#it was supposed to be a really dark slightly-warm grey
tenzvar · 2 years
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Finally posting this animation edit to tumblr! Made this back in 2020 Original animation from the music video for It's So Good Now by ZAMAGI
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supernaturalgirl20 · 1 year
Hi, I would love to request a Joel fic. I love your work and appreciate all of the effort you put into your work.
I’d love something where reader and Joel have always tried to keep their distance from each other because they don’t want to get emotionally attached. But one night they’re drinking alone and reader kind of confesses her feelings without thinking. And Joel doesn’t really know how to respond.
So the next morning he acts like he doesn’t remember because he’s afraid to be with someone. And it hurts reader’s feelings, but she just doesn’t bring it up.
Until one evening they’re on a run together and they stay in a safe house for the night and reader can’t distract herself anymore and she confronts him. Maybe it turns into a passionate fight where he admits he remembered but was too scared to say how he felt.
Maybe ending with some steamy smut with a soft ending? I love a good pining/angst/smut combo and I think you’d absolutely kill this. Of course no pressure if you’re not into it! Thank you for doing what you do and I hope you have a lovely day!
Thank you so much you’re so sweet 🥹🥰 Absolutely loved this request. I changed it up just slightly but I hope you enjoy 😉
Trying Not To Love You
Pairings: Joel Miller x f!reader
Warnings: Smut 18+, explicit, unprotected sex, mutual pining, oral (female receiving), hidden feelings, confessions, flirting, jealousy, little bit of angst, mentions of drugs and alcohol.
Comments and reblogs really appreciated 🥰
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You were feeling the light buzz from the alcohol tickle beneath the surface of your skin, the whiskey warming you from the inside out as it slid smoothly down your throat. As soon as Tommy had left the tipsy bison, Joel had cracked open the good stuff. 
It was a rare occasion that you’d both get this time alone, especially since arriving back at Jackson a few months ago. You were both either out on patrol or too tired to do anything other than sleep. 
“I still can’t believe this is our life now,” you say as you sit at the bar sipping on your drink. Joel hums in agreement, shifting on his stool so he’s facing you.
 “Feels too good to be true, doesn’t it? Doesn't seem right neither, us here livin’ a normal life while the world is gone to shit.” You can feel his eyes on you as he speaks and god the sound of his voice - that deep southern drawl that gets more prominent when he drinks - stirs something in you. 
“I know what you mean but we’ve earned it Joel. All the shit we’ve been through, this is what we deserve.” 
“I guess. Just makes me on edge knowing it could all be gone in the blink of an eye.” He downs his drink and leans across the bar to pour himself another. 
You use the opportunity to take him in. The way his hair has grown slightly longer, curling at the ends, a significantly more amount of grey littering his dark locks since Boston. The stretch of his plaid shirt across his broad back and shoulders. The sun kissed skin that peeks out from under his shirt at his neck. 
Your gaze drifts to his hands and the way the bottle seems so small in comparison. You shiver at the memory of how those very hands gripped your hips last night as he drove into you from behind. 
“God, I love you,” you whisper, freezing when you see the way his shoulders tense. Fuck! I didn’t mean to say that out loud. 
You were never supposed to feel like this. Weren’t supposed to fall in love. Sure, you both enjoyed each other’s company and fucked when the need arose but that’s as far as it went. You both tried to keep it simple. No living together. No feelings. Just casual. It was easier that way because you had nothing to lose then. Or at least that’s what you told yourself. 
“I - I, you….” He stammers as he pours himself more whiskey before turning to you with a wry smile and topping yours up too. “Ellie seems to be settling in just fine,” he stated, quickly changing the subject, his eyes avoiding your gaze at all costs. 
“Yeah,” you coughed, the whiskey getting caught with your breath. “She’s eh - she’s made some friends. It’s nice, seeing her happy.” 
Joel didn’t say much after that, just nodding his head or humming in agreement and when the bottle was gone, you both got up to leave. “G’night.” He muttered as he turned away from you and walked towards his house. 
“Night,” you whisper as you wait for him to disappear inside before letting out a sigh and making your way home. Why did you have to fall in love with him?
The following morning you had patrol bright and early and as you made your way towards the main gate, you caught a glimpse of Joel standing off to the side having a very animated conversation with Julie.
Of course, she’s with him. She’d been smitten with Joel since you all arrived in Jackson. You weren’t in the mood for this today. You weren’t in the mood for her today. You didn’t get much sleep last night, unable to get what you’d said out of your head. Why didn’t he say anything? Does he not feel the same?  Did he even hear me? 
You’d planned to address it this morning and clear the air, not wanting to make things awkward between you both. So, taking a deep breath, you sidle up beside him not missing the glare Julie sends your way as you gently touch his arm, drawing his attention to you. 
“Hey,” you smile softly at him and his face morphs into that scowl you’ve come to love. “Can I have a word?” 
Joel nods before turning back to Julie and saying that he would see her later. “Somethin’ wrong, darlin’?” 
God, I love when he calls me that. 
“I just wanted to talk about last night. What I said…I…” Joel furrows his brows as he leans against the fence. “Darlin, I’m ashamed to say, I don’t remember much bout last night. That was some strong whiskey,” he laughs, his eyes meeting yours briefly as he looks around at the others gathering at the gate. 
“Oh! Okay. Umm, then never mind I guess.” You feel as if you’ve been stabbed in the gut as your stomach twists into knots. He doesn’t even fucking remeber. Of course, he doesn’t. 
“Come on. Best get goin’, we want to be back before nightfall.” Joel pushes off the fence and walks towards the main gate, not bothering to throw you a backward glance as he makes his way out of the town. 
Your heart aches, feeling almost like you’ve been rejected but at least this meant that you could both carry on as if nothing happened. Right?
Her laugh was shrill as she looked down at her feet, twirling that strand of hair between her fingers as she walked beside Joel. 
You roll your eyes for the third time and huff loudly as you watch her flirt with him. The man was oblivious. Alway has been, never believing you or Ellie when you say that someone was flirting with him. 
“You and him have a fight?” Tommy asks as he jogs up beside you, trying to keep up the pace. “Hmm?” You mutter as you keep your gaze focused on the man in front of you. The smile he has plastered across his face makes you nauseous.
“You two are usually joined at the hip. He never leaves your side and now he’s up there with….”
“Miss Jackson 2023.” Your tone is clipped and the scowl on your face deepens. Tommy bursts into laughter causing Joel and Julie to turn their gaze in your direction. 
“Who pissed in your cereal this mornin?” Tommy asked, a wide smile on his face as he nudged your shoulder. You let your gaze drift from Joel to Tommy and you can’t help but let out a little chuckle. 
“M’sorry. Just didn’t sleep much last night. Me and Joel are…we’re good.” Tommy hummed as he let his eyes drift between you and his brother, not missing the way Joel’s gaze lingered on you. 
“If you say so. Come on,” he states as he pushes forward, leaving you trailing behind. “Fucking Millers,” you mutter under your breath as you jog after him. 
Later that night, you waited for Joel in your dining room. Dinner was waiting on the stove to be heated as soon as he came but as the hours ticked by, you began to realise he wasn’t coming. 
That ache in your chest that you had earlier when you saw him smiling at Julie began to creep in again. Where was he? He always came for dinner on Friday night. It had become somewhat of a tradition since living in Jackson. You’d both have dinner here and then somehow find yourself in your bed, wrapped in each other's arms. 
The voice in your head told you to go to the Tipsy Bison and see if he was there with her, but with a sigh, you turn out your lights and have an early night. 
Maybe he’ll come here tomorrow?
He didn’t show Saturday either. Or Sunday and when Monday rolled around, you’d gone from feeling sorry for yourself to downright angry. 
What the fuck was he playing at? Why was he being so distant?
Grabbing your bag, you throw it over your shoulders and make your way down the street to the main gate. Tommy had come by the day before to ask if you’d be willing to make a special run for medical supplies to which you happily agreed, as long as it wasn’t with Joel. 
Fixing your knife into your belt, you’re startled when you hear that familiar southern drawl. “Hope you brought your gun too, darlin?” Joel stood to the side of the gate with Tommy. 
Both Miller brother’s gaze were fixed on you but yours was only focused on Tommy, who you greeted with a scowl. 
“What’re you doing here?” You ask as your eyes drift back to Joel, that ache in your chest returning with a vengeance. 
“I told ya before, I don’t feel comfortable with you going on runs without me.” He’s staring at you, but his face gives nothing away which only serves to anger you more. 
“I don’t need no damn babysitter, Joel. I can handle it. Besides, Jason was gonna be tagging along.” You stood with your hands crossed across your chest, eyes narrowed as you snarked at him. 
“Never said you needed a babysitter. I know you’re more than capable of handlin things, but you know I ain’t ever able to sit still when you head out without me.”
“Surprised you’d even notice,” you muttered under your breath. “Fine. If you’re insisting on coming, then let’s head out. I wanna be home before dark.” You turn with a finger pointed to Tommy. “You. I’m gonna be having a word with you when I get back.”
You turn and march off leaving both Miller men staring after you. “Good luck with that,” Tommy says, clapping his big brother on the back. Joel scoffs as he turns to follow you. 
You could cut the awkward tension with a knife and every time you snuck a glance at Joel, you found him already staring at you. I don’t know how much more of this I can take. 
“I think we’ve got pretty much everything on the list, we should start making our way back.” You state as you turn away from the shelf, stuffing the antibiotics into your bag. 
Joel’s keeping watch, his gaze fixed out the window and gun cocked, and you can’t help but admire him. No. You gotta stop this. Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath before closing the gap between you. 
He startles when you gently place your hand on his arm. “Did you hear me? We’ve got everything we need.” His gaze holds your own for a moment and you wish he felt the same way you did. 
Clearing his throat, he steps back slightly, your hand falling away from him, and you pull it towards your chest before swallowing the lump in your throat. 
He steps around you and opens the door slowly, scanning the area before ushering you outside. You’re both halfway down the street when you make out distant voices. 
“Fuck.” He curses as his head moves toward the sound. Five men emerge from the tree line and he grabs you by the arm and pulls you along behind him. 
“Joel,” you say nervously as he continues to pull you along. His grip getting tighter on your arm and hurting you. “What - what are we gonna do? They’re blocking the way home.”
He doesn’t answer. He just continues to move through the small town quickly as he tries to get you both to safety. He turns abruptly and you gasp. 
“Tommy has a safe house nearby. We’re gonna have to stay the night and wait it out.” His face is stern, but you can see the hint of worry in his eyes as they scan your face. 
You look over your shoulder, seeing some of the men making their way to the pharmacy and Joel gently whispers your name. 
“We can’t take them on. We’re outnumbered. I ain’t risking it. I ain’t risking you.” Your breathing becomes ragged, and his hand gently caresses your cheek. “Come on, darlin’. We gotta go.” He grabs your hand in his and moves you quickly through the town, making sure to stay out of sight before you both disappear through the trees. 
Night has fallen and Joel is out back grabbing some wood for the stove while you heat up some canned pasta. You’d argued that it was too dangerous to light a fire, but he’d said the cabin was too far out for anyone to see the smoke. 
It beats having to huddle for warmth, you think to yourself as you stir the pot. He pushes open the door and throws a log into the stove before moving up behind you. 
“Smells good,” he hums, his breath hot on your neck as his hand brushes along your lower back. “It’s almost done. You can sit by the fire. I’ll bring it over in a minute.”
Glancing at him over your shoulder, you see he has taken his boots off and your heart aches at the sight of him looking so relaxed. The cabin and the fire and the two of you alone it’s so domestic and that makes it hurt even more.
Handing him his bowl of pasta, you take a seat on the couch beside him as you both tuck into dinner. 
It’s quiet. Too quiet and normally it doesn't bother you. Joel is always kind of quiet, but this is different. There’s an awkward tension in the air and you begin to feel claustrophobic. 
You can feel his eyes on you, and it just gets to be too much. “Stop,” you shout as you stand abruptly, turning to face him. 
“What are you talking about, darlin?” He scoots to the edge of the couch, hands held up as if in surrender. 
“Don’t darlin’ me, Joel. Ugh…. I can’t do this anymore.” You clench your hands into fist as they hang at your side and begin to storm off toward the bedroom. 
His hand on your arm stops you though as he slowly steps around the couch to face you. “Baby,” he whispers as he places both his hands on your cheeks. “Talk to me.”
“No! No, you don’t get to do that to me Joel. You don’t get to ignore me for the last four days and then come here and start calling me baby. I’m not your baby. Or your darlin’ and you made that pretty fucking clear the other night when you completely ignored what I said.”
Something shifts behind his eyes, and you know you were right all along about that night. “I don’t….” He mutters but you're quick to cut him off. 
“Oh, pull the other one. I know you heard me that night at the bar. I know you heard me say I love you and you made me fucking think you were too drunk to remember. Jesus, Joel. Do I really mean so little to you?”
He shakes his head, but you don’t want to know what he has to say, not anymore. You pull out of his grasp and try to hold back the sobs as you make your way into the only bedroom. 
“Shit.” You can hear him curse before the sound of his footsteps echo behind you. 
“You’re right. I did hear you and the reason I didn’t say anything that night was because I was scared. I am scared. We’ve been together since Boston and in that time, I’ve grown to care about you. I’ve - fuck, I love you, alright. I fucking love you and it scares the shit outta me because if anythin were to happen to you, it would break me.” 
His breathing was ragged as tears shimmered in his eyes. You stood staring at him in shock at what he’d just confessed, and you could feel your heart swell at his words.
“I love you, baby, and I’m sorry for how I behaved that night, for how I’ve been behavin. I thought I could let you go but I can’t, and I don’t want neither. Think you can forgive this old fool?” 
You chuckle, unable to believe that you both are such idiots, and you can see the corner of his mouth twitch into a smile as he slowly moves towards you. His hand reaches out, wrapping around your waist and pulling you close. 
“Well, what do ya say,” he asks as he wipes a stray tear from your cheek with his thumb. “I think I can forgive you, as long as you promise to never ignore me again.”
He rests his forehead head against yours, his eyes closing as he lets out a contented sigh. “I swear it, baby. Can I kiss you now?”
His eyes are open now and staring down at you and you feel like you’re on cloud nine. Nodding your head he places his hand under your chin and tilts your mouth towards his own before kissing you. 
Is this really happening? 
It’s soft at first. His lips gently caress yours until he licks along your bottom lip. When your tongues meet it’s as if you’re two horny teenagers unable to get enough of each other. His hands grab at your ass, and you squeal when he places his hands around your thighs and lifts you.  
You wrap your legs around his waist, and he walks you over to the bed, laying you down gently. 
Joel is quick to rid you of your clothes, the rough pads of his fingers skimming along your curves. His own clothes join yours on the floor shortly after. His eyes glaze over with lust as he stands at the edge of the bed taking in your naked form. “So, fucking beautiful baby,” he breaths, his voice husky with need. 
You rest your head on the pillows and watch as he crawls up the bed towards you, his lips trailing light kisses along your legs and thighs. 
“What are you doing, Joel?”  His gaze moves along your naked curves until it meets yours. “Gotta make it up to ya darlin,” he rasps and you pull your bottom lip between your teeth.
 His breath is hot on your skin as he hovers over your aching cunt. His tongue glides along your slick as he teases you. Lifting your hips you plead with him, desperately needing him to touch you. “Please!”
He raises a brow and smiles at you before me burying his face into your curls. “Ooh!” You moan as your back arches off the bed, hands finding purchase in his hair. He moves your legs over his shoulders and buries his tongue inside you.
You writhe beneath him as pleasure begins to build. He alternates between licking and sucking and shoving his tongue inside you that you are a complete and utter mess on the bed below him. That familiar heat begins to form, and you can feel yourself getting closer and closer to that edge.  
“Oh God,” you moan, as your orgasm rips through you. Your body shudders as you come down from your high. 
“Taste so sweet, darlin,” he says as he moves up your body, peppering light kisses along your skin. He’s flush against you, the tip of him nudging at your entrance and with one roll of his hips, he stretches you open. He groans loudly as he fills you to the hilt, his eyes closed as he tries to calm himself, desperately hoping he doesn’t cum within two minutes. 
