll come around to her senses and you two will be fine.”
“Thank you, Mom. I hope so, I miss her already,” Shawn pouted, wishing so desperately that he was driving back home instead of away from it.
“Of course. Now I’ll make sure your room is all ready for whenever you get here and I’ll stay up to give you a big hug. How does that sound?”
“Amazing, I’ll be there in…” the sight of your name popping up on his center console broke him from his thoughts, “Wait, Mom, she’s calling me. I’ll call you back.”
“Good luck honey!”
With shaky hands, he hit answer on the phone, “Shawn?”
Even just hearing his name out of your mouth brought him comfort, “Yes? Are you ok? Did something happen?”
“No, I’m fine. I mean I’m not fine, but physically I’m fine. Anyways, I’m going to ramble so I’ll just try to say this quick before I stray too far away from what I was going to say and before I get myself even more worked up again because who knows how long…”
“Y/n,” he stopped you, knowing you would ramble on forever, “Why did you call me?”
“Please come home.” His heart nearly lept out of his chest at your words, not needing to hear anymore. “I’m so sorry, Shawn. I should never have lashed out at you and…”
“Don’t say anything else. I don’t want to do this over the phone. I love you, please don’t apologize and I’ll be home in half an hour.”
“But, Shawn…”
“I love you and I’ll see you soon.” With that he hung up the phone and sped his way back through the Toronto streets to the girl he loved most.
The second you heard the door open you ran to launch your body into his arms, abandoning your previous post of walking holes in the floor. He gladly accepted you against him, holding you tight in his arms. “I’m so sorry,” you pleaded, new tears rimming at your eyes, “Please forgive me.”
“Shushh, we both can apologize in a second. I just want to hold you.” Shawn maneuvered the two of you back onto your bed with you in his lap, still clinging onto him for dear life. He felt your tears wetting his shirt and while it broke his heart to know you were
hurting, he hoped that being close to you for these few more moments would show that he wasn’t mad at you. After a couple minutes passed, he loosened his grasp on you, “Y/n look at me.” You did as told, revealing your tearful eyes to him. “I’m not mad at you,” he promised as he wiped your tears away, “I’m not upset with you in any way. I forgive you for whatever you feel you need to be forgiven for and I hope you can say the same with me.”
“No, you have nothing to apologize for!” you protested, “You did nothing but try to show me love and make me happy and I’m so sorry I couldn’t look past my own selfish issues. Talking with my mom made me realize that the reason I have always been so apprehensive to receiving your gifts is because I’m not at the point in my career that I thought I would be and I'm letting out my resentment at myself on you. I know how wrong that is of me and I am so sorry for it. There’s nothing wrong with you expressing your love through gifts and I can’t express how sorry I am for making you believe that you were the issue.”
“I forgive you. And I’m sorry, too. I should have talked with you about this and taken into account how you didn’t respond the same way as my friends and family when I give them things and should have taken a step back. I realize my gifts are excessive and I will work to tone them back so they are more special. I love you, Y/n. Even being away from you for an hour after a fight was too much for me to bear.”
“I love you, too. I hated being away from you more than anything.” He kissed your lips passionately, transferring every emotion he had for you into that kiss. Hands caressed your body as yours held him tighter in fear of him disappearing and neither of you wanted to relive this night ever again. “Shawn?” you whispered against his lips, receiving a hum in response, “Thank you for the bag. I can’t wait to tell everyone how my loving and thoughtful boyfriend got it for me.”
“You don’t have to, I can return it.”
“Return it? This is my dream bag and the fact that you wanted to get it for me because you could tell I wanted it means a lot even though I had the absolute worst way of showing it.”
“Stop,” he kissed you again, “I don’t want you to worry about it any longer. Let me just love on you how I had planned tonight.” And while it might not have been the way Shawn had planned the night to go, he was ending it exactly how he wanted to.
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vanilkaplays · 4 years
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The Division 2 made a better attempt at character creation than its predecessor. I’ve actually created a character I’m satisfied with.
To be perfectly clear here, I put this post into the queue a long time ago (the pictures were actually taken in April 2020), but now it worries me it might not be appropriate at this time. Instead, I’d like to take this as an opportunity to say that I do not agree with or condone any sort of police, pseudo-police, or government violence against civilians. I do think The Division games kind of glorify the use of violence to achieve peace in its fictional streets and I am very aware of the fact that in real life the protag would pretty much be a maniacal mass murderer.
Actually, let’s get a little into that, shall we? Sure, the enemies in the game are so grotesquely stupid, soulless and often ridiculously evil, just because, that there’s no way you can think of them as people. They sabotage, hurt and kill others, often there’s even very little or no reason given, and you’re trying to comprehend what the hell their problem is.
The first Division game had some potential in the story department which however eventually boiled down to go there, shoot everyone, come back type of missions. You mostly mowed through gangs that had something to do with the green poison event, an aggressive and contagious disease that emptied the streets of New York. The Cleaners aggressively seek out and destroy whoever might carry the disease, for example. Essentially, they’re driven by fear and grief. Makes some sense. Then there’s the Rikers who were sort of a worrying element. They were portrayed as violent opportunists that had it out for the police for what seemed to be good reasons somewhere in the middle. If only they weren’t randomly attacking everyone, especially civilians in the streets. A group that could have had so much potential and relevance if written right. But it turns out it’s a completely hollow bunch of murderous maniacs that just happen to be also anti-cop and their leader goes full psycho.
Sounds bad? Well, The Division 2 is even worse in that department. The story is barely there, if you can even call it that, and it’s not so much about the green poison any more. At least not as far as I have played so far. The disease is mostly gone and the city of Washington is in ruins, controlled by violent gangs and evil organisations. Your job is to reclaim it... of course, also through violence. So far I’ve met the Hyenas that are basically just horrible edgelords for the sake of being horrible edgelords. The general narrative seems to be that they simply like to see people suffer and the world burn and that’s it. Example, they kill a little boy’s parents and leave him to fend for himself alone because it’d be fun to see him starve. (Would they stalk him for several days to see that? Who knows? Who cares? Not Ubisoft!) They rig supplies they can’t carry anymore with explosives because it’d be fun if it blew somebody else up. That sort of shit. I don’t understand their point but I doubt there’s any besides “Look at these assholes! They are some mean assholes! Shoot them (and preferably don’t feel bad about it)!” Then there’s the True Sons AKA your standard military fanatics. Their leader is kinda bonkers just because. Not terribly heartbroken over them, either.
I’m not saying that evil people like those mentioned above don’t deserve to be forcibly removed from the scene. The way the writing in these games makes all these people completely shallow and unrelatable, the way they attack you mindlessly on sight, and so on, so that you don’t have to feel bad for killing them is also another thing. The way normal civilians have basically disappeared from the streets in the second game and everybody and their grandma carry a gun now is yet another. What I think of Ubisoft’s writing in The Division games is perhaps a post for another day. My point for now is rather that all you do is that, as a special agent of the government, you’re sent places where you solve pretty much every situation by employing violence and lethal force. There’s never any attempt at communication or negotiation. Very little investigation. The body count is in hundreds, if not thousands eventually. I know that’s often standard video game stuff. I don’t know what it is about The Division that makes it stand out so much. Perhaps it’s the games trying to be so photo-realistic yet they’re so dumb and shallow in their writing at the same time, which makes it more obvious than in other stuff I play. Perhaps it’s because you never get questioned for killing lots of people but you do get praised for it. Perhaps it’s because I usually avoid “realistic” shooters in “realistic” settings. Perhaps it’s all of the above.
In any case, I don’t think in real life it is right to use force, excessive, not to even mention lethal force, without reason, especially against unarmed civilians. I think such force is something to use only when one’s life is seriously threatened and the police should definitely be trained to deescalate the situation if possible first. Violence is something to be avoided at all costs. Especially from people who are supposed to “protect and serve.” Especially when they’re equipped in such gear that you, as a normal person, couldn’t scratch them even if you wanted to. These people should be here first and foremost to help and protect civilians and their human rights, equally and indiscriminately. Doing otherwise is unacceptable.
I play this video game for various reasons, like because the gameplay is pretty decent, it has co-op so I can play with my boyfriend, I like action games, and a while ago it was on sale for pretty cheap, but clearing the streets of the United States from “thugs” through pseudo-police violence is definitely not one of those reasons and I want it to be perfectly clear where I stand. I use this blog mainly for fun, to relax, to be silly, to keep track of things that I like, to keep a sentimental album of my video game experiences, etc. I go elsewhere to experience the horrors the news has to offer. However, I felt like silence wasn’t appropriate at this time and with this post. And if you’ve read all the way down here, wow, you’re a very patient person. Cheers!
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saibh29 · 5 years
Minor Head Trauma (Part 3)
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Pairing: Will Halstead x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Drugs (misuse)
AN: I’m not a doctor, please don’t think my medical advice etc is in any way accurate. Also i’m not American and haven’t been to Chicago so I apologise if my geography or depiction isn’t right. 
When an old friend of Ethan Choi show’s up in Chicago ED she’s about to make life very uncomfortable for Will Halstead
Part One  Part Two 
Predictably, you had not been allowed to rest when you’d gotten back to the base. After giving your team a debrief of what had actually happened to you the General had then sent you straight back to regular duty. Sometimes he made you wonder whether he was more inclined to be your General or your father. You only thought about it sometimes, because if you tried too hard and really thought about it you were worried you wouldn’t like the answer.
That had been a week ago, your head was pretty much fully healed, you were still getting the occasional headache but it wasn’t anything that was making you suffer too greatly, you suffered much more simply from having to deal with Nolan 24 hours a day.
Rooting around in the pockets of your jeans you found a handful of change and counted it up desperate that it reached the right amount for a large mug of black coffee.
Luckily it seemed your pockets for once were deep enough to scrounge the right coins.
