#joan the badass female knight
tobegentleandkind · 8 months
(Re-)Reading Shakespeare 14/38: Henry VI Part 1
"'Tis much when sceptres are in childrens' hands, but more when envy breeds unkind division - there comes the ruin, there begins confusion."
My first time reading this play and I found it really interesting, as there are a lot of badass female characters. There are bad times in England, the patriarchy is crumbling: Henry V is dead, a minor has become king and the French are rebelling with the help of Joan, a powerful womam that seems to have magical powers, which which not only make her a good soldier who helps freeing Orleans from the English, but also controls the French heir Charles, at times even speaking for him. While the French take her for a saint, the English accuse her to be a witch. Here we have the usuak female condition in a patriarchy: one is either idealised or demonised. Because Joan defies the female gender role of being passive, she is dangerous for patriarchal structures and therefore accused to be a witch and is burned - powerful women must die. More female agency can be found in the character of the Countess of Auvergne, who kidnaps the English knight Talbot to punish him for the harm he caused for the French womens' sons and husbands, which I think is an absolute power move, even though she fails. All this shows thaz when the patriarchy begins to destroy itself with political power struggles and war, women take over. Indeed, the whole system tumbles down when due to the dispute and lack of communication between York and Somerset England fails to send Talbot support against the French rebels. Inner discrepancies are England's ruin. In the end, the only way to establish some sort of peace is another political marriage between Henry and Reignier's daughter Margaret. Another interesting development in this is Harry's beginning emancipation, going from initially doing whatever Gloucester advises to now deciding to marry Margeret although Gloucester has a financially better idea in mind of who to marry. Nevertheless, Henry has been manipulated by Suffolk into this, who is romantically involved with Margeret and aspires to control Henry through her. I am thrilled to go on reading and see how this is gonna play out.
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rumir-has-it · 4 years
How to Woo a Girl - A Guide by Cecily
Continually fake getting kidnapped so she’ll come save you
Contribute to saving the kingdom by acting as a distraction
Pretend you’re over her and date someone else but make it obvious you’re dating someone else
Sing at her dad about how being different is good
Cry to yourself about how you just want to be worthy of love
Die right in front of her
Let Despair use your thoughts to make her sad and consume her
Get revived along with everyone else
Just be yourself
She’ll ask you on a date eventually :)
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granola and porridge
hi peaches! I’m back and ready to get into a new head canon
i got a request for granola and porridge headcanons!
- porridge hates baths but his best friend granola loves em, so it’s give and take relationship
- granola loves granola but hates the raisins in them, so whenever they buy some they have a new job removing them out
- porridge loves naps
- granola loves them too
-cuddle buddies 👀
- sometimes after working for a long time they’ll take naps in the breakroom
- jecily and rumir are actually so powerful and like they’re so close
- best friends all together, Joan and cecily, they’ve even got a special wing dedicated to them, and their adoptive children will be nobility just below the royal family
- granola is kinda iconic, he’s got a fan club
anyway that’s all I’ve got for tonight
love u guys!!
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booksare42 · 5 years
Why is no one talking about Joan the badass female knight who taught herself how to fight, beat the kingdom’s champion and persuaded fifty teenage girls to fight a dragon?
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all-hail-moon-dogs · 4 years
here, have this age list i made for various podcast protagonists for literally no reason at all
Cecil Palmer - unknown. fanon usually puts him in his late 30s. kinda immortal.
Nic Silver - also unknown. literally. and he might even be a real person. i think. regardless, probably 30s
Sammy Stevens - also also unknown. probably later 30s. impulsive disaster of a man.
taako - actually immortal. said to be over 65, more likely over 100. fakes being a moron for money.
merle highchurch - unknown. probably as old as taako. not sure how dnd dwarf ages work. an old, wise dumbass.
magnus - human, so maybe later 40s. definitely lives longer than a normal man. good at rushing in. 
Juno Steel - 39. i swear this lady acts 50 years older than he is and like, 21, all at once.
