#im putting them on lowest priority
koko2unite · 3 months
I remember that comic getting demolished by beastars fans on twitter, they say it looks ugly and im ruining lougosi. months later when I got better I still got the same hate qrts from the same circle. baby's first mass harassment!
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leqonsluv3r · 3 months
hi! hope you’re doing well <3 so this past months i have been feeling really bad and going to the doctor he said one of the possibilities would be cancer (im scared as fuck) so could you write some hcs about how leon would deal with it? i guess im just searching for some comfort since im a little scared lol i love your write hope you have a great day <3
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—leon!kennedy x reader, a headcanon list
masterlist taglist
an: i’m so sorry anon, i really hope it isn’t cancer. i did my best with this one and it took priority because it struck a chord with me. you can imagine whatever leon you desire, i used re!2 for aesthetic purposes. pls let me know the results anon, praying for ya <333
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leon!kennedy who does his best to make sure your comfortable all the time, everyday, wakes you up with breakfast in bed and some pain meds for your headaches.
leon!kennedy who puts on a brave face when you feel ill and you don’t know the cause. your scared and so is he, he’s trying his best to be strong for you.
leon!kennedy who admires your strength these days. that even when you feel like your lowest because of your pain and illness that your still smiling and trying your best to laugh. he loves that about you.
leon!kennedy who sees you have a good day, one out of the few you’ve had in this month. he sees you read, laugh at a tv show your watching with him. he even lets you kiss him a little because he knows your having a good day. and he wants everyday to be like this.
leon!kennedy who is rubbing your feet at the foot of the bed, watching you try and find joy in the book your reading. you have good days and bad days now, today was in the middle. it was filled with a little bit of hurt but also a little relief.
leon!kennedy who presses kisses to your head while your curled up next to him, hand resting on his chest as you slept. as you got a reprieve from the hurt that drowned and consumed your body. these little moments with you were precious to him, happy he could give you some reprieve from everything. he was glad to be that for you.
leon!kennedy who watches tv with you, you don’t feel like going out these days, the unknown sickness of your body was worrying him. but he was determined to be strong for you still, because that’s what you needed. you needed support.
leon!kennedy who makes you some lunch and rubs your back as you eat, trying desperately to stomach some food and try your best not to feel ill. your doing your best to be strong for him too, even if it kills you.
leon!kennedy who runs you a bath each evening, letting you both relax into each other in the tub. your body soaking in the hot bubbles and water, letting him rub soothing circles on any part of your body that he can. he knows he can only take away so much and he’s hoping that it’s enough for you.
leon!kennedy who wash’s your hair and scrubs and massages your scalp with such care, trying to ease some of the hurt your feeling. trying to do anything he can to make you feel better.
leon!kennedy who drives you around, gets you out of the house. he wants you to have a little bit of normalcy even if you feel ill all the time. he drives you to the bookstore, to a nice cafè and even to a park. he wants you to feel like your world is okay, that your safe and happy. only if it’s for a little bit.
leon!kennedy who tries not to notice how weak your becoming, who holds your hand when you feel pain and feel sick. when your joints ache and you have splitting headaches that caused you to cry and soak your face with tears. he just holds your hand, holds you, he can’t bare to see you like this but he loves you. so he’s going to stay even if it makes his heart ache.
leon!kennedy who takes you to the doctor after you finally give in. he doesn’t want you to be scared so he whispers reassurances into your ear even if he doesn’t entirely believe them. he just wants you to feel better.
leon!kennedy who sits with you in the waiting room, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head, holding your hand tight as you both wait for the doctor to come out.
leon!kennedy who walks close to you, still holding your hand and making sure your okay, trying to soothe your nerves with just a simple touch. even if he wishes he could take it all away just like that.
leon!kennedy who comes into the doctors patient room with you. who lets the doctor run a couple procedures and asks you about how your feeling. asks what’s been happening and whatever you don’t remember, he’s happy to help and fill in. he wishes he could take the pain away, the pain you dealt with.
leon!kennedy who listens as the doctor tells you that it could possibly be cancer. that you could have it, he doesn’t miss the way you squeeze his hand tighter at the doctors words or how you have water in your eyes. and now he really wishes he could take that pain away, because you didn’t deserve this. you didn’t deserve a single bit of it.
leon!kennedy who after the doctors appointment holds your hand, holding it over the console of the car as he drives. he keeps looking over at you every few seconds. your eyes still red and watering a little as if your trying to hold them back. this is killing you, all of it is and you don’t deserve it. he knows that, his own eyes water a bit as he drives.
leon!kennedy who lets you cry into his chest and holds you on the bed, letting you wrap your body around his. he holds you close, he gives you comfort and love, his own reassuring words that he’s trying to desperately to believe and grapple onto.
leon!kennedy who wiped your tears away and presses kisses to your head, your cheek as he kisses some tears away. he presses a kiss to your lips, soft and loving. he keeps you close, he holds you. because no matter what, he would hold you. cancer or no cancer. he was there for you. and he’d never go away, not ever.
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an: i love you all. pls reblog if u feel like it, like and my taglist is linked above at the beginning. i hope this brought comfort to you anon, thank you for asking this of me. i hope it didn’t disappoint. im honored you came to me for this. we always need a leon when times are tough, and i hope this helped.
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feniksido · 7 months
For some reason my post about the Heist in the Hells has been getting some traction recently so I thought maybe it's time to talk about my actual thoughts on what I would like to see in the hypothetical Heist in the Hells DLC (my personal hell)
I was trying to figure out a whole bunch of stuff about Mephistopheles and the 8th layer of the hells! First, the vaults are in Mephistar, a citadel on top of a Glacier named Nargus, which is piloted by Mephisto all over Cania constantly on the move. Mephisto has his slowly melting throne at the very center of the glacier, and the rest of the city is like a mini-hell with 3 terraced levels where the lowest level is with “lowly least devils” and mid tier for mid devils i guess and then hellfire masters and nobles and the wizards on the third higher levels. It’s heated on the inside of Mephistar! It has baths and scented fires (not sure what they smell like but I assume something other than fire?)
The rest of Cania is just like barren wasteland full of just the weirdest left over arcane energy cus of Mephisto’s experimentation, its cold as fuck and it has constant surveillance against spies, mostly spies sent by Dispater, mr THE Arms Dealer of all the planes, so you know that motherfucker mephistopheles is very used to these types of people showing up and trying to go into the vaults and such
NOW Helsik very specifically used the words “I punched a portal into the Archdevil’s dusty vaults”, so I assume it was directly into the vaults that they fell into. I'm not sure how this is even possible but i'm not one to ask questions that i will never understand the answers to (lying, im seething) 
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However, regardless of the fact that I don't know how Helsik the queen that she is did that, she did do it. I imagine the vaults are huge and incredibly elaborate and probably several stories? Layers? Deep. The items and scrolls and information must all be neatly cataloged and kept track of in the most particular way because Mephistopheles is nothing if not obsessively controlling of all his knowledge and information
However the whereabouts of the actual physical objects must be like.. Constantly changing or magically protected so that those with no authorization cannot find their way through the vaults
Mephistopheles’s filing system is… insane but i do think he would keep track. Or make someone else keep track. He’s very busy. He typically hands down experiments he ran out of time to deal with in his busy schedule to his lessers so I wouldn't put it past him to have someone else also take care of the cataloging. The Crown of Karsus is NOT high on his priority list so i understand how this was potentially feasible to Gortash and The Dark Urge
Actually Talking about the heist itself now: 
I imagine that if a whole heist dlc (don't think we’re getting one but a man can dream) did happen it would start with a bit of exposition. Probably explaining a little bit of the Letters between Durge and Gortash. Specifically these ones:
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Then we cut to a scene where they’re already at Helsik’s place. They’ve discussed the plans in depth, they’ve been doing test runs for this in the House of Hope and now it’s time for the real deal. 
