#it was about warrior nun btw
same-crazy-art-girl34 · 9 months
so i've been on twitter mostly to read smaus and there's one specific smau that got me good but a few days ago the author announced that they will be discontinuing it (for whatever reason idk but i understand, i respect their decision)
but like
what the hell am I supposed to do with my life now?
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hypertic · 1 year
Avatrice - neighbors AU
[part 2 of this]
Beatrice knocks on the door, wiping her sweaty hands on her pants as she waits for an answer. When it doesn’t come as fast as she hoped, she considers turning back around and pretending she was never there.
She knocks again; she has no choice.
The door swings open, revealing Ava in an oversized shirt and barely visible shorts underneath it. She’s slightly out of breath, a hairbrush in her hand caught mid air at the sight of her neighbor.
“Beatrice.” She greets with a smile, breath still caught in her throat at the sight of Beatrice in navy blue dress pants and a white shirt.
Ava’s smile faltered as she noticed that her hair was down and a little messy instead of its usual neat bun, and had dark bags under her eyes. If Ava looked a little further, Beatrice seemed a lot paler than a couple of days ago and her eyes were watery and full of concern.
“I’m so sorry to bother you this early, Ava.” Beatrice began, a tired, pleading look on her face as she fidgeted with a hair tie on her wrist. “I’m really sorry, I know you probably have a ton of things to do today-“
“Not really.” Ava interrupted, giving Beatrice a reassuring smile.
It was a lie, of course. She was about to leave for her part time job, but Beatrice didn’t know that. Ava wasn’t sure why she lied, but she had a feeling she wouldn’t regret it.
“Are you sure?” Beatrice spoke as she checked the time on her wrist watch. She then pulled back her hair, tying it up on a bun with practiced ease. Both actions were closely followed by Ava, who was entranced by the graceful way Beatrice’s hands moved.
“Yes!” Ava answered after staring for longer than it would be acceptable, now looking anywhere but Beatrice.
“I- I need to ask you a favor. A big favor.” Beatrice heaved a sigh, thinking of the most effective way to deliver her pleas. “Willow and Olivia are sick.” Beatrice felt her heart clench at the sudden change in Ava’s expression, her smile quickly replaced by a worried pout, and her eyes holding so much affection Beatrice thought that alone could make it all better. “They’re alright, but I can’t send them to daycare or preschool while sick.”
Ava’s eyes, expressive as ever, went from relief to confusion to understanding in a matter of seconds, making Beatrice’s foggy head spin.
“I hate to ask, but I have a meeting I really couldn’t cancelled, I tried, but-“
“You want me to take care of them?” Ava said with surprise, and maybe a drop of fear.
Even if she saw it coming, she never expected Beatrice to trust her with her children, specially if they were sick. She knew she was probably her last resource, but Ava was more than willing to show her she was worthy of that trust.
“I’m sorry for bothering you, really.” Beatrice repeated, interpreting her surprise as rejection. “I’ll pay you for the babysitting hours-“
“Don’t-Don’t apologize.“ Ava interrupted, teeth worrying her lower lip. “Of course I’ll take care of them. For free.” She clarified, and Beatrice felt her knees go weak with relief.
“Thank you.” She sighed, leaning against the door frame. Ava couldn’t help but smile at the sight, taking a step closer to her.
“What do I need to know?” Ava asked, snapping Beatrice out of her daze as she closed the door of her apartment. That question alone made Beatrice kick into mother-mode, each of her kids needs running through her head and sorted carefully in different categories.
Beatrice let them into their apartment which Ava noticed, was a little messier than the last time she was there (but still nothing compared to her own).
“Olivia is already getting better, she just has a bad cough and a runny nose, but her doctor said it should go away on its own.” Ava nodded, mindlessly following Beatrice to the kitchen. “You shouldn’t really give babies much medication, so I’ve just been using nasal drops and a humidifier.”
Ava noticed that the kitchen sink was piled with dishes, baby bottles and cups, which only showed how busy Beatrice must be with both of her kids sick. She didn’t know her for long, but it felt out of character for Beatrice to let her dirty dishes pile up.
“Willow is… not better. She still has a fever, her throat is really sore and she had a headache this morning. I gave her Tylenol around 6, and she’s a bit better. You can give her more Tylenol around noon, but she’s not easy to convince.”
“Got it.” Ava said confidently, taking the children’s Tylenol bottle from Beatrice’s shaky hands.
Beatrice checked her clock again and hurried out of the kitchen, Ava on tow. They walked silently towards the hallway and, as Beatrice creaked open the first door, Ava took her time to look further into the small hallway.
She’d noticed Beatrice’s apartment was twice the size of hers, so she could only guess that the other two doors lined up at the left side of the hallway were a bathroom and another room. At the very end, she could spot the corner of a neatly made white bed, which she assumed was Beatrice’s.
