#mahad x mana
asetoblog · 3 months
If you HAD to ship Seto Kaiba with someone who wasn't Kisara, who would it be?!
Ohohohohoh I love this question🤭 I actually have many ships involving Seto and one of them is Azureshipping, so Seto x Anzu, because I like how she's the only one who stands up to him and I think he would like that.
Also, she's always associated with Dark Magician Girl, who in her past human life was Mana, and Mana was Seto's Millennium Ring Priestess when he became pharaoh after Atem, so I think that's really cool🫶 (if you want to check this out, there's a panel in the last manga nukber where Seto is shown with his Priests and the one substituting Mahad is Mana!)
I also ship him with Ishizu, it'd be logical considering my theory about how the Ishtar family garded both the Necklace and the Rod (once owned by Priestess Ishizu and Priest Seth). After Kisara's death it could be that Pharaoh Seth married Priestess Ishizu and left the Necklace and the Rod as heritage.
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rosalind-hawkins · 19 days
Give it a whirl for... my newly beloved Rubyshipping (Ryou x Atem x TKB)!!! Also good luck getting back in the writing groove, I feel you there 💖
The Wheel has spoken!
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What the hell even, okay...
*Deep breath* Okay, just hear me out...
Ancient Egypt setting, don't ask me for details. Atem gets poisoned as an assassination attempt, but thankfully Isis gets a warning from the necklace in time and interrupted him drinking the poisoned wine, so he doesn't get a full dose of poison. He's still pretty sick though, and Ryou is curled up by his side taking care of him while Seth and Mahad are interrogating the would-be assassin together (because nothing's more romantic than an interrogation with your warlock bf ❤️ sure, they're lovers here, why not). But Bakura has his own plan aand thinks that waiting on certain information is a waste of time, so he just disappears for the entire night, nobody knows where he is or when exactly he disappeared or even what exit he used. By morning, Atem still isn't doing great—fever, chills, sweating, a bit of delirium—but he's at least halfway lucid now. Ryou's a tired sad boy that Isis and Mana have been trying to comfort while helping take care of their pharaoh.
Then! All of a sudden! Just before sunrise, Bakura is climbing through the window of Atem's room with a very blood-stained sack asking over his shoulder. It's the head of the price responsible for the assassination attempt, but Seth and Mahad only just got the guy's name. They burst into the room like, "Guys, we know who's responsible!" And Bakura's like, "Pft, way ahead of you, I already killed the dude." And he holds out the sack with the dude's head in it, and Ryou tells him to get it out of the bedroom and put the head on a pike like a decent person, you silly barbarian." Bakura's love language is ✨ Acts of Violence ✨ but as touching as this is, Atem still sits up and says, "Can everyone please get out? I'm trying to not die in here, thanks." So everybody leaves, but ofc he didn't mean Ryou and Bakura, and he makes them stay with him (Mahad is tasked with "taking care of" the severed head) and Ryou lays down with Atem, finally getting some sleep of his own, and when Ryou is alseep, Bakura quietly asks Atem if he's really going to be okay. Atem smiles and tells him that he's going to be just fine, and Bakura cuddles up with him and falls asleep too, because both he and Ryou were up all night and both of them do need that rest. Atem has his boys with him, so when Mana comes back to check on him an hour later, he's asleep too, but he fell asleep with a smile.
I went a little wild with it, hope you don't mind. Did I go too far? I didn't mean to. 🙇‍♀️
And thank you! I'm really hoping this helps too. 🩷 This one was definitely fun. I get some sometimes.
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animaginaryartblog · 6 months
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[Image ID: several colored digital sketches of different Sonic the Hedgehog characters, each redesigned to resemble a corresponding Yu-Gi-Oh! character. A logo in the top left reads "Heart of the Chaos", with text under it saying "A Sonic the Hedgehog x Yu-Gi-Oh! AU".
On the top half of the page is a lineup of characters. First on the left is Sonic as Atem, wearing his outfit from Millennium World - a cream robe, a red cape, and a gold crown. He also wears matching gold bracelets on his ankles, wrists, and upper arms, as well as a gold belt and gold earrings. Around his neck hangs on a Chaos Emerald on a necklace. The Emerald is pale yellow, almost translucent. Sonic has his fists on his hips, his legs spread apart, and a cocky grin on his face.