You pushed your way into the tiny coffee shop near the base, it was always filled to the brim with off duty service men and women. Men and women who had more sense than to risk the base’s cafeteria.
Elbowing your way to the front of the queue and glaring at any squaddies that tried to get in your way you ordered your coffee from the overly stressed barista and then fought with another customer who insisted that the coffee you’d ordered was his instead of yours.
By the time you squeezed back out of the café you were once again in a miserable, pissed off mood. What you saw though in front of you shocked you right out of that mood once again.
“Dr Halstead?”
“Captain Y/L/N” he looked almost embarrassed.
“What are you doing here?”
“I was, uh, I was looking for you”
“for me?”
Rubbing at the back of his neck Will took a few steps towards you. “I thought I’d check up on you, on your head”
“My head is fine. I told you, it’s pretty thick” you moved out of the way of a group of squaddies coming through the doors again which put you a bit closer to Will. “How’d you even find me?”
“Oh, uh, Nolan, he had to give a phone number on your arrival to the ED. I rang him, he told me you’d probably be here”
“Ok” frowning you sipped at the coffee in one hand. “next question, why?”
“Why are you ringing Nolan and turning up outside the coffee shop I go to to try and find me?”
Ok, now he really did look embarrassed. It was sort of cute, but didn’t answer your question. “Are you busy? I mean, do you have to head back to the base straight away?”
“I don’t” you did. Why were you saying you didn’t? You were going to get in so much trouble for this. Will was smiling though and your brain wasn’t functioning. “What did you have in mind Dr Halstead?”
“You really need to call me Will”
“You going to stop calling me Captain?”
He was too charming for his own good, with that little half smile thing he was pulling off, hell the man was just… yummy. “So, what do you want to do Will?”
“Walk with me?” It was getting to be Autumn and even though the chill was starting to settle it was still warm enough to walk without turning into an icicle. “You look good in a uniform Captain”
“You didn’t look bad in your own either Doctor Halstead”
Together you walked down the street, you weren’t in the best area of Chicago and dilapidated social housing marred most of your view. Windows boarded over with chipboard and gang tags sprayed onto them. You didn’t even notice though; you were focused on Will.
Being focused so much on Will was probably what made you miss it, the shadow in the alley coming up in front of you, the hand waving at you and then suddenly the whisper of your name.
Stalling beside Will you peered around him and found the frantic eyes of your informant. What the hell was he doing this side of Chicago.
“Daniel, what the hell?” you moved quickly pushing him back into the alley out of sight of any curious residents who still had glass in their windows. “What are you doing here?”
“I need to talk to you Y/N, real bad like”
The boy was shivering and trembling uncontrollably and the frantic look in his eyes filled you into the problem quite quickly. “Fuck Daniel, you’re strung out”
“Please Y/N…”
“I told you” you snapped “no drugs, I'm not fuelling your addiction”
“Y/N?” Will, crap, he’d followed you into the alley and was looking at Daniel in concern. “He doesn’t look so good”
“He’s fine”
“No drugs Daniel. It was our deal”
“I think they were bad” he chattered out “Y/N, I'm not high like usual”
“What?” you weren’t a doctor, you had no idea how different drugs affected the body. Really looking at him though you realised that maybe Will was right. Daniel didn’t look good and you’d seen him at some pretty fucking low points. “Will?”
Will was already moving to Daniel pushing him down onto a broken packing crate, the young man’s trembling seemed to have turned almost violent now and the shivers were racking his whole body.
“What did you take?”
Daniel’s eyes flicked off Will and back to you, not strung out enough to not be naturally nervous of a stranger he didn’t know. “Speak Daniel, he’s safe”
“Don’t know” you could barely understand him, he was finding it difficult to speak from the chattering of his teeth. “They gave me a syringe”
“You fucking idiot, and you just took it?”
“I had no choice”
“Y/N, we need to get him to the ED” Will was pressing his fingers onto various parts of Daniels body, obviously looking for something.
“How did you get here?”
“Let’s go then”
Will got his shoulder underneath Daniel’s arm and helped get the younger man back up to his feet he then rooted around in his pocket throwing his car keys at you. “I want to keep an eye on him, you drive” Will pointed back down the street. “Car’s that way”
That was quite a decent distance to go in broad daylight. The last thing Daniel, or you for that matter, needed was to be seen together. “Wait”
Pulling off your jacket you removed the top layer of your uniform, the simple khaki fleece, put the jacket back on and then shoved Daniel’s skinny arms through the fleece which also had a hood thank the lord, you pulled that over Daniel’s head.
Will thankfully didn’t question this just held Daniel still enough for you to dress him. When you were as happy as you could be that no one would be able to recognise him you nodded at Will. “Let’s get him to hospital”
Will bundled Daniel into the back seat of his car getting in as well and you started up the engine. Your driving skills had been honed in a military Humvee, driving through the sand dunes of Afghan being shot at by insurgents hence it had been mentioned by your civilian friends that you were a little… crazy.
Your dangerous (you’d debate that label) driving meant you got back to Chicago Med in record time. Daniel was now turning a sickly yellow colour and sweat was beading his face. He really didn’t look good.
Will had to practically carry him into the ED shouting for various other drugs and tox screenings while he laid Daniel down onto a trolley.
“You idiot” you said again, a lot less vehemence behind it though this time. “What was your big plan here? Wait in that alley until I randomly turned up?”
You couldn’t understand a single word that Daniel said this time. Instead you took hold of his hand. “Will’s a good doctor. He’ll get you fixed up. Then me and you, we’re going to have a discussion”
Will was back and breaking the hold you had on Daniel’s hand as he moved you out of the room. “He needs to be registered on the system”
“He can’t be registered Will”
“I thought that may be the answer”
“I'm sorry…” nurses were running in and out of the cubicle that Daniel was laid in, doing the various tests that Will had ordered. “I can register myself again”
“I came back for a check up for my head. Charge me for everything”
“You wouldn’t need those tests for a head wound. It would be questioned why I ordered them”
“Will” grabbing his hand you pulled him away from the bustle of the ED and into a quieter corner. “I'm sorry, I'm so sorry you’re being involved in this but understand me when I say that Daniel can NOT be registered at this ED. For more than his own sake”
Will remained silent staring down at you.
“I’ll bring you the forms. Fill them out for yourself… Y/N if this…”
“It won’t bounce back on you. I promise I won’t let it”
“The general?”
“Among other things. Just don’t let him die Will”
“You’re going to be a problem, aren’t you?”
Before you could really compute what was happening Will had bent down, pressed his lips against yours in a kiss that seared a trail all the way through your body and then he’d disappeared again. Striding back into Daniels room, where you could hear his voice shouting out demands for even more tests.
Fuck, this was going to be all kinds of problems and you weren’t even sure if it was Daniel that you were thinking about.
@clementines-x​ @the-chosen-one-time-lord​ @no-other-names-availible-blog​ @angelaiswriting​ @selldraug​ @angryares​ @thenovarose​ @georgiagrl1990​ @punk-rock-5-sos @mindofthescattered​  @dontstopxx​ @iamabeautifulperson18​ @madelinecraig03​ @ka-x-in​ @im-hurric4ne @mesmericbell​ @something–awesome @weirdpotato-14​ @putinontheritzz​ @soulslaststand​ @fuckthatfeeling​  @ember1201​ @morganlb23​ @kitkatbadass @tomhopperarms​  @fakingintrest​ @artprincessbree​  @dreamer-lover-laughter​ @artprincessbree​ @rime-warrior​ @captainvaneswife​ @jaib2-blog @kapolisradomthoughts​ @thingsandstuffienjoy​ @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked​ @aya-fay​  @itsbubbaog​ @hp-hogwartsexpress​ @emmykinzs​ @thatbadassunicorn​ @sassywingednightmare​ @weirdnewbie​ @goyawriter​ @shipperfangirling​ @nathaliabakes​ @stillreadingfantasy @waywardblueshun
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peachyzens · 6 years
kissing booth! Jaehyun au
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kissing booth! Jaehyun au
genre: fluffffff summary: who knew good things could come out of the most dreaded places? (1,787) a/n: this was heavily inspired by the movie the kissing booth on netflix! it’s super cute and i need to get out all these fluffy feelings i got from it so here you go heheh masterlist can be found here!
it was a tradition each year to have each club on campus draw randomly from a selection of booths to use for their college fair
it was the same booths every year but a different club would be in charge of it every year so it’s more interesting
anyways the college fair/festival whatever you want to call it is a really big deal for the school
its the school event that has one of the highest turnouts
for you, it was just some other school event you get dragged to by your friends
you weren’t exactly the outgoing type, you preferred to stay in
anyways, jung jaehyun, aka the vice president of the broadcasting committee, loves this event every year
because he gets to meet new people and basically he’s just a social butterfly and uses this time to recruit new members with his charms
soooo out of all booths there are ones people love, and ones people hate
whenever people get the haunted house, they get so happy because it is one of the most popular ones
not to mention the proceeds from the booths go towards the clubs so its a winwin heh
but then there are some booths that people just hate, aka the KISSING BOOTH
it’s just so awkward for people that it ends up being a flop each year
no club really tries when they get the kissing booth anyways
so can you guess which booth jaehyun’s club got assigned? THE KISSING BOOTH
“is this even allowed???” mark asks good question mark only in movies theyre allowed
soooo the club is kinda bummed out this year
but jaehyun not taking any of that negativity!!!
so he vows to make it the best kissing booth anybody has ever seen!!!
he starts hanging around in the woodworking shopping, learning the techniques
and then he’s cutting out decorative pieces for the booth
can you just imagine jaehyun in a workshop wearing protective goggles and having a pencil tucked on his ear while he’s dressed in a flannel and timbs….then his concentrated gaze  as he cuts the wood pieces to precision AHHHHH
he’s doing the most for this kissing booth even though his club members are kind of half-assing it
but because he’s vp he’s pushing them to make it turn out good so they’re just following his orders
anyways fast forward to the festival setup day
everybody is confused when they see the broadcasting committee bringing in all sorts of props because they’re all like ??? didn’t they get the kissing booth???