Doug Eiffel - 36. not known for acting his age, so this feels fake. he’s a child.
Jon Sims - 30/31. holy shit he’s a baby. and the oldest person here. 
Kaitlin Le - 31. the most mature person on this list. 
Joan Bright - 32. she and kaitlin would really go well together. combined they could probably take down every other dumbass already listed here. 
Sir Caroline - another unknown. probably late 20s, maybe early 30s. she seemed like a good mc to go with, since she’s a badass and the only female knight but she’s still only got like one brain cell. could singlehandedly take down everyone. 
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dachi-chan25 · 3 years
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Haven't done this in a while but I had the time so why not?
1.- Pizza Girl by Kyoung Jean Frazier
I really did like it, reminded me a lot of "Convinience store woman". Like clearly our protagonist needed thrapy ASAP to help her deal with her dad's death, her pregnancy, her attraction to women and hell just for existing as an Asian woman in the USA, but I liked how messy and obsesive she was and how the author allowed her to be fucked up and take bad decisions, I love to see female characters simply exist, it's also a pretty short read so I definitely recommend it.
2.-The Authentics by Abdi Nazemian
Daría is a persian teen who is really involved in her cultural background and feels that the most important thing one can be is authentic, so that's the name she and her friends take for their clique. But everything comes crashing down on her when she discovers she is adopted, and soon follows an identity crisis. I loved it so much, it felt pretty realistic, like Daría could be self absorbed and unlikeable at times, but who wasn't as a teen? And we get such beautiful heartwarming moments between Daría and her family and friends. Totally recommend it.
3.- The Mall by Megan McCafferty
Cassie has her life completely mapped out but nothing goes quite as planned, first she gets mononucleosis and after she gets better gets dumped and fired almost simultaneously. Determined not to let it get the best of her, Cassie gets a brand new job, reconnects with an old friend and even finds a hidden treasure. This one is so much fun, all the 90s references and the growth Cassie goes through is amazing, honeslty i would love to see this as a Netflix movie.
4.- Luster by Raven Leilani
This book was hard, Edie is a very raw character, at first she seems flippant even when describing disturbing facts about her past or details about her relationship with a much older man she seems to be talking about something that happened to someone else all this to cope dealing with her solitude, her trauma, her self hate. And gosh it was so intresting to see her interact with Rebecca and Akila, especially Akila as Edie finds kinship in this young girl not only cuz they are both black but because they are both lost and afraid.
5.- Lakewood by Megan Giddings
Lena decides to participate on a financially compensated medical experiment so her mom can get proper medical care and to lessen their debts after her Grandmother's death.
So I had many mixed feelings about this, on one hand I liked that we are adressing how sistematical racism has permited experiments on black people with no consequences at all and how it has been happening for decades, but there were certain parts of the book that I couldn't enjoy as much because they were very trippy like I get we are on Lena's mind as things are becoming muddled up because of the medications and all those mind games and the words they have her memorize and repeat but all of it took me a bit away from the story. Still I do recommend it just be aware there is quite a bit of body horror in this so if you are sqeamish better skip it.
6.-The Voting Booth - Brandy Colbert
Marva and Duke meet on election day as she helps him find the precint he is registered on.
This is very enjoyable, the story is very straightforward, and it insists on our right and responsability to vote even if we feel our vote alone can't possibly change all the injustice we see in the world. And also the romance was cute and developed slowly as Marva and Duke are just knowing each other. Really cute and quick read.
7.- Such a fun age - Kiley Reid
Emira works as a babysitter for the Chamberleins' . She loves her little charge Briar, although she feels preassured to seek a 'real job' by her friends and by her own economic troubles. Emira soon finds herself in the middle of a tug of war between her boss Alix who tries to befriend her, and Kelley the guy she is dating.
So much drama. This is a great example of what performative activism looks like, first Alix is completely nuts, from her obsession to be seen as this wonderful understanding girl boss activist and the down right creepy sense of entitlement to Emira's friendship and intimacy. Like it doesn't surprise me she chose to victimize herself instead of recognizing it had all been a misunderstanding. And even then she still wants to seem atractive to the man she feels victimized by. Girl no.