“Ava!” Willow’s excited yet weak, dry voice brought her attention back to the room in front of her.
The room didn’t have any specific color theme, unlike the rest of the home, but was rather full of small colorful toys and decorations. It didn’t feel too saturated, though, balanced out by the pristine white walls and simple wooden furniture.
In the opposite corner was Willow, lying in a bed that seemed too big for her small, pale body. She had discarded her tablet to the side and sat up as Ava approached her.
“Hi.” Ava greeted, keeping her voice low and gentle. “I heard you were sick, how are you feeling?” She took a step closer to the bed, sitting down next to Willow after she gestured for her to do so.
“Weird.” She replied weakly, and Ava couldn’t help but brush her hand against the girl’s forehead, sweeping her sweaty bangs to the side and subtly taking her temperature.
“Ava will be staying with you today while I go to that urgent meeting you heard me fussing about earlier, is that alright?” Beatrice asked, soft yet serious, just like one would do with an adult. If Ava didn’t know them already, she would still guess Beatrice is a wonderful mother by that interaction alone.
Willow seemed to think about it for a moment, before giving her mother a firm nod and then a bright smile to Ava that made her tiny eyes disappear.
“I’ll be back soon enough.” Beatrice reassured, making her way to Willow’s bedside and running a soft hand through the girl’s tangled hair. She guided her down gently, tucking her in, and kissing her goodbye; a kiss to her forehead, one to her left cheek and then one to her right.
Ava tried her best to ignore how close she was to Beatrice, she really did, but it became hard to focus on anything else when she felt the woman’s leg brush against her knee. Beatrice seemed to notice too, taking a rushed step backwards and heading for the door, not before waving goodbye.
“Willow doesn’t get to use her ipad on weekdays, but I allowed it since she’s sick, so she might spend the entire day on it.” Beatrice stated, making her way back to the living room. “Olivia is asleep, but should wake up soon.” Beatrice moved around the room, gathering papers and keys and shoving them all in her purse. “Can I get your number?”
God, Beatrice wished she was saying that under better circumstances.
Still, that didn’t mean her hands weren’t shaking any less as she handed her phone to Ava, who quickly typed in her number and sent a message to herself so she could save Beatrice’s.
“Thank you so much.” Beatrice said, her hand already on the door knob. “I’ll text you about their food and medicine in detail while I’m on the subway. Please, call me if there’s any problem or change.” She pleaded, finally out of the door.
“Of course.” Ava nodded, waving at Beatrice who reluctantly walked to the elevator. “Take care!” Ava yelled as the elevator doors creaked open, making Beatrice smile for the first time in days.
The first thing Ava did was call Michael, her coworker, and convince him to cover for her at work. Then, she made her way to Willow’s room, checking her temperature and encouraging her to drink more of her water. Willow just let her, too drowsy to fight against the thermometer under her arm and too focused on her tablet to make conversation.
Ava then made her way to Olivia’s room, finding the baby already wide awake and jumping on her crib. Ava smiled, relieved to see that she was clearly feeling much better than her sister, and after a lot of cooing and good morning tickles she changed her diaper and clothes, taking her time to pick the cutest outfit she could find because, why not.
After struggling to get the child into a white shirt and some overalls, she remembered to use the nose drops as Beatrice had instructed. What she failed to mention, was the little bulb thing she needed to use to suck the baby’s snot, which proved to be a lot more difficult. It took around 15 minutes of pleading and crying and threatening (from both parts involved), but she managed to clear Olivia’s nose.
They spent a while playing on Willows room, who’s fever had gone up. It was hard to keep both girl’s entertained while trying to bring down the oldest’s fever by placing cold rags on her forehead, but eventually she got the hang of it. She even managed to read them a story that had Willow back asleep in minutes.
By then, she had received Beatrice’s detail instructions about their food and medicine, so she set out to give a bottle to Olivia while she made them lunch.
By the time Beatrice was set to arrive, both kids had eaten well, Willow took her medicine, (which was another 30 minutes of pleading and bribing) and felt well enough to be out of bed. She had asked Ava to read her a story to which she had agreed, only to find that the book was completely in french. Willow was a little disappointed since it was her favorite book, but quickly forgot all about it after Ava offered to teach her spanish.
When Beatrice finally walked through the door, hours later than she’d anticipated, she almost felt like crying at the scene of Willow, in way better spirits than this morning, giggling at the word ‘refrigerador’. What almost brought her to tears, though, was the sight of her kitchen sink completely empty, with Ava putting away the last baby bottles.
“Ava.” The name left her lips before she could stop it, drawing attention to her figure, leaning against the doorframe.
Willow ran up to her, giving her a big, tight hug as Beatrice picked her up and ran her hands through her bangs, subtly checking if she had a fever.