sooo they work on decorating and setting up their whole booth and it looks AMAZING
there’s bright lights and a really bright background that really catches the eyes of anybody passing by
so then taking on the leadership role again, he assigns shifts for the people within the club to work the booth even though nobody ever wants to work it but they have to
and jaehyun is just going to be the main host for the booth!! gaining people’s attention and giving them tickets and directing them where to go
i can just imagine him pulling people in with that dang dimpled smile of his
anyways people come for jaehyun, but when they realize they won’t be kissing him they dip
“what’s wrong with me?? why won’t anybody line up the hell” johnny asks, bored out of his mind nothings wrong with u bb its their loss
now shifting over to you
you were complaining to your friends who dragged you out of your dorm right when you were going to have a nice movie marathon
so you just lagged behind them with your arms crossed and a grumpy look on your face
you were getting tired of being dragged here and there by your friends, and you were glad because the night was almost over
meanwhile!! jaehyun is panicking because the member for the last shift disappeared and even though johnny stayed for an extra 30 minutes there was another 30 minutes waiting
and all the remaining club members were either gone or already had a shift
so jaehyun was panicking
“i guess i’ll do it myself” jaehyun declares, gaining the attention of the whole club
“what dude are you okay with that??? i know how awkward you get around girls okay” johnny starts
“SHUTUP JOHNNY I’LL BE Fine…it’s only 30 minutes anyways” jaehyun says with red ears as he makes his way towards the booth
the whole club is just staring at him in awe
next thing you know, johnny turns around with a mischievous smirk as he yells out
cue jaehyun cursing johnny endlessly in his head
but hey, it worked
a lot of people ended up rushing over that the crowd was getting hard to handle
jaehyun could only stare at the crowd in horror  
your friends happened to be walking by and they saw the crowd, so of course they had to check it out
cue yourself getting irritated as you ended up getting dragged into the mess
“ok nose goes into the kissing booth!” one of your friends started, cueing the rest of your friends to put their fingers on their noses
and of course, you are the last one
“you guys better pay me for this” you rolled your eyes as you held out your hands
they all placed their spare change before pushing you over to the line
you tapped your foot impatiently, glad that the line was going by pretty fast
jaehyun just gave out soft and smol pecks, which was enough to satisfy the whole population
his ears were burning the whole time, and he felt his face cramping up from all the smiles
sooo they ended up not letting anybody else queue after you, meaning you would be the last person to SMOOCH JAEHYUN
fast forward to the breaking of the crowd as most people are heading out since the festival is basically over
you slowly trudged up the steps and met jaehyun’s tired gaze as he looked at you with a polite smile
you felt bad for the dude, you knew how he was from sharing several classes with him
you always seen him keep to himself or with his other friends, and you’ve noticed how awkward he gets when girls would flirt with him like all the time
anyways you just gave him a sympathetic smile
“hey jaehyun, i probably don’t want to do this as much as you but let’s just get it over with as painless as possible, okay?” you spoke first, surprising him
he was surprised because he didn’t expect to see you at his booth, because he also noticed your introverted personality
and also because of how done you were with the festival since you really looked like you wanted to leave  
“yeah of course, you are the last one anyways so i’m relieved” he responded with that DANG DIMPLED SMILE
and lowkey you were like Oh my my heart but then you shook those thoughts straight out of your head
so when you leaned in you directed your gaze at your friends who were watching you eagerly because you felt shy staring at jaehyun who was staring deeply at you
when he saw you look somewhere else he also looked over there just because he was curious LOL
which led to you guys not paying attention and your lips brushed against his cheek while his did the same to yours
and then you both jumped back in surprise because you guys weren’t expecting that sensation of each others cheeks LOL
you both just kinda giggled at the situation and looked at each other, waiting for one to speak
your hearts were also beating fast because that was highkey awkward but highkey cute
“so…should we try that again?” jaehyun speaks up first, staring at you
“uh sure! if you want, because i mean that could technically count as a kiss since you like kissed my cheek and i don’t really care but-“ you rambled
“let’s do it again, and this time, let’s actually look at each other” jaehyun interrupted your ramble with a soft laugh
he stared at you with a soft look in his eyes and you were just shy from his gaze and awkwardly nodded
at your response his had a soft smile on his face as he slowly moved closer, not tearing his eyes from yours
and unlike with all the other people he kissed, his hand lightly held the side of your face when you got close enough which made your heart beat even HARDER than it already was
and then you guys kissed!!!
it was like sparks were flying, and it wasn’t a peck this time! it was an actual deep kiss!
all you could think about was how nice jaehyun’s lips felt on yours, and he was thinking similarly
suddenly it was just like it was the two of you in that moment, and you both were savoring each other’s touch
even though you guys were nothing but mere acquaintances, there just seemed to be a deeper connection between you
and it was definitely felt by the both of you in that kiss
you guys finally pulled away after people started hollering
but jaehyun still had his hand on your face and you guys remained facing very close to each other
you both just gazed at each other for a bit longer, feeling your faces heat up and hearts beat faster
and that finally snapped you two out of it as jaehyun quickly retreated his hand and you both jumped back
the kiss felt so different from any other kisses and now that you were back to normal, you guys didn’t really know how to react
“so…. uhh i’ll see you in class?” you said with an awkward hand rubbing your neck
“y-yeah! i’ll see you tomorrow!!” he spoke with his BURNING RED ears as he mimicked your action
so then you ran back to your friends who were still hollering about that kiss you guys shared
jaehyun found himself in the same shoes as the whole club was giving him an earful about what happened
all the talk about the kiss made the moment replay in your minds, as you both let out a shy smile at the thought with a beating heart and burning cheeks
one thing for sure to change though, is the popularity of the kissing booth AND jaehyun’s new seat next to you in lectures ;-)
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thesarcastictree · 6 years
Chapter 1 - Play of the game
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Hey, everyone! 
Author’s note: I did it! The first, however a shorter, part is out. I hope you’re gonna enjoy it. Remember - sharing is caring. ^-^
For my lovely best friend Susan, because she loves when I mention her.
Words: 3063
You have 1 new message.
I rolled my eyes as I heard the painfully familiar vibration coming off from under the pillow. My eyes hurt and my face felt disgusting, blaming the fact I again didn't take off my make­-up before taking an obligatory nap. The yawn was long, making me feel dizzy. I put my hand under the cushion, palpating a rectangularly shaped object, taking it out. 
Unlocking the screen of my phone, I sighed. Had I really been sleeping for only thirty minutes? I quickly tapped in the passcode, internally satisfying my clumsy self, since I hadn't made any mistake in the four meaningless numbers. 
Another message popped up, as my eyes met with the bright white chat.
forever alone bitch: YOU SLEPT ENOUGH COME PLAY noodle mommy: what  noodle mommy: did you seriously wake me up because of stupid ow forever alone bitch: yes now come  forever alone bitch: i wanna play compets noodle mommy: geez, ok noodle mommy: gimme five minutes forever alone bitch: gg noodle mommy: ??? forever alone bitch: you and your five minutes
I chuckled, shaking my head. Somehow, I managed to get off my bed in a record time. The procedure of undoing the paint I had stuffed onto my skin was, as well, quite quick. In a while, I sat down onto a spinning chair, putting on the headphones, giving up on the ball of cables that fell into my lap. As I waited for the Blizzard app to start, I swiftly found the playlist that had been my companion for a few months now. The brisk tones of one of my favorite songs hit my ears, and I laughed at myself and at my poor attempts of singing in Korean. "Geu bojogaen illegal, ille~~gal," I sang quietly, tapping the tips of my fingers in the rhytm, "but I want it anyway, anyway, anywa-" The invite to the group hit my screen, as soon as I got to the loaded menu. I, of course, accepted, joining the voice chat right after.
uncleREYES has joined the voice chat.
"Yo, nibblet, what's up?" I asked with a hoarse vocal, caused by the lack of usage. I got literally no response. Letting out a quiet sigh, the sudden hyped sound made me jump in my seat. "HELLO, HELLO, IT'S YOUR GIIIIR-" The microphone cut off.  "Yeah, hi," laughing, I started the queue for competitives. "-lright, you should totally see the video I sent you, because I'm fucking crying again. Why is MCCree so perfect? Why does Hanzo have to die in every fanfiction? Why can't they just be happy?!" Sometimes, I wondered how she was able to be hysterical over two characters from a game, but then again, I wasn't different. 
Well, okay, I agree. My obsession had gone perhaps too far, being it a few Korean idols, which made it even more difficult. They were real. They existed. They breathed the same air like I did, and their faces were literally everywhere I looked; printed on my phone case, set on my wallpapers - I even had a goddamn pillow case with Taehyung's face, biting his lip in the most seductive way ever. "You need help," I responded to her autistic screeching, glancing at the timer passing by the second minute.  "... and you are the one to say that." Susan barked back with ease. "Yeah, you're right. We both need help."
Susan and I, we had been friends since... pretty much forever. I met her during the start of the first year, as my kind of crazy classmate, also being an idiot into games. We'd argued for a few times, even stopped talking for another few months, but at the end of the day, noone could ever split our brotherhood, as we called it, apart. And there we were, the partners in any crime. However, little did we both know that the upcoming minutes were going to completely change our lives, for good. 
GAME FOUND! Joining the game...
Both of us went silent, as the map of Volskaya Industries showed, together with the name and rank lists of both teams. I briefly went through the players, and... something seemed off. 
