#it started with baby pictures and ended with mugshots
What do you think about how the bots would think about seeing pictures or videos of when the kids were smaller. Like a video of Jack in middle school with a lisp from his retainer or pictures of Miko having an awful haircut her parents got for her to make her look more “presentable” as well as her fighting tooth and nail for them not to watch an old video of her piano recitals. Raph’s glasses being a little too big at first because he had insisted on getting glasses from the adult section like his dad and grandpa and they weren’t the right size for his head yet and the multiple little tools he made growing up to try and hold them up until his head grew.
Little things that as they got older they found embarrassing but just are general parts of growing up.
Pfft. This idea is rather humorous. I added my own little twist to it too.
Embarrassing Pictures
The whole situation began when June brought a camera into base to take pictures of the children. It was nothing new, Miko took pictures all the time, so the team didn't question it. However after June started making a fuss over the pictures, trying to convince the children to smile and whatnot, the team became vaguely interested. Once asked, June revealed that she intended to add the photos to her photo album, electing a groan from Jack. And when asked to explain what that was, she told the team all about how she liked to take photos to save and look at again in the future.
Suddenly very interested in seeing photos of the children, the team gathered around June and asked to see her photo albums. June was perfectly happy to oblige and returned to base a day or so later with not only her photo albums, but also ones she had managed to haggle off Rafael's parents and Miko's host family (Why they had the albums was a mystery, but some liked to theorize it was because Miko didn't want her parents to have them to show off). The children were mortified as June put the albums under a magnifier and projected the pictures onto big screen for the bots to see.
Jack's baby pictures came up first. And in the beginning they were pretty tame. It was a few photos of when Jack was an infant and aside from the odd bath photo and a picture of him dressed up as his favorite superhero, everything seemed fine. It was mostly just images of him being a cute kid, which the team found to be both fascinating and adorable. They hadn't realized humans could get any smaller, so seeing a tiny version of Jack doing adorable things not too dissimilar from what sparklings did on Cybertron brought smiles to their faces. Of course then Jack's middle school photos came out and suddenly the teenager couldn't look anyone in the eyes or optics as pictures of him with his braces and then retainer were shown to the team.
Ratchet: *pointing at the picture of Jack with his retainer* Is that some form of human torture?
Arcee: *suddenly very worried* Jack, are you already at home?
Jack: NO! WAIT! I mean-! Look, I had to wear a retainer for a while to fix my teeth, that's it.
Miko: *laughing* You really do look like you are being tortured in that pic!
Jack: Shut up!
Bumblebee: You had to have a cover over your teeth to fix them? Why not just remove them and put them back in the right way?
Rafael: *softly* Bee... no. Humans don't work like that.
Thankfully for Jack, he wasn't the only one who got a taste of humiliation since soon after Miko's own photos came on screen. Just like with Jack, it was mostly cute baby photos (which the team collectively cooed at and more than one may or may not have saved a mental screenshot for later). However by the time her photos from between the ages of eight and twelve were brought up, she started wishing for the sweet release of death.
The worst haircut she had ever gotten was the beginning of the torture. In the photo she was frowning and trying to fight back as she was held in front of the camera, a shoulder length bob cut and bangs taking the place of her usual wild hairstyle. This earned her a bit of mockery from Jack who was still feeling rather bitter about her prodding at his pictures earlier. However it didn't end there, her parents had also recorded several of her recitals which began playing as June hooked them up to the projector. She tried to stop it, but could only watch in horror as the team witnessed her horrendous singing combined with her rather remarkable skill with the piano. The team weren't all that concerned, finding it mostly cute, but Miko wanted to die right then and there.
Bulkhead: You play that instrument well Miko. Why haven't you played that one around base?
Optimus: Is it? I find you talent with that instrument rather pleasing.
Ratchet: *under his breath* She screams like a Turbo-fox.
Optimus: *kicking Ratchet lightly* Your voice is lovely too.
Safe to say Miko didn't walk away from her photos being shown around mentally sound. But with Rafael's own photos up next, she opted to try and draw attention away from herself by mocking her younger friend as his baby pictures were displayed.
Rafael honestly didn't have all that many embarrassing photos up until an image of him duct taping his grandfather's glasses onto his face came on screen. Young Rafael was waling as he tried to rip the tape off in the photo, causing the team to chuckle in amusement much to Rafael's horror. After that more and more photos of him trying and failing to wear adult glasses came on screen, each more dooming than the last as Jack and Miko laughed. One image showed him with glasses almost three times the size of his face tied to his head with string as he tried to walk around looking normal only to run into a wall.
Jack: *laughing* You ran into a wall?
Rafael: I was eight!
Miko: You look like a bobblehead!
Rafael: ...
Bumblebee: Why did you not just get normal sized glasses?
Rafael: I wanted to be like the grown ups...
Optimus: That is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, I believe I have some pictures of Bumblebee doing something similar...
Bumblebee: Optimus no! Please no!
It was too late. Before anyone could do anything about it, Optimus helped June put her albums away and highjacked the projector and uploaded images directly from his personal databanks. Bumblebee died a little inside as Optimus unapologetically showed pictures of him being a feral monstrosity and tearing up furniture and consoles around high command. He could only heat up in embarrassment as Optimus then proceeded to show pictures of him doing numerous other things ranging from eating rations like an animal, shooting Prowl with a blaster by accident, to picking out his first earth alt mode and the subsequent car wash that came with it.
Rafael: Why a Volkswagon Beetle? That's such an old model.
Bumblebee: I liked it alright!
Arcee: He thought it was cute.
Bumblebee: NO! I DID NOT!
Ratchet: He did. And he even thought it was the height of motor transportation on your backwater world for nearly a month.
Bumblebee: RATCHET!
As if contented, Optimus finally stopped sharing his pictures after Bumblebee started steaming from the stress of having his past exposed. But Ratchet being the slightly malicious medic that he is took the chance to throw Optimus under the bus in turn. He hooked up to the projector next and began sharing pictures of Optimus back when he was Orion Pax, much to the Prime's silent humiliation. Pictures of him eating wild animals innocently, him screaming at a stray cyber-cat on all fours, him getting drunk as pit the one time he allowed Ratchet to take him to a bar, and all sorts of photos of him gnawing on things came up one after another. It was a different time, but Optimus should have known better than to assume Ratchet wouldn't have collected such incriminating photos of him.
Bulkhead: Prime... are you eating a datapad in that picture?
Optimus: ...
Arcee: Why were you crouched on top of the bookcase with a electro-dove in your mouth in that one?
Optimus: ...
Bumblebee: *squinting at a photo* W-Where you trying to size up a statue?
Optimus: I wasn't always a Prime.
Ratchet: Who could have guessed.
Optimus: You weren't always and honorable medic either Ratchet.
Once again taking his place by the projector, Optimus plugged back in and began airing out all of Ratchet's past escapades for all to see, the children practically forgotten in the midst of the silent battle going on. The Prime quickly began cycling through dozens of photos of Ratchet high as a kite doing stupid scrap like pole dancing, screaming at mecha, and throwing things. And before the medic could process that, Optimus pulled out even more of him competing in street races, competing in drinking contests, and even a video of him swearing up a storm at everyone and everything while drunk. Ratchet could do nothing but silently offline internally as he watched his dark history get replayed.
Bulkhead: So... a party ambulance?
Ratchet: Shut up.
Arcee: I should be asking you what's humming doc.
Ratchet: I was young and dumb. Weren't we all at one point?
Bumblebee: Young and dumb usually points toward breaking someone's window or accidentally trespassing, not getting stoned, drunk, and then doing incriminating things.
Ratchet: ...
It only got worse from there as Ratchet pulled up the pictures he had acquired from Bulkhead and Arcee's files on their own little misadventures as younglings. The children were completely forgotten as the team became focused on airing each other's dirty laundry for all to see. And the children had no problem with that as they watched the dark past's of their favorite Autobots gets shown around like contraband reading material.
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rreskk · 10 months
HEADCANONS: Trevor Philips (long edition)
TW: -Sexual and suggestive content -Mentions of drugs
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-Have been in and out of pyschwards since childhood to adulthood. His mental health record is bombarded with therapists desperate for referrals and struggling for an accurate diagnosis.
-Babies absolutely hate Trevor. Being near him causes them to cry and cause a scene. He doesn’t even have to do anything to make them cry, being there is enough.
-Used to go to festivals regularly before meeting Michael to sell drugs for easy money (earning enough to skip rented rooms).
-Was apart of a punk band in his later teens but was kicked out for fighting the other members, but also starting a riot in an underground bar when he was supposed to be performing. He played guitar, occasionally backup vocalist.
-Trevor used to go to theatre clubs in his early childhood but his mother couldn’t afford to keep him in the classes (or couldn’t be bothered).
-He looks more like his mother than his father.
-Has a bed-wetting problem, even now (due to his drug abuse and… Well, inability to control his bladder).
-He made Michael help groom his moustache back in North Yankton.
-Has nightmares about jerking off too much that his dick won’t work.
-Trevor will reference hardcore literature quotes but will REFUSE to read any fictional book.
-Can go without blinking for over 5 minutes.
-Believed in Santa until he was 14 years old.
-His voicemail would be like this: *peeing in the background* If you ain’t sucking my meth or dick, fuck off or I’ll come over and rip your scalp off with a butterknife.
-Tried to pose for a mugshot back in North Yankton when he was arrested for drink driving… He tried to pull out his penis and jerk off for the picture but got tackled and restrained.
-Would often find himself trying on strangers high-heels in nightclubs and will proceed to test run in them (one time he fell and broke his nose because of it).
-One Halloween party back in the Mid-West, he dressed as a slutty-priest and ended up sleeping with an actual priest.
-Bites his toe-nails.
-Is a good drawer (but soooo bad at painting).
-Definitely has an eBay account, where he sells used underwear (saying they’re untouched and new) and broken Car Wheels so he can send them off and get money from scamming people.
-Has a collection of panties from hookers and strippers (he uses them sometimes).
-He has MASSIVE feet. I’m talking like… He has to buy boots from military websites because none in shops would fit him.
-Secretly has a fetish of Christian women (and taking their virginity) – This is inspired by Type O Negative’s song: Christian woman.
-Owned a dirt bike before story-mode but he had it taken away by cops (and since hasn’t had it returned).
-Used to make fake female moaning sounds in public places then pretend it wasn’t him so he can watch people argue and fight.
-Has a weakness for women in general. If you’re a lady and you want to buy meth, he’ll lower the prices and will try and persuade you to “spend quality time with your dealer to build trust and foundation” which basically means… So he can finger and have sex with you.
-Has attachments to his flings and hookers (will most likely spam call them when he’s sad or bored).
-His favourite movie is probably pulp fiction or Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
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prisonprocess · 1 year
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Learning a Trade
One thing that makes Prison fun and interesting is the opportunity you get to learn a trade.
Parker didn’t want to go to prison.  He was a trust-fund baby who had a legacy admission to the best college in the state--which would have been good if the classes and labs hadn’t interfered with hanging out and partying.  One of his frat bros said that Parker was “an accident waiting to happen.”  True, though unoriginal (you can’t expect too much).  Whatever.  An accident did happen.  Parker happened to be at the right place at the right time to be sent to prison for 20 years to life.
The first couple of years were hard.  Parker had to live in a cell with three bunks stacked up in it, and because he was the last to arrive, he had to take the top bunk, with his nose about six inches from the rivets in the ceiling.  He couldn’t just walk from place to place; he had to march with his hands behind his back. Parker liked to talk, but when he talked in line he got punished.  He could never have a taco, or a margarita; he had to eat whatever grunge food they gave him in the chowhall, and if he didn’t eat it all, he got punished.  He couldn’t wear any styles; he had to go around in baggy denims and a weird gray shirt that felt like canvas.  He looked like one of those grunts that change your oil, except that he had his convict number stamped on his butt and across his back. He spent his days swabbing the floors in the Administration Building and standing with his nose against the wall whenever a CO walked past.
Then one day, while he was doing that, the CO said, “You.  Convict.  Get your ass in here.”  And he went into the room where they took everybody’s mugshots when they came to prison. Parker remembered that room very well, only this time, something had gone wrong; the con that was clerking in there had just been sent to the Hole.  “Can you use a computer?” the CO said.  Like, what a question.  Twenty thousand hours of gaming, that’s all.
So Parker leaned his mop against the wall and started entering the numbers and so forth of the fish that were being mugged that day.  After that, the Photo Room was his labor detail.  And when the con that was taking the pictures was let out of the joint—which would probably never happen to Parker—he was the one that got the job.
So that’s what he does now.  He knows everything about the big old-school equipment they still use.  And he likes to watch the fish, how they react.  When they come in, they may be wearing tie-dyes and flipflops, or they may be wearing some expensive business suit, but they all look at Parker like, “Oh my God, that’s a convict!  In a few minutes I’m gonna be lookin like him!”  Which is true—big black numbers on your back, big black numbers on your butt; now you’re a convict.   It’s like an execution—the last face you see is the guy in charge of the technical procedures.
So that was good. “Move to the left!  Not that far!  Look up!  Look at the CAMERA, dude!”  Parker Evans, convict number 82849, had learned a trade.
When he was in college, Parker took a lot of film courses.  “Detectives and Derelicts.”  “Weirdos and Werewolves.”  “The Anatomy of Camp.”  All totally gut--if you slung some jargon about hegemony or something, you were bound to get an A.  But Parker remembered one of those movies  It was the one that ends with the woman saying, “All right, Mr. De Mille.  I’m ready for my close-up.”
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calypsoff3 · 2 years
Six. Part 6
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The waiting game is the most painful “his mugshot has been released” Herb said “Chris’ I’m guessing? And it’s TMZ?” I’m not shocked because they are the ones to fucking release that shit like it’s nothing “yeah, they did. He’s laughing, in the picture that is. He don’t care” waving my hand “let me see” I can’t be bothered to be searching that shit myself, Herb can show me on his phone “yeah the nigga is smiling in it” taking his phone from him, seeing Chris’ mugshot I know they got a collection of his mugshots; he’s been here several times but him smiling here just makes me laugh, he doesn’t regret a single thing. Scrolling down a little, they not even putting out the reason why “Herb, get Jeff to put out what Sinko did, get it out there. Get his friends to tell everything, I don’t care. I want him to rot, tell everything. Tell TMZ the real thing, I want it known. When he goes jail it will be the worst thing of his life, so please do it” I said passing his phone back to him “I will” Herb said before walking off “my lawyer is calling” answering the call “hello” I hope he says we can go and see him “hi Robyn, so we can’t go until they set the bail. No matter what has happened they want to do that, we can’t go there as of yet. They are processing him still, in terms of the male he attacked he is suffering loss of consciousness, I don’t see him dying. He’s ok but he will be in hospital for a while, he is has been arrested also so that is good news on our end, I will keep you updated. It can be any moment now to get him out so don’t worry” my lawyer said “thanks, I want him out, so I don’t care. Pay whatever the amount and get him out, I want him home” putting the phone down “he said they are setting bail so I have to wait so he will be out, just need to wait it out” looking at Rylee “I want to go Barbados, I don’t want to be here. I don’t want to see dad” she said “why?” I questioned “because he’s going to hate me and then he’s going to know the things I saw; I can’t face him” she wiped her tears “he won’t hate you; I think maybe more upset but not hate you. This isn’t your fault, I keep saying it but I’m right baby, stop it” Rylee ran off crying “she’s going to be going through it” Mel said “she’s blaming herself for something that isn’t her fault” she needs to stop it “I will sit with her, you never know with these teenagers now” nodding my head “thanks Mel” I needed her here “did he do anything else? He said some really questionable things to me, he even said he would fuck a young Rihanna, I was like huh? But did he do anything else to her?” Herb asked “we do need to talk to her properly but right now it’s a little in the air, we need to just be there for her” I mumbled, I don’t know what Chris will be like with her right now.