Ava just stayed where she was, eyes fixed on nothing in particular as her brain replayed the way her name sounded coming from Beatrice. She took tentative steps towards the pair, not wanting to interrupt Willow’s cheerful retelling of her day, while Beatrice smiled and nodded at every little thing with so much adoration in her eyes Ava felt a small knot forming in her throat.
She took the chance to study Beatrice more closely, who looked, in all honestly, three times worse than she did this morning. She looked pale, almost translucent, and a thin layer of sweat covered her forehead.
“Willow,” Ava called, unable to keep her mouth shut when she noticed Beatrice’s trembling fingers. “Why don’t you go wash your hands so you can help me with dinner?” The little girl, fever and cough long forgotten, all but jumped out of her mother’s arms and darted to the bathroom.
“Slower, Lou! You’re still sick, remember?” Beatrice scolded, but her eyes were fixed on Ava. “I’m sorry I’m late, I left as soon as I could.” Beatrice apologized, and Ava wanted to tell her to stop saying sorry for everything, that it was fine and that she didn’t mind at all.
Ava didn’t get the chance to get a word out, as Beatrice tumbled forward, almost falling to her knees if Ava didn’t catch her, placing her arms underneath Beatrice’s to keep her upright.
“Shit.” She muttered, ignoring the warmth spreading in her chest at the closeness. Ava let go with one hand and brought it up to feel Beatrice’s warm, sweaty forehead.
“I’m sorry.”
Ava would’ve threatened to slap her if she ever said sorry again, but chose to stay quiet and gently guided the woman to the living room, sitting her down at the couch.
“Thanks.” Beatrice said weakly, shivering slightly under Ava’s touch, but blaming it on the fever. “You don’t have to actually cook for Willow, I’ve already taken too much of your time.”
“You’re sick.” Ava stated, despite how obvious it was. Beatrice frowned in confusion, as if her being sick had nothing to do with Ava still standing there, in front of her. “Lay down, I’ll be right back.” She pushed her down carefully, running out to get the thermometer before Beatrice could stop her.
She wasn’t surprised to find Beatrice attempting to stand up, stopping her with a gentle hand on her shoulder and pushing her back down. Without a word, she handed the thermometer to Beatrice.
“I’m fine.” She said, after checking her temperature.
Beatrice was in fact not fine, and was nearing 39°C, which she was unable to hide from Ava as the girl snatched the thermometer from her hands with a frown.
“Is mommy ok?” Willows tiny, worried voice echoed through the living room at the sight of the thermometer. Beatrice gave her a nod, but even Willow didn’t seem convinced.
“She’s not feeling very well, Willow.” Ava said truthfully as the girl ran up to her mother. “I’m sure she’ll feel better after some rest.” Ava placed a comforting hand on the girls back, hoping she would understand.
Beatrice’s shook her head, but it was completely ignored by her daughter, who ran to get a blanket and unceremoniously dumped it on her mother’s lap, trying to stretch it out.
If Ava noticed Beatrice’s eyes getting more watery, she did her the favor to ignore it and blame it all on the fever.
Silently, she took Willow’s tiny hand and guided her to the kitchen, telling her to wait there while she rummaged through the medicine cabinet to find ibuprofen. When she went back to the living room, Beatrice was laying down, awkward and tense, but she was laying down.
“Ava, you really don’t-“ She started to argue as soon as she came into view.
“Take it.” Ava all but shoved the glass of water and the advil bottle on her hands, turning around and sprinting to the kitchen before Beatrice could argue.
For a moment, Ava worried she was overstepping, that Beatrice genuinely didn’t want her there. She dared to take a small peak behind the safety of the kitchen door, only to find Beatrice staring hesitantly at her hand, letting out sigh before swallowing the pills and leaning back down.
Ava smiled and turned on the ball of her feet, getting ready to make the best spaghetti of her life.
With the help of Willow, who knew where things were in the kitchen better than Ava, the food was ready just in time for Olivia to wake up and make a mess with a few spaghetti’s and her applesauce.
Despite Willow begging for waffles, Ava decided not to test her stomach or her mother’s patience, and settled for cutting some apples in misshaped bunnies to convince her to have some.
Ava considered 6PM was quite early, even for a toddler, but still guided Willow back to bed who sat down with her tablet while Ava played with her sister. Willow fell asleep soon after and Ava tiptoed her way back to the living room, taking Olivia with her. She took a look a Beatrice, her slow breathing and relaxed features, the ones Ava thought Beatrice might never show while awake.
“Let’s find you something to do.” She whispered to the baby, who smiled as Ava bounced her all the way to her room.
The sun went down slowly, covering the entire room in a calming, red hue, that seemed to have the opposite effect on Olivia. The baby started crying, far louder than Ava expected, and wasn’t sure what to do to fix it.
