#like 20-25% longer than current version
compacflt · 1 year
ok. final edits coming tomorrow and i am being so fucking for real about that. they’re loaded in ao3 and everything. for now it’s just wwgattai and debriefing, i only have very minor minor edits to the other one-shots but those’ll come a little later so i can kind of stagger posting them if that makes sense.
in case ur interested in the overarching changes i’ve made, these are the themes upon which i’ve expanded, just for shits & gigs:
my surface-level top gun 1986 character analysis of tom kazansky that he is so successful in the navy because he follows rules/orders (compared to maverick, who doesn’t follow orders & stagnates in the ranks): taking that shit to the extreme. expanded on the politics of “just following orders.” he is complicit in a cycle of “just following orders” and eventually becomes the one giving the orders at the top. internalized homophobia/compulsive heterosexuality also is really another way to “just follow orders.”
in a similar vein: expanded on the idea of choice and free will. how much of ice’s life he “just lets happen to him/goes along with” vs. the things other people tell him to do vs. the things he actually chooses to want & go after. all three categories often overlap in a way that is very confusing for him.
the “long-distance” aspect of icemav’s relationship. it’s difficult enough to pull off an LDR (speaking from personal experience); it’s even harder when you’re both in denial that it’s actually happening. when you’re separated by distance, it takes a lot of effort to come home. that’s not something that just happens. you have to keep actively choosing to be with each other.
the honest truth: ice is not fighting for his rights/general acceptance, and if he were then the navy would either kick him out/his conservative subordinates wouldn’t treat him with the respect his job requires, which means that, from a realist perspective, his relationship with maverick and his naval career are absolutely incompatible with each other. he’s compromising both to have the other. he cannot openly have both. there’s a lot of tension there that was not fully resolved in previous versions of this series.
more freaking out about being old/close to retirement, which i completely neglected in the previous versions of this fic. what does it mean to retire if you’re defined by your successful career and service to your country? what does it mean to retire if you haven’t figured out your relationship with the person you might accidentally have to spend the rest of your life living with?
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aptericia · 12 days
Commissions are open!
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I'm currently opening 5 commission slots! All prices are in USD
You can DM me here, or through my payment platforms:
ko-fi: https://href.li/?https://ko-fi.com/aptericia19601 artistree: https://artistree.io/aptericia
***15% OFF COMMISSIONS FOR FANDOMS IN MY PINNED POST (Revolutionary Girl Utena, Fire Emblem 9/10 & 16/16W, Thunderbolt Fantasy, and Octopath Traveler)***
I will draw:
original characters
characters without visual reference (i.e. from a written description)
complex designs
mild blood/gore & body horror
I will not draw:
heavy gore
romantic or sexual acts
anything else that makes me uncomfortable
lineart-only style:
1/2 body: $20 full body: $30
flat color style:
1/2 body: $25 full body: $40
cel-shaded style:
bust: $30 1/2 body: $40 3/4 body: $50 full body: $60
fully-rendered style:
bust: $35 1/2 body: $50 3/4 body: $65 full body: $90
transparent / flat color / simple graphic: $0 simple background: $5-$20 complex background: $20+
extra characters: +70% of listed price
What to expect:
Message me on tumblr, ko-fi, or Artistree for inquiry! Let me know what you’re looking for and I will confirm if I can draw it. Don’t worry if you don’t have all the details figured out—I’m happy to discuss with you! You do not need to provide references for characters who can easily found on the internet, however for OCs and characters from non-visual media, please provide me with descriptions or examples. Same goes for any specific poses, clothes, backgrounds, etc. you’d like me to include. Once we’ve settled on an idea, I’ll send a rough sketch and confirm the price. After I receive the payment, I’ll continue working and send you updates at various stages of the development (lineart, flat colors, etc). You may request changes at each of the stages (minor ones are free, however large or many changes will require an extra fee). When the last update is approved, I’ll send you the final version in high resolution. The amount of time a commission takes is highly dependent on the specifics, but most take under a week. If I expect your piece to take longer than that, I will let you know. By default, I will post the finished commission to all my socials and may use it to promote my services. If you would NOT like your commission to be used this way, please let me know.
Things you ARE allowed to do with your commissioned artwork:
post the artwork to social media
use the artwork for social media icons, banners, etc.
edit the artwork as you wish; however, if the edits obscure my signature then you must credit me
Things you are NOT allowed to do with your commissioned artwork:
claim the artwork as your own
sell or otherwise make profit off the artwork
input the artwork into generative AI programs
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eruden-writes · 2 years
The Unexpected Human Problem - Part 3 (Yautja x Human)
Part 1 | Part 2| Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5| Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28 | Part 29 | Part 30 (coming soon)
Summary: The night her abductors die, Rayelle finds herself running for her life. She doesn't know where she is, what is following her, where to go. All she knows is she's not on Earth any longer and the thing chasing her has the capacity to kill.
Tai'dqei never anticipated finding a human when he took the job of tracking and subduing a small contingent of smugglers. It was only when the human attacked and fled fled, Tai'dqei - hopped up on the euphoria of a successful hunt - gave chase, instinct burning at his center.
Will sense return to Tai'dqei before he catches Rayelle? Or will Rayelle be subjected to the yautja's natural inclinations?
And what happens afterwards?
TAG LIST: @ajarofpickledtears
It was the jarring thump of the ship that awoke Rayelle. Pushing herself upright on her cot, she stretched her arms over her head and arched her back. There’d be a few more feeding attempts since the first. After her second attempt - throwing the tray at the creature and trying to grab their gauntlet, which seemed to control the door, through the bars - there’d been minimal contact. It would just leave the food in the slot and leave.
Later, it’d retrieve the tray and replace it with a new one. Rayelle couldn’t help but notice they had kept to self-contained foods, like whatever constituted as space-veggies or space-fruit. No more mash, nothing messy. 
Though she didn’t eat any of it, she occasionally snagged one or two from the tray. Just enough to not be noticed. She had considered collecting enough to cause damage to the toilet, but she realized wasn’t sure if it would work, since she didn’t know how it got rid of waste. Rayelle eventually decided she wanted something to wing at the creature if it chose to enter again so she had a small collection of hard projectiles. 
Now, she wondered what her damn captor was doing. There was a slight shift, as if something had gotten ahold of the ship, and now she heard further hiss of hydraulics and the chunk of something possibly locking into place. Then nothing. 
Her eyebrows furrowed, trying to make sense of the sounds and the sensations. Rayelle’s first thought was they had landed - or perhaps docked? - somewhere. It would explain the mechanical whirring and thunking and vibrations, she figured. 
But where? Was she about to step onto yet another alien planet? Full of the same massive, mandible-having creatures as her current captor? Or was it going to be a station of some sort?
As Rayelle considered her chances between a single-species planet or outpost versus somewhere with more diversity - and fighting the dissociation that sheer absurd thought caused her - the door to the hallway opened. Her stomach sank as two pairs of footfalls entered the room, the lights brightening. She half-turned to face the front of her cell, glaring through the bars at both the familiar face and the newcomer.
Her red-orange captor stood next to a different colored version of the same species. They were chittering and growling away as they approached Rayelle’s cell, giving her a chance to scrutinize the newcomer. 
This one was a sort of grey-blue with black speckles. Their head ridge striated, like a washboard, and their head tendrils were mottled blue-green and pulled back into a sort of pony tail. They were also taller than the red-orange one. Not by much, but enough for Rayelle to notice. They also appeared leaner than her captor, though no less ripped. Just not as intimidatingly buff. The difference between a basketball player and one of those strongman competitors. 
They also didn’t wear dark grey armor like the other. Though they did wear a silver chest plate and a matching gauntlet that seemed tech-based. Other than the scant armor, they wore sleeveless grey coveralls and a sleeveless dark blue lab coat. That same odd mesh was used to cover their arms.
A particular gurgle of a growl from her red-orange captor caught Rayelle’s attention. She glanced toward them, not moving from her cot. As the other responded, her eyes narrowed. 
She had a suspicion they were discussing her. No surprise. But if the blue one was wearing a lab coat, did that make them a doctor or a scientist? Rayelle pressed her lips together in a tight line, trying to determine which option was worse. 
Rayelle jumped as the door to her cell slid open. She scrambled to her feet, grabbing one of the hard fruits she had swiped from a prior meal with her. Her shoulders tensed as she backed away to the far side of the cage. The blue one entered first, the red-orange one lingering in the open entrance.
It approached slowly, carefully, with a hand extended and fingers splayed to show they weren’t a threat. It, too, clicked and gave gurgly growls by means of communication. Though seemingly gentler, more level than how the red-orange one vocalized. With its free hand, from a pocket on its coat, it slowly withdrew a silver boxy object.
Rayelle nervously watched as it held the object up to its own arm, crouching to give her a better view. Light blue light fanned out from the silver box, moving over the alien’s arm. Once the machine beeped, the grey-blue alien turned the box around to show a screen, where alien language flashed and scrolled up.
She glanced from the machine up to the alien, still having no clue what was going on. Something in the blue alien’s eyes seemed hopeful, though. For some reason, the whole situation reminded Rayelle of a doctor showing a young child that a stethoscope doesn’t hurt. 
Her attention flickered across the room, where the red-orange creature seemed tense. It appeared ready to spring into action should something happen. Whether it was to keep the blue one safe or herself, Rayelle wasn’t certain. Once more, she glanced warily at the blue alien, before sidling to the side, toward her captor and, more importantly, the exit. 
