#jane the killer imagine
the-s1lly-corner · 2 months
What hugging Jane, Nina, and Jill is like
Distraught that I just realized I excluded these three from the cast shots (well tbf nina and jane would have been excluded with romantic ideas but HUSH hueh) so
Call this the official part two to this post!!
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As mentioned in my other Jill post, shes just as physically affection as Jack however shes more gentle! She doesnt crush you against her! Sometimes your hugging turns into a cuddling session between the two of you- if you're comfortable with that of course! Gentle nuzzles into the top of your head. Very warm too, and she purrs too! Very comforting 9/10
VERY affectionate! Verbally and physically! Actually she might just greet you with a tight hug when you guys meet up to hang out and when you two part! Very tight hugs, sways you around. Her jacket is very soft, but depending on what accessories shes wearing on her arms or neck/chest/ears, they might poke into you and be uncomfy.. but it's not like you guys are hugging for long- no no you guys hug for more than a few seconds.. but her eagerness is more than worth it 8/10
Between the three shes the most... not ready for physical affection.. it's just not something shes exactly interested in, even before her life went to the gutter. She noticeably stiffens under you when you hug her without warning, making the interaction a bit uncomfortable in more ways than one. There are times where he let's it happen, but its not often. She is open to hand holding, though, opting to hold yours and rub circles in it if you're feeling nervous or scared. 4/10 in the hugging department but she has other ways of showing her care for you as well as comforting you
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scary-lasagna · 4 months
Slender: Why must you and Jane bother each other so much just to cause an argument? Jane: Oh! Nono! We don't argue. :) Jeff: She bashes my head in with a rock and then I walk it off like the man I am. End of story. Jane: No arguing involved. Slender, sighing in disappointment:
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Heeey~ can I have a request of Homidicial Liu, Jeff The Killer, Jane the Killer and Clockwork with S/O who are Mysyerious? kind of like Raven from teen Titans. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
A/N: Hello there Anon!!!! I hope you like the final result of these character headcanons and I would like to apologize if there are any OOC Characters inside of this Headcannon. I am trying my best to put the Reader as the portrayal from Raven Teen Titans.
Warning: Cursing from Jane the Killer and Jeff the Killer
Gender: Neutral
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Liu finds that you are a bit too cold and a bit distant because you don't like to interact with the other proxies. Instead, you often shut them off and distract yourself with other things.
But Sully finds you interesting, he also finds you to be not annoying. He doesn't really like loud people and push-over people as he finds that the two of you have a bit of similarity (You two prefer to be alone).
And as someone who is introverted and loves peace, it was no surprise you prefer Liu over Sully more. Sully can be really an asshole sometimes and when he screams, it is REALLY LOUD. Of course, Liu is going to apologize to you on Sully's behalf for pissing you off.
Liu would most likely leave you alone as he respects your personal space. However, it would be not the same case as Sully who would sometimes bother you just for shit and giggles.
I can see Liu as someone who enjoys music and reading books so he sometimes hangs out with you together in peace by reading and listening to music together.
But Sully finds your hobby of reading, listening to music, or other calming hobbies boring so he would just watch you from afar with a bored face and then decide if he should leave you alone or just throw the book or earphone away to distract you.
Actually, the two of them surprisingly prefer an introvert and calm S/O instead of an extrovert/overly friendly one. Sully finds them really annoying but Liu just prefers doing things together with you in the house instead of going out.
Liu is disappointed when you are sassy/snarky/sarcastic with other proxies and roasted the fuck out of them but Sully finds them to be hilarious and gives a score to all of your roasts from one (boring) to ten (Funny as fuck and very destructive).
Sully finds it adorable underneath that mean and cold facade, you're not as asshole as how people portray you to be. Sometimes even teasing you about how 'cute' you are.
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As (Y/N) sat in the pleasant nook of the kitchen, stools standing behind the countertops, the world around them/her/his seemed to disappear into a peaceful haze. With each sip, the lovely scent of the tea swirled surrounding (Y/N), mixing with the subtle murmur of conversations and the soft hum of the espresso machine.
Suddenly, a loud splitting sound broke the silence, jolting you out of your peaceful tranquillity. Startled, (Y/N) gazed up, their/her/his eyes meeting Jeff the Killer's terrifying gaze, known for his demonic grin and creepy presence. His sneer twisted with excitement as he leaned in, his words piercing the air like a cold blade. "Hey nerd," he commented, his words tinged with mockery. "What book is that?" His presence cast a shadow over the peace you had been enjoying.
With a measured glance, (Y/N) broke the silence by saying, "It's a classic, but I doubt your brain could even understand what this is about." The words hung in the air, a challenge filled with intellect that sliced through the suffocating atmosphere. The unexpected answer caused a collective gasp and shush from the other proxies, and even Jeff's sneer faltered for a moment.
The room fell silent, the everyday noises of the kitchen and living room receding into the distance as all eyes focused on the unexpected debate. Even Jeff, known for his unsettling demeanour, looked surprised by the unexpected response. The air crackled with tension as the challenge hung between (Y/N) and Jeff the Killer, sending a wave through the previously quiet surroundings.
From a distance, a guy stood watching the drama develop, his piercing red eyes blazing with unamusement as his younger brother, Jeff, approached (Y/N) with his typical challenging attitude as he tried to scare his partner. However, when (Y/N) replied with unexpected wit, a grin pulled at Sully's lips, a subtle acknowledgement of respect for the unexpected change of events and (Y/N)'s retort. 
As Jeff's brother watched the conversation with satisfaction and glee, he let out a quiet guffaw causing an angry glare from Liu, who stood close. Despite Liu's disapproving expression, the alter ego couldn't help but find humour in the situation, his laughter bubbling just beyond the surface. He rolled his eyes and remained composed, hiding the delight with a more neutral face.
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As someone who always goes out to kill people and hardly goes back. Jeff the killer and you could be a great match since you have the personality of water whereas he's like a fire.
He is secretly thankful but not admitting that he has a S/O who could stop him from doing reckless shits and stopping him from his own shenanigans so he would not get into deeper trouble since you have a cool head.
But also finds you a bit too stuck up since we are talking about you as "Mysterious". He wants to know about you more but he finds it frustrating that you don't let him find out about you (The hypocrisy amazes me).