She couldn’t be hungry or sleepy, having just woken from a nap, and she didn’t have a runny nose, at least not before she started wailing uncontrollably. Ava tried hushing her, rocking her, bouncing her around, but nothing seemed to work.
“Here.” Beatrice’s voice made Ava jump back in surprise, too caught up in the baby’s cries to hear the door open. She didn’t hesitate to hand the child back though, as her mothers calm, gentle voice seemed to have an instant effect on Olivia.
“Sorry.” Ava scratched the back of her head awkwardly. “I think I let her nap for too long.”
“You have nothing to apologize for.” Beatrice reassured, and Ava thought it was ironic how that was exactly what she wanted to tell her hours before. “I can’t thank you enough, Ava.” She stated truthfully, taking a tiny step towards her.
“Well, I owed you one, remember?” Ava tried to dismiss it, but Beatrice shook her head.
“You did far more than what you owed me.” Her voice was firm but quiet, not wanting to disturb the baby in her arms.
“We’re even.” Ava insisted.
“It doesn’t feel like we are.” Beatrice pushed, keeping her eyes focused on Olivia, on the window, on anything but Ava.
“How are you feeling?” Ava asked, leading the conversation away from her.
She was genuinely concerned, though, and couldn’t help take a small step foward, pressing her palm against Beatrice’s forehead.
“Sorry.” Ava took her hand back almost instantly, as if it burned. “Sorry, I’m overstepping again, sorry.”
“You’re not.” Beatrice assured. She knew deep down that , had it been any other neighbor or babysitter, it would be overstepping, but it was Ava.
She wasn’t sure what made her different: if it was her warm smile, the way she genuinely seemed to care about her kids, about her, or if her fever was making it all feel different.
“You don’t have to take care of me, though, I think you’ve had enough with the two little devils.” Beatrice said with endearment, looking down at Olivia who seemed fast asleep. She managed to put her down in the crib, ignoring the fact that she’d have to wake her up to change her eventually.
“They’re adorable.”
“They are.”
They made their way out of the room in comfortable silence as Ava decided it was time for her to leave.
“Beatrice.” She called, though there was no need, since the woman followed her closely to the door. “Take care, please.” Beatrice was taken aback at the words, not so much by the content, but by the pleading, almost desperate way they were spoken, like Ava truly worried for her. “I didn’t want to say it before, but you looked like shit when you walked in.”
Beatrice giggled, and Ava felt the room spin.
“Thanks, Ava. For everything.” Beatrice took a step forward, closer. “I’ll find a way to make it up to you.” Ava let out an annoyed, almost angry groan.
“There’s no need, Beatrice.” It was her turn to take a step closer. “If you ever need me to babysit I’d be more than happy to.”
“Really?” Ava was surprised that Beatrice was surprised.
“Of course, Willow is amazing.” Beatrice felt her heart swell with pride at the sight of Ava’s genuine smile; maybe she wasn’t doing bad after all. “And Olivia is lovely. I wouldn’t mind spending and entire day with all of you.”
Beatrice’s heart was now about to burst because, even if they were talking about her children, and Ava just seemed like a generally nice person, her last words seemed to hold a different weight to them.
All of you.
Ava turned her back to her, opening the door to hide her burning cheeks at the slip up. Beatrice would probably think she’s weird, or that shes taking advantage of her kids to flirt with her, if that could be considered flirting. Beatrice probably never saw it that way because she may not even like-
“Ava.” Beatrice’s soft hand found her place into Ava’s, who held the doorknob tightly. She took it back quickly, clearing her throat before speaking. “I- I feel the same.”
Beatrice chastised herself for the incredibly lame, awkward reply. It was true, but there were thousands of different ways to say that, without sounding so damn stupid.
Unsurprisingly, Ava gave her a wide grin, crossing the doorframe into the hall. She waved as Beatrice shut the door, cheeks flushed red and hands shaking.
It’s the fever.
[reblogs, comments and ideas are very welcomed]
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paverics · 1 year
If you told me this time 2 years ago that the greatest wlw pairing of all time would be so european, i would have told you to shut the hell up and go watch some mexican tv, but here we are
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whaledocboi · 1 year
doing the reverse gatekeeping where im forcibly showing her to you and you Will listen
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softavasilva · 1 year
emotional damage wn text below read if u hate yourself!
avas development this season was so good but also sooo fucking depressing. bc ever since she got the halo everyone and i mean everyone was telling her how selfish she was that she wasnt fitting into the wn obligation. all odds against her she tried to live her life. truly live it to her own terms but thats not how it works out ofc not. she was given a second chance at life. but not her life. the warrior nuns life. and that will inevitably lead to death and she knows this progressing into s2 later episodes. she tried so hard to live her own life and her desires to be alive and to be joyful was so loud. she wanted it so bad. but her having the biggest fucking heart to ever came to terms with how it is for her. how it was always gonna be despite her efforts to stay alive bc she knows what she has to do now. she knows what she has to become. she knows she has to give herself up to become the warrior nun and save the people she loves. bc thats just who she is. she was never selfish. she just craved for the life she never got to live. she was just being human. but now all she needed to be was a halo bearer destined for another tragedy. what makes her character dev so depressing is that she sacrificed her will to live. her desire to find the person she could be in this world to ultimately become what everyone has been training her for. what everyone expected her to become at some point. so yeah she did succeed as a protagonist with so much growth. but at the cost of herself.