"Susan?" I asked, frowning. She responded with a silent, almost unhearable: "Hm?"  "Don't panic, okay? We have a fallen diamond Widowmaker main against us, low plat, in premade with two other platinums," I began, taking a deep breath. It wouldn't be a big deal, if I wasn't a borderline golden rank, and my comrade a bit higher gold. Was our elo getting bigger, or did we just get randomly filled into the missing places of a long-buffering game? I cracked my knuckles, checking out the others' mains, even more confused. "How the hell am I not supposed to panic? I'll just play goddamn D.va, I'm not feeling the Ryu ga wagateki go-fuck yourself tonight." I let out a desperate laugh. "Yeah, enjoy it. One of the... well, the GucciBoy has about 100 hours on D.va. They have a 120 hours MCCree main too, what the fuck?" I whined, comparing the composition of our teams together. We seemingly stood no chance, yet I didn't feel like giving up.  I chose Mercy, even though I wasn't a big fan of her pick. I decided to go for certain, stable decisions, instead of a Hanzo or Widow, and it seemed like I perfectly fullfilled the expectations of our teamcomp. 
My attention, while we waited for the doors on attack to open, got caught by the allchat, as I smiled cheekily.
[ALL] Bunny: sugacheonjae? my ass... [ALL] GucciB0i: LMAO  [ALL] TuandonJuan: IT'S HIGH NOON SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD
Susan's next yak reminded me of a dying whale, but I decided to ignore it. 
"I'm so adding him!" she hissed happily, as I heard the furious clicks of a mouse. We had about twenty seconds towards the beginning, and for some reason, I felt nervous. 
[ALL] Bunny: what is it, suga, you scared? [ALL] SugaCheonjae: Excuse me?  [ALL] Bunny: ;) 
That was the last hit my ego could take. I filled in with my Odile Widowmaker instead, ignoring the desperate cries for a switch back, as I just simply muted the teamchat. 
[ALL] xHeroO: can u pls report widow shes trolling [ALL] uncleREYES: can you please stfu and play, she's good  [ALL] Bunny: we will see about that [ALL] TuandonJuan: uuu [ALL] GucciB0i: spicy, I like that
"It's fine, yo, I muted them, anyway." I whispered to the microphone, to prevent Susy from distracting herself on pointless arguments with some kids. Wrapping my fingers tightly around the mouse, I covered the red light with my palm. The three of the enemy premades started to slowly dip over the edge of the cup of patience, that had already been pretty full.  The last seconds disappeared, and we rushed out of the building, with Reinhardt's shield leading us towards the point we were supposed to capture. I hooked myself at the edge of another house, dragging myself up in a long jump. Seeing the Symmetra's sentry turrets in the scope, I sighed, knowing already that it'd be pretty difficult to get over the arc, and then my point of view disappeared.  "Shit..." I cursed under my breath, waiting for the respawn. The first kill of the game was shining in the corner, as Bunny eliminated my courageous positioning. 
[ALL] Bunny: :) 
"Motherfucker."  Susy cleared out her throat with a loud cough, and before I tried to shut her up, her words pierced my ears: "Calm down, Natalie, you got this."  I nodded, not quite sure of myself, but I did. I truly also didn't feel like losing against a bunch of pricky platinum asses. Susy flew behind the entrance through the arc, destroying the sentry turrets, and losing her Mecha in exchange. Low on health, she jumped behind the corner, meeting up with Reinhardt's half-destroyed shield and Zenyatta's healing orb. I took a deep breath. It was my time to shine. I dediced to not make the same mistake twice. Instead of jumping on a visible place, I slowly looked out from behind one of the slopes, with my rifle scoped into the enemy team. At first, I couldn't quite spot a single thing not hidden behind Orisa's barrier, but then Symmetra made a simple, greedy mistake. I found the weak spot, quickly eliminating one of their major defense mechanism, dying to a bullet of the enemy Widowmaker again, afterwards. 
[ALL] Bunny: nice try :) [ALL] SugaCheonjae: Are you always this annoying? 
The beeping of a movement around the point assured me that I made a great move. Symmetra was down, and after the death recap, their Mercy too. Roadhog's hook wasn't something she could just simply survive. I bit my lip. The only proper problem on their team was Widowmaker, killing our squishy damage dealers without a fuss.  "She's on the rooftop-" I grinned, victoriously, pinning down Bunny's killing spree with a precise headshot. Reinhardt's shield protected us in front of the enemy's D.va ultimate and mister High noon got a bullet back, thanks to Genji's deflection. I got to kill Orisa on low health, before she placed the barrier, as we successfully captured the first point.
[ALL] SugaCheonjae: Everything's alright down there? 
I mocked at the cockiness the enemy Widowmaker showed before, Susy's 'ooooh' giving me the courage I didn't even know I had. 
[ALL] Bunny: you're just lucky
Yeah, of course, I thought to myself, hitting one head after another. Not even three minutes into the end of our timer we'd captured the second point, setting the score to 2:0 for our team.  "Good job, they don't even know what hit 'em."  I loved the enthusiasm in my friend's voice. And she was right - after a bad start, we didn't even let them move from their attack spawn, as Susan's arrow hit every spotted movement, and I finished off the rest. We won, almost effortlessly claiming the clear score. The victory poses triked through my screen and Susy, all proud, screamed, watching the animation of Widowmaker swinging, with my name underneath.
I quickly recognized the one last seconds before we captured the last point of the objective.  "Now, watch this." I grinned, biting the side of my index finger. TuandonJuan fell first. D.va's mech disappeared in Susy's scattered arrows and I quickly dragged my mouse over, finding Widow's peaking head, shutting down even the Mercy's desperate try to resurrect their last hope. 
[ALL] GucciB0i: GG [ALL] TuandonJuan: I'll find you in another life, unclereyes [ALL] uncleREYES: ;-; [ALL] Bunny: I could really use a hug right now... 
"Tsk..." I snapped. Disrespectful idiot, no wonder he fell to such low elo. We returned back into the menu. "Let me just go grab a coffee, and we can continue," I announced, taking off the headphones, heading to the kitchen. It felt good, really. I'd always liked to prove my skill, especially to such douchebags. 
Returning back to my room, I silently closed the door, placing the cup next to my laptop. What caught my attention were the extra three icons next to ours, and the names shining bright in the groupchat. 
[GROUP] TuandonJuan: howdy [GROUP] GucciB0i: HOW ON EARTH DID YOU TWO GOT ONLY GOLD FROM PLACEMENTS, I DON'T GET IT [GROUP] uncleREYES: its called skill, something you dont have [GROUP] GucciB0i: that doesn't make any sense [GROUP] uncleREYES: jeff hates us [GROUP] GucciB0i: touché [GROUP] uncleREYES: :^) [GROUP] Bunny: what are we waiting for? [GROUP] uncleREYES: coffeegirl [GROUP] GucciB0i: why did I read cowgirl [GROUP] uncleREYES: I almost wrote cowboy tbh [GROUP] TuandonJuan: what do you mean cowboy, im here all the time darlin [GROUP] uncleREYES: >.> [GROUP] uncleREYES: voice? [GROUP] Bunny: I'll pass [GROUP] GucciB0i: YA BOIIIIIIIIIIII [GROUP] TuandonJuan: anything for you
I slammed the M key, muting my microphone, hearing the honest laugh of my bestfriend and two as loud voices. 
TO: uncleREYES: WHAT THE HELL, SUSAN?!  FROM: uncleREYES: come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn he mains mccree i love him  TO: uncleREYES: i'm not playing with the bitchass widow  FROM: uncleREYES: he isnt even talking FROM: uncleREYES: please FROM: uncleREYES: i'll buy you cigs TO: uncleREYES: ...
"Hey, you can start, I'm back." I jumped into their conversation, which madly whirled around the best MCCree skin. TuandonJuan's voice made me chuckle, because he'd just found out that Susy also loved the Lifesaver skin the most.  "Is it the best Widowmaker under the sun?" I sort of cringed at the weird accent of the GucciB0i, but I took the compliment, proudly.  "Well, I'm definitely not Bunny, so it has to be me?" I grinned, as Susy started the quickplay queue, relieved that we weren't going to tryhard, because honestly, I felt like I gave everything skillful I had left in the competive game. However, that didn't mean I was going to be an easy prey to make jokes of, still visibly hurt by the offensive humor from the game before.   "Oh, shit, you're my new best friend," GucciB0i's oddly famous deep voice responded. Susy almost immediately grunted back: "Fuck off, would you? The spot is already taken!"  "I hope the spot of your boyfriend isn't taken, uncleREYES, because I'd definitely want to nominate myself." I choked on the sip of coffee, clapping as soon as I placed the cup back at its spot. "Alright, that was just too fucking smooth," I hissed, shaking my head. I felt utterly happy, because Susan deserved an equally disabled person in her life, to weight off all the bad events from the past. 
FROM: uncleREYES: im FROM: uncleREYES: fucking FROM: uncleREYES: in FROM: uncleREYES: love FROM: uncleREYES: who is that guy TO: uncleREYES: XDDDD idk
"Talking behind our backs, much?" GucciB0i seemed to have ears everywhere.  "Maybe...?" I teasily asked, laughing it off. The silence got quickly filled by TuadonJuan's adoration towards Susy's McHanzo kink. 
It... somehow felt right, yet stupid. Bunny still hadn't spoken and I felt guilty for making fun of him, but the again, he was the same in the competitive. I shrugged it off, mindlessly skipping the songs, finally getting to a slower cover of Adam Levine's Lost Stars from Jungkook.
