#i'm so excited to have my own room again omg it's been literal years
v-tired-queer · 1 year
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lollytea · 2 years
One idea I kinda love is that while Hunter can get quite flustered and silent in person when Willow speaks to him, he can be an absolute menace on Penstagram or whenever they're not face-to-face.
Like in the moment it can be hard for him to think of responses because he's too busy soaking in her attention and his brain is just a mush of 'omg pretty girl pretty girlpretty girl' . but when it's over messages? And he has time to think about what to say and his responses?? He could be so effortlessly smooth and Willow would literally throw her scroll across the room and scream into her pillow because he just compared her to a beautiful flower he saw on his walk today
After a day or two when Hunter gets accustomed to the keypad, he's now free to say whatever the fuck he wants and he somehow ends up going ham on this sweet girl he's been talking to. He doesn't really realize that what he's doing is considered flirting and sees it more like friendly banter/compliments but he gets SO excited over the little hearts she sends in response. Makes his stomach flip upside-down. He can't really figure out why that is yet but all he knows is that she really likes it when he talks to her like this and he is getting a good grade in texting pretty girl. This only encourages him and one or two flirty lines becomes a barrage on Hunter's end.
The "masked confidence" definitely plays a factor here. She can't see him so he feels like he can act any way he wants. He's not really all that chill in real life as he is currently sitting on his bed, unable to stay still because he's got a terrible case of the romance zoomies and he STILL can't believe he's found himself talking to such a cool and pretty girl and she seems to like him. But in the texts themselves, he seems nothing but playful and conchalant.
(I wanna say he had some smooth line prepared to follow the Flapjack pic so when he sent it to Luz by mistake, he panicked and snapped at her because he had almost sent her a message intended for the Captain. And though he still hasn't recognized it as flirting, he knows in his gut that those messages are for her eyes only and if anyone else read them he would be mortified.)
And oh my god, poor Willow on the other end. I like the idea that this is the first time anyone has ever seriously flirted with her before and she's giddy and overjoyed but also overwhelmed and scared out of her mind. Which results in a lot of kicking and pillow screaming because this boy is too much!!
He got her blushing which she thinks is SO LAME but there's not a goddamn thing she can do to stop it.
However, this is where Willow's own flirtiness is born. We definitely saw a bit of an inkling of it in ASIAS but it's through texting Hunter that she becomes comfortable with how direct she is in expressing her interest in him. (Babygirl you can be as direct as you want, he still hasn't figured out that you like him.) Which leads to mutual flirting. Mutual freaking out while laying on their beds but neither of them are backing down. They're such nerds about it. It's thrilling to them. They've never done anything like this before.
And can you imagine if this was the case and we got this?
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This is the face of a boy who hadn't expected to see this girl for another year and figured that he would have plenty of time to rehearse what he would say when they met again. And now he's being attacked by her presence and he doesn't know what to do with himself. And all of a sudden, how brazenly he acted over texts is extremely embarrassing and he wants to crawl into a hole.
And Willow!!! Willow has been relentlessly flirting with him ever since. And Hunter was initially like "Can she just give me a BREAK? To gather my bearings and figure out what I'm gonna say??" No. No this is your own fault. You gave her an inch and she took a mile. You created a monster. You dug your grave, now lie in it.
Admittedly, Hunter loves this grave. Way better than the literal one he tried to dig once.
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can i say a sort of pointless rambly thing i was thinking about that i can't put under the cut bc i'm on mobile?
jk, i'm not actually asking. ramble below, not edited for clarity. the following is completely unclear and i will not fix it:
i've been thinking about how part of the reason i'm so chill about caryl is bc growing up as a queer woc 99% of my main ships were like, never gonna fucking happen bc they literally couldn't. it was like, "omg, they gazed at each other from across the room, let's analyze the homosexual subtext of this one scene for the next fifty years, that's not necessarily hyperbole." i've watched all my ships fuck other ppl/have other love interests, and i knew that my thing was never gonna be canon, so to see like, one thing being like, "one half of my ship fucked another person several years ago while pining for the other half of my ship," i'm like...#nice, bc that can and likely will be used as a plot point to get them together later on, whereas in other situations i've been in i just kinda had to deal with it. so my impulse when i see ppl losing their shit is to be like
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and to be slightly annoyed, tbh, bc the ship is still on track to be canon, and it's like, literally two white heterosexuals, they're prime candidates for juicy angsty pining that actually gets a resolution.
that being said, i recognize that that attitude isn't necessarily fair. for one thing, i'm not the only queer woc (or some variation thereof) in this fandom, and some ppl's impulse might be exasperation instead, bc like, "wtf, even my mayohet ship has dumb fucking drama," and that's valid as hell, and i get it.
and also, i get that, even if you didn't grow up shipping impossible ships (or mulder/scully, bc that's a brand of bullshit all its own), this has been a suuuuper drawn out process where sometimes it feels like they're legit sprinkling crumbs to keep you hooked, just to play you again, and when you are invested in something, like /rly/ invested, especially if it's a form of escapism or hyperfixation or whatever, that can be e x h a u s t i n g. and i get that. i truly do, and while i make a lot of snide comments about the fandom being bonkers, i do get where the bulk of you are coming from (unless you're one of those ppl who hate on actors and esp actresses for just doing their jobs, and attack them on social media, in which case i am very much judging you and you need to get your life together).
i also realize that in the scheme of things i'm still a newbie. i've been here, what, twoish/threeish years, whereas some of you have been here since the beginning, so i'm not as worn out as y'all. but i also think that gives me a bit of objectivity that some of y'all have (understandably) lost.