She kept her eyes on the blue alien, her shoulders stiffening as it trilled something. From the corner of her eye, Rayelle saw her captor’s eyes flicker to their comrade, replying to whatever the blue one said. 
Tightening her grasp on the alien fruit, which she hid slightly behind her, Rayelle chose to test her luck.
“Hm, they must be more comfortable around you,” Ah’ke observed, as the human edged closer and closer to Tai’dqei. 
Tai’dqei was not so certain of their former mate’s assessment. Preparedness tensed along his arms and legs, ready to chase and snatch the human up if his presumption was correct. He shot a look at Ah’ke, though kept awareness on the human. “They’re going to try escaping, just watch.” 
“I don’t know.” Ah’ke stood up from their crouch, straightening to full height. “They seem-” 
Before Ah’ke could even finish their statement, an orange chemond came hurtling at Tai’dqei. As he instinctively caught the flying projectile, he swore to himself for not counting the numbers of fruit or vegetables he’d given the human.
As expected, the human bolted for the door, hands reaching for the frame as they got close. With a snarl, Tai’dqei lunged and easily grabbed them. As soon as his arms latched around their middle, they squirmed and yelled as he lifted them up. Their feet kicked out as they tried to throw themself to and fro, thrashing with every ounce of their strength. It was like trying to keep a hold of a feral bozeak.
Tai’dqei threw a dirty look to Ah’ke, who had been chittering with amusement over the scene. His mandibles clicked irritatedly. “Going to help or just stand there and laugh?” 
“On it.” Ah’ke continued to chuckle, but pulled a tranquilizer injector from their belt, quickly approaching the struggling human and Tai’dqei. 
The human in his arms struggled harder, howling as Ah’ke neared. Likely, they recognized the injector, considering how similar it looked to the one Tai’dqei had used that first night. 
They even went so far as to attempt to bite Tai’dqei, leaning their top-half over his forearm and sinking their dull little teeth into his forearm. A growl rumbled out from Tai’dqei’s chest, unbidden and not exactly out of anger. Momentarily, the human tensed, bracing for something. Whatever the human thought he would do didn’t happen.
Instead, Ah’ke swept in during the temporary - and likely very short - calm. She pressed the tranq to the human’s thigh, eliciting a startled gasp of whimper from them as the needle punctured their skin. 
Their violent struggles resumed, tears pooling at the corners of their eyes before dribbling down their cheeks. The human’s angry yowls turned to quieter wailing, as the force of their fighting dwindled. Even as they slumped in Tai’dqei’s arms, they continued to warble obvious dissent, weakly shoving at his arms.
A small part of Tai’dqei admired the persistence, in spite of how troublesome they’d been.
“I managed to get a hold of the most up-to-date Straux nano-translator worm for you two.” From yet another pocket, Ah’ke withdrew a small case. “These were designed with dated and modern Earthen language as a specialty.”
As she popped the case open, Tai’dqei saw the two yet-to-be-activated earworms. He nodded, relieved that he’d soon be able to communicate with the human. “It’s appreciated.”
“Move them to the cot and I’ll get everything done,” ordered Ah’ke, taking charge of the situation now. Tai’dqei gave a grunt of acknowledgement, adjusting his hold on the human so they were now carried more comfortably in his arms. 
After he deposited the inert form on the bed, Ah’ke pushed him out of the way. As she knelt by the human, she held the second translator device out to him. “I trust you can insert your own.” 
Once more, Tai’dqei gave an affirmative grunt and took the worm. 
“You should move them somewhere more hospitable,” Ah’ke said as she waited for the translator to boot up. As she fiddled with the settings, focusing more on Earthen languages and yautja, she gave a little laugh, “I would not be pleased myself, if I awoke in a brig like this.”
“It was necessary,” Tai’dqei growled, making the same adjustments to their own worm. Over the decades, one got used to upgrading translator tech. He was just thankful the Straux had figured out a way to get the nanoworms to absorb previous versions, rather than having to yank old ones out. “I didn’t know what they’d do to escape. So, for now, the brig.” 
The blue metal worm soon came to life, its hundreds of little legs tickling his palm, and he held it up to his ear canal. Tai’dqei braced himself as the thing skittered in and grunted as the harder part initiated. Through bone and cartilage and tissue, the technological bug burrowed. In its wake, it repaired damage done. As efficient as it was, it was not painless. 
That was evident as the human, even unconscious, cried out. Ah’ke held them as they jerked on the bed, tears once more streaming down their cheeks. The sedative eventually dealt with the pain and whatever straggling string of consciousness still clung on finally dissipated.
Tai’dqei didn’t realize they had moved closer, watching the human struggle, until he heard himself ask, “They will be okay?” 
“They will be fine,” Ah’ke answered with a sigh, as if she’d been asked the same question many times before. She stood up from her stoop, pinning a serious look on Tai’dqei. “Once you’re able to communicate, will you move them to a guest quarters, at least?” 
“We’ll see.” He bristled, not looking at Ah’ke as he crossed his arms. Her stern tone stirred something in his core. Something that had been exacerbated multiple times by an unwitting human. He tried not to think about it. “It depends on how they react.”
Giving the human free reign would have made all of the efforts to get them somewhere appropriate useless. They could run straight into a dangerous situation, get themselves killed, and be none-the-wiser. Or, worst yet, they crash his ship and kill them both, perhaps even taking out others in the process. 
No, it was better to lock the human down until he could assess their cooperativeness and mentality.
“Go easy on them. From the way you describe it, they may have a lot to adjust to.” Ah’ke got to her feet after wiping red blood from the human’s ear. Tai’dqei had turned his attention back to the human, considering what preparations should be made for when they awoke, when Ah’ke spoke again, “And, about your other issue.” 
At the change in subjects, tension raced up Tai’dqei’s spine. He slightly tilted his head toward Ah’ke, hoping not to appear too excited as he straightened up. “Yes?” 
She reached out to touch Tai’dqei’s arm and he hesitantly hoped she’d help him. It was a gentle touch, her claws ghosting over his arm. Memories of the past flooded into his brain. But Ah’ke’s words doused whatever soft heat filled his chest. “There’s a brothel on this station. Check them out.”
Tai’dqei’s mandibles flared in agitation, a hiss escaping his mouth, as Ah’ke laughed heartily at him. “I’ve never been into men. You know that, Tai’dqei.”
“I just thought it could be different with me.” Tai’qdei shifted his stance, arms crossed over his chest. He could feel Ah’ke’s knowing amusement and it only made the agitation in him churn harder. Once more, he turned his attention from Ah’ke to a middle distance, unable to meet her gaze. “If it was something purely physical.” 
“We tried that, when your change began.” From the corner of his eye, he saw Ah’ke also cross her arms over her chest. Her mandibles twitching downward. Guilt dribbled into his stomach. 
“Mhmn.” Tai’dqei fell quiet at the mention of his change, his arms tightening over his chest. 
In the course of his relationship with Ah’ke, they both had shifted sexes and, subsequently, genders. Though Tai’dqei found her just as appealing as before, the feeling was not mutual. She only liked women, no matter what her own gender was. 
He could have chosen hormone modifiers to reverse the changes, but he hadn’t wanted to. It was a hard feeling to put into words. 
Thus, their romantic relationship ended. Not without some complicated feelings, mostly on Tai’dqei’s part.
“I need to return to the clinic,” Ah’ke announced after consulting her wrist gear. The words drew Tai’dqei from memories. It struck him as odd how unaffected Ah’ke appeared. “I’ll check back in soon, okay?” 
“Alright,” he replied, his tone unintentionally dipping into dour octaves.
“Tai.” Her hand brushed against his arm again, eliciting prickles along his flesh. Her gaze softened, making something in his chest swell. With a reassuring squeeze of his bicep, Ah’ke softly said, “I still care very much for you, even if we’re not mate compatible.” 
“I know, that’s why I trusted you with this,” he answered just as quietly, raising a hand to the sleeping human. There was a beat of silence, unsaid things mounting in the air among the weight of responsibility concerning the wayward being. Unable to take the heaviness, Tai’dqei heaved a sigh and gave a careless shrug as he said sardonically, “Sorry, I had to go and turn into a smelly aggressive man.” 
At that, Ah’ke gave a gurgling growl of her own, swatting the sides of Tai’dqei’s face with both hands. He gave a yelp as mild pain throbbed through his skin. “I was joking!” 
“It was not funny,” she hissed, grabbing tight to the sides of his face and pressing her forehead to his. Annoyance flooded out of him at the touch. His eyes closed, briefly allowing himself to pretend reality was different. Maybe a world where Ah’ke did find men appealing or where he agreed to hormone adjusters. 
The short fantasy only lasted a moment, before Ah’ke pulled away. Her palms likely tapped the sides of his face as she teased, “Behave until I get back.” 
She was already heading out the cell’s entrance when Tai’dqei opened his eyes. He watched her go, before glancing back at the human. Other than the even rise and fall of their chest, they were still. 
After retrieving a blanket for the human and a chair for himself, Tai’qdei locked the cell door again. This time, with him inside the bars alongside the human. He watched them sleep as his own thoughts roiled and rolled, trying not to focus on the upsetting stillness in his own chest. Or the ever-present, aggravating, heat simmering in his center.
