#mathilda g
divinephoenix46 · 2 months
🩷Mathilda 🩷
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I hope you like it ❤️
Please support my art, thank you
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tribius-art · 2 months
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beyblade yuri
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let-it-ripperoni · 7 months
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I wanted to draw Mathilda, but something about her appearance made me think she'd look great in 2B cosplay. Maybe a little revealing for her, so that's why she's embarrassed (I imagine Miguel had something to do with it). I headcanon that Mathilda loves playing JRPGS.
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ashxketchum · 1 year
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poda-venna · 1 year
Straight ship for straight lovers
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Straight ship for gay lovers
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Straight ship for sapphic lovers
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Gay ship for straight lovers
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Gay ship for gay lovers
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Gay ship for sapphic lovers
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Sapphic ship for straight lovers
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Sapphic ship for gay lovers
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Sapphic ship for sapphic lovers
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something about coach barthez is deeply triggering esp the way he just slaps a stick on his palm, and he has them all stand in line like good little soldiers, and he had mathilda break pierce hedghog, like that was absolutely brutal to watch this kid go through that emotional manipulation for the sake of the game.
And for that reason I kind of stand by hiromi and kyoujyo saying we have to report it. I really don’t care for whatever takao kept sayin about blading spirit. It doesn’t make the team less valid. 
They should have really gotten them out or smth 
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agrabangaming · 2 years
Mathilda Best Build | MVP Roamer Gameplay - Mobile Legends 2022
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camille-lachenille · 11 months
Elvish names
A list of names of our world translated in Quenya and Sindarin you can use for your fanfics, just credit me if you pick one.
I tried to stay as close as possible to the original etymology of the names but there are sometimes several meaning possible for a component and, the lexicon in both Quenya and Sindarin being relatively restricted, I often had to compromise with the closest synonym I could find or play with the figurative meanings. I always tried to keep the main idea/element of a name, and that’s why I give so many options for some translations. I also tied not to use any fan creation/neo-Sindarin to be as close as possible to the original lore but there are two instances where I hadn’t much alternative so, be sure to read the notes for Chloe and the Latin etymology of Rosamund if you want to use the languages strictly as Tolkien wrote them.
The names are all given with the feminine, the masculine and the neutral form. The first in the list (until Rosamund) are completely gender neutral in their translation and it’s up to you to decide if it sound more masculine, feminine or neutral. All the other names can be declined using various gendered suffixes or words at the end. Every element will be given in English each time but here is a list of the most common suffixes so you can play around with the names by yourself.
Neutral: -wë = suffix for names; quén = person, individual, being; hína = child
Feminine: -iel = feminine suffix, daughter; -ien = daughter; -wen = maiden
Masculine: -ndo = masculine suffix; -ion = son
Neutral: -u = suffix for names; pen = someone, one, individual; hên = child
Feminine: -iel = feminine suffix, daughter; -il = feminine suffix; -wen = maiden, woman
Masculine: -on = masculine suffix; -ion = son
(Noble heather/moors) =>
Quenya: Araoricon (ara- =noble & oricon=heather)
Sindarin: Artalath (ar- =noble, talath=flat lands, plain)
(Brave/hardy bear) =>
Quenya: Turcamorco (turca=strong, powerful in body & morco=bear), atl. spelling Turkamorco (turka instead of turca)
Sindarin: Bellgraw (bell=strong in body & graw=bear), Bellmdelin (medlin=honey-eater, bear-like)
Dorothy/ Theodora/Theodore
(Gift of God) =>
Quenya: Valanna (vala=god & anna=gift) Valanwa (anwa=gift)
Sindarin: Balanoneth (balan=god & oneth=giving), Rodononeth (rodon=god)
I think that, for this name, it would work to replace the generic “vala” by the name of a specific Vala if the parents prayed one to have a child. Ex. Ivononeth (Ivon= Yavanna in Sindarin) or Vánanna (Gift of Vána). Also works with “Eru” instead of the generic words for “god”
(My God is an oath) =>
Quenya: Ainovanda (aino, god & vanda=oath/pledge), Valavanda (vala=god), Eruvanda (I'm not sure any Elf would put the name Eru, the equivalent of God with a capital g, in their child's name but it's the closest in meaning to Elizabeth)
Sindarin: Balangwaedh (balan=vala & gwaedh=oath), Rodongwaedh (rodon=vala), Erugwaedh
(Loud/famous battle/to fight) =>
Quenya: Rimpaotha (rimpa=loud & otha=war)
Sindarin: Bruidagor (brui=loud & dagor=battle), Bruidagra (dagra=battle)
I strongly doubt any sane Elven parent would call their child like that, but it sounds relatively plausible for a baby born during a time of war (maybe a baby born during the crazy First Age?).