Once he has control of himself, he begins to rock into you, his cock pulling out to the tip before pushing back in. You're already sensitive from your earlier orgasm and the way he’s stimulating your clit with his cock has you whimpering beneath him. 
His hands grip onto your waist, fingers digging into your soft skin as he sits back onto his knees, pulling you to with him so you’re sat atop him. 
He holds you down with his right hand as he pistons his hips up into you, his left kneading your breast as he pulls your pebbled nipple into his mouth and sucks. Your head falls back between your shoulders as you cry out his name. “Joel.”
Clenching around him, he groans - his head resting between your breasts, the feeling of you wrapped around him making him dizzy.
His hands grip your hips as you begin to move with him - rolling your hips over him. You shudder in his arms as your cunt clenched around him once again - his trusts become erratic as he nears the edge.
He grips your hips and lifts you off him as he cums, coating your thighs with his release. As much as you’d love him to finish inside you, you know that it’s too risky.
His eyes are staring at your thighs. At where he’s marked you with his spend. “So pretty,” he mutters as he lifts his gaze toward you. “I love you darlin.”
“I love you too. I’m gonna need to have a shower after that,” you giggle and he pulls you into him, kissing your lips softly. 
“How about I run us a bath? Sound good?” He smiles at you, moving a start piece of hair behind your ear. 
“That sounds like heaven.”
Everything: @maievdenoir @amneris21 @hnt-escape @elegantduckturtle @harriedandharassed @jediknight122 @ayrusss @hayley-the-comet @sherala007 @alexxavicry @scorpio-marionette @donnaa @practicalghost @tanzthompson @beskarprincessjenny @littlemisspascal @thatpinkshirt @maryfanson @sunnshineeexoxo @misspearly1 @misspearlssideblog @its--fandom--darling @sara-alonso @doommommy @browneyes-issac @trickstersp8 @nembees @kaitieskidmore1 @mswarriorbabe80 @allthe-ships @tintinn16 @hungrhay @rosie-posie08 @manuymesut @all-the-way-down-here @iccedays @tusk89 @graciexmarvel @pedrostories @musings-of-a-rose @untitledarea @your-voice-is-mellifluous @majestyjade @avengersfan25 @angstismydrug @mydailyhyperfixations @everythingfan @pedrosbum @ryangoslingstanktop @dzaga890
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captainfern · 4 months
i’m still thinking of this post about price and you pretending you don’t know each other at a hotel and i’ve given in to the brain worms
part one | part two ->
18+ (no smut in this one but for future parts), fem!reader
un-edited, super lazy writing + formatting sorry
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You sat idly at the bar, your finger running up and down the cool, smooth edges of your glass. You had one elbow propped up against the sleek wood, your body half-turned to watch whatever bullshit was playing on the tv above the shelves of expensive alcohol.
The hotel bustled around you, the bar itself busy with patrons moving to and fro. oftentimes, you felt slightly crowded, with bodies packing in beside you, ordering their poison before departing like a wraith. No one seemed to linger near the bar for too long.
“No company tonight?” The bartender asked, a dark-coloured dish towel tossed over her shoulder. She was a kind looking woman, in her late thirties you estimated, with flawless dark skin that seemed to glow beneath the ambiant lighting above.
You shook your head with a rueful smile. “Not tonight. Just enjoying my own company, I suppose.”
The bartender smiled politely. “Well, that’s nice. You here for business or pleasure?”
You took a sip of your drink, the taste of it washing over your tongue and continuing to put your nerves at ease.
“Pleasure, I think. It’s nice to get away from everything for a while, you know?” You said with your lips still brushing the cold glass, and you took another sip.
“I’m really happy for you,” the bartender smiled. Then, after being waved at by a drunken patron at the other end of the bar, added: “Give me a shout when you need a refill.” She then breezed away to continue her job.
You sighed through your nose, looking wistfully around the bar for a moment. When you returned to your drink, you let your eyes admire the kaleidoscope of colours that comprised the wall at the back of the bar— shelves upon shelves of glass bottles of different kinds of alcohol.
As your eyes alighted on a bottle of Bombay, the blue bottle glinting like some sort of diamond beneath the light, someone slotted into the barstool beside you. You didn’t take much notice, but when you caught a whiff of an expensive, masculine cologne, you couldn’t help but twist your head to the side.
A handsome man had settled in beside you. He was probably in his early forties, with neatly trimmed facial hair that perfectly settled between the angles of his face— his cheekbones, his jawline, the pinkish line of his Cupid’s bow. In the overhead lighting, all dim and moody, his eyes were dark, and his hair speckled with just a few grey strands.
He turned to face you the moment you looked his way, offering you a warm smile that made butterflies tickle the edges of your stomach. You smiled back, before taking another sip of your drink in an attempt to steel your nerves.
Signalling the bartender, he ordered his own drink, and the baritone of his voice had your stomach swooping. Deep and melodious, with a distinct hoarseness akin to a smoker of fine cigars. The rumble of it seemed to do wonders to your fraying nerves, acting as some sort of salve to cool the heat pulsing beneath your skin.
The man thanked the bartender when she placed a tumbler of whiskey before him, the single ball of ice clinking against the crystal. Once more, sending another deep swoop to your stomach, he turned to you with those deep, dark eyes and warm smile, raising his glass.
Your eyes traipsed over his fingers, the roughness of them, the calloused skin pressing against sleek glass. You noted the thickness of them, and the way they wrapped around the tumbler. You also noticed the couple of veins leading from his wrist and down his strong, hairy forearm. You swallowed, and hesitantly lifted your own glass.
“Cheers,” he said, smiling. Crow’s feet appeared at the corners of his eyes, three lines chiseled into his skin over the years.
“Cheers,” you echoed, and the two of you took a moment to sip at your drinks. You swallowed yours, still looking at the man beside you.
He placed his tumbler of whiskey against the bartop, and then leaned an arm against the surface, swivelling his entire body around to face you. He made it known that you had his full, undivided attention. It made you nervous almost.
“I hope you don’t mind me interrupting your alone time,” he spoke, and his words were honeyed and sweet, warm mollasses falling from his tongue. “Couldn’t help myself, really. A pretty lady like you shouldn’t be left all on her lonesome.”
You smiled shyly, running the tip of your finger along the ring of your glass. “Oh, no, you’re not interrupting anything at all. I… I don’t mind the company, actually.”
The handsome man’s smile only grew, and it was so warm that you wondered if you’d start to melt.
“That’s good to hear,” he said. “I’m John, by the way.”
He stretched his hand out. You introduced yourself, a first name that fell from your lips a bit more seductively than you had intended, and shook his hand. John seemed to beam at your introduction and the acceptance of his handshake, his broad-shouldered body sitting up just a bit straighter in his seat.
His hand was strong in yours. There was a warmth beneath his skin, seeping from his palm like ichor. It made your hand curl instinctively tighter around his, just a subtle squeeze of your fingers. His thumb brushed over the back of your hand, and it took everything in you not to gasp.
When you retracted your hand, John reached for his drink to take a sip.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he said before he sealed his lips around the edge of the crystal tumbler. You watched the movement, before dragging your eyes downwards in a sudden realisation.
Your eyes locked in on his other hand, resting on his thick, muscular thigh— stretched out beneath a pair of faded jeans, making you feel warm all of a sudden. Again. His hand was bare. No wedding band. You looked back up at him.
“What brings you here?” You asked, cocking your head slightly as he brought his tumbler of whiskey back to the bartop.
John smacked his tongue against the roof of his mouth a couple of times, tasting the lingering bitterness of his liquor. He ran his tongue over his teeth, too, the potent drink seeping into the grooves of his molars. He wondered briefly whether you’d be able to taste it if you kissed him.
“A weekend break from work,” he replied simply.
“Oh, yeah? What do you do?”
“I’m in the Armed Forces. A captain.”
“Wow,” you said, impressed. “You must be a busy man.”
John chuckled, eyes meeting yours and darting quickly across your face, as if committing parts of you to memory. He replied with a light quirk in his lips. “I am, yeah.”
He then cleared his throat. “What about you? What brings you here?”
You shrugged, nonchalant. “Just needed a little getaway from home, I suppose.”
“Oh, yeah?” It was John’s turn to cock his head, eyes darkening— if that was even possible— beneath the weight of his pupils, expanding as he gazed at you. “Treating yourself?”
“Good girl,” he uttered. “I bet you deserve it.”
You smiled, feeling giddy. Your eyes didn’t leave him, and the butterflies wreaking havoc in your stomach didn’t leave either. They continued, and the way he was looking at you wasn’t much of an insecticide. His gaze was intense, all whiskey smooth and molten hot. You squirmed in your seat.
Your knees brushed— his large ones against yours, and you swear you felt sparks. You wanted so desperately to place the flat of your hand along his leg, hold it there, smiling and bartering your eyelashes and mentally insisting he take you back to his room.
Oh my god. You’d never thought like this before! You would never usually want someone to whisk you back to their room, especially not someone from the bar of a fancy hotel.
But if it wasn’t for the way he was staring at you— hunger and a mixed-bag of lustrous emotions— you would’ve felt guilty. But you didn’t.
“Sweetheart,” John began with a voice that could ignite a fire on a damp winters day. It definitely ignited something within you, stoking at the embers of your desire. He smiled, heated and tempting. “I don’t mean to be forward but… if you’d like too, I’d love to take you back to my room.”
You felt a smile creep over your pretty features. “Wow, John, are you always this forward with the girls you meet?”
He laughed. “Never. You’d be the first.”
“I find that hard to believe.”
“Trust me. You’re the prettiest woman I have ever seen.”
You grabbed hold of your drink and downed the rest of it— just two swallows, and your glass shone empty. You placed it gently back onto the sleek surface of the bar, not taking your eyes off of the handsome man in front of you.
“I’d love to go back to your room, John.”
Something shifted in his facial expression. Something primal, almost, passing over his features. With blown pupils and a rush of pink to his cheeks, he finished the rest of his whiskey in a couple of deep mouthfuls, before slamming the tumbler back onto the bartop.
The sound attracted the bartender, who sidled over with a knowing smile on her face. “Closing your tab, sir?”
“Please,” John said with a polite nod, getting to his feet. He then placed a hand to the small of your back as you clambered off of your barstool as well. “And put this lovely lady’s drinks on my tab as well.”
The bartender gave you a knowing look, but said nothing. And once everything had been sorted for the evening, John escorted you out of the bar and into the luxurious hotel lobby with a large hand still on the small of your back.
Walking, and with the lifts in sight, John pulled you closer to him, close enough that you giggled at the sensation of him pressed up against you. He smiled, leaning down until his facial hair tickled against the soft skin of the side of your face.
“I must say, you look absolutely stunning tonight, sweetheart,” he whispered, his voice like heaven in your ear. Then, the hand on the small of your back smoothed around your waist, holding you impossibly closer, fingers bunching at the material of your outfit. “But I can’t wait to take this pretty thing off.”
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popsicle-stick · 1 year
I'd love to hear about your coloring/pose choices once you post your turnarounds ~
oh! well, while i'm here, i might as well post what i have so far
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(the first 2 turns are their initial look, the third is their final look)
so! with jonathan, i initally went for a homely, warm look - he's fresh and a little nervous, kitted out in travelling gear that i'm sure he (and/or mina) bought especially for the occasion - i feel like he hasn't gone much beyond england before. i admit i was kind of spiteful and stole the red scarf from the league of extraordinary gentlemen's mina - which made this discovery from the milwaukee ballet version all the more serendipitous! by the end, he, like everyone, is in funeral gear, but he retains the scarf - it's matted and covered and grime, but it stays there. it helps break up the black, but also, it could maybe stand for a lot of Thematic Motifs, like love, sex, transgression, and, uh, blood. take your pick. also - not that important and it's hard to see, but i hc him with dark grey eyes, and when his hair changes, i really like the idea of his eyes becoming paler and washed out looking.
for mina, i wanted her to seem to seem unremarkable on first glance, but if you look closer, her outfit is supposed to be slightly masculine, with the waistcoat and collar. that's as much as she allows herself, though. she's a woman in a financially and socially vulnerable situation, and so i feel like she's someone who cares a lot about how she presents herself, and i wanted this to show. for her end-of-book look, i wanted her to match jonathan somewhat with the vampiric vibes. in her case, it's literal, so i took her eyes from a dark brown to deep red, and she's a very uncharacteristic mess. in both cases, i feel i was maybe a LITTLE on the nose with the dracula-eque vibes at the end, but whatever! who cares. she can wear what is essentially a red silk-lined dracula cloak because she should be able to have a bit of vampire swag in this testing time
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 6 months
the sweater
lilac, chapter fourteen
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a/n: okay but this moodboard? I am in love. let this be my everyday one day ♡
summary: “have you talked to her about the wedding yet?”
warnings: lumberjack!frank castle x reader, hurt/comfort, fluff, lumberjack AU, past domestic violence, crazy ex trope, kissing, hyper concentration, accidentally skipping meals
word count: 1440
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“So, Emma, did you enjoy seeing your aunt again? She’s mentioned it’s been quite a while since your last visit.”
“Oh yeah, Donna’s always a blast,” the woman on the other side of the counter chuckled as she handed you back the bulky key to the room she’d been staying in. Casting her glance up to the man who slowly made his way down the staircase, carefully making sure none of the luggage he balanced slipped, Emma’s giggle grew, “she loved Hasan.”
“Oh,” you chuckled, following her eye line as the aforementioned man conquered the last of the steps, “I bet she did.”
Settling the bags down on the floor by his partner’s feet, Hasan raised a dark eyebrow, “are you guys talking about me?”
“Huh? No, of course not, honey,” Emma hooked her arm with his.
“Alrighty then,” he then rested a palm atop Emma’s arm and asked, “uhm, have you talked to her about the wedding yet?”
Redirecting her gaze back onto you, “uh, no, not yet,” Emma then shifted her hand down to interlace with Hasan’s, “so, Y/n, as I’ve already told you, Hasan and I are engaged, but in actuality, this trip was less to visit my aunt and more for wedding planning purposes. You see, I’ve always loved this place, and ever since I was little and first came here, I’ve had this dream of getting married here at the inn.”
“Oh,” your brows rose, “really?”
“It’s just so beautiful and charming and I know that this isn’t usually something this place offers to facilitate, but it would really, truly mean the world to me if you’d say yes.”
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The gentle knock that echoed at the door to the vacant room you’d settled in rattled you from your frantic concentration. 
Spine still curved at a tense arch to gaze down at the laptop in your lap, you murmured, “yeah?” not raising your eyes as you continued to type.
“Hey,” the deep timbre that filled the room swayed your gaze to lift, “your dad said I might find you cooped up here.” 
In the dim light that streamed in from the hallway, illuminating slightly the room which you’d completely forgotten to light after the sun had gone down, there stood Frank, leaning against the doorway and clad in a tweedy grey woollen sweater, the vision of which bloomed a warm sensation deep within your chest that seemed to thaw at some of the tension that had accumulated since this morning. Tears nearly formed in the corners of your eyes at the sudden shift and the comfort you hadn’t seen coming. 
“Frank,” but tagging along, as soon as you layed your eyes upon him, came a realisation that stabbed you in the gut, “oh, shit, I was supposed to meet you at the cabin today. I’m sorry, time just–,” a tense exhale flowed from your lips as your form threatened to just tumble over into a laying position as you sat curled up on the bed, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” switching on the ceiling light, he closed the door, which had the swirly label that read the moon room on it, behind him before stepping closer, “you alright? You haven’t answered your phone all day.”
Fishing your mobile out of your pocket, the furrow to your brow deepened as you saw the two missed calls and handful of texts, “I’m really sorry, I’ve had it on silent.”
Feeling his wide palm come down upon your tense shoulder in a soothing rub, you heard him say, “it’s alright, you just worried me a second,” his soothing caress lowered a bit to sweep up and down your upper arm, “what’s going on, huh? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, I–… no, actually not really… I’m–… I don’t know… ” 
“What happened?”