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meesefr · 1 year
do you have any advice on how to price comms in flight rising? I think i'm underpricing a lot right now
Oh boy, long post incoming. I obviously don't know your art/where you live/current prices so I'll try to apprach this based on how I price my work, and touching a bit on what to expect. Gonna make this a more generalised commission pricing post because I've seen this come up a lot.
Tl;dr version = Hourly rate (always above national minimum) + time it takes you on average + extra time calculated outside of pure drawing time + taxes
I personally price commissions on FR the same way I price coms/work anywhere else. For commissions I use flatrates which are in turn based on my hourly. Imo if you're doing FRC coms I'd ALWAYS price higher for gems/tr than for IRLC since their usage is confined to on-site. (I do cheapo FRC coms here and there for stuff like foddart too but it's with the explicit understanding that this is NOT a regular transaction. I would not recommend this for a long-term commission shop.) So for FRC coms I'd convert my standard IRLC price + FRC "tax". How much do I value gems/tr over actual IRL goods etc.
My studio hourly usually ranges from 25$ to 30$ but since most commissions are non-commercial work I stick to a 20$/h range for them. I like doing them and I still want my coms to be accessible to people, so I don't mind a small cut (drawing dragons is fun). So if say... a bust on average takes me about an hour and a half the strictest estimate would be 30$ + taxes. But you want to incorporate the possibility of complicated designs, taking longer for polish/make sure the work is up to your standards, reference gathering, small changes and client communication (transaction fees as well when applicable), so it's always good to leave breathing room. (I usually estimate at least another 40 minutes. It honestly ends up taking much longer most of the time. I've had coms take me 10+ hours longer than my priced estimate because I got too ambitious/excited with the illustration, don't be me.)
Now of course all of this stuff depends on your hourly rate too which is honestly a big debate in and on itself. I think the general commissioner audience is used to significantly lower rates than the industry side might. My main income comes from freelancing, where my rate is considered low end. Outside of Illustration, which is vastly underpayed, most designers and creative freelancers will usually have an hourly rate that ranges from 40-100$/h. 20-25$ is considered entry level. My personal recommendation would be to not go lower than 15-20/h if you're doing commissions professionally, even if you live in a place where that is considered a fairly high hourly wage. If you're still a student or your art doesn't really sell yet at those price ranges because of inexperience I think it'd be better to invest in practicing your fundamentals instead and do other work in the meantime. (Or find another platform! Might be an audience issue and not a skill one!)
Unfortunately most people doing coms (including myself) ARE underpricing. I've seen people that would be senior artists in a company if they were doing concept art instead have similar prices to mine, which is ridiculous. (The average mid level concept artist in-house makes 65k/y. People doing coms at the same skillrange often make >20k/y) But to some degree that is kind of inescapable because of how many other people you are competing with. So I don't doubt one bit that you are underpricing already. Illustrators and commission artists are vastly underpayed which means the average audience is conditioned to significantly lower prices.
Thankfully, specifically on FR from my experience the quality of commissioners you'll get is really high. I'm still not sure if you could get away with strictly fairly priced coms, unless you're very popular/your art is super in demand. But other than that, I do payment upon art delivery and have never had issues with a client except once. Communication/references/respect etc are also really good and folks tend to be very understanding and patient.
Be aware that the audience does get smaller the more fairly you price your stuff. I've kinda noticed that the folks commissioning me tend to be from a smaller pool of people that are also the ones commissioning the other artists with a similar skill level on FR that do IRLC coms. So a small pool of regular commissioners + other really skilled or better than you folks that are also fairly accessible/cheap by industry standards. You start seeing a lot of the same artist names pop up when you scroll down in the dragon's bio for references. You will probably not consistently fill all your slots but your clients will most likely end up being trustworthy/reliable and occasionally repeat customers. (Not surprisingly a lot of them are fellow artists/creatives too, y'all know the pain of the grind lol)
I wish you the best, anon. Sorry for kinda hijacking your question to go in-depth with this lol. I upped my prices a few months ago too and thankfully didn't see a decline in clients even if unfortunately I'm still underpricing. Commissions are just a tough game in general. I hope you'll be compensated fairly! If art is your main gig or you're planning on making it your full-time job, definitely look into freelancing instead long term. It's still tough but at least your rates will be much more acceptable. Take care and good luck!
(P.S. In case you're not paying taxes from commissions yet, check with an accountant if you're over the declare threshold. Different countries have different rules for this. If art is your main source of income you almost definitely have to essentially open a business in most places.)
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iuteamstarcandy · 9 months
[TRANS] IU ‘Pieces’ Album Introduction and Song Introductions
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IU [Pieces]
The pieces in between my 20s that I didn’t bother to take out
1. Drama
It’s a song that I wrote when I was 20. I composed it because I wanted to cheer up a friend who was going through a breakup and was being very pessimistic about love for a few days. Although I didn’t release it yet, I have so much affection for this song that I sang it for my concert en-encore [T/L note: another encore after the encore] every year without fail. I occasionally tried to write songs with similar emotions, but it seemed like I was just trying to imitate (a version of myself from) a chapter that had already passed in my life, so I stopped doing that.
When I sang it during concerts, because I was in the moment, I could sing it easily and cheerfully, but while recording it, I realised that this was indeed totally different. Out of all the songs I recorded this time, I had the most difficulty with this song, trying to find the character [get into character]. In order to bring out the atmosphere during concerts as much as possible, there wasn’t any special arrangement done for this song.
I’m sincerely grateful towards my fans who didn’t forget the existence of the song ‘Drama’ and strongly requested for it to be released officially. ‘Drama’ is in between ‘Hold My Hand’ which made my blood boil (with ambition) because it was my first (self-composed song) and ‘Friday’ which I was already feeling pretty relaxed about, before I knew it. This song which I was not ambitious about nominating (for this album), because it’s a precious song that I hold close to my heart, perhaps is the reason and theme for this collection of (music) pieces.
2. Next Stop
I started writing this song when I was 25, so by the time I was done, I was 26. There are some songs whereby the lyrics and melody come to my mind together, like a piece of music born with the two as one. It had been awhile since I had a song like that and this was one of them.
It can’t be helped that (I am) biased towards such songs.
There wasn’t any format or particular chord work that I worked hard on, but the moment I wrote the first verse as easily as breathing, I was so in love with this song.
But even then, I forgot about it. Heh.
It was a year later when I encountered my character ‘Jian’ in ‘My Mister’ that I naturally took on that character and was able to finish the second verse. While there was no plan cast in stone, it was a song that I definitely wanted to release one day. Beyond being a storyteller, but as a top liner [T/L note: person who composes the main melody of a song], I think this song contains my most central emotions as a creator.
This is the only song that we mixed in the vocals from the guide version. It contains both my voice from 3 years ago, as well as my current voice. I sang it calmly back then, by now I sing it in a way that appeals (to emotions). Ironically, it might be because it’s all in the past now.
Between Jieun and Jian is a ‘station’.
The two are connected by the distance of a station.
[T/L note: literal translation of the Korean song title is ‘The Station’.]
3. Winter Sleep
It started out as a sketch when I was 27 and had more thoughts than usual about a life leaving this world and about being left on such a world and I finally completed the song when I was 29, after experiencing several more huge separations.
It contains the story of welcoming the first year alone after sending off a beloved family member, friend or pet. It was a track that the lyrics were not difficult to write due to the clear plot in the order of spring, summer, autumn and winter, but in comparison to that, (the whole song) took a much longer time to be completed. That’s because I wanted to use direct expressions, yet I didn’t want the emotions to turn out to be too superficial.
This song took the longest time to record.
I’m usually the type to try my best to be as concise as possible in my expression during recordings, but for this song, I didn’t feel the need to hold back my emotions. Instead, to maximise the feelings of longing, I tried to go for a rather bold(?) arrangement in the precursor to the interlude in the middle of the song and not in the second half of the song [T/L note: question mark used in the original text]. That’s also the reason why the song is based on piano, unlike the other tracks.
Even though a great loss came into my world, there were flowers blooming, stars coming up and poems being born out there without delay. In between these repetitive seasons is ‘winter sleep’.
As I sing this song, this time I really won’t break down anymore. They’ll know this isn’t a lie.
4. You
This is a song I wrote at the age of 24, when I was filming a drama in the mountains, so I couldn’t go home for days and I missed my friend who lived upstairs so much. [T/L note: IU was filming the drama ‘Moon Lovers’ and missed Yoo Inna who lives in the apartment above hers.]
I remember immersing myself in my character of the historical drama I was filming for ten minutes and imagined myself to be writing a postcard to someone far away, not knowing whether it would reach the person and with that, I affectionately wrote the lyrics line by line.
I thought hard about whether to include this track or not.
Many years ago, I had already told my fans that I did not intend to release this song, so in my mind that was the end of it. Then one day as I was surfing on YouTube, I happened to listen to this song again after a long time and saw in the comments that there were more fans than I had thought waiting for this song to be released. On top of that, perhaps because I had written the song sincerely, the lyrics in the song still touched my heart.
Feeling uncertain about whether I would include it in this album, I sang this song in the recording studio again after about five years and amazingly, starting from the first verse, it just came out right.
This is the only song that I let my fans listen to in the one and only year that I did not have any music-related activities in the 14 years of my singing career. [T/L note: It was an untitled april fools song that IU uploaded on her fancafe for uaenas.]
Between ‘Chat-shire’ and ‘Palette’ is ‘You’ wanting to slowly and quietly flow along.