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fuck-off-im-ace · 2 years
Shotgun Mary better be the most well-kept secret of Netflix ever and she’s actually super fine and will show up in a random episode like “did yall miss me” because i Cannot deal with it if she’s dead. 
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90s-html-lesbians · 11 months
currently obsessed with the fact that ava’s arc, in a way, essentially is about her going through the five stages of grief
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I think elon musk should buy netflix next
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anothercrypticnerd · 1 year
I’ve connected the dots
The Warrior Nun writers has the BIGGEST brain and big dick energy i’ve ever known in the history of TV Shows
In this essay i will
We know that 7.87 seconds on earth equals 107 minutes in the other realms
7.87 seconds = 6,420 seconds
1 second = 815.7 seconds
1 day = 815.7 days
Michael was in the other realm for 14 or 15 years
Let’s just go with the median and say 14.5 years
Now if we do the math, 14.5 years in the other realms is roughly 6.5 days on earth
Why is this important?
Numbers have a lot of symbolism and meanings in the bible, and some of the most significant numbers are 1, 3, 6, 7, and 12
God created Man on the 6th day, and rest/finished on the 7th day
7 is the number of God, which signifies perfection and completion.
That is why the number 6 is often refers to or related to man, humanity and it’s weakness, imperfection, and sin
Michael was sent back to earth on the 6th day after he went through the arc
With a plan on how to kill Adriel and packed with enough divinium to overwhelmed Adriel’s ability to heal (which can kill a warrior nun too btw)
And they kinda forgot to factor Lilith as a possible obstacle
Heck they don’t even think about possible obstacle, they don’t even have a plan B
What if it doesn’t work? They’ll both be dead and Adriel gets the Halo, What then?
The stakes are too high for them to fail, but they didn’t even think about backup plan
Because of Reya
Ava has been rejecting this plan from the beginning and has been trying to figure out another way to defeat Adriel
They even had a reasonable plan to immobilize Adriel and lock him away again, for good this time, but No, Reya “showed” her that this is the only way
And so they went through with the plan, which fails almost immediately (maybe if they can place the crown then they’ll succeed, idk), and failed again later
If Michael and Reya are number 6, the number of Man, the imperfection, then Beatrice is number 7, the number of God, Perfection, Completion
The symbolism is there
Mankind falls into temptation and sin, thus breaking their relationship with God, banished from the garden of Eden (to die)
Ava left Beatrice and the other Sisters, falls into Adriel’s trap, almost led humanity to it’s doom
Then only after Ava reunited with Beatrice, a servant of God, she’s finally able to kill Adriel, saved the world, completed the mission
Also, it’s been hinted multiple times that Ava alluded to Jesus, so it’s reasonable to expect that she’ll be back in 3 days
Now here’s the interesting part for Avatrice
Remember the math from the beginning?
3 days = 6.7 years
Ava is 19 at the start of season 1 when she died, and probably only a few months has passed since then, so she’s most likely still be 19
That means she’ll be 25 or 26 when she came back
The minimum age of being a nun is 18, with a postulancy time of at least 2 years max before one can take a novitiate that last for 1 or 2 years.
After completing the novitiate, one may take a temporary vows that last for a minimum of 3 and maximum of 6 years, and only after that, one can request to take a permanent vows or renew the temporary vows
Beatrice graduated from a boarding school in Switzerland, which means she graduated at 18 at the very least, and if she joins the OCS immediately after graduating at 18, she will be 22 when she finished her novitiate and take her temporary vows
Beatrice leaving the order implied that she hasn’t taken the permanent vow, and with her tasked to train the new recruits implied that she’s been in the convent for a few years to be able to reach that level of seniority
So, assuming she hasn’t renew the temporary vows, and it lasted for a minimum of 3 years, then Beatrice is around 25 or 26 of age
They will be the same age when Ava returns y’all
All of the above things i mentioned is very big brain of them because :
1. Beating the blasphemy allegations, if this show gains the attention of a broader audience, there’s a chance that some religious Karens demand to cancel the show for blasphemy or something
2. Beating the age gap allegations, homophobes will find something to hate, nothing new here, now they can’t complain if they pork in season 3
3. Beating the Beatrice breaks the vow and betrays God allegations, like, No, she didn’t, she just doesn’t renew the vow
And it’s very big dick of them to not only making Avatrice canon, but to also make a storyline about how the very foundation of the most powerful religious institution in the world is built on a lie, like bruh
Now we need season 3 to happen for real, because there’s still a lot of things to unravel
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How my love for Warrior Nun ended up getting me a published novel
So like many of us, i am a huge fan of Warrior Nun. Like a somewhat smaller number of us, I am a big Doctor Superion shipper. Can't be helped. Mature ladies getting it together is my jam. I have written fic about them and of course a lot of Avatrice and Lilshotgun.