(Mighty battle) =>
Quenya: Melehtaothawen (melehta=mighty & otha=war & -wen=maiden)
For this one, I used three elements to compose the name because it didn’t sound right otherwise, but it’s not entirely right according to the naming rules in Quenya.
Sindarin: Belaithdagra (belaith=mighty & dagra=battle)
Like the precedent name, I doubt it would be very common, but it might work as an epessë (chosen name/nickname) for a warrior
(Sea drop) =>
Quenya: Limbairë (limba=drop & airë= sea), Limbairen(airen=sea)
Sindarin: Limigaear (limig=drop & gaear=sea), Limigaer (gaer=sea)
(Victory of the people) =>
Quenya: Aparielië (apairë=victory & lië=people, folk), Túrelië (túrë=mastery, victory)
Sindarin: Tûrgwaith (tûr= mastery & gwaith=people)
(Bright fame) =>
Quenya: Alcarima (alcar=glory & -ima=fair)
Sindarin: Agarbain (agar=glory & bain=fair), Agargalad (galad=radiant, bright)
(Horse protector (Germanic) OR rose of the world (Latin)) =>
Germanic etymology:
Quenya: Roccovarilë (rocco=horse & varilë=protection)
Sindarin: Rochthand (roch=horse thand=shield)
Latin etymology:
Quenya: Eälótë (lótë=flower, blossom & eä=world) Eämerillë (merillë=rose (fan invention)), Ilúvelótë (ilúvë=world)
Sindarin: Merilamar (meril=rose & amar=world)
(Noble illustrious/brilliant) =>
Quenya: Aralcarindo (ara-=noble & alcarin= glorious, brilliant & -ndo=masculine suffix), Aralcarinon (-on=masculine suffix)
Sindarin: Araglorion (ar-=noble & aglor=glorious, brilliant & -ion=masculine suffix, son)
Feminine form:
Q. Aralcariniel (-iel=feminine suffix)
S. Aragloril (-il=feminine suffix)
Neutral form:
Q. Aralcarinwë (-wë=neutral suffix)
S. Aragloru (-u=neutral suffix)
(Protector of men/defending men) =>
Quenya: Alatyanér (alatya- =to ward off, to protect & nér=man), Sandanér (sanda=shield)
Sindarin: Beriadir (beria=to protect & dîr=man), Thandir (thand=shield)
Feminine form:
Q. Alatyanis (nís=woman), Sandanis
S. Beriawen (-wen=woman, maiden), Thandwen (this one can also be used as a title/warrior category as it literally means Shieldmaiden)
Neutral form:
Q. Alatyawë (-wë=neutral suffix), Sandawë
S. Beriau (-u=neutral suffix), Thandu
(Bear son/king/warrior) =>
Quenya: Morcotar (morco=bear & -tar=king), Morcomehtar (mehta=warrior), Morcoion (-ion=son)
Sindarin: Grawaran (graw=bear & aran=king), Medlinaran, (medlin=honey-eater, bear-like), Grawhador (hador=warrior), Grawion (-ion=son), Medlinion
Feminine form:
Q. Morcotári (tári=queen), Morcoien (-ien=daughter)
S. Grawrían (rían=queen), Medlinrían, Grawiel (-iel=daughter), Medliniel
Neutral form:
Q. Morcoquén (quén=person, individual), Morcohína (hên=child)
S.  Grawpen (pen=one, somebody), Medlinpen, Grawhên (hên=child), Medlinhên
(Free woman) =>
Quenya: Fairenissë (fairë=free & nissë=woman), Fairënína (nína=woman), Fairewen (-wen=maiden), Fairënis (nís=woman)
Sindarin: Lainbess (lain=free & bess=woman), Laingwen (gwen=maiden, woman), Lainil (-il=feminine suffix)
Masculine form:
Q. Fairënér (nér=man)
S. Laindir (dîr=man), Lainon (-on=masculine suffix)
Neutral form:
Q. Fairëquén (quén=person, individual), Fairewë (-wë=neutral suffixe)
S. Lainpen (pen=one, somebody), Lainu (-u=neutral suffix)
(Blooming, fertility, spring) =>
Quenya: Löawen (löa= time of blooming, “spring” & -wen= maiden), Lótëaiel (lótëa=blooming, flowering & -iel= feminine suffix)
Sindarin: Ethuiliel (ethuil=spring & -iel= feminine suffix) Lostadil (lostad=blooming & -il= feminine suffix)
Note that lostad is a fan invention/non-approved by Tolkien so this is not the name for you if you are trying to stick as closely as possible to the language rules.