Helsik “punches” the portal into the Vaults and they jump in. The portal closes behind them, Helsik will not allow herself to be implicated in anything. They take in their surroundings; they have to be quick, although it is heated inside of Mephistar the frigidness of Cania cuts deeper than anything Baldur’s Gate could ever manage. I imagine that they, having never been here before, look for something that can help them navigate/orient themselves in the vaults. Perhaps that whole cataloging system I talked about earlier. You can choose to ignore it and just go straight forwards checking every room making it substantially harder and less efficient which makes Gortash a little pissy at you for not taking his advice and helping him look for that or you can look around for one but the actual system for cataloging is encrypted 
Maybe a mini puzzle game can take place here, like the one with the brain in Moonrise Towers 
The thingy would then lead deeper into vaults where they would fight Gelugons (the main residents of the 8th layer also known as ice devils) and other assorted devils including pit fiends and pain devils. Maybe a couple dire polar bears also who knows who Mephisto but on his security team
At one point i want to come across an ice devil that much like Yurgir in the house of hope in act 3, can be convinced to side with you and become a temporary ally (perhaps it holds resentment towards Hutijin, mephistopheles’ second in command, and just got sick and tired of the monotony and wants to stick it to the man, i just want a devil in my party even for a second) 
If you manage to successfully persuade this devil to join you, Gortash might be impressed and tell you about how tricking a devil is no easy feat, you can ask him to elaborate on that and he might tell you a bit about his time in the house of hope as Raphael’s unwilling guest Who knows
Moving on, I’d like several more puzzles to delve deeper into the vaults, some that lead nowhere some that lead exactly where you need to go, if you did the earlier puzzle Gortash will be able to guide you and say which ones lead nowhere and which ones are the ones you need to do 
Eventually I want a mechanically engineered door to be the next hurdle which Gortash takes upon himself to solve on his own since he’s more well suited towards this kind of thing, during this, rounds and rounds of incoming security swarm around you both, and Durge has to defend Gortash while he works on getting the door open. Much like the quest for Halsin looking for Thaniel in the Shadowfell, you gotta keep the portal open but instead of “keep the portal open” its “keep Gortash alive and not distracted”
When the rounds of enemies are done you get a little cutscene where you see Durge being overwhelmed by the many devils and it cuts to Gortash who has just opened the door and he takes less than a second’s pause before he decides that instead of going through the door and escaping to relative safety on his own, leaving durge to die he helps durge and they are both able to get through the door sealing it behind them, now in relative safety, they both take a second to breathe 
You as durge now can talk to Gortash and have the dialogue options to say Thank you, scold him for dragging you away from the bloody slaughter, or question his decision to come back for you
I THINK IN MY MIND that the response for all these options would basically be the same, because Gortash is a well practiced speaker and knows exactly what to say but his body language would sort of give him away for the way he’s feeling about the option you choose 
Thanking him would lead to a more defensive “pushing away” way of saying “I still require your assistance, we’re not done. Don’t expect it to happen again.” tsundere ass but like imagine that but better written 
Scolding him would get a sorta like “I cant fucking believe this” as if he expected durge to be a little more practical about things and not lose focus in the madness that was that slaughter and rampage, like i said still the same but just “Argh! I still require your assistance! We are NOT done. DO NOT expect it to happen again if you intend to act this way.” He needs you to focus, not lose yourself in blood
Questioning and challenging his decision but not outright saying you disapprove would probably be playing right into the whole “equals who challenge each other” thing that he likes to do so it’d probably make him slow down, talk slower, make him really think about why he did it and do the thing where while talking he can't look at Durge in the eyes so he looks off to the side or down at the floor “I still need your help. We’re nowhere near done. Let’s not expect this to happen again, yes?” Like acknowledging that yes that was in fact weakness that neither of their masters tolerate (because obviously the correct thing a baneite would have done is let the bhaalspawn die so that he alone already so close to the crown could take it for himself) and almost regretful that he didn't have a better excuse
You continue forward and finally come into the room with the Crown of Karsus and the portfolio labeled “Accelerated Grand Design”, there they encounter a boss fight, probably not mephisto himself cus they’d be dead tbh but maybe a simulacrum or something idk here things get a bit dicey for me cus what the fuck! How do they get out? I thought maybe they do the fight and once they grab everything they need or want they maybe have an enhanced cloak of dimension door or maybe a scroll of teleportation or something to get them out of the deep deep VAULTS themselves and into a place where they can “safely” create another circle on this side with the components and specific instructions Helsik gave them 
They’d arrive home back in Baldur’s Gate and celebrate their victory briefly and bada bing bada boom the dlc is over. If i had it my way at the end right there those two idiot geniuses would get so horny from the powerrush and bloodlust they just experienced that they end the dlc with durgetash fucking nasty 
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lume-nescence · 2 years
Sealed Below the Light
Xiao x Gn!Reader
summary: the light would flicker madly attempting to keep its glow in a dark and brooding area, but the area seemed to be a bit too much.
an: my first angst.. oh wow, this is actually my first time writing angst when im more used to writing fluff why am i doing this. also, there’s literally only one piece of dialogue here. (because i can’t think of moody dialogue for the life of me without going feral) and let me tell you i was hesitant in publishing this because,, i don’t like angst, this shit makes me shrink, and i felt like preserving this until i have no choice but to publish it. but against the odds, i’ve done it.
pronouns: you/your
genre: oneshot, angst (i am sorry in advance)
cw: 2.7 archon quest spoilers but it’s straightforward, rashly written, nervous breakdown, reader is on edge and at their lowest point, bad ending, just overly exhausted reader, reader passes out, anything else i need to tag here please let me know and i’ll tag it as soon as i can!!
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How long has it been? Lying deep down within the deep and dark segment of the Chasm for every minute that passes, bit by bit your patience is edging closer from slim to none. Does time even move here? You can’t tell anymore.
The environment is silent, ominous. It sends shivers down your spine; you swore you’ve heard whispers coming into one ear and out the other, it’s driving you insane. You could feel the darkness, eating you up. Swallowing you whole. You can’t handle this any longer.
Is there no way out? Every idea that had been suggested all but failed once attempted. Nothing seemed to work. You’re here, and there’s no way out of it. You tried everything, your allies tried everything, but no progress has been made. It all leads back to square one.
Knowing you’re alone you put your hands on your head and let out a harsh exhale; sitting down on the dry and cold ground.
“There’s no way out of here.. right?” Your voice cracked at the last word. Uncertainty washes over you, the last bit of hope lingering.
A part of you is still in denial that you and everyone else who’ve unfortunately shared the same fate as you, are all spending the rest of your days down in the depths of the shadows. Chained to the earth, pulling you away from the surface.
You couldn’t accept that. Not only you but everyone else around you are stuck with you too. With no way out. You want to leave with everyone, safely. That was your top priority after realizing you all are going to be stuck. And you would do anything to make that happen.
To see the light, to feel the wind, to hear the animals, none of that lies down here. That’s what makes you more desperate to leave, to feel nature’s features again.
Being isolated here is draining the life out of you, any longer would be catastrophic. Before your thoughts would taint you any longer you heard distant chatters, snapping you out of your trance. And no, there aren’t those whispers you’ve been hearing for a while. They are real voices, from your allies.
Getting up from your spot you slowly approached the group, following the voices. The closer you got the unintelligible mutters turned into words you’re able to understand.
Once you’re at an appropriate distance from them you caught the last part of what had been said, and that’s what sparked something in you. But not in a good way. Based on what you’ve heard, Xiao is planning to sacrifice himself for the benefit of other people escaping, leaving him behind to succumb in the darkness. His mindset fixated on his self-destructive behavior, prioritizing others more than himself. Ironic, isn’t it?
But no, this can’t be true. You’re starting to believe you’re going mad. Were your ears deceiving you? No, what you’ve heard was true. Xiao clearly stated that he’s willing to give himself away for the sake of everyone’s safety. He’s willing to give it his all to make it happen. No, you can’t accept that. You don’t want to lose anyone. Especially Xiao.
You met him when he was asleep, healing to replenish his injuries. To give him some company. Why do you care about someone so much when you first met? Well, if it’s a situation such as this, it’s an exception. A life or death scenario.
You remembered how he was taken aback when your face was the first thing he sees. How he was perplexed that you are also down here with the rest, how he keeps telling you to stay away from him because his karma would harm you. But despite all of that you still chose to stick close to him no matter the cost.
You didn’t care about what’ll happen to you, you just wanted to get along with the reserved man. It’s saddening to first meet someone in a place such as this, but there’s nothing to do about it.
But something about you makes him feel comforted. Warm. The way his karmic debt is lifted from him makes him feel even more confused about you.
How can you, an ordinary person, easily cleanse his karmic debt by simply existing next to him? You just feel.. warm. Your presence is warm. He hasn’t felt this warmth in centuries. He craves more of it. But even so, he still kept his distance. Afraid of having his karmic debt take over.
He thinks of you as difficult. Because you didn’t leave him be when he asked. And yet, he doesn’t mind. He doesn’t mind your company. It’s just your stubbornness that made him relinquish his previous facade.
It took him some time to trust you, but all was worth it. You explained to him that you’re friends with Yanfei and had decided to come with her to find the Fantastic Compass. And how you’ve met the others during the search.
You’re stuck with a group of random people so why not get along with everyone while you’re down here? So, you have. That’s how you all became allies in the first place, by being a team. He eventually trusted you in the end.
You and Xiao made a vow to get all of you out to safety. Seeing as you both share the same strong mindset of finding a way to get out. But he broke the vow. You’re in that state of denial once more and it’s starting to take a toll on you.
You’ve been thinking too much about things they’ve begun to plaque your mind. From your head to your soul. You could feel the dizziness and stress get to you your vision started to blur.
This place is dangerous, and you don’t like anything about it. Not only had it harmed you mentally but physically too. And this happened in minutes.
You could feel the whole world being placed upon your shoulders, the pressure putting you down, you couldn’t feel your surroundings anymore as they were all scrunched up. You feel yourself collapse to the floor from the sheer shock and exhaustion.
The last thing you saw was Xiao running up to you trying to reach out for you with everyone else trailing behind him, everything seems to move so slowly. The way they’re all running up to you, the way their faces contorted to pure fear, the way Xiao’s face stands out the most.
You should be worried, scared of what’s happening now. But the only thing you could think off is trying to get some shut-eye. The exhaustion, now taken over. And the darkness, fully enveloped you in open arms, never to be shown in the light ever again.
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Issac for the emoji ask meme! Im pretty sure he's the forest guy! Or perhaps the detective guy tasked with finding the missing prince? So sorry, i forgot that guy's name (I put in a lot of emojis bc its fun to hear u talk about ur ocs)
⚠️ - If this oc came with a warning sign, what would it be?
💭 - How is their mental health? Do they struggle with guilt or shame?
❗- What are the highest priorities to this oc (at a point in their life of your choosing)?
🌊 - Does this oc have a secret or repressed desire?
✨ - Tell something that makes this oc feel happy!
🗡️ - Does this oc have a signature object, accessory, or weapon?
🧡 - Physical touch: good or bad for this oc?
🐺 - How does this oc deal with solitude?
🦷 - Would this oc ever bite someone?
📓 - Do you associate any quotes or lyrics with this oc?
Isaac did fuck off to the forest for an extended period of time yes :D And the detective guy is Ruqing!!! I'll answer these questions for both of them
Also thank you bestie :D I love your ocs too!!!
Questions from here <2
⚠️ - If this oc came with a warning sign, what would it be?
Okay Isaac is literally a walking warning sign. I don't even know how you could fit everything on it. I mean he's a serial killer, his ego is bigger than the sun, he is a cannibal, and he has extreme power and control issues. I feel like that'd be a good start for the warning sign.