It’s so eerily quiet and a sense of sadness in this house, it’s just a waiting game. I just want my man back home; I’ve not even slept and it’s morning. I’m here waiting on the call; I am not shocked they didn’t do anything at night, but I want him home with me “you going to join the Free Breezy movement” Herb said laughing “what do you mean?” I asked “Free Breezy is trending, there is people outside the courthouse chanting. The homies are out there, it’s hype” I laughed “wow, really? What is being said?” I didn’t even notice or pay attention to what is happening with that “well since you leaked the fact why it happened, people want him free saying he did nothing wrong and he’s innocent, the peado is in the hospital. It’s going off” I chuckled “mommy” seeing Raihan awake “hey baby” picking him up and placing him on my lap “morning my love” wrapping my arms around him, pressing a kiss at the side of his face “mom” one is awake the rest will follow “now who woke you up” I said, Junior laughed and climbed onto the couch “I am awake mom” I knew he would start climbing on me, he rested onto side of me “are you ok?” I asked him “I am happy” least he is happy, pressing a kiss to the back of Raihan’ head “these boys are clingy as shit to you” Herb laughed “they are, and they are tired still, aren’t you both” they are laying on me like they had a hard day of work “is my mom here?” Imani said, “I am here, behind the door” I said, these kids “Junior pulled the covers off me and Ti and ran off, he also kicked me here” she lifted her top “no!” Junior shouted in my ear “in my ear! Get down now” turning to the side and grabbing him down “apologise to Imani? You do not kick her, that’s not nice” he got down laughing “aye little nigga, don’t be kicking your sister now” Herb said “I did not” he said “you did do it, you kicked me and then took the covers off me” Tianna poked her head around “you” she grabbed Junior, he is loving it “let’s hit him” Imani followed behind, let them fight each other “he’s bad, he will be a problem” Herb laughed “I know, they can hatch it out until someone cries. Only the baby of the family is good” Raihan looked at me “yes, you’re the baby” kissing his cheek.
Closing the bedroom door behind me, I decided to check on Rylee. I think soon I could be going to get Chris out; I want him home “Rylee” I said “leave me alone” she said “why? What’s wrong? You can’t be crying like this all day” I said to her “I don’t want to be here, I am embarrassed. And then now my dad is in jail because of me, this all happened because of me. I am ashamed, please mom. Let me cry alone” sitting at the side of the bed “I wish I had a mom that cared like I do, my mom left me to it. Everything was me doing it alone, you know that right?” I said, she shook her head “I wish I had a mother that I could go too, that I could just say mom this boy is doing this to me, I couldn’t. I didn’t have that, and it hindered me so badly, it did. I struggled but I had a good husband, not many get that Rylee. I am here for you; I will remain here for you. Please tell me what is upsetting you? What is there to be ashamed about? He came onto you?” I said “but now the whole world knows mom, I’m pathetic. Dad is in jail because of me, it wasn’t meant to be like this. I didn’t want this, if you just kept it quiet” is this girl stupid “stupid!? He’s a grown man, no the fuck I will Rylee! Don’t be so stupid, I would never keep it quiet. My daughter, my baby. Did you want to see his dick!? Did you want that that?” Now she got me shouting “I didn’t want him to touch me!” She screamed back at me, and the words hit me “what?” I said “leave me alone mom, just leave! Go! I don’t want to speak to you or anybody! I don’t want it!” She shouted at me, my phone started ringing “Rylee” I said “no” she turned away from me even more” answering the call “hi” I said “let’s go” my lawyer said, that means we can go and get Chris. Getting up from the bed “watch her” I said to Mel running out of the bedroom, I am sick.
The car ride to the county jail was quiet, they are holding Chris there currently. She said touch her; but in what way, I am just the person she hates right now, I have done nothing, but she feels I’ve done plenty. Staring off and seeing the crowd of people, there is so many people out here just shouting free breezy, but I need to get to the front “be careful, try and get me close as possible” the car is going ever so slowly, the realisation that I’m here seeped in and then the crowd started to slap the window and shouting my name, I am just so numb to things. I want to go home and just try and get Rylee to speak to me, this isn’t good. Did he touch her, but in what way. I need answers, I need her to tell me what happened because I am ready to breakdown, I am so ready to cry because my baby, that my baby girl. The car came to halt “watch out! Make a gap!” Police shouted; Rich opened the door for me. Getting out of the car; I can feel the pushing already “my god” I said, I walked a little bit and then I couldn’t because the crowd seeped through into the gap “what do you say to the police that locked up your innocent husband?” Someone shouted, looking up “free my damn husband” The crowd went crazy, rich placed his arm around me so I can get through. There is so much pushing and shoving right now, let me just take a deep breath and get through it. They are for Chris but come on, give us some space, I want to just get to my man.
The police officers are just staring at me, I just want him out right now, but they are playing mind games now, I just want him out. I just want them to realise him “why are you keeping him in there?” I am not understanding why they are keeping my man away from me “it’s not that we are doing it on purpose, but we have more checks to do, also he is not being the most forthcoming, he’s being very rude to the officers” crossing my arms “if there is any harm to him, I am coming for you all, ok?” I had to add “and I don’t expect anything less from Rihanna” oh this man is cheeky, I mean he has big arms, and he is cute but I’m going to need him to act right “mhmmm” poking my lips out, I am getting annoyed “I don’t get why they got me cuffs still” I can hear him, my lawyers walked out and then Chris did with the biggest smile on his face “Chris!” I spat waving; he smiled at me “can you take the cuffs off my client thank you” the officers are just being assholes “hey” he said to me as I walked over to him “you look happy” he chuckled “because I am, ain’t nothing to be sad about, fuck them niggas” wrapping my arms around him as they let him go “I love you so much! I am so happy you’re ok, I just want you out, I want you out. I love you” he picked me up holding me close “I love you too, I did it for my kids. Nobody fucks with my kids” I feel so emotional, my husband and everything “I need you” I said to him “I’m home now, it’s ok. I am calm” I sighed out “let’s go home” he put me down, I am just happy to see him. I want to take him home and put this shit behind us, I want to concentrate on our daughter.
Chris sighed out “lot of support out here, Free Breezy and all that” I smiled “yeah, I had my lawyer ready to get you out of there, I was not about to leave you there to rot. We was waiting for the bail part. But I don’t care what you done to him, I just care for our daughter Chris, I want to know how you feel? She really thinks that you hate her?” Chris clenched his jaw “I don’t hate her; I am just very angry at her. I don’t want to see her just yet, I feel like she does some dumb shit on purpose, I am not fucking with that, if I speak to her then I may say things I will regret so when I get home I just want to see my kids that listen, you know” shaking my head “Chris, you can’t do that. There is so much more she needs to tell us, you doing this is going to break her heart. She loves you Chris, please do not do this to me. We both argued and I said did you want him to message you with the way you are acting, then she screamed at me I didn’t want him to touch me. That took me aback and I was mute. She told me to leave her alone and that she doesn’t want me to be near her but you just not liking her is going to upset her” Chris balled his fist up “before I see Rylee I need to calm down, I can’t see her. I get it, the shit isn’t her fault, but she does shit to piss me off, the way she dresses too, I just need time, I need a moment” he doesn’t get it, but I do.
The boys are so happy to see Chris home, so is the girls minus Rylee because she isn’t to be seen but Mel is downstairs so does that mean she is downstairs “don’t ever leave us again dad” Tianna said to him “I won’t, don’t y’all be breaking my heart then” Rylee is downstairs, she just stood looking at Chris “get out of my face, I don’t want to see you” chewing on my top lip “go, go on. Don’t come downstairs” he said putting his head down “Chris” I said to him, Rylee put her head down. I really need Tianna to be there for her, but she just walked by “don’t bother speaking to me or your sisters, when I look in that phone and see more shit then I will speak to you. Don’t even look at me” mean mugging Chris as I followed behind her and I ran up the steps, he is a bastard for that. Just because he had to beat his friend up, I get he is disappointed in her “Rylee” I said as she is rushing to her bedroom “hey” I grabbed her arm and she fell into my arms crying “baby” I said holding her tight “I am here Rylee, I am here for you” Chris could just stay silent instead of barking, now she is making me cry, closing my eyes trying not to sob.
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kcyars19992 · 5 months
15 Unforgettable Moments from Summer '23
Airplane Karen, the Alabama Brawl, Trump turning himself in to Fulton County and Erykah Badu's beef with Beyoncé were all the talk.
Kalyn Womack
Updated6 hours ago
Relax... just because Starbucks fired up their pumpkin spice lattes does NOT mean the summer is over. And before the season is a wrap, we need to do a run down of what happened because man... it was a time.
The highlight of course is the most recent event—former President Donald Trump heading to Fulton County jail to get his mugshot taken for one of the four indictments he’s facing. KeKe Palmer’s baby daddy started a feud with her over an appearance with Usher and got dragged by the internet. Plus, some regular-degular people have gone viral for their moments that got caught on camera like that Alabama boat brawl. 
“Lift every chair and swing” is being printed on t-shirts as we speak. 
Many more events occurred across politics, entertainment and beyond that were honestly unexpected or just juicy to talk to about. Check out 15 moments below:
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Trump Goes to Jail... Kind Of
The former president took to social media to announce his plans to surrender to authorities at Fulton County Jail after being slammed with a fourth indictment by District Attorney Fani Willis. He and 19 other defendants are facing charges in connection to the “stop the steal” campaign to overthrow the 2020 election results.
Atlanta hosted parties for the occasion, including one lounge’s “Welcome to Rice St.” celebration. Trump bailed himself out on $200k but nevertheless, the internet was gifted with his mugshot. It’s not oversaturated. That’s just his spray tan. 
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Try That in a Small Town
https://www.theroot.com/embed/inset/iframe?id=youtube-video-b1_RKu-ESCY&start=0Jason Aldean - Try That In A Small Town (Official Music Video)
The country singer drew controversy after releasing this racism-coded song with hidden jabs at Black stereotypes and the Black Lives Matter movement. The music video featured clips from the 2020 protests and a courthouse where a Black teen was lynched back in the 20s. Despite the obvious implications, the singer insisted being racist wasn’t his intention.
It’s still a good ol’ boys, gun rights, MAGAt anthem nonetheless. 
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Jamie Foxx’s Mysterious Sickness
Seemingly out of nowhere, the beloved singer-actor dropped off the face of the earth and the next thing we knew, he was in the hospital fighting an unspecified medical complication. Not even TMZ’s best paparazzi and sources could get a picture of him or any information as to what was going on. Many people thought we were going to lose him. Then, the trailer for They Cloned Tyrone dropped and led the internet into a frenzy about the government making another Foxx to replace the OG.
He finally showed face weeks later and his friends and family say he’s good as new. We still don’t know what put him down.
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Cardi B Throwing Mics
https://www.theroot.com/embed/inset/iframe?id=youtube-video-OTl5punI5AY&start=0Cardi B hurls microphone after drink thrown at her
The rapper was performing at Drai’s Nightclub in Las Vegas when a crowd member splashed a drink on her. Almost immediately, Cardi abandoned any determination to finish her song and threw her microphone at who she thought was the perpetrator. Online users say the wrong fan got smacked by the mic. In the end, the artist faced a battery charge. 
Meanwhile, the mic is being auctioned off for near $100k on eBay. 
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Beyoncé vs Erykah Badu?
Beyoncé’s Renaissance tour has officially previewed 100 different outfits, many reminiscent of the old style wear from her Formation era which means BIG hats. Songstress Erykah Badu took to Instagram one day reposting a picture of the Crazy In Love singer ascending onto the stage in a wide-brimmed chrome mirror hat. “Hmm. I guess I’m everyone’s stylist,” Badu wrote. 
In response, fans speculated that Beyoncé omitted Badu’s name from her Break My Soul (The Queens Remix) performance. In another performance, she switched it up to “Badu, Badu, Badu, Badu,” which fans also took as shade. 
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Florida Man Says Slavery Was Good
After wreaking complete havoc on the education system with his anti-woke campaign, Gov. Ron DeSantis decided to weigh in on the topic of slavery. No, no one asked.
In addition to endorsing the state’s Department of Education’s ban of teaching subjects regarding the history of slavery and racism, he argued that slavery (the 400+ years of Black people being sold, abused and mutilated) was beneficial for Black people.... the white man who refuses to acknowledge racism. 
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Carlee Russell Kidnapping Hoax
In July, Carlethia “Carlee” Russell sent the nation into a panic when she allegedly disappeared after calling 911 to report a missing toddler on the side of the highway. Police found her car and belongings unattended on the side of Interstate 459. Two days later, she walked back home and told the police she was abducted by a orange-bearded man. After an investigation, police found Russell had records of searching kidnapping-related topics and just days after that discovery, Russell’s attorney released a statement that her disappearance was a lie. Now, she’s facing charges for faking her disappearance.
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Montgomery Boat Brawl
https://www.theroot.com/embed/inset/iframe?id=youtube-video-8JdLnCp17Jc&start=0Watch: Video shows brawl erupt on Alabama riverfront
Some might say plain old racism brought a class-action butt whopping to a group of white folks. After refusing to move their boat from the dock, a white family then tried to provoke an altercation with the Black doc workers who were trying to doc another larger boat. After a group of white men ganged up on the Black doc worker, more Black bystanders spawned onto the doc swinging knuckles, ankles and chairs to defend the man who was just trying to do his job. One teen swam across the river fully clothed, shoes on and jumped onto the doc to promptly commence to beating ass. You just had to see it. 
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KeKe Palmer’s Usher Episode
The new mama enjoyed a ladies night out to see Usher’s Vegas performance wearing a sexy, sheer dress. The clip of Usher serenading Palmer went viral on the internet but one hater had to try and ruin the fun: her damn baby father. In a tweet, he threw misogynistic shade at the video writing, “It’s the outfit tho... you a mom.” He must’ve forgotten we don’t know him like that. Thus, the internet dragged him back to the dusty corner he came from.
KeKe responded to his shade with a new single ladies anthem and an appearance in Usher’s new video saying, “I am a mother, after all.”
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Chicago Mom and Son
A brutal video of a woman getting punched in the face by a man circulated social media like fire on gasoline. The video showed her asking her son to get her gun while in an argument with a man at a food stand. After the man took that right-hook, the woman’s son pulled out a firearm and fatally shot him. The situation sparked debates on whether the mother and son should be charged in the shooting. However, the two had their felony murder charges dropped as soon as they’d gotten them.
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Airplane Karen
Tiffany Gomas went viral within weeks after having a meltdown on an airplane that we still don’t know the reason for. She told reporters her issue stemmed from a spout with family members but other reports say she accused a Black man of stealing her AirPods. The video of her screaming, “I don’t give two fucks but I’m telling you right now, that motherfucker back there is not real!” drew the most attention as people speculated who wasn’t real and why.
She apologized for her episode on X but we still don’t know what caused the ruckus. The internet concluded she saw a demon, shapeshifter or skinwalker. Yet, there’s no proof.
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Tory Lanez Sentenced to 10 Years
YASSSSSSS... I mean, aw damn. Singer-rapper Tory Lanez got sentenced to ten years in prison in connection to the shooting and injuring of rapper Megan Thee Stallion. For years, the internet (and Tory) debated about what happened back in 2020. Meg stayed silent until Tory went on social media instigating an argument. Then, she finally gave an emotional account of the night she thought she’d die. He was convicted for assault with a semiautomatic firearm, having a loaded and unregistered firearm in a vehicle and discharging a firearm with gross negligence.
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Lizzo’s Scathing Lawsuit
The singer-songwriter was slammed with a sexual harassment lawsuit listing three of her former dancers as plaintiffs seemingly out of nowhere. The suit alleged Lizzo engaged in “sexual, religious and racial harassment, disability discrimination, assault and false imprisonment.” She was also accused of not paying her employees and verbally abusing them because of their weight. Her current dancers also weighed in echoing the concerns listed in the legal document. The artist responded calling the suit a “sham” and denied the allegations. The lawyer representing the plaintiffs said more allegations may be on the way.
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Government Releases UFO Secrets
In July, the House Oversight subcommittee on National Security, the Border and Foreign Affairs held an impromptu hearing to confirm that aliens are real. Technically, it’s “unidentified anomalous phenomena” which may or may not be the green slimy things we consider aliens to be. A few military vets testified that the country recovered non-human “biologics” from certain crash sites and recounted traumatizing moments about what they saw. However, the nation seemed to react with one big fat shrug emoji because we already knew what was up.
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The Writers Guild of America and SAG-AFTRA strike took TV show and movie lovers by storm putting a harsh pause on filming as actors and screenwriters demand a fair negotiated contract for better pay, healthy working conditions and of course, protection from allowing AI to make carbon copies of the actors. Kerry Washington, Quinta Brunson and more have joined the picket line halting production on the film rendition of Broadway’s “Wicked,” Abbott Elementary and Marvel’s “Blade.”