Anyway, I saw this picture of Thekla Reuten and
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I thought "oooo, detective!"
Not long after, I encountered this photo of Sylvia Defanti:
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And I thought, "ooo, detective wife! Wait no! DETECTIVE EX-WIFE!"
And then I thought, what if ART Detectives?? Picture them chasing an art thief around Europe while bickering and lowkey sniping at each other and falling back in love despite themselves and their whole opposites-attract yin/yang thing?
Plus, you know, Europe:
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The more I thought about the idea, though, the more I realized I needed to change the characters too much for it to work as a fic. So because I was writing a lot of screenplays at the time, I wrote it as a screenplay. Let me tell you about these women...
Fleur van Beekhof
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So yeah, you can see the shades of Jillian, obviously: cool, pragmatic, strategic and unflappable on the outside. Inside, a total disaster: heartbroken, career stagnating, struggling with a gambling addiction and still not over her ex-wife,
Renata Cellini
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Renata quit the bureau after their divorce and went to manage a friend's art gallery in Bologna. She's passionate, sometimes harsh, wears everything out on her sleeve and is 100% in it for the drama, leaping into danger and looking annoyingly hot while doing so. She's Fleur's sole choice for all 3 options of "f*ck marry kill."
The only thing that could bring her back to the bureau is the "Fabulous Gustave," the one thief who got away from them, whose escape precipitated Fleur's gambling problem and the unraveling of their marriage.
What's more, he stole a painting by her favorite painter, the one she did her Master's thesis on: "Susanna and the Elders," by Artemisia Gentileschi.
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(Artemisia btw was a badass, a baroque master not fully recognized in her day. She painted women like nobody else... with fury and agency. "Yo check out the head of the Assyrian general who was creeping on me, I just saved my people, you're welcome."
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Anyway, ahem.)
So I had this movie written. The thing about movies, is they take forever to get made, if they do at all. And I adore these women and this story too much, so I adapted it into a novel, and on a hail-mary pass, sent it to one of the bigger sapphic publishers I knew of.
Look! In all its pre-orderable glory!
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The women of Warrior Nun have been and continue to be an inexhaustible fountain of inspiration.
And also, if you feel like it, please support my novel.
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jtl07 · 7 months
jt (finally) watches warrior nun - s2 e1 (pt 2)
(Btw, thanks for the replies on the first post! Really fun to talk about this stuff with folks!)
Alright, so from the first post, the things I wanted to talk about in that first avatrice scene were: 1) how tense Beatrice is, 2) conversely, how easily she bends to Ava, and 3) that was not the first time Ava has kissed Beatrice.
I talked a bit about the emotional tension that Beatrice was carrying in the last post, so let’s talk about the physical tension - which also leads into the 2nd point about how she bends to Ava (and also the cheek kiss lol)
First, can we give KTY all the accolades for her choices in this scene? We get so much from Beatrice in just over a minute of screen time:
a lecture (which is the closest we get to s1 Bea but it’s wrapped in something like a plea that makes it feel different)
the quick improvisation that reminds you of what she’s capable of (i.e. not just able to kill a man but also to make herself invisible if she needs to)
suspicion (which, now that I think about it, is kinda reminiscent of her calling out Lilith outside of Arq-tech in s1 e4
pride (which I absolutely love and will talk about more below)
her softness at the mention of Mary
and of course, the most perfect impersonation of a computer restart lol
I mean, look at all that! So sososo much in one minute! Geez. All the awards to KTY.
Anyway, Bea’s hella tense in this scene and, as mentioned in the replies of the first post, it makes a lot of sense considering how out in the open they are here. I get this feeling that without the structure (and scripture) of the OCS, Bea has this need to double down on holding herself in (and running from her own feelings). And she’s trying so hard here. She keeps defaulting to that strictness, what with the mini-lecture and the suspicion, but she can never hold on to it for very long, can she? Because Ava’s right there to make her bend.
Two moments in particular: First, the “exceptionally well-organized” line (0:59 in this vid), look at how her posture changes.