my positivity is not meant as a sleight against those of you who are feeling negative, but is more of a semi-objective viewpoint (i say semi, bc lbr, i'm invested af in this, so i definitely have bias), and to me the threads of the storyline they're crafting seem sort of obvious.
like, let's look at it, yeah? they have one season left of this show that has been on for over a decade. they need to cater to everyone to give them a satisfying ending, while still hanging on to carylers bc of the spin-off. darylrreah seems like a very calculated move, bc it gives them both something to make abcers happy, while also creating tension and suspense and pining for carylers (i think they might underestimate just how fed up some carylers are tbh, and are banking on us to hang on for one last ride, which, honestly? if they play it right will probably work.)
if they end up doing a dumb love triangle thing, which, without seeing the episode and gauging the subtext i can't confidently say if i think they will or won't, it will ultimately end in our favor. it has to, bc leah isn't going to third wheel them on the bike in the spin-off. we can say with good authority that whatever that relationship ends up being (again, idk if they'll drag it out or not) it will be temporary. which leaves caryl open to ride off into the sunset and then bone down in every state in the united states and in puerto rico for good measure.
it's a lot of cheap drama, but i really and truly do not think it's anything to worry about, and i still really and truly trust kang to not make it out of character. ik ppl still don't agree with me on that point, and i'm not gonna argue, but to me it really does make perfect sense.
and i also predict that they are gonna play it up hardcore in the promotional shit and talking dead, but when that happens, remember it's bc it gets attention. regardless of where the story is ultimately going, relationship drama gets attention, which gets viewers, which gets amc and twd producers nice and comfy with full pockets
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idk. to sum up ig i just wanted to clarify that i don't mean any harm with my relentless positivity. my history in fandom has just made this seem like nothing in comparison, bc while ppl are freaking out, i'm like, "oh damn, they're actually gonna get together by the end of this, aren't they? i didn't know that could happen!" and that makes me excited instead of upset
and you definitely don't have to listen to me. maybe i'm actually wrong. maybe i'm completely full of bullshit and am just good at making things sound confident. i got a lot of As on papers in college over books i never read, i know how to bs. but i also know how to analyze, and i while i will be the first to tell you i am not the best at a great many things, i do know that i am good at critically analyzing text while taking into account the context it was written in, and imho all signs point to canon caryl. when, i'm not entirely sure, but i see it happening. if it doesn't then they severely fucked up their storytelling, and that'd just be bad writing on their part.
(if you want proof that i'm good at reading writers'/producers' intentions, consider that i watched like, 8 seasons of supernatural before giving up, and said to myself, "i think they're gonna make destiel canon, but not until the very last second bc they are rly into catering to their fans but also have to consider their dumb fanboy audience so they can't do anything crazy overtly gay," and guess who hit the nail on the fucking head on that one)
none of this is important, but it was rattling around my mind grapes and i wanted to write it down into something vaguely coherent, and where else better to do it than here. i can word vomit and then send it into the ether and pretend i never said a thing. i love this horrible website, nothing can compare
i have no real conclusion to this, it was mostly stream of consciousness, but i hope it sort of helps y'all understand where i'm coming from, and why i am as chill as i am about things. not about y'all. y'all cause me so much anxiety i get physically sick and have to legit block tags, but with the actual show content i'm zen as hell
the end ig?
it feels weird even signing off on this, but w/e
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ladyvesuvia · 3 years
✧˖°࿐ 🍾 okay ves, this is not exactly a crush but rather a good friend of mine who I thought I liked for a little while (and may have, but not anymore), but circumstances and bad timing have made it clear that nothing will happen (and he has too... rip 🤟). but i was telling the story in the tags of my last post & i need to tell someone! he's a very funny guy and we're bickering all. the. time. like we genuinely barely talk in any way that's not back-and-forth banter to the point that our mutual friends changed his discord name to 'clara's lover' because of how much of an old couple we seem lmfao. but we do have heartfelt conversations when we're kinda... smashed at parties lol and it's like 4am and everyone is passed out and we're quietly talking and i've come to find out he's genuinely dedicated. like i didn't expect it from him but he's very sweet and attentive in his own ways - he's the only one who noticed i was Feeling Bad and checked on me, went to all the lengths possible to care for a friend of ours when she fell and hit her head... just an all-around surprisingly sweet and dedicated guy? and one time we were outside, it was 3am, i had stepped out to look at the stars cause they're my happy place when i'm down and i was feeling like shit lowkey. and he came outside with a few friends and i just started rambling about the stars and planets and constellations and how much i love them, and i was like, "i'm being so boring rn omg" but he just said that it was so cool i knew all of this? and that he didn't find it boring at all but rather loved it? space is super important to me so i was like <3 i feel Loved and Validated right this instant. later on we all laid on deckchairs and we were talking (with 2 other friends, we were 4 in total) and i remember drifting off to sleep in the middle of the conversation (at that point it must've been 4-4:30am) so it's all very hazy but they thought i was asleep and when it was time to get back inside he said, "i could carry her to her room" and i was like DO I PRETEND I'M ASLEEP SO HE DOES,,, and i was this close but they shook me a bit and so i woke up for real lol but it was one of the sweetest nights in my life and the moment i felt the most closure to all my friends and him in particular. rereading this it sounds like i am whipped for the guy but i'm really not, he's a sincerely good friend and we wouldn't work together romantically anyway so i backed down and i prefer it this way. but yeah this was my hot girl summer little romance daydream ♡ THIS WAS SO LONG SORRY AND IM GONNA HIDE BC WHAT IF SOMEONE I KNOW IRL SEES THIS