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cyarsk52-20 · 7 months
Sent from my iPhone
15 Unforgettable Moments from Summer '23
Airplane Karen, the Alabama Brawl, Trump turning himself in to Fulton County and Erykah Badu's beef with Beyoncé were all the talk.
Kalyn Womack
UpdatedMonday 4:35PM
Relax... just because Starbucks fired up their pumpkin spice lattes does NOT mean the summer is over. And before the season is a wrap, we need to do a run down of what happened because man... it was a time.
The highlight of course is the most recent event—former President Donald Trump heading to Fulton County jail to get his mugshot taken for one of the four indictments he’s facing. KeKe Palmer’s baby daddy started a feud with her over an appearance with Usher and got dragged by the internet. Plus, some regular-degular people have gone viral for their moments that got caught on camera like that Alabama boat brawl. 
“Lift every chair and swing” is being printed on t-shirts as we speak. 
Many more events occurred across politics, entertainment and beyond that were honestly unexpected or just juicy to talk to about. Check out 15 moments below:
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Trump Goes to Jail... Kind Of
The former president took to social media to announce his plans to surrender to authorities at Fulton County Jail after being slammed with a fourth indictment by District Attorney Fani Willis. He and 19 other defendants are facing charges in connection to the “stop the steal” campaign to overthrow the 2020 election results.
Atlanta hosted parties for the occasion, including one lounge’s “Welcome to Rice St.” celebration. Trump bailed himself out on $200k but nevertheless, the internet was gifted with his mugshot. It’s not oversaturated. That’s just his spray tan. 
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Try That in a Small Town
https://www.theroot.com/embed/inset/iframe?id=youtube-video-b1_RKu-ESCY&start=0Jason Aldean - Try That In A Small Town (Official Music Video)
The country singer drew controversy after releasing this racism-coded song with hidden jabs at Black stereotypes and the Black Lives Matter movement. The music video featured clips from the 2020 protests and a courthouse where a Black teen was lynched back in the 20s. Despite the obvious implications, the singer insisted being racist wasn’t his intention.
It’s still a good ol’ boys, gun rights, MAGAt anthem nonetheless. 
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Jamie Foxx’s Mysterious Sickness
Seemingly out of nowhere, the beloved singer-actor dropped off the face of the earth and the next thing we knew, he was in the hospital fighting an unspecified medical complication. Not even TMZ’s best paparazzi and sources could get a picture of him or any information as to what was going on. Many people thought we were going to lose him. Then, the trailer for They Cloned Tyrone dropped and led the internet into a frenzy about the government making another Foxx to replace the OG.
He finally showed face weeks later and his friends and family say he’s good as new. We still don’t know what put him down. Anyways glad he’s doing better
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Cardi B Throwing Mics
https://www.theroot.com/embed/inset/iframe?id=youtube-video-OTl5punI5AY&start=0Cardi B hurls microphone after drink thrown at her
The rapper was performing at Drai’s Nightclub in Las Vegas when a crowd member splashed a drink on her. Almost immediately, Cardi abandoned any determination to finish her song and threw her microphone at who she thought was the perpetrator. Online users say the wrong fan got smacked by the mic. In the end, the artist faced a battery charge. 
Meanwhile, the mic is being auctioned off for near $100k on eBay because of course
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Beyoncé vs Erykah Badu?
Beyoncé’s Renaissance tour has officially previewed 100 different outfits, many reminiscent of the old style wear from her Formation era which means BIG hats. Songstress Erykah Badu took to Instagram one day reposting a picture of the Crazy In Love singer ascending onto the stage in a wide-brimmed chrome mirror hat. “Hmm. I guess I’m everyone’s stylist,” Badu wrote. 
In response, fans speculated that Beyoncé omitted Badu’s name from her Break My Soul (The Queens Remix) performance. In another performance, she switched it up to “Badu, Badu, Badu, Badu,” which fans also took as shade. 
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Florida Man Says Slavery Was Good
After wreaking complete havoc on the education system with his anti-woke campaign, Gov. Ron DeSantis decided to weigh in on the topic of slavery. No, no one asked.
In addition to endorsing the state’s Department of Education’s ban of teaching subjects regarding the history of slavery and racism, he argued that slavery (the 400+ years of Black people being sold, abused and mutilated) was beneficial for Black people.... the white man who refuses to acknowledge racism. 
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Carlee Russell Kidnapping Hoax
In July, Carlethia “Carlee” Russell sent the nation into a panic when she allegedly disappeared after calling 911 to report a missing toddler on the side of the highway. Police found her car and belongings unattended on the side of Interstate 459. Two days later, she walked back home and told the police she was abducted by a orange-bearded man. After an investigation, police found Russell had records of searching kidnapping-related topics and just days after that discovery, Russell’s attorney released a statement that her disappearance was a lie. Now, she’s facing charges for faking her disappearance.
Fun fact: there’s literally a movie based on this event. Seriously though look it up ADVERTISEMENT
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Montgomery Boat Brawl
https://www.theroot.com/embed/inset/iframe?id=youtube-video-8JdLnCp17Jc&start=0Watch: Video shows brawl erupt on Alabama riverfront
Some might say plain old racism brought a class-action butt whopping to a group of white folks. After refusing to move their boat from the dock, a white family then tried to provoke an altercation with the Black doc workers who were trying to doc another larger boat. After a group of white men ganged up on the Black doc worker, more Black bystanders spawned onto the doc swinging knuckles, ankles and chairs to defend the man who was just trying to do his job. One teen swam across the river fully clothed, shoes on and jumped onto the doc to promptly commence to beating ass. You just had to see it. 
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KeKe Palmer’s Usher Episode
The new mama enjoyed a ladies night out to see Usher’s Vegas performance wearing a sexy, sheer dress. The clip of Usher serenading Palmer went viral on the internet but one hater had to try and ruin the fun: her damn baby father. In a tweet, he threw misogynistic shade at the video writing, “It’s the outfit tho... you a mom.” He must’ve forgotten we don’t know him like that. Thus, the internet dragged him back to the dusty corner he came from.
KeKe responded to his shade with a new single ladies anthem and an appearance in Usher’s new video saying, “I am a mother, after all.”
In one month we went from who is this Darius Jackson/dauton/whatever to who does he think he is because he ran to social media instead of keeping it private, mute and cute while he kept house(speaking of people who learned that social media is not a real life experience that will humble you… more on this later)
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Chicago Mom and Son
A brutal video of a woman getting punched in the face by a man circulated social media like fire on gasoline. The video showed her asking her son to get her gun while in an argument with a man at a food stand. After the man took that right-hook, the woman’s son pulled out a firearm and fatally shot him. The situation sparked debates on whether the mother and son should be charged in the shooting. However, the two had their felony murder charges dropped as soon as they’d gotten them.
the nigpenes could never.
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Airplane Karen
Tiffany Gomas went viral within weeks after having a meltdown on an airplane that we still don’t know the reason for. She told reporters her issue stemmed from a spout with family members but other reports say she accused a Black man of stealing her AirPods. The video of her screaming, “I don’t give two fucks but I’m telling you right now, that motherfucker back there is not real!” drew the most attention as people speculated who wasn’t real and why.
She apologized for her episode on X but we still don’t know what caused the ruckus. The internet concluded she saw a demon, shapeshifter or skinwalker. Yet, there’s no proof.
Karen’s gonna Karen
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Tory Lanez Sentenced to 10 Years
YASSSSSSS... I mean, aw damn. Singer-rapper Tory Lanez got sentenced to ten years in prison in connection to the shooting and injuring of rapper Megan Thee Stallion. For years, the internet (and Tory) debated about what happened back in 2020. Meg stayed silent until Tory went on social media instigating an argument. Then, she finally gave an emotional account of the night she thought she’d die. He was convicted for assault with a semiautomatic firearm, having a loaded and unregistered firearm in a vehicle and discharging a firearm with gross negligence.
I don’t know about you but it’s been three years into the 2020s decade but we have a candidate for most hated musician of the decade.
Just how hated is he you asked? When people hear about him being scared and being passed around in prison (translation: he’s being raped in prison) rather than shock and disgust most of the quotes are giving “thats my song” , “I love this for him” , and “this is my kink” along with something about “death penalty” “he deserves to be another name another hashtag “ and “go back to Canada” because there’s no sympathy for a man let alone an irrelevant musician who shoots at a woman because he can’t handle criticism from her.
Like hes so reviled that even those who are revolutionary anarchists , and those against bigotry in any form will become hateful towards black men and short men, xenophobic against Canadans , celebrating the system and the cops, and backing the death penalty and rooting for the prisoners to beat and force themselves on him.
Not even another musician from Canada Nickelback has garnered this level of hate and to say that they’re known for being hated is the understatement of the century. I’ll take their cheesy, tried and true songs about love , memories and heartbreak with the occasional hard hitting rock anthems sprinkled in over violent sociopaths who were once irrelevant but now a dustpan of music history any day of the week thanks
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Lizzo’s Scathing Lawsuit
The singer-songwriter was slammed with a sexual harassment lawsuit listing three of her former dancers as plaintiffs seemingly out of nowhere. The suit alleged Lizzo engaged in “sexual, religious and racial harassment, disability discrimination, assault and false imprisonment.” She was also accused of not paying her employees and verbally abusing them because of their weight. Her current dancers also weighed in echoing the concerns listed in the legal document. The artist responded calling the suit a “sham” and denied the allegations. The lawyer representing the plaintiffs said more allegations may be on the way. Yikes
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Government Releases UFO Secrets
In July, the House Oversight subcommittee on National Security, the Border and Foreign Affairs held an impromptu hearing to confirm that aliens are real. Technically, it’s “unidentified anomalous phenomena” which may or may not be the green slimy things we consider aliens to be. A few military vets testified that the country recovered non-human “biologics” from certain crash sites and recounted traumatizing moments about what they saw. However, the nation seemed to react with one big fat shrug emoji because we already knew what was up.
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The Writers Guild of America and SAG-AFTRA strike took TV show and movie lovers by storm putting a harsh pause on filming as actors and screenwriters demand a fair negotiated contract for better pay, healthy working conditions and of course, protection from allowing AI to make carbon copies of the actors. Kerry Washington, Quinta Brunson and more have joined the picket line halting production on the film rendition of Broadway’s “Wicked,” Abbott Elementary and Marvel’s “Blade.”
Thankfully a deal has been made thus the strike is officially over for the writers and to say that the writers got a great deal is a understatement
0 notes
warmau · 3 years
☆: bounty hunter! you x thief! minghao au tw: ment of violence/weapons | this was in my drafts so i decided to finish it
“there’s no way in the world any of you are going to catch him, but if you do -”
the head of the police, hong joshua, stands tall and straight behind the podium
the gold of his medals shines harshly under the white light of the town courthouse 
and your mind wanders off as you think about the pretty penny you could get if you were to just happen upon stealing one of those medals....not that a bounty hunter should ever steal 
“but if you do, the police will wipe your own felonious records clean and even offer a good amount of monetary compensation.”
that perks your interest, since you’re currently looking for some extra cash
plus being a bounty hunter isn’t a so called ‘clean’ job - you have stains on your record you’d like to see get erased.
and you know mr. hong doesn’t like you all that much so having him be the one clean up for you is sickly satisfying to some part of your psyche 
you’ve been working in this shitty underground world for too long 
someone’s voice comes from the back of the interrogation room and you don’t even have to look to know that it’s that newbie seokmin 
all excited and bouncy and not-yet-dead-and-cold-inside like the rest of the people around you
“who is the criminal we’re chasing?”
the monitor on the rolled up caddy beside the policeman flickers on 
“xu minghao. he’s a notorious thief in the city, responsible for the last string of high art robberies from the homes and personal collections of the elite.”
you snort, the ‘elite’, being rich makes you some kind of level above human now doesn’t it?
“his latest victims are the choi family, he stole not only paintings but some jewelry as well - possibly high end watches and the sort.”
“choi family?”
god this new kid knows nothing
“choi seungcheol’s family” you say with a yawn “you know, the choi seungcheol - the mayor.”
seokmin gasps and you finally look at him. 
he’s got a build to him that probably helps with physical altercations but he gives off the vibe that he’d faint at the sight of blood
joshua shoots a pointed look at you and you kind of dance around in the disgust 
“which is why we are going out on a limb and asking for the bounty hunters to help. the choi family desperately wants these pieces returned to them.”
you look at minghao’s face on the screen, it’s obviously not a mugshot so you note that the police force has actually never caught him
it’s a kind of photo that looks like it has been pulled off a social media account
minghao is standing in some sort of white room, he’s tilting his head and looking at the camera - or maybe the person holding it - and one of his eyes has a piercing blue colored contact in it
his features are angular, sharp, and long - but they fit together to make an unusually handsome kind of face
you slide forward in your chair and take your own phone out to snap a picture of the monitor
“how much for him?”
another voice echoes somewhere from the corner
joshua’s straight-faced expression twitches like he’s trying to believe the number that comes out of his mouth.
“ten million”
you keep counting the zeros in your head as you push your keys into your motorcycle and adjust yourself on the seat
you could retire with that kind of money. you live a frugal existence as it is.
you know that minghao is probably also somewhere in the city, still plotting for his next job. 
he’s been hitting rich people’s houses for two months straight and the choi’s are a victory, for sure, but they’re still not the biggest shark in the ocean.
the people who sponsor them, the people who made seungcheol mayor, minghao has to be going for them next
you make a list of the three family names that come to mind, luckily enough you also know someone who works in the business of ‘technology’ or so who can help you track down the lead forming in your head
you look one last time at the picture of minghao on your phone before you slip it into your jacket pocket and pull out of the parking lot
“how much?”
“stick-up-his-ass hong said ten million, the choi’s really want there watches and monet’s back.”
jihoon turns to you with a deadpan expression
“you know monet’s can go up to ten times that amount right?”
you shrug and shove a half eaten bar of candy in your mouth that you stole from a bowl by his computer
“i don’t know, i didn’t go to college for art history. anyway, can you help?”
“how much of your cut will i get.”
you lick your lips and think for a second
“if i get him alive i’ll cut you in thirty percent. if he’s dead, ten.”
jihoon taps his foot and adjusts the glasses on his nose, he told you once they’re for the blue light or whatever that come out of his six computers.
you come over and see him open up the page of one of the most expensive and professional art dealers in this city, jihoon mentions that this person is in charge of the buying accounts for all of the three families you mentioned
he also happens to manage the choi’s, so looking into him could lead to possible other leads for the three targets you have in mind
“if minghao is planning to rob them - he needs to know what pieces to take. he’s probably also tracking down what they’re currently thinking about buying.”
“yeah, and im gonna assume - you know, bounty hunters intuition or whatever, that he’s going to hit whichever family recently bought the most expensive piece.”
jihoon’s fingers type faster than your eyes can follow. he doesn’t even seem to move his face, just his pupils and then a bunch of screens are popping up everywhere
you had befriended him on an assignment to catch a hacker - not jihoon, although he’s actually got a price on his head too - but another hacker who was clambering up jihoon’s business
you watch as jihoon does his magic, and then in about ten or so minutes you have an answer
“one of the family’s just bought and received a vase from this guy, it won its auction at around twenty five million. it’s from the ming dyn-”
“which family?”
you don’t care if they got a vase, a sofa, a painting, or a gold and diamond encased piece of potato - something in your stomach told you that whoever just spent the most was on minghao’s radar and minghao was on yours
jihoon adjusts his glasses
“that would be ... oh, that would be the yoon family.”
you taste something iron on the tip of your tongue, yoon jeonghan was on the cover of last month’s vogue if you remember correctly
“got it. thanks.”
you shrug your jacket back on and jihoon spins around in his chair when you get to the door of his dark apartment 
“remember, thirty if he’s alive!”
“and ten if he’s not!”
you don’t like the fact that this new kid, seokmin, is standing outside the giant gates of the yoon family mansion 
he’s wearing a cut off white t-shirt and new balances for christs sake
“hey!” he looks like he’s seen the sun when he spots you sort of loitering nearby, you try to ignore him but he’s coming over
“staking out the yoon’s? my first impression was they’d be minghao’s next targets because they’re rich and like art too.”
you wonder how he knows that so you ask, half expecting he might actually tell you - which would be a stupid thing to do.
he does.