Also, he could be as asshole as Sully. He finds it hilarious to annoy the fuck out of you when you want to be alone. So, there would be a time he would just be touchy when you don't want to.
Also finds your calming hobbies like reading books are boring so he would just grab it out of nowhere and throw it somewhere else when he wants your attention.
He finds it funny when you are being nonchalant and roasts the hell out of anyone who pisses you off in a calm manner. Especially if you did it to Jane or to Ben.
He doesn't like it though when you roast him and would throws a temper tantrum or gives you the silent treatment. He does not care even if he's in the wrong one. So, you have to be the emotionally mature one.
But there are also some times when he is not butt-hurt. He actually throws a playful banter with you as he tries to make you laugh. And when he sees you laugh, not only does he think your laughter is cute but he will fist-bump
As an introvert, he actually prefers to spend his time with you and if you are a serial killer. He does not want to be paired up with anyone except you since no one can control him.
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Today is Saturday, a day of quiet for all the proxies in the abandoned residence. Taking advantage of the tranquillity, (Y/N) chooses to remain in their chamber. They/she/he sits within the chalk-drawn pentagram, focusing on clearing their minds and relaxing. Yesterday had been very frantic since Slenderman had given multiple jobs. Today, however, gives an excellent chance for meditation.
A massive book sat open in front of (Y/N) as they/she/he began reciting ancient runic words, the meaning of which Slenderman alone knew. The air appeared to resonate with the weight of these mysterious incantations, giving the place an unearthly feel. With each statement, (Y/N) sensed a link to something beyond cognition, as if they were entering a realm beyond mortal comprehension.
As (Y/N) continued to meditate, a sense of calm flooded over her/him/them, illuminating their being with a peaceful glow. Their bodies began to glow softly in the darkness, throwing ghostly shadows on the walls. It was as if the very core of their existence was combining with the universe's cosmic forces, transcending worldly concerns and soaring to a state of complete peace. In the middle of this celestial embrace, (Y/N) felt weightless, as if hanging in a timeless abyss, surrounded by uncountable stars. As the door blasted open, (Y/N)'s idyllic meditation turned into chaos. Jeff the killer, her/his/their serial murderer boyfriend, stood at the doorway, putting the room with unpleasant energy as he yelled, "I'm back!" (Y/N)'s gaze hardened with rage as you stared at him, your peace broken by his unexpected presence.
The white hooded killer ignored your glare and proceeded to speak, his tone nonchalant despite the tension in the air. "(Y/N), come with me. I'm bored out of my mind, and I want you to go out with me," he said with a huff escape from his mouth. "No, I'm busy meditating and I need to focus. I want you to get out," The girl continued to glare at him. "But I dont's have anyone to killing spree with me and the only one who doesn't fuck up is only you," Jeff began to whine at you.
Fueled by anger and annoyance, (Y/N) determined to take action. She began chanting a strong spell, her words echoing with old magic. Jeff was pulled off the ground with a burst of energy, his objections drowned out by the spell's power. (Y/N) led him to the doorway, her eyes burning with resolve as she levitated him out of the room. Jeff's whining grew louder as he was propelled out, his voice echoing through the corridor. "Hey! Let me in! Why are you kicking me out?! I just want to hang out with you!" he cried, his words falling on deaf ears as (Y/N) remained steadfast in her decision.
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Jane is obviously less of an asshole than Jeff. She is much more understanding than you think. She doesn't tease you or think your hobby is boring.
Actually, she is more sweet than Jeff or Liu. She thinks your hobby of reading, writing, drawing, or other calming activities is fun, so she would sometimes join you.
Because she is also an introvert, just like you. She actually enjoys spending time with you when the two of you do these activities together and would rather anyone not bother you.
Also, enjoy it when you are being sarcastic with someone, especially Jeff. You don't hear her snickers of anything, but underneath her mask, she is grinning at your retort.
Since you are her soft spot, she does not mind you roasting her. She does enjoy a little banter with you, as she knows that you are just joking around. She understands that's just how you play around, despite seeming as if you are being rude.
Respect your space; she will leave you alone when you need to be alone or are in a bad mood. Secretly leaves sweets or tea to cool down your head when you are in a bad mood.
Although she finds it a bit difficult when she has to communicate with you because you are too close and you don't often open up about how you feel, she does find it a little bit annoying, but she is not going to force you to talk.
Sometimes this could lead you two into an argument or a fight, but unlike Jeff, She is not going to just throw a knife at you unless you go too far. It was mostly just an argument, and you two stayed out until the two of you cooled down.
Overall, she is just a sweetheart around you and more respectful than other proxies. But sometimes, getting into an argument with her is sucky because she could give you a silent treatment for an entire day, and you had to be the one who apologised.
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In the dimly lighted room, (Y/N) sat in the corner, perched on the bed, a book laid open in front of them. The sole light came from a lantern, which created faint shadows over the walls. Despite the lack of air conditioning, a cold persisted in the air, adding to the spooky atmosphere.
With a flick of their/her/his hand, (Y/N) flipped the page of the dark fantasy novel they were reading, the plot unfolding before their eyes. The story spoke of an evil dragon who chased humans behind the walls of a city consumed by terror and gloom. Each word seemed to pull them more into the story, bringing them vivid visions of hazardous encounters and epic fights between forces of light and shadow. Lost in the world of the book, (Y/N) sought peace in the frigid seclusion of the room, relying on the tale for escape.
As a faint tap echoed through the room, (Y/N) removed their gaze from the pages of their book and shouted out, "Come in," enabling whoever standing outside to enter. The door creaked open, showing Jane, (Y/N)'s girlfriend and the one person they/she/he had a soft place for. Jane's presence added warmth to the space, contrasting with its coldness. "Are you busy?" Jane asked her voice calm, as she moved farther into the room. "No, but I am reading a book right now. Would you want to read with me? (Y/N) replied with a tinge of happiness in your voice.
Jane nodded as she scanned the titles on (Y/N)'s bookcase, her eyes eventually settling on a book with a striking red cover. It was a novel about an evil hero and a kind villain, a story that intrigued her. Holding the book in her hands, she turned to (Y/N) and asked, "Can I read this book?" (Y/N) looked up from their own book and nodded with a smile. "Yeah, you can read Vicious. It's one of my favourite books," they said, their voice filled with warmth and fondness for the story.