It’s probably the song (title) with the least syllables out of all the songs I’ve worked on.
5. Love Letter
I sketched this song at 26, completed it when I was 28, and “even” gave it to another artist. It was the first time ever since I started composing that another singer sang my song. [T/L note: Previously IU only wrote lyrics for others’ songs, like Cherry B’s “Her” and Jung Seunghwan’s “The Snowman”, Seulong’s “The Moment” and Sam Kim’s “When You Fall”.]
Last year, I went on KBS ‘Sketchbook’ and sang this song, which gave me the opportunity to work with Jung Seunghwan, who is a singer I admire. When we working together on this song, I briefly explained to Antenna and Jung Seunghwan about (my plans) to release this collection of my pieces and earned their consent to release the song. I wrote the lyrics based on the scenario of one half of an elderly couple leaving the world first and writing a final love letter for the other half who is left behind.
If Jung Seunghwan’s version is more calm and refined, I wanted my version of ‘Love Letter’ to be delivered in a more straightforward manner.
The arrangement of the song is fairytale-like and lovely, but I tried to make the vocals sound solid and the song was comparatively easy to record. I also tried to vary the ‘da-o’ part each time it was repeated throughout the song.
The last part of the lyrics, ‘I am still there, remaining in your heart, more than anywhere else’ became the seed of the last track ‘Epilogue’ in my 5th album ‘LILAC’. It’s also something that I want to tell my fans that I am grateful for, who have known me for a long time, know me (for who I am) and continue to want to know me better.
In between a novel and a letter, with this ‘Love Letter’ that I pressed my sincere emotions into and wish to send to those who love me, I close this collection of my (music) pieces.
Translated by IUteamstarcandy
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bublinko · 2 years
🎶 The Ultimate Music Ask Game! 🎶
1. Are you an albums person or a singles person?
2. Do you still buy CDs (or other physical media)?
3. Do you listen to more oldies or more current stuff?
4. Is there a song you love but don't like its music video?
5. Is there a song you don't like but like its music video?
6. Who's an artist you really like but it's embarrassed to admit it?
7. Would you wear a t-shirt of a band you're not into?
8. Is there an artist or song that you like, despite being of a genre you don't usually like?
9. Do you have a favorite band?
10. Favorite solo artist?
11. Favorite songwriter?
12. Who’s the most obscure artist you listen to?
13. Who’s the most popular/mainstream artist you listen to?
14. A song or album from the 50s or earlier:
15. A song or album from the 60s:
16. A song or album from the 70s:
17. A song or album from the 80s:
18. A song or album from the 90s:
19. A song or album from the 2000s:
20. A song or album from the 2010s:
21. A song or album from this year or last year:
22. What’s your favorite song or album from the year you where born?
23. Do you and your partner/best friend share a special song? One you’d call “our song”?
24. Do you play any instruments?
25. Is there a song you used to like but can’t listen to anymore because you associate it with someone you don’t like?
26. Have you ever pretended to like an artist/song just to fit in or please somebody?
27. Do you enjoy making playlists? If so, are there any you’re proud of and would like to share?
28. Have you ever made/got a mixtape as gift to/from a friend?
29. Songs you love to dance to:
30. Songs you love to sing along to:
31. Who’s your favorite fictional band or artist?
32. When was the last time you cried when listening to a song, if ever?
33. Your favorite artist from your city/state/country?
34. Your favorite song in your native language (if it isn’t English) OR in your second language (if English is your first):
35. A song you like in a language you don’t speak:
36. A song you like with lyrics in two or more languages:
37. If you could travel in time and go to a concert of an artist who’s no longer alive or a band that’s no longer together, who would you choose?
38. Which was the first concert you went to?
39. Which was the last concert you went to?
40. Which was the best concert you’ve ever been to?
41. Have you ever been to a music festival? If not, would you like to go?
42. Your favorite(s) “no skips” album(s):
43. Do you enjoy musicals? If so, what’s your favorite?
44. Have you watched any musician’s biopics? Do you have a favorite?
45. A non-musical movie or show with a soundtrack you love:
46. Do you like comedy songs? If so, do you have a favorite?
47. Is there an artist you used to dislike but learned to like because of a friend’s influence?
48. Who’s an artist you think it’s criminally underrated and deserves more recognition?
49. Is there a cover you like more than the original version?
50. Is there an artist you used to love as a child/teenager but now is embarrassed to have ever liked?
51. Is there an artist you used to love as a child/teenager and still likes, even if you don’t listen to them as much?
52. Do you make playlists to be listened to in a specific order or in shuffle? Or both?
53. Is there a song you hated the first time you listened to but then loved after listening to it more times?
54. An album you loved since the first time you listened to:
55. An album you learned to love after listening to it again and again:
56. A song/album/artist you wish you could forget so you could have the experience of hearing it for the first time again:
57. [Send me a color and I'll tell you the first song it reminded me of.]
58. [Send me a song and I'll tell you the colors it made me think of, without looking at cover arts or music videos.] *Bonus: if you like making palettes, make one based on the song!
59. Do you listen to music when it's raining or do you stop to hear the sound of the rain?
60. [Send me a song and I'll tell you what time of the day or season of the year it made me think of.]
61. [Make me choose between two artists/songs/albums.]
62. Artists/bands you think have an impeccable discography, with no bad albums:
63. Do you prefer live recordings or studio recordings?
64. [Send me a color and I’ll post an album cover art of that color.]
65. Are there any songs you know the entire lyrics by heart?
66. Share your favorite playlists that you or someone else has made!
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thesnowflake18 · 2 years
⭐Commission Info!⭐
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Current status: OPEN!
Art portfolio here
Carrd version here
More important info down below!!
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✅Will Do✅
AUs (most of them)
Other fandoms
Crossovers (w/some exceptions)
🚫Will NOT Do🚫
NSFW/Suggestive content
Ridiculously complicated designs
⭐ I can refuse to draw anything I find uncomfortable or too complicated.
⭐ PLEASE have all commission details ready, like color palettes, any text, pose/OC references, clothing/hair details, etc
⭐ Payment with Amazon or MasterCard eGift cards (USD Currency)! Links below!
⭐ Se habla español! Contactame para más información!
⭐ All prices are with USD currency in mind!
1 X 1 Icon
Flat Color: $10
Full Color: $12
1200 X 1200px // Head, bust, or waist up // Simple or lightly decorated background (1 color, gradient, shape/patterns)
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Bust: $10
Waist up: $12
Full body: $15
Up to 1800px X 1800px // Semi-rough line art // Can be black & white or grey scale // Simple/lightly decorated background
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Flat Color
Bust: $15
Waist up: $20
Full Body: $25
Up to 1800px X 1800px // Clean line // Simple/lightly decorated background
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Full Color
Bust: $30
Waist up: $35
Full body: $40
Up to 1800px X 1800px // Clean line // Full shading and lighting // Simple/lightly decorated background
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Visual effects (glitch, blur, noise, etc)-$3
Bigger canvas-$3
Extra character- 20% of base price, up to 4
Highly detailed background- $5
→Disclaimer: Buildings are a hit or miss but I can find fixes often. 👍
🌟Extra Info🌟
Can I ask for updates?
Yes, as many as you'd like, at any appropriate time if my day! (10am-10pm Central Time) I'll also give important updates myself :)
Where can I contact you?
Tumblr DMs
Discord: ☆*.° Snow°.*☆#4988
Twitter DMs: @ TheSnowflake_18
When can I expect my commission?
The wait time per piece should be no longer than two weeks. If I have an emergency, I'll let you know so you can remove your request.
How will I receive the commission?
I'd like to send the file through email or Google Drive to ensure the quality! If you prefer it being sent another way please let me know!
And the final thing...
💰Payment Process!💰
I'll be taking Amazon eGift Card and/or a mastercard! Links to both are below, you choose the gift card you'd like!
I'll send a version of the finished piece with watermarks, and will expect a full payment before sending the original! (Testing this out!)
💕Thank You!💕
Thank you for your generosity ❤🙏
Thank you so much for taking the time to read through this entire post!! If you do decide to commission me, I will gladly appreciate it as it will help me afford some things I've been needing. You can DM me for any other questions.
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I posted 3,945 times in 2022
81 posts created (2%)
3,864 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 473 of my posts in 2022
#scarlet has mail - 25 posts
#sanremo 2022 - 22 posts
#my fics - 21 posts
#eurovision - 21 posts
#sanremo - 21 posts
#esc 2022 - 19 posts
#tomakeitbeautifultolive - 17 posts
#dracula daily - 16 posts
#anon - 16 posts
#25 aprile - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 125 characters
#it's hard for me to pinpoint the change but holy fuck my mom's more open-minded than half gen-z tiktokers like wtf went wrong
My Top Posts in 2022:
Yo guys, Achille Lauro has been around and like that for even longer than Måneskin. I will even sustain my opinion that his Me Ne Frego at Sanremo 2019 paved the way for Måneskin's victory with Zitti e Buoni at Sanremo 2021, and, consequently, at Eurovision. Have some fucking respect, he's not copying Måneskin and he is not Måneskin's cheap version.
59 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
Me: stomping my feet, crying and pouting because my fave fics aren't updated.