“oh! i mean their son is a designer, they must be the best people to steal from.”
that’s so fucking ridiculous but he’s actually right. going to tell jihoon im cutting his share in half since apparently his intel could have been free.
“uhuh. well good luck.”
the words are stale when you say them, but sparkling eyes seokmin takes them to heart with a gracious “you too!”
you actually didn’t come to stake them out - you came to see if minghao might be staking them out
no good thief actually just bursts into someone's home, they need to know every nook and cranny of a place if they want to get out clean
judging by minghao’s track record, you can tell he’s cautious and detailed
you circle the house at a safe distance and then head back home, you read a bunch of articles on minghao’s past crimes and eat the only thing you have in your fridge which is mint ice cream - it was left there by a late night hook up who’d doordashed 7/11 even when you told them not to
you do some other minor research on smaller bounties you could chase after minghao is caught, none are interesting or any where near the price of minghao’s
you lay down and the stray you recently started letting crawl through the fire escape makes a little fuzzy circle at the base of your feet
you look at your phone, look at the photo of minghao
wonder if he’s as detailed orientated in other things aside from stealing. looks like he’d know what to do with his hands.
you fall asleep with the phone on your chest.
the next day, you’re texting jihoon about the seokmin thing - he tells you to piss off and not even think about downing his cut or he’ll leak your social security on the internet
that’s so fucked up dude
you’re a shit bounty hunter and im a hermit hacker we aren’t good people anyway
fine, are the yoon’s buying any other vases or whatever
actually, they won an auction a month ago for some ceramics. heard they’re coming tomorrow.
oh, might be a good time to steal that vase and some extra trinkets too for our thief 
look how ugly these things are tho
jihoon sends you a photo pulled from the auctioning website, they are ugly, but they’re expensive
you rub your temple and decide that’s enough for today, you don’t see seokmin around either
seungcheol’s generic smiling im-a-good-mayor-and-i-kiss-babies face is grainy on your tv
you eat the takeout you picked up on the way back and are only mildly surprised when you notice someone familiar in the crowd
this is old footage, from a rally he did before the crime
your eyes pan to the corner and pull out one person from the sea of faces, everyone looks so excited to see seungcheol, minghao stands staunch and unwavering in the moving bodies
he’s not grinning - he’s kind of half smirking from what you can tell
he really does his research, i kind of like him
you put the chopsticks into your mouth, yeah. i think he’s going to be a fun one to catch.
goddamn seokmin is here again - on the night the drop shipment of the ceramics is scheduled - you tell yourself you were a clown for believing all that ‘i just thought they’d be the right family!’ bullshit he was telling you about
he probably has an informant of his own, definitely not jihoon though. seokmin is the type jihoon would rather drive a usb through his head than ever cooperate with
you avoid him the second you see his strong shilloute and make your way to the otherside of the house, right on the outskirts of the back garden
there’s one person in it - none of the immediate yoon family you can recognize, probably just a worker
you know there’s three entrances from here - the garden doors, the side opening that leads to an underground washing room, and there’s also a way to get into the back of the kitchen
you are betting that either one of them might be a good choice for minghao, but you put your bet on the washing room - it has stairs that lead up into a spare bedroom which is adjacent to a gallery type room inside of the huge mansion
it’s where the family will probably put the items, rich people love to be all like “look at my room of expensive things you don’t get to touch”
you stick your tongue out to yourself, morally you don’t care about thievery. especially when it’s stolen art stolen from people who just want it to feel superior to others
but minghao is worth ten million, that’s why im taking the higher ground on this ‘crime’
bounty hunters are allowed to carry guns, but you’ve never liked them - you like to use mace instead
that being said, you’ve brought your gun along - unloaded - just to use a scare tactic if push comes to shove. it’s heavy and it reminds you constantly of the job you came to do.
no getting distracted by newbie muscle heads or how hot you’re coming to think minghao is 
you hear something - eyes darting to behind one of the columns of a large gazebo in the garden
you swear you see something slink across as the only person in the garden gets up to head back inside
keeping your movements and noise to a minimum, you position your body for a better view and after what seems like two heartbeats you see him dart from the enclosure and toward the mansion
you don’t follow immediately, the only way you’re going to catch someone who is so elusive is if you one up him
you have the element of surprise, but not really, he might be expecting personal guards of the yoon household or the police
not a rogue bounty hunter with a can of mace
but he’s still expecting - and someone whose entire job is to be like a shadow - you’ve got to be careful
you wait the amount of time you deem appropriate and then do the same, you realize when you slip through the backdoor of the washroom that now you’re also committing a crime of breaking and entering
you’re sure the yoon’s won’t mind though - you are about to make sure their ceramics and vases don’t get stolen
plus, you checked up on all of them, the main family shouldn’t be home. the only people on premises are some cleaners and the gardener. you’re sure minghao knows that too.
you map out the house in your mind from what you’ve learned in the past couple of days and find the gallery with ease
you can see the large double doors are open just enough for a person to slip through
so he’s already in ther-
your eyes widen and you push inside to see what’s going on 
seokmin, flashing something in his right hand and holding a light in the other is pointing at the long, lean figure of minghao
he’s standing there in the circle of light holding the vase you and jihoon had been looking at before
his eyes are unimpressed when they settle on seokmin
“ok, ive stopped - now what are you going to do?”
“im going to arrest you and bring you to the poli-”
the vase that’s held professionally between both his arms then gets dropped and crashes to the floor
the crescendo of noise startles seokmin because it’s the one thing all these new kids who want to try this kind of work get wrong
the thief is never going to drop the valuable goods - except they are, getting caught is worse then anything else. 
there will always be shit to steal - except you know if you’re in jail.
minghao beelines for the doors and you’re there, big grin and mace in hands
his eyes widden and you tackle him with ease, one hand bent behind his back as you make sure to keep your weight off him
“ugh, that big idiot had a partner?”
“he’s not my partner, by the way that vase is worth more than what im getting for your head.”
minghao shifts his cheek against the hard floor of the gallery and he’s smiling back up at you
“how much for me?”
“choi’s but ten million.”
he makes a pfft sound as he releases air from between his lips
“cheap as fuck.”
seokmin tries to bound over to help once he comes to, but you bite at him to back off. this is your win.
he says he can drive you and minghao to the station, but you tell him again that you’ve got this on your own
you kind of feel bad about how flustered he is and you tell him he can still brag about how you two were the only people with sense to look at the yoon’s 
for some reason, that actually brightens him up. he leaves to go downstairs and you don’t know if he sticks around or goes off on another job.
you get the handcuffs on minghao’s wrists before the workers, who hear the noise come running up in terror
you flash your bounty id and they scramble to get a hold of the local police office
minghao sits up against the wall and you sit directly in front of him - you can see him better with the lights on
his dark hair is long in the back and messy, his eyes are brown and long and twinkle when you look into them
the bottom corners are highlighted by what you can’t tell if is sweat or glitter
“you’re different”
he starts and you put up a finger
“im not different, im just experienced.”
“you like money more than you like your morals.”
you put the finger down and gleam at him
“so why are you sitting here waiting to hand me over for some chump change like ten million dollars when you and i are inches away from a collection that’s worth close to a hundred million?”
you touch the holster on your hip and tilt your head
“we - even the two of us - wouldn’t be able to steal everything in there. we’d need a whole team and-”
you start as minghao open’s his mouth to counter. all his teeth are white and straight.
“and if we could, you’d backstab me and take it all and run because you just said it yourself. money over morals.”
“ive got morals when im dealing with the right people.”
the snort you let out is louder than you expect and it makes minghao cock an eyebrow
“don’t care, you’re a professional liar. plus hong said he’d clear our records and get us that money.”
“joshua hong works for choi seungcheol who is a bigger liar than i am and you know it.”
there’s real spite in the way he says it - you assume he’s probably had interactions with both. or he’s just grown up in this city like you have, all the trouble politics can cause - all the stupid, underhanded shit that goes on
he leans a little forward
“plus, you’re hot. usually anyone who manages to catch me is very gruff and very mean.”
“i am gruff and mean, don’t test me.”
you banter but then look around and the gardener who was supposed to stay up here with you and minghao has turned his attention elsewhere - normal people don’t like facing criminals and well...whatever category bounty hunters are in.
“what’s the most expensive thing in that room.”
you ask under your breath suddenly, the police won’t be here for another five minutes at least. 
you text jihoon to tap into their comms and let you know the exact moment they’re at the door.
minghao shines that grin, slender fingers lift up and toward the door
“i broke it, but that place is jammed of other million dollar treasures. i saw an original signac that could score us close to 17 million.”
“a signac? who is that?”
minghao laughs with his hands still behind him
“so you’re hot but not into art, i can still work with that. he’s an artist, paul signac. the yoon’s own ‘la corne d'or.’” 
you shrug your shoulders again and pretend you don’t hear the first part but mutter that art doesn’t make sense to you and minghao lets out another quieter laugh
“it’s a painting of boats but it looks psychedelic almost, super colorful. thirty six or so inches across.”
you think to yourself - one painting and it’s 17 million, what if you get another painting with it
“ok...anything else in there catch your eye?”
minghao wiggles a little 
“lots, i know art like people know starbucks orders. very well.”
your phone pings and it’s jihoon’s warning. the police are going to be coming upstairs to take minghao off your hands in the next sixty to ninety seconds.
“i can’t trust you.”
he thins his lips and then taps your foot with his own, does a weird jostle of his body and then to your shock breaks out of his handcuffs with ease
he rubs his wrists as you think you hear some noise downstairs and the gardener jumps out of his seat to go greet the police without noticing the thing that just happened only a feet away from him
“i’ve had a bobby pin this whole time, i could have run away five whole minutes ago instead of giving you a history lesson on boat paintings worth more money than you’ve ever dreamt of.”
you don’t miss a beat 
“let’s get the fucking boats then.”
you get up and minghao takes a hold of your hand in a way you haven’t experienced since maybe middle school
like when a beloved childhood friend would take you and lead you toward the playground, giggle about school or your parents, pull you in to a fun moment under the basking sun
you and him stand, hand in hand, in front of the painting he mentioned
it’s pretty, it almost looks like it was drawn by crayons, you wonder why it’s so expensive 
“let’s take it and the two sketches over there, one’s a lady with a piano the other is a couple under an umbrella
“are they-”
“at least two million each. plus - we can comeback for the ceramics later.”
you don’t know why it makes you feel warm - but it does and you take the two framed sketches off the wall
the painting is large, but minghao has done this enough times before that he knows how to handle it - you two are out the hall and down the stairs by the time you hear the police shuffling up them
took their time thinking he’d just be sitting up there wrapped up like a present huh?
you think to yourself, minghao is quick on his feet and leads you in the direction of a inconspicuous looking tiny car that could seat you, him and maybe that stray that hangs around your apartment 
he opens the back and it is a perfect size for the painting
“did you come here on your bike?”
you realize the whole look of you must give away the fact that you ride one
“never, i dont bring it on jobs because people know what it looks like.”
he tips his fingers toward you in acknowledgement
“good because this car isn’t mine either, so add auto theft to the list of crimes you’re committing with me on this first date.”
you bite the inside of your cheek, can’t tell if he’s joking or not
he hits the gas before there’s any movement on the street where it’s parked - the yoon mansion fades into the distance as he rushes into the evening traffic
“is this the part where you kick me to the curb?”
you ask
minghao takes one hand off the wheel and puts it on your thigh
“this is the part where you tell me where you live so we can go get your things and ride off into the sunset, bonnie.”
you laugh
“so you’re clyde?”
he looks at you at a red light - looks at your lips and then your eyes
“do you want me to be?”
you can decide the answer to that yourself
*if you’re interested here is la corne d’or on the sothebys website. 
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aceredshirt13 · 2 years
It seriously did not occur to me how young Thalassa was when she had Apollo until just recently.
so Jove was murdered in 2005, when Apollo was still a baby, and a very young baby at that. He couldn't have even been two if he was still wrapped up in the swaddle - hell, eighteen months is around the upper limit for an average baby to be walking around, which Apollo is very clearly not.
thus, we can assume that at this time, Apollo was around a year old?? Maybe just possibly on the cusp of a year and a half.
Thalassa is forty in 2026, meaning that if you go down from there, in 2005 Thalassa would have been nineteen. Unless they are for some reason taking a literal newborn on this tour with them, this means that Thalassa could have had him when she was eighteen at the oldest. If you consider they might have taken a newborn on the tour with them, then maybe she could have been nineteen, but nonetheless this is a worryingly young age to have a baby.
This brings up the question of Jove Justice. The game doesn't give him an age because we know almost nothing about him, but Jove really doesn't look like a teenager? Honestly I always thought he was somewhere in his twenties, maybe around twenty-four like Apollo in SOJ, but if he died a year after they had the baby when he was twenty-three, this would imply that he dated her when she was underage. Which, while not illegal unless there's sex, is still, y'know, not great. So for the sake of my own sanity, I'm going to toss Jove in the group of AA characters notorious for looking way older than they actually are - like Will Powers (twenty-five in AAI2 despite looking in his thirties) and Gregory Edgeworth (who somehow manages to look older at thirty-four than he did in his profile mugshot and the picture of his corpse at thirty-five, so I just end up averaging out how old he looks to be somewhere in the middle), to name a few. We'll say Jove is either Thalassa's age, or, more likely, a year or two older at most. At that point, if they did start dating when Thalassa was underage, the age gap was so small that it would have at the very least been legal in many American states - much like how most of the time in a fandom situation where adult/minor ships are banned (of course), exceptions are often made for very small age gaps (for example, from what I've seen, Franziskay isn't usually considered a problem).
It's potentially possible to fudge these dates a little bit, since Apollo didn't have a birth certificate that anyone could find, and Thalassa's garbage excuse for a family abandoned her in Europe for an undisclosed amount of time, presumably with no identification papers whatsoever given that she'd forgotten her own name. But in the end, what we've discovered is that Thalassa most likely had Apollo when she was a teenager, and that Jove is hopefully younger than he looks.
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ladyreapermc · 3 years
Fic: Surprise Party (Chibs Telford x Reader)
Summary: A  party thrown at the clubhouse has more than a few surprises for you.
Pairing: Filip “Chibs” Telford x F!Reader
Wordcount: 1,5k
Warnings: Really cheesy fluff and my bad attempt of writing in Scottish accent. Apologies in advance.
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You weren’t really expecting the party waiting for you when you got to the clubhouse. Then again, wasn’t that the point of a surprise party after all?
You had started your day not really expecting to have to use the brand-new license to practice law you got just last week. And for the most part, it had been a pretty uneventful occasion until right around the time you were about to clock out and Jax called.
There was urgency in his voice as he begged you to head to the sheriff’s station because Tig got into a fight with the owner of a dog fight rink and both men had been taken downtown. You didn’t doubt his story even for a second. Picking up your keys and bag and heading straight to the precinct.  
When you got there, Jax was already waiting outside with a very well composed Tig. Maybe that should have been your first clue that something was off because if he was already gonna post bail, why did he even call in the first place?
You didn’t have time to really consider it because Jax just loaded Tig into the passenger seat of your car and asked you to head to TM. 
You planned to just drop Tig off and head home. You had been working crazy hours, plus studying hard for the test and you were in serious need of some sleep.
“Come on, honey. Let me buy a beer to say thank you,” Tig asked once you pulled up into the lot of the auto shop.
“I didn’t even do anything,” you replied, but for a grown man, Tig’s puppy dog eyes were quite effective.
“One beer,” you sighed in defeat, turning off the engine. You stepped out of the car and followed Tig inside, nearly jumping out of your skin as everyone yelled surprise once the two of you walked into the clubhouse.
Everyone seemed to be there: Gemma, Tara, and her boys. Lyla, Nero, and the rest of the Sons, Chucky, and even some of your friends that didn’t really have anything to do with the MC but made an exception for today and stood awkwardly among the bikers.
Over the wall of mugshots there was a huge congratulations banner and bellow it a table with enough food to feed an army.
“Surprised?” Tig asked, an arm thrown over your shoulders. 
You just chuckled and nodded, still speechless as he pressed a kiss to your cheek and let you greet everyone else properly.
“Congratulations, darlin’,” Jax said pulling you into a warm hug. “Now it’s your job to make sure these mug shots don’t get updated.”