“Nothing, I just–…” exhaling lowly, you let your eyes fall shut a moment as you uttered, “I agreed to host a wedding here at the inn.” 
“Ah…” he breathed and you felt the mattress dip as he shifted to sit beside you, his palm still warm on your shoulder. 
“It’s great for business and amazing money, I mean, I might be able to hire some more help with money like that, but I think I might have said yes a bit too quickly and now the reality is kinda catching up to me… it’s just tricky. I wanna do this. I know the couple, the bride is kind of a childhood friend of mine, I really wanna do this for her and also just in general be able to do this… but I think Preston might have kind of ruined the whole wedding thing as a concept for me. Not that it was something that I idealised before, I don’t think I ever really thought about it before he was forcing a ring on my finger… so, it’s just complicated…” lifting your gaze to meet his, you added sarcastically, “and also I only have like three weeks to string everything together, so that’s just wonderful.”
“You wanna get out of it?”
Taking a long moment to truly ponder it, you eventually heard yourself uttering, “no,” your head lightly shaking from side to side as you said, “no, I wanna do this, even if it’s not easy, I wanna be able to do it. I can accept it if he’s completely ruined it for me, that’s fine, I don’t need to ever get married, but I don’t wanna let him ruin it for everyone else. I wanna be able to at least participate, celebrate when someone I care about does it… I don’t know if that’s just extremely stubborn of me, not wanting him to ruin yet another thing for me, but I at least wanna fight for it. Wanna try to reclaim just that little bit…” 
“You want me to be there with you?”
“What, on the wedding day?” 
“Yeah,” he nodded softly, his eyes ever focused upon you, “could that help?”
“Oh, Frank…” a gentle sigh slipped out past your lips as your head tilted slightly, “that’s incredibly kind of you to offer, but I’d imagine that weddings properly aren’t your favourite place either?” 
“Don’t think about me,” he urged as he averted his gaze. 
“But I am though,” your chilly palm slipped over the top of his thigh as you dipped your head to catch his gaze, “I am,” rubbing your thumb over the rough denim, you soon suggested, “how about this, what if whenever it gets to me, I can just turn to you and you’ll help distract me?” 
“Yeah, I can definitely do that,” his head offered the faintest of nods as the hint of a smile twitched at the corner of his lip. As his other hand lowered to envelop yours, he briefly glanced down at it before shifting his hold to swaddle your icicles-like fingers, “are you cold?”
“Uh, yeah. I was gonna get up and go find a sweater or something earlier, but then I got too caught up in something,” you waved a hand in the direction of the long list that was glaring at you on the laptop’s screen, “and kinda just forgot.”
Without a second thought, you watched as he reached behind his head and tugged off the grey knit that enveloped his physique.
“Oh, I didn’t mean–”
“I know,” he gathered up the jumper in his grasp and lifted it for you to be able to slip into with more ease, “here.”
“Well, aren’t you gonna get cold now?”
Sighing softly, you raised your arms up and let him tug it down over your frame.
“Why are you so wonderful?”
Huffing out a sceptical breath, he only countered, “why are you?”
After your arms had slipped through the long sleeves and into place, your fingers snatched up the fabric of the dark t-shirt that the sweater had revealed and tugged him closer. 
Pressing a gentle and unhurried peck to his lips, you lingered there a moment after, your nose ghosting softly against his robust one as he then uttered into the narrow space between you. 
“You wanna know what I think?” you felt his palms slowly slide up and down the sides of your frame. 
“I think you’ve been working very hard all day long, and now it’s time to turn that computer off and come down with me and see if we can find some of what your dad made for dinner earlier.”
With a soft nod to your head, finally letting yourself notice the nauseating hunger aching deep within your belly, you felt a smile begin to bloom, “alright.”
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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tunastime · 11 months
no place for strangers
in which BigB realizes that there are a significant number of difference sbetween him and his friends, and in which BigB decides he doesn’t really care that much.
(2333 words)
A portion of the night sky, night for only a fraction of time, is blotted out by the shape of two dark, mottled-grey wings. 
He supposes he's a little jealous of that, the wings, how they shed loose feathers, how they flutter and swish and practically make no noise at all when extended. He's a bit jealous of Grian, known Watcher, much more powerful, hands twisted in the reigns of his own creation—the games. He's as much a pawn in this one as he has been in the others. But unlike BigB, he's hungry. The killing doesn't do it for him. Neither does the dying. Grian’s new—the Watchers don’t let him stay full. They chastise him for a million things and make sure he suffers, and at this point, BigB watches it happen. There isn’t much left he can do. He does less Watching and more supervising.
Maybe he's jealous of Pearl, with thin black and gold wings like a moth, ears wispy and pointed up toward the sky. The way her drooping eyes never dim, the way they both glow, silver and gold. She’s got it just as good as him, doesn’t she? Secretive and distant. Away enough to matter but not enough to cause a fuss.
But maybe he isn't. Isn't there something lurking behind his eyes when he stares at his reflection too long? Wouldn't redstone glow in his presence? Wouldn't the forest go silent and the earth hold its breath as he waited, as he watched? Wasn't there the purple remnant of where he once stood?
It doesn't matter. BigB stares up at the messy splotch that is Grian against the night sky and sighs something profound. He tried to understand him. To love him. But Grian is a widow, and everyone that loves him suffers the same. They just have, actually. Joel and Jimmy. And now Grian perches and watches and BigB watches him and there's a muted sting behind his eyes as he does. Grian doesn't turn. But his wings flutter.
"Good to know that some things stay the same," BigB says, cutting through the warm night air with a voice he hopes matches it, but he isn't sure. Grian hums, mostly questioning. His feet stay planted. BigB starts to scale the wall.
"Don't know what you mean by that," Grian questions. He turns his head slightly to the sound of BigB climbing the ladder to the top, but doesn't do much else.
"You," BigB huffs. He rests his hands on the top of the wall, pulling himself over the flat edge. He swings his legs over, and his heels bounce against the cobbles. It’s an uncomfortable resting place. He watches Grian shift from foot to foot, and wonders if the same cobbles are digging into the soles of his feet, the same way they dig into the underside of BigB’s thighs. 
“Me?” Grian parrots. His eyes flick over to BigB, quick, but not so quick that BigB doesn’t catch the nervous glint of them. He rests back on his hands. The rough rock presses back against his palms, cold and uncomfortable. Luckily, the air around them is thick with humidity, heat, and a faint metallic smell. And the hum of cicadas. Their drone blocks out everything else, except the words bouncing around in BigB’s head.
"You're still no good at the emotions thing, are you?" he asks. He tilts his head as he says it, cocking it to one side as he looks over at Grian. He watches Grian’s nose wrinkle, the beginnings of his teeth baring back, as if he could bite and make anything more than an impression. BigB almost laughs. He gets it, he really does. 
The thing about Grian is that he’s not an easy shape to love, and an even less easy shape to hold. Like every bird, he fears being caged, and arms are no more than a cage, and someone holding his heart is no more than a cage, so he can’t sit still, even now, even on the edge of a wall. BigB watches his wings twitch. They’re gorgeous, but there’s a sharp line through them where the flight feathers should be. They’re not much more than deadweight. Anyway—where was he? Right. Grian. Impossible to love, impossible to hold. A widow, of sorts. The words tumbled out of Scar’s mouth one time, scorned and scoffed. Grian was no more than a widow mourning the first partner he took—Scar—trying to find someone who fit the hole but wasn’t him. 
But Grian kills. Who could say it was even his fault? Scar. BigB. Jimmy. Joel. Everyone he tries to love, in any shape, dies. He’s forced to starve. He’s forced to feed a higher cause. 
BigB can see Grian’s calloused fingers from here, at least the pale shape of them, balanced over his shins as his wrists drape over the sharp edge of his knee. He studies him in the dim lighting before he looks away, feeling something curdling in his stomach. BigB knows his time is short. Unremarkable. And normally forgotten. That doesn’t really bother him, though. He knows the importance of his impression, here. But he wants to tug this string, just once. He knows where all the strings lie—even his own, unfortunately. Maybe that’s the one thing he knows better than Grian—he’s aware of the outcome before it happens. He doesn’t have to stop to wonder what his odds are.
“That’s not nice,” Grian begins, and BigB shrugs. The cicadas stop singing. BigB’s voice cuts through the night like a knife, cool and even.
“I’m just being honest,” he starts. He watches the stone of the clock tower for movement, eyes flicking over the shape in the dark. “Jimmy and Joel just died and you’re already trying to replace them.”
Grian huffs. He sounds indignant, almost twinged with hurt. “I don’t know what you mean by that.”
BigB raises his eyebrows, tilts his head again. Grian catches his eye for a second longer, this time, and his eyes are dark and wide. His jaw is tightly set. He looks like, at any moment, his lips might curl back and expose blunt, powerless teeth. BigB wonders what that might feel like—surely unpleasant, to have someone bite down on you with the intent to do harm, but he wonders if Grian could kill him on purpose and if it might rid him of anything. It might make the smell of guilt worse, actually.
“I think you do,” BigB says.
“Enlighten me, then,” Grian grits out, teeth closing around the words with a sharp snap. “Since I can feel you trying to figure me out.”
“Not me,” BigB says. Grian shuts his eyes, pinching his eyebrows together, before he twists his body around, fast enough to hear the slight pop of his spine as it cracks. BigB can feel the hair rise on the back of his neck as Grian searches, eyes scorching the earth for any sign of—
BigB hums, but it sounds more like a laugh.
“You’re just no good at it,” he says after a beat. Grian resettles, but his wings stay fluffed, body tight with tension. He radiates energy like a coil tightly wound. BigB can feel it seeping into the seams of him, and shifts as it prickles over his skin. He leans back on his hands a little further, hoping they can carry the weight. He shrugs. “I don’t know.”
“I don’t know what that means, BigB,” Grian sighs, short and through his nose. His hair blows into his face. “What d’you—” He sighs again, cutting himself off with a wave of his hand. 
He seems annoyed about the whole prospect of their conversation. It’s not unfounded, honestly. BigB did just climb up the ladder and start unpacking years worth of issues in front of Grian, trying to dig at the soft, bleeding center of the thing. He’s pretty sure Joel’s blood is still under his fingernails. He’s not sure if he saw it all happen. He definitely didn’t see Jimmy’s body hit the ground. Lucky, that. He’s not sure if he could watch people so used to flying be unable to use their wings when they needed it most. He thinks he might’ve seen Joel in the moment before Jimmy disappeared—Joel who was never one to let fear and grief trump anger. Or maybe the anger was his grief, like it was Tango’s, or Scar’s. Not that he saw much of that, either. Stories, mostly, things that get passed around a dim campfire at the end of the world. 
Jimmy was probably just a near-lifeless body in Joel's arms, right before he was gone. Poor guy. Grian didn’t even get to them in time before it was too late. He was too late for Joel, too. Joel was ash before Grian could even make his mouth into the shape of his name. BigB wonders if they got a grave. Grian was good at building graves, so he’d like to think so. It only made sense. Grian seemed to get over it faster when there was something to mourn to.
BigB takes a second to think, pressing his tongue between his back teeth. The air is quiet around them, still, like it, too, holds the tension in Grian’s spine, like it might be twisting it taut. 
“You just don’t understand how it works, you’re not good at grieving, and you’re not good at the whole grief thing, either.” BigB shrugs again, shoulders lifting just enough to be visible. He’s still not watching Grian, as much as Grian isn’t watching him, aside from the hum of them both, something wholly inhuman brushing shoulders with something that craved humanity more than anything else in the world, but could never figure out how to get it. 
“You don’t get it.”
“I do.” Grian starts.
“No, you don’t,” BigB turns toward him, finally, furrowing his eyebrows. “Grian, dude—you’re faking this whole human thing to begin with, and it’s not working—”
Grian whips around to face him. His face is sharp, jaw set. “Stop—”
BigB waves him off. His voice, unlike Grian’s, stays level, twinged with annoyance, rather than anything else. 
“You don’t understand what you should be guilty of, but you’re feeling it like it’s like…rotting something inside of you but you still don’t know why, and jeez, Grian, you’ve made it a crime for you to feel something.” 
He sighs, waving his hands around as if it could help bolster his point any further. He feels something ache in his chest—something aching to explain it in a way that Grian could understand, in a way that he wouldn’t just fight. Grian visibly bristles, feathers on his ears rising, the red and yellow tips of them stark in the night, even in the lantern light. 
“You’re on this planet too, you know, you’re allowed to let yourself feel. Messy and gross as it is. I mean, they died, man, is that anything?”
Grian swallows. BigB doesn’t watch the bob of his throat, or the way his feathers are still raised in alert as he jerks his head away. He follows Grian’s line of sight down the clock tower, where Bdubs and Cleo are talking. Bdubs looks over after a second. BigB feels a cold line run down his spine, but refuses to break his gaze. There are no sounds now, not even of his own heartbeat.
“No,” Grian manages.
BigB relaxes. Something of an easy smile finds his face, softening the shape of his eyes and the line of his jaw. He shakes his head. Grian shies away from him, but his feathers lower, and his posture sinks. He finally lowers himself to a sit, throwing his legs over the side of the wall. His hands cradle in his lap, and he stares into the palms of them. BigB remembers them as calloused, cold, and hard to hold properly. But he’s sure someone out there enjoys them. 
“You’re a really bad liar,” he laughs. Grian shakes his head. His voice is much quieter as he speaks.
“I don’t care. I don’t care.”
BigB turns his head. There, for a short moment in the moonlight, he watches the shape of Grian’s left shoulder turned toward him. They rise and fall as he breathes, shudder when he sniffs and sighs, move as he shifts his body, likely feeling those same, cold, hard cobbles pressing into the soft back of his legs. He sees where the back meets the wing, where the wing relaxes down and where feathers brush stone. He sees where they rest against the cobbles, half held and half upright, as if he wants to be ready to leap at a moment's notice. As if he doesn’t know that he, too, would die on impact. BigB reaches out, settling one soft hand on his shoulder. Grian tenses, but does not jump. 
“‘S alright, buddy.”
Instead, Grian deflates. BigB runs his thumb over the side of his shoulder, a friendly, comforting thing, as Grian leans back to his hand. His posture sinks to the touch, muscles weakening, wings folding back and down. Every molecule of his body, and BigB almost feels this in the air, grows heavy and tired at the subtle comfort. Grian draws what he can from it before he speaks. His voice sounds even, now, and tired.
“I miss them…” He starts. He swallows. “I missed you, too. I missed Scar.”
BigB sighs, giving Grian’s shoulder a long, warm squeeze before he lets go. Grian sways but catches himself on his hands. His body stays curved into itself. 
“I know,” BigB says. “But you’ll never be over it if you never break that cycle.”
Grian shrugs. The steel starts to slip back into his voice, firm. 
“I will when I win.”
BigB smiles.
“Maybe,” he says. He’s not sure he can see the end of that string yet, but the results don’t exactly look promising. “Who knows what’s in the cards?”
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thestalwartheart · 9 months
James Bond doesn’t like crowds.
Q’s only just started noticing. He supposes the fact that he’s noticed at all is a result of spending more time with Bond outside the office and the field.
Dating, some people might call it. He and Bond never bother to call it anything.
Really, the aversion to crowds should have been obvious. Q doesn’t like that it’s taken him long to catch on, but now that he knows, it throws a dozen past conversations in a different light.
Whenever Q suggests taking the Tube anywhere, Bond declines and offers to drive instead. It's something Q has, until now, put down to a) Bond’s well-known love of cars and b) a snobbish disdain for public transport. On their admittedly rare weekends away, Bond never suggests a city break. They always go somewhere quiet; often, it’s somewhere rural. Q had assumed it was because they live in a city (at least he does—Bond never stays anywhere long enough to be considered a local), and Bond was keen to shag him somewhere without the kind of walls the neighbours could hear through.
But there are tells to say otherwise.