As the girl nodded in agreement, a smile graced her lips. Remembering she had prepared some tea earlier, she spoke up, "Wait, I made tea for us. I hope you don't mind Earl Grey." With a gentle kiss on (Y/N)'s cheek, she then made her way to retrieve the tea kettle. (Y/N) couldn't help but smile at the gesture, feeling a slight blush creeping onto their cheeks from the sweet kiss. Setting aside their book, they eagerly anticipated sharing a quiet moment over tea with Jane, grateful for her thoughtful gesture and the warmth of her affection.
When Jane returned, the room was filled with the soothing scent of Earl Grey tea. She gently poured the hot liquid into two glasses, placing one in front of (Y/N) and took her seat next to them. As they sipped their tea, the warmth of the beverage matching the warmth of their bonding, they fell into a comfortable stillness.
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She is in between understanding but also as a menace as Jeff the Killer. As an extrovert, she sometimes would not leave you alone when she is bored and doesn't have anything to do that day.
Well at least she will not be throwing your books away when you are busy or repeatedly calling your names when you are meditating but she definitely going to stare at you all day which can be bothering you sometimes.
Despite not being noisy, the sound of the ticking clock in her eyes can be a little bit loud. She would also sometimes go around your room and just skim a few books and if there were no pictures, she's just gonna put it away instead of putting it back which is why this can be annoying.
To be honest, she finds your hobbies to be boring and she really just wants to drag you out so the two of you could go on a killing spree together or just hang around the forest. But she doesn't want to bother you so she just waits for you to be done.
The reason she can be understanding is because she would also give you some space if you need to be alone. She understands that you hate getting distracted or bothered, especially when you are in a bad mood.
As a result, she would also probably not let any proxies interact with you and ask you if you are fine. Just like Jane, she can be protective so she won't let anyone bother you at all and she will scare anyone who tries to mess with you.
Also a bit annoyed that sometimes you shun yourself and you are too close to yourself and not interacting with her at all even though the two of you are dating. She wants to communicate with you, ya know?
Enjoys bantering with you and has a tough shell so you can roast her and she will not be easily offended by your roast. Instead, she just will sass you back and snickers, and would be laughing if you cannot retort back.
Also would enjoy seeing you roast someone else, calling out other killers or people's stupidity. To the point, she will clutch her stomach and she is crouching down while letting out a tea kettle-like laughter.
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As (Y/N) climbed the stairs to prepare her breakfast, she noticed an interesting sight. Nurse Ann and Clockwork stood facing one other, arms crossed in a protective position and staring furiously. The tension in the air was apparent, and (Y/N) felt a sense of unease. Clockwork, your girlfriend, was not known for getting into fights with others.
(Y/N) listened intently as Nurse Ann and Clockwork's argument escalated, each accusation escalating the tension in the room. "Because of your dumbass ticks, the victim escaped and probably going to tell the police," Nurse Ann accused, jabbing her finger in Clockwork's direction. "Me!? You're the literally slow one! I told you to bring something smaller but no! You bring your chainsaw! You know those are heavy!" Clockwork retorted, her voice tinged with frustration. "But they are portable! Besides, you have an axe and those are heavy!" Nurse Ann countered, her tone defensive. "These are machetes!" Clockwork defended herself, her words dripping with exasperation.
Now, you are not the type to start an argument but this Clockwork is your girlfriend and no one can harass her. Deciding to step up, you came from the shadow and stood in front of clockwork while facing the red-headed nurse. "(Y/N)? What are you doing? You don't need to do this" Clockwork said.
The nurse wasn't even fazed that you were there. Instead, the nurses think it's ridiculous that you are trying to intervene between the two of them. "Aww, is someone who cannot protect herself and needs their baby? Fucking grow up, Clockie," Nurse Ann rolls her red eyes at the two of you. "So what, at least she is not miserable. No one even wanted to kiss you, heck. Even take doesn't want you to be his," (Y/N) leaned to the counter. "W-what?" The nurse's eyes widened in surprise.
Clockwork who heard that immediately tried not to laugh but failed, even you could hear her snickering in the background. Those words escape like a river, you do not even control them, they just flow out. "Just try to ask other proxies if they want to date you. They probably going to say no to your face. Do I have to say more?" (Y/N) continued to roast the hell out of Nurse Ann.
The nurse could not help but bite her own lips, her eyes glaring into your eyes that were staring at her with boredom. She pointed her finger at you but no words coming out from her lips and she glared at your girlfriend since she was speechless. "You two will regret it, both of you. I promise that" she storms off, knowing she could not even give any comeback to you.
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advice for you based on your favourite pasta
Jeff- Are you excited about the When We Were Young festival? I hope Dan and Phil come out with the gay flag and kiss just for you <3. How are your anger issues? Playing your music at volume 100 isn’t a substitute for therapy. Please go hug someone babe, having Jeff as your favorite in 2023 means you definitely need it. 
Ben- I just know you’re funny, like your friends fucking love you. Either play video games or have a creative hobby. Ben stans are literally the best. Probably have awesome taste in music. My advice for you? It’s okay if you aren’t the happy one all the time, you aren’t a robot babe <3
Jack- I get academic overachiever vibes from you, like, you’re smart, and you know you’re smart. You probably read and have a letterboxd account. You’re effortlessly cool, and probably hot, but it’s okay to fail sometimes, you don’t have to be perfect <3
Toby- Hello mentally ill gay people no im jk all of you are mentally ill and gay its the creepypasta fandom lolz. You probably feel like you’re really annoying and cope via having Toby as your comfort character. Either you’ve been in therapy since you were twelve or you need to go. Try and prioritise yourself babe <3
Helen- ITS OKAY TO DO THINGS ALONE!!!!! You probably feel insecure about your lack of friends, or you feel like your social life sucks. Doing things alone is okay, it doesn’t make you a loser. You probably like art, and you’re probably fucking great at it. Don’t compare yourself to anyone babe <3
Liu- Do you have family trauma and/or feel like you’re gonna be alone for the rest of your life? Yeah checks out. Spend more time with people, I promise they aren't all bad. Go pet a dog, stand in the sunshine. Life is great sometimes <3
Jane- psst… it's okay to let your guard down. Idk if you knew that, but here I am telling you anyway. You’re a bad bitch, I know. You’re hot, I know. But not everyone wants to hurt you. Also, stop trying to take care of everyone around you <3
Nina- you probably got/get bullied for being different. I think its hot that you’re different. Sure, you belong in a 2007 scene meet-up and i’m sorry you aren’t there rn, but you have SO MANY secret admirers. Keep being you babe, don’t change for anyone <3
Clockwork- okay i’m just gonna say it. Sometimes being mean to people and pushing them away is a bad coping mechanism. I am saying this because I have the same coping mechanisms. We are the same. Please for the love of god stop clenching your jaw and let your guard down!!! <3
Sally- Either you’re one of the younger fans or you have serious trauma. You can’t go to places or listen to certain songs without wanting to throw up. Your hands are burning from holding onto your inner child so tightly. Hang in there, it’s gonna get better <3
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dragon-chica · 1 year
Goldilocks and the Creeps
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Fandom: Creepypasta, specifically the old x reader interpretations.
