#lem talks
phildumphy · 1 year
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So it turns out that ChatGPT not only uses a ton shit of energy, but also a ton shit of water. This is according to a new study by a group of researchers from the University of California Riverside and the University of Texas Arlington, Futurism reports.
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Which sounds INSANE but also makes sense when you think of it. You know what happens to, for example, your computer when it’s doing a LOT of work and processing. You gotta cool those machines.
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And what’s worrying about this is that water shortages are already an issue almost everywhere, and over this summer, and the next summers, will become more and more of a problem with the rising temperatures all over the world. So it’s important to have this in mind and share the info. Big part of how we ended up where we are with the climate crisis is that for a long time politicians KNEW about the science, but the large public didn’t have all the facts. We didn’t have access to it. KNOWING about things and sharing that info can be a real game-changer. Because then we know up to what point we, as individuals, can have effective actions in our daily lives and what we need to be asking our legislators for.
And with all the issues AI can pose, I think this is such an important argument to add to the conversation.
Edit: I previously accidentally typed Colorado instead of California. Thank you to the fellow user who noticed and signaled that!
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1emonzaide · 4 months
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katich-pigeon · 3 months
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Vlad had drunk too much.
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fishareglorious · 4 days
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(not pictured: the rest of Rayashki with Vila)
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this comment on my shitpost art compelled me to make this.
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droughtofapathy · 16 days
"Theatre critic circles are in desperate need of diverse voices, and these old white men cannot be the only arbiters of good and bad in the industry," and "it's not the feminist take you think it is to dismiss a show's negative reviews just because it's men who are raising the valid critiques you yourself see but can and will overlook because you're attached to a show you say is 'written for the girls, gays, etc." are two viewpoints that can coexist.
It might be easy to dismiss a male critic's pan of a show because it's meant for women. That's not feminism. That's gender essentialism. The show may be written for a queer female audience, but should queer women not also demand quality and cohesion in a show's book and score, or must we always be satisfied by the crumbs we are given? We should not be arguing that just because a show is geared towards a female audience, it must be above critique, or that the real and present flaws in the book and score are only important to men, and all women will like it anyway.
As a queer woman of color, had I been a critic, my review would have been mixed to negative just like all those men you dismissed because the problems do not change from a gendered perspective. The book is weak. The score disjointed. The protagonist watered-down. It's like the writers set out to say "it's a queer love story," but didn't do the work to delve any deeper, and hoped to carry the show on that alone. Queer stories deserve to be held to the same high standard as any other show, and boiling it down to "it's queer so you have to like it and critics are homophobic" is a ridiculous, immature, reductive statement.
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heloflor · 7 months
Bowser, pointing at his destroyed clown car: So, who broke it? I’m not mad, I just wanna know.
Morton: ...I did, I broke it-
Bowser: No, no you didn’t. Iggy?
Iggy: Don’t look at me! Look at Roy!
Roy: What?! I didn’t break it.
Iggy: Huh, that’s weird. How’d you even know it was broken?
Roy: Because it’s sitting right in front of us, and it’s broken.
Iggy: Suspicious.
Roy: No, it’s not!
Ludwig: If it matters, probably not, but Wendy was the last one to use it.
Wendy: Liar! I don’t even fly that crap!
Ludwig: Oh, really? Then what were you doing by the ship hangar earlier?
Wendy: I use the airship propellers to push back my cuticles, everyone knows that, Ludwig-!
Morton: Ok, ok, let’s not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, dad.
Bowser: No! Who broke it?!
Larry: ...Dad, Junior’s been awfully quiet.
Junior: Really?!
Larry: Oh, yeah, really!
Everyone arguing
Bowser, whispering to Kamek: I broke it. It hit my head so I punched it. I predict ten minutes from now on, they’ll be at each other’s throats with war paint on their faces and a Goomba head on a stick...Good, it was getting a little chummy around here.
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lem-argentum · 6 days
hellooo it’s been a little.. how is everyone <3
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dancy-nrew · 1 year
Imagine another candidate Fero au drawing I don’t have time for
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lemony-snickers · 5 months
13. I'll talk about my favorite character.
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phildumphy · 2 years
big red going “I’m bi” unprompted on footage destined to be broadcast worldwide ICONIC
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1emonzaide · 4 months
Thinking about how in Gongja’s first life the cult master dies alone. Raviel continues to regress. “Hungry Demon” stays as the Demon King and wasn’t anything more after that. Sooha cleared the stages with brute force. They never got their happy endings. Can you imagine??
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eternitas · 6 months
Tell us about your bun boy, the world needs to know about him. Who cares if it isn't lore compliant
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@wanderin-rook @deathmeddle @saanphoenix @niceaxephotos
Okay so because these people were so kind to indulge me and ask, allow me to give you a short introduction to Yoon before I give you an actual sheet with his stats and all
Also DISCLAIMER: I am not through with A Realm Reborn and therefor have limited knowledge of Vierra so most of this is NOT canon compliant.