Chief among them is the one in front of him right now. In the middle of Trafalgar Square, which is bustling with the signs of weekend life, Q tries to link his arm with Bond’s.
Bond flinches at his touch.
Bond pointedly doesn’t look at him, though he does relax ever so slightly under Q’s hand. Yet, as they walk on, Q can tell there’s something still off.
“You know,” says Q, at the bottom of some of the most famous stairs in London, “I’m not much in the mood for art, after all.”
It was a romantic idea to come to the National Gallery. To see the Turner paintings again. To listen to Bond groan at Q playing the pretentious art critic while he reduced all the nude paintings down to cheeky one-liners. It was, perhaps, too romantic an idea for what they are to each other. Q parks that thought, leaves it to worry about in the midnight hours. The more pressing matter is that it’s too uncomfortable for Bond to be here at all.
“You’re terrible at lying,” Bond tells him.
“Yes, well. So are you, sometimes.” Q looks around at the busy square. The sky is turning that dark and foreboding grey that signals rain is on the way. The fountains look dull and coppery under it. “I know you hate crowds. What do you say we get out of here and go for a drink?”
It’s a gamble. It’s always a gamble trying to guess at Bond’s moods, but today, the gamble pays off. Bond offers Q a fond, relieved smile and squeezes the hand Q has resting on his arm.
“Thank you.”
Inside, Q warms. No doubt it shows on his cheeks. He leans forward and presses a soft kiss against Bond’s chapped, chilly mouth, one that promises more kisses to come. It’s the kind of kiss Q likes best: slow and thoughtful. Cosy.
All the while, he promises himself that he’ll pay more attention to Bond’s tells. He prides himself on knowing his agents, after all. What sort of Quartermaster—what sort of friend or, well, whatever—would he be if he didn’t?
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Infinite Solutions (snippet)
Hey hey, lovelies!
Here's a little snippet of the Professor!Andy Barber x Professor!Reader series/mini-series (haven't decided yet, lol). I've made a poll asking whether or not I should pursue this fic, and I've been getting great responses. So, there is a possibility it may become a series. 🤭🤭🤭
Anyways, Enjoy!!
Pairings: Law!Professor!Andy Barber
Word count: 700
Warnings: None yet
Summary: *It's still a surprise, hehe*
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“You’re doing it again,” you hear a rough voice say. Looking away from the chalkboard, you see the dark-haired, blue-eyed man giving you a tired, tilted smile. You smile back, confused. “Huh?”
He sighs and nods his head, as if asking if he could enter. You nod, allowing him. “You’re going to break it,” he points at the white chalk in your fist. You hold it as though it’s the last thing to your name; you were so focused you didn’t know you were holding onto it for dear life.
“You’re supposed to be at home, sweetheart. Not break your head over some problem,” he waves his hand towards the blackboard. You bite the inside of your cheek, forcing your facial features to not react to the “sweetheart”. He looks at his expensive watch that sits nicely on his exposed forearm.
You take in his look, from the neat brown loafers to the nicely fitted black slacks to the light blue button-down where the sleeves were folded to his elbows, to the dark blue tie tucked nicely around his thick neck.
You push those thoughts aside, and you listen to him complain that you shouldn’t be here, at the university, this late at night.
“Just solving a problem,” you counter, placing the chalk back on its shelf. Andy sighs and nods, “I understand, but you know sleep is important, right?” You walk to your desk to pack up your stuff and you feel him follow you. He ducks his head to catch your eye, “right?”
You nod mindlessly, zipping up your messenger bag. You reach for the heavy textbook you haul all the time, but Andy grabs it before you could. “Let me,” he insists, as he adjusts his coat over the hinge of his elbow. You nod and say your thanks; you switch off your desk lamp and CPU, as your final routine for the night.
“Shall we?” He whispers, his deep blue eyes glinting against the moonlight streaming through your office window. You nod and your lips slightly twitch upwards, “sure, yeah. You gonna walk me to my car?” He chuckles and shakes his head, “that gonna be a problem?” His Boston accent incredibly strong.
You shake your head and lightly smile, “not at all, Barber.”
You both walk towards your door, and he holds it open for you, and you walk past him nodding your thanks.
The Boston chill hits you like a freight train, and you shiver instantly. Andy and you make a beeline towards your Corolla at the back of the parking lot. He makes you laugh with his dad jokes, and you ask him about little 3-year-old Jacob, and he says that he really appreciated you going to Jacob’s pre-school's Mother’s Day event.
“Ah, it’s really nothing. Anything to make that little troublemaker smile,” you brush off the compliment. Andy shakes his head, “No, I really do appreciate it a lot. You know, ever since Laurie left-.”
You nod, “Andy, It’s fine. And I really don’t mind helping you and Jakie out, really.” Andy gives you one of the softest smiles ever, and it warms your whole body despite the freezing chill of Massachusetts.
You press the button on your car keys, and your dark grey Corolla beeps. Andy opens the driver's side and as you’re about to get in, you stop and turn to face him. Your eyes widen as you didn’t realize how close you two were.
You could see the green specks in his eyes, and the little grey hairs in his thick beard. “I uh,” you start, staring at his lips. But your mind trails further to a place where it makes the tip of your ears flare red. You shouldn't be feeling these things towards Andy, he's a good friend of yours. A most importantly, your co-worker. Yes, you were in different faculty’s, but still.
Worst thing is, you could see that he feels the same. He senses the slight desire, the slight neediness you both have for the other. It's been simmering since the day you two met. The way he grips onto the door, the way he hands you back your textbook. He can’t stop looking at you, he can't stop thinking about you.
You're both waiting for the other to do something or the other, waiting for the bubble to burst.
“Goodnight,” he whispers, his eyes darting between your lips and eyes. “Night,” you whisper back, and you pull yourself from your frozen position and get in the car. He shuts the door gently, before lightly tapping on your window and waving goodbye. You replicate the same gesture, before pulling out of the lot.
Alright lovelies!!!
What do we think?
This is the offical first piece of writing I will be posting on here. So, any feedback, thoughts or even comments are really appreciated!!
Till next time!
Stay Coquette-y,
Anya 🫶🏽🕊️🎀
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My neighbor Sangwoo
Sangwoo x Reader
Warnings: Sangwoo is a warning himself, but no smut if that's what you're worried about! Though I can make one with smut! MINORS DNI
"Don't you think us being seen together is gonna cause problems?"
"What? You really think I care about that?" Sangwoo said, quirking a smug eyebrow. Hands held in big pockets while towering over you. Closer than you were comfortable with, as your back was pressed against his driver side door.
You didn't know how you found yourself in this position. One minute, you were leaving your small two bedroom house for the bus stop, with your neighbor Sangwoo following you down the road with his grey car, tailing slowly right next to you. Pestering to give you a ride to your shared campus, like some creep.
And the next, you were here. Backed onto the side of his car door, on said campus grounds.
You smacked your teeth while looking away, trying to hide your face in the confines of your hoodie.
"C'mon. I thought you were supposed to be this cool, cold-blooded chick who'd never care what people think?"
You shoved your hands in your pockets, still looking away from his cocky smirk. Of course, you cared what people think. Especially with your livelihood involved.
"It's not about that. I can walk myself to class, you know." You said, slightly irritated. He promised to leave you alone after the ride, and yet here he was pestering you for more. Attention? Reaction? Who knew? It was funny to you, really. He was the one who was kind enough to drive you with him to your classes, and yet he's offered you a lot of things as if you had done him the favors.
Him walking you to class was the last straw, though. The one thing you could do without were rumors, and the people of Korea loved to talk.
Surely, he couldn't be this oblivious.
"You don't want to be seen with me." You stated calmly. Warm breath flowing out into the cold air.
"Look at us. We're two completely different people. I'll just make you look bad."
It wasn't a lie. You were both total opposites, and you were far from what Sangwoo would consider his type. Why was he so persistent in keeping up with you? He couldn't say. He didn't know if he found you worthy of a kill yet either, and he definitely wasn't trying to have a quick fuck.
So why?
"Do yourself a favor, quit hanging on my arm."
Your voice cut into his internal thoughts.
He was starting to get pissed. Who did you think you were? Giving him orders. Especially like that.
Sangwoo did what he wanted when he wanted no matter how unconventional, whether people knew about it or not.
He waited for you to add on, though. Smirk decreasing ever so slowly, as your words processed in his mind. Dark and gloomy eyes following your every movement.
"At least think about me. You're the most wanted and respected guy on this campus. The girls will be giving me a hard time, while the guys are gonna assume the worst, I can only imagine what would happen to you viewed in the same light."
You smiled while looking up at him, hands still in pockets.
"No offense, but I can never seem to catch a break with the people of Korea." You said jokingly. Your Korean coming out perfectly with a slight accent.
How ironic.
You were a foreign loser with no breathtaking attributes. You were the same as everyone else, and yet you were no one. Possibly worse. Even he knew it.
You began to walk off without another word, hands balled up to fists in your pockets as you felt your throat start to burn and vision blur with unwanted liquid.
Fuckin' grief. Not now. Not in front of him. You didn't know why you were getting so worked up anyway. It's not like you liked him. Not even in the slightest.
Must have been the weather.
Somewhere in between, rough and gentle, were you immediately pulled back by your arm, hands still in pockets as you were gently slammed back into the car door. Sangwoo's hand still gripping the top of your arm. Thankfully, the threat of tears had stopped by then.
"Your dress attire may be hot garbage, along with your pessimistic attitude--but to me, I've never met anyone more worth it."
Is what he wanted to say. Is what he could have said.
Sangwoo has never ever been cowardly when it came to spewing out false compliments. Especially towards women.
But you were different, and these compliments were not false.
You did all things opposite from the women he would take home and dissect.
You were considerate, but not so much where you'd disregard yourself. You were funny without even trying. You found no reason in speaking if there was nothing to speak on, enjoying the slience any chance you got. Someone he related to, and to top it all off,
You were the only girl on this dammed campus that didn't want him. Romantically or platoniclly.
And for some reason, some odd, specific reason, he loved it.
He didn't want to admit it, but you were the most interestingly beautiful living thing he's ever wanted to be around and not kill.
Going out of his way, any chance he got to be near you to annoy you. To make you laugh. To piss you off, but not so much to where he'd hurt your feelings.
That's how he knew he was truly wiped for your attention. Sangwoo was the king of hurt. Feelings. Emotional. physical. Mental. It's what he did. But when it came to you, he couldn't find one violent bone in his body. As cliche as it sounds, you take those bad thoughts away.
It was in the movies, the romance novels, the TV shows. Sangwoo witnessed it all. There is always that special someone for everyone who took it all away. Made it better, but never did he believe it. He laughed at the idea. Someone for everyone? His ass.
He never thought meeting someone who did that for him would be possible.
To him, you were like a breath of fresh air in a sea--no, swamp of men and women who all had the same stench.
He couldn't say that these feelings he harbored were romantic, but he wouldn't mind it. Then again, how would he know? He's never had a crush or a true friend.
Would it hurt if you were both, though?
You're staring up at Sangwoo surprisingly. Eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and eyes blown wide as his right-handed grip on your upper right arm never loosened.
Whatever he was thinking about had him lost in thought as his eyes never broke away from yours. Slight blush on his face, but you chopped it up to the cold weather.
You began to speak, ready to tell him to let you go, but he beat you to it.
"Man, you're a pain in my ass. Quit saying retarded stuff, and let's get to our classes."
He said tiresomely. Yanking your arm slightly forward while he walked. Pulling you close to his side, as he threw his arm around your shoulders after pushing down the hoodie that obscured your face, much to your refusal.
Now, the whole world could see who he was walking with, and anyone who had anything to say could choose to speak then and forever hold their busted jaw in pieces.
Thanks for the read! First time posting fanfic on Tumblr!
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
71. "Put me down!" this with beefy!nat & r and nat picks r up 🤗
The Natty Special
Pairing: Beefy! Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: Natasha has training but you want her to skip it, just this once. 
Fluff | .06K | No warnings |
Prompt: "Put me down!" From THIS list.
Translation: dorogoy (darling), 
AC: I really hope this is on the lines of what you were after, I wasn’t too sure how to write ‘beefy’ content haha but I loved the challenge. 
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“Do you have to go to training today?” you pouted as your girlfriend got out of the warm bed. “dorogoy, it’s only for a couple of hours” Nat looked down at you while you snuggled the covers. “Yeah, but when you come back, you’ll shower and then have all this energy and won’t want to come back to bed” you did your best puppy eyes. 
“How about when I come back, I’ll have a quick shower and we can spend the rest of the day doing whatever you like” Nat offered with a soft smile, not caving into your innocent look. “Or you could stay home, in bed with me”
“You’re making this very hard, you know that, right?” she smirked. 
“That’s the whole point” 
“It’s only for two hours, I’ll be back before you know it”
“But Natty” you pouted once more, “it’s a thunderstorm and I don’t think that’s very safe, do you?” 
Natasha chuckled and playfully shook her head, “I’ve been to space, and you’re worried about a thunderstorm?” she cocked an eyebrow. She had you there, “okay, not fair” you sat up. “I promise, when I’m back, I’m all yours” she lent down and kissed you deeply, “I’m going to go have a quick shower” she said before walking into the bathroom. 
Kicking off the covers you put your slippers on and walked downstairs and started making Natasha’s favourite breakfast, the Natty special as you called it. The rain was coming down heavier than before, lighting flashed across the dark grey sky followed up loud cracks of thunder just to add the cherry on top. Flipping the strips of bacon in the fry pan you felt Natasha’s strong arms wrap around your waist from behind, “is this step two of trying to get me to stay home?” she chuckled before kissing your cheek. 
“Nope, this is for me actually” you replied placing your free hand on tops of hers naturally your thumb gently rubbing the tops of her hands. “Is that so?” she asked, “you don’t even like egg unless it’s scrambled” she added. “I’m giving it a second chance” you tried to hide the tugging smile on your lips, you were such a bad liar. 
“The is quite a bit of lighting” Natasha mumbled before spinning you around to face her, “Natty!” you chuckled. “Do you really want me to stay home?” she asked. You nodded, “if you stay home, I’ll make you your own Natty special” you smirked. “But you know I can’t skip training, it’s important” Nat played along, already making up her mind she was skipping training today. 
“I’m sure skipping one day isn’t going to hurt” you looked at her full lips, “please” you begged. “Mhm” Nat hummed, “I suppose I could just train at home today” she added. 
“What do you mean? We don’t have any gym equipment for you to use” you frowned slightly. “Who said I need any when I have you?” she smirked before lifting you up into her strong arms and spinning you around in a full 360 circle. You squealed loudly from her sudden action, “Put me down!” you laughed, “your bacon is about to burn” you pointed out before she placed you back on your feet and pulling you for another deep kiss. 
“So, you were cooking for me” she smiled against your lips. 
“Shut up” you chuckled before kissing her once more, “are you staying home or not?” you asked turning back to the stove to take the bacon and eggs off the pan, Natasha’s arms still wrapped around your waist. “Yeah baby, I’ll stay home” she kissed the back of your neck as you fix her a plate. 
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Taglist: @red1culous | @sayah13 | @charl-lally | @when-wolves-howl | @bentleywolf29 | @fxckmiup | @natasha-belova | @blackwidow-3 | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz 
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word count: 946 warnings: none! notes: very short, very fluffy, hopefully not too boring !! also sorry for slight inactivity, school is going crazy lately :(
Raindrops flick periodically against the glass window. Soft afternoon light pours through into the room, slightly muted by the grey clouds that have taken over the sky. You turn the page of your favorite book and take note of how soft the paper seems, worn by years of rereading. This is tranquility – unbroken peace, the world existing only for you in this moment.
However, when you hear the familiar clicking noise of the front door unlocking, you decide there’s enough space for Matty as well.
Matty loudly calls your name in declaration that he’s home now. You don’t respond, knowing he’ll find you in only a matter of seconds. Sure enough, Matty is standing in the doorway of your shared bedroom when you look up from your book the next moment. He walks over without a word and flops face-down on the bed. It leaves a few of his dark curls askew, drooping over his forehead. You smile to yourself at the scene, gentle light illuminating his features, and you can’t help but reach a hand over to tousle his hair. He looks soft and tired like this, disheveled hair and weary eyes from an extensive day of work paired with his large, brightly colored sweater. “Long day?” you ask.