Masculine form:
Q. Löando (-ndo=masculine suffix), Lótëando
S. Ethuilon (-on=masculine suffix)
Neutral Form:
Q. Loawë (-wë=neutral suffix), Lóteawë
S. Ethuilu (-u=neutral suffix)
(Wealth/fortune/prosperous, guardian/protector/lord) =>
Quenya: Almacundo (alma= good fortune, weal, wealth & cundo=guardian, lord)
Sindarin: Maelighir (maelig= wealth, abundance & hîr=lord)
Feminine form:
Q. Almaheri (heri=lady)
S. Maeligrodel (rodel=lady, high lady)
Neutral form:
Q. Almaquén (quén=person, individual), Almawë (-wë= suffix for a person)
S. Maeligpen (pen=one, somebody), Maeligu (-u=neutral suffix)
(Healthy) =>
Quenya: Alwarien (alwa=healthy & -ien= daughter, maiden)
Sindarin: Alwiel (alw=healthy & -iel=feminine suffix)
Masculine form:
Q. Alwando (-ndo=masculine suffix)
S. Alwon (-on=masculine suffix)
Neutral form:
Q. Alwawë (-wë=neutral suffix)
S. Alwu (-u=neutral suffix)
(Peace ruler) =>
Quenya: Rainëtur (rainë=peace & -tur=ruler), Rainëtar (-tar=king)
Sindarin: Idharan (îdh=peace & aran=king, noble, lord)
Feminine form:
Q. Rainëtári (tári=queen)
S. Idhrían (rían=queen)
(Farmer, lit. soil-worker) =>
Quenya: Ceminér (cemi=soil & -nér=man), Kemenér (kemen=earth), Rernér (rer-=to sow)
Sindarin: Caedir (cae=soil & dîr=man), Cevendir (ceven=earth)
Feminine form:
Q. Ceminís (nís=woman), Kemenís, Ceminissë (nissë=woman)
S. Caewen (-wen=maiden, woman), Cevenil (-il=feminine suffix)
Neutral form:
Q. Cemimólë (mólë=work, labour), Kemenmólë
S. Caedrabu (drab-= to work, to labour & -u=neutral suffix), Cevendrabu
(Sunshine) =>
Quenya: Arien (canon name for the Sun, lit. sun-maiden), Anarcalina (anar=sun & calina=bright), Ancalë (name of a Tengwar letter, litt. radiant one)
Sindarin: Anorwen (anor=sun & -wen=maiden), Anorglân (glân=bright, shining), Glawiel (glaw=sunshine & -iel=feminine suffix)
Masculine form:
Q. Anarion (lit. son of the sun; name of the youngest son of Elendil and second king of Gondor)
S. Anordir (dîr=man), Anoron (-on=masculine suffix), Glawion (-ion=son)
Neutral form:
Q. Anarwë (-wë=neutral suffix), Anarhína (hína=child)
S. Anoru (-u=neutral suffix), Anorhên (hên=child)
(Light) =>
Quenya: Calaiel (cala=light & -iel=feminine suffix), Calaien (-ien=daughter, maiden), Calinaiel (calina= light), Calinawen (-wen=woman, maiden), Calina
Sindarin: Caladiel (calad= light & -iel=feminine suffix), Galadil (galad=light, radiance)
Masculine form:
Q. Calando (-ndo =masculine suffix), Calinando, Calaion (-ion=son), Calinaion
S. Caladon (-on=masculine suffix), Galadon, Caladion (-ion=son), Galadion
Neutral form:
Q. Calawë (-wë=neutral suffix), Calinawë
S. Caladu (-u=neutral suffix), Galadu
(Beloved) =>
Quenya: Meldawen (melda=beloved & -wen=maiden)
Sindarin: Melliel (mell=beloved & -iel=feminine suffix, daughter), Mellwen (-wen=maiden, woman)
Masculine form:
Q. Meldando (-ndo=masculine suffix)
S. Meldir (dîr=man)
Neutral form:
Q. Meldawë (-wë=neutral suffix)
S. Mellu (-u=neutral suffix)
(Bee) =>
Quenya: Nioniel (nion=bee & -iel=feminine suffix)
Sindarin: Glitânil (glî=honey & tân=maker & -il=feminine suffix, daughter)
There is no word for bee in Sindarin so I smashed together honey and maker and it’ll do the job.