Next to Sonic is Blaze as Mahad. She wears a cream robe, a gold belt, a gold necklace and bracers, and a gold headpiece. Attached to the headpiece over her forehead is a pale oval jewel, the same color as Sonic's Chaos Emerald. Blaze stands with her arms folded, looking at Sonic with a fondly amused smile.
Third in the lineup is Marine as Mana. She wears Mana's outfit - a plain cream dress with a gold belt, gold necklace, and a white cloth headpiece. She leans towards Blaze, fists up and grinning widely.
Next is (an alternate timeline) Silver as the Thief King. He wears a blood red cloak over plainer cream robes. He has a pink burn scar over his left eye, and circular scars are burned into his palms. He stands with arms spread, glaring down at someone unseen.
Last is Tikal as Kisara. She wears a cream crop top of sorts, a cream skirt with blue hem, and leather sandals with wraps going up her legs. Similar wraps are on several of her flowing quills. A colorful beaded necklace is around her neck. She has one hand to her chest as she looks up with determination, eyes glowing blue.
In the bottom left corner of the page is a drawing of Marine as Mana, jumping with her arms spread and a wide smile on her face.
Finally, in the bottom right is a sequence with Blaze and Sonic. Blaze points aggressively at Sonic as Atem, growling "If you sacrifice yourself, I swear to Solaris no afterlife will save you from me." Sonic raises his hands in defense with a sheepish smile, saying "ok, ok!"
Text reads "3000 years later". Blaze looms behind Sonic, who is now possessing the form of Tails. Amy looks at her uncertainly while Sonic stares straight ahead with an expression of terror. Flames backlight Blaze as she glares down at him and says "I warned you." /end ID]
and that's the end of the Sonic/Yu-Gi-Oh! drawings for now. there may actually be some lore developing here?? wild.
Other drawings of this AU: Tails!Yugi and Sonic!Yami | Friendship Gang | Sonic Hate Club
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ofthepuzzle · 10 months
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Cont. [x] // @xpharaohsaiboux
Midway, Atem realizes that if both he and Mana tag Yuugi it’s likely that they will push him over. He outstretches his arm as fast as he can before they all reach the ground to position his hand right behind Yuugi’s head. That way so the impact isn’t that bad. And he also makes sure to fall on his side while keeping his head safe. Mana seems to be all fine while she’s fully on top of them both. Atem’s hand lightly maintains Yuugi’s head above the ground before he gently sets it down and withdraws.
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“Sorry…. Sorry,” Atem whispers.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry,” Mana adds.
Atem squints at her, knowing exactly what she’s doing. It’s like that game of words they play. Who can voice a word many times the fastest. This time they didn't think about the 'fast' part, though. Both of their apologies were genuine, judging by how flustered they both are.
Mahad walks right behind them with his arms crossed. “Mana. Retreat to your studies.” He is having none of this. To which Mana pouts.
“Okay. For the record, you hit the bullseye twice,” Mana manages to tell Atem as she gets up and playfully gestures a ‘bye’ at him and Yuugi.
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sunchaserwings · 1 year
Sylv! I wanted to ask you what your YGO AU shenanigans was about!! You know I love my AUs 👀
Hi Moldy!! I have several AU shenanigans mulling about, mostly my World of Warcraft x YGO atm! I actually just finishes the last sketch of the 30+ character designs I've made which I'll attach right under here;
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(Yes I made Dartz a blue dragon and the fact that is the best dragon I have ever drawn also helps)
Basically in this AU Atem and the rest of the Ancient Egyptian cast were night elves and Zorc is an Old God. Also the Thief King and Atem aren't enemies in this one!
The Millennium Items are "ancient titan forged Artifacts" that Zorc partially corrupted with void energies but also kinda sorta wasn't able to fully corrupt? He led Akhenaten to them in the first place.