You laughed along with him before letting someone else drag you to the side for a hug and a toast and by the time you managed to reach Gemma, you already had two beers and three whiskey shots that people keep shoving in your hands as you passed them by, along with some food.
“Thanks for all of this,” you said, letting the matriarch of the MC pull you into a hug.
“You’re welcome, baby. It was well deserved,” she kissed your cheek. “But I can’t take all the credit. It was Chibs’ idea.”
You gave her a confused look once she let you go, which she replied with a knowing smirk as she gestured to a point behind you where the Scot was drinking alone by the bar, watching the proceedings.
It was because of Chibs that you met the MC in the first place. He had been in a bar just outside town when your stupid little brother decided it was a good idea to pick a fight while drunk with a few guys double his size. 
Chibs didn’t even know him but had his back, during the altercation and they all got arrested that night. When your brother called you to post his bail, he told you about the other man and you got him out too. After that, you ended up staying close to SAMCRO. 
You had no family besides your younger brother and Gemma took a liking to both of you, taking you under her wing. And since your brother started prospecting, you decided to help out in smaller legal issues when needed. Making sure everyone stayed out of jail.
For a badass gang of dangerous bikers, the Sons were a lot of fun. They took care of their own and for the first time since your parents passed away, you felt like you belonged somewhere. 
And if you favored the attention of one particular VP, with his deep brown eyes, smokey accent, and Glasgow smile, people didn’t seem to notice.
Or maybe they did, if Gemma was any indication, but didn’t comment on it.
You moved towards Chibs, offering him a wide smile, which he returned with one of his own. The sight of it made your heart race and your palms sweat and you tried to dry them as discreetly as possible in your jeans before taking a seat on the stool next to him.
“Congratulations, lass.” He raised his glass to you.
“Thank you and thanks for the party. Gemma said it was your idea.”
“Nah. Just said it would be a good idea,” he waved off your words, looking away from you for a moment and you wished his presence didn’t make you so tongue-tied. “Bu’ I got ye somethin’,” he said, setting his glass down once it was empty and gestured for you to follow him.
You had never been back here before but you knew the some of the guys had small apartments here for whenever they were too tired to go home after a job or too drunk after a celebration. 
Chibs led you to his, and if your heart was already racing before, now it felt like it was about to burst from your chest. The room was nothing special, just a bed pushed against the wall, a writing desk and chair, and a dresser. Too many pictures of almost naked women posing on Harleys, and a small cabinet with a few other essentials.
You stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, fidgeting with the hem of your jacket while Chibs dug something out of a drawer. It seemed to take forever until he finally turned around to face you and you didn’t think you ever saw him looking nervous, but he looked as bad as you felt.
“‘t’s nothing fancy or anythin’” he started, taking a step closer. “But I saw it and thought of ye. The lass in the shop said you can exchange it if ye dinna like it…”
He offered you a small gift-wrapped box in hand and you took it with shaky fingers and a trembling smile as you undid the bow on top and opened the lid.
You let out a small gasp at the sight that greeted you: a delicate golden necklace rested inside, the pendant a golden justice scale, and a small pink stone. It was gorgeous and so thoughtful and when you glanced up at Chibs again, he seemed to be looking at anything but you.
“It’s beautiful, Filip,” your voice was barely above a whisper and it might be the first time you ever used his given name, but it felt so right. “Thank you.”
“Ye’re welcome, love,” he breathed out, relieved, his smile a little more certain.
“Help me put it on?” You asked, taking the delicate chain out of the box and offering to him before turning around and pushing your hair away from your neck.
His scent surrounded you as Chibs stepped closer, bringing the necklace around your throat, his hands rough and warm, but so very gentle against your nape and goosebumps raised in your arms.
“There ye go,” he spoke once the clasp was closed and you turned around to face him, the pendant resting just below the hollow of your throat and his warm brown eyes lingered there for a few seconds.
“I really love it,” you whispered, touching the scale for a second before your hand moved to his chest, holding yourself steady as you raised to your tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his scarred cheek.
“Good,” Chibs spoke, his voice rougher, lower and you could feel the thundering of his heart against your hand and the hitch of his breath as you moved your lips closer to the corner of his mouth.
He turned his head slightly and his mouth was against yours, brushing so softly. It was a barely-there touch but it was enough to send sparks of excitement through your body and you couldn’t wait for it to be more.
Before it could, the door busted open making you both jump apart and look over startled. It was one of your friends and by the looks of it, she was completely wasted.
“Ops! Thought it was the restroom,” she slurred, her lips shifting into a smirk as she glanced between your and Chibs. “Carry on.”
She slipped out as fast as she stumbled in and just as unsteadily. A second later, you heard a crash and sighed regretfully.
“I better get out there and make sure she doesn’t cause some serious damage,” you said. “But to be continued?”
“Whenever ye want, love,” Chibs smiled at you. “Ye know where I’ll be.”
If you enjoyed this work, please consider reblogging and/or commenting please. Feedback gives life to us writers! 
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megalony · 4 years
She’s a good girl
This is my new murderer! Ben Hardy series that was requested by the lovely @peterquillzsblog​ thank you for the request, I hope you all will like it.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez @jonesyaddiction @ambi-and-sunflowers @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me @peterquillzsblog @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg
Murderer! Ben masterlist
Series masterlist
Summary: (Y/n) is a good girl from a church-going family and her brother, Joe is trying to put Ben behind bars. But when (Y/n) starts to fall for the dangerous killer, things get complicated.
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"Joe!" The surprise in (Y/n)'s voice was evident but the smile on her face showed it was not an unhappy surprise to find her eldest sibling sitting at the small dining table in the back room. With the odd shifts he worked, Joe tended not to tell them whenever he was coming round, he just turned up unannounced but always welcomed with open arms.
"(Y/n), hey I didn't know you were here." Joe spoke as if he temporarily forgot that (Y/n) still lived here with their parents but she knew what he was referring to. He thought she would be out somewhere with friends or at the cinema or just somewhere doing something. It never seemed to dawn on Joe that he had more freedom than she did because he didn't live at home anymore and he had a demanding job.
"Where else would I be?" (Y/n)'s voice was tender and there was a smile on her lips that showed she was trying to make a lighthearted joke when in fact her heart was weighing heavy in her chest.
When her arms wrapped around Joe, it made the pain in her chest subside until she almost forgot it was there entirely.
(Y/n) knew she was much better off than some people and her life was by no means horrid or gruelling, but it could be oppressive at times. She was the daughter of a Reverend and her mother was highly respected so it fell to her to make a good example and be a good and respected girl. Being the youngest also seemed to put more pressure onto (Y/n), like she had to live up to everybody in her family and try to be the best.
She helped her mother around the house, as per her mother's request, she helped her father with church events and making pamphlets and setting up the church ready for sermon on Sunday's. When family friends came round they awed and smiled at her like she was ten years old and they treated her like a little girl.
It made (Y/n) want to be rebellious, it made her want to go out without telling anyone and stay out late or all night. It made her want to have secrets of her own that she wouldn't tell anyone.
(Y/n) had no secrets.
She had no place to go that was her own, her parents always knew where she was when she went out and she came home at the stated time. She was the model child that she was tired of being now. Even Cora, her elder sister, wasn't this oppressed by their parents. But then again, Cora was going out with a lawyer and their parents deemed that as very good and he was 'respectable' so Cora was given more leeway and the benefit of the doubt.
Joe was a police officer and he worked hard and was good at his job so he was excused from everything. He wasn't obliged to come home on Wednesday for dinner like he used to when he went to college. He wasn't obliged or forced to go to church on Sunday or come home for Sunday lunch and dinner because of his work.
(Y/n) envied him so badly and the worst thing was that he didn't even know how lucky he was.
"What are you up to?" (Y/n) looked over Joe's shoulder, trying to be inconspicuous and not let him see how curious she was being. 'Curiosity killed the cat' (Y/n)'s mother would always say, but for (Y/n), 'satisfaction brought him back'.
Her eyes zoomed in on the brown paper file that was sitting almost untouched on the dining table. She couldn't see what papers were held within the file, but she knew enough to know that this was a personal file that was most likely about a criminal Joe was trying to catch. (Y/n) knew her brother all too well and when he was assigned someone to bring to justice, Joe stopped at nothing until he got them.
"I've got the afternoon off so I thought I'd come round, mum's been nagging me to come for dinner." Joe pulled back form the hug and leaned against the chair he had previously been sitting on, looking like he forgot there was a file behind him.
"Been busy at work?"
"God, I'm so close, (Y/n). There's this guy I've been after for weeks, he's the worst kind of guy to put in prison, there's never any evidence to put him away and he knows it. I can't figure him out but I know I'm this close to catching him." There was a yearning in Joe's voice as he pinched his index finger and thumb together to show just how close he felt he was to getting this man.
(Y/n) knew Joe couldn't tell her any details about whoever he was searching for but the passion in her brother's voice made her hopeful that this would work out in his favour.
"Joey, could you come here a minute?"
A smile formed on (Y/n)'s lips as she shared a look with her brother, no matter how many times he told their mother he wanted to be called Joe, she insisted on calling him Joey like she had done since he was a baby.
(Y/n) watched her brother walk out of the room and turn left to go into the bite size kitchen to find their mother. No matter how crude, inconsiderate or annoying their mother could be, Joe was always as sweet as sugar with her. He could do no wrong in her eyes and he always had the magic affect on her to calm her down. If she rowed with (Y/n) or Cora, Joe would diffuse the situation completely.
Pressing her lips into a thin line, (Y/n) leaned to look into the kitchen to make sure Joe was occupied and wouldn't be back any second before she cautiously moved over to the table. Her stomach buzzed with anticipation when she walked closer to the table until she was within reach of the file resting there. She knew she shouldn't, she knew it was wrong and against the rules and (Y/n) was a rule follower, not a rule breaker.
But she was so tempted. Just a sneak peek, just to see what kind of man Joe was after and what he had done. (Y/n) hadn't met a criminal before and she wanted to know what kind of people her brother helped to put away.
When her fingers skimmed over the file, (Y/n) felt like she was going to burn at the touch for how wrong this was, but she persevered and slowly pulled open the file. She knew she couldn't mess with the orders of the pages or scatter them on the table or Joe would chide her and get mad with her for even attempting to read the file he mistakenly left out fir her pleasure.
The first thing she noticed was a picture clipped to the left hand corner of the first page. It looked like a photo from a distance, it wasn't a mugshot but then again Joe had said they didn't manage to arrest this man. He didn't look how (Y/n) thought a murderer would look, this man was almost normal. He was very tall, he seemed to be muscular, he was well-shaven and had a sharp jawline, he had hair that was rather long on top and formed into waves and he had the most enticing eyes (Y/n) had ever seen.
She could feel her hand shaking when she cautiously reached out to lift the picture so she could read the first page.
The list seemed never-ending.
Murder, at least five counts that they knew of which he had never been convicted for. Blackmail on what seemed to be a very large scale, public violence, threatening behaviour, money laundering that he was actually caught for but somehow didn't get more than two months in prison for. GBH on numerous accounts but each time the victim backed out of testifying against him.
This man owned a boxing club and gym but Joe had written a question mark next to this and (Y/n) could faintly read his scribbled handwriting that said 'a front?' Maybe things were happening at the club that Joe couldn't explain or seemed dodgy.
(Y/n) dared to see what other pages were in this file and the first handful were victims. Some were postmortems, others were hospital records showing what he seemed to have done to people, broken ribs, broken nose, fractured and splintered arms and legs, shot in the kneecap, shot in the lung, broken sternum, pulled tendons and torn ligaments.
Looking back to the first page (Y/n) scanned over the information to find this man's name. Ben Hardy. That didn't sound like the name of a killer, it seemed rather pleasing to the ears.
When footsteps caught (Y/n)'s attention she quickly closed the file and took a few steps away, turning herself to face the bookcase up against the wall behind the door to hide what she had just witnessed. His name kept rattling around in her head and the list of his crimes were so horrid and long but it shocked (Y/n) that they had all the information of his crimes but he was hardly punished for any of them. He certainly got away with a lot.
This man killed people, he hurt whoever he liked, he threatened and blackmailed them to carry on doing what he wanted and he evaded the police at every turn. His life was something (Y/n) could barely comprehend or imagine after the sheltered life she had lived and the way she had been brought up. (Y/n) couldn't see how someone could ever turn out like that.
He was the total opposite of her.
The fresh air hit (Y/n) like a wave rolling over the sand, it consumed her lungs until she felt like they were going to explode. The church was a sanctuary for many, it was a safe place to sit or hide or confess or just try and wait for a premonition or a sign. When (Y/n) was little, the church was a castle she wanted to explore but at the same time was far too afraid to drift from the alter or stand from the aisles once she was sat down.
There was never any need for (Y/n) to confess, she hadn't any crimes or worries weighing down on her for that. She didn't need sanctuary nor a safe place and she wasn't waiting for a sign. The church wasn't a hiding place or a second home to (Y/n) but it was her habitat for an hour every Sunday and for a while during the week when need be.
Every Sunday, eleven o'clock without fail, (Y/n) could be found in the second row on the left hand side, listening to her father recollecting a different story from the bible, giving his thoughts about a certain topic in a speech and reciting hymn numbers to them all to sing. Sunday sermons were an instinct and a habit ever since (Y/n) had been born, it was her way of life but sometimes she still felt that she didn't truly understand or appreciate it enough. On days when the world was tough on her, the sermons were a blessing. On days when she wanted to explore or find herself or do something, they were a drag that she couldn't escape from.
But today her mind wasn't able to focus on what her father was saying and she knew he noticed she wasn't singing along with all the hymns either. Being able to escape the beacon that was the church and feel the fresh air made (Y/n) feel somewhat faint after being in the musty air of the church that was suffocating.
Smoothing down her usual baby blue dress that she wore to church, (Y/n) walked over to the willow tree in the church ground and perched herself on the brick wall separating the grass verge from the pavement.
Her father would still be tidying up, collecting the papers and any donations, then he had to tidy the alter and get changed which took roughly twenty minutes that (Y/n)'s mother spent gossiping with friends. Joe was at work so he wasn't here for (Y/n) to talk to and Cora was yapping away with her friends. When everyone was ready, they went back home and had their usual Sunday lunch, and then (Y/n) helped her mother make Sunday dinner.
Sunday's were the most calming day of the week but they did drag and they made (Y/n) feel uneasy but she didn't quite know why.
(Y/n) let her eyes wander her surroundings, she could see her house from here. With her father being the Reverend, they automatically had a house as close to the church as they could manage and that was daunting to (Y/n), growing up so close to a place of worship that everyone said was a house of God. Like God really lived there and any sin she committed, any act she made, would be seen and judged by the being himself.
A shudder ran down her spine at the thought and her hand absentmindedly reached up to touch the small golden cross pendant hanging around her neck. Just as her hand touched the pendant, something caught her eye and her head leaned to the side, her eyes narrowing to focus on what moved in the corner of her vision.
It was him.
It was the man Joe was so close to catching, the one he was hell bent on taking to court and locking away in prison and throwing away the key. It was the man who had committed unspeakable crimes that haunted Joe in the middle of the night.
She was sure her face didn't resemble any panic or fear but she had caught his eye, maybe with the way she was staring in his direction. It felt like the world had slowed down around her and she watched him approach her in slow motion.
(Y/n) could hear his dark black shoes clicking against the pavement like horse shoes clobbering on the cobbles. He wore a plain white cotton shirt that covered his shoulders but exposed the rest of his arms to her view and he wore brown trousers with matching chocolate brown braces secured on his shoulders. He had a symbol on his right arm that didn't make any kind of shape that (Y/n) was familiar with yet it enticed her vision so much. He had Roman numerals, one on each knuckle on his right hand but (Y/n) couldn't see what numbers they represented.
The stranger- the killer, has shorter hair than he did in the picture she had seen in Joe's file, his hair was sticking up but it curled very slightly at the ends near his forehead. His green eyes were sparkling but the light caught the darkness of his pupils rather than the colour of his iris'. And his lips, (Y/n) had never seen lips that were such a dark shade of red with swirls of pink etched into the middle.