he sounds so amazing!!! 😔 the clara’s lover is just so sweet and made me blush wtf ma’am you’re y/n right now- this felt so fun to read istg and him validating what you’re passionate about??? I LOVE HIM ALREADY AAAAAAAAA
HE’S JUST- AGH READING THIS GAVE ME BUTTERFLIES IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE!!! the late night talks- 🤧✋🏻 i want this omg a book based on this would be perfect xx
THE I COULD CARRY HER TO HER ROOM OMFG MA’AM I’D SAY MARRY HIM BUT- HSCNFJJRIWA IDK WHAT TO SAY EVEN JUST HE SOUNDS SO GREAT HE SOUNDS FICTIONAL BUT LIKE IN THE BEST WAY like he’s that one fictional character you want to come to life???? agh i have so many questions like do you guys still talk? are you still friends? is his discord nick still clara’s lover? does he like you? did- I JUST HAVE SO MANY PLS DON’T FEEL SHY TO KEEP SENDING THESE IN BECAUSE I’M NOSY AND THIS IS SO ENTHUSIASTICALLY THRILLING TO ME I GET SO EXCITED BUT WHY NOT ANYMORE :<<<
don’t hide bb this made me want to rant about my similar one omfg u don’t have to read this i just saw a lot of parallels to this and i couldn’t help but sjhdejiw because you saying the “we wouldn’t work out romantically” literally broke me because i feel the same way 😔
i know i say i love angst a lot but damn it why can’t things just be easy and always have a happily ever after?2!/&2@ i told him about writing and he literally said that it’s cool and that i’m good at what i do omfg this guy!!:!:&2 AND WE ALSO HAVE LATE NIGHT TALKS like mostly 12am to 4am just laughing and stuff he’s just someone i feel comfortable with but just imagining what we’d be romantically sounds too unorthodox? idk i mean i do like him and i am in fact head over heels for him but the minute i think about us in the same place that the couples my friends are in, IT FEELS SO STRANGER-Y???
i mean he liked me since 2019 but has been incosistent and he confessed to me on the 31st of december, 2019 BUT I DIDN’T SEE IT OK I WAS JUS TRYNNA REPLY TO PEOPLE HAPPY NEW YEAR and i only saw it like just this june 26 where i replied to it and i said “whatthefuck HAHAHAHA” and he freaked out and said DELETE THAT DELETE THAT hdhdueie idk rlly he’s just so great but i don’t wanna ruin our friendship
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yukikorogashi · 2 years
Before the years ends... Beckowsky, Beckers, my Becky booboo, my dear star babby. I can't believe it's been like almost eight years. EIGHT YEARS. But it feels like I've known you longer than that. I dunno why, maybe it’s cause I think we knew of each other but were too awkward to make the move and then the way we just instantly clicked. I CANNOT believe after all my muses it took my sadistic cowgirl to finally get to know you!! XD But I am so very happy it did because knowing you has been amazing!  You are so incredibly warm and welcoming. I swear you're like the purest soul I know. It's easy to fall outta the emo dumps when talking to you. AnD ALL THE FANDOMS WE CAN GO ON ABOUT MY GOD!! From Sengoku Basura to Yakuza ffs!! I'm sure there's more that we haven't screamed at each other over yet but we gots TIIIME!!
And jfc your ART!!! Seriously watching you grow as an artist has been INSANE! I can't wait to work with you one day as I develop MY BRAND. I know it'll be awesome cause you're awesome and I'm obsessed with the ideas we have so far!
No cap you ARE my fam. You're my little sis and I would literally fight the would for you. I wanna punch away any problems (or people x3 ) that you're up against and there for you in any capacity possible.
  I love you sis ❤❤
We aaaare steppin; oooouuut!                                 Into 2022, into 2022 🎵!
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   DANI OMG RIGHT??? It’s crazy how long we have known each other I??? I just can’t believe how I have been so blessed in having you in my life for THIS LONG. And omgosh that’s so true, lord knows I was hella shy and was admiring you from afar in the very beginning. But someone up there totally liked us and so one day we just... started talking. Started connecting, JUST LIKE THAT. And I can’t get over how magical it all is tbh, how we met and everything. ;u; And auehwa yes!!! 
   One of the few things I am thankful for when it came to briefly entering the BL fandom was getting to meet you, for sure! Again, I was over here thinking that you were so, SO COOL... and when we DID finally start talking... I didn’t think my admiration and love for you could have grown so much bigger than it already was. And honestly, it’s still growing to this very day! 😤
   And omgosh, p-please... it is YOU who is one of the warmest and purest souls that this world has ever seen? I am actually-- in the word’s of Chandler: “The bitterest man in the living room~” but god I just... I just want to try, for you guys. 🥺 Lord knows I am only who I am thanks to you and my other amazing friends. You and others have pushed me to just keep trying to better myself, I am so lucky to have you guys here being such amazing influences on me and always inspiring me so darn much auhewwa. But honestly, I am happy I can be there for you when you need it. But gosh girl, you are always kicking so much ass on your own? And that’s why I’m always here waving my Dani flag at you, cheering you on heheh! And oh my god yes, you are most certainly one of the few I’m so happy to pull along into different fandoms and vice versa! Honestly, I can’t wait for my muses outside of this blog to interact with yours more!
   And aaaaaa that means so much to hear, thank you, Dani, THANK YOU!!! 🥺 For you to see me improving in any way as an artist... sobs, I’m gonna cry here, help me. And omggg I am still so excited to help work on your brand with you one day? I still got those ideas locked safely away in my head (Or at laest have our convo safe and sound, because this fragile coconut cannot be trusted), YES!!! It’s gonna be amaaaazing, and I am so honoured that I will get the chance to work on it with you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
   I love you so dang much, girl. Thank you for being a part of my life over these past years. I am so excited for next year and what else lies in store for us. 😭❤️ I hope you treat yourself well tonight on New Year’s Eve, because dammit it you deserve it, okay? MUACK!!!