Atem and Bakura stood against Zorc together when he attacked Atem's small province that was to the north of Zin-Azshari, the night elf capitol. He timed this to coincide with the War of the Ancients (when the Burning Legion invaded the planet for the first time) so Atem's province couldn't get any help. Atem and Bakura, side by side at a river's edge, banished Zorc and chained him in both time and space but sacrificed themselves in doing so. Sadly, Atem's city did not exactly survive. Its inhabitants are echoes now, ghosts of the past as it is sequestered away and shielded by magic. Mana, Mahad, and Kisara (a blue dragon too!) roam the city as spirits that still remember what happened.
There is so much more to this AU but it can be pretty confusing without the base knowledge of WoW's lore! Also most of the characters are elves because I like elves and mostly play as them.
I hope you enjoy this read and if you want more please let me know! I'm typing this on my phone and whatnot. Maybe one day I can actually write this out into a fic because I'm that obsessed with it.
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angelus-tenebrae · 2 years
NAME: Kitsune, Kitsu (Formerly Shin from Deviantart)
PRONOUNS: She/Her (I am Cisgendered. To clear up any confusion. I have run into that before about pronouns and I don't want anyone getting confused again.)
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Discord. I am far too busy to do messages here these days. Save for a select few who are actually active on here. But work is wearing me out more than ever and I am sometimes too tired to message on tumblr.)
NAME OF MUSE(S): My main muses are: angelus-x-tenebrae: Ryou and my newest muse on there, Yugi. (Kaiba is not my most active muse but he is a fun one) And my main muse is on a side called kurai-honoo with my Orichalcos Yami Yugi. Also has Season Zero in his personality.
List of muses: Ryou, Yami Bakura, Kaiba, Atem, Jack Atlas, Dartz, (good boy post doma Dartz that is) And most recently, a half human, half harpy Yugi. Plus some side muses like Mahad, Mana and Solomon/Yugi's grandfather.
EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): Since 2013 with yoru-no-requiem and my Kuja. Over time, deity-of-calamity became my main until Yami. So my YGO muses are my main focus nowadays.
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: Deviantart, Skype, Discord, Tumblr, Facebook (mostly just for playing games. As I was never interested in that social media for much else.) Youtube (mostly just for watching videos) Twitch (my boyfriend got me into that one)
BEST EXPERIENCE: Making some of the best of friends I could ever ask for that have kept me going through some of the worst of times. But mainly, @xdeerxhealerx Who is my best friend on here. And such a good adoptive sister to me. I would not still be here on tumblr without her. And I also owe a lot to the wonderful friends I've made since she gave me a chance to give Tumblr a second chance. Give her all the love you can, okay? She deserves so much of it.)
RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: Godmodding, saying my character likes this or that (I decide that, not you) And having an OC be related to my character. I can accept that as a hc for your muse if it's a canon character. I do not own said character if it's not an OC. But I cannot bring that into rps for MINE. Because I REFUSE to have a background I was not part of. Therefore ALL OC's are strangers to mine. The only exception is if I talk the muns beforehand and we come to an arrangement.
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: I write all. I am very good with fluff and angst the most though. Smut doesn't happen very often but I can and do write it. I just prefer clean smut or fading to black because I am SENSITIVE to certain sexual things. Most images are a no go unless it's... Covered enough for me not to be uncomfortable. Or if it's a ship I just so happen to like but you must ASK before showing it to me.)
PLOTS OR MEMES: I'm fine with either but I usually wing stuff. Plots are fine though.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: It depends. On my mood and how much I have to work with in my rp partner's response. If there's only a little, don't expect a longer response from me. I am not trying to match length but I do need to have enough to work with for it to be longer.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: After work. Which tends to be around 4:30 to 5. But that's just when I get home. I can still do asks on mobile but I am more comfortable with my computer. For the weekends? Anytime past 9 am is fine.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): It depends on which muse. I'd say I'm the most like Ryou because I am kind but super into horror things. It's the goth in me lol. I can also be a lot like Yami. Minus the destructive magic. Because I love chaos and dark things and I do have something of an anger problem. I just don't get into fist fights like he would.