Is Yoon
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Yoon is a Vierra from the Ishgardian snowy mountains. Due to his village and subesquently his baby sister falling terribly ill he took her down the mountain to find someone who could cure her, but ended up in Gridania where he stayed for a good bit. He is NOT A WOL, he is more of a support character for my WOLs squad. Since he is skilled with a spear/lance he later down the line takes up a job as a dragoon. He also has a boif, called Lemuel (played by my irl fiance @kyuji)
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I will get to their story later bc its Spicey with a capital S
Here are more in depth stats and a more thorough recount of his story until he arrived in Gridania. Also beware of bigger Font for readability.
Name: Yoon Dorochnewesfv
Age: he never talks about his age, but you can count him around 20ish in human years at the beginning of "A Realm Reborn"
Lineage: Vierra - Veena
Birthplace: Ishgard East Mountainrange/ Yaga village
More info: Yaga Village is an interesting one in its history, as it has been established many many generations ago. Its history is passed down oraly by the elder female Veena and says that they were once send by a divine power to guard the lucious mountains, but with time the climate changed and it became a landscape of ice and snow. However the Vierra could not abandon what they promised to protect and so they stayed in Yaga for centuries, adapting to the new climate. While it is one village its population is divided into different families, named after old Viera matriarchs. Dorochnewes was one of them.
Affiliation: Gridania
Class/Job: Lancer, later Dragoon (tho also versed with a bow)
Status: mated to Lemuel
Physical Describtion: Yoon is a Snow Mountain Veena with almost completely white skin, white hair and white ears and tail. Only the tips of his ears, the tip of his tail and his toes are black/dark blue furred. He has feint freckles in his face, his left eye is white while his right eye is a deep blue. Originally both eyes were blue, but due to an injury he sustained on his trip down the mountain he got partially blind on his left eye and bears a scar on the side of his face. His hair is a bit longer than shoulder length and he has the natural height of Vieras, though among his species he is average in height to slightly shorter. He has very strong legs as most Vierra and rabbit feet with white furr and black toes. Different to other Vierras those of his village have the ability to cover their skin with a layer of furr when in cold regions so there is little need to bundle up for them. The furr falls off and sheds in warmer regions and is, as most of Yoon, completely snow white.
Born as the middle child of a renowned huntress in the tribe, there was a lot of hope in Yoon to be female, as his older sibling turned out male, which was seen as a disappointment to the tribe. His mother did not love him any less and only two years, after his younger siblings birth, his father died. All the more disappointment was once it became clear that Yoon was a male Vierra, which made his mother now have two sons and not a single heiress.
But not shortly after his younger sibling Taya was confirmed to be female, the entire tribe was slowly falling ill to a terrible disease. By then Yoon had been out on his own for quite a few years only hearing of the illness from other male Vierra that visited the tribe. Since his mating cycle was coming close he decided to make an earlier visit to the tribe and to check on his family only to find his mother and little sister terribly ill. By now even a few male Vierras had contracted the disease, however they seemed to recover with little issue while the female population seemed to suffer greatly and even die from it.
His mother knew she was not going to make it and sent Yoon with his sister down the mountain to get at least their youngest into a city where she could get medical treatment, as the tribe was incapable of finding a cure. Yoon knew this would lead to them being banished, but promised to take his sister to safety. He then made his way down the mountain, giving whatever he could hunt to his sister and keeping her alive, while he got by with mere scraps. He went slowly and steadily to make sure he wouldn't overexert his young sister, taking breaks to warm up and let her get some proper sleep.
It's during his way down that he, delirious and weak from little nourishment and sleep deprivation, slips during a snowstorm and tumbles down a steeper and cliffier path, causing him to gravely injure his left side of his face and damaging his eye. He took some time to take care of himself and Taya, who he could luckily shield enough to not get hurt, and with newfound strength made his way further down. However when he came to Coerthas he was met with closed gates and hostility as the nation of Ishgard was in grave tension due to their fight with the dragons. At least one helpful individual by the name of Estinien directed him south towards Gridania, saying Yoon should ask there for a cure.
On his way to Gridania he traverses the forests, unable to hunt, due to his new adjustment to his eyes and being unable to blend in with the green flora. He pushed through by sheer willpower and eventually collapsed in the City of New Gridania, being taken in by Mother Miounne and given a temporary stay to recover. So now Yoon was in Gridania, a place completely different from his home and taking care of his very ill sister. He is aware that he will need money to come by, pay for their stay and especially Tayas treatment so he joins the adventure guild and becomes a Lancer. However doing quests and hunting himself manages to pose itself as a big difficulty. Yoons entire appereance is natural to a snowy and rocky environment with little to no vegetation and he just recently lost most of his eyesight in one eye, having to relearn how to aim and see the world.
It's during this time that he meets another Vierra.... Lemuel.