Kelley is the ultimate fake woke ally. Dude Robbie was wrong period, he had no business inviting people over to someone else's house no matter the color of his skin. You don't get to talk over Emira on matters of what a person of color should do or feel on certain situations. That said it was so funny when he and Alix called each other out for their fetishization of people of color and yet none of them actually gave a damn about what Emira thought/felt/percieved. They just wanted her stamp of approval so they could pat themselves in the back for being such good allies.
8.- The Life and (Medieval) times of Kit Sweetly by Jamie Pacton
Kit is working as a serving wench at the Castle, medieval themed restaurant run by her uncle, though she really wants to be a Knight, not only cuz the better pay would help around the house but because she really admires Joan of Arc, problem is the Castle management doesn't allow for anyone who is not a cis male to be a knight. Kit is set on changing that.
Ok so I feel a bit lukewarm toward this. Kit in my opinion doesn't get much growth, it seems she just can do whatever and her friends have to be ok w it, her romance w her friend feels pulled out of nowhere like Jett at one point tells her he is not intrested in dating her and then he is ???, those GoT references killed me, I get it I watched the show and sometimes even enjoyed it but it's not representative of anything medieval and Kit was always talking about how much she liked the actual history of the medieval times so...
Also as much as this book was about feminism and how we should fight for equal job oportunities, it feels as though Kit only cared about medieval woman who fought physically and not on the badass medieval woman, like idk it feels as a rejection of tradicional feminity like even the girl playing the Princess is a jerk. But I did like some parts, like her decision to confront her asshole dad to help her mom and the girls training together.
9.-Cien años de soledad de Gabriel Garcia Marquez
En Macondo, una población Colombiana a un lado del río, vemos como una de sus familias fundadoras crece, se expande y cambia a través de cien años.
Me encanto, hace mucho tiempo que no leía una novela de realismo mágico que me provocará tantos sentimientos. Creo que todos los personajes reflejan aspectos de la humanidad tan diversos y complejos que sería inútil tratar de enlistarlos todos.
Ultimadamente siento que lo que condenó a la familia Buendia a cumplir las profecías de Melquiades fue sus propia naturaleza que ellos nunca tuvieron intención de pelear, siempre sucumbian a las locuras o pasiones que los inundarán sin mesura alguna o consideración por las consecuencias. Y creo que aún así lo prefiero pues es lo que hace a cada personaje por confuso que a veces llegue a ser la repetición de nombres (que para mi es el simbolismo de una naturaleza y destino continuos) único e intrigante. En verdad espero que se den la oportunidad de leer este libro por lo menos una vez en sus vidas.
10.-The Monsters of music by Rebecca F. Kenney
This is a gender-swaped modern retelling of the Phantom of the Opera.
It was creative to make Mel, our Phantom, a true magical creature, and the singing contest was also cool. Like don't get me wrong I did have fun reading this but it also felt pretty unpolished like most characters were teens on the contest and that kinda made me roll my eyes a bit, like unless it's the Voice Kids age ranges are quite ample on this kind of shows, also kinda clumsy the addition of the magical elements with the modern setting, Kiyo didn't make much of an impression with me even when Christine is my fave on the original book. Still if you are a Phan like me you might wanna check this one out.
11.- Anna K by Jenny Lee
This is a modern americanized ya retelling of Anna Karenina.
Not gonna lie this made me cry so much at the end. I really liked Anna and Vronski together so much, and I don't like the love at first sight trope, but here it felt so inevitable. Anna was so self contained until she met him and could truly explore being herself and they really loved each other so much. Also I liked the treatment of the side characters Kimmie and Dustin were well developed and I really enjoyed this one can't wait to get to the second book.
12.- Wonderland by Zoje Stage
It was ok, but I was actually a bit disappointed cuz I had such high expectations for it. Like for about half the book I was really into the atmospheric vibe the book pulls you into, but as we get the reveal it started to go down hill for me, and the ending left me feeling meh. But maybe it was just not my cup of tea.
