#me: maybe i won't be as disturbed the second time around
pumpkinbxtch · 2 months
— your book vs. me 。⁠:゚headcanons
The HoO guys fight for your attention when you read, how do they do it?
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warnings: actually none but maybe sexual suggestions (it's something very tiny) a/n: I still have my writer's block (Or something like that) but my mind is very imaginative. here you go. I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE ARE GOING TO SAY WHERE IS APOLLO? Excuse me, I'm going to compensate you in the following posts.
This man is used to being surrounded by people who love to read.
He knows that if you're so immersed in it, he simply won't be able to pull you away unless the end of the world is around the corner (and even then, he wouldn't be sure you'd let go of the book).
Instead, he takes some things he can distract himself with and fiddles with them while lying on your legs. He loves that spot. While he's distracted with a fidget toy (one of the many he got in therapy for ADHD), he might catch some reactions as you read: when something makes you laugh, annoys you, or embarrasses you.
He loves watching you enjoy something you love.
Sometimes he'll rise and cover the book, and you give him a annoyed look. "Just a second, sweetheart," he assures and steals a kiss from your soft lips.
He hums softly before pulling away and lying back on your legs.
Jason won't bother you, instead, as you're reading, he'll take you in his arms and sit you on his lap or position himself in a way that their bodies become intertwined.
He'll gently stroke your head or thighs, wanting to be with you but not interrupt your reading.
Sometimes he'll give you kisses on the cheek as you read, and you'll exchange sweet glances. Jason grabs one of his books, and they both immerse themselves in a comfortable, everyday, peaceful silence.
Frank would never disturbe you while you're reading; he feels he couldn't cross that line.
However, he's eager to share moments with you so he ends up adjusting you onto him in a way that he can also see what you're reading and accompany you.
Sometimes he'll share certain comments under his breath—"I can't believe it," he says in amazement while waiting for you to turn the page—"Was it him all this time? He doesn't deserve her."
And you pause, turning towards him. Frank fears he might have bothered you, but instead, he gets a peck on the lips that throws him off balance, girl, you took his breath away, and you continue reading.
Sometimes he notices that what you're reading is a bit steamy, and he blushes.
Sometimes he clears his throat and lets out nervous giggles. When you look at him, he shakes his head slightly: "Did you know that could be done?" he asks,
and you end up suggesting that they could try it sometime.
He can be gentle, cute, but not when he seems to need your attention. He'll want to try everything before giving up
, and even though he knows he'll probably lose, he doesn't miss the chance to show his affection in a thousand different ways.
He'll be singing for your attention: "Hey, look at me, look at me, I love you more than that book."
He'll jump on the bed and crawl towards you, some mischievous thoughts crossing his mind, "maybe this will work,"
and he'll settle between your legs and start kissing your knees and then the inside of your thighs.
When he sees it's not working, he moves away and lies down beside you.
He gives you repeated kisses on the cheek and steals some from your lips, but when he sees it's not provoking anything, that's when he finally gives up.
He flops onto the bed and pats his chest; that's the only thing you react to. In the end, all he wants is to have you close.
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yayakoishii · 9 months
Hunger | Sanji x Reader
Sanji x Reader; Fluff...?
No pronouns used but written with a fem reader in mind. Reader is referred to as a woman or lady at times, but nothing else so you can ignore it if you want!
wc: 2.2k
a/n: super super self indulgent, I wrote this in an hour because I was possessed by this sudden overwhelming love for Sanji. honestly, this fic started with a different goal that where it ended but oh well. maybe I'll write another one to fully convey what I started here. this is my first time writing for OP and Sanji so forgive any mistakes and oocness! enjoyyy!!
also available on ao3!
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Sanji didn't know what to think of you.
At first, he had treated you like the other ladies on board and expected you to treat him the same way they did. Except you were different. In your actions, in your words, in your whole being– there was a different kind of softness, warmth and intensity.
It started with you just giving him warm smiles and soft thank yous whenever he brought out a new drink or dish for them to enjoy. The way you always maintained eye contact while doing it left him feeling a little stunned for some reason, and it almost always ended up with him fainting from the loss of blood. And then the way you would be worried over it, even though everyone else just ignored it once he was under Chopper's hands.
You stayed there until he was okay enough to go back to the kitchen. It was just a little thing, but it seemed to squeeze his heart in a painful way.
It was fine with just that, until you started tip-toeing around his territory – the kitchen. He could see you peeking through the door at times, wondering if you wanted something to eat or drink but feeling shy when it came to actually calling you out for it. It was weird– he was being weird around you, but it wasn't his fault. There was something about your ease and quiet around him that made his heart jackhammer in his chest like it was trying to beat his entire life's worth.
So he stayed quiet, pretending not to notice, until you stepped in.
And then he couldn't ignore it anymore.
You sat at the table, just giving him a small smile and nothing else. You didn't say a single word and he couldn't stop himself anymore.
"Did you want something, (y/n)-chan?" He asked gently, just in case you were feeling shy to ask for whatever it was you wanted to eat. But you just shook your head at his words, resting your chin on the backrest of the chair.
"Not really, Sanji-kun," you replied, eyes fixated on his hands, now that he finally realised it. You were looking at the food he was cooking. "I just wanted to watch you cook. Is that okay?"
The blonde chef stood there for a few seconds, stunned silent. Whatever he had been expecting, it wasn't that. Why would you want to watch him cook? That would be a waste of your time! But before he could say as such to you, he was stopped by the earnest look in your eyes.
"I promise I won't disturb you!" You said quietly, eyes gleaming with your eagerness. He couldn't say no after that.
"Of course not, sweetheart," he finally replied, flicking his eyes downward so he doesn't keep staring at you. The face you had on was too innocent and bright, and his heart was doing that painful squeeze thingy again. "You could never disturb me."
Wrong. Your presence was very disturbing. In a good way, of course. In a way that made his insides feel like they are convoluting and rearranging themselves. In a way that made his chest feel tight and warm.
Perhaps he should have regretted saying that to you. Because you took it as a blanket permission to watch him cook everyday. You would walk in at random times after breakfast, sometimes with a book where you wrote while he cooked or empty handed like always.
And then you started talking to him.
Asking him curious little questions about the food he was cooking at first. And he would answer them as simply as he could, not wanting to confuse you. Sometimes, he saw you noting things down and wondered if you're learning to cook. But it didn't seem like that, just you and your weird fascination with watching him cook. That was fine. (That was not fine. It made him self-conscious because suddenly, he was wondering if he looked like a mess when he was cooking, something he had never doubted before.)
Then your questions turned to just telling him about random things that happened outside while he worked, or something you read in a book, or a story from your past. You talked to him like you would to any other person, but somehow, in the confines of the kitchen where he usually worked by his lonesome, it all felt doubly intimate and personal. Like you were whispering secrets straight into his ear, seeping into the crevices of his heart one drop at a time.
Somewhere along the line, he realised that he didn't feel that heart pounding feeling around any of the other women. He calmed down around them a little, and was gifted with Nami's concerned yet puzzled looks and Robin's analytical one. He played it off by avoiding the topic smoothly whenever they asked, but even they weren't blind to when this change had started to happen.
You, on the other hand, were oblivious to it. Like always, you stepped into the kitchen with more questions, this time about him, about his interests, and anything he wanted to talk about.
"...if I could go there," he paused when he realised that he had been going on and on about the All Blue for the past ten minutes while he was fluttering around the kitchen, without even seeing if you were listening. His head whipped up, cheeks red with embarrassment, only to find you looking at him intently with wide interested eyes.
And somehow, the usual squeezing feeling in his heart reversed. Now it felt like someone had cut his chest open and left its contents exposed for you to gently pick up and caress in your soft hands.
"Sorry, I rambled there for a bit," his mouth felt dry suddenly. He paused in his cooking to grab himself a glass of water.
"Why are you apologising?" You said cheerfully, scribbling something into your book as usual. "I asked you about it, Sanji-kun!"
"Still," he laughed nervously, wondering if you secretly thought he talked too much. Women liked it better when the man listened to them, right? "You probably didn't want to hear all of… that."
Your brows furrowed and you looked at him with a frown. "Why not?"
Sanji drew the glass away from his lips at your question, feeling a little lost. Did that mean you wanted to listen to him…?
"Isn't it boring for you?" He tried, readying himself to hear you affirm his statement.
"It's not boring at all," you said, shaking your pen in his direction. "You are obviously interested in it. You're passionate about it, like you're about your food, and I think that's wonderful. Hearing someone talk passionately about what they love can never be boring for me. It's like an open window into their hearts."
Sanji's heart jumped in its place at that line, wondering when was the last time someone had tried to look into his heart. He was always the one chasing after the ladies, ready to give his heart but never finding anyone who wanted it. And now you were here, wanting to know what was in his heart, wanting to know him. But what if he wasn't the only one? What if he was deluding himself into thinking that he was special to you?
"Did you ask the others about their dreams too?" He asked, hoping it came off as casually as he had wanted it to. You leaned back in the chair, nodding with a huge smile, not realising the way his heart sank at that.
"Of course I did," you said proudly, holding the book close to your chest. "Luffy gave me a place on this ship even though I had nothing to offer to the crew, just because I had nowhere else and no one else to go to. So I wanted to do something for him, and for you guys. Sanji-kun, can you keep a secret?"
"Anything for you, my love," he said without missing a beat, willing his feelings to stay beneath the surface as always. He didn't notice the way your cheeks pinked at the term, too distracted by his own thoughts.
"I'm trying to write down and compile all of your adventures till now," you stage whispered. That surprised him, and he looked at you, noticing the ink smudges on your fingers that curled around the book you had in your hands. He had noticed the smudges and marks increase over time, but he hadn't known what you were doing until now. "When Luffy becomes the King of Pirates, I want to share these adventures with the world. I want them to know the real people behind it all, not some made-up tyrannical version the Marines paint you as. I know firsthand just how kind and thoughtful every person on this ship is, and I am trying to record it in my own way."
"That's…" Sanji was speechless again. Somehow, you always managed to reduce him to that state. An unpleasant smell invaded his nostrils and he looked down, noticing that he had taken his eyes off the food for too long.
"The food!" You exclaimed, standing up from the chair and hurrying over, your book forgotten behind.
"Stay back, (y/n)-chan!" Sanji warned, not wanting you to accidentally get hurt from the hot pot. You hovered at a distance, clearly wanting to help but also not wanting to create more trouble by mistake. With deft hands, he cleared up everything, transferring the food to a different pot and taking care of the burnt one. "There we go. No need to worry, sweetheart, go sit down."
"I'm sorry," you mumbled. Sanji looked up, confused at the apology.
"What are you apologising for, (y/n)-chan?" He asked kindly, walking over to you. He stood a foot away, hesitant to touch but wanting to comfort you. How would you take it if he touched you? Would you be uncomfortable and push him away? He didn't want that. He never wanted you to feel uncomfortable or sad. Or like you had done anything wrong, when you clearly hadn't.
"I distracted you," you said guiltily, looking up at him with glossy eyes. "I promised I wouldn't."
"Don't be silly, sweetheart," he couldn't hold himself back. His left hand cupped your cheek, right one bringing his handkerchief out with a flourish to wipe away the tears welling up in your eyes. "It's not your fault. I was thinking too much, and I made a mistake."
You continued to stare up at him as he wiped the last of the tears and let go of your cheeks, hoping he hadn't crossed any boundaries.
"Sanji-kun…" Your voice was broken and he looked at you in concern. Had he done something wrong? Said something wrong? "It's unfair. It's so unfair!"
"What is, my love?" He asked, trying to figure out what you were talking about as your lips quivered. You were glaring down at the floor, clearly upset about something.
"You," you whispered. "You're unfair. Your existence is unfair. How can someone this perfect exist?"
And now, the usual hammering of his chest was replaced by his heart going stockstill, as if it was holding a breath too, at your simple words.
"The more I get to know you, the more I understand what a kind, loving and warm person you are," you rambled on, like a dam that's finally burst open. "I wanted to get to know you, more than anyone else onboard. So I lingered around, encouraged myself to talk to you. And then, every moment I spent with you just made me fall more and more in love with you. The way you fold your shirt up to your elbows, the look of concentration on your face when you're cooking, that soft look in your eyes when you're talking about food, the sheer strength in your legs when you're fighting, the immense love and respect you have for food. Every little thing about you just made me fall in love with you and I told myself to stay away, but you make it so hard to not keep coming back. I keep wanting to know more and more about you; it's like a hunger that is never satisfied no matter how much I feed it."
There was pindrop silence in the kitchen when you paused, realised what you had said and froze. Sanji's unlit cigarette fell from his lips as he stared at you, wondering if this was a wild self-torturous dream his brain had thought up to torment him with; except his brain could never imagine the way you were now flushed from head to toe, hiding your face behind widely spaced fingers. Your wide eyes peeked through the gaps, the look of utter mortification on your face visible to him even with the obstacles.
"I'm so sorr–"
He didn't let you finish. Sanji pulled you into a tight embrace, his long fingers finding purchase in the nape of your neck where your hair was. You gasped at the sudden action, heart hammering in tandem with his, suddenly realising in the close proximity that you were not the only one whose heart rate had spiked.
"I could ask you the same question, sweetheart," he wrenched himself away to stare you straight in the eyes. His hand reached back and up to hold your face again. You didn't miss the broken and vulnerable look in his eyes as he whispered the next few words, in a way like it was meant to be heard only by you.
"How can someone so perfect exist?"
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tumblerlove · 4 months
Some cockwarming with Si...I'm in love, ok
Simon hates having to bring home any type of paperwork back to the house. He doesn't want to take any attention off of you. But if he doesn't bring it home, he knows it won't get done in time for his deadline
When he came home tonight, he had told you he needed to get work done still. What he really wanted to do was just stay with you and cuddle on the couch. But no, he most do important military things... even though his entire body is telling him you're just out that door waiting for him.... fuck these next few hours were gonna suck
Simon was in his office for over 3 hours now. You were seriously getting antsy for him...he was in the same house as you yes...but he was busy, and you knew that and didn't want to disturb him but...
It doesn't mean you couldn't go and check in on him for a second. Maybe even bring him something to drink. Just to see how he's doing, you know...