Ruqing probably would have like. A warning sign that's like "under a fuck ton of stress right now." He is not doing well. Having an imminent execution does that to you.
💭 - How is their mental health? Do they struggle with guilt or shame?
HAHAHAHA you don't even know man.
Isaac has mental health problems because you know. The trauma. The tortures. He doesn't really feel any guilt or shame for his actions—but he does feel a lot of shame over the things people have done to him. Why couldn't he have stopped it? He copes with this by attempting to not think about it at all which is definitely extremely healthy.
Ruqing has a lot of guilt and shame. Especially over the whole almost-killing-his-only-friend thing. He has apologized for that so much and it eats at him every night. Sung-Jae just doesn't really wanna talk about it. He also feels ashamed cuz his former family and friends abandoned him—was he not good enough?
❗ - What are the highest priorities to this oc (at a point in their life of your choosing)?
Isaac's main priorities are to feel powerful, to make sure that no one hurts him ever again, and to enjoy himself as much as he can by doing whatever the fuck he wants to. Mostly these desires manifest in a lot of murder. And cannibalism. But that's Isaac for you. The safest person is a dead person--and murder is an easy power high for Isaac. So yeah, dude has problems.
Ruqing's highest priority is to stay alive, simple as that. Though, avoiding his execution means completing an impossible task to find the missing crown prince who's probably dead, so he's not sure if he can really achieve that. But he's not going out without at least fucking trying. His second highest priority, if he survives? To regain his place in the world, the status he once held. And maybe if he finds the missing prince, he'll be back in the good graces of his family, his friends, and the nobility.
🌊 - Does this oc have a secret or repressed desire?
Isaac has a lot of secrets, though few are particularly important to him. He loves lying and trickery (also it's a great way to get out of murder charges), so he has a lot of little secrets. He does try to keep them all hidden. His biggest secret is definitely like, all his trauma. He will not tell people about the lowest points in his life, because he prefers to pretend like they never happened. He wants to forget about the times he was powerless, helpless, and hurt.
Isaac definitely has a lotttttt of repressed desires. Like the desire to have a friend, or someone to be close to. Someone to trust. But that's buried under heaps and heaps of fear and cynicism, so it's not really getting unearthed anytime soon. And besides, he also thinks that everyone's beneath him--and so no one can be his confidant. Sometimes if he finds a fellow immortal, he'll give into camaraderie—which honestly he really fucking needs.
He also has a repressed desire that he feels a lot of shame about—namely, he wishes that someone could have saved him from his fate. The worst part about his time with the executioners, and his stint in the basement cell? He knew that someone could have helped him, saved him, and no one did. But this want goes so against Isaac's preferred image of himself--an island, an exalted being above the masses--that he can't help but hate himself whenever he feels this way.
Ruqing has secrets. He has lots of secrets. They're not his secrets, though. He keeps them for his family and his friends and his government because they matter to him, and also because he'd be damned if he spilled anything. He does have some repressed desires--he wishes that he could live a life with no strings attached. He wishes that his family's love wasn't so conditional, that his former friendships weren't so fragile at the core. It's a repressed desire cuz he kinda has an emotional overload when he thinks about it, so he bottles everything up instead.
✨ - Tell something that makes this oc feel happy!
Isaac would say all the murder and cannibalism makes him happy but honestly it mostly just gives him a sense of control which isn't exactly analogous to happiness. He doesn't really have much that makes him feel like really happy. Except for good food and wine.
Ruqing has a cat that makes him happy :D He loves her very much. Also just like, hanging out with Sung-Jae. Eating fancy chocolates. Things that can distract him from the very horrible turn his life has taken.
🗡️ - Does this oc have a signature object, accessory, or weapon?
Isaac has a old silver ring he wears on his right hand. It was stolen from his first ever victim, a woman named Marcelina. She's pretty much the only victim whose name Isaac cares to remember, cuz her name is engraved on the inside of the ring. It's also the only trophy he's ever taken, mostly cuz he wanted to commemorate his new life that started with the whole serial killing thing.
Ruqing has a fun little locket that Sung-Jae got him. It's a silvery thing with a picture of his cat inside. The cat is very cute and her name is Birdie.
🧡 - Physical touch: good or bad for this oc?
Isaac's not very good with physical touch. He does need a hug, but also he's really traumatized and tbh a hug prolly isn't the best thing for him. He's very jumpy about touch due to the fact that like. Most of the time he's had physical contact with other people, it's been very violent in nature. He's also pretty scared of other people hurting him. So like if someone were to touch him, he'd jump to conclusions. And try to hurt the other person first before they have any opportunity to hurt him. So yeah, not a good idea for anyone tbh. In very rare circumstances, a friend can touch him and walk away unscathed.
Ruqing needs a hug, and he's pretty receptive to physical touch! Honestly dude is pretty touch starved. The first time Sung-Jae hugged him he was holding back tears. Sometimes when he's having Emotions Sung-Jae and him hold hands :) they are besties
🐺 - How does this oc deal with solitude?
Isaac deals with solitude so so so fucking badly. Like he literally got immured alone in a basement for 200 years. He can stand being alone for short amounts of time, and honestly he's not really into people anyways so he's very isolated, but leaving this guy alone in a locked room is the quickest way to make this guy fucking panic. He tries to like, always be near other people, but never be with them. He likes cities, because there's a lot of people around but no one pays attention to him. Unless they're too crowded. Then he is biting and maiming to get away.
Ruqing used to be pretty good with solitude. Like he was the kinda guy who stayed home with a good book and a comfy chair. But now being alone makes him prone to go into a whole spiral about like, you know the whole execution and having to complete an impossible task to receive amnesty. Sometimes he needs to be alone to feel safe, but most of the time he likes having someone nearby. Especially Sung-Jae, cuz he feels really safe around her.
🦷 - Would this oc ever bite someone?
Isaac loves biting people! That's what. That's what he does. He commits cannibalism a lot you know. Also Isaac is a character in one of my friend's story and in that he literally greets one of his friends by jumping out of nowhere and biting him. For fun.
Ruqing isn't into biting. He doesn't get the point. He has better things to bite, like food.
📓 - Do you associate any quotes or lyrics with this oc?
THE ENTIRETY OF DR SUNSHINE IS DEAD FOR ISAAC This entire song is Extremely Isaac. I think the entire song fits him, but especially these two verses:
When did I become afraid of the dark? Are my eyeballs just yet to adjust to seeing the light? The room I’m in is still the same, the shadows have not rearranged it No the only thing that’s changed is how I see at night I fumble for the switch and strap on infrareds and wish For sunshine when the morning’s somewhere else But I can’t change what time it is or dilate my irises Only what I look at, and I’m looking at myself!
When did I become afraid of the dark? Was it when I left the cave and swore I’d never go back? If we can’t see each other then there’s no more use for hiding I’ve decided I’ll abide it, why deny the color black? I’m not a flower, not a solar-powered calculator Damn my eyes for seeing what’s not there! I’ll trade in vision for a practiced intuition Till my fears come to fruition I’m not scared!
Honestly I might be taking the song a little literally. But like hey! If it works it works!
For Ruqing- definitely The Song With Five Names!! Also by Will Wood actually and from the same album lmao I think it's the existential crisis vibes, and these lyrics from the song especially:
You can break a shovel when you break new ground You dig dirt up when you dig deep down You should know better than that by now It’s not profound to know that you can never know
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loopy777 · 2 years
A world building question. One of my planned stories is a Tolkien What if set in a universe where Sauron ultimately went west to face judgement, and so in turn this butterflied away the fall of numenor. This in turn caused a second age that essentially never ended, stretching on, and on, and on for years beyond count.
However, due to different events not related to to the numenoreans, the lands of Valinor got a second great shroud put over them, to make certain that none save elves, or one who carried a silmaril as Earendil had, could ever pass by way of sea ships.
My question is this. How would you advice me to handle the flat nature of the world in the age of Planes and airships? Should i treat the void beyond like it's space, or could one actually fly through it without worry so long as one has the fuel? Or should i treat the void like it's always been like space, and so essentially around the world there is a horizontal atmosphere?
I had a little trouble parsing the two options, so I asked for more detail and got the following:
All right so a bit of clarification about the Tolkien second age void question.
My question is, do you think should i treat the void like actual space, aka. Ridiculously hostile, and impossible to traverse without at least 21th century tech, or should i treat it more like, say, the disney movie Treasure planet treats space?
Obviously im not gonna go in the direction as that movie did, with a massive interplanetary trade network or something, but i kinda like the idea of people using flying balloons to explore the sides of Arda, beyond the outer encircling sea where nothing lives, and there is no buoyancy (Specifically made that way, presumably so you can't literally sail off the map.).
Also a bit of expansion on why I'm asking this question.
The way i have always thought of this, is that the point where Eru bend the world into a circle was turning point, not just in making the world much more mundane, and the magic leaving it, but also making the world much more... Clarified and built on a much less fantastical base.
For example. Earendil the evening star. In the context of the first and second ages, Earendil is a man in a flying boat who lights up the night sky, and brought hope to the world after the battle of unnumbered tears, to reawaken the free people in preparations of the war of wrath.
However, as the second age ended, and Eru realigned the universe to fit it, Earendil's physical nature was changed, as while he remained in the night sky, the man on his ship with his sillmarill became the very physical planet Venus, and would presumably remain as such until the Tolkien version of Ragnarok.
Now, one of the things i wanted to explore here, is a world where this never happens. Arda does go through changes, but the world remains the way it was originally made, with a flat top, all the way to the encircling sea, numenor never falls into the sea, though its golden age does not last forever, the elves, though they never quite regain the kind of energy and drive they had before the first dawn, and the first age, never begin to truly fade away as they did into the fourth age, and magic remains much more common even as technology advances.