Masculine form:
Q. Niondo (-ndo=masculine suffix)
S. Glitânon (-on=masculine suffix)
Neutral form:
Q. Nionwë (-wë=neutral suffix)
S. Glitânu (-u=neutral suffix)
(Ruler/princess) =>
Quenya: Aranel (aranel=princess)
Sindarin: Brethil(brethil= princess, litt. queen-daughter), Riel (riel=princess)
(Lily, flower) =>
Quenya: Indiliel (indil=lily, flower & -iel=feminine suffix)
Sindarin: Ellothiel (elloth=flower & -iel=feminine suffix), Lothiel (loth=flower)
Neutral form:
Q. Indilwë (-wë=neutral suffix)
S. Ellothu (-u=neutral suffix), Lothu
(Bear) =>
Quenya: Morcowen (morco=bear & -wen=maiden)
Sindarin: Grawil (graw=bear & -il=feminine suffix) Medlinil (medlin=honey-eater, bear-like)
Masculine form:
Q. Morcondo (-ndo=masculine suffix)
S. Grawon (-on=masculine suffix)
Neutral form:
Q. Morcowë (-wë=neutral suffix)
S. Grawu (-u=neutral suffix), Medlinu
So here is the complete list. As I said at the beginning, you are welcome to pick a name or two for your fanfictions, but CREDIT ME if you do so. I spent hours and hours on this list and I won’t have my hard work stolen. And I’d like to see who these names will become as characters, too. You can either put a link to this post or tag me. I am Camille_LaChenille on AO3.
If you made it this far, congratulations! I also take requests to make Elvish names. Send in my askbox a message with one or two real world name or a general idea of the meaning you'd like, and a brief descrition of your character (gender, origin, social role/status, ) as well as the language you'd like the name in. I will give you two options you can chose from in a week or so. For an Elf who had to change their name from one language to another (think First Age Quenya ban), precise it and I'll give one name in each language.
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some-user56 · 9 months
Beyblade Original series Girls drawings
So, I did a couple of drawings of Beyblade's girls
So here are the drawings:
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This my first time drawing Emily,Mariam,Salima,Hilary/Hiromi, Mathilda
I've only drawn Julia and Mariah prior
looked at several references for these drawings ^
I did this drawing on 8/12/23
Most/some of the references are from the G revolution japanese exclusive ending
And some of the references are from screenshots on the beyblade wiki fandom
*Likes and reblogs are appreciated*
× Don't repost my art without my permission ×
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meowstix · 7 days
favorite character dynamic that exists solely in my head is emily, salima, and mathilda. i think they meet during the g-rev world championship and end up becoming really good friends. autism depression (to me) and anxiety solidarity (they also all have trauma) (mathilda's is ongoing when they meet so. you know)
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crabknee · 2 months
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gang's in position, time to Kill (TM)
sending in clive and mathilda to check for unique dialoge and will then probably promptly rewind becuase they are both VERY close to death
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yeah sorry clive you have like. 5hp. get outta there
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go rough him up alm
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ok now lukas can g-
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Some great battle quotes tho gotta say
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tribius-art · 2 months
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re-post bc im silly one and made a mistake... More beyblade toxic yuri
and beyblade soft yuri. They are literally lesbian flag colours together
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catbountry · 2 years
Let’s Talk About Shipping Discourse and What it’s Been Doing to the Fandom... and to Me.
This is going to be weird for me, because I’ve never made any secret of having an interest in dark erotica on my Tumblr, but in recent months, I’ve felt the need to keep it on the down-low, because I do not trust the maturity level of the fandom for which I have been creating a ton of artwork. They scare me, quite frankly. Made me frightened. Being in a server full of people who viciously turned on an artist whose work I adored and scared them off for merely not blocking certain people online. And in the wake of the shit that went down in the Amphibia fandom on Twitter, (more archived links here) I feel like I can’t continue to stay silent on this. I don’t want to be bullied by children who shouldn’t be in these spaces in the first place, children I do not wish to interact with. I want to share my artwork I’ve been toiling away at for months and only showing on Discord.