@topmechaniic ❤️
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fashournalist · 3 years
Just finished watching To All the Boys I've Loved Before: Always and Forever! Now I can't stop listening to Beginning Middle and End! Sigh, it's perfect for hopeful romantics like you and me.
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Also it was my first time to attend a watch party via Scener, thank you for the invite, AJ sist!!! Am happy we got to hang out again even through a virtual movie date. Someday we'll attend film festivals when the pandemic is over, looking forward to the day cinemas open again!!
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Time flies indeed. I just finished reading TATBILB book 3 on May 11, 2020 and I couldn't wait for the movie to come out and now it's here!! (Trivia: I shortlisted 30+ books during Big Bad Wolf 2020 but could only afford seven books. So I got six nonfiction (as a nonfic junkie) and only one novel—this was that novel.)
I'm glad it showed that love shouldn't hinder the pursuit of dreams; and they can grow together (both as individuals and as a couple) even when they're miles apart. I've seen people do that. One of my favourite power couples studied at Harvard and UPenn respectively, and their relationship made it. They're now happily married and I'm so happy for them. Relationships like these are goals :))
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I can't help but compare the book with the film, but I enjoyed the movie in itself, too. 🥰
Some changes:
It rushed the proposal to Trina;
It totally simplified the promposal to Lara Jean;
It didn't show the initial conflict between Margot and Trina
It didn't show Stormy's passing (would have been a really sad scene huhu) and Lara Jean meeting John Ambrose again.
Lara Jean also gave the memory box instead of making a scrapbook.
Peter didn't give her the best tasting cookie in New York, but it's good she tried it herself.
The film also didn't show the conflict between Lara Jean and Peter's mom.
But if there's a change I liked, it's that Peter told Lara Jean their first ever meeting through the dedication he wrote on their yearbook. In the book, Peter wrote a really short dedication (and Peter gave Lara a hot photo of him so she could post it on her dorm room haha).
I also liked the little film surprise that Kitty had a happy crush on Dae!
Oh and of course, the major changes include the schools. And I actually liked it. Though the book has beautifully captured the campus of the University of Virginia, the plan B with William and Mary, and the plot twist of University of North Carolina, I think changing them to Stanford, Berkeley and NYU made it more relatable to a worldwide audience because they're more globally well-known.
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Overall, it's a film that gives you all the feels while at the same time excites you to dream big. It tackles hard topics as well such as dealing with grief and growing up in a broken family.
I felt the bittersweet feeling when a trilogy or series that you love has ended.
I could relate with Lara Jean a lot, especially on the first movie when she never had a boyfriend yet and she was just writing letters. I love letters! And I never had a boyfriend, until today. Never been kissed, never had an MU or whatever haha. Though on the dreaming side, I could relate more with Margot. I'm a huge dreamer and I want to see the world. As for Kitty, I see the little me in her. Mataray, doesn't sugarcoat. But growing up, I've become more of Lara Jean with my quirks and very sentimental self. I'm also a daydreamer like her, and an idealist. Oh and, I'm a homebody! Give me books and movies and they'll be my date haha. Am a hopeful romantic. Although, I don't bake. But I make scrapbooks since I was a kid. I put art in everything I do. And I also wore literal gift ribbons on my ponytail in highschool haha. I hope, like Lara Jean, I find my Peter K someday (or actually, John Ambrose haha). But not anytime soon. Because unlike LJ, I think I want to pursue my master's degrees (yes, plural, that's the plan hahhah and yet here I am not even applying to any school so far) as a single woman haha. Well maybe unless I meet someone who can change how I feel, someone who will not hold me back from reaching my dreams, in as much as I will not hold him back from reaching his. But until then, it's best to be single haha! As a solo traveller, there are still so many countries to see on my own. Okay I'm daydreaming now hahaha!
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Thank you, TATBILB and Jenny Han for giving us LJ and Peter K. Thank you for the feels and the pastel aesthetic and the great soundtrack. Thank you for introducing me to Leah Nobel's music!! (Am now in love with Coffee Sunday NYT and Talking to the Dog at the Party, aside from Beginning, Middle, and End!)
I wish I saw more of Josh Sanderson, though (I had a second-lead syndrome during the first film!! And I loved John Ambrose, too. Jordan Fisher is one of the best)
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And thank you for making me want to go back to New York because clearly I have only seen less than 0.1% of it :(
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I love how you captured a glimpse of NYC's splendor in just a few minutes! Of all the places you showed, it was only Times Square that I've seen in real life. But in time, will be back, experience the city, taste the same cookie Lara tasted—the best cookie in the world. And more. I'm daydreaming again haha! Here's a little selfie I had five years ago at Broadway 😄
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For now, will take a break as my Dad and I are scheduled to watch Godfather II after dinner : ) Someday I will take him around the world!!! Amen in Jesus' Name <3
Omg I was just typing this and then Dad told me stories (right now) about his dreams to travel the world and we're going to places for lovers or astronomy. He's one big astronomy junkie, I tell you.
Who needs a date when I have the best date in the world, my Dad!!
Advance happy Valentine's Day, world changers!!