Hence why i'm trying to figure out how such a world would progress once it reaches the kind of tech where the natural boundaries of the encircling seas suddenly isn't so impassable anymore (Also, you might have realized this story is heavily inspired by the steampunk, prototype numenor that Tolkien eventually abandoned in favor of his finalized version.)
I'm very glad I asked, because this speaks directly to how I like to do my worldbuilding: its primary purpose is to support the needs of the story, its secondary purpose is to provide color and texture, and its lowest priority is to delight the audience. Any worldbuilding that satisfies all three objectives is solid gold. Anything that delights but otherwise adds nothing is on the chopping block if I need to reduce words or tighten the pacing. Anything that enables the story but accomplishes nothing else will get to stay but will be pushed as far into the background as possible. Texture that adds nothing else can be written into something completely different at a moment's notice.
So, considering that one of the main goals of this story is explore a different kind of setting, I like the idea of the 'fake space' that can be explored without a pressurized airtight capsule and strong understanding of momentum. For one, Tolkien was purposefully trying to create a Mythology, not a History, complete with the mythological-style explanation for stars. I think your idea works for how the end of the third age and the loss of magic retcons the fantastical into the mundane, but that's also where the story Tolkien was telling ends, aside from the distant ragnarok. As long as you're exploring the world in your own story, I like the idea of keeping things a bit separate from reality, especially if it makes for good spectacle.
And as far as spectacle goes, I love the idea of a steampunk setting where space exploration is based on older ideas from back when no one thought it would be a vacuum. Elves In Space is a great title, but Elves in NASA pressure suits flying Saturn V rockets doesn't really do anything that actual stories of actual Apollo missions doesn't. Doing something different and creative is a draw on its own, even aside from the Tolkien links.
I also think there's some story possibility where this kind of space exploration creates a kind of Tower Of Babel situation where humanity and/or elves is going a bit beyond what Eru wanted of them and so they might have another set of limiters coming like a vacuum space that's lacking gravity.
Plus, I admit, I just personally like the style of retro space opera that stuff like the Duck Dodgers cartoons pulled from, so I always advocate for it.
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cmyknoise · 2 years
about ur anarchy rant… send it !! /nf
only bc you're very polite anon. anyway!
i love that technoblade introduced the idea of anarchy to so many people but i REALLY think people when doing analysis on aspects of the dream smp, when involving anarchy, really need to look at what the definition means.
cc!technoblade knows what anarchy is.
c!technoblade has a very misconstrued idea of anarchy that is very flawed to his advantage. the syndicate calls themselves anarchists but their view of anarchy, at least technoblade and philza’s, are very very skewed from true anarchy and there’s a reason for that. there’s a narrative reason for that and it’s called: they are flawed characters (in a good way)
but i digress. i think people should look into what anarchy is and means, because it doesnt always mean anti-government. i’d argue the idea of anarchy is actually pro-people, and that is where techno & phil’s views of anarchy come into play because they’ve shown time and time again that they really don’t care about the people. they just care about the government, power, threats, and revenge.
if they were true anarchists? doomsday wouldn’t have happened. dream’s break out? wouldn’t have happened (or at the very least the help of half the syndicate wouldn't have happened).
anarchy prioritizes the safety of the masses. its about people having rights and safety. a government existing isnt priority. government only becomes an issue is the government is deliberately taking away rights of people and is actively harming them. even when this occurs, anarchists dont go straight to dismantling the government, because it can put the citizens at risk. the LAST resort would be destroying the place. but also, anarchy is v much about individual groups, and you can have anarchist groups exist WITHIN a government. it just means they operate outside of it. dismantling and destroying a government that isnt causing harm or isnt much of a threat isnt an act of anarchy.
also? keeping governments 'in check' because they might be a 'threat to your power' and become 'a problem later' isnt anarchy. if anything that sounds more like someone with a lot of power or a group with a lot of power being afraid of losing such power. you know. like most corrupt leaders within countries, governments, or groups. the type of people anarchists are against.
and like, we see this in action when techno questions tubbo. tubbo is no threat to technoblade, nor is he harming people, but technoblade has this association that all government is corrupt, which isnt true and isnt quite anarchy.
but also not everything that ISNT a government is anarchy. tubbo didn’t suddenly become an anarchist after his day in l’manburg. snowchester is a country according to its book of independence which stands in the center of town. that is why he made such a mad panic to hide it when techno was coming over.
at its lowest it’s a militarized commune and would be considered communist, not anarchist. this just comes up cause ive been seeing people saying this team up w/ him and techno will be perfect because tubbo is 'secretly an anarchist' or something. he's not. he's never said that. he's never even had an ounce of acting like an anarchist. and at least twice in my memory he's called snowchester, and therefore himself as leader of snowchester, communist.
(he’s stated this before- in an explanation to technoblade and in some other example. the idea of snowchester is that it’s communist. he and jack are the citizens and under their sort of commune, they were equal to one another.)
im getting off topic but i don't care 'cause thats what i do. about c!tubbo and more sort of proof he and snowchester is a form of communism. not only do the actions and beliefs of snowchester reflect that, but just from a meta perspective the parallels say it.
the dream smp as a whole makes a ton of references. i mean the thing started as a hamilton/breaking bad roleplay. they make references do different media, musicals, etc. but something very neat that they have a parallel to is different types of wars.
l'manburg's revolution is well, a revolution. due to the whole hamilton roleplay aspect, its based on the united states revolution, but it is generally just a revolution. you have a smaller colony fighting back against the country/kingdom which rules over it.
the manberg vs. pogtopia war was a political coup, but it very much was a civil war. manberg's whole war was the country being split. you had people like quackity, niki, and fundy who at one point turned against their own country and allied with pogtopia. you then had people like schlatt team up with the greater smp along with karl (i think at that point karl was technicall manberg? be fought on that side either way). it was a civil war with outside allies who joined in the fight.
i cant compare doomsday to any war in particular but i will say it feels very similar to isolated bombings of countries/areas during ww1 and ww2.
which then leaves us with what?
everyone splits up, and the next thing happens. the development of nuclear weapons. things like nuclear bombs. this plays into things like the cold war- which seems to be referenced with tubbo and his whole making of nukes thing.
c!tubbo runs a militarized country/commune and is a communist. he believes in sharing things amongst people- the whole 'whats yours is mine' mentality and vice versa. but also c!tubbo himself is flawed and is also three dimensional and isnt like, a hardcore communist. he just aligns that way more than he would for other forms of government like capitalism, or things like anarchy.
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though as much as i support the ndp, im concerned abt the lack of detail regarding their energy and carbon platforms. if we're going to push the ndp left we should focus on genuine commitment to effectively reducing emissions
I don't think there's a major lack of detail:
After having overseen emissions increases every single year in which they have been in power, the Liberals have set a target that is not in line with what the best available science says is needed, and won’t do enough to prevent the catastrophic consequences of warming above 1.5 degrees.
Parliament recently passed C-12, to put in law our collective commitment to reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. New Democrats are proud of the role we have played in getting here – from Jack Layton’s advocacy for climate accountability legislation almost 15 years ago, to our success in ensuring C-12 included short-term accountability measures – measures that will be so critical in setting Canada up to meet those targets.
C-12 was a step in the right direction, but it was not the bill New Democrats would have written. New Democrats are committed to helping stabilize the global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius. To that end we will set a target of reducing Canada’s emissions by at least 50% from 2005 levels by 2030, reaching further wherever possible to account for Canada’s fair share. We know that reaching net-zero by 2050 means taking action now, during the term of this next Parliament. We will work with partners to establish multi-year national and sectoral carbon budgets as a key guiding framework to develop Canada’s path to 2030 and beyond. And we will create and fund a Climate Accountability Office, to provide independent oversight of federal climate progress, to engage the public, and to make recommendations on how to achieve our goals.
Putting a price on carbon has been an important tool in efforts to drive emissions reductions. We will continue with carbon pricing while making it fairer and rolling back loopholes this Liberal government has given to big polluters. But we also recognize that carbon pricing won’t be enough to tackle the climate crisis. Further action is needed.
Building on net-zero legislation will also be a priority for a New Democratic government. We will support Canada’s net-zero target by reviewing financial legislation, such as the Bank of Canada Act, the Export Development Canada Act, and the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act, to ensure federal financial levers and Crown corporations are aligned with the goal of net-zero. We will work with provinces to put in place a framework for corporate climate accountability to ensure mandatory transparency on carbon risk from publicly traded companies. And we will ensure that strict rules are in place to prevent big companies from using the purchase of offsets as a way to escape their net-zero obligations.
One thing we won’t do is continue down the path that Liberal and Conservative governments have chosen when it comes to spending public money on oil and gas subsidies. Under Prime Minister Trudeau, the federal government spent $18 billion to support oil and gas exploration, production, refining, transportation and more in 2020 alone – and that’s on top of purchasing the Kinder-Morgan oil pipeline. New Democrats know that public funds are best spent supporting the transition to renewable energy, rather than on profitable oil and gas companies. We will fulfill Canada’s G-20 commitment to eliminate these fossil fuel subsidies and redirect these funds to low carbon initiatives, and make sure that future governments can’t reverse this by putting in place legislation to ban any future oil, gas and pipeline subsidies.
We’ll work with the provinces and territories to make Canada an innovation leader on methane reduction in such areas as real-time monitoring and leakage detection, ensuring that provincial methane regulations are genuinely equivalent with the federal regulations, and increasing the ambition of those targets in the 2025-30 period.
The federal government can also model change, by becoming a trail-blazer in energy efficiency, clean technologies and renewable energy use. We will lead by example and procure from Canadian companies producing clean technology, ensure that federal buildings use renewable energy, and move the vehicle fleets of the federal government to electric by 2025, choosing made-in-Canada wherever possible. We will protect Canadian businesses who are taking action to transition to a low-carbon future with a border carbon adjustment that will level the playing field on imports from areas without a carbon price. And we will appoint a Climate Emergency Committee of Cabinet and establish astrong Climate Emergency Secretariat in the PMO to ensure a whole-of-government approach to responding to the climate emergency.