Anybody who has followed my blog long enough might be aware of the novel I was working on that was put on hiatus, Our Fearsome Goddess, which hasn’t been updated in like four years. I got caught up in other projects. But OFG contained disturbing subject matter, including rape, imprisonment, sex slavery, snuff, sexual torture and gore. And I never got any backlash on it. In fact, I have a history of drawing disturbing porn, some for shits and giggles or shock value, others because they are genuine fantasies of mine. Being able to draw and write these scenarios in a fictional context, where they are words on a screen or lines on paper, is the safest way I can explore these interests; interests that would be unthinkable for me to do IRL. I hate seeing people get hurt.
But since December of last year I have been focusing such dark fantasies on a Tumblr Sexyman (I know, shut up) that attracts enough underage or emotionally underdeveloped fandom police that I have genuinely feared the backlash I would get for sharing these works publicly, especially after seeing a lynch mob form against an artist whose work I adore in a Discord server and seeing the sort of weird conservative groupthink set in. And I’m tired of hiding it.
For the past eight months, I have been drawing a series of comics that center around a toxic relationship with two Deltarune characters; Spamton G. Spamton and Kris Dreemur. I found myself drawn to it because much of the art felt like it spoke to me, as someone who was a teenager who was never attracted to boys my age, but rather men who had to be at least nearly a decade my senior. This is a part of my sexuality, as well as wanting to depict an AFAB character as being the aggressor, the dominant one, the one with complete control and manipulating the older man, because this was something I fantasized about even back in high school. Teenage girls having crushes on older men is a very common experience and every time I saw it depicted in film in a way that acknowledged that such a relationship was not feasible, or was one-sided, I felt as though I was being seen. Looking back on My Girl or watching The Professional as an adult and seeing myself in Vada and Mathilda... and yes, I am aware of the hell that The Professional put Natalie Portman through but seeing her as Mathilda, she was the one I projected onto. But there was also a side of me fascinated by brutality, guilt, abuse and co-dependency in a relationship. I was never comfortable with the idea of the woman in a relationship being abused. I was abused enough as a kid. Instead I wanted to feel a sense of power and control I never had, of sexual freedom I was denied by a mother who seemed disgusted at the idea of her hormone-addled daughter expressing an interest in sex, and instilled a deep sense of shame in me in regards to anything even related to sex. The comics I have been writing have been me exploring this abusive relationship dynamic between a young, female abuser and a very traumatized and emotionally beaten-down man desperate for any signs of affection at all. I’ve been sharing these comics with friends and they’ve been nothing but supportive of me, even the ones that aren’t even into this sort of thing, because they are able to look at is as art, as a story, rather than as an endorsement of the actions depicted in these comics. Look, I don’t want to spring what I’ve made onto people who don’t want to see it, and I am very aware that what I have made will make people uncomfortable. And they’re allowed to be uncomfortable! They have every right to be because I design the comics to be uncomfortable and brutal, same as I did with Our Fearsome Goddess. But the Deltarune fandom is full of young people who only seem to consume Marvel movies, children’s cartoons, babby games and YA novels where all the morals are spelled out and there’s little room for ambiguity or nuance. And what’s nuts is that in the 2000′s and even the early 2010′s, this content was allowed to exist without the fear of a bunch of minors trying to dox you, so long as you tagged it accordingly. Now, if you even so much as think about drawing porn of Jotaro from Part 3 of Jojo, there will be people jumping down your throat for sexualizing a minor... even though he looks like a 35 year-old man. I ain’t seen a single 17 year old in my life that looks like Jotaro. I would not post these comics here because Tumblr keeps removing my old porn still to this day. I’d probably post it to AO3 with plenty of warnings, or maybe even do a dump on 4chan’s /trash/ board. No fucking way would I put this shit on my Twitter. I have been using Kris as essentially an author surrogate for my most sadistic inclinations to a funny little puppet salesman from a video game with a wide teenage fanbase and it’s precisely because of the age of that fanbase skewing younger that I have been frightened to share this material. I saw what they did to PurelyGross on Twitter. It disgusted me.