He sinks himself deeper into the blankets and mattress. You can just barely make out his dark eyes looking up at you as he nods and gives a muffled, “Yeah, exhausting.”
At his words, you place a bookmark on your page and set the book on the bedside table. “Come here,” you say, shifting the blankets to create an open space next to you. Matty groans dramatically as he drags his body closer to you, but you know he’s been waiting for this all day. You’re still sitting up while he lays against you, his head nuzzling your side and arms reaching around your waist. Matty hums happily when your hands return to his head, gently massaging his scalp and threading your fingers through his hair. 
You do this for a few minutes, letting Matty decompress. He practically purrs at your touch, and it’s no different when your hand travels from his head to his neck to his back, still massaging in small circles. “You feel like an angel,” he mumbles. 
“That good?”
“Yeah.” You can hear his smile through his words. “My angel.”
Matty knows he can get anything he wants if he sweet talks you like this for long enough, so instead of dignifying a response, you lean down to kiss his head. You let your lips cover as much area as possible for good measure before breaking away, almost dizzy from the overwhelmingly comforting smell of Matty himself. 
You lightly tap his shoulder and tug a bit on the collar of his sweater. No words need to be exchanged for Matty to adjust his position just enough to be able to slip out of his sweater, as well as the t-shirt underneath it. Immediately after, however, he curls back up next to you and grabs your wrist to guide you back to his skin. On any other day you would have been unable to keep down a suggestive remark at the sight of his muscles flexing and relaxing under your touch, but today you just shower him in gentle affection. You know it’s what he needs, and you’re the only person he wants it from.
The knots in his shoulders slowly undo themselves, and your nails lightly drag up and down his back. Matty’s breathing slows, falling into the familiar rhythmic pattern that tells you he’s fast asleep. You very carefully move his arm from your waist, trying not to wake him, then slide yourself down in bed to lay next to him. You’re nearly nose to nose with him, his warm breath just barely fanning across you, close enough for a stray curl to tickle your forehead. You can’t help but inch forward to kiss the tip of his nose. A small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth; you’re not sure if he’s really asleep now, but his arm snakes around you to pull you into his chest and you suppose you don’t care either way. You let Matty envelop you, his body and his warmth and his presence.
The rain falls harder now, and the sound mixed with Matty’s arms around you ultimately lull you to sleep. You drift in and out of sleep a few times, and each time you find your legs tangled with his, his arms still wrapped tightly around you. You’re sure that you’ve felt him leave small kisses on your shoulders as well. 
It’s not until hours later that you finally wake to the feeling of Matty’s fingers tracing small shapes up and down your arms. His eyes, still hazy with sleep, are scanning you up and down, drinking in every detail of you in your unaware state. When your eyes flutter open, he gives you a guilty look, caught in a moment of self-indulgence. “Go back to sleep, love,” he whispers, placing his hand softly against your cheek.
You’re too tired to argue with this – not that you would have pushed back anyway. Falling into Matty’s touch feels like returning to a place undiscovered by anybody else, somewhere where the walls could protect you from anything, the lights will always stay on for you, the door will always be unlocked. Snuggling yourself close to him once again, you inhale and exhale deeply, as if you could breathe him in. You feel Matty press one last kiss to you just below your ear, accompanied by the words “I’ll be here when you wake, angel.”
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sleeps-muse-24 · 25 days
Vore Pt. 1
Hi everyone! Hope everyone is having a good day! This is some Vessel worship in honor of their North American tour! Please enjoy!
MDNI!!!! Warning: Dom!Vesselxreader, Impact Play, pure nasty smut.
3k words
They were barely through the door before he was on her, lips on her like a breathless man trying to consume her entire being. Pressing her up against the door, she met him with the same fervor.
For a brief moment, she wanted to kick herself for what she was doing. There were so many other places she could go if she wanted to take someone home. But picking up a man from her own bookstore seemed like a bad idea in a variety of different ways.
But when he came in at eleven-thirty p.m asking for any books on ancient myth, whatever culture, she couldn’t resist. Especially paired with the English accent, near pitch black hair, and deep brown eyes that pulled her in immediately, with the tight black jeans, the random band t-shirt that she vaguely recognized, and open dark grey flannel overtop. It made her core clench at wanting to see underneath. 
It was like she was suddenly under the spell of a vampire, and she didn’t want to get out.
His hands were large, scorching her skin through her clothes. As desperate for her as she was for him. He might’ve been lanky, but the sinews of his muscles were tightly corded like a swimmer. 
He pulled away from her mouth, pressing hard kisses to her neck sending pleasure down to her clit.
Winding her fingers into his inky locks, she moaned, “What even is your name?”
A hand replaced his mouth around her neck, squeezing ever so tightly, as he pulled away to look at her. A seductive smirk took over his face, showcasing the slightly misaligned white teeth. “Why do you need to know, pet?”
“What am I supposed to scream?”
His eyes turned almost black at the raspy nature of her response. He wet his full lips, leaning into her ear. He paused for a second letting his breath raise goosebumps on her skin before ordering, “Ves. You can call me Ves.” “What is that? A family name?” She snorted despite herself
The next thing she knew, she was pressed against her apartment door, hands locked above her head by one of his. His free hand trailed fingers tauntingly down her spine before rubbing the globes of her ass. “Is that really how you talk to the man who is about to worship you tonight?” Her legs shook in her boots.
The way he said it, he meant it. There was a deep conviction from somewhere her lust-addled brain couldn’t comprehend. 
Swallowing, she doubled down. “If you can’t handle my mouth, what makes you think you can handle the rest of me?” Ves merely hummed, swift fingers reaching to the front of her jeans undoing the button and yanking them down in one fell swoop. His deep groan when her skin was exposed, grabbing a handful of it. It was hard enough to be almost painful, and it made her pussy pulse in need. She needed it hard…and soon.
“It’s cute how you think you can top me, pet.” He leaned forward, the heat of him warming her back. “But I know exactly how to handle a brat like you.”
Three sharp stinging slaps landed on her right asscheek.
“God! Fuck!” Despite the pain–and definitely because of it–she ached to rub her thighs together to give herself some friction. Something to release the pleasure coiling in her stomach tighter and tighter with each slap that rained down.
Eight slaps in total. Each one painful and oh so delicious.
“Please,” she begged, her normal mind slipping away only to be replaced with the submissive she was deep down.
“Please what, pet?” Ves chided behind her. Slipping a hand around her front, he hissed through his teeth when his long fingers parted her folds and found how soaked she was. “Do you think you’ve earned my forgiveness for that mouth?”
She was burning. She needed to cum more than she needed air, but he wasn’t going to let her if she didn’t work for it. She just knew it in her bones. Turning her head to look back at him, he looked like a dark God in her apartment. Backlit by the faint digital lights in her kitchen, he was sex, sin, and darkness all wrapped into one ready to consume her wholly. And she was willing to let him. “Let me go, and I can earn it. Please, I can earn it.”
Ves took a shuddering breath, visibly affected by her words. Dark eyes search her desperate ones for a moment, basking in the dominance powerplay happening, before nodding. “I control the pace.”
“Anything,” she whispered.
“Careful, pet. Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” He released her. She quickly turned around and dropped to her knees before him. He stroked the side of her face briefly before a hand tangled in her hair, giving it a controlled tug. “Green means you’re good. Yellow means slow down. Red is full stop no matter what. If you can’t speak then tap my thigh three times if you start to panic.”
She knew those terms well, it was normal to brief safe words and actions before, but there wasn’t anyone who had said it with so much conviction that she actually believed them. But with Ves’ hand tangled in her hair, staring down at her with something swimming in his eyes, she believed him. Nodding, she undid his pants and dragged them down his legs.
Her mouth watered at what he was hiding underneath those tight black jeans. A thick, long cock was her gift–one that wasn’t quite sure if she could manage.
But she damn well was going to try.
“Open, pet,” Ves, ordered.
Gripping his thighs for support, she opened her mouth wide. 
His cock slid home, gently at first, letting her get used to his size. Slowly, he worked it in until every thrust was hitting the back of her throat. Breathing through her nose the best she could, she ran her tongue on the sensitive part of his shaft. 
Ves hissed when her teeth gently scraped by accident. “Yes, pet. Just like that.”
Pain. He liked pain just like she did.
Tears stung her eyes as he thrusted harder, the hand gripping her head tightly so he could fuck her face. She moaned at the bite of pain. He groaned at the vibrations coating his dick. “Okay, pet,” he breathed, “Are you ready to take more?”
She gripped his thighs harder.
“Yeah.” Ves’ pace slowed enough that she inhaled deeply through her nose. Relaxing her throat, he inched back into her mouth only this time, not stopping at the back of her throat. Ves tightened his grip, ordering, “Breath for me. You have to breath for me.” She was trying. God, she was trying. Tears stung her eyes as he carefully inched down her throat. He was so big, almost bordering on too big.
“You can take it, pet,” he praised her groaning when she faux swallowed and her throat muscles tightened around him. Rubbing her tongue on the underside of his cock, she realized she wanted him to get off. “Gods, you take me so well.”
Closing her jaw slightly, her teeth hit him once again and that little bite of pain was Ves’ undoing. “Fuck!” He slammed his fist against the wall as he came down her throat.
She swallowed every drop like she would never drink again. 
He pulled out of her mouth with a pop.
She knelt there gasping for air, tears tracking unceremoniously down her face. Ves knelt immediately, pulling her into a warm embrace. “You did so good,” he cooed, stroking her back and cradling her head. She hiccuped. Why on earth was she crying? “You did so so good for me. I’m so proud of you.” She clutched him tightly, halfway noticing that the both of them had their shirts on but missing pants, as his praise lit her up from the inside out. It felt so good–to be praised. Not a lot of her previous partners did it, and it helped soothe something in her soul.
He held her as she calmed down, and cupped her face when her tears dried. “How’re you feeling?”
“Green,” she rasped.
Ves’ thumb rubbed her cheek, the dark pools of endless night that were his eyes drawing her in. “Are you sure? Because I can leave now and skip down the street clicking my heels. There is no pressure to continue.”
Her heart melted. Grasping his wrists, she leaned forward and pressed her lips gently to his. This was a different meeting than when they first got the apartment. They were so pent up from the back and forth at the bookstore, the flirting clouding their minds with lust.
No, this was different. Ves was slow, savoring each movement and matching her at every turn. Tracing the tip of her tongue along the seam of his lips, he groaned. The kiss got deeper, and Ves slid his hands under her ass.
She sucked in a breath. “I’ll take care of you, pet,” Ves promised into her. “I’ll take such good care of you, please let me.” The way he begged, pleaded with her sent shivers down to her clit. She nodded. “Yes, Ves.”
She was in his arms in a second, their lips never leaving for a moment. Somehow, they made it to her room, Ves kicking the door closed behind them.
Laying her down gently on her covers, he stripped off his shirt revealing those lean corded muscles she felt earlier. He wasn’t bulky but he was a work of art. Moonlight trickled in from her window, bathing him in shadows.
Sex and sin.
She took her own shirt off, letting him drink in her body to the fullest. The moment was filled with nothing but his increasingly heavy breathing as his eyes roamed her form. Ves wet his lips before kneeling in front of her. “The debt that I owe,” he whispered.
Her brows pinched. “What?”
“Touch yourself, pet,” he said, fisting his cock. “Show me how you like it.”
Her hand slid down her body of its own accord. Electricity shot through her when her fingers found her clit. The pressure that was building in her lower abdomen was like a powder keg ready to go off. Circles and circles drew on her clit, eyes never leaving Ves’. He pumped his cock in time with her hand, matching her in every way.
It was the most intimate thing she had ever experienced.
Her orgasm was close. It was just there, but she couldn’t get there. She whimpered in frustration.
Ves must have seen it on her face because he crawled to her getting right between her legs–so close that he inhaled deeply the scent between her thighs. “What do you need, pet?”
She only whimpered, applying more pressure to her clit. But it didn’t do what she thought it would.
His hands caressed her outer legs, soothing the frustration and keeping her focused on him. “Tell me what you need and I’ll give it you. I’ll give you anything.” “I don’t–” She threw her head back “--I don’t know.” Kisses blazed a trail up her inner thigh. He gently removed her hand from herself. “May I?”
She huffed a laugh. “Such a gentleman.” 
Ves chuckled, the sound soothing the rapid heartbeat in her ears. “For you, always.” Trying not to let the words pierce her heart, she wet her lips and nodded. 
Fingers spread her open, observing her most intimately. Then his thumb touched her clit and he blew on her hot sex.
She moaned as he began to draw circles–like she had done–but with a steady hand. It was there, she could taste her orgasm creeping up, she just needed...fuck what did she need!
“Shhhhhhhh,” he cooed, rubbing her clit faster. “Do you trust me to give you what you need?”
“Yes, Ves!” She cried. “Yes!”
“That’s my good girl.”
He plunged two fingers into her, pumping them fast before pinching her clit.
It was hot as her orgasm tore through her. Scalding her from the inside out, giving and taking from her. Through it all, Ves was there praising her and thrusting his fingers prolonging the high.
When she came back down, he crawled into bed next to her, stroking her face.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
He smiled, the sight beautiful and pure. “Thank you for sharing that with me.”
“You’re weird.” She chuckled.
Brushing a piece of sweaty hair from her forehead, he traced the lines of her face. “Why is that weird?”
“I don’t know.” She shrugged. Feeling emboldened by his exploration, she placed a hand on his chest. He was warm to the touch, but it was his heart that drew her attention. It was beating like he ran a race. “It’s nothing special.” Ves stopped. Her words pierced something inside him. 
Then his hand enveloped her jaw making her look at him. The seriousness that etched his features was a drastic change to the sexual beast she had seen up until this point. “You letting me in your home, inside of you, is nothing short of special to me. You are special. Don’t downplay yourself because it’s what you think I want to hear.” Her foundation shook underneath the weight of his words. He meant every single one of them.
She wet her lips, and not knowing what else to say and not wanting to let Ves–a complete stranger–see how his words struck a cord, she pushed him on his back. Straddling him, she trailed kisses down his body. Each kiss was lingering marring his skin red.
She was leaving a blazing trail of hickeys down Ves’ body marking him up as her own. Somewhere in the recesses of her mind, she knew he wasn’t hers, but for the night…the night he was all hers.
“Pet, if you keep this up…” the open-ended warning made her clench. Nipping at the spot she was working on, she hoped it would break his resolve.
And it did.
She was on her back before she could blink. Holding her arms above her head, he palmed her full breast. “They’re so perfect.” He rolled her nipple between his fingers. “Just perfect for me.” Whimpering, her hips rolled against his. Need pooling once again despite her monster orgasm a few minutes ago. Ves humed, getting comfortable between her open legs, his cock rubbing against her folds. “Is that what you need? Do you need my hard cock inside you?”
“Yes!” She all but screamed. 
Licking her nipple, she squirmed. She needed it so bad, ached for it in a way that she had never felt before. 
“You have been so good,” he mused, notching the head at her entrance. “Such a good girl for me.” “Please,” she begged, tugging at his hold on her hands.
“Ah ah ah. I need you to tell me something first.” “Anything, Ves. Please.” 
“What did I say about being careful with that word.” Ves planted a kiss to her shoulder. “Tell me your my good girl.”
Her brows pinched but she said, “I’m a good girl.”
He nipped her skin as punishment. “Wrong. You’re my good girl.” Her core clenched. He wanted ownership. To complete the dominance over her. She wet her lips…and let go. “I’m your good girl.”
Ves sank slowly home inside her. He was larger inside her than she thought, stretching her out deliciously. And he kept going until he was fully seated inside her, the tip kissing her cervix. He released his hold on her hands to plank above her, his arms shaking with exertion on his speed.
She wrapped her arms around his shoulders immediately, sinking her fingers into the inky blackness of his hair. The soft strands slick with sweat from the night. “Gods you’re so tight.”