"Please, don't see, just a boy caught up in dreams and fanta~sies-" I quietly hummed to the rhytm, as we finally joined the Dorado map. I didn't make a big deal about them hearing me sing, because honestly, in the talk of those two it occured to be as effective as hearing of a deaf person. I remained silent for next few seconds, until Jungkook's soft voice reached the refrain.  "Damn, I love that boy." I scoffed. "Who? Who?!" I rolled my eyes for a hunderth time that evening. "Jungkook, who else could I mean?" The only response in suddenly quiet voicechat was careless Susy and her laughing voice. "Girl, you love everyone. You have a pillow with Taehyung's face, Suga in name, Jin on hoodie, you want to rap like Namjoon and dance like Hobi. And now you say you love Jungkook, I'm confused."  "It's not my fault, okay, they are all perfect, shut up!" I whined, covering my blushing face, even though noone could see me, both in the darkness and through the screen.  "Sure, whatever," she chuckled back, paying all of her attention to damage-boosting of TuandonJuan's ass, playing, surprisingly, McCree, again. I picked Ana, thoughtlessly shooting my darts at everything that moved, either reducing or adding up on health. 
The final push seemed to be endless, as we either died or killed during the overtime. Finally finishing charging up my ultimate, I nanoboosed Reaper, who completely cleared out the point of the enemies, scoring a precise teamkill. Briefly realizing it was Bunny, I coughed, trying to somehow sound friendlier than before.
"Good job, bunny boy," I cheered, watching the scenario all over again from his point of view in the play of the game. He seemed to unmute himself, because the icon of him talking showed. I was expecting everything but not what I heard. Listening to the cover of Lost Stars on replay still, I gasped, as Bunny murmured a modest, yet elated: "Thank you very much for your ultimate, Sugasuga." 
For a brief second I couldn't quite believe what I heard.
"Why do you sound exactly like Jungkook?" I said more to myself, than to him, completely amazed by the discovery. "Nah, he doesn't." Susy opposed, visibly still annoyed by his previous behavior.  "I agree, he sounds nothing like the korean dude," TuandonJuan's voice interfered, and I raised my eyebrows in surprise. "You know BTS?"  I caught him off guard, visibly.  He laughed, embrarassed: "Yeah, my-my little sister won't shut up about them."  I smiled. "That's... well, understandable." 
"Aight, I agree with Sugasuga, though, he has something that makes him sound like Jungkook, but not quit-"  "Can you not compare me to that gaypop shit? Thank you." Bunny's voice went off again, and I scowled. "Did I say something wrong?" 
"Nah, he is... acting like an ass, tonight. You know, periods-" I held back my laughter. Guccib0i was cool, I could give Susy that. "Don't even fucking get me started about the periods, dude," she hissed, and I just legitimately bursted out, together with the others.
[GROUP] Bunny: fuck you too, T
We managed to play a few more games, before we said all the goodnights, and thanks for playing. I turned off the laptop, wiping my eyes, sliding under the cold bedsheets with the phone in my hand. 
forever alone bitch: told you they are not so bad noodle mommy: yeah, BUT im lowkey crushing on Bunny's voice forever alone bitch: wtf noodle mommy: fuck him though, GucciB0i is the S H I T  forever alone bitch: yeah we ship you two noodle mommy: "we"?  forever alone bitch: mark and me noodle mommy: ???? forever alone bitch: last seen a minute ago
Susan was right, though. They didn't seem like bad people. We had some decent laughs and giggles, plus, the GucciB0i turned out to be a pretty huge fanboy of Taehyung. 
Somehow, I couldn't wait for the next night, because that was the time we estabilished as another gaming session. I closed my eyes, hugging Taehyung's stuffed face, with a dorky smile, first time in a while feeling upon satisfied with how the day had ended,
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lokissanctuary · 5 years
Ru’s Dream Come True, Ch.14
Final chapter of an original fanfic in which Loki follows a dream of a beautful woman and ends up at a Renaissance Festival!
Meanwhile, Teia and Sage have wandered off in search of garb that will make their otherworldly visitors stand out less in a crowd. The two of them hurry along the path away from the booth, coming soon to  a crossroads. 
“So, where should we go first?” Sage asks, looking around at the different shops, thinking of where they can find the best options to suit the Asgardians. Teia looks at her thoughtfully. “I don’t know…” She says slowly. They are standing in front of a shop selling hand-crafted leather boots, that are very popular at the Faire. Sage turns to Teia and asks “Did you see what they were wearing on their feet? Do we need to get them some boots?” Teia gives the booth a frown. “I think they were wearing boots already- and we don’t know their size.” Sage nods at this, already thinking of their next stop. “We know we need to hurry- lets head towards the joust field. Theres a small stand there that should have some base pieces in their size.” Teia nods at this, and the two make their way in that direction, passing more shops and a bustling pub, spilling over with drunken pirates. As they reach the narrow way past the pub, a pub crawl starts coming at them from the other side, forcing them to squeeze next the shops to avoid being trampled. As they force their way past, one of the hosts of the crawl shouts “Kilt!”, forcing all the crawlers to drink, as a man in a kilt has just been spotted. This gives Sage an idea. Once the crowd of drunkards has passed, Sage looks at Teia and says “Kilt!” “What?” Teia asks, unsure why Sage is babbling random words at her. “Kilt!” Sage insists. “We should put Thor in a kilt! I know they’ll come in his size, and its completely different from what he’s currently wearing.” Teia’s eyebrows lift in surprise at this, but slowly, she begins to nod. “You know, that’s not a bad idea.” She says. “I know, right?” Sage says. “And its right up here!” She gestures at the small hill that leads to the best kilt shop at the Faire, and the two start up it, reaching the shop in short order. Just before they go in, Sage pauses and looks at Teia. “How are we gonna know his size?” she asks, looking concerned. “Just leave that to me.” Teia replies. “I’m a seamstress, remember? I sized him up the minute we met.” “Uh huh, I’m sure thats all you were “sizing up””. Sage answers her sarcastically, as they enter the booth. Teia shoots her a mischievous glance as a shop hand rushes over to them, eager to assist. 
“How can I help you girls?” the bearded, kilted man asks, with a friendly smile. Teia steps forward to speak. “We need a kilt- I’m thinking Pride of Scotland- in about a 45?” The bearded man nods. “I’ll be right back- I believe we have that one in the back.” He disappears into the back storage room of the booth, and quickly reappears, holding a new kilt in his hands, still bound with the threads that hold the pleats together. “All I have it in is the Utilikilt- will that be alright?” Teia and Sage look at each other. “It’ll have to be won’t it?” Teia says, more to Sage than anyone, and nods. “Sure. Do you have any shirts to go with it, say a double XL?” “Yup.” comes the swift response. “You want black or white?” Sage looks at Teia. “Go with black- a complete difference from his normal look.” Teia nods at this. “Black then.” The shop helper nods again, and fetches the long-sleeved black shirt from a tall display, with the help of a long metal hook. “Will that be all?” Teia and Sage look at each other, and Teia speaks “Yeah, I think so- oh! Add a kilt pin.” Sage nods at this essential, choosing one with a triquetra on it for the Norse prince. The shop man gives them their total, and neatly bags their purchases,  waving them out of the shop with a cheery “Fare thee well!” 
Once outside, Teia glances at her anachronistic Fitbit, seeing that time is ticking away. “We need to hurry.” She says to Sage. “Where to next?” Sage thinks just a moment before replying “Renaissance Fashions- the one over near the joust field- they’ll have plenty of base pieces to fit Loki- and then we can pick them both up something from Crimson Chain.” She looks to Teia to confirm this plan. “Lets do it.” Teia says, leading the way towards the Renaissance Fashions tent. Once there, Sage speedily chooses a green tunic and black pants for Loki,smiling at the fact that the v-necked tunic has gold knotwork edging on the collar and cuffs. Dishing out more of the conjured money, the pair now head to Crimson Chain Leatherworks, where the finest leather products at the Faire could be had, and at the best prices. Stepping into the booth, they are both met with a cheerful “Hello!” by most of the staff- they are quite well-known here. They proceed directly to the side of the booth that sells mens clothes, and then they look at each other. Glancing through the racks, there is one obvious choice for the trickster god- a leather jerkin, that closes in the front with metal latches, in black with green accents. For Thor’s look, they choose a pair of black leather bracers, to go with the Scottish look they are trying to give him. Black belts are chosen for them as well, and to complete the look, they purchase them both metal tankards with tooled leather wraps- a speciality of this shop. For Thor, an image of Mjolnir, tooled on brown, and for Loki, Sage finds the last Celtic wolf in the shop, tooled on a strange burnished gold color. Bringing their armload of items to the counter, the shop manager looks pleased with how much they are buying. “Someone went on a shopping spree.” He comments lightly, totaling all their purchases together with a grin. Sage speaks first at this. “Yup- need to spoil some friends.” The man ringing them up only nods, as he begins folding things and putting them into bags. Their total comes to over $1,000, and Teia begins counting out the folded wad of cash, separating out hundreds as she goes. The sight of this much in cash actually does pause the manager, and he almost stares as Teia neatly stacks the requested amount and hands it to him. They now have a much smaller stack than they left with, but they still have quite a lot, and Teia carefully stows it away out of sight. Shaking himself a bit, the man finishes their transaction, and gives them a receipt along with their bags. “You all have a great day now.” He says, smiling at them as they depart. 
Standing now outside the shop, the two are  now loaded down with many bags from the various shops. Sage looks at Teia, and almost starts to laugh.
“What so funny?” Teia asks, a bit confused as to why Sage has randomly burst into giggles. 
Struggling to speak over her mirth, Sage speaks “Look at this- we are standing in the middle of Faire, hands full of garb we have just bought to help hide actual gods that have just appeared on the grounds. Tell me thats not funny to you.” Looking at Sage with a bit of an odd look, Teia nods. 
“That is pretty funny, actually. But right now, we need to get this to them and get them in it- and out of Holly’s booth.” Teia replies. Sage nods to this and with a “Lets go!” they both hasten back towards the booth, pushing through the throngs of people that were filling the narrow lanes. They quickly arrive back at the booth, and Sage heaves a sigh of relief as she can see Holly still in the front, busy with a queue of customers. She leads Teia to the tiny back room, where Thor, Loki and you still wait. Sage swings the door open just enough to step in, and now the room is full, forcing Teia to wait outside, holding the door open. 