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I love how Beatrice straightens here, almost as if she’s standing for judgement - and expecting praise. Which she probably received when she was back at Cat’s Cradle. But they’re not at Cat’s Cradle now, and what she receives instead - at least what she seems to take it as - is admonishment. I mean, look at her reaction:
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She ducks her head as if chastised, even gives Ava a nod like a sullen child. But I don’t think Ava quite meant it as a critique, yknow? There’s a fondness in her voice, in her smile, teasing even - and of course, the gentle reminder (1:08), “You don’t have to be so perfect all the time,” where KTY again gets all the awards for how she puts so much in how Beatrice hesitates in looking back up at Ava, that almost stuttered breath she takes in when she does. Goddamn, KTY, such a great performance, showing just how deeply Ava has gotten under Beatrice’s skin.
The second moment where Beatrice bends to Ava, not as evident as the above but it’s still there, is in response to Ava’s “Yes, mother.” Which, huh, I guess Ava realized the best way to get Beatrice to bend is to tease her lol
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Beatrice ducks her head just for a moment and yknow, I wonder if that’s what tipped Ava over the edge - it is kind of adorable, the way Bea just accepts the teasing. But also it’s like, here Beatrice is with the girl she loves (as mentioned in the replies to that first post, my thought is that Beatrice is well aware of her feelings by now) and idk, I get the feeling that she doesn’t necessarily want to be so strict - this is Ava, who wants to live and chat up customers and swim and run and do all the things. But Beatrice’s mission is to train Ava so she wins, so she stays alive, so if Bea has to endure some teasing, so be it.
And that leads into that third and last point: I really think that this wasn’t the first time Ava’s surprised Beatrice with a kiss. I mean, look (1:26) how Ava doesn’t hesitate in leaning in, doesn’t even think about it afterward, doesn’t say anything about Beatrice’s wide-eyed, frozen expression. Just skips away without a care in the world.
And Beatrice, for all her shock, recovers well - too well, I think. She just kinda … accepts it. If this was the first time, my thought would be that she’d go into some kind of panic or guilt mode, yknow?
But she doesn’t here - sure she needs a second, but then she blinks, remembers to breathe, straightens to her usual posture. And again, awards to KTY because there’s so much in that look she has at the end:
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It’s almost like resignation - perhaps this thought that that’s all things will ever amount to be between them, yknow? That it won’t go further; they can’t.
Okay as usual, I have written more than I thought I would lol. I’m going to try to get through the rest the episode this weekend but don’t be surprised if I don’t. Lmk what y’all think!
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whaledocboi · 1 year
the best way to improve at drawing really is to get obsessed with something and draw an industrial amount of art for it
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Sword gays showdown, round 2, bracket two
For Ava:
Canon bi swordfighting nun destined to save the world (sort of, it's more complicated than that).
I highly doubt im gonna be the only one to submit her so use other propaganda im bad at it but like. God she is so funky. I love her
For Hikaru Sulu:
1) Okay, first off: Which version am I submitting? Prime timeline (TOS) or Kelvin timeline (AOS, also known as the reboot movies if you're not in the fandom)? The answer is both. Prime Sulu has the more iconic fencing scenes (and is also said to have other sword related abilities) while Kelvin Sulu is canonically gay. Specifically as a tribute to George Takei btw who played prime Sulu in TOS and is famously gay and an LGBT+ rights activist among other causes. The picture provided is prime Sulu but if you've only watched AOS, feel free to vote for him anyway.
I'm not gonna link any videos here since that would probably exceed the scope of the propaganda section but clips should be pretty easy to find. And if you can't, just trust me: The TOS fencing scenes are amazing. The AOS one is probably fine too but it's been ages since I've watched it and I forgot it even existed so it can't have been THAT memorable.
Fun fact: George Takei initially didn't know how to fence and didn't find out he'd have to until pretty late and started taking fencing lessons only three weeks before the filming of that episode (The Naked Time) and apparently "became so out-of-control and boisterous that he had to be separated from the rest of the production personnel, for their own safety" which, in context of what the episode is about, is just absolutely amazing. Truly iconic.
Anyway, considering Star Trek is an important part of queer history (I'm only half joking) you need to vote for Sulu, we all know George Takei is an icon, make the right choice here.
2) When they got hit with the drunk virus he took his shirt off and started challenging people to duels. Iconic 
3) This bitch got the outer space disease that makes you silly, and revealed they were gung ho for fencing, and brought out their sabre to just. Swashbuckle. Goes "/oh my/," and is clearly gay and played by a gay actor
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thosedangnuns · 5 months
Assigning d&d alignments to Warrior Nun characters
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This was not as easy as I thought it would be - feel free to disagree! Many characters change throughout the course of the show - so often I'm giving a before/after. WTH am I talking about? --
Ava starts CN - caring only for herself, without a moral compass but no malice to her actions.
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But as she starts to care for her sisters she is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice: CG
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Bea starts as the paragon of LG, fighting for good (and God) even at the expense of her own identity
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But when the usual methods fail to protect Ava and her sisters she says to hell with the rules: NG
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Camila starts LN - the rule follower at the OCS, doing her job even if it's not always the right thing to do.