Moaning, she also wrapped her legs around his trimmed waist. “Please, Ves.”
“I know, pet.” He dropped a kiss on her forehead. “I know.”
With that, he slowly thrusted into her. Every thrust was slow but with enough force that left her breathless. He hit every place inside her that made her toes curl.
Her orgasm was building, her legs shaking as he got faster. Their groans mixing together in a symphony of sounds. “You take me so well. Like you were made for me,” he praised her. 
“Yours, Ves,” She promised breathlessly.
He made a sound like a growl and sped up. Drilling her into her bed that she was sure it would leave a permanent mark. And she loved it. She met every thrust with her hips, taking him and owning him as much as he was owning her.
“That’s right,” he panted, sliding a hand to her neck. Not squeezing but dominating. “This pussy is mine. Only mine.”
“Yes, yes!”
“Gah!” The veins in his neck bulged. He was getting close. So was she. “I’m going to cum. I’m going to cum in my pussy.”
“Please!” She begged. Dragging a hand from his hair, she ranked her nails down his chest leaving five claw marks.
That did it.
“FUCK!” Ves slammed home, squeezing her neck. The lack of oxygen triggered her orgasm. They were cumming together.
They were everywhere together. Somewhere out of their bodies, their insides melding to one another. Everything lay bare to the other.
It was beautiful.
It was explosive.
It was scary.
Ves collapsed on her, panting. “Color?”
He nodded against her. Planting a kiss to her ear, he pulled out of her gently.
She sucked a sharp breath as he left her, the ache from his size and how deep he was already settling in. “Bathroom?”
Pointing a shaky hand to the door to the right, she fought to catch her breath.
The water turned on and there were some odd squishing sounds before Ves remerged with a washcloth in his hand.
“What’re you…”
Ves’ brow furrowed. “Aftercare?”
His hand gripped her thigh making her refocus her attention on him. There was concern etched into his sharp features. It wove deep in her emotionally vulnerable heart. “Have you never had aftercare before?”
“I have.” 
His brow rose at her too-quick response. Shaking his head, he spread her legs and gently placed the washcloth on her sex. “You deserve better than me bolting out the door after that.”
The warm cloth felt amazing but she squirmed uncomfortably. “It’s really okay. It’s late, I know someone probably wants to know where you are.”
“This is the bare minimum, pet,” he told her vehemently. “We both need this.”
Swallowing, she nodded and let him clean her up, depositing the cloth in her hamper in the corner of her room before pulling the covers down on her bed and getting both of them underneath it. Tucking her face into his shoulder, their legs interweaved with each other.
She was warm, sated, and safe.
Her heart cracked open.
Ves shouldn’t stay. He couldn’t. It would break her to pieces. The emotional come down from sex like this was going to be intense. And it was going to be worse if he was there in the morning.
“Shhhhhhhh.” He stroked her suddenly tense back muscles. “Just for a minute.” A minute.
She could do a minute.
She could allow herself a minute of intimacy.
“One minute,” she agreed snuggling deeper into him.
Ves humed a tune that scratched familiarity in her brain. She knew that song but as soon as she focused on it, it fluttered away. Sleep was pulling her deeper and deeper down.
So far down, she barely noticed the slight black paint on her fingertips.
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sadtonight · 2 years
"Goodbye, my love..."
Summary: when you got the chance to go back to your world you turned to your lover...knowing well that was the point of no return;
Characters: dorm leaders;
Warnings: angst, bittersweet/bad endings, reader is from another (our) world, reader is gender neutral, established romantic relationships;
Side notes: finally living up to my username. Strangely enough, I avoid reading these or similar prompts all together. I don't like angsty things without something that brings content to both the characters and the readers alike. I guess I have written this work because writing in some sort of diary is ultimately worthless, but if I transfer my sadness onto art, it would at least serve some kind of purpose?
— one of the first to hear your story and one of the first to tell you goodbye;
— Heartslabyul was first dorm to welcome you like it was your home. You felt comfortable enough to share your issues that you struggled with, words coming out of your mouth rather effortlessly. After all the help you have given, Riddle couldn't sit straight and watch you suffer, thus he vowed to aid as much as he could, especially when you two got together;
— the male wasn't delusional when it came to your situation: if Twisted Wonderland is not your world, your belonging and it contains so little of your history it's natural that you must return back to where you lived. It's logical, it's correct, it's right;
— it's how supposed to be...The red haired recalled each and every abysmally dark night when he was restlessly convincing, reasoning and pleading himself to digest and accept the fact, while trying to fall asleep so he could get rid of the unwanted thoughts;
— as the time went by, Riddle couldn't contain his frustration anymore, lashing out more despite promising to do better. The tears, from anger along with sadness, glinted ever so slightly in the boy's big grey eyes, were noticed by few and addressed even less;
— his behaviour took a toll on you too, doubts looming over your like a phantom. So now it was the Heartslabyul dorm leader's duty to reaffirm your resolution. It was Riddle's duty as a lover to reassure you of your choice that you were still unsure about;
— the male thought that it would be him wiping away your warm tears, drawing circles on you back and placing soothing kisses, just like you did to him when he was at his lowest. However, heavy tremblings and hitched breath were not the things he wanted to give with you that dreadful day;
— one parting embrace and "I will miss you, my dear" ruined the seemingly impervious facade. Even with all possible rules Riddle has tortured himself to learn and follow over the course of his life, ever since he had lost you, he didn't know how to live his life anymore....
— unsurprising, really. As if his already bleak life could get any worse;
— turns out it could and it made Leona's blood boil hot in his veins with quick pulse ringing in his limbs. Not the same sensations he usually experienced when his team won tough Spelldrive matches. It was simultaneously cold and hot fury colliding, as if his body was filled with sizzling hot steel;
— you came into his pitiful life and planted the seeds of hopes in his heart. Savanaclaw dorm leader hasn't been positively motivated to do anything for the longest of time, until you showed up. With your stupid smile and easygoing attitude you wormed into his mind, leaving him wondering if there is any slimmest chance that he could live happily with you;
— it was your fault Leona couldn't look straight into your sorrowful eyes anymore. He sneered at you sorry state, proclaiming to not set foot into the mirror chamber until you disappear when the fateful day would come, acting as if those vicious words did hurt his tongue like he was licking a sharp dagger;
— the second born prince kept his promise, but you knew him well, feeling his presence nearby: tall animalistic figure standing outside the room in the shadows, awaiting to crawl back to it's den;
— it was the second most impactful defeat Leona has experienced. If he was to be there, right beside you, he wouldn't comfort you or wish you well, no, he would break the grand dark mirror, reduce it to ivory sand, thus dragging you to the intangible demise along with him and your possibilities of living a proper life;
— instead he sacrificed himself and your relationship, turned his heels around and started walking away upon hearing people with whom you were friends with rebuke the pathetic lover he was, feeling his palms sting from talons piercing the flesh. One way or another, Leona would be left with nothing but regrets, no matter what decisions he has taken or had the ability to make...
— it was ridiculous that there was nothing he could do! He tried his best to crawl out of murky waters only to sink into bigger, darker ocean of despair;
— if it wasn't for the great lengths of effort Azul has went through, he wouldn't be having everything he possessed. That of course included you, his most treasured acquisition attained by making many steps starting from his childhood;
— and to think it was nowhere near enough: because he was never enough for someone as great as you in the first place. Octomer couldn't fathom why had he listened to your lies, why had he opened up to you in the most tiniest, vaguest ways possible, let you bend himself to your will and wishes;
— you broke the very contract conditions you comically read out loud to him before signing the papers, agreeing to love him forever and ever along with never leaving him, using his favourite fountain pen. The gift which Azul got from your tender hands on his birthday. He put equally as much care and dedication to the thing as he put towards you;
— despite you arguing that you always loved every feature of his body and every bit of his personality, your lover couldn't be convinced otherwise: with a shaken voice and buckling knees which threaten to give away, in complete desperation Azul kept begging you to tell him what was wrong with him, what must be fixed so you wouldn't leave him and stay;
— and what could you say to that? You held him while he was painfully weeping, like he was back to being little detestable octopus again. Everything was spinning when the two of were going to the mirror chamber. It seemed more like you were seeing Azul away rather than the opposite;
— you both knew he would recover, you squeezed his hand lightly, as if seeking confirmation. To which your lover raised his head, trying to maintain natural expression while not break down crying once more. Azul will be fine, in weeks, months and years he will be better than he was and is today. You will be proud of what he will become and you will return to him, one day, with all the efforts he will make...
— nooo, it was way too early to say good-byes when the two of you just started!
— Kalim never imagined counting time along with days so diligently prior to the news of you leaving. You were near him all the time: you accompanied him everywhere to the point of it getting in the way of Kalim's life. But he didn't care, he had to show you and tell you everything he could, even though his feet were tired and mouth ran dry;
— it took your lover some time to grasp that you couldn't stay. No matter how much he desired to be together or him running away with you, deep down the male had already realised that the stakes were too high on both ends, with each party losing something significant in return;
— there was no place for selfishness, meaning that Kalim had to make the most of the little time he was left with. Thus, the plans for the grandest departure party were worked out with the whole dorm helping and white haired male taking up the organizer's role;
— his laughter echoing in the boundless empty yet starry sky, his tears watering the treacherous desert, his movements erratic and animated, his stomach full of delicacies but aching as if from unquenchable hunger. You really did have lots of fun that day, and yet, you just couldn't shake melancholy away, watching your lover waver like a candle light in thick darkness;
— when time for your leave came, Kalim smiled like he always did, only glistening crimson eyes and soft sniffles betraying true feelings that he had no intentions of hiding. The boy wanted to give so many precious gift but instead had to give you his words. He tried writing his speech down, only to find that it would take to much paper, so at last he settled on speaking directly from his heart like he always did;
— everything he ever wanted you to have was happiness: for you to have kindness to yourself and others, for you to be in blissful serenity of no troubles bringing you down, for to find the best path in life and follow it. "Just please, be sound and happy for me, okay...?" were his final, parting words after which Kalim smiled, truly being glad to have met you.
— he has already been aware of how things work in the world: villains never get happy endings, there is no 'happy ever after's;
— but to say that with this knowledge it didn't faze Vil at all when news were broken to him by you...well, the shadow that fell on his face was the evidence of his true emotions despite his best efforts to appear as calm as an actor and model could possibly master;
— in reality, inside Vil was hurting so, so much he thought that he would burst. When he was heading back to his room, no soul dared to disturb the Pomefiore dorm leader, whose face now turned visibly paler even with several layers of make up;
— the second the click from the lock went off, male's back softly hit the door as he painfully shot his head upwards, gloved hand immediately reaching to catch falling tears. It felt like his body would collapse if he stayed on his feet for even longer than a second, thus Vil threw himself on the bed, clutching his pillow in a tight grip along with smothering his face into it's plush all while bitterly crying;
— make up and bedsheets will be damned, those trivial things could be replaced but another person?? Whom he was unfortunate enough to fall in love with in spite of knowing how they turned up in Twisted Wonderland? He was such a fool...
— Vil never regretted his time spent with you, he saw a potential and tried to nurture it in his own fashion. And whilst doing so, he couldn't stop his heart from beating faster, flirtatious words escaping his lips and eyes never leaving your figure once they caught the sight of you;
— all nice things has to wither when you are the villain — you do not deserve hero's honours. That's precisely why your lover was so insusceptible, actings like usual with only difference being him lightly scolding you for hesitating when both of you stood in the quite corner of the mirror chamber;
— you hugged you lover for one last time, Vil combing his long slender fingers through your hair, smiling wistfully. His only hope is for you to finally find your hero, with whom you shall find find everlasting bliss.
— there is nothing a man can't do. Even bring back those who are no longer here;
— the fear. This bone chilling feeling that was steadily creeping up within you with every encounter and visit: your lover, with madness in his eyes, run around the whole Night Raven in search of parts and components, working on his project without getting a silver of sleep or rest, going as far as to placing his hobbies onto his younger brother's hands;
— he was working on... you. Non organic version— consisting of metal, wires and magic. Fortunately for your sanity, the outside body parts like your face were still in the making but you were neither oblivious not ignorant person so with only seeing robotic structures barely coveted by white cloth you knew it was none other than you;
— that's how Idia copes, by finding substitutes to everything he lacks or that has been taken away. Maybe, it's because behind his cynicism and cold approach even to things dear to him he still cares. So much so that he can't let it go;
— lanky male knew he would lose you one day, due to his fault or your will and some time later into your relationship he started working on the project off and on. Just in case so he would be prepared. It was like bringing additional set of armour to a boss fight, no?
— you tried to bring Idia back, trying to shake off his delusions but untimely it was useless. You almost considered turning headmaster Crowley down and staying, however Ortho promised to take care of his older brother instead of you;
— you felt sick to the stomach seeing your poor lover curled up on the floor, passed out from exhaustion yet the skin around his eyes still being wet and reddened. You managed to drag his body onto the bed and tuck him in. It was almost time for you to leave, you were about to rise from the bed when you caught a sound of Idia's murmuring;
—"...'s all my fault" was barely audible, but it hurt just as if it was yelled at you, stabbing you right in the ribcage. You gently caressed his face and hair, shaking your head despite him not being able to see, admitting in a quivering voice: "No Idia, it's all my fault. I'm the only one to blame..."
— the fae frequently told you how scared he was of losing you;
— a silent, comfortable moments would bring up all those worries: of your lifespan, of his position and of the fate both of you have to experience ahead;
— like a caring father, Lilia had made attempts to warn Malleus of the concept of loss. Although, bat fae could go as far without opening his own old, healed wounds and scars, thus preventing young prince from getting in touch with emotional, or sometimes, physical pain;
— that's why he felt... numbness. There was nothing: no anger, no sadness, no desperation. It rattled him to no end that he felt nothing. Not even dark grey clouds that he unintentionally created or your sudden sorrowful demeanor sparked that anguish which Malleus knew he was supposed to feel, and yet...
— he was empty. His figure, near deserted lots and buildings, as if swaying in the distance due to misty rain that engulfed the college grounds, all alone in reminiscence of warm times he spent together with you;
— dragon fae had one fatal trait: the time never waited for him, days and weeks turning into mare minutes. He was on his way back to his dorm, silently walking along wet sidewalk, when his foot stepped into the puddle making a splashing sound that caught male's attention. Malleus casted his eyes downwards and saw his own grim reflection. It was then he realized that it was time for his lover's departure;
— he turned around so fast his breath got knocked out of his lungs, and in instant he appeared in the mirror chamber. But it was too late: remnants of you figure dissolved in a blinding light right before his eyes. The attempts to catch just a piece of you with his hand before there was nothing left to grasp were futile. You were gone... just like that;
— when the life took a turn to better, it was ripped from Malleus hands. It all came down crushing, thoughts he tried his best to ignore: soon, your being would also perish. Your appearance, your voice, your character and your mark on this world. At some point, Malleus will be the only one who can prove that you ever existence in Twisted Wonderland;
— he finally understood: it was grief he felt all along, and he was mourning you — his first and last lover ever...
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citrus-moonlight · 6 months
- a Bringin' Home the Rain Interlude -
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"Bringin' Home the Rain" Master List: [ Part One ] 🌹 [ Part Two: "Salvation is a Deep Dark Well" ] Fandom: MCU - Age of Ultron, Black Panther Pairing: Ulysses Klaue x F Reader Chapters: 1 of 1 Word count: 3.9k Rating: Explicit
Summary: As winter begins to settle in, the darkening days are unexpectedly brightened when you end up with the chance to spend a little more time with Ulysses Klaue.
Summary: Explicit! Rating, Fluff, Christmas Fluff, Smut, Public Teasing, Semi-Public Touching, Yes There's a Bed and Breakfast, Hotel Sex, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink, You Have to Be Quiet, Klaue is Still a Menace But He's a Soft Menace, Fingering, Being Held Down, Reference to Edging, Unprotected PIV, Creampie, Multiple Orgasms, Overstimulation
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A/N: So I seem to have written some fluff, and holiday fluff, no less. I mean, it's still smutty fluff, and while I did go back and forth a bit with this, I really just wanted soft!Klaue, and finally reminded myself it's my story and I can write what I want (and apparently in whatever order I want 😂).