The way she seemed to be staring at him with eyes as wide as saucers made him grin and his smile was not normal. It wasn't sinister or crooked like a murder's smile should be, but it wasn't as kind or concerning or genuine as a humble man's should be. His smile was sweet, it was sickly sweet like chocolate with far too much sugar added into the mix. He was the cat that was eyeing up the cream.
How could such a dashing and seemingly respectable man be a killer?
"Hello." His voice was calming like the sound of the sea calmly lapping at the shore or at the sides of boats it was guiding to their destinations.
As soon as the name passed through her lips, (Y/n) bunched her hand into the hem of her dress, feeling like she had just spilled a secret to someone who should not find it out. She surprised the man towering over her, the smile didn't fade from his lips but there was a look of caution in his eyes as he wondered how she could know his name when they had never met before. He would remember a pretty face like hers.
"Now I'm very sure that if we met, I'd remember a lovely lady like yourself... so how do you know my name?" Ben stuffed his hands into his pockets, leaning his side against the brick wall the girl was sitting on, looking at him like she had just hurt him or told some kind of revelation to him.
His words were kind and his tone was reassuring, but there was something behind his voice and his carefully chosen words that made (Y/n) cautious. It was like he was throwing her a lifeline and she had to take it, she couldn't go against him or lie. She felt like she was trapped and he was offering her a way out... or maybe he was putting her into the trap.
"I... um, I think my brother knows you."
What was she doing? She was conversing with a criminal- a murderer, no less. If Joe was here at church right now and he saw this he would scold (Y/n) until she had third degree burns. He would be yelling at Ben to step away from his baby sister, he would find a means to arrest him right here, right now. If (Y/n)'s mother or even her sister saw her talking to a stranger they would be wary and tell her off.
But somehow, (Y/n) couldn't find it in herself to walk away.
"Does he now, who is he? I should ask him why he never told me he had a sister." (Y/n) couldn't fathom why he was talking to her, he was leaning so close to her so casually like it was nothing, he was smiling at her like she was the only person here worth talking to. He was taking some kind of interest in her when he had no need. How could this man be a murderer?
"I should go... h-he won't like me talking to you." (Y/n) tipped her head down to face her shoes, biting her lip so hard she could feel blood.
What was happening to her? Here she was, talking to a murderer without feeling afraid of him, instead she felt pulled to him, intrigued by him and fascinated, wanting to get closer. Yet when she tried to do the right thing and force herself to push him away, she ended up sounding like the child everyone was making her out to be.
(Y/n) wanted to be seen as a grown up, she was eighteen, she could go out and drink, she could drive, when she had the money she wanted to get her own place to live just like Joe. She wanted to meet people and talk to them without supervision or being told it was wrong or she was too young. (Y/n) wanted to make her own choices, she wanted to have a boyfriend and go out and do what she pleased without her family telling her what to do.
"What's so bad about me, lovely lady? Do you have to run everything past this brother of yours, or can you bend the rules just a little, for me?" Ben ducked his head down until he could look at (Y/n) properly since her head was bowed down.
His gentle yet somewhat cheeky smile made (Y/n)'s heart jump and when she lifted her head to look up at him, her breathing stopped when his thumb reached out to smudge away the blood on her lower lip.
"He's a policeman, officer (Y/l/n). But I guess he doesn't have to know everything."
(Y/n) could see the realisation dawn on Ben's face showing that he must have had quite a few run-ins with Joe. But instead of Ben retreating, pulling away or even becoming angry or hostile now that he knew who she was related to, he simply smiled. It didn't seem to bother him that (Y/n) was related to an officer trying to get him put in prison. A small part of (Y/n) wondered why Ben wasn't leaving, she could be trying to get information on him for all he knew, but then again, Ben had been the one to approach her.
"Does this lovely lady have a name?" Ben watched the way (Y/n) looked behind them at the church and the sea of people that were hovering around like bees. She was checking no one was watching or noticing. Stuffing his hand into his pocket, Ben pulled out a cigarette and a deep red lighter. He placed the smoke between his lips before motioning to the lighter. "Do you mind?"
(Y/n) noticed how he could speak almost perfectly despite the cigarette between his lips. Her head nodded to confirm that it was fine if he smoked around her, she had friends who smoked but had never had the privilege herself, her parents deemed it was not a habit she should pick up and so she never did.
When she watched the smoke pass through his lips and the way his perfectly round lips moulded around the stub of the cigarette, (Y/n) almost lost herself in thought until his head dipped down to look at her better again and he smiled around the cigarette.
"Do you wanna try it? I won't tell him if you won't." For a moment, Ben could see his words confused (Y/n) until he removed the smoke from his lips and held it out towards her. He could see the way she was watching him take drags and bite the end between his teeth, she was wide-eyed and enamoured by such a trivial habit. He could also see she thought he meant Joe for a moment until his eyes darted upwards and showed he meant he wouldn't tell 'the man upstairs', he wouldn't tell God if she didn't in case she wasn't smoking in fear it would be a sin.
(Y/n) flitted her eyes between the cigarette and Ben until he cracked a grin when he understood. He was hunching his shoulders over and leaning his head down so they could be level but she knew if she stood up, she would be even smaller than he was. Ben put the cigarette back to his lips and inhaled deeply, breathing the smoke into the air before he held it out to her.
His eyes watched the people around the church like he was keeping watch and they were committing a crime.
She gingerly took the bad habit from his fingers, trying to hold it between her thumb and index finger in the same way he did before she brought it to her lips. (Y/n) didn't take a long drag, just inhaled a small amount and tried to hold it in her lungs. She could feel the nicotine and smoke battling around in her lungs for the first time and it made her chest shiver in wonder. When she breathed the smoke into the air, her lungs quivered and she coughed quietly but still smiled all the same.
It wasn't as bad as her mother always made it out to be, it didn't even burn her lungs like she thought it would.
"Thanks." (Y/n) breathed quietly as she handed the smoke back over to Ben who took it gratefully, grinning like the Cheshire cat when he realised a small lipstick stain was left at the end.
When the growing chatter reached her ears, (Y/n) turned her head to look over her shoulder and noticed that her mother was getting ready to go inside the church again. That meant her father would be ready to go home in a minute. She couldn't help the sigh that passed through her lips when she realised she would have to go back home to a boring Sunday lunch, then prepare for a boring Sunday afternoon and evening, just like every other week that had happened all her life.
"Why the long face, doll?"
"I need to go home in a minute."  (Y/n)'s tone told Ben that she didn't want to go and that made a sense of pride swell in his chest. She was talking to a complete stranger and he guessed she knew he wasn't the saint she should be looking for, and she didn't want to leave.
"Well, I'll be walking past this spot tomorrow at one o'clock if you think you can disappear for a while."
"Disappear, with you? I don't know if that would be wise, I mean, I've heard things." (Y/n) looked up at Ben through her lashes, letting a small smile form on her lips when he seemed to think she was being serious. It was an offer she knew she wouldn't refuse, no matter how badly her mind was telling her that it wasn't a good idea to fraternise with the man her brother was determined to arrest.
If Joe got his way, this would end badly for her and Ben- if anything even came of this. But if Joe found out, (Y/n) would face more than a lashing from her brother for this, her whole family would be against her.
But this was (Y/n)'s life, she could take the risk.
"Don't believe everything you hear about me, doll." The words were whispered against the shell of her ear and Ben could feel her shivering against him.
A gasp escaped (Y/n)'s lips when she felt the lightest, gentlest of kisses pressing against the junction between her neck and jaw so light that it felt like butterfly wings caressing her skin. (Y/n) had never been kissed there before- Hell, she'd never been kissed at all, but something about the feeling was intoxicating. One moment the butterfly wings were fluttering against her and the next they were gone, just like that. Her eyes were as wide as planets as they followed Ben, watching him pull away from her with a grin that made her stomach flip before he started walking past her.
"Until tomorrow."
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kevinbirthday · 4 years
(passing on to you, love anon) can you write a HC about Aaron minyard using the song “Silence” - ft Khalid by marshmello. i feel like it could be about tilda but in some ways aaron. maybe he’s in a session with bee and andrew. whatever you think. please write if you can!!!
ofc! 💕 this prompt really, really hits hard for me. I’m not sure if this is what you meant but I’m trying my best lol!
tw: drug use, child abuse, and all the warnings that come with Aaron and Tilda.
Aaron knew people who were complicated. Aaron knew people who seemed great, but were terrible people when you got down to it. Aaron knew drug dealers, knew druggies, and Aaron knew people who were just in shit places at shit times. Knowing all those people with complicated lives helped him justify his love for his mom. If the drug dealer down the block could be loved, why couldn’t his mom? The drug scene was bad. Kids died all the time, either because they slept on their backs or they took something cut and never woke up. If someone responsible for dealing the drugs to all these kids who ended up dying, could be loved, why couldn’t his mom?
Aaron knew his mom was bad. She hit him too hard sometimes and she had a hard time staying sober but that was okay. Aaron knew she had a hard time at work. It was okay. It was something Aaron repeated to himself as he cleaned up the smashed plates and the box Mac and Cheese now scattered all over the floor. Things were going to be okay. She just acting like this because she’s stressed, he always tried to reason with himself. She loved him, and he loved her. It was just sometimes it was hard to parent Aaron. He was too difficult to raise and hearing that hurt Aaron, so he tried harder. He tried harder to please her and then that led to doing drugs along side her. She had always let him smoke with his skater friends, but what was in front of him was different. It made him forget about wanting to be a doctor, made him forget about his mom thinking he was ‘too difficult’, it made him forget. He relished in that fact for awhile.
The days were hard. The days he wasn’t too busy forgetting he was busy being burnt out. He went to school in cheap clothes and sometimes he had to come early to use the school showers because he had been kicked out the night before. Aaron didn’t get what a lot of kids got at his school. Aaron had never at a meal at a table with family surrounding him until he met Nicky and Andrew. The truth was Aaron didn’t know what love was for a long time. He didn’t understand the couples in the hallways whispering to each other against the lockers. Aaron didn’t know how real people showed real emotion without hands, without hands pulling his hair or fingers leaving bruises against his throat. It was why Aaron thought his highschool girlfriend loved him. She was another complicated person, she had a kid but she didn’t. The baby lived with her grandparents. Her dad was a druggie like everyone else who had free lunches. The cheese sandwiches that always stuck to the roof of your mouth had less of a choke hold on him. She was older and stronger in some ways. He was a sophomore and she was a only once failed junior. She was complicated until she wasn’t. She was complicated until she stopped showing up to school and Aaron found her picture in the paper. It used to be a game. Try and spot who you know when the pictures of the newest mugshots came out. Aaron’s girlfriend was his girlfriend up until she tried to kill her dad. Aaron thought he knew lots of complicated people until he learned that his definition of complicated was wrong. Aaron thought it was okay if a girl hit him as long as he didn’t fight back. Aaron thought it wasn’t abuse until he hit back so it wasn’t abuse. Aaron just thought things were complicated. The routine of knowing what was going to happen if he messed up was nice. Aaron knew if he dropped a plate he was going to get hit and that’s why Aaron thought he knew complicated people because abusers had only ever been described as misunderstood to him. They were only ever ‘complicated’ or ‘trying their best’ to him. Aaron was scared he’s been wrong for so long.
Knowing complicated people never prepared Aaron for Andrew. Andrew wasn’t complicated like Aaron knew complicated, Andrew was a whole different word. Aaron thought maybe he was obsessive or too protective. Aaron both hated Andrew has kept Aaron had always wanted a shield, someone to keep him away from it all, from his mom. Aaron didn’t want her killed. He wasn’t sure of that all the time though, sometimes rage crashed against him. Aaron wished it had been him to crash the car sometimes. Aaron used to wish Andrew had died too, but he doesn’t anymore. Aaron could never say it but he loves his brother.
Sitting in a chair covered in almost to soft to be considered scratchy fabric, in the office of the only person Andrew probably ever admitted he has feelings too is unnerving. Andrew was the reason he was here. Andrew had called Betsy after Aaron had started crying when the song ‘Silence’ by marshmello came on. Finals had been too much and hed had only nightmares of living with his mom still if Andrew hadn’t have rescued him in his own special way. Aaron had been scared by how much he related to the song. Aaron was scared that maybe his idea of complicated was different than others. Therapy would work maybe, or it wouldn’t. Aaron just hoped he’d learn. Aaron just hoped one day he’d learn not to be his version of complicated or not to flinch when katelyn waves at him.
Aaron justified his love for his mom on things she did for him. He doesn’t anymore. He still loves her because it’s hard not to when she was the only one for so long but, he understands now.
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diegosclownshoes · 4 years
the s2 plot finally kicks off in this part as the agent and five finally meet and make wonderful first impressions on each other. this part is also reads more like a fic than the last (which you should def read before this for it to make sense if you haven’t bc it sets up the whole scene), since it’s p dialogue heavy, and pretty much all from the agent’s pov, but it’s still more on the draftish, notesish side. also some of the original scenes bw five and elliott are gonna be retconned since the agent’s already answered most of his questions about crop circles and whatnot when she revealed where she came from.
The agent find herself standing face to face with the stranger from the picture, now practically burning a little square down onto her skin through the pocket of her jeans. Elliott’s standing behind him mouthing what the hell is going on, and between the disbelief that boy in the picture has actually, finally shown up, the day has finally come, and the panic over what to do with Elliott, the agent does little more (well actually nothing more) than stand there with her lips parted and not a single word on her tongue.
A beat passes as the boy maintains eye contact while he lifts the mug to his lips, taking a drawn out sip, and only breaks it once he steps forward out towards the open area of what’s now the makeshift research/office space where they’ve put together any and everything that they could get their hands on related to the strangers (does it count if the agent knows them from a picture?) who appeared in the alley after the agent..
“Hm. This Colombian?” he asks, turning back around to face them. He looks far too nonchalant about all of this for the agent’s liking, and she has half a mind knock the coffee out of his hand, even if it means her favorite mug breaks.
Before she has the chance to respond, however, Elliott hastily moves forwards before answering back, “It’s my own blend.” The agent quickly grabs him by the arm and tugs him back into the kitchen, the butter knife that he’d grabbed after the boy’s intrusion clattering to the floor.
“Excuse us just a second,” she grits out, dragging Elliott further back until they’re stood up against the counter where the forgotten groceries lay. “What are you doing, oh my god. ‘It’s my own blend’,” she says, doing a (pretty poor) impression of Elliott. “What, are you gonna tell him the recipe now if he asks?”
“What am I doing,” Elliott hisses back. “What are you doing? Because if I’m not mistaken, that’s the same guy from your picture, and this is what you’ve been waiting here for since the moment you got dropped into that alley!”
The agent quickly glances at the boy, who’s poking around their setup, turning over newspaper clippings and fiddling with the machinery, and doesn’t seem to be paying them all that much attention. “That doesn’t mean that you just tell him everything he asks about! We don’t even know what he’s here for or if that little teleportation trick is all he’s got! And also, isn’t it just awful convenient how the one person we’ve been waiting for shows up last, and how he ended up literally knocking on our door?” She again looks back at the boy, who stops reading whatever journal it is he’s picked up and looks back, arching a brow at her. She scowls back.
Elliott sighs. “Well maybe if he got the chance to speak he’d tell us what he’s here for anyway.” He pauses, then frowns. “No harm in being too careful though,” he agrees, pulling open the drawer under the counter and grabbing a (much sharper) knife before the pair make their way back over to the boy.
He gives Elliott a ‘really?’ look as he sees the knife in his hand, but nontheless ignores it before he asks, “Have you ever heard of Area 51? Roswell?” And honestly the agent can’t help the snort she lets out at that. Who knew letting Elliott keep his conspiracy theory crap mixed in with her research would ever get that reaction out of someone.
“Please, you honestly expect us to believe that you’re from another planet? Which one, home to the alien race of vertically challenged boarding school runaways?” The agent crosses her arms and scoffs but before she can say anything else the boy’s once again blinked and now stands directlyfront of her, and she quickly leans back to steady herself.
“Well,” he says, smiling thinly, “If there were such a planet then you’d no doubt be a citizen there yourself, so let’s both of us ignore that comment for now,” and okay, the agent realizes with a little feeling of indignance, he does have an inch (or two) on her. Still, she doubles down on an overly saccharine smile of her own.
“Alright, let’s,” she says back, and silently hates the sense of relief she feels once he steps back. Behind her Elliott, ever the peacekeeper, clears his throat.