My own wips:
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89 notes - Posted August 17, 2022
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Foreign Affairs | Chapter 2: Relations with the Queen
Plotted and written with @tomakeitbeautifultolive​​ ❤
Without hesitation, he grabbed it from her hands and put it to his lips. He shut his eyes, savouring the cool cream as it flowed into his mouth. Gods, Dany thought, just look at him. In a way, he was a sorry sight. In another, though… she found his compromised state almost suggestive. There was a slight sheen of perspiration on his smooth skin. With his eyes closed, she could really appreciate his thick lashes and the way the spice plumped up his lips. There was a furrow to his brow, an expression somewhere between pleasure and pain, that seemed to make her mind wander…
He opened his eyes and mused, “Who, in their right mind, would enjoy that?”
She considered the question, and all the safe ways she could answer. Instead, she simply said: “Lovers.”
Jon blinked.
She smirked. “The heat, they say, inspires passion…”
He just looked at her, blankly—as if merely acknowledging passion, as an idea, was forbidden. Daenerys frowned. That damned vow. But for all Jon’s mouth couldn’t say, his eyes spoke the truth— they were conflicted with both longing and guilt.
“I can taste it,” he finally said. “The sweetness. I’m almost tempted to take another.”
She raised her brows, lifting the tray once more for Jon. As he indulged in a second bite of cake, she commented, “I wasn’t sure you were temptable.”
He held her gaze as he chewed, perhaps mulling over her words. She watched his mouth as he swallowed, his tongue flitting out to lick the jam from his lips. How they must burn, she thought. Sweat began to bead his brow, nose, and cheeks—but if he still suffered from the heat, she could no longer tell.
“Neither was I,” he said.
101 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
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Foreign Affairs | Chapter 1: An Ambassador’s Appeal
Plotted and written with @tomakeitbeautifultolive​ ❤
“I believe the queen means to entertain a wealthy merchant tonight,” Tyrion explained, gesturing at their suddenly lavish surroundings.
“From Qarth,” Jon said.
“That’s quite a lucky guess.”
“I overheard,” he admitted. “The queen mentioned something about a Qartheen dress.”
“I see.” A familiar, almost mischievous smirk grew on Tyrion’s face, then. “Are you very familiar with Qartheen customs, Lord Commander?”
Jon shrugged.
Tyrion let out a chuckle. “I daresay its fashion, in particular, is most unique.”
Yet Jon wondered, how exceptional could it be? By now, he had seen all manner of gowns. No doubt, the queen would look every bit as magnificent as her manner of address, but—
The thought died in his head as the Queen finally made her entrance. All the air left his lungs at once. He could hardly breathe, hardly believe what was currently bared to his eyes, quite literally.
110 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Diversity wins! The fascist that just won the elections will be the first female premier of Italy! 🥳
149 notes - Posted September 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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optimistictalia · 1 year
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I posted 80 times in 2022
That's 25 more posts than 2021!
62 posts created (78%)
18 posts reblogged (23%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 77 of my posts in 2022
Only 4% of my posts had no tags
#clip studio paint - 31 posts
#nathys ocs - 29 posts
#artists on tumblr - 26 posts
#character design - 25 posts
#digital drawing - 22 posts
#original characters - 21 posts
#digital art - 20 posts
#fankids - 20 posts
#original character - 19 posts
#digital illustration - 17 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#do you like these girlies? theyve been like my last two posts theyre my current comfort ocs so if yall like them... i wanna do a full post
My Top Posts in 2022:
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im glad that we can at least all agree that he’d be a good dad 
33 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
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ALSO did a version of the teen lineup with my oc Nayeli bc (bo burnham voice) ME ME ME!!! >:) 
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sisters <3333
45 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
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finally, more of my deeks family :3c you know how they say you get kids that act up the way you did as a way to see what you put your parents through? Well Charlie got four of them. 
i also drew up a random Cameron kid bc you cant have the Daltons w/o a Cameron to bully 
See the full post
45 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
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guys i think i get the whole poor little meow meow thing now 
49 notes - Posted March 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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my favorite loonaverse thing is when they make direct eye contact with the camera and you no longer feel safe in your own home 
59 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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survey--s · 2 years
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1 - When’s the last time it was 95F/35C or more degrees? Last week, but it probably only lasted a few hours. Now it’s about 20 degrees cooler and pissing down with rain, haha.
2 - What is the silliest street name you’ve heard of? Shitterton Lane.
3 - What’s the most popular sport in the current town (or nearest town) you live in? Rugby, football and cricket in equal measures, I’d say.
4 - Have you ever seen a midnight showing of a movie before? Nah, I’m too lazy to want to stay up that late just to see a movie, lol.
5 - If you had to be allergic to something for whatever reason, what would you pick to be allergic to? Emptying the bins lol.
6 - What’s the last thing you got for a dollar or less (including tax)? Uhh, a bottle of water I think.
7 - What smoothie shop do you go to most often? We don’t have any around here. I used to love Boost! though I’ve not see one in absolutely ages.
8 - Do you or would you wear apparel with your favorite character from a TV show, movie, or video game? I would, yeah.
9 - When’s the last time you had a panic or anxiety attack? Do you ever cry when you have an episode? I haven’t had one in a long time thankfully, but yes, I’ve never had one that hasn’t resulted in me crying.
10 - Have you ever seen an NC-17 film? Can you name one? I don’t know what that means?
11 - Have you ever been in a house with an elevator in it? Nope.
12 - How would your life change if you had twelve-hour days? How about if the days were 48 hours long? I’d hate it if days were shorter, I love the balance I have at the moment. If they were longer...I guess it’d be fine but I’d spend more time sleeping which kind of defeats the point.
13 - Have you seen, or would you see a psychic? If you have seen one, what did they tell you about your future or yourself? Nah, I don’t believe in that kind of thing.
14 - When’s the last time you were freezing inside a store? When I last went to Tesco during the heatwave - it was bloody lovely lol.
15 - Would you rather ski, snowboard, or go sledding? Ski. I miss skiing.
16 - What Rock Band or Guitar Hero games have you played? What would be your favorite? I don’t remember the names but I had a few of each. I liked the Beatles version of whichever one it was - Rockband, I think?
17 - What age was the most boring age for you? What made it so boring? Probably mid-twenties. I was working a dead-end job, my relationship was pretty rubbish and we were flat broke.
18 - What is your neighborhood called (not the street but the actual community)? lol, like I’m going to announce that on here.
19 - Have you ever watched a film that was originally in English in a different language? Yeah, we used to do that in French classes in school.
20 - What would you add to a garden if you had one? A swimming pool.
21 - What was the oddest thing you’ve seen on a street corner? A decapitated badger.
22 - How often do you see people reading, texting, or something else you shouldn’t be doing at the wheel of a car? Loads lol. Pretty much every single time I get in the car.
23 - Name a phrase that you like. Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light”
24 - Your favorite animal (or one you really like): Is it the whole species you like or are you just interested in one breed of it (example with dogs: You like all dogs but mostly pugs)? I generally like the whole species, though there are some breeds and types I like more than others, I suppose.
25 - Name a song that is considered so beautiful to you that it should be a part of a movie or TV show. Somewhere over the Rainbow.