13.-Home Before Dark by Riley Sager
This book is so well crafted!!! I love how it goes back and forth between past and present , first it feels as if history is repeating itself, then as both narratives unfold we start to question and discovering things and the twist at the end was chillin and masterful, I truly and wholeheartedly recommend it.
14.- The Girl with the louding voice by Abi Daré
Adunni, a teenage girl, flees from her husband to work as a maid in Lagos, though everything she has ever wanted is to study.
This broke my heart, as it reflects how people coming from rural backgrounds get taken advantage of in the City, like similar things happen here in Mexico, but also it made me glad to see Adunni fight and keep her spirit so no one could ever silence her.
15.- The Year of the Witching by Alexis Henderson
Immanuel does her very best to fit in Bethel, follow the scriptures and the Prophets words, but nothing seems to be enough to erase her mother's sin especially when the Darkwood seems to pull her in. As a plague starts to ravage Bethel, Immanuel has to face her past to save her people.
So frickin' good !!!! This story is great, mainly about the explotation of woman and young girls by people in power (in this case a church), the atmosphere is always tense, Ezra and Immanuel 's relationship is very well developed and one can really see how loyal they are to each other. A great option for horror fans.
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thatirishlesbian · 4 years
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✨10 reasons you should listen to the Two Princes Podcast✨
1. It’s GAY!!!
Rupert is a gay disaster and honestly... same! Amir is trying hard not to fall for this gay disaster but he fails. Also there’s a sweet old gay dude who gets bullied by the queen- Give Chamberlin a break Lavinia! I’m 99.9% sure Joan- badass female knight- is sapphic but I will confirm!
2. And they were FROM RIVAL KINGDOMS!!
You know what that means?? *Chants*Rivals-to-lovers, Rivals-to-lovers, Rivals-to-lovers!!
3. Badass females throw down for their kingdom!
There’s a scene in which the men prove what cowards they are but no worries the women are READY!
4. Fellas, is it gay to adopt and name a dragon together?
5. It’s Hilarious
Queen Lavinia has absolutely no chill and it makes the whole podcast. She is more dramatic than her son and how DARE HE GO FIGHT THE EVIL forest wItHoUt HeR!!
6. The characters are brilliant.
Seriously though, I even loved the bandits who may or may not have tried to eat them!!
7. Queen Lavinia is played by none other than CHRISTINE BARANSKI
That’s right, the women who played the Gringe’s boo and Donna’s - Mamma Mia- best friend, plays one very overprotective Queen/mother and she’s BRILLIANT. I love it.
8. There’s a very happy ending!
Did I mention the gay??
9. Seriously though, Joan the Knight.
She’s so badass. I have a crush on one knight!
10. I almost forgot the best part... They Name their Dragon Porridge 😍😍
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mademoiselle-luz · 4 years
Okay, so I got tagged by @daniellesdarrieux , so here we go : my 10 favorite female characters ! Multifandom ! No order !
Negasonic Teenage Warhead ( Deadpool movies ).
Badass and sarcastic.
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Tara Maclay ( Buffy the Vampire Slayer ).
She was too good for this world.
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Ser Brienne of Tarth ( Game of Thrones ).
The knight of my heart.
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Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV ( Cowboy Bebop ).
I just love her so much !
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Okoye ( MCU ).
Oh, General, my General !
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Doctor Joan Watson ( Elementary ).
Two words : Lucy Liu.
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Sister Michael ( Derry Girls ).
I will tolerate the Catholic Church, just for her.
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Bartine 'Bart' Curlish ( Dirk Gently Holistic Detective Agency ).
My sweet murder angel !
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Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye ( Fullmetal Alchemist ).
Without her, they would all be lost.
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Miss Phryne Fischer ( Miss Fischer Murder Mysteries ).
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Thanks and happy new year in advance !