You almost jump as the door opens, half-expecting someone other than Teia and Sage to be standing there. One you realize that it is them, you relax a little. You are currently cuddled into Loki where he leans against the wooden bench, and Thor is crunched under the low beams opposite the two of you. Thor beams as he sees your two friends, and he approaches them. 
“Finally! It has been too long since you left us- what disguises do you bring?” Thor’s voice is loud and merry, and Sage hurries to shush him. 
“A little quieter, please- remember, not attracting attention?” Thor looks momentarily chagrined, before smiling again. “Sorry.” he murmurs, softer this time. Teia has already begun separating out which items go to which prince, and she hands the stack of kilt, shirt, belt, and mug to Thor with a flirty wink. He gives the bold black and purple tartan a strange look, before setting it down and starting to disrobe himself. He is not at all shy, and does not care if anyone is watching. You immediately turn around, not particularly wanting to see the god of thunder naked. Teia then reaches in and hands Loki his stack of garb, the gold edging on the tunic shining even in the dim light. He gives you a truly mischievous look as he quickly removes his own clothes, showing off his slim, pale muscles as he changes. A sexy smile plays on his lips as he slowly draws up the black trousers, sliding them over himself with sensuous gestures. The green tunic seems to please him, as he runs his fingers along the embroidered edge before slipping it over his dark head. A practiced twitch of his hands settles his hair neatly over his shoulders, and he is reaching for his belt when an exclamation is heard from Thor. 
“What the Hel is this?” Thor asks, sounding outraged. “You would have me wear a skirt?” He is  already clad in the black shirt, but he is holding up the kilt, looking insulted as he examines it. Sage just shakes her head and laughs silently, while Teia explains. 
“No, no- its a kilt. Its a traditional garment from my people- the people of Scotland. Both men and women wear them- however, if you want to wear it properly, you can’t wear anything underneath it. Wearing something under it is what turns it into a skirt.” She ends this explanation with another suggestive glance, this time at Thors  currently- naked groin and then back at his face, a broad smile now on her features. The blond god looks skeptical at this, but seeing as his choices were currently limited, begins trying to put it on. His unskilled attempt at this brings Sage to even greater laughter, so much that she is struggling to stay silent. Teia moves forward, to assist Thor, and leaves Sage to hold the door, allowing everyone more room to maneuver. “Here, let me.” She says, reaching out to take the kilt from Thor and fasten it properly. “I grew up with all boys- helping with kilts is nothing new to me.” Deftly, her hands find the buckles and fasten it around Thors muscular waist, adjusting the drape and afixing the kilt pin with a practiced hand. “There- you look very handsome.” she says with a smile as she steps back to inspect her handiwork. “I assume you know how a belt works- or did you need help with that too?” She teases him gently, holding up the long black piece of leather. Loki snickers at this, having since finished clothing himself in the rich black and green jerkin, with the belt and mug hanging from his waist. He is reclining back against the table again with his arms folded, watching Thor and Teia with an amused smile on his face. 
“I know how a belt works.” Thor grumbles, snatching it from her hand rather more roughly than he may have intended and sliding it through the belt-loops, tightening it with a grumpy lowering of his eyebrows. Loki grins at this exchange, and looks to you. 
“I like her.” he says, nodding his head at Teia as he speaks. “She amuses me.” Teia gives him a sardonic smile at this, with one eyebrow raised. Looking around the small space, Sage pipes up. 
“It looks like everyone is dressed- we should tuck their other clothes in our tote box, and get them out of here, so that Holly can eat.” She looks to Teia, who confirms this, and points to the plastic tote tucked in the low corner of the booth. Thor and Loki look at each other for a moment, and then bend to pick up their clothes, Loki folding his neatly, and Thor wadding his up in an untidy ball before shoving them into the box, with Loki following and gently inserting his and closing the lid. They both then look to Teia and Sage, who then look from them to each other. The moment is almost comical, and you find yourself giggling. Sage shoots you a skeptical look, with one eyebrow raised, but then turns back to Teia. “One more thing- if we are trying to hide their identities, they should probably go by different names. “Thor” and “Loki” are a little obvious.” Teia looks surprised for a moment, but then nods at this.
 “Yes- I hadn’t thought of that.” She then turns to look at the pair of gods. “Is there anything else we can call you, that you will answer to- like a nickname?” Both princes give her strange stares, and Thor speaks first. “Why would the sons of Odin have nicknames? Our names are our identity, and we bear them proudly.”  Sage’s hand come s to her forehead in a classic gesture of frustration, and she sighs as she looks at Teia. 
 After a moment, Sage has a thought. “Maybe we could just go with it?” Sage proposes. At Teia’s confused look, she continues. “Just tell people their parents were hippies, if they even ask. Here, that’s not that weird.” Teia looks thoughtful for a moment, and then nods. 
“Sure, why not.” With that statement, Sage looks around at the assembled, and gives a nod. Everyone seems to know what she means, because as she leads the way out of the narrow door, all of you fall in a line and follow, with Teia directly behind Sage, and Thor following her, with you next and Loki bringing up the rear. 
As you emerge, you blink in the bright sunlight, and a passing group of rowdy pirates nearly bowls you over on their way to the pub. Seeing their drunkenness reminds Thor of a promise from earlier, and he turns to Teia and Sage. “I was promised some of your Midgardian ale. Lead the way to it!” Sage and Teia look at each other, and Sage gives a half-hearted kind of shrug. 
“We did say he could.” she says, with a small smile. Teia sighs, having a gut feeling that adding booze to Thor could only be a bad idea, but not seeing any easy way around it. 
“Fine.” Teia says. “We’ll take them to the pirate bar.” Sage gives Teia a nod, divining her thought that that particular loud, crowded pub would be an ideal hiding place for the visitors, and they both lead the way, winding a path through the twisting lanes towards the bar. On the way, you pass many shops and people, and you stay close to Loki. You want nothing more than to be near him, and his presence is soothing to your ever-present social anxiety. You don’t run into any more people you know on the way to the pub, and you are silently grateful. One Carl was enough to deal with. 
In short order, your group rounds a corner and walks down a small hill and finds the pub. As usual, pirates are spilling out of every entryway and into the lanes surrounding it, and even getting inside proves to be a bit of a challenge. Sensing that the promised alcohol is near, Thor makes quick work of this problem, pushing his way to the front of your small group and  moving people aside as he goes. He starts towards the bar counter, ignoring the obvious line of those waiting to be served, and Teia quickly seizes ahold of his kilt before he gets too far. 
“Wait, stop.” She says. “You have to wait in line.” As she speaks, she gestures at the somewhat lengthy line that snakes around the inside of the pub. “Everyone has to wait.” She says with exaggerated patience, the way one would address a child, in response to his look of shocked outrage. You feel Loki beside you laughing, and glance over to see a small grin on his handsome face, laughing at his brothers upset. An answering smile comes across your own features, and you step closer to him, both to get out of the way of an exiting group of drunken patrons, and to feel his warmth against you. Feeling you press against him, Loki glances down at you, and the smile grows even wider. You feel his arm curl around your waist as he pulls you next to him, and you cuddle into him where you stand, sliding one of your own arms around his waist as well. 
Glancing up from where you are now holding each other, you see Thor with a grumpy look on his face, waiting in the line, with Teia and Sage near to him. The end of the line is near to where you are standing with Loki, and as he passes you, Thor asks “Brother- will you take some ale with me?” Loki looks mildly surprised at this question, but after a minute, slowly nods. 
Sage and Teia have been speaking amongst themselves, and at this moment, they choose to rejoin the group conversation. Steeping one to either side of Thor, Sage looks at you. “Sorry to cut the fun short kids, but we have to leave for parade soon.” Teia is holding her wrist aloft to confirm this, and you sigh, seeing what time it is. Part of your employment at the Festival requires you to walk in the daily parade of vendors, carrying a banner for the booth you represent. You sigh, looking up at Loki. The last thing you want to do is leave him, but you have to do this to keep your position in your booth. 
Both he and Thor look confused at this statement, and Sage hastens to clarify. “Ru and I need to go- Teia will stay with you guys, and we will regroup after the parade. Sound good?” Before they really have any time to reply, Sage nods, and goes to leave. Loki’s arm tightens around you, and he leans his dark head down to yours. 
“Hurry back to me.” he speaks softly, and his sensuous voice sends shivers down your spine. He ends this statement with another kiss- this one brief and sweet, but the feeling of it lingers on your lips . He then releases you, his arm sliding back away from you, but caressing you as it goes. Sage gives you a significant look, and reluctantly, you tear yourself away from him and proceed to follow Sage out of the pub. You would swear that you could feel his eyes on you as you hurry away, and the moment you are apart, you start missing him. Following Sage as the two of you rush through the lanes towards the booths whose banners you will be carrying, you wonder at this. No one you have ever met has ever made you feel this way- blood rushing, heart pounding, and like you always want to be near them.  Quickly, you achieve the banners you both need, and head towards the area where you assemble prior to the parade. After checking in, your mind is still spinning, and you stand quietly next to Sage. It takes you a minute to even realize that she is talking to you, and she has to grab your arm to get your attention. 
“Earth to Ru- anybody home?” She asks, with a smile, as she gently shakes your arm. 
“Huh, what?” you ask, as you come back to awareness of what is going on around you. You were lost in daydreams of dark leather and midnight hair, pale skin and emerald eyes. 
“You ok?- you look a million miles away.” Sage asks you, with a knowing grin. She clearly knows what  is occupying your mind, but she wants to make you admit it. 