If enough people are interested, I will put these comics up on AO3 behind a bajillion content warnings just so everybody knows what they’re getting into, rather than the more vague or non-existent warnings for my older fanfic where the audience tended to skew older. My view, and the view of a lot of fandom people my age and older, tends to be that exploring dark themes in fiction is fine, as some of the people who do a lot of sick twisted weirdo shit IRL usually didn’t have much of a creative outlet for it and decide instead it’d be fun and cool to try it for real. I absolutely do not want minors looking at my stuff, but I realize it would be inevitable, particularly if some Safe Twitter Adult decides to show my degenerate porn to a bunch of minors, which is a fucking crime, by the way, holy shit, how have these people not had a visit from the 4chan Party Van? Heh. “4chan Party Van.” That’s a throwback. Christ, I’m old.
Writing and drawing these comics has been therapeutic to me, in a weird way. As an author, I love indulging in putting characters I love through the worst scenarios possible just to see what happens. Kris has been written as being controlled by a vile red Soul, and the characters who find out about Kris’s treatment of Spamton are rightfully disgusted and want to help Spamton out of this abusive relationship. It’s essentially a hurt/comfort/hurt/comfort/hurt even more/okay here’s some comfort kind of fic. The last thing I need is some fucking 14 year old crying at me about how I hurt their comfort character and that I’m a freak or a pedophile when the underage character is not the one that I’m attracted to. Again, they’re the author surrogate. I can’t say why I’m like this but these comics have made me feel like a sexual being again after years of being on SSRIs that made me not even want to be touched. I recently had sex for the first time in over three years, because in those prior years, my libido had been pretty much shot. I didn’t like feeling that way because I didn’t use to feel that way. I felt broken. I didn’t even want to be touched in a way that was remotely sexual.
I don’t think it’s a coincidence, either, that I felt this sort of realization that this was a thing that I was into once I had distanced myself from Kiwi Farms, which from what I can tell, seems to have a bunch of TERFs and right-wing weirdos keeping track of people’s degeneracy for just... drawing cartoons. I posted multiple times on the forum that cartoonists are kind of perverts, and also that anybody who was just drawing weird shit but had zero evidence of them grooming kids was probably not a threat, who fucking cares. A lot of cartoonists and animators at least seem fairly harmless. Others, not so much (fuck you, John K., I can’t believe I ever admired your scumbag ass). I notice a lot of these fandom police are either young or they’re adults who hang around a lot of minors. When an artist got doxed and had to flee her home to avoid potentially getting beaten or killed by her deeply conservative Muslim family over ship art she drew, a bunch of goddamn children were cheering about it. The instigator tried to publicly distance themselves from starting it, only to gloat about it in a Twitter voice group, (backup here). I felt sick to my stomach. This is ghoulish behavior, and I can’t help but feel this is the result of a combination of mean girl shit, ship wars, Twitter’s constant feedback loop of self-righteous indignation, and a diet of only the most corporate, sanitized media possible. In some ways, I kind of understand it, since it seems that when I talk to fandom people under a certain age (about 24-23, usually), they’ve had some experience with being groomed online. I’m 35 and somehow managed to avoid this, as I would often nope out of this kind of thing immediately as a teenager. The internet empowered me to do something I had a lot of trouble doing in real life, and that is telling people when I am uncomfortable. It’s still extremely hard to do IRL but I have made a lot of progress since then. I know a lot of people were groomed using rule 34, but really, you can use regular porn or just pure hero worship if you’re an influencer to groom kids. It seems too similar to the media blaming acts of violence on video games or movies; the fault lies with the perpetrator of those crimes, not with the media that “inspired” them. The Beatles are not responsible for the Manson family murders and J.D. Salinger isn’t responsible for the assassination of John Lennon. I also am aware of multiple people who are a danger to children online who are still active and ain’t none of these kids trying to go after them. I once offered up info on a self-admitted pedophile rapist to someone who claimed they wanted to kill all pedos with a baseball bat, but they immediately chickened out, said that the state I gave out was too far away, blocked me and called me a pedo-enabler. These people don’t actually give a shit about protecting kids, they just want to bully women. And like, it’s almost entirely women and LGBT people that are targeted, people who are already made to feel ashamed and dirty over any sort of perceived sexual deviancy. We literally have Texas republicans ranting and raving about the graphic novel Genderqueer for being “literal pornography” when it’s autobiographical and said “pornography” is rendered in such a way that it’d hardly be arousing to anybody. Do these kids realize they sound exactly the same as these conservatives trying to ban books with gay people in them? With depictions of growing up as a queer youth in them? I don’t think they do.