*knock knock* "Simon, can I come in?" You say softly. "Of course, love," his voice calls back. You walk in holding him a cup of water wearing only a shirt of his, panties and some fuzzy socks
"You've been in here for a while figured you needed something." You hand the glass to him and smile
Simon pulls you closer towards him after he's done drinking. "Thanks, love." He says, resting his head against your stomach while you play with his hair. "I'm not sure how much longer I'll have left, to do... you should just head on to bed." Simon's looking at all the papers he has strewn across his desk that he needs to still do. "I.. I don't mind staying up for you, Si...I just wanted to see your face for a second" he moves you to stand in between his legs so his hands can play with your ass while looking at you
"Thank you, love. I just want to see yours, too, believe me," Simon's says before he has an idea pulling you even closer to him
"I have an idea," he says with a smile while still rubbing your ass "Why don't you come sit in my lap while I finish this up?" "Really?" You ask him already wanting to climb into his big lap
"Yeah, why wouldn't I...come ere love" Simon pulls you right into his lap, having you straddle him. He feels already better having you on top of him. This paperwork feels like it's never-ending. Maybe with you, it'll go by faster or at least be more enjoyable
"Now that's better," he grunts out as he starts working on his papers again with you wrapped around him like a koala bear. After only a few minutes Simon can feel your cunt dragging over his clothed cock trying to adjust yourself. "Mmm" he's groaning out not expecting how nice it feels. "You ok, Si?" Asking not having any idea what you just did to him. "Yeah... yeah, I'm good. " he tries returning back to his paperwork
About 10 minutes later, he can't take it anymore. He can feel the heat from your cunt on his clothed dick and he needs more. He knows your not doing it on purpose and your just trying to get comfortable...but he can't think with you doing that. He can't stop moving now trying to get closer to your cunt. "Si-uh..what are you doing" you try getting the words out as he's rocking you back and forth against his clothed lap
"I can't deal with this paperwork without more of you" he's saying as he starts messing with your panties rubbing circles over your clothed clit making you gasp out a little. He's pushing your panties aside and starts teasing your entrance
"Mmm...I want more too" you moan and start grabbing Simon's pants pulling them down...thank fuck you don't have to wait any longer for him
Simon's sliding his fingers throughout your pussy spreading your slick all over and getting you ready for his cock. "I just need a little bit until I'm done...just something" he says when you get his boxers down finally. He's teasing the head of his dick up and down your slit making your hips buck. "Si...please fill me up" you bury your face into his neck crying for him to just do something
Simons grunting out "Fuckkkk here we go," as he slides himself into you. "Mmm God Si" he's filling you up completely now. Your ass is flat against his big thighs. Both of you as close together as possible sitting in the chair
"Shit...ok just stay like that...don't move...while I finish up." Simon can barely get the words to come out he feels your pussy pulsing around him. "Mmm, Si, hurry up..." You're moaning out while rocking gently back and forth, trying to get any friction... you both are not going to make it for long
"Fuck this" Simon grunts out as he tosses the paper out his hands to instead wrap around your waist to fuck you up and down his cock
"Oh, Simon...I couldn't wait anymore," you're crying out to him. Your holding on to his neck as he keeps pistoning his cock in and out of you. "I couldn't either - fuck - its ok." his papers are long forgotten as he's grabbing onto every inch of you he can
"You feel so good couldn't even think straight lovie," Simon says before smacking your ass as he moves you up and down. "Ohh shit" your cunt clenches on his dick from the slap. "You liked that huh?...I think you did. " Simon teases you as he sends another smack to your ass
"I'm gonna cum Si" your holding on to him for dear life as he keeps fucking up into you. Simon's hand comes down to clit and starts rubbing small circles helping you get closer to cumming
"Come on... let me have it, " Simon's groaning out as his pace and fingers quicken. "Oh, Simon, oh," you're crying out as you feel your orgasm hit, making your legs shake around Simon's waist as he keeps thrusting. "Shit...shit" Simon's head is tipping back as he cums inside of you feeling your pussy throb around him
"That was so much better then paperwork" Simon's lowly saying in your neck as his cum is dripping out of you down both of your guys thighs. "Mm I don't think I can move" you laugh softly as you can't feel your legs. He huffs out a laugh. "Who says I want you going anywhere...I never said I was done... forgot the paperwork".... shittt
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sugawarassoulmate · 2 years
it's samu's birthday 🥹 (and atsumu's but this isn't about him sksks)
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words: 652 cw: fem!reader, sleepy sex, dubious consent, minors dni
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"get off of me," he groans once again, making no effort to push you away. osamu won't admit that he's hard right now, cock pressed against the soft fabric of his sweatpants. it's all your fault, really. your small hands keep rubbing against him while you kiss the sensitive part of his neck.
he just wants to go to sleep.
you're straddling his lap, hand slipping under his sweats to wrap around his length. if osamu had been more awake right now, he'd probably question why you were being so forward with him. you're usually never like this—always so shy and timid, even after all this time.
but tonight's different, you're grinding on him and doing everything in your power to turn him on and it's fucking working. a long day at work left osamu's body sore and sweaty. after a shower, he dropped into your shared bed and didn't want to be disturbed.
of course, you came into the room at some point, ready to be a nuisance and giving osamu the sweetest kisses. he'd never complain about having your attention, but he just wants to fucking sleep. "yer this desperate fer me to fuck ya? can't it wait?" he asks, trying to hide the moans almost slipping from his mouth.
you were fully stroking him now, letting his precum ooze out so you could tease the head of his cock. he supposes that's what he gets for teaching you how to be his personal slut, you'd eventually use it against him.
"i can do all the work, samu," you mumbled, tugging his sweats down with your free hand just enough to pull his cock all the way out. his eyes are still closed, so he doesn't see the way you bite your lip upon seeing his thick length hit his stomach. "wanna make both of us feel good."
he shrugs, letting you do what you want with him. "don't expect me to help. ya want it so bad, better make sure both of us get off."
osamu expects you to suck him off or give him a handy and maybe after he cums, he'll be nice and eat you out. he knows his words are harsh but there's no way he'd leave his dumb baby high and dry.
but you go beyond his expectations when osamu feels the wet warmth of your cunt sinking down on his cock, easily stretching your walls until he's buried as deep as he can go. "fuck," he grunts, definitely not ready for any of that. "holy shit gimme some kind of fuckin' warnin' next time, idiot."
"sorry," you hum, waiting a few seconds before grinding your hips ever so slightly. how did you get so wet? were you really that desperate for him? does he need to pay more attention to you? you're fucking insatiable.
osamu grips the bed sheets, trying to keep his word and let you do everything, but it takes all of his will not to buck his hips into you. what has gotten into you? he's definitely not upset at this new side of you tonight, but it's so uncharacteristic. "shit, what's this fuckin' attitude of yers?" he whines, opening his eyes to see you bouncing on him—a sight he'll never get tired of.
"you really don't know, samu?" you giggle, easily creating a steady rhythm. you pull your shirt up, letting your tits bounce freely with every thrust. if osamu had the energy, he'd twirl the sensitive buds between his fingers. "look at the time…" you leaned down, changing the angle of osamu's cock inside you, and shove your phone in his face.
the bright light hurts his eyes, but he can clearly see the time. it's past midnight, october 5. oh, he thinks, another curse slipping out when your walls tighten around him.
"happy birthday, baby," you say against his lips. "let me be your gift."
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©sugawarassoulmate 2022 all rights reserved - please do not repost/translate my work on other platforms!
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skyeslittlecorner · 3 months
I feel like we didn't get enough moments with that beautiful king in chapter 5 (why PB >:(((()
Can you pls do a short story about MC who has been kidnapped (again) when they try to find a place to sleep to Leviathan's office where he demands them to sleep *in his coffin* (so he could keep an eye on them).
Okay I can only think that much. Hope you ok with this request 🥹 Luv u and your works 🫶 Have a great day!!!
Thanks for lovely words! AND I AGREE. I know that the plot needs to move forward, but my heart wants to stay longer. We only got to know Levi for a moment and quite superficially because he mostly talked to others. PAY ATTENTION TO US. Just no nooses, please. We'll play with the ropes later, maybe dinner first.
This turned out to be a bit long. Hope you'll like it!
Words: ~900
Kidnapped to sleep | Leviathan
Peace, just a little bit of peace. That's all you asked for. After a long, tiring day, you didn't even have time to sit down properly in your room for a moment. Just when you approached bed, a knocking sound came from inside the room instead of from outside.
“You knock before entering!” You huffed.
Foras appeared at your side without a hush.
"Sorry, but…"
“What’s going on again? And quickly, if you can.” You cut his words in half. Headache and tiredness make you thorny. All you wanted was to collapse like a log and fall asleep. Didn't even care anymore whether he tried to kill you or not, you had survived so many threats and potential murder attempts today that one here or there wouldn't make any difference. You almost softened when you saw the remorse written all over the dreamy devil's face.
“His Majesty wants to see you.”
Yeah, almost. 
“Tell him to stick his desires in… ugh.”
There was no point arguing. The quicker you deal with them, the better. You were about to leave when Foras grabbed your waist, and you felt your insides churning again. That bastard… you can walk on your own! No need to teleport!
The palace was even quieter and darker, but when Foras left you in his king's office, you didn't feel as overwhelmed as the first time. It reminded you of Prince Charming's room. Leviathan, as beautiful as he was mysterious, was leaning over the documents. You stood on your tiptoes to look at them.
"What are you doing? It's not your business."
“You called me here yourself.”
You won't let him push you around. Not only was it dangerous, it also hurt your pride. He ignored you and went back to work, so you sat down on the chair across him, not knowing for what he needed you, and started thinking. Just out of boredom. It wasn't the wisest decision you could have made in such a state. 
With such a beautiful creature by your side, it was hard to think of anything other than punishing him for the way he treated you. If only he could be beaten with a whip again. Choke. Oppress. Hear the gasps and moans as he runs out of breath. Milk would flow from these beautiful horns, and you would make him drink it himself...
"What are you staring at?"
Not only did he dare to be so beautiful in front of you, but he also disturbed your fantasies. The audacity.
A smile appeared on his lips and you clutched your mouth. This shouldn't have been let slip! Apparently, it only made him feel better, because he told you that you’re going to sleep together. Oh yes. It's time to put all these plans into action!
Reality hit you as soon as you sat down on the soft mattress in his coffin. How was it so comfortable here? It reminded you of a water bed with a cover on top like a canopy. Leviathan probably already thought you were a freak, so you had nothing to lose. You could have use him, abused him. But the soft material acted like a magnet. Silk is like flypaper. You were so tired... you closed your eyes just for a second, and suddenly felt the warmth next to you. A hot, masculine fragrance. And a strong arm that hung around your waist.
“I thought you hated me?”
“I do not like you. Just like everyone else.”
It was so comfortable. So… safe? You definitely needed some rest.
“So you also sleep cuddled up to your nobles like stuffed animals? Like now?”
He nuzzled his nose into your hair, not really bothered by your taunts.
“Silence. I have to keep an eye on you all the time. I can't let you endanger anyone.”
It occurred to you that for now you are only a danger to yourself, because you want to abuse the most dangerous king of hell you have ever met.
If only you had a whip at hand... wrapped in the darkness of the coffin and Levi's arm, the tiredness of the day came flooding back to you. You closed your eyes. Just for a second.
Two seconds later you were sound asleep, tucking your knee between the devil's legs. He grabbed the back of your neck and tightened his fingers.
“What are you thinking?”
You didn't think anything at that moment. Just purred in delight. Feeling the warm, broad chest, you clung to it unconsciously. No wonder you sought safety. That coffin almost devour you last time. What was strange was that you were looking for support in the arms of a man who was the reason for your anxiety, but who would care? He also didn't behave like a terrible tyrant, not now.
He ran his fingers through your hair. They were soft and fragrant, flowing between his fingers like a waterfall. You didn't see him, so he could afford it. So defenseless, hugging him, you no longer looked like a threat. If it weren't for his experience, he would almost be fooled by you. He promised himself he wouldn't fall into your trap, and despite his own promises, he wrapped his arms around you. Some devils can lie, and he was just trying to lie to himself.
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moumouton4 · 10 months
Hello~ it's me again (i'm the problem, it's me~)
So I have a kinda angstt request
So headcanons for Naruto characters x reader, where reader and Naruto characters break up, and the next day around evening, reader calls them and leaves them a message:
"Hi, it's me. I know I'm not supposed to be calling but I am not doing really great right now, and I was just wondering if... Do you remember in "The Way We Were" how Katie and Hubbel broke up because his friends were laughing and joking and the president had just died, and she yelled at them, and he was mad and he was going out to Hollywood, and, I mean which she hated and, and he broke up with her. And she was really upset and she called him, and asked him if he would come over and sit with her, because he was her best friend, and she needed her best friend and he did. And, and they talked all night, and they went out to Hollywood, which was a disaster but it was good at first, with the boat and, uh, and the putting the books away. I've seen this movie a lot so if you don't remember the putting-the-books-away scene, don' feel stupid or anything. I was just sitting here thinking about it because, I, um... I'm in my house and I was just, uh... could you please come over? I-, please, really need to see you and talk to you and please come over... please"
So the boys listen to the message and the question is: what do they do? Do they go and come over like reader asked?
Kinda angsty, but please do whatever you want to do with it <3
Sending Them A Text After You Broke Up || Naruto characters x reader 6
A/n : Lmao finally done ! I swear my computer is dying it keeps switching off. Besides I'm in vacation so most of the time I'm out ugh. It was stressful because I want to write but obviously can't bring my computer to the beach 😂 I hope you're going to like it Pumpkin 🍰
Naruto Headcanons series : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
Warnings : No mention of gender, contains fluff and angst and smut ( nothing graphic, mentions of : sex, breading, jerking off, mating season, cum dump, sex friend ) 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 3610
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Sasuke Uchiha :  His ego took a big hit when you broke up with him. He's hurt. But he suspects that his behavior and his coldness undoubtedly had a role to play. When he listens to your message he shakes his head "Of course you can call me, Silly Girl" then continues smiling bitterly at how you apologize again even though there's no need to. He's told you so many times not to apologize to him. His hands tighten around the phone to the point of breaking it when he hears you begging him to come over. Suddenly there's hope for him, for both of you. He doesn't waste a second before he gets up and puts on his sandals before running to your house. He runs from roof to roof, knocking loudly on the door. And as soon as you open it, he looks at you as if you've just disturbed him. And then in a rush he grabs your face in his hands and kisses you "Not without you... impossible" he says between kisses. But maybe none of this happens and he decides to leave the village after you've broken up. There's no point in staying and hurting each other.