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kaepricas · 9 months
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found some more yu-gi-oh x sk8 the infinity au to share with y'all (2021)
naturally everything kaiba touches is bathed in blue-eyes, and he absolutely has it out for pegasus's board. he's overly obsessed with skate boarding, and has it out for yugi (atem) bc he was beaten.
mana wouldn't be a competitive boarder, she simple hangs with the crew and makes sure mahad and atem do do anything too reckless.
the boards were honestly a lot of fun to design and find ways to incorporate the show and each character. the design for atem's comes a little later on, as he gets to be better friends with yugi and yugi actually designs the board for him since grandpa runs a local skate shop (as opposed to a game shop like in the anime). joey starts off with a time wizard designed board, but he's got a nasty habit of breaking them. at some point, he gets a red-eyes black dragon board.
(i don't know that much about skateboards tbh so don't come for me on the legitimacy of the board shapes pls)
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tarteggs · 2 years
hey! Good morning/afternoon/ night wherever you are. I have a question for you. Apart from Yugioh what other anime shows/movies have you watched?
I absolutely love your artwork!! ( ‘ 3 ‘ )
Especially where you drew Atem, Mahad, and Mana as lil kids and I think they’re dancing or something. Or like doing the mummy pose?
hiiii!!!! i think i’ve watched a decent amount of other anime shows??? but at the top of my head my faves are dorohedoro, mononoke, blue exorcist, spy x family, d. gray man, fullmetal alchemist,,,,,, i also like blue period and toilet bound hanako kun but moreso the manga for those two ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ i don’t watch too many movies tbh but i really enjoyed belle recently!!! i usually lean towards animated films tho
and thank u i’m rly happy u like my art!!!! it means a lot 💖💖 that drawing was based on this yotsuba pose HAHA (ironically i haven’t actually read the series tho LOL)
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belsiox-blog · 5 years
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mana x mahad
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cut-aare · 3 years
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My weekly collection of doods! I am so sorry due to those stuff being wobbly, this pandemic just... umm... changed me a lot? Anyway, I saw my first Studio Ghibli movie,  just messed with Mana and Kawoshin stuff... aaand discovered that I got into a habit of writing a reason for my silly illustrations!
Enjoy this small post after an eternity of whirl-winding feelings!
EDIT - Just saw Howl's bad anatomy...
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deejadabbles · 3 years
Yu-gi-oh x Avatar:TLA
Been re-watching Avatar the past week and when I searched for it I legit couldn’t find, like, any Yugioh Duel Monster x Avatar The Last Airbender content??? I mean the search feature sucks here so maybe I’m just not seeing it, but, now I have a mighty need for this cross over, so I guess I’ll do it myself! (if anyone knows any other posts about this though please link me to them!)
So first off, Yugi is the Avatar
I don’t care if most think Yami is the main protag it just makes sense to me that Yugi is the Avatar
Much like Aang, Yugi is an airbender, but instead of being raised by a group of monks he was actually raised by his nomadic grandfather, who is also an airbender.
Yugi is basically what everyone thinks of when they think of the stereotypical airbender, he’s intelligent, prefers pacifism, would give a stranger the shirt off his back, fun loving and worldly due to his travels, etc.
On the other hand Grandpa, while kind and not prone to violence, isn’t exactly a “monkly” airbender. He’s way too familiar with gambling halls, tomb raiding, pirating, and pretty much every other seedy side of the different nations you can think of. 
While grandpa definitely toned down those..*ahem* less than virtuous adventures when he started raising Yugi, he did not shield Yugi from these things during their travels. Yugi's safety was always his priority, but he also knew it was important for Yugi to learn to take care of himself if he was going to travel the world.
Plus, I mean, when Yugi beat a pirate captain at pai sho at age 12, and won them an ancient water tribe artifact, grandpa knew his bright young airbender could handle his own.
Oh also, Yugi’s flying bison is a brown fluff-ball named Kuriboh. Kuriboh was the runt of his littler, much smaller than most male bison, but that didn’t stop Yugi from bonding with him almost immediately when they met near the air temple (in fact if probably helped them bond more), and the two are now inseparable <3
Grandpa took Yugi against the wishes of the council in charge of the Avatar. The council wanted to shelter Yugi and deprive him of a normal life (much like the monks wanted to with Aang), but grandpa basically said “F all of you” and took Yugi with him so he could have a fun, free life away from all that...at least for awhile.