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qqueenofhades · 7 years
Hey! Since you have knowledge of the medieval times and women were not as submissive and silent as I was taught in class and by mass media, can you tell me about medieval warrior women? Especially in France, if possible? Finding documentation on that subject on the internet is not that easy and it'll definitely come in handy for some historical roleplay stuff
Okay, for a general overview of (young) medieval women, the culture, and some ideas/misconceptions/cultural parameters about them, I do recommend Medieval Maidens: Young Women and Gender in England, 1270-1540. By its nature/title, it obviously focuses more on England, but France was not so terribly different culture-wise at this point, and this is around the time that most people think of as “medieval.” This book is fairly readable as academic texts go, and absolutely worth going through just for some basics.
In terms of warrior women, I will say that they are very much still the exception rather than the rule. They did exist, but there isn’t some grand conspiracy to cover up legions of Amazons and so forth (though it would be fun if there were). I work on the crusades, and one of the interesting questions is how much women participated as active combatants, if at all. Natasha Hodgson’s Women, Crusading, and the Holy Land in Historical Narrative covers some of this, though she mainly explores the interesting tensions about the presence/existence of women for crusade armies, and their relationships to crusaders – i.e. how much could women participate in a movement that by its nature was designed for arms-bearing knights, i.e. men? Helen Nicholson also has an article, Women on the Third Crusade, that deals with some cases of reported warrior women during said crusade (1187-1192) and what motives chroniclers, especially Muslim ones, might have for reporting or exaggerating their presence. This is a bit earlier, as the crusades are generally accepted to have taken place between 1095-1291, but still medieval.
In terms of French warrior women to look into, I’d say definitely Jeanne de Clisson (that is her wikipedia page, but there are links/references for further reading). She was a fourteenth-century French female pirate called the “Lioness of Brittany,” which if you ask me, is awesome, and everyone knows about Joan of Arc already. In this vein, Grace O’Malley was a 16th-century clan chieftain/pirate captain who met with Queen Elizabeth I; she couldn’t speak English and Elizabeth couldn’t speak Irish, so they communicated in Latin (also, in my opinion, awesome). She also had a badass nickname, “the Sea Queen of Connacht.” Not French, obviously, but yes.
Maud (or Matilda) de Braose was a 12th/13th-century Anglo-French noblewoman known for her military skill (in defending castles for her husband/leading armies in the field). She was supposedly exceptionally tall and also wore armor in fighting, and her death and that of her son (starvation by King John) so outraged the English nobility that there is a clause in the Magna Carta specifically banning such treatment of the king’s subjects. She also made enough of an impression that she is a Welsh folk legend.
Matilda of Tuscany is another woman (late 11th century) remembered for military accomplishments and formidable political prowess, especially in the Investiture Conflict.
Anyway, I think this is most of what I can come up with off the top of my head, but hopefully that is a useful start!
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theinvinciblenoob · 6 years
To say the gaming community is not known for its friendliness to women and minority groups is something of an understatement. But we’re starting to see developers abandon the usual excuses of tradition, demographics and, the most absurd of all, “realism,” in favor of making gaming more inclusive. Kind of.
This has been an ongoing theme for years, of course. But it feels like this year it was a little less self-congratulatory and a little more self-motivated.
The fun started early, well ahead of E3, with the apparently devastatingly diverse front lines in Battlefield V, which takes place during World War II. The predictable objections as to “historical accuracy” appeared — unironic, despite the utter lack of historical accuracy in pretty much any of these games. The way the war was fought, the locations and situations, the weapons and vehicles have all been liberally massaged to turn the worst thing in history into a fun multiplayer game.
But it was EA’s chief creative officer, Patrick Soderlund, who made the headlines with a searing riposte in an interview with Gamasutra. Citing the historical record of women and people of color in the war, he called out the peanut gallery as both incorrect and irrelevant.
What’s the most unrealistic part about Battlefield V? It ain’t her.
“These are people who are uneducated,” he said. “They don’t understand that this is a plausible scenario, and listen: this is a game.”
A game, he added, intended to surface stories that have been hitherto relatively seldom told, including the roles of those groups.