Sasori : He doesn’t want to look at his phone. Probably didn’t even notice he got a text. If he knew maybe he would have checked. If he knew it was you maybe he would have been faster. He sees your text something like 3 or 4 days later. And he panics. He rushes to where he knows you are. He doesn’t even bother to settle inside his big armor puppet. He needs to be sure you’re okay. He already hates himself knowing he let you waiting and he hates this more than having to wait himself. He doesn’t knock, he just enters. Once he sees you there standing in front of him he feels a pang of regret in his heart. How did he ever think he was able to go on without you “I won't waste any more of your time” He is also considering making a puppet out of you if this situation of breaking up ever comes back.
Genma Shiranui : He just doesn't take it seriously. He is too much of a child in his behavior yet. He knows he is handsome and that he can get bitches whenever he wants. The need to settle down was never really felt. So when you broke up well he was almost relieved, it was like a return to freedom. When he got your message though he felt bad. He knows he won't be able to be the man you want him to be for the time being. So he does one of the worst things - in my opinion - he sends you a text back “I’m sorry for what I’m making you go through. I love you and you know that. But you also know that I can’t just change like this and be happy with it” he doesn’t want to conclude his text. He secretly hopes that one day one person will suffice him. On the other hand of the line though, you cry. You knew from the beginning you wouldn’t be able to change him. It’s hope that brought you there
Naruto Uzumaki : He is so sad when you break up. He even stops going to Ichiraku’s ramen shop. He feels lonely like he never did. But he has hope. He knows it can’t be over just yet. You have so much more to live. When he gets your text he doesn’t even open the notification he just runs to your house. He doesn’t know why you reached to him but his instinct is telling him to get there as soon as possible. When you open the door he has a goofy smile on his face as he pulls you in a bone crushing hug. it’s only when he feels you sobbing that he pulls away to wipe away your tears with his thumbs “Hey why are you crying ? I’m here now”
Rock Lee : He is crushed since you broke up with him. He trains even harder. He doesn’t even hear his phone ringing once, twice. He doesn’t hear the notification signaling your text either. It’s either Neji or Tenten who tries to catch his attention. Once they do though and he actually focuses on your text there is no going back. He is going to scream your name in the whole village to find you as soon as he can. He will hug the hell out of you and apologize more than enough for not being the best boyfriend he could have been “No please let me hug you longer to make up for the time I was away. I’ll be 10- No ! 30 times better than before you’ll see !” Don’t worry he’s forgetting you two broke up as soon as he’ll feel your skin against his. Though he’ll always remember that your love is not granted. He is going to be even more the best for you.
Kakashi Hatake : He didn’t want you two to break up, but he couldn’t help but chuckle sadly. He knew this was going to come at some point. I mean look at you, how could he ever deserve all that to be his to love and cherish. Though when he gets your text his heart is close to jumping out of his chest. His mind starts wandering. He thinks about his father and he hopes. He just hopes it’s a genuine want to see him again and not the final plea for help before you… “No no don’t be stupid” he shakes his head “Y/n is strong” The pace of his strides betrays his growing anxiety as he rushes to your home “Please please please” he ends up being the one pleading When you open the door, the need to be sure you’re okay is too strong. his eyes explore your body to see any trace of injury. it’s only after that he pulls you in a gentle embrace as if scared to break you “I can’t leave without you. I couldn’t never. Let’s restart with something new. I couldn't take you to dinner tonight. How does that sound ?”
Sai :  When you told him you wanted to break up, he replied, "Well, you're entitled to whatever I think", rather matter-of-factly. I mean he was right, but it wasn’t what you wanted, needed to hear at the moment. He wasn't really very good at navigating relationships, and this was representative of his lack of experience in the sentimental field. Every intense moment was counterbalanced by laborious moments when he struggled to find his feet with you. So it's no surprise that he's not sure how to react to your voicemail. He takes a few notes - still behaving like a ninja of the Root - and even if he doesn't know what he would have done under normal circumstances. There's a clear message at the end of the audio "Please come over" and so he follows the order and goes to your place. He can't account for the turmoil in his heart or the way his hands become clammy and fidgeting at his sides as if something important were at stake. Finally, when you open the door and he sees your tear-reddened eyes, he can't help but say "I love you too"
Gaara : His eyes impossibly widened when he got your text. He thought everything between you two was over. He didn’t think about any possibilities of luck that will bring you back together. You on the other hand needed to know. When you mentioned breaking up he shut himself off. Yes he tried to speak back a little but he made sure not to talk over you nor at the same time. It wasn’t the greatest solution. Sensing the urgency in your tone he just can’t help but leapt off his chair and run - literally - throughout the corridors. You, on your side also thought about the possibility of him hesitating to come over so you also decided to make your way to his office. you ended up bumping into one another in a corner “Sorry, are you okay ?” he mumbles. But when he notices it's you his arms wrap instinctively around you as his head nestles in the crook of your neck. He doesn’t want to let go anymore, and he doesn’t care that he is in the middle of a public passageway. He shudders in your arms as he loses his grip on his emotions. You pull him in a gentle embrace as you drag him to a more quiet place to have a much needed discussion. Maybe you two would be able to work after all.
Iruka Umino : He lies awake in his bed the night that follows your break up. He just can’t wrap his head about what happened. It was just so unexpected and out of frustration. The day after, everyone knows that something is wrong with him. He lost his smile, he loses his temper rapidly and he is constantly lost in thoughts. When he gets your text he is actually on his phone. He was about to send you something similar. his heartbeats are ringing in his ears as he stands up suddenly. It doesn’t matter where he is at the moment. If he is in class, he is going to find an excuse, push some kids aside and zoom to where you are. As he runs to your house he can’t help the tears streaming down his face. He is just so sensitive. As you open the door you both fall into each other's arms crying. You start kissing sloppily as your tears stream towards your mouths. You both made a mistake by considering the mere thought of breaking up, and you’re not doing this mistake ever again “I won’t let this happen ever again. I won’t let go. Never”
Tobirama Senju : Probably screams “Okay fine you wanna break up ? Well just get the fuck out of here then !” when he feels you slipping from his grasp. He loves you, he really does. But he has too much pride. His little heart is crushed. His brother notices and tries to speak with him but Tobirama tells him to fuck off. When He finally gets your text his pride is still wounded and he doesn’t know if he pushes it aside and gets over to you or if he deletes the text and acts as if he didn’t see anything. Well he doesn’t do both. He doesn’t come to see you but he keeps the text. You’re extremely hurt that he doesn’t come. Until one day you hear a soft knock on your door. It’s Hashirama who comes to apologizes for his little brother’s behavior. Seeing you this sad makes him snap and he actually goes back to his brother and lectures his brother with the Hokage tone. Tobirama is shocked but at the end it reminds him that you’re more important than any pride he could ever have. It takes time for him to forgive him but slowly you start building your future together.
Yamato : Well he lowkey thought that the idea of breaking up would provide you both with more time to train and increase your already impressive level. But he was so wrong. Now, even more than before all his thoughts were turned toward you. What were you doing ? With who ? Were you sad ? Happy ? Thinking about him too ? Did you still love him ? Would you forgive him if he were to tell you that his idea was the dumbest ever and that he regrets and wants you back ? Then his phone buzzed and he got that frightening text. He, in fact, didn’t understand it the way one normally would. He thought you were rambling and that someone broke into your house and you needed help. He leaves in a rush and once in front of your door kicks it off its hinges. Damn, you panicked because you thought someone was breaking in “Y/n ! Are you okay !?” “Yamato ? My door ?!? The fuck ?!?” Well let’s just say that after repairing it he offered to take you out tonight and catch up around some delicious ramen.
Neji Hyuga : He literally didn’t see it coming. First thing, there was a rumor. And then he found himself single. He is going to investigate to know who the hell did this. When he receives your text though he panics at the clear need in your tone. He uses his Byakugan to look for you throughout the village, to make sure you’re okay. Before going over to your house he takes his time buying you flowers and whatever you might like. But he always keeps an eye on you despite the distance. Then he finally gets to your door and he takes a deep breath before knocking “Hello Y/n. I’ve got you these. I hope we’ll be able to talk this out- oof” you took him in a bone crushing hug almost tackling him to the floor. He shushes you as you cry against his chest saying how sorry you are. Next thing you know he is taking you inside and you’re gonna get spoiled rotten.
Minato Namikaze : Bro is fast, yes. But not so fast anymore when it’s about women’s feelings. And sometimes it’s almost as if he was managing to drown a fish. When you broke up he kinda knew it was going to happen because of how clueless he was most of the time. While reading your text he can’t help but feel sick when he sees how desperately you are pleading him to come. Just like you’be pleaded to him to understand your point that day. He doesn’t lose a sec to rush to your favorite bakery. He takes some snacks and literally throws the money on the counter top. When he arrives in front of your door he almost goes through like a Cartoon “Hey my Love I brought you some- sorry maybe you don’t want me to call you that. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have-” He doesn’t have time to finish speaking because you pounce on him and crash your lips against his. He will need to do a lot of effort to improve his ability to talk in a relationship but this is a good first step.
Itachi Uchiha : That was only a story of pressure and expectation. You thought yourself not at the level of an Uchiha and that was what made your couple burst. He is literally so mad at everyone that participated in putting these thoughts in your sweet mind. He hâtes himself even more for not seeing it coming. When you leave him the voicemail he gets anxious of what may be happening. He almost lost his best friend once and he wasn’t going to lose you too. So he immediately dials your number “Hey Y/n Don’t move an inch you hear me ? I’m coming over right now” And he is true to his word because not even 4 minutes after he is at your doorstep, panting. He takes you gently against him as his face nuzzles against your hair. Your scent helps him ground himself in the present. You didn’t know yet but he was going to change the traditions, for you he would do anything.
Hashirama Senju : He feels ashamed and sad. Sad because he doesn’t want to spend a single day of his life without you. Ashamed because he has always lowkey thought that something like this could only happen to his brother. And here he was getting a lecture from his younger brother, about how he isn’t the confident man he displays himself to be as the Hokage. Tobirama’s words were unnerving and actually pushed Hashirama to get some courage to talk to you. Tobirama’s plan worked just well. He is actually in front of your door when he gets the text. you wonder how the heck he got here so fast. You both talk things out and it gets better for both of you. He reads the text later on and ends up crying “I-I’m so so sorry sniff I didn’t know it made you feel like this sniff” Your fingers comb through his hair as you try to calm him down. He ends up sleeping on your lap with his arms tightly wrapped around you.
NSFW starts here :
Orochimaru : The mere idea of breaking up with him was always foreign and distressing to her. How you, his adorable Pet, would find yourself with this idea. But it happened. A mixture of several ingredients meant that the two of you finally parted ways. and as luck would have it, the mating season had begun. He couldn't stand jerking off without having his soul mate to fill with his seed. And then finally, like a miracle, your message arrived. If he could run naked into his hideout, he would. He got dressed in a hurry and headed for your room. Once inside you weren't in as good a shape as he was "Oh no look at you Pet. So wet and ready for me. Here I'm going to fill you and you''l get so much better" In the end, the break-up was mainly due to your hormones going all over the place. But if he gets you pregnant, I don't know if that'll help your hormones or his possessiveness.
Shikamaru Nara : For someone who doesn't like to stress out even in critical life-or-death situations, in this case he did.He couldn't breathe for a moment. Your voicemail sent a pang through his heart. He couldn't breathe for a moment. He remembered your break-up, and at the time he'd just said something like "Ah, women and their emotions'' He hurried to find you. When you opened the door he almost tackled with a strength he wasn't the first to display in common days. You found yourself pinned against a well as he spoke lowly "I'm here now. what do you need" and when you said you needed him, you didn't know it would end up in one of the best sex you ever shared with him. You're a keeper and he is never going to take your feelings not accordingly.
Hidan : Bro doesn’t care at all when you break up. He’s probably just going to get some bitches to make up for your absence. Of course you’re going to know about it. either by yourself, by other people or him bragging. You wonder what being in a relationship means for him. What this whole thing brought you at the end. Were you just some cum dump ? You needed to know, so you sent the text. He comes over like you requested but he isn’t a liar. He tells you right away that he isn’t the one to fall in love. Having sex with you is just convenient as you know how to touch him and bring him to ecstasy. He isn’t against becoming your sex friend if you’re still up to it “It’s a great reminder to how everything started between us, don’t you think Princess” - those fucking nicknames, he doesn’t how much pain they do to you. But you love him and the whole thing seems toxic if extended. Though you answer yes, at least you’ll get to spend more time with him. And maybe he’s going to grow up at some point. you’re not losing hope. And that’s what may destroy you.
Madara Uchiha : He always thought that besides loving him you needed him in your life. Just like he loved and needed you. But after the break up he is not sure anymore. He spends days passing back and forth trying to understand what brought you to this. Your text brings a smile of relief on his lips as he feels his shoulders release some tension. You did need him. So he comes over. And he handles the solution like a good head of a clan. He breeds you. Like that your thoughts will be turned towards another life. A life you’d cherish unconditionally. It will give him time to process things before it actually gets out of hand again. I mean that was the only way right ?
Deidara : For him breaking up was ineluctable. If for him art is an explosion it’s because he manages to find the beauty in things that just can’t stay beautiful forever. It was the same in your relationship. It was intense, full of passion but short. For him that was the perfect amount of time to enjoy the beauty of it, but for you it was just not enough. That’s why you set an ultimatum but to your surprise he agreed on breaking up. After getting your text he came over and reiterated his intention on not wanting to delve into a more serious relationship with you. Though the attraction between you too stays really strong. and it’s not uncommon to see him sneak out of your room in the wee hours “I just can’t get enough of your body. it’s intoxicating” You just can’t help but keep jumping each other’s bones, that’s the way it is for now. No strings attached for now. You just hope that someday he realizes that love is one of the rare things that get even more beautiful as time follows its course.