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spacenutspod · 15 days
5 min read NASA “Wildfire Digital Twin” Pioneers New AI Models and Streaming Data Techniques for Forecasting Fire and Smoke NASA’s “Wildfire Digital Twin” project will equip firefighters and wildfire managers with a superior tool for monitoring wildfires and predicting harmful air pollution events and help researchers observe global wildfire trends more precisely. The tool, developed with funding from NASA’s Earth Science Technology Office and NASA’s FireSense Program, will use artificial intelligence and machine learning to forecast potential burn paths in real time, merging data from in situ, airborne, and spaceborne sensors to produce global models with high precision. To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video A wildfire simulation describing the spread of PM 2.5 aerosols during a recent controlled burn, generated using the WRF-SFIRE model. “Wildfire Digital Twin” will build on this and other models to simulate active burns with unprecedented resolution. Credit: Kathleen Clough/San Jose State University Whereas current global models describing the spread of wildfires and smoke have a spatial resolution of about 10 kilometers per pixel, the Wildfire Digital Twin would produce regional ensemble models with a spatial resolution of 10-to-30 meters per pixel, an improvement of two orders of magnitude. These models could be generated in a span of mere minutes. By comparison, current global models can take hours to produce. Models with such high spatial resolution produced at this speed would be immensely valuable to first-responders and wildfire managers trying to observe and contain dynamic burns. Milton Halem, a Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, leads the Wildfire Digital Twin project, which includes a team of more than 20 researchers from six universities. “We want to be able to provide firefighters with useful, timely information,” said Halem, adding that in the field, “there is generally no internet, and no access to big supercomputers, but with our API version of the model, they could run the digital twin not just on a laptop, but even a tablet,” he said. NASA’s FireSense project is focused on leveraging the agency’s unique Earth science and technological capabilities to achieve improved wildfire management across the United States. NASA’s Earth Science Technology Office supports this effort with its newest program element, Technology Development for support of Wildfire Science, Management, and Disaster Mitigation (FireSense Technology), which is dedicated to developing novel observation capabilities for predicting and managing wildfires –including technologies like Earth System Digital Twins. Earth System Digital Twins are dynamic software tools for modeling and forecasting climate events in real time. These tools rely on data sources distributed across multiple domains to create ensemble predictions describing everything from floods to severe weather. In addition to assisting first responders, an Earth System Digital Twin dedicated to modeling wildfires would also be valuable to scientists monitoring wildfire trends globally. In particular, Halem hopes Wildfire Digital Twins will improve our ability to study wildfires across global boreal forests of cold-hardy conifers, which sequester vast amounts of carbon. When these forests burn, all of that carbon is released back into the atmosphere. One study, released in August of 2023, found that boreal wildfires alone accounted for 25% of all global CO2 emissions for that year to date. “The reason CO2 emissions from Boreal wildfires are taking place at an increasing yearly rate is because global warming is rising faster at high latitudes than the rest of the planet, and as a result, boreal summers there are becoming longer,” said Halem. “Whereas the rest of the planet may have warmed one degree Celsius since the pre-industrial revolution, this region has warmed well over two degrees.” Halem’s work builds on other wildfire models, particularly the NASA-Unified Weather Research and Forecasting (NUWRF) model, developed by NASA, and WRF-SFIRE, developed by a team of researchers with support from the National Science Foundation. These models simulate phenomena like wind speed and cloud cover, which makes them the perfect foundation for a Wildfire Digital Twin. Specifically, Halem’s team is working on new satellite data assimilation techniques that will blend information from space-based remote sensors into their Wildfire Digital Twin, enabling improved global data forecasts that will be useful for emergencies and science missions alike. In October, Halem’s team participated in the first FireSense field campaign in collaboration with the National Forest Service’s Fire and Smoke Model Evaluation Experiment (FASMEE) to observe smoke as it travelled more than 10 miles during a controlled burn in Utah, using a ceilometer. Now the team is feeding that data into their modeling software to help it track plumes more accurately. They’re especially interested in tracking particles smaller than 2.5 micrometers, which are small enough to pass through a person’s lungs and enter the bloodstream. These particles, also known as PM 2.5, can cause serious health issues even if a person is nowhere near an active burn. “When these fires ignite and start to burn, they produce smoke, and this smoke travels considerable distances. It affects people not only locally, but also at distances of thousands of kilometers or more,” said Halem. Data from the controlled burn will also help Halem and his team quantify the relationship between aerosols and precipitation. Increased aerosols from wildfires have a huge impact on cloud formation, which in turn impacts how precipitation occurs downstream of an affected fire burn. Assimilating all this information as it streams from sensors in real time is essential for detailing the full impact of wildfires at local, regional, and global scales. PROJECT LEAD Milton Halem, University of Maryland at Baltimore County SPONSORING ORGANIZATION NASA’s FireSense Technology Program, a part of the agency’s Earth Science Technology Office (ESTO), funds this project. Share Details Last Updated May 21, 2024 Related Terms Earth Science Earth Science Technology Office Science-enabling Technology Technology Technology Highlights Wildfires Explore More 5 min read How NASA Tracked the Most Intense Solar Storm in Decades Article 5 days ago 6 min read Breaking the Scaling Limits: New Ultralow-noise Superconducting Camera for Exoplanet Searches Article 2 weeks ago 5 min read NASA Is Helping Protect Tigers, Jaguars, and Elephants. Here’s How. Article 3 weeks ago
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nhi-theuser · 1 month
I am about to yap so hard skip to the end to hear about the book club tldr
One Piece is a very cool series, but it’s also very long, so why should YOU read One Piece?
- One Piece(at the time of this post) seems to be about five years out from completion
- Geographically speaking, the Strawhats are about 95% of the way to the one piece
- One Piece has themes of freedom, happiness, and chasing your dreams, something pretty fun and optimistic for when you’re feeling down imo
- Reading One Piece after the one piece is revealed won’t be the same, that’s just the facts, me personally I want to follow their journey and be there when it ends
How long does it take to watch or read One Piece though?
- The current anime is 436.8 hours long, or 18.2 days
- If you skip the opening and endings, it ends up being around 393.09 hours, or 16.38 days
- ONE PACE! For those of you who’d prefer to watch the series, but don’t like how long it is, check out One Pace! It’s a fan run version of the series where they cut out all the filler and extra scenes that aren’t present in the manga, as well as shortening scenes that have long paused
- One Pace is, as far as I’m aware, not completely caught up the the current anime, though it’s pretty far! 40% faster than the original anime and cuts out ~150 hours of watch time
- Disclaimer about that though, the filler and original scenes are very cool! Based on what I’ve seen, people like to watch One Pace when doing rewatches, and other times people like to watch the original show after watching One Pace to still see the original as is.
- You can watch the original series on most major streaming platforms like Netflix, Crunchyroll, Hulu, and a bunch of others, though some platforms don’t have the whole series
- To watch One Pace, just look up ‘One Pace’ and the website should be at the top, just click the watch tav and they’ll have the series organized by arc!
- The manga is currently 1111 chapters, and Oda is currently on an extended break (3 months iirc) after the passing of Akira Toriyama, so it should stay that long up until around early summer
- “1111 Chapters?!” 1111 chapters! If you read 10 chapters a day you’d be caught up by August, though for future reference, it would take about 3.7 months from whatever day you started
- One Piece averages about 20 pages a chapter, which is actually on the lower end of the average range of 20-30 pages a chapter. Attack On Titan averages 50 pages a chapter iirc, and JJBA is actually longer than One Piece in terms of how many pages it is, though the manga is currently around 960 chapters, so pretty close that way as well!
- The average speed it takes to read a standard 22 page comic is a range of 5-10 minutes, which basically means 5-10 minutes a manga chapter
- Based on your reading speed and how much time you have on your hands, here are some ranges of how long it would take to read one piece:
50 chapters a day would take 22.22 days, with a range of 4.16-8.33 hours a day spent reading
25 chapters a day would take 44.44 days, with a range of 3.7-7.4 hours a day spent reading
10 chapters a day would take 111.1 days, with a range of .83-1.66 hours a day (~50-100 minutes)
- If you lead a busy life, try a chapter a day! It’ll take 3.04 years, and there’ll be new chapters for sure by then, but it’ll get you significantly far just by reading one or two chapters a day!
- To read the manga, you can purchase physical copies, though it’s pretty pricy even when you get the box sets, but you can find it in person at bookstores and online on Amazon and other websites, probably on the official Viz or Shonen Jump pages as well
- You can read the manga legally for free online as well! The Manga Plus app has One Piece an a whole lot of other series on there free to read. The first three chapters and the most recent three chapters are always free to read and re-read, and you can read everything for free if it’s your first time.
- What does that mean exactly? Every chapter in between has a first time ticket! You can open the chapter exactly once and read the whole chapter for free, but once you close it, you lose access unless you purchase a subscription, so be sure not to accidentally close it before you’re done!
- Of course, if you’re not interested in using Manga Plus, there are plenty of websites available at your disposal for re-reads and other such things, though be careful of suspicious websites and viruses, One Piece is long enough that it’s difficult to find the whole thing in one spot online without it getting shot down
**About OPLA (the live action)
- OPLA covers a big chunk of the East Blue Saga, and for those who don’t know, the One Piece arcs are grouped up into Sagas. If you watch/watched the LA, it reaches around episode 45 of the anime, and I believe it stops right before the Loguetown arc
- Please decide if watching the LA to get through the start of the series faster is worth it at your own discretion. (OPLA is ~8 hours, while the original anime up to episode 45 is ~16 hours.) People will always have things to say about adaptations, but as far as I’m concerned, OPLA is actually pretty well received.
- The LA has made changes to the series, but none are major or detrimental to the story. By nature of being an adaptation, some things will be missed or skipped over, so again, determine on your own what you want to
“Why do you want ME to read with YOU!?”
- I’m actually insane and am in the One Piece fandom without reading or watching!
- I’ve actually watched the LA and that one episode in August (1071), ever since that joyous episode I’ve been using OP like a crutch for my mental health, I have absolutely read well over a million words on the absolute lowest end of the range. Kind of ruined my ability to blind read haha
- That being said, I’ve only read fanfiction. There’s going to be a lot of nuances, characters, and even entire arcs that have been lost in translation that I haven’t experienced yet, so I’ll be acting as if I’m a blind reader when discussing how far I’ve gotten
“I’ve already read/watched One Piece!”
- Perfect.
- Join me on my little adventure and drop suspicious hints about what’s coming my way, I know what’s coming in theory but you know what’s next for real.
- Read/Watch it again too! If you’ve watched it, read the manga to see what got changed, and if you’ve read it you can watch it to see how the anime handles your favorite arcs and scenes!
How will we read together?
- It’s pretty simple! My goal personally is to follow the ten chapters a day pace, though I plan to bump it up when summer comes around as I’m currently a student.
- The idea isn’t that we’d all be reading at the exact same pace, but that we’re committed to something fun to do in our spare time. I fully expect that nobody will be sitting down and spending nine hours a day reading One Piece like it’s a full time job, that’s not fun, which is crazy because, how do you make One Piece not fun, how do you make a time passing hobby out to be like that??
- I’m personally going to be posting in a vaguely similar fashion one would livetweet their reactions while reading/watching something and will be tagging appropriately so that way I don’t spoil anyone I’m ahead of
- At the end of each arc/saga I think I’ll do a little summary about it and what I liked, occasionally I might drop a quick PSA on certain topics and maybe discourse?? Within the fandom??? I don’t like discourse but I can handle a couple intelligent and respectful discussions about opposing topics. Idk we’ll get there when we get there
- I’ll be making specific tags for certain things to keep it all organized as well!