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But when she receives her message from god she slips to NG, willing to bend the rules and her faith for her sisters.
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When we first meet Superion she is a solid LN, burned by rejection but still faithful to the church (if not god)
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But after the betrayal she positively rejoices in breaking the rules to protect her daughters: CG
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Mary is the epitome of CG - she is doing the right thing, for the right reasons, but she is doing it her way
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And if you disagree with that you can talk to her two shotguns.
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Lilith is LN throughout - fueled by her own righteousnous, for better of for worse - morals be damned.
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Even final Lilith I don't believe is inherently evil, just misguided, fighting for her own justice.
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Yasmine is NG throughout - willing to go against the church when necessary but still appreciating traditions.Traditions say not to eat anything that looks like a penis but corn on the cob is ok I guess ily Yasmine
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Everything Shanon did she did for her sisters, and while she hid secrets from the OCS...she did so only because she knew about Vincent. She's definitely a G - probably an LG.
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Fight me on this one Vincent is NG throughout, despite what is perhaps a CN or CE past. Even 'evil' Vincent's actions are for his version of the greater good. He is under a classic charm person spell (which is btw NOT mind control)
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Duretti, power hungry, is a textbook LN. He wields it to get what he wants. While most of what he does is good, he is willing to commit atrocities to achieve it.
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Salvius is the epitome of TN, while she loves her son her sacrifices for him are not even close to selfless.
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And even her assistance to the sisters is more self-preservation and hope for Michael than altruism.
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Kristian starts LN, using power to his own ends, but not malevolently. And by S2 he is classic LE, corrupted by power and clearly enjoying it.
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JC and pals are classing CN, they're out for themselves, without intent to harm anyone else. While you could argue that JC started to drift towards CG he was just smitten with Ava (we've all been there)
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(Chanel is an exception, because while she appears to be in it for the grift, she's the only one of the gang who shows Ava selfless and unconditional love). She is also objectively perfect. CG.
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Miguel has some of that Lilith righteousness to him, so while his sacrifice is for the greater good... I'm not sure it was good that motivated him rather than duty. Iffy LN.
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Adriel talks a big game, but he's only looking out for one man - Adriel. As a petty thief he may have once been TN, but he is now blatantly evil, though whether NE or LE is maybe unclear.
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Can you assign an alignment to a god? If Reya has an alignment I haven't seen it. Just like ants probably can't tell if the human that stepped on their nest by accident is actually a decent person.
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My man Carl will prob plead the Nuremburg defence but assuming he has free will then his actions are his. Even his final defeat of Adriel comes at Reya's behest, not his own. Carl is LN at best.
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the-ominous-owl · 1 year
so this is a bit stream-of-consciencey and i’m not articulate (or catholic) enough to make it make sense, but god how i love what warrior nun does with crosses. like, crosses are symbolic to begin with, but lookit:
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on the left you’ve got the OCS cross, all even and symmetrical and round lines and soft edges (i think a it’s a greek cross? cos the sides are all the same length? idk like i said i’m not catholic enough for this) and how the cross folds over the halo circle and just...yeah. the circles symbolism is a whole other post, btw
and then on the right you’ve got adriel’s cross and! it’s all pointy! and aggressive! and hard lines and one of the legs is longer that the others which makes sense because adriel’s whole thing about turning it upside down and his inverted temple but it’s as diametrically opposite to the ocs cross as you can get with a symbol that’s essentially just a line on top of another line
but then there’s THIS SCENE (it’s the kiss but it’s under a cut cos more pics)
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THIS SCENE! that’s about sacrifice and love and selfish selflessness and it’s in front of an ocs style cross (all symmetrical and stuff) but at its most basic, with everything else stripped away and that’s the backdrop for the first goodbye, Ava’s goodbye, the one that’s like “it’s not about me anymore” and “i’m going to die and that’s okay as long as i don’t take you with me”
BUT all three of these are like, variations on a theme, and they’re all gold (and don’t get me started on colour in this show, that’s a whole OTHER other post) but! then you’ve got this thing!:
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like what even is this? it’s white! it’s jarringly asymmetrical! it looks a little like a crack through the wall! and it’s in the room that adriel said he was gonna keep reya in for all eternity and i think that’s what it is, it’s reya’s cross - it’s white, like reya with her shining city and scifi space outfit, and it’s the backdrop to the second goodbye, bea’s goodbye, that’s like “no i won’t take the halo i’d rather have you”, “i love you and that’s okay but you’re dying and i can’t keep you”, and there’s definitely something there about bea and her broken vows in front of the weird, lopsided cross that i can’t articulate but it’s THERE and it MEANS SOMETHING and i want to find everyone involved in this show so i can kiss them on the brain
anyway please watch warrior nun
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