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monster-disaster · 4 months
if your available or free can you do an naga x F!reader or werewolf x M!reader for this valentines month?it can be anything you want in the story just want read an valentines story from you:3
your really a good story maker i also amaze on your story really like it i really idolize you its ok if you dont do mine but hope you rest well and have someone to celebrate valentines with you <3
Hey! Thank you for your request and kind words. It's a quick and short story but I hope you find some joy reading it! 💛
brother's best friend!Naga x Reader Warnings: none
You can't help but scowl as you stare at the man in front of you on the other side of the small table. You really can't help it. You are trying to focus. Your gaze is on his lips as he talks. His Adam's apple bobs, and you force yourself to soften your expression.
Poor guy.
He looks ridiculous with the red and pink strings hanging around him. You both are. And they are annoying as hell. You grunt as you grab one of the strings at your shoulder to push it away for the tenth time. Your attention turns from the man to the ceiling. It's covered with balloons. Why did they put them there? Who thought it would look good?
"Are you okay?" Your date asks. His hand fidgets with the fork next to his empty plate. His glass is already empty. You can't blame him. His neck is red because of the alcohol and heat. And maybe with embarrassment and awkwardness. "Yeah," you hum. "Yeah, yeah, yeah." He gulps and nods.
Poor guy.
"And…" you start, trying to think of something. "And how was your week?" You almost grimace.
Great question. Really. Amazing.
You can't stop your leg from bouncing under the table. Your nails almost break the skin above your knee as you push your leg down to keep calm. The moment your attention turns away, you continue doing it. The table shakes because of it.
"Look," you sigh. "You can leave, you know?" The man's eyes widen at your words. "I'm not the best company today," you admit the obvious. "You can go and save your Valentine's Day. I won't be mad." You can almost see the relief washing over him even though he is still unsure about his next step. "Seriously," you speak again. "You can go." "Will you be okay?" He asks. "I can drive you home."
He is a good guy, you think. He was respectful the whole night. And he really tried to make the best of the night even though you are clearly not the right partner tonight.
You smile. Maybe for the first time. "I will be fine, but thank you." He is rigid and awkward the whole time he gets ready to leave. "I'm sorry," you tell him just to say something. "It's fine," he says, stopping next to your chair for a moment. "I hope you will get… better." You almost laugh. "Thanks."
You can feel the weights falling off your shoulders when he disappears. You let your head fall back as you breathe in and out. In. And out.
Why did they fill the whole restaurant with balloons?
"Miss?" Someone says after a few seconds. The voice is unsure. Opening your eyes, you turn to the waitress watching you. "Are you ready to order?" She asks. "And… your date?" Her eyes fall on the empty chair in front of you. "It's just me," you tell her. "And me." A voice speaks up from behind you. "I'm sorry I'm late, darling." Before you can register his voice, his lips are already on your cheek while you sit frozen. Your eyes widen at the soft touch. "Vicra." You can't hide the surprise in your voice. "Can we get a few minutes?" The male asks, looking at the waitress as he sits down. His long tail curls around the chair. The woman smiles, not mentioning the fact that you arrived with a human instead of a naga. "Of course."
"What are you doing here?" You ask the male. You can't tear your eyes away from him. His blonde hair frames his face, his strong jawline, and hollow cheeks. The few light blue scales on his cheekbones make him look paler even under the warm lights of the restaurant. "I saw you from the window," he says. "I hope I don't disturb your date." He looks around, searching for your partner. He doesn't seem worried about it in the slightest. "I'm alone," you tell him, unsure. You don't know how much you should believe him. "Sorry to hear that." "Then wipe down that smirk," you tell him, and his smile widens.
For long seconds, you just sit there in front of each other. You know Vic as your brother's best friend. Your childhood memories are filled with him.
"Why are you here, Vic?" You ask him again, desperately wanting to know the honest answer. It's not like you are not happy to see him, but seeing him is always a bittersweet occurrence ever since you kissed one year ago. It was chaste, filled with need, and followed by guilt. Vicra is your brother's best friend. None of you want to be clichés, but what else can you do besides keeping yourself away from him? And for how long?
His smile slowly disappears, and his expression becomes serious. "I have a vow for the new year." One of your brows moves up in question. "I won't let other people dictate what I shouldn't do." "And what you shouldn't do?" You ask. "I shouldn't go for my best friend's sister." Your heart flutters in your chest. "Oh?" "So what do you say, Y/N?" A slow smirk pulls on his lips as he leans closer to you over the table. You can feel his tail curl around your ankle. His hold is gentle but firm. "Will you be my Valentine?" Heat creeps up on your face under his gaze. "I'm not sure yet," you reply, teasing. "We will see how the night goes."
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kenphobia · 1 year
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"Hey lover, won't you treat me right?"
summary. wally may be the town's darling but in his eyes and heart, you're the actual darling <3 (headcanons / 0.9k wc / see end notes)
contents. tooth-rotting fluff, kind of crackship core, romantic relationship. read my pinned post before interacting!
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✦ Perhaps, you were a new neighbor or just a random puppet from the outskirts of the neighborhood— whoever and where ever you are, you were bound to meet Wally some point in your life.
✦ Wally is a curious puppet and loves putting his (imaginary) nose into places he shouldn't be putting, and you caught his eye for some unknown reason. It was fine enough, he was only interested about your life before the neighborhood and what kind of things you like. Eventually, you started asking the same questions back at him and it went on from there.
✦ There was always something that Wally would get interested in someone, no matter how pathetic and boring they look and are. It's up for your own interpretation why he was so intrigued by your person in the first place, maybe it was your personality? Your smile? Your voice? Wally loves it all regardless.
✦ Being the town's local artist, Wally takes most of his inspiration from his surroundings and sooner or later, he began adding bits of you in his paintings. It began when you happened to be one of the many faces he painted to crowd his landscape paintings until he started painting portraits of you, many and many canvases pilling up in the corner, and all of them were of you.
✦ I wouldn't exactly say Wally was embarrassed, but he was coy. He only showed you few of those portraits and gave it you, but most of them are tucked somewhere in his house aka his bedroom. He reasoned was because they're unfinished when in reality, he couldn't properly 'sleep' without having a bit of you near him, even if it's just a painting he made.
✦ Wally loves it when you spend time with his friends too, especially when you get along with Barnaby! The canine puppet was his bestest friend and enjoys spending time with you two at the same time. He couldn't help but fawn over his two favorite people hanging out and actually being friends. Seems like a dream for him, to be honest.
✦ Before you and Wally had made it 'official', everyone assumed the two of you were already a thing. It was confusing, to say the least. It makes sense once you realized how lovey dovey you two had acted around each other.
Upon hearing a knock on your door, you immediately rushed to it and opened it. Though, you were about to open your mouth and blurt out a greeting, you stopped your tracks as you saw Frank holding Wally by his collar. Wally didn't look too happy being held up like a wet, pathetic cat.
"Sorry to disturb you, (Name), but I believe this is yours." Frank began, motioning to the smaller puppet beside them. "Your little boyfriend over here was found stealing few of Howdy's apples again."
You blinked, furrowing your brows in complete and utter confusion. "I— First of all, Boyfriend? And second of all, he was doing what again?"
"He was caught messing with the apples for the 3rd time this week. Eddie's dealing with an angry Howdy right now and we have to deal with your lovebirds' troubles because we're the only other couple here unfortunately." Frank explained, doing various of hand actions.
"I'm sorry, but me and Wally aren't a couple??"
Frank made a sound of confusion and acknowledgement. "Hm, I thought you were one of us. My mistake."
"I- I have no idea if you mean if we're also gay or if we're also in relationship like you and Eddie."
"Are we though?"
"Wally, I swear to god—"
✦ Wally is extremely touch starved, like most residents, and doesn't know what to do when you do give him affection so he goes limp in your arms. It takes him a few seconds to recover once you release him though, maybe stumbling a bit when you settle him back down on the floor or even crashing back into you. The latter would definitely happen and you'd be stuck with him atop you until someone pulls him off or you do.
✦ Whenever Home locks Wally out, you'd offer him to stay in your house. He'd deny a couple of times, but he'd later come with you since he doesn't want to stay out at night. He never really liked the dark anyways.
✦ He was a little nightlight at both yours and his place, and would ask you tell him bedtime stories. He doesn't sleep, yes, but he does enjoy laying down beside you and being used as some sort of stuff animal. He also even closes his eyes, so you'd think he's sleeping. You know he isn't and often call his BS.
"You know, (Name), that was the bestest sleep I had. We should do a sleepover again." Wally sugguested once, enjoying a lovely breakfast with you. He had turned away from his plate to face you for a moment, his pupils shrinking down.
"Wally, you don't sleep." You deadpanned, holding a cup of warm coffee in your hand.
"How would you know that, (Name)?" Wally tilted his head, smiling.
"Chanting 'I am sleeping' with your eyes closed doesn't count as sleeping, Wally."
✦ You're also the first one people would go to if Wally got into trouble. He's always off messing with Howdy's apples, 'borrowing' Julie's hairspray supply, breaking and entering in someone's house, etc... As much as many felonies Wally had committed, you still love him.
✦ You just wish he wasn't so nosy to make up for his lack of a nose.
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end notes. rewritten version of my previous yan!wally headcanons, friendly neighbor, although you could say this is just a normal headcanon that isn't derived from a now deleted post and it's stíll fine <33
i wanted to keep the old title but bleh, this is romantic so yeehaw (this was also queued btw lol)
requests are always open and my inbox is free for any recs (podcasts, args, etc), chatter and info dumping. ask for updates and i will burn your house like wally burned your mom /lh
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bpsmuts · 10 months
The Coachella Experience - Lisa
Lisa x Male Reader
Words: 1.522
Summary: Lisa always wanted to try something risky, Coachella seemed to be the best choice...
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After a minutes walking, you took a left turn and walked under a tent, back outside. It looked very pretty and one wall had a neon sign, reading "Pinkchella". "This is us! Finally!" sighed Rose as she fell onto a beanbag.
Jisoo and Jennie also sat down at a table and got out their phones, leaving you and Lisa just standing there. "So... what now?" You asked her.
"Whatever you want. We can go around the festival, chill here for a bit. Its up to you, I'll just tag along" Lisa responded, giving you one of her cute smiles.
"Let's explore then!" You say and before you could even take a step, Lisa grabs your hand and the two of you head out to the main festival site.
Lisa basically runs through the crowd, you trying to not break her wrist, follow closely still holding her hand. The two of you eventually arrive on a rather excluded location. You see maybe 10 people below the hill you're on.
"Where are we Lisa?" You ask her. "At the best and also HIDDEN spot on the festival site!" She says, putting special stress on the hidden part. "You see, the main stage is close enough for us to hear the music, but we're far enough as to not be disturbed by anyone" Lisa explains, whilst sitting down in the grass.
You sit down next to her, still holding her hand, taking in the view. "Wow Lis, this place is really cool. You can actually see everything from here"
"Yep, sometimes people come up here tho, to umm... you know. Be alone... and not be disturbed" Lisa says rather awkwardly. "Alone and not disturbed?" You ask, accidentally locking eyes with her.
"You know what Im talking about... 2 people... having some alone time" Lisa tries to explain. "I dont think I get what you're saying" You respond, having to laugh at your own stupidity.
"Sex! Y/N. People have Sex up here sometimes" Lisa finally says, still locking eyes with you.
"Ohhhhh... I get it now" You laugh. "Wait... You didn't get me up here to... umm.." You stutter for words
"Oh no no no Y/N. Like, I was just saying that people sometimes do that here." Lisa replies, finally breaking eye contact and looking away shyly.
After around 10 seconds of silence, Lisa asks "Have you had.. umm.. alone time with someone on a festival before?". She still didnt make eye contact, looking away.
"Umm.. No actually, you?" You reply. "Nope, I've always kind of wanted to try it, but I get so nervous" Lisa admits.
Not knowing what to respond, you sit there for a bit, before Lisa grabs your hand and gets up again. "Lets go back to the girls, I think we wanted to check out the festival together!"
The both of you stand up and start walking off the jhill, towards the festival site. You stop her tho. "You know, if you want to you know...-"
Lisa interrupts you "Okay, lets stop talking around the word. I want to have Sex at a festival!". "Okay, so if you want to have sex, but always end up getting too nervous, maybe you should start slow" You suggest.
"And how would I do that?" Lisa asks curiously. "A kiss.. or some simple touching." You suggest to her. "Hmm.." Lisa falls quiet for a moment. "Do you... want to kiss me Y/N?" She asks silently.
"Me?... Umm, Lis I work for you". "So? It wouldnt be thaat weird" She replies. "Plus, you've also never had sex at a festival before" She adds to her point.
"Okay, woah woah. Lisa. We just went from maybe kissing, to us having sex. What if someone catches us?" You ask her. "They won't and if its one of the girls, they wouldnt tell. Trust me Y/N" Lisa looks at you, with her cute eyes and smile.
"Okay, how about this. We kiss. Once. Here. Then think about it and see how we feel tomorrow. Deal?" You ask her. "Deal!" Lisa responds.
"So how do we do this?" You ask, getting nervous. "What do you mean? Haven't you kissed a girl before?" Lisa mocks you a little. "I have, plently, but never someone like you... on the spot like this" You say, trying to defend yourself.
"Someone like me? Whats that supposed to mean?" Lisa asks, as she slowly gets closer. "An Idol. A Superstar. A Celebrity". "Just pretend, that Im a normal girl. Which I am. I have Boobs. I have.." she gets closer to you and whispers "a vagina" into your ear seductivley.
"Haha, very funny." You say as you pull her closer. Now less than an inch are seperating your lips from her's. "I wasn't lying you know" Lisa says. "I know you weren't, but we have a deal" You respond.
"Deals are meant to be broken" Lisa snaps back. "Thats promises, Lis." You correct her, as the tension starts to rise even more between you two.
"Then I promise you, that I won't have Sex with you tonight" Lisa counters. "Ah fuck it" You respond, before pulling Lisa in and planting your lips on her's.
The two of you start to deepen the kiss and move to making out shortly after. Lisa takes your hand and places it on her boobs, leaving you squeezing and carressing them, earning you a small moan.
You break the kiss and ask "Do you want to do it up here?". "No, lets move back up onto the hill, I want a view" Lisa responds, pulling you behind her.