“No, I’m fine.” you reply, but as you do, your thoughts turn back to him, and you can’t help the pink blush that creeps across your cheeks. Sage just gives you a teasing smile, but then turns to some other friends that have shown up for the parade, leaving you alone with your thoughts. 
And what thoughts there were, that occupied your mind at that second! Your Loki, your god of mischief, your dark-haired lord that you had been devoted to for years- was now here! And not only here, but here for you! The whole idea was a bit overwhelming, and even more so, the thought of what that might mean. What did he intend for you? Did he mean to bring you back to Asgard with him? What then? To be his queen, to rule with him? That thought was a bit much to handle- you had trouble getting yourself out of bed in the morning, let alone ruling a nation by his side. And if not that, then what? What did he want from you, now that he had come all this way to find you? And whatever it was, were you capable of giving it to him? 
All of these questions, and more, crowded in your mind as the parade started. Moving through the grounds, waving at the assembled crowds- you hardly noticed any of it, as your mind was fixed on him. You knew that the parade route passed by the pub where you had left him with Teia and Thor, and as you made your way there, you spied him. He was standing just outside of the pub, a full mug in his hand, leaning casually against a support beam for the slatted roof. It seemed as though your eyes found each other immediately as you came into sight, and he stared at you as you passed, those green eyes glittering in the summer sunlight. Looking at him, you were neglecting watching the ground in front of you, and just as you passed in front of the pub, your foot caught on a rut in the uneven ground, and you tripped. You almost fell- in fact, you would have- but he was there. In a flash, faster than you could have seen, Loki was in front of you, gently catching your arm and preventing you from landing in the dirt and mud. His eyes were full of concern as he carefully helped you back to your feet. “Are you alright?” he asked, heedless of the people staring at this man who had moved faster than they could see. 
“Yes, yes, I’m fine.” you say, noticing everyone looking at you. Some of the folk in the parade have had come to a stop because of your pause, and you need to get moving again. “Thank you.” you quickly say, as you steady yourself and prepare to walk once more. He steps away from you and releases your arm, but he is still watching you carefully. As you move away, you see Teia coming towards him, presumably to warn him against being so obvious with his inhuman speed and grace. You walk on with the others, but your mind, and your heart, are still there with Loki. The way he rescued you, in an instant- and the worry that had crossed his elegant features! You hurry to catch up with the rest of the parade, overwhelmed by all of this. The rest of the journey passes in a blur, with returning the banners and Sage talking to you fading into the background. All you want to do is return to Lokis side- and then, what? Your thoughts always stopped there. What would happen next? 
Lost in these thoughts, you almost didn’t notice that Sage was leading the both of you back to the pub until you had arrived. Once you were there, you almost didn’t want to go in- torn between desire for the god who pursued you and the insecurities and fears the now plagued your mind. Sage saw you pause on the steps, and asked you ‘Whats wrong? Come on- he’s waiting for you.” As you looked up in that moment and saw his eyes again, all your fears melted away. He was looking right at you, with one hand extended- beckoning you to his side. As you ascended the steps and took his hand, you knew that whatever happened next, he would be with you- and that would be enough. This lovely, dark, complicated man would be with you, and you with him- and that would suffice for whatever your future held. 
Feeling better, you allowed him to pull you to him and embrace you. Your head slowly tipped back to look at him, and he just smiled- a full, broad smile, more beautiful than any depiction of him you had ever seen. You couldn’t help yourself- you smiled back. You could have almost melted into a puddle with all of the happiness you felt, but you were interrupted by  Sage talking. “Ok, we’re back- wheres Thor?” She barely got the question out of her mouth before it was answered, by Thor himself, staggering towards your grouping from one side of the pub. Straightening himself, it was clear that he wasn’t actually drunk, but had simply stumbled on the uneven floor of the tavern. 
“Your ales are weak.” he declared, looking at Teia as he spoke. “We give children a stronger brew than this.” Teia looks at him with an exasperated sigh. 
“Well, that’s what we’ve got. We aren’t gods, remember?” With this statement, Teia looks about at your small assembled party. “Who else wants to get out of here? Its noisy, and crowded, and hot with all these people.” You and Sage both nod to this, and Teia leads the way out of the pub with alacrity, making sure that Thor is in fact following them by grabbing ahold of the hand holding his mug and tugging him along. Once you are all out on the path and out of the bar, she drops his hand, and looks to Sage. 
“What now?” pipes in Sage. “I assume we aren’t planning on standing here all day.” 
“No, no we’re not.” Teia says. She is looking around, as it trying to find an answer to that question. As she is looking , her eyes hit upon a not-so-distant coffee shop, with a patio behind it where anyone can sit if they wish. Looking back at the assembled party, she nods. “Coffeeshop” she speaks towards Sage, before  departing, trusting the rest of you to follow. Loki and Thor look a bit confused, but they follow along, with you and Sage closing up the rear. The coffeeshop is not far, but on the way, Teia is stopped by a friend. He works for the Faire as well, playing the village ratcatcher, and stops her with a hug and a merry greeting.
“Hey there! I haven’t seen you yet today- where have you been?” He says, while almost lifting her off the ground in his exuberance. 
“Hi Eric.” She responds to him with a smile, hugging him back. Letting her go, he notices the rest of your party, including the two newcomers. 
“Who is this?” he asks Teia over his shoulder as he goes to greet your new friends. Teia and Sage exchange a worried look, but Sage swallows hard and then speaks.
“These are some friends of ours from out of town- this is Thor, and Loki.” She gestures to each in turn, and then indicates Eric. “Thor, Loki- this is our friend Eric.” Eric greets each of them with a firm handshake, and an oddly inquisitive look on his face. Loki especially, he greets with a curious expression, like he is trying to figure something out. As he steps back, he speaks what is on his mind.
“You know, you two look like- “ Loki swiftly cuts him off here, before he can proceed. 
“Yes, we’ve been told- the characters, which bear our names. Astonishing coincidence, isn’t it?” This seems to signal an end to this discussion, but then Eric notices you, standing just too close to Loki to simply be friends. This idea is reinforced by Loki draping his arm around your shoulders when he sees Eric looking at you. Eric looks suspicious at this, and raises one eyebrow in silent question. However, he chooses to keep his thoughts private, and instead excuses himself. 
“I have to be at the front gate in oh, about five minutes- but I’ll see you ladies later.” He says, addressing Teia and Sage. “Will I see you at camp as well?” he asks lightly, now looking at Thor and Loki. Sage gives a barely perceptible nod at Loki, who responds before Thor can.
“Yes.” he says briefly. Eric nods at this, and walks away, his tattered ratcatcher garb blowing in the warm breeze. Loki then turns to look at Sage with a more serious look. “What did we just agree to?” he asks, with a darkness in his tone. 
“Lets get to the patio, and I will explain everything.” Sage assures him, and leads all of you the rest of the short way to the wooden decking. The line of you push past the folks ordering coffee and tea, and Sage and Teia start searching for an empty table with enough chairs. This time of day, the patio is busy- but you are in luck. A large group is just leaving, and they are vacating just enough chairs for all of you. The table is tucked in a corner, too- as much privacy as you are likely to get, here in this public place. Sage and Teia lead the way to the table, and they take the farthest seats. Loki seats himself between Sage and you, with Thor between you and Teia. Once all are seated, expectant eyes alight on Sage, awaiting the explanation for the end of the conversation with Eric. 
Noticing the flood of attention in her direction, Sage speaks. “Do you guys know what this place is yet? Has she explained?” She gestures here at you, and you start to nod. Thor then chimes in to this conversation.
“Yes, she has explained that this place attempts to recreate Earth history.” He seems to not even be trying to hide anymore, allowing his voice to ring out at its usual full volume. “But why are you here? And what did that man, Eric, mean by “camp?” Sage goes to answer him, but Teia speaks first. 
“We are here because we love it here. Its fun, and this is where our family is at. Everyone we love is here. And camp means exactly that- we camp on the weekends that we are here, in a tent. This place is only open on the weekends, and we live far away. Seeing as how you two are stuck with us for the time being, I figured it would be a good idea to let him know that he would be seeing you again, especially because he camps right next to us.” Teia finishes this statement and leans back, clearly awaiting further questions. Thor then turns to Loki. 
“What do you think of this, brother? Isn’t it about time for us to be returning home? You have found your woman- shall we not return to Asgard, and her with us?” At this, your heart begins to pound. Loki slowly turns to you, a question writ on his face. Would you leave with him? Leave everything you have ever known- your family, your friends, your beloved dog- and go with him? Go, to another planet? To face an unknown future- but he would be there… All of these thoughts swirl in your mind once more, before he speaks and silences every one. 
“Ru (your heart beats even faster here at this, the first time he has said your name) will you come with me? To Asgard? Will you be mine?” He has extended his hand again, the way he did in the pub, and the look on his face, and in his eyes- he is pleading with you! His blue-green eyes speak to how much he wishes for you not to refuse, but a fear lurks there too- fear that you will. It seems like this is another one of those moments where all the rest of the world fades to nothing- mere background noise, as unremarkable as the wind in the trees or the sound of water at the seashore. You can almost feel time slow down as he looks at you- like slow motion in a movie, you watch his breath come slow, and an errant breeze blow some of his ebon hair across his face. He looks sculpted from marble, so pale and beautiful, with an expression so eloquent of expectation. You vaguely hear the coffee grinders behind you, and the shouting of the joust field, and you can almost hear your own pulse, thudding in your ears. In your panic, your eyes had darted to the side, but you feel them slowly, ever so slowly, turning back to him. Almost as though you cannot stop yourself, your own hand lifts to his and gently lays atop it, and you exhale. 