Canadian workers are worried about their place in the changing global economy. The global climate is changing, and Canadian jobs are changing too. But successive Liberal and Conservative governments have left workers to navigate these shifts on their own. New Democrats know that skilled Canadian workers - construction, trades, engineering and others - will be needed to build a low-carbon economy. We will put those workers front and centre of our climate action plan, and fight for workers and their communities to make sure nobody is left behind.
We have a plan to create over a million new good jobs in all communities and rebuild local economies with meaningful, family-sustaining work in every part of the country, all while helping to make the changes we need to succeed in a low carbon future. This will include jobs building green infrastructure in communities across the country, and because products produced by Canadian workers have some of the lowest carbon emissions in the world, we will require the use of Canadian-made steel, aluminum, cement and wood products for infrastructure projects across the country. And just as climate change disproportionately impacts marginalized communities, we are committed to ensuring these same communities benefit from the job-creation and community-building benefits of these investments.
As we turn the corner on COVID-19 and build an economic recovery for people, we have a precious opportunity to build back better. New Democrats would ensure that recovery funding is used to support our net-zero objectives. To that end we would ensure that large businesses receiving recovery funding agree to plan for net-zero – and we would ensure those funds go to supporting Canadian jobs, not executives or shareholders.
The workers most impacted by the changes in our economy cannot pay the price of inaction on climate change. We will work together with labour, employers and the provinces and territories to find solutions for workers and communities. This includes providing dedicated employment support combining access to expanded EI benefits, re-training and job placement services, ensuring companies retain and redeploy their workers when in transition, and ensuring that workers nearing retirement have the retirement security they have worked their whole lives for, without penalties to their pensions if they retire early.
We will boost clean tech research and manufacturing with new funding, incentives and Buy Canadian procurement of environmentally friendly technologies. This will help bring more innovative Canadian clean technology to market and support Canadian manufacturing of batteries, energy storage solutions and alternative fuels like biofuels made from waste. It will also help keep jobs here in Canada.
We will work to put in place joint workplace environment committees – modelled on the successful joint workplace health and safety committees which have had a major impact on making workplaces safer – to help reduce emissions at the source in every workplace.
And we will support sustainable agriculture, working with Canadian farmers to promote sustainable land-management techniques and methods to reduce GHG emissions. We’ll also work with the agricultural sector to help them access low carbon tools and technology, and adapt to climate-induced weather changes and other impacts of the climate crisis, including the associated increase in pests and invasive species.
Our communities are where we can most clearly feel the impacts of the climate emergency – and one of the best places that we can invest to rapidly reduce emissions, save money and make life better.
At the current pace, it will take 142 years to retrofit all low-rise residential buildings in Canada. New Democrats will undertake a mission-based approach, setting an ambitious retrofitting program to upgrade where people live and work, including requiring large scale building retrofits in all sectors. And we will set a target of retrofitting all buildings in Canada by 2050 – beginning with upgrades to all buildings built before 2020 in the next 20 years. Helping families make energy efficient improvements to their homes through low-interest loans help save families almost $900 or more per year on home energy costs. Targeted supports would be provided to low-income households and to renters. Supporting retrofits to improve indoor air quality will also help prevent further waves of COVID-19.
We will work with provinces, municipalities and Indigenous government to make sure that communities have the resources they need to cope safely with extreme weather events. This National Crisis Strategy will help communities plan for and adapt to the changing climate and the weather extremes we are already facing – particularly for vulnerable, remote, and Indigenous communities. The strategy would be supported with long-term funding for adaptation, disaster mitigation, and climate resilient infrastructure. And a new Civilian Climate Corps would mobilize young people and create new jobs supporting conservation efforts and addressing the threat of climate change by undertaking activities such as helping restore wetlands, and planting the billions of trees that need to be planted in the years ahead.
We’ll improve the National Building Code to ensure that by 2025 every new building built in Canada is net-zero. Energy efficiency and sustainable building practices will be at the core of our national housing strategy, leveraging the power of federal investments to create good jobs all across the country delivering the affordable homes Canadians need.
As more Canadians have become accustomed to working from home as a result of the pandemic, more than half of Canadians living in rural areas still don’t have access to high-speed internet. We will make sure that every Canadian has access to affordable, reliable high-speed broadband within four years. This will include taking the first steps to create a Crown corporation to ensure the delivery of quality, affordable telecom services to every community. Supporting more remote work will reduce commuting times and support efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
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faded-springs · 3 years
A rant about my current situation
This week has probably been one of the worst weeks I have had since this Pandemic has started.. I’ve never felt more anxious and insecure about my future.
this contains talk about the pandemic, eugenics and death under the cut. there’s a tldr at the bottom. I ramble a bit, i’ve never been good at keeping things short and to the point. 
I also would like to ask people not to argue in the comments - I wont be responding to any of it for the sake of my mental health, I just want to give my perspective.
The Australian federal government is pushing states to reopen. I live in Melbourne, Victoria, where we have had some of the toughest lockdown laws, which have worked, we got to 0 cases last year, and we tried lockdown again the last couple of weeks because of the Delta strain that has been tearing through the community like wildfire.
But there are people who are so opposed to the lockdowns, comparing it to Nazi camps, living in a dictatorship etc. There’s our opposition party fuelling the flames, and the media (owned by Murdoch/Fox) who are so negative, (and in this fire metaphor that im going with) they would be holding the fire department at gunpoint
We’ve had people out protesting, breaking lockdown, there was one family that held a secret engagement party, and they had doctors in the family, someone recorded it and posted it on Facebook, and a lot of them became infected with Delta (karma I guess?). 
Our case numbers are getting really high, people aren’t isolating because they want to stick their middle finger up to the government and try to prove some point, but end up infecting their whole family.
All the people i’ve described above, they all have the same line they throw out at some point, the line that cuts me to the core every time I hear it
We need to open everything up, and live with it, because I have a 99% chance of survival. I'm fit and young!
Buddy, thats great, I’m proud of you. So the 1%, or whatever minority percentile people claim they’re not in.. What about them? Who are they to you?
The elderly, and that includes anyone over 50, so basically seniors. And the real kick in the teeth for me, the disabled. 
When did people become so blasé about eugenics? They can’t make a small sacrifice to help their community, but expect the vulnerable to sacrifice their lives. A “acceptable amount of deaths” should never be a thing! It should be zero, all the time!
So, this whole situation right now has me feeling at my lowest since the start of it. I just wanted to put it out there. I’ve worked slowly on some CC, and tried to distract myself with games, but at about 3am, every night, I open twitter (my personal account) and I get sucked in to reading arguments, personal viewpoints and data. 
What people don’t seem to realise is that if we open everything up and try to “live with it”, cases will skyrocket, hospitals will be full, and they will be forced to choose between patients based on who has the better chance of survival.  Thats a kick in the guts to anyone who has underlying health issues. We know we won’t be a priority. 
That is what my future looks like right now.
tldr? im super depressed because im disabled and people opposing covid19 safety measures seem to think its fine for me sacrifice my life just so they can fucking go to the gym with their gym bros.
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everythingsinred · 2 years
things i despise abt working as a hostess/cashier in a restaurant:
-people who order takeout and DONT tip while also being the most demanding (a guy yesterday didnt tip me and then asked me to give him three separate kinds of sauces that i had to run around trying to pour in different places and he STILL didnt tip me but glared at me instead for taking so long)
-customers who walk in and ignore my greeting and just hold up fingers to show me how many people are in their party. “HELLO! WELCOME!” i will say again until they acknowledge me like im a person and not a robot.
-people snapping at me from their tables (like “garcon!” vibes). makes me wanna spit in ur eye tbh
-people complaining abt their server (sometimes even my mom!!) when they come to the register to pay and seriously expecting sympathy from me (i will glare at u instead bc im servers > customers every time.... especially when its my mom)
-people saying “keep the change! thats ur tip :)” about cents (this happens to me every shift). if u feel compelled to do this, consider: i dont want ur change. im not THAT broke. jesus
-people trying to seat themselves or pointing out empty tables as if this isnt my ACtual job or as if i dont know what im doing. see also: people saying they dont mind table OR booth and then whining and bitching when i dont seat them in a booth. or “can i sit in that section?” “no, sorry, that section is closed” “but i see empty tables over there.” ok????? AND????
-people who say “table for 4!” and neglect to mention theres also three baby strollers theyre bringing to their table. SHOCKER! but babies also count as part of the party. idc if theyre not gonna eat. i need to seat u which means i need to know how much space u need. someone once said “it might be a party of 4, maybe of 8, depending.” BITCH THOSE ARE 2 COMPLETELY DIFFERENT NUMBERS and would get COMPLETELY DIFFERENT tables. get back to me when u make up ur mind (see also: “party of 3” “okay. any children?” “yeah, 4.” “oh. u mean party of 7 dont u.” “uhhhh party of 3 plus 4 kids.” INSANITY that this happens EVERYDAY)
-ppl ordering to-go and trying to talk abt modifications even tho im asking abt sides (and ignoring me when i stress to them that i have to put things in a specific order into the computer). basically: answer my questions. ive done this before. its my job. u can add modifications at the end. u know, when i ask. also pls have ur order ready when u call/come up to me. i have other things to do and when u have to go talk to someone else and ask abt smth that u shouldve figured out already it just shows that u dont respect my time. when i order takeout i always figure out exactly what i want ahead of time. write it down if u feel like it! thats actually better for me! DO NOT call me for take out and then say “well that was my order. BENNY HEY BENNY WHAT DO U WANT FOR DINNER?” i will skin u :)
-delivery ppl getting snappy with me abt “how long the food is taking” when they see that i am very obviously NOT in the kitchen cooking. like what do u want ME to do abt that???