She lays down onto the grass, starting to pull down her skirt and revealing white lacy panties. After you get your pants off, you lock eyes with her. "White and Lacy? Wow, you really are a secret slut Manoban"
"I come prepared". You don't want to waster anymore time, so you help Lisa take her top off, giving you a site of her small but unbelievably beautifull boobs.
You fall back onto her, kissing her lips, before slowly moving down to her nipples. "A-Ahhh" Lisa lets out a moan of relief, as you start circular motions around her nipples, while your hand had moved further down into her panties.
Your head catching up, moves further down from her nipples, towards her panties aswell. "On or Off, Lis?" You ask her. "Off, they're yours now!" She says, breathing heavily.
You pull down the panties and lay them over your shorts next to you, before moving your head between her legs. You start by kissing her folds, before starting to lick them and eating Lisa out.
"A-Ahhh Y/N! AHH FUCK" Lisa cant hold her moans any longer. You continue to eat Lisa's pussy for a couple minutes, before moving back up to her face.
"Would the idol like to taste herself?" You ask her. "Yes please" Lisa says, completely out of breath. You kiss her, letting her taste her own juices on your lips.
Lisa breaks the kiss "I want you Y/N. I want you so deep inside of me. Please" You dont let her tell you that twice and line up your dick, before slowly pushing it inside her.
She starts to moan louder and louder, giving you a slight fear that others can hear you, but at the same time you didn't care. You were having Sex with THE Lisa Manoban... from Blackpink.
You continued and picked up the pace, to see Lisa's response and after a couple minutes, you could start to feel yourself get closer. "I'm getting close Y/N" Lisa said, like it was a perfect movie. "Me Too, Lis"
"Let's cum together Y/N" Lisa suggested inbetween moans. "Ready?" You asked her, getting a nod in response.
You could feel here pussy getting tighter as you let lose and felt your cum pump into her. "AH FUCK, Y/N" Lisa moaned as she orgasm'd.
After you both reached your climax, you collapsed next to her. "That was perfect, Lis" You told her, catching your breath. "It really was, Y/N".
The two of you both layed in the grass, enjoying the sun on your naked bodies. "Have I ever told you, that I actually really like you calling me Lis?" Lisa asked you. "Nope, but thats good to know" you respond.
"Yeah, makes me feel cute" Lisa laughs as she gets up and start to put her clothes back on, handing her white panties to you, as you do the same.
"These are yours by the way" she says. "Why? Don't you want some... protection... it is pretty windy and I wouldnt want anyone seeing a white substance run down your leg"
Lisa smirks, "No, keep them. Take it as a trophy... for having sex with an idol. Plus I have a backup in my bag by the tent".
You take the panties and stuff them into your pocket, before putting on your shirt. "Ready to go?" Lisa asks you. "Yes, Lis" You smirk.
The both of you walk off, hand in hand and make your way back to the tent.
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cursingtoji · 9 months
I hope it's okay to send another one of the cliches in! (I absolutely ADORED the Toji one you did! Perfection, pure perfection) I saw you wanted some Itachi and I feel like 23 is just so perfect for him. Maybe adding prompt 12 with it too? (Feel free to ignore if we can only send in one ask though!
𝑰𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒖𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑲𝒊𝒔𝒔
⊱ plus touching foreheads; The Clichés ™ event
note: bless you darling for giving me the chance to write for my beloved itachi
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A warm night embraces you as you walk amongst the villagers with a basket of ingredients for your dinner. A million thoughts go by your head and you aren't quite aware of your surroundings until you focus on your path ahead and notice a familiar figure walking towards you.
You gasp once you notice who it is, dropping your basket.
"Itachi?" panic threats to take over you, he can't be seen here, yet no one else seems to have noticed the most wanted ninja standing in the middle of the busy street.
"Hello, angel."
"Am I in a genjutsu?"
"No," he leans, taking your basket from the ground and handing it back to you, "But everyone else is."
"Isn't it too risky?" your eyes wander through his pretty features, realizing that it has been a few months since the last time he sneaked in the village to see you. Tonight he doesn't have his usual cloak, instead he wore a gray shirt and no bandana, you reached for his hair, brushing it away from his face.
Itachi takes your hand delicately, kissing your fingers, "You're worth it."
You take one step closer, touching his forehead with yours and breathing in his scent.
"I missed you" you confess, it's a weird feeling being so intimate to him in public, you can hear people talking around you, buying and selling goods, kids running, playing ninja, but you thrust his skills.
"I'm afraid I can't stay much longer, angel" he holds your hand tightly, his face is the same as the boy you knew years ago, yet his dark circles look deeper every time you see him.
"Let me take care of you, 'tachi" you beg, wanting nothing more than to take him home with you, have a bath, wash each other's hair, make tea and kiss every inch of him in a fresh bed, loving and being loved by him till morning eventually comes.
"There's nothing I want more" he confesses and you know it's true, but his tone indicates that will not be possible tonight.
"Promise me you will be back soon" you know it's hard for him to catch a break to come here, besides all the risk he takes getting into the village he still has to mislead his fellow akatsuki members so they won't find out about his Konoha love, making a potential target out of you in case things go south.
"I'll try my best" he brings both his hands to your face and takes his time admiring your face until his eyes eventually fall onto your lips, he misses your kisses more than anything else he had in konoha.
Your eyes close but right before he can kiss you he feels a disturbance, like someone is beginning to notice the genjutsu.
"Sorry, angel, I must go now" he lets go of you and you sigh, "I love you" you watch him walk backwards until he fades like smoke.
"Sensei!" you hear a yell and look over your shoulder seeing Naruto and the rest of team seven coming towards you, Kakashi looks around suspiciously.
"Naruto, hi" you greet and the boy begins to tell you about the mission they just came back from. You try to dismiss the look Kakashi has on you.
"Were you shopping?" Naruto notices your basket.
"Yeah, just some stuff for dinner" you open your basket to show him, but you're surprised by a bouquet of flowers lingering on the inside.
"Wow, is it a romantic dinner?" Sakura inquires.
"Now, now, kids, you gotta wake up early tomorrow for training” Kakashi claps once, making the kids whine. You look at Sasuke, noticing the similar features with the man that was there just a few seconds ago.
Sasuke meets your gaze, you dismiss the nostalgic feeling by ruffling his hair.
“Good luck, guys.”
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see also: “what if someone see us?” + Jiraiya
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icyowl · 9 months
Idk if your taking request if not discard! lol but uh >< could we get some Vash & Wolfwood A/O/B head canons? What do you think their second genders would be? and how would they be w reader?
A/B/O Headcanons (Vash, Wolfwood)
Pairings: Wolfwood x reader, Vash x reader
A/N/: always up for ABO. Always.
As my bio says, I'm not open for requests per se, but if an ask strikes my fancy, I might get inspired!
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An alpha through and THROUGH
very growly. It's deep and slow and rumbly and he loves using it on others or using it on you and catching you off guard. He smells the effect it has on you through your scent glands and his eyes key in on the tiny shaking it puts in your knees. You alright there, ankle biter? Lookin' a little unsteady he says with a wicked grin. Even the cigarette bounces with mirth.
Whatever class Wolfwood was going to be, the experiments done by the Dr. turned him into an alpha. It's done on purpose because alphas are more goal-oriented and driven, and because its pretty easy to keep them in line with a steady dose of hard-core suppressants. Getting Wolfwood to detox from them was definitely an exercise in building trust. The ensuing rut you had to help him through was. . . intense, to say the least.
Puts out his cigarettes when you're around. Just because he can cancel out the ill-effects by drinking his vials doesn't mean he has to subject you to it.
Say his first name nice and softly with some of those omega hormones pushing out into the room and watch his whole shoulder line gradually slump until he's putting his head on your shoulder and licking the oils from your scent glands.
Look, its fact that at some point he will use himself as a human shield to keep you safe because, again, he's got those vials to help him recover. The first time he got, for all intents and purposes, murdered in front of your eyes was a horrifying experience. Even after he'd made a full recovery (another mildly disturbing moment when he seemingly came back from the dead just as quickly as he joined it), you'd lost many nights worth of sleep. When he found out, you had a long discussion about his ready-fire-aim tendencies.
It came as no surprise you began to have nightmares. Try as he might, he wasn't good at consoling you at first. It took time for Wolfwood to realize slapping you on the back like some bro and telling you the vials taste like candy wasn't the way to make you feel better.
Has gotten your group thrown out of a number of establishments after holding a man at gunpoint for so much as flirting with you. Very clearly used the moment as an excuse to show off in front of you.
Definitely gives you the talk about worrying about yourself before others or before you make stupid choices that might put you in harms way. Gets you a gun of some kind, something manageable, and maybe it won't obliterate some of the things that are coming after you but it'll give you a chance to get away or at least buy time until he can get there.
“Whatever Blondie does, you do the opposite, you hear me?”
Also chew you out if/when you put yourself in danger. Doesn't matter why. He'll get in your face and yell and interrupt you at every turn. “I don't care that you were saving some kid! Drop kick him out a window for all I care! The next time you do something like that, I'll kill you myself!”
Loves showing off your relationship in front of others. Favorite thing to do is, whenever you go to sit by him in a public place, his arm snakes around you (whether its your arm or waist or a part of your clothing) and simply yanks you to his lap.
This man. This man would not touch a healthy relationship with a ten-foot pole. Like, we can agree his most stable relationship is with his gun, right? So totally expect him to be a little lost when it comes to taking care of you emotionally. It never occurred to him how many days had passed without him scenting you; just figured you were dealing with something or had a change in hormones when you began to smell sour.
On your end, you're freaking out. There has to be a reason why he's not doing it. Is he over you? Do you smell bad? Is something going on in his life you don't know about? Is there someone else? How do you bring it up without sounding accusatory? Should you just drop it?
When you finally lean in and just go for it, fisting his shirt and burrying your nose under his chin, nestled right up against his pulse, and purr, he does nothing for several seconds. Meanwhile your heart is skittering wildly. What you don't realize is you've positively short-circuited this poor man. Could his heart always beat like this? So fast, so erratically? A low rumble escapes him and encases you in an embrace.
He realizes this is the first time he's ever purred.
could legit be any class. I'm sure most of y'all see him as an omega, but for funsies I'll make him an alpha for a change!
Like, come on, you can't tell me those canines from the last episode scream anything else but alpha. Plus, we all know how determined he can get. Just imagine that you're the one he can't turn his instincts away from, you're the one that makes him feel the most like a regular person, you're the one that elicits such a visceral reaction from him.
Three words: PRO TEC TIVE. If you got with him hoping to break him of his savior mentality, you've gotten with the wrong person. His habits include but are not limited to: keeping watch every time you sleep (even at the risk of his own lethargy), repositioning you to where he perceives to be the safest spot (picking dining tables closest to an exit, putting himself between you and strangers, ensuring an unobstructed path to you and his gun, etc.), scenting your clothes every morning before you wake to keep other alphas from bothering you, smiling in such a way that he shows off his canines to anyone that bothers you, and coming up with lame excuses to get you away from anyone that bothers him. Vash is mostly polite about it, but you know what't up. Nuzzle into him and watch him melt into you and purr gently.
Yo his glyphs pulse when his alpha instincts come to the surface. Defending you from another alpha? Needing to scent you to feel calm? You got him riled up? All those will do it and its sometimes been a close call to hide it from strangers. You love it when it happens in the dark of a room and he literally lights up the space.
Seeing you in his jacket sends a shiver up his spine and makes his pupils expand considerably. He's soooo attentive to you. The slightest change in your scent due to your emotions — whether they be fear or jealousy or loneliness — and he's on you, nuzzling into your scent glands to try and calm you and offering to get you someplace private for a scenting session. Don't be surprised if he completely ignores your protests and excuses the two of you from the rest of the group.
One time he was so caught up in the moment of battle, so fearful when he saw a gun aiming for your chest, that his cybernetic hand grabbed for your arm and yanked you aside. It almost hurt him as much as if you'd been shot when he realized his fingers left dark bruises on your skin, and he'd carelessly flung you into a bookshelf where you'd knocked the back of your head against the corner, causing wet blood to rush into your hair and face.
He refused to touch you for days after that. Thankfully, in the dead of night, long after everyone else had gone to bed, you found him leaning bodily against the wall at the end of the hallway, resisting his hormone-fueled delirium on sheer willpower alone, and were able to convince him to give in to the bond. Oh how he wanted to scent you and be scented, how his oil glands wetted themselves feebly, desperate to touch your scent glands. You had enough when he tried to escape you again; one gentle press to the gland on his wrist and he finally gave in — pupils expanded, eyes glossed over, canines descended. Vash pinned you against the wall, chuffing and nuzzling while you tried to keep your head on straight. His pheromones were positively overwhelming.
Vash reverently touched the bandage on your head and the bruises on your arm, apologizing with whines and whimpers. The poor man could hardly speak with the hormones buzzing through him, but he tried to convey the pain he felt at hurting you, even unintentionally. You soothed the guilt with gentle words and a steady stroke to the gland on his neck.
Because of his biology, he has a very unique scent. It's clean and fresh and everyone takes notice. You've had to fight off a few omegas during your time together. My man's totally clueless.
Like, he can smell you're frustrated, but why? Those ladies were just helping him get directions to the next town? Oh, they were holding his arm as they pointed to the horizon? He never noticed. They were just being nice. Why were you glaring at them? Whatever the reason, he can tell you need his pheromones and floods the space with them accordingly.
Sooooo hesitant when it comes to marking you, or really even allowing his mouth anywhere near your supple skin. He doesn't trust himself not to lose control or get carried away. Vash knows what being bound to him would mean; the danger, the running. To him, it's no different than painting a bullseye on you. It takes time, and a lot of trust and coaxing, but eventually he gives in to the trance tugging at his brain. Eventually, he gives himself over to it. His nibbling teeth and laving tongue don't leave your skin for some time.
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faulty-writes · 2 months
Oh oh I’ve got one! Vash Stampede flirting/dating a shy reader headcannons ♥️ please and thank you (sorry had to resend bc I was afraid my asks wasn’t sent)
It's cool dear anon. I'm so excited, my very first Trigun Stampede request! Please let me know how I did, I adore Stampede Vash but I absolutely love the Vash from the 1998 TV series. Not to say the Vash from Stampede isn't loveable, he's downright adorable. But I don't know, right now I'm a sucker for 98' Vash. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this request and please don't hesitate to request more if you happen to like it <3
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"Come on needle noggin!" Wolfwood snapped after punching Vash in the head. "Just go over there and say hello! It's not like your dumbass hasn't talked to worse. You've stared at them enough to make a point!" While Vash didn't necessarily agree with Wolfwood, it was true that he had fixated on you recently.