Tendency to write one of these for random fandoms when I have trouble napping
You need a place to sleep, here's a pros and cons list you're tried.
Masky: Has no problem with you sleeping in his bed -he's the problem. Too tired to care about getting changed he flops into bed, on top of his covers still dressed in his jeans and doesn't even bother to kick off his boots. Asleep in minutes and sounds like he's sawing logs. You take his extra pillow to sandwich out the sound.
Bloody Painter: His room retains the coppery scent from old paintings hung on his walls, but his otherwise tidy and welcoming, not a big cuddler and might take the opportunity to paint you after you've gotten comfortable and fallen asleep. Not a bad choice.
Liu/Sully: Liu is wonderful, very respectful and a little shy if you want to snuggle. Quiet and sleeps on his side, has a cozy comforter. Sully just wants to fuck and will wake you up to ask once Liu's asleep.
Eyeless Jack: Seems great, comfy enough bed, doesn't snore, will keep to himself or hold you if you prefer. You can easily ignore that deep intake of breath when his nose is at your nape. All's good until you wake up to him licking you like he's taste-testing if you're done.
Hoodie: Sure you can sleep in his room, but it's so sparsely decorated like a cheap motel room and he sits on the edge of his dresser filming you. He's not being particularly weird about it, normal and chill if you talk to him.
Sally: Offers to share her bed when she hears you need somewhere to sleep! An offer too sweet to turn down, but her pink princess children's bed is too small for you both and you end up the rest of the night on the couch, but thank her with pancakes in the morning.
Dr. Smiley: You were exhausted of everyone else and went down to sleep on his vacant operating table, dragging your pillow and fuzzy blanket along. All was well until he arrives home with a new victim screaming in tow.
Puppeteer: Not the most welcoming but you push past him and flop onto his bed. Will trace little lines down your shoulders and arms while you sleep trying not to wake you, may subtle turn you towards him with his strings to see if you'll cuddle him.
Laughing Jack: Super cuddly and comfy! wraps his arms around you multiple times and just envelops you in warmth and he's soft like felt, great night until you get really fucked up dreams. Can't untangle yourself then either.
Jason the Toymaker: His bed is covered in stuffed toys he has made and he is very comfy to hold/be held by. Doesn't sleep much so if you wake up his bright green eyes illuminate looking down at you, but that doesn't disturb your sleep. Similar freaky dreams again though.
Ticci Toby: Great cuddle buddy, little spoon, cozy to snuggle against. Until you wake up with a bloody nose from his elbow and he's still snoring away.
Slenderman: Does he sleep? Might just 'stare' at you for asking if you can sleep in his bed, without an answer you're not sure if he's mocking you or bewildered by the question, too tired you just try the next one. Maybe Smile Dog's bed is empty.
BEN DROWNED: Very high on the list, just take an eye mask and noise canceling headphones, have his bed to yourself while he games. Plus if you sleep-grab him to cuddle he'll just freeze up at let you. No body heat tho and his room smells like doritos and moutain dew.
Jeff the Killer: Sleeps like he is dead, does not move a muscle, such quiet breathing, not bad if you don't mind the feeling there's a corpse next to you. But if he forgets to put his eye-mask on you turn over and see his eyes flickering back and forth at crazy speeds.
Jane the Killer: She prefers her space but might let you out of pity seeing those eye bags and hearing your issues. Gives you a face mask before bed and it's a proper sleepover until you pass out. Wants to talk pros and cons (you're giving her this list) of everyone later.
Kagekao: 10/10, finally no issues. You two get drunk and chat before bed and you peacefully pass out in a good mood. Lets you sleep in his bed whenever.
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miharuki · 3 months
I don’t know if you’re taking request, if not then ignore this😭
I am not the person that requested the Ben drowned x reader with Wendy’s personality headcanons but I fell in love with them. I was wondering if you could do more headcanons of it or would you be willing to do headcanon about ben drowned x elf reader (sorry if this is confusing, English isn’t my first language)
Take care ❤️
It's okay angel! My English isn't the best either and it's not my first language
𝕭𝖊𝖓 𝕯𝖗𝖔𝖜𝖓𝖊𝖉 𝖂𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗!𝕰𝖑𝖋
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I imagine Ben drowned looking at you as if you were some kind of new bass, in my head, Ben drowned believed that only he and Dark Link were indeed elves, perhaps because of their games, but you understand.
In my headcanon, I don't believe Eyeless Jack has any kind of pointed ears, and if he did, it would be hidden by his hair and hood, and also because it's quite small compared to Ben's and Dark's ears.
He would be a little fascinated, I mean, he never really noticed his own elf ears, but now looking at you, he becomes a bit interested when your ears lower and raise depending on your mood.
I believe he would find it quite cute to see your ears reacting to your mood, perhaps he would say absurd or cheesy things just to see your expression, maybe to see if your pointed ears move with your mood.
COUPLE'S GAME!! Okay, I know he's an assassin and all, but for some reason, maybe having seen drawings or something on the internet, he just wanted to wear couple's earrings with you, and not just any earrings, but earrings that can fill the ears, like elf earrings, those that are big.
Nicknames… I swear to God, if Ben doesn't just flirt about Link and Zelda, kill me, but I believe he will!! And it just won't stop, he might even call you his own Zelda! Maybe even invite you to cosplay.