-delivery ppl getting pissed when i dont offer them free beverages (if they have a kid i will offer the kid apple juice! but not u. ur not even a customer i dont care)
-ppl asking what the soup of the day is, disliking my answer, and then asking if theres some other soup, as if “soup of the day” isnt hint enough that THATS the soup for today and there is no alternative. “can u check?” why would i do that. where would this “alternate soup” even come from?? are u stupid
-doordash/ubereats/grubhub/etc orders. i get it.... but also.... understand me... i dont make money off of them and theyre sometimes way too demanding so i consider it a waste of time and they end up being my lowest priority when theres customers who are ACTUALLY tipping me. ill get it done, but Robert tipped me ten bucks so hes getting the works and all my attention. not u. ur driver got that tip, not me. maybe the driver should put in the work then! (but they dont! they never check anything and never ask follow up questions and never know ur order. they WILL miss the drinks if i dont remind them. i should get the tip instead)
-ppl asking me for salad dressing/maple syrup on the side. as if thats not default. why would i put dressing on ur salad. what restaurant does that?? WHY WOULD I PUT SYRUP ON UR PANCAKES IDK U
basically in summation: TIP THE CASHIER WHO MAKES UR TO GO ORDER. she is very cute but has a bad temper and will pour u very little salad and dressing if u dont tip her. if u DO, she will pack EXTRA dressing, extra vegetables, offer u a free drink, give u extra anything, bc she loves u and u showed appreciation for her efforts!
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kalopseance · 3 years
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i have more artfight attacks ive done but ill put them in the next artfight dump. these three are my attack-first attacks that i did after saying i would leaving attacking first as my lowest priority and then continued to attack first anyway. in my defense attacking first is alot less stressful i find since i dont feel like i have to match quality, and considering im vulnerable lately i dont want to stress myself out that much. ill still mainly focus on revenge attacks for last year and this year though, i wanted to get these three out of the way since they were the top characters i wanted to draw most since before artfight started
characters belong to: deerpawz loveycloud princehoneytea
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lemonfezt · 4 years
tohru, kyo and yuki analysis
my two cents (warning: dramatic post and analysis coming thru...) *I reread the manga for the 4th time and I still have feels to share.
I know how overrated this post is but this is the only manga wherein the trio: Tohru, Kyo and Yuki are absolute favorites of mine (when I read shoujo, I always have this habit of liking the secondary characters more than the mcs coz they can be annoying sometimes) but not once have I felt annoyed or bored by this three. (this is also one of the rare mangas wherein I love almost all the characters except ren and the abusive parents in this series and im forever neutral with akito).
One of the reasons that made me drawn to the manga is how Ms. Takaya gave us these ensemble of characters suffering and trying to cope the trauma that had developed (whether the inhumane and disturbing living experiences of the Sohmas; being bullied by classmates; losing a parent; abusive households; etc.) . Focusing on the two zodiac mcs, Yuki never experienced love from anyone before. He was isolated, abused, and tortured multiple times. The thing that gave him hope was when he helped Tohru on her way home. And even though he somehow lived away from the main house, the isolation caused him the scare to reveal his real self and has the tendency to mingle with others coz he’s ashamed so he put on this princely act. Similar to that, Kyo was given the false kind of love from his mother (whom I also felt sorry for because she was also a victim of abuse) and was estranged from his father. While he began to experience love from kazuma and briefly from kyoko, he was still isolated and treated poorly by others. To add fuel to the fire, the guilt he experienced when he saw an old companion of his died before his eyes became too much for him. Because of these, both guys hold a tremendous amount of self-hatred. I applaud the mangaka for putting two characters who hated each other but share a similar burden despite the different root of their suffering. Maybe that’s why I kinda get sad when some compare kyo and yuki. No, I’m not pertaining to who is their favorite character or who they relate more or who’s the best boi etc. coz that’s completely fine and normal. What I’m disappointed is when they compare the two to the extent of downgrading the other’s problems (I remember a post years ago that he hates Kyo coz he was a contributer to yuki’s trauma during childhood and the recent one was when my friend thinks that yuki’s too cagey considering that kyo experienced suffering a lot more so he thinks that yuki’s a bit of a drama queen...in which I happen to find incredulous and quite shallow tbh. Both of these characters have such brilliant and realistic character development with the help of their support systems.
Now, Tohru. For me, she’s a hit or miss character to many readers/viewers (she's not particularly a favorite by many) coz when I read posts on her character analysis, the majority loved her but some say she’s flat or too selfless to the point of being unrealistic, boring or too weak to stand up for herself and the infamous “Mary Sue”. I know everyone has opinions but I really felt the need to defend her coz I really have strong opinions about her. It takes a tremendous amount of bravery and courage to be able to smile like that and be positive when the most important person in your life is gone. Yes, you may look at her like she’s too much of those kind airheaded chicks you commonly see in shoujo manga but some fail to realize how much of a broken character she is. I feel like we're so used to a character with a tragic past to be represented as angsty or dark that will take a few chapter or arcs to thaw the ice but it's so refreshing to see a protagonist who chose a different approach and always looks at the bright side of things, which can be both inspiring and destructive. Behind that smile hides a deep sadness. She has that deep obsession with her mother to the point of copying her father’s language and antagonizing him because she thinks he will take away his mom (which hit me so hard). So while some think how unrealistic Tohru moved on with such a carefree and positive outlook, if you look at the entire manga, Tohru’s development is not just a “girl who has fallen in love”, or like her kindness came out of nowhere like some deredere characters. She, too is still dealing with a lot of grief and pain to the extent of having developed her fear of abandonment and after losing her mother, she made a vow to always keep her as a priority to avoid losing her in her memories. Her grieving process did not end at the start of the manga, in fact, you can see how she still hasn’t moved on from her mother (she’s still treated her like someone who is alive despite acknowledging that she died) Her kindness was due to her upbringing and not just she was designed that way. Tohru's approach of bringing hope to the Sohmas is because of the way she grew up in a loving environment and has so much love to give. It's also a way to keep the memory of her mother alive (some subtle hints that were overlooked was when she advises them with the wisdom kyoko taught her). Tohru's high emotional intelligence is her best asset and something that I applaud for throughout the whole manga. There was never a time wherein I thought that Tohru being the light to others was overdramatic and unrealistic. It speaks how she was raised with so much love and she spreads this unconditional love to them. So yeah, she’s not your typical shojo girl who is automatically an angel sent from above, she is just as broken as the Sohmas and other characters and the way how she developed to be more confident and sure of herself while remaining that shining tohru that we all love made her earn the spot as best shojo girl for me. I'm really emotional when I talk about Tohru or even other characters coz they speak such a personal level to me.
I also might do analysis on some characters but for now these three deserve love. Words won’t suffice how these three and fruits basket made an impact to me and I always re-read this during the lowest points of my life.
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spearxwind · 4 years
Do you think there is a chance we'll ever see a jaj reboot/reuse of characters?
A reboot is entirely impossible I’m afraid. I had an idea for it, but I couldnt really put it together well and I’m not super attached to the characters anyway so they take the lowest priority among all the stories I want to do. 
It’s possible I might bring them back into my cyberpunk setting that im still developing but idk how id do that without destroying a lot of concepts i had for jaj so that’s definitely still up in the air
I feel bad for everyone that liked jaj but I truly had nothing on it besides what I drew. I had to stop because I had no plot/story and the characters barely had any personality
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ms-demeanor · 4 years
I appreciate your positivity posts a lot, but there are a couple things that make me instinctively angry when i see them One, it really frustrates me that i cannot be good at everything. I know it may sound kinda stupid, but i feel jealous when i see people learning skills i know I'll never master cause they arent a priority over other skills im already working on Two, when im angry/frustrated and i see positivity, it only makes me angrier None of this is your fault, just needed to vent a little
(This post requires a table of contents)
Frustration that you can’t be good at everything - A
Frustration with positivity - B
Do I contradict myself? Kinda but not really - C
Ah-ha, but I have fooled us all - D
That doesn’t sound stupid at all, it actually sounds exactly like the insta-rage that I get from being bad at something or from hearing “anybody can do X.”
I know that sounds contradictory, considering that I’ve been saying “anybody can learn artistic skills with practice,” but I’ll explain in a sec.
Okay so I’m learning guitar right? Like, with all the hand-pain and dyspraxia and all I’m still giving it a go and it’s taking forever and it’s really frustrating.
It’s more frustrating because I realized I had to do it alone - if I’m practicing around people or a person is sitting next to me while I’m trying to learn a skill or get the fretting of a particular chord down or (especially this one) trying to memorize a sequence of notes and movements it’s. It’s extremely not pretty. It’s apparently very upsetting for the people who are around me when that happens.
I get furious with myself and I get frustrated because goddamnit fucking children can do this thing and I’m an adult and it’s a simple fucking sequence of five movements and I’m just getting it wrong because I’m a useless idiot.
It takes about four minutes with a guitar teacher or jamming with a friend for me to devolve into “attempt sequence > fuck sequence up > apologize > try again but now while more mad at myself > fuck it up worse > apologize > forget beginning of sequence > try really hard not to start calling myself a fucking idiot in front of a friend who really shouldn’t have to handle this.”
And when I do that it feels terrible. It feels bad, feels like my skills have regressed, makes me want to put the instrument down and not pick it up again.
The thing is, I do this with every skill that I’m learning. You should see me when I’m trying to learn a new version of some kind of software. It’s terrible. I’m at my absolute worst and lowest when I’m trying to find the new place Adobe has hidden a menu or what the new command is to format something in Word.
But here’s the deal: I know what this is when I’m doing it. This is emotional dysregulation.
Basically finding out that I have ADHD changed my life and got me to really start examining a lot of my reactions to things and the behavior patterns I’ve lived with for most of my life.