"H-hi there!" were the first words he had spoken to you after casually walking up to the counter of the saloon you worked in. You remember how bright and friendly his smile was but how you stepped back out of instinct. "Oh, shy, right? S-sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you! Heh, heh," he awkwardly waddled back to his seat knowing the last thing he needed to cause was trouble for you.
His second attempt started with "Hi there, heh…just thought I'd try to talk to you again." He chuckled as he laid his hands on the counter. "I heard your name is Y/n," he smiled sheepishly, "what a pretty name." Maybe all you needed was a compliment to make you smile, he'd sure love to see that.
"I don't know, I mean they seem pretty shy. I wouldn't want to push them out of their comfort zone, you know? That's kind of not nice," he said, politely turning down Wolfwood's idea to ask you out. "Pff, suit yourself," he mumbled in reply, "but wait too long and someone else is going to snatch them up and you won't like that."
"Hey…it's me again," he said on a quiet night when the saloon was empty of customers. "Sorry if I've been bothering you lately, I know you're kind of shy but…" he chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. "I'd be interested in…well t-talking to you, heh. I'm willing to listen to anything you'd like to talk about!" Everyone deserved that, right? And since you were busy dealing with customers all day, he was sure you had a lot to say.
You didn't realize his flirting attempts were flirting attempts at all because well, they didn't exactly make sense. "You know…I really admire the way you fill the glasses up," he chuckled. "You're always so careful to make sure the foam doesn't spill over the top," he smiled at you, hoping you'd say something in return, but you just thought his words were as strange as he was.
After a while, you grew accustomed to his warm smile and gentle voice so much that you looked forward to his visits. You also started to get to know his friends, who seemed a bit on edge but friendly. Vash noticed this slight increase in confidence and couldn't be happier for you.
His idea of asking you out was to suggest something quiet to do together to make you feel safe and comfortable. Of course, you never imagined it would end with the two of you staring at the five moons that hovered in the sky.
It surprised you that Vash always leaned close when you spoke and maintained eye contact. Of course, you weren't used to having someone's full attention. But it was still comforting to know that he was always interested in what you were doing or saying.
"Oh, heh sorry! I d-didn't mean to, really um..." The first time the two of you had fallen asleep together, you woke up to Vash's arms securely wrapped around you as if he were afraid that you'd get up and leave in the middle of the night. Of course, after hearing a few things about his past it was understandable why he felt so scared to lose you.
"Sorry…I guess I couldn't help myself, heh…" His face was completely flustered after he kissed you, as was yours. "I…understand if you don't feel the same way, not many people would want to be with…Vash the Stampede. Heh, the Humanoid Typhoon." He nervously chuckled before asking, "S-so…how do you feel?"
"What?!" Meryl snapped, grabbing your shoulders. "I'm happy for you but are you sure this is what you really want?" she asked. "Why don't you let them make their own mistakes, little miss?" Wolfwood said, stepping between you two. "If they want to date needle noggin, then that's on them…" Although he knew that if Vash messed up, he'd receive a beating.
"Ta-da!" Vash exclaimed as he uncovered your eyes to reveal the ruined city of July leaving you in shock. Why would he insist the two of you come here? "I know it's a little weird, but I thought I'd bring you here for our date because..." he reached over to hold your hand. "I think it's about time this place had good memories again."
He always stuck to his belief in protecting something more than anything else in this world: you. This meant he'd step in front of you whenever suspicious characters were around, or people looked at you the wrong way. Blocking their view of you and being ready for action if the situation escalated was something he was all too willing to do.
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thefiery-phoenix · 3 months
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He'd fall madly in love with you if you explain something to him from the modern times or just by being yourself. Yep... man here loves you for talking to him NOT just because he's Captain America but as Steve too if you get what I mean
He'd most probably stalk you and make sure you're 'safe'. He finds it completely normal though. The way he sees it is he's just patrolling the place you live at to check for 'any signs of disturbances' to stalk you and drink in your divine beauty. Might even get some of the other Avengers like Natasha and Bucky to help him since they're like best friends and stuff
Completely POSSESSIVE and obsessive as hell. Oh, and not to mention kinda delusional too
The world is a harsh place according to him and he needs to make sure you're safe at any cost. And yes, he will kidnap you if he thinks you're in danger. But not before he finds out more about you and your likes and dislikes and even your relationships with other people, which he doesn't like that much. He wants you to be the only person to depend on and it just infuriates him when you go and hang out with other people. Was he not good enough for you? To cope with his jealousy he's going to try spending more time with you like training together and you both going out more often together
Will most likely kidnap you if he thinks you're putting yourself in danger but don't worry, he'll make the room and the house to your liking. He'll get all the things that you love like fluffy pillows and stuffed animals and books etc. etc.
Good luck trying to make people believe that he kidnapped you. They'd most probably recommend you to a doctor or something because who would believe the chivalrous gentlemanly Captain America would actually KIDNAP someone?? And Steve will most CERTAINLY find out about you trying to tell someone about that and he'll be really disappointed in you. He might scold you like how a kind dad scold his child but if you test his patience levels too much he might just have to teach you a lesson
Don't bother trying to escape from him. Security around you is HELLA tight and plus even if you did manage to escape, one: How in the absolute HECK did you manage THAT?! And two: He'll track you down anyways and trust me, he has ALL the resources that he needs for getting you back in literally less than 24 hours
Normally Steve doesn't get angry THAT much but you better watch out when he DOES. He might lock you in a room if you've tried escaping from him or forcefully cuddle with you since he thinks you feel neglected. Or else he might yell at you at why you're being ungrateful and stuff like that. Yes, it pains him to say and do things like this but he WILL discipline you by any means necessary but he won't do anything to you without your consent of course. Even when he's angry, he's STILL respectful. Well... at least to YOU that is. When it comes to rivals... oh boy.... they're going to kiss the Earth goodbye in less than half a second if someone gets the bright idea to mess with him or you. The Avengers are an exception to this which means you absolutely can NOT go to them for help
He will get absolutely PISSED if he sees Tony talking to you and he'll drag you away from him gritting his teeth. Normally the 2 of them don't get along too well and when it comes to you, he's literally aching to punch him in the face when he sees you talking to him. You're going to have to assure Steve you love him and not let him go and cuddle with him after that. You don't wanna make boi here sad now, DO you?
He wants to have that All American lifestyle with you. You know with the painted white fence, maybe a golden retriever and a nice villa and 3-4 kids. Maybe even more. And when he gets to know you're pregnant, his obsession and over protectiveness of you will shoot up to the roof and out to space. You belong to HIM and NOTHING can separate the 2 of you and he'll make sure of that
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gangplanksorenji · 1 year
Pairing: LE SSERAFIM Kazuha x Male Reader
Word Count: 3670
A/N: Hello Orenjideul! I was really consdiering writing this and after listening to "7PM" by BSS, I knew that this was the time so, here it is! Hope you enjoy this short fluff piece with Zuha (btw, she looks very stunning this comeback) and it's clearly inspired with that song in mind. Enjoy!
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“Come meet me at seven,
And stay ‘til eleven
But won’t go to bed then,
‘Cause this feels like heaven—”
Time is ticking as you watch the busy metropolis lights emitted from the distance, so as the moon appears in the night sky that's once emanated by the bright sun.
Rustling leaves and the cool breeze match the silence of your unhurried footsteps, determined to meet someone that’s exceptional, way beyond exceptional—you just can't seem to define the exact word but it'll do.
Taking a look at your watch, it displays “6:54”.
“I don't need to rush getting there, there's still some time left.” you said to yourself.
You hurriedly get your phone from your pocket and read the last messages with her and you're glad your memory isn't failing you.
zuha_kang: “Come meet me at 7 PM, Oppa. In the usual restaurant we've been eating at, see ya! <;3”
Well, what is she having in store for you?
You'll never know as sometimes, she's unpredictable. Looking for patterns can't even let you read her like a book, not even the tiniest bit.
She does invite or text you to spend some time with her somewhere and same as you also do it to her but this time, it's out of the blue—knowing how she's with her friends today until, maybe, the end of the day.
Knowing the latter was none of your business but you just can't let these thoughts out of your head.
Have you done something wrong? Is she preparing a surprise for you? And way a lot more.
These are just one of the many thoughts but you won't let yourself overthink this much, not when she's all over your mind after another exasperating day of school and to deal with such boisterous and annoying classmates.
Kazuha—that's her name. The girl that you've been scared of when she's staring blankly and sternly towards you and the girl that made your heart beat a trillion times. She's such a sunshine and a clingy girl whenever she's near you and also with a flexible and clever mind—maybe her years of ballet helps with the way her brain coordinates things. Also, her beauty is way too captivating for your eyes—her simple-yet-so-elegant visuals always makes you in awe.
Your eyes wandered around the spacious conglomeration of concrete and grass all over the park, finding her as your eyes now focused on the benches, on where she’s sitting.
Not here, not there, oh! There she is—
Your eyes automatically averted to her—knowing it’s her and it’s probably your instinct recognizing her distinct features, even from a mile away.
“Hey Oppa!” her tone is surprisingly vivid, unlike the casual, cold greeting of her whenever she sees you.
Her face is also enthusiastic, her delighting gaze and her wide smile making you feel butterflies on your stomach—it almost feels surreal yet you’re loving every second of it. She then rushes to hug you tight as you quickly reciprocate the hug, making her squeal softly and silently, almost inaudible.
“Hey Zuha… You came to s—oh wow…” Your words were cut by the sight of her mesmerizing beauty, admiring her and stunning you on the process—her features on-tact as the gray-colored blazer-like coat compliments her looks very well alongside the black long sleeves and the pearl necklace being the cherry on top.
“Like what I wore, Oppa?”
“Yes, Zuha. You look fantastic. So incredibly fantastic…” Your eyes are still spacing out, as you’re still star-struck by her beauty.
“Uhm, anyways. You came to see me now, huh?”
“Yeah, I suddenly like, I don’t know, like—uhm, hmm, just want to hang out with you, y’know?”
Did she hit her head or something? Something doesn’t feel right; there’s a disturbance within the force—
“Well, you’re lucky that my boss is in a good mood today and agrees to let me leave work earlier, heh.” You scuffed a breath out, making sure that Kazuha knows how lucky she can be to meet her at this exact moment.
“Well—” Kazuha held both of your hands as she looked at your eyes, endearing enough to make your heart melt like butter and pouts right after. “—I’m sorry about that then, Oppa.”
“Nah Zuha, you ain’t sorry. It’s alright.” You scoff and smile right after yet you then feel unnerved suddenly. You don’t exactly know the reason but maybe it’s just the fact that Kazuha is acting not-so-herself today and you can’t help but notice it and she’s not even hiding it, even the slightest bit. You didn’t really mind it as you’re liking this affectionate and clingy version of hers.
The both of you then walked your way around the park as you continued to blabber and chat about multiple things like “How did your day go?” and more.
Within a couple of minutes of strolling, Kazuha stopped from her tracks and looked at your eyes, staring endearingly right into your soul as a serene smile painted her face.
“Do you really know why I suddenly called you to come here?”
“Zuha, tsk—” you clicked your tongue as you feigned confidence, knowing why she called you here suddenly as you let your intrusive thoughts win.
“—you said that you wanted to see me and… oh…”
Kazuha taps your shoulder, raising her eyebrows as she smirks with that sudden realization of yours, maybe her thinking the same thought as you were thinking.
“Maybe you know now? And why did I sit on that specific bench?”
“I know, I know. Ahhh, this is where we—first met. Yeah…”
The both of you shared laughs alongside the sincerely delightful smiles as you reminisced those times when you first met her.
Speechless. You're just speechless on a single minute of eavesdropping about your parents' quarrel over the front door. 
It was supposed to be one of the best days of your life as you'll get to see them after a year of living away from them because of college and to your surprise—well, you're going to surprise them yet the tables have turned pretty quickly—your mother found out that your father is cheating with another woman and with that single information, you felt stabbed at the back.
You've never felt this much pain and anguish in your life—you feel defeated and angry at him, and even, yourself. You had nothing to do with this yet you feel guilty of making your father do such a cruel act—because you chose to pursue your dream, to study the course that he never wanted you to—yet you tell yourself that it was never your fault. 
Yelling and loud thuds can be heard inside the house as you feel the presence of them going near towards the front door. You swiftly hid behind the white brick-chiseled concrete post as tears involuntarily came out of your eyes, another stream following as you can just inevitably hear them argue. You then heard your father starting the engine of the car from the garage, knowing that he's going to leave your mother alone. This then sent you into your breaking point.
You were driven by your own emotions and so are they as you quickly ran away from the house and even though if you try to stop them or even appear, things may get even worse. 
You just don't know what to do at that point.
You're scared.
More emotions run down your veins as you can only think of running away as far as possible where you can't hear nor see them. 
You curse yourself as you wail on how unfair life could be. 
How unfair life could be…
The nimbus clouds are getting darker, signaling that it will rain soon. You didn't care to say the least as you feel enervated and sad. You then sit at a bench on the park where you are right now as you lay your head down and possibly think of what you could've done wrong.
Rain starts to pour as you feel droplets of water meet your skin as the rainfall gets heavier all of a sudden, you crying alongside the weeping clouds of nature.
You just sit there, lost and done as you feel nothing but pain when suddenly the feeling of the raindrops meeting your skin stops.
Did it suddenly stop raining? Or…
“Hey, sir. I’m afraid you’ll catch a cold.”
A voice. A voice lingered to your ear as you’re not hearing the voices inside your head but rather, a person holding an umbrella, preventing you from getting wet even though you’re soaked in it.
You looked up and saw a feminine figure with her grayish-colored blazer alongside her black denim pants. You can’t clearly see her face as your eyes were fogged by the raindrops and your tears but you instantly felt a magnetic connection between her.
Oh, love, that’s what you call it—more like it’s called “love at first sight”.
You never really believed in that saying once you heard it from the start, not until it happened today. You heart beats a trillion times more than what it should be—it can maybe surpass tachycardia at this point—and you can’t help but feel a little bit of hope on what this angel did.