Ah, but I don't have blonde hair, he doesn't mind, that's what Twilight Princess Zelda is for, she's not blonde, maybe you could do other cosplays if your hair color isn't that of any Zelda.
Perhaps you'll be dubbed "elf couple" because of the ears.
Again, he can be a jerk, so maybe he could make some jokes if you're not lovers or whatever, boyfriends.
"I didn't realize there were people copying me."
In his head, elf people didn't exist, he thought that only existed in fiction, so if you're not from a game, he'll simply be surprised. Maybe something like "So you mean those childish crap is real?!"
He'll be surprised if you're not from a Zelda game.
If your ears are a bit bigger than Ben's, I believe if you're not lovers, he would tease about it, maybe with something like "That's not elf ear, it's elephant ear!" Even if it's just 1 cm bigger than his ears.
Absolutely! Nicknames related to Zelda got a thousand times stronger, good luck with that.
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m0ldymushr00mz · 1 year
I don’t care what anyways says Jeff def isn’t anything like a lot of the fanfics. He wouldn’t care if he was hurting you, everything he does his for his pleasure you’re lucky if you even cum, and he definitely wouldn’t be loyal at all. I think the only pro would be you’re not dead he most likely kills all the other girls/guys he fucks.
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eriis97 · 1 year
Hello can you make like a little list on whether the pastas in your list are an ass man/woman or a boob man/woman?
i added thighs as well, hope you don’t mind &lt;3
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⚠️— afab! reader (only in the boob part), sexual themes but nothing very explicit, you/ your pronouns.
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the way it start wasn’t even sexual. they just enjoyed resting their hand on your thigh while you’re having dinner or watching something on the sofa. any chance they get, his hand is at your thigh, squeezing it sometimes. if given the opportunity, they’ll leave kisses and hickeys there too. having your thighs around their face? heaven.
it’s easy to catch them looking at your cleavage or even directly at your breasts. small, medium, big, they don’t care that much, they just want the opportunity to touch it - put his mouth on your nipples if possible too. sometimes you’re just cuddling and his hands will slowly make its way to your boobs.
MASKY, hoodie, sully, JANE, STUART, billy, NORMAN, BRAHMS
they don’t lose one chance to grab your butt. seriously. are they passing behind you? they’ll slap it. you’re having a slow make out session? their hands are resting on your ass, be sure. love being the big spoon so they can feel your ass against them. they also prefer to do it in a position where they can see your ass.
hahaha, you really think they can pick just one? nah, no way. they love every part of you they can put theirs hands on. your thighs? lovely. ass? amazing. boobs? perfect. they just love every little thing on your body.
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deadbydangit · 8 months
If for my question it's a yes then could request the legion with a new killer who is the same age as them and is pretty shy and quiet when outside of a trial but become rabid and vicious when in a trial? Thank you, and i hope you have a good day/night
Sure. When I write for the whole Legion, I write things a bit differently. I hope you enjoy it.
With a Killer Reader that is Shy but Vicious
When they first met you, they mistook you for a survivor.
You were so shy they didn't think you could actually be a killer.
Killers usually aren't shy people in their mind.
That's common sense.
But Frank senses something more in you.
And he knows a tortured soul when he sees one.
He knows how to bring out the best and worst in people.
Which was why he was the leader of the group in the first place.
Julie can see it too.
That fire behind your eyes is too hard to miss.
Joey doesn't seem to care either way.
He would prefer if you spoke a little louder though.
But he won't pressure you.
Your shy side is kind of cute.
Susie is excellent at bringing people out of their shell.
Her sweet yet caring nature makes others feel a strong sense of trust and openness toward her.
So she'd figure it out pretty quickly.
They all find you shy and timid side to be charming.
It's actually nice to have someone more relaxed and quiet around sometimes.
The group is loud and can be overwhelming.
Sometimes that leads to fights.
So having someone around that chills the vibe is actually really nice.
Your very presence brings a sort of Zen to all of them.
But when you came back from your first trial covered in the survivors' blood, they knew there was something else.
Frank could feel it from the start.
He's a very good judge of character.
"Now that is bad ass."
Julie will be super into it.
"Brutality is the only way to go."
You have to show those mother fuckers who's boss.
"That's hot."
Is all Joey can say when he sees you like that.
Whenever you come back from your trials, he loses all sense of discretion and kind of blurts whatever comes to mind.
Susie will be more willing to try and figure out why you're so brutal in the first place.
If it's some unresolved trauma or hatred, she'll want you to talk to see.
"Seeing you rage is super cool, but are you sure you're happy?"
She just wants to be there for you if you need it.
Shy or vicious side, they love you for who you are.
And there is no way in Hell they would ever want it to change.
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Heyo been a while since I requested but who are you and can I get
When child!reader is mad at them for losing their friendship bracelet but really they had to wash it off so child!reader is just sitting there ignoring them until they find out why their mad if you can then just any fandom you want!
Hey! Long time no see :) I did this with Jane and Slenderman because it seemed like the right choice.
Glad to get a ask from you again!
Jane and Slenderman & child Reader who lost a sentimental item
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★ That dam bracelet needed to be washed, desperately. It's been well loved and has collected so much dirt and probably blood you can't really blame Jane for wanting it cleaned. But you can blame her for forgetting where she left it!
★ Enter Slender. He's concerned the moment you start ignoring everyone. Shure, you might just want some time to yourself but that doesn't feel like it's the case. He goes to your room to ask what's wrong.
★ Once you tell him what happened he tries to get Jane to retrace her steps. Where did she last see it? Are you sure you left it there? A full on interrogation is conducted.
★ If everything fails and you still cant find it he sends out Tim, Brian and Toby to look around for it. Helen pretends to be a police officer and sits with you to make a sketch of what the bracelet looks like. Missing posters are put up around the manner for you.
★ As punishment Jane is given the worst chore in the manner, walking Smile Dog for a week.