When Yugi turned 16 the council tracked the boys down, finally told Yugi he’s the Avatar, and demanded he come with them to finish his airbending training and start learning the other elements.
Yugi was honestly, understandably, pretty devastated, his whole life was being stolen from him in the blink of an eye, but, he’s also heard tales of how important the Avatar is for the world and how people would suffer without the avatar, and he couldn’t handle the idea of letting the world down.
Yugi whet with the council, unknowing of that was about to come.
Okay so for Atem I have two possibilities for his role in this AU that I really like, so I’ll just list them both:
#1 is that Atem was the Avatar before Yugi, born as the son of Fire Lord Aknamkanon. 
He grew up in the lap of luxury, but never took it for granted thanks to his father, the most peaceful Fire Lord the nation had seen in a long time. 
His father dedicated his life to improving relations with the other nations and maintaining peace.
Atem’s uncle, Aknadin on the other hand, was an authoritarian jerk-wad, who thought Fire Lord Aknamkanon weak and unfit to rule the Fire Nation.
You can see where I’m going with this. Aknadin hatched a plan to assassinate both Aknamkanon and Atem, and put himself on the throne, using the death’s of the Fire Lord and Prince as cause for war.
What he did not count on though, was Atem being the Avatar. 
Atem didn’t even know he was the Avatar at this point, they were going to wait until he was 16 to tell him, like most Avatars. Atem had no idea he could bend other elements besides fire, let alone realize he had the power of the Avatar spirit. 
Even still, when Atem was attacked by his uncle’s assassins, and he was on the verge of dying, his Avatar sate kicked in.
Well, not quite. It began to kick in just before Atem was overpowered by the assassins, but not quick enough to save him. You know that whole thing about “if the avatar dies while in the avatar state, the avatar will cease to be”? Well, this was a strange In-Between.
The avatar cycle was not broken, since the avatar spirit wasn’t fully awoken, but now Atem’s soul, that incarnation of the avatar, is in a strange form of limbo.
 It was only 16 years later when the new avatar, Yugi, went into the avatar state for the first time, that his soul was finally brought out of limbo. Only now he and Yugi have a strange bond. Instead of residing somewhere deep inside Yugi’s soul like the other past avatars, Atem seems to be one with Yugi, able to commune with him like a constant companion, and even take over Yugi’s body in times of need.
In this version the new Fire Lord waited years to launch his war, gaining the trust of the other nation while slowly changing and manipulating the ideologies of his own people through propaganda and fear mongering.
Yugi fled the air temple when the firelord finally launched his attack on the air nomads in an effort to kill the new avatar, and during that tramtic ordeal is when Yugi went into the avatar state for the first time and awoke Atem’s soul. 
Now Atem’s main focus is helping train Yugi to save the world from Fire Lord Aknadin, who’s hell-bend on world domination.
If the whole “Atem dying in a half avatar state that affected his soul” plot doesn’t work for you, I also think we could just simplify things and say that Atem is a Fire Bender dedicated to helping the avatar defeat the tyrant Fire Lord.
In this version Atem would still be a Fire Nation Prince, whose father was dedicated to peace. Only in this version Atem’s father died unexpectedly, and Atem was deemed too young to take the throne, so they put Uncle Aknadin on the throne in Atem’s place.
Atem watched for years while his uncle slowly, meticulously dismantled all of his father’s hard work for peace and was powerless to stop him. All Atem could do was train, improve his firebending, and hope that he could challenge his tyrant uncle to an agni kai for the throne someday.
During that time Atem also found it hard to hold onto his own morals, as his home was every-changing under it’s new Fire Lord, becoming more and more authoritarian and xenophobic. He became a bit harsher during that time, but deep down still held on to his core belief in peace and mercy that his father taught him.
So, when he found out that Aknadin was making plans to wipe out the Air Nomads, and thus, the new Avatar, Atem had to take action.