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hiimsociallyawkward · 3 years
the wicked day
hey guys. i'm back with my random and annoying merlin thoughts. i should be studying for my bio quiz, but yk- i don't want to :,) love you @lady-ofmagic-andstars✨enjoy✨
literally every time i'm going watching i'm going to comment on john hurt that says young man instead of young boy
it's so subtle but wow. thanks i didn't need to be hurt so early on in the episode
i know i know i'm basically a child but this is so exciting
merlin is so cute
aw no not arthur being pouty abt his big birthday
I LOVE THE 'i heard that' thing so much. i love it i love it
off topic, but i love knife throwing. i've always thought that if i had to choose a weapon that's not a gun, i'd choose knifes. swords? maces? crossbows? sure. but knives?? that's where it's really at
i love arthur not wanting to overburden their citizens
ok uther? i hate him
but here? i love him
he's a good dad here. remembering arthur's birthday? that's so sweet. uther in season 4 is the only time i semi like him
i love them
off topic but i like that arthur is wearing his 'every day' clothes, jacket and a tunic under his cape. that's it. the knights are all wearing his garb but arthur is just wearing his 'regular clothes'
hehe gwen being nervous about arthur being on the wheel is so sweet
idk why but i always get nervous at that last knife.
like of COURSe i know he's not going to get hit but it's scary.
the 'not wearing any trousers' thing omg. bbc really decided to do that
i wish we had more of this parental dynamic of arthur and uther
dam alright arthur. being out of it but still being in it enough to see the guy in the reflection? i stan
SKLFJASLDFJA uther fighting to protect arthur
literally me through his whole scene going 'oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez' on repeat.
so off topic but i kind of like the hairstyle they have for most of the guys in this show?? idk is that weird
oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez uther dying
like, i HATe him. i've been waiting for this since season 1 but this scene makes me sad
ok i don't remember the last episode of merlin so i forget what arthur says when he's dying in merlin's arms??
it's something like 'hold me' right? i feel like that has the same energy as 'stay with me' so while i can't exactly say this is sort of parallel, it's sort of parallel?
i mean, ok 1. dying in someone else's arms. 2. dying in the arms of someone you love? romantically, platonically, familial? doesn't matter. both uther and arthur died in the arms of someone they loved. 3. i'm just gonna say 'hold me' and 'stay with me' have the SAME energy, so if no one has called semi-parallels, i'm calling semi-parallels
bradley's single tear
stfu agarvaine. i'm serious. legit everytime he shows up i wanna pow pow pow him
legit. agaravaine needs to get away from morgana.
i've said it once and i'll say it again, i love gwen
not to romanticize death or anything but i like candle light vigils.
ok maybe slightly symbolic but probably not? ok actually i think it is, not to toot my own horn but this is also just really straightforward too.
arthur wearing 'street garb' and his 'knight stuff' sort of differentiates between 'arthur' and 'prince arthur'. the scene where merlin and arthur are looking over the vigil and merlin's talking about how there's nothing that can be done, and arthur mentions using magic, i may be off about this but i feel like he's speaking more from prince arthur rather than arthur, uther is my father.
like of course arthur's hurting, everyone knows he's hurting. but idk. i feel like he feels like he's not ready to be king. he needs more time, and he can't be king yet. so therefore, prince arthur is talking about needing to save their king.
gaius and merlin are both right here. idk what else to say.
wow merlin 'you can't stop me' love that
jeez 'maybe this is my chance to change that' little do you know what's happening soon merlin.
oh shoot.
arthur asking merlin if he would use magic to save his father? i'm just thinking back to merlin crying, but not crying over balinor because he couldn't tell arthur, and merlin having to mourn his father in secret. vs. arthur, asking merlin for advice. sharing all his worries and insecurities with gwen. begging gaius to do something more for his father. this just makes me so sad
arthur TRUSTING merlin. with everything. taking merlin's opinion on things and aw
this is dumb but tbh i really like merlin's outfit. like tbh i think i dress in the same sort of style, just ✨modern✨ sadly, no neckerchief for me but i do have a necklace that says 'heather' despite my name being 'ashley'. ily conan gray
ugh. arthur calling merlin a coward but also calling him brave?? you need to pick a side arthur
bruh arthur breaking the vase. it's so dumb but merlin referring to the vase over and over actually makes me chuckle
ok merlin going 'you have come to kill me?' reminds me of another show but i can't remember but i thought i'd put it out here anyways
oh shoot i just realized/remember that uther got stabbed on arthur's birthday. hell of a gift am i right 😭
hehe arthur 'sweeping' with the broom. silly goose
dragoon sounds so vulnerable asking for the right to use magic freely
i love you arthur. this scene, i'm like YES. arthur i love him
i love the saying 'my word'. like, i don't want people to promise me anything anymore. i want them to give me their word.
aw arthur just sitting there with the cup and trying not to break it HAHA he's so sweet. slightly scared after that vase yk what i mean
ok i don't like morgana and everything but that necklace? that's a stroke of genius. yes girl. make up the plan as you go along
frick you agarvaine. do not scare gwen you PERV
jeez agarvainewas SO rude putting that necklace onto uther. like yes, ik you don't like him but STILL. that's just rude
i'm going to start calling people toads now
hehe arthur closing his door and merlin being right there. it's not necessarily a trope but it totally is and i love it
ah yes. merlin and the tavern. i feel like it's been referred to before but it's still funny.
ok ik arthur carrying merlin is there for kicks for the kids but i laughed anyways
apparently i have the humor of a 10 year old
this is really dumb but the scene with arthur and the two guards. i'm just thinking 'how tall are these guards'. ofc ik that the staging/perception could be doing something that might be making arthur look shorter, but my first reaction was 'bradley is 6' just how tall are these guards??'