Character: Yoon is not too hard to read if you are familiar with vierran expression through their ears. His face seems very unmoving and his tone usually stays the same, but his ears give him away far easier as he never had the need to control that. He does learn to open up and be more expressive around people he knows and likes, to strangers however he is cold and distant at first. He is awkward with other people and gets along better with other men, while he has great respect and shows politeness to women and non binary individuals. He is by no means uncaring, sometimes even being too caught in his own emotions as he left to the villages outskirts in his teens only one year after being fully identified as male. He has therefore little social skills and doesnt know much about ettiquette or how to handle his own emotions. Due to the Party, especially the Miqo'te girl Anayeli, he learns to understand emotions and social interactions more, however it often still shows, that he just comes from a completely different background.
He is often led by instinct and his learned skills as a hunter, prioritizing  survival over anything else, that he almost naturally sacrifices his own comfort. As a Vierra male that grew up in the snowy mountains he doesnt do well with heat and had a hard time adjusting to the new climate or the forest environment (Thanalan is his personal nightmare). It's usually uncomfortable for him to stand out due to his appereance, but with time most Gridanians learned to just let him be and do his thing and not stare, because it will trigger his flight instincts. He can be quite childish, when he does feel comfortable and as he had not run a single mating cycle yet has little sexual experience (until he meets Lem). It is his long term goal to find a cure for his sister and if possible bring the cure to the last remaining Vierra of his tribe and to fulfill that goal he is willing to go great lengths tho he has his principles and sticks to them, trying to live a life of which his mother would be proud and he has not to be ashamed of.
-Yoon can not swim. He never needed to learn. Lem teaches him to at least not completely drown.
-as with most Vierra his ears are very sensitive and he puts special wachs mixed with cotton in his ears to dull the noise. It is also why he prefers the quiet nature more than bustling groups of people
-Yoon doesnt exactly see himself as part of the Gridanian population and more as an outsider that happens to stay in the city, which makes him far more sympathetic with some of the wild tribes than most
-his favourite food is Honey Custard Tart, a sweet baked good that is filled with a custard that is mixed with honey and a honey glace on top. He never tasted honey before so when he got the good as a reward from a comission he got immideatly hooked.
-As the mountains are not as rich in vegetation as the forest Yoon was much more prone to have a meat heavy diet, which is only proven more by his sharp teeth and canines, that almost seem to match more Miqo'tes teeth. However he does prefer to have a vegetarian diet if he can help it.
-Yoons brother Eleesh disappeared about a year before the disease befell their tribe and its unknown if he died or not
-While they don't show much PDA, Yoon and Lem have a very active sex life, with Yoon being the one with the driving libido.
-as with most Vierra, Yoons strongest aspect are his legs. He can jump pretty high and far and is a very fast runner, being able to zigg zagg and make quick turns rather easily.
-and yes. He has pawbeans
-Usually Viera give up their forest names after having left their tribe, but Yoon holds onto his name as it is the last remains he has of his mother. However he does emphasize that he prefers to be called by his first call name instead of his full name or last name, as it is a very personal detail to him. He will often introduce himself as "Yoon. Just Yoon is fine."
-he finds Miqo'te to be unnerving due to their intense eyes and the natural predator disposition, Elezen to be unnerving for their height and especially Au'ra men for their size and sharp scales. Roegadyn and Hrothgar, no matter the gender, instinctly trigger his flight response.
-despite being dispositioned as prey, Yoon is very skilled with his lance and an incredible hunter... at least in the snowy mountains. In Gridania he passes as average when it comes to hunting, so he is much more prone to choose flight as an option.
More unrelated pictures as done by @kyuji
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I will post the couple ones in my follow up
Thank you for reading!!!!
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im-diseased-but-cool · 2 months
Gimme be honest fellas I can't stop thinking about the parallel of Lucifer loving God so much and God cast him away and fuccijf Sam and Dean like it drives me crazy. I hate these bitches so much they've ruined my life I have never thought about Cain and Abel but guess what folks! I AM THINKING ABOUT THOSE BROTHERS BEVAUSE OF THESE STUPID FUCKING TWINK ASS FAGS!!!!! Sam and Dean die maybe but don't god im in shambles
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gothoffspring · 2 years
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lovely, the first thing that's welcoming us back to actual gameplay is death!!! goodbye vivi🐄😭💖 did i also use this as an opportunity to take some grim reaper glamour shots? of course I did, i just think he's NEAT
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eastgaysian · 7 months
trying to imagine lemming and dak-wai existing in the same universe but their vibes clash so wildly it just doesn't compute. lemming has to try and save everyone and dak-wai is doomed to fail at saving everyone. also they are on opposite ends of the 'solving problems with murder' spectrum which lemming feels pretty strongly about. it would be extremely funny for lemming to have yet another friend significantly larger than him who could chuck him like a football though. and for dak-wai to have an emotional support 3 ft bard so they're constantly glancing at lemming with a hand on their sword like 'are we gonna kill this guy' and lemming shakes his head no. Actually nvm i just sold myself on lemming dak-wai adventures
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lem-argentum · 25 days
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