“Um, what my niece over here meant to say is that, while there certainly is reason to believe in extraterrestrial life which exists beyond the limits of our own universe, and beyond our comprehension, you and all the other anomalies we’ve seen don’t seem to to fit into that, uh, narrative. So don’t go trying to avoid the question at hand.” The agent gives him a funny look; which question at hand have they even asked at this point? The boy, on the other hand, quickly leans forward again.
“Which others?”
Elliott quickly explains phenomenon that occurred during the five energy surges they’d witnessed together, and the consequent flashes of blazing blue light that  had appeared alongside them each time before depositing a figure into the alley. Somewhere in the middle of his explanation, he’d set down the knife, and the agent hopes that it wasn’t a mistake (she’s confident in her own special power, but if the boy teleports before she has a chance to use it then it won’t be of much use at all).
The boy frowns, brows furrowed. “Did you get a good look at any of them?”
“Yeah, a couple of them. There was the first one, which I saw alone, because, uh my niece wasn’t here at the time.” Before their guest has a chance to ask what he means by that the agent quickly cuts in.
“There was that freakishly big crybaby,” she adds, and the boy turns to face her.
“Yes, a crybaby, a person who cries often, and is thus referred to as a cry plus baby. You know, you should quit playing hooky, otherwise you’ll miss out on more than just those oral comprehension skills you’re lacking here.” And okay, she should feel kinda bad for taking jabs at a teenager but he’s also had her feeling unsettled since the moment he walked (or rather, blinked) in. Before he can respond (most likely with a threat, which. Shocker) Elliott jumps in, breaking up the hostile air.
“He kept coming back to the alley and sat around for hours wailing someone’s name, a woman’s name, it was uhh-”
“Allison,” the agent supplies.
“Yes! Allison.”
The boy frowns (the agent bites her tongue before she makes a comment about his face getting stuck that way). “Luther.”
“Well,” she says instead, “Whoever it was, they all came scattered over the past couple years. No two at the same time. The last one was in September.”
The boy lets out a sigh of relief. “So my family’s alive,” and okay, what? The agent’s eyes widen in part shock and part confusion as he continues. “Shit.I think I stranded them here. Now listen to me-"
"Elliot. My name's Elliot. And this," he gestures towards the agent, “Is-”
“None of his business,” the agent says coolly, crossing her arms.
“Alright, fine. Elliott and None Of His Business, I got ten days to find them and save the world. Now, I need your help to do that,” he says, the last part directed at Elliott. No surprise there, the agent thinks, going for the more guileless of the two. Although it’s not as if she would have done any different herself. However, she once again interjects. Knowing Elliott, he’ll reveal something to this guy before he even asks about it, and she’s not sure she wants him knowing how much they know any more than they need to let on. For now at least.
“You know,” she says, quickly making her way over to one of the desks pushed up against the wall, pulling open one of the drawers and producing a newspaper clipping, “This mugshot looks a lot like arrival number four.” That’s a lie, because she knows for a fact that that is exactly the last arrival, had held the clipping up beside the blurry picture given to her by The Handler and confirmed it at least ten times. But he doesn’t need to know that just yet. She offers out the clipping and he immediately snatches it out of her hands, eyes racing across the picture.
“Diego,” he breathes out, before looking up from the paper and directly at her. She feels a pang of guilt at the look of extreme, almost manic relief in his eyes, when she knows there’s information on all of the rest of, what she knows now to be his family, sitting there in their office.
And then his words truly hit her; in her scramble to make sure Elliott didn’t blurt anything out, she’d almost forgotten that first part where he said he needed to save the world and just. What? Is that a part of her mission? Is she supposed to help him do that too? And why didn’t The Handler ever mention that? She wants to ask him more but has no clue where to start, and before she gets gets the chance to ask (or to be more accurate, splutter incoherently for a second), someone else speaks up first.
“So that’s helpful then,” Elliott states more than questions, looking almost eager to be of more use.
“You have no idea,” is all the boy says, and before the agent gets a chance to ask him wait, hold up, let’s go back to that saving the world bit, he folds up the snippet of paper and disappears with a soft zap. The agent and Elliott both turn to face each. other. Almost a minute passes and then-
“Well that was something.“
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shadoedseptmbr · 4 years
For Work In Progress Wednesday:
I am fooling around with a framing device for a few ME2-pre ME3 sketch fics I’ve been piling up but it’s still rough.  Wouldn’t mind a little feedback from the peanut gallery.
Case Files
Not immediately. 
Major Alenko absolutely does not run to the SPECTRE office with his new authorizations to view files he honestly has no business seeing.
The second Human SPECTRE nods and smiles and shakes hands during the small party the Council insists upon.  He does an interview with a shockingly meek Al-Jilani. He has a cup of tea with the drell, Tannor Nuara, though he’s pretty sure that’s not his name and checks in with Dr. Michel to remind her to keep him updated on the hospital’s needs.It’s no problem, he assures her. He used up enough of the resources, himself.
Kaidan goes to his quarters and changes into his fatigues and opens a beer he probably shouldn’t. He sends another message to his mother and makes a few replies to friends.  He starts in on the endless pile of paperwork.  He considers dinner, a shower, hitting the training facility. He drinks his beer.
An hour after that, he’s in the elevator, in the hallway, avoiding an ambassador’s aide.
It’s probably a violation of privacy.  It’s absolutely taking advantage of privileged information.  But he needs a few answers, if he’s ever going to sleep at night without wondering if he did the right thing.
Her file is...staggeringly long.  He scans a few others, for comparison.  His is almost nothing but his BaAt file, his service record, and the three debrief interviews he did after Alchera. After Horizon. After Earth and Mars. Others are thicker and thinner.  Saren’s is heavily redacted even with Kaidan’s authorizations and the affirmation of the Reapers and ends with “Status: Revoked. Terminated.”
Shepard’s starts with a few files from an orphanage that he just glances through, most of which are nothing but “Fostered: Date. Returned: not much later.” There’s one black and white holoscan of a little girl with tight braids, freckles, big eyes and a gap tooth grin.  It’s labeled: Eden Magdalene Shepard 
No other record found matching available data. Possible id not confirmed.
But it’s her.  He can see the woman in those clear, direct eyes.
There’s a stack of arrests for an Ace Shepard 
Possible alias. Matches available data. Records sealed for age 
And one mugshot.  Definitely Aedan Shepard, the scar under her eye still fresh and stark. Red hair, though unnaturally crayon bright, half shaved and shaggy on the other.  Those eyes lined in red, staring at the camera like murder from a pale, bone thin face. Black lipstick smeared across her sneer. One arm long and dangling, the other in a cast, strapped to her side.  A sketchy green tattoo on her neck in the side view of a knife, a slash of purple make up stark across a nose too big for her pixie face. No age listed but she can’t be 14 by the date.  
An Academy admissions form for Aedan Shepard with an accompanying note from one Commander Anderson that he skims to land on a final line. “I know she isn’t what you usually look for. She’s going to need some remedial work. Trust me on this one, Mira.”
Her Academy file shows grades gradually improving to higher marks. Her physical improves faster, doctor notes indicating that between regular meals and gene mods she’s going to make the height/weight requirement by the end of her first year. Her marksmanship punts her into the stratosphere.
Another picture in familiar Academy togs. There’s his...there’s the Shepard he knew. No visible tats, Dark red hair, short but neat. Seven freckles across her leonine nose not quite hidden by regulation makeup.  The scar is faded, but still raised. Eyes level and cool, mouth firm.  Baby professional.
He knows her service record almost as well as his own.
There’s the one holonet picture from Elysium, Aedan in her black bikini and flip flops, dogtags flying, pistol steady, directing someone (a teenage girl, she told him later) to fill a hole in the defense. There’s the picture from a little later, chin high and firm in her dress uniform: an admiral pinning the Star of Terra to her chest.  He can see Anderson leaning over to Hackett in the background.
There’s a cross reference to her N file.
Commendation after commendation. One flag for disrespect to a superior officer.
There’s the file on the Normandy SR1, the holo of her SPECTRE induction, and the Saren mission.
Her Alliance report on the mission, the letter to Ashley’s mother. A few interview files.
A debrief they’d called her to Arcturus to give.  She’d shrugged it off as routine and they’d run to the Citadel for shore leave.  
There’s the official Alchera report cross referenced with his. Joker’s. Chakwas’.
He slows down. There’s a termination flag that wasn’t removed.
Attached to that is an addendum from another SPECTRE, Tela Vasir, cross referenced with the Shadow Broker file three weeks after the Collector attack on the SR1.
Situation to be reviewed. Shepard and/or remains possibly recovered. Check all Cerberus contacts.
The next data is a bioscan from the security checkpoint on Zakera, two years and a few weeks after Shepard had been declared dead. An alert notice. Three grainy stills from the security chief’s office. Not quite clear enough to make out details beyond hair and height. And two figures in Cerberus gear behind her.  
He’d just left the Citadel posting for Horizon the week before. 
The next file is video only, fuzzy. Clearly from a planted device. Kaidan rubs his eyes before he hits play on grainy footage with biometric data rolling on the outside edge. 
A red haired, slender, short figure in black and red N7 armor strides into Anderson’s Citadel office.  She walks like Aedan, that rolling ship gait.  She draws up short in front of his desk.  He speaks, she answers, he speaks again.  And he watches her whole body jerk as if she’s been shot.
All formality lost, her hands spread.  She’s yelling and Anderson isn’t meeting her eyes as he replies.  That square posture droops and hers matches. 
She slaps a data drive on his desk, turns on her heel and marches to the door.  The bug must be by the doorframe, Kaidan can see details now.  She turns her head and there they are, the scars that shocked him, glowing along her jawline pulled open and raw by the awkward position. They look like they hurt. He almost misses the word she asks over her shoulder. “Kaidan?”
Anderson shakes his head and Kaidan can lip read well enough to get, “Classified.”
Her hand clenches on the doorframe. “Two years, Boss?”
“Yeah, kid.”
She jerks a nod, says something else as she turns to go. Her shoulders square before she walks through the sliding door. He catches a glimpse of white and black on a figure just outside. Anderson leans against his desk, head down.
A holo of a Normandy; the SR2. Flying Cerberus colors in the Citadel docking bay.
Biometrics confirmed. SPECTRE Status: Reinstated. 
Kaidan closes the file and staggers back to the elevator.
It’s a week of small potato missions before he can trust himself to reopen the file.
Every two weeks, there’s a data dump to Anderson/Hackett, copied and crossreferenced to SPECTRE files. About half include encrypted data that still hasn’t been decoded The Alliance version carries a note dating from nine months ago: Speculation: Code specific to Anderson/Shepard.
The dumps usually come from Illium, shunted through a source with an address he recognizes.  Liara.  
There’s a pile of data from Omega and then a list of files for her crew: Miranda Lawson. Jacob Taylor. Kasumi Goto (notations from Spectre Jondam Bau). Garrus. Mordin Solus. Zaeed Misoni. Urdnot Grunt. Justicar Samara. Jack. Tali. Thane Krios. He recognizes Tannor Nuara and shuts the file down.
Over a cup of tea in the bustle of Huerta’s lobby, Thane blinks but then smiles.  “You were more observant than I expected, Spectre Alenko.”
“It wasn’t my business.”
“No.  But I promised her I would look out for you and I clearly revealed more than I intended.”
“You promised Shepard?”
He nods.  “You were still bedridden at the time. It seemed a reasonable precaution.”
Well, thanks, I guess.
“It was my privilege. She helped me save my son, once.  I was glad to return the favor with her...friend.”
“Can you.  Look, I don’t want to put you in a corner.  I’m just trying to reconcile the Shepard I knew with what happened last year.  Can you tell me...anything?”
“When I met her on Illium, I used her to distract a target.”
A target?  You were there to kill someone?  
You said you read my file?
You were an assassin.  
You used Shepard?
She was...a very good distraction.  My target assumed Shepard was the assassin, tearing through her guard and the tower like fire through dry tinder.  It allowed me to quietly get into position. Shepard got her information and I made my hit.
And Shepard hired you?  It wasn’t that far out of character.  Wrex came to mind.
We came to an agreement.  I was not expecting to be able to work much longer and the Cerberus contract allowed me to set aside money for my son.
Right.  How was it?  On the ship.
Antagonistic.  At first.  There was a line drawn between the Cerberus crew and Shepard.  It was crossed very rarely.  She was.  Not warm.  
Angry.  She drank more than I expect was good for her.  She spoke rarely, to Garrus most of all.  She put her armor on in the morning and we rarely saw her in anything else.
What changed? 
We aided Tali, the quarian?  Kaidan managed not to snap that he knew her.
Yes.  We found her and Shepard made a visible effort to change, Kasumi asked a favor and they dealt with it. She came back...you’ve seen the scarring? 
They were almost closed.  They’d been healing, reopening, healing.  
Garrus needed her help and while we were on the Citadel, she aided me with my son.  He was...about to follow in my footsteps but without my training it was...she saved him.  She helped me stop him.  When she came back to the ship, she went up to speak with Joker and I heard her laughing.  I had not. Before.  
The drell went stiff before him, his dark eyes revealing stark pupils.  “Eyes like ice frozen on the shore, she stands between Kolyat and the ambassador.  She speaks with steady conviction and he listens.  Eyes like the storms on a sea, she shadow steps between the turian and the bullet waiting for him. “He’s as good as dead, can’t you see that.” Garrus drops his rifle.  Eyes like smoke, she laughs like rusty bells on a chain.  Joker tells her he’s missed her.”
His eyes darken to see Kaidan before him, scanning him with an omnitool about to wave over a doctor.  “Forgive me.  Drell have...our memories are revealing.  It seemed the best way to answer your question.”
“What just happened? No...nevermind.  It got better then?”
“Yes.  Until then...She was always a sniper, I assume? “ 
“Yeah, before I met her”.  
“There is a...one has to put oneself in a certain state and a healthy being can slip in and out.  She did not.  Before that.  She was just in the cold, stark place one must be in to pull the trigger.  And then, the wind changed.  It was Garrus and Tali, who made the most difference.  Kasumi mentioned once that Shepard barely spoke before he came aboard, other than mission briefs.  After.  She would visit.  It was…”  Thane broke off in a coughing fit. “Forgive me, I need to…”
“No, I kept you too long. I”m sorry.” 
Thane stood, his hand not quite clutching the chair for support. “I will...try to write down some things for you.  If you’d like.”
“Only if you’re up to it.  I got...I got the gist.  Thank you.”
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zabdielsdejesus · 5 years
PLOT : alright so this is a mix between a dream i had right when the picture of criminal zabdi came out, incorporated with my imagination and the help of @esmeraldabitxh So basically the story is the reader is a lawyer who has to represent her ex boyfriend : criminal zabdi, while she’s engaged with another man.
WARNINGS: smut, criminal zabdi, and infidelity etc
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Your heels echoed through the dark alley, the sound of keys dangling from your fiancé’s pockets joining the cold rhythm. Your heart started beating faster while you both walked into the endless hallway, your man leading you to cell 303. Freshly graduated from criminal law studies, this was going to be your second case. The first case involved a drug dealer who lived for eight months in this same prison. It was actually how you met your soon-to-be husband. As a prison guard, he had walked you to the cell of your first client and it was love at first sight. You never really believed in love at first sight before he came along, a spark occurred between you two and you couldn’t quite explain how. However, like every relationship, you had your issues. It was a beautiful yet turbulent relationship. 
“You seem nervous. I’ve never seen you like this before. I know you’re gonna nail it, don’t worry baby,” your fiancé reassured you.
Funny coming from someone who told you the night before that you shouldn’t represent this client because he didn’t deserve to get out of jail. Ever.
However, what he did not know was the reason why you were so nervous. It wasn’t because this was only your second case. But because the man you were about to represent was once your boyfriend.
Zabdiel De Jesus.
Your eyes opened wide, shock washing over your face when you first saw his mugshot and name as your boss introduced you to your future client’s file.
Early on in your studies, you and him were inseparable. But the kind and caring man soon hung out with the wrong crowd. He’d come back home in the middle of the night, stacks of dollar bills in the pockets of his bomber jacket without a single reasonable answer to give you. You never knew what he was actually doing. All you knew was that he dropped out of college and made too much money for it to be clean money. Everyday, he was on edge, Everyday, you would argue over his new lifestyle. 