merlin's speech about magic makes me sad
aw 'i hope, one day, that you'll see me in a different light'
dragoon has the same effect on arthur as merlin does
uther waking up 😭
they're both so happy. this makes me so sad now. oh jeez. oh jeez. oh jeez
oh jeez oh jeez merlin's expression. AW merlin gave arthur his word. oh jeez this is very stressful and i'm only watching this
ok obviously. merlin doesn't want to see arthur in pain. but ALSO this was merlin's chance to change things once and for all. and now uther is dead. #no liam just payne
arthur's face post crying. skf;aldjfa;ldk AW
frick you agarvaine. literally die. i can't wait for merlin to kill you
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i think this scene is pretty. the light on the left and the dark on the right? ok actually, i'm going to be making an off base comparison now because that's all i do.
i'm remembering this post i saw on here and it was like, arthur uther and morgana in the throne room. in order of the way they sit in the throne room, first it's arthur, uther, and then morgana
well. the really dumb and off base comparison here is the 'light' goodness of arthur and the 'dark' evil of morgana being mirrored in the picture above.
'light', bravery, doing what's right- being on the left. 'dark', evil, power on the right- and arthur in the middle of it, king
like i said, it's a dumb off base comparison, but at least the picture is pretty
oh jeez this scene
my heart breaks for both of them
merlin not being able to form a sentence at first.
😭😭😭😭 arthur please. you're breaking everyone's heart right now
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you already knew i had to include this scene
arthur walking in there all alone
oh jeez he's all alone
dumb parallel number 2. arthur walking into the throne room with uther, father and son. merlin and gaius closing the door for arthur- pseudo father and pseudo son.
'he'll never know who i really am'
i want to do a DEH post soon but jeez. the line that hits hardest for me in DEH is 'i never let them see the worst of me. cause what if everyone saw? what if everyone knew? would they like what they saw? or would they hate it too? and jeez that's all i can think about when i think about merlin and his secrets
again. no liam, just payne
asldkfja;sldkfjas dlf merlin waiting for arthur
i have so many feelings
i love the show of affections for his father. you already know that uther wasn't affectionate when arthur was growing up, but still. forehead kiss? i love it
I DIDN'T WANT YOU TO FEEL THAT YOU WERE ALONE. i hate this and love this so much. i'm not saying merlin is completely selfless, because merlin wants magic to be leagalized and arthur is the way to do that. but omg merlin not wanting for arthur to feel like he's alone breaks me
first, merlin being physically alone while waiting for arthur. arthur was technically alone too, but he was with his father
but also, merlin being alone in the sense of his magic. no one knows except for gaius. lancelot knew and then they killed him. merlin is so alone when it comes to his magic, and morgana's enchantment only pushes merlin into his 'magic shell' more. arthur thinks magic is pure evil, and merlin is made of magic. what does that mean would think of arthur. this hurts me so much i'm so sad
friend 😭
arthur asking if he's hungry and them getting breakfast together
ok this sound track
pendragon red. i actually stan
gwen wearing a purple dress?? color symbolism?? nah i'm over thinking
oh jeez oh jeez.
and merlin saying 'long live the king' at the end of the episode?
Anyways! I’ll be back next week to rant more about aithusa so I’ll see you then! thanks I love you bye
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xiaodejunletsact · 3 years
Hello there, I hope youre doing okay! okay so, I was planning to left a review into the tag of your mark's fic Launch but for some reason I don't know I can't reblog the post as in it close the app when I try to. So I'm going to left my thoughts here if you don't mind ? 🦫 (also im French so my english is not perfect sorry djfjjf).
I dont know if Launch was posted a long time ago or not, but I still wanted you to know how emotional I am after reading this piece of absolute art. I want you to know how well you've done by writing such a beautiful and moving story!! I'm not gonna lie, when I saw in the warning the precision of 'death', i was already scared to have my heart broken if it was mark who died, but bub, even if it wasn't him, I still get my heart broken  *I was SOBbiNG so hard, johnny didn't deserved it omg*.
The beginning of the story was just.. I don't know, you had a way with your words and sentence who made me feel like I was watching a movie in a movie room, with a cheerful background song and I literally loved how you introduced subtly the growing passion of space into Mark's mind, and I found it cute and funny how at a young age, he ditched his own birthday party to go find his grandpa! (their scene was so cute omg I couldn't stop myself from smiling) 🥺
FJJFJFJKKCKKCKFKF MARK AND SUNSHINE'S LOVE STORY OH MY GOD I DON'T HAVE THE WORDS to express my feelings about thEM. all their dialogues, the emotions they felt for each others over the years, their characters' developments (who btw, was *chef kiss*) over the years, the different situations they had to go through *cough*Johnny's passing </3 and all the hard moments after this*cough*, I was in admiration during all the reading. Even if what Mark did was not the right thing to do, I could understand it was his way to try to mourn his bestfriend's death, even if sometimes if would have been better for him to accept sunshine's help than him stepping away from his family (it did things to my heart), you know what I mean ? But I get what he was feeling, especially when yn said to him the words he wanted to hear to finally let go of his pain, I quote: < "You go silent for a moment. “Mark… Johnny would be really proud of everything you’ve accomplished, you know that right?” >. Oh God, the way I realized how broken he was *sob*. Also, at this moment, I understood how strong and important was yn's character in this story. The way her character is just so.. delicately beautiful, kind, she was radiating positivity in all the scenes of this story, minus the confrontation scenes and the very sad moments of Johnny passing, you get what I mean? Like.. sometimes, you come across some characters who you're really thankful for their presence in the story ffjfjjfjf. In the end, she played a big role into Mark's life, and I'm grateful for that hehe (dude that's just a story but I lived it like a real lifetime happening in front of my eyes). Also I noticed how you protayed Mark's character crying a lot, and that's not a bad thing, on the contrary, it showed us how human and emotionally courageous he was to try to be better after John's passing (? I'm not sure of this sentence, but I tried fjdjdj, I hope you understand what I mean), like.. im still speechless over all the hardship they all had to do through.. like.. its impossible to not be emotionally destroyed after this, but not everyone have a love like yn and mark (omg, help, i want to cry just by thinking about their beautiful love). Also, I know loving someone can be sometimes exhausting, or how it might be difficult to still be over the hells for someone while time pass, but.. for yn and mark, it was like love was really worth it and was the most important thing in the world.