TLDR; One Piece Book Club
Completing One Piece is not, in fact, an impossible task. Me personally I’m gonna try for ten chapters a day, but the goal is to go at your own pace and have fun.
Askbox is always open unless stated otherwise, and tag appropriately to prevent spoiling others.
Have fun!!
(Also I have some big fat exams this month so me personally gonna start reading sometime post May 10)
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gikairan · 1 year
With Alan Wake 2 not getting a physical release to "save money", and a potential lack of physical release for Starfield (we're not sure at this point in time after a deleted support tweet said it wouldnt have one)
I am literally on my hands and knees begging people to care about physical game releases
Physical game releases save you money!! Digital store fronts do not reduce the price of games over time. They never have. They never will. Hate the $70 price point for new generation games? If gaming goes full digital, nothing will ever get cheaper outside of store sales.
Physical game prices drop because they take up actual physical space. And stores that sell them reduce the price to get rid of inventory, to make room for new inventory.
Physical space is not a barrier to digital store fronts, so they do not need to reduce prices. EVER.
Dont believe me? Heres the current price for NBA 2k23 on PS4 on the UK Playstation Store (Ignoring the game is currently free on Playstation Plus as of typing this):
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And heres how much it costs to buy NBA 2k22 AND NBA 2k21 on the UK Playstation store:
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Theyre the same price. Despite the fact that 22 and 21 are "old" sports titles that are no longer getting updates (because 23 was released)
Right now, a physical copy of NBA 2k23 costs less than £20:
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(I cant find physical listings for Brand New copies of the older games. But trust me... its not £59.99)
And sure, this is a game you probably dont care about. But this is also a game where a new version gets released every year, where the physical price crashes every year. And yet the digital store front is still charging Full Price for a version 2 years out of date.
Its not just crappy sports games that fall into this Bad Digital Pricing. Heres a game that came out 6 months ago:
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Youre paying almost half to buy a physical version.
How about something critically well received?
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And one not on sale:
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The list goes on and on and on. And this is me comparing to Game.co.uk. .... Generally considered one of the most expensive places to buy physical video games. If i were to go onto Amazon, TheGameCollection, Hit.co.uk.... i'd probably find all of those games even cheaper.
This isn't even getting into the fact that when you buy a digital game, only you can play it. You cannot give it to a friend. You cannot sell it to a company to get a bit of cash for the next big game. You're stuck with it. Forever.
But what about sales? Steam is 100% digital, and they have Good Sales, right?? Wrong. If you were following Steam sales over a decade ago, you'd see they were a totally different beast to what they are now. Steam Sales a decade ago used to be a 75% discount on AAA games 2-3 years old. Youre lucky to get 50% on something 5+ years old these days. Most things are really only 25-50% discounts. Once Steam had gained a virtual monopoly over the PC game market, they dramatically scaled back the savings on their sales. Sales on the Epic Games Store tend to be more dramatic than Steam sales these days.... because they're doing the same thing Steam did. Offer ridiculous discounts in order to gain market share. Once they have the market share, they will stop offering such good discounts.
Refund rights with digital storefronts are also pretty poor. Here in the UK, if you buy something online... you have 14 days to send it back to where you brought it from if you dont like it. Brought that shiny new game but realised after 5 hours of play during the weekend that you didn't like it? You can just send it back and get a refund. It might be store credit instead of cash, but at least you can do it. Physical stores vary, but you usually get 48 hours to return something. Again, might be to store credit - but you still get your money back in some form. .... With a digital storefront, you only get 2 hours to play the game and decide if you want to keep it. Once you have played more than 2 hours, youre no longer eligible to refund the game.
.... 2 hours isnt a lot of time when you think about it. The FF16 demo is about 2 hours long, and most of it is watching cutscenes with very little gameplay! :D
And none of this is talking about how peoples literal jobs and livelihoods depend on the physical stores they work in. If physical games no longer exist, people will lose their jobs. Or how physical copies preserve games for the future, as digital store fronts on older consoles get sunsetted. And you cant expect a 20+ year old console to occasionally receive security patches so your card data is safe on their digital store fronts. You can always stick a physical version of a game into a console, but there wont always be a storefront to download it from. ...... Or the game could just be pulled. For good. Usually, this is due to licensed music expiring. Or it could be like PT.... where it was pulled, and literally removed from your library so it could never be downloaded again. If you own the physical copy, none of that matters. You can play the game for as long as the copy works.
A digital-only future for AAA gaming is something we need to be actively condemning
Dont buy digital-only consoles. Don't buy a digital game when a physical copy exists. Buy from your local video game store instead of Amazon.
0 notes
lasclwolf · 2 years
Binary editor download
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data inspector to view decoded numbers (see screen shot can be turned off).no setup program is needed, you can run XVI32 from your USB stick, no data is written to the registry Especially note the highlighted advantages of XVI32. Before writing your mail, please read the following guidelines.įeatures XVI32 has the following main features. If you have any questions or comments, feel free toĬontact the author. If you don't know what a hex editor is and why some people need such a tool, You can read even more feedbacks or this nice story. This XVI tool ROCKS!!! Thanks for making it! :-) Your tool was EXACTLY what me and a friend needed to reformat huge text files correctly.
Very fast search, large file size capability etc.Īnd this e-mail was sent on Octoby an employee of SPSS Inc., the major statistical software company: >I have been a regular user of XVI32 ver 2.01 and find it extremely >Has anyone heard of or used the freeware hex editor "XVI32 (version 2.1)"? This is a thread from the newsgroup (May 2001): Obviously spent a LOT of time working on this app. I wish I had the money to donate to the person(s) who have That it is one of the best applications that I've used and it should be Used this more before I wrote this review but I just wanted people to know In files - and I've not even scratched the surface. Use) to open text files and replace Hex characters, view hidden characters I've used this at work (and am downloading now for home Today, XVI32 is a valuable tool for thousands of people all over the world. However, any amount, higher or lower, is appreciated.Ĭlick the button below to make a donation via PayPal in US$:Ĭlick the button below to make a donation via PayPal in EUR: The suggested amount to donate is US$ 25 or 20 EUR. I would be pleased to receive a donation from you via PayPal. However, if you like XVI32, want to appreciate my work, and/or support the development, It was included in books like the Hacker's Guide.Įven people at Microsoft ™ do use XVI32! If you don't believe me, look at XVI32 is used by thousands of people all over the world.
Just unzip the downloaded archive to your hard disk! XVI32 doesn't write any data to your registry. Help and requires only 1.02 MB of hard disk space. The current release 2.55 is available since June 26, 2012. XVI32 and all of its components are developed by myself. The name XVI32 is derived from XVI, the roman notation for the number 16. Overview XVI32 is a freeware hex editor running under Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7.
Logging external devices can be added to Binary Editor if the appropriate license is obtained.Freeware Hex Editor XVI32 Freeware Hex Editor XVI32 Version 2.55
If live tuning is going to be done make sure it is NOT the driver doing the changes. It is NOT recommended nor is it safe to make changes while driving. Make sure to have someone other than the driver make changes if live tuning is going to be done. It is not recommended or safe to make changes while driving.
It is no longer required to turn the car off and then download a new tune, just simple make the desired change and press the update button. Yes this means you can finally tune while the car is running. With the Moates Quarterhorse the tuning parameters, such as MAF (Mass Air Flow sensor) curve can be changed on the fly. The accuracy of the quarter mile times will depend on the accuracy of the vehicle speedometer and how fast the logging rate is. Binary editor can estimate quarter mile times based off the vehicle speed sensor. For the OBD2 devices they can display or log parameters form the definition files and the standard SAE mode 1 parameters or the Ford Enhanced parameters. All parameters available for display and or data logging are defined in the definition files. The Binary Editor can also display differences between binaries (Ford Tunes).īinary Editor can display and log live data using either the TwEECer RT, Moates Quarterhorse 1.6 hardware or a compliant J2534 OBD2 pass thru device such as the Drew Tech Mongoose cable. There is also a definition template that can be downloaded for those that would like create there own definition file. You can look at the download page on this web site to see what definitions or strategies are supported. This makes editing the definitions file very user friendly The definition files that are NOT open source are either in an encrypted database format or an encrypted Excel format. Its Open Source definition files (Strategy Files) are saved in Excel. The Binary Editor software allows for editing of the Ford EEC binary data.
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0 notes
midniter · 3 years
🎶 The Ultimate Music Ask Game! 🎶
1. Are you an albums person or a singles person?
2. Do you still buy CDs (or other physical media)?
3. Do you listen to more oldies or more current stuff?
4. Is there a song you love but don't like its music video?
5. Is there a song you don't like but like its music video?
6. Who's an artist you really like but it's embarrassed to admit it?
7. Would you wear a t-shirt of a band you're not into?
8. Is there an artist or song that you like, despite being of a genre you don't usually like?
9. Do you have a favorite band?
10. Favorite solo artist?
11. Favorite songwriter?
12. Who’s the most obscure artist you listen to?
13. Who’s the most popular/mainstream artist you listen to?
14. A song or album from the 50s or earlier:
15. A song or album from the 60s:
16. A song or album from the 70s:
17. A song or album from the 80s:
18. A song or album from the 90s:
19. A song or album from the 2000s:
20. A song or album from the 2010s:
21. A song or album from this year or last year:
22. What’s your favorite song or album from the year you where born?
23. Do you and your partner/best friend share a special song? One you’d call “our song”?
24. Do you play any instruments?
25. Is there a song you used to like but can’t listen to anymore because you associate it with someone you don’t like?
26. Have you ever pretended to like an artist/song just to fit in or please somebody?
27. Do you enjoy making playlists? If so, are there any you’re proud of and would like to share?
28. Have you ever made/got a mixtape as gift to/from a friend?
29. Songs you love to dance to:
30. Songs you love to sing along to:
31. Who’s your favorite fictional band or artist?
32. When was the last time you cried when listening to a song, if ever?
33. Your favorite artist from your city/state/country?
34. Your favorite song in your native language (if it isn’t English) OR in your second language (if English is your first):
35. A song you like in a language you don’t speak:
36. A song you like with lyrics in two or more languages:
37. If you could travel in time and go to a concert of an artist who’s no longer alive or a band that’s no longer together, who would you choose?