“Sir, are you alright?”
She still keeps looking at you, still holding her umbrella up as concern is evident in her tone. You just kept your head down, not even bothering her yet deep inside, you feel butterflies to your stomach—a feeling you’ve never imagined was true.
“No.” A cold “no” was just your response. Your tone wasn’t anywhere near being intimidated nor being uninterested but rather nearly just monotone. You can sense that she wasn’t bothered by your current mood as she knows what’s up with you—she respects and knows how she can make you unprovoked even though she’s practically just a stranger in your eyes. 
Within that awkward minute, she lends a hand to you, reassuring you with her saccharine smile as you momentarily smile back at her, yours is more vexed considering what you’ve been feeling today. With a little bit of hesitation, you held her hand as you stood up, you then wiping your tears to see her clearly and time went slow as you saw her enticingly beautiful face. You were starstruck and in awe as her sharp and distinct visuals sent your brain into haywire. 
“Thank you…”
“No problem sir. Oh, by the way, I’m Kazuha.”
“I’m Minsung. Nice to meet you, Kazuha.”
The both of you then bowed at each other as you smiled at her, a little bit more gleeful than before. Feeling comfortable with her all of a sudden, you then started another talk with her as you initiated to hold the umbrella for her. She finds it rather flustering as your gentlemanly actions made her shy, earning yourself a delightful grin.
“Why did you bother talking to me?”
It’s singlehandedly awkward with what question you spat out of your mouth and even Kazuha remained silent yet smiled even though you radiated a gloomy aura—she rivaled it.
“Uhm, I just saw that you’re the only one at the park and, I said to myself, “Why not approach him and maybe do something?”, so… yeah, I just suddenly felt bad.”
But who on Earth would mind approaching you while it's raining? Apparently, it was her, and you can’t help but be enlightened with just her simple action.
“Oh… thank you I guess…”
You feel like you don’t deserve to talk with this angel in front of you but you definitely deserve a girl like her. 
A girl like her is someone you can talk to when you feel alone.
A girl like her is  someone that can cheer you up whenever you're feeling down.
And, a girl like her is someone that you can always lean on whenever you're struggling.
She's maybe the one you've been looking for and she's maybe checking the boxes of what your type of girl would be.
Even though she's still a stranger in your eyes, it uncannily feels like the both of you had been best friends for years and that feeling could never be better.
“Mingsung, don't you mind going to a shade there at the corner? The rain may get worse and we can't afford to be wet, and you, to be wetter.”
“Oh, sure.”
The both of you then waddled your way to that concrete shade at the exit of the park as the both of you sat down comfortably.
“Oh, I'm kinda shy of asking this but, I think you're older than me—are you older than—uh… me?”
“Oh, I'm born in 2002 and how about you? I'm very sorry I called you without honorifics—”
“It's alright, Oppa. Also, I'm sorry too for not calling you with honorifics. Anyways, I'm born in 2003.”
The both of you sighed in relief as you laughed it off about your earlier mistakes. She didn't mind your mistake and so is she, and that makes the guilt in your heart loose.
“Hmm, Kazuha—”
“Yes, Oppa?”
“I suppose that you're not from Korea, right? Or am I missing something coz' like your name isn't Korean at all, maybe for me.”
“Oh, I am really not from Korea, Oppa. I'm originally from—”
“Japan?” you precede her actions as a knot in your brain tells you that she's Japanese but are you really right though?—
“Yeah, I'm from Japan, Oppa. Mainly in Kochi but I grew up in Osaka most of my years.”
The both of you converse for a little while as delightful laughs and giggles emanated around the area. You didn’t mind the time passing and so is rain pouring as the both of you share your common traits, wants like music and hobbies and a lot more. You became so hooked on your conversations with her that you didn't even notice that the rain was slowly fading in intensity and eventually, it stopped.
“Oh, the rain has already stopped, Oppa and oh, I gotta go right now, sorry…”
She hurriedly readied herself as she was about to leave until a voice escaped from your mouth.
“Oh, Zuha…”
“Yes, Oppa?”
You fidget your fingers on to the hem of your shirt as you're uneasy and shy to ask her the thing you’ve been longing for since the minute you’ve engaged in a conversation with her. 
“Ah-ha-ahh, if you don’t mind this Zuha—uhhh—can I get y-your number?” It may seem haphazard and out of the blue for you to do this as that’s what you hoped on what Kazuha may feel yet it absolutely had an not-so-unanticipated turn which you’re not sure on what to feel about.
“Sure, Oppa.”
You couldn’t be happier as this feels oh-so-surreal. Tell yourself that you’re overexaggerating but you can’t help but feel butterflies on your stomach. It has been awhile since you asked for a girl’s number and at the end, you even got rejected. With Kazuha’s simple action, that previous anxiety and scar of yours slowly healed into its original state—your heart filled with bliss and assurance that everything will be fine, again.
You rushingly gave your phone to her as she typed the digits onto your contacts and saved it there. A smile paints your face as this is a sign of further reassurance to the test that broke you earlier. You waved goodbye to Kazuha as she hurriedly waddles away, waving back to you as you can see her getting farther and smaller from your peripherals.
Zuha-yah~, thank you for entertaining me…
Yes. You’re thankful for her entertaining you despite the awkwardness in the rain earlier. In both ways, you felt a sudden connection, a magnetic one towards her. You felt the raising of your heartbeat and the thrill of excitement and you just can’t get rid of it. It must’ve been hard today after such an heartbreaking sight earlier but with a sudden angel, like her being the shining light of your abyss full of darkness, it was everything you could’ve asked for and you're grateful for that.
“So, did something happen when you got home, Oppa?”
“I was really hesitant on going home, like, really hesitant but I had no choice—I didn't want to sleep in the streets since it was cold back then, so… yeah, I did go home and to my surprise, they were acting all along!!”
Kazuha was in shock as a puzzled expression was shown on her face. You giggled because of her as she scrunched her eyebrows, still can’t process and believe what she just heard.
Yes. It is surprising. Roller-coaster of emotions, huh? I’ve felt that too, reader. Well, it was out of the blue, to say the least because everything felt more than real. You completely unravel the truth to Kazuha as it was unbelievable as the first listen, let alone to you, ingesting the sudden happenings at that moment. Your parents acted on a heated quarrel in order to surprise you because they know you’ll come. How did you know that they were a plan ahead of you? Well, there are two things to consider: the first one is that they told you right after they surprised you and second, it’s just the knot in your brain telling you that it’s an instinct that you’ll plan to surprise them. It was a sudden relief of a weird predicament that happened, and you couldn't be any better realizing that it was all just an Oscar-worthy performance from your parents. 
“Oh my gosh, Oppa. I can’t believe they did that! Woah… I wouldn’t expect that too if I were in your shoes…”
“If you only knew how real that was, you would bawl your eyes too.”
“Yah, Oppa. Stop making me think about that~”
“Sorry—ahh… Come here, Zuha.”
You invite her in a warm embrace as she quickly joins you. Kazuha’s cheeks hint a rosy pink as she gets shy from your affection. It was nothing new but nevertheless, it just makes her way too endearingly pretty. Still in your embrace, she hitched a breath as she prepared herself to say something.
“Oppa, back to when I was saying, you know the other reason why I suddenly called you?”
“What is it, Zuha?”
All you can see is Kazuha reaching from her back pocket, handing a small, red, rectangular box towards you and then flashing a smile.
“Open it, Oppa. It’s just my small gift, for you…”
You knew from the moment you saw the box that it was a gift from hers, yet not knowing what kind of gift it is. It could be anything small that you could think of: a necklace, a bracelet, a  ring, a watch and the list goes on and it just pushes you into further anticipation. You then gently untie the ribbon and open the lid on the box as you can see Kazuha’s vivid expressions: her smile full of glee, her eyes sparkling in anticipation and her hands fidgeting and uneasy.
“Woah, Zuha…”
“Do you like it, Oppa?”
Before you could answer, your eyes scan the distinct details of the bracelet as the metallic sculpting of a cursive-like calligraphy of your name luminates from the dimness around. You can clearly see your favorite colors in the bracelet—which is blue and gray—which make it much more appealing to you as you appreciate Kazuha's efforts in giving you one. 
“You've played a big role in my life, Oppa. I'm just so grateful for meeting a guy like you, so, I reflected on myself and I wanted to give you something that would be memorable to you.”
Kazuha's eyes hint a glint as the emotions run down her veins, letting it speak for herself. She still anticipates your reaction as her furrowed eyebrows are one of the evidence of it.
“So, Oppa, did you like i—”
“I love it so much, Zuha.”
You suddenly hugged her with the only aim to show how grateful and thankful you are for receiving a gift from hers. You pull out of her embrace as you cupped her cheeks, adoring her and flashing a blissful grin. This moment leads to something magical, bizarre from the usual bonding the both of you have been into like playing some arcade games or more likely, watching the movies. Sure, it is heartwarming but nothing beats this moment on how it feels everything you've asked for, and you're loving every second of it.
“Thank you so much, Zuha. I'm grateful for meeting a girl like you too. If you only knew how much I love you, only if you knew…”
“But I always knew it, Oppa… Here, in my heart, I know it.”
You felt moved by her sentence as you kissed her forehead, letting her know how much you love her and how much you appreciate her. Without any time to waste, the two of you then waddle your way out of the park as the faint hum of the metropolis and the sound of crickets can be heard—it’s just so tranquil and you wish that this would last forever. 
You mean the world to her as she does to you, so you're willing to spend your time with her, no matter what happens, just to see that oh-so-sweet smile of hers—it makes you happy more than anything, and you're willing to protect and cherish that smile. 
“Will you stay until eleven o'clock with me, Oppa?”
“Of course Zuha-yah~ More than anything.”
A sudden smooch to her forehead brightens up the dimness brought by the night. Her smile is enough to illuminate the darkness of the trail that follows and enough to light up your world. She's all you can ask for and that's what the cherry on top—just her being herself, nothing more, and nothing less. The night is still young and you'll be with her until the dawn of tomorrow comes, or maybe be with her, forever.
“'Cause at seven you will be, be here with me.”
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romanestuffsposts · 1 year
Sorry to bother you
Could you maybe write a drabble about mafia stucky and their little where one of them gets frustrated and tells her to go away while he works cause he has real work to do. And she gets sad "I have a degree to ya know? I could do real work"
And they don't realize how bad it hurt until they find out she's been looking for a job and have to sit down with her to explain everything?
If not, that's okay. Thank you!
Hi there love! You don't bother me at all 💜
Thank you for the request! I hope you like how i turned it 💜
Warnings : upset little reader, sad little reader, busy daddies, you want to make your daddies proud and look for a job,
Pairing : Mafia!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : ⤴️⤴️
You're happy. Everything this day can give will make you happy. It's one of those days where you are in a good mood and you want to show it to your daddies. They're always happy to see that you're in a good mood. There's time where you are more grumpy than another day, as it can happen to everyone but when it happen, it's easy for no one.
Your Papa isn't here today, he is at the building dealing with some work while your Daddy works from his office. You were sad when you woke up to see that it was only your Daddy and you. Usually your Papa gives you a kiss before leaving even if you're sleeping. However this time, either he didn't kiss you or you just didn't felt it. In all case you weren't please at all.
But since then, your mood had got better and you wanted to tell your Daddy about it. And on top of that, you did math exercises all by yourself and you're proud of it! Just like your daddy will be. You quietly walk to the office of your Daddy, your paper in hands and your smile on your face
You know he is busy but he works hard and you want to change the frown who is surely on his face. You knock on his door and wait for his voice to tell you to come in
Bucky sighs. He didn't want to be disturb while he works. He never like being disturb while he works and everyone around him know it. So it better be an emergency
"Come in" he sighs. He lifts his head when he hears the door closing and nothing after. He expected an employee speaking but there's just silence
He quietly sighs when he sees you standing across the room. You shift on your feet as you wait for your Daddy to tell you to come to him. However, it won't happen.
"Not now, little one" he says before getting his eyes back on his work. You take a step forward "Loot Daddy" You say excited. You smile as you grab your paper with both of your hands
"Baby, I'm busy right now" He says more frustrated. His brain tries to concentrated on his folds infront of him but with your voice around it's impossible.
"But Daddy I did it" You say walking to his desk. You try to show him your work but he only groans and looks away "I said not now" He closes his eyes trying to concentrated on keeping his calm but when he opens them again he sees that you brought the paper just infront of his face
He snaps the paper off of your hands in a harsh movement making you flinch. Your eyes widen and you look up at him "What did I said ? I told you I was busy and i didn't had time to speak with you. I have work" He pauses to look for one second at your paper of exercices "I have real work to do" He finishes, breaking your heart. You gasp quietly and you can't help the tears who are forming in your eyes. He gives you the paper back but instead of taking it, you just stand there and watch with empty eyes your hard work
Bucky sighs and slams the paper on his desk. He grabs your arm harder than what he wanted and starts to drag you out the office. He turns you around once you're on the hallway and he finally lets go of your arm. You didn't made a noise. It hurt, so much. Your Daddy always forget his strengh with you when he is mad
He gives you one last glare before slamming the door to your face and get back to work
You don't want him to see your tears. You don’t want him to hear them. You don't want to see your exercices anymore either.
Bucky sighs and sats back down on his seat.
You run to your room and close the door behind you. You let yourself slipping more into little space than before after what he said and did. It's the only safe place you have right now
I have real work to do
That's not fair. You can do real work too. You have a degree and you are able to do it too. It's not hard, it's just work after all
Steve comes home with a big smile on his face. He's happy to get back to you and his husband. He is happy to come back and to be welcomed by a little running monster who will jump in his arms. Even if work was hard, he keeps his smile on, just for you. He opens the door of his warming and welcoming house. The end of the afternoon is tapping inside the house through the windows making it more comfy
He closes the door behind him and waits to hear the noise of your little feet on the ground. He quickly frowns when the only thing who is heard is the silence, as if the house was empty for a while now. He removes his shoes and hangs his jacket on the wall beside the other ones and starts now to walk inside the quiet house.
He goes first in the living room, maybe you felt asleep on it ? Bucky was probably too much in his work to keep an eye on you the whole time so you probably missed your nap time. He knows you aren't in the kitchen because if you were he would have heard you when he was in the living room.