I forgot to talk about Elliot omg, okay, he's a cutie pie and i particularly loved one of his innocent moment: <“Daddy?” Elliot’s soft voice ends your long eye contact. Mark looks at your son, humming. “At school, a girl told me that when a boy looks at a girl for a long time, that means he likes her... Do you like Mommy?” [...] You scoff, looking away. You stand up grabbing the empty plates and walking towards the kitchen, missing the moment where Elliot leans close to Mark and whispers: “I think she likes you too.”>. there is something in this scene who make me smile about Elliot's character. He was really not aware of what was happening between Mark and yn, and yet, he made a real statement even for his young ignorant mind. He was able to see the love between his parents (aaaaah idk what I'm saying I'm sorry fjfj this is a mess, I don't know how to explain my thoughts into words), and it reminded us again about their beautiful string even in the most complicated moments.
This message is long, im sorry 🤭
I was sweating during the scenes of Launch's day, i was scared you would put an reverse card and be like "bitches, mark is dying too", I don't think I would have been able to get over this after all the sad moments you wrote fjfjf. Even yn's wasn't able to appease my mind lmao bc she was scared too for Mark's life 🤧.
BUT YOU DIDNT, THE SUFFERING WAS WORTH IT BC HE LIVED AS WELL AS HIS PARTNERS, I was happy and I just wanted soft moments between Mark and yn to appease my heart *sigh*, and we got it fjfjfj the final scene made me so happy and satisfied. You have no ideas, the last sentence about the Gemini twins, it made me think about the very first moments of the story and looking back to all the things who happened, it gave me an happy closure because in the end they were together. 💞 aaaah there are a lot of things I didn't mentioned, I want you to know that I loved every sentences of this magnificent story 💞
Have a good day and thank you so so much for writing this story, it's one of the best Mark's story I had the honor to read on this app!
OH MY GODD this review literally made me cry at prom 😂😭 (yes I’m class of 2020 and we FINALLY had our prom a year later) I always love receiving long messages like this, it’s so crazy that something I wrote and spent so much time and creative juices making can will someone to think so many thoughts !! Idk it’s just so exciting!! Also ! I love that you went through the fic in chronological order in your review too lmao. You also pointed out so many details I thought people had looked over that makes me really happy 🥺 as I write launch I kinda of thought of the idea as a film first (I’m a film writer !) so for you to say that it felt like you were watching a film was just everything I’ve ever wanted !! Thank you so much!! ❤️❤️
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error-what-blog · 6 years
Hi! So umm I'm a sucker for wedding HCs so can I request a HC for the Choi twins on their wedding day? With MC walking on the aisle, before the program starts, their actual vows, and then after the wedding? Fluff is really nice~ Also I'm curious as to what your take on their reactions is going to be.
Omg when you requested this, I was literally thinking about how much I love wedding headcanons!
Saeyoung and Saeran react to their wedding with Mc.
He had never been more excited and wanted to puke more than he did as he waited in the church, the final preparations for this momentous day being made.
He wiped his hands on his suit as he turned his head back to look at his best man and twin brother, Saeran. 
Saeran gave his brother a reassuring nod and a smile.
The music began to play, and Saeyoung snapped his head back towards the end of the church. 
When he laid eyes on Mc, he had to wipe at his eyes immediately. 
She was absolutely, breathtakingly stunning. 
He felt like there was a real angel making her way towards him. 
He was so focused on her, that he didn’t even realise the flash of V’s camera. 
When she was finally in front of him, they joined their hands together as Saeyoung said, “You look incredible.”
As the ceremony went on, all he could do was look at the woman that woud soon be his wife. 
It was time to say the vows, and Saeyoung had been planning what to say to her since the night she agreed to marry him. 
“Mc, first off, I want to apologise about something. I’m sorry that we’re not at the space station.” The room erupted in laughter as he continued, “For most of my life, I believed that I wasn’t worthy of even a glance from someone like you. I believed that I would neve be able to love and that I would be forever apart from my brother. But then you showed up. You taught me how to love others and love myself. You united me with my brother. You are by far the most amazing and talented woman I have ever met and although I can be difficult, I want you to know that I love you with all that I am.” After a series of claps, Mc began her vows.
“Saeyoung, you have showed me an entirely different part of the world. I always dreamed of love as a child but I could never imagine how happy falling in love with you would make me. Everything about you makes me happy, your smile, your laugh, you hugs and kisses and most of all, I love your compassionate and funny personality. You helped me without noticing it, you did it by being around me. I love you, Saeyoung. Oh by the way, I’ll settle for our anniversary being in the space station.” Another round of laughter and applause permeated throughout the church. 
It was finally time to seal the deal as the priest began to say, “Do you Mc vow to take Saeyoung as your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, for better and for worse until death do you part?” 
“I do,” She replied, her eyes filling up with tears of joy.