38. Which was the first concert you went to?
39. Which was the last concert you went to?
40. Which was the best concert you’ve ever been to?
41. Have you ever been to a music festival? If not, would you like to go?
42. Your favorite(s) “no skips” album(s):
43. Do you enjoy musicals? If so, what’s your favorite?
44. Have you watched any musician’s biopics? Do you have a favorite?
45. A non-musical movie or show with a soundtrack you love:
46. Do you like comedy songs? If so, do you have a favorite?
47. Is there an artist you used to dislike but learned to like because of a friend’s influence?
48. Who’s an artist you think it’s criminally underrated and deserves more recognition?
49. Is there a cover you like more than the original version?
50. Is there an artist you used to love as a child/teenager but now is embarrassed to have ever liked?
51. Is there an artist you used to love as a child/teenager and still likes, even if you don’t listen to them as much?
52. Do you make playlists to be listened to in a specific order or in shuffle? Or both?
53. Is there a song you hated the first time you listened to but then loved after listening to it more times?
54. An album you loved since the first time you listened to:
55. An album you learned to love after listening to it again and again:
56. A song/album/artist you wish you could forget so you could have the experience of hearing it for the first time again:
57. [Send me a color and I'll tell you the first song it reminded me of.]
58. [Send me a song and I'll tell you the colors it made me think of, without looking at cover arts or music videos.] *Bonus: if you like making palettes, make one based on the song!
59. Do you listen to music when it's raining or do you stop to hear the sound of the rain?
60. [Send me a song and I'll tell you what time of the day or season of the year it made me think of.]
61. [Make me choose between two artists/songs/albums.]
62. Artists/bands you think have an impeccable discography, with no bad albums:
63. Do you prefer live recordings or studio recordings?
64. [Send me a color and I’ll post an album cover art of that color.]
65. Are there any songs you know the entire lyrics by heart?
66. Share your favorite playlists that you or someone else has made!
6K notes · View notes
iu-jjang · 2 years
[TRANS] IU ‘Pieces’ Album and Song Introductions
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IU [Pieces]
The pieces in between my 20s that I purposely didn’t take out
1. Drama
It’s a song that I wrote when I was 20. I composed it because I wanted to cheer up a friend who was going through a breakup and was being very pessimistic about love for a few days. Although I didn’t release it yet, I have so much affection for this song that I sang it for my concert en-encore [T/L note: another encore after the encore] every year without fail. I occasionally tried to write songs with similar emotions, but it seemed like I was just trying to imitate (a version of myself from) a chapter that had already passed in my life, so I stopped doing that.
When I sang it during concerts, because I was in the moment, I could sing it easily and cheerfully, but while recording it, I realised that this was indeed totally different. Out of all the songs I recorded this time, I had the most difficulty with this song, trying to find the character [get into character]. In order to bring out the atmosphere during concerts as much as possible, there wasn’t any special arrangement done for this song.
I’m sincerely grateful towards my fans who didn’t forget the existence of the song ‘Drama’ and strongly requested for it to be released officially. ‘Drama’ is in between ‘Hold My Hand’ which made my blood boil (with ambition) because it was my first (self-composed song) and ‘Friday’ which I was already feeling pretty relaxed about, before I knew it. This song which I was not ambitious about nominating (for this album), because it’s a precious song that I hold close to my heart, perhaps is the reason and theme for this collection of (music) pieces.
2. Next Stop
I started writing this song when I was 25, so by the time I was done, I was 26. There are some songs whereby the lyrics and melody come to my mind together, like a piece of music born with the two as one. It had been awhile since I had a song like that and this was one of them.
It can’t be helped that (I am) biased towards such songs.
There wasn’t any format or particular chord work that I worked hard on, but the moment I wrote the first verse as easily as breathing, I was so in love with this song.
But even then, I forgot about it. Heh.
It was a year later when I encountered my character ‘Jian’ in ‘My Mister’ that I naturally took on that character and was able to finish the second verse. While there was no plan cast in stone, it was a song that I definitely wanted to release one day. Beyond being a storyteller, but as a top liner [T/L note: person who composes the main melody of a song], I think this song contains my most central emotions as a creator.
This is the only song that we mixed in the vocals from the guide version. It contains both my voice from 3 years ago, as well as my current voice. I sang it calmly back then, but now I sing it in a way that appeals (to emotions). Ironically, it might be because it’s all in the past now.
Between Jieun and Jian is a ‘station’.
The two are connected by the distance of a station.
[T/L note: literal translation of the Korean song title is ‘The Station’.]
3. Winter Sleep
It started out as a sketch when I was 27 and had more thoughts than usual about a life leaving this world and about being left on such a world and I finally completed the song when I was 29, after experiencing several more huge separations.
It contains the story of welcoming the first year alone after sending off a beloved family member, friend or pet. It was a track that the lyrics were not difficult to write due to the clear plot in the order of spring, summer, autumn and winter, but in comparison to that, (the whole song) took a much longer time to be completed. That’s because I wanted to use direct expressions, yet I didn’t want the emotions to turn out to be too superficial.
This song took the longest time to record.
I’m usually the type to try my best to be as concise as possible in my expression during recordings, but for this song, I didn’t feel the need to hold back my emotions. Instead, to maximise the feelings of longing, I tried to go for a rather bold(?) arrangement in the precursor to the interlude in the middle of the song and not in the second half of the song [T/L note: question mark used in the original text]. That’s also the reason why the song is based on piano, unlike the other tracks.
Even though a great loss came into my world, there were flowers blooming, stars coming up and poems being born out there without delay. In between these repetitive seasons is ‘winter sleep’.
As I sing this song, this time I really won’t break down anymore. They’ll know this isn’t a lie.
4. You
This is a song I wrote at the age of 24, when I was filming a drama in the mountains, so I couldn’t go home for days and I missed my friend who lived upstairs so much. [T/L note: IU was filming the drama ‘Moon Lovers’ and missed Yoo Inna who lives in the apartment above hers.]
I remember immersing myself in my character of the historical drama I was filming for ten minutes and imagined myself to be writing a postcard to someone far away, not knowing whether it would reach the person and with that, I affectionately wrote the lyrics line by line.
I thought hard about whether to include this track or not.
Many years ago, I had already told my fans that I did not intend to release this song, so in my mind that was the end of it. Then one day as I was surfing on YouTube, I happened to listen to this song again after a long time and saw in the comments that there were more fans than I had thought waiting for this song to be released. On top of that, perhaps because I had written the song sincerely, the lyrics in the song still touched my heart.
Feeling uncertain about whether I would include it in this album, I sang this song in the recording studio again after about five years and amazingly, starting from the first verse, it just came out right.
This is the only song that I let my fans listen to in the one and only year that I did not have any music-related activities in the 14 years of my singing career. [T/L note: It was an untitled april fools song that IU uploaded on her fancafe for uaenas.]
Between ‘Chat-shire’ and ‘Palette’ is ‘You’ wanting to slowly and quietly flow along.
It’s probably the song (title) with the least syllables out of all the songs I’ve worked on.
5. Love Letter
I sketched this song at 26, completed it when I was 28, and “even” gave it to another artist. It was the first time ever since I started composing that another singer sang my song. [T/L note: Previously IU only wrote lyrics for others’ songs, like Cherry B’s “Her” and Jung Seunghwan’s “The Snowman”, Seulong’s “The Moment” and Sam Kim’s “When You Fall”.]
Last year, I went on KBS ‘Sketchbook’ and sang this song, which gave me the opportunity to work with Jung Seunghwan, who is a singer I admire. When we were working together on this song, I briefly explained to Antenna and Jung Seunghwan about (my plans) to release this collection of my pieces and earned their consent to release the song. I wrote the lyrics based on the scenario of one half of an elderly couple leaving the world first and writing a final love letter for the other half who is left behind.
If Jung Seunghwan’s version is more calm and refined, I wanted my version of ‘Love Letter’ to be delivered in a more straightforward manner.
The arrangement of the song is fairytale-like and lovely, but I tried to make the vocals sound solid and the song was comparatively easy to record. I also tried to vary the ‘da-o’ part each time it was repeated throughout the song.
The last part of the lyrics, ‘I am still there, remaining in your heart, more than anywhere else’ became the seed of the last track ‘Epilogue’ in my 5th album ‘LILAC’. It’s also something that I want to tell my fans that I am grateful for, who have known me for a long time, know me (for who I am) and continue to want to know me better.
In between a novel and a letter, with this ‘Love Letter’ that I pressed my sincere emotions into and wish to send to those who love me, I close this collection of my (music) pieces.
Translated by IUteamstarcandy
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