He fled the Fire Nation to warn the Air Nomads, and he did manage that, but it wasn’t enough to save everyone. Yugi was still too young to fight an army, or the Fire Lord, he hadn’t even begun to learn waterbending let alone anything else. So, when the Fire Lord’s soldiers attacked the temples, the monks insisted Yugi and Atem flee together, live to fight another day, and become strong enough to fight the Warmongering Fire Lord.
No matter which version of Atem we go with everything else stays virtually the same. In the version where Atem is just the spirit of the previous avatar and Yugi’s guide, the Fire Nation still attacked the Air Temples, hoping to kill the new Avatar, he just waited longer to do this, accumulating support and maybe even some alliances with other nations.  But either way, Yugi escapes (after a LOT of arguing against leaving any one, let alone everyone, behind) so he could start his avatar training and defeat this new threat.
In this AU I believe most of the gang’s time would be spent trying to train Yugi in the next elements, but also avoiding capture by the Fire Nation, who’s put a big bounty on Yugi’s head. They also aren’t sure who to trust, as sides are often picked and alliances formed during wars and they have no real way to know what nation would aid them vs the Fire Nation. Unlike the original ATLA show, this is a new war unfolding before their eyes, not one that’s been known and ongoing for 100 years. 
Now on to the rest of the cast! Honda is a non-bender, but don’t underestimate him, in a world where he constantly has to avoid the Dai Li and thugs who can earthbend, he’s learned to take care of himself. 
Jonouchi is an earthbender, and Yugi actually met both him and Honda while traveling the world with grandpa (before learning he was the avatar). 
Jou and Honda were both street kids who joined the gangs in Ba Sing Se in order to survive. Their fellow thugs tried to mug Yugi, thinking him an helpless monk. Peace-loving Yugi didn’t attack them, of course, but used his airbending to dodge their attacks with ease and grace... and ended up humiliating them all when he blew them into a fountain. 
While Jou was initially against mugging Yugi (even when he was a thug he always went on about facing opponents who at least stand a chance against you, not picking on the weak) after that incident Jou basically made it his life’s mission to make Yugi’s life hell the whole time Yugi and Grandpa were in Ba Sing Se. He’d track Yugi down pretty much every day to harass him, trying to get Yugi to “fight him like a real man” and just generally being a bully. 
Yugi always refused to fight him, even the few times Jonouchi actually landed a hit on him with his earthbending. Grandpa intervened a couple times, but ultimately left it up to Yugi to handle.
Right before Yugi and Gramps made to move on to the next city though, Yugi came across a frantic and injured Honda. 
Turns out Jou spoke out against their gang stealing from a family that was already down on their luck and said thugs decided they had enough of Jou’s mouth and wanted to “teach him a lesson”. Honda tried to stop them and defend Jou, but was overpowered just by sheer numbers.
Yugi couldn’t stand by and let this happen, of course, and together he and Honda found where the thugs had taken Jou. Despite the fact that Yugi still refused to strike a damaging blow on anyone, his and Jou’s opposing bending styles actually worked pretty well together and they were all able to escape.
That was the turning point for both boys, but especially Jou and he finally realized that he mistreated Yugi and that Yugi was someone to be admired, not mocked. They unfortunately did not get a chance to make amends then, however, since Yugi and Grandpa were gone the next day. 
So about a year later, when Yugi returns to the city after escaping the raids on the Air Temples, Jou and Honda are eager to help him and insist on joining Yugi and Atem, “as the avatar’s bodyguards” if nothing else. And despite being against the idea of endangering them, Yugi had to admit he teared up at the mere thought of friends joining him on his journey.
Next, we of course have Anzu, a waterbender, and Mai, a firebender.
Anzi and Mai have a traveling act together. They combined their bending with intricate dances and make a marvel of it, sometimes doing synchronized performances that focus a lot on how their opposing elements can compliment and balance each other, other times they do solo numbers that are just as mesmerizing with Anzu’s captivating grace and Mai’s mesmerizing passion. They also wear full, intricate face paints (or sometimes even masks) while on stage to help keep them from going unnoticed when traveling.
Anzu also knows a bit of healing with her waterbending, and as they travel through towns/cities, Anzu often uses her time between shows helping heal those who can’t afford medicine. Mai sometimes goes on about how ppl will take advantage of Anzu is she isn’t careful, but secretly really admires Anzu’s kind heart.