“This is something that the development team pushed. And we don’t take any flak. We stand up for the cause, because I think those people who don’t understand it, well, you have two choices: either accept it or don’t buy the game. I’m fine with either or. It’s just not OK.”
Then E3 got started. As a pleasant early surprise, Gears of War 5 has you playing a female protagonist in what has long been a mainstay of grizzled space-marine mandom, and your companion is a black guy. Of course you have the new Tomb Raider, a solid franchise with an increasingly strong, well-written female lead.
In Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, Ubisoft went so far as to twist the lore of the series to accommodate the player’s choice of character: Alexios or Kassandra, between whom there are no real differences — including romance options, a quietly provocative decision.
The Last of Us Part Two has a badass young woman as its protagonist, defending herself with shocking brutality in a post-apocalyptic hellscape. (Yet you can be sure it’s the kiss shared with a girl on the dance floor that will generate more controversy.)
Nintendo offered a variety of customization in the new Smash Bros. for Switch, with male and female options for all kinds of characters, including Pikachu. Even Cuphead has a playable lady in it now.
Elsewhere we saw diversity on display in something as simple as having men and women of all races represented as pirate captains, commanders of futuristic forces, medieval knights (a nice Joan of Arc feel from For Honor’s trailer) and futuristic jet pilots. (My favorite outfit was in Control, by the way.)
What it felt like to me, though, was not that these companies were fulfilling some kind of diversity quota — that bogeyman so often invoked by critics — but rather the simple acknowledgement that the world of games should resemble the world of gamers.
Of course, when you pull back a little bit, it becomes extremely clear that the majority of games are still very much dominated by the garden variety grizzled white male protagonist. But that’s fine. We have a similar problem in film, TV and other fiction as well, right? Moving on from outdated ideas of race and gender in the world of media is an ongoing concern and it won’t happen all at once.
But at least at this E3 we’re seeing indications that developers and publishers are moving in the right direction.
As for the people playing — well, that’s a different story. Whatever the flexibility of your choices in the latest crop of AAA games, female gamers and people of color will still be ruthlessly harassed, abused and otherwise targeted. Developers can’t change the bigoted minds of toxic players — but they can ban them. Here’s hoping that side of things is getting equal attention.
via TechCrunch
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rumir-has-it · 4 years
The Two Princes as Messages With My Best Friend Part 3
Rupert, at 3am: What if there were dragons…in SPACE
Porridge: *SCREECHING*
Every episode of Season 1: Update on the Disaster Gays
Cecily, trying to get to know Joan: What is your favourite unit of measurement/dinosaur?
Rupert: I’m a combination of blessed, stressed, and depressed
Rupert: I’m as smooth as chunky peanut butter
Joan: I’m 5’8” and therefore a god
Barrabas: Sexy pirate vibes
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rumir-has-it · 4 years
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(Ok so I messed up and accidentally posted and deleted this before I was finished so I hope you find this, Anonymous)
There are so many cute scenarios you could have with Hide and Seek
And I can even imagine the boys building hiding places and secret passageways into their new castle
Scenario 1
Rupert returns to his rooms after a long morning to find a note from Amir saying “I’m hiding somewhere in the castle, come find me”
So he spends his whole afternoon searching the castle, finding lots of little drawings and notes and clues
Eventually, the clues lead him back to his rooms...where he finds Amir under the bed
(He’d been reading the whole time)
Rupert’s a little annoyed that he’d been looking for so long but then Amir drags Rupert under the bed with him and kisses his grumpy little face
Scenario 2
They’re playing hide and seek and Rupert’s hiding up a tree
Amir passes beneath him and Rupert jumps down, landing on top of him
Amir screams but when they readjust themselves and he sees that it’s Rupert, he laughs and they just chill on the ground for a bit
(they later realise they may have broken some bones)
Scenario 3
The boys decide to play hide and seek with Porridge (to train him or something idk) so they hide in a wardrobe together
It’s a bit awkward at first because it’s cramped but then they start talking about their day
Then the conversation gets deeper and they start talking about the future - the future of their relationship and the future of the kingdom
And they get so caught up in each other that when Porridge does find them, they scream like little girls and tumble out
Scenario 4
They decide to play hide and seek with Joan and Cecily (when Joan’s off-duty of course)
At this point, Rupert and Amir have caught on to the fact that Joan and Cecily clearly have feelings for each other and keep coming up with plans to get them together
So they suggest that the girls hide together and the boys seek together
The girls decide to hide in a small room used for storage
And they get talking to pass the time
They’ve not spoken much in the past so they start with their early lives and take it from there
They talk about their childhood, their parents, their current lives, and eventually their hopes and dreams
Throughout the conversation, Joan realises that Cecily isn’t as straightforward as she thought, and Cecily realises that she shouldn’t have pushed Joan so hard to go out with her
They talk it out and apologise...and then they kiss
And they don’t even notice when the boys open the door and close it again quietly to leave them to it
Hope this satisfied your fluffy requirements!