Time speeds back up as you breathe “Yes.” The word is barely audible, as your throat feels constricted, but you nod to make sure he knows your answer. “I will.” This answer too, comes out as almost a squeak, but it is enough. You see his eyes flame as happiness surges through him. Still holding your hand, he rises elegantly and pulls you with him. It is as though you cannot resist his will- you rise as well. Only a heartbeat passes, before he crushes you to him with his powerful arms and kisses you once more. This kiss is long and passionate, and it takes your breath away long before he is finished. His arms around you are the only thing holding you up, and as he releases you, nearby people start clapping, as they assume he has just proposed. Glancing around at the crowd, Loki gives a smiling half-bow, and lifts your linked hands aloft. As he brings them back down, you see something glinting in the sun on your ring finger. Lifting it to your face, you see a gold ring, set with a stunning emerald. Gasping, you examine it closely, and notice that the setting is a slim gold snake, holding the gem in his coils, with tiny diamond eyes shimmering in the sun. You look up at Loki, mouth open in shock. He simply gives you a playful smile, and looks back at the assembled group. 
“Shall we?” He addresses Thor, who stands as well, moving less gracefully than Loki in the small space. Thor moves to stand next to Loki, and then he looks at him curiously. 
“Loki- how do we get home? You got us here with magic- don’t we need the same to return to Asgard?” Loki gives this question a thoughtful look, and then nods.
“Indeed we do, brother- grab on.” With this, Loki holds his other hand out to Thor, and once Thor takes it, the world around you starts spinning.  You dimly hear Loki say “To Asgard!” as everything swirls like the fastest amusement park ride you have ever been on, and then darkness descends, as your eyes are forced closed. It feels as though you are hurtling through the air, as you feel it whipping past your body, buffeting you and tugging at your clothes. You tighten your grip on Loki, fearful of what might happen if you let go, and then everything stops. 
Your feet stumble as they meet solid ground, and your eyes pop open to see the bedroom you so often dreamed about. Thor immediately lets go of Lokis hand, and steps out of the circle on the floor where the three of you have appeared. He gives Loki a sharp nod, and the two share a smile at this latest adventure. Thor then departs, presumably in search of some proper ale, and Loki turns to you, a handsome smile covering his face. 
“Welcome Ru, to Asgard.” 
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mikeyd1986 · 6 years
On Monday morning, I had a job interview for Toll People which are part of the Toll Group, a global logistics company with the nearest office located in Dandenong South. To be honest, I haven’t had much time at all to process this opportunity since receiving the phone call last Friday afternoon from the recruitment consultant, Janella. However, I decided to dive in head first and quickly completed the required online induction and safety modules.
Over the past weekend, my brain has been flooded with many questions: Am I doing the right this pursuing an opportunity that I don’t know much about? Will I be able to fit a new job into my current lifestyle? Will I have to sacrifice and cut out some of my commitments? Will this casual warehouse role be right for me? What if I can’t handle it? What if I don’t enjoy it? All of this boils down to my huge fear of uncertainty and change.
So really this job interview is basically a learning opportunity to grow as a person. To embrace change and take a risk by potentially gaining new employment. The good news is that the ball is basically in my court. If things go pear shaped and it doesn’t sound like the right job for me, then I can always walk away and decline the offer. Also if I can’t seem to make it fit in or becomes overwhelming, the choice will always be there to pull the pin. But at the same time, I do want to give this opportunity a red hot go and see where it takes me. https://tinybuddha.com/blog/7-ways-to-deal-with-uncertainty/
It’s been over a year since my last job interview so of course I was feeling quite nervous and unsure about it. I wanted to make sure I was prepared enough for it in terms of my attire, presentation, what to bring, questions and answers, my skills and abilities. I normally wear standard business attire to job interviews but this part of the email I received last week suggested I should do otherwise:
“During this testing, you will undergo evaluation designed to identify some risk factors that are associated with your potential employment with Toll. This will include requiring you to provide a written medical history/questionnaire and to answer questions at the interview. This written form of assessment and interview will assist with evaluating your overall physical ability to undertake the inherent physical requirements for intended role. Please wear comfortable clothing that will allow you to undertake this task.”
And so I decided to go with neat casual dress and hoped that was appropriate as I didn’t hear back from the recruitment consultant, Janella, over the weekend. So it was a relief of sorts when I discovered most of today’s interview involved filling out copious amounts of paperwork with everything from my personal details and medical history to identification and police checks, superannuation, tax and banking details. It took me about an hour to get through it all as there was about 20 pages to read, fill in and sign.
The nice thing was that I wasn’t the only candidate applying for work which means less pressure on me. The interview itself with Janella was a lot more informal and brief than I expected. She asked a few routine questions to make sure I was still interested in pursuing a casual warehouse hand position, checked through all the paperwork and that was it really. Part of me is overcome with self-doubt and worries about whether this job is right for me but I’m trying hard to remain mildly optimistic about it.
Of course I was still flustered and exhausted as hell by the end of it but I’m really glad that I made the effort to do this. Even if I’m not successful, at least I can say I tried and did my best.  And if it turns out that this job isn’t for me, at least I can say I’ve gone through the interview process and it wasn’t a waste of time. It’s all learning. https://www.tollgroup.com/business-services/recruitment/looking-work
On Monday night, I attended a meditation class at Level Up Yoga in Berwick. Tonight's meditation class hosted by Angelina Morino was based around the theme of HEALING. Being the middle of winter, I usually get very susceptible to colds, flus and various sinus issues plus symptoms like dry mouth, dehydration, sleepiness, muscle tension, physical and mental fatigue and low mood/energy. https://www.aaronpetty.com/meditation/
Ange talked about the fundamental principles of a meditation practice including finding the spaces between thoughts and using the breath as a focal point or anchor. She also discussed how our minds constantly make up stories that aren't necessarily true. This is something I've been continually working on over the years, to let go and dispel of those bullshit claims that my brain is coming up with.
Some of my "stories" include: I am not enough. I don't have any friends. I am weird, boring and uninteresting. Everyone in this room is ignoring me and deliberately excluding me. Nobody likes me. I'm going to be lonely forever. There's something wrong with me. I'm too quiet. I don't speak up enough.
A lot of this comes from how comfortable I am with myself and having self-acceptance. That means accepting every single part of who I am, the good and the bad. It also means ridding myself of things that no longer serve me: negative thoughts, toxic emotions and self-doubt. It's a difficult process for me having severe mental illness but I've got to keep working at it everyday.
Tonight was a great example of why most of the above stories are bullshit. If those things were true, Aaron Petty wouldn't have hugged me on arrival or asked about my job interview today. Angelina Morino wouldn't have said hello, grabbed my props and offered me a muffin. And the other students wouldn't have said hi and acknowledged my existence. I am definitely not alone and I am very much enough. https://www.aaronpetty.com/teaching-schedule/
On Tuesday night, I had my YardFIT group training session at The Yard Strength & Fitness in Pakenham. I was burning the candle at both ends a little today after being out of the house for a total of 6 hours. I did a CX Works group fitness class at YMCA Casey ARC (I can feel my glutes burning) plus a half hour session on the treadmill. The new CX Works release was pretty tough with lots of tracks using the resistance bands and trying to incorporate Pilates movements. I’m surprised I didn’t get tangled up in the bands! I then drove straight to Frankston and parked in the multi-level carpark near Hoyts Australia FRANKSTON. http://w3.lesmills.com/israel/en/classes/cxworx/music-tracklists/
Of course I didn’t really anticipate the school holidays crowds which means more traffic on the road, more congestion, more time needed to find parking, more parents and kids everywhere and a long queue at the candy bar. Thankfully I managed to grab an exclusive Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom dinosaur drink cup with Blue the velociraptor on the top (Yes I’m a dinosaur geek and also love collecting stuff, what of it?). I really enjoyed watching JW:FK a second time even with the kid next door randomly asking me 20 questions before it started. https://www.hoyts.com.au/movies/jurassic-world-fallen-kingdom
PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC! It took me about an hour to get home from Frankston even with some quick decision making in going an alternative route. But inevitably I was going to get stuck in bumper to bumper traffic. Of course I forgot about the large round-a-bout on Hall Road. But never mind, I just wanted to get home so I could eat something and have some downtime before going out again.
I was feeling mentally exhausted by the time I got to The Yard and perhaps it was a good thing that I didn’t rush myself to get there by 5.30pm. I was just me and Rodney Millar tonight. We worked on a lot of mobility, stretches and muscle activation through the glutes, hips, hammies and back. To warm up, Mandi Herauville drew from a deck of playing cards and corresponded these to a particular exercise including ring rows, med ball snatches, jabs on the punching bag, burpees, squats, lunges and push-ups.
For tonight’s WOD, we did a modified version of the FILTHY FIFTY. As the name implies, we had to do 50 reps of each of the movements which is very tough. These included: Box Jumps (Step Ups), Jumping Pull-ups, Kettle Bell Swings, Overhead Bar Presses (Med Ball Snatches), Knees to Elbows, Wall Balls, Burpees (Supported with a box) and Double Unders (Single Skips). Rodney and I were both stuffed after just 15 minutes and Mandi knew when to draw the line. https://www.boxrox.com/crossfit-workouts/others/filthy-fifty/
That’s the thing I love about Mandi as a personal trainer and coach. She knows exactly when to back off or modify a workout if things are becoming too difficult and not achievable for the client. She can also be really blunt and direct with a strong “no bullshit” radar but she is always coming from a good place. Even during the final cool down, she reminded us that life can be really tough and we should be proud of our efforts both at the gym and in life.
“I fall into the ocean, I fly into the sky. All my broken emotion is slowly drifting by. The further I go into myself. The more I find, then I find, I need someone else.”     Evermore - Into The Ocean (Calling You) (2004)
“Leave the TV on to fill the empty air. Loneliness sinks in, like ink into my skin. Should have seen it all. The climb before the fall. I held to what we shared. But now its disappeared.” Evermore - Come To Nothing (2004)
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