Also, yes, this this falls between the next two chapters of "Salvation is a Deep Dark Well" that as of this telling haven't been written yet. However it doesn't affect the rest of the story, it's more of a very self-indulgent interlude, and while I may come back to edit in a few details once chapter two is published, it doesn't change the narrative.
As always thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy this slightly late holiday fluff. ❤️
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Header by me, banners/dividers by the lovely @saradika-graphics. ❤️
[ A03 Link ]
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Shades of early December silver and grey are rapidly setting over the landscape, the dark even faster.
Although the sun doesn’t set much earlier than it would if you were in New York City (ten minutes to be exact), being in the mountains makes it seem as though it does, and as the days tick by you find yourself craving a bit of light.
The holidays are coming, so you take the excuse to drape a strand of lights over your dresser, the soft glow helping to warm the nights a little. 
Still, you’re quickly becoming bored of winter, and it's only exacerbated by the new loneliness that works its way between your ribs when Klaue is gone - which is, of course, most of the time. You can only fill your days with so much work, and now that snow is settling into the mountains your options for distraction are growing limited.
Among your searches for things to occupy you, holiday festivals come up, and after a little more investigation you discover that Bucharest has a Christmas market that happens to be the largest winter festival in Romania, with the opening night and tree lighting ceremony this coming weekend.
Klaue wasn’t supposed to be getting back for a couple more days and while you’d mentioned your plans to him, when you step onto the train platform you nearly trip over your boots when you recognize a familiar form. 
Your stomach flips and something else swirls lower when you see him standing among the other passengers, hands in the pockets of a heavy black wool coat.
He hasn’t seen you yet so you make your way over to him, staying just behind his shoulder.
“Come here often?” 
Klaue turns with a start, appearing as though he’s about to say something but his words falter when his eyes catch on your bundled form.
A coy grin slowly curves your lips at catching him off guard.
“Got in a little early, came here straight from the airport to see if I could catch you.” he finally explains “I’ll still need to make some phone calls, but I’ve freed up the rest of my day. If you’d like some company. But if you- ”
“Of course, yes!” You assure him, a newly familiar warmth in your chest that he met you here, that he’s offering. “How could I not take advantage of you being back early.”
As eager as you are, there’s still a layer of uncertainty. 
It’s the first time you’ve spent any time with Klaue outside of the compound. Not to mention that very little of the time you have spent together has passed while you weren’t desperately wrapped in one another - certainly not a full day.
Though maybe it’s better this way; less time to overthink, less time to anticipate, simply having to adapt to a new situation. You’re good at that, you remind yourself. 
It doesn’t mean that your thoughts aren’t tinged with frustration, because even though he’d only been gone a few days this time your body is already humming with desire as you board the busy train and settle into your seats against the window. 
You manage to watch the scenery for a while, focusing on the mountains and the forests interspersed with other, smaller cities as you approach the capital, but your gaze is steadily drawn back to Klaue while he works across from you. 
Your eyes drift to his mouth, the memory of his growl when you nip and tug at the pouting curve of his lower lip leaving you shifting in your seat.
The motion draws his eyes to your hips before sliding up your body with a knowing look.
The full train douses any chance of much more than heated glances, but as you look around you, you note that the passengers across the aisle seem to be thoroughly engrossed in their own conversations and devices.
And you get an idea.
Appearing to casually adjust your things, you move your coat to your side facing the aisle, bunching it so that it blocks your legs from the view of anyone not standing over you. 
Or sitting across from you.
Klaue’s posture stiffens when he catches the movement of your hand along the seam where your crossed legs meet. 
You keep your arm still so that just your wrist slowly flexes, shivering as your fingers sweep up and over the place between your thighs that’s already warm with arousal, before retracing the path back down again. 
He's utterly still except for the muscles tensing in his jaw, eyes intent on the slow drag of your fingers. 
When he licks his lips your breathing becomes shallower. The gentle tingling in your nerves spreads through your thighs to swirl deep in your core, and you realize you’re rapidly becoming more aroused than you anticipated, and as much as you had thrilled at a chance to tease him you’re going to need to stop.
You hand stills and you take a slow breath to collect yourself, reaching into your bag for your phone hoping to distract yourself for the rest of the ride. But even before you can unlock it a message notification pops up on your screen.
>Who said you could stop?
Your eyes widen, finding Klaue’s gaze sparking blue and expectant when you look up at him. 
Patiently waiting for your phone to disappear back into your bag.
For your fingers return to their activity.
Clearly pleased that your tease has been turned on you, a smug grin on his lips when your eyelids flutter. 
The light touch isn’t enough to get you close, but it’s enough to make you ache, to leave you fighting to suppress the shivers that roll through you with the slick clench of your cunt as you watch his eyes darken.
Glancing down between where his hands rest on his broad thighs you can see the fabric beginning to strain there, the ache deepening at the thought of his stiffening cock, but you’re satisfied at least that he’s not unaffected by your state.
Wrapped up in the haze of sensation you start when the conductor’s voice comes over the speaker to announce that you’ll be coming into Bucharest in less than ten minutes.
Hitching a sigh, the world around you filters back in, and you bite your lip at the realization of what you had been doing, of how easily he once again had you giving in to him, even here.  
Eventually you take your phone back out, trying to calm yourself down before you reach your stop.
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It’s late afternoon by the time the bus drops you off at the outskirts of the market grounds, only a brief glimpse of sun left as it slides between the clouds and the horizon, but you still have plenty of time to explore before the tree lighting.
Making your way through the busy streets you take in the festive decorations, a popular restaurant absolutely dripping with evergreen boughs and giant candy canes, innumerable strings of lights already illuminating the streets as dusk settles over the city
As you make your way through the streets, you begin to think that it might have been a better idea to book a hotel room rather than taking the late train back tonight, but it’s too late now, everything is likely booked solid in the area.
If it had just been you then you would have figured something out, found a cheap place on the outskirts of the city, but since Klaue is with you you’re hesitant to ask. On top of not wanting to be presumptuous of his time, while you’ve spent as much time together as you could since that first night, you haven’t woken up next to him before.
You don’t dwell in your conflicted thoughts for long, though, because you nearly get taken out by a group of Hora dancers as you round the corner of a cobblestone street. 
Klaue quickly maneuvers you out of the way of the oblivious dancers lost in their steps, your arms instinctively reaching to tighten around his waist as you laugh at your lack of awareness.
“I've got you,” he chuckles, not letting you go. “Are you alright, darling?”
“Yeah, no, I’m good.” You assure him. “Apparently I need to pay a bit more attention around here. ” 
Being pressed against his body warms you and your eyes can’t help but flick to his mouth again, startled by how badly you want to kiss him right now. 
But you’ve never kissed him when you weren’t, well, naked - or about to be. A heated press of lips when you have to say goodbye, sure, but although you’ve both opened up a bit you’re aware this isn’t exactly the kind of relationship (not that you’re sure you could call it that, exactly) that allows for moments of casual affection.
So instead you smile and tip your chin down, and both of you take a wide berth around the circling dancers. 
But your heart still races when he doesn’t let you go, keeping you tucked against his side as you approach the bustling Square.
The delicious smells of festival food wafting over you are a quick reminder that you haven’t eaten since breakfast, too distracted on the train to think much about it, so as soon as you arrive you make your way to food cottages. 
Spiced kebabs for him and a steaming vegetable stew for you, followed by plum dumplings and papanasi, a kind of cheese donut that has no right to be as good as it is, and the time you’re standing in the square awaiting the lighting of the tree, you’re warm and satisfied. 
A light dusting of snowflakes begins to swirl as the crowd counts down, one section briefly faltering until with a rousing cheer they all light up with the rest, glittering bright. 
It’s bright and beautiful and exactly what you needed, but when you glance up to see Klaue’s reaction you find yourself wishing for a little less light, your cheeks growing hot against the night air when you see that he’s looking at you instead, the glint in his eyes perhaps not entirely a reflection of the lights that surround you.
Afterwards you peruse the eclectic mix of Christmas ornaments, stoneware and other handmade items, sharing a little about your days as you wander between vendors. 
You describe a type of welding certification you’re thinking about getting, even though you’d really only need it if you were working in aerospace tech, and Klaue mentions to you that he’ll be away for an additional few days next month for a conference in Vienna. 
Disappointment jabs between your shoulder blades at the fact that he’ll be gone for longer than you already expected, but there’s a sense of relief, too, that he’s still letting you know about his plans - as much as he can, at least. 
You hadn’t really planned on making any purchases tonight, but at a cottage selling embroidery and needlecraft a crocheted patchwork blanket catches your eye, the woven pattern making you think of tea and honey, of coming in from the cold and being made warm on a dark winter day.  
After collecting your find, Klaue makes a phone call while you double back one more time to pick up some handmade cards to send to a few friends, pocketing the device as you make your way back towards him.
“Ferris wheel, then?” He asks, tilting his head towards the brightly lit ride.
“Yes! Oh, wait..” Pulling out your own phone you ucheck the time. 
“Oh,” you deflate a little. “Actually we should probably start heading to the train station, it’s getting pretty late. Can’t say I’m looking forward to how busy it’ll be.”
“Well, if you wanted to - everything near the market is full, but there’s a place on the other side of the city that has rooms available.”
You stare at Klaue for a moment. Having already dismissed the idea of staying somewhere in Bucharest tonight you’re unable to hide your surprise that he’s suggesting it. Still fighting the thought that you’d be imposing on his time, you mentally point out that he wouldn’t have bothered finding something if he didn't want to.
He raises an eyebrow.
“You really don’t want to take the train back tonight, huh?” You try to joke in an attempt to disguise your eagerness.
He steps slowly toward you, leaning in until the scruff of his beard brushes your cheek.
“I really don’t want to wait much longer to make you come, darling.” 
He must hear the hitch in your breath as you shudder at his words, pulling back to give you a knowing grin.
“Ferris wheel it is, then.”
The glittering view as you start to rise is stunning but neither of you manages more than a few cursory glances out the window before you’re moaning into his mouth and he’s sliding a hand between your legs. A pleased sound gritted from his throat when you rock eagerly into his touch, his lips tasting of frost and spiced wine when your tongue slips between them. 
Your own fingers tighten around the heavy fabric of his coat to steady yourself, one hand sliding above the collar to brush over the warm skin there, short shorn hair prickling beneath your fingers when they curl around the back of his neck to pull his mouth more firmly against yours.
Unfortunately it feels like no time at all before the wheel is slowing and Klaue is reluctantly removing his hand from your now aching sex, your hips bucking when he gives you one last firm caress as you come to a stop at the bottom once more.
“I’ll call us a taxi, then?” He breathes against your lips.
“God, yes.” 
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A gentle but steady snow is falling by the time you arrive at the small bed and breakfast, the thickening blanket of white softening the glow of multi-coloured lights on the trees outside. 
The owners quickly realize that you have no bags with you, and they’re kind enough to offer some pajamas for you to borrow in the form of sweatpants and shirts.
Unfortunately on the ride over Klaue had received a call about something that requires his attention for a while longer, so you’re currently still clothed and sitting next to him on the bed, your new blanket draped over your legs, 
You’d picked up “Jurassic Park”, the only english book on the small shelf in the common area, and you try to read a bit while he wraps up his business, stealing the occasional glance at him while he works. 
When a hand slides over to squeeze your thigh you shift instinctively into his touch, able to feel the heat of his palm even through the woven fabric.
“Patience, my darling.” He hums, his teasing smile deepening the creases around his eyes.
“Oh, you have no idea how patient I’ve been, Ulysses,” you reply, biting your lip at the soft growl that betrays his own restlessness has you biting your lip. 
As antsy as you are, and while it’s unlikely you would have been able to name it, exactly, you also feel content. Lulled by the shape of him at your side, the sound of Romanian Christmas choir music drifting through the walls, and the electronic tapping from his phone.
Your eyes wander around the room, amused by the volume of kitschy knick knacks and holiday decorations spread across the shelves, including a candle in the form of three Victorian carolers that looks to be many faded years old, yet seemingly never burned. 
While you’re wondering whether the tiny bust paintings hanging by the door are family of the owners or just thrift store finds, Klaue shifts to face you. 
Lifting the edge of the blanket he nudges you over so that you’re both lying on your sides beneath it.
“All done?” You ask as his arms wrap around you, pulling you against him, letting out a pleased sigh when you feel the already stiff ridge of his erection against the swell of your ass.
“Finally.” The word vibrates through you as a hand slides down between your legs, curling around your clothed mound.
You immediately arch into him, reveling in the twin sensations of his fingers pressing damp fabric against your cleft and the slow grind of his hips behind you.
“Even like this I can feel how warm your cunt is.” Klaue rumbles softly. “You’re wet, too, aren’t you?”
“You know I am,” you sigh, trying to keep your voice low. Aware that if you can hear music through the walls it won’t take much to be able to hear you. 
“I should take my time with you. Especially after your...bahaviour on the train.”
HIs hand finds its way under your shirt, and you note the jut of his hips against you when his palm slides over your bra to cup the soft swell of your breast, thumb and forefinger plucking at the stiffening peak of your nipple beneath the fabric.
“Should run my fingers over every inch of your body,” he rasps, an urgency filtering into his movements, into the rough, whispered rush of his words as his fingers reach back down to tug at the waist of your pants. 
Quickly you move to unbutton them, working them down along with your panties as you feel him shifting behind you, and then the hot length of his cock is sliding against your folds, slicking himself with your arousal.
“Should tease this needy little pussy until you're ready to beg.” 
Klaue bites back the last word as he presses the thick head of his cock against your entrance.
“But fuck, I need to feel you come.”
Normally so thorough with you before letting his control slip, Klaue’s bare need has you unraveling and your moan is deep and unexpected when he suddenly sinks into you, a response to the sweet desperation in his voice as much as from the relieving stretch of his cock.  
“I know how much you love to make pretty sounds for me,” he pants in your ear, his large hand kneading the flesh of your hip and thigh. “But you’re going to have to be quiet tonight. Can you do that for me, darling?”
Half-stretched and aching, you somehow manage to swallow your moans, taking a few deep breaths to steady your voice enough to speak.
“Yes.” You finally breathe in a low, half-whisper. ”l’ll be good.”
He nudges deeper and you bite your lip to hold back the sounds that want you to make, that he draws from you so easily now.
“Yes, you will.” Klaue hums against your neck.
The only sounds in the room now are your panted breaths intertwined with the slick sounds of his cock slowly thrusting into you, the gentle creak of the bed frame beneath your shifting bodies.
Suddenly pulling the blanket off of you he grips your ass, pressing you open so that he can see where your tight hole is stretched around him, and while he normally takes his time to relish the sight he only lasts a few more deep strokes before he’s shifting you onto your stomach, his weight and his cock pressing you down into the mattress.
With your pants still bunched around your knees Klaue impatiently nudges your legs apart as best he can before working a hand beneath the curve of your hip and you buck, a squeak slipping from your throat when his fingers find your clit.
His chest heaves against your back, the tight, circling pressure of his fingers firm and insistent as your body swiftly draws taught beneath him. 
Instinctively you try to respond, to roll your hips into his touch as you chase the rough crest of your orgasm but you’re trapped, the broad warmth of Klaue’s body holding you in place as his fingers relentlessly work your clit until your muscles begin to flutter and tighten. 
”There you go” A rough whisper clenched between his teeth. “Let me feel you. Come on, darling, squeeze my cock.”
You try to stay quiet but you can’t help the tremulous whine that escapes your throat as your climax surges through you, Klaue letting more of his weight press into you as your body spasms beneath him, every muscle trembling as you clench hard around his cock.
“Christ you feel so good. Fuck, you’re going to make me come, oh fuck- ”
The tight grip of your cunt seems to be all that he needs tonight because with a sudden hard jerk of his hips you feel the blissful throb as he comes, muffling his own moan against your shoulder as spends himself helplessly inside you.