I experience an impulse to be furious when people are more skilled than I am, I AM furious when I feel like my skills aren’t where I think they should be. But neither of those things are actually good for helping me learn to do the thing and I’d much rather learn to do the thing than be angry about not being good enough at it.
I spend a fair amount of time in therapy. I have worked on recognizing when I have the impulse to do something that is going to be unhelpful or reactive and attempting to approach that impulse with other options.
That’s not easy! And it doesn’t come naturally! My first response to a lot of things is still anger or frustration or despair.
But since I *know* that’s my first impulse and I’ve learned enough about my own behavior to understand that my first impulse is frequently the wrong course of action (grounded in panic or whatever) I’ve been working on accepting that my first reaction is typically negative and moving on more quickly to other, more helpful reactions.
(this has been really fantastic for increasing my feelings of agency and control over my own life; acting on your panic response all the time isn’t good for your long term stability)
You know you can’t be good at everything, you know that it takes a long time to acquire skills. That doesn’t make it any less frustrating that you don’t have the skills that you want to have. So it’s understandable that your first reaction to the skills positivity posts would be negative, and it’s understandable if you want to sit in that negativity for a little bit.
It’s also understandable to mourn the skills that you could have had. “If I hadn’t stopped practicing guitar in my teens I could be so much better now.” “If I hadn’t had to get a job with such a long commute I could be drawing daily and I’d be so much farther along.” “If I hadn’t been discouraged by my parents I’d have had so much more practice with music.” “If I hadn’t gotten injured I’d be such a good dancer right now.”
There’s a perfect you that lives in your head and they’ve had all the opportunities you missed and got to keep practicing when you couldn’t and have all the money you don’t and sleep you keep missing. I get wanting to be that person. I get wanting what they want.
But the you in your head isn’t real and it’s sad if you’re ignoring how wonderful the real you is because you’re not perfect in the same ways.
So if you can, I’d recommend trying to see if there’s a positive response you can practice remembering when you get frustrated about your skills.
(for me it’s honestly just saying “the next best time to plant a tree is today” and remembering that I’ve got a long time to learn to do all the things I want to do. It’s not a race, and if I can’t get to something now I can try later.)
You’re great. You’re great and you’re trying hard and if you wouldn’t yell at your friend for not learning a skill or being good at something you shouldn’t yell at yourself either.
So when I was like, 17, I wrote a bit of poetry that went like this:
I’m a casual cynicwho prays for optimistsbut it’s hard for me to be onewhen I’m talking with my fists.
I am a very, very negative, pessimistic person. Optimism and positivity irritate the hell out of me.
The frustrating thing about positivity is that it largely feels like criticism. It feels like “if you can’t do X, Y, or Z it’s because you choose not to.”
And I sure as fuck can’t blame people for being negative. I’m negative and the world is shitty and everything is difficult and expensive. I really, really don’t think that people are choosing not to do what they want to do.
So when you hear “you can do it!” it’s a very natural response to go “yeah, easy for you to say, you don’t have a million things preventing you from doing it.”
Part of this is that your brain is a filthy liar and it thinks that skills are easy to acquire. Your brain is going “if anyone can do it and I haven’t it’s because I’m lazy and I suck.”
I would like you to remind your brain that it is a filthy liar.
(I would also like to remind people that negativity that exists to the point that generic positivity posts upset you or make you angry is a symptom of depression)
But the other thing is that you probably DO have a million legitimate things that are keeping you from Doing The Thing and when you’re seeing someone else say “Do the thing!” you’re just seeing the shiny thing, not their million things that were in the way too.
Doing shit is HARD. It’s exhausting. It involves opportunity cost. If I want to make fanart I have do dedicate time to that that gets taken away from somewhere else and you know what sometimes it’s just better for me and more in line with my desires to re-read a 100k slow-burn than it is to make a drawing of the characters.
But it’s also really important to recognize which kinds of positivity actually contain criticism.
My initial statement in the Gru comic was “Talent is bullshit, nurture your skills with practice & make the content you want to see in the world.” This was in reaction to a simply-drawn comic that expressed that you need talent to make fanart and not everybody has talent.
A lot of people have seen that as criticism.
I am. Really, really not attempting to criticize people with these posts.
But also, yeah, being told “woah, hey, just calm down” when you’re already pissed isn’t going to make anyone’s afternoon any better. And there’s not much I can do about that (and I know you don’t want me to, you said you were just venting).
“You hate positivity and yet you make positivity posts, interesting.”
So the brand of positivity posts I hate are the “If I can do it anyone can!” posts and here’s why:
Not everyone can be on a Roller Derby team.
Breaking my back and having to quit roller derby made me reassess a lot of my attitudes about the world.
If you point to a specific activity and say “if I can do this anyone can do this” you are wrong. There are a lot of people who aren’t going to be able to do a thing. If you say “If I can lose the babyweight within three weeks of giving birth anyone can” there are a lot of people who can’t do that thing and there is a kind of implicit criticism there. “If I can get over my scoliosis and lift weights anyone can,” is kind of saying that the people with scoliosis who can’t lift weights just aren’t making an effort.
“If I can do this anyone can” is wrong. It ignores the fact that people are all in unique circumstances and have different limitations. No, not anyone can. Not everyone can be on a Roller Derby team.
But what I’m saying in my posts isn’t “anyone can draw” it is “if you practice a skill you will improve at it, so if you want to improve at drawing you need to practice.”
And I’ve been very clear in admitting that not everyone can do this, due to time constraints and low energy and physical limitations.
The one deviation I’ve made from that is to come pretty close to saying “anyone can do art” and again, I consider that a bit different because “art” is a very broad category and I do believe that pretty much anyone can create things that I would consider art, even if that art isn’t traditional visual media. And again, any of those kinds of art would also improve with practice.
The joke was on all of us all along, by the way. While I’m being pretty positive about the idea of practice and the fact that it will improve people’s performance at all skill levels there’s a secret:
That Gru post isn’t so much positive about practice as it is *incredibly* negative about the concept of talent.
Talent IS bullshit. There is a variable range of innate abilities that people can have that may jump-start a particular skill but proficiency in that skill is always going to be down to practice, not talent.
Talent was made up as a cover to explain the “brilliance” of people who had armies of laborers supporting them. I bet I’d be able to invent a lot of shit if I didn’t have to do laundry or worry about whether I was going to be able to afford both food and rent next month. Talent is a myth that pairs nicely with great man theory in that it is crap and I want people to understand that sucking at things for a long time is a part of not sucking at things eventually and also that you’re going to get a lot more done working with a group of motivated people than you are if you wait for one “talented genius” to change the world.
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marvinswriting · 4 years
Looking back
BORROWER ART FREAKS you'll see what I mean
Janis made her way through the walls. There was a feeling of serenity in the air. It was early in the morning and the air felt fresh even from her path in the walls. Damian wasn't up yet and it was a lazy Sunday in the Heron household so Janis planned to grab some basics before everyone got up. 
She slipped outside. You're supposed to borrow with a partner, especially outdoors, and she can already hear Damian giving out to her about it but through the years she had learned the grounds well. From the big stone where she fell and broke her leg to the base of the willow tree where Damian found her. Abandoned by her roommates, kicked out of the only place she could call home.
Janis cringes at the memories of that day. She hit her lowest. She had totally given up. She laid by the roots fully ready to never wake up ever again. Damian could have kept walking, but he didn't. 
Janis brushed through the grass, morning dew soaking her sleeves as she walked. It was refreshing. 
She approached the blueberry bush. The bottom braches held smaller berries that were just as sweet but never got picked by the Herons for their size. Janis wasn't complaining as she grabbed one just bigger than her hand.
Fresh breakfast.
The sun was starting to shine golden streaks into the grass as Janis made her way inside. She spent longer than intended outside. If Damian was up he was probably looking for her. 
The walls were cooler than outside as Janis made her way back onto the familiar wooden beams. Janis's mental map of the house was broken into pieces. The 'apartment', the place where there are nails to walk across instead of flat wood, the vents that have been broken since she moved here, the other vents that got fixed when Cady moved here, etc. There were a lot of sections and Janis had a memory for each that stood out. 
She passed the entrance into Cady's room. The hole in the wall was covered by a poster not properly taped down.
Even though the wall she could hear the hushed whispers of her and Aaron. Gross, she had the boy over. Janis and Damian didn't trust him, despite what Cady says. If she needs to dumb herself down for a boy she doesn't need said boy. 
Janis continues her walk through the walls. The smell of cool wood was always favored over the musty scent of heated wood in the summer. Janis never minded the brisk cool air.
She remembers when Cady caught her and Damian. It was Janis's fault. She was as reckless as always. Oh well, it works out in the end, didn't it?
She slowly climbed into her 'house'. Over the years it had grown nicely decorated. Cady had found mini canvases while at the dollar store and bought Janis like eight (She had cried when Cady handed them to her). They were now scattered around the rooms, painted by finger with paints Cady had also bought for them. Janis and Damian shared a room. Then there was a living room area ish thing. Great descriptions. This was the only entrance/exit point from the 'apartment'. Off that were the bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom. Janis made her way into their kitchen. It was basically just a storage area for food and tools. She placed the blueberry down and grabbed a knife aka a tooth off a fork that somehow broke off. Don't ask the logic, Janis doesn't know either. Damian took it and sharpened it and now it's theirs. 
Janis began cutting the blueberry in half. More than enough for both of them.
Noises were starting to come from the main house, signaling others were up. It wouldn't be long before Damian was too. He went borrowing last night, he needed his sleep. 
Janis looked around their supplies. So much of it, they wouldn't have if it wasn't for Cady. Their tools, their unwavering supply of food, their decor. 
Home decor was never a borrower's priority. But Janis and Damian lived so comfortably they could afford it.
If it wasn't for Cady that wouldn't happen.
She did so much for them, and that includes putting up with them.
Well, really just Janis. 
Hey, she'll admit it.