It’s insane to see both supposedly leftist teens and old conservative cranks both rant about groomers in entirely different contexts. To the queer kids that perpetuate this, know this: those conservatives want you to stop existing because they see you the exact same way they see people like me; as disgusting freaks. Degenerates. The downfall of western society. I feel like these kids heads might explode if they watched a John Waters movie that wasn’t Hairspray. (Sidenote: I briefly met John Waters at a book signing earlier this year. He adored my “I FUCK ON THE FIRST DATE” shirt and told me an anecdote about how this was a thing Hollywood producers would say back in the day to indicate that they were eager to sign deals with new talent. I treasure this man. He is a true queer icon and a huge inspiration to me.) So please. Read a banned book. Watch video nasties and controversial films. Listen to albums by bands talking about some weird, fucked-up shit. Expand your reference pool. Watch a show written for grown-ups where the characters aren’t split into good guys and bad guys. Superhero stuff is fun, or at least it used to be. Now I feel like I can’t enjoy it because it’s inadvertently taken out the sexuality out of mainstream film and dumbed everything down and made things all quippy and self-aware. A mind cannot sustain itself on popcorn CGI fests and soft uwu fluff alone. I will continue to draw my comics because it’s reawakened my floundering creative drive and it created an outlet for my sick pervert fantasies. For a while I was putting out a new page every single day. That’s slowed down considerably but I haven’t felt this creative fire in my veins since my early days of writing TF2 fanfic for TF2chan.
Also, consider supporting the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, a very pro-LGBTQ organization that helps fight censorship against comic books. I don’t think they’ve expanded into the world of fanworks yet, but AO3 certainly has. They even have a symposium on the “anti” fandom phenomenon. I highly suggest you read it.
I want to make it so that the idea of doxing someone over art on private or clearly marked as adult Twitter accounts is seen as abhorrent. I want people to express themselves and channel their inner turmoil and traumas in a way that they can reclaim it and reshape it. Doing so is quite common for victims of trauma or sexual abuse. But most of all, I don’t want kids on Twitter and social media because they cannot handle it, it is more dangerous than it ever was when I was a teen during the “wild west” days of the internet, and holy shit I cannot imagine just how fucked up these ideas are and planting them in the minds of impressionable young people is so fucking damaging and is going to result in the same kind of guilt and shame I had to deal with from my Catholic upbringing that made me such a weird sex pervert in the first place.
And I would never wish that kind of pain on anyone.
Also I swear to god if one of you fuckers bring up Jaws as the reason why shark-culling is a thing, 1) you’re a moron if you think a bunch of people harvesting fins for shark fin soup did it because of an American blockbuster, and 2) Jaws was based on a real life series of freak shark attacks by the same shark in the summer of 1916. Fiction may affect reality, but reality affects fiction a lot more and looking at the multiple horror movie characters inspired by Ed Gein alone should tell you as much.
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ashxketchum · 2 years
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Julia x Mathilda requested by @kuroinana for the character/ship ask ❤︎
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(026) Die drei ??? und die Silbermine
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Allie Jamison kann die drei ??? schon manchmal aufregen, starrköpfig und voreingenommen, wie sie ist! Oder sollte sie etwa recht haben mit ihrer Vermutung, bei Wesley Thurgood, dem neuen Nachbarn ihres Onkels, stimme etwas nicht? Eigentlich wollten die drei ??? während der Sommerferien nur Allies Onkel beim Bäumeschneiden helfen. Aber je mehr merkwürdige Dinge geschehen, desto spannender - und gefährlicher wird es auch für unsere Freunde. Ist es nicht seltsam, daß der steinreiche Thurgood ausgerechnet die alte, verlassene Silbermine gekauft hat, die berüchtigte Todesfalle? Und warum wird er gleich so zornig, als Allie versucht, das Bergwerk zu erforschen? Ahnt er vielleicht etwas von dem schaurigen Fund, den die drei ??? und Allie dort machen werden? Aber hier ist Vorsicht am Platze! Denn Thurgood ist nicht der einzige, der den drei ??? mysteriös vorkommt… Schließlich gibt es in den nahen Bergen noch manch alte Stadt, die heute völlig menschenleer ist. Und gar nicht weit davon beginnt schon die Wüste. Könnte da nicht jemand, der eine nicht ganz reine Weste hat, auf dumme Gedanken kommen?