And if you haven’t seen them already, I have a few other fluffy headcanons here and here
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rumir-has-it · 4 years
Season 3 needs to be Rupert and Amir IN LOVE and Joan and Cecily FALLING in love
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rumir-has-it · 4 years
How about a fluffy head cannon? :)
Ok so even though the evil forest disappears, I think that the waterfall/lake stays
And Rupert and Amir find it soon after the end of season 1 and decide to build a cabin there, just for them
Then, after they finally have the wedding, they go to the cabin by the lake for their honeymoon
(They leave Lavinia and Atossa in charge of the new kingdom while they’re away)
So, the morning after their wedding, they set off, Amir on one horse with Rupert sat behind him and Joan on another
(Joan comes because she’s a good friend and a good knight and they might need protection)
Anyway, Rupert’s hugging Amir from behind the whole way there and they’re smiling and laughing and at one point Rupert kisses Amir’s neck and they almost fall off the horse
Joan stays a distance behind them, keeping watch but giving them privacy
When they get there, they set up a picnic they brought with them and Joan sets up camp nearby
They eat and kiss and sometimes feed each other and they talk about the future
After lying in the sun for a while, Amir picks Rupert up and throws him in the water, laughing when he surfaces and looks all grumpy and soaked
Rupert reaches out his hand to indicate that Amir should help him up but when Amir grabs his hand, Rupert pulls him into the water as well
They spend some time swimming and chasing each other through the water and then float for a while, holding hands
In the evening, they stargaze and huddle together for warmth
Then Rupert drags Amir up and they slow dance under the stars
They spend the next few days much the same and then return home, refreshed and ready to rule
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rumir-has-it · 4 years
How would you like the next season of The Two Princes to go? Did you have an idea of what you’d want to happen in the story?
I think it would be cool for them to go on another adventure but maybe not because the kingdoms are in immediate danger.
Maybe they go on a quest to help another kingdom. Or maybe they go looking for an item that could help their kingdom thrive.
Basically I want a bit less angst than season 2.
Also, I said this in a previous ask, but it would be amazing if Joan and Cecily could join them on the quest, because a) I think they would make a great friend group and b) I think we need to see Joan and Cecily develop in more detail as characters.
And, like most people, I want lots more cute Rumir moments!!
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rumir-has-it · 4 years
The Two Princes As Things My Friends Said 4 Years Ago
Rupert: I must be really annoying...just kidding, I’m never annoying
Amir: Think of a random word
Rupert: (without hesitation) Cow
Cecily: Sometimes I think I could be a seagull because when I was little my mum told me I used to honk a lot.
Joan: So let's say that russia sends a nuclear missile and blows up the uk. Nice thought. Loads of people have died but let's forget about that
"the trail could either be really easy to follow or extremely complicated"
Rupert: Basically my life
Rupert, when asked why he stole the forbidden book: I can’t speak I’m blind
Rupert: Life is tough and guess what? I am not
“Chad”: Mooo. I like cows. They say moo...MOOO!!
Cecily: I can't read it. It's too much words
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