Janis looked up to see a still half asleep Damian at the kitchen entrance.
"Dude," She walked over, reaching up to brush a strand of hair out of his eyes. "If you're tired go back to bed."
Damian shook his head. "Can't sleep, I'm just not fully awake yet."
"Okay," Janis said walking back over to the fruit on the counter. "Will fresh blueberries make it better?" She held Damian a half.
"You went outside?!" Damian seemed a lot more awake now.
Janis shrugged. "You had a late night last night. Nothing like fresh fruit to help."
"What if you got hurt?"
"I didn't"
"Janis!" Damian placed the fruit down shaking his head before walking over to his roommate, pulling her into a hug. "Thank you." He whispered with a laugh. "But please don't go outside alone."
Janis wrapped her arms around his torso. "I can't make promises but I'll keep your request in mind."
They stood like that for a while. There was no rush this morning and after a long week, sometimes just a hug was nice. Damian squeezed Janis lightly before letting go, his hand falling to rest by her wrists here he still held on loosely.
"I am dead serious though, Jan. I will kill you myself if you do something stupidly risky again."
Janis chuckled at the empty threat that Damian threw every week. "Just eat your breakfast, stupid."
this is a small fic to welcome you into the art freaks au, my new favorite borrower au. Move out of the way roommates. im jk i love them all. Im gonna write hook p2 and then A SHIT TON OF THIS AU thank you!!! @realmisspolarbear @smallsoysauce @sourishlemons @musicallygt
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crapitskizaru · 5 years
Kidbad™️ x Reader (Sinbad!Eustass Kid)
I thinks after many glorious kidbad edits we need a scenario with his s/o from the movie 😂.Maybe the part when the island comes to life when they stoped to repair and arguining I can see them doing that.
Warning: dumbass kiddo cuz this is how im trying to comfort myself after dino disaster™️
Word Count: 1,6k
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He caressed the ship’s side with affection, as if he was sharing an intimate moment with his lover.
“How did one person do so much damage?” he muttered more to himself than to the dog but Spike responded anyway, wiggling his tail enthusiastically. 
“You like them, don’t you?” Kid couldn’t help but pat the dog’s back. “You damn traitor.”
The island they temporarily stopped at seemed promising - at least from afar. They determined there should be enough wood to repair the damages; even though Kid knew the ship would have been fine without any renovations, his eyes hurt whenever they landed on broken pieces of once-impressive and, far more important, expensive mahogany carvings lying around the deck. 
“All right, listen up. We’re here for ten minutes,” Killer announced. “You get lost, you get left.” 
With a deep sigh, the captain gathered himself from the floor. His crew was already leaving the ship, mostly to feel a steady ground beneath their feet. Repairing their captain’s beloved ship was one of the lowest points on their list of priorities, but Kid couldn’t complain - as long as they brought the essential materials. 
“So I’m going to need a full set of chisels, the jack plane, and about a cord of cut wood.” 
“You heard the captain. Find some logs and be quick about it.” Killer grabbed a bucket and started getting off the ship himself. He wanted to add some comforting words at the sight of Kid’s pained expression when the man discovered yet another scratch on the ship’s side.
“Oh, for heaven’s sake!” Your voice made Kid flinch halfway through patting the damaged railing. “You only need a little tree sap, and she’ll be as good as new.”
“When I want your advice, I’ll-” he stopped abruptly when you jumped onto the island’s ground, ignoring his words, a bucket in hand. “Hey, hey, hey! Where do you think you’re going?” 
Kid tried to suppress the incoming wave of anger when all of the response he got from you was silence - and your back turned to him. 
“Well, fine. At least take someone with y-” 
Words got stuck in his throat and got smothered away as soon as he spotted the rest of his crew surrounding you, stupid grins plastered on their faces.
“Why, thank you,” you chimed, putting on a little act just to see the hateful expression of your captain’s. “How nice to see some men haven’t forgotten a little common courtesy.” 
Killer was about to leave the ship but he stopped at the sound of someone gritting their teeth. 
“Common courtesy,” Kid muttered. “Not so fast, Killer.” 
“But you know they’re right. The tree sap would be perfect for-” 
“Just. Stay with the ship.” 
Kid didn’t like the suppressed sigh of his first mate - this kind of sigh a parent lets out when their child keeps whining to get a new toy. Kid didn’t like the island either; the sun was shining just too brightly, the trunks of trees too thin to make use of, the ground far too dry. 
And them. Still accompanied by Kid’s dumb mates, they wandered around with that annoying, innocent expression on their face. Kid struggled to keep up on the steep hill of the island. 
“I already said ‘thank you’!” he yelled after the group. “That’s what this is all about, isn’t it?” 
“It’s about repairing the ship.” You approached the first tree you could lay your eyes on. “If I break something, I fix it. Um, knife, please.” 
“Oh, yeah, like I’d give you a weapon?” 
Never before had Kid felt so betrayed by his crew than at that moment. The knives they always spent so much time on sharpening were now eagerly offered up to literally the worst person that ever walked on the planet. 
“Thank you, Heat,” you smirked flirtatiously and grabbed his knife. It took a lot of effort, but eventually you managed to cut through the tree’s bark and catch the flowing stream of its sap into the bucket. 
“You know, you really need to be more courteous, captain. He, he.” Heat didn’t get a chance to react when his captain’s fist landed directly on his face, sending him backward. 
“Oh, great,” Kid murmured. “Now I’m getting etiquette lessons from a fried bilge rat.” 
“Well, they did save the ship, captain.” 
“Why, thank you, Wire.” 
“And now they’re helping to fix it!”
“Very handy, I say. And brave-” 
“This...disaster of a person wouldn’t know how to fix a broken fingernail!” Kid snarled, waves of heat circulating through his chest. They already destroyed his ship, stole his crew, even his dog, with their stupid remarks and bravery. And charms. And their quick wits. And-
“Honestly, you’re the most boorish, pig-headed man I’ve ever met,” they complained, piercing him with a glare. 
“Oi, kitten. I’ve seen the highborn boys your type hangs out with...and I’m the only man you’ve ever met.”
By the shocked gasps his crew must have faked, Kid figured he may have gone too far - his worries evaporating in a speed of light as soon as a bucket hit the back of his head, cold, slimy liquid running down his spine. 
He turned around with a smirk. Did they really want to start a fight with him? 
“Oh, no. No, no-” You had to stop and close your mouth so that you wouldn’t swallow a missile of stinky mud which hit your face with surprising strength, making you stumble. 
He was unbearable. He was awful. He was just the worst.
“You...you...” You searched for an accurate adjective while wiping the mud off of your face. “Egoistical...” 
“You spoiled...” 
“-disrespectful,” A particular, and also quite unfortunate, lobster crawling around seemed just right to be used as a projectile so you picked it up. “Pretentious, pompous-”
“Deluded!” Kid shook his goggles to get rid of the tree sap inside of them. “High and mighty...” 
But you were already too pumped up to care about anything he wanted to say, now throwing every little, or not so little, thing that had been unlucky to lay within close proximity. “-self-centered, untrustworthy, ungrateful, impossible, insufferable...” 
“At least I’m not repressed!” Kid yelled, finally stopping your rant. 
“Repressed?” The question ended up being gritted through your teeth. “I’ll show you repressed!” 
You snatched a plank from the ground - it must have been attached to a root, but the boiling anger in your gut gave you a surge of strength as you lifted it up and was about to poetically slap your captain across the face and knock away that stupid expression. 
But before you made your new dream come true, the ground shivered underneath your feet. 
“What the...?” 
All the trees and bushes suddenly disappeared, as if sucked into the island. You were blinded by a sudden light and a lantern, a huge ball of white, moved towards your group. 
“Put it back,” Kid ordered, separating the words, and for once - you listened. 
If the island turned out to be an enormous sea creature...Your chances of making it back to the ship were dropping with each second. 
The ground moved again, revealing an eyeball the size of a swimming pool; and it was staring straight at you. 
“Ew!” you couldn’t help but flinch. 
“Ew!” Heat grimaced as he lost his balance and fell right onto the eye, landing on a slimy substance. “Ew!” he exclaimed once again when Spike started to lick the mucus with awful enthusiasm. 
“Run!” Kid’s roar snapped you out of the paralysis as all of your crewmates - including you - suddenly discovered their hidden talent in sprinting with the speed of light. “It’s a fucking fish! Killer!” 
You were far too scared to care about Kid practically shouting into your ear, your legs seemingly lifting you off the ground and into the air, gusts of wind blowing around your whole frame. 
Kid noticed the gap between the fish’s flipper and its body before you did. “Jump!” 
And so you jumped, not paying attention to how wide the gap was - for all you cared, it could be the size of the Grand Canyon and you would have still taken a leap - what mattered was getting to the ship in one piece and sailing away. 
You lost your balance on the other side, stumbling forward and into the arms of the most annoying man on Earth. But he did soften your landing, so you sent him a thankful smile. 
He was about to say something but you were soon whooshed away by the rest of the crew making it through the precipice, all of you sliding down the fish’s side - you were blinded by speed, tearing up, the rush of air knocking the breath out of your lungs. 
With the corner of your eye, you noticed Killer guiding the ship in your direction. 
Thank you, God, for Killer, you managed to think before you were once again launched into the air. 
You were already starting to worry about getting your face smashed into the wooden deck before a pair of arms caught you, and you found yourself in the embrace of the worst captain the world had ever seen. But you wouldn’t ever swap him for any other captain, no way. 
Landing on two feet beside Killer, you and Kid watched in awe as the giant fish moved from its previous spot, preparing to swim away and sending a whole wave of salty ocean water into the deck of the ship. 
As the fish submerged, only the creaking of the railing and the annoyed groans of the crew disturbed the silence. 
“I don’t know about you,” Kid panted slightly, taunting you with a raised eyebrow. “But I ain’t ever doing this shit again.” 
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