He decides to go check on Bucky, maybe you're with him or he knows where you are. Knwoing you, you probably went beside him at one point so maybe you're still with him. He knocks on the door causing once again Bucky to sigh in annoyance
"yeah" he sighs pinching his nose. When Steve enters the office, he sees Bucky with his eyes close and his deep frown on his face. "Hi, Buck" Steve smiles walking to him
Bucky opens his eyes and gives his husband an exhausting smile "Hi" He turns his seat so Steve can stands between his legs. Steve grabs Bucky's cheeks with his hands and benches over to kiss his sweet lips "How was your day ?" Bucky asks resting his back against his seat "Better than what I expected" Steve nods with a small smile "Yours ?"
Bucky sighs "Worst than what I expected" Steve peers down at his husband with soft eyes "what happened ?"
"I had much more work than I expected and I was here all day. I didn't take a break at all and I'm exhausted" he sighs again looking around his desk
Steve follows Bucky's gaze and sees all the folds on the desk open. Steve's hand find its way on the side of the desk. He grabs a crumpled paper "what is it ?" he asks looking around the paper
Bucky breathes through his nose "She came while I was working to show me this" He says keeping the subject short knowing what he did.
Steve's eyes light up as he gazes the answers "those are really good. She gets better at it every time she tries to" he smiles proudly "I'm so proud of her" He mumbles to himself
Bucky feels more and more guilty as the second pass by. He had time to think about what he did while he was working. He had a hard time getting back to work, he still sees your face, your trembling lips, your teary and scared eyes. All of that will haunting him for a long time.
Steve looks down at Bucky and his smile disappears as he sees the expression of your Daddy. "Buck ?" he frowns lowering his arms "Buck, I can tell something happened. She isn't downstairs and she didn't came to greet me like she always does. I see it on your face too. Tell me what happened"
Bucky sighs looking up a Steve "I messed up, Steve. She came to tell me how proud she was of her work and she wanted me to praise her about it. She probably felt lonely too so she came and I yelled at her"
Steve nods "You know Buck, It happened that we yell at her, you know how she get when we raise our voice at her, she just need time but she probably already forget what happened" He says trying to reassure his lover
Bucky shakes his head "No, I didn't just raised my voice at her, Steve. I yelled at her" He clarify, trying to make it more clear to Steve "I scared her Steve" His voice shakes "You should've seen the look on her face, the way she was looking up at me. I never wanted to see that and now that it happened, I never want to feel that again"
Steve takes his husband’s hands in his ‘’you aren’t a bad guy, Bucky. She loves you and she’ll understand. You just have to apologise to her about what you did’’ Bucky nods, he kisses Steve's hands before standing up
He walks to the door of the office and open it "Buck" he turns around, lifting an eyebrow. Steve walks to Bucky with the paper "Take it with you" He says giving him the paper full of your answers.
Bucky thanks him and takes the paper from him. They both walk down the hallway to your door. Bucky grabs the paper hard, as if his anxiety can get out from the squeeze. Steve rests a reassuring hand on Bucky's back as he leads the way
Bucky stops walking infont of your bedroom door. He takes a breathe and peers down at the paper in his hands "it's gonna be okay, Buck. I can stay with you if you want to" Steve quietly says
Steve knows that Bucky is scared, he's scared that you're zfraid of him, he's scared he was too harsh with you, he's scared he hurt you in any way someone can get hurt
Bucky grabs the door handle and turns it slowly. When he walks inside, he sees you sit down against your bed, a phone in your hand and a paper in the other. "Baby ?"
You look up toward the door "What ?" You watch your daddies walking in the room and sitting beside you. Steve takes the paper from your hand and frowns "what is it, sweetness ?" He asks resting a hand on your thigh. You take the paper from him and move your leg away from his hand "Notin" you mumble as you look through the phone
Steve had time to see what it was. Your degree
"Baby, can we talk ?" Bucky asks looking down at you. You shake your head as your frown got deeper. Bucky sighs and looks up at Steve who nods at him. Bucky looks back down at you "baby, please. I just want to apologise" he says watching you
You shake your head again "I buty" You say. Steve looks up at Bucky who was already looking at him with pain in his eyes. He grabs his hand and squeeze it before nodding his head "Alright, sweetie. We'll call you when dinner is ready" Steve says. Before leaving, Bucky puts the paper you brought him beside you. He want to kiss your forehead so badly. He never leaves without kissing a part of your face.
It took him everything to just walk away
'I goot news" You say after swallowing a bite of your food. Steve looks up at you with curious eyes "what is it, sweetie ?" Your Daddy never looked away from you the whole time, since you sat down on this chair until now.
You take a sip of your drink before continuing "I have a job" You say slowly to be sure to say all the words correctly. Steve frowns as he nods his head while Bucky's eyes widen "what ?" he says looking at Steve to see if he's as shocked as he is
"I have a job" You repeat with the exact same way "sweetie, Daddy heard you the first time but- baby what are you talking about ?" Steve says resting his fork beside his plate "Why did you looked for a job ?"
" 'cause I can do weal work too" You say gazing now your Daddy. He takes a breathe before sighing "Baby, i'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean to-" you cut him off "is oki. I just want to pwove you I can work too"
"We know you can work. You're good at everything you do so we know you can be the best if you have a job but, you don't need one. You never asked for one, you never talked about getting a job so we just want to understand what made you want one so suddenly ?" Steve says as his eyes look around your face. Something is wrong, he can see it but he doesn't know what it is
You sigh and rest your back against your seat "I wanted job, i get one" You cross your arms and look down at your laps "why you don't happy fow me ?" you mumble. Bucky gets up from the table and kneels beside your chair "we are so proud of you, babydoll for getting this job on your own but we just want to understand. Is it-" he swallows "is it because of what i said ?"
Steve's head change from you to Bucky. His frown is forming on his face as he looks at Bucky who doesn't leave you "what did you said ?" Steve asks from across the table. You shake your head and press your lips together. Maybe if you squeeze them against each other they won't tremble ?
You close your eyes when a warm hand is resting on your thigh. This hand starts stroking your thigh as you let out a tear "is it because of this ?" your Daddy asks again but once again, you shake your head
"I know I hurt you, badly. Nothing I can say or do will make it better because it's deep in you now. I made a mistake and I had to have a better control over myself earlier and i'm so sorry for that" he says wiping away a tear "what you did was- I'm so proud of you, as is Papa. You had almost all the right answers and I had to see this when you came to show it to me. I had to be there for you. I'm here for you and always will be" he kisses your forehead
You open your eyes back "just wanted you be pwoud of me" you say with a shaky voice "I pwoud of me"
Bucky gives you a warm smile "as you should. You should be proud of you just like we are. We are the proudest daddies in the world. You worked hard to succeed with that and you made it. It may had taken times but you didn't gave up. You made it and we are so madly proud of you, baby" he caresses your cheek "I know that’s what I should've said to you in the office, and i'm sorry i didn't because that’s what i felt and that's what I still feel. You make us proud everyday because every days you make something or do something you weren't able to the day before"
You smile down at him "so i real wok ?" you ask sniffing and Bucky chuckles while nodding his head "every work you do is more real than ours. Don't let anyone make you think otherwise. Not even us" You giggle softly at the last phrase before nodding your head "otay"
You look up at your Papa who was still glaring at Bucky "I keep job ?" you ask looking between your daddies. Steve breaks his gaze to look at you. His face soften "We don't want you to feel overwhelmed by the job but if you feel like you can do it then you can keep it. We'll make sure to make it as comfortable as we can for you but you have to feel capable of doing it, it's important. And if you decide to keep it, we will support you, as we always do"
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lullabyes22-blog · 9 months
The Bats & the Bees - A Jinx & Silco Piece
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Silco gives twelve-year-old Jinx The Talk
tw: disturbing Undercity environments
tw: messed-up parent-child dynamics
tw: implications of sexual assault and kidnapping
tw: gore
tw: black humor
"If it's a choice between a hard man and a rock, always pick the rock."
"Sometimes, child, life is hard - and so are men. The two often go hand in hand. So, let me impart to you one of my favorite philosophies: if it's a choice between a hard man and a rock, always pick the rock."
"There's a combination code, Jinx. One for dealing with a hard man. If you can't find a rock, these are the next best things: your fists, your knees, and your teeth. If you have all three, then you can handle most of life's problems."
"You mean like a fight? You've already taught me how to fight. I thought this was about fu-"
"Do not use that word. It's crass and undignified."
"But that's what this talk's about, right? The bats and the bees? S-e-x? Why're we talking about rocks?"
"We're not talking about sex. We're talking about power."
"Isn't it the same thing?"
"Not exactly. Let's consider a scenario. A man comes to the Last Drop for a bit of fun. Maybe he's just there to relax, have a drink, and watch the girls dance. That's no issue. As a paying customer, he is entitled. But what if he's looking for more?"
"What if he wants to fuck?"
"Language. What if he's looking for trouble?"
"Well, I guess he should go next door to Babette's."
"Perhaps. But some men don't care what the venue is. They want what they want. And that's where three rules come in."
"First, always know where the exits are, and which ones are closest."
"And second?"
"Never sit with your back to the door."
"I always sit like that when I'm watching the dancers."
"I've noticed."
"Is that bad?"
"It's unwise. Most of the time, you should be in a position to see someone entering before they even spot you."
"What about the third?"
"Third, never give anyone the chance to put a hand on you. It's a slippery slope. The first time, they'll put an arm around your shoulders. The second time, they'll rub a thigh. By the third time, they'll be venturing to bolder places. By then, you're halfway down the road to regret."
"That seems like a lot of work, Silco. Can't I just tell 'em I'm not interested?"
"Men like that rarely listen. You have to show them."
"Show 'em how?"
"There are a few ways. First, and most obvious, tell them to get lost. You can use as much or as little language as you need. But be loud. Make sure your voice carries. Make a scene, if need be. Men are natural opportunists, but most are cowards. They will walk away. A handful won't. And that's when the combination code comes in handy."
"Fists, knees, and teeth."
"Exactly. You can do a lot of damage with a well-placed blow. But if you're smart, you can escape the situation before it escalates to that point. Just remember: once a fight has started, it is never over until your opponent is on the ground. Don't stop hitting until he stays down. Understand?"
"Yes, Silco."
"Good. Now one last rule."
"Ughhhhh. What?"
"Suppose there's a man sitting at the bar, nursing his drink and watching the girls dance. He's smiling and friendly, and doesn't seem like trouble. He offers to buy you a drink, but you tell him you're only twelve. He says there's no harm in one glass. He's polite about it. He just wants to talk, he says. Especially with younger girls. They're so bright and full of life. You nod and smile. He buys you a drink. You chitchat. And that's the end of it. Right?"
"Guess so."
"Wrong. If someone uses that line on you, smash the bottle over his head."
"Men who chat up younger girls don't stay on the surface. With every word, they're sinking their hooks and reeling you in. The longer you stay in their company, the farther down the depths you'll be."
"Pffft. They can't make me do anything."
"On the contrary. They'll start with smiles and compliments. You're pretty, or clever, or interesting. Then they'll make up stories about themselves. How rich they are. How clever. How important. Soon, they'll be asking questions. Where do you live? When's your father getting home? They'll keep talking until you're drowning in their words. Then, they'll ask if you'd like to go someplace special. That's the moment to run. Because the 'someplace special' is usually where they've taken dozens of other girls. None of whom ever came back."
"What - like a serial killer?!"
"Not quite that extreme. More like a trafficker. Maybe a pimp. Either way, it's not a nice place. Never let them lure you there."
"But what if I can't run? If I'm already trapped and I can't get away?"
"That's the trickiest situation. There is a last resort. Not fists, knees, and teeth. It's riskier. You must do it correctly or it won't work."
"Tell me, please!"
"It's a kiss."
"The last resort is a kiss."
"I thought I wasn't having sex with these guys."
"You're not. This is a fake kiss. A trap."
"Like, I pretend to kiss them? Then I punch them?"
"No. The trick is that you kiss them. Really kiss them. Except it's not a kiss."
"I'm confused, Silco."
"Imagine the man you're with. He's been telling you about all the wonderful things he can give you. He's smiling and laughing, and his hand has found your shoulder. Maybe even your neck. He's leaning close. You're frightened and confused. The best time to strike is when he thinks he's won."
"When his guard is down."
"Exactly. Now, let's say he has his lips just inches from yours. His breath is on your skin. You're uncomfortable, but prepared to strike back. So you kiss him. Only it's not a kiss. You're opening your mouth. Not to take his tongue - but take it off."
"Wait, what?"
"Once you have the man's tongue between your teeth, bite down. Lock your jaw. Whip your head up, then snap it down. You're not kissing. You're yanking. Eight out of ten times, you'll rip his tongue out of his mouth."
"It's messy. But effective. It will hurt him terribly. But the real magic is what happens next."
"What? Does his head explode?"
"No, child. That only happens in comic books. In reality, when you've ripped a man's tongue out, the blood bubbles up instantly. Depending on how big a chunk is gone, he begins choking. As he spits blood and tries to breathe, you have the perfect opportunity to break his nose and blind him with a thumb jab to the eye. Then you run."
"To you?"
"Yes, child. If you need help, find me. I will always be there. I promise. But first, run. As fast as you can. Find some place crowded and stay there until the crew arrive. I'll find you and we'll finish the job together."
"So this is the plan?"
"It's one of them. It's not pretty, and it's not safe. But it is the best option I can give you."
"Um…thanks, I guess?"
"One more thing, Jinx. Remember this, always. You are under no obligation to give yourself to anyone. Not ever. Do not trade your body for love or approval. It is not worth the price."
"What's this have to do with sex?"
"You'll understand when you're older."
"I hate it when you say that."
"I'm sorry, child. That's just the way things are. Come here. I have a present for you."
"You're going to like this."
"Is it a monkey? It's a monkey, isn't it?!"
"It's better. Here, look. This is military-grade mace. It was used by riot police on the Day of Ash. It's got a little spray can that shoots a mist of chemicals. It will cause temporary blindness."
"Oooh! Cool! Where do I aim it?"
"Eyes and mouth."
"Can I paint a picture of a skull on it?"
"Go ahead. I hope you never need to use it."
"Oh, I won't. I'd shoot 'em first."
"There's my girl. Happy birthday, Jinx."
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