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 months
Could we perhaps get friendship headcanons for Nina and Jane and the reader (separately please)
Thank 💌
Platonic Nina and Jane x reader
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She can be a bit of a handful when interacting with you, what with being a bit high energy and a little all over the place.. as well as being a little impulsive
Though you always have a fun and interesting time when hanging around her
She does your hair, and let's you borrow a lot of her accessories and charms
She makes you guys matching friendship bracelets, absolutely decked out with beads and charms and such. You grow a collection over time
Your conversations go anywhere and everywhere, with the topics switching a lot. The best kind of conversations honestly
You guys watch scary movies together and everytime the killer comes on screen she always slips in an "I can fix him" , everytime without fail
Much more calm and chill compared to Nina. Not saying that Nina isnt chill, its just two different kinds of.. it.. you know?
Jane's more lower energy!
A lot of your hangouts are the two of you hanging around in her place or yours, just catching up on life
Other times you guys meet up together to get some coffee
Absolutely obsessed with the idea of Jane just being a mostly normal person living and working in society and just wanting jeff to perish
Sometimes you two exchange gossip and drama while she paints your nails
Gives very good fashion advice, helps you put together outfits if you go to her for help
Shes a real gal, she's always going to stick up for you and back you up if anything ever happens
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yandereaffections · 2 years
Can I please have platonic! Yandere Jane the killer with an innocent younger sister who has a crush on Jeff?
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Absolutely not, no way will she even allow you to finish describing your crush to her as if she wasn't the one who asked out of curiosity in the first place
Jane might have been happy to see her little sister was taking an interest in another person but damn it really could've been anyone else. Will she lash out at you due to this crush of yours? No of course not, doesn't mean she won't be keeping intense supervision over you though, just enough to make sure your not sneaking out or finding ways to contact the mass murder
It's not her possession talking either, it's her protectiveness. Jane knows the second Jeff figures out you're her beloved sibling he'll take advantage of you, use and manipulate without bothering to be considerate on how this might make you feel, he doesn't care she just knows it that's why she has to take all the precautions possible.
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scary-lasagna · 3 months
Hey! If it’s alright with you, may I request head canons of any creepypasta characters of your choosing who where friends with the reader during their childhood, but then their respective incidents happened, and they haven’t seen each other for years, but get reunited again!
“Is it really you?”
Out of all places, a walmart bathroom might’ve been the last spot Jane expected to see her childhood best friend.
A mishap with a melted chocolate bar in her backpack caused a much needed pitstop at the closest restroom.
You, however, were just trying to wait for a friend to finish using their respected stall, waiting by the rusty water fountain.
With her hands still wet, she touched your arm, a small gesture she was so used to doing as a child.
You hardly recognized her through the treks of life, her youthfulness gone, and scars littered across her body and face.
But that stylish hair and those cat-like nails are hard to forget, even in your middle school years she’s was always a fashionista.
“How…have you been?” It was tight and awkward, especially coming from someone usually as confident as her; but the sentiment was there.
“Things have been better.” You managed a smile.
“That’s good, I’m happy for you.” A beat passes. “Would you like to meet up for lunch sometime?”
“Yeah! Yeah…that’d be nice to catch up on everything!”
“Alright, cool!” Jane fidgeted in her pants, and pulled out her little hit-list spiral. “I’ll give you my number.”
But maybe it just wasn’t meant to be.
You lost her number, tossing it out with the Walmart receipt on accident, and it was lost forever.
However, it was nice to see her again.
You hope she’s finally happy.
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erinawritesheadcanons2 · 10 months
Hello! Would it be possible to get head canons of Jeff with an S/O who is touch starved? Also I love your work sm❤️
Jeff the Killer, Homidicial Liu and Jane Killer with a S/O Who is Touch Starved
A/N: I hope you don't mind Anon that I add Homidicial Liu and Jane the Killer. Also, warning that this chapter might contain some violence and profanities. Anyway, thank you for giving me this request Anon.
Warning: Light NSFW
Gender: Neutral
Jeff The Killer
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Since he is tall and a little bit sturdy. Jeff The Killer would give a warm cuddle for you if you are touch starved and wants him to hug you.
Sometimes, he would also kiss your head when you ask him or not even ask him. He is surprising can be a bit touch starved too despite being a killer.
He would also gently stroke your hair and live some butterfly kisses on your nose if he is in his teasing mode and wanted to see you giggle.
He can be a little bit perverted though because he would also smack your ass when he is a bit horny. Or lightly pinch your butt without hurting you. He does this if he is bored and there is nothing to do.
If you want him to hold you and kiss you. He would hug and kiss you but you had to ask him directly because he won't understand shit if you just give him codes. He's insensitive.
He does get annoyed that you want his hugs and kisses but you were not telling him directly because he prefers you telling him directly or he would keep saying "Oi! I don't even understand what the heck you just said!" His brain is lagging.
Sometimes, it was not only you who is touch starved, to be honest, but he would also demand cuddles from you out of nowhere. Just go straight pulling you to the bed or to the couch to hug you.
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Drops of crimson liquid dripped from the blade, forming a macabre dance of red onto the metallic sink. Jeff's face remained impassive as he scrubbed away the evidence of his latest gruesome encounter. Drops of water splattered onto the tiled surface as he rinsed the blade. The air was thick with a mix of clean water along with droplets of blood.
(Y/N) leaned against the doorway, a slight sigh escaping your lips as you watched Jeff the Killer engrossed in his task. (Y/N) found their mind wandering, yearning for something more engaging as you keep watching the white hooded killer to be done with cleaning his weapon after the mission that was given by the faceless man.
Lately, it seemed like his attention had been increasingly consumed by his missions and tasks, leaving little room for the simple moments they cherished. The thought of cuddling up with him, sharing quiet moments away from the shadows of his eerie life, tugged at (Y/N)'s heart.
With a final satisfied wipe of the cloth, Jeff the Killer set aside his gleaming knife, his scarred features shifting into an expression of casual nonchalance. Jeff the Killer's scarred hands moved as he prepared the mac and cheese. He poured the pasta into the boiling water, the sound of bubbling filling the air as he stirred the mixture with a wooden spoon.
His gaze remained focused on the pot, his mind seemingly absorbed in the task at hand. As the pasta cooked to perfection, he reached for the powdered cheese packet, tearing it open and pouring its contents into a waiting bowl. The next thing he did is drain the cooked pasta and added it to the bowl along with the cheese.
Carrying the steaming bowl of mac and cheese, the white hooded killer entered the living room with a spoon inside of the bowl. As he set the bowl down on the table, he noticed (Y/N) standing there, your gaze fixed on him with longing and boredom. "What the hell are you staring at?" he asked in a low, husky tone as he tilts his head to the side a little bit.