Don’t ever underestimate these girls though, their bending isn’t just for performance, they can and will kick your ass with their bending and have held their own again a whole crew of highway men. You don’t travel the world without knowing how to defend yourself, especially if you’re women thugs think they can take advantage of.
The boys came across Anzu and Mai soon after leaving Ba Sing Se. The first glance they got at them was one of their shows and were impressed to say the least (Yugi was particularly captivated by the waterbender, like the big-hearted bi-disaster that he is).
What really impressed them though was that night, when Yugi was taking a walk through the town to clear his head. Once again he was seen as an easy target by his “weak” appearance (season 0 anyone?) and some thugs ambushed him. Before he even had the chance to defend himself though, two women came to his rescue, water-whipping and fire-blazing. It didn’t take much for Yugi to put two and two together and realize they were the dancers from the show, and, being thoroughly impressed by their bending skills, he begged Anzu to teach him waterbending.
Anzu was actually interested in the idea from the start, when they heard about the attacks on the Air Temples and the Fire Nation declaring war, she was outraged. Anzu is nothing if not compassionate and all that life being burn away gave her a slowly growing need to take action, and now the avatar himself was asking her to teach him!
Mai on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with Yugi and his “band of do-gooders” and insisted Anzu turn him down. Mai grew up in the Fire Nation during the rise of the tyrant Fire Lord Aknadin, she knows first hand how ruthless his soldiers can be, and sees it as loosing battle to resist them. In her mind, her and Anzu have a good life going for them, why change that to fight a war they aren’t going to win?
The girls argue about this for awhile, to the point that Anzu actually thinks about leaving Mai to go with Yugi without her, despite the idea of leaving Mai behind tearing her up inside.
Then the town they’re staying in is attacked by Fire Nation soldiers. Everyone, including Mai jumps into action to defend the towns people and together they’re able to fight them off. In the aftermath, having the war’s carnage brought right into her lap, Mai sees that the ruler of her homeland has to be stopped and agrees to join the gang too. 
I haven’t thought a ton about the other characters honestly, and I’m especially having trouble placing Ryou in all this, but here are some half developed/misc headcanon:
Seto is a firebender and the son of Fire Lord Aknadin, making him and Atem cousins. 
In the version where Atem is just a regular firebender and not the previous avatar, Seto and Atem grew up together. Atem tried his best to convince Seto to leave with him when he set out to warn the Air Nomads of the attack, but Seto refused, already being drawn in by Aknadin’s power-centric teachings. 
In the version where Atem is the previous avatar and shares a body with Yugi, Seto was only a few years old when his older cousin Atem was “mysteriously killed” and Seto grew up hearing stories from his father about how they could avenge the young prince and the previous fire lord.
In both versions Seto is similar to a Zuko character. He’s sent out by his father to capture the avatar, but eventually he comes to realize what a warmongering monster his father is and turns on the firelord, joining Yugi and the gang. He’s still an egotistical ass though and is basically constantly criticizing the whole gang the entire time he’s with them. The rivalry between him and Yugi/Atem is still there, because of all the times Yugi whipped him with his airbender while Seto was trying to capture him. Also, Seto honestly believes that he’d make a better avatar than Yugi and thanks to @readerinsertfanfiction now I can’t get the thought out of my head that Seto would try to science his way into becoming a second living avatar 😂
I really want to include Mana and Mahad in this AU as well (since they’re my fave side characters) and thought maybe they could also be firebenders who grew up with Atem and were his close friends. Then when the tyrant Fire Lord took over they started plotting behind the scenes and formed a rebellion within the fire nation. (for real could you imagine the version where Atem was killed by his uncle and now an older Mahad and Mana, who’ve been waging a rebellion in the name of their prince and best friend, meet Yugi and can talk to Atem again and how heart wrenching a scene like that would be??)
Another possibility I thought of for Mahad and Mana was that they’re spirits of deceased airbenders who have gained some power in the spirit world. They commune with Yugi and help guide him and even step in to save him a couple times. This idea play more on the whole “Dark Magician/Dark Magician Girl Duel Monsters” side of things. Heck maybe we could do both these ideas since DM and DMG are usually considered separate entities from Mahad and Mana.