“And do you, Saeyoung, vow to take Mc as your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, for better and for worse until death do you part?”
“I do,” He said, his smile shining. 
“Then, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I now pronounce thee husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
Saeyoung pulled Mc close to him and joined their lips in a gentle kiss. 
Everyone in the church clapped and V captured the moment for them to cherish. 
After the wedding ceremony, and the photo shoot, everyone headed to the venue. 
However, it didn’t go the way most after parties went. 
No love making ensued following the party, just Mc and Saeyoung half dressed and passed out on the bed after drinking too much alcohol.
Wedding picture:
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Slight nsfw
Oh god he was nervous. Not just about the ceremony, about the whole day. 
He didn’t like the idea of making toasts in front of large crowds. 
But then again, only family and close friends were invited.
He took deep breaths as he felt Saeyoung’s grip on his shoulder. 
He just needed to ground himself.
When the music began to play, Saeran searched for Mc at the end of the aisle, needing her to help him stay calm.
Even if he wanted to, he couldn’t take his eyes off her. 
She was stunning. 
The way her dress fit her awoke desires in him that would have to wait until nightfall. 
When she reached the altar, she took his hands. Mc knew how nervous he was.
As the time came, Saeran made his vows. “Mc, to start off, I’m sorry if this is short. You know how bad I am at this stuff. But, I will take this moment to say thank you. Thank you for saving me from myself and for sticking through even when times got hard. I love you, Mc, and nothing will never, ever, change that.” Everyone in the room was touched by Saeran’s short but heartfelt words.
“Saeran, I’m so proud of you and so proud to be with you. You have come so far and have made me the happiest woman alive thus far. I love you so much and I cannot wait for the years to come.”
After that, all Saeran could think about was being able to have her to himself. 
“Do you, Mc, take Saeran as your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, for better and for worse until death do you part?”
“I do.”
“And do you Saeran, take Mc as your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, for better and for worse until death do you part?”
“I do.”
“Then, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I now pronounce thee husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
Saeran and Mc were both quick to kiss, smiles on both their faces pulling them apart.
After all the photos and the venue, it was late and Saeran carried his bride to the bridal suite of the luxurious hotel Jumin and Jihyun had paid for.
When he closed the door with his foor, he lay Mc down on the bed and hovered over her body, taking in the sight of his wife. 
“I’ve been waiting a very long time for this, Mc.”
Mc pushed him away and asked that he unbutton her dress. 
Saeran was very happy with the result of helping her take off her dress. It revealed an amazing lingerie set that caused the fire within him to roar. 
They were immediately back on the bed, as Saeran attacked her mouth.
He claimed every bit of her as his own. His hands were trailing down her body, resting on her ass and he squeezed. 
The moan that erupted from Mc had him pulling at her underwear and pushing her bra up, freeing her breasts. 
He disconnected their lips and he began to kiss and bite down her neck. 
He trailed his hand towards her lower regions and grinded into her, showing her his needs.
And she was well aware of what she was in for by the end of the night.
Wedding photo:
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(Saeran wasn’t too fond of the photoshoot and was very stiff in a goodd few pictures but V caught a few natural moments)
So I didn’t edit this because I’m lazy but I hope you enjoyed it!!!
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drawingvoices-blog1 · 7 years
It wasn't through he radio but I was doing some Christmas shopping the one place I was at had a like customer appreciation day & had a drawing so I entered & won dinner for two at a fancy restaurant at the mall & 2 tickets to the comedy club they have there, I'm excited I won but no one to go with RIP. and yea same my one friend said if he comes here we should go I was like I'm down with that cause I've wanted to see him for a while too! And right? My mom is always like when are u gonna go back?
(Ran out of room again, curse you ask limit) I'm always like how many times do I have to tell you. N my uncle is trying to get me to be the person who Sits in the tower at the airport & directs planes in cause apparently it pays really well. I'm like but that sounds boring af? And my mom keeps pushing me to be a teacher I'm like I really don't like kids so no thank you. I'm doing okay, my sore throat is back I'm like gtfo pls. But I'm off till Tuesday now so I hope to knock it out. Hby? -basti             
oooh that sounds so neat though? omg i wouldve just taken one of my parents i think just for the free food lmao
did you end up going on your own or did you just not go? bc honestly i’d understand if you’d just not go, eating alone would feel kinda weird woops or maybe thats just a me problem
or wait is it still int he future like could you still go bc if so hi please take me
okay, no i withdraw that lmao this is a mess i should read the whole message first before starting to reply shdfdgdh anyways YES take your fren out and treat yourselves bc lbr nothing better than free food and meeting internet frens!!
yeah same mine always pushed me and everything and i’m like, i mean i understand it bc money doesn’t grow on trees and shit but i literally went through three mental breakdowns bc my jobs were fucking killing me so please lets not go there again wow
omg i would cry like that is SO much responsibility???? like imagine fucking up and two planes just fucking flying into each other wesfsgdhd sorry this is probably not helpful but holy fucking shit lmao
uhg yeah i worked at a kindergarten and a primary school for a year and honestly, the kids aren’t even the biggest problem, the parents are?? like theyre always thinking they know everything better and ho boy you do not wanna tell a parent their kid did something wrong bc it is NEVER - i repeat never - the kids’ fault, no! it’s always the teachers fault for some fucking reason and god awful i tell ya so do yourself a favopr and Do Not
ha okay maybe you were contagious bc i’ve been sick at home since two days ago with a cough and a scratchy throat and everything, so thank you for that,, it is Not Appreciated lmao
but hey off until tuesday sounds good! i have to go back to work on tuesday too so we’ll get to suffer together again
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