(Y/N)'s eyes softened as she/he/they watched Jeff staring at you from far away with eyebrows raised in confusion. With a small smile playing on your lips, (Y/N) opened their/her/his arms in a clear invitation, a silent request for a comforting hug. "Hey, come here," you murmured gently, your voice carrying a mix of affection and longing.
However, Jeff's scarred brow furrowed slightly, his scarlet-ringed eyes narrowing as he struggled to grasp the context of the situation. Growing increasingly impatient, (Y/N)'s smile faded into a faint frown as they observed Jeff the Killer's continued confusion. With an exasperated sigh, (Y/N) crossed their arms, your annoyance evident in the furrow of your brows. "Jeff, seriously?" (Y/N) huffed, your tone tinged with a mixture of amusement and frustration. "I just want to cuddle, okay?" you finally admitted.
A flash of understanding finally crossed Jeff's scarred features, his lips curling into an amused grin as he rolled his eyes playfully. "Well, you could've just said so," he remarked, his tone carrying a hint of mock exasperation. With a step closer, he finally wrapped his arms around (Y/N), pulling her/him/them into a warm embrace as they settled onto the couch.
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Homidicial Liu
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Even though he's not as big as Jeff, he is surprisingly can be warm so don't worry about feeling uncomfortable. With his iconic scarf, you could cuddle together.
Liu does like the hug that he has gotten from you but sadly Sully is not as welcoming as him so it is pretty tricky if you are touch-starved and wants him to hug you.
Sully rarely likes hugs unless he is in his emotional wreck and needs some comfort. If you try to hug him. Not only he would shove you away but he would give you the closest glare and scoff at you before telling you, he does not want a hug
As a result. He does not always hug you because he knows Sully is going to be pissed off and he might accidentally hurt you as Sully going to be straight pushing you away from him.
If you are touch-starved. he is going to make sure the other side of him still has not woken up so he could hug you when Sully is still asleep and sneak some little nose kisses.
Also, he would also put his scarf on you as the two of you cuddle together when you need some hugs from him and surprisingly he would prepare some hot chocolate for the two of you.
Don't even think of touching the scars on his face. That is actually one of the triggers that would awake Sully. You might don't know but Sully is very protective of Liu.
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In the tranquil embrace of the night, (Y/N) reclined on the bed, the soft glow of their bedside lamp casting a warm halo around you. Laying there, lost in the melodies that you are currently hearing through your headphones. The music served as a gentle companion as they awaited the arrival of certain someone with scars on his face.
Steeping through the Front door. A male with a scarf on his neck finally returned to your house with a sigh of relief escaping his after a gruelling mission by the faceless man. The dim light of the hallway illuminated the exhaustion in his eyes, his dishevelled hair is the proof he is done with the mission he had given as he made his way into the living room.
A faint sound caught Homicidal Liu's attention as he stood in the living room, the weariness from his mission still lingering. His scarlet-ringed eyes flickered towards the staircase, his senses heightened as he registered the soft, rhythmic footsteps echoing from above. With a mixture of curiosity and anticipation, he turned his gaze upwards, his brows furrowing slightly in wonder.
Homicidal Liu's weary expression lit up with a genuine smile as he watched (Y/N) descend the staircase, each step bringing them/him/her closer to him. The weight of his mission seemed to momentarily fade into the background, replaced by the sheer happiness that their presence brought him. His scarred features softened as he took in the sight of you.
(Y/N) approached Homicidal Liu with a gentle smile, your (e/c) eyes carrying a hint of shyness and affection. As you reached his side, your fingers played with the hem of his shirt before you timidly opened your arms, a silent invitation for him to embrace you. "I miss you so much, Liu. I was really lonely," (Y/N) mumbles but loud enough for him to hear their/her/his every word.
With a warm yet tender smile, he willingly enveloped them in his arms, drawing them close in a comforting embrace. "I miss you too, (Y/N). The mission was really hard, those hunters almost caught us when we were going out," Liu mutters, keep holding (Y/N) close to his arms.
Hidden inside Liu's body, Sully observed the scene before him with a barely concealed eye-roll. As he watched Liu and (Y/N) hugging each other, a mixture of annoyance and anger flickered across his features. He had seen this display of affection countless times, and though he understood their connection, he couldn't help but find it dramatic like those scenes from the movie.
Feeling a slight shift in the atmosphere, Homicidal Liu gradually pulled away from the embrace with (Y/N), his scarlet-ringed eyes catching a glimpse of Sully's nonchalant demeanour. A faint furrow formed between Liu's brows as he registered Sully's subtle reaction. Sensing a hint of discomfort, he turned his attention back to (Y/N), a gentle smile gracing his lips. "Sorry," he murmured softly, his tone laced with sincerity as he glanced at you.
The gree eye killer eyes held a warmth as he spoke softly to (Y/N), his fingertips lightly brushing against theirs. "How about we cuddle later?" he suggested, his voice carrying a soothing tone. "Let me clean up a bit first and wait until Sully is calm." (Y/N)'s eyes softened as she/he/they nodded in understanding, your smile reflecting your affection for your green eye killer boyfriend. "Of course," you replied, (Y/N) voice gentle as they/she/he squeezed his hand briefly.
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(Picture is not mine. Credit to the owner. I got this GIF from Tenor).
Jane the Killer
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Jane might not be as muscular and sturdy as Jeff The killer as she is slightly smaller than him but that does not mean you cannot ask her for a hug.
Actually, she might be a better person for cuddling if you are her GIrlfriend and you are touch-starved. She could sense you want her hug even if you did not ask her directly.
And she is more cuddly as well as more sensitive than Jeff so even just a little code of a little body movement that signalling you want some cuddles. She would be there to hug you.
The only difference is that she does not like PDA whereas Jeff is much more shameless when it comes to PDA so don't ask her for a cuddle when there are tons of people. She won't do it. Jane loves cuddling with you but SHE IS SHY when it comes to PDA.
Instead, ask her at the appropriate time when the two of you are alone in the bedroom and want some cuddles. She would immediately hug you.
She would even give a nose kiss and a forehead kiss when the two of you two are cuddling together. Nose Kisses mostly when she is in her playful mode whereas her forehead kisses when she is also as touch-starved as you.