Buch (Random House): 024, 1976, M. V. Carey, The Mystery of Death Trap Mine Buch (Kosmos): 024, 1980, Leonore Puschert (aus dem Amerikanischen übertragen) Hörspiel (Europa): 026, 1981
⁉️ Allgemein
Twin Lakes, New Mexiko
Justus Jonas
Peter Shaw
Bob Andrews
Allie Jamison, Nichte von Harry Osborne
Harrison "Harry" Osborne, Onkel von Allie Jamison
Wesley Thurgood, arbeitet im Immobiliengeschäft / [Kein Name], Verbrecher (😈)
Mrs. Macomber (McCumber?)
Magdalena, Haushälterin
Mr. Tait, Sheriff
Mr. Atkinson, Juwelier
Manny, Verbrecher (😈)
Gasper, Verbrecher (😈)

🏖 Rocky Beach Universum
Todesfallenmiene, stillgelegte Silbermiene in Twin Lakes
Twin Lakes, ein Ort in New Mexiko wo die Silbermiene liegt
Phoenix, Stadt in Arizona
Lordsburg, Stadt in New Mexiko
Twin Lakes Gazette, Zeitung
Juwelier Atkinson
St. Quentin, Zuchthaus in San Francisco
Gilbert Morgan, Verbrecher, der tot in der Miene liegt. Seine falschen Namen fingen immer mit den Initialen G. M. an. wollte Diebesgut in der Todesfallmiene verstecken.

🛼 Sonstiges
Lustige Dialoge
Justus: "Tante Mathilda ist es also nicht?" Peter: "Sei doch froh. Wenn Tante Mathilda dich sucht, weißt du ja, was davon zu halten ist: Ran an die Arbeit!"
*Justus betreibt Allie Bashing* Justus: "Ach, und Allie liegt immer richtig, ja?!" *Die Tür geht auf* Justus: "Hallo Allie!"
Bob: "Ob er auf einen Präriewolf geschossen hat?" Allie: "Quatsch! Mit euch kann man ja nicht reden!"
Justus: "Wir müssen wissen, wer das ist! Wir ziehen nur die Jeans und Turnschuhe an!"

🏳️‍🌈 Queer/diversity read
Shippy moments
Bob: "Der Stollen ist wenigstens groß genug, das man aufrecht darin gehen kann." Peter: "Naja, du Bob. Du bist ja auch klein."
Bob: "Man Peter! Das ist meine Hose! Die passt dir sowieso nicht!"
Bob: "Der Kerl ist noch in der Scheune ... Aua!" Peter: "Verflixt!, Bob! Was ist denn?!" Bob: "Man, ich hab mir den Knöchel verstaucht! Es geht wieder."
Diversity, Political Correctness and Feminism
Allie: "Mein Onkel findet, Mädchen sollten alles lernen, was Jungen auch lernen können!"
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gt-brainrot · 3 months
Masterpost Moment
Awright, it's 'bout half past "time I got a masterpost" o'clock, so here goes nothing.
Hello, I'm Max, and I write both G/t and non-G/t things veery slowly. I've been in the community for about three years, and I have one major multi-chapter G/t story, plus some bits and bobs. A list of works can be found under the cut, but you can also check out any of my writing on my neocities!
A Study in Curiosity, also called And They Were Roommates is about an aspiring engineer named Aubrey, and a small fairy she finds injured in the woods, called Shai. The story is mostly about Shai learning about modern technology while Aubrey learns about magic, and how their conflicting fields intersect and interact. It's got four chapters,
chapter 1-1
chapter 1-2
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
Spidersilk and Bandages is about a cleric who finds herself injured and alone in the woods, and ends up in the care of a wandering part-spider healer. It's set in a larger fantasy world I'm working on, and has one chapter. (minor tw for injury, the descriptions aren't very gritty but there's like, blood and stuff)
chapter 1
The Librarian's Guest is about Art, a borrower who retires to live in the local public library, and Mathilda, the old lady with the graveyard shift. It's got one part, which is right here!
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