“If you go on like this, you’re going to end up in jail!” you used to yell at him. But he wouldn’t listen.
Three years later, you were about to represent him. 
“Thank you babe,” you smiled at your fiancé before you opened the beige folder you carried in your hands. It contained everything about Zabdiel : name, birthdate, birthplace, current address, mugshots, finger prints, criminal records. 
Drug dealing, armed robbery, aggravated assault with gang affiliation.
You remembered the first time your eyes read these words. Shock electrified every nerve ending in your body. This wasn’t the Zabdiel you used to know. But he sure was the one you were afraid he would become.
A sigh escaped your pink lips as you came to a halt, facing a dark cell. You couldn’t distinguish much apart from a silhouette sitting on a thin bed. 
“That’s the one,” your fiancé said as he began to open the cell. The metal bars harshly hit the grey wall as you both stood in silence.
“I’ll take it from here baby, don’t worry,” you said before you placed a light peck on his lips and straightened your pencil skirt.
The man’s dark boots led him back into the end of the hallway as you finally entered the opened cell.
“Hello Mr De Jesus,” you politely said, your tongue not used to call him this way. The context forced this choice of words. 
Swiftly, the tall man rose from his bed, brown eyes landing on you. He could recognize this voice among millions. It was hard to take in his features in the dim light but as he approached you, you noticed the ink on his body. Ink that he did not have back then. They seemed to be everywhere, neck, chest, hands.. It surely fit the image you pictured of a criminal with his record. He looked much more intimidating than you were accustomed to. Breathlessly intimidating.
You swallowed heavily, your manicured fingers carefully holding your folder against your chest. Maybe that way he wouldn’t see or hear how hard your heart was beating.
No words escaped his lips. So you continued.
“I am here to represent you.”
He sarcastically chuckled. 
Who would’ve known you both would end up here? Him being a criminal while you were representing him in court. Certainly not him. You clearly had your life together. Always the good girl since the first day you met each other. Your ambitions pushed you to become the person you are today. Him, on the other hand, followed a different path. While it started like yours — studying in the same university as you, his desire to earn easy money led him to a dark path. Losing you confirmed his downward spiral and soon dealing drugs turned into affiliation with a dangerous organized crime group. He had nothing to lose anymore.  
Crimes offered him an adrenaline rush he was addicted to. He felt like he was on top of the world while his heart hit rock bottom after losing you.
“Who is he?” he questioned. The first thing he had heard when you approached the cell was the term of endearment towards your fiancé and his jealousy suddenly sparked after three years of absence.
“I heard your previous lawyers dropped you,” you ignored his question as you opened your folder and ran the tips of your nails along the paper and started reading the comments the lawyers left on Zabdiel. 
“Impossible to work with, Mr De Jesus clearly does not want to be represented or defended in court. He vacillates between a feeling of god-like omnipotence and a sense that he simply doesn’t exist, which of course is intolerable. I believe Mr De Jesus’ behavior is driven by what we might call a risk addiction. A compulsive need to prove to himself that he can take risks and survive dangers that other people ca—.” 
A gasp escaped your lips as he grabbed the file and threw it on the floor, crudely interrupting your reading.
“What are you doing?”
“I don’t give a fuck what they’re saying about me,” he spat as he towered over you. “I asked a question.”
With a roll of your eyes, you held out your left hand, showing off your diamond engagement ring. “That’s what he is.”
Pure jealousy overwhelmed his body as a sudden need to remind you how much of a good lover he was, rushed through his veins. Zabdiel knew he was the reason why your relationship didn’t last. His bad decisions turned a beautiful relationship into a black hole. And selfishly, he wanted to make another bad decision in order to ruin the current relationship you had with your fiancé.
He took a step forward as you took a step back until your back hit the cold wall. Your gaze met his, unable to tell what his next move was. He seemed so enigmatic and hard to read.
His hand gently brushed against your soft hair as he towered over you. He made you feel so small even with your high heels. 
“A prison guard...” he started, judgement lacing his words as his hand moved down to the collar of your blouse. You were speechless, unable to say anything or react to his smooth moves. “You deserve better than a prison guard,” he whispered as his gaze bore into yours.
Shivers ran down your spine, you were completely bewitched by his cold beauty. Your lashes fluttered up as he started unbuttoning your white shirt. It was painfully slowly yet your bra came into view faster than expected.
For a brief moment, your eyes glanced at the scattered files laying on the floor — a clear reminder that whatever was happening was completely forbidden.
He was your client. A client you knew, yes. But a client nonetheless. And in addition to that, you were engaged to someone who was waiting for you on the other side of the alley.
“Zabdiel,” you muttered as you covered his hand with yours, abruptly forcing him to stop.
His look turned dark and you could feel a pool of wetness between your legs. You were fucked. Utterly fucked.
His tattooed fingers wrapped around your uncovered neck as he leaned in closer. “Are you scared, Y/N?”
In vain, you searched for the right word to describe how you felt in this very moment. A combination of fear and desire for the same man. Yes, you were afraid of what he was capable of doing, especially after you read the awful crimes he had committed that landed him right here. Fear for lusting over a man who was no good to you, while a good man was waiting for you. Fear for lusting over a client which would instantly end the career you barely began.
"Yes,” you mumbled under your breath, your pearly white teeth biting onto the flesh of your bottom lip.
“Tell me to stop then, princesa,” he challenged you.
You both knew you didn’t have the ability to do that. Deep down, you didn’t want him to stop. 
“Y/N, Is everything okay?” your fiancé suddenly shouted from the other end of the hallway, unable to see what was going on in this cell.
“Yes baby!” you replied while your eyes focused on the tall blonde before you, your hand gripped onto his wrist as he kept his grip around your neck.
Leaning in, he pressed his lips against yours. The soft embrace quickly turned into a sensual and ardent kiss, his velvet tongue dancing against yours like it used to.
His grip tightened against your neck as you unzipped his grey jumpsuit. You let out a soft moan into his mouth, your body temperature increasing despite the chilly condition of this prison.
“Wait wait, we can’t,” you reminded him. 
“I won’t tell your boyfriend,” he whispered against your lips.
“Fiancé,” you retorted.
Animosity overwhelmed him yet again at the choice of words as he pulled away from your lips and throat.
“What’s so special about him?” he inquired as he pressed a blazing kiss against your neck. Another quiet whimper escaped your lips.
“Can he make you feel this good?” he went on as he pushed your tight skirt up to your waist. His lips paced light kisses along your warm neck down to your chest. 
Pushing down your bra, Zabdiel took your breasts into his hands. His long fingers brushing across your nipples before he placed his lips upon them, making them harden. You shivered from the desire coursing through your body as he began to slide his tongue in circles around the tight buds. You ran your fingers through his blonde locks, tugging at them tighter as your body arched for him.
Pushing your panties aside, his hand found your wetness, his finger sliding inside you as you let out a desperate whine. 
"Shh," he silenced you.
The tall man sucked on your nipple harder, his finger gliding in and out of you so easily, building your climax, only to pull back as he sensed you near the edge. His lips soon captured yours — the kiss was passionate and carnal as you pushed down the sleeves of his jumpsuit, leaving him shirtless. 
Drawing your lips between your teeth, the simple sight made him harder for you. As a prisoner, he hadn’t been able to satisfy his sexual needs for quite a while and all he could think about now, was fucking you. 
Grabbing your thighs, he lifted you up, your legs wrapping around his waist. 
“I’m still waiting on my answer, mami. Can your fiancé make you feel this good?” he repeated before he thrusted into you. You gasped, trying to readjust yourself to his size. “Does he fuck you like I do?”
His words were provoking and yet they made you more aroused than you already were.
No answer could leave your mouth. Nothing but moans. His mouth instantly muffled your sounds as he kissed you while you wrapped your arms around his neck. 
Sweat collected on his forehead as he forcefully slid in and out of you, his hands back on your throat as he choked you. “Digame,” 
“No...he...can’t,” you managed to let out between his grip on your throat and his rough thrusts.
Inching his cock deeper, Zabdiel slammed his hips forward, hammering your pussy. The sound of your skins smacking against eachother and short breaths echoed through the room and you desperately hoped no one could hear that on the other end of the hallway.
"Don't stop," you quietly moaned, your hand clasped the metal prison bar on your left, your engagement ring clanging against it over and over again as he pounded into you. Your knuckles turning completely white.
You arched your back, your feet trembled as your pussy clenched tighter around him.
"Come on, cum for me, princesa," he ordered as he squeezed your mouth with his hand. His thrusts became uncontrolled and erratic and your climax peaked. He continued plunging into you before he finally came inside you — a way for him to mark you despite the fact you were not his anymore.
Strands of hair were completely wet as you desperately tried to fix it while Zabdiel put you back down on the floor. Your legs were shaking as you pushed down your skirt and buttoned up your blouse.
You felt completely dirty but god did this feel so good.
His hands zipped back up his jumpsuit, brown eyes studying your every move as a smirk played on his lips. 
Bending over, you gathered your files, placing them back into the folder he had previously thrown. 
“I have to go,” you timidly said, avoiding his gaze. 
“Sure, mi amor,” he boldly responded as he gently grabbed your chin and leaned in for a soft kiss.
“Zabdiel, this can’t happen anymore,” you warned him as your lips gently pulled away.
Stepping out of the cell, you indicated your fiancé that you were done.
Walking back towards the cell, he grabbed the keys and locked it up.
Zabdiel’s soft brown eyes lingered on yours as he leaned against the prison bars. 
“It was nice to meet you, Mrs Y/L/N” he winked. 
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thorman-barnes · 5 years
Sugarbaby | Part 3
pairing: stucky x reader
requested: yes/no i don’t know but people seem to like this series lol
prompts: this part is a mobster au
summary: steve and bucky are you sugar daddies and they find you in their office
warnings: age gap (not mentioned though), sexual innuendo at the end
Masterlist || Series Masterlist || Summer Prompt List
please tell me what you think || if you have any ideas or want to see something specific for this series please let me know!
You sat on the chair that belonged to Steve's office. It was a little too big for your size since it was meant for someone built like Steve or Bucky but still, you made yourself comfortable.
You made yourself at home by organizing his desk (he didn't mind the disorganized mess but it bothered you something awful). His papers were neatly stacked, pens and pencils placed in a jar at the corner of his desk, and you even took the liberty to place a framed photo of yourself on his desk (because you realized he needed something pretty too look at while in your absence).
You sighed and leaned back on the chair, ankles crossed on top of the desk.
What does a girl have to do to get their attention? Prance around naked? Hardly. Those two have been too busy lately they wouldn't even recognize themselves in the mirror.
For the past hour, you had been in the office and you'd been so bored out of your mind, you explored the office. You bird watched from the tall windows behind his desk, you took some sips from the alcohol you'd found at the table beside the double doors, you found Steve's sketchbooks and sneaked a peek (you may or may not have found some sketches of you in the nude), the sketches alone gave you an idea.
For about ten minutes you laid on the couch in the middle of the large office in only your baby pink lingerie waiting for either men to walk into the office - but no luck. Pouting, you put your dress back on, you were only craving their attention that they've denied you the last two weeks.
You lazily put your hair into a high ponytail and began to look through the newspaper that was on the counter behind Steve's chair. You grinned when you saw who made the front page.
Steve and Bucky's mugshot placed side-by-side. It's been a year that the police have been trying to catch them doing something shady to get them in prison for good this time. But your boys were too smart to get caught and it was bothering law enforcement something awful that they've set camp just outside the manor to spy on them only for Bucky to pull the curtains open and flip them off (you would giggle in the back while Steve scolded him).
Their mugshots alone made you giggle. Bucky with his tousled hair, bags under his eyes, and a smirk on his lips. Just by looking at his picture you knew he had something up his sleeve. Steve who boringly stared into the camera like he couldn't be bothered by his current situation (he wasn't) and knew they were only wasting his time (they were) because he was getting out soon enough (they did).
Just then, the double doors opened and in walked the two men that made your heart speed up and stop all at the same time and caused butterflies to go in a frenzy in your belly.
"Well, well, well, look what we have here, Stevie," Bucky grinned and sat at one of the chairs across from you.
You grinned back and straightened your back, your hands folded on top of the desk.
"Someone's been busy," Steve commented as he took the seat beside Bucky and took in the room around him. He wasn't at all bothered by the fact that you occupied his seat when usually he'd have someone begging for mercy on their knees for messing with his things.
"Yeah, took you long enough to come here," you snapped.
"Now, darling, don't get feisty on us," Bucky bit his bottom lip and leaned back on his seat, legs spread apart and hands on his thighs. You had no idea how much you wanted to kiss him until now. All you wanted to do was climb onto his lap and kiss him until one of you had to pull away to gasp for air.
Before you could even think of a reply, Steve started to laugh lowly and you scrunched your eyebrows together as you both looked over at him.
He had your framed photo in his hands and you quickly stood up to try and snatch it from him only for him to pull away quickly before your fingers could even make contact with the thing. "How'd this get here?" He passed it to Bucky to look at.
Bucky's smile brightened the room as he examined the photo in his hands. He looked up briefly at you only to look back up down at the photo but it was enough to cause butterflies to flutter around within you.
"You needed something pretty in your office," you tried to keep a confident smile but failed. Their pretty eyes and dazzling smiles were enough to reduce you to a stuttering mess. "Don't worry, there's in your office too," you winked at Bucky and grabbed the framed photo, pulling it from his fingers and setting it back down on Steve's desk.
"Are you naked?" Bucky asked, referring to the framed photo that sat on his desk. His snickers turned into wheezing when Steve's arm made contact with his stomach.
"I was," you shrugged and glared at them, "but you kept me waiting and I got bored, so I kept myself busy."
Steve cocked a brow, licking his lips and a boyish grin began to appear on his soft lips. "Is that so?"
You nodded and smiled, knowing he was thinking something dirty. "Mhm," you pulled out two debit cards from one of Steve's drawers, each contained his or Bucky's name. How you managed to get your hands on them was beyond them. As far as they had been concerned, they were out of your reach. "Online shopping is quite fun."
"We're goin' to go bankrupt, princess," Bucky mentioned but you merely shrugged and played with the two cards in your fingers.
"A small price to pay for my happiness," you grinned.
Steve stood up and walked around the desk and leaned against it, besides you. He was peering down at you, his arms crossed over his chest. "So, now that you have our attention, darling, what were you planning on doing with it?"
"Now? Nothing."
Bucky leaned forward, eyebrows raised. "What?"
"Two can play this game, gentlemen," you stood up, "now get out of my office, I have things to take care of." You pointed at the door, looking straight into Steve's eyes like you were daring him to challenge you.
You realized neither of the boss men would have let anyone talk to them this way but you were testing the waters - trying to see how much you could get away with (a lot).
Bucky held back a laugh. It was amusing to watch you stand up to Steve and him. You were like a small puppy compared to them. They'd give you treats and it returns they got sass and sometimes some attention.
And here you were, trying to make your point about not receiving their attention for the past two weeks. You are probably the only person they allowed to walk around the manor like they owned the place (you did, having them wrapped around your perfect little finger had its perks).
"Oh, yeah?" Bucky asked and stood up, he leaned over the table, coming face-to-face with you. His face was so close to yours, you could smell the minty freshness of his breath - he must have had a smoke, you realized, he knows how much Steve hates it so he always takes a mint thinking it'd fool you both. "Like what? You know what, Stevie, I think our doll is forgetting who's the one calling the shots here."
"I think you're right, Buck," Steve replied and pushed some of your hair behind your ear, exposing your neck to him. He leaned in and laid a soft, gentle kiss on your neck.
Bucky's fingers found their way to your chin and he pulled you closer and Steve moved with you, his lips still peppering kisses along your neck.
Then, Bucky tilted your head back ever-so-slightly, nipped at your neck, your jaw, your cheek, "So pretty, our baby doll. . ."
please let me know if i’m forgetting to add anyone to the tag list
Tag List:
@iamalphanow @my-marvelside-bl0g @m-a-t-91 @hoewkeye @im-just-another-monster @scarsout​ @mcuwillbethedeathofme
Bucky Barnes Tag List:
Stucky x Reader Tag List:
@ravennightingaleandavatempus@mydogisthebest@hellaqueerangelofthelord@hockeyshmockey @multireality@letterstomyself21@themusicalweirdo
Sugarbaby Tag List:
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