Also, Jane luckily is not as Perverted as Jeff the Killer so she is not going to touch you everywhere and would only just touch the part of you body that you allow her to touch. her hands not gonna wonders around.
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The air was charged with a mix of frustration and disbelief as (Y/N) stood before Jeff the Killer, (Y/N)'s arms crossed and their expression a mixture of irritation and incredulity. "Jeff, seriously? You stole my apple pie?" you exclaimed. Her/his/their voice is a blend of annoyance and disbelief. Jeff's nonchalant demeanour did little to quell (Y/N) anger, and you could feel your temper rising. "I didn't steal anything," he replied with a casual shrug, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.
(Y/N)'s annoyance reached its peak, his/her/their patience wearing thin as Jeff the Killer continued to deny his involvement in the missing apple pie. Your (e/c) eyes flashed with a mixture of anger and disbelief. "Jeff, if you don't admit it right now and give my pie back, I swear I'll take that knife of yours away," (Y/N) warned, your voice edged with a seriousness that cut through the room.
Jeff's grin faltered for a split second, his blue eyes narrowing as he sensed the intensity behind (Y/N)'s threat. The atmosphere shifted immediately from peaceful turn tense in one second. His fingers clenched into fists, the tension radiating from his entire form. "You really want to play that game?" he growled, his voice low and dangerous.
As the argument between Jeff the Killer and (Y/N) escalated, the air crackled with tension, and Jeff's anger reached a boiling point. His blue eyes. Blazed with a furious intensity as he reached into his pocket and swiftly withdrew his gleaming knife. The metal glinted in the dim light, a stark reminder of the danger that lingered beneath his seemingly carefree exterior.
Sensing the escalating tension and the glint of the blade in Jeff's hand, (Y/N)'s (e/c) eyes widened with a mixture of fear and anger. (Y/N)'s heart raced, and instinctively, you took a step back, taking your own knife and sliding it into your hand from your pocket. Your breathing quickened as you mirrored his defensive stance
Jane the Killer's keen instincts picked up on the brewing storm between (Y/N) and Jeff the Killer, her black eyes narrowing as she sensed the impending clash. In a swift motion, she positioned herself between the two as she was running from the couch and going into the kitchen.
Her face held a stern expression as she fixed Jeff with an unwavering glare, her stance radiating a readiness to intervene. Turning her gaze to (Y/N), her demeanour softened slightly, a silent gesture that conveyed both understanding and the urge to de-escalate the situation. She extended a hand towards you. "Let's go to my room," she whispers.
Jane the Killer maintained her firm grip on (Y/N)'s arm as she led them away from the tense confrontation, guiding (Y/N) to her room. Her gaze is gentle as she noticed (Y/N)'s downcast expression. The silence between them spoke volumes, and without a word, Jane stepped closer to (Y/N), her arms enveloping them in a comforting hug. "It's okay, sweetie. I'm here, Jeff is not going to hurt you when I'm in here," she whispers soothingly.
(Y/N)'s shoulders relaxed as Jane's arms encircled around her/him/them. Slowly, (Y/N) returned the hug, their arms wrapping around Jane as they sought refuge in the comfort of the moment. The weight of the earlier confrontation seemed to lift as they clung to each other.
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(Picture is not mine, credit to the author by Asyaejderha)
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the pastas if they had a normal life
BEN- Gamer boy who lives in his parent's basement. You saw it coming. Ben would literally spend his days living off energy drinks and chips. Brags about his game collection even though he doesn’t have a job. He doesn’t care that he doesn’t have a job, but he should.
Jeff- He never moved on from the emo renaissance. He has posters of MCR and other emo bands up on his walls. They’re chipped and wilted, but he’ll be dead before they get taken down. Definitely uses a pair of broken wired earphones because he thinks he’s too cool for AirPods.
Eyeless Jack-Jack would be the most pretentious male manipulator sorry. Donna Tartt would have a field day with him. He exclusively only listens to music from the 80s and mansplains everything. He is intelligent though, and he dresses immaculately. 
Toby- That friend who has never been calm in their life. One second he’s at home, then the next he’s in Portugal on a solo holiday. Should not be allowed a bank account. Always the life of the party. People wonder how he’s still alive. 
Helen- Weird art kid. Spends all of his time in his room, either playing piano or painting. He thinks he’s destined to be the next Picasso. Has good grades and big dreams, but no friends to tell them to. 
Liu- Probably the most normal. Good grades, decent social life. He’s not popular, but he’s not a loner. Kind of mainstream. Always drinking coffee, probably works like two jobs. Has connections everywhere. 
Jane- She walks down the street and like 90% of heads turn to look at her. Quiet, but not shy. Has a small group of friends, but feels like none of them know her. Probably has a glass of red wine every Saturday night. Has a cat. 
Nina- The town's bravest girl solely because she’s single-handedly bringing back scene-core. Doesn’t care that people give her weird looks on public transport. Makes kandi bracelets and gives them out to strangers. Literally SO sweet and for what. 
Clockwork- No one wants to get on her bad side. She has like two friends but she loves them with all her heart. Doesn’t give a fuck about grades. She probably works out a lot but never drinks water. Lives alone. 
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windtooweem · 2 years
When you fall asleep on them
Could be read as Romantic 💘 and platonic
They/Them reader
Creepypasta version
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He just gets still like a stick
It takes him a moment to recover
He will most likely put you in a comfortable place to sleep in
Or he would just let you keep sleeping on him
He doesn’t get much contact except from Sally and holding back the other pastas from killing each other
He pats your head very lightly
If Sally sleeps on him too we got wholesome family times
He will hold you both like a baby
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As the unofficial mother of the mansion she is one of the best people to fall asleep on
She will not move, she will shift you a bit but will never make big movements
She’ll ask someone to bring her a blanket and if anyone wants to join you two
If she does have to go she will make sure to put water and a snack nearby so you can eat/drink it when you wake up
Will slowly rock you like a baby
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Really likes it when you fall asleep on him
It reminds him of when his younger brother was a kid
Sully is screaming at him to get you off
Sully likes it he’s just too scared to admit it
Like Jane, Liu won’t move a lot
But if he has a mission he will put you in his room to rest
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