Duke/Otogi, I could image being a character similar to Jet (a charmer/flirt, who’s cunning and vengeful, at least at first? Come on I know you can see it) and maybe even having a similar story of tricking the gang into helping him do something horrible in the name of fighting the Fire Nation, then redeeming himself later.
I’m still a little unsure of Ryou’s story in this AU, but, I think I have an idea brewing involving Ryou being a waterbender who’s been processed by an evil spirit. Said spirit is thriving/feeding on the carnage of the war and often takes over Ryou’s body in order to stoke the fires of said war. This could lead to some interesting stuff involving Ryou wanting to join Yugi and the gang, but the evil spirit always stabbing them in the back. The gang, especially Yugi, would see it as a personal responsibility to save Ryou from the evil spirit and Yugi tries to learn more about his spirit powers in order to help Ryou.
I have some more vague ideas floating around my head, but I think that’s it for now. Boy, these are the longest headcanon I’ve had in while lol. I’m really loving the idea of this AU and I’m even really tempted to write an actual series surrounding it. I’d love to hear your guy’s thoughts about any of this or whether all this is even appealing at all. Please feel free to invade my inbox if yall wanna talk about this AU! <3
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kusanagistan · 4 years
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uglifish · 4 years
“Atem!” Mana cried, growing more shocked as she raked her eyes up and down the king’s bare body. “W-Where is all your finery?! Were you robbed?!”
Mahad stiffened and said nothing. He had a feeling he knew why Atem wasn’t wearing his usual jewelry…but he couldn’t bring himself to believe it.
“I’ll tell you why!” Atem fumed, and Mahad braced himself to hear the bad news.
“I went…to shore,” Atem lowered his voice into an urgent whisper, and Mana pressed a hand to her mouth, suppressing a horrified gasp.
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ruiojousama · 5 years
Happy Birthday, Atem!
Let me celebrate his birthday (July 26) with some prideshipping feels based from @pixel_galaxies2 's fic, Conspire to Ignite (fic link here)
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ofthepuzzle · 10 months
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Cont. [x] // @xpharaohsaiboux
He hasn’t realized how quickly his heart is beating, even after they got up. Or maybe that was it— too much excitement and suddenly standing up. The slight and brief dizziness made Atem feel as light as feather but he doesn’t mind. It goes away quickly. His heartbeat’s rhythm gradually is then normalized as soon as the adrenaline rush diminishes. Mahad is looking at him and Yuugi from the small distance. Usually, he’s quick to stand before the pharaoh in a protective stance. But he knows it’s not needed. He knows Yuugi. And he is smiling to see him. And he’s probably just as happy as Atem is. And now if only Mana was here, she would be squealing about their reunion. That’s alright, she is at the palace somewhere, unsuspecting. It would be a big surprise.
Atem holds onto Yuugi’s hand despite not needing to anymore. He wants to feel his presence. It feels all too surreal. This is his partner. He’d thought that the second he passed the gates to the afterlife, that would be it. He would only have the memory of the friends he cherishes so dearly. He’d accepted it. Although, he did have days where he didn’t want to get up from bed, daydreaming of every moment with his friends that was engraved in his head. But he knew that he shouldn’t brood. He is back home, with his former friends. And he shouldn’t neglect that fact.
The pharaoh chuckles as the guards show signs of surprise when Yuugi spoke their language. It is impressive, to say the least.
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“Is that so? I’m impressed.” He displays a smile. Though, he might be a tad upset thinking about the idea of not remembering Yuugi. He is glad that even after he crossed the afterlife he didn’t forget the memories he made in Domino City. And he wouldn’t want to imagine how it would’ve been if Yuugi came here when no one remembered him. He shake his head to rid himself from these thoughts.
“Come, I can show you around the palace. Mana will be really happy to see you.” He turns to glance at the high priest. “And I'm sure Mahad is too.” The time Yuugi pretty much landed on Atem was right when he'd walked down the stairs after he got up from his throne. A few other members of the court are observing the occurrence in the background.
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lledron · 3 years
@ elia-martell-creative-fest
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