Klaue continues to grind into you as the pulsing of his cock slows, making sure his cum stays plugged deep in your cunt exactly where he knows you want it, the stroking of his fingers not letting up even as you twitch and gasp beneath him.
“One more, Mot. Please. For me.” 
Your clit flutters at his pleading words, and barely able to hold back your cries, your hand flies up to cover your mouth as he continues to work your swollen bundle of nerves, his hand slippery with your release that leaks out around where he stays buried in you.
Aching and breathless, feeling the muscles of his forearm flexing against your hip, your body finally succumbs to the needy slide of his fingers, muffling your half-swallowed whimpers behind your hand as he expertly coaxes a second, softer orgasm from your oversensitive sex, gravelly praises whispered against your ear as you stiffen and shudder beneath him.
Klaue stays pressed against your back as you both slowly recover, the weight of him warm steady, calming the tremble in your limbs as you float down through the afterglow. 
Eventually you let your fingers fall away from your lips.
“I’m sorry…I couldn’t- I tried to be quiet,” you stammer. “Wanted to be good, I- ” 
“You’re always good for me, darling.” Klaue soothes, pressing his words and lips against your neck, behind your ear. “Always.”
After a quick shower you both change into your makeshift pajamas, then turning off the bedside lamps you settle back under the knit blanket, the lights filtering through the curtains casting a warm glow on the walls of your room.
“Come with me.” Klaue mumbles into the crook of your neck.
You were almost asleep, and it takes a moment to realize that he’d spoken.
“Come with…where?” 
“The conference. Vienna. There’s a gala.”
“Are…are you awake?” 
“If you’re asking whether I’ll remember this in the morning, the answer is yes.” Klaue chuckles softly. “You said you’d never been. Beautiful city. Wear a beautiful dress for me.” His voice drops as he pulls you more firmly against him.
You pause, considering, unable to ignore the soft thrill in your chest that he’s willing to share this with you. 
Another thread of your life intertwining with his, invisible threads looping over one another and knotting tight, tugging together into a pattern you’re still trying to bring into focus.
“Alright.” You sense a notch of tension release from Klaue’s body when you finally give him your answer. “I’d like that.”
It’s difficult for you not to overthink, especially when thoughts of what you’re going to do when your contract ends are becoming more persistent every day.
But knowing that you’re going to have to return to reality tomorrow regardless, right now you allow yourself to relax against him. With the tops of his thighs fitting against the backs of yours, soft music floating at the edge of your consciousness and his hand resting warm against your hip, eventually you find yourself caught in a net of sleep and dreams.
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A/N: I was looking a little wistfully at all the lovely holiday fics that were coming out, and thinking that I didn't really think I had anything that would really work. Then I got to playing around with a mood board and accidentally inspired myself with Christmas market thoughts, and now here we are!
Thank you for reading, and I hope you get through the remainder of the holiday season with as much light and little stress as possible. ❤️
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all you lovely people!
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My opinions on the Barian Emperors’ designs :3!!!
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Nasch — “hehe silly hair, a lot of these big crystals in the same kind of area, the red cape makes him look cooler + brings a colour other than purple that works in abundance, gotta have a cape *^0^*, I love his whole face (look how angry he looks here LMAO), turtle neck :0, plain fr </3 (the trousers, leggings things??), supposed to be an accent colour but it feels too much to be a proper accent, just like his normal shoes :3”
Marin — “she’s so cool <3, the colours go so cool together as well?? - the lighter colours for her body/dress thing contrasting the darker hair??? Just wowie :00, these shoulder plates look cool?? Yippee!!, I love the longer hair they give her, her dress/skirt design is just WOAH!!, the diamond theme again fr (more subtle + nicer than Nasch’s design tbh /nm), HEELS?? /pos)”
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Vector — “Gonna be honest I thought more of the frets would be warm tones but turns out they are colder when I colour picked them, I like this multi-coloured skin he has going on, and how the diamonds run along the divide, goddamn I didn’t notice the diamond theme until I did this tbh like Woah :0, not too fond of this yknow? (The yellow thing on his chest) should have added more yellow around (feels like you need to look there instead of where you would usually wanna look (the face)), I love the colour palette for Vector. Like mostly greys/blacks with an accent of the reds in terms of mostly diamonds, I can’t decide whether I like or dislike the wings tbh </3 (I’m leaning more to like), could scratch out someone’s eye with those nails, just as he would want it to be like :3, hehhe Idk I just like his shoes :3, + I love his face ^0^, (btw if Vector has no Fans I’m dead)”
Alito — “sorry I’m not too fond of his design </3, I feel like this would be slightly better (the mask thingy) with that reddish-brown colour but idk??, gotta have the diamonds, this colour (the green one) is a nice contrast to the warmer tones used, this darker colour makes the design better, his shoes are nice though (PROBBALY my favourite thing about his design), maybe using this red more could have been better?? (Just relegated to his hair), these are cool (the arm thingys)”
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Girag — “ooooo face shrouded in darkness, silly!! (Horns), silly little Mohawk :3 - random use of that colour though - one off can look good/fit with the design but doesn’t feel like it does here, idk how to feel about this collar </3, his design does not feel derailed enough tbh - especially compared to the better designs imo (Vector + Marin), Woah more diamonds! Who would have guessed!!, how could have I never noticed this before??? (The G on the belt) THIS IS SO STUPIDD /Pos”
Mizar — “The mask is very unique + translates in a fun way to his human design as well, love them being the 2nd tallest fr <3, love it (the face), I’m sorry but his shoulders + his torso?? I just- it basically ruins his design for me /nm (not entirely true but yknow), Just feels REALLY yellow at the torso, good choice to not make his arms too much of one colour (the bandages (same goes with his legs)), I don’t like this belt </3, I love this little additional for the clothes because even though they are aliens it feels weird for them to be completely naked, mandatory crystals fr, don’t know what’s going on here but lacks the nice patterns that Marin had </3”
Dumon — “I’m sorry but I really don’t like Dumon’s design-, hair + face colour mostly blends together like hardly different, these are cute :3 makes me think of a cat, mandatory diamonds fr, the facial markings look cool :3, I’m sorry but this belt is NOT it, shoulder plates look cool, mostly the other barians are wearing SOMETHING but not him”
Quick ranking:
7. Dumon - sorry but his design just doesn’t look nice to me. I’m not too attached to his character either so that doesn’t help. He does look WILDLY better in his human form though
6. Girag - orginally gonna put Alito in this place but Girag is much more plain imo like go girl give us nothing!!! /nm (they did do him so dirty in both his forms though </3)
5. Alito - sorry Alito but your design is not much better. Like I like your boots and that reddish-brown colour but idk I’m just not too fond of it (prefer his human design). It is growing on me but I still dislike it </3
4/3. Mizar/Nasch - I couldn’t decide who to put above the other so they are tying. I love their faces like they both look AMAZING looking at just that part of their designs but I feel like as you look further down it’s like “uhmmm-“
2. Vector - I love Vector so much so it’s not surprising that I’m gonna also be fond of his design too. Like when I first starting rewatching Zexal I forgot most stuff so when this silly little guy appeared on my screen I started to LOVE him (and now he’s one of my favourite Yugioh characters) and it 100% helps that I love his design fr
1. Marin - MY GOD DID THEY DO HER SO WELL??? Like just look at her design and try TRY to tell me that she doesn’t look wonderful?? YOU CANT!!! Like she looks just so amazing. It just makes me wish that she had more focus because her design is making me see her in a brighter light than what they gave to here tbh. Like the backstory for her + Nasch is MAINLY focused on Nasch I get how he’s important and everything but I would like to see more of her </3 (the episode of her as Rio showing how cool she is beating all those people who just want her to manage their teams cause she’s pretty is just SO COOL!!)
I do love all these characters though (some more than others LMAO) and not trying to insult the character design at all just wanted to look at these designs and point out what I liked and didn’t <3333
(Also I felt like i had to write out all what I put on the actual images CAUSE MY HANDWRITING IS BASICALLY UNREADABLE TO 90% OF PEOPLE </3)
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dearspiritss · 1 year
The Non-Human Ghouls and How I See Them
The Ghouls
- quite short compared to the rest of the band.
- he’s got a habit of eating shit he’s not supposed to.
- He’s got a slim and somewhat bony build.
Water Element: The same as I see Rain. The light grey skin but with sapphire tones here and there. Long, black hair with a few faint lines of a deep shade of blue. Small fins on his ear, the same as the slightly larger fin on his tail. The horns that sit on his head fade into that same sapphire tone. They’re long and beautifully sharp. His eyes a dark grey with hints of blue and gold. The cold, soothing touch that any water ghoul would have. The soft padding’s of his fingers gave a soothing feel to anyone he touched.
Fire Element: The grey color of his skin turned a darker shade with tones of gold and red. His once dark hair, turnt white with hints of dark grey. The fins on his ears and tail molted away, leaving his tail ashy. His ears pointed, darkest at the tips. A bright fire flickers at the end of the ghouls tail when he becomes aggravated. The once beautiful horns cracked into a smaller, more dull form. His eyes, glow red and gold through the darkness of the ghouls den. The emotion and pain always shone in his eyes. His body could warm anyone just by a slight touch.
- More in the middle of the ghouls heights, but is still fairly tall.
- he LOVES sea animals (has a collection of stuffed sea animals)
- he’s slightly muscular, but still lean.
His skin is a light shade of grey with splotches of sky blue. Gills lay on the sides of his neck, always exposed. His dark, loose curled hair lies slightly above his jaw. Stripes of light grey flow and blend with the rest of his hair which he, normally, wears in a small bun. The small fins on his ears flick at the slightest sounds. His horns slightly curl back, sharing the same grey-sapphire tone as the rest of his skin. His tail is mostly grey with blue at the very beginning. His eyes are a bright, ocean blue color with a few darker speckles here and there. The ghoul’s saliva can heal and soothe any ghouls injury, with the extra help of an earth ghoul.
- tied at the second tallest ghoul with Swiss.
- could fall asleep anywhere if he wanted to
- Buff boy with squish, love him (perfect pillow)
His skin is a very dark shade of grey with black and dark purple trickled down his body. His hands and arms are always decorated in jewelry. His dark hair is normally messily slicked back, a few strands always hand over his forehead. He has a slight stubble across his jaw and chin. His long, pointed ears fade to a pitch black nearing the end. His horns are long, thick, and oh so smooth. His tail is almost black and is always touching something. His eyes are normally a grey-ish purple. When he uses his quintessence, his eyes glow a very light rainbow. Any quintessence ghoul can feel and extract any pain, anxiety, or thoughts anyone may experience. They can either take it on themselves, or share it with the earth. Unlike other quintessence ghouls, Aether can reach into someone’s mind and alter their perception, giving them a light mindset.
- right in the middle of Rain and Dew’s height. Perfect for anyone, really.
- has a really bad habit of picking at his tail (rain and mountain are always helping him)
- he’s definitely squishy, the boy loves munching (especially mountains cakes)
His skin shares the same pattern as Aether, but a bit lighter. Freckles scattered across his face, shoulders, and back. They look almost like small galaxies on his soft skin. Pure white streaks flow though his dark, messy hair. (Let’s be honest, this poor boy doesn’t know how to take care of himself yet..) His ears are still very small and a bit droopy. They share the same tones as his skin. His horns on the other hand, are quite long. They curl back a little more than Dew’s. They faded into a light grey at the end as they grew. His tail is the same as Aether and is always wrapped around someone (mostly Aether and Aurora). His eyes are almost pitch black until he uses his quintessence. When he used it for the first time everyone was quite taken back because of his eyes. They were oh so beautiful. A small galaxy in his eyes shone as he experimented on Aether. Phantom, or Aeon, is a little similar to Aether with his quintessence. He can loosen every muscle in the body, making them feel as though they’re floating. If one of the ghouls ever felt stiff, they immediately went to him. (not Dew though, he’s stubborn.)
- the tallest ghoul (used as a base for cuddle piles, which he enjoys very much)
- he hits his head on everything
- a lean build with slight muscle
His skin is the perfect shade of grey with both light and dark freckles everywhere. All of the ghouls love tracing over them. His hair is dark brown and very soft. Besides Dew, he takes the most care of his hair. His ears are small and pointy. There’s a small snip of his ear missing from an accident during a ritual. His horns are a bit smaller than Aether’s. He decorates them will charms and trinkets he’s collected from fans. His tail is the same as his skin, but the spade of his tail is a bit chipped. He has sleepy green eyes that no one could get mad at. When using his element, he can make any antidote for injuries from the palms of his hands.
- Tied with Aether for second tallest ghoul, and he hates it.
- hes very touchy (especially with dew cause he knows it pisses him off)
- muscular, works out in his free time
Swiss’s skin is a dark-ish grey with some parts of his body faded in white. His hair is a very dark shade of brown, almost black. He has a stubble on his chin, which he try’s to maintain. His ears are long and dull, painted black at the tips. His lobes are stretched from the gauges he wears. His horns are dotted with multiple colors, being a multi ghoul and all. They’re curved back and dull. His tail is the exact same as his horns, but a bit lighter. His eyes match his horns and tail, spotted with all kinds of colors. His eyes and horns slightly glow when he sings or uses any instrument. His voice can easily soothe anyone to sleep, including Dew. (crazy, ik)
The Ghoulettes
- She’s the tallest ghoulette, and everyone loves her (dommy mommy lowkey…)
- she loves spicy food (literally the only thing she eats)
- Slim and curvy (her biceps are impressive as well)
She has light grey skin with a dark grey surrounding her eyes. Her hair is a blue-ish grey color. It’s always neatly styled compared to Cumulus. She uses a clip to hold it back during rehearsals so it doesn’t get in her eyes. Her ears are a little droopy with dark grey tips. Cirrus’s horns are a bit different than everyone else’s. They’re curved and pressed back, almost like a cats ears. They’re a pretty grey, a bit darker than her skin. Her tail is dark grey at the base and lighter at the tip. Her eyes a dark grey with specks of white.
- She’s the third tallest ghoul, just below Sunny and Cirrus
- scares the shit out of everyone (not joking, her footsteps are light as shit.
- THICC QUEEN, curves and all
Her skin is almost white flushed with a light grey-blue color. She has a few beauty marks on her face, and she loves them (an absolute baddie). Her hair is very messy, but knotless. She’s a go with the flow type of ghoul. Her horns are a light grey and are curled back slightly. Her ears are wide and dull. She has a few piercings on each of her ears. Her tail is smooth and aerodynamic, considering her element is air. Her eyes are almost pure white with rings of sky blue. If anyone needs to cool something down or dry anything off, she’s the ghoul. Her breath is icy and can chill anything or anyone.
- She’s almost the same height as Cirrus, but she doesn’t mind.
- she’s very hyper (zoomies 24/7)
- Slim and lean build
Her skin is a medium toned grey with splotches of a sheer red and orange. Her hair is short, curly, and wild. It’s a dark ginger color with small streaks of a blond-ish tone. Her horns and very short and slightly curled. They share the same color of her skin, getting lighter near the tips. Her ears are very droopy and sun kissed at the ends. Her tail is very thin and it coils a bit. It’s the same colors as her skin. Her eyes are a bright amber color with brown rings circling her pupil.
- definitely the shortest of the entire band, everyone adores her and her sweet voice
- she’s a morning person (she wakes everyone up on accident)
- A little stubby and curvy, but has crazy leg strength
Her skin is near the same color as Swiss’s, but with random pops of light pink (no one can explain why). Her hair is long and straight. It fades from white to a very sheer pink. She keeps it in bubble braids unless she’s sleeping. Her ears are more rounded with the smallest point. They’re splotches with pink at the very tips of her ears. Her horns are very small and curved back. They share the same tones as her skin, just a bit brighter. Her tail is almost entirely black besides one pink dot in the middle of her tail. She has the cutest pink puppy dog eyes. (no one can say no to her, ever)
(this is the first thing I’ve ever posted so be nice to me 🙏)
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